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Intorduction Humidification Lecture Slides PDF

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  • 8/10/2019 Intorduction Humidification Lecture Slides PDF




    Dr. Muhammad Tayyeb Javed


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  • 8/10/2019 Intorduction Humidification Lecture Slides PDF



    Increasing the amount of vapours present in the

    as stream is calledHumidification

    Reducing the amount of vapours present in thegas stream is calledDehumidification

    e.g. drying of solids, air conditioning, gas


    Humidity, H (mass of vapour associated with a unit mass of dry gas)

    Humidity of Saturated Gas,H0(when it is saturated with vapour at a

    g ven empera ure

    Percent Age Humidity, (H/ H0*100)


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  • 8/10/2019 Intorduction Humidification Lecture Slides PDF


    HumidificationHumid Heat, s (heat required to raise unit mass of dry gas and its

    associated vapour through unit temperature difference at constant


    Humid Volumeis the volume occupied by unit mass of dry gas and its

    associated vapour

    Dew Pointis the temperature at which the gas is saturated with vapour.

    As a gas is cooled, the dew point is the temperature at which


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  • 8/10/2019 Intorduction Humidification Lecture Slides PDF


    Percentage Relative Humidity

    , w

    When gas is almost saturated or when

    partial pressure is a small portion of

    total pressure, then % age humidity is


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  • 8/10/2019 Intorduction Humidification Lecture Slides PDF


    Wet Bulb Temperature At equilibrium the rate of heat transfer from the gas just balances that

    required to vaporize the liquid and the liquid is said to be at the wet-

    bulb temperature

    temperature and the rate of flow of gas past the liquid surface

    Rate of heat transfer from gas to liquid

    The liquid evaporating into the gas is transferred by diffusion from the

    interface to the gas stream as a result of a concentration difference (c0-

    c), c0is conc. of the vapour at the surface and c is conc. in the gas stream

    Rate of evaporation is

    Pwand Powmay be expressed in terms of respective

    humidit if these both ressures are smaller as

    compared to P. Then (P-Pw) and (P-Pwo) may bereplaced by a mean partial pressure of gas PA


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  • 8/10/2019 Intorduction Humidification Lecture Slides PDF


    Wet Bulb TemperatureEquating

    At normal temperatures, (h/hD) is virtually independent of the

    gas velocity provided this is greater than about 5 m/sec.

    e we - u empera ure w epen s on y on e empera ure

    and the humidity of the gas and values normally quoted are

    determined for comparatively high gas velocities

    For Air-Water system, the ratio (h/hDA) is about 1.0 kJ/kg K andvaries from 1.5 to 2.0 for organic liquids


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  • 8/10/2019 Intorduction Humidification Lecture Slides PDF


    Adiabatic Saturation TemperatureIf the gas is passed over the liquid at such a rate

    that the time of contact is sufficient for

    equilibrium to be established, the gas will

    become saturated and both phases will be

    brought to the same temperature

    In a thermally insulated system, sensible heat

    equals latent heat

    As a result of continued passage of the gas, the

    temperature of the liquid gradually approaches

    an equ r um va ue w c s nown as e

    adiabatic saturation temperature

    if the liquid is continuously circulated, the

    empera ure o e qu a e op an o om,and of the gas at top, approaches the AST

    Temp and humidity differences are maximum at

    the bottom and zero at the to

    The rate of transfer of heat and

    mass decreases from bottom to top


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  • 8/10/2019 Intorduction Humidification Lecture Slides PDF


    Adiabatic Saturation Temperature

    Approximately linear relationship between humidity and temperature for allmixtures of gas and vapour having the same adiabatic saturation temperature

    A curve of humidit versus tem erature for ases with a iven AST is known as

    adiabatic cool ing line

    Straight lines of slope (s/) is obtained

    These lines are not exactly straight and parallel because of variations inand s ompar ng o equa ons, s equa o w en s= DA This is the case for most water vapour systems and accurately so whenH =


    h/h s = b is sometimes known as s chrometric ratio, & 1 for air water


    For other systems it is greater than 1 (air-organic liquid 1.3-2.5)

    WBT is always higher than AST


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  • 8/10/2019 Intorduction Humidification Lecture Slides PDF


    Adiabatic Saturation TemperatureWhen Sc and Pr for a mixture of gas-vapour are

    approx ma e y equa o , ew s re a on:

    If unsaturated gas is brought contact,

    simultaneous transfer of heat and mass

    takes place

    The temp of gas falls and its H

    increasesThe temp of the liquid approaches the

    WBT corresponding to the particular

    con on o e gas a a momen


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  • 8/10/2019 Intorduction Humidification Lecture Slides PDF


    Adiabatic Saturation Temperature For a liquid other than water, the adiabatic saturation temperature is

    less than the WBT and therefore in the initial sta es the tem erature

    of the liquid rises

    As the gas becomes humidified, however, its WBT falls and

    consequently the temperature to which the liquid is tending decreases

    as evaporation takes place

    In due course, therefore, a point is reached where the liquid actually

    reaches the WBT of the gas in contact with it oes no rema n a s empera ure, owever, ecause e gas s

    not then completely saturated, and further humidification is

    accompanied by a continued lowering of the WBT

    fall until the gas is completely saturated

    The liquid and gas are then both at the AST


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  • 8/10/2019 Intorduction Humidification Lecture Slides PDF


    Adiabatic Saturation Temperature The air-water system is unique, however, in

    that the Lewis relation holds quite

    accuratel so that the AST is the same as

    the WBT

    If unsaturated gas is brought into contact

    with water at the AST of the gas, there is no

    change, and it remains in a condition of

    dynamic equilibrium through the whole of

    the humidification process,

    represents the conditions of gases of

    constant WBT as well as constant AST

    The change in the condition of a gas as it is This is particularly useful because

    um e w wa er vapour s ere orerepresented by the adiabatic cooling line and

    the intermediate conditions of the gas during

    the process are readily obtained

    normally obtained in practice


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  • 8/10/2019 Intorduction Humidification Lecture Slides PDF


    Humidity DATA for Air-Water System The following quantities are plotted against temperature


    Specific volume of dry gas(linear fn of temperature)

    The saturated volume (increases more rapidly with temperaturethan the specific volume of dry gas because both the quantity and the

    specific volume of vapour increase with temperature)

    Latent heat of vaporization

    Humid heat

    slightly curved since s is a function of humidity)

    Each adiabatic cooling line represents the composition of all gases

    whose adiabatic saturation temperature is given by its point of

    intersection with the 100 % humidity curveFor the air-water system, adiabatic cooling lines represent conditions of

    constant WBT as well and, enable the change in composition of a gas to


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  • 8/10/2019 Intorduction Humidification Lecture Slides PDF


    Psychrometric or humidity chart, refers to a particular total pressure of system

    Based on either the temperature or the enthalpy of the gas


    PMMTcopyrights@ Muhammad Zaman, DCME, PIEAS 13

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  • 8/10/2019 Intorduction Humidification Lecture Slides PDF



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  • 8/10/2019 Intorduction Humidification Lecture Slides PDF



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  • 8/10/2019 Intorduction Humidification Lecture Slides PDF



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  • 8/10/2019 Intorduction Humidification Lecture Slides PDF


    Determination of Humidity

    Chemical Methods

    Determination of Wet Bulb Tem erature

    Determination of Dew Point Measurement of the Change in Length of a Hair or


    Measurement of Conductivity of a Fibre easuremen o ea o sorp on on o a ur ace

    Electrolytic Hygrometry


    Capacitance Meters

    Observation of Color Chan es


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  • 8/10/2019 Intorduction Humidification Lecture Slides PDF


    AST Vs WBT

    The adiabatic saturation tem erature is defined as

    the temperature obtained by an air-water vapormixture if it becomes saturated with water vapor in

    an a a a c process . ,

    The true wet-bulb temperature is determined by a,

    described in Nellis and Klein (2009).


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