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Introduction: You CAN Change Your Life In€¦ · Life becomes an adventure once again—not a...

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Page 1: Introduction: You CAN Change Your Life In€¦ · Life becomes an adventure once again—not a struggle. Start to change your abundance mindset profoundly. Give yourself permission
Page 2: Introduction: You CAN Change Your Life In€¦ · Life becomes an adventure once again—not a struggle. Start to change your abundance mindset profoundly. Give yourself permission


Introduction: You CAN Change Your Life In Just One Amazing Day…

“The great thing about being a human being is that you can change your life so quickly. It doesn’t matter how difficult things get…how much hurt or frustration you’ve experienced…you’re only ever one day, one moment away from total transformation.” Hi there My name is Ed Lester and I’ve prepared this report as a way of giving you a powerful life coaching session you can use for yourself and to help others. If you’re a life coach already, you’ll love this powerful strategy for change. We often have people contact us about our 5 Day Life Coaching training asking: “How on earth can you become a life coach in 5 days?” The truth is we do it because we don’t believe in ‘ordinary’. We don’t believe in mediocre goals. In just one day of training with NZ Life Coaching, students are spellbound with the amount of potential they see for themselves and others. In 5 days… well, you can only imagine the possibilities.

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People are so convinced that change takes a long time. In truth, when you gaze back through your own memory you’ll see that powerful positive breakthroughs were often the work of a moment. I want to show you how you can stop settling for less than you deserve. If you ever felt a little bored… like life had become a bit of a merry-go-round, “same thing – different day”... I want to take you on a new adventure. I want to help you achieve more of your dreams starting right now, today. When you look back in years to come, this report could prove to be one of the most important things you ever read. In just one perfectly designed day you can… Say goodbye to negative thoughts and feelings. Start banishing stressful worries and fears and self-doubt. You can build a habit of positive thinking and energy, which will serve you richly in all areas of your life. Move on from the past and start creating a life of true purpose and fulfillment. Generate joy, happiness and motivation. Ready to start running down the stairs with a smile on your face every morning.

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Life becomes an adventure once again—not a struggle. Start to change your abundance mindset profoundly. Give yourself permission to succeed on your terms. Start building new positive, abundant beliefs, which drive you to higher and higher levels of success. Break through glass ceilings. Start designing your perfect life, not somebody else’s. Attract true love and grow incredible deep and rewarding relationships. Live your ultimate life. Discover and unleash all of your true strengths, talents, passions and energy. You can build an amazing career and lifestyle from the springboard of a transformational day. Higher earnings, a more rewarding profession. Whatever you choose. Maybe you’ll choose to build a business helping others. That’s what I do and I absolutely LOVE it.

In short it’s time to stop settling for less than you know is possible. When you understand and live the concept of a “perfect day” you have a powerful tool for personal development. A perfect life, of course, is simply a string of these pearls joined together.

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Can it be done? Well it certainly happened to me… Early one morning in the year 2000 I was feeling extremely panicky. I was walking hand in hand with Ruth, my future wife. We were engaged to be married within a few months and I felt stuck. I had an unsatisfying job. I knew that by my nature I was an entrepreneur. I knew I was a creator of things. And I knew I desperately wanted to do something that made a difference in the world. I wanted to help people in some way… I had a passion for personal growth, especially hypnosis, NLP and life coaching. But it never occurred to me to join the dots. It never occurred to me that you could design your entire life around your strengths, passions and desires. Until that morning. The moment Ruth turned around to me and--sensing my mounting frustration-suggested I did exactly that. “Why not set up a business doing what you love and helping people. You have so much passion for it, I’m sure everything will work out fine.”

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I didn’t have to be asked twice. I got busily to work and spent the rest of the day literally designing my perfect future. Every idea, every detail of the plan brought me alive with energy and positive vibration. Looking back, it turned out to be a perfect day when everything fell into place. And that day led to an amazing story. Eventually I had a wildly successful hypnosis and coaching practice. I enjoyed endless invitations to train and coach in large businesses and organizations including the UK National Health Service. I also owned one of the busiest online personal development websites in the world. Nowadays I live in New Zealand with my wife and children. I run several national training schools. I help individuals learn the secrets and strategies of powerful personal development. Living their very best life. Most satisfyingly, I teach other people around the globe to build their own dream businesses based on their passions…and based on helping others. Things have turned out wonderfully well. And all based on the strategy of building one perfect day at a time. As a life coach, this is a great way to help clients turn the corner. Think about it…

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Once your client has a really successful day and achieves more than they ever thought possible, wouldn’t they want to do it AGAIN? As a life coach you could get paid a lot of money and feel hugely rewarded by helping people in this way. You would simply use this strategy to get motivated…enjoy more success…and ultimately, build a whole new set of beliefs and positive habits.

I want to show you how to achieve the same kind of awesome personal breakthroughs—and do the same for other people… I hate seeing people waste their potential and settle for less than the very best they can achieve in life. I have no doubt about your talents and energies for success. But, if you’re like most others, you may have been either procrastinating or holding yourself back from success. It’s perfectly normal. I’ve been there, big time. But if you have been holding yourself back, you could be missing out on the big personal breakthroughs that will provide you a life of abundance.

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The Perfect Day Strategy is one of the best ways I know of to get a sudden dramatic boost in your personal results. It's the simplest and quickest way I know to get yourself taking action and building motivation and momentum. It’s a life coaching powertool and most coaches don’t even know about it. It’s true, I promise you. If you follow through on the ideas and planning tools in this report I can guarantee you a lot of fun… some significant progress releasing any energy blocks that have been holding you back… and a real adventure! So grab a pen… some paper… take a deep breath…visualize yourself being truly successful and happy… And let’s get started! Most importantly, as you work your way through this report… have fun with it.

Dare to start dreaming a bigger dream of what the next 24 hours will bring. For the next 24 hours, take some steps to make your life extraordinary… your experiences blissful… your results and outcomes positive and tangible. Progress you can feel and touch, and take to the bank of life. And then… rinse and repeat. Make the perfect day strategy a tool, a mindset and a philosophy for life

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To your extraordinary and prosperous future!

Ed Lester NZ Life Coaching

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Your Perfect Day Action Plan

When does your perfect day begin? If you’re like most people then it’s not when you think. But here’s what’s really interesting. Hugely successful people know the correct answer and are able to reply in an instant. If you don't know the answer for sure then you're like 99.5% of the population. Put it this way. If I was to ask Tony Robbins this question: "When does a perfect day start for you?” I know what his answer would be. I know what Oprah's answer would be. I know what Richard Branson’s answer would be. Successful entrepreneurs, Olympic athletes, Creative geniuses. The ones you can name. They all know the answer. Just in case you're thinking: "It's OK for them. They have perfect days because they're rich." You'd be wrong. TOTALLY wrong! They're rich because they know stuff you don't yet. But if I have

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anything to do with it, you're going to start enjoying learning more and more of their secrets.

What's your answer by the way? Maybe you said your perfect day starts at 7am? When you get up out of bed? When you wake? When you enjoy your first cup of coffee? 8am? Well if you gave any of these answers or similar—you're way off the mark. ALL super-successful people understand that the perfect day begins...

The Day Before! Your plan for a perfect day should be put together the day before. The energy should start to build in the evening. And then when you go to bed the real work begins. I don't know if you've ever noticed that just before you fall asleep at night you go into a lovely free-floating state where everything feels lighter...easier...natural. This is a scientifically measurable hypnotic state. It is when you are at your most powerful. The time when you can literally start to create the changes you

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want in your life... effortlessly.

Don't totally believe me? Go check with geniuses. They'll all tell you the same thing. They use the last moments of each day to let their subconscious mind work on goals, problems, incredible opportunities. That’s what gives them their breakthroughs and their “luck”. That’s what sets them apart. I’ve studied this phenomenon for so long. I’ve seen it again and again and again. Artists... business superstars... scientists... inventors... writers... all kinds of successful people will confirm that this is the time to decide how tomorrow is going to turn out for you. Thomas Edison is one example. One of the most famous and prolific inventors of all time, and an acknowledged genius. He used to take his ‘challenges’ to bed with him and, without fail, would awake refreshed with answers and breakthroughs. Walt Disney…Paul McCartney… an infinite list of others have done exactly the same thing in order to create massive creative successes for themselves.

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Now it’s your turn OK, you remember I told you to be ready with pen and paper. Relax. Treat yourself to a favorite drink or snack. Put the domestic chores on hold. Remove all external distractions (kids, husbands, mobile phones etc.) Deep breath… feet up… grab that pen… And here we go… Take your time with these reflective thought exercises and the remainder of this unique report. Let your imagination run wild. Your logical, rational mind is not needed here. Over-thinking is NOT the way to success. This is about having fun and creating new possibilities—this is some of the most valuable ‘you time’ you’ll ever invest. Answer all the questions in this report in the spirit of infinite possibilities and guaranteed success. You’ll soon notice that little changes and lightbulb moments are starting to occur within your subconscious mind. And one very important side note. As you complete these exercises, consider how you would facilitate this for others. Put on the identity of being a ‘life coach’. Imagine doing this for your clients…talking them through it…showing them how to plan out breakthroughs and success experiences for themselves. Imagine how rewarding it would be if this was your profession. Seeing people literally change and blossom in front of you!

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Exercise 1 - Putting it into your Dream Machine

Grab a pen and piece of paper and jot down the following: Your number 1 goal for tomorrow. What would make it amazing for you (make this goal somewhat audacious yet somewhat realistically achievable)? Side note. Some people either make their goals overly ambitious or unrealistic and then they freeze—they procrastinate. Nothing happens. Others make their goals puny. Again, you have to set what Tony Robbins calls Audacious Goals. I call them grown up goals. They have to bring you alive and truly light you up. It’s like a balancing act. Think achievable and audacious. But there’s an element of specificity that’s also critical. In our 5 Day Breakthrough Life Coaching training, I can honestly say, you will become a world class expert in the art of goal setting and facilitating success in others.

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Exercise 2 - “The Juliet Strategy” & “The Henry Strategy”

Let me take you to Verona, Italy. Its most famous ever resident was Juliet Capulet from Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. Every year, thousands and thousands of people around the world send letters to her, pleading for help with their romantic problems. These letters are known famously as “The Juliet Letters”. People pour out their hearts, emotionally bleeding onto the paper. Then they post the letter simply to “Juliet. Verona. Italy”. And guess what? They get delivered! AND. They get replies. Every single time. So think about it. You can ask any question you like. But here’s what happens… I read through lots of these Juliet Letters and there was a constant theme. Negative feelings about current relationships and past relationships. Stories of self doubt...pain…desperation. What was sadly lacking was… “What do I need to do to find my soul mate?” “How do I build up my self worth and self love so that I will attract more love from now on?” “How can I start to believe it IS going to happen for me in my

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relationships?” etc… The universe is much more likely to deliver you what you desire when you ask CLEARLY and SPECIFICALLY for it. And when you know and verbalize exactly what you want. Then questions become your master key to manifesting your dreams. A question is 50% of your journey to the goal. So start asking great questions. When we train our life coaches professionally, we focus hugely on the skill of asking great questions and “drawing out”. NZ Life Coaching students understand how powerful this process is.

It’s one of the master keys successful and wealthy people throughout history have become experts at using Now go back to your pen and piece of paper… If you are looking for answers to questions of a romantic nature then write “Dear Juliet…” And complete the sentence with a “power question” that takes you 50% of the way to your dream goal. If you’re looking for answers of a business nature maybe start

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with “Dear Henry (Ford) or Dear Richard (Branson)” And then the same thing. Complete the sentence with your power question that takes you half way to the answer, and the manifestation of your goal. I often get creatively challenged and start my letters to the universe with “Dear John (Lennon)”. If you’re dealing with some heavy issues then maybe it’s “Dear Oprah” or something like that. Whatever works for you is fine. Ultimately you’re just asking your genius…your imagination…and its partner the universe to guide you along the pathway to transformational breakthroughs.

Exercise 3 – Questions From the Universe For this exercise, I want you to imagine that ANYTHING is possible for you. Imagine that the universe is asking YOU these questions. The clearer you can be with your answers… the better help can be given Have fun with this! Our professionally trained life coaches are experts at this kind of “imagination exercise”. This kind of coaching tool can open up infinite breakthroughs and creative

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solutions for you and your future clients. (Again, as you work through this exercise, imagine truly BEING a life coach. How would you use this technique to facilitate a positive experience with others?)

So take your time with this and have some fun.

When have you had a really special day before in the past?

What did you do to bring that about and how can you create similar results again?

What’s something you’ve been stuck on for a while? A

problem or a puzzle or a question or a difficult decision? What would it be like if tomorrow morning you woke up and knew exactly what to do about it?

What annoyances could get in the way of you having a

perfect day tomorrow? For each annoyance write next to it what you can do to…

a. Get rid of it right now, or b. Postpone it so it doesn’t affect the next 24 hours, or

c. Change your perception of it. Tell it to “go whistle”

What thing (or things) have you been putting off that you could definitely get out of the way tomorrow? Commit to dealing with drag and friction items. You will feel 100% better as a result.

Make a list of things you would love to achieve, experience

or ‘become’ tomorrow. What would it be like if you believed that all of those things were truly possible?

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Who would you love to speak with? Who have you been meaning to catch up with?

Now review your answers.

Your Action Plan to Make the Next 24 Hours Into a Beautiful, Amazing Day to Remember It’s time to put together a realistic and achievable list of things that you can actually commit to get done and make happen over the next 24 hours. Ideally, this list will have about 7-10 action points. It will include: Actual tasks that you are going to carry out, or ongoing

goals/challenges that you are going to make progress with Aspects of your identity… your talents… your dreams… that

you are going to do some work on Some annoyances that you are going to remove, postpone

or neutralize Experiences, treats, adventures that you are going to

manifest People… relationships… that you are going to enhance, help

or nurture in some way Once you have your list make an internal promise to yourself… a heartfelt commitment to making that list real and taking some real action over the next 24 hours. Let your imagination take you forward in time one day to the point where that list is completed. Look how happy you are! Notice how fantastic and proud you feel! Give yourself some

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words of encouragement and gratitude! Now you’re making real progress—you should be feeling an irresistible magnetic pull towards a new vision of what’s possible for you. Quick Sidenote: The true beauty of the Perfect Day Strategy is that not only can it be used as a one-off Personal Development Hack or shortcut. It becomes infinitely more powerful when you use it as a ‘rinse and repeat’ process. It becomes a true success habit. Part of your mindset. In other words, when you go through this constant improvement routine every day, your progress grows in quantum leaps. So here’s a tip for you. Why not go out and treat yourself to a special Daily Life Coaching Journal? An attractive, colourful notebook—just for you and specifically for this purpose—will serve you well and keep you focused on building the abundance habit.

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Creating Irresistible Momentum OK. You've put together a mouth-watering plan of what you're going to do to create this day of magic. How can you make sure you will follow through and really make it happen? How can you keep up the momentum you’ve just created? Simple. Understand the concept of movable comfort zones. I recently took my family for a visit to Wanaka. We stayed for a week. For the first three days of the visit I didn't bother going for a swim in the lake. I thought it would be too cold. What a fool I was! It's true when I did eventually go in for a swim on day four... I felt like I couldn’t breathe to begin with—it was SOOOO icy cold. But then after a minute or so it was fine. In fact it was more than fine. It was an amazing... refreshing... healing... "Wow, I'm in heaven” experience. I wished I'd dived straight in at the beginning of Day 1. You see, when you do anything new, it is initially scary and different and our minds trick us into not taking action. But sometimes when you shift your zone of familiarity—just a little and often just for a few minutes or so—you get to enjoy the greatest benefits of your life. I hope this inspires you to follow through on as much of your

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perfect day plan as possible. It really should. Science has shown how powerfully the human mind can get blocked by movable comfort zones but quickly re-adjust. Consider the following famous experiment conducted in Japan. Participants were given ‘upside down glasses’ to wear. Seriously. They had to wear these crazy spectacles for days which made them see the world virtually upside down! The thing is that after a while, their mind re-adjusted everything and upside down became the new right way up. And even funnier. When they removed the glasses after a few days—the right way up, temporarily felt like upside down! It just goes to show that, at first, your mind will find anything new strange. And if you want to string together lots of these perfect days, you'll have to make some changes which may feel uncomfortable or different at first. But don't worry, you will soon adjust as you settle into your new comfort zone. You've just got to take the plunge!

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Your Daily Success Journal – Why Making it a Habit Pays Dividends

Your first attempt at engineering a perfect day may not go as planned. But it will get easier every time. And your fantastic results will grow and grow. Think of every perfect day you create (even if they aren't in fact perfect every time) in terms of compound interest. Albert Einstein—the most famous genius of them all—said that compound interest is "the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it earns it... he who doesn't, pays it." Let me help you understand it very clearly... I just found this example on a site called stockwatch.com. Let me quote it for you: "Let’s assume Sue saves $200 a month for 5 years (she will hand over $12,000 over the 5 years). With the help of compound interest (at 7%) Sue will have $14,369.15. (derived using a compound interest calculator) Now this is where it gets interesting. What will happen if Sue saves for 20 years? How much will she have saved? Most people will assume a little under $60,000 ($15k X 4). However after 20 years, Sue will have saved $104,751.14!

Now let’s get a little greedy and assume Sue saves for 50 years. What now? $300,000? At the end of 50 years Sue is worth $1,100,720.27, yes a millionaire!"

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Every time you shoot for a perfect day, it’s like another dollar in the bank that will grow rapidly. This chance to start creating perfect days and ultimately an amazing life of happiness, success and abundance—this is a window of opportunity for you. I sincerely hope you jump on this opportunity and don't make the catastrophic mistake of putting it off for another day or—worse still— underestimate the exponential power of making it a habit.

What About Other People Stuffing it Up? I know it's difficult to have a perfect day if you have bills to pay... the kids are sick... or something else beyond your control happens which derails your plans. But that all comes down to preparation. You need to have a perfect day IN SPITE OF all those things. Think about it. If you can reach your peak levels whilst all around you chaos, sabotage, stress and disaster ensues—think about how confident and successful you'll feel when everything settles down. Sometimes when you decide to make some changes—achieve some personal victories—it feels as if THAT is the exact moment when everything decides to go wrong. But don't forget that the darkest hour is ALWAYS just before dawn. That's not just a fancy saying. I've known it to be true for people again and again.

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I could write another 1000 pages about this strategy…

But I’m not going to. My job today was simply to get you started… to stimulate your appetite and to stand back and let you make a breakthrough. The most important days are still to come. If you enjoy this material and making positive changes in your life, why not consider becoming a professional life coach yourself? Our mission at NZ Life Coaching is to give you all the tools possible to achieve a perfect day every time you want one AND to be able to do that for other people too. After all, what is a perfect life other than a series of perfect days strung together? And if you can facilitate that kind of transformational breakthrough for others, the sky really does become the limit. We are currently offering an intensive 5 day training experience in New Zealand with courses coming up very soon. These courses tend to fill quickly so do please get in touch if you’re keen to attend one. Life Coaching is one of the fastest growing professions in the world. It also gives you a set of skills which are becoming increasingly demanded in all industries and professions. If you’ve always loved the idea of helping others achieve their

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potential (and getting really well paid for doing so) then our 5 Day Breakthrough Life Coaching workshops will be PERFECT for you. To find out more about the course, visit our website: http://nzlifecoaching.com And please get in touch with any questions or any feedback about this report. We’d love to hear from you. To your incredible success! Ed Lester Founder, NZ Life Coaching & The Art Of Optimism
