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Introduction: - files. Web viewThe assignment delves into work place incidences which are a part...

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Running head: A CHANGE IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEM A change in the administrative system Name of the student: Name of the university: Author note:


A change in the administrative system

Name of the student:

Name of the university:

Author note:


Executive Summary:

The assignment delves into work place incidences which are a part and parcel of all organisation.

Procter & Gamble(P&G) is assumed to be suffering from lack of communication regarding

approvals. The installation of an autonomous and self sufficient system is the propored project.

The paper starts with the requirements of the proposed system followed by the considerations to

be made for the same. The next sections tell tales about obtaining quotations for the suppliers,

choosing the best one, consulting the stakeholders and communication of the meassage to

everyone. That is followed by risk aspect and the training of the employees.


Table of ContentsIntroduction:....................................................................................................................................5

Administration of Procter and Gamble (P&G):...............................................................................5

1. a. An appropriate workplace context:...................................................................................5

1. b. A new administrative system project:...............................................................................6

2. Need and Requirement of the new approval system:..............................................................6




System Requirements and considerations:..................................................................................7

3. Obtaining quotations from suppliers and developers:.............................................................9

4. Appropriate method to choose suppliers:..............................................................................11

Strong character:........................................................................................................................11

Solid Experience:.......................................................................................................................12

Creative Problem skills:.............................................................................................................12

Outstanding communication skills:...........................................................................................12

Excellent Interpersonal skills:....................................................................................................13

5. Implementation Strategies:....................................................................................................13

6. The implementation plan of new approval system in detail:.................................................14

7. Written procedures:...............................................................................................................14


8. Communication of the new system:......................................................................................15

9. Training and Support to the staff:..........................................................................................15

10. Developing a risk management plan:.................................................................................16



Appendix 1:Quotation:..............................................................................................................17

Appendix 2:...............................................................................................................................18



Table of Contents:

Figure 1. Quotations of IT engineer..............................................................................................10

Figure 2. Qoutataion of equipment suppliers................................................................................10

Figure 3. Quotation spreadsheet....................................................................................................17



Every organisation has its own organisational culture and work place contexts. These

work place contexts often create conflicts and problems which can be dealt only by the

participation of all the employees (Fisher 2016). The assignment deals with a simulated problem

of improper procedures for application for leaves and reimbursement approvals. The first section

points out the problem and points out to a solution. The second section deals with the need of the

new approval system while the third section deals with quotations. The fourth section is about

selecting dealers while the fifth section is about consultation with the stakeholders. This is

followed by detailed plan of implementation, communication, training and risk management of

the new project.

Administration of Procter and Gamble (P&G):

Proctor and Gamble is an American multinational company who owns brands like Head

& Shoulders and Olay. The administration of the company necessitates breaking up of the

operation into smaller divisions to aid in more accurate management. The administration of the

company is divided into global business units, Selling and Market Operations, Global Business

Services and Corporate functions. The company owns several top brands and is present in more

than twenty countries. This requires the integration of operations of the all the locations and

weaving them into a single multicultural and multinational organisational culture (Us.pg.com



1. a. An appropriate workplace context:

The complex activities and the enormous size of operations of Proctor & Gamble

expose the company to the challenge of establishing coordination among the employees.

The difference between opinions of groups or individuals often gives rise of conflict

(Fisher, Kelman and Nan 2013). The main reasons of conflict among the employees are

the methods of approval of leaves and expenses. The main concern lies in the allegation

that the employees of higher ranks can have more leaves and higher expanses approval

from their bosses. The employees of lower rung are deprived of these facilities and are

subjected to more targets and stresses.

1. b. A new administrative system project:

Procter & Gamble has one of the best leave policies in the industries and has the

reputation of highest employee retention (Pgcareers.com 2017). Hence, the conflict

regarding leaves and expenses approvals has their roots in the administrative disparity

and can be removed by the new system of maintaining a new system.

The employees should apply for leaves both in hard copy and in the electronic

form. They should also send the hard copy of the tickets and bills after they return from

tours and mail the scanned copies of the same for electronic recording. The accounts and

the HR departments should also have the copies of the applications for their record and

future reference.


2. Need and Requirement of the new approval system:


The users of the new dual application approval system will be the employees of

P&G. It will especially beneficial to employees who are in the field jobs and

continuously go on business tours.


The stakeholders of the new system will be the various departments who are

impacted by the leaves and the expenses of the employees (Waligo, Clarke and Hawkins

2015). For example, when employees take leave, the same has to be approved by the

reporting manager or the skip level manager. The HR department has to keep a record of

the same in order to ensure that employees do not exceed their allotted leave limits. The

accounts department needs the information in order to calculate the salary which appears

in the financial statements. Hence, the stakeholders here consist of the several

departments which are impacted by the employees directly or indirectly.


The purpose new approval system is to bring about transparency in the leave and

expense approval procedures prevailing in the departments. The system will require all

application requesting approvals to be presented in both hard and soft copies. This will

allow the concerned departments to take necessary actions. This system will also help the

managers to plan the operations in their departments or teams. For example, an employee

sends an email for approving leave to his reporting officer. The officer can take the

matter into account the fact and align it with the job requirements of the day or period


and may not approve any further requests. This system will thus allow the managers to

manage the job requirements or pressure for a period and approve leaves without

affecting the job schedule. This will also help to reduce the missing of deadlines which

are sometimes consequences of several leaves.

System Requirements and considerations:

Size of the system:

The new approval system will be more extensive and to be aligned to the leave

policy of the company.

Types and numbers of users:

The employees should mandatorily have official email accounts created in their

names having all their details like date of joining and qualifications. No employee

should have access to the system designated to another employee but there should be

a common page where the names of the employees can be viewed by all. The

managers should have access to the portals of the employees and check previous

approvals and allowances.

Compliance requirements:

The employees will be able to log in their individual portals by putting in

the employee identification number and password set by them. This will ensure

security of official instructions and other confidential data. The employees should

on no condition share their password and will have to confront the compliance

department in case any breach in the matter. Every employee should send


application mails from their account and the print out of the same is going to

function as the hard copy application. Approval of both the forms of applications

are mandatory and the managers must keep a record of the approved applications

along with their system generated codes.


Capability and Features:

The new approval system should be user friendly so that both the employees

and the managers can use it. The system should be designed in such a way that

applicants and their superiors are able to put information very easily. However,

editing of applications should require approval of the compliance departments.

The system should allow scanning of documents of various sizes and

printing of the letters. It should provide a distinct number to every application so that

the same referred in the future. The system should feature the photographs and the

official details of the employees in context and have the facility of regular updating.

The approval system should have alternative access methods through the

personal mails of the employees if the official network becomes temporarily slow or


3. Obtaining quotations from suppliers and developers:

The new approval systems will require involvement of administration, computer

suppliers, Information technology experts, internal staff and equipment suppliers. The

following table show the rates of the engineer contractors who may work as information

technology experts.


Figure 1. Quotations of IT engineer

Source: www.professionalsaustralia.org.au

Figure 2. Qoutataion of equipment suppliers

(Source: Australia, 2017)

The average salary of a technical consultant is AU$ 80000 per year and they gain

expertise in project management. Some companies also allow them share in their profits


of around AU$ 8000. P&G, being a global company can employ a technical consultant

because the new project will demand continuous professional attention from an expert

personnel (Payscale.com 2017).

4. Appropriate method to choose suppliers:

The installation of the new approval system will definitely make application for

leaves and expenses allowances more transparent. The project requires the company to

install new devices, software and avail services of consultancy firms before selecting the

best supplier. Consultants need to be hired when the new projects requires continuous

attention especially when the project is entirely new. The present team of experts in the

firm lacks the required knowledge to take the project forward. P&G before hiring the

consultant should be assured that the consulting firm has thorough understanding of the

organisational culture and need of the company. The global FMCG giant must also be

certain about the positive support of the hired firm’s management in the project. The

consultant firm should have experience to dealing with complex projects of multinational

companies of the size of P&G (Lassila and Hilgemann 2014).

Whitestone Partners, a management consulting firm has chosen five essential

parameters that P&G can follow in order to choose the best suppliers in all the areas:

Strong character:

The firm should have a strong management and should be financially capable of

dealing with big projects. The consultancy firms and the suppliers should put forward the

interest of P&G ahead of their own. P&G should carry out a thorough research about the

clientele, financial capability and legality of the firm before hiring it. The company


should prepare a list of such firms on a spreadsheet and present the sheet before the

management for final approval.

Solid Experience:

The consultant should have experience of working with a variety of clients,

especially multinational companies. It should have the experience of working under

diverse conditions and a rich knowledge and practical experience of handling

macroeconomic situations.

Creative Problem skills:

The consultant should have the capability of arriving at practical solutions that

meets the requirements of the clients. For example McKinsey & Company started its

journey as a small consultant and has evolved into one of the top management consultants

(Snyder et al. 2016). They have gained expertise in innovation in various management

areas and are working in Australian and New Zealand (Mckinsey.com 2017).P&G can

hire the McKinsey % Company in this project due to its global presence which matches

the former’s requirement.

Outstanding communication skills:

The crucial project like the one in question requires a lot of sharing of data and

information between the client, P&G here and the consultant. The consultant should

intimate the terms of the contract expressly and maintain the highest standard of

professional (Finch and Fafinski 2014). The consultant should possess outstanding

communication skills and transparency in its operations.


Excellent Interpersonal skills:

The consultant should have great interpersonal skills to work with a client like

P&G. The personnel of the firm should not only install the new system but also train the

employee to operate it.

5. Implementation Strategies:

The management or the concerned department should frame the outline the

strategies towards implementation of the new approval system. The new approval system

requires continuous involvement and support to meet with success. The management of

P&G, in consultation with its own in house team of experts can decide to engage external

firms to carry out the projects. The quotations, as explained in the previous section can be

considered to hire the most efficient firm in various aspects at the most competitive rates.

The new dual reporting leave and expenses approval system will require the

approval of the apex management first. Then, the concerned departments like the HR,

compliance and accounts departments should recognise the new effort. The employees

should be educated about the utility of the new system. The installation and success of the

new system will require participation of all the staffs who are among the stakeholders

(Melton and Hartline 2013). The concerned department should collect the minutes and

other forms of written approval of the board of directors regarding the project to get a nod

from the shareholders as well. The shareholders must be convinced that the new system

will increase productivity and reduce management employee conflict. The new project is

aimed at dealing with conflicts more efficiently. It will enhance organisational culture


based on transparent approval system between the superiors and subordinates (Goetsch

and Davis 2014). (Refer to Appendix 1)

6. The implementation plan of new approval system in detail:

Step 1: Take

approval of the


Step 2: Seek approval of

all the related


Step 3: Seek approval of

the shareholders

Step 4:Educate the

employees about the

utility of the new


Step 8: Allocate funds

to the products based on

their quotations

Step 7: Choose the best

consultants and


Step 6: Obtain

quotations from various

suppliers and


Step 5: Decide on the

various methods that

can be used to execute

the project

Step 9: Project


Step 10: Training of

employees on the new


Step 11: Testing of the

new approval system

Step 12: Payment

processing to the

suppliers and


7. Written procedures:

The new approval should be able to handle and process multiple applications for

leaves. The system should also be empowered to deal with spreadsheets having lists of

expenses and the scanned copies of tickets and other documents substantiating the

expense claims of the employees. When an employee raises an application, the

application should generate a word document with a number for reference. The word

document should actually have the matter the employee types on the mail. The word

document should be printable while the mail should simultaneously reach the concerned


departments. Once the reporting manager approves the leave, the same should be visible

on the common attendance sheet.

The approval system should be accessible using personal mail identification in

case the system faces temporary problem. This alternative will allow the employees to

derive utility from the new system even while travelling. The managers and the

departmental heads will be able to sanction leaves and expenses even while travelling.

8. Communication of the new system:

Information about the new system should be communicated to the stakeholders in a

formal manner. The message should be written in form of an email(Allen 2016). The hard

copy of the same should be despatched to the stakeholders on the letter head of P&G.

(Refer to Appendix 2)

9. Training and Support to the staff:

All the employees of P&G are capable of using the technology at the basic level.

The employees need to be trained on the advanced and complex technology of the new

approval system. There is a need to train them to use the system flawlessly because the

same will be used by several departments including the directors. The staffs need to be

trained in technology so that they can derive full fruit of the new system. The staffs will

be tested to assess their control over the system (Phillips and Phillips 2016). The

departments like the HR and accounts can use the mails as basis of salary calculation



10. Developing a risk management plan:

The new approval system will attract the following risks:

Compliance Risk:

The involvement of external parties will require sharing of confidential data with

them to work upon. Information like employees’ names, contact numbers, mail

identities and other confidential data have to shared with them so that they can feed

into the system. This presents high risk of data theft (Braguinsky and Mityakov

2015). The company only share the information discretely to prevent theft.

Lack of training:

The new system requires a continuous training of the existing employees and the

basic training of the new employees. Some employees may take some time to acclimatise

with the new system and required to be trained again.

Loss of productivity:

The employees will take time to learn the techniques of using the new approval

system. Even the managers will take time to learn approving leaves and expenses. This

may lead of lack of communication and impact productivity (Raina and Roebuck 2016).


The new approval plan though shows a bright future in application handling, is a matter

of consideration of the apex management. The management should consider the rates of various


suppliers to zero on the most profitable deal. The employees must participate in the new plan to

ensure that it is a success.


Appendix 1:Quotation:

The quotations from various suppliers must be obtained and compared to prepare a

budget for the project. For example, according to Pay Scale Human Capital the salary of a

technical consultant is AU$ 83279 annually which comes to AU$ 6940 monthly (Payscale.com

2017). Another source which is a micro business community shows that limited time project

work consulting attracts a fees of $ 100 an hour which amounts of $72000 monthly. The same

firm provides services as an external consultant charging $80 a hour for three days a week which

amounts to $23040 assuming that every day’s pay is given for twenty four hours (Pymble and P


The Smart Payroll, a provider of payroll software supplier charges $1.79 per employee if

the numbers of employees are between twenty one and ninety nine which amounts to $177.21 for

ninety nine employees. The total amount comes to $202.21 if the monthly service fees of $25 are

added to it. Australian Forms Office Choice has scanner and printer of $ 449 while a printer with

colour printing facilities $242.53 (Australianforms.officechoice.com.au 2017).

The above quotation can then be plotted on a spread sheet to present in before the



Figure 3. Quotation spreadsheet

(Source: Author)

Appendix 2:

The outline of the letter will as follows:

Communication form- Written, formal in form of email and letter.

Subject- Implementation of the new approval system.

Purpose of the system- Dealing with multiple expenditure and leave application for approval

Purpose of the communication- All the staff members are invited to utilise the new approval

system to process approvals faster with greater transparency.



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