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Brief report on MS Project 2010 Training for Sub-Project Managers of Sustainable Natural Resource Management and Productivity Enhancement Project 11-15 March 2013 Submitted to: 0144-LAO and 0145-LAO-Sustainable Natural Resource Management and Productivity Enhancement Project Prepared by: Enterprise and development Consultants 1
Page 1: Introduction - Homepage | APMAS Knowledge … · Web viewThere were total 16 participants. There were 3 participants from each of the provinces: Champasak, Salavan, Sekong, and Attapeau;

Brief report on

MS Project 2010 Training for Sub-Project Managers of

Sustainable Natural Resource Management and Productivity Enhancement Project

11-15 March 2013

Submitted to: 0144-LAO and 0145-LAO-Sustainable Natural Resource

Management and Productivity Enhancement Project

Prepared by: Enterprise and development Consultants


Page 2: Introduction - Homepage | APMAS Knowledge … · Web viewThere were total 16 participants. There were 3 participants from each of the provinces: Champasak, Salavan, Sekong, and Attapeau;


Participants’ and Trainers Profile:...............................................................................................................3

Main Contents and Methods.......................................................................................................................3


Opening and Pre-session.........................................................................................................................4

Part 1: Introduction to MS project...........................................................................................................4

Part 2: How to use MS Project.................................................................................................................5

Part 3: How to monitor the project.........................................................................................................5

Course Evaluation........................................................................................................................................5



Annex 1: List of Participants........................................................................................................................8

Annex 2: Training agenda..........................................................................................................................11

Annex 3: Progress of MS Project Plan of Sub-Projects...............................................................................13

Annex 4: Photos.........................................................................................................................................14

Annex 5: Pre and Post Training Assessment.............................................................................................16


Page 3: Introduction - Homepage | APMAS Knowledge … · Web viewThere were total 16 participants. There were 3 participants from each of the provinces: Champasak, Salavan, Sekong, and Attapeau;

IntroductionThe training on MS project 2010 was implemented for Sub-project managers of the SNRMPEP during 11 to 15 March 2013 in Vientiane, Lao PDR. This training followed Phase I of coaching program on ‘Capacity Building for Local Service Providers’ (August – December 2012). This training is the first part out of three consecutive parts of Phase II: Capacity Building for Managers of SNRMPEP (starting from March to May 2013). Overall objective of Phase II is to “provide participants at SNRMPEP provincial /district offices with necessary skills to manage projects using MS-Project”.

Specifically, this 5-day training program aims to:

Provide knowledge MS Project 2010: Key features, benefits and limitations of the tool; Enable the participants to plan and manage resources in a project plan; and Enable the participants to share theirrespective project plans with other team members.

Participants’ and Trainers Profile:There were total 16 participants. There were 3 participants from each of the provinces: Champasak, Salavan, Sekong, and Attapeau; and two each from Savannakhet and Vientiane capital office. Almost all participants are Government technical staff (M&E, Planning and Statistics, Agronomist…) seconded to work with sub-projects in their respective provinces (see Annex 1 for list of participants). All participants met the basic requirements including basic skills in using Microsoft Office, and they are in a position to apply the tool into their respective sub-projects.

The trainer/coach from local service provider—EDC:Six coaches/trainers were engaged in this training. They were EDC consultants who received MS project 2010 training provided by the external lead trainer in Phase I, they are:

1. Dr. VivathSauvaly2. Mr. Vila Chantavong3. Mr. VisaySayyavongsa4. Mr. SomsackSouvannalath5. Ms. SomchaySoulitham6. Ms. ThiphaphonePhetmany (Lead trainer team)

In addition, there was one assistant who is specialist in IT solutions, helping the participants to install MS project 2010 program, and fixing when there is any IT related problem.

Main Contents and MethodsThe 5-training day on MS Project 2010 was considered a basic level that captured three main parts (See Annex 2 for training detailed contents and schedule), they are:

Part 1: Introduction to MS project


Page 4: Introduction - Homepage | APMAS Knowledge … · Web viewThere were total 16 participants. There were 3 participants from each of the provinces: Champasak, Salavan, Sekong, and Attapeau;

What is Project Management? What is MS Project -- the features, benefits and limitations?

Part 2: How to use MS Project Creating a planManaging Tasks in a Project planManaging resources in a project planEnter costs for resourcesFinalizing a project plan- set a baseline

Part 3: How to monitor the projectIntroduction to Monitoring a project- tracking a project plan

The training used short lecture prior to demonstration of “how to” use each of the tools. Individual practices and group (based on province) practices were used largely; and each of the coach/trainer provided very close coaching support to the participants throughout the entire training course. Individual participant was given MS Project 2010 training manual at the beginning of the course; and the DVD after the program for their reference.


Opening and Pre-session

The project’s representative, Mr. Sengthong-Phachanh Syvongsay, Head of Project Finance Unit, gave remarks in the opening session, and encouraged the participants to make use as much as possible what they learned from this course to the benefits of the project planning, and especially for efficient and systematic report to the Vientiane office on the progress in project implementation and budget usage. The lead trainer gave overview of Phase II: Capacity Building for Managers of SNRMPEP,including the timeframe and the next steps after this 5-day training course.

Part 1: Introduction to MS project

The topic on “What is Project Management? What is MS Project -- the features, benefits and limitations?” was introduced to the participants with a brief discussion on the practices and current status of planning sub-projects. Basically, the participants shared that they are currently in the state of revising the sub-project plans according to the suggestions of ADB’s recent mission to the program, SNRMPEP.Therefore, not all provinces have the sub-projects updated accordingly (in Microsoft Excel). They still need to work with concerned agencies in the province/district to finalise the plan, which this then can be used to feed in a plan in the format of MS project tool.

The trainers briefly leaded the participants through MS project 2010 tool, including different taps, ribbons, and menus…. The special features and benefits were suggested such as: easy to use by Microsoft Office users, easy to share with the team regarding project timeline, resource planner… The


Page 5: Introduction - Homepage | APMAS Knowledge … · Web viewThere were total 16 participants. There were 3 participants from each of the provinces: Champasak, Salavan, Sekong, and Attapeau;

limitations of the MS Project were related to cost of training and possibly updating of the program overtime were pointed out to the participants.

Part 2: How to use MS Project

The trainer demonstrated MS Project 2010 tools and applications step by steps. The participant wok individually and also shared among the members from the same provinces. It was observed that the participants worked well in the team and helped each other with support of individual trainers/coaches. Regarding the applications of MS Project to the sub-projects, not all provinces can complete 2 sub-projects as expected. They did not have the broken down tasks from the main tasks stipulated in the sub-projects (related to the on-going revision of the sub-projects at this stage). Thus, they were able to complete only the tasks with sub-tasks in the format of MS project; and leave the main tasks as they are. SeeAnnex 3: Progress of MS Project Plan of Sub-Projects.

At the end of this training’s Part the participants learned how to set a baseline, print and share a project plan. In addition to MS Project, the trainers leaded the participants to create the team’s “Dropbox” where all the sub-projects - MS Project template were shared. The participants found this was very useful tool and easy to use for sharing and learning from one another within the same projects or different projects’ team.

Part 3: How to monitor the project

Introduction to monitoring a project- tracking a project plan was suggested in the last session of the training course with an example (“pig raising project”). It is expected that the sub-project managers who already have the sub-projects properly planed using MS Project tool (up to set a baseline) will apply MS Project tool in tracking and monitoring the implementation of the plan over March-April prior to the next training.

(See Annex 4: for Photos)

Course EvaluationTwo types of the evaluation were conducted: evaluation of pre and post training; and training course evaluation. The results of the post-training asked individual participants to rate their level of competency in relation to MS project 2010 before and after the training they received this time. The results in Annex 5: Results of Pre and Post MS Project Competency Assessment showed that overall the participants’ competency (as average of 23 topics related to MS Project) improved from the score of 1.99 to 4.74 (or 2.75 improvement).

The training course evaluation asked the participants for comments and suggestions, they are summarized below:

1) What are benefits of MS Project 2010 to you?


Page 6: Introduction - Homepage | APMAS Knowledge … · Web viewThere were total 16 participants. There were 3 participants from each of the provinces: Champasak, Salavan, Sekong, and Attapeau;

Basically, the participants appreciated the program and the powerful tool of MS Project, they specifically stated that:

It helps to better manage the project Helpful in planning a project with proper scheduling Tracking is very useful for monitoring the project’s progress Set a baseline is convenient for project revision, etc.

2) What are difficulties and limitations in applications of MS Project 2010? The other key technical staff need training the same way English language barrier in using the tool (tap, menu….) Training is short Difficult terms of the tools Do not fully understand and need to practice (Deadline setting, progress of activities

implementation Cannot follow the sessions, the sessions move so fast (demonstration), etc.

3) What suggestions do you have to this training?

Need more training for other staff, and the next level for this same group of participants The training venue is a bit far from the accommodation Very good trainer team Increase time for practices The trainers should speak slower Improve the training manual in terms of sequences

In addition, over the discussions along the training course, there were some concerns by the participants in relation to how to optimize the efforts in planning, implementing and overall managing the sub-projects, the participants shared:

It is quite often that implementation of the project activities were behind the schedule. It was especially related to procurement activity that required to be carried by the central level. And this affects the other activities that rely on procurement. This is not under the sub-projects control.

There is no approval of the sub-projects by the provincial or district authorities, and thus it in a way opens room for frequent adjustments of the project schedule; which means delay can easily be the case and accepted by head-office.

ConclusionThe 5-day training on MS Project 2010 was successfully implemented for 15 participants of SNRMPEP. This was the first training at a basic level of MS project application in planning and managing the sub-projects. The participants were highly engaged in all sessions, especially the practices using different examples as well as their own sub-projects. The participants highly appreciated the introduction of MS


Page 7: Introduction - Homepage | APMAS Knowledge … · Web viewThere were total 16 participants. There were 3 participants from each of the provinces: Champasak, Salavan, Sekong, and Attapeau;

Project by the program, and are willing to open to this initiative. At the end of the program Dr. Kulwant Singh, Team Leader of SNRMPEP, handed over the certificates. He also encouraged the participants to apply the tool and to make use of the tool as much as they can as eventually the benefits of the program will depend largely on the users.

Recommendations The participants shall continue to complete the sub-project using MS Project 2010 (instead of

the former Excel format). The participants many need to consult/discuss with relevant party that the sub-project activities

depends on (such as procurement), this to help the schedule of activities are more realistic. The participants and the lead team of SNRMPEP shall continue to make use of Dropbox as

mechanism (for now) for sharing of information and updating on other sub-projects progress and opportunity for sharing other resources, if applicable.

Feed-backing within the team and the SNRMPEP would be useful along the way before the next training program of Phase II capacity building for sub-projects managers of SNRMPEP.


Page 8: Introduction - Homepage | APMAS Knowledge … · Web viewThere were total 16 participants. There were 3 participants from each of the provinces: Champasak, Salavan, Sekong, and Attapeau;

Annex 1: List of Participants


ຊື່ ແລະ ນາມສະກຸນ/ Name

ຈາກພາກສ່ວນເມືອງ/ From

ຕຳາແໜ່ງ/ Positionເບີໂທ/ Phone

numberອີເມລ/ Email

1 ທ່ານ ໄກສອນ ອິນທິລາດMr. KaisonInthirat ສາລະວັນ


ວິຊາການຕິດຕາມ ແລະ ປະເມີນຜົນໂຄງການTechnical staff for monitoring and evaluation


[email protected]

2 ທ່ານ ສົມໄຊ ສົມສຸລິວົງMr. SomxaySomsoulivong




[email protected]

3 ທ່ານ ຈັນທະວົງ ວໍລະສານMr. ChanthavongVorasan



Technical staff for land use planning


[email protected]

4 ທ່ານ ຄ້ໍາຂັນ ທະວົງສະໄໝMr. KhamkhanThavongsamai


ວິຊາການດ້ານການປູກຝັງPlantation technical staff


[email protected]

5 ທ່ານ ສົນທະລາ ສົມວັນທາMr. SonthalaSomvantha


ວິຊາການວາງແຜນນໍາໃຊ້ທ່ີດິນTechnical staff for land use planning


[email protected]

6 ທ່ານ ສອນປະເສີດ ແສງສຸລິຈັນMr. SonpaseuthSengsoulichan


ວິຊາການທາງດ້ານການວາງແຜນນໍາໃຊ້ທ່ີດິນTechnical staff for land use planning


[email protected]

7 ທ່ານ ວຽງແກ້ວ ໄຊຍະສອນMr. ViengkeoSayasone


ວິຊາການວາງທາງດ້ານການແຜນນໍາໃຊ້ທ່ີດິນTechnical staff for land use planning


[email protected]

8 ທ່ານ ເພັດສະໝອນ ວໍລະສານMr. PehtsamoneVorasan


ວິຊາການທາງດ້ານວາງແຜນນໍາໃຊ້ທ່ີດິນTechnical staff for land use planning


[email protected]

9 ທ່ານ ໄຊຍະລາດ ສີສຸກMr. SayalatSisouk


ວິຊາການປູກຝັງPlantation technical staff


[email protected]

10 ທ່ານ ອານຸລັກ ສາຍທອງເດດMr. AnoulackSaithongdet


ວິຊາການ ທາງດ້ານການວາງແຜນນໍາໃຊ້ທ່ີດິນTechnical staff for land use planning


[email protected]

11 ທ່ານ ທິບພະຈັນ ບຸນສຸຂາບົວສອນMr. ThippachanhBounsoukkhabuasone


ວິຊາການປະເມີນຜົນTechnical staff for monitoring and evaluation


[email protected]

12 ທ່ານ ສົມພະໄທ ອິນທະສົມບັດMr.


ວິຊາການທາງດ້ານຕິດຕາມປະເມີນຜົນTechnical staff for monitoring and


[email protected]


Page 9: Introduction - Homepage | APMAS Knowledge … · Web viewThere were total 16 participants. There were 3 participants from each of the provinces: Champasak, Salavan, Sekong, and Attapeau;



13 ທ່ານ ເສົາພາກອນ ຜັນຕິຍະວົງMr. SaophakonPhatiyavong


ວິຊາການທາງດ້ານຕິດຕາມປະເມີນຜົນTechnical staff for monitoring and evaluation


[email protected]

14 ທ່ານ ກອງຊັບ ໄຊຍະຄໍາMr. KongsapSayakham


ວິຊາການວາງແຜນນໍາໃຊ້ທ່ີດິນTechnical staff for land use planning


[email protected]

15 ນ. ພູທອນMs. Phuthon


Project staff [email protected]

16 ທ່ານ ຄາງເພັດ ໄຊຍະກອນMr. Khangphetsayyakone


Project staff

17 ດຣ ວິວັດ ເສົາວະລີDr. VivathSauvaly


ບໍລິສັດທ່ີປຶກສາ EDCEDC consultant


[email protected]

18 ທ່ານ ວິໄຊ ໄຊຍະວົງສາMr. Vixaysayyavongsa


ບໍລິສັດທ່ີປຶກສາ EDCEDC IT


[email protected]

19 ທ່ານ ວິລະ ຈັນທະວົງMr. Vila Chanthavong


ບໍລິສັດທ່ີປຶກສາ EDCEDC consultant


[email protected]

20 ທ່ານ ສົມສັກ ສຸວັນນະລາດMr. SomsackSouvannalath


ບໍລິສັດທ່ີປຶກສາ EDCEDC consultant


[email protected]

21 ນ. ທິບພະພອນ ເພັດມະນີMs. ThipphaphonePhetmany


ບໍລິສັດທ່ີປຶກສາ EDC

EDC consultant


[email protected]

22 ນ. ສົມໃຈ ສຸລິທໍາMs. SomjaiSoulitham


ບໍລິສັດທ່ີປຶກສາ EDC

EDC consultant


[email protected]

23 ທ່ານ ຈິນດາວົງສຸດທໍາມະວົງMr. ChindavongSuthammavong


ບໍລິສັດທ່ີປຶກສາ EDCEDC IT


[email protected]


Page 10: Introduction - Homepage | APMAS Knowledge … · Web viewThere were total 16 participants. There were 3 participants from each of the provinces: Champasak, Salavan, Sekong, and Attapeau;

Annex 2: Training agenda

Timing: Morning 8.30-12.00, Afternoon 13.15-16.30, Break: 10.00-10.15 am and 14.45-15.00 pm

Time Day1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5Morning Introduction to the

Training and Coaching Program:-Opening-Self--introduction-Introduction to Training and Coaching ProgramPart 1: Introduction to MS Project:-Project and Characteristics of project Management; and Skills of a Project Manager-Microsoft Project- a tool in managing a project(Q: what tool are you using in managing a project?)

-Managing Tasks in a Project plan – Exercise using an example

- Managing resources in a project plan – Exercise using an example

-Enter costs for resources (cost options) – Exercise using an example

-Finalizing a project plan – Exercise using an example

Part 2.1: How to use MS Project for Planning- using sub-projects

Part 2.1: How to use MS Project for Planning- using sub-projects

Part 2.2 How to use PS Project in Monitoring and Controlling

Tracking progress

Print a project summary report

Summary and closing

Afternoon13.15-16.30 pm

Part 2.1: How to use MS Project for Planning- using an exampleOverview of MS Project:-Familiarize with MS Project components –views, tabs, bars, menus, etc.Creating a plan–Exercise using an example Assign project

calendar Add tasks (task

modes, task categories)- auto

Continue exercises using an example

Continue exercises using sub-projects

Continue exercises using sub-projects


Page 11: Introduction - Homepage | APMAS Knowledge … · Web viewThere were total 16 participants. There were 3 participants from each of the provinces: Champasak, Salavan, Sekong, and Attapeau;

and manual Enter the task

duration Add resources (types

of resources--Work, materials, cost, budget, resource sheet


Page 12: Introduction - Homepage | APMAS Knowledge … · Web viewThere were total 16 participants. There were 3 participants from each of the provinces: Champasak, Salavan, Sekong, and Attapeau;

Annex 3: Progress of MS Project Plan of Sub-Projects

Province Sub-projects

Name of sub-projects and status of creating a plan using MS Project 2010

Attapue 1 PR01Integrated animal raising project, Tatseng village, San Xay district, Attapue province.Progress of MS Project plan: Completed all 6 spans

2 COM3 Crops plantation promotion project, Samakheesay district, Attapue province.Progress: Completed 12 spans, and remain 21 spans(no sub-activity).

Salavan1 COM4 Integrated Sweet potato, peanut and banana

plantation for product, Laongarm district, Salavan provincesProgress: Completed7 spans, and remain 5 spans (no sub-activity)

2 PR06 Project to enhance and improve rice production by using agriculture technique, Tumlan district, Salavan province.Progress: 6 spans are completed, one remained. (no sub activity)

Champasak1 NRM3 Forest reservation project, Paksong district,

Champasak province.Progress: Completed all 7 spans.

2 COM9 Goat raising promotion project, Sanasomboun, Pakse, Champasak, Phonthong, Pathoumphone district, Champasak province.Progress: No progress.


1 PR3Poverty reduction project by using agriculture production improvement, La aen and Ta loie village, Sepon district, Savannakhet province.Progress: Completed all 9 spans

2 PR02Poverty reduction project by using agriculture production improvement, La baeng and Tang alai village, Nong district, Savannakhet provinces.Progress: No progress.

Sekong 1 COM2 Coffee quality improvement project with Coffee production association, Thataeng, Sekong province.Progress: 5 spans are completed , and 6 spans are remained (no sub-activity)

2 PR3 Cow raising project, vangpakngor village, Kaleum district, Sekong province.Progress: No progress


Page 13: Introduction - Homepage | APMAS Knowledge … · Web viewThere were total 16 participants. There were 3 participants from each of the provinces: Champasak, Salavan, Sekong, and Attapeau;

Annex 4: Photos


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Annex 5: Pre and Post Training Assessment

Please see attached MS-Excel file.

