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Introduction to Transcriptomics Analysis

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INSTRUCTOR: Aureliano Bombarely Department of Bioscience Universita degli Studi di Milano [email protected] Introduction to Transcriptomics Analysis Class 12 - Practice about Differential Gene Expression.

INSTRUCTOR:Aureliano Bombarely

Department of BioscienceUniversita degli Studi di [email protected]

Introduction to Transcriptomics Analysis

Class 12 - Practice about Differential Gene Expression.

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

• Exercise 1.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 1.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 1.3: Quality control.

• Exercise 1.4: Differential expression test

• Exercise 2: Differential expression with DESeq2.

• Exercise 2.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 2.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 2.3: Differential expression test.

• Exercise 2.4: Quality control.

Outline of Topics

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

• Exercise 1.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 1.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 1.3: Quality control.

• Exercise 1.4: Differential expression test

• Exercise 2: Differential expression with DESeq2.

• Exercise 2.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 2.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 2.3: Differential expression test.

• Exercise 2.4: Quality control.

Outline of Topics

Data source

Data source

Col C24

Col x C24 C24 x Col

A- RNASeq Analysis pipeline with Hisat2-StringTie-Ballgown

Pertea, Mihaela, et al. "Transcript-level expression analysis of RNA-seq experiments with HISAT, StringTie and Ballgown." Nature protocols 11.9 (2016): 1650.

A- RNASeq Analysis pipeline with Hisat2-StringTie-Ballgown

Pertea, Mihaela, et al. "Transcript-level expression analysis of RNA-seq experiments with HISAT, StringTie and Ballgown." Nature protocols 11.9 (2016): 1650.

A- RNASeq Analysis pipeline with Hisat2-StringTie-Ballgown


• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

Preparation before the exercise:

1- Transfer the Stringtie output from the server to your computer to work with R. To do it use Filezilla.

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

Preparation before the exercise:

2- Open RStudio

2.1- Load the Ballgown library: library(ballgown)as well as RColorBrewer, genefilter and dplyr

2.2- Set up as working directory the same one that contains the directories with the Stringtie results

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

Preparation before the exercise:

3- Prepare a tabular text file (PhenoData.txt) with the experimental design

Sample_id (same than the directory name)

Accession name

Experiment comparisons


• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

• Exercise 1.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 1.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 1.3: Quality control.

• Exercise 1.4: Differential expression test

• Exercise 2: Differential expression with DESeq2.

• Exercise 2.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 2.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 2.3: Differential expression test.

• Exercise 2.4: Quality control.

Outline of Topics

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

Exercise 1.1: Data upload

The goal of the data upload exercise is to enter the expression data into R as well as the experimental design. Then get some stats about the data.


1. Upload the experimental design file PhenoData as:

pheno_data = read.delim(“PhenoData.txt")

pheno_data = pheno_data[order(pheno_data$ids),]

2. Stringtie expression data using the R command ballgown as:

bg = ballgown(dataDir = "ballgown", samplePattern = "Artha", pData = pheno_data)

3. Get some stats




• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

• Exercise 1.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 1.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 1.3: Quality control.

• Exercise 1.4: Differential expression test

• Exercise 2: Differential expression with DESeq2.

• Exercise 2.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 2.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 2.3: Differential expression test.

• Exercise 2.4: Quality control.

Outline of Topics

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

Exercise 1.2: Data filtering

The goal of the data filtering exercise is to filter out the low expressed transcripts. It will also divide the experimental design by datasets.


1. Select the transcript with expressions > 1 FPKM:

bg_filt = subset(bg,"rowVars(texpr(bg)) >1",genomesubset=TRUE)

2. Select the specific datasets for pure lines and hybrids:

bg_subset_PLN = subset(bg_filt, "type == 'pure_line'", genomesubset=FALSE)

bg_subset_HYB = subset(bg_filt, "type == 'hybrid'", genomesubset=FALSE)

3. Check the summary for the filtered data




• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

• Exercise 1.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 1.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 1.3: Quality control.

• Exercise 1.4: Differential expression test

• Exercise 2: Differential expression with DESeq2.

• Exercise 2.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 2.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 2.3: Differential expression test.

• Exercise 2.4: Quality control.

Outline of Topics

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

Exercise 1.3: Quality control

The goal of the quality control exercise is to visualise different parameters to assess the quality of the experiment.


1. Library FPKM distribution

gene_expression = as.data.frame(gexpr(bg_filt))

colnames(gene_expression) = gsub("FPKM.", "", colnames(gene_expression))

data_colors = c("red1", "red2", "red3", "orange1", "orange2", "orange3", "salmon1", "salmon2", "salmon3", "green1", "green2", "green3")

short_names = gsub("ep", "", gsub("Artha_", "", colnames(gene_expression)))

boxplot(log2(gene_expression[,c(1:12)]+1), col=data_colors, names=short_names, las=2, ylab="log2(FPKM)", main="Distribution of FPKMs for all 12 libraries”, cex.axis=0.8)

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

Exercise 1.3: Quality control

The goal of the quality control exercise is to visualise different parameters to assess the quality of the experiment.


1. Library FPKM distribution

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

Exercise 1.3: Quality control

The goal of the quality control exercise is to visualise different parameters to assess the quality of the experiment.


2. Comparison of the expression between replicates

x = gene_expression[,”Artha_C24_Rep1”]

y = gene_expression[,”Artha_C24_Rep2”]

plot(x=log2(x+1), y=log2(y+1), pch=16, col="blue", cex=0.25, xlab=colnames(x), ylab=colnames(y), main="Comparison of expression values for a pair of replicates")



legend("topleft", paste("R squared = ", round(rs, digits=3), sep=""), lwd=1, col="black")

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

Exercise 1.3: Quality control

The goal of the quality control exercise is to visualise different parameters to assess the quality of the experiment.


2. Comparison of the expression between replicates

Low correlation


Create a matrix with all the samples


• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

Exercise 1.3: Quality control

The goal of the quality control exercise is to visualise different parameters to assess the quality of the experiment.


2. Comparison of the expression between replicatescorrelation_matrix = data.frame(matrix(vector(), nrow=12, ncol=12))colnames(correlation_matrix) = colnames(gene_expression)row.names(correlation_matrix) = colnames(gene_expression)i_n = 0for (i in colnames(gene_expression)) { i_n = i_n + 1 j_n = 0 for (j in colnames(gene_expression)) { j_n = j_n + 1 x = gene_expression[,i] y = gene_expression[,j] rs=cor(x,y)^2 correlation_matrix[i_n, j_n] = rs }}heatmap(as.matrix(correlation_matrix))

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

Exercise 1.3: Quality control

The goal of the quality control exercise is to visualise different parameters to assess the quality of the experiment.


2. Comparison of the expression between replicates

Wrong sample name assignment

Wrong upload labels


• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

Exercise 1.3: Quality control

The goal of the quality control exercise is to visualise different parameters to assess the quality of the experiment.


2. Comparison of the expression between replicates

Wrong sample name assignment

Wrong upload labels


Samples of 90 bp cluster together

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

Exercise 1.3: Quality control

The goal of the quality control exercise is to visualise different parameters to assess the quality of the experiment.


3. MDS distance plot

d = 1 - correlation_matrix

mds=cmdscale(d, k=2, eig=TRUE)


plot(mds$points, type="n", xlab="", ylab="", main="MDS distance plot (all non-zero genes) for all libraries", xlim=c(-0.5,0.6), ylim=c(-0.5,0.5))

points(mds$points[,1], mds$points[,2], col="grey", cex=2, pch=16)

text(mds$points[,1], mds$points[,2], short_names, col=data_colors)

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

Exercise 1.3: Quality control

The goal of the quality control exercise is to visualise different parameters to assess the quality of the experiment.


3. MDS distance plot

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

Exercise 1.3: Quality control

Can we fix the problem?

Comparison with the tables from the publication

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

• Exercise 1.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 1.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 1.3: Quality control.

• Exercise 1.4: Differential expression test

• Exercise 2: Differential expression with DESeq2.

• Exercise 2.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 2.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 2.3: Differential expression test.

• Exercise 2.4: Quality control.

Outline of Topics

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

Exercise 1.4: Differential expression test

The goal of the differential expression test is to run a statistical test on the expression data to test if each of the genes/transcripts have a statistically different expression.

When the test is run, it is essential to have a clear idea of the conditions that are compared. Most of the statistical tools produce a pairwise comparison.

The steps are:

1. Perform the statistical test selecting the two conditions to compare. In this case we will compare “pure_lines” vs “hybrids”.

results_genes = stattest(bg_filt, feature="gene", covariate="type", getFC=TRUE, meas="FPKM")

2. Add gene names to the output table.bg_table = texpr(bg_filt, 'all')

bg_gene_names = unique(bg_table[, 9:10])

results_genes = merge(results_genes, bg_gene_names, by.x=c(“id"), by.y=c("gene_id"))

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

Exercise 1.4: Differential expression test

The goal of the differential expression test is to run a statistical test on the expression data to test if each of the genes/transcripts have a statistically different expression.

When the test is run, it is essential to have a clear idea of the conditions that are compared. Most of the statistical tools produce a pairwise comparison.

The steps are:

3. Retrieve the significative genes (p-value < 0.05).sig=which(results_genes$pval<0.05)


4. Plot the results.results_genes[,"de"] = log2(results_genes[,"fc"])hist(results_genes[sig,"de"], breaks=50, col="seagreen", xlim=c(-3, 3), xlab="log2(Fold change) Pure Lines vs Hybrids", main="Distribution of differential expression values")abline(v=-1, col="black", lwd=2, lty=2)abline(v=1, col="black", lwd=2, lty=2)legend("topleft", "Fold-change > 2", lwd=2, lty=2)

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

Exercise 1.4: Differential expression test

The goal of the differential expression test is to run a statistical test on the expression data to test if each of the genes/transcripts have a statistically different expression.

When the test is run, it is essential to have a clear idea of the conditions that are compared. Most of the statistical tools produce a pairwise comparison.

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

Exercise 1.4: Differential expression test

The goal of the differential expression test is to run a statistical test on the expression data to test if each of the genes/transcripts have a statistically different expression.

When the test is run, it is essential to have a clear idea of the conditions that are compared. Most of the statistical tools produce a pairwise comparison.

The steps are:

5. Generate a table with the results.ge_table = as.data.frame(gexpr(bg_filt))

ge_table$id = row.names(ge_table)

ge_table$MEAN_C24 = apply(ge_table[c("FPKM.Artha_C24_Rep1", "FPKM.Artha_C24_Rep2", "FPKM.Artha_C24_Rep3")], 1, mean)

ge_table$SD_C24 = apply(ge_table[c("FPKM.Artha_C24_Rep1", "FPKM.Artha_C24_Rep2", "FPKM.Artha_C24_Rep3")], 1, sd)

ge_table$MEAN_Col = apply(ge_table[c("FPKM.Artha_Col_Rep1", "FPKM.Artha_Col_Rep2", "FPKM.Artha_Col_Rep3")], 1, mean)

ge_table$SD_Col = apply(ge_table[c("FPKM.Artha_Col_Rep1", "FPKM.Artha_Col_Rep2", "FPKM.Artha_Col_Rep3")], 1, sd)

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

Exercise 1.4: Differential expression test

The goal of the differential expression test is to run a statistical test on the expression data to test if each of the genes/transcripts have a statistically different expression.

When the test is run, it is essential to have a clear idea of the conditions that are compared. Most of the statistical tools produce a pairwise comparison.

The steps are:

5. Generate a table with the results.

ge_table$MEAN_C24xCol = apply(ge_table[c("FPKM.Artha_C24xCol_Rep1", "FPKM.Artha_C24xCol_Rep2", "FPKM.Artha_C24xCol_Rep3")], 1, mean)

ge_table$SD_C24xCol = apply(ge_table[c("FPKM.Artha_C24xCol_Rep1", "FPKM.Artha_C24xCol_Rep2", "FPKM.Artha_C24xCol_Rep3")], 1, sd) ge_table$MEAN_ColxC24 = apply(ge_table[c("FPKM.Artha_ColXC24_Rep1", "FPKM.Artha_ColXC24_Rep2", "FPKM.Artha_ColXC24_Rep3")], 1, mean)

ge_table$SD_ColxC24 = apply(ge_table[c("FPKM.Artha_ColXC24_Rep1", "FPKM.Artha_ColXC24_Rep2", "FPKM.Artha_ColXC24_Rep3")], 1, sd)

ge_table = merge(ge_table, results_genes, by.y=“id")

write.csv(ge_table, “GE_TABLE.STRINGTIE_BG.csv”, row.names = FALSE)

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

• Exercise 1.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 1.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 1.3: Quality control.

• Exercise 1.4: Differential expression test

• Exercise 2: Differential expression with DESeq2.

• Exercise 2.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 2.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 2.3: Differential expression test.

• Exercise 2.4: Quality control.

Outline of Topics

B- RNASeq Analysis pipeline with STAR-HTSeqCount—DESeq2

Processed Reads (FASTQ)

Mapped Reads (Sorted BAM)

Counted Reads (COUNTS)

DEGs (table)




Indexed reference genomeReference Genome (FASTA)

Reference Annotation (GFF)

B- RNASeq Analysis pipeline with STAR-HTSeqCount—DESeq2


• Exercise 2: Differential expression with DESeq2

Preparation before the exercise:

1- Transfer the HTSeq-Count output from the server to your computer to work with R. To do it use Filezilla.

• Exercise 2: Differential expression with DESeq2

Preparation before the exercise:

2- Call the DESeq2 library and prepare the sampleTable object:



sampleFiles = grep("Artha",list.files("."),value=TRUE)

sampleCondition = c("Pure_line", "Pure_line", "Pure_line", "Hybrid", "Hybrid", "Hybrid", "Hybrid", "Hybrid", "Hybrid", "Pure_line", "Pure_line", "Pure_line")

sampleName = gsub("_HTSeqCount.counts", "", gsub("Artha_", "", sampleFiles))

sampleTable = data.frame(sampleName = sampleName, fileName = sampleFiles, condition = sampleCondition)

sampleTable$condition = factor(sampleTable$condition)

• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

• Exercise 1.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 1.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 1.3: Quality control.

• Exercise 1.4: Differential expression test

• Exercise 2: Differential expression with DESeq2.

• Exercise 2.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 2.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 2.3: Differential expression test.

• Exercise 2.4: Quality control.

Outline of Topics

• Exercise 2: Differential expression with DESeq2

Exercise 2.1: Data upload

The goal of the data upload exercise is to enter the count data into R as well as the experimental design. Then get some stats about the data.


1. Upload the count data using the sampleTable as the experimental design:

ddsHTSeq = DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount(sampleTable = sampleTable, directory = ".", design= ~ condition)

2. Get some stats



• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

• Exercise 1.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 1.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 1.3: Quality control.

• Exercise 1.4: Differential expression test

• Exercise 2: Differential expression with DESeq2.

• Exercise 2.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 2.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 2.3: Differential expression test.

• Exercise 2.4: Quality control.

Outline of Topics

• Exercise 2: Differential expression with DESeq2

Exercise 2.2: Data filtering

The goal of the data filtering exercise is to filter out the low expressed transcripts (with less than 10 reads).


1. Select the transcript with sum or counts > 10:

keep = rowSums(counts(ddsHTSeq)) >= 10

ddsHTSeq = ddsHTSeq[keep,]

2. Check the summary for the filtered data



• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

• Exercise 1.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 1.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 1.3: Quality control.

• Exercise 1.4: Differential expression test

• Exercise 2: Differential expression with DESeq2.

• Exercise 2.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 2.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 2.3: Differential expression test.

• Exercise 2.4: Quality control.

Outline of Topics

• Exercise 2: Differential expression with DESeq2

Exercise 2.3: Differential expression test

The goal is to perform the differential expression test on the samples.


1. Run DESeq on the dds object and get the results:

ddsHTSeq = DESeq(ddsHTSeq)

res = results(ddsHTSeq)

2. Check the results

table(res$pvalue <= 0.05)


• Exercise 1: Differential expression with CummeRBund.

• Exercise 1.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 1.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 1.3: Quality control.

• Exercise 1.4: Differential expression test

• Exercise 2: Differential expression with DESeq2.

• Exercise 2.1: Data upload.

• Exercise 2.2: Data filtering.

• Exercise 2.3: Differential expression test.

• Exercise 2.4: Quality control.

Outline of Topics

• Exercise 2: Differential expression with DESeq2

Exercise 2.4: Quality control.

There are several ways to perform a quality control for a DESeq analysis..


1. Generate a MA-Plot:

plotMA(res, ylim=c(-2,2))

• Exercise 2: Differential expression with DESeq2

Exercise 2.4: Quality control.

There are several ways to perform a quality control for a DESeq analysis..


2. Check counts for the lowest p-value feature:

plotCounts(ddsHTSeq, gene=which.min(res$pvalue), intgroup="condition")

• Exercise 2: Differential expression with DESeq2

Exercise 2.4: Quality control.

There are several ways to perform a quality control for a DESeq analysis..


3. Heatmap of sample to sample distances: vsd = vst(ddsHTSeq, blind=FALSE)

sampleDists = dist(t(assay(vsd)))

library(“RColorBrewer”, “pheatmap")

sampleDistMatrix = as.matrix(sampleDists)

rownames(sampleDistMatrix) = names(vsd$sizeFactor)

colnames(sampleDistMatrix) = NULL

colors <- colorRampPalette( rev(brewer.pal(9, "Blues")) )(255)





• Exercise 2: Differential expression with DESeq2

Exercise 2.4: Quality control.

There are several ways to perform a quality control for a DESeq analysis..

