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Introduction to Stata fileStata: Only one dataset open at once (but we can combine several fles....

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1 / 148 Introduction to Stata UiO, November 1st 2018, Knut Waagan

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Introduction to Stata

UiO, November 1st 2018, Knut Waagan

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Getting started Data management techniques Get an overview

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Handling data sets Descriptive statistics Make graphs Some estimation

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Part 1: A frst example

Typing in data Setting variable names Creating a diagram Storing data Get familiar

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The main window

5 subwindows Drop-down


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The data window

Open with menu Choose ‘(Edit)’

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The data window

Separate window Like a speadsheet

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Typing data

Click on cell, then type

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Typing data

Numbers or text Text values in red

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Variable names

Name of columns Called variables Can be entered

here Case sensitive Whitespace not

allowed Customary to use

lower case

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Browse mode – Look, don’t touch

Disable editing by selecting magnifying glass instead of pencil

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A pie chart

In main menu Let’s graph the

chord abundance

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A pie chart

Choose variable

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A pie chart

Title, caption Click ‘Submit’

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A pie chart

In separate window:

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Why ‘Submit’?

‘OK’ = make plot & close window

‘Submit’ = make plot

Useful for trial and error etc

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Saving the graph

Click ‘File’-’Save as’ in graph window

‘Save as type: Stata Graph (*.gph)’ means to save in special Statas format

... can be edited later, but not used in e.g. Word documents

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Saving the graph

For including in reports etc, store as e.g. a png-image

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Saving the data set

File - Save

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Saving the data set

File - Save Special Stata

format (fle ending .dta)

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Parts of the main window

List of all we have done during session

Variable list Details on data Results window We can type

commands here instead of using the menus

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Part 2: Data management 1

Loading from a fle Dataset structure: observations/variables, values,

strings/numbers Value labels list, selecting observations with if and in

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A prepared dataset

We start with a dataset that’s already prepared:

http://www.stata-press.com/data/r14/states.dta We look at its structure ... and how to select subsets of it

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Loading data

For data fles in the Stata-format .dta

Use ‘Import’ to load from other formats

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‘Open’ and ‘Import’ do what?

They store dataset in RAM, the ‘quick memory’ … thereby ready to edit and analyse To save changes permanently, we must save to disk with

‘Save’ or ‘Export’ Beware! Don’t overwrite your raw data Stata: Only one dataset open at once (but we can combine

several fles. Luckily!) Hence: When opening a new dataset, see to that the old

dataset is saved (usually there is a warning)

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Dataset structure

Columns: Variables Row: Obervations, aka

data points Each cells contains a

value Variables have names and


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Data types

Red: Text (referred to as a string)

No colour: Numeric values Blue: Categorical variable Variables (i.e. columns)

have a fxed type

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Variable types

Continuous variables: Age, temperature, income, number of citizens...

Categorical variables: Region, gender, type of drug… Ordered categorical/ordinal: Education level, grades...

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Categorical variables in Stata

Stata prefers numbers in the cells

Text often best for the user

‘Value labels’: We can have both

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Value labels: where in Stata?

Choose ‘Manage value labels’

Or click here

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Value labels

Click the +

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Value labels

Connection between numbers and categories listed

We can edit and add new values

... or create a new value label

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For a quick look at the labels:

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Choose variable Possibly more than one

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Codebook, the result Could have just typed command

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Ordered categorical, aka ordinal

Like categorical, but:

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Ordered categorical, aka ordinal

Like categorical, but ... the order must be right

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Reusing a value label

Time saving tip: The same value label can

be used for many variables

Put the name of the value label here

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Listing – a typical Stata-command

List data in the results window

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List data in the results window

Choose rows

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List data in the results window Choose variables Command:

list state marriage_rate in 1/10

Shows why names can’t have whitespace

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The result:

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Selection with if

Pick all data with median age above 32:


list if median_age > 32

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Selection with if

Other examples:

list if state==”KANSAS”

list if state!=”KANSAS”

list if state!=”KANSAS” in 1/10

list if marriage_rate>100 & median_age<28

list if marriage_rate>100 | median_age<28

The statements after if are called ‘logical expressions’ Text-value in quotation marks, e.g. ”KANSAS”



‘does not equal’

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Selection with value labels

Two ways:

list if region==4

list if region==”West”:reg

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Del 3: Data management 2

Importing data Creating categories with encode Create new variables Missing values Documenting work Combining data sets

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Using Excel fles

‘Import’ - ‘Excel...’

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Using Excel fles

Create variable names from 1st row


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Using Excel fles

What’s diferent?

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Editing variables

Task: change variable names

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Number format

Change to 5 characters

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Number format

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Categorical variable from text variable

Command: encode region, generate(region_num)

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Categorical variable from text variable

The text variable Name of new

categorical variable Name of new value


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Categorical variable from text variable

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Store commands in a fle as text And: Stata can execute them at the push of a button! Called a Do-fle: Filendelse .do Open Do-fle-window here

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My frst .do-fle

Type or copy from history Click ‘play’ to execute ‘Play’ will execute

only the selected region if there is one

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My frst .do-fle

Type or copy from history Click ‘play’ to execute ‘Play’ will execute

only the selected region if there is one

To save do-fle: Click ‘File’-’Save’

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My frst .do-fle

Saving The fle is called a do-fle, syntax-fle or


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My frst .do-fle

A comment The * tells Stata ‘this line is not a


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do-fles, why?

Documentation: for self and others Debugging: easier to pinpoint where it goes wrong Flexibility: Easy to make changes Recycling: e.g. if new data & same analysis ‘But I like the menus’? ... No problem, just paste the command into the do-fle


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Creating new variables

We can use a dialogue box:

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Creating new variables

generate is the command for variable creation. In this example we transform from ‘per 100.000’ to percent, and store the results as a new variable

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Creating new variables

Name of new variable

Type your expression, or click ‘Create’ to open the ‘Expression builder’

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Creating new variables

Choose variables from list, choose e.g. ‘division’ from calculator

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A function

The function round rounds off to nearest integer

Example:If the input is 28.2the output is 28

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A function

The function round is listed, and clickable, in the ‘Expression builder’.

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Saving results

Tables etc. show up in the results window

How to save them permanently?

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Saving results: log

We can ‘record’ in a log Click ‘Begin’ Choose flename ‘Close’ to stop Saved as a native Stata

format .smcl Can translate to a normal

text fle

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Highligt table, copy-paste into e.g Word

In Word: Use font ‘Courier New’

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More advanced copy-paste

Highlight and right-click

table (for Excel, tsv)

html-table screenshot

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Missing values

Open an Excel fle with empty cells Empty cells become punctuation marks

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Missing values

Punctuation mark means ‘missing value’ Stata commands understand this notation

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Missing values-notation is very useful

We get a sensible mean value

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But beware!

The value . is treated as a very large number (larger than any other)

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But beware!


list if Marr>200 & Marr<.

Also note abbreviated variable name Marriagesper100000

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Opening a csv-fle

‘Import’-‘Text data (delimited, *.csv, ...)’ Comma-separated values Example

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Combining data sets

What if data sit in separate fles?

New obses

Add observations: append Add variables: merge

New varsNew obses

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Combining data sets

Stata: only one dataset at a time New data must be read from Stata fle (*.dta) ... so may need to convert fle to .dta frst

Add observations: append Add variables: merge

New varsNew obsesNew obses

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Combining data sets

append matches variable names merge matches values of ‘key’ variable, e.g. a person’s ID-


Add observations: append Add variables: merge

New varsNew obses

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The merge command

Task: combine these two data fles Which rows belong together?

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The merge command

First read fle 1 into memory Then merge with fle 2 We must specify that id is the key

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The merge command

Can we combine these two fles?

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The merge command

Can we combine these two fles? Yes, with a many-to-one merge

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The merge command

Let’s try with these two fles First: open mergetest0.dta Open menu: Data -> Combine datasets -> Merge...

On file mergetest1.dtaOn file mergetest0.dta

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The merge command

On file mergetest1.dta

A one-to-one merge

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The merge commandCommand

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The merge command, results

The variable _merge tells which fle the data came from It is coded as follows:

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The merge command, options

Choose variables to keep

Update from disk

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Part 4: Descriptive statistics

‘Descriptive’ as in ‘Describing the Data’

Difers from statistical inference, which means to generalize from data (estimation, modelling...)

Let’s also include descriptive graphics!

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A builtin data set

sysuse auto2 open a data set that comes along with the Stata program (Menu: ‘File’ - ‘Example datasets’)

keep make price mpg rep78 weight foreign chooses a few variables

What variable types do we have now?

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A builtin data set

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A builtin data set

Coding of values?

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A builtin data set

Coding of values?

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A builtin data set

Coding of values?

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Continuous variables

summarize summarizes numeric data

Standard devation measures variability

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Continuous variables

More than one variable can be summarized

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Continuous variables: histogram

Histograms show more detail than a few numbers

Continuous Scale of y-axis: ‘Frequency’ means a


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Continuous variables: histogram

‘Frequency’ means a count

i.e. number of observations within an interval

Intervals (aka ‘Bins’) can be adjusted

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Continuous variables: histogram

Graphs can be edited by clicking here

e.g. change colours, text size, graph shape

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Continuous variables: percentiles

Percentiles can be ordered here

Median = 50%-percentile

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Categorical variables

A frequency table Count each category

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Categorical variables: bar chart

Choose ‘Bar Chart’ in the Graphics-menu Choose ‘frequency within categories’ Then choose a ‘grouping variable’

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Categorical variables: bar chart

Number of cars in each group

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Categorical variables: Ordinal

For ordinal variables we can calculate a median (but the mean makes no sense)

Command: centile rep78

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Two categoricals: frequency table

There were 3 foreign cars with ‘Average’ repair status

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Two categoricals: frequency table

Menu has lots of options Percentage of foreign

cars in each row

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Two categoricals: frequency table

Menu has lots of options Percentage of foreign

cars in each row

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Two categoricals: bar chart

Tick off here to get different coloursChoose two categorical variables

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Two categoricals: bar chart

graph bar (count), over(foreign) over(rep78) asyvars

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One continuous and one categorical

Are American cars less efective?

mpg vs. foreign Visualize with ‘Box plot’

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One continuous and one categorical

Continuous Categorical

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One continuous and one categorical

Box boundaries are quartiles, the line is the median

Whiskers out to min og max

... but far out values get their own dot

Defnition of far out? More than 1.5 box heights

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Useful: by

Statistics for every category, labourious way:

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Useful: by

Statistics for every category, more convenient:

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Useful: by

Must sort frst Many commands understand by It’s in the menus

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Two continuous variables: scatterplot

Are mpg and weight associated? We can plot each data point in a 2D ‘map’

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Two continuous variables: scatterplot

Click ‘Create’ ... which will open a

second window

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Two continuous variables: scatterplot

Choose ‘Scatter’ Choose variables Click ‘Accept’

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Two continuous variables: scatterplot

We’re back in the frst window

Click OK or Submit

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Two continuous variables: scatterplot

As expected?

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Two continuous, one categorical

Each parenthesis contains a graphics command. In the ‘twoway’ menu: Create more than one plot

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Part 5: Estimation and testing

Estimate mean Standard error Comparing two means

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Del 5: Estimating the mean

We want to estimate population mean We can do this with the sample mean ... if we have a representative, e.g. random, sample

2 5


2 7






Sample: 2, 2, 4, 5

Sample mean is (2+2+4+5)/4 = 3.25Population mean is 4

Estimation error is 4 - 3.25 = 0.75

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The mean

mean gives the mean, and estimates accuracy Std. Err. is a ‘typical’ estimation error Confdence interval: Expected to contain actual mean in 95%

of all experiments. It is sensitive to assumptions

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Confdence interval

The command ci has more options for the confdence interval

The default is based on normal distribution, ci also allows binomial og Poisson distributions

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Two means

Diferences between domestic and foreign? Let’s investigate with mean

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Two means

Choose cont. variable to compare, and choose foreign Choose confdence level

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Two means

Estimates for each category Do the confdence intervals overlap?

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Two means

What about that p-value thing?

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Two means

A typical Stata dialogue box

Tick of here to group by a categorical variable

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Two means: Student t-test

One- and twosided p-values

However: Normal distributions? Outliers? Equal standard deviation? Random sample?

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Two means: Student t-test

We can, and should adjust for unequal standard deviations

However: Equal standard deviation?

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Two means: Student t-test

Look at sample distributions with histograms Skewed for Domestic

However: Normal distributions?

Alternative test ranksum needs less assumptions (but may have less power)

Bootstrap may be useful

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Two means: Student t-test

Let’s try a variable transformation:

generate gpm=1/mpg

Less skewed Can we compare means of

gpm instead?

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Linear regression

Can we quantify the association between efciency and weight?

Let’s try gpm = b0 + b1 * weight + noise

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Linear regression

Choose dependent variable (aka outcome, response, y-variable)

Choose independent variable (aka predictor, x-variable)

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Linear regression, the output


How much variance does the model ‘explain’

Coefficient values with error estimates

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Linear regression, evaluate model

Let’s compute the predicted gpm

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Linear regression, evaluate model

Let’s compute the predicted gpm

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Linear regression, graph model

Plot of model and data Linearity looks reasonable Other assumptions?

(normal errors, homoskedasticity, independent samples)

twoway (line gpm_predicted weight) (scatter gpm weight)

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Linear regression, multiple

We can have more than one predictor, e.g.

gpm = b0 + b1 * weight + b2 * foreign + noise Note that foreign is either 0 or 1 Categoricals with more than two values must be represented

with ‘indicator variables’, aka ‘dummy variables’

(although ordinals are sometimes excepted from this rule) Interpretation, visualisation etc, becomes more complicated

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Linear regression, multiple

The Stata output looks the same, except more coefcients

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Part 6: Where to go from here

Getting help, fnding documentation Tips about other useful commands

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Help in Stata

If known command name: help ttest If in dialogue box: click ‘?’ If unknown command: search student t-test Google, e.g. ‘Stata t-test’ Pdf-manual of Stata is good, if technical, with nice examples.

Access via menu Or search with Google, e.g. ‘ttest site:stata.com/manuals’

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Further reading

Acock: A gentle introduction to Stata (5th ed) Midtbø: Stata - en entusiastisk innføring Visual overview of graphics options:


Stata manual ch. 27: ‘Commands everyone should know’https://www.stata.com/manuals/u27.pdf

Nettskjema and Stata: https://www-adm.uio.no/tjenester/it/applikasjoner/nettskjema/hjelp/se-resultater-analyse/til-stata.html

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Things not in these slides

Variable lists Convert between text/numbers: destring, tostring Variable transformations, for example: replace, egen, _n, _N,... Break continuous into categorical (use generate with if, or use

the egen function cut)

Various: count, display, drop, order Correlation, and much more analysis External commands

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Help at USIT

Help with statistics/statistics programs etc

http://www.uio.no/tjenester/it/forskning/statistikk/kontakt/ Statistics mailing list: [email protected]
