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Introduction to the Monad

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  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to the Monad



    I am the serpent Sata, whose years are infinite

    I lie down dead. I am born daily

    I am the serpent Sata, the dweller in the uttermost parts of the earth

    I lie down in death. I am born

    I become new, I renew my youth every day(Egyptian Book of the Dead)  

  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to the Monad



    The Monad has a foundation in Plato's First Forms, which to me is essential in

    understanding our non‑dualistic existence. The Monad being a singularity concept, aligns

    with Numbers and Geometry and thus is Pythagoræn based. From the Monad the Dyad is

    born is essentially saying that reflecting upon itself, the Monad immediately creates dualism,

    then it becomes three dimensions, and consequently a perpetual 'dumbing' down offrequency into eventual physical matter (objective universe).

    The greatest difference between the Monad and the idea of god(s) is that for each of us there

    is this uniquely perfected Highest Mercurius Self, a Lucifer Risen and no longer Fallen. Yet

    the Monad is but one of millions if not billions. In this philosophy we are all fallen gods in a

    process of falling further or rising as the Phoenix. In a typical god/deity format,

    responsibilities are handed off to non‑self appointed archetypes, we are not afforded this

    luxury, nor do we desire this.

     Almost all deity structures throughout mankind have been synonymous with the objectiveuniverse/nature/physical matter . . . God (El) is the personification of the Laws governing

    physics. The Monad exists outside of the objective universe and it is actually because of all

    our Self ‑created subjective universes that the objective universe can exist, not the other way

    around. Mankind assigns meaning and understanding to the objective universe through hir

    subjective universes. The physical body provides a vehicle in which the psyche can become

    aware of itself and then reach out towards the limitlessness of its conscious existence. This

    is Mercurius Consciousness and called thus for its association with Mercury and his

    expertise in communication as well as many other attributes which assist in our autotheism.

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  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to the Monad


    The Gnostic concept of the Monad, it fits wonderfully in Luciferian cosmology . . . we begin

    as a Monad, an individual singularity, not within any objective universe but without. Upon

    reflecting on One's Self there is immediately created a duality and a lowering of frequency,

    this begins the Fall into a material existence and thus progressively lowering and slowing of

    frequency to where we are physically created, we continue entropy until physical death,

    which then frees our subtle body to return to its subjective universe. Thus we create andexist, in this dumbed-down state of duality, but we have the Light to communicate with our

    Higher Self through the Arts and our subjective universes.

    Plato's Dæmon would then be our Higher Self as would Thelema's HGA, the Holy Ghost, the

    Muse, our conscience, etc. Jung's Collective Consciousness becomes the trail of principles

    and archetypes that we all experienced during our descent and are stored in our

    unconsciousness . . . to be used for communication;

    "Mercurius sapientia, voluntas, Verbum"

    Mercury the Wisdom, the Will, the Word

    Ego Dæmon Ka Choronzon

    Each of us contains what the Egyptians referred to as Ka, Thelemics call the Holy Guardian

     Angel, psychologists term the Ego, Qabalists as the Demon Choronzon. In Luciferi Philo

    Sophia, this is Our Dæmon, our Higher Self. It is taken from the Greek word Daimon (spirit

    energies). It is Our Power of Consciousness, Our Majiq, and Our True Genius. The vital spark

    or life-force within each of us. The Creative aspect of our subjective universe. You cannot

     Will Your Dæmon, You cannot perceive it either It has no form, you cannot imagine it, it isthe very essence of Tao. It is its own Self and is the root of Your Will and, Your objective

    universe. Make no mistake though, this Dæmon Ka is malleable, and plastic, as with all

    aspects of the Universe, it can be shaped to conform with the Will of the Monad.

    Our Ego is what our mind thinks we are

    Our Shadow Self is what we project onto others of ourselves which we loathe

    The Ego is cultivated from our life experiences, it concerns the image we perceive of our Self

    in relation to sex, race, religion, culture, socialization, fears, and desires

    The Ego is a false Reality

    Individuation is the key to controlling the Ego A Luciferian embraces the Individuated Ego and obliterates the imbalanced false Ego

  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to the Monad



    The Luciferian cultivates their Dæmon through the Arts

    Kheper I AM . . . Hail Serpent . . . Hail Lucifer!!

    “ . . . the attainment of consciousness was the most precious fruit of

    the Tree of Knowledge, the magickal weapon which gave man victory

    over the earth, and which we hope will give him a still greater

    victory over himself.” - C.G. Jung

    The process of individuation for the Luciferian as well as any magickal adept for that matter,

    is of great importance. We must delve into our inner recesses of the psyche in order to

    initiate our spiritual progress. We seek to control the Shadow Self and remove mental

    impediments, towards a new awareness and a spiritual rebirth. This Kheperu

    (Transformation) allows us to balance our consciousness and unconsciousness. This is called

    The Great Work, the Philosopher’s Stone of alchemy (al-Khem ia, the Black arts), it is the

    expansion of consciousness, through the elevation of the unconsciousness, it is LUX LUCIS,

    The Light of Lucifer!

  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to the Monad


    Unconsciousness: the extensive portion of the mind that contains instinctual/animal drives

    and the repressed residue of unwanted life experiences. The unconsciousness is further

    divided into two levels - personal and collective unconsciousness.

    Personal Unconsciousness: is the unknown primal region of the mind. Whereas the mind

    can be trained, the Personal Unconsciousness cannot. It is a creative and autonomouspsychic entity beyond subjective control.

    Collective Unconsciousness: does not include any subjective, distinctive characteristics of

    the Ego, it exists as the sum of what has been inherited from the biological and psychic

    meme of humanity, universally shared by all.

    “ . . . they become accessible to consciousness only when the individual possesses so much

    self-awareness and power of understanding that he also reflects on what he experiences

    instead of just living it blindly . . .” - C.G. Jung

    Id: division of the psyche that is completely unconscious and functions as the origin of

    instinctual primal impulses/animal urges, it demands instant gratification.

    Superego: division of the psyche also unconscious and is created by morality and ethical

    codes imprinted from society, parental guidance, and peer pressure.

    Ego: division of the psyche which is conscious. Directly governing our thoughts and

    behaviors. Mediates between our Id and our Superego.

     The Shadow Self ( enter the devil )

    “The Devil made me do it” - Flip Wilson

    The Shadow Self are our unconscious aspects which we bury or ignore by the conscious

    mind. The Shadow is used to make definitive impressions upon others thus concealing our

    True Self. It is the sum of all personal and collective psychic elements that are incompatible

    with our desired demeanor. The Shadow Self is refused expression in life and becomes our

    alter-ego. We will project this Shadow Self onto another, thus shifting the blame onto anappropriate scapegoat!

  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to the Monad


    There are two forms of the Shadow Self. One is the personal shadow which we project onto

    others and the collective shadow, a montage of repressed memories from the onset of

    mankind, perhaps even before.

    “Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s

    conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.” - C.G. Jung

    Individuation: is the process of a self-realization, becoming a separate indivisible unity,

    integrating all aspects of the Self (our God Within). This process begins with confronting our

    Shadow Self. This becomes the first step in dealing with the Shadow Self. We take a critical,

    objective look into the nature of our own being.

    So . . . How do we do this?

    1. Through analysis of all parts of our psyche. Both conscious and unconscious,

    including the shadow.

    2. Taking control of these elements. Recognizing and transmuting these energies.

    3. Integrating both lower and higher selves. Freeing one’s self from selfish interests and

    from personal limitations. Connecting the individual to the divine self.

    4. Gradually and systematically rebuilding the New Self through an organized,

    purpose-driven manner with clear and obtainable goals.

    The connecting links (Logos) between all aspects of the Self are within the creative

    imagination. The language of the imagination is revealed through symbols, images, and

    allegory, in what is called archetypal images. Here lies the key to Individuation and the birth

    of the Luciferian Self.


    The unity most religious philosophies refer to as God, the Monad is not a singular source

    from which we all are connected to and have come from. Rather than a single non dualistic

    source we are each individual non dualistic sources, in other words there are many gods in

    the sky.

    That which is paralleled with Nature (a.k.a. the objective universe) is what most religions

    refer to as their deity or God. Nature in essence is a mechanical Creatrix whose endless goal

    is stasis and eventual death of physical Life. In this respect when one is doing God's Will

    (Nature's Will) they are in fact propagating the destruction, degradation, and defiling of Life.

    The very fact that we can be in direct opposition to this mechanical death machine shows

    that we have the ability to become separate from Nature, and in choosing to do so promotes

    our independent, incarnate human mind to elevate itself to an enlightened state.

  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to the Monad



    Platonism refers to everything having an Ideal form, or First Form of itself with consequent

    forms being inferior images of their Ideal Form. This is the Self, the individual Monad of

    which we are an image of. The gnosis of this is called by H☿D as Mercurius Consciousness

    as the deity / principle of Mercury is used as the metaphor of the risen Lucifer.

     We exist as fallen Lucifers and through a left hand path alchemy we rise as the Phoenix from

    its ashes away from the objective universe, which holds us in its grasp of delusions, to

    become Mercuræn and return to our true, perfected, non dual Self. The left hand path goal

    as practiced by the Herald of the Dawn can be understood as an immortal, independent

    existence of the self in a quasi‑divine state.


    Etu Malku V° HH☿D© 040402 Herald of the Dawn
