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Introducing icna

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ICNA,s goals, key concepts and methodology and challenges it faces.
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Islamic Circle of North America Islamic organization and movement. Its mission, goals, methodology and challenges
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IntroducingIslamic Circle of North


Islamic organization and movement. Its mission, goals, methodology and


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Points of this presentation1-What is Islamic Movement.2- How to explain Aqamah of Din.3- What are some basic concepts and

its methodology3- How does ICNA apply these in N


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What is Islamic Movement?Collective and organized struggle to

establish Al Islam in its totality.

This movement was led by the prophets

Now it is the obligation of Muslim Ummah to launch this struggle.

ICNA is such movement struggling for Aqamah of Deen in N America.

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Characteristics of Islamic Movement. Ideological Movement. Disobedience of Allah- cause of all problems. Builds Islamic character based on Taqwah. Its struggle is based on Islamic principles. It is above and beyond all prejudices



Cultural etc.

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Basic Concepts Islam – 1-Faith 2-Din, way of life 3-Dawah and movement.Prophet’s Mission- Aqamah of DeenMan’s vicegerency (Khilafa) on earthJahiliya vs. Islam Islam and Muslims.

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Methodology and ProgramPeaceful and law abiding work Tajdeed (Implementation of Islam in changing

times) and not Tajaddud (Innovations, compromise or changing Islam to comply with new order)


1- Clarification of objectives and Dawah

2-Organization and training of volunteers

3-Social reforms and social service

4-Change of leadership.

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Levels of Work 4 Levels of work.

1-Personal level

2-Family level

3-Society level

4- Muslim Ummah level

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Stages of Work 3 Stages of work.


Introduction and propagation of Dawah.

Following issues are discussed.

.Islam- a comprehensive way of life.

.Islam is the solution to man’s problems.

.Avoid minor Fiqh differences.

.Address the audience according to one of the 4 categories

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Categorize the audience in one of 4 categories

1-Believers and supporters,


3-Pursuing self interest


.Relations with other organizations

.Relation and Dawah to non Muslims.

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Stages of Work2-At Takween-

Formulation and preparation of workers.

1- Spiritual uplifting.

2- Intellectual and practical preparation

.Study of Quran, Sunnah and Seerah

.Usrah system- with three purposes

a- Taaruf- Knowing each other well

b-Nus’h- Mutual goodwill and advice

c-Takaful- Taking care as a family

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Stages of Work3-At Tanfeez. Implementation

1-Hope and vision

2-True struggle with sacrifice

3-Strong discipline of the Jamaah and its mobilization

4-Establishing Islam in our lives

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Aqamah of Deen (42:13) ه�� �اب �ن و�صي و�م�ا �ك� �ي �ل �اإ �ن و�ح�ي

� ذ�يأ و�ال �وح�ا ن �ه� ب م�او�صى� �مم�ن�الد�ين� �ك ل ش�ر�ع�ع�ل�ى �ر� �ب ك �ف�رق�واف�يه�  �ت ت و�ال� ق�يم�واالد�ين�

� أ �ن� أ �ر�اه�يم�و�م�وس�ى�و�ع�يس�ى�  �ب  �إ � م�ن �ه� �ي �ل �ه�د�يإ و�ي �ش�اء� م�ني �ه� �ي �ل �يإ �ب �ج�ت ي ه� الل �ه�  �ي �ل إ �د�ع�وه�م� م�ات �ين� �م�ش�ر�ك  �ال

�يب� �ن ي

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Aqamah of Deen (Establishing Islam as a way of life.)

Surah Shura 42:13

He (Allah) has ordained for you the same religion, which he ordained for Nuh, and that which We have revealed to you, and that which We ordained for Ibrahim, Musa and Isa saying you should establish religion and make no divisions in it..

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Shuhadaa Alannaas (22:78) ف�ي م� ك� م� ل ل� ل� ل ل� ل�ا ل� م� ك� ل�ا ل� م� ا ل� ك� �  ف� ف� ل�ا ف� ��ل ل� ف ل�ـ ال ف�ي ك#�ا ف� ل�ا ل�

ف�ن لن ف%� ف م& ك% مل ا ك� ك� ل�%ا ل' ل� ك� �  ل� ف�� ل)ا م( ف*ا م� ك� ف(� ل+ا ل, � ل م� ج. � ل) ل� من ف� فن م#ي اللى ل� ل2 ل#ا �ل ك3 ك�4ا ك�� ل5 ل� م� ك� م� ل ل� د#ا ��ف ل3 ك7 ك'� (�ل ال ل8 ك�� ل� فل ل9ا ــ ل� ف�ي ل� ك� م� ل; �  م� ك� ل<ا م� ل� ل� ك� ف ل�ـ ف(ال ك%�ا ف? ل� م� ل�ا ل@ ل�ا A�ل ال ك�5ا آا ل� ل@ لDا ?�ل ال ك%�ا ف;� ل+ا ل� � Eف ل�Fا ال

﴿ ك) ف?� F�ل ال ل� م ف4 ل� ـى لل م� ل% مل ا ل� م Fف ٧٨ل� ﴾

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Witnesses for the truth upon whole mankind

Sura Haj. 22:78And strive hard in Allah’s Cause as you ought

to strive.He has chosen you , and has not placed any hardship upon you in religion. It is the religion of your father Ibrahim.It is He who has named you Muslims both before and now, that the messenger may be a witness over you and you be witnesses over the mankind..

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Amar bil maroof wa nahee anil munkar. (3:104)

فI و ك)� م ل% مل ف(ا ل8 ك)� ك� م+ا لي ل� ف) م� Jل مل ا للى ف*ا ل8 ك�� م# لي ة, �� ل ك+ا م� ك� Fم� ك�ن ل� مل

ل8 �Lك ف Mم ك% مل ا ك� ك� Nل Oف ــ لل ك+ا� ل� �  ف) ل� F%ك مل ا فن ل� ل8 م� �ل Fم لي ل�

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Enjoining good and forbidding evil.

Sura Ale Imran 3:104

Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good enjoining Maroof and forbidding Munkar. And it is they who are the successful.

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Prophet Mohammad’s(SAW) admonitions. 1st. Hadith.

Tirmidhi and Musnad Ahmed.

Either you shall enjoin goodness and forbid evil or Allah shall send some chastisement upon you.Then you will make dua to Him and He will not accept your dua.

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2nd Hadith.


A man shall come on the day of judgement with his neighbor and will say,” O my Rabb! This man deceived me.” His neighbor shall say,” O Rabb! I swear by your honor I did not deceive him in his family or in his possessions.” The first man will say,” That is true but he saw me in sin and he did not forbid me.”

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Why Aqamah of Deen in North America? Obligation upon Muslims all over the globe. US is citadel of free capitalist world with

guaranteed personal liberties. Enormous human and material resources are

available. Fundamental needs of mankind( true peace,

world free of exploitation and oppression) are not fulfilled by secularism and religious cults.

Islam has the solutions to the social problems in the American society.

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How to fulfill this obligation?Dawah Ilallah.Organization of the committed ones.Tarbeyah and Tazkeyah.Social service of the humanity .Study of the society, its problems and

present Islam as the alternative.Struggle to establish Islam in our lives.

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Pre requisites for this task.Unshakable conviction. Excellence in personal conduct as taught

in the example of our beloved Prophet Mohammad (SAW)

Present comprehensive teachings of Islam.Present Islam with concern, love and

compassion for all.Be prepared to sacrifice one’s time, money

and other resources.

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Why there is neglect of this obligation?

Priority for the personal material benefits of this world.

Limited concept of Islam.Divisions among Muslims and priority

for their group interests.

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Excuses presented for the neglect.There is no chance of establishing Islam

in our lives in present circumstances.Perfect people like sahaba are needed

to do the job.We are waiting for Imam Mahdi.Someone else should do it and if

successful, we will join. It is the duty of “ Olil Amar” ( leaders).

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Consequences of neglecting this obligation.Downfall in this world.Attitude of compromise with the kufr.Wrath of Allah in the Akhirah.Allah will choose someone else to do this job.

﴿ ك�م ل� ل�ا م� ل�� ك�و� ك�و ل� ل�ا ل�م ك� مم ك� ل� م� ل� م�ا مو �ل �م �د م ل! م" ل� مو� �� ل لو ل! ل# د%�ن ٣٨ل& ﴾ And if you turn away, He will replace you with

another people; then they will not be the likes of you. (Mohammad ,47:38)

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Existing efforts for Islam in N America Islamic Community CentersNational Organization.( ISNA, WD

Muhammad Community, MANA, Imam Jamil Community,Jamaat Tabligh, IANA and others.

Political action and social service organizations.( AMC, CAIR, AMA, Relief organizations.

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Priorities of Islamic work for the Islamic Movement, ICNA. Present Islamic message to the non Muslims and

Muslims in N America.(Dawah Ilallah) Organize those who agree with this message in the

discipline of Jamaah. Provide for the intellectual,moral and physical training of

all in the Jamaah. Provide social services to the helpless and needy in the

society. Cooperate with other organizations to further the cause

of Islamic Movement. Cooperate with and support the Islamic work outside N


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Methodology of Work Individual and family level


.Syllabus of study


.Muamalaat (Dealings with others)

b- Dawah

.Within the family and the community

. To the society at large.

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Collective (Jamaah) level. Tazkiyah

.Neighbor net system

.Training camps



.Recruiting members

.Establishing Neighbor Nets and units

.Organizational meetings.

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Collective (Jamaah) level. Dawah Ilallah. ( WWW.WhyIslam.Org WWW.Gainpeace.com). Dawah field trips. Dawah by mail, with brochures and booklets. Dawah hot line. Dawah at campus. Dawah in prisons. Dawah billboards. Dawah at shopping malls, libraries and fairs. Dawah by media, Dawah by subway and buses

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Collective (Jamaah) level Social services. ( WWW.ICNARelief.Org)

.Serving needy individuals in N America

with food, clothing and shelters through charity

.Serving the needy families through

a-Muslim Family Services


c-Muslim Women Help Network

.Serving the needy non Muslims

.Disaster Relief Work during hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, floods in N America.

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Future Vision of ICNATo become an effective all inclusive

American Islamic Organization bringing a change in our individual, family and social life in accordance with the Guidance of Allah(SWT)

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How can we get there? With the Help of Allah Through a peaceful collective effort Mobilize Muslims of all backgrounds to work for

Aqamah of Deen Take Islamic message to our fellow Americans using

all means of communication with wisdom and concern.

Develop a team of committed workers. Develop effective literature and A/V resources

suitable for N America. Mutually cooperative /coordinated Islamic work.

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Challenges for ICNA Internal ChallengesExternal Challenges

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Internal Challenges1- Conceptual Issues:

a-Clarity of purpose/objectives/


b-Loss of focus on priorities.

c-Identifying the dynamics of the


d-Unrealistic expectations.

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2-Organizational/Management Accountability-Leadership,departments,projects,

MGA’s.Reporting and periodic review.


between central leadership,divisions,units,MGA’s, members, between 1st and 2nd gen.MGA’s and between sisters and brothers.

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Organizational/ManagementStrong financial system to support the

movement.Discipline. Sama and Taa.Proper training of MGA’s and members.Participation of sisters in the

mainstream organization. Internal political dynamics/groupings.Limited to certain ethnic background.

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3-Needed skills and resourcesWorking knowledge of Arabic language,

Quran, Hadith and Fiqh.Command on American English.Understanding of the N American

cultural, social and political issues.Adopting to the technological

environment.Leadership skill development.

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4-AttitudeCommitment for the mission. Ikhlas and selfless attitude.Spiritual uplifting.True Islamic brotherhood.Etiquettes of Ikhtalaf. Respect

differences and sacrifice personal opinion.

Peaceful resolution of conflicts.

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External Challenges.Attracting indigenous Americans to

ICNA. A- Youth.


C-African Americans


E-Native Americans and others.

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External Challenges Effective, relentless Dawah work. Appropriate Dawah literature. Addressing issues of the society and provide

Islamic guidance. Relation with masajid and Islamic community. Relation and coordination with other Islamic

national organizations. Relation with civic, social welfare and political


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External ChallengesDomestic social services.Relation with media and effective use of

media.Response to anti Muslim religious

political, racial campaign and groups.Post 9/11 Islam phobia.Response to international events which

impact upon N American Muslims.

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�  ف� ف) م� ل+ا Pك فل ل(ا ل �ـ ل ال 8�ل ف*ا �  ك ك� م& ل� ل� �ك ل� ف �ـ ل ال لى ل� م� ��ل ل� ل� لي ل�ن ل� ﴿ دQا م# ل; ج2 مي ل3 م� ك� فل ك �ـ ل ال ل� ل ل� م# ٣ل; ﴾

And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent. Surah At Talaaq,65:3

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