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Intro to Harp and Bowl Training

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Intro to Harp and Bowl “The Beauty of God inspires deep, breathing prayer.” – a dream I. WHAT IS INTERCESSION (From IHOP-KC Prayer Manual with some editing and additions) A. Intercession is intimacy Prayer is an exchange of romance. God speaks to us and it moves our hearts. When we speak back to God in agreement with Him, trust is fortified and His heart is moved by our voluntary response of love. God desires to establish and then deepen relationship with us. He desires intimacy with us. He wants us to know His heart and more so, to feel the very emotions of His heart, and then He wants to hear us cry out for the longings of His heart to come to pass. His longings become our longings. It’s partnership at the most intimate level possible. We begin to feel and do what God feels and does. B. Intercession is governmental partnership It is the means by which God’s will is established on earth. God restrains Himself and invites human beings to live out of partnership with His heart. Psalm 115:15-17 (NIV) May you be blessed by the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to man. It is not the dead who praise the LORD, those who go down to silence; John 15: 1-11 Jesus Is the Vine--Followers Are Branches 1 "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch
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Intro to Harp and Bowl “The Beauty of God inspires deep, breathing prayer.” – a dream

I. WHAT IS INTERCESSION(From IHOP-KC Prayer Manual with some editing and additions)

A. Intercession is intimacy

Prayer is an exchange of romance. God speaks to us and it moves our hearts. When we speak back to God in agreement with Him, trust is fortified and His heart is moved by our voluntary response of love.

God desires to establish and then deepen relationship with us. He desires intimacy with us. He wants us to know His heart and more so, to feel the very emotions of His heart, and then He wants to hear us cry out for the longings of His heart to come to pass. His longings become our longings. It’s partnership at the most intimate level possible. We begin to feel and do what God feels and does.

B. Intercession is governmental partnership

It is the means by which God’s will is established on earth. God restrains Himself and invites human beings to live out of partnership with His heart.

Psalm 115:15-17 (NIV) May you be blessed by the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to man. It is not the dead who praise the LORD, those who go down to silence;

John 15: 1-11 Jesus Is the Vine--Followers Are Branches 1"I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples. Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.

Galatians 5:16-26 Life by the Spirit So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law. The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions

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and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

C. Intercession expresses the bridal identity of the church

There is nothing more powerful that can fuel God’s heart to move upon the earth than the cry of His bride, whose desires reflect His own.

D. Intercession is agreement with God

When we ask God to do what He desires to do, we are declaring that we agree that His desires are good, and that His desires have become our desires.

E. Intercession expresses God’s definition of the Church

“For Zion’s sake I WILL NOT HOLD MY PEACE, and for Jerusalem’s sake I WILL NOT REST…”(Isaiah 62:1)“I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; THEY SHALL NEVER HOLD THEIR PEACE day or night. You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, and GIVE HIM NO REST…”(Isaiah 62:6)

“…My house shall be called a HOUSE OF PRAYER for all nations.”(Isaiah 56:7)“…PRAYER ALSO WILL BE MADE FOR HIM (JESUS) CONTINUALLY, and daily. He shall be praised.”(Psalm 72:15)“PRAY WITHOUT CEASING…”(1 Thessalonians 5:17


Harp and Bowl is the name of the prayer model that the International House of Prayer in Kansas City developed to serve their teams in sustaining night and day worship and intercession. It is a term derived from concepts expressed most clearly in the book of Revelation 5:8-14.

When the Lamb had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders bowed down in front of him. Each held a harp and a gold bowl full of incense, the prayers of the saints. They sang a new song: "You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, because you were slaughtered. With your blood you purchased people for God from every tribe, language, people, and nation. You made them a kingdom and priests for our God, and they will reign on the earth." Then I looked, and I heard the voices of many angels, the living creatures, and the elders surrounding the throne. They numbered ten thousands times ten thousand and thousands times thousands. They sang with a loud voice, "Worthy is the lamb who was slaughtered to receive power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and praise!" I heard every creature in heaven, on earth, under the earth, and on the sea, and everything that is in them,

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saying, "To the one who sits on the throne and to the lamb be praise, honor, glory, and power forever and ever!" Then the four living creatures said, "Amen!" and the elders bowed down and worshiped.

Sue Towne wrote: "Harp and Bowl," a kind of combined prayer and worship, is a term which comes from Revelation 5:8. View it as prayer that is sung or spoken while music continues to play, or as worship that includes prayer but does not interrupt the flow of the music. Music brings a prophetic anointing to the prayer, and prayer connects us with the heart of God during worship.

In Rev. 5:8 the prayers of the saints are pictured as incense burning in golden bowls before the throne of God. A duty of the Levitical priests under the Old Covenant was to burn incense, day and night, on a special golden altar in the Holy Place (I Chron. 23:13, Ex. 30:1-10). This burning incense is a picture of prayer, which is pleasing to God, like the smell of incense.

Rev. 8:3-5 shows what happens to "incense prayers" in heaven. They are emptied onto a golden altar. An angel fills a censor with this burning incense and throws some of it onto the earth, releasing judgment--judgment that comes as a result of the prayers of the saints! . . . (See Acts 16:25 – Paul and Silas praying and singing hymns).

When we combine the priestly incense bowl of prayer with the harp of worship, we have a picture of the worship/prayer of heaven from Revelation 5. We have simultaneous worship and prayer--prayers that are sung, played on instruments, or accompanied by song, with complete submission to God, worshipers falling down prostrate before the Lamb. This is a powerful way to worship God--and a powerful way to pray.


Harp and Bowl was designed to be a fusion of worship and prayer employing and submitting to Scripture as the foundation for both. In other words, it is music and lyrics extolling the glory and beauty of the Lord that is integrated into prayer and prayer that is pulled directly and in context from Scripture.

The term "harp" represents the music and "bowl" represents the prayer of the saints (Jesus’ brothers and sisters) that are constantly going up, like incense, before the throne of God. Prayer is sung or spoken along with music. The single focus is not the singers or the musicians, or the room filled with interceding saints but the One being worshiped in such a setting.

Common features of the Harp and Bowl model are:1. A worship leader2. Optionally a team of musicians3. A prayer leader4. Antiphonal singers w/a chorus leader5. The corporate prayer team, which consists of the entire room


A. It sustains Night and Day intercession through enjoyable prayer

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The Lord is creative and He invites us to joyfully engage in agreement over His creation. Harp and Bowl supports the fusion of creativity, joy and agreement. Additionally, and quite practically, Harp and Bowl provides both a roadmap and the rules of the road so people understand where they are going within the context of a communal concert of prayer, how they are getting there and who has the right of way when roles intersect.

Rather than stifle the process, this enables participants to participate with more boldness. Picture a 4-way stop. If each driver knows who has the right of way they can confidently proceed through the intersection without fear and everyone can drive through as their turn comes. There is both safety and flexibility within the structure. It promotes continuity while embracing spontaneity. Here are additional reasons. It:

1. Equips the heart to be empowered with confidence that overcomes fear

2. Enhances flow of the community in cooperation with the Holy Spirit

3. Creates the possibility of a symphony of worship & prayer-we go farther as a symphony

a. Organization/Form – safety in structure

b. Conducive to more corporate engagement in prayer

c. Provides context for complex, multifaceted, diverse yet harmonious expressions

d. Facilitates creative expressions

4. Provides for a fullness only found w/in context of unified prayer

a. Together with all the saints Eph 3:18-19

b. Commanded blessing of unity Ps 133:1-3

c. Prayer in one accord Acts 1:14, Acts 2:1-3, Acts 4:31-35, Acts 5:12

d. With the Holy Spirit, unity breaks the ceiling 2Cor 1:11

5. Supports three values of the House

a. Value 1: Mature Team/Corporate Ministry

b. Value 2: Inclusiveness

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c. Value 3: Centrality of the Word – Focus on God and His Words and not platform

B. It has additional benefits for the community

1. Mature and immature can labor side by side and learn from each other

2. Gifted and growing both have a place to express their gifts corporately

3. Older and younger generations have a place of meeting

4. The scriptures become part of the prayer language of the individual and corporate heart

5. Safety in structure

6. Releases boldness

7. Reproducible

8. Fits all musical and cultural genres


A. Apostolic Intercession

B. Worship With the Word

C. Devotional/Contemplative Worship

D. Prophetic Intercession


A. Corporate Worship

B. Spontaneous Singing: Devotional, Scriptural, in the Spirit

C. Development of a Biblical passage through prayer and antiphonal singing

D. Spontaneous Choruses & Name of the Lord closes it


A. The Worship Leader

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The Worship Leader’s role is to minister to the Lord and engage all of the participants in the room in worshiping Him. The worship leader leads the room in the Beauty Realm of God, extolling His great worth with songs/lyrics that are

theologically sound and focused upon Him.

1. Chooses the “Beauty Realm” - worship songs and chord progressions to work with

2. Provides a canvas for the team/room to paint upon

a. Choose songs that are familiar and easily incorporates room

b. Songs are focused upon ministering to the Lord and inviting the room to focus their attention upon Him alone

c. Introduce new songs gradually

d. Provide chords & lyrics so all may enter in

e. Worship leader may use/re-cycle worship song/choruses through a # of cycles

3. Works with the Prayer Leader and musical team to identify prayer focus and biblical passages to be developed

4. Co-develops non-verbal signals with the musical team and is lead communicator

5. May establish choruses at any time

6. Sets tone for intercessory shift, chord progression and embraces “groove” with the team in order to carry the spoken and sung intercession

7. May direct a “Selah” – no vocals – just instruments

8. Indicates an instrument if prophetic unction is on it – others pull back and support

9. Indicates if a singer has a prophetic unction

10. Indicates move into prayer time through spontaneous singing/ singing in the spirit, etc.

11. Supports, trains and encourages new worship leaders, provides opportunity for them to lead and prepares them to lead the team as well as a team of their own

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B. Musicians

Musicians minister in a supportive role to the worship leader’s focus and as prophetic instrumentalists who assist the larger room in carrying the prayers upon the sounds they form and sustaining prayer through the rhythms and melodies discovered and established.

1. Support the worship leader, the room and the singers

2. Provide musical intonations and rhythms that support the flow of intercession

3. Enjoy creativity that prefers each other – antiphonal playing

4. Minister to the Lord on their instrument

5. Bring new music/worship to the team

C. Antiphonal Singers

Antiphonal singers use the Bible as a songbook, singing and declaring the Word of God along with instruments that accompany the singers. Antiphonal singing is basically a call and response musically. Antiphonal singers pick up the isolated phrase identified by the prayer leader and ruminate/expand upon it until the room is in agreement. In the Harp and Bowl model, their role is to serve the larger priority of incorporating the entire room as part of the prayer team.

1. Echo isolated phrase

2. Paraphrase isolated phrase

3. Develop theme of isolated phrase

4. Guidelines

a. Short songs 3-5 seconds – stay on SAME theme – not multiple themes – You want to unfold the meaning of the passage

b. Sing loudly or not at all – soft singing is confusing to the other singers as to whether it is developing the passage

c. Signal one another by lifting a finger with hand on microphone or hum to signify you have the next song

d. If you would like to help establish a chorus, repeat the phrase once. If the Worship Leader or Chorus Leader doesn’t pick it up – let it go (and do not be offended – they may have missed it or may be moving somewhere else)

D. Chorus Leader

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Within the team of antiphonal singers there is a “chorus leader”, a singer who works with the worship leader by listening to the antiphonal responses and looking for a phrase/melody that can be sung as a “chorus” by the larger team/room. They will pick up the phrase by singing it repeatedly until the entire team can join in agreement with the sung prayer/phrase. The minimum repetition is 8x so the entire room has time to focus their hearts and voices upon the phrase.

1. Listens for, identifies and establishes a chorus that will engage the room

a. Only Chorus Leader & Worship Leader establish choruses (by singing them 8 –10x)

2. Occasional double choruses between WL & CL ok

3. Using a chorus again at a later time is ok

4. Choose easy Choruses w/easy melodies and w/out forcing too many words

5. Corporate prayer choruses help room intercede with one voice “Send Your Spirit Lord”

6. All singers must help by singing together boldly to lead room & keep melody line

7. End by singing the Name of God

E. The Prayer Leader:

The Prayer Leader serves as a bridge between focused worship and focused prayer by identifying/declaring the object or intention of the prayer cycle, the passage of scripture being prayed, narrowing the biblical passage/prayer to an isolated phrase that can be meditated upon by the antiphonal singers and the larger community. They also serve as a coordinator for the room so prayer can either be engaged in as a whole, in small groups, individually, in ministry to one another or in leading a “rapid fire succession” as 15-30 second prayers that are targeted and released specifically upon the identified focus.

1. Establishes prayer focus

2. Communicates prayer direction by reading through the prayer

3. Prays the main burden 1-2 min

4. Isolates a phrase (to 3-5 words)

Choose phrases that are easy to express our heart responses to God

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5. Keeps the phrase before the team and the people

6. May continue to contribute 5 –10 sec. Prayers within flow of HS

7. Keeps each developed theme to 1-2 minutes only unless there is unction on it

Usually one Stanza and 1-3 isolated phrases within the stanza per cycle - 5 Min of antiphonal tops

F. The Room

1. Engages in God’s Beauty

2. Ministers to the Lord in song, dance, other arts

3. Adds agreement to the prayer focus

4. Leads small group prayer & ministry to individuals

5. Becomes the battering ram of prayer in the rapid fire sequences


A. Worship Leader

B. Associate Worship Leader

C. Chorus leader/Singer #1 (Nearest to the Prayer Leader)

D. Singer# 2, etc. down the line

E. Singers on Instruments

F. Prayer Leader is last

G. Additional notes for “the Room” (from the KC prayer manual)

The power to engage in night and day prayer is found in having a heart that enjoys God. Encountering God’s beauty and desire for us is where we most enjoy our primary reward, which is God Himself. Our primary reward is not the breakthrough of revival. Revival is fantastic, but it is our secondary reward. Jesus Himself is our primary reward. We carry this reward inside our hearts. In other words, we live with a fascinated heart as we drink deeply of God’s beauty and desire for us. That is our joy. Here are some tips to engage:

1. Ask God to reveal His beauty to you

2. Read the Word, turning it into dialogue with God.

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a. When we dialogue with God about His Word, we invite Him to tell us about who He is and we open our hearts to the very nature and therefore, beauty, of God.

3. Pray in the Spirit and sing spontaneously

“I will SING WITH THE SPIRIT, and I will also SING WITHTHE UNDERSTANDING.”(1 Cor. 14:14-15)“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teachingand admonishing one another IN PSALMS AND HYMNS ANDSPIRITUAL SONGS, SINGING WTH GRACE IN YOUR HEARTSTO THE LORD.”(Col. 3:16)“Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,SINGING AND MAKING MELODY IN YOUR HEART TO THELORD.”(Eph. 5:19)

a. Our personal prayer language edifies us by renewing our inner man, or, charging our “spiritual battery.” It tenderizes our spirit with the knowledge of God. Praying in the Spirit makes us sensitive to small fragments of divine information. The Lord imparts divine information about whom He is and how to pray.

b. Singing spontaneously releases both the faith and intensity to encounter the manifest presence of God. This opens the human spirit to the Holy Spirit in an enhanced way.

c. The Benefits of Praying and Singing in Tongues:

1. It is a universal benefit. It is not just reserved for those with a special calling.2. It is easy to operate in tongues. It does not require special training.3. It is a free gift to all without the need to earn anything. Therefore, there is no pride of attainment.4. It unifies intercessors instead of isolating them in individual prayer.5. It inspires our spirit rather than leaving us with spiritual dullness before God.6. It focuses our spirit on God rather than requiring the need for constant creative language.7. It has a deep impact reaching the inner man and not just our intellect.8. It expands our capacity in the Lord. In other words, when our spirit is engaged, our mind can still receive from God and others.9. It gives us the ability to continue long hours in prayer without being limited by our human language and affection.10. It is a springboard into other spiritual gifts.

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4. Experience God’s desire

This means to understand and sense, or feel, what God wants do in us, in others and in the events of human history on the earth and into eternity. When the Holy Spirit reveals this information to us, we can actually feel the emotions of God’s heart inside of us. It is an exhilarating sensation that energizes and frees us from wrong mindsets. How do we experience God’s desire?

a. Pray the prayers of Scripture.

Praying the prayers that come from God’s heart enhances the enjoyment of our intimacy with Jesus. Apostolic prayers are prayers that the apostles prayed. The chief apostle is Jesus, and the twelve apostles have prayers recorded in the New Testament. These apostolic prayers are God’s very prayers, or desires.

b. Practice Praying Positive Prayers.

When we pray positive prayers, we enter into the delight of asking for the things that bring pleasure to God. This is a gateway into feeling His desire in our inner man. New Testament Biblical prayers focus on releasing God’s grace instead of hindering or removing negative realities like sin or demons. There is a positive focus on the impartation of good instead of a negative focus on removing the realities of sin. The New Testament focus usually flows along themes of joy, thankfulness and victory.* We do incorporate the negative dimensions of prayer that target confessing, repenting, etc. However, we recognize that they are not the major focus of the New Testament model of praying.

c. Tips to Support Positive Prayer

1. Pray to God instead of talking to people when you pray corporately. Focus on “asking” instead of “explaining.”

2. Speak directly to God – be more conscious that He is watching and listening than that others are watching and listening. This will prompt you to direct your heart toward Him in love and partnership.

3. Lift specific promises of Scripture up to God and ask for their fulfillment in our present day context.

4. Ask for the in-breaking of positive things rather than the removal of negative things.

Example: Negative Prayer: “Father, I ask that You would

remove darkness and deception from the church on Long Island!”

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Positive Prayer: “Father, I ask that Your light and truth would break in upon the church on Long Island!”

*Note: God hears, cares about and discerns all prayer, whether positive or negative. Because of our natural human tendency to become weary and discouraged, praying positive prayer enables us to maintain prayer day by day; helping us engage in joyful supplication rather than trying to bear the emotional weight of negative realities expressed through negative prayer. This is especially relevant in a 24-7 prayer ministry such as IHOP. It is because of both the Biblical model and human dynamics that we encourage positive prayer.

5. Pray on the microphone

Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to pray on the microphone. Praying on the microphone is in no way mandated, but encouraged as a way to engage your heart in intercession and to help lead the prayer meeting. Anyone can do this, no matter what his or her personality, style, or disposition. When you pray on the microphone, you are helping to lead a prayer meeting. The goal is to serve the room. The following are IHOP values that are important to remember when praying on the microphone:

Team ministry – we go farther together Inclusiveness – everyone can participate The centrality of the scripture – God’s language unifies our heart

with His and others.

a. If you wish to pray on the microphone, make your way toward the prayer leader.

b. Be prepared to wait for your turn since the prayer meeting is intermingled with worship and other prayer focuses.

c. Select a New Testament prayer or Old Testament psalm/prophetic decree to pray out of. The “key apostolic prayers” list is a great place to start.

d. Please hold the microphone VERY close to your mouth (to prevent sound feedback in the room).

e. Please do not shout on the microphone, rather speak at a moderate volume level.

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f. You have the option to pray with the singers or not. If you pause, the singers on the platform will begin singing spontaneous prayers. Within every 2-3 short songs, you may interject more short prayerful phrases. In this way, we are going back and forth in team ministry in intercession.

g. When you are finished, feel free to simply set the microphone down and walk away.

6. Dynamics on the Microphone

a. Volume

Though it is necessary to hold the microphone very close to your mouth and to speak clearly, there is no need to shout on the microphone. A moderate volume level is encouraged. The room is not engaged by continual shouting, but rather by dramatic contrasts. Authority is not manifested by volume, but by Divine activity.

b. Clarity

This means that it is clear to the room what your prayer focus is. Your main points are clearly defined and prayed through and they follow each other in a logical way. Repeating key phrases and using concise statements creates clarity.

c. Topic

Is your prayer focus one that the majority will be eager excited to partner with you on? Praying for the Church on Long Island/NYC, or the government of our nation, etc., are examples of focal points that the majority can join with you in.

Note: Praying for a friend or relative, especially those not known to the corporate meeting, may cause disengagement of others However, that does not imply that there is no opportunity to pray for them on the microphone. They are certainly important!!! There are designated times as well as Spirit led times where the Prayer Leader will turn our attention toward that as a community and then we will do that corporately in small groups or in a “rapid fire” context. Please feel free to quietly pray individually or with a friend somewhere more private in the room at any time. Again, we pray on the microphone to lead and serve the room in intercession. Praying on the microphone does not make our prayer any more important to God; rather, it is a tool that helps us join together in prayer.

d. Enthusiasm

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This does not mean shouting or exaggerating your emotions. This means being aware that others are hearing you and your role is to bring them along with you in intercession.

e. Length of Prayer

2-3 minutes is a pretty good length; 5-7 when you engage the singers and musicians. Any longer, often the room will lose interest and disengage. Also, there are usually others waiting to pray after you.

f. Timing

You may want to add little 2-3 second phrases in between the singers’ singing – not during their singing – to reiterate your point to the room. Please do not shout over the choruses. Also, it is helpful to read the room in terms of when to begin warring in the spirit.

7. Engage in any form of artistic worship you would like, but please do not do so in the front/center of the room so the community stays focused upon the Lord rather than the activities around them.

8. Rapid Fire Prayer

Rapid Fire Prayer is a series of short prayers, prayed on the microphone one after the other, interspersed by choruses from the prophetic singers. Rapid Fire Prayer provides an opportunity for more people to pray on the microphone per intercession set and it also can bring energy to a prayer meeting because of the energizing dynamic of the short “bursts of prayer” from several different voices.

How does a Rapid Fire Prayer cycle work?

a. The prayer leader will announce a rapid-fire cycle

b. He or she will announce what the prayer focus is and will invite 10 – 15 people (anyone who wants to) to come up and pray a ten to fifteen second prayer on the microphone.

c. The Rapid Fire cycle leader will start by praying a one or two minute prayer.

d. After that prayer, the singers will sing a chorus.

e. Then one by one, those in line will pray a ten to fifteen second prayer.

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f. In between every few intercessors’ prayers, the singers will sing a chorus.

g. Then, the next person will pray and so on until everyone in line has prayed.

9. Small Group Prayer

What is small group prayer? Small group prayer is the gathering together of a small number of people to pray for a particular people group, nation, event, etc. It is an opportunity to connect our heart with others as we agree together in prayer. This connectivity strengthens us in community and love for one another and also gives us energy in continuing in prayer.

How does small group prayer work?

a. The prayer leader will announce a small group prayer time

b. He or she will invite anyone so desiring to gather into small groups of 4-5, all over the room, to engage in prayer over any burden the group would like to intercede for together. Do not wait to be invited into a group; simply approach and join a group.

10. Ministry Time

A format similar to the small group prayer but the room will be engaged in prayers for individuals; usually with the focus of healing


A. Decide what or who the target of your prayer is.

Examples: The church on Long Island, the church in any city or nation, the government of a country, the lost of any city or nation, etc.

B. Using the “Key Apostolic Prayers” pick the prayer or decree that best expresses what you want to pray for.

Example #1: If you want to pray that the church in Long Island would grow in the knowledge of Jesus, you might pick Apostolic Prayer #1:

“THAT THE GOD OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE FATHER OFGLORY MAY GIVE TO YOU THE SPIRIT OF WISDOM AND REVELATIONIN THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM, the eyes of your understanding beingenlightened, that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are theriches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceedinggreatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of Hismighty power.” (Ephesians 1:17-19)

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Example #2: If you want to pray that the church on Long Island would experience revival, you might pick the Prophetic Promise found in Isaiah 35:1-2:


No matter what you want to pray for, you should be able to find an Apostolic Prayer or a Prophetic promise to match the cry of your heart – they cover pretty much everything. Feel free to ask the associate prayer leader to help you find an Apostolic Prayer or Prophetic promise that matches the burden of your heart.

It’s okay if you don’t feel anything “burning” in your heart. If you don’t feel something specific that you want to pray for, just pick any prayer or promise – all of these prayers and promises are on God’s heart all of the time, so it’s impossible to pray the wrong prayer!

1. You can choose to pray through just a phrase or a section of the Apostolic Prayer or Prophetic promise.

Note: You don’t have to pray through the whole prayer/promise.

2. If helpful, create an outline of the prayer.

This may help you to organize your thoughts and therefore present a clear train of thought for others to follow as you lead the room in intercession.

3. Pick 2-3 points (actual phrases from the Apostolic Prayer or Prophetic promise) to pray through.

Your prayer will be more focused if you concentrate on a few points of the prayer, rather than trying to pray through all of the points and themes of the prayer.

Example: Ephesians 1:17-19: Point #1: “That the Father of Glory may give to you the

spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him” Point #2: “The eyes of your understanding being

enlightened” Point #3: “That you may know what is the hope of His


Example: Isaiah 35:1-2: Point #1: “The desert shall rejoice” Point #2: “the desert shall blossom abundantly” Point #3: “Even with joy and singing”

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4. Make notes under each of your main points as you prepare to pray.

5. Include cross-references and your own expression of the Biblical prayer or promise.

6. Pray through each of your points, one at a time, either pausing to let the singers sing or not.

7. Practice articulating your heart:

Why is it important to articulate our hearts? It is exhilarating to develop language to express the truth that God deposits in our hearts through His Word. We feel the sensation of pleasure in our heart when we express God’s truth through our own understanding and with our own vocabulary. Human Beings are the only creatures on earth who are given the gift of language. It is an awesome and fascinating privilege to be able to communicate the depths of our heart to each other and to God. By developing an ability to put the ideas and feelings that are in our hearts into words, we do a couple of things:

a. We explore the emotions of God’s heart more deeply.

b. We inspire others to identify stirrings in their hearts.

c. We expand our own understanding of the Word of God.

8. Practice putting passages of Scripture into your own words.

Example:“That the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened”“That the innermost part of your spirit would be illuminated”“That your innermost man would be awakened by the light of God”“That the eyes of your heart would fully comprehend”

9. Cross-referencing is another wonderful tool

Finding other Bible verses that explain or expound upon your point to articulate yourself. How good it is to use the Bible to expound on the Bible! It may be helpful to use a thesaurus to expand your vocabulary when meditating on the apostolic prayers.


That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling what are the

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riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power . . .

A. That the Father of Glory may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him

That God would reveal Himself to us (i.e. His thoughts, emotions, desires, etc.)

a. John 17:3 And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent

b. Colossians 1:9 For This reason . . . we have not ceased to pray for you to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding

B. That the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened

C. That you may know what is the hope of His calling

That we would understand the enormity of what He has given us by calling us to Himself

a. Hebrews 6:19-20 This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.

b. 1John 3:2 Dear Friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.

D. That you may know the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints

That we would understand the fullness of the Lord’s portion in receiving us

a. Psalm 48: 9-14 Within your temple, O God, we meditate on your unfailing love. Like your name, O God, your praise reaches to the ends of the earth; your right hand is filled with righteousness. Mount Zion rejoices, the villages of Judah are glad because of your judgments. Walk about Zion, go around her, count her towers, consider well her ramparts, view her citadels that you may tell of them to the next generation. For this God is our God forever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end.

b. Colossians 1:12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light. For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

E. That you may know the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe

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That we would understand His sustaining power – the power behind the power and His burning heart toward those who believe in Him

a. Isaiah 40:26 Lift up your eyes on high And see who has created these {stars,} The One who leads forth their host by number, He calls them all by name; Because of the greatness of His might and the strength of {His} power, Not one {of them} is missing.

b. 1 Chronicles 29:12 Both riches and honor {come} from You, and You rule over all, and in Your hand is power and might; and it lies in Your hand to make great and to strengthen everyone.

X. DEVELOPING EPHESIANS 1:17-19 The focus of prayer is the Church of Long Island and NYC. We’re praying through Ephesians 1:17-19

That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power . . .

Father, we pray: that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power . . .

Father of Glory, draw us closer. Ignite desire in our hearts. Awaken Love. Give the Church on Long Island and NYC the spirit of wisdom and revelation that she would know you more fully and more intimately. We want to know you. Would You help us enter into the fullness of what it means to know You. Would You grant us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You- that the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened. We want a greater revelation of You Father, of You Jesus, of You Holy Spirit. We want to know you intimately; to grow in our understanding of Your heart; to set our hearts on what moves You; to care about what delights You. We want to know You.

What does it mean that You are the Father of Glory? What does it mean that You are the Bridegroom-Redeemer; the Righteous Judge? What does it mean that You are our Comforter? What do Your names mean, Lord? What do they reveal about You; about Your emotions and Your character? We want the truth about who you are in our inner most being. It’s in knowing You that we find our greatest pleasure. It’s in knowing You that we have eternal life. You love to reveal Your heart to us. You said if we searched for You with all of our hearts, we would find You. Help us search for you with all of our hearts Lord. We want to delight in You. We want to know You more.

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A. Antiphonal prayer cycle 1

(Isolating phrase) Lord, would You grant us wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You. In Jesus’ name we pray: release the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You

B. Antiphonal prayer cycle 2

Lord, transform the eyes of our understanding. In Jesus’ name we pray that the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened

"How blessed are those who are pure in heart, for it is they who will see God! Matthew 5:8

Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts; and in the hidden parts You teach me wisdom. Psalm 51:6

And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent John 17:3

For This reason . . . we have not ceased to pray for you to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding Colossians 1:9

That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, that ye may be strengthened with power through his Spirit in the inward man; Ephesians 3:16

For I know the purposes, which I am planning for you, says Jehovah; purposes of peace, and not for evil; to give you posterity and a hope. Then you shall call on Me, and you shall go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you shall seek and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29: 11-13

C. Antiphonal prayer cycle 3

Reveal Yourself to us, Lord (i.e. Your thoughts, emotions, desires, etc.). Reveal what delights Your heart. Reveal what brings You pleasure. Reveal Your love of Justice and Mercy. Reveal the Glory of Your Beautiful Son; the powerful tenderness of Your Holy Spirit; the marvelous wonders of your Fatherhood. We love You Lord. Release the spirit of wisdom and revelation. Enlighten our understanding.

In Jesus’ name, reveal Yourself to us today.

Righteous lips are the delight of kings; and they love him that speaks right. Proverbs 16:13

O man, He has declared to you what is good. And what does Jehovah require of you, but to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

For you do not desire sacrifice, or I would give it; You do not delight in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise. Psalm 51:16-17

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. . . But I will look toward this one, to the afflicted, and to the contrite of spirit, even trembling at My Word. Isaiah 66:2

Jesus saw Nathaniel coming toward him and said about him, "Look, a true Israelite, in whom there is no falsehood!" Nathaniel said to him, "How do you know me?" Jesus answered him, "Before Philip called you, while you were under the fig tree, I saw you." Nathaniel replied to him, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!" Jesus said to him, "Do you believe because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than that." Then he said to him, "Truly, truly I tell all of you, you will see heaven standing open and the angels of God going up and coming down to the Son of Man." John 1:47-51

"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?" Jesus said to him, "'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the greatest and most important commandment. The second is like it: 'You must love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commandments." Matthew22:36-40

I am giving you a new commandment to love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. John13:34

He that has My commandments and keeps them, it is that one who loves Me; and the one that loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I shall love him and will reveal Myself to him. Jesus answered and said to him, If anyone loves Me, he will keep My Word, and My Father shall love him. And We will come to him and will make a dwelling place with him. John 14:21 & 23

New Worship cycle, New Prayer Focus, Continued passage

Prayer focus: Evangelism on Long Island

Re-read Ephesians 1:17-19

Father, we pray that You would reveal the hope of Your calling to us. We want to understand the gift You have given us by calling us to Yourself in Christ Jesus. You have made us holy and blameless in Your presence. Show us what it means to be hid in Christ and all that we receive in our adoption as sons. Because You love us, in Him we have redemption and forgiveness of our sins. You have lavished grace, wisdom and understanding upon us. We are destined for your praise and glory. Make this the meditation of our hearts Lord. Help us understand the magnitude of this great gift; the wonders of the hope of Your calling.

In Jesus’ name we ask that You would reveal the hope of Your calling

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! He has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm, just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in his presence. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself through Jesus Christ, according to the pleasure of his will, so that we would praise his glorious grace that he gave us in the Beloved One. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our offenses, according to the riches of God's grace that he lavished on us, along with all wisdom

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and understanding, when he made known to us the secret of his will. This was according to his plan that he set forth in Christ to usher in the fullness of the times and to gather up all things in Christ, both things in heaven and things on earth. In Christ we were also chosen when we were predestined according to the purpose of the one who does everything according to the intention of his will, so that we who had already fixed our hope on Christ might live for his praise and glory. Ephesians 1:3-12

For you have not received a spirit of slavery that leads you into fear again. Instead, you have received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba! Father!" Romans 8:15

This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek. Hebrews 6:19-20

Dear Friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. 1John 3:2

Father we want to know the riches of the glory of Your inheritance in the saints. Help us understand the fullness of the Your portion in receiving us. You have rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to Jesus’ kingdom. You are our portion, our great reward. And we belong to You. Lord, make us Your great delight; worthy of Your calling. We want to bring You great pleasure. You are rich in mercy; rich in grace and we want to know the riches of the glory of Your inheritance in the saints.

In Jesus’ name show us the riches of the glory of Your inheritance in the saints

Within your temple, O God, we meditate on your unfailing love. Like your name, O God, your praise reaches to the ends of the earth; your right hand is filled with righteousness. Mount Zion rejoices, the villages of Judah are glad because of your judgments. Walk about Zion, go around her, count her towers, consider well her ramparts; view her citadels that you may tell of them to the next generation. For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end. Psalm 48: 9-14

. . . Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light. For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Colossians 1:12

Lord, we want to know the exceeding greatness of Your power toward us who believe. Give us eyes to recognize Your sustaining power and heart toward us who believe in Jesus. You are the One who created the Heavens and Earth. You call the stars by name and number the hairs on our heads. In You we live and move and have our being. You have seated us with Christ Jesus in the heavenly realm and You have shown us that love is as strong as death. We stand amazed and ask that we may truly understand the exceeding greatness of Your power toward us who believe.

In Jesus’ name would You reveal the exceeding greatness of Your power toward us who believe

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Lift up your eyes on high And see who has created these {stars,} The One who leads forth their host by number, He calls them all by name; Because of the greatness of His might and the strength of {His} power, Not one {of them} is missing. Isaiah 40:26

But God, who is rich in mercy, because of his great love for us even when we were dead because of our offenses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), raised us up with him, and seated us with him in the heavenly realm in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might display the limitless riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:4-7

XI. OUTLINE FOR WORSHIP WITH THE WORD PRAYER FORMATFrom Harp and Bowl Handbook – Part 1: p.52-53 (some editing made)IHOP-KC Missions Base www.IHOP.org

We have five purposes for this prayer format: 1. To immerse teams in the “Word” by systematically singing through large portions

of scripture2. To develop scriptural language and confidence in prophetic singing (teams will

discover new passages to use in other formats) 3. To provide a context for worship teams to enjoy flowing together in prayer 4. To provide an anointed atmosphere that others in the room may be blessed as they

study 5. To engage in spiritual warfare (this happens whenever we are in agreement with

God’s heart).

Usually, we will sing systematically through large portions of Scripture. As a rule, we will sing through a worship outline that will cover an entire chapter in the Scripture. (Occasionally, we will develop worship outlines along themes.) In this, we function as a “singing seminary” or as “singing theologians” as we sing a chapter from the Psalms, Song of Solomon (use interpretive language from IHOP’s Song of Solomon outline), or Revelation (Rev. 1:4-5, 7, 14, 15, 19, 21-22 or IHOP’s hymns of Revelation outline) or other chapters easily “sing able”. Most often, we will choose a Psalm. Psalmody is the practice of arranging the psalms for singing in worship.

1) Worship Cycle – 3 Parts(WL= Worship Leader, PL= Prayer Leader)

Worship Cycle # 1: 30-40 minutesa) Worship songs: for 20 minutes to give the team and the room time to focus

on the Lordb) Spontaneous singing: for 5 minutes (feel free to go longer if there is life on

it)c) Develop a Biblical passage (antiphonal singing): 10-15 minutes (longer or


Worship Cycle # 2: 20-30 minutes each (feel free to go longer if there is life on it)a) Worship songs: for 20 minutes to give the team and the room time to focus

on the Lord

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b) Spontaneous singing: for 5 minutes (feel free to go longer if there is life on it)

c) Develop a Biblical passage (antiphonal singing): 10-15 minutes (longer or shorter)

1. We aim for 4-6 worship cycles (you may do more or less). As a rule, we finish a worship cycle by developing a passage with antiphonal singing and then we begin another worship cycle by singing a worship song. (However, if the antiphonal singing is flowing in a strong theme and you think you will lose momentum by changing the music to sing a new worship song, then occasionally you may choose to start the new worship cycle with a spontaneous chorus instead of a regular worship song and then you can move into spontaneous singing from there.)

2. The WL has the primary responsibility to lead this set and to choose the chapter and make worship outlines. The WL may delegate this to another as the WL invites partnership from any on the team. The WL will print the verses on the outline so that all have the same translation and so they can edit out phrases that are too hard to sing. (Aim at fitting it on one page.)

3. On the outline, break the chapter down into 5-7 cycles. You may not use them all, but have them ready. Give each cycle a title. The WL determines the order in which the verses are sung when making the outline; going through the chapter in any order. (For example, in Psalm 24 you may start with v.8 “Who is this King of glory?” and then go to v. 1-3 in one of the following cycles.) The team may use the same outline for several weeks (or as long as you want) and will also study that chapter together. Note: the PL should announce the Psalm so that the room can follow.

2) Developing a Passage – 4 Partsa) “Sing through a biblical sentence”: that is established from 1-3 verses of

Scripture. When singing through the biblical sentence, we will primarily use the wording of the text.i) Feel free to add an additional sentence using your own language to flow better

with the text. (For example, when singing Rev. 4:8, “Holy, Holy, Holy . . .” we may add, “You alone are the Holy God, who we adore.”} Select biblical sentences with phrases that are easy to express heart responses to God. Omit phrases that are difficult to sing.

ii) End the biblical sentence with a name of God (ex. “Oh God” or “Lord God Almighty”, etc.)

iii) The WL sings through the first biblical sentence, followed by singer #1, then singer #2, etc. unless otherwise assigned by the WL. (The PL does not introduce a passage.) The singer lifts their bible during spontaneous singing to indicate they are ready. We can learn to sing oracles by singing the biblical sentence with a “declarative style.”

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b) “Isolating a phrase”: the PL clearly designates (echoes) one key phrase from the biblical sentence that the prophetic singers may develop by singing “around it.” The PL’s goal is to make one phrase obvious to the prophetic singers as the phrase from which to develop a theme. The PL isolates only 3-7 words from the biblical sentence. This makes an easy target for the singers so that we reach a “swell” or “crescendo” in singing the Word.

c) “Developing themes through antiphonal singing”: (10-15 minutes unless there is life on it.) The PL is to speak only short phrases (3-7 words), not sentences and paragraphs. The PL may isolate phrases that cause us to “branch out” into other themes within the cycle. They may emphasize this by exactly repeating a phrase that a singer just sang, or by repeating their own phrase twice or by saying “In the name of Jesus” before a phrase. Often there will be more energy in the worship cycle if we would not linger to long in developing a passage.

d) “Spontaneous Choruses”: the chorus leader/ WL establish “spontaneous choruses” for all to sing (8-10 times so the room catches onto the chorus) at anytime. Choruses are the most effective way to engage a room in any prayer format. Sing one of God’s names to signal the last time a chorus is to be sung.

e) Additional Personal Notes:

I. What is Intercession.....................................................................................................1A. Intercession is intimacy...........................................................................................1B. Intercession is partnership.......................................................................................1C. Intercession expresses the bridal identity of the church..........................................1D. Intercession is agreement with God.........................................................................1E. Intercession expresses God’s definition of the Church...........................................1

II. What is Harp and Bowl?..............................................................................................2III. Why Use the Harp and Bowl Model?......................................................................3

A. It sustains Night and Day intercession through enjoyable prayer...........................31. Equips the heart to be empowered with confidence that overcomes fear............3

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2. Enhances flow of the community in cooperation with the Holy Spirit...............33. Creates the possibility of a symphony of worship & prayer-we go farther as a symphony.....................................................................................................................3

a. Organization/Form – safety in structure..........................................................3b. Conducive to more corporate engagement in prayer.......................................3c. Provides context for complex, multifaceted, diverse yet harmonious expressions...............................................................................................................3d. Facilitates creative expressions........................................................................3

4. Provides for a fullness only found w/in context of unified prayer......................3a. Together with all the saints Eph 3:18-19.........................................................4b. Commanded blessing of unity Ps 133:1-3.......................................................4c. Prayer in one accord Acts 1:14, Acts 2:1-3, Acts 4:31-35, Acts 5:12.............4d. With the Holy Spirit, unity breaks the ceiling 2Cor 1:11................................4

5. Supports three values of the House.....................................................................4a. Value 1: Mature Team/Corporate Ministry.....................................................4b. Value 2: Inclusiveness.....................................................................................4c. Value 3: Centrality of the Word – Focus on God and His Words and not platform....................................................................................................................4

B. It has additional benefits for the community...........................................................41. Mature and immature can labor side by side and learn from each other.............42. Gifted and growing both have a place to express their gifts corporately............43. Older and younger generations have a place of meeting.....................................44. The scriptures become part of the prayer language of the individual and corporate heart.............................................................................................................45. Safety in structure................................................................................................46. Releases boldness................................................................................................47. Reproducible........................................................................................................48. Fits all musical and cultural genres.....................................................................4

IV. Expressions of Harp & Bowl...................................................................................4A. Apostolic Intercession.............................................................................................4B. Worship With the Word...........................................................................................4C. Devotional/Contemplative Worship........................................................................4D. Prophetic Intercession..............................................................................................4

V. Mechanics of Harp & Bowl: a cyclical pattern...........................................................5A. Corporate Worship...................................................................................................5B. Spontaneous Singing: Devotional, Scriptural, in the Spirit.....................................5C. Development of a Biblical passage through prayer and antiphonal singing...........5D. Spontaneous Choruses & Name of the Lord closes it.............................................5

VI. Roles Outlined:........................................................................................................5A. The Worship Leader................................................................................................5

1. Chooses the “Beauty Realm” - worship songs and chord progressions to work with 52. Provides a canvas for the team/room to paint upon.............................................5

a. Choose songs that are familiar and easily incorporates room.........................5b. Songs are focused upon ministering to the Lord and inviting the room to focus their attention upon Him alone.......................................................................5

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c. Introduce new songs gradually........................................................................5d. Provide chords & lyrics so all may enter in.....................................................5e. Worship leader may use/re-cycle worship song/choruses through a # of cycles.......................................................................................................................5

3. Works with the Prayer Leader and musical team to identify prayer focus and biblical passages to be developed................................................................................54. Co-develops non-verbal signals with the musical team and is lead communicator..............................................................................................................55. May establish choruses at any time.....................................................................56. Sets tone for intercessory shift, chord progression and embraces “groove” with the team in order to carry the spoken and sung intercession.......................................57. May direct a “Selah” – no vocals – just instruments...........................................58. Indicates an instrument if prophetic unction is on it – others pull back and support.........................................................................................................................69. Indicates if a singer has a prophetic unction........................................................610. Indicates move into prayer time through spontaneous singing/ singing in the spirit, etc......................................................................................................................611. Supports, trains and encourages new worship leaders, provides opportunity for them to lead and prepares them to lead the team as well as a team of their own...6

B. Musicians.................................................................................................................61. Support the worship leader, the room and the singers.........................................62. Provide musical intonations and rhythms that support the flow of intercession. 63. Enjoy creativity that prefers each other – antiphonal playing.............................64. Minister to the Lord on their instrument..............................................................65. Bring new music/worship to the team.................................................................6

C. Antiphonal Singers..................................................................................................61. Echo isolated phrase............................................................................................62. Paraphrase isolated phrase...................................................................................63. Develop theme of isolated phrase........................................................................64. Guidelines............................................................................................................6

a. Short songs 3-5 seconds – stay on SAME theme – not multiple themes – You want to unfold the meaning of the passage..............................................................6b. Sing loudly or not at all – soft singing is confusing to the other singers as to whether it is developing the passage.......................................................................7c. Signal one another by lifting a finger with hand on microphone or hum to signify you have the next song................................................................................7d. If you would like to help establish a chorus, repeat the phrase once. If the Worship Leader or Chorus Leader doesn’t pick it up – let it go (and do not be offended – they may have missed it or may be moving somewhere else)..............7

D. Chorus Leader..........................................................................................................71. Listens for, identifies and establishes a chorus that will engage the room..........7

a. Only Chorus Leader & Worship Leader establish choruses (by singing them 8 –10x).....................................................................................................................7

2. Occasional double choruses between WL & CL ok............................................73. Using a chorus again at a later time is ok............................................................74. Choose easy Choruses w/easy melodies and w/out forcing too many words......7

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5. Corporate prayer choruses help room intercede with one voice “Send Your Spirit Lord”..................................................................................................................76. All singers must help by singing together boldly to lead room & keep melody line 77. End by singing the Name of God........................................................................7

E. The Prayer Leader:..................................................................................................71. Establishes prayer focus......................................................................................82. Communicates prayer direction by reading through the prayer..........................83. Prays the main burden 1-2 min............................................................................84. Isolates a phrase (to 3-5 words)...........................................................................85. Keeps the phrase before the team and the people................................................86. May continue to contribute 5 –10 sec. Prayers within flow of HS......................87. Keeps each developed theme to 1-2 minutes only unless there is unction on it..8

F. The Room................................................................................................................81. Engages in God’s Beauty.....................................................................................82. Ministers to the Lord in song, dance, other arts..................................................83. Adds agreement to the prayer focus....................................................................84. Leads small group prayer & ministry to individuals...........................................85. Becomes the battering ram of prayer in the rapid fire sequences........................8

VII. Right of Way/Sequence of singing..........................................................................8A. Worship Leader.......................................................................................................8B. Associate Worship Leader.......................................................................................8C. Chorus leader/Singer #1 (Nearest to the Prayer Leader)........................................8D. Singer# 2, etc. down the line...................................................................................8E. Singers on Instruments............................................................................................8F. Prayer Leader is last.................................................................................................8G. Additional notes for “the Room” (from the KC prayer manual).............................9

1. Ask God to reveal His beauty to you...................................................................92. Read the Word, turning it into dialogue with God..............................................9

a. When we dialogue with God about His Word, we invite Him to tell us about who He is and we open our hearts to the very nature and therefore, beauty, of God.9

3. Pray in the Spirit and sing spontaneously............................................................9a. Our personal prayer language edifies us by renewing our inner man, or, charging our “spiritual battery.” It tenderizes our spirit with the knowledge of God. Praying in the Spirit makes us sensitive to small fragments of divine information. The Lord imparts divine information about whom He is and how to pray..........................................................................................................................9b. Singing spontaneously releases both the faith and intensity to encounter the manifest presence of God. This opens the human spirit to the Holy Spirit in an enhanced way...........................................................................................................9c. The Benefits of Praying and Singing in Tongues:...........................................9

4. Experience God’s desire....................................................................................10a. Pray the prayers of Scripture.........................................................................10b. Practice Praying Positive Prayers..................................................................10c. Tips to Support Positive Prayer.....................................................................10

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5. Pray on the microphone.....................................................................................11a. If you wish to pray on the microphone, make your way toward the prayer leader......................................................................................................................11b. Be prepared to wait for your turn since the prayer meeting is intermingled with worship and other prayer focuses..................................................................11c. Select a New Testament prayer or Old Testament psalm/prophetic decree to pray out of. The “key apostolic prayers” list is a great place to start....................12d. Please hold the microphone VERY close to your mouth (to prevent sound feedback in the room)............................................................................................12e. Please do not shout on the microphone, rather speak at a moderate volume level........................................................................................................................12f. You have the option to pray with the singers or not. If you pause, the singers on the platform will begin singing spontaneous prayers. Within every 2-3 short songs, you may interject more short prayerful phases. In this way, we are going back and forth in team ministry in intercession.....................................................12g. When you are finished, feel free to simply set the microphone down and walk away..............................................................................................................12

6. Dynamics on the Microphone............................................................................12a. Volume..........................................................................................................12b. Clarity............................................................................................................12c. Topic..............................................................................................................12d. Enthusiasm.....................................................................................................13e. Length of Prayer............................................................................................13f. Timing............................................................................................................13

7. Engage in any form of artistic worship you would like, but please do not do so in the front/center of the room so the community stays focused upon the Lord rather than the activities around them..................................................................................138. Rapid Fire Prayer...............................................................................................13

a. The prayer leader will announce a rapid-fire cycle.......................................13b. He or she will announce what the prayer focus is and will invite 10 – 15 people (anyone who wants to) to come up and pray a ten to fifteen second prayer on the microphone.................................................................................................14c. The Rapid Fire cycle leader will start by praying a one or two minute prayer.

14d. After that prayer, the singers will sing a chorus............................................14e. Then one by one, those in line will pray a ten to fifteen second prayer........14f. In between every few intercessors’ prayers, the singers will sing a chorus.. 14g. Then, the next person will pray and so on until everyone in line has prayed.

149. Small Group Prayer...........................................................................................14

a. The prayer leader will announce a small group prayer time.........................14b. He or she will invite anyone so desiring to gather into small groups of 4-5, all over the room, to engage in prayer over any burden the group would like to intercede for together. Do not wait to be invited into a group; simply approach and join a group.....................................................................................................14

10. Ministry Time................................................................................................14

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A format similar to the small group prayer but the room will be engaged in prayers for individuals; usually with the focus of healing.....................................14

VIII. Developing a Biblical Passage...............................................................................14A. Decide what or who the target of your prayer is...................................................14B. Using the “Key Apostolic Prayers” pick the prayer or decree that best expresses what you want to pray for..............................................................................................15

1. You can choose to pray through just a phrase or a section of the Apostolic Prayer or Prophetic promise......................................................................................152. If helpful, create an outline of the prayer..........................................................153. Pick 2-3 points (actual phrases from the Apostolic Prayer or Prophetic promise) to pray through...........................................................................................................154. Make notes under each of your main points as you prepare to pray.................165. Include cross-references and your own expression of the Biblical prayer or promise......................................................................................................................166. Pray through each of your points, one at a time, either pausing to let the singers sing or not..................................................................................................................167. Practice articulating your heart:.........................................................................16

a. We explore the emotions of God’s heart more deeply..................................16b. We inspire others to identify stirrings in their hearts....................................16c. We expand our own understanding of the Word of God...............................16

8. Practice putting passages of Scripture into your own words.............................169. Cross-referencing is another wonderful tool.....................................................17

IX. Ephesians 1:17-19 – The quintessntial prayer outlined.........................................17A. That the Father of Glory may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him...................................................................................................17B. That the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened..................................17C. That you may know what is the hope of His calling.............................................17D. That you may know the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.........17E. That you may know the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe

18X. Developing Ephesians 1:17-19..................................................................................18

A. Antiphonal prayer cycle 1......................................................................................19B. Antiphonal prayer cycle 2......................................................................................19C. Antiphonal prayer cycle 3......................................................................................19

XI. Outline for Worship with the Word Prayer Format...............................................22
