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Introduction - 123seminarsonly.comor any form of parametric polymorphism) and user-defined operator...

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava Introduction The explosion of java over the last year has been driven largely by its in role in bringing a new generation of interactive web pages to World Wide Web. Undoubtedly various features of the languages-compactness, byte code portability, security, and so on—make it particularly attractive as an implementation languages for applets embedded in web pages. But it is clear that the ambition of the Java development team go well beyond enhancing the functionality of HTML documents. “Java is designed to meet the chalanges of application development on the context of heterogeneous, network-wide distributed environments. Paramaount amoung these chalanges is secure delivery of applications that consume the minimum of systems resources, can run on any hardware and software platform, can be extended dynamically.” Several of these concerns are mirrored in developments in the High Prerformance Computing world over a number of years. A decade ago the focus of interest in the parallel computing community was on parallel hardware. A parallel computer was typically built from specialized processers through a proprietary high-performance communication switch. If the machine also had to be programmed in a proprietary language, that was an acceptable price for the benefits of using a supercomputer. This attitude was not sustainable as one parallel architecture gave way to another, and cost of porting software became exorbitant. Dept. of CSE MESCE, Kuttippuram 1

Seminar Report’03 HPJava


The explosion of java over the last year has been driven

largely by its in role in bringing a new generation of interactive

web pages to World Wide Web. Undoubtedly various features of

the languages-compactness, byte code portability, security, and

so on—make it particularly attractive as an implementation

languages for applets embedded in web pages. But it is clear

that the ambition of the Java development team go well beyond

enhancing the functionality of HTML documents.

“Java is designed to meet the chalanges of application

development on the context of heterogeneous, network-wide

distributed environments. Paramaount amoung these chalanges

is secure delivery of applications that consume the minimum of

systems resources, can run on any hardware and software

platform, can be extended dynamically.”

Several of these concerns are mirrored in developments in

the High Prerformance Computing world over a number of years.

A decade ago the focus of interest in the parallel computing

community was on parallel hardware. A parallel computer was

typically built from specialized processers through a proprietary

high-performance communication switch. If the machine also

had to be programmed in a proprietary language, that was an

acceptable price for the benefits of using a supercomputer. This

attitude was not sustainable as one parallel architecture gave

way to another, and cost of porting software became exorbitant.

Dept. of CSE MESCE, Kuttippuram1

Seminar Report’03 HPJava

For several years now, portability across platforms had been a

central concern in parallel computing.

HPJava is a programming language extended from Java to

support parallel programming, especially (but not exclusively)

data parallel programming on message passing and distributed

memory systems, from multi-processor systems to workstation


Although it has a close relationship with HPF, the design of

HPJava does not inherit the HPF programming model. Instead

the language introduces a high-level structured SPMD

programming style--the HPspmd model. A program written in

this kind of language explicitly coordinates well-defined process

groups. These cooperate in a loosely synchronous manner,

sharing logical threads of control. As in a conventional

distributed-memory SPMD program, only a process owning a

data item such as an array element is allowed to access the

item directly. The language provides special constructs that

allow programmers to meet this constraint conveniently.

Besides the normal variables of the sequential base

language, the language model introduces classes of global

variables that are stored collectively across process groups.

Primarily, these are distributed arrays. They provide a global

name space in the form of globally subscripted arrays, with

assorted distribution patterns. This helps to relieve

programmers of error-prone activities such as the local-to-

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

global, global-to-local subscript translations which occur in data

parallel applications.

In addition to special data types the language provides

special constructs to facilitate both data parallel and task

parallel programming. Through these constructs, different

processors can either work simultaneously on globally

addressed data, or independently execute complex procedures

on locally held data. The conversion between these phases is


In the traditional SPMD mold, the language itself does not

provide implicit data movement semantics. This greatly

simplifies the task of the compiler, and should encourage

programmers to use algorithms that exploit locality. Data on

remote processors is accessed exclusively through explicit

library calls. In particular, the initial HPJava implementation

relies on a library of collective communication routines originally

developed as part of an HPF runtime library. Other distributed-

array-oriented communication libraries may be bound to the

language later. Due to the explicit SPMD programming model,

low level MPI communication is always available as a fall-back.

The language itself only provides basic concepts to organize

data arrays and process groups. Different communication

patterns are implemented as library functions. This allows the

possibility that if a new communication pattern is needed, it is

relatively easily integrated through new libraries.

2. Overview of HPJava

Dept. of CSE MESCE, Kuttippuram3

Seminar Report’03 HPJava

HPJava stands for “high performance java”. Java already

provides parallelism through threads. But that model of

parallelism can only be easily exploited on shared memory

computers. HPJava is targetted at distributed memory parallel

computers (most likely, networks of PCs and workstations).

2.1. HPJava History

Active in the early 1990s, the High Performance Fortran

Forum brought together leading high-performance computing

practitioners to define a common language for data parallel

computing. Inspired by the success of parallel dialects of Fortran

such as Connection Machine Fortran, the resulting high

performance Fortran(HPF) language definition extended the

then-standard Fortran 90 with several parallel features.

HPJava project started around 1997, growing out of group’s

earlier HPF work.People were starting to talking about java

Grande and the possibility that eventually java could be a high-

performance language. The reason was that the syntax was

considerably simpler, and perhaps there was scope to extend it

with the features we wanted for data-parallel computing.

2.2. HPjava Philosophy

HPJava lifts some ideas directly from HPF, and its domain

of applicability is likely to overlap HPF to a large extent. It has

an almost equivalent model of distributed arrays(the only very

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

significant difference in this respect is that eventually

abandoned the “block cyclic” distribution format); you can write

HPJava programs that very look like corresponding HPF

programs. But the philosophies of the languages differ in some

significant ways. HPJava was designed in “bottom up” manner.

3. Characterestics

We have explored the practicality of doing parallel

computing in Java, and of providing Java interfaces to High

Performance Computing software. For various reasons, the

success of this exercise was not a foregone conclusion. Java sits

on a virtual machine model that is significantly different to the

hardware-oriented model which C or Fortran exploit directly.

Java discourages or prevents direct access to the some of the

fundamental resources of the underlying hardware (most

extremely, its memory).

Which is the better strategy? In the long term Java may

become a major implementation language for large software

packages like MPI. It certainly has advantages in respect of

portability that could simplify implementations dramatically. In

the immediate term recoding these packages does not appear

so attractive. Java wrappers to existing software look more

sensible. On a cautionary note, our experience with MPI

suggests that interfacing Java to non-trivial communication

packages may be less easy than it sounds. Nevertheless, we

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

intend in the future to create a Java interface to an existing run-

time library for data parallel computation.

So is Java, as it stands, a good language for High

Performance Computing?

It still has to be demonstrated that Java can be compiled to

code of efficiency comparable with C or Fortran. Many avenues

are being followed simultaneously towards a higher

performance Java. Besides the Java chip effort of Sun, it has

been reported at this workshop that IBM is developing an

optimizing Java compiler which produces binary code directly,

that Rice University and Rochester University are working on

optimization and restructuring of bytecode generated by javac,

and that Indiana University is working on source restructuring to

parallelize Java. Parallel interpretation of bytecode is also an

emerging practice. For example, the IBM JVM, an

implementation of JVM on shared memory architectures, was

released in spring 1996, and UIUC has recently started work

aimed at parallel interpretation of Java bytecode for distributed

memory systems.

Another promising approach under investigation is to

integrate interpretation and compilation techniques for parallel

execution of Java programs. In such a system, a partially

ordered set of interpretive frames is generated by an II/CVM

compiler. A frame is a description of some subtask, whose

granularity may range from a single scalar assignment

statement to a solver for a system of equations. Under

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

supervision of the virtual machine (II/CVM), the actions specified

in a frame may be performed in one of three ways:

• Executed by an interpretive module directly,

which also incorporates JIT compilation capability.

• Some precompiled computational library

function is invoked locally to accomplish the task; this

function may be executed sequentially or in parallel.

• The frame is sent to some registered remote

system, which will get the work done, once again either

sequentially or in parallel.

With this approach, optimized binary codes for well formed

computation subtasks exist in runtime libraries, supporting a

high level interpretive environment. Task parallelism is observed

among different frames executed by the three mechanisms

simultaneously, while data parallelism is observed in the

execution of some of the runtime functions.

Presuming these efforts satisfactorily address the

performance issue, the second aspect in question concerns

expressiveness of the Java language. Our final interface to MPI is

quite elegant, and provides much of the functionality of the

standard C and Fortran bindings. But creating this interface was

a more difficult process than one might hope, both in terms of

getting a good specification, and in terms of making the

implementation work. The lack of features like C++ templates

(or any form of parametric polymorphism) and user-defined

operator overloading (available in many modern languages,

from functional programming languages to Fortran) made it

difficult to produce a completely satisfying interface to a data

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

parallel library. The Java language as currently defined imposes

various limits to the creativity of the programmer.

In many respects Java is undoubtedly a better language

than Fortran. It is object-oriented to the core and highly

dynamic, and there is every reason to suppose that such

features will be as valuable in scientific computing as in any

other programming discipline. But to displace established

scientific programming languages Java will surely have to

acquire some of the facilities taken for granted in those


Popular acclaim aside, there are some reasons to think

that Java may be a good language for scientific and parallel

programming .

● Java is a descendant of C++ .C and C++ are used

increasingly in scientific programming; they are already

used almost universally by implementers of parallel libraries

and compilers. In recent years numerous variations on the

theme of C++ for parallel computing have appeared.

● Java omits various features of C and C++ that are

considered “difficult”—notably, pointers. Poor compiler

analysis has often been blamed on these features. The

inference is that Java, like Fortran, may be a suitable source

language for highly optimizing compilers (although direct

evidence for this belief is still lacking).

● Java comes in built in multithreading. Independent threads

may be scheduled on different processor by a suitable

runtime. In any case multithreading can be very convenient

in explicit message-passing styles of parallel programming.

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

HPJava is a language for parallel programming, especially

suitable for programming massively parallel, distributed

memory computers.

3.1. Multidimensional arrays

First we describe a modest extension to Java that adds a

class of true multi-dimensional arrays to the standard Java

language. The new arrays allow regular section subscripting,

similar to Fortran 90 arrays. The syntax described in this section

is a subset of the syntax introduced later for parallel arrays and

algorithms: the only motivation for discussing the sequential

subset first is to simplify the overall presentation. No attempt is

made to integrate the new multidimensional arrays with the

standard Java arrays: they are a new kind of entity that coexists

in the language with ordinary Java arrays. There are good

technical reasons for keeping the two kinds of array separate.

The type-signatures and constructors of the

multidimensional array use double brackets to distinguish

them from ordinary arrays:

int [[,]] a = new int [[5, 5]] ;

float [[,,]] b = new float [[10, n, 20]] ;

int [[]] c = new int [[100]] ;

a, b and c are respectively 2-, 3- and one- dimensional arrays.

Of course c is very similar in structure to the standard array d,

created by

int [] d = new int [100] ;

c and d are not identical, though.

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

Access to individual elements of a multidimensional array

goes through a subscripting operation involving single brackets,

for example

for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)

a [i, i + 1] = i + c [i] ;

For reasons that will become clearer in later sections, this

style of subscripting is called local subscripting. In the current

sequential context, apart from the fact that a single pair of

brackest may include several comma-separated subscripts, this

kind of subscripting works just like ordinary Java array

subscripting. Subscripts always start at zero, in the ordinary Java

or C style (there is no Fortran-like lower bound).

In general our language has no idea of Fortran-like array


int [[,]] e = new int [[n, m]] ;


a = e ;

In the assignment simply copies a handle to object

referenced by e into a. There is no element-by-element copy

involved. Similarly we introduce no idea of elemental arithmetic

or elemental function application. If e and a are arrays, the


e + a


are type errors.

Our HPJava does import a Fortran-90-like idea of array

regular sections. The syntax for section subscripting is different

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

to the syntax for local subscripting. Double brackets are used.

These brackets can include scalar subscripts or subscript


A section is an object in its own right--its type is that of a

suitable multi-dimensional array. It describes some subset of the

elements of the parent array. This is slightly different to the

situation in Fortran, where sections cannot usually be captured

as named entities.

int [[]] e = a [[2, 2 :]] ;

foo(b [[ : , 0, 1 : 10 : 2]]) ;

e becomes an alias for the 3rd row of elements of a. The

procedure foo should expect a two-dimensional array as

argument. It can read or write to the set of elements of b

selected by the section. As in Fortran, upper or lower bounds

can be omitted in triplets, defaulting to the actual bound of the

parent array, and the stride entry of the triplet is optional. The

subscripts of e, like any other array, start at 0, although the first

element is identified with a [2, 2].

In our language, unlike Fortran, it is not allowed to use

vectors of integers as subscripts. The only sections recognized

are regular sections defined through scalar and triplet


The language provides a library of functions for

manipulating its arrays, closely analogous to the array

transformational intrinsic functions of Fortran 90:

int [[,]] f = new int [[5, 5]] ;

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

HPJlib.shift(f, a, -1, 0, CYCL) ;

float g = HPJlib.sum(b) ;

int [[]] h = new int [[100]] ;

HPJlib.copy(h, c) ;

The shift operation with shift-mode CYCL executes a cyclic

shift on the data in its second argument, copying the result to

its first argument--an array of the same shape. In the example

the shift amount is -1, and the shift is performed in dimension 0

of the array--the first of its two dimensions. The sum operation

simply adds all elements of its argument array. The copy

operation copies the elements of its second argument to its

first--it is something like an array assignment. These functions

may have to be overloaded to apply to some finite set of array

types, eg they may be defined for arrays with elements of any

suitable Java primitive type, up to some maximum rank of

array. Alternatively the type-hierarchy for arrays can be defined

in a way that allows these functions to be more polymorphic.

3.2. Process arrays

HPJava adds class libraries and some additional syntax for

dealing with distributed arrays. These arrays are viewed as

coherent global entities, but their elements are divided across a

set of cooperating processes. As a pre-requisite to introducing

distributed arrays we discuss the process arrays over which

their elements are scattered.

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

An abstract base class Procs has subclasses Procs1,

Procs2, ..., representing one-dimensional process arrays, two-

dimensional process arrays, and so on.

Procs2 p = new Procs2(2, 2) ;

Procs1 q = new Procs1(4) ;

These declarations set p to represent a 2 by 2 process

array and q to represent a 4-element, one-dimensional process

array. In either case the object created describes a group of 4

processes. At the time the Procs constructors are executed the

program should be executing on four or more processes. Either

constructor selects four processes from this set and identifies

them as members of the constructed group.

Procs has a member function called member, returning a

boolean value. This is true if the local process is a member of

the group, false otherwise.

if(p.member()) {



The code inside the if is executed only if the local process

is a member p. We will say that inside this construct the active

process group is restricted to p.

The multi-dimensional structure of a process array is

reflected in its set of process dimensions. An object is

associated with each dimension. These objects are accessed

through the inquiry member dim:

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

Dimension x = p.dim(0) ;

Dimension y = p.dim(1) ;

Dimension z = q.dim(0) ;

The object returned by the dim inquiry has class

Dimension. The members of this class include the inquiry crd.

This returns the coordinate of the local process with respect to

the process dimension. The result is only well-defined if the local

process is a member of the parent process array. The inner

body code in


if(x.crd() == 0)

if(y.crd() == 0) {



will only execute on the first process from p, with


Distributed arrays

Some or all of the dimensions of a multi-dimensional

array can be declared to be distributed ranges. In general a

distributed range is represented by an object of class Range. A

Range object defines a range of integer subscripts, and defines

how they are mapped into a process array dimension. In fact the

Dimension class introduced in the previous section is a subclass

of Range. In this case the integer range is just the range of

coordinate values associated with the dimension. Each value in

the range is mapped, of course, to the process (or slice of

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

processes) with that coordinate. This kind of range is also called

a primitive range. More complex subclasses of Range implement

more elaborate maps from integer ranges to process

dimensions. Some of these will be introduced in later sections.

For now we concentrate on arrays constructed with Dimension

objects as their distributed ranges.

The syntax of section 2 is extended in the following way to

support distributed arrays

• A distributed range object may appear in place of an integer

extent in the ``constructor'' of the array (the expression

following the new keyword).

• If a particular dimension of the array has a distributed range,

the corresponding slot in the type signature of the array

should include a # symbol.

• In general the constructor of the distributed array must be

followed by an on clause, specifying the process group

over which the array is distributed. Distributed ranges of

the array must be distributed over distinct dimensions of

this group.

Assume p, x and y are declared as in the previous section, then

float [[#,#,]] a = new float [[x, y, 100]] on p ;

defines a as a 2 by 2 by 100 array of floating point numbers.

Because the first two dimensions of the array are distributed

ranges--dimensions of p--a is actually realized as four segments

of 100 elements, one in each of the processes of p. The process

in p with coordinates i, j holds the section a [[i, j, :]].

The distributed array a is equivalent in terms of storage to

four local arrays defined by

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

float [] b = new float [100] ;

But because a is declared as a collective object we can

apply collective operations to it. The HPJlib functions introduced

in section 2 apply equally well to distributed arrays, but now

they imply inter-processor communication.

float [[#,#,]] a = new float [[x, y, 100]] on p,

b = new float [[x, y, 100]] on p ;

HPJlib.shift(a, b, -1, 0, CYCL) ;

The shift operation causes the local values of a to be

overwritten with values of b from a processor adjacent in the x


There is a catch in this. When subscripting the distributed

dimensions of an array it is simply disallowed to use subscripts

that refer to off-processor elements. While this:

int i = x.crd(), j = y.crd() ;

a [i, j, 20] = a [i, j, 21] ;

is allowed, this:

int i = x.crd(), j = y.crd() ;

a [i, j, 20] = b [(i + 1) % 2, j, 20] ;

is forbidden. The second example could apparently be

implemented using a nearest neighbour communication, quite

similar to the shift example above. But our language imposes an

strict policy distinguishing it from most data parallel languages:

while library functions may introduce communications, language

primitives such as array subscripting never imply


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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

If subscripting distributed dimensions is so restricted, why

are the i, j subscripts on the arrays needed at all? In the

examples of this section these subscripts are only allowed one

value on each processor. Well, the inconvience of specifying the

subscripts will be reduced by language constructs introduced

later, and the fact that only one subscript value is local is a

special feature of the primitive ranges used here. The higher

level distributed ranges introduced later map multiple elements

to individual processes. Subscripting will no longer look so


The on construct and the active process group

if(p.member()) {



appeared. Our language provides a short way of writing this


on(p) {



In fact the on construct provides some extra value.

Informally we said in section 3 that the active process group is

restricted to p inside the body of the p.member() conditional

construct. The language incorporates a more formal idea of an

active process group (APG). At any point of execution some

process group is singled out as the APG. An on(p) construct

specifically changes the value of the APG to p. On exit from the

construct, the APG is restored to its value on entry.

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

Elevating the active process group to a part of the

language allows some simplifications. For example, it provides a

natural default for the on clause in array constructors. More

importantly, formally defining the active process group

simplifies the statement of various rules about what operations

are legal inside distributed control constructs like on.

Other features

We have already described most of the important

language features we propose to implement. Two additional

features that are quite important in practice but have not been

discussed are subranges and subgroups. A subrange is simply a

range which is a regular section of some other range, created by

syntax like x [0 : 49]. Subranges are created tacitly when a

distributed array is subscripted with a triplet, and they can also

be used directly to create distributed arrays with general HPF-

like alignments. A subgroup is some slice of a process array,

formed by restricting process coordinates in one or more

dimensions to single values. Again they may be created

implicitly by section subscripting, this time using a scalar

subscript. They also formally describe the state of the active

process group inside at and over constructs.

The framework described is much more powerful than

space allows us to demonstrate in this paper. This power comes

in part from the flexibility to add features by extending the

libraries associated with the language. We have only illustrated

the simplest kinds of distribution format. But any HPF 1.0 array

distribution format, plus various others, can be incorporated by

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

extending the Range hierarchy in the run-time library. We have

only illustrated shift and writeHalo operations from the

communication library, but the library also includes much more

powerful operations for remapping arrays and performing

irregular data accesses. Our intention is to provide minimal

language support for distributed arrays, just enough to facilitate

further extension through construction of new libraries.

For a more complete description of a slightly earlier

version of the proposed language, see

4. Considerations in HPJava language design

This section discuss some design and implementation

issues in the HPJava language. The language is briefly reviewed,

then the class library that forms the foundation of the

translation scheme is described. Through example codes, we

illustrate how HPJava source codes can be translated

straightforwardly to ordinary SPMD Java programs calling this

library. This is followed by a discussion of the rationale for

introducing the language in the first place, and of how various

language features have been designed to facilitate efficient


4.1. Translation scheme

The initial HPJava compiler is implemented as a source-to-

source translator converting an HPJava program to a Java node

program, with calls to runtime functions. The runtime system is

built on the NPAC PCRC runtime library, which has a kernel

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

implemented in C++ and a Java interface implemented in Java

and C++.

4.1.1. Java packages for HPspmd programming

The current runtime interface for HPJava is called adJava. It

consists of two Java packages. The first is the HPspmd runtime

proper. It includes the classes needed to translate language

constructs. The second package provides communication and

some simple I/O functions. These two packages will be outlined

in this section.

The classes in the first package include an environment

class, distributed array ``container classes'', and related classes

describing process groups and index ranges. The environment

class SpmdEnv provides functions to initialize and finalize the

underlying communication library (currently MPI). Constructors

call native functions to prepare the lower level communication

package. An important field, apg, defines the group of processes

that is cooperating in ``loose synchrony'' at the current point of


The other classes in this package correspond directly to

HPJava built-in classes. The first hierarchy is based on Group. A

group, or process group, defines some subset of the processes

executing the SPMD program. Groups have two important roles

in HPJava. First they are used to describe how program variables

such as arrays are distributed or replicated across the process

pool. Secondly they are used to specify which subset of

processes execute a particular code fragment. Important

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

members of adJava Group class include the pair on(), no() used

to translate the on construct.

Figure 1: The HPJava Group hierarchy

The most common way to create a group object is through

the constructor for one of the subclasses representing a process

grid. The subclass Procs represents a grid of processes and

carries information on process dimensions: in particular an

inquiry function dim(r) returns a range object describing the -

th process dimension. Procs is further subclassed by Procs0,

Procs1, Procs2, ...which provide simpler constructors for fixed

dimensionality process grids. The class hierarchy of groups and

process grids is shown in figure 1.

The second hierarchy in the package is based on Range. A

range is a map from the integer interval into some

process dimension (ie, some dimension of a process grid).

Ranges are used to parametrize distributed arrays and the

overall distributed loop.

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

Figure 2: The HPJava Range hierarchy

The most common way to create a range object is to use

the constructor for one of the subclasses representing ranges

with specific distribution formats. The current class hierarchy is

given in figure 2. Simple block distribution format is

implemented by BlockRange, while CyclicRange and

BlockCyclicRange represent other standard distribution formats

of HPF. The subclass CollapsedRange represents a sequential

(undistributed range). Finally, DimRange represents the range of

coordinates of a process dimension itself--just one element is

mapped to each process.

The related adJava class Location represents an individual

location in a particular distributed range. Important members of

the adJava Range class include the function location(i) which

returns the th location in a range and its inverse, idx(l), which

returns the global subscript associated with a given location.

Important members of the Location class include at() and ta(),

used in the implementation of the HPJava that at construct.

Finally in this package we have the rather complex

hierarchy of classes representing distributed arrays. HPJava

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

global arrays declared using [[ ]] are represented by Java

objects belonging to classes such as:

Array1dI, Array1cI,

Array2ddI, Array2dcI, Array2cdI, Array2ccI,


Array1dF, Array1cF,

Array2ddF, Array2dcF, Array2cdF, Array2ccF,


Generally speaking the class Arrayndc...T represents -

dimensional distributed array with elements of type T, currently

one of I, F, ..., meaning int, float, ... . The penultimate part of

the class name is a string of ``c''s and ``d''s specifying

whether each dimension is collapsed or distributed. These

correlate with presence or absence of an asterisk in slots of the

HPJava type signature. The concrete Array... classes implement

a series of abstract interfaces. These follow a similar naming

convention, but the root of their names is Section rather than

Array (so Array2dcI, for example, implements Section2dcI). The

hierarchy of Section interfaces is illustrated in figure 3.

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

Figure 3: The adJava Section hierarchy

The need to introduce the Section interfaces should be

evident from the hierarchy diagram. The type hierarchy of

HPJava involves a kind of multiple inheritance. The array type int

[[*, *]], for example, is a specialization of both the types int

[[*, ]] and int [[, *]]. Java allows ``multiple inheritance'' only

from interfaces, not classes.

Here we mention some important members of the Section

interfaces. The inquiry dat() returns an ordinary one dimensional

Java array used to store the locally held elements of the

distributed array. The member pos(i, ...), which takes

arguments, returns the local offset of the element specified by

its list of arguments. Each argument is either a location (if the

corresponding dimension is distributed) or an integer (if it is

collapsed). The inquiry grp() returns the group over which

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elements of the array are distributed. The inquiry rng(d) returns

the th range of the array.

The second package in adJava is the communication

library. The adJava communication package includes classes

corresponding to the various collective communication

schedules provided in the NPAC PCRC kernel. Most of them

provide of a constructor to establish a schedule, and an execute

method, which carries out the data movement specified by the

schedule. The communication schedules provided in this

package are based on the NPAC runtime library. Different

communication models may eventually be added through

further packages.

The collective communication schedules can be used

directly by the programmer or invoked through certain wrapper

functions. A class named Adlib is defined with static members

that create and execute communication schedules and perform

simple I/O functions. This class includes, for example, the

following methods, each implemented by constructing the

appropriate schedule and then executing it.

static public void remap(Section dst, Section src)

static public void shift(Section dst, Section src,

int shift, int dim, int mode)

static public void copy(Section dst, Section src)

static public void writeHalo(Section src,

int[] wlo, int[] whi, int[] mode)

Use of these functions will be illustrated in later examples.

Polymorphism is achieved by using arguments of class Section.

4.2. Issues in the language design

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With some of the implementation mechanisms exposed,

we can better discuss the language design itself.

4.2.1. Extending the Java language

The first question to answer is why use Java as a base

language? Actually, the programming model embodied in

HPJava is largely language independent. It can bound to other

languages like C, C++ and Fortran. But Java is a convenient

base language, especially for initial experiments, because it

provides full object-orientation--convenient for describing

complex distributed data--implemented in a relatively simple

setting, conducive to implementation of source-to-source

translators. It has been noted elsewhere that Java has various

features suggesting it could be an attractive language for

science and engineering

4.2.2. Datatypes in HPJava

In a parallel language, it is desirable to have both local

variables (like the ones in MPI programming) and global

variables (like the ones in HPF programming). The former

provide flexibility and are ideal for task parallel programming;

the latter are convenient especially for data parallel


In HPJava, variable names are divided into two sets. In

general those declared using ordinary Java syntax represent

local variables and those declared with [[ ]] represent global

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

variables. The two sectors are independent. In the

implementation of HPJava the global variables have special data

descriptors associated with them, defining how their

components are divided or replicated across processes. The

significance of the data descriptor is most obvious when dealing

with procedure calls.

Passing array sections to procedure calls is an important

component in the array processing facilities of Fortran90 [1].

The data descriptor of Fortran90 will include stride information

for each array dimension. One can assume that HPF needs a

much more complex kind of data descriptor to allow passing

distributed arrays across procedure boundaries. In either case

the descriptor is not visible to the programmer.

Java has a more explicit data descriptor concept; its arrays are

considered as objects, with, for example, a publicly accessible

length field. In HPJava, the data descriptors for global data are

similar to those used in HPF, but more explicitly exposed to

programmers. Inquiry functions such as grp(), rng() have a

similar role in global data to the field length in an ordinary Java


Keeping two data sectors seems to complicate the

language and its syntax. But it provides convenience for both

task and data parallel processing. There is no need for things

like the LOCAL mechanism in HPF to call a local procedure on

the node processor. The descriptors for ordinary Java variables

are unchanged in HPJava. On each node processor ordinary Java

data will be used as local varables, like in an MPI program

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

4.2.3. Programming convenience

The language provides some special syntax for the

programmer's convenience. Unlike the syntax for data

declaration, which has fundamental significance in the

programming model, these extensions are purely provide

syntactic conveniences.

There are a limited number of Java operators overloaded. A

group object can be restricted by a location using the /

operation, and a sub-range or location can be obtained from a

range using the [ ] operator enclosing a triplet expression or an

integer, These pieces of syntax can be considered as shorthand

for suitable constructors in the corresponding classes. This is

comparable to the way Java provides special syntax support for

String class constructor.

Another kind of overloading occurs in location shift, which

is used to support ghost regions. A shift operator + is defined

between a location and an integer. It will be illustrated in the

examples in the next section. This is a restricted operation--it

has meaning (and is legal) only in an array subscript expression.

5. Discussion and related work

We have described a conservative set of extensions to

Java. In the context of an explicitly SPMD programming

environment with a good communication library, we claim these

extensions provide much of the concise expressiveness of HPF,

without relying on very sophisticated compiler analysis. The

object-oriented features of Java are exploited to give an elegant

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parameterization of the distributed arrays of the extended

language. Because of the relatively low-level programming

model, interfacing to other parallel-programming paradigms is

more natural than in HPF. With suitable care, it is possible to

make direct calls to, say, MPI from within the data parallel

program. In [3] we suggest a concrete Java binding for MPI.

We will mention two related projects. Spar [11] is a Java-

based language for array-parallel programming. Like our

language it introduces multi-dimensional arrays, array sections,

and a parallel loop. There are some similarities in syntax, but

semantically Spar is very different to our language. Spar

expresses parallelism but not explicit data placement or

communication--it is a higher level language. ZPL [10] is a new

programming language for scientific computations. Like Spar, it

is an array language. It has an idea of performing computations

over a region, or set of indices. Within a compound statement

prefixed by a region specifier, aligned elements of arrays

distributed over the same region can be accessed. This idea has

certain similarities to our over construct. Communication is

more explicit than Spar, but not as explicit as in the language

discussed in this article.

Implementation of Collectives

In this section we will discusses Java implementation of the

Adlib collective operations. For illustration we concentrate on

the important Remap operation. Although it is a powerful and

general operation, it is actually one of the more simple

collectives to implement in the HPJava framwork. General

algorithms for this primitive have been described by other

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authors. For example it is essentially equivalent to the operation

called Regular_Section_Copy_Sched in [2]. In this section we

want to illustrate how this kind of operation can be implemented

in term of the particular Range and Group hierarchies of HPJava

(complemented by suitable set of messaging primitives). All

collective operations in the library are based on communication

schedule objects. Each kind of operation has an associated class

of schedules. Particular instances of these schedules, involving

particular data arrays and other parameters, are created by the

class constructors. Executing a schedule initiates the

communications required to effect the operation. A single

schedule may be executed many times, repeating the same

communication pattern. In this way, especially for iterative

programs, the cost of computations and negotiations involved in

constructing a schedule can often be amortized over many

executions. This paradigm was pioneered in the CHAOS/PARTI

libraries [8]. If a communication pattern is to be executed only

once, simple wrapper functions can be made available to

construct a schedule, execute it, then destroy it. The overhead

of creating the schedule is essentially unavoidable, because

even in the single-use case individual data movements

generally have to be sorted and aggregated, for efficiency. The

associated data structures are just those associated with

schedule construction. Constructor and public method of the

remap schedule for distributed arrays of float element can be

described as follows:

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The remap schedule combines two functionalities: it

reorganizes data in the way indicated by the distribution formats

of source and destination array. Also, if the destination array has

a replicated distribution format, it broadcasts data to all copies

of the destination. Here we will concentrate on the former

aspect, which is handled by an object of class RemapSkeleton

contained in every Remap object. During construction of a

RemapSkeleton schedule, all send messages, receive messages,

and internal copy operations implied by execution of the

schedule are enumerated and stored in light-weight data

structures. These messages have to be sorted before sending,

for possible message agglomeration, and to ensure a deadlock-

free communication schedule. These algorithms, and

maintenance of the associated data structures, are dealt with in

a base class of RemapSkeleton called BlockMessSchedule. The

API for the superclass is outlined in Figure 11. To set-up such a

low-level schedule, one makes a series of calls to sendReq and

recvReq to define the required messages. Messages are

characterized by an offset in some local array segment, and a

set of strides and extents parameterizing a multi-dimensional

patch of the (flat Java) array. Finally the build() operation does

any necessary processing of the message lists. The schedule is

executed in a ``forward'' or ``backward'' direction by invoking

gather() or scatter().

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava

Figure 11: API of the class BlockMessSchedule

5.2. Titanium

The Titanium language is designed to support high-

performance scientific applications. Historically, few languages

that made such a claim have achieved a significant degree of

serious use by scientific programmers. Among the reasons are

the high learning curve for such languages, the dependence on

“heroic” parallelizing compiler technology and the consequent

absence of compilers and tools, and the incompatibilities with

languages used for libraries. Our goal is to provide a language

that gives its users access to modern program structuring

through the use of object-oriented technology, that enables its

users to write explicitly parallel code to exploit their

understanding of the computation, and that has a compiler that

uses optimizing compiler technology where it is reliable and

gives predictable results. The starting design point for Titanium

is Java. We have chosen Java for several reasons. Although

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Titanium project extend the Java language for scientific

computing but “compile down” to C or C++.Those approaches

offer the hope of tuning for higher ultimate performance, but

sacrifice various benefits of the full Java platform.

5.3. FIDIL

The multidimensional array support in HPJava is strongly

influenced by FIDIL maps and domains [6, 11]. HPJava, however,

sacrifices expressiveness for performance. FIDIL maps have

arbitrary shapes. FIDIL has only a general domain type, thus

making it harder to optimize code that uses the more common

rectangular kind.

5.4. Split-C

The parallel execution model and global address space

support in HPJava are closely related to Split-C [5] and AC [3].

HPJava shares a common communication layer with Split-C on

distributed memory machines, which we have extended as part

of the HPJava project to run on shared memory machines. Split-

C differs from HPJava in that the default pointer type is local

rather than global; a local pointer default simplifies interfacing

to existing sequential code, but a global default makes it easier

to port shared memory applications to distributed memory

machines. Split-C uses sequential consistency as its default

consistency model, but provides explicit operators to allow non-

blocking operations to be used. In AC the compiler introduces

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non-blocking memory operations automatically, using only

dependence information, not parallel program analysis.

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6. Conclusion

Our experience thus far is that Java is a good choice as a

base language: it is easy to extend, and its safety features

greatly simplify the compiler writer’s task. We also believe that

extending Java is easier than obtaining high performance within

Java’s strict language specs (assuming that the latter is at all

feasible). Many of the features of HPJava would be hard or

impossible to achieve as Java libraries, and the compiler would

not be able to perform static analysis and optimizations on

them. HPJava will be most helpful for problems that have some

degree of regularity. To a first approximation, the HPJava’s

domain is similar to HPF’s. Many of the most challenging

problems in modern computational science have irregular

structure, so the value of our language features in those

domains is more controversial.

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7. References

[1] G. Fox, “Java and Grande Application,” Computing in

Science & Engineering

[2] URL: http://www.hpjava.org/index.html

[3] URL: http://www.communitygrids.iu.edu/IC2.html

[4] URL: http://www.nacse.org/HPJava/index.html

[5] URL: http://www.hpjava.org/mpijava.html

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1 Introduction

2 Over view of HPJava

2.1 HPJava History

2.2 HPJava Philosophy

3 Characteretics

3.1 Multidimensional arrays

3.2 Process arrays

3.3 Distributed arrays

3.4 The on construct and the active process group

3.5 Other features

4 Considerations in HPJava language design

4.1 Translation scheme

4.1.1 Java packages for HPspmd programming

4.2 Issues in the language design

4.2.1 Extending the Java language

4.2.2 Datatypes in HPJava

4.2.3 Programming convenience

5 Discussion and related work

5.1 Implementation of Collectives

5.2 Titanium


5.4 Split-C

6 Conclusion

7 References

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava


The idea that Java may enable new programming

environments, combining attractive user interfaces with high

performance computation, is gaining increasing attention

amongst computational scientists. Java boasts a direct simplicity

reminiscent of Fortran, but also incorporates many of the

important ideas of modern object-oriented programming. Of

course it comes with an established track-record in the domains

of Web and Internet programming.

The language outlined here provides HPF-like distributed

arrays as language primitives, and new distributed control

constructs to facilitate access to the local elements of these

arrays. In the SPMD mold, the model allows processors the

freedom to independently execute complex procedures on local

elements: it is not limited by SIMD-style array syntax. All access

to non-local array elements must go through library functions--

typically collective communication operations. This puts an

extra onus on the programmer; but making communication

explicit encourages the programmer to write algorithms that

exploit locality, and simplifies the task of the compiler writer. On

the other hand, by providing distributed arrays as language

primitives we are able to simplify error-prone tasks such as

converting between local and global array subscripts and

determining which processor holds a particular element. As in

HPF, it is possible to write programs at a natural level of

abstraction where the meaning is insensitive to the detailed

mapping of elements. Lower-level styles of programming are

also possible.

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Seminar Report’03 HPJava


I express my sincere thanks to Prof. M.N Agnisarman

Namboothiri (Head of the Department, Computer Science and

Engineering, MESCE), Mr. Zainul Abid (Staff incharge) for their

kind co-operation for presenting the seminar.

I also extend my sincere thanks to all other members of

the faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Department

and my friends for their co-operation and encouragement.

Rony V John

Dept. of CSE MESCE, Kuttippuram39
