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Introduction to Cooking with Chef

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Introduction to Cooking with Chef
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Introduction to Cooking with Chef

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John Osborne@johnsosborne

Senior Systems Engineer, LeadiD

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Let’s Start at the Beginning!

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© www.mysona.dk

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Goals• Understand what Chef is and why its used

• Be able to define the core components and constructs of Chef

• Understand methods to test Chef-driven infrastructure

• Understand how Chef can be enable creation sandbox local development environments that mimic production

• Be thoroughly tired of culinary terminology and metaphors

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What is Chef?• A tool for automating and managing the configuration of


• Types of infrastructure:

• Files, Users, Services, Packages, Mounts, and more…

• Facilitates infrastructure as code, giving the computing environment attributes similar to any software project

• It is versionable

• It is repeatable

• It is testable

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Why use Chef?• Consistency

• Humans are bad at doing the same task repeatedly, irrespective to the quality or completeness of documentation.

• Automation reduces opportunity for error.

• Efficiency

• Manage change at scale

• Increase change velocity

• Create an organization where change is embraced, not feared.

• Reproducibility

• Infrastructure configuration is kept in source configuration management tool

• Backup data + new servers + Chef cookbooks = New infrastructure

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ChefIt helps you avoid this…

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Environment Setup• You’ll need…

• Your favorite text editor (or maybe IDE?)

• Chef Development Kit (ChefDK)

• $ brew cask install chefdk

• Vagrant

• $ brew cask install vagrant

• Virtualbox

• $ brew cask install virtualbox

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Starting with Recipes• A recipe is a fundamental building block of Chef

• Authored using Ruby / Chef’s Ruby-based DSL

• A collection of resources to manage

• A resource is a statement of configuration policy

• Describes the state for a configuration item

• Chef has a variety of built-in resources that cover the most common actions, but is extensible to allow custom resource creation

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Gotta start somewhere…

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Hello World!

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The Chef-O-MaticIt’s just… that… simple.

(CAUTION: This slide references obscure, dated pop culture.)

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So, What Just Happened?• Used the Chef file resource to create a file with contents we defined

• That code is Ruby using the Chef DSL

• file resource takes a string parameter specifying the path of the file

• Passed the file resource a Ruby block contained inside the do … end pair

• The content property passed to the file resource specifies what the file’s contents should be

• Used Test Kitchen to build a Vagrant box, running CentOS 6.6, which converged the recipe using chef-client and built the resource

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Converge?• Convergence refers to the process of Chef bringing the

system into compliance with a stated policy

• Policy is conveyed via the defined resources

• Policy = “What the state of the system should be”

• Chef handles “how” to place resources in convergence and abstracts away platform or environment-specific differences

• Resources have underlying providers which are called dependent on platform

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Common Resources• File Management

• file, cookbook_file, remote_file, template, link, directory, remote_directory

• Package Management

• package: providers for common package management systems (yum, apt, Mac OS/X, Ruby Gems, Python pips / easy_install)

• User Management

• user and group: define local users, SSH keys, shells, home directories, etc.

• Services

• service allows defining services to be enabled on boot, restarted, stopped, or notified upon change of another resource (i.e. configuration file change).

• Running ad-hoc programs

• execute: run a command (***)

• script: run a pre-defined script (Bash, Perl, Python, Ruby) (***)

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Idempotence• Chef’s core resources are idempotent

• If the resource’s current state is equal to its desired state, it is skipped

• Repeatedly re-running the chef-client on a convergent node will do nothing

• By definition, arbitrary commands and scripts (execute and script) are NOT idempotent

• They will run every time the chef-client runs, unless…

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Conditional Execution with Guards

• All resources support the following attributes:

• creates file: Specifies that the execution of the resource creates file. The resource will not be run if file is present.

• not_if: The resource will not be executed if the condition evaluates to true / truthy.

• only_if: The resource will only be executed if the condition evaluates to true / truthy.

• not_if and only_if can be passed either a command to execute to determine the condition, or, a Ruby block

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Guard Examplesexecute "setenforce 1" do

not_if "getenforce | grep -qx 'Enforcing'"


execute "apt-get update" do

not_if { ::File.exists?('/var/lib/apt/periodic/update-success-stamp') }


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So…• If you’re scoring at home, we’ve accomplished two

of our goals now…

✓ Understand what Chef is and why it used

✓ Configured your local development environment to author and test Chef cookbooks

• We’ve also introduced some core concepts such as recipes, resources, idempotency, convergence, and Test Kitchen

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What is a Cookbook?• Think of a cookbook as a package for recipes.

• One place where the cooking analogy sort of makes sense.

• You might bundle all the recipes to cook Italian food into a single cookbook.

• Similarly, you might bundle the recipes to install, configure, or deploy a web server, database, or application each into their own cookbooks.

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Cookbook Components

• Recipes

• Attributes

• Templates

• Files

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Attributes• attributes contain your own custom variables which can be used and

referenced within your recipes.

• Commonly used to configure a cookbook.

• Can be overridden (there’s a precedence scheme; we’ll get there…)

• Examples: the user and group a file should be owned by, the version of an application to install, the path where an application should be installed.

• The attributes directory may contain multiple .rb files each containing attribute definitions. Files are read alphabetically.

• Convention is, in most cases, to store all attributes in attributes/default.rb

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Node Attributes• Chef compliments the attributes you defined with automatic attributes

• Collected by a tool called ohai at the start of each chef-client run

• Examples:

• Platform details

• Network usage

• Memory usage

• CPU data

• Kernel data

• Host names

• Fully qualified domain names

• Other configuration details

• These attributes are also reported back to the Chef Server can be used as search criteria

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Let’s Start a Cookbook!• Cookbook goals:

• Install Apache (httpd)

• Start the Apache service

• Make it run when the server boots

• Write out a static home page

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Chef Community• Chef Supermarket (http://supermarket.chef.io) is the community site for


• Open-source cookbooks anyone can use

• Most common infrastructure has very good, well documented, well tested, throughly used community cookbooks

• There is no namespacing of cookbooks

• Always a good idea to preface your internal cookbook names to avoid namespace collisions with community cookbooks

• Example: Use leadid_apache instead of apache

• Berkshelf, a dependency resolver for Chef, can automate downloading community cookbooks for your use

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Managing Nodes with Chef Server

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Chef Server• Centralized store for configuration data about


• Cookbooks

• Nodes

• Roles

• Environments

• knife provides a command line interface to interact with the Chef Server from your workstation

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Bootstrapping Nodes• Bootstrapping refers to the process by which a remote system is prepared to be

managed by Chef

• knife bootstrap

• Uses a validator private key

• knife accesses the node via SSH using credentials you supply, transfers the validator, installs and configures chef-client

• chef-client reaches back to the Chef Server, authenticating with the validator

• From this point forward, node uses its own client key and the validator can (and should) be removed from the node

• There’s other ways to do this, but this is the most common and straightforward

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Roles• Roles are a way of classifying the different types of services in your infrastructure

• Web Servers

• Database Servers

• Caches

• Contain a run_list

• An ordered list of recipes and other roles that are run that exact order by chef-clients

• During a chef-client, references to the role will be expanded to the recipes specified in the role’s run_list

• Contain role-level attribute overrides

• Conveyed in JSON files

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Example Role{“name”:"webserver",“description":"Web Server”,“json_class":"Chef::Role",“chef_type”:"role",“run_list":[“recipe[motd]",“recipe[users]",“recipe[apache]”]}

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Important Safety Tip!

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Role Cookbooks• Changes made to a role are immediately reflected across the entire infrastructure

• No versioning of roles

• Roles are organization-wide, across all environments

• Say someone changes the run_list contained in a role file erroneously

• The next chef-client run on all nodes having that role will put the bad run_list in place

• Across all environments that have nodes using that role

• A common pattern is to build a role cookbook

• Cookbooks are versioned

• Role run list is set using include_recipe

• http://realityforge.org/code/2012/11/19/role-cookbooks-and-wrapper-cookbooks.html

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Environments• Environments are a way of grouping infrastructure

to model the phases of your software development lifecycle

• Environments contain:

• Environment-level attribute overrides

• Version constraints (“pins”)

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Example Environment{


“description":"LeadiD Production”,

“cookbook_versions": {

"apache":"= 0.2.0”





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Attributes• Now that we’ve talked about all the pieces, let’s talk about the

attributes, precedence, and overrides

• You’ve seen multiple ways attributes can be set / generated

• Ohai / Automatic

• Cookbooks

• Roles

• Environments

• If multiple levels set the same attribute, who wins?

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Attribute Precedence Levels

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And with that…

✓ Goal #3: Be able to define the core components of Chef

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Testing Your Chef

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You Test Your Code, Right?• Chef is no different than any software project

• Automation makes infrastructure configuration more repeatable and reliable, and therefore, more testable

• You saw the utility of Test Kitchen to manually verify what did happen was what you expected to happen

• Now, let’s automate that verification!

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Linting / Style • Foodcritic is a Chef linting tool to check cookbooks for common


• Style, Correctness, Syntax, Best Practices, Common Mistakes, and Deprecations

• Rubocop is a general Ruby linting tool

• Enforce Ruby style conventions and best practices

• Help every member of the team author similarly structured code; set expectations

• Rubocop can automatically fix most common, non-complex offenses

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Unit Testing• Chefspec (http://www.github.com/sethvargo/

chefspec) is used to simulate the convergence of resources on a node

• Runs the chef-client in memory on the local machine

• An extension of RSpec, a BDD framework for Ruby

• Is the fastest way to test resources and recipes

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Chefspec• Chefspec is valuable

• It is very fast

• Quickly lets us test logical execution paths in our cookbooks

• Uses fauxhai to generate fake node attributes so you can test how your cookbook behaves on different platforms

• Test your cookbook and make assertions about its behavior

• Stub things outside your cookbook and control their actions (Ruby modules, classes, node attributes, etc)

• So, Chefspec is an appropriate unit level tool because it tests in isolation of external factors… what about integration level?

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• Serverspec allows us to make assertions on the state of a fully configured machine

• Test whether services are running, ports are open, commands return correct output, etc

• Run on the converged infrastructure, as laid out in Test Kitchen configuration

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Test Kitchen and Serverspec• Look again at .kitchen.yml

• There are platforms and there are suites

• Suites are test suites

• Tests that should be run to verify them are under test/integration/<suite_name>

• These tests use Serverspec to allow you to make assertions about the converged platform

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Let’s Add Tests to the Apache Example

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✓ Goal #4: Understand methods to test Chef-driven infrastructure

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Pivoting to Immutable Infrastructure with Chef

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Configuration Drift

• What if we comment out the service resource in our Apache example?

• What happens when we run our tests?

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What About Latency?In some situations, the amount of time required to

configure a new server from scratch matters

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What if we had…

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Building a Server• Build an AMI using Chef and Packer

• Place this AMI in an AWS Launch Configuration and associate with an Autoscale Group

• Use AWS User Data scripts to start Chef Client at boot and associate with an environment

• Launch!

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Time Improvement

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Infrastructure Change?

• Do the same thing again!

• Run another Packer run, build a new Launch Configuration, and make a new Autoscale Group

• Launch and associate with load balancer

• Throw away the old!

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Further Thoughts

• Full immutability is unachievable

• Chef and configuration management is not eliminated when building your infrastructure in an immutable fashion

• It is still a needed component!

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For More Learning

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Chef References• http://docs.chef.io - Chef Documentation

• Chef Bob Ross - New Youtube Series by Franklin Webber

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOYc_SGWE-0

• Chef Fundamentals Webinar Series

• https://learn.chef.io/skills/fundamentals-series-week-1/

• Little dated now, but largely effective at introducing the core concepts

• “Learning Chef: A Guide to Configuration Management and Automation”

• http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920032397.do

• By Mischa Taylor and Seth Vargo

• “Test-Driven Infrastructure with Chef, 2nd Edition”

• http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920030973.do

• Good book, but examples don’t work

• “Customizing Chef: Getting the Most Out of Your Infrastructure Automation”

• http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920032984.do

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Back to Test Kitchen• Test Kitchen is a tool to create sandbox environments

to develop and test Chef stuffs

• Supports drivers allowing Kitchen to create infrastructure for this purpose in a number of manners

• Vagrant (most common), Docker, Amazon EC2, OpenStack, RackSpace, and so on…

• Test Kitchen itself is merely a framework for managing the state of the systems built via the drivers and running tests

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Kitchen Command Overview• kitchen init: Add Test Kitchen support to a project.

• kitchen list: Display information about the available Test Kitchen instances.

• kitchen create: Start a Test Kitchen instance, if it not already running.

• kitchen converge: Uses the chef-client on the instance to run recipes.

• kitchen setup: Prepares to run automated tests (installs busser).

• kitchen verify: Runs automated tests on an instance

• kitchen test: Runs a full test cycle on an instance, suitable for use within a CI pipeline. Performs destroy, create, converge, setup, verify, and destroy.

• kitchen login: SSH log in to an instance.

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Test Kitchen Configuration• Test Kitchen Configuration conveyed by the .kitchen.yml file

• YAML file format

• Whitespace matters!

• Three hyphens at start denotes beginning of a YAML file.

• Comments are a hash symbol.

• Two fundamental kinds of data

• Key-value pair

• List

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Look at .kitchen.yml from our overview

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Run cgc, do a tree

• What is all this crap?

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README.md• Good software requires documentation!

• Markdown format

• Generators put together a skeleton with major section headings present

• Overview

• Dependencies

• Usage

• Examples

• Attributes

• Testing

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chefignore• Stuff that should be ignored when the cookbook is

uploaded to the Chef Server

• Editor swapfiles

• Source control related files

• Helps reduce unnecessary clutter when nodes download cookbooks

• Globbing supported

• Comment lines begin with #

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metadata.rb• Every cookbook must have a metadata.rb

• Conveys information about the cookbook to the Chef Server

• Version

• Dependencies

• Supported Platforms

• Cookbook Name

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• Holds Chef templates used within the cookbook

• Uses Embedded Ruby

• Ruby code is evaluated when the template is rendered on the node

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Attributes• attributes contain your own custom attributes which can be used and

referenced within your recipes.

• Commonly used to configure a cookbook.

• Can be overridden (there’s a precedence scheme; we’ll get there…)

• Examples: the user and group a file should be owned by, the version of an application to install, the path where an application should be installed.

• The attributes directory may contain multiple .rb files each containing attribute definitions. Files are read alphabetically.

• Convention is, in most cases, to store all attributes in attributes/default.rb

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Node Attributes• Chef compliments the attributes you defined with automatic attributes

• Collected by a tool called ohai at the start of each chef-client run

• Examples:

• Platform details

• Network usage

• Memory usage

• CPU data

• Kernel data

• Host names

• Fully qualified domain names

• Other configuration details

• These attributes are also reported back to the Chef Server can be used as search criteria

• More later…

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Additional Stuffs• Berksfile

• test/

• spec/

• Rakefile


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package 'httpd' do

action :install


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Starting and Enabling

service 'httpd' do

action [:enable, :start]


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Static Webpage• In default.rb

template '/var/www/html/index.html' do

source 'index.html.erb'

mode '644'


• In templates/default/index.html.erb

Welcome to LeadiD!

Hostname: <%= node['hostname'] %>

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Verify Success• In .kitchen.yml



name: vagrant


- ["forwarded_port", {guest: 80, host: 8095}]

• Open http://localhost:8095 in your web browser. Success?
