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Intro to TDD and BDD

Date post: 14-May-2015
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An introduction to Test Driven Development and Behavior Driven Development
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Test Driven Design Behavior Driven Design Jason Noble [email protected]
Page 1: Intro to TDD and BDD

Test Driven DesignBehavior Driven Design

Jason [email protected]

Page 2: Intro to TDD and BDD

Test Driven Design

• TDD is a software development practice that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle– Write a failing test that defines a desired

improvement or new function– Write the minimum code possible to make the test

pass– Refactor the code to acceptable standards

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Red Green Refactor

• Write a failing test (Red)

• Make the test pass (Green)

• Refactor tests or code (NOT both!)

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Why use TDD?

• Helps you break problems down into small manageable tasks

• Writing tests takes the fear out of programming

• Writing tests helps you communicate what your code SHOULD do/accomplish

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TDD Example

• What can a calculator do?– Add– Subtract– Multiply– Divide– Equals– Percent

– Square Root– On / Off– Memory Clear– Memory Set– Memory Recall– Negative numbers– Decimals

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Write a failing test (Red)

• Write a failing test# spec/calculator_spec.rbrequire ’./calculator’

describe Calculator doend

• Failure:spec/calculator_spec.rb:1:in `require': cannot load such file – ./calculator (LoadError)

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Make the test pass (Green)

• Write code to make the test pass

touch calculator.rb

• Test Failure

spec/calculator_spec.rb:3:in `<top (required)>': uninitialized constant Calculator (NameError)

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Make the test pass (Green)

• Write code to make the test pass

# calculator.rbclass Calculatorend

• Test Success

No examples found.

Finished in 0.00005 seconds0 examples, 0 failures

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What did we do?

• Write a very simple test• Got a LoadError• Fixed the LoadError• Got a NameError• Fixed the NameError• Tests are green!• Refactor?

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Add a test

# spec/calculator_spec.rb let(:calculator) { Calculator.new } it "can be created" do calculator.should be_a(Calculator) end

Tests are still green!Running: spec/calculator_spec.rb

Calculator can be created

Finished in 0.00127 seconds1 example, 0 failures

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What did we do?

• Add a very simple test• Got no errors• Tests are green!• Refactor?

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Add a test

# spec/calculator_spec.rb describe "#total" do it "returns 0 by default" do calculator.total.should == 0 end end

Tests are red!

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Make the tests pass

• Add the minimum code to make the test fail in a different way (or succeed)

# calculator.rbdef totalend

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Make the tests pass

• Write the MINIMUM code necessary to make the test pass

# calculator.rbdef total 0end

• Tests are GREEN!• Refactor?

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What did we do?

• Write a very simple test (total.should == 0)• Got a NoMethod error• Fixed the NoMethodError• Got an unexpected result returned• Fixed the result to always return 0• Tests are green!• Refactor?

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Behavior Driven Development

• Uses the basis of TDD, domain driven design and object oriented design to provide software developers and business analysts with shared tools in order to collaborate on software development

• TDD describes how the software works• BDD describes how the end user uses the


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BDD Example

Scenario: User adds two positive numbers

Given I turn the calculator on,Then I should see zero on the screen

When I add 5And I add 7Then I should see 12 on the screen

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Ruby Cucumber

• Uses regular expressions to match stepsGiven /I turn the calculator on/ do @calculator = Calculator.new @calculator.onendThen /I should see (\d+) on the screen/ do |expected_value|

@calculator.total.should == expected_valueendWhen /I add (\d+) / do |number|


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Further Readings

• Test Driven Development: By Example by Kent Beck

• Everyday Rails Testing with Rspec by Aaron Sumner

• The Cucumber Book by Matt Wynne and Aslak Hellesoy
