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Introduction to apache kafka

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Introduction to Apache Kafka 2016.06.14 skerrien [email protected]

Introduction to Apache Kafka 2016.06.14


[email protected]

About Me● 14 years Java Developer / Tech lead / ScrumMaster

● 3 years Data Engineer (Hadoop, Hive, Pig, Mahout)


[email protected]

Meetup Outline● Purpose of Kafka

● Architecture

● Demo: Zookeeper

● More Kafka Internals

● Demos: writing Clients

● Discussions

If data is the lifeblood of high technology,

Apache Kafka is the circulatory system in use at LinkedIn.

-- Todd Palino

Source: https://engineering.linkedin.com/kafka/running-kafka-scale

How Kafka Came To Be At LinkedIn

Source: http://www.infoq.com/presentations/kafka-big-data [Neha Narkhede]

How Kafka Came To Be At LinkedIn

Source: http://www.infoq.com/presentations/kafka-big-data [Neha Narkhede]

A Week @ LinkedIn

630,516,047 msg/days (avg per broker)7,298 msg/sec (avg per broker)

Source: http://www.confluent.io/kafka-summit-2016-ops-some-kafkaesque-days-in-operations-at-linkedin-in-2015 [Joel Koshy]

Kafka Use CasesMessaging

Web Site Activity Tracking


Log Aggregation

Stream Processing

Source: https://kafka.apache.org/08/uses.html

● Requirements

○ Low throughput

○ Low latency

○ Durability

● Replacement for JMS

● Decoupling producer/consumer

● Kafka

○ Better throughput

○ Partitioning

○ Replication

○ Fault tolerance

Kafka Use CasesMessaging

Web Site Activity Tracking


Log Aggregation

Stream Processing

Source: https://kafka.apache.org/08/uses.html

● Requirements

○ Very high volume

● Track user activity

○ Page view

○ Searches

○ Actions

● Goals

○ Real time processing

○ Monitoring

○ Load into Hadoop

■ Reporting

Kafka Use CasesMessaging

Web Site Activity Tracking


Log Aggregation

Stream Processing

Source: https://kafka.apache.org/08/uses.html

● Requirements

○ Very high volumes

● Feed of operational data

○ VMs

○ Apps

Kafka Use CasesMessaging

Web Site Activity Tracking


Log Aggregation

Stream Processing

Source: https://kafka.apache.org/08/uses.html

● Log file collection on servers

● Similar to Scribe or Flume

○ Equally goof performance

○ Stronger durability

○ Lower end-to-end ltency

Kafka Use CasesMessaging

Web Site Activity Tracking


Log Aggregation

Stream Processing

Source: https://kafka.apache.org/08/uses.html

● Stage of processing = topic

● Companion framework

○ Storm

○ Spark

○ ...

How Other Companies Use KafkaLinkedIn: activity streams, operational metrics

Yahoo: real time analytics (peak: 20Gbps compressed data), Kafka Manager

Twitter: storm stream processing

Netflix: real time monitoring, event processing pipelines

Spotify: log delivery system

Airbnb: event pipelines

. . .

Kafka Architecture



Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer

Producer Producer Producer






Topic Zookeeper



Kafka ControllerOne broker take the role of Controller which manages:

● Partition leaders

● State of partitions

● Partition reassignments

● Replicas

Kafka characteristicsFast




● Single broker

○ Serve 100s MB/s

○ 1000s clients

Kafka characteristicsFast




● Cluster as data backbone

● Expanded elastically

Kafka characteristicsFast




● Messages persisted on disk

● TB per broker with no performance impact

● Configurable retention

Kafka characteristicsFast




● Cluster can server larger streams than a single

machine can

Anatomy Of A Message

MagicCRC Key Length Key Msg Length MsgAttributes4 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 4 bytes K bytes 4 bytes M bytes

Zookeeper Architecture

ZK Node

ZK Node

ZK Node

ZK Node

ZK Node

Zookeeper Service

Client Client Client Client Client Client


How Kafka Uses Zookeeper (1/2)● Broker membership to a cluster

● Election of controller

● Topic configuration (#partitions, replica location, leader)

● Consumer offsets (alternative option since 0.8.2)

● Quotas (0.9.0)

● ACLs (0.9.0)

How Kafka Uses Zookeeper (2/2)Kafka zNodes Structure

● /brokers/ids/[0...N] --> host:port (ephemeral node)

● /brokers/topics/[topic]/[0...N] --> nPartions (ephemeral node)

● /consumers/[group_id]/ids/[consumer_id] --> {"topic1": #streams, ..., "topicN": #streams} (ephemeral node)

● /consumers/[group_id]/offsets/[topic]/[broker_id-partition_id] --> offset_counter_value (persistent node)

● /consumers/[group_id]/owners/[topic]/[broker_id-partition_id] --> consumer_node_id (ephemeral node)

Zookeeper Demo● List zNodes

● Create zNode

● Update zNode

● Delete zNode

● Ephemeral zNode

● Watches (data update & node deletion)

Kafka Demo 1● Install Kafka / Zookeeper (brew install kafka -> Kafka + ZK 3.4.6 )

● Start a single broker cluster

○ Create a topic

○ Create a producer (Shell)

○ Create a consumer (Shell)

● Start a multi-broker cluster

○ Create a topic (partitioned & replicated)

○ Run producer & consumer

○ Kill a broker / check topic status (leader, ISR)

Write Ahead Log / Commit Log

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Write Ahead Log / Commit Log

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Consumer A

Consumer B

Why Commit Log ?● Records what happened and when

● Databases

○ Record changes to data structures (physical or logical)

○ Used for replication

● Distributed Systems

○ Update ordering

○ State machine Replication principle

○ Last log timestamp defines its state

Source: https://engineering.linkedin.com/distributed-systems/log-what-every-software-engineer-should-know-about-real-time-datas-unifying

Topic Partitioning



Partition 1


writes reads



Partition 2

Partition N


Topic Replicationkafka-topics.sh --zookeeper $ZK --create --topic events --partitions 3 --replication-factor 2

P1 P2 P3



Broker 1

Broker 2

Broker 3



P2 P3




Kafka Guaranties● Messages sent by a producer to a particular topic partition will be appended in the

order they are sent.

● A consumer instance sees messages in the order they are stored in the log.

● For a topic with replication factor N, Kafka will tolerate up to N-1 server failures

without losing any messages committed to a topic.

Durability GuaranteesProducer can configure acknowledgements:

● <= 0.8.2: request.required.acks● >= 0.9.0: acks

Value Impact Durability

0 Producer doesn’t wait for leader weak

1 (default)Producer waits for leader.Leader sends ack when message written to log. No wait for followers.


all (0.9.0)-1 (0.8.2)

Producer waits for leader.Leader sends ack when all In-Sync-Replica have acknowledged.


Consumer Offset Management● < 0.8.2: Zookeeper only

○ Zookeeper not meant for heavy write => scalability issues

● >= 0.8.2: Kafka Topic (__consumer_offset)

○ Configurable: offsets.storage=kafka

● Documentation show how to migrate offsets from Zookeeper to Kafka


Data Retention3 ways to configure it:

● Time based

● Size based

● Log compaction based

Broker Configurationlog.retention.bytes={ -1|...}log.retention.{ms,minutes,hours}=...log.retention.check.interval.ms=...log.cleanup.policy={delete|compact}log.cleaner.enable={ false|true}log.cleaner.threads=1log.cleaner.io.max.bytes.per.second=Double.MaxValuelog.cleaner.backoff.ms=15000log.cleaner.delete.retention.ms=1d

Topic Configurationcleanup.policy=...delete.retention.ms=......

Reconfiguring a Topic at Runtime

kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 \ --alter --topic my-topic \ --config max.message.bytes=128000

kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 \ --alter --topic my-topic \ --deleteConfig max.message.bytes

Log Compaction (1/4)$ kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 \ --create \ --topic employees \ --replication-factor 1 \ --partitions 1 \ --config cleanup.policy=compact

$ echo '00158,{"name":"Jeff", "title":"Developer"}' | kafka-console-producer.sh \ --broker-list localhost:9092 \ --topic employees \ --property parse.key=true \ --property key.separator=, \ --new-producer

$ echo '00223,{"name":"Chris", "title":"Senior Developer"}' | kafka-console-producer.sh \ --broker-list localhost:9092 \ --topic employees \ --property parse.key=true \ --property key.separator=, \ --new-producer

Source: http://www.shayne.me/blog/2015/2015-06-25-everything-about-kafka-part-2/

Log Compaction (2/4)$ echo '00158,{"name":"Jeff", "title":"Senior Developer"}' | kafka-console-producer.sh \ --broker-list localhost:9092 \ --topic employees \ --property parse.key=true \ --property key.separator=, \ --new-producer

$ kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 \ --topic employees \ --from-beginning --property print.key=true \ --property key.separator=,

00158,{"name":"Jeff", "title":"Developer"}00223,{"name":"Chris", "title":"Senior Developer"}00158,{"name":"Jeff", "title":"Senior Developer"}

Source: http://www.shayne.me/blog/2015/2015-06-25-everything-about-kafka-part-2/

Log Compaction (3/4)$ kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 \

--alter \

--topic employees \

--config segment.ms=30000

<... Wait 30 seconds ...>

$ kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 \

--topic employees \

--from-beginning \

--property print.key=true \

--property key.separator=,

00158,{"name":"Jeff", "title":"Developer"}

00223,{"name":"Chris", "title":"Senior Developer"}

00158,{"name":"Jeff", "title":"Senior Developer"}

Source: http://www.shayne.me/blog/2015/2015-06-25-everything-about-kafka-part-2/

Log Compaction (4/4)$ echo '00301,{"name":"Dan", "title":"Project Manager"}' | kafka-console-producer.sh \

--broker-list localhost:9092 \

--topic employees \

--property parse.key=true \

--property key.separator=, \


$ kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 \

--topic employees \

--from-beginning \

--property print.key=true \

--property key.separator=,

00223,{"name":"Chris", "title":"Senior Developer"}

00158,{"name":"Jeff", "title":"Senior Developer"}

00301,{"name":"Dan", "title":"Project Manager"}

Source: http://www.shayne.me/blog/2015/2015-06-25-everything-about-kafka-part-2/

...[2015-06-25 18:24:08,102] INFO [kafka-log-cleaner-thread-0],Log cleaner thread 0 cleaned log employees-0 (dirty section = [0, 3])0.0 MB of log processed in 0.1 seconds (0.0 MB/sec).Indexed 0.0 MB in 0.1 seconds (0.0 Mb/sec, 90.6% of total time)Buffer utilization: 0.0%Cleaned 0.0 MB in 0.0 seconds (0.0 Mb/sec, 9.4% of total time)Start size: 0.0 MB (3 messages)End size: 0.0 MB (2 messages)31.0% size reduction (33.3% fewer messages)(kafka.log.LogCleaner)

Kafka Performance - Theory● Efficient Storage

○ Fast sequential write and read

○ Leverages OS page cache (i.e. RAM)

○ Avoid storing data twice in JVM and in OS cache (better perf on startup)

○ Caches 28-30GB data in 32GB machine

○ Zero copy I/O using IBM’s sendfile API (https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-zerocopy/)

● Batching of messages + compression

● Broker doesn’t hold client state

● Dependent on persistence guaranties request.required.acks

Kafka Benchmark (1/5)● 0.8.1

● Setup

○ 6 Machines

■ Intel Xeon 2.5 GHz processor with six cores

■ Six 7200 RPM SATA drives (822 MB/sec of linear disk I/O)

■ 32GB of RAM

■ 1Gb Ethernet

○ 3 nodes for brokers + 3 for ZK and clients

Source: https://engineering.linkedin.com/kafka/benchmarking-apache-kafka-2-million-writes-second-three-cheap-machines

Kafka Benchmark (2/5)

Source: https://engineering.linkedin.com/kafka/benchmarking-apache-kafka-2-million-writes-second-three-cheap-machines

Usecase Messages/sec Throughput (MB/sec)

1 producer thread, no replication6 partitions, 50M messages, payload: 100 bytes

821,557 78.3

1 producer thread, 3x asynchronous replication (ack=1) 786,980 75.1

1 producer thread, 3x synchronous replication (ack=all) 421,823 40.2

3 producers, 3x asynchronous replication 2,024,032 193.0

Producer throughput:

Kafka Benchmark (3/5)

Source: https://engineering.linkedin.com/kafka/benchmarking-apache-kafka-2-million-writes-second-three-cheap-machines

Sustained producer throughput

Kafka Benchmark (4/5)

Source: https://engineering.linkedin.com/kafka/benchmarking-apache-kafka-2-million-writes-second-three-cheap-machines

Usecase Messages/sec Throughput (MB/sec)

1 Consumer 940,521 89.7

3 Consumer (1 per machine) 2,615,968 249.5

Consumer throughput from 6 partitions, 3x replication:

Kafka Benchmark (5/5)

Source: https://engineering.linkedin.com/kafka/benchmarking-apache-kafka-2-million-writes-second-three-cheap-machines

End-to-end latency:

● 2ms (median)

● 3ms (99th percentile)

● 14ms (99.9th percentile)

Kafka Demo 2 - Java High Level API● Start a multi broker cluster + replicated topic

○ Write Java Partitioned Producer

○ Write Multi-Threaded Consumer

● Unit testing with Kafka

Kafka Versions0.8.2 (2014.12)

● New Producer API

● Delete topic

● Scalable offset writes

0.9.x (2015.10)

● Security

○ Encryption

○ Kerberos

○ ACLs

● Quotas (client rate control)

● Kafka Connect

0.10.x (2016.03)

● Kafka Streams

● Rack Awareness

● More SASL features

● Timestamp in messages

● API to better manage Connectors

Starting with Kafka: Jay Kreps’ Recommendations● Start with a single cluster

● Only a few non critical, limited usecases

● Pick a single data format for a given organisation

○ Avro

■ Good language support

■ One schema per topic (message validation, documentation...)

■ Supports schema evolution

■ Data embeds schema

■ Make Data Scientists job easier

■ Put some thoughts into field naming conventions

Source: http://www.confluent.io/blog/stream-data-platform-2/

Conclusions● Easy to start with for a PoC

● Maybe not so easy to build a production system from scratch

● Must have serious monitoring in place (see Yahoo, Confluent, DataDog)

● Vibrant community, fast pace technology

● Videos of Kafka Summit are online: http://kafka-summit.org/sessions/

