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Introduction to Go programming

Date post: 16-Apr-2017
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SMITA VIJAYAKUMAR Go Programming INTRODUCTION TO [email protected]
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[email protected]

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AgendaModern Compute Environment

Focus: What Problem does it Solve?


How is it Achieved

For C Programmers - Major Differences

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Challenges in Modern Compute Landscape

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EnvironmentMulti-CoreNetworked SystemsComputational ClustersWeb Programming ModelThousands of ProgrammersSame code baseScale of Development

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Legacy LanguagesLanguage Feature ComplexGarbage CollectionMissing language support for ConcurrencyCompilation TimesDependency Management

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Programmers digress from the real task!


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“Go’s purpose is therefore not to do research into programming language design; it is to improve the working

environment for its designers and their coworkers.”–Rob Pike

(Co-Designer of Go and Distinguished Engineer at Google)

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HistoryInception: 2007Go 1.0 released in 2012Rob Pike, Ken Thompson and Robert Griesemer

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HistoryBinary = 2000 X C++ Source BytesUnused Library IncludesConditional IncludesExtremely Slow Compilation

Even on Distributed Compilation System!

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Desired FeaturesLight WeightIncrease Programmer EfficiencyCompiled LanguageConcurrencyGarbage CollectionStatically Typed

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How is it Achieved?

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HowNo unused import packagesDependency graph is preciseNo dependency cyclesOnly exported data availableOne object both exported and complete data

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How40X faster compilation times than C++!

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Differences between Go and C

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SyntaxImport paths are URLsCleaner syntax

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Syntax//Ctypedef struct A { int a; char b; }

//Gotype A struct { a int b char }

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Syntax/* C *///Expression Syntaxint main(int argc, char *argv[])

// The Clockwise-Spiral Rule in C syntax parsingint (*(*fp)(int (*)(int, int), int))(int, int)

/* Go */// Type Syntaxfunc main(argc int, argv []string) int

//Left to rightf func(func(int,int) int, int) func(int, int) int

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Syntax//Go can also return multiple value from function func ReadFile(r io.Reader) (num int, err error) { ...}...n, err := ReadFile(r)

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Syntaxpackage util//Counter is visible when package is imported var Counter int

//name is not var name string

//Seenfunc ThisIsAlsoAvailable() error { }

//not seenfunc thisIsAPrivateFunction() error { }

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ScopesUniverse (language identifiers)PackageFileFunctionBlock

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SemanticsNo pointer arithmeticsNo implicit numeric conversionsArray bounds are always checkedtypes are not type aliases

type X int // X and int are distinct

Interface typesReflectionType switch

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ConcurrencyGo RoutinesChannels - Communication Pipes

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Light-weight threads of executionManaged by Go RuntimeRun concurrently with other go routinesExample

Shared resource manager QuerierDB Readeretc...

Go Routines

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Concurrencypackage main import “fmt”

func myPrinter(str string) { fmt.Println(str)}

func main() { myPrinter(“one”) go myPrinter(“maybetwo”) go myPrinter(“maybethree”)}

//Output one maybetwo Maybethree

//Orone maybethree maybetwo


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Shared pipes connecting concurrent go routinesChannels

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Concurrencypackage main

import "fmt”

func main() { messages := make(chan string)

// Send a value `channel <-` go func() { messages <- "ping" }() //continued

//continued // Receive a value `<-channel` msg := <-messages fmt.Println(msg)}

//Output ping

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GCEasier for ProgrammerNo overhead of memory allocation and freeingNo explicit memory freeing

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InterfacesSet of methodsMethods on any typeData types implementing all methods satisfy

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Thank You!SMITA [email protected]
