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Into the golden Age - Giuliana Conforto · 2013-07-30 · Into the Golden Age 11 In order to...

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7 Into to the Golden Age We are living an overwhelming, quicker and quicker transformation. Hidden truths are emerging at an accelerated rate, sweeping away the illusions and arrogance of any power. It is a widespread feeling and a certainty for me: this world no longer functions. A more and more acute madness is gripping it in a crisis that affects all levels, human, social and political. “Democracy” would stand for “government of the people”. Does it serve the people’s interests, ensure equitable resources distribution, equal opportunities and the health of humanity and the planet? No, it is evident. “Democratic” governments are not such; they depend on a international ownership network, a sort of “super-entity”, affecting global market competition and financial stability, a worldwide control of humanity’s activities, under the helm of military power. This is a common intuition and the outcome of many studies too. People yearn for justice, prosperity and well-being. A few want utopia, individual freedom and collective harmony. Always dreamed, utopia appeared as impossible so far. We are all educated to believe in limits that forbid the wealth of all the people. Yet if we now “penetrate the sublime folds of nature”, as Giordano Bruno 1 wrote, we can realize that no limits actually exist. We just ignore the human meaning of the universal forces that operate on every body. Huge and extremely fast changes are affecting what many have felt entitled to despise: matter, in particular, nuclear matter that composes 99,99% of the mass of any visible body. Invisible, but sensitive mutations are especially involving the organic, nuclear matter that makes up our human bodies and brains. Utopia is not a place, but a state of mind that more and more people are naturally achieving. Matter seems to be bound to gravitational attraction. Yet universal expansion is winning it and, spread like the salt, a new consciousness is also 1 Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) was sentenced to death by the Catholic Church.
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Into to the Golden Age

We are living an overwhelming, quicker and quicker transformation. Hidden truths are emerging at an accelerated rate, sweeping away the illusions and arrogance of any power. It is a widespread feeling and a certainty for me: this world no longer functions.

A more and more acute madness is gripping it in a crisis that affects all levels, human, social and political. “Democracy” would stand for “government of the people”. Does it serve the people’s interests, ensure equitable resources distribution, equal opportunities and the health of humanity and the planet? No, it is evident. “Democratic” governments are not such; they depend on a international ownership network, a sort of “super-entity”, affecting global market competition and financial stability, a worldwide control of humanity’s activities, under the helm of military power. This is a common intuition and the outcome of many studies too.

People yearn for justice, prosperity and well-being. A few want utopia, individual freedom and collective harmony. Always dreamed, utopia appeared as impossible so far. We are all educated to believe in limits that forbid the wealth of all the people. Yet if we now “penetrate the sublime folds of nature”, as Giordano Bruno1 wrote, we can realize that no limits actually exist. We just ignore the human meaning of the universal forces that operate on every body.

Huge and extremely fast changes are affecting what many have felt entitled to despise: matter, in particular, nuclear matter that composes 99,99% of the mass of any visible body. Invisible, but sensitive mutations are especially involving the organic, nuclear matter that makes up our human bodies and brains. Utopia is not a place, but a state of mind that more and more people are naturally achieving.

Matter seems to be bound to gravitational attraction. Yet universal expansion is winning it and, spread like the salt, a new consciousness is also

1 Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) was sentenced to death by the Catholic Church.

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Baby Sun Revelation


emerging all over our beautiful planet, a singularity of the universe, the only one that seems to harbor its “unique” observers.

What is Life? As far as I know, no “experts” answer this main question. Life communicates beyond borders and boundaries, regenerates Itself through death and birth. The human species is capable of creativity and great endeavours but reduced to servitude, to exploiting natural resources and fighting amongst ourselves.

Why are we in a world that starves its people and dumps on their shoulders the “debts” of the banks? Because we give credit to their alleged realness, we mistake for “certainties” the usual interpretations of orthodox religions and mechanistic sciences. The former say they “represent” a god terribly interested in human sexuality, whereas the latter have just observed a tiny portion 1% of the whole mass the same sciences calculate. Perhaps not surprisingly, 99% of humanity has hard, contrasting relationships at a public and a private level.

We have now the means to recognize the real scourge that has afflicted all of us for millennia. It is a bipolar communication, tenaciously believing in a non-existent division between good and evil. As I’ll show here, such a bipolar communication ultimately depends on meaningless, vain names and a few dominant ideas. These are our usual concepts of space, time and matter.

     Image 1A – Dark Energy is also present within the human brain. This is a unanimous discovery that was reported in the Scientific American in 2010 as shown on its cover. 

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Into the Golden Age


Gestures, actions, glances, non-verbal languages say much more than the words and greatly make up communication between us. At times, words are also fair and beautiful but the bipolar or, rather, “rational” logic does not allow their practical realization. Politicians are involved in debates, conflicts and alliances, useless to the welfare of the people.

It is now acknowledged that a similar, bipolar communication occurs in the human brain, in its grey matter that… matters to any conflict.2 In common parlance, grey matter has become virtually synonymous with the brain. Yet almost one half of the brain’s volume is not grey but white matter, the densely packed collection of insulated projections of neurons that course between widely dispersed grey matter areas.

If grey matter supposedly “is” the brain, then what is all this white matter doing in our heads? The prevalence of white and grey matter affects how people work together and alone. The former is multitasking, integrates information from many areas, goes beyond local processing; the latter assists in accomplishing singular tasks and keeping focused on a given target. 2 On average the male brain has six times more grey matter than the female brain, while the female brain has ten times more white matter.

Image 2A – The cosmic recipe, recently refined by astrophysicists, shows the ingredients that make up the whole calculated mass.  4% is “normal matter” that just composes the observable universe. Yet no more than 1% of the scanty 4% has been observed up to now.  22% is dark matter that has gravitational effects on “normal matter”. 74% is dark energy that is winning gravity, accelerating the expansion of the 4%. 

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Baby Sun Revelation


White matter, long thought to be a passive tissue, actively affects how the brain learns and functions. The unanimous belief is now that within white matter lies the secret of consciousness, the main key to all human relationships and to a knowledge that is worthy of its name.

"Know thyself", said Socrates thousands of years ago. The crucial step for us to evolve actually is self-observation. Science’s blindness is now revealed by science itself, but many people still mistake it for certainty. Largely neglected for centuries, our white matter appears to provide the essential connectivity, uniting different regions into networks that perform various mental operations; it is like a caring “mother”, which binds all our brain to the infinite and eternal, intelligent and living, Organic Universe.3 This is not the scanty 1% astronomy has explored through telescopes up to now. Human noblest abilities, such as art, poetry and music have always witnessed Its existence. Our brain’s white matter could contribute to them all, but we ignore its functions and sciences are not able to decipher its ways of communicating.

"Another world is possible" say those who, like me, are longing for a new era, full of true justice, prosperity and joy. A New Earth already exists and It is here; It might be what the Gospels have called “Promised Land”. We cannot see It, because It is not composed of the so called “normal matter” that is observable, constrained by gravity and confined by the strong nuclear force. The New Earth can be composed of a “new” kind of matter, independent from the three forces – gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong nuclear force – and able to compose a Super-Nature, full of harmony, coherence and self-organization. It might be the Paradise that is not lost and that more and more people are able to “see” within themselves. Is it illusion or reality? It is the evidence of a new communication that is neither predictable nor repeatable as the scientific method requires.

Paradise can exist since such a “new” kind of matter and/or energy is “dark” for our eyes and instruments, but it is so real as to provoke gravitational, observed effects on the “normal” one. Not only. It is also the evidence of what many myths and legends have already sustained.

3 Organic Universe is also the title of a previous book of mine in English.

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Into the Golden Age


In order to “transit” to the new Earth, an alchemy is necessary.

In contemporary terms, it is a special, cold nuclear fusion that allows us to perceive many, non observable worlds, as I describe here. We can so finally realized that no “god” has ever expelled us. Our “expulsion” just depends on our limited perception and our false belief that reality just is what sciences can observe.

In December 2012, the world did not come to an end. Yet something has happened. The event was invisible, but perceptible and it not only touched those who awaited it all over the planet; it also marked the sunset of an old era and the beginning of the night before the dawn of a new one. The Earth’s Core - the incommensurable Baby Sun to which prophets, myths, musicians and poets have sung praises – has abruptly changed.

Many people have felt it as a new, irresistible sense of freedom, while churches and governments have tried to stay afloat, changed their own faces and attitudes. This was particularly evident in Rome, the seat of papacy. The previous Pope’s exile and the new one’s election were foreseen by many prophecies, evident clues that we are all imbedded into a matrix, whose main script was already written. By using the ways of the Force, the three protagonists of this novel-sage realize that reality is not just the past history we are taught at school. Future has always existed and different futures are now possible. The main Force is Life, and using Its ways is not meditating, nor praying god and not even fighting the reptilian conspiracy, as a few believe. Each of us has a reptilian portion and a human one too. If the ways are the nuclei of our cells, using them implies a “new” communication that is different from all the ones admitted or sponsored up to now. It is a communion that we feel as consciousness, sense of identity; it is what the true “heart” of our body - our emotional brain - could feel if it were not paralyzed by the fear of tomorrow and god’s terrible punishment.

What is Life? If Life manifests Itself through the weak nuclear force as I state, it becomes clear why it abruptly evolves through sudden events. The weak nuclear force is a thousand times faster than the strong one; it can instantly provoke beta radioactivity, hence nuclear mutation, and also nuclear expansion, what we feel as love, friendship, compassion for our

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fellow men. The strong force instead provides attraction, implying control, boundaries and belief in limits, cynical indifference to others’ sufferings.

The two nuclear forces provoke what we feel as love and hate, eros and thanatos, one lightning and, the other, stable. Besides the dominant electromagnetic communication, there is a nuclear communication of which each of us has the reins. If we were aware of it, we would realize that no division between good and evil actually exists. Instead, we think ourselves we depend on an unlikely god who first created sex and than banned. By the way this is the reason why Catholic Church has sentenced Giordano Bruno to death and also why all the religions are so much interested in controlling humans’ sexuality. As physicists discovered, the weak nuclear force also implies a massive flux of neutral messengers - Z bosons – able to link every visible body to the invisible, dark kinds of matter. This massive flux might be what a few call “fifth Force”.

It is universal Love, flowing like an impetuous River from Its Source - the Earth’s Inner Sun - to all the bodies, in my view.

Is the chasm a financial one? No, it is the division between two kinds of communication; the electromagnetic (psyche) is dominant and apparent, believes in counts, virtual values and vain names, while the weak (eros) is much more substantial and important for any individual. This regards sexuality that a millenary machination has divided from love, so making “educated” people behave like robots, just dependent on the electromagnetic type of communication. The issue is not to fight these people, but to realize that they have to be at the service of humanity and not governing it.

“Thanks” to a “knowledge” that ignores what Life is, we believe in the limits of the resources and objectivity of diseases. Faith in religion falters, while the one in science is still indisputable, favoured by its technological achievements and the belief that, sooner or later, it will discover the truth. It will not. The scientific method is formulated in such a way as to exclude human prerogatives, including the one the same method desperately needs: consciousness.

A new communion is emerging at an increasingly accelerated pace, especially after 21/12/2012. Life communicates through eros, love

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Into the Golden Age


and emotions. Science focuses on repetition. Life is a master, a series of unrepeatable experiences, it regenerates our bodies in ultra rapid moments, too short to be observed scientifically, moments that we can experience though. Jesus Christ spoke of “son of man”, Karl Marx of “new man” and Friedrich Nietzsche of “superman”. They are some of the great ones who have announced the Revelation, the liberation from the deceit that has enslaved us up to now.

It is the temporal power, not only the one exercised by the Vatican, which has the intelligence to declare it publicly. It also concerns what actually rules the world: our same belief in a single, linear time, according to which everything “must” be calculated, from the movements of stars to those of finance, from wages to profits and, above all, bank interests that determine people’s “debts”. Orthodox disciplines consider linear time a sort of unique, unchanging and foreign “god”. Two well known theories, the Big Bang and our alleged descent from apes, both support our faith in this same alien, never tested, “god”.

On 22nd and 23rd December 2012, Italy was enchanted with magnificent sunsets, felt the charm of "the hour, which softens the sailors’ heart" as a great Italian poet, Dante Alighieri, sang. Most of us admired nature’s beauty and felt that the sky, with its multiple and magnificent colours, was telling us something...

Life does not make any election. Life makes selection.

Today we have the opportunity to evolve, recognize our true origins, discern between the many possible ways of communication and get rid of the slavery, produced by our same creed in the single linear time. Believing in this false “god” and its derivatives – debts, spread and/or Rating - makes individual life an obstacle race towards death and “democratic” governments pitiless in the face of human suffering. All of our body’s vital processes – orgasm, fecundation, hormone secretion and cell regeneration – are billions of times faster than those of the alleged “single god” and, mainly, able to plan new future.

These facts demonstrate that there is no “single god”. Moreover, all nature is changing at ultra rapid rhythms and this is only mentioned in passing on TV. An example is the summer of 2012: the ice at the poles melted at a level that, according to scientific models, would only be

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reached in 2020. “Experts” do not know what is happening to the Earth, they “forget” that there is not only one “kind of matter”.

The “end of the world” did not happen on 21st December 2012 nor, in my opinion, will there ever be an end. The wondrous goal of Life is evolution, this implies a formidable transit to which we can all contribute, if we want. It is annihilating the power that has afflicted us for millennia, that of our bipolar mind, the author and victim of the common madness, the confusion between virtual and vital values, the reason why mankind is ready to undersell itself and to sacrifice the quality of its own life for a handful of dollars, euros or yens.

Is the world’s problem the economy? No, it is ignorance.

We do not know how Life regenerates Itself, why we are born, live and die, why we suffer to achieve goals that vanish like mirages in the desert and fade away in front of the great “mystery”, death. We know that the observable universe – barely 4% of the whole calculated mass – has been accelerating its expansion over the past few decades.

The cause is a “mysterious” dark energy – 74% of the whole mass – a huge universal, unlimited force that also acts in our brains.

Universal expansion is winning over gravitational attraction. Several books talk about the “law of attraction”, which means the desire to have.

Expansion is proposed here to those who want to be the protagonists of the evolution that expands their own perception.

The human brain has extraordinary potentials, blocked by false beliefs such as the uniqueness of matter and/or time. Such a uniqueness is widely disproved, but scientific minds don’t admit they don’t know what matter is and not even what time is. Yet the tragedies of the observable matrix depend on the so-called “normal” matter that composes it.

A cold nuclear fusion is necessary to allow the levitation of this matrix, as Jesus Christ has testified. Christian religions call it “the resurrection of the body” and make us believe it is a miracle. It is instead the natural event that is now quickly changing heaven and earth; it is the overwhelming evolution in which we, “terrestrials”, can all participate if we want. This is what the protagonists’ cross-research shows.

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A cold nuclear fusion is occurring everywhere, provoking a global warming that is not at all a risk, but a change that makes us live longer. Weather Heats Up, Deaths Drop. The evidence comes from many studies, published in the prestigious International Journal of Biometeorology.

As you can read here, every human being can accomplish this same nuclear fusion within her/his own body, so as to participate in the transit towards a new era. The ways of the Force – Life - are all the instant and intelligent interactions with the weak nuclear current, the massive flux of neutral messengers that penetrate every body. These ways imply each one’s cosmic copulation with Life, the universal Force able to link infinite universes, to heal our body and free our mind from the fear of death. Focusing in these fleeting moments, we do dilate the rate of time. Thus we realize that, although fleeting, these moments can have permanent effects, more and more evident at a social level. The worldwide “crisis” actually is the great opportunity for us to realize that “we are in this world, but not from this world” as Jesus Christ claimed. Life is the Way, the Truth that allows us to participate in the forthcoming Event. It is our Rebirth, the consciousness of what we truly are.

Trusting a “knowledge” that ignores the beneficial effects of the weak nuclear current on all organisms, we have also ignored why and how the Earth has abruptly renewed itself many times.

We are the victims and promoters of a mechanistic mentality that consumes energy and pretends to ignore the infinite and eternal Source of Life, the Baby Sun at the Earth’s centre.

This has changed in December 2012, as the protagonists here realize.

Therefore human evolution is looming fast, revealing itself as a radical and peaceful cultural revolution, a transition between the sunset of our lower mind and the dawn of our Higher Mind. The former is our bipolar grey matter, the latter is our white matter, able to communicate with Life, realize the overall connectivity, independently from space and time. The “extinction” of the lower mind is the end of a mindset that has trusted the so dreaded “resource limitations” all powers still boast. If Life is a nuclear Force as I propose, energy “limits” are all false, derived from our global belief in the single “god” – linear time – and in all the ideas or gods bowing before its alleged sovereignty.

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Today, the poor lower mind trudges and no longer finds itself in the usual and already obsolete framework. It is the “triumphant beast” as Giordano Bruno called it, facing a situation it perceives as dramatic: the “death” of the ideas with which it has identified itself, similar to the “second death” the Gospels mentioned too, an operation that early Christians called “tauroctony” and carved in the numerous mithraea of that period. These were the places where the great heresies grew. Jesus was a man, a king of another world.

He said so in the New Testament. The First Council of Nicaea, 325 A.D. made him consubstantial with the Father, God.

The beast is our lower mind that works like a beast, bound to the idea of limits and sin, as well as the belief that they are the effects of divine punishment. “Killing the bull” is the necessary step for whoever wants true freedom and overall prosperity; it means quietening his/her own robotic mind and learning how to use his/her own Higher Mind. It is our white matter, the most substantial and noble portion of our brain, the biological seat of Consciousness.

Neuroscientists have finally recognized its crucial functions, but not its language that is not based on electricity, mathematics or the much-praised quantum physics. Useful for successful technologies, quantum physics is also facing its own crisis. It ignores what Consciousness is.

 Image 3A – Tauroctony is the ‘killing’ of the lower mind that believes in energy limits and works like a beast, in order to survive in a world that it considers as being resourceless.  By ‘killing’ and silencing it, humans discover the infinite Resource: Life. 

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The global crisis doesn’t just concern finances, but human dignity, suppressed by a “knowledge” that worships false idols and disregards the universal language through which humans and universes communicate. It is similar to a cinema language, with action and sceneries, dialogues and passions, the need for love, friendship and real justice as well as music and singing. In this book, by using this kind of communication and “killing the bull”, the protagonists, three physicists and old friends, rediscover the Source of Life, the Sol Invictus, the living Heart in the Earth’s centre. By comparing their cross-research with seismic data, they also recognize that the Sol Invictus is not just an idea of Mithraism, that ancient cult that has faded into oblivion.

The Source of Life is the Earth’s crystalline core, the Baby Sun, which is quickly changing and unveiling Itself to humanity.

Therefore “killing the bull” is needed for evolving, so as to transit into the Golden Age. This is not the fall of authentic research, but of the false interpretations that have hitherto prevailed. Our own deafness has hidden the wondrous OPERA, that the Crystalline Baby Sun instantly and eternally composes. In this book, the protagonists rediscover the OPERA’s numerous tracks, including Mozart's Magic Flute. Listening to It means recognizing Its different tempos, finding again lost memories, using the nuclear, vital communication that sciences still ignore and that religions have always repressed.

The Baby Sun is invisible, since It does not emit the electromagnetic light our eyes can see. Yet It co-moves, makes all the organisms alive and us, humans, able to witness Its extraordinary OPERA.

This book is not recommended for those seeking a synthesis between science and spirituality, or feeling the need for scientific "certainties". It is for those, who are sincerely looking for the meaning of eternal and universal Life.

The solar system is completely inverted, because of the complete inversion of our human perception. .

Everyone believes in the Copernican revolution, not knowing that its calculations are based on one principle – the Copernican one (an

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empty, isotropic, homogeneous space) - that spaceflights have by no means confirmed. Manned spacecraft have never overcome the outer Van Allen belt (50,000 km) and usually navigate lower than the inner one, at about 500-700 km high and, in vast areas of the planet, even narrower. Unmanned probes, however, have gone beyond both of them. The two Voyagers, launched in 1977, have reached the solar system’s edge, but… did they overcome it? This is not clear, also because the “edge” might not be… such.

Ptolemaic astronomy is revaluated and recognized as the foundation of an astrology that is evolving like everything else. Thanks to recent data, the protagonists in this book realize that the "crystalline spheres" - the Ptolemaic astronomers spoke of - are not naïve ideas. They are various plasma populations, not solid minerals of course, but liquid crystals, confined by magnetic fields; they are like distorting and selective4 mirrors, able to reflect images, refract and diffract light, hence create those special effects that might appear to us as space distances.

The sky is a hall of mirrors, an interactive cosmic game.5

4 Selective means that images are different and depending on the wavelength 5 LUH, Mans’ Cosmic Game is another book of mine.


Image 5A – Most manned spaceflights take place 

between the solid surface and the inner Van Allen belt.  

In earlier times the inner belt was about 1,000 km in 

altitude, but it has been descending at lower heights. In vast zones of the planet. 

See later on.  

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Every human being can now become self-conscious, "see" and "feel" within what many have already witnessed. The observable matrix into which we still seem to be imbedded is not real Reality. The matrix is one phase of an interactive game, a 3D movie, critically dependent on the peculiar, nuclear state of the matter, which composes all observable bodies, including our human ones.

I do not invite you to believe me. As you might have guessed, I do not like believers. I appeal to those who want to overcome the apparent boundaries, fully use their own potentials so as to contribute to an organic society without privileges and with so much prosperity, able to quench its thirst of love at the eternal Source of Life: the Crystalline Core at the Earth’s centre, the Baby Sun.

For this purpose, two "catastrophes" are needed: one concerning perception and the other one, conventional "knowledge". Both are painless for those who love Life. This book addresses the pioneers who are willing to face them.

I hope it will be helpful.

Giuliana Conforto

    Image  5A  –  A  perceptive catastrophe  example.  Is  this  a vase  or  two  faces  facing  each other?  (Kanizsa,  G.  Legrenzi,  P. Sonino, M., Katz, D., 1946).
