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Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB

Date post: 04-Jun-2018
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  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    Origin of the Report:

    Consumer banking is a major source of earning for Standard Chartered

    Bank. The principal issue to be considered while giving the facilities to

    individual consumer or to groups is the opportunit associated with

    such activities. Consumer banking opportunit is anal!ed through

    considering a number of factors involved in it. "ll financial institutions

    have their individual wa of measuring and managing opportunit to

    keep it at the highest possible level.


    The objective of this report is to focus on two broad issues. One is to

    briefl look at Standard Chartered Bank and understand the whole

    banking process# keeping close attention on their culture. The second

    objective and the main issues of this report is as follows$

    To briefl discuss about the current customer satisfaction level after

    increasing some charges and fesses.


    The report limits its scope to Standard Chartered Bank onl.


    Customers financial &nformation and information at the bank is

    confidential ' critical.


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    Total customer satisfaction level judged b statistical measurement no

    such financial judgment is used here.



    Standard chartered bank is the leading foreign bank in Bangladesh.

    The report is based on both primar and secondar research. The

    secondar research provided the main input for the report. This

    provided a theoretical basis of the report. The primar research was

    done to know about the banks working procedures and different

    segments of banks.

    )rimar source:

    )rimar data was collected form the users of software *BBS.

    Relationship managers and respective unit heads are interviewed who

    are using this software to anal!e the financial strength of the


    Secondar source:

    The secondar data has been collected from the different publication

    and brochures of Standard Chartered Bank. To clarif about different

    product &nternet# different articles published in the journals '

    maga!ines are used.

    Sample &nformation:


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    Sample is collected randoml among dail customers from the +ttara#

    Banani# ,ulshan -orth branch of Standard Chartered Bank.

    ata Collection (ethod:

    /or the organi!ation part information has been collected through

    different published articles# journal# and brochures. /ormal

    0uestionnaire for data collection is used for better understand of

    customers current satisfaction level after the charges increased b bank.

    Basic compan &nformation is collected through informal discussions

    with Relationship managers ' respective +nit heads of SCB.

    ata analsis:

    &n the organi!ation part information is provided in a descriptive

    manner.&n the project part data analsis has been done into two parts.

    One is the data presentation.The second part is analsis. Statistical

    analsis of the 0uantitative data has been done. Based on the surve

    result & use S)SS software to get the statistical analsis. There & use t

    test and cross tabulation method to find out the customer satisfaction

    level on different issues.


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB



  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    )"RT 1: Organi!ation part

    ST"-"R C2"RT*R* B"-3: "- O4*R4&*5

    Standard Chartered Bank 6SCB7 )%C is an international bank group

    that is incorporated in the +3 with its 2ead0uarters at 1 "lderman

    buries S0uare# %ondon. The group operations are mainl concentrated

    in "sia# "frica and the (iddle *ast and its operation is segmented

    under si8 regions: %T3# *urope# (iddle *ast# South "sia# South *ast

    "sia and the +S". ,loball# the SCB group owns an arra of keresources that include:

    " network of 9 offices in more than ; countries

    " staff of about ?.9; billion

    "t the global level# SCB operates with some ke strategies that are 0uite

    uni0ue to other banks such as:

    To build and grow strong businesses in (iddle *ast# South "sia and

    /ar *ast "sia:

    Capitali!e on the good track record created b its more than 1; ears

    of operations in these regions b building uni0ue position and image

    among the target customer segment and being responsive the needs and

    serve the needs better than the competitors.


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    2&STOR@ O/ ST"-"R C2"RT*R* B"-3 &- BR&*/:

    SCB has a histor of more than 1; ears. The name AStandard stems

    from the two original banks from which it was founded$AChartered

    Bank of &ndia# "ustralia and China and AStandard Bank of British

    South "frica.

    Chartered bank was established in 1=; b a Roal Charter granted b

    Dueen 4ictoria of *ngland. The main person behind the Chartered

    Bank was a Scot# Eames 5ilson who had also started AThe *conomist

    still one of the most eminent publications toda. 2e foresaw the

    advantages of financing the growing trade links with the areas in the

    *ast# where no other financial institution was present that time widel.

    *8pansion in "frica and "sia:

    The Standard Bank opened for business in )ort *li!abeth# South "frica#

    in 1=9. &t pursued a polic of e8pansion and soon amalgamated with

    several other banks including the Commercial Bank of )ort *li!abeth#

    the Coles berg Bank# the British 3affarian Bank and the /auresmith

    Bank. The Standard Bank was prominent in the financing and

    development of the diamond fields of 3imberl in 1=9? and later

    e8tended its network further north to the new town of Eohannesburg

    when gold was discovered there in 1==;. Over time# half the output of

    the second largest goldfield in the world passed through the Standard

    Bank on its wa to %ondon.


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    The &mpact of 5ar:

    *ven the /irst 5orld 5ar offered opportunities for e8pansion when the

    Standard Bank set up a branch in Tan!ania shortl after British troops

    occupied the formerl ,erman administered ares Salaam in

    September 1F19. Both banks survived the inter$war ears but the world

    trade slump led to the closure of operations in the Canar &slands#

    %iberia# the -etherlands# and *0uatorial ,uinea. isaster struck the

    Chartered BankGs office in @okohama# Eapan# when it was destroed b

    an earth0uake in 1F= the Chartered

    Bank opened in Bangladesh and during 1F;? it ac0uired the *astern

    Bank. The *astern Bank gave the Chartered Bank a network of

    branches including "den# Bahrain# Beirut# Cprus# %ebanon# Datar and

    the +nited "rab *mirates. The Chartered Bank also entered into a joint

    venture to form the &rano$British Bank which opened for business in

    1F;F. The bank grew rapidl and had branches when it was

    nationali!ed in 1F=1. s radicall changed and strengthened.


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    Standard Chartered in the 1FFs:

    *ven within this period of apparent retrenchment Standard Chartered

    e8panded its network# re$opening in 4ietnam in 1FF# Cambodia and

    &ran in 1FF

  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    the issue bank notes there. &n

  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    The group has more than = branches and 1> offices in 1> countries

    across the region. &n China# Standard Chartered has one of the largest

    branch networks of an foreign bank and is well positioned for growth

    and opportunities. The group is developing its Consumer Banking

    business and has opened branches in Shanghai and Shen!hen. &n

    Thailand# the integration of -akornthon Bank was successfull

    completed in F branches

    and offices. Standard Chartered recentl launched operations in the

    &vor Coast and re$entered -igeria. Business in *ast "frica has


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    performed well. espite difficulties in Jimbabwe# the groupHs business

    in "frica has delivered good results. The average number of emploees


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB



    United States of America (4)



    Falkland Islands(1)

    Sierra Leone(1)





    So%th Africa(1) &imbab$e(44)




    United in'dom(*+)








    on' on' (*!)


    So%th orea(1)








    A%stralia (1)


    Sri Lanka(#)





    er% (+) 2anzania(#)

    () %mber of /ffices0anmar(1)

    Laos (1)






  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    Standard Chartered Bank in Bangladesh:

    The Chartered Bank started operating in Bangladesh in 1F>=# opening a

    branch in Chittagong. The branch was opened mainl to facilitate the

    post$war reestablishment and e8pansion of South and Southeast "sia.

    The Chartered Bank opened another branch in haka in 1F99# where it

    is still head0uartered. "fter the merger of the Chartered Bank with the

    Standard Bank in 1F9F# the Standard Chartered Bank took up a

    program of e8pansion. &t increasingl invested in peopleK technolog

    and premises as its business grew in relation to the countrGs econom.

    &n 1FF# there was an organi!ational re$structuring# which led to a

    substantial e8pansion of the BankGs business. Toda the bank has in

    total four branches in haka apart from the Chittagong branch#

    including an offshore branch at the Savar *8port )rocessing Jone.

    The Organi!ation Structure:

    The Standard Chartered Bank in Bangladesh has its head0uarters and

    twent one branches across the countr. 5hile the full range of services

    is available at the head0uarters# other branches offer specific services

    appropriate for the location. "t the head0uarters# the bank mainl

    consists of two divisions:

    1. Business

  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    Corporate Banking ,roup 6CB,7

    ,lobal (arkets 6,(7

    &nstitutional Banking ,roup 6&B,7

    Consumer Banking 6CB7

    Custodial Services 6C+S7

    The Support division provides assistance to the above business

    activities and consists following departments:


    /inance# "dministration and Risk (anagement

    &nformation Technolog Center

    2uman Resource epartment

    %egal and Compliance

    *8ternal "ffairs


    "ll the staff members of Standard Chartered Bank belong to an

    internal trade union known as LStandard Chartered Bank *mploees

    +nionL the clauses of which are reviewed and agreed upon ever two



  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    Chain of Command:

    Chartered Bank in Bangladesh follows a hierarchical pattern of

    command. The Chief *8ecutive Officer 6C*O7# avid (. /letcher

    reports to the Regional ,eneral (anager# (*S" in ubai. "ll the

    department heads at the head0uarters report to the C*O. &n

    Chittagong# however# since there are two major business activities# a

    manager or senior manager# who reports directl to the head of the

    respective division in haka# heads each. The Custodial Service division

    at the head0uarters reports to the 2ead of Corporate Banking.

    Chief *8ecutive OfficerHs Office:

    Standard Chartered as well as Standard Chartered Bank in Bangladesh

    is headed b the Chief *8ecutive Officer# who reports to the office of the

    Regional ,eneral (anager# (iddle *ast and South "sia 6(*S"7.

    5hile performing staff functions# the C*O is assisted b different heads

    whose functions are mentioned in the following section.

    2ead of /inance and "dministration# who looks after the general

    ledger# budget# financial scenario of the bank# risk management

    administration and audit operation.

    2ead of Cards who supervises credit card operation.

    2ead of Consumer Banking# who supervises retail$banking

    operation like sales and services# retail lending# product

    development and product marketing.


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    2ead of Corporate deals with the relationship management#

    corporate finance etc.

    2ead of 2uman Resources looks after succession planning#

    training and industrial matters.

    2ead of %ending (anagement assists the management division of

    Corporate# retail and Credit Cards in their lending operations.

    2ead of ,lobal (arkets deals with the foreign e8change# mone

    market and asset liabilit operation.

    2ead of &nternational Services deals with the trade finance#

    guarantee and correspondent banking.

    2ead of Operations looks after the support services in banking

    lending# CBS +ser# Treasur# S5&/TMT*%*N operation etc.

    2ead of Technolog is directl accountable to him.


    The goal of Standard Chartered Bank is to be the LBankers of /irst

    Choice.L Towards that goal# the overall planning in the Organi!ation is

    done at the head0uarters level in haka b a (anagement Committee

    6("-CO7# headed b the C*O and consisting of the business heads of

    Corporate Banking# Consumer Banking# Treasur# and from the

    support divisions the heads of 2uman Resource# Operations and

    /inance epartments. The meet once a month# or when a special

    situation arises# to plan the strategic decisions. The decision making#

    although apparentl based on a top$down approach# leaves room for


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    participation down to the level of department heads# which are

    responsible for carring out the planning of their department within the

    broad guidelines set b ("-CO.

    "mong the broad strategic objectives are:

    Creating a congenial work environment

    (oderni!ation of the (anagement &nformation Sstem to achieve

    full automation b drasticall cutting down paper work in thelong run.

    /ocusing on service 0ualit and consumer needs.

    Recruiting and maintaining top$grade# efficient emploees.

    To invest in those technological sstems which will upgrade and

    enhance financial services# and

    Creating an e8cellent brand image of the Bank.

    "ctivities of Standard Chartered Bank

    Corporate Banking ,roup

    Standard Chartered Bank offers its local customers a wide variet of

    financial services. "ll the accounts of corporate clients# which mainl

    comprise the top local and multinational companies operating in

    Bangladesh# are assigned a Relationship manager who maintains


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    regular and close contact to cater to their needs. The wide variet of

    lending needs are catered to with skilled and responsive attention

    )roject finance and investment consultanc

    Sndicated loans

    Bonds and ,uarantees

    %ocal and &nternational Treasur products

    The trade finance of Standard Chartered Bank takes care of the

    commercial activit related issues# particularl those related to

    import and e8port finance services. Some of the services are:

    Trade finance facilities including counseling# confirming e8port

    %MCs and issuing of import %MCs# backed b its international

    branch and correspondent loan network

    Bond and ,uarantees

    )roject finance opportunities for import substitution and e8port

    oriented project

    ,lobal (arkets

    &nstitutional Banking ,roup:

    The &B, of Standard Chartered Bank offers a wide variet of products

    and services to the banks and financial institutions. &t has global links

    with leading banking institutions and agenc arrangements through its


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    network of offices in > countries. The Bank offers a full range of

    clearing# pament collection and import$e8port handling services. The

    bank offers foreign missions# voluntar organi!ations# consultants#

    airlines# shipping lines# and their personnel the following financial


    Current accounts in both Taka and other major foreign


    Convertible Taka accounts 6these funds are freel convertible to

    major international currencies7

    %ocal and foreign currenc remittances etc.

    Consumer Banking

    Superior retail banking services comprising a wide range of deposit and

    loan products are offered b the Standard Chartered Bank to its

    individual customers. The Consumer Banking division constantl faces

    challenges and meets them b developing new products and services to

    fulfill the specific re0uirements of local T+ Bank offers a $hour

    service in Bangladesh through its (onelink "T( network and )hone$

    link )hone Banking services.

    )roducts and Services of the Bank:

    Standard Chartered Bank has highl 0ualified professional staff

    members who have the capabilit to manage and meet all the

    re0uirements of the bank. *ver account is assigned to an "ccount

    (anager who personall takes care of it and is available for discussion


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    and in0uiries# whether one writes# telephones or calls. The services of

    the Bank are personali!ed and backed b advanced computeri!ation.

    The following paragraphs illustrate the essential products and services

    of the Bank:

    The Corporate Banking ,roup

    Cash management:

    Standard Chartered is highl recogni!ed as a leading cash management

    supplier across the emerging markets. Our Cash (anagement Servicescover local and cross border paments# collections# information

    management# account services and li0uidit management for both

    corporate and institutional customers.


    (anage the availabilit of clientHs funds efficientl

    (onitor and control the movement of funds

    Settle paments to clientHs suppliers in a timel and cost$effective


    Capture ever investment opportunit to increase our income

    Trade finance:

    Standard Chartered possesses 1> ears of e8perience in Trade /inance.

    The bank has presence in over > countries# in addition to our e8tensive


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    network of overseas banking partners and correspondents. The bank

    obtained &SOF< accreditation for its 0ualit service. edicated trade

    and pament sstems are in place to make sure that our ever

    transaction# even across different currencies# will be professionall


    Custod and clearing services:

    Standard Chartered Custod and Clearing ServicesG combination of

    local market e8pertise# with the securit offered b being an integral

    part of one of the worldGs leading international banks has garnered animpressive client base which includes leading -orth "merican#

    *uropean and "sian institutions.

    *lectronic banking:

    Standard Chartered offers the client a comprehensive range of Cash

    (anagement services. 5hether it is a financial institution# a multi$

    national corporation or a domestic compan# *lectronic Banking

    application has the capabilit to support full range of Cash

    (anagement reporting and transaction initiation needs. &t provides the

    secure# reliable and effective link between the client and clientHs

    accounts anwhere across the Standard Chartered network.


    5orking Capital %oan to help the client meet their financial obligations

    and operate effectivel# the bank offers assistance in the form of


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    working capital loans# overdrafts# term loans 6including real estate loans

    and other secured debt7# backstops and revolvers.

    ,lobal markets:

    "ccording to the latest G"ctivities of Bank and /inancial &nstitutionsG

    published b the Banking ivision of the (inistr of /inance of

    Bangladesh# ,lobal (arkets# Bangladesh is# in terms of foreign

    e8change transactions# first amongst the multinational banks and > th

    amongst all the banks in Bangladesh.

    The Treasur division of the Standard Chartered Bank has a

    centrali!ed dealing room in haka and consists of the following two


    Structured finance:

    Standard Chartered provides Commodit# Structured Trade and

    *8port /inance global group 6LStructured /inanceL7 service. (an

    financial institutions have been retreating from these markets. Standard

    Chartered stands out as the onl bank which is committed to financing

    Commodit and *8port Credit "genc supported trade flows.


    "ccess to long established e8pertise in Commodit /inance and

    willingness to accept the credit risks associated with approved



  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    "ccess to structuring skills for emerging markets medium term

    financing and to countr limit availabilit for man countries in

    "sia# &ndia# (iddle *ast# "frica and %atin "merica.

    )resence on the ground in man emerging markets which

    facilitates transactions through local knowledge and the provision

    of local commercial banking infrastructure.

    Track record and capabilit for global arranging# underwriting

    and sndication in the whole area of Structured /inance.

    Two tpes of lending facilit are provided to client at present:

    %oan Structure and Sndication: this facilit helps borrowers to meet

    substantial financing needs b enabling them to reach the banks most

    interested in lending to their particular industr# geographic location

    and structure through sndicated debt offerings.

    /oreign *8change:

    The Reuters monitors placed in the Treasur ivision give continuous

    updates on e8change rate movements as well as read access to market

    information. The /oreign *8change service includes:

    /oreign e8change contracts for the same da value# ne8t da value or

    spot transactions

    /orward Contracts: /oreign e8change contracts to hedge e8change



  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    Cross Currenc Contracts: The customers can trade a wide range of


    &nformation analsis: The Treasur division publishes dail and weekl

    currenc newsletters# which provide analses of currenc trends and

    related issues. Seminars and workshops are conducted for customers

    from time to time on foreign e8change related topics. Customers can

    also have access to the bankGs information database round the clock

    through )hone banking.

    (one (arkets and &nvestment:

    Standard Chartered BankGs Treasur division is the local market leader

    in debt instruments including both short and long$term fund

    mismatches through the mone market and takes front line position in

    inter$bank and market developments. The mone market is managed

    through tools like inter$bank call mone rate# government T$bills of

    various maturities and inter$bank S5")S. &n future# new instruments

    like repo and reverse repo will be introduced which will add to the

    depth of the mone market.

    *0uipments like telephone# voice recorder# mone

  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    &nstitutional Banking ,roup 6&B,7:

    &t assists the local banks b taking care of their cross$border business

    through the worldwide Standard Chartered Bank network. /ollowing

    are the variet of financial products offered b this department:

    4ostro "ccounts:

    &B,# Bangladesh maintains 4ostro "ccounts of banking and financial

    institutions worldwide. Customers maintaining such accounts can remit

    funds throughout the countr through the Standard Chartered Bank

    branch network as well as through $ Chartered BankGs local

    correspondent relationships.

    -ostro "ccounts:

    &n order to increase and promote the correspondent banking business

    worldwide# &B, operates -ostro accounts to Bangladeshi banks and

    financial institutions in almost all branches spanning the Standard

    Chartered Bank global network. ,roup branches and subsidiaries

    provide full clearing and pament services in the +3# +S"# 2ong 3ong#

    (alasia# Singapore and man "frican countries. 5orldwide paments

    services are facilitated b a network of branches supported b

    electronic cash management 6available in select locations7# fund transfer

    sstem and membership of S5&/T.

    2andling of Trade /inance Business:

    &B, offers the full range of services available under Trade /inance to

    its customers. The Standard Chartered Bank network in China# the


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    /ar *ast# the (iddle *ast# the &ndian sub$continent# "frica# +3 and

    +S" makes SCB the natural choice of correspondents for advising#

    confirming# and negotiating their letters of credit in these territories.

    Retail Banking:

    Retail Banking deals with the banking services to individuals. &t

    includes the following products and services of the bank:

    Current account:

    Tailored to meet the needs of individual and commercial customers#

    SCBHs current account offers benefits like free che0ue book# "T(

    service# )hone banking# account access from an branch# and instant

    fund$transfer 6free of charge7 amongst our branches in the countr.

    (inimum opening balance re0uired is Tk. ;#.

    Recent changes:

    " fee of BT 11; is deducted after ever 1< months as a relationship

    fee irrespective of balance

    Savings account:

    &t is an assortment of best benefits available in the market# offering a

    wide range of special treats free of cost to our retail customers. The

    most attractive treat is the competitive tiered interest rates# which

    ensures higher returns for larger deposits. "none looking for an

    opportunit to build a sound saving base can avail our Savings account#

    which includes the following benefits:


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    /ree che0ue$book# ebit card and phone$banking service

    "ccount access from all our branches in Bangladesh

    Opportunit to appl for $ safe deposit locker facilit# utilit pament

    service through "T( and an of our personal finance products.

    &nterests of deposited amount are as follows:

    eposited "mount &nterest rate

    +nder BT 1##

    Between BT 1## and 1##

  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    Can be opened for a term of months# 9 months or 1< months

    Tiered interest rates# offering higher rates for larger amounts

    &nterest paable on maturit

    "utomaticall renewable 6with or without interest7

    Can be used as securit against personalM commercial loans

    Recent changes:

    /rom (arch # /i8ed eposits having tenures of two ears# three

    ears# four ears# five ears are being offered.

    Tenor BT < ( '


    "bove BT 7 )lease mention our monthl /amil income range.

    Please mention your montly family inome

    50.0% 37.5%



    More tan '# 45000 '#35001-'#45000


    (ess tan ta#a 15000

    "nalsis : Standard Chartered bank is a place where customer or

    consumer re0uires a huge amount of mone to start its initial operation

    with SCB. So it is not mentionable mostl high income holders have

    account in SCB. "mong 1; and ?.; have income in between ;1$>;.

    2ighest numbers of people are fall in between this.


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    ;7 )lease mention @our *ducational Background.

    Please mention your eduational &a#ground









    "nalsis: &n m surve & found highest number of consumer educational

    back ground is 2onors and all of them e8cept some old women and

    some worker from Sanofiaventis are graduate means 9F.

  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    Please mention your Profession










    etired /ot. offie

    /ot. serie *older



    Priate +erie old

    "nalsis: 2ere we can see that highest percentage is on private service

    holder because the are operating there salar account with SCB for

    better service and for definite benefit. -e8t is professional under this

    categor all engineer# doctor# lawer# Consultant etc which contains

    1=.. Then ne8t government officer as we know a huge number of our

    population is doing govt. service but most of their mone is black mone

    thatHs wh the donHt want to operate in SCB although we found 1.

    are govt. service holder but most of them are senior official. %ast we

    found same percentage on student and retired govt. official which is



  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    ?7 )lease put a tick mark on the service name that ou avail most from

    Standard Chartered bank.

    serie name tat aail most from +,






    !en different +ain

    +anaya!atra !ura

    +anaya!atra ou!on

    alane ,e#

    +tatement ,ertif i

    "nalsis: uring m internship in +ttara branch and from the surve &

    found most of the customers come to branch for avail the sanchaapatra

    coupon encashment and purchase services and taking statement '

    certificate for different embass. "nd numbers of people come to know

    there balance although the can get it through "T( booth and call

    center but still the wants to rel on branch. %astl few people as well

    come to open different savings product.


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    =7 "re ou happ with the charges that Standard chartered bank take

    for statement from branch

    a!!y "it te arges tat +,

    ta#e for statement






  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    "nalsis: Standard Chartered recentl increase their charges for

    statement and certificate if customer wants to get them from branch.

    The increase it almost double where in the past it was

  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    mount +, sould arge for satement







    "nalsis: 2ere & want the customers suggestion regarding how much

    SCB should charge for the statement ' certificate >1.? sa the can

    increase but the amount shouldnHt be ;vat# ; said same as before.

    So their suggestion is SCB can increase the charges but not doubled.

    5here as 1> said SCB should reduce the charge to 1;vat and F

    said the can charge at best >;vat but not the double.


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    17 "re ou glad to take ebit card as a replacement of "T( card b

    paing more

    ta#e 8e&it ,ard as a re!laement of 6'M ard

    &y !aying more





    "nalsis: Standard Chartered start distributed its debit card as the

    want to replace "T( card with debit card. But problem is charge is

    more or less double at the same time SCB start charge customers before

    the start use the debit card and SCB send the debit card b post

    without taking permission from customer. 2ere ?9 said the are not

    happ to take ebit card b paing more and said the are happ.


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    117 2ow much do ou think Standard chartered bank should charge

    earl for debit card to retain the satisfaction

    *o" mu do you tin# +, sould

    arge yearly for de&it ard









    "nalsis: 2ere & ask them how much SCB should charge for the debit

    card ? said the should charge same as "T( card and

  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB



  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    "nalsis: -ow if an customer wants to take an kind of services the

    need to present with different papers like passport for photo

    identification or authori!ation application with attested photo. But these

    docs increase dissatisfaction level among valued customer. ThatHs wh


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    +,s (oan losing arge






    :ery !oor





  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    7 "ccount Closing Charge

    +,s 6ount losing arge





    5.)%:ery !oor




    ;7 %oan )rocessing Charge


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    +,s loan !roessing arge





    1.7%:ery !oor





  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    97 Statement re0uest

    +,+ all enter !erformane

    statement reuest





    :ery !oor




    ?7Balance Check

    +,+ all enter !erformane

    &alane e#





    11.7%:ery !oor





  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    =7ifferent Charges of different )roducts

    +,+ all enter !erformane

    info a&out different arges






    :ery !oor





  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    call center the will get that ver soon. ThatHs wh customers are

    annoed with availabilit of phone line not with services.

    F7 2ow do ou value Standard Chartered Banks performance in terms

    of the following features ' services 6)lease choose among 1 to ;# as

    1Q*8cellent# Q)oor and ;Q4er poor7

    2ere & ask some basic 0uestion from where & found some important

    information about SCBs basic performance. The 0uestions are as


    17 Service deliver time

    +,s !erformane interms of

    serie deliery time






    :ery !oor





  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    and abut )/C the basicall harass the customer b asking man

    0uestion even from the account holder the ask man 0uestion if sign

    mismatch occur. So thatHs wh service deliver time comes poor and

    91 of the people said ver poor and

  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    "nalsis: Standard Chartered bank is the largest multinational bank in

    Bangladesh and all their emploees are as well emploee of SCB

    %ondon so customers e8pectation is ver high but most of time & found

    SCB put the sales officer who are just B com pass as CSO and this

    creates problem because the donHt know curtse and bank never

    arrange and behavior change training for them. ThatHs wh >

  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    +,s !erformane interms of

    !roduts interest rate





    10.0%:ery !oor





  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    >7Re0uired documents for different service 6 *8ample: )assport or

    )hoto &dentit for all service7

    +,s !erformane interms of

    reuired douments






    :ery !oor





  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    ;7"T( booth Service

    +,s !erformane interms of

    6'M &oot ser0ie






    :ery !oor





  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    +,s !erformane interms of

    rand ame

    *o" do you alue standard arterd &an#s !erformane interms

    :ery !oorPoor#/ood;

  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    2 : There is no association.

    2a : There is association.

    Chi$S0uare Tests

    4alue df

    "smp. Sig.


  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    "nalsis: (eans Che0ue Book deliver time is highl related with SCBs

    performance in terms of service deliver time. "s che0ue book deliver

    is one of the major job responsibilities of branch and it re0uires time

    and if customers make it through call center it will help branch to

    deliver them as 0uickl possible.

    Cross Tabulation 1=

    Ok 1 > = ?

    Total F F >

  • 8/13/2019 Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction Level of SCB


    booth service Cross tabulation


    2ow do ou value standard

    chartered banks performance in

    terms of "T( booth service

    *8cellent ,ood Ok )oor



    2ow do ou value standard

    chartered banks

    performance in terms of

    service deliver time *8cellent > > 1

    ,ood ; 1

