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1 Shambhavi2012 [0:00:00] Laura Cornell: Hello and welcome everyone to the Devine Feminine Yoga Telesummit 2012. I am your host Laura Cornell from divinefeminineyoga.com and I’m so please to be here on this first day of the telesummit with Shambhavi Chopra. Shambhavi is a wonderful yogini and a mystic, and we are so blessed to have her here today gracing us on this first day of the telesummit. So in the first call this morning I introduced to you and welcomed you to the telesummit and named all of the presenters who will here for this week with us. We have an amazing set of leaders and speakers and really great teachers who we are very honored to have with us. And I do encourage you to listed to that audio, if you didn’t get to hear it, its on the recordings page available to you so you can really feel well oriented to the telesummit and this call is with Shambhavi. As a blessing and an invocation to the Divine Feminine, to the mother goddess Ma Shakti, Ma Durga, the goddess in all of her many forms as she has been known throughout millennia and as she is living today in all of our lives as yoginis as women committed to the path of our own healing and transformation and committed to brining that transformation deep within our bodies, our beings, our sacred temples and then from there out into the world. I invite you to join with us on Facebook, its facebook.com/divinefeminineyoga and let us know what you are getting from this telesummit, what you are learning, what part is touching your life, your lives and what you are learning from the presenters and thanks the presenters for the gems of wisdom that you are getting. I also want to encourage you to please share this telesummit with your friends, invite your friends, let your friends on Facebook and Twitter know about it, all of the interviews are free for you to attend. We invite you to be with us over this week, everyday at 9 o’clock and 11 o’clock pacific time and that would be noon and 2 o’clock eastern and then the recordings will be available for 48 hours on our website for you to listen at your leisure if you can't make the call live and there is also the moon pass, our blessed moon, the light of the moon if you would like to have access to a permanent library of the download audios and the transcripts and this is really a -- gosh a global conference and our world is becoming connected more and more, and I’m so grateful for this. The goddess in all of forms including the goddess of electricity and the power of internet and yes we do need to learn how to balance this tool and take time away from our computers and rest and feel this shakti of that vital pure nature and at the same time and at the same time I’m so grateful for this creativity in
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Shambhavi2012 [0:00:00] Laura Cornell: Hello and welcome everyone to the Devine Feminine Yoga Telesummit

2012. I am your host Laura Cornell from divinefeminineyoga.com and I’m so please to be here on this first day of the telesummit with Shambhavi Chopra. Shambhavi is a wonderful yogini and a mystic, and we are so blessed to have her here today gracing us on this first day of the telesummit. So in the first call this morning I introduced to you and welcomed you to the telesummit and named all of the presenters who will here for this week with us. We have an amazing set of leaders and speakers and really great teachers who we are very honored to have with us. And I do encourage you to listed to that audio, if you didn’t get to hear it, its on the recordings page available to you so you can really feel well oriented to the telesummit and this call is with Shambhavi. As a blessing and an invocation to the Divine Feminine, to the mother goddess Ma Shakti, Ma Durga, the goddess in all of her many forms as she has been known throughout millennia and as she is living today in all of our lives as yoginis as women committed to the path of our own healing and transformation and committed to brining that transformation deep within our bodies, our beings, our sacred temples and then from there out into the world.

I invite you to join with us on Facebook, its

facebook.com/divinefeminineyoga and let us know what you are getting from this telesummit, what you are learning, what part is touching your life, your lives and what you are learning from the presenters and thanks the presenters for the gems of wisdom that you are getting. I also want to encourage you to please share this telesummit with your friends, invite your friends, let your friends on Facebook and Twitter know about it, all of the interviews are free for you to attend. We invite you to be with us over this week, everyday at 9 o’clock and 11 o’clock pacific time and that would be noon and 2 o’clock eastern and then the recordings will be available for 48 hours on our website for you to listen at your leisure if you can't make the call live and there is also the moon pass, our blessed moon, the light of the moon if you would like to have access to a permanent library of the download audios and the transcripts and this is really a -- gosh a global conference and our world is becoming connected more and more, and I’m so grateful for this. The goddess in all of forms including the goddess of electricity and the power of internet and yes we do need to learn how to balance this tool and take time away from our computers and rest and feel this shakti of that vital pure nature and at the same time and at the same time I’m so grateful for this creativity in

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this new form that allows us to connect with women from all over the world on this telesummit and Shambhavi is an example of that -- being from India and now here, travelling all over the world and living much of the time in the United States.

So I’m just going to turn to introducing Shambhavi to you so that you

know why I’m so glad she is here with us and then we will bring her on for her blessing on our telesummit. So yogini Shambhavi is a mystic yogini, spiritual guide and preceptor rooted in the ancient teachings and traditions of bhakti yoga, tantric shakti and worship of the mother goddess, jyotish which is vedic astrology, healing ayurveda and mantra yoga. Yogini Shambhavi has been honored with the Jyotish Visharada and Ayurvedic Jyothisha Pravin titles for her insightful contributions and teachings in Vedic Astrology. Shambhavi is one of the most important and dynamic woman mystic teachers of the deeper aspects of yoga coming out of India today. She is noted for her clear, direct and uncompromising expression, as well as her power of bhakti devotion and her ability to inspire seekers from every fold of life. She unfolds the bliss of well being

[0:05:00] through yogic practices, rituals and meditations drawing one to the

deeper yogic reality awakening the universal shakti power within us. And I just want to say that I first met Shambhavi last year when I was attending the Yoga Alliance Leadership Conference in Palm Springs. There were about 500 yoga teachers there and Shambhavi’s husband David Frawley was invited to give a keynote address and he very wisely invited Shambhavi up with him to share the podium and to give an invocation to the divine mother and it was so beautiful. Her invoking of nature and her presence and of the goddess and I just knew that I wanted to meet her and invite her into this telesummit. I was so glad to be able to do that, I’ve also read her book, most of it I can't say I read every page Shambhavi but much of the book Yogic Secrets of the Dark Goddess, my goodness what a journey, if any of you are looking for an interesting book, a powerful deep story of true sadhana, honestly true yoga, deep yogic practice that book I know you have another book Shambhavi and she has sent me her two beautiful CDs of chanting, we are going to get to hear some tracks today, we are going to get to hear the Ma Durga track from her Yogini Bhava shakti mantras.

So I’m taking a deep breath it is with great honor and gratitude

Shambhavi that I welcome you to the Divine Feminine Yoga Telesummit. Shambhavi Chopra: Jai Ma Guru

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Laura Cornell: Jai Ma. Shambhavi Chopra: Namaste and blessing to all our beautiful people who are listening into

this Divine Feminine Yoga Telesummit organized by you Laura and your amazing team to put it all together and no doubt it is a great honor for us to bring this shakti of the -- into the universe to make people more aware of the divine grace of the Devi, the mother goddess, thank you for having me here today.

Laura Cornell: Just breathing that in Shambhavi with you breathing it in, it is a great

honor to bring out that shakti of the Devi, we need her blessing in our life Shambhavi. We need her so much today in our world, yeah, yeah. So I’d love if you would talk a little bit to our listeners about your background, I know you know I told some of your story but could you share with us of how you came to so fully embody the shakti that you live in your life.

Shambhavi Chopra: Well at this time more than ever planet earth needs to focus on the

feminine principal of shakti in order to enable us to develop the ability to surrender all these concepts and expectations and to move into a sacred realm of ever flowing divine grace and wisdom. Our teaching must propel one skillfully to deepen our awareness and wisdom and to draw courage from shakti, the power and grace of the mother goddess to maneuver this world of maya which is colored brilliantly with delusion. Personally I hold the ancient Hindu shakti yogic lineage which is Devi Shakti Tantra and with the grace and blessings of many revered gurus and the guiding force of Vamadeva Shastri’s guru gyan or deep wisdom. I have been teaching and focusing on spirituality in our daily life by creating an awareness to heal, nurture and draw in so much shakti it would rejuvenate the spirit into our lives. Not merely at a physical level but at the level of the heart mind and soul. So for me shakti or worshipping the mother goddess is my reality.

Laura Cornell: I love that, I love that about bringing in so much shakti and for people

who may not know Vamadeva who you just mentioned is the spiritual name of your husband i.e. David Frawley.

Shambhavi Chopra: Yes. Laura Cornell: And so for you it sounds like he is also your guru. Shambhavi Chopra: Oh yes, yes. I think he has the amazing gyan through experience not

mere book knowledge, he is an amazing person. I’m really blessed to be with him.

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[0:10:08] Laura Cornell: Yeah, yeah. So can you tell us something about this Soma, you were

talking about brining this Soma, maybe you could talk about what is Soma for our listeners, and what is Soma Shakti and how has that being living in your life this year?

Shambhavi Chopra: Well you know Soma really is the divine grace, shakti is not a mere

aggression or force, it is only when we open ourselves when we are receptive to divinity in the universe that we are able to harness and cultivate the Soma and then shakti sadhana teaches us to hold and to nurture the Soma which is the grace that rejuvenates not just the body and mind but the spirit, the heart. So the Soma is most important than the -- Dr. Frawley has just written a beautiful book on Soma in Ayurveda and in you know healing. So it’s an amazing book I think everyone should read about the Soma in ayurveda and yoga, its very important.

Laura Cornell: Now some of our listeners may not be aware of the connection of Soma

to the moon, since we have our moon pass for the telesummit and we are really bringing that feminine principal, and would you like to talk about the Soma in relation to the moon at all?

Shambhavi Chopra: Well of all the planets the moon holds the essence of Soma, so

worshipping the moon, being in sync with the moon energies that is really the pure Soma which the moon also represents Parvati Devi in the form of shakti or the mother goddess and also Shiva, her consort. So the moon is the -- a very deep element of this flow of Soma. So I think it’s a great idea that you are recreating this moon principal for us to acknowledge that Soma -- to worship the moon so that we allow Soma to grace our lives as well.

Laura Cornell: I think it might be nice to start with a blessing for the telesummit

Shambhavi, since we are beginning our work here and I’d like to send a blessing out to all the listeners to all over the world because we know we have women from all over the world and some men as well listening who honor the divine feminine, this is not exclusively for women, we are here to honor the divine feminine in both men and women, we need that in our life and a blessing for all the speakers that will be divinely guided and as the listeners here what they need to move to their own next step of spiritual evolution. A blessing for the organizers, the people putting the website together and making all the pieces work. The telephone systems that they may work smoothly, I maybe missing some people, all the people who are helping to spread the good word and tell their friends about the telesummit, tell their contact list, is there anything you want to

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say as a blessing or should we start the recording, how would you like to do this?

Shambhavi Chopra: For me most important which is not just a mere mantra but the essence

of this shakti is Jai Ma Guru, salutations to the mother goddess as mother earth, mother nature, the cosmic heaven, so it’s a very deep and beautiful salutation, Jai Ma Guru to everyone.

Laura Cornell: Jai Ma Guru. Okay. Well so this is we are play a gift that Shambhavi has

given us, this is from her CD Yogini Bhava which is the feeling of the yogini, the essence, the heart feeling of the shakti mantras to invoke the divine within and this is the, which track is this that you have recommended for us here? The Mangal Kaamna Avahana, which is auspicious.

Shambhavi Chopra: Yes. Laura Cornell: Mangal, auspicious. Shambhavi Chopra: To Durga. [0:15:00] Laura Cornell: So we are going to play that now and I encourage everyone just to sit in a

comfortable position, I’m sitting and I’m going to cross my legs here comfortably and I love that idea of Soma that you have brought in, I wasn’t expecting that Shambhavi but I just love that idea that rejuvinative force that liquid nourishment that we all need, we live in water, we live in essence, the juiciness and as women --

Shambhavi Chopra: Yes. Laura Cornell: -- we want that juiciness in our lives and the heart opening -- Shambhavi Chopra: Soma. Laura Cornell: It’s beautiful. So I’m just breathing into that and feeling that softness,

that liquid in my joints, in my heart and sending that out to all the women listening with us today. The women who will listen later and all the women and men preparing the telesummit, so many more who will be blessed later through this, so bringing in the beautiful chanting.

Chanting Here: “Ma Durga is the Supreme Mother Goddess symbolizing invincibility and

Shakti. In her benign role as Durga Tarini, she takes us across the waters

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of difficulties, eliminating all our problems and sorryows. The beautiful verses of the Mangal Kaamna mantra invoke the Devi to remove all negativity, misfortune and fear. As Shiva’s consort the Goddess protects and nurtures every devotee.

Sarva-mangala-mangalye shive sarvarthya sadhike Sharanye tryambake gauri narayani namo’stu te Sharanagatadinarta-paritranaparayane Sarvasyarttihare devi narayani namo’stu te Sarvasarupe sarveshe sarvasaktisamanvite Bhayebhayastrahi no devi Durge devi namo’stu te” Laura: So thank you Shambhavi for sharing that chanting with us. Shambhavi Chopra: You’re welcome. Laura Cornell: Yeah. So one of the things that I ask myself in my life and that I know

that a lot of the yoga teachers that I’ve worked with because I mentor yoga teachers to become a clear channel for the divine feminine and to honestly to feel more confident and more happy and more blissful in their teaching and in growing the business so that they feel that they can heal and bless more people rather than having fierce and doubts hold them back. What do you think is the most important thing for a woman to be doing to become that clear channel for the divine feminine so we can heal and bless the planet?

Shambhavi Chopra: When we work with special contemporary and traditional teaching for

drawing the mother goddess’s power into our daily lives, to inspire and guide seekers to deepen their individual awareness and expand with love and courage into the path of gyan or wisdom, joy and happiness. Mother Earth and Mother Nature are channels of pure abundance and we have to learn to be rhythm with its sacred vibrations drawing in their auspicious grace into our lives. The divine feminine force is a manifestation of this earth and nature. So rituals, prayer, yogic practices and mantra sadhana are very essentials tools for drawing in this power of shakti or the goddess force, and allowing us to harmonize with cosmic universe. We all need to awaken that Devi Shakti or goddess power within us for which the Hindu tantra tradition has extensive teachings and practices developed over many centuries.

So basically having or creating that awareness of tapping the divine shakti

power in mother earth and Mother Nature is really the key to channel this energy and grace.

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Laura Cornell: Can you give us an example of one ritual that you would recommend for women today?

Shambhavi Chopra: There is a very beautiful ritual is to mix some milk and water with little

honey and offer it to the chandrama or the moon. So basically that ritual offering of the liquid is really harmonizing that Soma factor of the moon and when we honor something and that grace flows into our live because we are being receptive in that moment of surrender.

Laura Cornell: Yes. When I was in India, I remember seeing in some of the temples

there would be liquid falling down from the roof of the temple pouring on to the Shiva lingam and down from there into the yoni.

Shambhavi Chopra: Yes. Laura Cornell: Is that what you, is that what you mean like taking actual liquid mixing

milk and water and I’m thinking in my own kitchen, I’ve never done this at home, I’ve just seen it in a temple taking milk and water and a few drops of honey and taking it outside on a full moon, how would you do that Shambhavi?

Shambhavi Chopra: Yes you just take it in a you know usually a copper vessel most viable but

you can take it in any little bowl and then with your right hand you lift some of the liquid and sprinkle it and offer it while looking at the moon doing your mantra’s or saying a prayer. You can do it in you home.

Laura Cornell: And I love that about looking at the moon and just like we look at the sun

in the day also planning to look at the moon -- Shambhavi Chopra: Yes. Laura Cornell: -- [laugh] because so often we miss the moon. Shambhavi Chopra: Oh yes, we don’t have time that we are busy watching television or

something else [laugh]. Laura Cornell: Yeah. Shambhavi Chopra: But we once in a while Laura Cornell: I agree with you that the -- it might seem very simple just to mix you

know milk and water and honey, but the act of actually doing it is something that is -- how can I say this -- its unnecessary in a practical

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sense, we need to cook to live but we don’t need to sprinkle milk and honey and water but doing that’s the only reason to do it is to honor that bliss.

Shambhavi Chopra: Right. Laura Cornell: The only reason to do it is for bliss and love. And so saying I’m going to

take a sacred time to do this and I’m going to sit down and say my prayers, I’m going to sit down and feel my love for the moon, for the Chandra, Chandrama as you said the dear Moon Mother and sprinkling that water whether its indoors or outdoors and saying I’m going to give myself time to give myself to love, how beautiful.

Shambhavi Chopra: It’s the nurturing aspect really. Laura Cornell: Yeah, yeah that’s beautiful. What -- I know that you were born in India

Shambhavi, when you -- I would love to hear a little bit more about when you came to the United States and what’s your impressions of women in world today and the struggles that they faced and what has really impressed you of perhaps the differences between women in India and women in the United States and what we might need?

Shambhavi Chopra: Well I think women all over the world are the same in that women hold

the intrinsic shakti or power of the Mother Goddess no matter which part of Mother Earth we are residing in and this is what they should empower not simply imitating or competing with that male energy. Today it is feminine aspect of our being needs to be I would say reactivated, nurtured and revered once again and now it is time to harness our innate ability to go beyond our conditioning which limits our perspective of life and growth. And what I feel is that even when I came to the US, the women who were on the yogic path are very dedicated, they have a personal sadhana everyday, they are doing rituals, they are guiding people but I still feel that in the west a certain sense of that nurturing is lacking, yeah, you know because I guess life is so difficult here we all have to compete, they are competing with the men in their workplaces but shakti is not about that competition.

Laura Cornell: Right Shambhavi Chopra: Of course we need to be competent, there are two different spheres

here, we need to be efficient, we need to be educated, we need to be self sufficient earning, being able to take care of ourselves but that doesn’t mean we do away with that nurturing.

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Laura Cornell: Yeah. Shambhavi Chopra: So that nurturing needs to be drawn in, into our lives again. Laura Cornell: I love that and I so relate to what you are saying Shambhavi and I love

some of the distinctions you just made, the difference between competition

that shakti is not competitive, you know there is two flowers and they are

not competing for which is the most beautiful they are just both beautiful, there is no competition, there is just joy and love being radiated from the flowers and the shakti is like that but that we do want to be competent, in other words we want to be skillful and to know how to do our profession, to know how to live our lives with competence and efficiency. I agree with you and I also really resonate with what you are saying about the nurturing aspect, I think that -- one of the things I remember from one of my teachers said to me that we are all teachers for each other all the time. She said the goddess will not be rushed.

And I think there is something about you know I know from myself when

I’m trying to accomplish or to complete a project that I care so much about, lets say this telesummit, the tendency can be to feel oh, we have to finish the web page, oh we have to finish the --

Shambhavi Chopra: I know. Laura Cornell: -- that email but in that the goddess will not be rushed, in other words

the true essence of the divine feminine you have to slow down to feel that Soma that moisture, you have to slow down to feel that juiciness even in accomplishing a competent goal and its not about competing with anyone else, then the juiciness gets lost.

Shambhavi Chopra: It dries up the Soma. Laura Cornell: Yes. And I think that’s where the nurturing comes in is in taking time for

the pouring the milk and the water or the sprinkling it and looking at the moon just for pure love of beauty of the moon and the beauty of nature and beauty of the divine feminine that animates our entire life that can help with the nurturing.

Shambhavi Chopra: Right. Laura Cornell: You know something you said Shambhavi is coming back to me, you

talked about the divine feminine, the essence of being a mother is over

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flowing with abundance. I want to talk about that a little bit, I’m not personally a biological mother, in other words I don’t have my own biological children. I certainly consider myself a mother in many ways and creativity and there is many children in my life that I love and I’m related to but when I talk with mothers today who have their own biological children I don’t think many of them feel abundant. I mean some of them do overflow with that abundance but a lot of times they feel busy or depleted and it’s hard to be a mother and also be a yogini or have time for their own practice. I’d love if you want to say anything to actual mothers and how does that relate to abundance in today’s world?

Shambhavi Chopra: Well I think having children no doubt is the -- a divine grace and it helps

us to nurture and more than ever it tells us to complete the cycle of womanhood.

Laura Cornell: Yeah. Shambhavi Chopra: You know the power of being able to create and bring into this world

another divine being is a miracle no doubt and I agree that in today’s world its not easy because all mothers have to work, they have to bring you know the extra money into the home, educate the children but I think the key to balancing this act is before retiring if we take out about half an hour just to surrender to that magical force of the divine feminine where we perform a ritual just for ourselves as a woman first, you know light a diya or a ghee lamp, light an incense, offer some flowers and just sit in quite silence even if you don’t want to do anything specific like offer a prayer or a mantra but that silence time really reinforces the Soma which sometimes has been rushed during the hectic activity of the day, so woman need to resort back to that peace and harmony and quite, no matter what. And I’ve felt in my own experience as a mother is that at moments where I felt life and situations were out of control, the easiest thing for me was to surrender to the Devi, the divine feminine form.

And really she stepped forward and would give the solution. So life is not

easy, I don’t say having children today is at all easy but those same children can help us nurture our deeper soul stirring.

Laura Cornell: Oh Shambhavi I have to tell you I feel close to tears right now, this is

really, really touching me on a deep level. So you have raised your own children.

Shambhavi Chopra: Yes, yes I have two sons not at all easy and the modern generation they

all have minds of their own, so you need to respect and give them that space.

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Laura Cornell: Yes, yes. I think one of the things that really touched me in what you are

-- when you were talking about lighting the ghee lamp at night and I’m assuming most people on our teleconference will know what that is but in case anyone doesn’t, this is clarified butter that then you burn in a lamp and something about the image Shambhavi I’m thinking about my own house and I’m in a place right now where I’m living in a very small space and it’s a time of almost cocooning for me, I realized that this is a -- I’m being nourished by the mother goddess in a cocoon by living here and it was my husband and -- sometimes it feels hard to find the corner of my house. We do have altars and beautiful pictures around and pictures of gurus and Ma Durga is sitting right here behind my computer. One of my wonderful yoga clients, yoga teacher Laxmi gave me this beautiful Durga who smiles at me on her lion, so we have many sacred objects and -- but something at that image of sitting down and lighting a candle before and saying those prayers, you are bringing tears to my eyes I have tell you.

Shambhavi Chopra: flowers, those flower heal us really. Laura Cornell: Yeah. Shambhavi Chopra: Again we are connecting with mother earth and Mother Nature. You see

the goddess is not any religion or concept. She is our and everybody’s reality, no matter --

Laura Cornell: Yeah. Shambhavi Chopra: -- what name you give her, what form you give her. I live in Santa Fe and

we have the most mystical form of Lady of Guadalupe, she is absolutely beautiful. You know I revere and honor her because she is also the Devi, she holds the Durga energy that’s what I see.

Laura Cornell: Absolutely. But I want to go back to this because there is something

that’s touching me about the night time for us as woman and you talked about early morning, you talked about really bringing the Soma into our daily lives and rituals that do this and so you have talked about a moon ritual, a Chandra ritual with the milk and honey and now just the simple thing of being quite before bed time and I’m guessing you would also really recommend the morning time as a sacred time and I’m thinking about the what’s happening now with computers and I want to talk with you a little bit about this because our world, you know every time there is a transition to a new way of sharing information, it’s a cultural evolution, so for many years there was just chanting to remember the sacred text and then they became rich and that was a huge cultural revolution and

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then there was the printing press, again a cult revolution, I think we are going through a massive revolution right now to the internet.

And I believe we haven't quite learned how to use it and to bring it into

our spiritual lives and its just a reminder for me because computer is something and I talked to so many of clients about this and I find it in my own life, how important it is to turn it off at the right time, so we have that sacred space. I don’t know how you manage that because I know you have your Facebook page with you and Vamadeva, how is that working for you to integrate.

Shambhavi Chopra: We do have people who help us, Yogi Baba Prem he helps us and we

really only put out teaching and you know special messages out on Facebook, so we don’t use it for the nitty-gritty like I’m out for dinner and things like that. I think that’s what really absorbs most people’s time.

I mean Facebook is great but it cannot take over your lives within what is

happening is we are living in this virtual reality which is becoming very dangerous.

Laura Cornell: Yeah. Shambhavi Chopra: So there is time and place for everything and that sacredness must even

flow in to how we use the Facebook with grace -- Laura Cornell: Yes. Shambhavi Chopra: -- you know that everything -- Laura Cornell: I like that. Shambhavi Chopra: -- we put up on Facebook should have deeper message to it not about

just dinners and little pictures and you know this should all have a deeper meaning then even that Facebook would be our spiritual heaven.

Laura Cornell: Yeah. I like that and you do have a beautiful Facebook page, I enjoyed

seeing so many picture -- Shambhavi Chopra: Oh thank you. Laura Cornell: -- you and the rivers, or you with the rituals, very beautiful, so -- Shambhavi Chopra: So we try and share message through Facebook.

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Laura Cornell: Yeah. So you have been through quite a lot in your life, I didn’t realize that Shambhavi that you have raise two sons and now you are living a life of travelling and teaching, what has helped you to grow into the different roles in your life so that you have been able to become such a leader and a teacher on a high level today.

Shambhavi Chopra: Well actually one has learned to you know just balance ones life and for

me personally powerful shakti, spiritual practices and rituals allow me to continuously ground my energies and cultivate nurture and hold that Soma or rejuvenative power of this shakti force. So my own experience with shakti mantras, yogic practices allows the grace to flow continuously in my life on a daily basis. So this includes the inner reservoir of shakti that I have developed through years of sadhana in the Himalayan temples and sacred sites where the goddess power is very strong. I also regularly access the goddess power in nature around me through flowers, aromas, rituals using the elements of fire and water. So I think one has learnt to celebrate the presence of every moment and the delight of shakti whether in my sadhana or even being out in the world of maya.

Laura Cornell: I love that term you use of developing a deep inner reservoir. It’s like it

really -- we are coming back to this image again of soma, the liquid is like we have that inner pond that deep reservoir it’s almost like below the surface.

Shambhavi Chopra: That you can dip into. Laura Cornell: That you can dip into like we dip into a river -- Shambhavi Chopra: Yeah. Laura Cornell: -- you know I did have the grace when I was in India to be at different

places on the Ganges river, Ma Ganga and I’m wondering if there is one story or one favorite place you could tell us from your life to just kind of bring an image or a picture to our mind of something beautiful, so we can visualize that sacred river together.

Shambhavi Chopra: Well it is part of everything that we do in the focus of our work to bring

this shakti into the world and share it with other, with deeper teachings. So while yoga shakti spiritual seekers from around the world to immerse in these sacred practices and rituals of the divine feminine energies and that’s where we teach shakti sadhana spiritual practices of mantra, ayurveda, jyotish or vedic astrology, meditation because this then helps them when they go back to their home to embody the continuous flow of divine grace in their life. So women really need to learn the art of

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nurturing and healing at a deeper level, beginning with individual self. So specially our Ma Ganga Yoga Shakti Retreat which we have every year in March is on the banks of Ma Ganga above Rishikesh. So it’s a very quite, it’s a beautiful place where Anandamayi Ma the beautiful Indian woman saint used to spend a lot of time. So when they go to these power points of shakti, we can really tap into that divine grace.

So for us that Ma Ganga Yoga Shakti Retreat is really a celebration and

it’s beautiful to see how sadhaks and seekers from all over the world come, on day one they all have their stress, they all have their issues, their little baggage and then on day two, day three we see them through the rituals, through the sacred offerings through the chanting, how they begin to drop let go. And learn the art of surrender. I think for us that is very important that we learn the art of surrender and then we see the glow that shine, that fire coming into their eyes. So I think our retreats are more for celebration and enjoyment where we use you know flowers and ghee lamps and we have aarti with the fire, we have sacred rituals everyday to the different planets governing the day so its really a celebration, very beautiful aspect of our life.

Laura Cornell: Beautiful, beautiful, thank you. I would like to play another chant and

this one is the lets see the Maha Kali Sloka, do you want to say anything about that?

Shambhavi Chopra: It’s a very powerful sloka and this has been my offering to the sweet and

gentle blissful form of Ma Kali. To understand Ma Kali one needs to meditate on the sloka where though it’s about her weapons but yet it brings out her vulnerability to protect every seeker and the guidance that flows with -- very deepening experience.

Laura Cornell: I love that I’ve never heard anyone talk about Kali as being vulnerable. Shambhavi Chopra: I think we reflect our harshness on her. Laura Cornell: Yeah, yeah. So let’s play this and just listen here with you. Chanting: “The transformational power of the feminine is unveiled through

invoking Ma Kali with love and devotion. To realize the dawn of enlightenment, we must pass through the dark night of sacrifice and the dissolution of the ego. Ma Kali represents this process of purification, gently preparing us to accept the grace of Soma, the golden nectar which is Sundari Devi, who represents awakening and illumination.

Om hrim srim krim parameshvari kalike

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Hrim srim krim svaha” Laura Cornell: Thank you for that beautiful chanting. Shambhavi Chopra: Welcome. Laura Cornell: So is there anything else you’d like to say to our listeners, any message

you would like to give. Shambhavi Chopra: I think I would love to say that each one of us we need at this time and

place to reinvent the graciousness of our shakti force through nurturing and harmonizing our lives at a deeper inner level and when we are nurtured we feel vibrating at the highest level with this cosmic universe. The universe will embrace our shakti. So it is this nurturing that we need to bring back into our lives, not simply trying to become powerful outwardly but holding the grace and peace inwardly. The shakti is born of shanti or peace.

Laura Cornell: Very beautiful, very beautiful. I feel like you have given us so much today

Shambhavi, I think you have taken us to a very deep place which will hold and sustain the telesummit over this next week and I feel the grace and peace from your presence, from your words, from the very steady reminders that you have always taken us back to that shakti within it and feeling that the universe will embrace our shakti, I love that, yeah.

Shambhavi Chopra: It’s been a great honor to share you know because that’s what's

important in this simple sharing we create an awareness. Laura Cornell: Yeah. And I want to remind -- Shambhavi Chopra: Being aware of the -- Laura Cornell: I want to remind all of our listeners that we have links to the website for

all of our presenters, so if you want to learn more about Shambhavi on our sponsor’s page there is a link to more information about Shambhavi and find out more. Is there anything else you want to say about how people can connect with you Shambhavi?

Shambhavi Chopra: Well they can go to our website which www.vedanet.com and all our

teachings are there, we also have a page with Dr. Frawley and myself on Facebook and our teaching are there and now we also have a Yogini Shambhavi Shakti Dharma page on Facebook, so that’s really the

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teachings for women, the rituals, the shakti, informing everyone and sharing our experiences with everyone.

Laura Cornell: Well thank you so much Shambhavi. I know that I’m not the only one

thanking you but that all the women listening are sending you a blessing that you may have safe travels if you go to the many countries you travel to visit and safe travels and that you maybe preserved for long life [laugh] where there is a Soma made, be very active in you and that you may continue to shower your beautiful blessing of the Divine Mother that you are channeling so lovely, such a beautiful way for all of us. I thank you very profoundly from the bottom of my heart.

Shambhavi Chopra: Thank you so much, its been such an honor really to even be here and

share with everyone that you have made this possible for everyone is also a divine blessing and I hope to interact again and whenever you feel you need a little dose of Soma or shakti, we are willing to share with you and everybody else so much. Jai Ma Guru.

Laura Cornell: Jai Ma Guru. Namaste.
