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Interpreting Interdisciplinarity in Environmental ...€¦ · Word Frequency Change between 1979...

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Interpreting Interdisciplinarity in Environmental Education: a Canadian Case Study CCUEN Halifax 2016 Ingrid Leman Stefanovic, Professor and Dean FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT
Page 1: Interpreting Interdisciplinarity in Environmental ...€¦ · Word Frequency Change between 1979 and 2009: top 20/100 words analyzed Word, Cluster, or Phrase - Absolute Largest Change

InterpretingInterdisciplinarity inEnvironmentalEducation:aCanadianCaseStudy




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1. Whatinspiredthisresearch2. TheCurrentSSHRC-fundedResearchProject3. Discussion

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• Longhistoryofinterdisciplinarity• UndergraduateandGraduatePlanning:UofTandSFU

• ESandEnvSc (scienceasrecht)

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EricJantsch andtheOECD:• Multidisciplinary: juxtapositionwithnoapparentconnection

• Pluridisciplinary: juxtapositionofsimilardisciplines(math+physics)

• Interdisciplinary:interactionbetweendisciplines

• Transdisciplinary: acommonsystemofaxioms

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World’s1st intergovernmentalconferenceonEE(organizedbyUNESCOandUNEP)


EnvironmentalEducation Interdisciplinary


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• Universities/unitsupdateinventory• Surveyofkeyuniversityenvironmentalleaders


• Qualitative,HermeneuticInvestigationofcurriculumshifts

• Interviews• Industrysurvey

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• Anyrelevantparadigmshifts?• Whatconstitutesinterdisciplinaryrigour(depthvs.breadth)?

• Roleofpraxis?• Guidelinesforprogramdelivery?• Matchindustryneeds?

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Colleges 1%or2unitsFaculties 6% or9unitsSchools 10%or15 unitsDepartments 20%or30unitsInstitutes 26%or39unitsCentres 36%or54units

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USAComparison:CouncilofEnvironmentalDeansandDirectors (CEDD)

OfallIEdegrees:– Almostallcontain“sustainability”concepts– 44%namedEnvironmentalScience– 25%namedEnvironmentalStudies– 31%other (Sustainability;NaturalResource;Management;UrbanandEnvironmentalPolicyetc.)

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AnalyzingCDNUniversitiesListPercentagesof totalunitnames

Ofatotal of149units Notes

containingtheword‘science’or‘sciences’ 19%or28unitscontaining‘environmentalstudies’



19%or28units Frenchwastranslatedas‘durable’or ‘durabilité’



containing‘management’ 5%or8units e.g.‘resourcemanagement’or‘coastalmanagement’

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1. SystemsScience(EarthSciences;Biologyetc.;analytical/diagnostic:22% ofIE)

2. PolicyandGovernance(socialsciences,humanitiesandpublicengagement;awarenessandbehaviorchange:33% ofIE)

3. AdaptiveManagement(coupledhuman-naturesystemsknowledge,problem-solvingandsolutions-oriented;meta-expertsustainability-orientedmanagement:45%ofIE)

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• SystemsScience• PolicyandGovernance• AdaptiveManagement


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• “management”,“adaptivemanagement”• “policy”• “systems”• “interdisciplinary”mostprevalent

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• Almost65%ofrespondentssaidthat“interdisciplinarity”haschangedoverthedecades

• 30%weren’tsure• Around5-6%feltthatithadnotchangedatall.

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• “Rangeoffieldshasexploded…”• “Naturalscienceshavegraduallygotonboard”

• Lessmultidisciplinaryandmore“synergy”• Greaterappreciationofneedforinterdisciplinarycollaborationoncomplexproblemsofglobalscale

• Moreproblemandgovernance-focused

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• Stillunderanalysis• Someinterestingfindings:– 3keywordsforEnvSc andES:Interdisciplinarity– “Environmental Studies”:

• BroaderthemecontainingEnvSc; or• Humanities,socialpolicy,“nojobmarket”

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• ProfessionalOrganizations:– NegativecommentsaboutESAC:“ESAChasalwaysbeenaproblem.”

– CCUEN:“…definitelyshares informationbutIhaveyettoseeanythingthathelpsusinourprogramming….”

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• Curriculum:– Overallshiftfromtheoreticaltoapplied– Greaterfocusontools– Morecomplexity inprogramming(willsaymore)– Differingviewsonwhether interdisciplinarityshouldoccuratundergradorgradlevel

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Maturationofapproaches.Forexample:• EnvironmentalPlanningandDesign(1970)• RecreationPlanningandManagement(1988)• LandscapeEcologyinPlanning;LandUsePlanning;CommunityPlanning


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RiskSustainableDevelopmentInternationalfocusEcologyEnvironmentalImpactAssessmentEthics,Justice, CultureGenderHydrologyPolicyandGovernance

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WordFrequencyChangebetween1979and2009:top20/100wordsanalyzedWord,Cluster,orPhrase- AbsoluteLargestChange




international,global,world 0.51 planning -0.57sustainability,sustainable 0.49 energy -0.18risk,safety,security 0.28 regional -0.08ecology,-ical,ecosystem 0.23 institutions -0.06risk 0.21 Law,legal,legislation -0.06

culture 0.17

attitudes,behaviour,behavioural,behaviourism -0.06

ethics,justice,values,morals,morality,equity,equality 0.16 legal, -0.05Community,Society,People 0.16 housing -0.04Sustainabledevelopment 0.15 pollution -0.03cultural,culture 0.14 law -0.03political,politics 0.14 interventions -0.03integrated,interaction,interdependence,interdisciplinary,interrelationship,intersection 0.11 conservation -0.03Resourcemanagement 0.11 theory -0.03history-ian,-ical 0.11 impactassessment -0.02women,gender,feminist,-ism 0.1 resource(s) -0.01aboriginal,FirstNations,Indigenous 0.08 policy -0.01justice 0.07 design -0.01conflict,dispute,mediation,resolution 0.07 power -0.01ethics,-al 0.07health 0.06

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• Meaningof“interdisciplinarity”shifts• Someadditionaldepth,complexityandmaturationofissues

• Newinterdisciplinaryfieldsofstudy• Moreproblems-focusedthangeneralizedortheoretical

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• Resultsofindustrysurvey• DetailedNvivo analysisofinterviews• Websitedevelopment

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• Paradigmshifts:goodorbad?• Professionalcertification:goodorbad?• Roleofpraxis:howtoincludeincurricula?• Howtocreateoptionsforstudentsinprogramplanning?

• Roleofonlinelearning?• Other?Discussion?......

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