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Interpretation of Contracts Report

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  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    Interpretation of acontract refers to

    the determination ofthe meaning of the

    terms or words used

    by the parties in theircontract

  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    Art. 1370 If the terms of the contract

    are clear and leave no doubt as to theintention of the contracting parties, the

    literal meaning of its stipulation shall


    If the words appear to be contrary

    to the evident intention of the parties,

    the latter shall prevail over the former.

  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    Illustrative Example:

    Facts: A guarantor guaranteed the payment ofrentals already due at the time the promise wasmade.

    Issue: Is he also responsible for subsequent debts?

    Held: Under the facts, it is clear that he never hadthe obligation to pay the subsequent rents.

  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    Illustrative Example:

    Facts: In a deed of sale, a certain Lot No. 1357 wasmentioned as the parcel sold, but both partiesmeant Lot No. 1155, and in fact buyer tookpossession of the latter with the knowledge of the


    Held: Since the parties really meant Lot No. 1155, thisshould be considered the object of the contract.

  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    Art 1371

    In order to judge theintention of the contracting

    parties, their contemporaneous

    and subsequent acts shall be

    principally considered.

  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    Illustrative Example:A and B entered into a contract entitled

    Contract of Lease. Although the contractrefers to A as a lessor and to E as lessee, it

    states that the possession and ownership of theland are transferred to E. The title to the land

    was given by A to B who registered the land in

    his name. Before the date of the contract, Bwrote a letter to A offering to buy the land.

    The contract should be interpreted asone of sale.

  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    Art. 1372

    However general theterms of a contract may be, they

    shall not be understood tocomprehend things that are

    distinct and cases that are different

    from those upon which the parties

    intended to agree.

  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    Illustrative Example:

    Facts: X mortgaged his land to Z tosecure or guarantee Ys debt. Y couldnot pay so the mortgage was foreclosed,but there was a deficiency.

    Issue: Is X responsible personally for thedeficiency?

    Held: No, because it was only his landthat was offered as security.

  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    Illustrative Example:

    L sold his house including all the furnituretherein. The term all should not be understood toinclude Ls refrigerator which is distinct and differentfrom furniture.

  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    Art. 1373

    If some stipulationof any contract should admit of

    several meanings, it shall beunderstood as bearing that

    import which is most adequateto render it effectual

  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    Illustrative Example:

    S sold his parcel of land to B. S has two lands,one owned by him absolutely and another land of whichhe is a co-owner with C. C did not give his consent to thesale.

    The sale should refer to the land owned by S aloneas this would make the contract effectual.

  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    If the terms of the contractare clear and leave no

    doubt as to the intentionof the contracting parties,the literal meaning of itsstipulations shall control


  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    If the words appear to becontrary to the evident

    intention of the parties,the latter shall prevail overthe former.

  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    The real nature of acontract may be

    determined from thecontemporaneous andsubsequent acts of the

    contracting parties

  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    A special intentprevails over ageneral intent

  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    If one interpretationmakes a contract valid,

    the other illegal, theformer interpretation

    must prevail

  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    Art. 1374

    The variousstipulations of a contract shall

    be interpreted together,attributing to the doubtful ones

    that sense which may resultfrom all of them taken jointly

  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    Art. 1375

    Words which mayhave different significations

    shall be understood in thatwhich is most keeping with the

    nature and object of thecontract.

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    Art. 1376

    The usage or customof the place shall be borne in

    mind in the interpretation of the

    ambiguities of a contract, and

    shall fill the omission of

    stipulations which are ordinarily


  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    Art. 1377 The interpretation

    of obscure words or

    stipulations in a contract shall

    not favor the party who caused

    the obscurity

  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    Art. 1378 When it is absolutely impossible to

    settle doubts by the rules established in thepreceding articles, and the doubts refer to

    incidental circumstances of a gratuitous contract,

    the least transmission of rights and interest shall

    prevail. If the contract is onerous, the doubt shall

    be settled in favor of the greatest reciprocity of


    If the doubts are cast upon the principalobject of the contract in such a way that it cannot

    be known what may have been the intention or will

    of the parties, the contract shall be null and void.

  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


    Art. 1379 The principles of

    interpretation stated in Rule

    123 of the Rules of Court shall

    likewise be observed in the

    construction of contracts.

  • 7/30/2019 Interpretation of Contracts Report


