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Introduction to online reporting system

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Data Reporting Decisions A presentation prepared by the Multilateral Fund Secretariat
Page 1: Introduction to online reporting system

Data Reporting Decisions

A presentation prepared by the Multilateral Fund Secretariat

Page 2: Introduction to online reporting system

Data Reporting

ExCom urged UNEP to continue to include an itemin the agenda of each CAP network meetingaddressing reporting requirements, as provided indecision 55/11(b) (decision 58/14)

Country programme dataQualitative performance assessment of implementingagencies


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Country programme data reporting - I

ExCom requested UNEP to allocate time in networkmeetings for training on the CP web-based system andprovide feedback on the experience gained (decision52/5(b))

Pursuant to decision 59/4 ExCom reviewed theusefulness of the country programme data web system atusefulness of the country programme data web system atthe 63rd Meeting

The Executive Committee considered whether to make thesubmission of country programme data through the web-basedportal mandatory but before making such a decision requested theSecretariat, in consultation with the implementing agencies, toidentify the reasons for which so few countries had used the web-based portal (decision 63/4)

UNEP was requested to hold a session on the revisedformat for country programme data reporting at itsnetwork meetings (decision 60/4(b)(i))


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Country programme data reporting - II

Article 5 countries should have submitted 2010 countryprogramme data by 1 May 2011The country programme data reporting format wasrevised (decisions 54/4(f) and 60/4(b)) to accommodate:

HCFC control measuresHCFC control measures

Regulations and legislation for HCFCs

Coverage of all HCFCs

Prices of HFC alternatives and any other new alternative

At the 63rd Meeting the Secretariat modified the CP datareporting format for which would be effective for thesubmission of 2012 CP data due on 1 May 2013(decision 63/4)

excludes CFCs, CTC and halonsincludes relevant methyl bromide, TCA and HCFC


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Country Programme - web-based reporting

Country programme data entry at http://intranet.unmfs.org/cp

Please contact the Fund Secretariat ([email protected]) forassistance relating to data submission, the web-based system orthe subsequent data analysis in the status of compliancedocumentdocument

User names and passwords are available from the RegionalNetwork team


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Data Entry issues with web-based system-ADMIN A. DATASHEET

Both right and left sides of the sheet should becompleted

Total of use by sector should equal imports +production – exports unless there is stockpilingproduction – exports unless there is stockpiling

Use the comments column to indicate the level ofstockpiling

HCFCsUse the drop down box (see next slide) to add further typesof HCFCs to the “Substances” column

Specify the chemical e.g. HCFC 124, HCFC 225 sincedifferent HCFCs have different ODP values


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Data Entry problems with Admin B

Many countries use the previous version of theExcel format instead of the new Excel format oronline version and thus use an older version of theAdmin B sheetAdmin B sheet

Often countries do not answer all questions

Date format

month - day - year


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Data entry problems: Admin C.

Import and export data should be in metric tonnes(not in ODP tonnes)

Make sure to enter in US dollars per kilogramme

For the number of training programmes (see slide“Admin C - continued”:“Admin C - continued”:

A comment should be added indicating if the number iscumulative or annual (annual data is preferred)

If the only data you have is for a year or a number of years,then provide a breakdown by year


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Data Entry Problems—Admin D. and Admin E.

Complete the entire section

Enter “not available” if no data

For Admin E, specify the IA so that the formwill be submitted automatically to IA


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CP web-based reporting – feedback

Your feedback and suggestions would beappreciated

Have you attempted to submit your countryprogramme data with the web system?programme data with the web system?

If you tried to use the web system and did notcomplete the task of submitting the CP data, pleaseexplain the reasons?


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Qualitative performance indicators - I

At its 55th Meeting, Excom requested UNEP’sCompliance Assistance Programme (CAP), throughits regional networks, to include an item in theagenda of each of its network meetings addressingreporting requirements of the Executive Committee,reporting requirements of the Executive Committee,including the qualitative performance questionnaire,so as to ensure a better response to the survey infuture (decision 55/11(b))

At its 61st Meeting, Excom requested UNEP toremind countries, at meetings of regional networks,to complete the surveys on the performance ofbilateral and implementing agencies (decision61/17)


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Qualitative performance indicators - II

In accordance with decision 46/14 national ozoneofficers receive a questionnaire regarding theassessment of each implementing agency vis-à-visthe agency’s annual business plan

Confidential questionnaire covers 3 main qualitativeConfidential questionnaire covers 3 main qualitativeperformance indicators with four point scale forranking implementing agency performance

(1) organization and cooperation

(2) technical assistance/training

(3) impact


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Qualitative performance indicators – III

NOUs have to specify a rating of 1 to 4

4 (highly satisfactory)

3 (satisfactory)

2 (less satisfactory)

1 (unsatisfactory)1 (unsatisfactory)

NOU should also indicate on the questionnaire if a question is notrelevant to the agency concerned. Comments can also be addedThe assessment report is confidential, but will be shared with theimplementing agency concerned for its commentNext questionnaire was sent on 4 May 2011


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