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E-commerce & Home Network 1

E-commerce & Home Network


E-commerce & Home Network


Electronic commerce is a powerful concept and process that has fundamentally changed the current of human life. Electronic commerce is one of the main criteria of revolution of Information Technology and communication in the field of economy. This style of trading due to the enormous benefits for human has spread rapidly. Certainly can be claimed that electronic commerce is canceled many of the limitations of traditional business.

For example, form and appearance of traditional business has fundamentally changed. These changes are basis for any decision in the economy. Existence of virtual markets, passages and stores that have not occupy any physical space, allowing access and circulation in these markets for a moment and anywhere in the world without leaving home is possible. Select and order goods that are placed in virtual shop windows at unspecified parts of the world and also are advertising on virtual networks and payment is provided through electronic services, all of these options have been caused that electronic commerce is considered the miracle of our century.


E-commerce & Home Network


The buying and selling of products and services by businesses and consumers through an electronic medium, without using any paper documents. E-commerce is widely considered the buying and selling of products over the internet, but any transaction that is completed solely through electronic measures can be considered e-commerce. E-commerce is subdivided into three categories: business to business or B2B (Cisco), business to consumer or B2C (Amazon), and consumer to consumer or C2C (eBay). also called electronic commerce.

Read more: http://www.investorwords.com


E-commerce & Home Network


In the 1970s, the term electronic commerce, referred to electronic data exchange for sending business documents such as purchase orders and voices electronically. Later, with the development of this industry the term of electronic commerce is used to business of goods and services via the web.

The first electronic commerce created in USA and some European countries in 1998. These types of business are formed with beginner and unprofessional websites and it has been expanded rapidly. Electronic commerce was spread rapidly in most cities in America, Europe and East Asia in 2005.

Some say dates of electronic commerce return to prior of the Internet, but due to the costs of this style of business, only business and financial institutions and corporations could use it. But with the widespread use of the Internet to all of the people and change the structure of electronic commerce, this kind of business from specific business case for a particular network out and became the industrial form.


E-commerce & Home Network

Evaluate E-Commerce:

There are many websites which are working by e-commerce OLX is one of the examples of e-commerce websites.

Here we study thoroughly how to make account on this type of website and its working (buying & selling of goods and services).

Creating OLX Account

First of all open the OLX website by giving address in the address bar.

https:// www.OLX.com.pk

Click on ‘MY Account’ a new ‘log in’ window will appear.


E-commerce & Home Network

Click on ‘New user? Register here’ to create a new account.


E-commerce & Home Network

A window of ‘Create New Account’ will appear.

Enter E-mail address, password and repeat password in respective places.

And then click ‘create’.


E-commerce & Home Network

A new window will appear which shows ‘Activation of Password’ by checking your E-mail.


E-commerce & Home Network

By checking E-mail your password confirmation was completed, a new window will appear which shows ‘password created successfully’.

Click on ‘My Account’.


E-commerce & Home Network

A window will appear which contains ‘Ads, messages, settings. So, your account’s ready.


E-commerce & Home Network

How to Sell and Buy (Goods & Services)



After login to OLX account click on ‘submit as Ad’.


E-commerce & Home Network

A ‘submit an ad’ window will appear.


E-commerce & Home Network

By scrolling remaining page will be this is shown below.


E-commerce & Home Network

After filling the requirements click ‘Submit’.


E-commerce & Home Network

Your Ad will be submitted and dialogue box will appear.


E-commerce & Home Network


After login to your OLX account select one of the given categories according to your desire.

For buying car, ours selection is vehicle tab, in search results a list will appear like this,


E-commerce & Home Network

We will find and select a suitable car according to our desire. After selecting,we will see this type of page,which contains on

the car info like its pics,location.and upload date……..


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By scrolling the current page, we can see the info in detail like its year of manufacturing, color, body type, engine capacity etc…………


E-commerce & Home Network


E-commerce & Home Network

Electronic commerce framework is comprised of three levels that this framework is needed to for successful electronic commerce.


The first part of the framework for electronic commerce is including hardware, software, databases and communications. It is used in term of World Wide Web on the Internet or other message switching methods on the Internet or other telecommunication networks.


The second part of the framework include a wide range of services that provide the ability to find and present of information and are including the search for trading partners, negotiation and agreements.

Products and Structures

This section of the electronic commerce frameworks consist forecasts and direct provision of goods, services and trade related information to customers and business partners, cooperation and sharing of information within and outside the organization and organizing of environment of electronic marketplace and chain of supply and support.

Advantages & Disadvantages


E-commerce & Home Network

Electronic commerce created many benefits for companies and users however, some disadvantages and serious problems stem from this issue.



We can also sell any time, night or day, 365 days a year. Even while we are resting, our users can visit our web site, search our goods, services, and determine their orders.

Decrease Transaction Costs

If we buy from online store, we spend low operational cost, we have better quality of service, and we can cut the many unnecessary costs. For example, if our goods or services downloadable, we will have transport costs completely cancel.

Conduct a Business Easily

In electronic commerce, we do not need to physical company setups or there are not any crowds to deal with. We can buy from our house comfortable; users can easily choose goods from various procedures without moving around physically.

Comparison in Prices

Everyone can easily compare fees among the various web sites. We can usually earn discounts on fees when compared with normal shop fees.



E-commerce & Home Network


Security pursues to be a main problem in electronic commerce. Everyone good or bad can easily open a web site, and there are many bad sites, which their aim is user’s money.


There is no guarantee for product quality. Our orders might be damage in the post or things may look different online to what you actually receive for example, slightly different colors and feel of clothes or the freshness of vegetables and fruits.

Social Relationships

Electronic commerce allows to users that buying and selling goods and services without geographic limitations but in this method we have not any contacts and relationships with other persons and loss our social contacts.

Impact on Different Areas of Business


E-commerce & Home Network

Electronic commerce and electronic business have impact on many districts of business for instance, marketing, economics, finance and accounting, production and operation management, computer science, management information system, human source management, business law and ethics. The following are some of the factors describe:


The raise of information technologies and computer networks has many effects in business especially in field of marketing. Everyone can make markets work with more efficient and they can improve their career with information management within a network. In this case, they can decrease cost of operations and catch new markets and new opportunities for selling and transactions.


Electronic commerce is creating new opportunities to the global economic, for example in global travel and tourism industry. Transforming from traditional business method to electronic commerce method is hard and there were many different factors for companies to adapt them with electronic commerce factors. For this work, they must used Internet and many other online networks, because for each industry it is necessary to be match with grow and use from new economic opportunities in new technologies.

Finance and Accounting


E-commerce & Home Network

Electronic commerce had a significant impact on finance and accounting that include saving time, disinflation, increase productivity, reduce the demand for money (reduce the cost of publishing) and etc.

Production and operation management

The outcomes of manager’s work, by on time product qualify productions and with the least cost is determined. For this purpose, first requirement is correct information. Electronic commerce is the best way to have the most accurate and correct information for managers because, consumers transmit their demands to managers directly.


There are some barriers for electronic commerce setup, which include:

Lack of knowledge and necessary information for use of electronic commerce and Internet network.

Protection of consumer rights in electronic commerce. Lack of legal infrastructures in electronic commerce such

documents that are not acceptable and electronic signature. Low security of electronic funds transfer in some countries. Lack of information intermediary institutions and manufacturing

companies of the benefits of Internet business. The security and confidentiality of information exchanged.

Types of Electronic Commerce


E-commerce & Home Network

There are many various classes of electronic commerce and many different methods to characterize these clusters.The main different classifies of electronic commerce are Business-to-Business (B2B), Business-to Consumer (B2C), Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) and Consumer to-business (C2B).


Business-to-Business is a type of commerce transaction that exists between businesses or a transaction that occurs between a company and other company to transfer of services and products. A possible explanation for this might be that Business-to-Business includes online wholesaling in which businesses sell materials, products and services to other businesses on the websites.


Business-to-Consumer refers to transactions between a business and its end consumer and so it create electronic storefronts that offer information, goods, and services between business and consumers in a retailing transaction or it is an Internet and electronic commerce model that indicates a financial transaction or online sale between a business and consumer.



E-commerce & Home Network

Consumer-to-Business is the transfer of services, goods or information from persons to business or it is a business model where end users create products and services that are used by business and institutions.

C2CConsumer-to-Consumer is an electronic Internet facilitated medium, which involves transactions among users and it is a business model which two consumers deal business with each other directly.

How to set up a Windows 7 Home Network26

E-commerce & Home Network

Home Network is a feature exclusive to Windows 7.It enables you to easily share music, photos, documents and even printers between different switched-on PCs on your home network without having to spend time configuring each system – you set up the Home Network using one PC, then join it using other machines on your network. It's a really useful system and is so simple to get going – just follow my step-by-step guide below.

The great thing about Home Network is that you can share as much or as little as you want and I'll also show you how to do that later in the tutorial.You can only create a Home Network in the Home Premium, Professional or Ultimate Editions of Windows 7, but you can join one with any version.

1. Find the Home Network settings


E-commerce & Home Network

You can get to your Home Network settings various ways, including searching for Home Network in the Start menu, but I've gone to Control Panel and under Network and Internet I've selected Choose Home Network and sharing options. By the way, you can only be connected to one Home Network at any one time.

2. Create your Home Network


E-commerce & Home Network

As you can see from the screenshot below, there's currently no Home Network set up on our system. This window just gives you a little bit of blurb about what a Home Network is, so you can safely click through it by selecting Create Home Network at the bottom of the screen.

3. Choose which files


E-commerce & Home Network

The wizard now asks you which libraries you wish to share. You can be more precise about included files and folders at a later stage, but this is just a general set-up step. Sharing printers means you'll be able to print from one machine using the printer on another computer.

If in doubt, feel free to leave a library out – you'll be able to add it easily at a later stage.

4. Start sharing


E-commerce & Home Network

Click next and your Home Network is created – this may take a while depending on the speed of your PC. If you're worried about sharing your files, remember that only computers you allow (and that are running on your home network) can access your files. Click next again when the process has finished.

5. Your password


E-commerce & Home Network

You now see this screen, with an automatically generated password. You need this password for other computers to join your Home Network. This is no substituting for password-protecting your wireless network – your router should be secure, too. Write down or print your password using the link. Click Finish.

6. The nerve centre


E-commerce & Home Network

Now you're presented with this screen, which is the nerve centre of all your Home Network settings. As you can see, you can alter the libraries that you're sharing as well as view or print the Home Network password, should you have forgotten it. You can access the troubleshooter from here, too.

 My Home Network is now fully set up on my first machine and so next I'll explain how you can connect up another machine to the Home Network.

7. Connecting another machine


E-commerce & Home Network

Now I'm on a second PC – my laptop downstairs. It's connected to the same wireless network as my first PC. Once again, go to your Home Network settings in Control Panel. You can see that the machine has detected there is already a Home Network on the network, created by my first machine. Click Join now.

8. Which libraries?


E-commerce & Home Network

As with my first computer, my laptop is now asked which libraries I want it to share with other machines. This time I've asked it to share all the media on this computer but none of the documents – I don't really store too many files on my laptop. Now click next.

9. Enter the password


E-commerce & Home Network

Now you're asked for the password that you saw on your first computer. Remember that if you've forgotten it, you can return to your first computer to view it or to print it out. The password is case-sensitive, so you have to type it carefully. Once that's done, click next.

10. You're connected!


E-commerce & Home Network

This screen means you're connected to the Home Network – it really is that simple to share your media and documents, and you'll be connected to the Home Network every time you start your Windows 7 PC. I'll just click Finish and I'm done. Now repeat the process on any other Windows 7 PCs you want to connect up.

11. Indexing libraries


E-commerce & Home Network

This screen means Windows 7 is still indexing your libraries ahead of sharing them – I just leave it alone for a few minutes. If you connect to a different network using your Home Network machine, this same screen displays "The Home Network is not available because you're not connected to the home network."

12. Leaving a Home Network


E-commerce & Home Network

If you really want to leave a Home Network, it's just as easy as joining one. In your Home Network settings (under Control Panel > Network and Internet), click Leave the Home Network. You then see this screen of options, which is basically checking that you do want to leave. Click Leave the Home Network again.

13. Share or exclude files and folders


E-commerce & Home Network

I want to exclude some folders from being shared. Navigate to the file or folder you want to exclude, and select it. In the toolbar, click Share with, and then click nobody. Should you want to include other folders, select them and choose either Home Network (Read) or Home Network (Read/Write) from this menu?

14. And that's it!


E-commerce & Home Network

You now have a fully-functioning Home Network. If you encounter any problems, there's a Home Network troubleshooter to ease your pain, available on the main Home Network settings page within Control Panel > Network and Internet. Click Start the Home Network troubleshooter.


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E-commerce & Home Network


1. Groundswell 

2. Information Technology


1. http://www.ijstr.org/ 2. https:// www.OLX.com.pk

