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Page 1: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those





MANUSCRIPTS OR. 8001 – OR. 9000





Page 2: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

On the cover: The wallet of Teuku Panglima Polém.

Collection of texts in Arabic, Malay and Acehnese. Several booklets of various sizes.

War booty. The wallet was captured in the bivouac of Panglima Polém in G. Poelò on August 10, 1899.

MS Leiden Or. 8159. © Photograph by Jan Just Witkam, Leiden, 2004.

See Jan Just Witkam, ‘Teuku Panglima Polem’s Purse. Manuscripts as War Booty in Colonial Times’, in

Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 10/1 (2019), pp. 84-104.

Page 3: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those





MANUSCRIPTS OR. 8001 – OR. 9000








Page 4: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

© Copyright by Jan Just Witkam & Ter Lugt Press, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2019.

The form and contents of the present inventory are protected by Dutch and international copyright law and

database legislation. All use other than within the framework of the law is forbidden and liable to


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or

transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,

without prior written permission of the author and the publisher.

First electronic publication: 10 August 2019.

Page 5: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those
Page 6: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Table of contents


Inventory volume 9: Or. 8001-Or. 9000

Selective list of works quoted in this volume

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Page 8: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those


The arrangement of the present volume of the Inventories of Oriental manuscripts in Leiden University

Library does not differ in any specific way from the volumes which have been published earlier. For the sake

of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those volumes. A few essentials my be repeated here.

Not all manuscripts mentioned in the present volume were viewed by autopsy. The sheer number of

manuscripts makes this impossible. At a later stage this may be achieved, but trying to achieve this at the

present stage of inventorizing would seriously hamper the progress of the project. When a manuscript was

not inspected this can be seen from a simple typographical device. Whenever the indication of the shelf-

mark is put between round brackets, I have not, or not extensively or sufficiently, inspected the manuscript,

and its entry in the inventory is based mostly or entirely on secondary sources, be they published or not.

These have, of course, always been indicated. When the shelf-mark is put between square brackets and

preceded by an asterisk, this means that I have had the manuscript in my hands, at least once but probably

more often, and that the description contains elements that can only be seen in the original manuscript.

Such autopsy does not mean that I am, automatically, the author of all information given under that

particular class-mark.

The basic elements for each entry of the present inventory are: 1. class-mark, 2. language(s), 3. details of

physical description, 4. survey of the contents, 5. provenance, 6. location on the shelf. Depending on the

nature of the material, exceptions and divergences are made from this strict arrangement. The collective

provenance of a series of manuscripts may be concentrated into a short text, preceding that series, without

being repeated under each class-mark. Each class-mark has a short reference to the provenance, however.

When Dr. P. Voorhoeve in 1946 took over responsibility for the Oriental collections in the Leiden Library he

found a great number of as yet unregistered manuscripts in the office of his predecessor, Dr. C. van

Arendonk (1881-1946). The latter had not been able to cope with the enormous influx of manuscripts, and

more in particular the materials in the Snouck Hurgronje bequest, which entered the Library in 1936.

Working away this back log had a high priority for Voorhoeve, but that meant that not all manuscripts were

registered in an orderly or in an exact chronological way. This is the case for the manuscripts described in

vol. 8 of the inventory, which will be published in the near future, and part of the present volume.

I end with an important note. Although the inventories which I am publishing here contain descriptions of

public and private collections, which will no doubt profit of the existence of electronic versions of my work,

none of my inventories has ever been made at the express insistence or by the specific demand of these

institutions. The idea to compile such inventories, the invention of their structure, the acquisition of the

necessary information from a multitude of primary and secondary sources, the way of publishing, all this is

my idea and my work alone. It is therefore my sole property and I assert the moral right of the authorship of

form and content of these inventories, with reference, of course, to what I have said elsewhere about the

method of compilation.

Prof. Jan Just Witkam, Leiden, 10 August 2019

Interpres Legati Warneriani Emeritus

Page 9: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those




MANUSCRIPTS OR. 8001 – OR. 9000


IN 1946-1961

Continuation of of the series Or. 7953-Or. 8207, Acehnese manuscripts (and a few in other languages) from

the Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936. The manuscripts entered the Library shortly after Snouck Hurgronje’s

demise, but were only registered in 1946-1948, when P. Voorhoeve had been appointed curator of Oriental


Or. 8001

Acehnese, paper, 451 pp.

Hikayat Peulandok kance. Transliteration of Or. 7998, above. The following episodes from this have been

published by Mohamad Noerdin, Kitab Boengong Sitoengkoj, Batavia 1930: bhaih 3 (pp. 57-59), published on

pp. 66-74; bhaih 21-22 (pp. 351-391), published on pp. 75-90. Some additional verse, composed by Tgk. M.

Noerdin, written on the left pages, are included in the published version; bhaih 24 (pp. 412-420), published

on pp. 99-101. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts … (1994), p. 134.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2698)

Or. 8002 a-d

Acehnese, paper, 4 vols., 478 pp., Arabic script, copied from an original dated 1268 AH (1869-1870).

Hikayat Diwa Akaih Cahya (Meungindra). Complete text. In the front is written: Nibak Tuanku Pangeran

Husen. See for an outline of the contents in Malay: Or. 8252 B, below. Or. 8003, below, is a transliteration of

this manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 115.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2617 – Mal. 2620)

Or. 8003

Acehnese, paper, 906 pp.,

Transliteration of Or. 8002, above, being Hikayat Diwa Akaih Cahya (Meungindra). Complete text. See for an

outline of the contents in Malay: Or. 8252 B, below. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 115.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2704)

Or. 8004

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 98 ff.

(1) pp. 1-50. Hikayat Nubuet, or Nubuet Nabi. Complete text. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 149.

(2) pp. 50-57. Surat kriman, or Wasiet Nabi. Admonitions given to Sèh Saleh. Or. 8169, below, is a

transliteration of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 173.

(3) pp. 57-60. Hikayat Soydina Amdah, or Tambihonisa. A rateb text. Or. 8173, below, is a transliteration of

the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts … (1994), p. 168.

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(4) pp. 61-98. Hikayat Tamim Ansa. Or. 8166, below, is a transliteration of the Present manuscript. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 166.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2621)

Or. 8005

Acehnese, paper, 55 ff., with this Hikayat on ff. 2r-51r), dated 1928/1347, from Sigli, as appears from draft

copies of letters in the back.

Hikayat Nubuet, or Nubuet Nabi. Complete text. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994),

p. 149.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2622)

Or. 8006

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, Arabic and Malay, paper, 47 ff.

(1) ff. 1v-44v. Acehnese. Hikayat Nubuet, or Nubuet Nabi. Complete text, but ff. 1-4 damaged. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 149.

(2) ff. 45r-v. Arabic prayers for `Aqiqa, with header in Malay. Du`a’ `Aqiqa. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67.

(3) ff. 46v-47r. Acehnese. A small passage about mysticism in sanjak. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese

manuscripts … (1994), p. 191.

(4) ff. 49v-47v. Fragment of an Arabic text on grammar.

(5) f. 47v. Prayer in Malay. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2623]

Or. 8007

Acehnese, paper, 201 pp.

Transliteration of Or. 8004 (1), above, being Hikayat Nubuet, or Nubuet Nabi. Complete text. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 149.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2676)

Or. 8008 a-b

Acehnese, paper, 2 volumes, 195 pp.

Hikayat Banta Ali, or Banta Peureudan. Or. 8012, below, is a transliteration of this manuscript. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 99.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2624 – Mal. 2625)

Or. 8009 a-b

Acehnese, paper, 2 volumes, 103 pp.

Hikayat Banta Ali, or Banta Peureudan. Copy of a manuscript obtained from Pidie, namely Or. 8010, below,

but only for the text up till f. 102. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 99.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2626 – Mal. 2627)

Or. 8010

Acehnese, paper, 107 ff. (ff. 1-2, 106-107 are of different paper and apparently added later), dated 1308 AH

(1890-1891, in the additional part).

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Hikayat Banta Ali, or Banta Peureudan. After f. 102 the sequence is confused. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 99. Or. 8009 is a copy of the present manuscript.

Provenance: From Pidie. Gift of District Officer Palmer van den Broek, June 189(8?) to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2628)

Or. 8011

Acehnese, paper, 226 pp.

Hikayat Banta Ali, or Banta Peureudan. Complete text. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 99.

Provenance: Found by Captain van Heurn in a conquered kota in Sigli (Pidie) and given by him to K.F.H.

van Langen (1848-1915) who gave the book to C. Snouck Hurgronje on April 25, 1893.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2729)

Or. 8012

Acehnese, paper, 387 pp.

Hikayat Banta Ali, or Banta Peureudan. Transliteration of Or. 8008, above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 99.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2706)

Or. 8013

Acehnese, paper, 75 pp., copied by Tgk. H. Muhamat, the scribe of K.F.H. van Langen (1848-1915).

Hikayat Pocut Muhamat, by Tgk. Lam Rukam. Copy made of Or. 5635, above in its earlier more complete

state. Here is only the Acehnese text of the Hikayat Pocut Muhamat. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 51.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2630)

Or. 8014

Acehnese, paper, 11 pp., copied by Tgk. H. Muhamat, the scribe of K.F.H. van Langen (1848-1915).

The beginning only of Hikayat Pocut Muhamat, by Tgk. Lam Rukam. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 51.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2633)

Or. 8015

Malay, German, autograph of C. Snouck Hurgronje.

The manuscript of C. Snouck Hurgronje’s catalogue of Malay manuscripts in the Royal Library in Berlin,

which was published in facsimile in 1950, and later again, in 1989 as Katalog der malaiischen Handschriften

der Koeniglichen Bibliothek in Berlin. Ed. with an introd. by E.U. Kratz. Stuttgart 1989. (Verzeichnis der

orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland. Suppl.-Bd. 29). Snouck Hurgronje’s notes for this catalogue are

in Or. 7648, above. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 216. See Iskandar, Catalogue

(1999), p. 486 (No. 1055).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2943)

Or. 8016

Acehnese, paper, 2 writing books, 116 pp.

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Hikayat Pocut Muhamad, by Tgk. Lam Rukam. Complete text.

Earlier provenance: Received by C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1935 from district officer W.M. Remeeüs, who had it

as a gift in 1930 from Pidie from the copyist Syahbandar Hasan.

¶ Or. 8669 (k) contains transliterations and translations from the present manuscript.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 49, 52, 53.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2635-2636)

Or. 8017

Acehnese, paper, 200 pp.

Hikayat Pocut Muhamad, by Tgk. Lam Rukam. Transcript of Or. 7953, above. Ceded to the Universitas

Indonesia, Jakarta, by authorisation of the Dutch Minister of Education, March 17, 1949, No. D 99747

(department H.O.W. 372), together with Or. 8242, below. Presently registered in the Perpustakaan Nasional

as Vt. 243. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 52.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(formerly Mal. 2889)

Or. 8018

Acehnese, paper, 271 pp.

Hikayat Potjoet Moehamad. Another transcript of Or. 7953, above, with variant readings by Hoesein

Djajadiningrat from a manuscript referred to as A, which was then in the possession of Teungku M.

Noerdin. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 52.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2674)

Or. 8019 a-c

Acehnese, paper, 3 vols., 99 + 99 + 49 pp.

Complete copy of Hikayat gajah tujoh ulee. Or. 8020, below is a transliteration of the present manuscript.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 92.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2637 – Mal. 2639)

Or. 8020

Acehnese, paper, 560 pp.

Transliteration of Or. 8019, above, being a complete copy of Hikayat gajah tujoh ulee. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 92.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2712)

Or. 8021 a-c

Acehnese, paper, 3 vols., 96 + 98 + 23 pp., dated 1306 AH (1888-1889).

Complete copy of Hikayat Diwa Sangsareh. This Hikayat is a translation of a Malay text, as is shown by P.

Voorhoeve. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 105.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2640 – Mal. 2642)

Or. 8022

Acehnese, paper, 261 pp., copied by H. Muhamad, the scribe of K.F.H. van Langen (1848-1915).

Complete copy of Hikayat Diwa Sangsareh. This Hikayat is a translation of a Malay text, as is shown by P.

Voorhoeve. It states at the beginning that the author began to write this work on Friday 22 Muharram 1266

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and at the end that the copy was finished on a Friday evening in Safar 1299. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 105.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2643)

Or. 8023

Acehnese, paper, 517 pp., copied by Tgk. M. Noerdin.

Transliteration of Or. 8021, above, being a complete copy of Hikayat Diwa Sangsareh. This Hikayat is a

translation of a Malay text, as is shown by Voorhoeve. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 105.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2714)

Or. 8024

Acehnese, paper, 103 pp.

Incomplete copy (abrupt ending) of Hikayat Pra’un. Or. 8025, below, is a transliteration of the present

manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 143.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2645)

Or. 8025

Acehnese, paper, 400 pp., Latin script.

Transliteration of Or. 8024, above, being an incomplete copy (abrupt ending) of Hikayat Pra’un. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 143.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2690)

Or. 8026

Acehnese, Malay, Dutch, paper, 84 pp.

Hikayat Nasruan Adé, or Kisah Hiweuen. Snouck Hurgronje’s personal copy with many variant readings and

notes in the margin and on the left pages. Added is a summary of the contents by Tgk. M. Noerdin in Malay.

A second copy of this Malay summary is Or. 8128 (4), below. An Acehnese summary in Latin script is Or.

8227 (10), below. At the back is a not entirely summary in Dutch by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), over

which he has written that the variant readings in pencil are derived from a copy that was lent to him in 1897

from Telok Semawe. On pp. 71 and 84 are supplementary additions from another copy. A date is mentioned:

1262 AH (1846). Abrupt end. Or. 8030, below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript. Or. 8030, below,

is a transliteration of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p.


Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2646)

Or. 8027

Acehnese, paper, 106 pp.

Hikayat Nasruan Adé, or Kisah Hiweuen. Abrupt end. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 136.

Earlier provenance: Seized as booty in Lam Pisang in 1896, captured by Lieutenant Gusdorf.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2647)

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Or. 8028

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 144 pp.

(1) pp. 1-108. Hikayat Nasruan Adé, or Kisah Hiweuen. Abrupt end. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 136.

(2) pp. 109-144. Hikayat teujuit. The beginning of the tambeh is on p. 138. See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 249.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2648)

Or. 8029

Acehnese, paper, 131 pp.

Hikayat Nasruan Adé, or Kisah Hiweuen. A few lines at the beginning missing, otherwise complete. Or. 8030,

below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 136.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2649)

Or. 8030

Acehnese, paper, 252 pp.

Hikayat Nasruan Adé, or Kisah Hiweuen. Transliteration of Or. 8026, above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 135.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2670)

Or. 8031

Acehnese, paper, 197 pp., Arabic script, dated 1305 AH (1887-1888).

Hikayat Nasruan Adé, or Kisah Hiweuen. Complete text. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 136.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3214)

Or. 8032

Acehnese, paper, written in 4 columns, 461 pp., dated 1314 AH (1896-1897), copied in Lhok Seumawe.

Hikayat Nun Parisi. Complete text, without lacunae and no abrupt beginning or end. However, L. de Vries

possessed a manuscript of part of the text which was not found in this copy. A text composed of his own

manuscript and parts of other copies, was made ready by him for publication. The edition never actually

appeared and the manuscript was lost during the war (World War II). Or. 8033, below, is a transliteration of

the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 86-87.

Earlier provenance: Received from Mr. J.A. van Rijn van Alkemade, assistant-resident at Lhok Seumawe, in


Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2650)

Or. 8033 a, b

Acehnese, paper, 2 vols. (?), 962 pp.

Hikayat Nun Parisi. Transliteration of Or. 8032, above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), pp. 86-87.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2707 – Mal. 2708)

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Or. 8034

Acehnese, paper, 204 pp., dated 1 May 1907, copied by the ‘native assistant’ M. Brahim in Geudong, for H.L.

Leydie Melville, member of the Commission for Antiquities.

Incomplete copy (abrupt end) of Hikayat Nun Parisi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), pp. 86-87.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3215)

Or. 8035

Acehnese, paper, 123 pp., copy of a manuscript dated 1312 AH (1894-1895).

Nasihat ureueng muprang. The original was written in 1307 AH (1889-1890). Text incomplete, although the

beginning agrees with the version in MS Jakarta Vt. 47 B. The end of H.T. Damsté’s text (H.T. Damsté,

‘Hikajat Prang Sabi’, in BKI 84 (1928) pp. 545-609) corresponds here to p. 81, verse 4, after which another 600

verse follow. According to a note by C. Snouck Hurgronje on the present manuscript the author’s name was

‘Nja Amat alias Oethi’ i.e. Nyak Amat alias Usi (not Uri as The Achehnese has it). Or. 8175, below, is a

transliteration of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 72,

and his extensive discussion on its relationship with Hikayat prang sabi on pp. 70-72.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2651)

Or. 8036

Acehnese, paper, 99 pp.

Tadeukirato rakidin, by Tgk. Kuta Karang. In the margin and on the left are many notes by C. Snouck

Hurgronje. On pp. 97-99 a fragment follows of a redaction diverging in some small details (from a

manuscript borrowed from T. Nyak Banta; Or. 8037 b, below, is a copy of that borrowed manuscript). Or.

8038, below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), pp. 69-70.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2652)

Or. 8037 a

Acehnese, Malay, paper, 14 pp., dated Ramadan 1304 (p. 14, 1887).

This booklet is loosely inserted in the manuscript, registered as Or. 8037 b.

Tadeukirato rakidin, by Tgk. Kuta Karang. The title is given as Maw`izat al-Ikhwan.

On the front cover is written: ‘1e Expl. Dit is het echte manuscript van Teungkoe Kota Kareng bestemd voor

Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronje en ZWEdGeb. Ten geschenke aangeboden door Hadjie Mohammad 26/11 ‘93’. ‘This

is the genuine manuscript of Tgk. Kuta Kareng intended for Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronje. Presented by H.

Muhamad (the scribe of K.F.H. van Langen (1848-1915)) on 26 April 1893’. The 2nd copy offered to Snouck

Hurgronje is the manuscript which is now registered as Or. 11.806, below. ‘Virtually entirely in Malay’. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 69. See Iskandar Catalogue (1999), pp. 486-487 (No.


Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2653]

Or. 8037 b

Acehnese, paper, 40 pp. and blanks, dated 20 Safar 1307 (1889), modern binding, copied by Tgk. Muhammad


Tadeukirato rakidin `an al-Gihad li-Ahl Aceh, by Tgk. Kuta Karang. Inscription by C. Snouck Hurgronje on

the title-page: ‘copie van een ex., verkregen door tusschenkomst van T. Njas Banta, panglima XXVI. 1891’.

Page 16: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

‘Copy of a manuscript acquired through T. Nyak Banta, Panglima XXVI, 1891’. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 69, 325. See Iskandar Catalogue (1999), p. 487 (No. 1056).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2653]

Or. 8038

Acehnese, paper, 282 pp.

Transliteration of Or. 8036, above, being Tadeukirato rakidin, by Tgk. Kuta Karang. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 70.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2696)

Or. 8039

Acehnese, paper, 99 pp., naskh script, copied by Tgk. M. Noerdin.

Hikayat prang gômpeuni, by Dôkarim. Copy of the original written record (which is not extant anymore)

made by Teungku Mohamad Noerdin. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 60-61.

Many pencilled notes by Snouck Hurgronje. See also E.P. Wieringa, in BSOAS 61 (1998), p. 300, n. 5. Or. 8041

is a transliteration of the present manuscript.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2654)

Or. 8040

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese and Arabic, paper, 61 pp. + 15 ff., naskh script, copied by Tgk. M.

Noerdin, half-leather European binding, pasted boards, label on the spine: ‘25’.

(1) p. 1. Arabic. Prayer, Du`a’. Pp. 2-4 blank. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67.

(2) pp. 5-16. Acehnese. Hikayat Peulandok kance. A copy of the beginning of the text. With a transliteration

by H.T. Damsté, who used photostats (also enclosed). See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts …

(1994), p. 134. P. 17 blank.

(3) pp. 18-61. Acehnese. Incomplete (not completed) copy of Hikayat prang gompeuni, composed by

Dokarim (`Abd al-Karim) of Glumpang Dua in the VI Mukims of the XXV. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op

Acehnese manuscripts … (1994), p. 61.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2655]

Or. 8041

Acehnese, paper, 315 pp.

Transliteration of Or. 8039, above, being Hikayat prang gômpeuni, by Dôkarim. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (Leiden 1994), p. 61.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2720)

Or. 8042

Acehnese, paper, 98 pp., copied from a manuscript dated 1271 AH (1854-1855).

(1) 1f. Fragment of a Hikayat in which the name Ra’na Diwa occurs.

(2) pp. 2-98. Hikayat Banta Beuransah. Text published in A. Verheul, Hikajat Banta Beuransah [geusalen

ngon haraih Beulanda le Nja Oesin. Lam thon njoe ka geusalen dan geupenget lom le Moehammad Joesoef.

Njang oseuha A. Verheul. - [Medan 1927, 890 A 20 - 901 B 46 - 901 B 47 - 813 B 37, copy with notes by H. T.

Damsté (1874-1955)]. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 87-90. No. 1. Or. 8047,

below, is a romanized copy of the present manuscript.

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Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2727)

Or. 8043

Acehnese, paper, 194 pp.

Hikayat Banta Beuransah. Text published in A. Verheul, Hikajat Banta Beuransah [geusalen ngon haraih

Beulanda le Nja Oesin. Lam thon njoe ka geusalen dan geupenget lom le Moehammad Joesoef. Njang oseuha A.

Verheul. - [Medan 1927, 890 A 20 - 901 B 46 - 901 B 47 - 813 B 37, copy with notes by H. T. Damsté (1874-

1955)]. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 87-90. No. 5.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2728)

Or. 8044

Acehnese, paper, 82 ff., dated 1287 AH (1870-1871).

Hikayat Banta Beuransah. Text published in A. Verheul, Hikajat Banta Beuransah [geusalen ngon haraih

Beulanda le Nja Oesin. Lam thon njoe ka geusalen dan geupenget lom le Moehammad Joesoef. Njang oseuha A.

Verheul. - [Medan 1927, 890 A 20 - 901 B 46 - 901 B 47 - 813 B 37, copy with notes by H. T. Damsté (1874-

1955)]. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 87-90. No. 3.

Earlier provenance: From the collection of K.F.H. van Langen (1848-1915).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2729)

Or. 8045

Acehnese, paper, 122 + 14 ff.

Hikayat Banta Beuransah. Incomplete and lacunous. Between ff. 23-24 there is a lacuna which is filled in by

an insert of 14 leaves, paginated a-ab. After f. 59, there is a new beginning. Text published in A. Verheul,

Hikajat Banta Beuransah [geusalen ngon haraih Beulanda le Nja Oesin. Lam thon njoe ka geusalen dan

geupenget lom le Moehammad Joesoef. Njang oseuha A. Verheul. - [Medan 1927, 890 A 20 - 901 B 46 - 901 B 47

- 813 B 37, copy with notes by H. T. Damsté (1874-1955)]. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), pp. 87-90. No. 4.

Earlier provenance: From the collection of K.F.H. van Langen (1848-1915).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2730)

Or. 8046

Acehnese, paper, loose leaves, several hands.

Hikayat Banta Beuransah. Includes beginning and end. Text published in A. Verheul, Hikajat Banta

Beuransah [geusalen ngon haraih Beulanda le Nja Oesin. Lam thon njoe ka geusalen dan geupenget lom le

Moehammad Joesoef. Njang oseuha A. Verheul. - [Medan 1927, 890 A 20 - 901 B 46 - 901 B 47 - 813 B 37, copy

with notes by H. T. Damsté (1874-1955)]. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 87-

90. No. 8.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2731)

Or. 8047

Acehnese, paper, 603 pp.

Romanized copy of Or. 8042, above, being Hikayat Banta Beuransah. Text published in A. Verheul, Hikajat

Banta Beuransah [geusalen ngon haraih Beulanda le Nja Oesin. Lam thon njoe ka geusalen dan geupenget lom

le Moehammad Joesoef. Njang oseuha A. Verheul. - [Medan 1927, 890 A 20 - 901 B 46 - 901 B 47 - 813 B 37, copy

Page 18: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

with notes by H. T. Damsté (1874-1955)]. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 87-

90. No. 2.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2700)

Or. 8048 a-d

Acehnese, paper, 4 vols., 349 + 34 pp., dated 1309/1891, which is the year when it was copied for C. Snouck


Hikayat Cah Kubat. The text is followed by a list of proper names (34 pp.). On the left pages and the inserted

sheets there are extensive variant readings. Or. 8052, below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 103.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2733 – Mal. 2733)

Or. 8049

Acehnese, paper, 221 pp., copied by one of the scribes of K.F.H. van Langen (1848-1915).

Incomplete copy (abrupt beginning and end) of Hikayat Cah Kubat. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 103.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2737)

Or. 8050

Acehnese, paper, 157 ff.

Hikayat Cah Kubat. A complete text, but much shorter than the text in Or. 3149, Or. 8048 and Or. 8052,

above See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 104.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2738)

Or. 8051

Acehnese, paper, 66 ff., copied by the scribe of K.F.H. van Langen (1848-1915, H. Muhamad?).

Hikayat Cah Kubat. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 103.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3216)

Or. 8052

Acehnese, paper, 1054 pp.

Transliteration of Or. 8048, above, being Hikayat Cah Kubat. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 103.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2688)

Or. 8053 a-d

Acehnese, paper, 4 vols., 378 pp.

Tambihoy rapilin. Complete text. Enclosed is a list of the chapters. Or. 8056, below is a transliteration of the

present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 185.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2739 – Mal. 2742)

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Or. 8054

Acehnese, paper, 155 ff., effects of corrosion of the ink, finely written in two columns, dated 1308 AH (1890-


Tambihoy rapilin. Contains the text of chapter 50-95. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 185.

Earlier provenance: Taken as booty in Lam Pisang, 1896 (Lieutenant Gusdorf).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2743)

Or. 8055

Acehnese, paper, 130 ff.

Tambihoy rapilin. Contains the text till the 53rd chapter (Bab). See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 185.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2744)

Or. 8056

Acehnese, paper, 2 vols., 1181 pp.

Tambihoy rapilin. Complete text. Transliteration of Or. 8053, above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 185.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2664 – Mal. 2665)

Or. 8057

Acehnese, paper, 27 pp.

Hikayat ranto by Leube Isa Text published, with English translation by G.W.J. Drewes, Two Acehnese poems.

The Hague 1980, pp. 1-45. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 80.

Earlier provenance: Received by C. Snouck Hurgronje from Haji Muhamad, the scribe of K.F.H. van Langen

(1848-1915), in November 1891.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2746)

Or. 8058

Acehnese, paper, 36 pp.

Transliteration of Or. 8105 (4), below, being Hikayat ranto by Leube Isa. Text published, with English

translation by G.W.J. Drewes, Two Acehnese poems. The Hague 1980, pp. 1-45. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 80.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2718)

Or. 8059 a-b

Acehnese, paper, 2 vols., 153 pp.

Hikayat Kamarodaman. An outline of the contents in Malay is in Or. 8252 g. Or. 8060, below, is a

transliteration of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 109.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2747)

Or. 8060

Acehnese, paper, 312 pp.

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Hikayat Kamarodaman. Transliteration of Or. 8059, above. An outline of the contents in Malay is in Or. 8252

g. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 109.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2680)

Or. 8061

Acehnese, paper, 89 pp., Arabic script, dated 1309 AH (1891-1892).

Hikayat Raja Bada. Complete copy, on the left pages emendations by Tgk. M. Noerdin and additions from

Or. 8062, below. At the end contemporary history (about prang di Blang Pase) and curses against the kaphé.

Or. 8063, below, is a transliteration of this manuscript. MS Leiden KITLV Or. 248 is very similar, including the

addition at the end, but is not a copy of this manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), pp. 154-155.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2748)

Or. 8062

Acehnese, paper, 103 pp.

Hikayat Raja Bada. Complete copy. Some textual material used by Tgk. M. Noerdin for his emendations in

Or. 8061, above.

This may be the text that is listed as missing as Or. 8505 (7), below, where 104 pp. are mentioned.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 154.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2749)

Or. 8063

Acehnese, paper.

Hikayat Raja Bada. Transliteration of Or. 8061, above. Complete copy of the texts, in which sometimes

emendations from Or. 8062 are preferred. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 154.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2662)

Or. 8064

Acehnese, paper, 135 pp., Arabic script, effects of corrosion of the ink.

Tambeh tujoh blaih. Complete text. Or. 8066, below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts, p. 184.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2750)

Or. 8065

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 145 pp., cashbook,

(1) pp. 1-64. Tambeh tujoh blaih. Complete text. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts, p. 184.

(2) pp. 65-68. Mo’lot Nabi, by Tgk. Cèh Kob, or Tgk. Panté Ceureumèn. There exist two printed editions of

the Mawlid, Bombay 1345/1926 (lithograph, Hikajat Akeubaro Karim. Karangan Teungku Seumatang

(followed by a text on Paradise). Bombay 1345/1926. [8201 E 39]) and Kutaraja 1344/1926 (lithograph?

Madjmoe rasail dengan bahasa Atjeh. Pertama Risalat fiqh jang kedoea Aqidat al-awwamm, dan lain-lain. By

`Abd Allah b. Ibrahim dan Toeankoe Radja Keumala. Koetaradja, 1344/1926 [892 C 6]), each with variant

readings of its own. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 152.

(3) pp. 69-145. Hikayat Raja Bada. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 154.

Earlier provenance: Found in the house of T. Asem Gundue, in 1899.

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Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2898)

Or. 8066

Acehnese, paper, 247 pp.

Tambeh tujoh blaih. Complete text. Transliteration of Or. 8064, above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 184.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2689)

Or. 8067 a-b

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 2 vols., 174 pp.

(1) pp. 1-104. Hikayat Cut Gambang Cina. Or. 8068 (1), below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 114.

(2) pp. 104-174. Hikayat Sulutan Boseutaman. Or. 8068 (2), below, is a transliteration of the present

manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 113-114.

Earlier provenance: ‘Teusalen ba’ hikajat Toeankoe Pangeran Abeudo Madjet. Koeta Radja 27 September


Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2751 – Mal. 2752)

Or. 8068

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 273 pp.

(1) pp. 1-162. Hikayat Cut Gambang Cina. Transliteration of Or. 8067 (1), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 114.

(2) pp. 162-273. Hikayat Sulutan Boseutaman. Transliteration of Or. 8067 (2), above.

See P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 113-114.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2711)

Or. 8069

Acehnese, paper, 54 ff.

Hikayat Budak Meseukin. It seems from the personal names that this is actually the same story as the Malay

Hikayat Parang Puting, or Hikayat Budak Miskin bergelar Raja Mambang Dewa Kainderaan. Or. 8070, below,

is a transliteration of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p.


Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2753)

Or. 8070

Acehnese, paper, 209 pp.

Transliteration of Or. 8069, above, being Hikayat Budak Meseukin. It seems from the personal names that

this is actually the same story as the Malay Hikayat Parang Puting, or Hikayat Budak Miskin bergelar Raja

Mambang Dewa Kainderaan. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 116.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2709)

Or. 8071 a-b

Acehnese, paper, two lined writing books, 137 pp.

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Hikayat Putroe Peureukison. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 146-147. Or. 8072,

below, is a transliteration of this manuscript.

Earlier provenance: Copy of a manuscript taken in 1898 from Tamsé.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2754 – Mal. 2755)

Or. 8072

Acehnese, paper, 234 pp.

Hikayat Putroe Peureukison. Transliteration of Or. 8071, above. A summary of the contents by G.W.J. Drewes

is enclosed, and a note from V. Chauvin to A.A. Cense (1901-1977). See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), pp. 146-147.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2684)

Or. 8073 a-b

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 116 pp. and many blanks, half-cloth binding, pasted boards.

(1) pp. 1-110. Hikayat Pha Suasa. Complete text. Or. 8074 (1), below, is a transliteration of the present

manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 113.

(2) pp. 111-116. Hikayat palilat uroe Acura. Or. 8074 (2), below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 172.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2757 – Mal. 2758]

Or. 8074

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 222 pp.

(1) pp. 1-209. Hikayat Pha Suasa. Complete text. Transliteration of Or. 8073 (1), above. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 113.

(2) pp. 213-222. Hikayat palilat uroe Acura. Transliteration of Or. 8073 (2), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue

of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 172.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2710)

Or. 8075 a, b, c

Acehnese, paper, 3 vols., 230 pp.

Incomplete copy of Hikayat Diu Plinggam. Or. 8076, below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 108.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2759, Mal. 2760, Mal. 2899)

Or. 8076

Acehnese, paper, 624 pp.

Incomplete copy of Hikayat Diu Plinggam. Transliteration of Or. 8075, above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 108.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2695)

Or. 8077 a-c

Acehnese, paper, 3 vols., 233 + 9 pp., dated 1309 AH, copied by Tgk. M. Noerdin from a manuscript copied by

She Abeudo Alem of Gampong Jawa from a manuscript of Leube Banta.

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Hikayat Meudeuhak. See on the relationship between this text and other South-East Asian similar stories (in

Sanskrit, Laotian, Malay), Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 110-111. Or. 8082, below,

is a transliterated copy of this manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 111.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2762 – Mal. 2764)

Or. 8078

Acehnese, paper, 199 ff., copied by the scribe of K.F.H. van Langen.

Hikayat Meudeuhak. See on the relationship between this text and other South-East Asian similar stories (in

Sanskrit, Laotian, Malay) Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 110-111. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 111.

Earlier provenance: From K.F.H. van Langen (1848-1915).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2765)

Or. 8079

Acehnese, paper, ?? ff., copied in two different hands, damaged and in disorder.

Hikayat Meudeuhak. See on the relationship between this text and other South-East Asian similar stories (in

Sanskrit, Laotian, Malay) Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 110-111. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 112.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2766)

Or. 8080

Acehnese, paper, 50 ff., dirty.

A fragment only of Hikayat Meudeuhak. See on the relationship between this text and other South-East

Asian similar stories (in Sanskrit, Laotian, Malay), Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp.

110-111. Added a leaf from another copy, and another leaf from a Hikayat in which the name Diwa

Peureukasa occurs. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 112.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2767)

Or. 8081

Acehnese, paper, 271 pp. (pp. 198-199 belong after p. 271).

Hikayat Meudeuhak. End missing. See on the relationship between this text and other South-East Asian

similar stories (in Sanskrit, Laotian, Malay), Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 110-

111. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 112.

Earlier provenance: Received in 1900 from Captain van Daalen.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2768)

Or. 8082

Acehnese, paper, 967 pp.

Transliteration of Or. 8077, above, being Hikayat Meudeuhak. See on the relationship between this text and

other South-East Asian similar stories (in Sanskrit, Laotian, Malay), Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), pp. 110-111.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 111.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2681)

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Or. 8083

Acehnese, paper, 75 + 9 pp.

Hikayat Malem Dagang. The same koteubah as in MS Leiden, KITLV, Or. 243. Numerous pencilled notes by C.

Snouck Hurgronje in the margin and on the left pages. 9 unnumbered pages consist of an alphabetical list of

personal names. This is MS A (and the basis) of the edition by H.K.J. Cowan, De ‘Hikajat Malem Dagang’.

Atjehsch heldendicht. The Hague 1937. See for a survey of the manuscripts and on the relationship between

them, Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 36-40. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 41.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2770)

Or. 8084 a-b

Acehnese, paper, 2 vols., 125 pp. with gaps on pp. 65-67, 117-119.

Hikayat Malem Dagang. Copy of a manuscript from Pidie, September 1898. This is MS F of the edition by

H.K.J. Cowan, De ‘Hikajat Malem Dagang’. Atjehsch heldendicht. The Hague 1937. See for a survey of the

manuscripts and on the relationship between them, Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994),

pp. 36-40. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 47, where Cowan’s remarks on the

manuscript are quoted.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2771, Mal. 2772)

Or. 8085

Acehnese, paper, 106 pp.

Hikayat Malem Dagang. Somewhat corrupt and incomplete. This is MS B of the edition by H.K.J. Cowan, De

‘Hikajat Malem Dagang’. Atjehsch heldendicht. The Hague 1937. See for a survey of the manuscripts and on

the relationship between them, Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 36-40. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 41.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2773)

Or. 8086

Acehnese, paper, 106 pp.

Hikayat Malem Dagang. Somewhat corrupt and incomplete. Or. 8092, below, is a transliteration of the

present manuscript. This is MS D of the edition by H.K.J. Cowan, De ‘Hikajat Malem Dagang’. Atjehsch

heldendicht. The Hague 1937. See for a survey of the manuscripts and on the relationship between them,

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 36-40. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 42. See also, ibid., pp. 320-321 (plate 1), 323, with a reproduction and transliteration of

pp. 341-342, approximately verse 2196-2218 in Cowan’s edition.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2774)

Or. 8087

Acehnese, paper, 220 pp., copied by Krani Ismail, one of the scribes of K.F.H. van Langen (1848-1915).

Hikayat Malem Dagang. MS E in the edition by H.K.J. Cowan, De ‘Hikajat Malem Dagang’. Atjehsch

heldendicht. The Hague 1937. The section p. 109, v. 3 – p. 120, v. 5, has been published in K.F.H. van Langen,

Handleiding voor de beoefening der Atjehsche taal. The Hague 1889, pp. 144 ff. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 42.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2775)

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Or. 8088

Acehnese, paper, 19 pp.

A fragment only of Hikayat Malem Dagang. MS G in the edition by H.K.J. Cowan, De ‘Hikajat Malem

Dagang’. Atjehsch heldendicht. The Hague 1937. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p.


Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2776)

Or. 8089

Acehnese, paper, 43 ff.

A fragment only of Hikayat Malem Dagang. Described in the edition by H.K.J. Cowan, De ‘Hikajat Malem

Dagang’. Atjehsch heldendicht. The Hague 1937, p. 12, note: ‘corresponds with the episode beginning in my

text at v. 70 and ending at about v. 1832 of my text, but has in its course a number of gaps. It belongs with

the longer versions, but omits the episode referred to in my note on vv. 1691 ff.’ See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 43.

Earlier provenance: From a parcel of books received by C. Snouck Hurgronje from Captain van Daalen in


Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2777)

Or. 8090

Acehnese, paper, 187 pp., dated 1897 AD.

Hikayat Malem Dagang. Copy made in 1897 from a manuscript from Lhok Seumawe. It contains the Hikayat

Meukata Alam. The beginning agrees with the text in Or. 8091, below, with small variations. Not referred to

by H.K.J. Cowan, De ‘Hikajat Malem Dagang’. Atjehsch heldendicht. The Hague 1937.

Added: 4 quarto sheets pasted in the back with an excerpt taken from MS Jakarta Dj. 1. See for a survey of

the manuscripts and on the relationship between them, Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), pp. 36-40. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 48.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2778)

Or. 8091

Acehnese, paper, 113 pp., Latin script.

Hikayat Malem Dagang. Copied by Tgk. M. Noerdin, from a manuscript titled Hikayat Meukata Alam, which

was borrowed in 1931 by the Balai Pustaka from the author of the Malay Hikayat Sultan Aceh Marhum

(Mohamad Sabil, 1931) and is a shortened free re-edition of this. Tgk. M. Noerdin has added 221 marked lines

of verse to his transliteration in places where this was desirable for the flow of the story. See the edition by

H.K.J. Cowan, De ‘Hikajat Malem Dagang’. Atjehsch heldendicht. The Hague 1937, pp. 12, 13.

Added: 4 quarto sheets pasted in the back with an excerpt taken from MS Jakarta Dj. 1. See for a survey of

the manuscripts and on the relationship between them, Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), pp. 36-40. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 48.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2900)

Or. 8092

Acehnese, paper, 468 pp., copied by Tgk. M. Noerdin.

Hikayat Malem Dagang. Transliteration of Or. 8086, above, with supplementary additions from other

manuscripts and on the left-hand side fully provided by C. Snouck Hurgronje with variant readings from Or.

8083, Or. 8085, Or. 8087 and Or. 8088, all above. At the beginning are 4 pp. containing the survey of

contents by C. Snouck Hurgronje, partly written in pencil. That survey has been published by Voorhoeve,

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Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 37-40. This manuscript is not mentioned by H.K.J. Cowan, De

‘Hikajat Malem Dagang’. Atjehsch heldendicht. The Hague 1937. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 42. See also ibid., pp. 322-323 (plate 2), for a reproduction and transliteration of p. 440.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2697)

Or. 8093 a, b

Acehnese, paper, 2 vols., 139 pp., dated 1309 AH.

Hikayat Indra Bangsawan. Complete text. Or. 8094, below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 101.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2779 – Mal. 2780)

Or. 8094

Acehnese, paper, 307 pp.

Hikayat Indra Bangsawan. Complete text. Transliteration of Or. 8093, above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 101.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2661)

Or. 8095

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper,

(1) pp. 1-2. Hikayat Ruhe. I. Hikayat guda. Or. 8096 (1), below, is a transliteration of this manuscript.

(2) pp. 2-4. Hikayat Ruhe. II. Hikayat leumo. Or. 8096 (2), below, is a transliteration of this manuscript.

(3) p. 4. Hikayat Ruhe. III. Hikayat ureueng Jawa. Or. 8096 (3), below, is a transliteration of this manuscript.

(4) pp. 4-12. Hikayat Ruhe. I. Hikayat Podi Amat. Or. 8096 (4), below, is a transliteration of this manuscript.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 35.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2781)

Or. 8096

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 32 pp., 34.3 x 22 cm, Latin script, loose sheets kept together

(sewn) in a recent library binding.

Transliteration of the texts in Or. 8095, above, in the same order.

(1) pp. 1-3. Hikayat Ruhe. I. Hikayat guda. (No. 70).

(2) pp. 3-8. Hikayat Ruhe. II. Hikayat leumo.

(3) p. 8-16 (?). Hikayat Ruhe. III. Hikayat ureueng Jawa.

(4) pp. 16-32. Hikayat Ruhe. IV. Hikayat Podi Amat. (No. 71).

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 35.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2719]

Or. 8097

Acehnese, paper, 63 ff., damaged (ff. 1-8 and 56-63 only partly preserved, ff. 57-63 different paper and hand.

Hikayat Seuma’un. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 157.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2782)

Or. 8098

Acehnese, paper, 68 ff.

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Hikayat Seuma’un. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 157.

Earlier provenance: Purchased by C. Snouck Hurgronje in August 1898 in Gigieng.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2783)

Or. 8099 a-h

Acehnese, paper, 8 vols., 948 pp.

Incomplete copy (small section at the beginning missing, abrupt end) of Hikayat Juhan Meusapi. Or. 8100,

below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 126.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2784 – Mal. 2791)

Or. 8100 a-b

Acehnese, paper, 2 vols., 1449 pp.

Incomplete copy (small section at the beginning missing, abrupt end) of Hikayat Juhan Meusapi.

Transliteration of Or. 8099, above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 126.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2701 – Mal. 2702)

Or. 8101 a-b

Acehnese, paper, 2 vols., 137 pp., copy of a manuscript with the end missing.

Hikayat Cintabuhan. Or. 8104, below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 107.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2792 – Mal. 2793)

Or. 8102

Acehnese, paper, 81 pp., dated 1289 AH (1872-1873).

Hikayat Cintabuhan. Complete text. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 107.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2794)

Or. 8103

Acehnese, paper, 95 pp., copy by the scribe of K.F.H. van Langen (1848-1915), dated 1893 AD.

Hikayat Cintabuhan. Copied from a manuscript belonging to Cut Din, Lam Teungoh, VI Mukims of the XXV

Mukims. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 107.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2901)

Or. 8104

Acehnese, paper, 458 pp.

Hikayat Cintabuhan. Transliteration of Or. 8101, above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 107.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2693)

Or. 8105 a,b

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Malay and Acehnese, paper, 2 vols., 46 pp.

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(1) pp. 1-6. Copy of tangkay, ajeumat, du`a, in mixed Malay and Acehnese. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 210.

(2) pp. 8-14. Nalam jawoe sipheuet dua ploh, by Tgk. Bak Jeuleupe. The text ends on p. 13, line 9, without

colophon. Then follows a note in Dutch by C. Snouck Hurgronje in the present manuscript, saying that the

author is ‘Teungku Bak Jeuleupe (Daya), disciple of Syaikh Marabahan; died more than twenty years ago

[thus about 1870], clever in scholarship and ukiran (for cloth design, etc.); his name: Abdorahim.’ Or. 8177,

below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 225.

(3) pp. 14-17. Hikayat hayake tujoh. Only the Acehnese text, without the Arabic al-Hayakil al-Sab`a. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 169. See on the Arabic text also Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 111. See also C. Snouck Hurgronje, The Achehnese, II, p. 180. Or. 8179, below is a transliteration of

the present manuscript.

(4) pp. 17-29. Acehnese. Hikayat ranto by Leube Isa. On the left pages are notes in pencil by C. Snouck

Hurgronje. Or 8058, above, is a transliteration of the present manuscript. Text published, with English

translation by G.W.J. Drewes, Two Acehnese poems. The Hague 1980, pp. 1-45. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 80.

(5) pp. 29-34. Hikayat masa jeuet donya. Or. 8174, below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 140.

(6) pp. 34-38. Hikayat nabi meucuko. Complete copy of a redaction containing 146 verse. Or. 8165, below, is a

transliteration of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 157-


(7) pp. 38-40. Kisah Abdolah Hadat. Or. 8180, below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 173.

(8) pp. 40-41. Hikayat Edeurih Kholani. Or. 8181, below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 169.

(9) pp. 41-46. `Aqidat al-`Awamm by Ahmad al-Marzuqi (c. 1281/1864), GAL S II, 990. Arabic text of Nalam

She Mareuduki (See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 234, where the translation is

identified as Acehnese), with interlinear translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 19 (where the translation is

said to be in Malay), but where there is no mention of this manuscript. Or. 8178, below, is a transliteration.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2795 – Mal. 2796)

Or. 8106 a-d

Acehnese, paper, 4 vols., 365 pp.

Hikayat Putroe Baren. The end is missing. Copy of Or. 8107, below. Or. 8109, below, is the transliteration of

the present manuscript. On the left pages are emendations of the copyist. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 98.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2797, Mal. 2798, Mal. 2799, Mal. 2800)

Or. 8107

Acehnese, paper, 164 ff.

Hikayat Putroe Baren. The end is missing. Or. 8106, above, is a copy of the present manuscript. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 98.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2801)

Or. 8108

Acehnese, paper, 286 pp.

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Incomplete copy (beginning and end are missing) of Hikayat Putroe Baren. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 98.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2802)

Or. 8108 a

Acehnese, paper, 2 ff.

Rateb text with the refrain Alahu. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 98, where

lines are quoted.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(in Mal. 2802)

Or. 8109

Acehnese, paper, 577 pp.

Hikayat Putroe Baren. The end is missing. Transliteration of Or. 8106, above, which itself is a copy of Or.

8107, above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 98.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2685)

Or. 8110 a-c

Acehnese, paper, 3 vols., 281 pp.

Incomplete copy (beginning and end missing) of Hikayat Indra Peutawi, or Diwa Peutawi. A Dutch summary

of this text by H.T. Damsté is in Or. 6970, above. Pp. 1-4 are left blank because the beginning was missing in

the original. Abrupt end. In the front is written: ‘Disalinken oleh Mohd. Noerdin Djeumeuat 6 Juli 1900’. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 122.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2804, Mal. 2805, Mal. 2806)

Or. 8111 a, b

Acehnese, paper, 2 writing books, 112 + 29 pp.

Haba. Two sories, prose reworkings of Hikayat’s rather than genuine folk tales.

(1) Or. 8111 a, pp. 1-112 and Or. 8111 b, pp. 1-9. Haba Banta Ali Angkasa.

(2) Or. 8111 b, pp. 9-29. Incomplete copy (abrupt end) of Haba Raja Bakabadi.

‘Tales written down from memory for me [= C. Snouck Hurgronje] by Y. Nyak Malem, the Imeum of Lam

Teungoh, who was exiled to Batavia and later died there.’ Title on the spine: Haba djameun. According to a

note (on a piece of paper glued into Or. 8111 a, by Tgk. M. Noerdin, the writer died on 26 Dhu’l-Kaedah 1310

(11 June 1893) and was buried in Batavia in the cemetery of Tanah Abang. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 27.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2808, Mal. 2809)

Or. 8112

Acehnese, paper, 206 pp.

Kisah nanggroe Gayo. A description of the Gayo lands in hikayat form, according to the author consisting of

3744 verse, written down by Tgk. M. Noerdin in 1322 in Weltevreden from information from Nyak Puteh and

Aman Ratoih. Or. 8113, below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript. As the manuscript has 260 pp.

with 16 verse on each page, the actual number of verses is 3296 verse, less than indicated by the author. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 256.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2810)

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Or. 8113

Acehnese, paper, 214 pp.

Transliteration of Or. 8112, above, being Kisah nanggroe Gayo. A description of the Gayo lands in hikayat

form, according to the author consisting of 3744 verse, written down by Tgk. M. Noerdin in 1322 in

Weltevreden from information from Nyak Puteh and Aman Ratoih. As the original manuscript has 260 pp.

with 16 verse on each page, the actual number of verses is 3296 verse, less than indicated by the author. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 256.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2712)

Or. 8114

Acehnese, paper, 340 pp., copied by Tgk. M. Noerdin.

Hikayat Putroe Baka’uli. A copy of the manuscript which is now MS Jakarta, Vt. 82. Or. 8115, below, is a

transliteration of the present manuscript.

This text is apparently an Acehnese translation of the Malay Hikayat Gul Bakawali (see now also the modern

edition by Siti Hawa Hj. Saleh, Hikayat Gul Bakawali. Berdasarkan naskah Hindi terjemahan almarhum Syekh

Muhammad Ali bin Ghulam Hussin al-Hindi. Petaling Jaya 1986 [8245 E 32]), which itself is a translation of

the Hindustani work Nihal Chand. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 130.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2812)

Or. 8115

Acehnese, paper, 331 pp.

Hikayat Putroe Baka’uli. Transliteration of Or. 8114, above, which itself is a copy of the manuscript which is

now MS Jakarta, Vt. 82. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 130.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2699)

Or. 8116

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 236 pp.

(1) pp. 1-221. Hikayat Tujoh kisah. The text is a free rendering of Nur al-Din al-Raniri’s eschatological work

Akhbar al-Akhira fi Ahwal al-Qiyama. In addition to this free rendition, there exist two literal translations of

the text (London, SOAS, 41754, and Leiden, Or. 8668, below). Or. 8118 (1), below, is a transliteration of the

present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 177.

(2) pp. 222-236. Hikayat masa jeuet donya. Or. 8118 (2), below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 140.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2812)

Or. 8117

Acehnese, paper, 116 ff.

Incomplete (beginning and end missing) and somewhat lacunous copy of Hikayat Tujoh kisah. The text is a

free rendering of Nur al-Din al-Raniri’s eschatological work Akhbar al-Akhira fi Ahwal al-Qiyama. In addition

to this free rendition, there exist two literal translations of the text (MS London, SOAS, 41754, and MS

Leiden, Or. 8668, below). See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 177.

Earlier provenance: From Geudong, 1898.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2813)

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Or. 8118

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 400 pp.

(1) pp. 1-378. Hikayat Tujoh kisah. Transliteration of Or. 8116 (1), above. The text is a free rendering of Nur al-

Din al-Raniri’s eschatological work Akhbar al-Akhira fi Ahwal al-Qiyama. In addition to this free rendition,

there exist two literal translations of the text (MS London, SOAS 41754, and MS Leiden, Or. 8668, below). See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 177.

(2) pp. 379-400. Hikayat masa jeuet donya. Transliteration of Or. 8116 (2), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 140.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2713)

Or. 8119

Acehnese, paper, 126 ff., dated 1306 AH (1888-1889).

Hikayat Indra Baka, or Hikayat Leumo. The name is also pronounced Indrapaga. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue

of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 125.

Earlier provenance: Purchased by C. Snouck Hurgronje in Gigieng in August 1898.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2814)

Or. 8120

Acehnese, paper, 269 pp., dated 27 July 1893, copied in Batavia.

Hikayat Eseukanda Ali or Suganda Ali. With emendations in the margin. Or. 8176, below, is a transliteration

of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 84.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2815)

Or. 8121 a, b

Acehnese, paper, 2 vols. (one bound, one sewn), 100 + 24 ff.

Hikayat Cam Nadiman. A copy of a manuscripts with many lacunae (marked by empty space). Or. 8123,

below, is an incomplete transliteration of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 96.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2816)

Or. 8122

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 133 pp.

(1) pp. 1-23. Hikayat Printaih Salam. The story would, according to Or. 7254 (1), above, be part of the

Tambihoy Ensan. The beginning is missing. At the end there is an addition od c. 4 pp. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 161-162.

(2) pp. 28-90. Hikayat prang sabi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 74.

(3) pp. 92-131. A fragment only of Hikayat Cam Nadiman. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 96.

(4) p. 133. A will in verse, followed by other miscellanea, including pantons. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 259.

Earlier provenance: From Geudong, 1898.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2817)

Or. 8123

Acehnese, paper, a sheaf with sheets, ff. 1-43 (f. 31 missing).

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An incomplete transliteration of Or. 8121, above, being a lacunous copy of Hikayat Cam Nadiman. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 96.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2683)

Or. 8124

Acehnese, paper, 95 pp. and blanks, copied by Teuku Imam Muda Nyak Malem (p. 95).

Hikayat Diu Ka’indran. A complete copy. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 125.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2818]

Or. 8125

Acehnese, paper, 48 pp.

Hikayat Makah Madinah. The present manuscript is a copy of MS Jakarta Ml. 95a, which itself is a defective

copy. The text is a panegyric on the holy cities Mekka and Medina, by Tuan Amat (?) who completed his

work on Tuesday 13 Rabi` II 1125 (9 May 1713). The first part is a free translation of the apocryphal Risala fi

Fada’il al-Makka ascribed to Hasan al-Basri (d. 110/728), GAS I, p. 593. In the Acehnese version this followed

by sundry exhortations, including a recommendation to visit other holy places besides Mekka and Medina,

especially the graves of the four saints (Wali), `Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani in Baghdad, Ibn `Alawan in Yemen,

Shaykh `Arabi in Mekka and Muhammad Badawi (Ahmad al-Badawi) in Tanta, Egypt. Manuscripts of the

Arabic text of the letter of Hasan al-Basri were in circulation in Indonesia as well, see Ph.S. van Ronkel,

Supplement Catalogue (1913), p. 288 (No. 491). See also Or. 7173 (2), above, Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 295. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 176.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2819)

Or. 8126 a-c

Collection of copies of shorter texts from Aceh.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2820)

Or. 8126 a

Arabic, paper, 10 pp., a copy from Aceh.

`Aqidat al-`Awamm by Ahmad al-Marzuqi (c. 1281/1864), GAL S II, 990. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 19.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(in Mal. 2820)

Or. 8126 b

Acehnese, paper, 3 pp.

Fragment of a Beukeumeunan work. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 229.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(in Mal. 2820)

Or. 8126 c

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 30 pp., torn with lacunae.

(1) pp. 1-19. Hikayat maripat. In Or. 8153 (?), below, is a copy of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 188.

(2) pp. 22-30. A warning against the use of tobacco by Teungku Tiro. In Or. 8153 (?), below, is a copy of the

present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 68.

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Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(in Mal. 2820)

Or. 8126 d

Malay, paper, 2 ff.

(1) f. 1. Fragment of a treatise about ritual prayer, Salat, sembahyang.

(2) f. 2. Fragment of a treatise about Martabat tujuh.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 487, No. 1057.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(in Mal. 2820)

Or. 8127

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Acehnese, Malay, paper, 123 ff., dated 1308 AH (1890-1891), copied in

Bakongan, illustration (ff. 30r, 103r, 115v, 117r), sewn, without binding.

(1) ff. 2v-29r. Hikayat teujuit. Closely resembling the text in MS Jakarta Ml. 334. Here is, like in the Jakarta

manuscript is the added tambeh and the statement that the work as composed in 1269, but in Peudada.

Then a graphic representation is given of the points of articulation of consonants and further details about

teujuit (Tagwid) in a mixture of Malay and Acehnese, partly in sanjak again so that one can say that the

Hikayat teujuit continues here to f. 35v. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 248-

249. Dated Negri Bakongan, 2 Rabi` II 1308 (1890, f. 2v).

(1a) ff. 29r-30v. Malay. Notes on Qur’an recitation. On f. 29r is a list of Qur’an transmitters, similar lists on f.

29v. On f. 30r a schematical drawing of the human speak organ, with indication of the articulation points.

Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

(1b) ff. 30v-33r. Malay. Sifat al-Huruf, a phonological description of the Arabic letters, on the authority of

Shaykh Gazari. He is the well-known author on Qur’an reading Shams al-Din Muhammad b. Muhammad al-

Gazari (d. 833/1429), GAL G II, 201. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

(1c) ff. 33r-35v. Malay. Poetical text on the Qur’an readers, with short indications of the peculiarities of their

way of reading the Qur’an. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

(1d) f. 35v. Phonological notes in Arabic, with interlinear Malay translation. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue


(2) ff. 36r-41r. Nalam jawoe sipheuet dua ploh, poetical text by Tgk. Bak Jeuleupe. Without colophon and

addition. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 226.

(3) ff. 41r-43r. Nama Nabi. The same poetical text as MS Jakarta Ml. 334, pp. 117-121. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue

of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 213.

(4) ff. 43v-44r. Bab Hikmat huris Laksamana.

(4a) ff. 44r-45r. Prayers, Da`wat.

(4b) ff. 45r-48r. A prayer, Du`a’, beginning with a quotation from the Qur’an, in Arabic, followed by text in

Malay, followed by other similar shorter prayer texts. Iskandar, op. cit., wrongly identifies this as Ilmu kalam.

(4c) ff. 48r-52r. Malay. A treatise about ritual prayer, Salat, sembahyang. Extensive quotations in Arabic.

(4d) ff. 52r-v. Jusan Nabi Allah Sulayman. Gawshan. With a magical Da’ira.

(4e) ff. 53r-v. Instructions for making magical squares, and amulets, Azimat. With drawings.

(4f) ff. 54r-55v. Malayu. Prayer texts. Du`a’.

(4g) ff. 55v-59r. Malay. Fa’ida barangsiapa membaca syahada. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

(4h) ff. 59r-61v. Malay. Asal usul sembahyang. A treatise about ritual prayer, Salat, sembahyang. Not in

Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

(4i) ff. 61v-62r. Malay. Syarh doa Nabi Allah Ismail. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

(4j) ff. 62r-64r. Malay. Several shorter prayer texts, doa, Du`a’. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

(4k) ff. 64r-v. Arabic. Du`a’ Khatm al-Qur’an. The prayer to be said after the completion of Qur’an reading.

Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

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(5) ff. 65r-68v. `Aqidat al-`Awamm by Ahmad al-Marzuqi (c. 1281/1864), GAL S II, 990. Arabic text of Nalam

Seh Mareuduki (See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 234, where the translation is

identified as Acehnese), with alternating translation. Arabic text in red, Acehnese text in black. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 19 (where the translation of this text is said to be in Malay), but where there is no

mention of the present manuscript. Dated 22 Gumada I 1308 (1890), copied in Bakongan, Aceh (f. 68v).

(6) f. 69r. Su’al berapa perkara fard syahadat.

(7) ff. 69v-70r. Notes on the divine attributes, the Sifat duapuluh.

(8) ff. 70v-72r. Lafz niyat. On the intention to perform the Salat, sembahyang. Arabic with interlinear Malay


(9) ff. 72v-73r. A selection of ayat from different sura’s of the Qur’an. Arabic text, with instruction in Malay.

(10) ff. 73v-76v. Arabic. Prayer, Du`a’. At the end al-Shaykh Abu al-Hasan al-Shadhili is mentioned. He is Abu

al-Hasan b. `Abdallah al-Shadhili (d. 656/1258), GAL G I, 449.

(11) ff. 77r-79r. Ayat limablas. Arabic. Selection of ayat from different sura’s of the Qur’an.

(12) ff. 79r-81v. Ayat al-Haris. A selection of ayat of the Qur’an (beginning with the beginning of surat al-

Baqara (Qur’an 2), followed by the beginning of surat al-Saffat (Qur’an 37) with introduction in Malay. F. 80

double pasted.

(13) ff. 82r-89r. Malay. Treatise on ritual prayer, Salat, sembahyang. First a note on ritual purity, then on the

niyya, followed by the Rukn sembahyang tigablas, etc. The numerous Arabic formulae are written in red ink.

(14) ff. 89r-90v. Treatise on fasting, puasa bulan Ramadan.

(15) ff. 90v-98r. Several shorter prayer texts. Du`a’. Several texts in Arabic, with instructions in Malay.

(16) f. 98r. Malay. Salat yang diijari oleh Rasulullah akan sittina Aisya. A poetical text. Ff. 98v-99r blank.

(17) ff. 99v-102r. Prayer, in Arabic. Du`a’.

(18) ff. 102r-103r. Prayer, in Arabic. Du`a’. On f. 103r is a detailed colophon, apparently serving a number of

the preceding texts. Dated 3 Jomada II 1308 (1891), copied in Bandar Bakongan, owned by Muhammad

Hasan of Negri Aceh, Bandar Darussalam, kampung … (?). At the bottom of f. 103r a note on the name of the

Prophet Khidr.

(19) ff. 103v-104v. Arabic. Du`a’ Mahabbat dari pada Shaykh Habib al-`Agami. Followed, on f. 104r by an

Azimat, and on f. 104v by a prayer. Also a quotation from a work entitled Kitab al-Tibb wal-Hikam.

(20) ff. 105r-108v. Malay. Bab pada menyatakan marifat … syahwat. On sexual desire, followed by several

prayers, Du`a’, in Malay and Arabic.

(21) ff. 109r-114r. Sharh Hizb al-Bahr. Commentary in Malay on Hizb al-Bahr, an Arabic prayer text commonly

ascribed to Abu al-Hasan b. `Abdallah al-Shadhili (d. 656/1258), GAL G I, 449.

(22) ff. 114r-115v. Arabic, with Malay headings. Du`a’ ikhtitam, closing prayer, followed by several other

prayers. Dated Thursday 20 Ramadan 1308 (f. 115v).

(23) ff. 116r-117r. Arabic. Du`a’ Rigal al-Ghayb. Copied by Ishaq b. al-marhum al-Haji Dawud, for owner Leube

Muhammad Hasan from Aceh, dated Thursday 20 Ramadan 1308 (1891, f. 117r). F. 117v blank.

(24) ff. 118r-119r. Arabic. Du`a’, prayer.

(25) Added is a loose leaf with texts in Malay. One one side the beginning of a Fa’ida Targhib al-Salat

Sembahyang, on the reverse the beginning of a Hikayat Tagwid, with reference to Syaikh Marahaban.

Earlier provenance: Taken as booty in Lam Pisang, 1896 (Lieutenant Gusdorf).

See for the description of some (but not all) of the Malay texts in the present volume T. Iskandar, Catalogue

(1999), pp. 487-488 (No. 1058). The Arabic texts in the volume are not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Earlier provenance: War booty. ‘Buitgemaakt Lam Pisang 1896 (Lieutenant Gusdorf)’ (note inside front


Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2821]

Or. 8128

Collective volume with texts in Malay, paper, 9 pp., 32 ff., 14 ff., 10 ff., 1 f., 8 pp., 1 f.

(1) 4o sheaf, containing:

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(a) 9 pp. Text in the hand of one of K.F.H. van Langen (1848-1915)’s scribes.

Two stories: the frame story of the Malay Hikayat Bayan Budiman (with the name Khojah Maimun) and a

story about a crow whose children are eaten by a snake; on the advice of a tortoise she lays fish from a

mongoose’s hole to the snake’s hole; the mongoose not only eats the snake but also the crow and her


(b). 32 ff. Roman script. Snouck Hurgronje’s spelling. The oldest version of the four Si Meuseukin tales

published in H. Djajadiningrat, ‘Vier Atjèhsche Si Meusekin-vertellingen’, in TBG 57 (1916), pp. 273-403, and

the other two habas mentioned in Snouck Hurgronje 1893/94. See Tgk. M. Noerdin’s revised version of these

6 stories in Or. 8183(18-23), below. It is not clear whether this first version is by him. At the end some

circumstances from daily life are mentioned in which these stories used to be cited (‘you are just like Pak

Pande ...’ etc.). Some pencilled notes by Snouck Hurgronje.

- 1. Si Gasien Meuseukin rabe keubeue. The original of. Or. 8183 (18), below.

- 2. Si Gasien Meuseukin ceumatok. The orginal of Or. 8183 (19), below.

- 3. Inong Gasien Meuseukin meuladang lob lam Batu blaih. The original of Or. 8183 (20), below. See C.

Snouck Hurgronje, The Achehnese. Leiden 1906, p. 73; P. Voorhoeve, Overzicht van de volksverhalen der

Bataks. Vlissingen 1927, No. 82. After the section summarised by Snouck Hurgronje there follows: ‘The

brothers were adopted by Raja Idong (with a nose like a bunch of bananas) from the upper world (adara).

Amat tells him how he first stole rice from apes. The brothers win at cock fighting in Adara.’ Cited in the

dictionary as Haba Ahmat Moehamat under: boe I.

- 4. Si Gasien Meuseukin meukawen. The original of. Or. 8183 (21), below.

- 5. Raja Bayeuen ngon Si Gasien Meuseukin aneuk ngon maji. The original of. Or. 8183 (22), below.

- 6. Pak Pande. The original of Or. 8183 (23), below. Text also in Or. 11.045 (15), below.

(c) 14 ff. A revision of some of these stories in Arabic script by Tgk. M. Noerdin.

(d) 10 ff. Roman script. Snouck Hurgronje’s spelling. Three stories, apparently by Tgk. M. Noerdin, although

the hand is somewhat different from his later style; in his later revision of the second story he says that he

had heard it from his mother. See Or. 8183 (24-26), below.

1. Haba keubeue meu’aneuk tujoh droe putroe. A free reworking of this is Or. 8183 (24), below. A wild buffalo

drinks a king’s urine, becomes pregnant and gives birth to seven princesses, whom seven princes find and

marry. Six are ashamed of their mother; only the youngest cares for her mother until her death. The

youngest experiences prosperity, the other six misery.

2. Haba sidroe putroe binoe raja Kacapuri. The original of Or. 8183 (25), below, where the title is given as

Putroe Lam Keuleumbu Kaca ngon si Pucok Paku. That is in fact a free reworking of the present text. Putroe

Lam Keuleumbu Kaca in Si Kaca Puri changes clothes and jewellery with her servant si Pucok Paku. The

genuine princess has better taste than her substitute. When the king remarks on this si Pucok Paku

becomes jealous and bans Putroe Bungong (as she is now called) to an uninhabited place. She clears a

ladang; God gives her a palace. The king dreams of her, goes to look for her, finds her in her palace, and

takes her away. She revenges herself on si Pucok Paku by cutting her in pieces, which she sends in a pot to

Pucok, Paku’s parents. Noerdin heard this from his mother. See also in Or. 11.045 (2), below. See also P.

Voorhoeve, Overzicht van de volksverhalen der Bataks. Vlissingen 1927, No. 150; J. de Vries, Volksverhalen

uit Oost-Indië. Zutphen 1927-1928, I, p. 28; II, p. 162.

3. Haba Raja Lam Kipaih ngon put roe tujoh. Or. 8183 (26), below, is a free reworking of the present text.

Seven sisters would like to marry the king of France, etc.; the youngest asks Raja Lam Kipaih, who has the

form of a fan. She is ridiculed, but her husband turns out to be a celestial prince. See also in Or. 11.045 (3),

below. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 28.

(2) List of 103 place names. Arabic script. Dated 1893. Inserted slip with penciled list of place names in Latin

script. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 255.

(3) 8 pp. A fragment only of Hikayat Me’reuet. Redaction in sanjak. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 160.

Also: Fragments and rough draft work by Tgk. M. Noerdin. On an inserted slip of paper, T. Iskandar has

identified the Acehnese fragments as Hikayat Me’reuet, Hikayat Banta Ali (probably), Hikayat Nubuet,

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Hikayat Tamlika, Hikayat Oteubahoy rolam, Hikayat Eelia tujoh, and Hikayat Putroe Baren. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 257.

(4) Hikayat Nasruan Adé, or Kisah Hiweuen. A summary of the contents by Tgk. M. Noerdin in Malay. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 135. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

(5) 1 f. Letter in verse. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 258.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2822)

Or. 8129 a-c

Acehnese, paper, 3 lined writing books, Latin script.

Word-list, a list of stems for an Acehnese dictionary. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 255.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2823-2825)

Or. 8130 a-h

Acehnese, paper, 8 lined writing books, Latin script.

Word-list, a list of stems for an Acehnese dictionary, mostly in Tgk. M. Noerdin’s hand, here and there with

notes in the hand of C. Snouck Hurgronje. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 254.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2826, Mal. 2827, Mal. 2828, Mal. 2829, Mal. 2830, Mal. 2831, Mal. 2832, Mal. 2833)

Or. 8131

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese and Arabic, paper, 10, 17, 36 pp.

(1) pp. 1-4. Meunajat. Copy of MS Jakarta Vt. 75, ff. 2v-5r. Prayer for forgiveness of sins. Arabic with Acehnese

rendering in sanjak. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994),

p. 208.

(2) pp. 5-10. Meunajat. Copy of MS Jakarta Vt. 77, ff. 4r-8r. Prayer for forgiveness of sins. Arabic with

Acehnese rendering in sanjak, the same text as Or. 8131 (1), above. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 208.

(3) 17 pp. Nalam masa’ilay. Rhyming rendition of the Malay catechism Masa’il al-Muhtadi li-Ikhwan al-

Mubtadi. Abrupt end. Copy of MS Jakarta Vt. 80. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994),

p. 235.

(4) 36 pp. Wasiet Syihabodin. Copy of MS Jakarta Vt. 79, which is apparently incomplete. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 215.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2834)

Or. 8132

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 68 pp.

(1) pp. 1-20. Prescriptions for the seumayang. Copy of MS Jakarta Vt. 78, ff. 1v-11v, containing rather detailed

rules in sanjak for ritual worship. Complete. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp.

241-242, where quotations are given after the Jakarta manuscript.

(2) pp. 20-68. Hikayat maripat. A copy of MS Jakarta Vt. 78, ff. 13v-31v. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 188.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2835)

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Or. 8133

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, Malay, and Arabic, paper, 165 pp., naskh script, apparently copied

by one of the Dutch-employed scribes, dated 1308 (1890-1891, p. 158, where also, in Acehnese in Latin script,

is written: ‘Teusalén di Peutawi 24 November 1903’ ‘copied in Batavia on 24 November 1903’), half-cloth

binding, pasted boards, text on spine: ’70. Godsd. varia. Mal. en Atj.’

At the end (pp. 165-163) is a detailed table of contents by C. Snouck Hurgronje, headed with: ‘Extracten uit

verschillende handschriften, medegebracht door G.C.E. van Daalen van excursies in het Gajoland.’ For the

description of the Malay texts in the volume this list has been used.

(1) pp. 1-30. Hikayat prang sabi. A copy of the manuscript which is now MS Jakarta Vt. 57A. Published by H.T.

Damsté, ‘Hikajat Prang Sabi’, in BKI 84 (1928) pp. 545-609. According to Damsté, this copy was made by

Nyak Puteh. Voorhoeve, however, thinks that the copyist was Tgk. M. Noerdin. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 74.

(2a) pp. 33-36. Malay. Enumeration of the Prophets, followed by several Tanbih.

(2b) pp. 37-44. Malay. Treatise about prang sabil, as applied to Aceh.

(2c) pp. 44-45. Malay. A short similar text (?).

(3) pp. 46-48. Copy of MS Jakarta Ml. 335, pp. 52-54, containing panton, e.g.:

Barèe-barèe seunudang nimbong, aneuk tiong didalam cintra

Nabsu teungku na keu ulon, lon eu sirong iku mata.

Or. 7234, pp. 39-41, above, is the same. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 33-34.

(4) pp. 49-54. ‘Hikayat of mystical-moral purport’ about the depravity of the contemporary leaders. Copy of

MS Jakarta Vt. 58, ff. 23r-27r. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 215.

(5) pp. 55-59. Nalam saba. Copy of MS Jakarta Vt. 59, ff. 2v-6r, which is a Nalam without title, dealing with

the virtue of patience. Written in 6-foot ragaz lines, in which not only the 3rd and 6th rhyme, but also 1 with

2 and 4 with 5. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 220.

(6) pp. 60-68. Hikayat basa Jawoe. Copy of MS Jakarta, Vt. 59, ff. 17r-22r, which is the most elaborate version

of the text 196 verse). See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 244, where the beginning

is quoted after the Jakarta manuscript.

(7) pp. 69-71. Hikayat on the seumayang, ritual prayer. Copy of MS Jakarta, Vt. 59, ff. 22r-23r. A total of 53

lines. About the seumayang, especially the niat (Acehnese niet), in sanjak. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 242.

(8) pp. 72-76. Mystical explanation of the shahada, La elaha elaha with refrain-like repetitions. Copy of MS

Jakarta, Vt. 59, ff. 23r-26r. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 201, where a

quotation of the Jakarta manuscript is given.

(9) pp. 77-79. According to Voorhoeve, this is a text in praise of the words La elaha elaha. At the end a

tradition is cited, the Malay translation of which reads: sebut olehmu akan dikir Allah hingga dikatakan

orang engkau gila. Copy of MS Jakarta, Vt. 59, ff. 15v-17r. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 197, where a quotation of the Jakarta manuscript is given. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

However, the manuscript itself has here a Rateb Inong, in Acehnese, in the form of a Hikayat, which is a

copy made from the text in MS Jakkarta Vt. 57 B.

(10) pp. 80-89. Hikayat wapheuet Nabi, and Wapheut Patimah. Copy of MS Jakarta Vt. 60, ff. 1-7, 8-12. First 208

verse about the death of the Prophet Muhammad, now and then interrupted by the words ya Allah or Allah,

for use as a woman’s Rateb. Then 134 verse about Fatima’s death. In the Jakarta manuscript, there is at the

end an impression of Tgk. M. Sa`it Krueng Kale’s seal, with date 1315 AH. That is also copied here (p. 89). See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 163.

(10a) pp. 89-94. Copy of a postscript from MS Jakarta Vt. 60, which is no longer to be found in the original. It

may have been lost after the copying.

(11) pp. 95-111. Nalam sipheuet dua ploh, by M. Amin Tiro. This is an Acehnese rendering of the `Aqidat al-

`Awamm by Abu al-Fawz Ahmad al-Marzuqi (c. 1281/1864), GAL S II, 990. Copy of MS Jakarta Vt. 61, ff. 4r-10r.

Over 200 double verse in rajaz trimetre. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 222-

223, where quotations from the Jakarta manuscript are given. According to a communication from C.

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Snouck Hurgronje to J. Kreemer, the author of this rendering was the famous Tgk. Muhamat Amin Tiro, who

is also named as the author in an edition published in Cairo 1357/1938. See J. Kreemer, Atjèh. Leiden 1922-

1923, vol. 2, p. 680. [SH’s copy: 898 A 2-3].

(12) pp. 112-114. Arabic poem in praise of the Prophet, with explanation in Acehnese. Copy of MS Jakarta Vt.

59, ff. 14v-15v. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 205. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

(13) p. 115. Arabic poem in praise of the Prophet, with explanation in Acehnese, different from No. 12, above.

Copy of MS Jakarta Vt. 59, ff. 7v-9v. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 206. Not in

Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 206.

(14) pp. 116-117. Sipheuet rasoelolah. Sifat Rasul Allah. Arabic poem in praise of the Prophet, with explanation

in Acehnese, another version of No. 13, above. Copy of a manuscript in Jakarta. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 206.

(15) pp. 118-123. Tambihoy ensan. Copy of MS Jakarta Ml. 336, pp. 106-112, containing a Hikayat about the

ordeals of death, which, from a remark at the end, appears to be taken from a work titled Tambihoy ensan.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 180. A microfilm of the Jakarta manuscript is A

46 d.

The Malay texts in this volume are not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

(16) pp. 124-125. Malay. Jalan kepada Allah taala itu empat jalan. On the road to God.

(17) pp. 126-133. Malay. Majmu` al-Masa’il, or Kitab Masa’il al-Majmu`, mystical treatise by `Abd al-Ra’uf of

Singkel. Copy taken from MS Jakarta, Ml. 336.

(18) pp. 134-138. Malay. On the unity of being, Wahdat al-Wugud.

(19) pp. 139-140. Malay. Mystical reflections on the syahada, Shahada.

(20) pp. 141-144. Malay. Fasal pada menyatakan Sakarat al-Mawt, on the ordeal of death.

(21) p. 144. Malay. Tanda abis rezeqi.

(22) pp. 145-147. Malay. Mystical reflections on ritual prayer, Salat. With a schematical drawing (p. 147).

(23 p. 148. Arabic, Malay. Table for calendar calculation, with a poem in Arabic on days to be avoided.


(24) pp. 149-152. Malay. Calculations for the first days of the month, with schematical drawing (of mansions

of the moon?).

(25) pp. 153-158. Malay. On the calculation of marital bliss, on the basis of names. In the beginning a table of

the Malay alphabet, with numerical values. Pp. 159-162 blank.

The Malay texts not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). The Arabic texts not in Voorhoeve, Handlist (1980).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2836]

Or. 8134

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese and Malay, paper, 35 ff.

(1) ff. 1a-3b. Acehnese fragments, in pencil. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 262.

(2) f. 4. Mystical ajeumat (mintra). Amulet. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 210.

(3) ff. 4r-32r (with second beginning on f. 7a). Hikayat prang sabi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 74.

(4) ff. 4a-5b, 6b. Acehnese fragments, in pencil. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p.


(5) ff. 35v-33r. Malay text on Riya’ dan sam`a. See the inadequate description (‘Tarikat’) in Iskandar,

Catalogue (1999), pp. 488-489 (No. 1059), where this text is referred to as Or. 8134-II.

Provenance: Received by C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1932 from Dr. J.J. van de Velde at the occasion of the

latter’s inauguration (according to Iskandar, though this is not evident from the letters). Added are letters

by J.J. van de Velde, dated Seulimeum, 5 August 1932, and from the office of the gouvernor of Aceh, dated

Koetaradja, 11 August 1932. From van de Velde’s letter it becomes clear that the Hikayat prang sabi usually

was destroyed when found. This booklet escaped that fate, because the text was somewhat different from

the text as published by H.T. Damsté.

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Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2837]

Or. 8135

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese and Arabic, paper, 53 pp.

Table of contents by C. Snouck Hurgronje on p. 56, headed with ‘Extracten uit verschillende handschriften

(Arab. Mal. Atj.), medegebracht door G.C.E. van Daalen uit het Gajoland’. All texts in the volume are copies

of texts in MS Jakarta, Vt. 64.

(1) pp. 1-2. Malay, Arabic. al-Asma’ al-Husna.

(2) pp. 2-3. Arabic. A poem in praise of the Prophet Muhammad, beginning Shabihuka Badr al-Layl bal anta

Anwaru. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 427.

(3) pp. 3-7. Acehnese. Hikayat sipheuet doea ploh. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994),

p. 221. From Jakarta, Vt. 64, pp. 48-55. A short work in sanjak. As one of his sources the author mentions

Bidayat al-Hidaya. The text consists of a listing of God’s attributes, repeatedly interrupted by the refrain

Alahu Alahu ya Rabi, mahasuci poku gata, followed by the remark that who does not know this will go to

hell, after which the six principal prophets are named and the number of times that Gabriel spoke to them.

(4) pp. 8-17. Dream vision of the Prophet Muhammad, seen by Shaykh Ahmad in Medina. Wasiet nabi. Surat

kriman, or Wasiet Nabi. Admonitions given to Sèh Amat. The end of a copy only. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue

of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 175. Manuscripts of the Arabic text of these admonitions are referred to in

Voorhoeve, Handlist, s.v. Wasiyyat Rasul Allah. Copy of MS Jakarta Vt. 64, pp. 71-72.

(5) pp. 18-20. Malay. Pious riddles (hiem), prayers.

(5a) p. 20. Prayer in Arabic. Du`a’. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67.

(6) pp. 21-26. Malay. Dikir akan Allah subhana wa taala dan adabnya atas Tarikat Naksabandi. On Dhikr in

the Naqshbandiyya tariqa.

(7) pp. 27-28. Malay, interspersed with Arabic. Dikir Haddad.

(8) pp. 29-30. Malay. Ini Madh bagi rasul Allah. Poem in praise of the Prophet, with explanation in

Acehnese, different from Or. 8133 (12), above. Copy of MS Jakarta Vt. 64, pp. 95-97. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue

of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 207, where the beginning and end of the Jakarta manuscript are quoted.

(8a) p. 31. Niat mandi hari juma. Arabo-Malay text of the Niyya for the ritual washing before Friday prayer.

(9) pp. 31-51. Acehnese, interspersed with Arabic. Dike Samman (Dhikr Samman, Rateb Samman) in the form

of Acehnese sanjak. Copied from MS Jakarta Vt. 64. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 201.

(10) pp. 52-53. Prayers and formulas. A niat (Niyya) formula in Arabo-Malay: Dua mandi hari rabu yang akhir

dar pada bulan Safar, followed by other niat formulas in connection with ritual washing and ritual prayer.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 262. Pp. 54-55 blank.

The Malay texts in the present volume are not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2838]

Or. 8136

Acehnese, paper, 23 pp., dated Meulaboh, 12 February 1882, copied by one of the scribes of K.F.H. van

Langen (1848-1915).

Hikayat Dari. Complete text. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 172.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2839)

Or. 8137

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 111 pp.

A volume with the copy of the texts in K.F.H. van Langen, Handleiding voor de beoefening der Atjehsche taal.

The Hague 1889.

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(1), (2), (3) pp. 1-16. Hikayat Meudeuhak. See on the relationship between this text and other South-East

Asian similar stories (in Sanskrit, Laotian, Malay), Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscript (1994), pp.

110-111. This manuscript is the copy from which the three episodes published by K.F.H. van Langen in his

Handleiding have printed. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscript (1994), p. 112.

(4) Hikayat cicem nggang tipee eungkot. The copy for the printer of two stories in K.F.H. van Langen,

Handleiding voor de beoefening der Atjehsche taal. The Hague 1889, which bear the title hikayat but are in

prose and rather belong with the haba. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts, p. 33.

(5) Hikayat ureueng buta peungeuih ate. The copy for the printer of two stories in K.F.H. van Langen,

Handleiding voor de beoefening der Atjehsche taal. The Hague 1889, which bear the title hikayat but are in

prose and rather belong with the haba.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 33.

(6) pp. 35-36. Riddles. The original of K.F.H. van Langen’s printed text. In C. Snouck Hurgronje’s copy of Van

Langen [813 D 6] there are some additions by Snouck Hurgronje. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscript (1994), p. 25.

(7) pp. 37-60. Hikayat Banta Beuransah. The printer’s draft copy of the episode published by K.F.H. van

Langen in his Handleiding voor de beoefening der Atjehsche taal. The Hague 1889. Text published in A.

Verheul, Hikajat Banta Beuransah [geusalen ngon haraih Beulanda le Nja Oesin. Lam thon njoe ka geusalen

dan geupenget lom le Moehammad Joesoef . Njang oseuha A. Verheul. - [Medan 1927, 890 A 20 - 901 B 46 - 901

B 47 - 813 B 37, copy with notes by H. T. Damsté (1874-1955), now possibly renumbered]. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 87-90. No. 9.

(8) pp. 61-68. Hikayat Diwa Sangsareh. This Hikayat is a translation of a Malay text, as is shown by

Voorhoeve. Copy from which the episode in K.F.H. van Langen, Handleiding voor de beoefening der

Atjehsche taal. The Hague 1889 was printed. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p.


(9) pp. 69-87. Part of Hikayat Cah Kubat. The passage published by K.F.H. van Langen, in his Handleiding

voor de beoefening der Atjehsche taal. The Hague 1889. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 103.

(10) pp. 88-97. Part of Hikayat Malem Dagang. The copy from which the published extract in K.F.H. van

Langen, Handleiding voor de beoefening der Atjehsche taal. The Hague 1889, pp. 144 ff. was printed. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 43.

(11) pp. 98-106. Part of Hikayat Pocut Muhamat, by Tgk. Lam Rukam. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese

manuscripts … (1994), pp. 52-53. The passage published by K.F.H. van Langen, in his Handleiding voor de

beoefening der Atjehsche taal. The Hague 1889, pp. 151-156.

(12) pp. 107-111. A fragment in sanjak about akay, ‘mind’. See K.F.H. van Langen, Handleiding voor de

beoefening der Atjehsche taal. The Hague 1889, pp. 156-158. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 53. Voorhoeve describes this portion of the text twice, however. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 217, where exactly the same text, here meant to be a Wasiet

text, is described. It was published in K.F.H. van Langen, Handleiding voor de beoefening der Atjehsche taal.

The Hague 1889.

Earlier provenance: From the collection of K.F.H. van Langen (1848-1915).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2840)

Or. 8138 a-b

Collection of texts in Acehnese, Arabic, paper, 2 vols., together 177 pp. and blanks, copied by a Dutch-

employed scribe.

(1) pp. 1-136. Tambihoy ensan. Or. 8140, below, is a transliteration of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 180.

(2) pp. 137-142. Mo’lot Nabi, by Tgk. Cèh Kob, or Tgk. Panté Ceureumèn. Or. 7995 (3), above, is a copy of the

present manuscript. There exist two printed editions of the Mawlid, Bombay 1345/1926 (lithograph, Hikajat

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Akeubaro Karim. Karangan Teungku Seumatang (followed by a text on Paradise). Bombay 1345 / 1926. [8201

E 39]) and Kutaraja 1344/1926 (lithograph? Madjmoe rasail dengan bahasa Atjeh. Pertama Risalat fiqh jang

kedoea Aqidat al-awamm, dan lain-lain. By `Abd Allah b. Ibrahim & Toeankoe Radja Keumala. Koetaradja,

1344/1926 [892 C 6]), each with variant readings of its own. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 151.

(3) pp. 143-151. Ca’e Hadat, Syair Haddad. The Arabic poem of 68 verse by `Abdallah al-Haddad, with

Acehnese rendering in nalam form by Ceh Muhamat Marabahan. Or. 7995 (5) is a transliteration of the

present manuscript. Complete text. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 204.

(4) pp. 152-155. Seulaweuet, or Rateb inong. Or. 7995 (4), above, is a transliteration of the present manuscript.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 168.

(5) pp. 156-164. Nalam sipheuet dua ploh, by M. Amin Tiro. This is an Acehnese rendering of the `Aqidat al-

`Awamm by Abu al-Fawz Ahmad al-Marzuqi (c. 1281/1864), GAL S II, 990. Or. 7995 (2), above, is a

transliteration of the present manuscript. According to a communication from C. Snouck Hurgronje to J.

Kreemer, the author of this rendering was the famous Tgk. Muhamat Amin Tiro, who is also named as the

author in an edition published in Cairo 1357/1938. See J. Kreemer, Atjèh. Leiden 1922-1923, vol. 2, p. 680. [SH’s

copy: 898 A 2-3]. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 223.

(6) pp. 165-172. Prang sabi. Teungku Tiro’s lessons on the holy war. Copy of Or. 8138 a, above. Or. 8171, below,

is a transliteration of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p.


(7) pp. 173-177. A similar text. Not in Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2841 – Mal. 2842]

Or. 8138 c

Acehnese, paper, 24 ff.

(1) ff. 4b-15a. Prang sabi. Teungku Tiro’s lessons on the holy war. Or. 8138 (6), above, is a copy of the present

manuscript. Or. 8171, below, is a transliteration of Or. 8138 (6), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 67, where this manuscript is wrongly referred to as Or. 8138 a.

(2) ff. 15b-21a. Nasa’ihon radat. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 67.

The booklet is mentioned by C. Snouck Hurgronje, De Atjèhers. Leiden – Batavia 1893-1894, vol. 2, p. 123: ‘…

de twee, die in één quatern bijeengeschreven mij in handen kwamen.’

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2842]

Or. 8139

Acehnese, paper, 274 pp., p. 1 damaged, postscript in pencil.

Tambihoy ensan. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 180, where the postscript is

quoted: Ini kitab Tanbih al-insan karangan Syaikh Haji Abbas Kutakarang Sembilan Mukim, i.e. by the

famous Tgk. Kuta Karang.

And: other shorter Acehnese texts. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 262.

Earlier provenance: From G.C.E. van Daalen, 1900.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2843)

Or. 8140

Acehnese, paper, 377 pp.

Tambihoy ensan. Transliteration of Or. 8138 (1), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 180.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2673)

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Or. 8141

Acehnese, paper, 53 pp.

Incomplete copy (end missing) of a Wasiet text, after al-Ghazzali (or only the beginning after al-Ghazzali?).

It is not the Minhag al-`Abidin ila Manazil al-Muttaqin by Abu Hamid Muhammad b. Muhammad al-

Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 423. The beginning contains tips for the bringing up of children, then about

tasawwuf, and, according to notes by Tgk. M. Noerdin: Kisah Abi Dharr. Wasiat kepada Aysyah. Kisah Rasul

Allah serta Abu Rafi` serta Fatimah. Kisah memerang nafsu. Kisah loba dan tamak. Kisah kemegahan. Kisah

tauba serta takwa serta khusyuk. Kisah menyuruh berbanyak2 membaca do’a dan salat. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 216.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2844)

Or. 8142

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese and Arabic, paper, 24 pp., naskh script, paper covers of darkened


(1) pp. 1-20. Hikayat nabi meucuko. Complete text. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994),

p. 158.

(2) pp. 20-21. Arabic. Salam on the Prophet Muhammad, with the invocative words in order of the Arabic

alphabet. On p. 22 the beginning only of an Arabic prayer. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

(3) pp. 23-24. A passage about Meureutabat tujoh. Apparently from the beginning. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue

of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 190.

Provenance: War booty: ‘afkomstig uit een pak HSS. Aangetroffen 7 Sept. 1898 in de kampoeng van

Teungkoe Gadè = T. di Geudong = T. Teupai Raja (No. 3 van de inventaris)’.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2845]

Or. 8143

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, Malay and Arabic, paper, 65 ff., naskh script, sewn, without


(1a) Cover, f. 1r. Scribbling, notes, etc., in Acehnese (or Malay?).

(1b) ff. 1v-4v. Malay. Du`a’, prayer. Arabic texts with Malay introductions.

(1c) ff. 5r-14r. Malay. Syarh dua akasa. This is apparently a Malay version of the well-known Arabic Du`a’

`Ukasha b. Mihsan. See Or. 10.804 (6), below.

(1d) ff. 14r-15r. Malay. Several Obat and Azimat texts.

(2) ff. 15r-38v. Hikayat teujuit. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 249. In the

margins of ff. 27v-29r Malay Obat texts.

(3a) ff. 39r-40r. Malay. Amulet texts, magical square, magical figures.

(3b) ff. 40v-41v. Arabic prayer, Du`a’.

(3c) ff. 41v-42v. Arabic prayer, Du`a’.

(3d) ff. 42v-43r. Arabic prayer, Du`a’.

(3e) ff. 43v-44r. Malay prayer, Du`a’.

(3f) f. 44r. Malay. Obat text.

(3g) ff. 44v-45r. Malay prayer, Du`a’.

(4) ff. 45r-60r. Hikayat nabi meucuko. Complete text. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 158.

(5) ff. 60v-62v. Arabic prayer with Malay introduction, Du`a’.

(6) ff. 63r-64v. Bab pada menyatakan Syarh dua baginda Rasulullah.

(7) ff. 64v-65v. Prayer made out of al-Asma’ al-Husna.

The Malay texts in this volume are described in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 489, No. 1060. The Arabic

texts are not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

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Provenance: War booty: ‘afkomstig uit een pak HSS. Aangetroffen 7 Sept. 1898 in de kampoeng van

Teungkoe Gadè = T. di Geudong = T. Teupai Raja (No. 24 van de inventaris)’.

¶ Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 459 (ad Or. 7639 B (2), above) refers to a note by Voorhoeve in that manuscript,

saying that that item originates from Or. 8143.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2846]

Or. 8144

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, school exercise book, 61 pp., including blanks between the


The first part (Nos. 1-6) of the volume consisting of six tales and essays written in Roman script in a spelling

different from both that of K.F.H. van Langen (1848-1915) and C. Snouck Hurgronje. From the evidence in Or.

8699, below, it becomes clear that this collector is District Officer D. J. Cramer (1872-1902), who at that time

was district officer of Pulo Raya, and after that of Meulaboh, and who died in Pulau Pinang in 1902.1

(1) pp. 1-3. Asay jeuet nanggroe Lhok Kruet. The original of Or. 8182 (26) and Or. 8183 (11), below.

(2) pp. 7-8. Aneuk miet le akay. The original of Or. 8182 27), Or. 8183 (12) and Or. 11. 045 (5), below. Printed in

Mohamad Noerdin, Kitab Boengong Sitoenkoj. Batavia 1930, No. I.

(3) pp. 9-13. Ureueng lhee droe tan akay. The original of Or. 8182 (28), below.

(4) p. 14. Adat ureueng meukawin bandum.

(5) pp. 19-29. Hikayat Raja Ali. The original of Or. 8182 (30), below.

(6) pp. 31-32. Haba ureueng gasien. The original of Or. 8182 (29), below.

See for Nos. 1-6 Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 27.

(7) p. 33. Notes in Dutch on pantang. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 250.

(8) pp. 52-60. Several pantuns, in Latin script (on pp. 59-60 also in Arabic script), taken from Hikayat Banta

Beuransah. Text published in A. Verheul, Hikajat Banta Beuransah [geusalen ngon haraih Beulanda le Nja

Oesin. Lam thon njoe ka geusalen dan geupenget lom le Moehammad Joesoef. Njang oseuha A. Verheul. -

[Medan 1927, 890 A 20 - 901 B 46 - 901 B 47 - 813 B 37, copy with notes by H. T. Damsté (1874-1955)]. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 87-90. No. 10.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2847]

Or. 8145

Acehnese, paper, 140 pp.

Hikayat prang sabi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 74. A translation of this text

was published by H.T. Damsté, ‘Atjèhsche oorlogspapieren’, in IG 34(1912) I: 617-633, 776-792. Portions of

transliteration and translation, taken by H.T. Damsté from the present manuscript, are in Or. 8710 and Or.

8719, below.

Provenance: Received by C. Snouck Hurgronje from District Officer H.T. Damsté, Idi, March 1912.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3013)

Or. 8146

Acehnese, paper, 42 pp., dated 1311 AH (1893-1894), copied by H. Hasan Moestapa (note his spelling in the

Sundanese manner of using the Arabic script, notably the vocalization, see also Or. 8150, Or. 8228 (2),


Hikayat prang sabi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 74.

1 Dirk Johannes Cramer, born July 24, 1872, died (murdered or by suicide?) on September 8, 1902 (information taken

from a photograph of his tombstone in the possession of Mr. Matthijs Snouck Hurgronje in Leiden). He was a nephew

of Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, the son of Snouck Hurgronje’s sister Anna Maria de Visser (1849-1931).

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Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3015)

Or. 8147

Acehnese, paper, 15 pp.

Haba nisa, in sanjak. About coitus. Some few lines appear to be translations from one or both of the two

Malay texts titled Bahr al-Nisa’, but the resemblance is not so close that one could call the Acehnese a

version of the same text, although they deal with the same subject in a similar way. See also G.W.J. Drewes

& L.F. Brakel, The poems of Hamzah Fansuri. Dordrecht 1986, pp. 18-21. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 251.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3016)

Or. 8148

Acehnese, paper, 52 ff.

Incomplete copy (abrupt end) of Hikayat pengingatan akan mati, kisah mati dan bangkit daripada kubur.

Title given by Tgk. M. Noerdin to this exhortative Hikayat. According to Noerdin’s list of the contents, there

should follow a Hikayat Bulukia, but that is not present here. Other stories do occur in the exhortative

Hikayat, e.g. about Moses and about Solomon. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p.


Earlier provenance: From G.C.E. van Daalen, 1900.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3017)

Or. 8149 a

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Malay (headings and instructions) and Acehnese, paper, 16 ff., with

table of contents by Tgk. M. Noerdin.

(1) ff. 3a-b. Arabic. Du`a’ Mawaddat Rizq. Malay title: Dua mawadda rezeki dan salama dunya akhira…

(2) f. 4a. Arabic. Nazm Guz’ dalam Qur’an.

(3) ff. 4a-5a. Arabic. Nazm surat dalam Qur’an, rhyming in –ra.

(4) f. 5a. Arabic. Hirz Musa.

(5) ff. 5b-6a. Arabic. Niat, Niyya, texts for ritual prayer on different moments of the day.

(6) f. 6a. Prayer in Arabic, including surat al-Fatiha (Qur’an 1).

(7) ff. 6b-7a. Prayer texts in Arabic, to be said during the performing of ritual prayer.

(8) ff. 7a-8a. Arabic Istighfara prayer, followed by Salam, and more Istighfara.

(9) ff. 8a-11b. Prayer in Arabic, beginning with Surat al-Fatiha (Qur’an 1), followed by other prayer texts.

(10) f. 11b. Acehnese. Nazm rukon tiga blas.

(11) f. 12a. Malay or Acehnese? Batal sembahyang, on what makes ritual prayer invalid.

ff. 12b-14a. Ayat lima. A selection of Aya’s of the Qur’an.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 241, who wrongly describes the contents as

Nalam rukon lhee blaih, on 2 pp. See also the inedaquate description in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 489,

No. 1061 A.

Earlier provenance: Originating from a parcel with books and manuscripts, received from Captain G.C.E.

van Daalen 1900.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2848]

Or. 8149 b

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Malay and Acehnese, paper, 7 ff., with table of contents by Tgk. M.


Page 45: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

(1) f. 1b. Acehnese. Mnemotechnical poem for the names of the months of the Islamic lunar year.

(2) f. 2a. Acehnese. A similar poem.

(3) f. 2b. Acehnese. Notes on the Islamic lunar calendar, with simple drawings (of moons?).

(4) ff. 3b-5a. Arabic, with interlinear Acehnese translation. Surat Hisab by (?) Teungku Haji Abdorahman

Gle Yeueng (f. 5a), a poem on the leaping and the oridinary year.

(5) f. 5b. Malay. Lafz niat sembahyang sunnat mi`raj.

(6) f. 6a. Malay. Riwayat Hadit Nabi.

(7) ff. 6b-7a. Arabic. Nazm Surat dalam Qur’an. Mnemotechnical poem for the names of the sura’s of the


(8) f. 7a. Arabic. Nazm Guz’ dalam Qur’an. Mnemotechnical poem for the names of the agza’ of the Qur’an.

Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 251, who describes

the contents as 3 pp. of Acehnese text on chronology, which is evidently the first two texts only. See also the

inedaquate description in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 489-490, No. 1061 B.

Earlier provenance: Originating from a parcel with books and manuscripts, received from Captain G.C.E.

van Daalen in 1900.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2848]

Or. 8150

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, occasionally interspersed with Arabic, paper, lined writing book,

87 ff., Arabic script (occasionally vocalized), text on one side only (the verso sides), the pages with text have

a column with text and a column for corrected readings (as explained in the colophon on f. 70b), copied by

H. Hasan Moestapa (note his spelling in the Sundanese manner of using the Arabic script, notably the

vocalization, see also Or. 8146, above, and Or. 8228 (2), below). Dated Kutaraja, January 16, 1894, copied by

Hasan Mustafa (colophon on f. 70b).

(1) 1a-27b. Koteubah, war sermons for the Friday worship. Title on f. 1a. Hadhihi al-Khutba lil-Qital. The same

sermons as in Or. 8228 (7, 8), below. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 250.

(2) pp. 28a-43b. Koteubah, war sermons for the Friday worship. Title on f. 28a: Hadh al-Khutba al… al-

Munafiq. Added at the end: tammat al-Nuskha allati min Krueng Raya. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 250.

(3) ff. 44b-59b. Hikayat prang sabi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 74-75.

(4) ff. 60b-70b. Surat kriman, or Wasiet Nabi. Admonitions given to Sèh Amat. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 174. Manuscripts of the Arabic text of these admonitions are referred to in

Voorhoeve, Handlist, s.v. Wasiyyat Rasul Allah.

ff. 71a-88b. Blank.

Earlier provenance: Note by Snouck Hurgronje in pencil on label on front cover: ‘Ontv. uit Koetaradja v. H.

Hasan [Moestapa] | begin 1894’

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2849]

Or. 8151

Acehnese, Arabic, paper, 14 ff., Arabic script

(1) 14 ff. Malay and/or Acehnese. Bibliographical notes, on paper of diverse sizes. ‘Copies from books found

with Tuanku Raja Keumala in Jalong, 1901’. This is a collection of 14 sheets with lists of contents of printed

books and manuscripts. The books themselves are now in the collection of the Perpustakaan Nasional in

Jakarta, see NBG 1901 (December 23): 118, No. 2. There seems to be no connection with the titles mentioned

by Snouck Hurgronje in his ‘Eene verzameling…’, of 1902.

(2) 5 ff. Fatwa in Arabic, probably sent from Mecca to Aceh. The original (1 f.), with two copies (2 ff. each),

written by Tgk. Muhammad Noerdin. About the legitimity of waging war to the infidels, who have

conquered part of Bilad al-Islam. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 420.

Page 46: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

This includes two Arabic letters about the battle against inf1dels, written by teungkus to Mekka (originals

and copies).

(3) 2 ff. Letter, the original and one copy. Letter sent to Mecca by some Acehnese teungku’s in the time of

the so-called concentration scheme (1884-1896) during the Aceh war (original and one copy by Tgk.

Muhammad Noerdin). Note by CSH on the copy: ‘Copie van een brief van Atj. teungkoe’s, in den con- ~

centratietijd naar Mekka gezonden. ~ oude schrifturen van teungkoes, die in Loebōʾ Adang (Didōh)

sneuvelden Sept. 901 aangetroffen’. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 420.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 260.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2850]

Or. 8152

Acehnese, paper, 1½ p.

Last will of Tgk. Nyak Saman. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 260.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3018)

Or. 8153

Collective volume with texts in Malay (?), Acehnese, paper, pp., copied by a Dutch-employed scribe, many


Nos. 1-3 may in fact constitute one text or a collection of interrelated texts.

(1) pp. 1-51. Several shorter prayers in Acehnese (?), interspersed with Arabic, adorned with a great number

of full-page magical illustrations. No. 3 seems to be the sequel. Not in Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994).

(2) pp. 52-53. Du`a’, dua, prayer, with the same sort of illustrations as in No. 1, above. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 210.

(3) pp. 55-71. Several shorter prayers in Acehnese (?), interspersed with Arabic, adorned with a great number

of full-page magical illustrations. Several obat. Apparently, the sequel of No. 1. Not in Voorhoeve, Catalogue

of Acehnese manuscripts (1994).

(4) pp. 73-90. Hikayat maripat. A copy of Or. 8126 c (1), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 188. Wasiet (p. 73).

(5) pp. 90-97. A warning against the use of tobacco by Shaykuna Teungku di Tiro (p. 90). A copy of Or. 8126 c

(2), above. Inserted a folio with a typed passage of transliteration by H.T. Damsté. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue

of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 68.

Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2851]

Or. 8154

A collection of booklets with Acehnese, Malay and Arabic texts captured at several different occasions,

which is documented below, for each one separately. All measure c. 17 x 11 cm. War booty.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2852]

Or. 8154 a

Collective volume with texts in Malay, Acehnese and Arabic, paper, 67 ff., naskh script in several hands,

quires sewn together, no binding.

(1) ff. 2v-33r. Malay. Incomplete copy (abrupt end) of a treatise about Sembahyang, with an introduction

about the Islamic creed, in the mystical sense. The text is believed to originate from the school of Abdurrauf

of Singkel (11/17th cent.). See Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 117,

Page 47: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

where quotations are given. On ff. 27r-31r prayers in Arabic are given, with interlinear translation in Malay.

The inscription on the cover mentions Ahmad al-Ushashi as the author of the doctrine.

(2) ff. 34r-39r. Acehnese. Incomplete copy (beginning missing) of a rhymed (sanjak) invocation of Allah by

his most beautiful names. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 213, where beginning

and end are quoted. ff. 39v-40r: blank.

(3a) f. 40v. Rhymed prayer, in Arabic.

(3) ff. 41r-52r. Incomplete copy (abrupt beginning) of a prayer in Arabic, Du`a’, partly in rhyme, partly with

interlinear translation into Malay. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. Ff. 52v-55r: blank.

(4) ff. 55v-67v. Arabic. Incomplete copy (abrupt end) of Nazm Asma’ Allah al-Husna by Nur al-Din al-

Dimyati (before 899/1493, when Ibn Zarruq, the author of a commentary, died; see GAL S II, 361, note, where

the title is given as al-Qasam al-Athna al-Mubtahil bil-Asma’ al-Husna, and where a printed edition is

mentioned which has the title Fara’id al-La’ali), in the tawil metre. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 26.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 490, No. 1063.

Earlier provenance: War booty. No. 87. ‘Aangetroffen in Awé Geutah (Peusangan) Juni 1899’. ‘No. IV van de

inventaris’ (=?).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2852]

Or. 8154 b-j

Nine small booklets from Geudong, 1898. An inventory in which they appear (except for the first booklet,

Or. 8154 b) is in Or. 8164, below. The contents are mostly popular mysticism. The descriptions of contents

between quotation marks are by C. Snouck Hurgronje. See See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 191-193.

Earlier provenance: War booty.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2852]

Or. 8154 b

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 8 ff., naskh script, loose leaves sewn together, no binding.

(1) ff. 1b-3b, Acehnese poem. ‘Mystical explanation of the sembahyang from Muhammad’s name’. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 354-355, plate 18, with reproduction and

transliteration of ff. 1b-2a.

Beginning, after 4 lines of praises in Arabic and Acehnese:

keumudian pujoe ngon seulaweuet, lon riwayat saboh atoran

lon bri tahu ateueh wareh, toe ngon jeu’oh sahbat rakan

lon peunalam basa Aceh, lapay sareh ma’na sajan.

A total of 67vv. The end:

ban nyang talapay meunan ta’ingat, Tuhan bri rahmat buet samporeuna.

(2) ff. 3b-5b. Malay about Sakarat al-maut. Divided into sux chapters (Bab). Not in Iskandar, Catalogue


(3) ff. 5b-8a. Acehnese text. Beginning:

Tuhan geutanyoe sabet na dat, dali sipheuet ngon aseuma

nyoe lon peugah na saboh pangkat, printah maw’ot manucia

geutanyoe dum wajeb mate, woe keumbali bak Rabana

nyaw’ong muwoe ubak Tuhan, tinggay badan lam keureunda.


beureukat wali ngon mutakin, beureukat mo’min ngon cuhada.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 191-192.

Earlier provenance: War booty. No. 87. ‘Geudong 1898’. See the inventory in Or. 8164, below.

Page 48: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2852]

Or. 8154 c

Collective volume with texts in Malay, Acehnese and Arabic, paper, 14 ff., naskh script occasionally

vocalized, black and red inks, one sewn quire, no binding.

(1) ff. 1b-3a. al-Fa’ida al-Thaniya minha fi Bayan Adab al-Dhikr wa-Ba`d Kayfiyyatih. A fragment only (part of

ch. 2) of `Umdat al-Muhtagin ila Suluk Maslak al-Mufridin by Abdurrauf of Singkel (11/17th cent.). See P.

Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 112.

(2) ff. 3b-7b. Usulud-din. Malay and Acehnese. Beginning: Awwalu l-din ma`rifatu llah, artinya mula-mula

agama itu mengenal Allah. Pakri takeunay Alah bukon takeunay droeteu dilee keureuna ka neukheun ule nabi

...man 'arafa nafsahu faqad `arafa rabbahu artinya barangsiapa mengenal akan dirinya maka sungguhnya ia

mengenal akan Tuhannya etc., alternating between Acehnese and (mostly) Malay. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 356-357, plate 19, with reproduction and transliteration of ff.


(3) ff. 7b-8b. Arabic. Fatiha (title on f. 8b) in honour of several shaykhs, prophets, saints, martyrs and pious

men, beginning with: Ila Ruh Shaykhina wa-Mawlana Ahmad b. `Abdallah ... See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67.

(4) ff. 8b-11a. Arabic and Malay. Prayer, Du`a’, given by the Prophet Muhammad to `Ali b. Abi Talib. First the

Arabic text, then the Malay version (ff. 10a-11a).

(5) ff. 11b-14a. Maripat. Explanation of all kinds of foursomes. Malay but here and there Acehnese, e.g. peue

buet eseulam? Jiseu’on nyang yue poteu Alah.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 192.

Earlier provenance: War booty. ‘No. 87. Hss aangetroffen in de kampoeng van T. Gade No. 10’ The collection

is marked ‘Geudong 1898’. See the list in Or. 8164, below.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2852]

Or. 8154 d

Acehnese, paper, 8 ff. (text on ff.1b, 4b-5b only), vocalized naskh script, one sewn quire, no binding.

Asal Usul Kalima Tayyiba. On the origin of the Kalima Tayyiba. Text only on ff. 1b, 4b-5b. Beginning: Inilah

asal usul kalimah tayyibah la elaha elalah ulonteu peugah asay mula. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 192.

Earlier provenance: War booty. ‘No. 87. Hss aangetroffen in de kampoeng van T. Gade 14’ The collection is

marked ‘Geudong 1898’. See the list in Or. 8164, below.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2852]

Or. 8154 e

Malay, mixed with Acehnese and Arabic, paper, 10 ff. and blanks, naskh script, one sewn quire, no binding.

(1) ff. 1b-2b. Silsilah la ta`yin (according to C. Snouck Hurgronje; the manuscript has la ta`ayyun and Snouck

Hurgronje’s former students have always used this form in their publications).

(2) ff. 2b-7a. Another prayer (Silsila).

(3) ff. 7a-b. Prayer.

(4) ff. 7b-8b. On the word `Ishq, (mystical) love. Ff. 9a-10a: blank.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 192. According to the note by C. Snouck

Hurgronje on the front cover, there is also: ‘Silsilah of the dhikr, hikayat suluk’.

Earlier provenance: War booty. ‘87. Hss aangetroffen in de kampoeng van T. Gade No. 15’ The collection is

marked ‘Geudong 1898’. See the list in Or. 8164, below.

Arabic texts not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Page 49: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2852]

Or. 8154 f

Acehnese, paper, 3 ff. and many blanks, naskh script, sewn quire, no binding.

Hikayat suluk. Beginning:

Alah beseumelah nama Tuhan, malikon manan raja ade

Alahu Rahmanu Rahim, geumaseh da’em Tuhan kade

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 192.

Earlier provenance: War booty. ‘87. Hss aangetroffen in de kampoeng van T. Gade No. 16’ The collection is

marked ‘Geudong 1898’. See the list in Or. 8164, below.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2852]

Or. 8154 g

Collective volume with texts, mostly in Malay, with Acehnese, paper, 25 ff., fully vocalized naskh script,

sewn quire, illustration (f. 13b).

(1) ff. 1a-12b. Incomplete copy (first leaf missing) of a text on the letters of the Nuskha of man. Asal

sembahyang Muhammad, on the letters in the name ‘Muhammad’. With these letters a drawing of Man can

be made, see e.g. Or. 8154 j, ff., 4b, 5a, below.

(2) ff. 13a-17b. A similar text.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 192.

Earlier provenance: War booty. ‘87. Hss aangetroffen in de kampoeng van T. Gade No. 17’ The collection is

marked ‘Geudong 1898’. See the list in Or. 8164, below.

Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2852]

Or. 8154 h

Acehnese, paper, 73 ff. (text on ff. 1a-59a), occasionally vocalized naskh script on ff. 1-56, full-leather binding

with flap.

Hikayat eleumee saleʾ. All kinds of mystical material in doggerel verse.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 192.

Earlier provenance: War booty. ‘87. Hss aangetroffen in de kampoeng van T. Gade No. 18’ The collection is

marked ‘Geudong 1898’. See the list in Or. 8164, below.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2852]

Or. 8154 i

Acehnese, bluish paper, 5 ff. and blanks, occasionally vocalized naskh script, sewn quire, no binding.

Panton nalam supi, beginning:

nyoe na saboh panton nalam, nyang po karangan suphi tapa

neupeuget saboh panton nalam, kutubon jameun nyang po areuta

neupeuget nalam basa Aceh, mangat saheh pham bak gata

Earlier provenance: War booty. ‘87. Manuscripts aangetroffen in de kampoeng van T. Gade No. 20’ The

collection is marked ‘Geudong 1898’. See the list in Or. 8164, below.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2852]

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Or. 8154 j

Collective volume with texts in a mixture of Malay and Acehnese, paper, 136 ff. (mostly blanks, f. 22 counted

twice), naskh script, Islamic paper binding with flap, mystical illustrations (ff. 3b, 4b, 5a, 80b).

(1) ff. 3b-5a. Da’ira with the confession of faith, Shahada, also two drawings of a man, the elements of which

consist of the letters mhmd, of the name of Muhammad. One of these figures is set in a cloud made of the

words huwa and haqq (f. 5a). Ff. 1a-3a, 5b-6b: blank.

(2) ff. 7a-9b. Silsila asal-usul ijaza Muhammad kutbul wujud. Ff. 10a-

(3) f. 80b. The Shahada again, with the drawing of a man, the elements of which consist of the letters mhmd,

of the name of Muhammad. Ff. 81a-134b: blank.

(4) ff. 136b-135a, beginning from the other side of the volume. Panton supi.

Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Earlier provenance: War booty. ‘87. Manuscripts aangetroffen in de kampoeng van T. Gade No. 21’ The

collection is marked ‘Geudong 1898’. See the list in Or. 8164, below. On end papers are stamps of the KPM,

Segli office.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2852]

Or. 8155

Acehnese, paper, 12 pp. + 10 ff.

Ca’e Hadat, Syair Haddad. The Arabic poem of 68 verse by `Abdallah al-Haddad, with Acehnese rendering in

nalam form by Ceh Muhamat Marabahan. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 204.

Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Added: No. IX of the manuscripts found in Awe Geutah, June 1899, consisting of 10 ff. of fragments,

including part of this Mawlid.

Earlier provenance: From a sheaf of papers from Panglima Polem, 1899. From the seal impression it may be

concluded that it has been the property of Tuanku Raja Keumala.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2853)

Or. 8156 a-c

Collection of three unrelated pieces, all found during war activities in Aceh.

Earlier provenance: War booty.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2854]

Or. 8156 a

Arabic, with Malay, paper, 14 ff., naskh script, loose quire.

(1) ff. 1b-3b. Du`a’, prayer, Istighfara. Arabic text with instructuctions in Malay.

(2) ff. 3b-4a. Du`a’, prayer. Arabic text only.

(3) ff. 4a-7a. Du`a’, prayer, for in the Mosque, here entitled al-Fatiha. The Hizb by the imam Ahmad b. Musa

b. `Ugayl is mentioned (f. 5a), who may be identical to the poet Ahmad b. Musa b. `Ugayl al-Yamani (d.

690/1291), GAL S I, 461. On f. 7a a Tgk. Ahmad of kampung Jarum is mentioned.

(4) ff. 7b-8a. Prayer, dua, in Malay, with remarkable basmala. Followed by several other short prayer texts in


Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 491 (No. 1064).

Earlier provenance: War booty. ‘89b. Ontvangen van den Heer De Wijs uit Idi 14 Sept 1901’.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2854]

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Or. 8156 b

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, with some Malay, paper, 11 ff. including blanks, naskh script, dated

28 Sha`ban 1316 (11 January 1899), sewn quire.

(1) ff. 1a-b. Wird. Arabic prayer, with instruction for recitation in Malay (f. 1a), followed with other

instructions in Malay (al-Qa`ida, f. 1b).

(2) ff. 9b-11b. Hizb al-Bahr, commonly ascribed to Abu al-Hasan b. `Abdallah al-Shadhili (d. 656/1258), GAL G

I, 449. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 216, where is said: ‘The beginning and

end of the present text are the same as in Or. 8157 (23), below, which is an exhortation, Wasiet, in sanjak to

practice the correct tarikat before it is too late.’ However, this is a mistake since the text in Or. 8157 (23),

below, is not identical to the present text. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 491

(No. 1064), who failed to identify No. 2. Iskandar relates this piece to Or. 8159 B (2) and D (1-2), below, as

having been written by the same copyist as those items. Or. 8159 D (1) bears the name of Muhammad Amin

Tirowi bin Syaikh Saman.

Earlier provenance: War booty. ‘89d. Afkomstig uit een pakje van Panglima Pòlem, 1899’.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2854]

Or. 8156 c

Mix of Malay and Acehnese, paper, 8 ff., naskh script, sewn quire.

Incomplete copy (beginning missing) of a religious text, beginnen with Rukun syahadat, the pillars of the

creed, and continued with treatment of the twenty divine attributes (Sifat duapuluh). See Iskandar,

Catalogue (1999), p. 491 (No. 1064). Not in Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994). A miniature

manuscript (9.8 x 7.9 cm).

Earlier provenance: War booty. ‘89i. HSS. Aangetroffen in de kampoeng van T. Gadè No. 23a’.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2854]

Or. 8157

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, Malay and Arabic, paper, cash book, 96 ff. including blanks, naskh

script, without covers. Added: description by Voorhoeve (1 leaf), with the division into 23 entities.

(1) ff. 2b-32b. Acehnese. Hikayat tanda kiamat. About the signs of the Youngest Day. Poor spelling. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 180.

(2) ff. 33b-34a. Acehnese. Fragment of Haba pade. Hawa implores her son to come home. His four names are

recommended as a means against ill-luck. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 139,

who refers to J.J.C.H. van Waardenburg, De invloed van den landbouw op de zeden, de taal en de letterkunde

der Atjèhers. Leiden 1936, pp. 110-113, where corresponding lines can be found.

(3) – (4) ff. 34a (line 13) –36a. Malay. Pada menyatakan tatkala menurunkan padi ke bumi. On lucky and

unlucky days for planting rice. Voorhoeve’s description contains here a fourth text, entitled (after the title

given on f. 36a) Juniat berjalan pada tujuh hari baik … but it seems that this is the end of text No. 3 of the

volume, not a separate text.

(5) f. 36a. Malay. Langkah Ali and Langkah Hamza.

(6) f. 36b. Du`a’ … saberang, a prayer in Arabic and Malay.

(7) ff. 41a-b. Two prayers with elements in Acehnese, Malay and Arabic.

(8) f. 42a. Malay, Arabic. Lapal niat mandi junub.

(9) ff. 42a-43a. Hadith on fasting in Sha`ban, with niat formulas, etc. On f. 43a begins Puasa sunat pada hari

Arafa …

(10) f. 43b. Malay with Arabic. A prayer, to be recited: Sunat memaca kemudian dari pada berbuka puasa.

(11) f. 43b (line 7) - 44a. Malay, Arabic. Niat formulas for different sorts of ritual prayer, sembahyang,

beginning with beukeumeunan.

(12) f. 44b. Malay. On jantung, hati, ruh.

Page 52: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

(13) f. 44b. Arabic. Gadwal, table, with Ahadiyyat.

(14) ff. 44b-45a. Berdiri dalam sembahyang.

(15) ff. 45a-60a. Malay, mixed with Acehnese, many formulas in Arabic. Prescriptions for ritual prayer,

sembahyang, several beginning with basmala’s of their own. Some called Fatiha.

(16) ff. 60a-61b. Lafz niat mengelu rukn zaka wa-pitra, niat formula’s for Zakat al-Fitra.

(17) f. 62r. Malay. Dua sembahyang hari raya.

(18) ff. 62b-63b. Malay. Obat taun. On f. 63a followed by obat sawan.

(19) ff. 63b-67a. Malay. Fasal pada menyatakan perjalanan lagi-lagi … On auspicious and inauspicious days

for travelling. Ikhtiyarat for the days of the week.

(20) ff. 67a-69b. Malay. Pada menyatakan bulan yang baik bernikah atau mendirikan rumah. Ikhtiyarat for

the the months for contracting a marriage, etc.

(21) f. 69b. Niat formula for the ghusl of `Id al-Fitr.

(22) ff. 70a-b. Malay, Acehnese, Arabic. Du`a’ against burong, against fire, Do’a seulusoh.

(23) ff. 70b-78a. Acehnese. Exhortation in sanjak to practice the correct tarikat before it is too late.

Voorhoeve wrongly refers to Or. 8156 b (2), where, according to him, the beginning and the end of the

present text can also be seen. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 216.

The Arabic texts not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. For the Malay texts, see Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 492, No.

1065, who ignores the much more detailed and informative description added by Voorhoeve to the volume.

Earlier provenance: War booty. ‘89a. Ontvangen van den Heer De Wijs uit Idi, 14 September 1901’.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 3019]

Or. 8158

Collective volume with texts in Malay, Acehnese, paper, 32 ff., including blanks.

(1) ff. 1v-2r. Sharh Surat al-An`am. Commentary to verses from Qur’an 6.

(2) ff. 25v-28r. Tuah ayam.

(3) ff. 28r-29r. Kutika.

(4) ff. 29v-30v. Acehnese. Cara kul-hu. Short commentary on Qur’an 112, surat al-Ikhlas. Here called `ilmu to

make skin invulnerable to iron. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 247.

(5) f. 32v. Azimat pengeri tubuh atau rumah.

(6) On the inside cover: Do’a.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 492-493, No. 1066.

Earlier provenance: From Pulo Raya, 1900.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3020)

Or. 8159 a-g, and additional material

Collection of texts in Arabic, Malay, Acehnese; several booklets of various sizes.

‘The wallet of Panglima Polém’. Panglima Polém (‘Lord Elder Brother’) is the traditional title of the chiefs of

the XXII Mukims (see C. Snouck Hurgronje, The Achehnese, I, p. 138). The leather wallet consists of five small

compartments which contain booklets and loose leaves, indicated as Nos. 1-7 in the description in the hand

of C. Snouck Hurgronje which is added to the wallet. The subdivision of Nos. 1-7 is here changed into A-G.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 216. The Arabic texts are not in Voorhoeve,

Handlist. See for the Malay texts Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 493-494, No. 1067. See also Jan Just Witkam,

‘Teuku Panglima Polem’s Purse. Manuscripts as War Booty in Colonial Times’, in JIM 10/1 (2019), pp. 84-104.

Earlier provenance: War booty. The wallet was captured in the bivouac of Panglima Polém in G. Poelò on

August 10, 1899.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2855]

Page 53: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8159 A.

[Or. 8159 No. 1] Malay and Acehnese. Booklet without binding, made of European paper and containing

several smaller texts in Malay and Acehnese, paper, 21 ff.

(1) ff. 1v-18v. Nalam sipheuet dua ploh, by M. Amin Tiro. The text with the addition about the five pillars of

Islam, but without the addendum. This is an Acehnese rendering of the `Aqidat al-`Awamm by Abu al-Fawz

Ahmad al-Marzuqi (c. 1281/1864), GAL S II, 990. According to a communication from C. Snouck Hurgronje to

J. Kreemer, the author of this rendering was the famous Tgk. Muhamat Amin Tiro, who is also named as the

author in an edition published in Cairo 1357/1938. See J. Kreemer, Atjèh. Leiden 1922-1923, vol. 2, p. 680. [SH’s

copy: 898 A 2-3]. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 223-224. Here Snouck

Hurgronje’s description of Or. 8159 (1) is translated into English: Duapuluh sipat (wajib to Allah). What is

wajib to a prophet. About wajib, mustahil and jaiz. Mention of the 25 prophets. The Prophet Muhammad’s

nearest parentage. Mention of the 10 angels, the 4 books of revelation. De age of the Prophet, his children,

his nine widows, his ascent to heaven. A Nasiha taken from a poem by by Sèh Mardoekí (= Cèh Mareuduki,

or Abu al-Fawz al-Marzuqi). Agama consists of ímán, islám, tawhíd and ma`rifat, with explanation of these

notions: the 6 pillars of ímán, the 4 pillars of the shahadat, the 5 pillars of islam, the 6 shart of islam, the 13

pillars of the sembahyang. A qunút.

(2) ff. 19v-21r. Arabic poem in praise of the Prophet, with explanation in Acehnese. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 207. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Earlier provenance: War booty. The wallet was captured in a bivouac of Panglima Polém in G. Poelò on

August 10, 1899.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2855]

Or. 8159 B

[Or. 8159 No. 2] Malay and Arabic. Booklet without binding, made of European paper and containing several

smaller texts; watermark: Andrea Galvani / Pordenone; 20 ff.; 12 x 8 cm, with varying sizes of the text areas;

dated 12 Ragab 1316 (1898), according to notes on ff. 2a and 4b; ff. 1a, 17b-20b are blank; owner's notes on f.

2b: ‘Hak seri muda praksa teuku panglima duapuluh dua adanya. Tamma. Sahih adanya.' (This belongs to

His Majesty, Teuku Panglima of the 22 [Mukims]. End. This is correct).

f. 1b. Malay. Note on the number of ayat, words and letters in the Qur'an.

f. 2a: Malay. Du`a’ texts to be said after eating, drinking and clothing.

ff. 2b-4b: Arabic. Ayat limong, a selection of five ayat of the Qur'an, here numbered 1-5. They are: (1) sura

2:246; (2) sura 3:181; (3) sura 4:77; (4) sura 5:27; (5) sura 13:16. Each aya is followed by an epithet of God, qadír,

qawí, qahhár, qaddús, qayyúm, followed by a short elaboration in Arabic. Owner's note on f. 2b. Dated 12

Ragab 1316 (1898), with title and date on f. 4b.

f. 5a: Malay introduction and Arabic text. Du`a' to be said before sleeping.

f. 5b: Arabic. Sura 6:1-3.

ff. 6a-b: Du`a' in Arabic.

ff. 6b-9b: Several shorter prayer texts, both in Arabic and Malay.

ff. 9b-10b: Malay. List of days of the higri months which are inauspicious.

ff. 10b-11a: Malay. Two shorter du`a's taken from a work entitled Khazínat (or to be read as Khizánat?) al-


f. 11a. Arabic with instruction in Malay. Du`a’ Ríh al-Ahmar.

ff. 12a-16a. Several shorter prayer texts, in Arabic and Malay.

f. 16b. Arabic. Sura 10:80-81.

f. 17a. Amulet drawings, Jimat.

Earlier provenance: War booty. The wallet was captured in a bivouac of Panglima Polém in G. Poelò on

August 10, 1899.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2855]

Page 54: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8159 B a

[Or. 8159 No. 2 (a)] Malay and Arabic, paper, 5 ff. A separate fold with four sheets contains another version

of some of the prayers contained in Or. 8159 B. It is probably its exemplar. See also the remarks under Or.

8159 (4a-b), below.

– ff. 1a–b. Arabic. Fāʾida Nāfiʿa li-Ḥifẓ al-Īmān. Source: Muǧarrabāt (apparently the Kitāb al-Muǧarrabāt by

al-Diyarbī (d. 1151/1738), GAL G II, 323, where the Nisba is given as Dairabī). See also No. 3, below. Not in

Voorhoeve’s Handlist.

– ff. 2a–5a. Prayers (Duʿāʾ) and Shahāda formulas in Arabic, in fully vocalized naskh script, sometimes with

headings in Malay, e.g. f. 3b, a prayer to be said with sembahyang, the Ṣalāt.

On f. 1a, bottom, mention of Muḥammad Amīn Tīrūy b. Shaykh Muḥammad Sammān. See also No. 1, above.

Earlier provenance: War booty. The wallet was captured in a bivouac of Panglima Polém in G. Poelò on

August 10, 1899.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2855]

Or. 8159 C

[Or. 8159 No. 3] Malay and Arabic. Booklet without binding, made of European paper and containing several

smaller texts; watermark: coat of arms, otherwise unidentified; 40 numbered pp. in a booklet of 44 pp.; 12.5 x

8 (10 x 5) cm, with varying sizes of the text areas; varying number of lines to the page (8-9); dated 1316 (1897-

1898), according to a note on the title-page and notes on pp. 25, 28 and 33; blank pages: two unnumbered

ones at the beginning and one unnumbered one at the end; before the text is another unnumbered page,

with text in the lay-out of a title-page, but it is in fact an owner's note, written in a mixture of Arabic and

Malay: ‘fí sanat 1316 [added later]. Hadha al-Kitab Haqq al-Faqír al-Haqír ilá Alláh ta`ála al-Magíd wa-huwa

serimuda praksa teuku panglima duapuluhdua Amín.’ (This book belongs to the poor and humble servant of

God the Exalted, His Majesty, Teuku Panglima of the 22 [Mukims]. Amen).'

pp. 1-9: Malay. About the usefulness of reciting certain ayat of the Qur’an. The Kitab al-Mugarrabat of al-

Dayrabí (d. 1151/1738, cf. GAL G II, 323) is mentioned as a source on p. 2.

pp. 10-22: Arabic. Selection of ayat, composed as follows:

- p. 10 - p. 11, line 1: sura 2:1-5.

- pp. 11, line 1 - 13, line 2: sura 2:255-257.

- pp. 13, line 3 - 15, line 5: sura 2:284-286.

- pp. 15, line 5 - 16, line 7: sura 7:54-56.

- pp. 16, line 8 - 17, line 7: sura 17:110-111.

- pp. 17, line 7 - 19, line 3: sura 37:1-11.

- p. 19, line 4 - line 9: sura 55:33-35.

- pp. 29, line 1 - 21, line 7: sura 59:21-24.

- pp. 21, line 7 - 22, line 5: sura 72:1-4.

- pp. 23-24 (line 4): Malay. List of ayat that are usefull as medicine, apparently taken from the Kitab al-

Mugarrabat by al-Dayrabi.

- pp. 24-: Malay and Arabic. Tradition of Ka`b al-Ahbar about the use of the Seven Ayat (ayat tujuh). These

seven ayat follow, and are:

- p. 25, line 1 - line 3: sura 9:51.

- p. 25, line 3 - line 8: sura 10:107.

- pp. 25, line 9 - 26, line 3: sura 11:6.

- p. 26, line 4 - line 7: sura 11:56.

- pp. 26, line 7 - 27, line 2: sura 29:60.

- p. 27, line 3 - line 7: sura 35:2.

- pp. 27, line 7 - 28, line 5: sura 39:38.

In the margin of p. 25 is a date (1316 [1897-1898]) and a title (ayat tujuh). This text is, according to a note on

p. 28, also taken from al-Diyarbi’s Mugarrabat.

Page 55: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

- pp. 29-33. Malay and Arabic. About the use of the ism al-Latíf, with quotation (p. 30, lines 4-6) of the

appropriate aya (sura 42:19), with instruction for recitation, followed by prayers, all purportedly taken from

al-Diyarabi’s work (note in margin of p. 33).

- pp. 34-35: Malay. Prayer against ennemies.

- pp. 35-39: Arabic and Malay, according to the end of the text taken from Mugarrabat al-Sanusi, a work

which remains unidentified. The supposed author may be Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi (d.

892/1486), GAL G II, 250. Prayer, with repeated quotation of sura 9:128. A source is mentioned: al-Hasan b.

`Ali al-Qurtubi as quoted in a book entitled Kanz al-Abrar (pp. 37-38). That book could be the collection of

prayers going by that name, which was known in the Malay world (cf. GAL S II, 1002, No. 59).

Earlier provenance: War booty. The wallet was captured in a bivouac of Panglima Polém in G. Poelò on

August 10, 1899.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2855]

Or. 8159 D (a-b)

[Or. 8159 No. 4] Malay and Arabic, paper, 10 ff.

Two sets of loose leaves, five leaves each, together containing the texts which are also contained in Or. 8159

(3), described above. They probably served as the model for the booklet which is now Or. 8159 (3). Qur’anic

texts are contained in Or. 8159 (4a), ff. 2b-4b. They are the same series of ayat as described in the previous

item, pp. 10-22. On ff. 4b-5a are the same ayat tujuh, which are described in the previous item on pp. 25-27.

At the bottom of f. 1a is the name of Muhammad Amin Tirowi bin Syaikh Saman, possibly an owner. See

also Or. 8156 b, above.

Earlier provenance: War booty. The wallet was captured in a bivouac of Panglima Polém in G. Poelò on

August 10, 1899.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(in Mal. 2855)

Or. 8159 E

[Or. 8159 No. 5] Malay, paper, 1 f.

A single leaf of paper, with a note on outstanding debts of Teuku Panglima Polem.

Earlier provenance: War booty. The wallet was captured in a bivouac of Panglima Polém in G. Poelò on

August 10, 1899.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2855]

Or. 8159 F

[Or. 8159 No. 6] Malay and Arabic, here and there mixed with Acehnese, paper, 24 ff. Here the description

by Snouck Hurgronje of Or. 8159 (6) has been translated into English: ‘Notes on islám, ímám, tawhíd and

ma`rifat, Kasim Airlanga, Kasim Pengambil (?). Doa to be recited after the sembahyang. Hadith of Abu

Huraryra on the reward for pronouncing a certain salat formula, the text of which is given. The fate of the

soul of a debtor, followed by a doa which gives richness. Explanation why one elevates the hands to heaven

during the prayer. Peunjaegang against jalous co-believers. Doa for permanis muka. Doa as antidote against

bites of centipedes, nestles, etc. Prescription for the sembahyang. The shahada in Arabic, with ‘Acehnese’

translation. Admonition to a certain Putru Raden about the transience of earthly beauty.’ See now also

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 216.

Earlier provenance: War booty. The wallet was captured in a bivouac of Panglima Polém in G. Poelò on

August 10, 1899.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2855]

Page 56: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8159 G

[Or. 8159 No. 7] Malay and Arabic, here and there mixed with Acehnese, paper, 10 ff.

Incomplete version of the same texts as described under Or. 8159 (F), above, or rather a partial (up till f. 5v)

copy of it. See now also Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 216.

Earlier provenance: War booty. The wallet was captured in a bivouac of Panglima Polém in G. Poelò on

August 10, 1899.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2855]

Or. 8159 Additional Material

Varia, paper, 3 ff.

– Leaf of paper with short Dutch text on one side only, apparently by a Dutch-Indian administrator: ‘Boekjes

enz gevond in een bivak van P. Polem in G. Poelò. Augs 1899’. The first administrative reference to the purse

after it had fallen into Dutch hands.

– Added is a leaf of paper on its recto and verso side containing a summary description, in Dutch, in the

hand of P. Voorhoeve describing the content of the purse. Parts of this description have been given above in


– Label from the old portfolio in the library (the purse is now kept in a newly made box) with indications, in

Dutch, in an unidentified hand: ‘Portefeuille | Panglima Pòlém | 1899’. Old number added in pencil ‘89e’; the

latter number could refer to a substrate collection of war booty manuscripts.

Earlier provenance: War booty. The wallet was captured in a bivouac of Panglima Polém in G. Poelò on

August 10, 1899.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2855]

Or. 8160

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, Malay, Arabic, machine-made lined paper, 38 + 10 + 8 + 10

(blanks) + 8 (blanks) pp., and many blanks, kept in a paper folder (18.3 x 10.7 cm), naskh script in different


Miscellaneous texts. According to the small list made by C. Snouck Hurgronje (loose insert in the volume):

‘I`tiqad of the prophets; the Prophet Muhammad’s journey to Medina; worship formula; four letters; la


A. 38 ff., with on ff. 1a-b, in Malay: I`tiqad nabi-nabi. Ff. 2-38 blank.

B. 10 ff. Acehnese. About La ta`yin, on ff. 2a-3a, rest blank.

C. 8 ff., ff. 1a-2a, 5b-8b. Blank.

(1) ff. 2b-4b. Acehnese. Rateb, poem about The Prophet Muhammad’s journey to Medina. It is a rateb text

with the refrain Ya Alah. Beginning after the basmala:

Ya rasulolah ya habibolah, sayid Madinah – ya Alah – qalbi nurani

Umu peuet ploh thon neudong di Makah, nanggroe Madinah – ya Alah – beurangkat nabi.

(2) ff. 4b-5a. Arabic. Prayer. Not in Voorhoeve’s Handlist.

D. and E. are blanks, folded sheets and uncut.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 200. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 494, No.

1068, where the enumeration as by Snouck Hurgronje is given in a slightly different order (followed here for

the sake of congruency). As Snouck Hurgronje did not make a note about the Arabic prayer in C, Iskandar

does not mention it either. Iskander calls this manuscript a wallet, which it is not.

Earlier provenance: War booty: text on front cover in Voorhoeve’s hand: ‘No. 1 van de Hss aangetroffen in de

kampoeng van T. Gedè. 89b’, ‘found in the kampung of Teungku Gadè 89b (No. 1)’.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 3021]

Page 57: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8161

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese and Arabic, paper, 51 ff. including blanks, and a few additional

leaves (pencil notes, and some scribbling only), naskh script, full leather (snake skin?) Islamic binding with

flap (flexible).

Description by C. Snouck Hurgronje: ‘Verzameling gebeden als doe`a karamat, d. Akayat, Ajat Toedjoh,

Hajakil, Jasin enz.’

(1) f. 1a. Du`a’. The end only of a prayer in Arabic.

(2) f. 1b. Malay. Du’a juga kita hendak akan karamah dunya atau di akhira … Prayer in Arabic.

(3) ff. 1b-2a. Du`a’, prayer in Arabic, with use of Qur’anic phrases.

(4) ff. 4b-6b. Du`a’, prayer in Arabic.

(5) ff. 6b-13b. Arabic, with heading in Malay. Du’a `Ukhasha, the well-known Arabic Du`a’ `Ukasha b. Mihsan.

See also Or. 10.804 (6), below.

(6) ff. 13b-14b. Du’a juga kita hendak akan karamah dunya atau di akhira … Prayer in Arabic.

(7) ff. 14b-16a. Du`a’, prayer in Arabic, with use of Qur’anic phrases.

(8) ff. 16a-17a. Prayer in Malay and Arabic. In the beginning Hakim al-Tirmidhi and al-Qushayri `[al-

Qushayri (d. 465/1072), GAL G I, 432] are mentioned.

(9) ff. 17b-23b. Acehnese. Hikayat hayake tujoh. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p.

169. See on the Arabic text, Kitab al-Hayakil al-Sab`a, also Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 111. See also C. Snouck

Hurgronje, The Achehnese, II, p. 180.

(10) f. 25b. Arabic. The beginning only of surat Yasin (Qur’an 36).

(11) ff. 26b-27a. Arabic. Prayer, Du`a’.

(12) ff. 27b-35b. Arabic, with Malay introduction. Prayer, Du`a’.

(13) ff. 36a-50b. Acehnese. A short work in 3 pasay, of which the first is about dike (Dhikr). The beginning:

kumula kitab ngon nan Tuhan, kitab kupeunan Durrat al-bayda’

tamse meunan bak geuseubot, haba nyang get dum kucalitra

pasayji lhee lam kitab nyoe, ka jeumoe mula-mula

narit nyang sah bek sok ate, tangokeu he dum seedara.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 169. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 495, No.

1069. The Arabic texts in this volume not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Earlier provenance: War booty: ‘89g. Hss. aangetroffen in de kampong van T. Gade No. 6’.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 3022]

Or. 8162

Collective volume with texts in Malay, Arabic, Acehnese, paper, 62 ff., naskh script, several hands, drawing,

quires sewn together.

Description by C. Snouck Hurgronje: ‘Sipat doea poeloeh, namen der “Badri”s. Gedicht van Aboe Chazradji,

djimats, verhaal van een orang çalih. Namen der açhaboel-kahfi, gebeden, recepten voor geneesmiddelen en

djimats. Hikajat meunadjat’. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 207.

(1) ff. 1b-2a. Sipat dua puluh. An enumeration of the 20 divine attributes, with a few notes in Malay. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 452.

(2) ff. 2b-22a. Asma’ al-Badriyyin, compiled by Shayhuna al-shahir bi-M.d.r.ni, on the basis of al-Isaba fi

Tamyiz al-Sahaba, by Ibn Hagar al-`Asqalani (d. 852/1449), GAL G II, 68. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 137.

After an introduction (ff. 2b-6b), the list of names follows in alphabetical order (ff. 7a-22a). This list, in

which many persons with the nisba al-Khazragi are mentioned, may have been described erroneously by

Snouck Hurgronje as Gedicht van Aboe Chazradji.

(3) f. 22b. Magic square, with instruction in Arabic. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 436.

(4) ff. 23a-b. Fasal pada menyatakan kepala menyurat azimat caritra dari pada tuan syaikh Yusuf yang di

Bantan dan tuan syaikh `Umar di Bima …

(5) ff. 23b-24b. Story about Orang yang Salih dari pada Ahlul-Ilm …

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(6) ff. 24b-26b. Syarh nama Ashabul-Kahfi.

(7) ff. 26b-27a. Arabic. Prayer, Du`a’. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67.

(8) ff. 28b-29b. Arabic, Malay. Bab pada menyatakan syarh ayat tujuh … On the seven ayat (of the Qur’an, in

Arabic). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 279.

(9) ff. 29b-31a. Prayer in Acehnese (?), beginning with the first aya of surat al-Ikhlas (Qur’an 112). Possibly a

version of the Care kul-hu.

(10) ff. 31b-32b. Fa’ida ini syarh ashab al-kahfi … With table of the names.

(11) ff. 32b-33b. Bab pada menyatakan syart azimat. On amulet making.

(12) ff. 33b-39a. Several shorter azimat and obat texts. With magical drawings (ff. 33b, 34a, 34b, 36b, 37a, 37b,

38a, and on f. 38b a mihrab-like drawing, with explanation on f. 39a.

(13) f. 38b, margin. Bab ini syarh pakayan Sulayman … On the following leaves scribbling, drawings,

pencilled ornaments, scribbling, including blanks (ff. 39a-45b, 49a-51b, 53b, 56b, 58b-59a, 61b).

(14) ff. 46a-48b. Incomplete copy (not completed at the end) of an Acehnese Meunajat.

(15) f. 52a. Inilah hikmat perkasa lagi namanya …

(16) f. 55b. Prayer, du’a, in Acehnese.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 495, No. 1070.

Earlier provenance: War booty: ‘89h. Hss. aangetroffen in de kampong van T. Gade No. 8’.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 3023]

Or. 8163

Texts from Awé Geutah. No. 90.

Earlier provenance: War booty.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2856]

Or. 8163 a

Collection of texts in Acehnese, Malay, Arabic, paper, 1 + 16 ff., naskh script, several hands. A loose leaf and a

sewn quire. See the description in Or. 8164 (2).

(1) 1 f. A fragment only of Hikayat hayake tujoh. Followed by a fragment of Kissa basa Jawoe. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 170. See on the Arabic version of this text, Kitab al-Hayakil al-

Sab`a, also Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 111. See also C. Snouck Hurgronje, The Achehnese, II, p. 180.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 495-496, No. 1071, where this collection is confusingly referred to as Or.

8163 B II.

(2) 14 ff. including blanks ‘Geschr. uit Awé Geutah No. II’ Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Malay,

Acehnese, in several different hands, sewn quire.

f. 1a. Basmala’s and scribbling.

f. 1b. Prayer, du’a, in Malay or Acehnese.

f. 2a. Scribbling, and the beginning of surat al-Fatiha (Qur’an 1).

f. 2b. Scribbling, beginning of surat al-Ikhlas (Qur’an 112), prayer in Acehnese.

ff. 3a-6a. Cara kul-hu, possibly a fragment only. This is a short commentary on Qur’an 112, surat al-Ikhlas. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 248.

ff. 6a-8a. Acehnese, Arabic. Prayers (?).

ff. 8b-11a. Acehnese. Prayer.

f. 12a. The beginning only of an Acehnese (?) prayer text.

ff. 13b-14a. Acehnese (?). Prayer.

f. 15b. Scribbling.

f. 16a. Acehnese (?) prayer text.

f. 16b. Surat al-Fatiha (Qur’an 1), and scribbling in Malay or Acehnese.

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See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 495-496, No. 1071, where this collection is confusingly referred to as Or.

8163 C. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Earlier provenance: War booty.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(in Mal. 2856)

Or. 8163 b

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Malay and Acehnese, paper, 12 ff., naskh script, dated 11 Sha`ban 1302

(f. 12a), sewn quire, owner’s note by Teuku Bentara Geulumpang Payong (f. 12a).

(1) ff. 1b-5a. Arabic, Malay. Hadith Nabi, with interlinear Malay translation and commentary. On f. 1b is what

seems to be a title, Hadha al-Akhbar Manqula min al-Nabi. See also the word Akhbar in the colophon on f.

12a. On the last line of this text on f. 5a there is a reference to Tafsir Qurtubi, which is the work al-Gami` li-

Ahkam al-Qur’an by Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Ahmad Ibn Farh al-Ansari al-Qurtubi (d. 671/1273), GAL

G I, 415.

(2) ff. 5a-6b. Shorter pieces, Hadith, Fa’ida, Obat, etc., partly in Malay only, and partly in Arabic with

interlinear Malay translation.

(3) ff. 6v-12r. Acehnese. Hikayat (f. 6v), in the colophon referred to as al-Akhbar (f. 12a), but that possibly

refers to the entire leaflet. This is a passage about Holy War, after Shaykh Ahmad bin Musa, rhyming on –

ang. Hikayat prang sabi. Dated Monday 11 Sha`ban 1302 (in the manuscript written as: ‘132’, 1885). See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 79.

The Malay texts have been described in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 495-496, No. 1071, where this part is

confusingly referred to as Or. 8163 A. The Arabic texts not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Earlier provenance: War booty: ‘90b. HSS. Aangetroffen in de kampoeng van T. Gade No. 4’.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2856]

Or. 8163 c

Arabic, paper, 1 folded leaf, naskh script.

Letter of exhortation, with at the end mention of elements of the Great Mosque in Mekka, from Teungku

Nyak Babah Jurong in Peudada to Teungku Shaykh Mahmud at Awé Geutah Dar al-Aman, dated 1291 (1874).

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 495-496, No. 1071, where this text is referred to as Or. 8163 B I. Not in

Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Earlier provenance: War booty: ‘90c. Geschr. uit Awé Geutah No. VI’.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2856]

Or. 8163 d

Malay, Acehnese, Arabic, loose papers (10) in envelope.

Envelope containing ten pieces of papers, some folded, some scrolled, of different sizes, with prayer

formulas or letters and signs which were believed to have secret power for defense against or for the victory

over the enemy. Several pieces with magical drawings. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 496, No. 1071.

Earlier provenance: War booty: ‘90a’. The materials were found on slain Acehnese during the expedition

from Matang Koeli to Paja Bakong in July 1899.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(in Mal. 2856)

Or. 8163 e

Acehnese, Arabic, paper, 1 + 2 + 6 ff., naskh script, three different copyists.

Three disparate and unrelated fragments.

(1) 1 f. Acehnese (?). The end of a treatise, and the beginning of another one.

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(2) 2 ff. Arabic. Qur’an. One sheet, not from the middle of the quire, containing Qur’an 87:5 – 87:19, 89:17 –


(3) 4 ff. Malay, Arabic. Fragment of a prayer text, apparently to be recited in connection with ritual prayer,

sembahyang. First some Malay, then some Arabic, and so on.

Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Because of Iskandar’s erratic treatment of Or. 8163, these fragments are not in

Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Earlier provenance: War booty.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* in Mal. 2856]

Or. 8164

Dutch, varia. Loose leaves. War booty.

Lists of captured books, describing collections in three Acehnese localities:

(1) Paya Bakông (1899). ‘Sundry objects, found with slain Acehnese on the expedition from Abatang Koeli to

Paja Bakông, July 1899’. List in the handwriting of C. Snouck Hurgronje. Three groups of items are

mentioned. The first two are in Malay, the third group is indicated to be No. 90 in the Snouck Hurgronje

loan collection of Acehnese manuscripts. That would now be Or. 8163.

(2) Awé Geutah (1899). ‘Texts, found in Awé Geutah (Peusangan), June 1899.’ List in the handwriting of C.

Snouck Hurgronje. In all nine scriptures are enumerated, numbered I-IX. Miscellanea from Awé Geutah are

now registered in Or. 8163a, cf. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 170, 248.

(3) Geudong (1898). ‘Inventory of manuscripts found on September 7, 1898 in the kampong of Teungkoe

Gadè = T. di Geudông = T. Teupin Raja’. List in the handwriting of C. Snouck Hurgronje. In all, 24 items are

enumerated. According to Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 191, nine booklets from

the Geudông seizure in 1898 are registered as Or. 8154, above. The list is provided with references in pencil

to the numbers of the Snouck Hurgronje loan collection of Acehnese manuscripts. The ownership of this

loan collection, which must have been deposited in the University Library in 1906 or 1907, went to Leiden

University Library after Snouck Hurgronje’s demise in 1936. With the help of the numbers written on the list

and the information contained in the ‘Journaal’ it is possible to more or less reconstruct the present

whereabouts of the greater part of the books from Geudông:

Geudông Snouck Hurgronje Acehnese MS loan collection Leiden Univ. Library

No. 1 No. 89 Or. 8156-8162

No. 2 No. 85 Or. ?

No. 3 No. 76 Or. 8142-Or. 8143

No. 4 No. 90 b Or. 8163 b

No. 5 Malay manuscript Or. ?

No. 6 No. 89 Or. 8156-Or. 8162

No. 7 Javanese, Malay manuscript Or. ?

No. 8 No. 89 Or. 8156-Or. 8162

No. 9 No. 85 Or. ?

No. 10 No. 87 Or. 8154

No. 11 Malay manuscript Or. ?

No. 12 Malay manuscript Or. ?

No. 13 Malay manuscript Or. ?

No. 14 No. 87 Or. 8154

No. 15 No. 87 Or. 8154

No. 16 No. 87 Or. 8154

No. 17 No. 87 Or. 8154

No. 18 No. 87 Or. 8154

No. 19 Malay manuscript Or. ?

No. 20 No. 87 Or. 8154

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No. 21 No. 87 Or. 8154

No. 22 Malay manuscript Or. ?

No. 23 Nos. 89, 84 Or. 8156-Or. 8162

No. 24 No. 76 Or. 8142-Or. 8143

Added is a covering letter from Mr. R.B.M. de Wijs to C. Snouck Hurgronje, dated Idi, September 19, 1901. See

now also Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 255-256.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2857]

Or. 8165

Acehnese, paper, pp., Latin script.

Hikayat nabi meucuko. Complete copy of a redaction containing 146 verse. Transliteration of Or. 8105 (6),

above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 158.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2692)

Or. 8166

Acehnese, paper, 134 pp., Latin script.

Hikayat Tamim Ansa. Transliteration of Or. 8004 (4), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 166.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2656)

Or. 8167

Acehnese, paper, 50 pp., Latin script.

Hikayat Teungku di Meukek. Transliteration of Or. 7965, above. The text has been published in G.W.J.

Drewes, Two Acehnese poems. The Hague 1980, pp. 47 ff. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 63.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2659)

Or. 8168

Acehnese, paper, 48 pp., Latin script, copied by Tgk. Muhamad Noerdin.

Hikayat asay (jeuet) pade. This manuscript is the basis of the edition, with Dutch translation, in J.J.C.H. van

Waardenburg, De invloed van den landbouw op de zeden, de taal en letterkunde der Atjèhers. Leiden 1936, pp.

62-109. See on this work also the review by G.W.J. Drewes, in TBG 77 (1937), pp. 519-523. The present

manuscript is a transliteration of Or. 7961 (1), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 138, where there is an extensive discussion on the Arabic origins of the present work.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2667)

Or. 8169

Acehnese, paper, 26 pp., Latin script.

Surat kriman, or Wasiet Nabi. Admonitions given to Sèh Saleh. Transliteration of Or. 8004 (2), above. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 173.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2668)

Or. 8170

Acehnese, paper, 210 pp., Latin script, copied and transliterated by Tgk. Muhamad Noerdin.

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Sequel to the Hikayat prang gompeuni by Dokarim. Also known as Wasiet prang Aceh. Transliteration of Or.

8226, below. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 62.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2669)

Or. 8171

Acehnese, paper, 45 pp., Latin script.

Teungku Tiro’s lessons on the holy war. Transliteration of Or. 8138 (6) of Or. 8138 (6), above, which itself is a

copy of Or. 8138 a, above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 68.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2678)

Or. 8172

Acehnese, paper, 216 pp., Latin script.

Menhajoy abidin. Transliteration of Or. 7992 (10) and Or. 7979 (1), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 187.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2679)

Or. 8173

Acehnese, paper, 10 pp., Latin script.

Hikayat Soydina Amdah, or Tambihonisa. A rateb text. Transliteration of Or. 8004 (3), above. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 168.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2682)

Or. 8174

Acehnese, paper, 19 pp., Latin script.

Hikayat masa jeuet donya. Transliteration of Or. 8105 (5), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 140.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2691)

Or. 8175

Acehnese, paper, 285 pp., Latin script.

Nasihat ureueng muprang. Transliteration of Or. 8035, above. According to a note by C. Snouck Hurgronje

on Or. 8035, the author’s name was ‘Nja Amat alias Oethi’ i.e. Nyak Amat alias Usi (not Uri as The Acehnese

has it). See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 72, and his extensive discussion on its

relationship with Hikayat prang sabi on pp. 70-72.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2694)

Or. 8176

Acehnese, paper, 481 pp., Latin script, dated 25 January 1903.

Transliteration of Or. 8120, above, being Hikayat Eseukanda Ali or Suganda Ali. The emendations in the

margin of Or. 8120 have been incorporated in the text of the present copy. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 84.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2703)

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Or. 8177

Acehnese, paper, 22 pp., Latin script.

Nalam jawoe sipheuet dua ploh, by Tgk. Bak Jeuleupe. Transliteration of Or. 8105 (2), above. In Or. 8205, p. 13

follows a note in Dutch by C. Snouck Hurgronje in the present manuscript, saying that the author is

‘Teungku Bak Jeuleupe (Daya), disciple of Syaikh Marabahan; died more than twenty years ago [thus about

1870], clever in scholarship and ukiran (for cloth design, etc.); his name: Abdorahim.’ See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 225-226.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2715)

Or. 8178

Arabic and Acehnese, paper, pp., Latin script.

`Aqidat al-`Awamm by Ahmad al-Marzuqi (c. 1281/1864), GAL S II, 990. Arabic text of Nalam Seh Mareuduki.

Transliteration of Or. 8105 (9), above (See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 234,

where the translation is identified as Acehnese), with interlinear translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 19

(where the translation is said to be in Malay).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2716)

Or. 8179

Acehnese, paper, 7 pp., Latin script.

Hikayat hayake tujoh. Transliteration of Or. 8105 (3), above. Only the Acehnese text, without the Arabic al-

Hayakil al-Sab`a. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 169. See on the Arabic text

also Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 111. See also C. Snouck Hurgronje, The Achehnese, II, p. 180.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2717)

Or. 8180

Acehnese, paper, 4 pp., Latin script.

Kisah Abdolah Hadat. Transliteration of Or. 8105 (7), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 173.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2723)

Or. 8181

Acehnese, paper, 6 pp., Latin script.

Hikayat Edeurih Kholani. Transliteration of Or. 8105 (8), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 169.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2724)

Or. 8182

Acehnese, paper, Latin script.

Folio sheaf. Prose texts written by Tgk. M. Noerdin from August 1905 - February 1906. A list of 38 texts is

included. G.A.J. Hazeu has made a selection of 17 of these which are in the next sheaf, Or. 8183, below. This

sheaf also contains duplicates of most of these and in addition the following which are not in Hazeu’s


3a. Haba hikayat Cam Nadiman. A prose version of the hikayat of the same name.

4. Adat bias a ureueng Aceh di wa'tee musem buleuen peungeuih. 45 games and diversions for young and old.

6. Ureueng marit, buet jak keumawe. Conversation between two fishermen.

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7. Ureueng meuda'wa. A man of low descent married the daughter of a noble family. The father-in-law gave

his son-in-law capital to pursue trade. When a son issued from this marriage the parents-in-law clothed

him. The young mother died and the father remarried. He fetched everything from the house of his dead

wife and even wanted to take the child, which the father-in-law would not permit. They went to the

uleebalang, but his ruling was apparently not conclusive. The father abducted the child and the case came

before the musapat. The father-in-law claimed his capital, but because he had no witnesses the case was

decided against him.

8. Ureueng jak peuramien. Concerning the custom that an uleebalang's wife would go for a picnic to the

beach during the period of her pregnancy. Also recorded in Tgk. M. Noerdin’s anthology, Or. 11.045 (8).

10. Ureueng publoe keude. Concerning a quarrel which arose on the occasion of the sale of six shop premises.

12. Adat reusam. Birth customs, lullabies.

13. Haji Saman Lhong. How his niece was released from prison on the recommendation of Tgk. M. Noerdin

and his brother.

14. M. Noerdin jak u Teupin Raya. A story of how the armoury and war treasury of Teungku Gade and Teuku

Bentara Glumpang Payong was

discovered through the medium of Tgk. M. Noerdin, followed by an harangue in sanjak about the ureueng

salek (heretical mystics).

15. Ureueng Khadam ibu bapa.

16. Kawom Bani Eseura’i Bakeuti.

18. Jadit dua go mate.

19. Ureueng woe nibak plueng.

20. Buet nyang ladem.

23. M. Noerdin jak u Peureubeue.

24. Narit ureueng marit.

28. Ureueng lhee droe tan akay. The original is Or. 8144 (3), above.

29. Inong gasien. The original is Or. 8144 (6), above.

30. Raja Ali. The original is Or. 8144 (5), above.

32. Po samlakoe.

33. M. Noerdin meukawen.

34. Raja mat nanggroe.

¶ To this has been added the material that was registered as Or. 11.046, below.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts, pp. 28-29.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2725)

Or. 8183

Acehnese, paper, Latin script.

Folio sheaf. G.A.J. Hazeu’s selection of 17 texts from the previous collection (Or. 8182), followed by a number

of others, as in the accompanying list. The second number refers to the previous sheaf:

1. (1) Haba si Piet. Si Piet, a poor orphan, has the ability to change shape. He stole from the rich and divided

the loot amongst the poor. When he was in the form of a cat in the house of a rich merchant, he was so well

treated by the wife that he did not have the heart to steal anything there. Later he came with five of his

friends to the house of a haughty merchant which was always guarded. Through his power everyone in that

house fell asleep. After they had robbed the house of everything they went back; his companions took on

the form of a wall, a fence, etc. and so they were looking on when the awakening people began to quarrel

amongst themselves.

2. (2) Haba asay jeuet cicem tek-tek wang. Also in Or. 11.045 (4), below. Printed in Mohamad Noerdin 1930,

no. VI.

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1. (3) Haba Kuta Batee. A description of Kuta Batee and Ulee Lheue, including the surroundings; amongst

other things there is also something about the uleebalang of Meura’sa, about Noerdin’s father (hileue

meuseujit Midan Beulagi at Ulee Lheue) and his home village Gampong Pi.

4. (5) Haba ureueng tunang tot Mukim Meura’sa. The conquest of the first Acehnese fort by the Dutch troops

and the subjection of Teuku Nek Meura’sa. The highlanders regarded this as treachery and came to the

coastal regions to massacre the inhabitants, plunder their homes and put their houses to the torch. The low

landers received the derisory title kaphe mupinggang (kafir with sarongs). Upon the arrival of the Dutch

troops from Gampong Jawa the highlanders retreated.

5. (9) Inang mupake. A quarrel between two women over some borrowed ornaments.

6. (11) Lam buleuen Puasa. What men and women do in the fasting month.

7. (17) Buet aneuk miet agam. Concerning fishing in Ulee Lheue and Meura’sa.

8. (21) Pula Breueh. A description of the harbour at Pulo Breueh.

9. (22) Pula Aceh. Concerning an attempt by Teuku Raja Itam of Meura’sa to monopolise imports from the


10. (25) Inang jak meusira. A description of boiling out salt.

11. (26) Asay Lhok Kruet. The founding of Lhok Kruet by Teuku Nyak Geh. The original is Or. 8144 (1), above.

12. (27) Aneuk miet le akay. Also in Or. 11.045 (5). Printed in Mohamad Noerdin, Kitab Boengong Sitoenkoj.

Batavia 1930, No. I. The original is Or. 8144 (2), above.

13. (31) Ape buta. The story of the blind Ape, agreeing with that presented by H.T. Damsté, ‘Mémoires van

een Atjèschen balling’, in IG 38 (1916), I, pp. 750-765, from the Hikayat Peutawi of Teuku Bentara Muda.

Perhaps this was heard by Tgk. M. Noerdin from Teuku Bentara Muda, or vice versa.

14. (35) Nyak Agam Cut. Also in Or. 11.045 (6), below. Printed in Mohamad Noerdin, Kitab Boengong

Sitoenkoj. Batavia 1930, No. IV.

15. (36) Putroe Beutong. A poor orphan in Gumpang Aceh wounds an elephant with his father’s chisel, a

family heirloom; he follows the track and finds the chisel in the body of the princess of Java, whom he cures

and marries. He returns with her to Sumatra in order to visit his mother, destroys the magic bridge with

which they crossed over and rests, although it had been forbidden by his father-in-law, under a trieng

beutong, whereupon his wife and her retinue are transformed into elephants. Some days later he and his

mother find his baby daughter in the bamboo. With the chisel he makes a stone chessboard and pieces,

which can be seen today. Putroe Beutong marries the sultan of Aceh. Her descendants may not eat reubong.

Of the

wild elephants one can distinguish Po Meurah, Gajah Bugam and Gajah K’eng, the first descended from

royalty, the second from the nobility, and the third from slaves. Noerdin heard this story from a leper called

Po Doraman. Raja Bambe in Alaih and Keujruen Muda in Teumieng consider themselves descendants of

Putroe Beutong and do not eat reubong. Also in Or. 11. 045 (17), below. See also P. Voorhoeve, Overzicht van

de volksverhalen der Bataks. Vlissingen 1927, No. 110. Concerning stone chess pieces see G.L. Tichelman

& P. Voorhoeve, Steenplastiek in Simaloengoen. Inventaris van steenen beelden, reliefs, steenen kisten en

dergelijke. Medan 1938, No. 44.

16. (37) Wa’siet raja. Also in Or. 11.045 (7), below. Published in Mohamad Noerdin, Kitab Boengong Sitoenkoj.

Batavia 1930, No. II.

17. (38) Musang Janggot. A copy of this is in Or. 8738, below.

18. Si Gasien Meuseukin rabe keubeue. The original is Or. 8128 (1) b, No.1, above.

19. Si Gasien Meuseukin ceumatok. The orginal is Or. 8128 (1) b, No. 2.

20. Inong Gasien Meuseukin meuladang lob lam Batu blaih. The original is Or. 8128 (1) b, No. 3, above. See C.

Snouck Hurgronje, The Achehnese. Leiden 1906, p. 73; P. Voorhoeve, Overzicht van de volksverhalen der

Bataks. Vlissingen 1927, No. 82. After the section summarised by Snouck Hurgronje there follows: The

brothers were adopted by Raja Idong (with a nose like a bunch of bananas) from the upper world (adara).

Amat tells him how he first stole rice from apes. The brothers win at cock fighting in Adara. Cited in the

dictionary as Haba Ahmat Moehamat under: boe I.

21. Si Gasien Meuseukin meukawen. The original is Or. 8128 (1) b, No. 4.

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22. Raja Bayeuen ngon Si Gasien Meuseukin aneuk ngon maji. The original is Or. 8128 (1) b, No. 5, above.

23. Pak Pande. The original is Or. 8128 (1) b, No. 6. Also in Or. 11.045 (15), below.

Nos. 18, 19, 21, 22 are published by H. Djajadiningrat, ‘Vier Atjèhsche Si Meusekin-vertellingen’, in TBG 57

(1916), pp. 273-403, with Dutch translations of Nos. 18, 19, 21. No.22 has been translated into English by James

T. Siegel, Shadow and sound. The historical thought of a Sumatran people. Chicago 1979, pp. 213-217.

23. No. 23 is printed in Mohamad Noerdin, Kitab Boengong Sitoenkoj. Batavia 1930, No. III, in somewhat

expanded form.

24. Keubeue meu’aneuk tujoh droe putroe. A free reworking of Or. 8128 (1) d, No.1: a wild buffalo drinks a

king’s urine, becomes pregnant and gives birth to seven princesses, whom seven princes find and marry. Six

are ashamed of their mother; only the youngest cares for her mother until her death. The youngest

experiences prosperity, the other six misery.

25. Putroe Lam Keuleumbu Kaca ngon si Pucok Paku. A free reworking of Or. 8128 (1) d, No. 2, above. Putroe

Lam Keuleumbu Kaca in Si Kaca Puri changes clothes and jewellery with her servant si Pucok Paku. The

genuine princess has better taste than her substitute. When the king remarks on this si Pucok Paku

becomes jealous and bans Putroe Bungong (as she is now called) to an uninhabited place. She clears a

ladang; God gives her a palace. The king dreams of her, goes to look for her, finds her in her palace, and

takes her away. She revenges herself on si Pucok Paku by cutting her in pieces, which she sends in a pot to

Pucok, Paku’s parents. Noerdin heard this from his mother. Also in Or. 11. 045 (2), below. See also P.

Voorhoeve, Overzicht van de volksverhalen der Bataks. Vlissingen 1927, No. 150; J. de Vries, Volksverhalen

uit Oost-Indië. Zutphen 1925-1928, I, p. 28; II, p. 162.

26. Haba Raja Lam Kipaih ngon put roe tujoh. A free reworking of Or. 8128 (1) d, No.3. Seven sisters would like

to marry the king of France, etc.; the youngest asks Raja Lam Kipaih, who has the form of a fan. She is

ridiculed, but her husband turns out to be a celestial prince. Also in Or. 11.045 (3), below.

27. Lawan bu ureueng Aceh nyang teuka di nanggroe la’en. Concerning dishes introduced to Aceh and their

preparation, in 6 chapters.

28. Lawan bu nyang jimita dalam fianggroe droeji. Concerning different methods of catching fish, in 28


29. Cut Gambang Cina. (Retold based on the hikayat of the same name).

30. Putroe Pha Suasa. (idem):

31. Sulutan Boseutamam. (idem).

32. Putroe Peukison. (idem).

33. Diwa Akaih Cahya. (idem).

34. Dapeuta hikayat Aceh fiyang teuka lam thon 1908; (list of Acehnese

hikayats received [by G.A.J. Hazeu] in 1908):

- 1. Kisoy Hiweuen. (Or. 6454, above); - 2. Diwa Sangsareh. (Or. 6453, above).

35. Haba Diwa Sangsareh. (a retelling of the hikayat, somewhat more expanded than in No.34, above, but

not complete).

36. List of ethnographic objects.

37. List of hikayats and their transliterations.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts, pp. 30-33.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2726)

Or. 8184

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 4° lined writing book, 95 pp. Latin script.

(1) pp. 1-63. Copy of the Acehnese texts printed in C. Snouck Hurgronje, De Atjèhers. Leiden – Batavia 1893-

1894, I: 487-512 and II: 276-294. These are omitted from the English edition (C. Snouck Hurgronje, The

Achehnese. Leiden 1906). Left pp. only: on the right are some explanations of words by G.A.J. Hazeu (1870-

1929). See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts, p. 24.

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(2) pp. 64-65. Passages from Acehnese texts, for officers’ examinations. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts, p. 254.

(3) pp. 66-90. Stories 1, 16 and 18 out of Or. 8183, above, copied by Hazeu, with some explanations of words

by him. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts, p. 33.

(4) pp. 91-95. Passages from Acehnese texts, for officers’ examinations. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts, p. 254.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2858)

Or. 8185

Acehnese, paper, 6 pp., dated 15 July 1928.

Nalam hikayat Aceh, by Tgk. Mansur Leupueng. About poetic metre. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts, p. 256.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2902)

Or. 8186

Acehnese, paper, 8 ff. (pp. i-xi and 22a-d).

Passages from Hikayat Pocut Muhamat, by Tgk. Lam Rukam. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 53. Some transliterated passages in a hand unknown to Voorhoeve.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2859)

Or. 8187

Arabic, Acehnese, paper, 8 pp.

Koteubah Jeumeu’at. Sermon for the Friday worship. Arabic, with Acehnese translation. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 249. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2860)

Or. 8188

Acehnese, paper, 64 ff.

Incomplete copy (beginning and end are missing) of Hikayat (Putroe) Gumbak Meuih.

See on this text M.C.H. Amshoff, Goudkruintje. Een Atjehsche roman met vertolking en toelichting. Leiden

1929. Another edition is the one by Moehammad Joesoef. Hikajat "Poetroe Goemba Meuih". Geusalen ngon

haraih Beulanda le Moehammad Joesoef. N.p, n.d. [Medan, 1929, 890 A 19 - 454 E 31], which was republished

in Banda Aceh in 1972, under the names of Muhammad Jusuf and Djauhari Ishak.

See now also the Malay version by Ramli Harun, Putri Gombak Emas. Sebuah hikayat Aceh. Jakarta 1974.

There is a stencilled edition by M. Abdullah Muthalib, Banda Aceh, in the 1960’s. An outline of the story in

Malay is in Or. 8252 A, below. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 92-96.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3094)

Or. 8189 a

Acehnese, paper, 100 pp., typewritten, Latin script.

Sanggamara. This is the title given by T. Mansur Leupueng to his book of lessons in good breeding, a

somewhat modernized representative of the tambeh genre. The text was published in Jakarta in 1970 by the

Teuku Mansoer Foundation. A copy of this work in in the KITLV: Teuku Mansoer Leupueng, Sanggamara.

Sastra Atjeh. Djakarta 1970. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 187.

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Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2861)

Or. 8189 b

Acehnese, paper, small sheaf.

Recommendations by various authorities concerning Sanggamara (Or. 8189 a, above). See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 187.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(in Mal. 2861)

Or. 8190

Acehnese, paper, 114 ff., at the end torn and in disorder.

Hikayat Indra Bangsawan. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 101.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2862)

Or. 8191

Acehnese, paper, 72 pp.

Surat kriman sanjak. An epistle in verse from Syabandar Abdolah, Bandung 1903, to his family in Aceh. In

contrast with the Hikayat Peutawi by T. Bentara Muda (See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 66), this text has little to say about experiences in exile. The author’s unjust conviction, the pain of

separation from household and family, and concern for their circumstances are the main subjects of this

poem. By way of explanation Damsté cites a passage out of a letter from General K. van der Maaten to

Professor C. Gerretson (1884-1958) dated 17 April 1938. ‘So at the time when he [Van Daalen] was still in Sigli,

he had the ‘Tjabanda’ [= syahbandar or harbour master] of Gigieng and that of Pineung exiled [probably for

one of these one should read the syahbandar of Peukan Pidie] on the basis of two letters secretly passed to

him, in which T. Mak Seuman, leader of a guerrilla gang, acknowledged the safe receipt of munitions sent by

the two syahbandars, and thanked them. Both syahbandars were in fact confidants of Dr. C. Snouck

Hurgronje (1857-1936), who according to Van Daalen had again let himself be fooled by the two. But Van

Daalen did not believe that both letters could have been a ruse of the guerrilla leader to bring down the two

men because of their favourable disposition towards us.

The first-named died in exile, the latter I encountered several times in Bandung, where he had set up a tile

works, which provided him with a good living. He did not even wish to return to Aceh. He too had had

enough of the Acehnese kacho-kacho. The man made a very favourable, even winsome impression upon

me.’ It is not clear whether the author of our poem is the syahbandar who later died in exile or the tile-

maker. He does not write of his place of origin, but only says that he hopes to return to Sigli. In a list of exiles

in Bandung, to be found in Or. 8227 (1), below, Syahbandar Usman from Pidie (banned 5 December 1902)

and Peutua Dolah (banned 7 August 1897) are mentioned. There mention is also made of Syahbandar Assan,

relative of Syahbandar Usman, who had apparently not been banned. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), pp. 66-67.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2863)

Or. 8192

Dutch, Acehnese, paper, 68 pp., Latin script, main text written in ink.

‘Notes on Acehnese grammar’, not in the handwriting of C. Snouck Hurgronje, The left pages are full of

Snouck Hurgronje’s pencilled notes. Contents: verb, noun, adjective, pronoun, conjugation, times. Thus,

except for the end, it agrees with MS Jakarta VT. 231. According to a note in Or. 8740, below, the lectures

were given by C. Snouck Hurgronje to Lieutenant-colonel Beeger. He gave the book to Lieutenant Vis, after

whose death it was returned to Snouck Hurgronje, who then added the notes. Or. 8740, below, is a copy by

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Ph.S. van Ronkel of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p.


Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2864)

Or. 8193

Acehnese, paper, lined school writing book, 60 ff., badly stained, some pages difficult to read.

Hikayat Keumala Juhan. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 127.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2865)

Or. 8194 a, b

Acehnese, paper, a: 199 pp., dated 1286 (1869 AD); b: 3 pp. from a dictation book, a small selection

transliterated by C. Snouck Hurgronje.

Hikayat Eseutamu (sometimes Eseutamura or Eseutamuri to fit the metre or rhyme).

¶ The reports of the wars between Turkey and Russia in the 19th century were apparently followed with

great interest by Muslims in Indonesia. They have been converted into literary form in various Indonesian


There is in the Cambridge University Library a Malay manuscript (Add. 3763) which probably deals with the

war of 1877. See M.C. Ricklefs & P. Voorhoeve, Indonesian manuscripts in Great Britain. A catalogue of

manuscripts in Indonesian languages in British public collections. Oxford 1977, p. 133.

Other Indonesian versions known to us all refer to the Crimean war (1853-1856). The Leiden University

Library has an incomplete copy of a Hikayat perang Sultan Setambul (UBL 865 E 56), probably lithographed

in Singapore, in which this war is described in Malay from newspaper reports.

The historical events are transposed into the hikayat style, yet are still to be clearly distinguished. A Malay

Hikayat lstambul is much more fantastic. K.F. Holle (1829-1896) had a copy of this which he intended to

translate. One can read about these plans, the copies which were made, the theft of one of these, and the

negative result of all this in NBG II: 84, 162; IV: 188; V: 95, 102; VI: 49, 69; VlI: 55; X: 19, 70; XI: 12. Holle's

manuscript is now in the Leiden University Library (CB 137). A copy of this text is Jakarta MI. 699 (formerly

Brandes Collection 319), and for its contents one can refer to Van Ronkel’s description of it (Van Ronkel

1909: 288 ff, No. CCCLXXXVIII).

There is also a shorter description in Katalogus 1972: 213. Two Sundanese versions have been made from this

Malay text, one in tembang, and one in prose (Jakarta Snd., 92 and Snd. 147). There is a much shorter

Buginese history of the Crimean war, mentioned by Matthes (1879: 41, no. 106, 3°).

The Acehnese hikayat is an even freer reworking of the historical material than the Malay manuscript. The

Acehnese text is not, or at least not exclusively, based on the Malay text, which is, apparent from the fact

that it begins much earlier, at the time of the rule of Mahmud Khan (Sultan Mahmud II), who died in 1839.

This prince is just mentioned at the beginning of the Malay manuscript as the father of the prince under

whom the Crimean war was waged.

The Hikajat Radja Istambooy by T. Radja Mahmud Suddin T., of which the KITLV library has the first part

(KITLV mm 23 N, Roman script, Kutaraja 1963) is a love story, and has nothing to do with the war hikayat

described here.

Resumé of the contents:

The writer says at the beginning that another had already set the account down in writing, whilst he himself

has only added something here and there according to the extent of his knowledge:

Sabab dilee phon gob surat, meu’aih bak le that he syeedara

Malingkan lon tambah bacut sapat, bak nyang jeuet ulon kira

Later he nevertheless excuses himself because he no longer has any written

model (neuseukah) to follow.

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Sultan Mahmud Khan of Rum (IstambuI) had two sons, Abdul Majid and Abdul Aziz. The son of a merchant

who has a pretty sister, determined to send her to Rum so that the sultan should take her as his concubine.

When this succeeded, he came into the palace. His sister stole the royal seal and stamped a sheet of paper

with it. Her brother then wrote a letter on this sheet in the name of Mahmud Khan, to the king of Syam and

Mesir, stating that he had been appointed king of these lands. He adopted the name of Muhammad Sa`at.

When he had become king of Syam and Mesir the previous king, Abdullah, withdrew to Yaman.

Muhammad Sa`at was in liaison with the king of England, who had plans to kill Mahmud Khan. When two

attacks on Mahmud Khan had failed, the king wanted to try something else, but his wazir restrained him.

Muhammad Sa`at’s plans were communicated to the sultan, who killed his concubine, Muhammad Sa`at’s

sister, and also sent Muhammad Ali to do away with Muhammad Sa`at. Then Muhammad Ali became king

of Syam and Mesir. When Mahmud Khan died and was succeeded by Abdul Majid, Muhammad Ali broke

away from Rum. A letter was sent to Muhammad Ali, but his answer was that only a war would decide. The

Turkish fleet was sent to Syam. It bombarded the coast, and spahis were landed. Ali Basyah called his

ministers together to discuss the situation. He drafted a letter saying that he would give himself up if his life

were spared. This letter was brought to Sultan Abdul Majid by Syaikh al-Islam Muhammad Bahjuri. The

sultan answered that he would be granted forgiveness if he were brought before him in a shroud as if dead.

When this happened, Muhammad Ali was put on board and the fleet departed. His son Abbas was named as

his successor. In Rum Muhammad Ali was granted a house where he was under continuous guard. His living

expenses were borne by the Sultan.

Abbas Basyah dreamed that he was in Mecca and met his father there, who told him of his troubles,

whereupon he decided to go to Rum and to visit his father. In Istambul he begged the Sultan to allow him to

bring his father back to Syam. The Sultan had no objection to this, but Muhammad Ali himself refused to

accompany his son. In Rusian (Russia) there were many rulers, amongst whom the king of Beuseutapan

(Sebastopol) was the most powerful. He once had ships built and had his hulubalangs travel via various seas

to Rum. They forced the Sultan of Rum to pay tribute to their sovereign. The Sultan of Rum asked for a delay

of ten years in which to pay. In the mean time he consolidated his forces. The kings who were subject to

Rum and other Muslim lands came to his aid.

(Here the author begins to divide the text into babs. Bab I begins on f. 34v, bab 2 on f. 39v). When the

extension of time had passed, the Rusian fleet attacked Rum, but was repulsed. When the king of Rusian

heard of this he had the fleet return to defend his own land. (bab 3) The king of Rum summoned the Muslim

monarchs and received them in Rum. He asked them the question whether they should attack Rusian or

wait to be attacked. The monarchs who came to Rum’s aid included the sovereign of Gujerat, Malabar,

Mukha, Bengal, Maskat, Mandras, the sovereign of Persia, Kurdistan and Hindustan, Muhammad Syam,

from Java Ratu Solor, Ratu Kuringan, Ratu Semarang Jauhar Alam Lila Angkara, Ratu Bintan known as Raja

Muda, Berma 1ndera (Raja Banjar), Ratu Marhum Rustam Perkasa king of J.r.w.b.ng, Iskandar Ali, king of

Patani, Indera Jahya raja Tanjuri.

(bab 4) The seven marshalls were: Muhammad Ali, Sultan Ibrahim Basyah, Salim Abdullah, Maharaja Turki,

Abu Bakr Effendi, Muhammad Sami (king of Persia) and Abbas Basyah ibn Ali (king of Syam). French,

English, Portuguese and Dutch also prepared themselves; also Italians, Americans and Spaniards. They

gathered in France. The Turkish fleet went to its destination. Of those marching by land Basyah Arnaut (a

Turk, despite the similarity of his name with that of the commander of the English-French expeditionary

force, le maréchal de Saint-Arnaud) remained in Rukhni. The rest marched further and came to Saffan

(Sophia?). Here Basyah Mukhawi and the king of Malabar stayed on with two armies. Basyah Arnaut began

the attack. The fleet could not pass through the Gulf of Rusian because the sea was barred by chains. The

Sultan of Turkey had them broken with cannon fire. When the Rusians discovered that the approaching

ships were the enemy’s it was too late. The infidels were destroyed with their ships, the sea water ran red

with blood and the fish had a feast. (f. 54v).

The Sultan of Turkey gave orders to land. The battle was fierce by sea and by land. When the battle

continued undecided the sultan became angry and demanded that everyone should do his best. For

whoever falls in this battle shall be rewarded by God and whoever survives shall win great fame. After this

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the sultan himself landed accompanied by his brother Abdul Aziz and others and a fortification was built.

The armies of Rum and Rusian battled every day. In the mean time the European fleet arrived in the Gulf of

Rusian, French, English, Portuguese, Italian and Dutch, to help the Turks (bab 7, f. 69r; Voorhoeve could not

find the beginning of babs 5 and 6, but there is an al-kissah on f. 51r and ama ba`du on f. 62v). Extremely

long-winded description of fighting. (From f. 81v the author no longer had a written source: Meuseuki dudoe

tayue tamah, lon karang di babah neuseukah hana.) The Muslim monarchs attacked Beuseutapan and the

Christian armies attacked Rusian.

(bab 8, f. 92r) After many places had been conquered by the Muslims a celebration was held. In the mean

time the thirteen Christian kings came to ask for help. They had already waged war for more than three

months but could not conquer Rusian. The Sultan said that he could overcome Rusian in one day, at which

the Christian kings smiled because they thought he was crazy. The Sultan took a turban of the Prophet

which he had inherited and wrapped himself in it. At this he fell into a deep sleep. The Prophet appeared to

him in a dream and told him how they must fight. When they took to battle against Rusian the Christians

did nothing, whereupon the Muslims turned their weapons on them, so that many were killed. Then the

Muslims returned to the Sultan of Rum. In the mean time the Christian kings came and offered them their

apologies; they had thought that time to attack had not yet come. The Sultan granted them forgiveness.

The king of Beuseutapan committed suicide. An emmissary was sent to the Sultan of Rum to inform him.

The Sultan decided to resume the war when the son of the king of Rusian had grown up. He left an

occupying force in the conquered places and extracted a war-contribution from Beuseutapan. After some

time, Abdul Majid Khan died. Since he was childless, he was succeeded by his brother Abdul Aziz, who is

reigning now.

The passage transliterated by C. Snouck Hurgronje is as follows (Or. 8194 b, with modernised orthography):

Cahdan na saboh nanggroe, ateueh (ureueng) bumoe lawanji hana

Lom ngon luaih amat sangat, raya pi that hana ngon sa

Nama nanggroe geukheun Rusian, ra'yat ban keureusek lam donya

Bujo ngon linteueng sangat that lanam, nam thon teureubang guda lawa

Siribee Ihee reutoih raja didalam, bandum analan krajeuenji raya

Nyang raya that sidroe sulutan, lam nanggroe Beuseutapan meuligoe ngon kuta

Bangsa ureueng nyan bandum Beuseuko, sangat teukabo keu Hak ta'ala

Hana jithee na Tuhanteu sidroe, jiseumah uroe nyang meucahya

Ngon raya panyang bukon bubarang, lagi pahlawan ngon teuga-teuga

Lom ngon ma'mu ban saboh nanggroe, hana sidroe nyang na papa

Meutamah ngon keumudahan, peue cintakan hase ngon sigra

Meunankeu hay nanggroekeu nyan, keuhaselan dum peukara

Raja Beuseutapan nyang mu'taba, lagi fada(l) dalam donya

Tujoh pat jipeuget teumpat krajeuen, dalam ngon mideuen meuligoe aseutana

Bak saboh kuta tujoh lapeh, meujeujineh le peue rupa

Meuteurapan intan ngon pudoe, ladum beusoe ladum meulila

Meunankeu bangon jipeuget teumpat, kuta jiturab meutangga-tangga

Ngon kharolah hana lawan, hana jituban keu'asoe donya

Matingkan nyang jithee peuneujeuet Tuhan, nyang asoe alam jihkeu nyang na

Hana jithee meukheuluk nyang la'en, keughair lalem sangat that mongka

Meunankeu hay keuhidupan, raja Beuseutapan didalam guranta

Geunab beungoh peutang ngon pagi, dalam jisudi bak ureueng keukaya

Sabe jitanyong bak uleebalang, nyang asoe alam na la'en lam donya

Na (la'en) nyang raya bak ulon sidroe, lam donya nyoe na la'en raja

Yoh nyan seu'ot dum uleebalang: ampon junjongan sibarang deesa

Hana nyang la'en tuanku ampon, ban sagay don sikeulian donya

Langet di manyang bumoe di meuyub, nyang h'an [read na?] peujeuet sidroe meukuta

Meunankeu hay buet raja Rusian, bak uleebalang lorn jipare'sa

Page 72: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

'Oh ka teubiet bak bale kumbang, malingkan haba nya& jipare'sa

Lawet lawan dudoe nibak nyan, raja Beuseutapan yue peuget behtra

Siploh boh kapay jipeuget that kuk6h, tihang jiboh pirak suasa

Taloe teumirang meuih seuntagi, jeueb sado peumata

Keu taloe sa'oh teumaga mirah, geunta jitatah deungon peumata

Soe nyang kalon ate yakin, glumeut ceureumen ban sineuna

Akay hireuen soe nyang pandang, ngon peunanyang siribee deupa

Tujoh lapeh meureuyam didalam, dum sikeulian beusoe teumaga

H'an jeuet tapandang ban mata uroe, soe nyang peutoe abeh seulala

Meunankeu hay peurusahan, keukaya'an ureueng po reuta

Sare ka ase dum ka leungkab, meutitah haleurat raja raya

Kacuba bungka lam nanggroe, kapandang jeunoe sikeulian donya

Jak kapeudeuih sigala nanggroe, pat na mubunyoe ma'nusia

Meung nyo na raja nyang meudeelat, kalakee keurajat wase musara

Jakalee h'an jibri sikarang, keunoe kariwang ba woe haba

Meunankeu jileungo sabda haleurat, jikheun deelat leugat jibungka

Jiteubiet didalam lhōk Rusian, peulayaran jak mita disa

Malam ngon uroe meulayeue sabe, angen pi hale keunong pa'sa

Nam uroe nam malam peulayaran, tok bak gunong ijo wareuna

Bladeh blanoe gunong meulinteueng, didalam nyan la'ot raya

Keunan keu ret kapay jitamong, lam lhok gunong sang aroih raya

Siribee deupa lhok dalamnya, peunanyang teuma siploh uroe bungka

Nan La'ot Cut geu'urohan, ie didalam that geulura

Ieji tarek ban boh singgam, ban aneuk meureuyam teungoh keulua

Hingga tok bak siploh malam, u la'ot rukham jeumeurang behtra

Nam ploh uroe lam la'ot nyan, peulayaran kapay dumna

Leupaih disinan kapay bandum, tok u la'ot Keuleudum kapay bungka

Keureuna la'ot nyan sangat that lanam, hana tatuban peucalitra

Lam la'ot nyan peulayaran, umu nam bulan teuneureb lama

Leupaih disinan troih la'ot Det(?), sinan teuneureb peuet buleuen bungka

Leupaih la'ot Det jijeumeurang, ujong nanggroe Rum ka troih behtra

Hingga jisinggah jeueb-jeueb nanggroe, jitamong sinoe raja nyang raya

Abeh jipeugah le dum basyah, raja nyang meugah di Eseutamura

Lam nanggroe Eseutamu Raja Alam, Abeudomajit Khan beunama meukuta

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 54-59.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2866)

Or. 8195

Acehnese, paper, lined school writing book, 158 pp.

Hikayat Putroe Bungon Jeumpa, or Hikayat Bangta Kharolah. Contains c. 4400 verse. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 119.

Earlier provenance: Originating from Mr. W.M. Remeeüs, according to the handwriting on inserted slips.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2867)

Or. 8196

Acehnese, paper, 34 ff.

The last part only (and apparently not without lacunae) of Hikayat Ruhe. I. Hikayat Podi Amat. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 36.

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Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2868)

Or. 8197

Acehnese, lined paper, 12 ff., clumsy, damaged, partly in pencil, partly in pen.

Hikayat Keumala Juhan. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 127.

Earlier provenance: Received by C. Snouck Hurgronje from dr. J.J. van de Velde in 1935.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2869)

Or. 8198

Acehnese, Malay, paper, lined school writing book, pp., Arabic script, badly written.

Hikayat Sulutan Budiman Alam. A Hikayat in Acehnese mixed with Malay, in which the names Sulutan

Budiman Alam and Sulutan Ra’na Keumala occur. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 131.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2870)

Or. 8199

Acehnese, paper, 48 ff.

Hikayat Akeubaro karim, by Tgk. Seumatang. Incomplete at the beginning and end. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 237-239.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2871)

Or. 8200

Acehnese, paper, school writing book, 28 ff., written in pencil.

Hikayat Putroe Cut Awan. The title is taken from a note in Latin script (by W.M. Remeeüs?) on the last page.

The name Careh Peulinggam occurs in the beginning.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 131.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2872)

Or. 8201 a, b

Malay, Acehnese, 2 booklets, 90 + 73 ff.

Notes about debts in a mixture of Malay and Acehnese. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 260.

Earlier provenance: War booty. Found in the kampung of Tgk. Gade.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3024-3025)

Or. 8201 a

Malay, Acehnese, booklet, 90 ff.

Notes about debts in a mixture of Malay and Acehnese. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 260. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 497, No. 1072.

Earlier provenance: War booty. Found in the kampung of Tgk. Gade, No. 9.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3024)

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Or. 8201 b

Malay, Acehnese, booklet, 73 ff.

Notes about debts in a mixture of Malay and Acehnese. Notes on outstanding debts of Teuku Bentara

Geulumpang. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 260. See Iskandar, Catalogue

(1999), p. 497, No. 1073.

Earlier provenance: War booty. Found in the kampung of Tgk. Gade, No. 2.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3025)

Or. 8202-Or. 8207

Contents of a parcel, on which library curator C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) has written in Dutch: ‘Acehnese

and Arabic, the Malay manuscripts taken out of it’. An older inscription in Dutch says: ‘Books received from

Captain G.C.E. van Dalen, August 1900’. It is not clear whether these materials can be considered as war


Or. 8202

Arabic and Malay, machine-made paper, 70 ff., 10.5 x 8 cm, occasionally vocalized Naskh script, 5-7 lines to

the page, several different lay-outs, quiores sewn together, no binding.

Collection of Qur’anic verses and prayers. Added is a description by Snouck Hurgronje’s assistant Teungku

Mohamad Noerdin (see his photograph in Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese Manuscripts, Leiden 1994, p.

360). Noerdin’s numbering is followed hereunder.

(1) beginning till f. 15a: Selection of Qur’anic verses and Du`a’ Khatm Qur’an.

(2) ff. 15b-19a: Du`a’ Talqin Mayyit, in Arabic.

(3) ff. 19b-23b: Du`a’ akan ruh Rasul Allah, in Arabic.

(4) ff. 23b-26b: Du`a’ akan arwah orang tuha laki-laki atau perempuan, in Arabic.

(5) ff. 26b-28a: Du`a’ akan arwah kanak laki dan perempuan, in Arabic.

(6) ff. 28a-41a: Du`a’ Magmu`, in Arabic.

(7) ff. 41a-48a: Du’a’ ayat al-ḥaras (=?). Selection of Qur’anic verses.

(7a) ff. 48b-51b: About the divine attrubutes, sifat.

(8) ff. 52b-57a: Sharh Malik al-doa dari pada Rasul Allah, in Malay.

(8a) ff. 57a-58b: Arabic prayer.

(9) ff. 58b-70a: Sura 18:1-45. Arabic. This text not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

See also Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 497 (No. 1074).

Earlier provenance: Received by C. Snouck Hurgronje from G.C.E. van Daalen, August 1900.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Ar. 3001]

Or. 8203

Malay and Arabic, paper, 2 + 104 ff., naskh script, illumination (f. [2]b), without binding, at the end damaged

with loss of some text and illumination.

Prayers, Du`a’. Arabic texts, with instructions and headings in Malay. Collection of shorter prayers,

numbered in the margin by a European owner 1-100. The Malay headings describe the purpose of each


See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. Not in T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Earlier provenance: Received by C. Snouck Hurgronje from G.C.E. van Daalen, August 1900.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Ar. 3002]

Page 75: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8204

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Malay, paper, 223 ff. (including f. 1 bis), naskh script, illuminations

(ff. 5b, 12b, 17a, 31b, 34a, 35a, 37a, 38b, 86b, 87b-88a, 105b-106a, 208b, 209b), illustration (f. 222b), full-leather

Islamic binding with flap, blind tooled ornamentation (borders, medallion) in Indonesian fashion. A table

of contents by Tgk. M. Noerdin is added on a separate leaf, which is followed herafter, and the division of

which (into 20 bibliographical entities) which is noted in the margins of the manuscript. It should be

remarked that Iskandar has a more succinct division, although he closely follows the wording of Noerdin.

Neither has remarked however, that Noerdin’s Nos. 10-13 are in fact parts of one and the same text.

(1) ff. 1b-5b. Arabic. Du`a’ Qadh.

(2) ff. 6a-12b. Malay. Syarh du’a qadh. Apparently the Malay version of No. 1.

(3) ff. 13b-17a (ff. 15b-16a blank). Malay. Kism (sic, for Qism) Hizb al-Bahr. Malay version of part of the Arabic

Hizb al-Bahr, a prayer commonly ascribed to Abu al-Hasan b. `Abdallah al-Shadhili (d. 656/1258), GAL G I,


(4) ff. 17b-18a. Arabic and Malay. Do’a menolakkan daripada segala marabahaya.

(5) ff. 18b-31b. Arabic and Malay. Du`a’ Hizb al-Bahr. Arabic version of Hizb al-Bahr, commonly ascribed to

Abu al-Hasan b. `Abdallah al-Shadhili (d. 656/1258), GAL G I, 449, with interlinear Malay translation.

(6) ff. 32a-34a. Arabic and Malay. Du`a’ tahassantu bil-Mulk …. Arabic text with interlinear Malay


(7) ff. 35a-37a. Arabic, Malay. Syarh do’a ganti baju besi Rasulullah. Beginning in Arabic: ila Ruh al-Nabi al-

Karim … On f. 35b Ga`far al-Sadiq is mentioned.

(8) ff. 37b-38b. Arabic. Du`a’ ganti baju besi Rasulullah. Arabic text, beginning with the surat al-Fatiha

(Qur’an 1, f. 37a).

(9) ff. 38b-86a. Arabic. Du`a’ isim seratus, the ‘Prayer of the hundred names’. Prayers in which the hundred

names, and other divine epithets, occurs. For each prayer the purpose for which it is said is given.

(10) ff. 87b-208b. Arabic. Dala’il al-Khayrat wa-Shawariq al-Anwar by Muhammad b. Sulayman al-Gazuli (d.

870/1465), GAL G II, 252. On f. 105a an empty frame, in which the single drawing of al-Rawda al-Mubaraka

should have been.

(11) ff. 208b-209a. Arabic. al-Fatiha. A short prayer for `Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani (d. 561/1161), GAL G I, 435.

(12) ff. 209a-b. Arabic, Malay. Du`a’ Allahumma shamastu (?) Shamlahum …, with interlinear Malay


(13) ff. 210b-214a. Arabic. Prayer, Du`a’. Allahumma ya Kathir al-Nawal wa-ya Da’iman al-Wisal …

(14) ff. 214b-218a. Syarh do’a `Ukasha. Malay version of the Arabic Du`a’ `Ukasha b. Mihsan. See also Or.

10.804 (6), below.

(15) ff. 218b-219a. Arabic. Prayer, Du`a’, beginning with surat al-Ikhlas (Qur’an 112), and containing phrases

from the Shahada, from the surat al-Fatiha, and other similar texts.

(16) ff. 219b-221a. Malay, a pious anecdote about the Prophet Muhammad, on the authority of `Uthman b.


(17) f. 222b. Drawing of the Ka`ba, with Arabic prayers (to be said during Tawaf?).

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 497-498, No. 1075. See also Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67.

- Loosely added to the manuscript is a small booklet (a few folded leaves, unsewn), containing the same text

as No. 15, above.

Except for a brief mention under Du’a’ on p. 67, the Arabic texts in this volume are not in Voorhoeve,


Earlier provenance: Received by C. Snouck Hurgronje from G.C.E. van Daalen, August 1900.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Ar. 3003]

Or. 8205

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Acehnese, Malay, paper (normal, and blue with stamp 1859), 47 ff.,

naskh script, several hands, half-linen back, paper covers.

Page 76: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

(1) ff. 1v-8a. Acehnese. Hikayat hayake tujoh. Only the Acehnese text, without the Arabic al-Hayakil al-Sab`a.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 169. See on the Arabic text also Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 111. See also C. Snouck Hurgronje, The Achehnese, II, p. 180.

(2) ff. 8a-10b. Prayer in Arabic, Du`a’. Abrupt end.

(2a) f. 11b. Malay and Arabic. The beginning only of Perintah sembahyang mayyit, a prayer for the dead.

(3) ff. 37a-12a. Acehnese. Hikayat Nubuet, or Nubuet Nabi. Personal description of the Prophet Muhammad

and further panegyric, preceded by a passage about the excellence of possessing and reading this Hikayat.

The same text as in Or. 3117 (2), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts … (1994), p. 149.

(4) f. 39a-43a. Malay. Bab ini pada menyatakan syarh do’a nubuat Muhammad Mustafa. Preceded on f. 39a by

the last line of another, apparently similar, text. If the text on these pages is one text, there must be several

lacunae. Also, the text is written in what seems to be at least three different hands. Ff. 43b-45b blank.

(5) ff. 46a-47b. Arabic. Istighfara. Prayer for forgiveness.

Added: a list of contents by Tk. Muhamad Noerdin.

See for the Malay texts Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 498-499, No. 1076. See for the Arabic texts Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 67.

Earlier provenance: Received by C. Snouck Hurgronje from G.C.E. van Daalen, August 1900.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 3028]

Or. 8206

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, Arabic, Malay, paper, 24 ff., naskh script, soiled.

(1) ff. 1a-24a. Acehnese. Incomplete copy (beginning missing; lacunae between ff. 2-3, 4-5, 19-20, 23-24) of

Hikayat Bulukia. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts … (1994), p. 144.

(2) f. 24b. Du`a’. Arabic prayer, with Malay heading. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 499, No. 1077.

Earlier provenance: Received by C. Snouck Hurgronje from G.C.E. van Daalen, August 1900.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3027)

Or. 8207

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, and Malay, paper, 79 ff. + [4] pp., naskh script in what seems to be

more than one hand, illumination (ff. 1b, 41b, 52b, 61a, 65a), dated 1292 (1875-1876, f. 67a), paper and cloth


A book of prayers and litanies, some parts with Malay interlinear translation. From Aceh. With a detailed

list of contents by Tk. Muhamad Noerdin, which has been mainly followed here, although his division is

here and there somewhat arbitrary. E.g. one could read texts Nos. 1-12 as one collection of prayers. The

copyist makes colophon-like ends of text on ff. 26b, 34b, 39a, 41a, 52a, 57a, 59b, 63b, 67a, 71b, 72b.

Illuminated beginnings are on ff. 1b, 41b, 52b, 61a, 65a.

(1) f. 1b. Shahada. Arabic with Malay interlinear translation.

(2) ff. 1b-2a. Du`a’ pergi qada’ haga. Arabic with Malay interlinear translation.

(3) ff. 2a-b. Niat for ritual purity. Arabic with Malay interlinear translation.

(4) ff. 2b-3a. Niat for ritual purity. Arabic with Malay interlinear translation. The sequel of the preceding.

(5) ff. 3a-b. The Iqama formula. Arabic.

(6) ff. 3b-4a. Prayer of Iqama. Arabic with Malay interlinear translation.

(7) ff. 4a-9a. Lafz niat takbirat al-ihram sembahyang lima waktu. Arabic with Malay interlinear translation.

(8) ff. 9a-14b. Istighfara. Arabic text with partial Malay interlinear translation (ends on f. 13b).

(9) ff. 14b-16b. al-Fatiha. Arabic prayer for the Prophet Muhammad, with (from f. 14b onwards) interlinear

Malay translation.

(10) ff. 16b-18b. Niat sembahyang mayyit. The prayer over the dead. Arabic text, with partial Malay

translation (ends on f. 17b).

Page 77: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

(11) ff. 18b-22a. Du`a’ Talqin Mayyit. Prayer over the dead. Arabic text, with Malay translation.

(11a) ff. 22a-24a. Du`a’ dibaca pada Qubur Muslimin. Prayer to be said at Muslim graves. Arabic text, with

Malay translation.

(12) ff. 24a-26b. Du`a’ Talqin kanaq-kanaq. Arabic text, with Malay translation.

(13) ff. 27a-30b. Perentah Khatm Qur’an serta Tahlil. Prayer to be said after the conclusion of Qur’an

recitation. Arabic text, with Malay instruction.

(13a) ff. 30b-32b. Du`a’ Khatm Qur’an. Prayer to be said after the conclusion of Qur’an recitation. Arabic text.

(14) f. 32b. Fatiha akan Rasul Allah. Arabic text.

(15) f. 32b. Fatiha akan Sahaba yang empat. Arabic text.

(16) f. 32b. Fatiha akan asay rumah Nabi dan segala anaq jujunya. Arabic text.

(17) f. 32b. Fatiha akan `Abd al-Qadir Gilani. Arabic text of a prayer for Shaykh Muhyi al-Din `Abd al-Qadir al-

Gilani (d. 561/1161), GAL G I, 435.

(18) f. 32b. Fatiha akan segalin Awliya’. Arabic text.

(19) f. 33a. Fatiha akan Ummat Muhammad yang Mu’min. Arabic text.

(20) f. 33a. Fatiha akan raja-raja yang salih. A prayer for the Acehnese Sultana Tag al-`Alam Safiyyat al-Din

Shah. Arabic text.

(21) f. 33a. Fatiha anaq lelaki. Arabic text.

(22) f. 33a. Fataha kanaq-kanaq perempun. Arabic text.

(23) f. 33a. Fatiha akan orang sakit. Arabic text.

(24) f. 33b. Fatiha akan ibu bapa’ dan qawm dan segala … Arabic text.

(25) f. 33b. Fatiha Du`a’ Salamat. Arabic text.

(26) ff. 33b-34a. Fatiha Ahl al-Qubur. Arabic text.

(27) ff. 34a-b. Du`a’ Salamat. Arabic text.

(28) ff. 35a-b. Lafz niat sembahyang tasbih. Arabic text.

(29) ff. 35b-38a. Prayer for the Salat al-Tarawih. Arabic text.

(30) ff. 38a-b. Salat Hifz al-Iman. Arabic text.

(31) ff. 39a-40a. Takbir dua hari raya. Arabic text.

(32) f. 40a. Niat for the Zakat al-Fitr.

(33) ff. 40a-41a. Prayer to be said during `Aqiqa, shaving of the hair of the newly born.

(34) ff. 41b-52a. Surat al-Kahf. Qur’an 18. Illuminated heading on f. 41b.

(34a) ff. 52b-57a. Surat Yasin. Qur’an 36. Illuminated heading on f. 52b.

(35) ff. 57b-59b. Surat al-Sagda. Qur’an 32. Ff. 60a-b blank.

(36) ff. 61a-63b. Surat al-Waqi`a. Qur’an 56. Illuminated heading on f. 61a.

(37) ff. 64a-b. Surat al-Gumu`a. Qur’an 62.

(38) ff. 65a-67a. Surat al-Mulk. Qur’an 67. Illuminated heading on f. 65a. Dated 1292 AH (colophon on f. 67a).

(39) ff. 67b-71b. Hizb al-Bahr, commonly ascribed to Abu al-Hasan b. `Abdallah al-Shadhili (d. 656/1258),

GAL G I, 449.

(39a) ff. 72a-b. Ayat tujuh. A selection of Qur’anic ayat.

(40) ff. 73a-76a. Kitab al-Hayakil al-Sab`a.

(41) ff. 76a-79a Du`a’. Prayer in Arabic. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. F. 79b. Blank.

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 455, where there is only a general note on the content of the volume: A book of

prayers and litanies. Some parts with Malay interlinear translation. Probably from Aceh. With a list of

contents by Tgk. Muhammad Noerdin. Malay texts not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Earlier provenance: Received by C. Snouck Hurgronje from G.C.E. van Daalen, August 1900.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Ar. 3004]

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Or. 8208 - Or. 8215

Collection of manuscripts from Aceh, Indonesia, from the Snouck Hurgronje Legacy (1936), containing

mostly texts in Malay and Arabic. They were found in the course of 1946-1947 by P. Voorhoeve among the

Acehnese manuscripts in the Snouck Hurgronje collection.

Or. 8208

Collective volume with texts in Malay and Arabic, paper, 4 + 17 ff., naskh script, more than one copyist,

paper boards pasted with textile.

(1) ff. [4]b-9b. Bab ini pada menyatakan syarh Du`a’ `Uqda Sayyid<n>a Nabi, in Arabic, with the Sharh (ff.

[4]b-5r) in Malay. On f. 5b the Arabic text follows.

(1a) ff. 9b-11a. Arabic prayer in which al-Asma’ al-Husna are used.

(2) ff. 11b-17b. Bab ini syarh Du`a’ `Aqasha (?) kata Abi Bakr al-Siddiq, in Arabic, with the Sharh in Malay. The

Arabic text begins on f. 13a. F. 18 blank.

This may be the Malay version of the prayer attributed to ʿUkkāsha b. Muḥaṣṣin al-Asadī, a companion of

the Prophet Muḥammad. No references to him found in GAL, GAS or EI. See for the occurrence of the name

of this Ṣaḥābī in the canonical Ḥadīth books, A.J. Wensinck, Concordance et Indices de la Tradition

Musulmane, vol. 8, Indices par Wim Raven & Jan Just Witkam, Leiden, etc.: E.J. Brill, 1988, p. 195. A single

reference is also in A.J. Wensinck, A Handbook of Early Muhammadan Tradition. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1927, p.


See P. Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67. See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 499 (No. 1078).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Ar. 3005]

Or. 8209

Collective volume with texts in Malay, Arabic, Acehnese, paper, 105 ff., naskh script, modern Western

binding, magical figures on f. 91a.

(1) f. 1a. Arabic.The end of a Du`a’, prayer.

(2) ff. 1b-4b. Arabic, Malay. A prayer, Du`a’, beginning with Fatiha akan guru kita …, and many more texts

with the title Fatiha.

(3) ff. 4b-16b. Several shorter texts in Arabic and Malay. Kayfiyyat Khatm al-Qur’an, followed by ayat of the

Qur’an, begin with the beginning of surat al-Baqara (Qur’an 2), and then followed by several prayers, an

Istighfara (f. 9b), a Du`a’ dibaca akan segala guru kita … (f. 14a).

(4) ff. 16b-20a. Arabic. Talqin al-Mayyit, by al-Shaykh al-`Allama Abu <al-> Qasim, with whom the Prophet

Muhammad may be meant.

(5) ff. 20a-23a. Arabic. Fatiha akan segalin ahl al-qubur.

(6) ff. 23a-25a. Arabic. Talqin kanaq-kanaq yang blum baligh.

(7) ff. 25a-27a. Arabic. Du`a’ magmu`.

(8) ff. 27a-28b. Arabic. Du`a’ Salama.

(9) ff. 28b-29b. Malay. Bab ini syarh inna anzalna.

(10) f. 29b. Malay, Arabic. Bab ini tanggal burung. Abrupt end at the end of the page; lacuna between ff. 29-


(11) ff. 30a-31a. Arabic. Prayer, beginning Bismillah alladhi la yadurruhu ma`a Ismihi Shay’un fil-Ard.

(12) f. 31a. Arabic. Inilah Hikmat kebal sehari.

(13) ff. 31a-b. Malay, Arabic. Bab ini do’a menolakkan segala musuh.

(14) ff. 31b-33b. Arabic. Fa’ida, on the effects of the letters of the Arabic alphabet, in Abgad order. Iskandar

calls this text Tafsir al-Abgad.

(15) ff. 33b-41a. Malay. Bab pada menyatakan jika hendak melihat kehidupan….

(16) ff. 41a-45b. Malay. Fasal pada menyatakan perjalanan laki-laki … A text on choosing good and bad times,

Ikhtiyarat, as are the next ones.

(17) ff. 45b-48a. Malay. Ini bab pada menyatakan peri mengetahui hari nahas…

Page 79: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

(18) ff. 48a-49b. Malay. Fasal pada menyatakan pintu langit terbuka…

(19) ff. 49b-50a. Arabic, Malay. Inilah do’a tersebut dalam tafsir Khazin …

(20) ff. 50a-b, 52a-54a. Arabic. Do’a sembahyang akan kaja…

(21) f. 51a. Arabic. Prayer (ila Ruh …) for the Prophet Muhammad and by Abu al-Hasan `Ali b. `Abdallah al-

Shadhili (d. 656/1258), GAL G I, 449.

(22) ff. 54a-56b. Malay. Inilah do’a tatkala waswas hati …

(23) f. 56b. Malay. Inilah tatka<la> berja<lan> pada tempat iblis…

(24) f. 57a. Malay. Inilah do’a merajahkan segala penyakitnya.

(25) ff. 57a-58b. Malay, Acehnese. Fasal pada menyatakan raja segala obat … Not in Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994); the reference to p. 137 in the concordance of Voorhoeve’s catalogue appears to

be incorrect.

(26) f. 58b-59b. Fasal ini sewatu fasal pada menyatakan tartib pandang (peundeung?)…

(27) ff. 59b-60a. Malay. Bab ini obat.

(28) ff. 60a-63a. Malay. Fasal pada menyatakan obat sakit…

(29) ff. 62b-63a. Malay. Fasal pada menyatakan fa’idah pijar …

(29) ff. 63b-64a. Malay. Bab ini pada menyatakan ilmu memasukkan rasa …

(30) ff. 64a-69b. Malay. Ini obat batuk … Followed by other obat texts, including obat patah (f. 68b).

(31) ff. 69b-72a. Malay. Bab ini pada menyatakan syart menyurat. With illustration of an amulet (f. 70a).

Followed by other other passages in connection with amulet making.

(32) ff. 72a-73a. Malay. Prayer, Du`a’. Taken from Lata’if al-Mubin, by Ibn `Ata’ Allah al-Iskandari (d.

709/1309), GAL G II, 117.

(33) ff. 73a-74a. Malay. Bab ini do’a penulakkan …

(34) ff. 74a-75a. Malay. Bab ini do’a dibaca paka-paka dan patang-patang …

(35) f. 75a. Malay. Bab ini do’a memaki bunga …

(36) ff. 75a-75b. Malay. Bab ini jika hendak ber baik …

(37) ff. 75b-76a. Malay. Hikmat Mahabba terlalu …

(38) ff. 76a-b. Malay. Bab ini hikmat jengan dicuri orang arti kita …

(39) ff. 76b-77a. Malay. Inilah sewatu hikmat di surat pada pintu rumah supaya …

(40) ff. 77a-84b. Malay, Arabic. Inilah satu faidah pada menyatakan ayat al-haris …

(41) ff. 84b-. Arabic. Inilah do’a Rih al-Ahmar …

(42) ff. 87a-88b. Malay. Inilah syarh do’a Rih al-Ahmar…

(43) ff. 88b-90a. Malay, Arabic. Inilah do’a barang racun atau hikmat dunia…

(44) ff. 90a-b. Bab ini jahang orang menjuri … With amulet drawings.

(45) ff. 91a-97a. Bab ini pada menyatakan azimat orang menjuri. With amulet drawings.

(46) ff. 97a-b. Arabic. Khutbat al-Nikah Qabl Lafz al-`Aqd.

(47) ff. 97b-98a. Arabic. Du`a’ tuqra’u Ba`d `Aqd al-Nikah.

(48) ff. 98a-99b. Bab ini raqm Qur’an tiga puluh juz terlalu …

(49) ff. 99b-100a. Faidah.

(50) ff. 100a-101b. Arabic. Urguza beginning: wa-in turid Ma`rifat al-`Awaqib …

(51) ff. 101b-103a. Do’a tahlil … kepada orang mata.

(52) ff. 103b-104a. Malay, Arabic. Bab ini … ayat tujuh …

(53) f. 104a. Arabic. A prayer, Du`a’, to be said after the Salat.

(54) ff. 104b-. Malay. Inilah asal menenggala… The island of Ceylon (Saylan, Sarandib) is mentioned.

Assumedly (f. 105b) taken from the Tafsir Tha`labi [Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Tha`labi (d. 427/1035), GAL G I,

350] and Hashiya Iqna` Fath al-Habib.

Except for a brief mention under Du’a’ on p. 67, the Arabic texts in this volume are not in Voorhoeve,


See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 499-500 (No. 1079).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Ar. 3006]

Page 80: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8210

Collective volume with texts Malay, with some Javanese, paper (notebook with lined paper and added to

that an exercise book, the two with consecutive foliation), 109 ff. and blanks, naskh script, copied by Tgk. M.

Noerdin. The exercise book has a label with text, in Latin script: ‘Samboengan karangan Toean Sech Abdoe


(1) ff. 1b-104b. Sullam al-Mustafidin, a Malay commentary, usually ascribed to `Abd al-Ra’uf al-Singkeli

(Abdurrauf of Singkel, 11/17th cent.), on the Arabic Manzuma fi al-Tawhid by Ahmad b. Muhammad al-

Qushashi (d. 1071/1660), GAL G II, 392. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 186. See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan

Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 110. Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement-Catalogus (1921),

No. 349. See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 216. The copyist of this manuscript,

Teungku Mohamed Noerdin, who worked for C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), ascribes this work to

Abdurrauf. Colophon of the exemplar on f. 104b, saying that that was copied on a Wednesday in Rabi` I.

(2) ff. 105b-109b. Targamat Iltiga’. A confession, in Qasida-form, to the Prophet Muhammad, here available

in 35 verses. Arabic text (red ink) with Malay translation. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 128. Colophon of

the exemplar on f. 109b, saying that that was copied on 24 Rabi` II 1296 in Sungai Tambus.

(3) Added: a sheet of paper, folded into 16 pp., containing several shorter texts in Javanese in Arabic script

(pegon). Not in Pigeaud II.

See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 500 (No. 1080).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2893]

Or. 8211

Malay, paper, exercise book, 24 ff., naskh script, copied by Tgk. Muhamad Noerdin, dated Lhok Seumawe 20

October 1898.

Adat Meukuta Alam. The texts has the following structure:

(1) ff. 1b-12b. Peraturan di dalam Negeri Aceh Darussalam disalin daripada daftar Paduka Seri Sultan Makota

Alam Iskandar Muda; 46 fasal.

(2) ff. 12b-14b. Peraturan hari besar Sultan Aceh memberi kurnia dan kehormatan kepada Hulubalang dan

rakyatnya; 12 fasal.

(3) ff. 14b-17b. Peraturan Panglima Sagi jikalau meninggal atau ahli warisnya dan Hulubalang dalam sagi

atau ahli warisnya dan Hulubalang dalam tanggungan Sultan Aceh Bandar Darussalam; 14 fasal.

(4) ff. 17a-24b. Peraturan yang jadi makanan Panglima Sagi dan Hulubalang dalam sagi atau Hulubalang

dalam tanggungan Raja yang ada duduk dalam daerah Negeri Aceh Besar; 30 fasal.

(5) f. 21b. Peraturan panglima sagi atau hulubalang dalam sagi atau hulubalang dalam tanggungan raja

yang mendapat anak; consists of 2 fasal.

¶ MS Jakarta, KBG Mal. 533, is a transliteration of a text with practically the same contents. Enclosed, a

letter by R. Roolvink (1918-1994) about this manuscript.

See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 501 (No. 1081).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2894)

Or. 8212 a, b

Malay, with Acehnese influence, paper, 2 vols., ff. 1-99 + ff. 100-158 ff. and blanks, naskh script, copied by Tgk.

M. Noerdin. Occasionally notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje (e.g. f. 16b). Illustrations (ff. 23b, 24b, 40b, 41b, 44b,


Kitab Tib (given title, by Iskandar). A collective volume with texts on popular magic and medicine.

On ff. 164b-163a is an extensive table of contents in Dutch by C. Snouck Hurgronje, which includes cross-


(1) A collection of divinatory and astrological texts

Page 81: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

f. 1b. Fasal pada menyatakan rijal al-ghaib. Apparently taken from a work entitled Kitab Ma`rifat al-Sifa by

al-Ramli, who is possibly identical to Ahmad Ibn Raslan al-Ramli (d. 844/1440) or Shihab al-Din al-Ramli (d.

957/1550). Meant is here probably the Kitab al-Safwa.

f. 8b. Fasal pada menyatakan bilangan hari yang tiga puluh.

f. 12b. Bab ini pada menyatakan perkataan rajawali makan burung hantu berjalanan

f. 12b. Bab jika pada hari isnen …

f. 13b. Bab pada menyatakan hari juma …

f. 14b. Fasal pada menyatakan bulan turun …

f. 14b. Bab jika pada hari khamis …

f. 14b. Bab pada hari juma …

f. 15b. Bab pada hari ahad …

f. 17b. Bab ini pari mengetahui …

f. 18b. Bab ini pada menyatakan perjalanan …

f. 20b. Bab pada menyatakan kutika yang pada malam itu …

f. 21b. Fasal pada menyatakan tilik naga …

f. 21b. Bab ini tilik naga besar …

f. 21b. Fasal pada menyatakan naga …

f. 22b. Bab ini pada menyatakan naga … On ff. 23b-24b are expertly drawn illustrations of these naga’s.

f. 25b. Bab pada menyatakan jikani …

f. 25b. Fasal pada menyatakan segala hari yang nahas …

f. 26b. Bab ini pada menyatakan hari yang amat …

f. 26b. Bab ini pada menyatakan yang nahas …

f. 27b. Bab ini pada menyatakan nahas pada …

f. 28b. Bab ini pada menyatakan bintang tujuh …

f. 28b. Bab ini pada menyatakan sangat yang pada malam …

f. 30b. Fasal bermula anggu ketehui pada bintang syamsu …

f. 30b. Bab yang ketiga utarid …

ff. 30b-31b. Bab yang keempat bintang kamar …

f. 31b. Bab yang kelima bintang zahal …

f. 31b. Bab yang keenam bintang musytari …

f. 32b. Bab yang ketujuh bintang mirrikh …

f. 33b. Bab ini jika pada hari senen …

f. 34b. Bab bermula jika pada hari salasa…

f. 35b. Bab jika pada hari arbaa …

f. 36b. Bab jika pada hari khemis …

f. 37b. Bab jika pada hari juma …

f. 38b. Bab jika pada hari sabtu …

(2) ff. 40b-41b. Thirty images of divinatory nature, possibly shapes of the moon or the sun, with legends.

Apparently giving advice for when one should go out for war. Inilah alamat sri prangnya ya ikhwani inilah

alamatnya baik dan jahit …

(3) ff. 42b-43b. Collection of prayers and amulets.

f. 42b. Inilah do’a panuleh …

f. 42b. Bab ini azimat sarang …

f. 42b. Ini azimat prang laki …

f. 43b. Bab ini syarh do’anya Ismail (as) dengan permannya …

f. 43b. Ini fatiha sangsang (in quasi-Arabic, vocalized).

(4) ff. 44b-46b. Amulet texts, in compass shape. Illustrated, with a gadwal (f. 46b).

(5) ff. 46b-54b. Divinatory texts.

f. 46b. Bab jika kutika Mesuari …

f. 47b. Bab pada kutika Kala …

Page 82: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

f. 47b. Bab pada kutika Seri …

f. 49b. Bab pada kutika Berahma …

f. 50b. Bab pada kutika Bisnu …

f. 51b. Bab ini pada menyatakan pada sehari-hari tujuh kutika …

f. 51b. Bab jika datang seorang berhabar atau beritanya pada kutika …

(6) ff. 55b-57b. List of the numerical value of the letters of the Arabic alphabet, Abgad order, with gadwal

and da’ira (compass), all in connection with Abgad.

(7) ff. 57b-71b. Divinatory and astrological texts.

f. 57b. Bab ini pada menyatakan orang beristri sakit atau tiada …

f. 59b. Bab ini pada menyatakan orang hendak mennikah … (lucky days for marriage, according to the

months of the Islamic lunar year).

f. 60b. Bab ini pada menyatakan pekerjaan orang hendak …

f. 60b. Bab ini pada menyatakan pengenal bintang duablas … (according to the signs of the Zodiac).

(8) ff. 71b-79b. Collection of divinatory texts.

f. 71b. Fasal pada menyatakan seorang bertanyakan benda hilang …

f. 72b. Bab ini pada menyatakan perkerjaan orang hendak …

f. 72b. Bab ini pada menyatakan peri mengetehui sehari … The thirty days of the month are treated each in a

chapter (Bab) of its own. Follow thirty circles, for each day one. On f. 77b also a compass. On f. 78b a

divinatory square of 25 mansions, with legends.

f. 79b. Barangsiapa kita ummat Muhammad …

(9) ff. 80b-100b. Collection of divinatory texts.

f. 80b. Bab ini pada menyatakan bintang syamsu warnanya merah kuning … Followed by chapters (Bab) on

the seven planets, bintang tujuh. With gadwal on f. 80b, and schematical representation of the seven days of

the week.

f. 87b. Fasal adapun murad makan itu yaitu barangkerja …

f. 88b. Fasal pada menyatakan jika bertannyakan orang yang beristri …

f. 88b. Bab inilah kutika kita hendak pergi berprang …

f. 89a. Bab pada menyatakan benda hilang jika pada hari khemis darbnya hilang orang …

f. 89b. Fasal pada menyatakan perjalanan laki-laki …

f. 90b. Fasal jika pada hari senen …

f. 91b. Fasal pada menyatakan ghalib maghlub … Divided into several chapters (Bab)

f. 94b. Fasal yangpertama pada menyatakan kutika Mesuara … (with gadwal on f. 94b)

f. 96b. Fasal yangkedua pada menyatakan kutika Kala …

f. 97b. Fasal yangketiga pada menyatakan kutika Seri …

f. 98b. Fasal yangkeempat pada menyatakan kutika Berahma …

f. 99b. Fasal yangkelima pada menyatakan kutika Bisnu … This is the last folio with text. The text is

continued in Or. 8212 b.

(10) ff. 100b-135b. Collection of divinatory texts, with gadwal’s and figures.

f. 101b. Fasal pada menyatakan ta`bir gempa baik dan jahit. Divided in several chapters (Bab), arranged

according to the months of the Islamic lunar year.

f. 105b. Bab pada menyatakan ta`bir gerhana pada tiap-tiap bulan …

f. 106b. Bab ini pada menyatakan gerhana matahari pada tiap-tiap bulan …

f. 107b. Bab ini nahas yang kursi pada tiap-tiap setahun duablas hari nahas …

f. 107b. Bab ini nahas pada tiap-tiap bulan …

f. 108b. Bab ini nahas pada tiap-tiap hari tujuh hari …

f. 108b. Several shorter obat texts.

f. 108b. Fasal ini pada menyatakan barangsiapa hendak mengtehui bilang …

f. 109b. Several shorter obat texts. On f. 110b also a Mugarrab.

f. 115b. A gadwal (in connection with the days of the week), with kutika, and illustration in compass shape

f. 116b. Another compass shaped figure, in connection with the names of the four righteous caliphs.

Page 83: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

f. 117b. Fasal ini pada menyatakan peri bintang duablas … In connection with the signs of the Zodiac.

f. 117b. Fasal pada menyatakan apa angin dan tanah dan air dan yang baik …, with on f. 118b a compass

shaped figure.

f. 119b. Bab ini pada menyatakan azimat tinggal padi atau barangsiapa …

f. 119b. Bab ini pada menyatakan azimat padi mata …

f. 119b. Bab ini pada menyatakan do’a bismih putih …

f. 120b. Ceritra dari pada Rasulullah …

f. 120b. Obat.

f. 121b. Azimat. Followed by several shorter obat texts.

f. 122b. Azimat, with magical squares.

f. 123b. Da’ira.

f. 124b. Divinatory gadwals.

f. 126b. List of the numerical values of the letters of the Arabic alphabet.

f. 127b. Gadwal with mention of the five obligatory daily ritual prayers.

f. 128b. Fasl fi Bayan Tabi`at al-Huruf `ala <al->`Anasir al-Arba`. The four elements are here water, earth, fire

and air. At the bottom of the page the names of the signs of the Zodiac. According to Snouck Hurgronje’s

note on the opposite page, this concerns the ways of calculation with the names of prospective spouses.

f. 129b. Gadwal, in connection with the seven days of the week.

f. 130b. A compass shaped drawing, with explanation of the procedure.

f. 131b. A compass shaped gadwal.

f. 132b. A compass shaped figure, with explanation. Dated 1281 AH, apparently copied from the exemplar.

f. 133b. List of the Arabic letters according to the Javanese (the pegon alphabet): hanacaraka …

f. 134b. Fa’ida `Azima dari pada Syaykh Ali al-Aghuri … This Shaykh `Ali al-Aghuri remains unidentified.

(11) ff. 135b-158b.

f. 135b. Taqwim. Gadwal for calendar computation. On f. 136a the year 1298 AH is mentioned, apparently

taken from the exemplar.

f. 136b. Chronological da’ira, with movable part in the centre

f. 137b. Fasal pada menyatakan qa’ida mengetehui awwal hari bulan arab …

f. 138b. Fasal pada menyatakan jadwal menganil awal tiap-tiap bulan dari pada tahun …, with at the end the

date 1281 AH.

f. 139b. Chronological gadwal.

f. 140b. Bab ini pada menyatakan bintang syamsu …, followed by similar chapters about the other planets,

and ending with a gadwal.

f. 147b. Table, gadwal, with 25 mansions, containing the names of prophets and angels. Kutika lima.

f. 148b. Fasal inilah ta`bir mimpi. A treatise on dream interpretation, divided into 7 chapters (Bab).

f. 158b. Inilah fal di surat pada kertas kemudian … With names of Allah, Muhammad and the four righteous


See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 501-503 (No. 1082).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2895 – Mal. 2896]

Or. 8213

Malay, [3] + 123 ff., naskh script, copied by Tgk. Muhammad Noerdin (?) from a manuscript owned by Teuku

Nek Meuraksa in 1892; only the verso sides of the ff. leaves are written on. On f. 1r and in the margin are

notes by Snouck Hurgronje.

Adat Aceh.

f. 1-95. This text ends in the middle of Adat hadiah akan penghulu kawai.

ff. 95-105. The continuation of the preceding until the beginning of Adat Grangkaya Laksamana.

ff. 106-123. Continuation of the preceding.

Page 84: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

The contents of this volume have been summarized by Snouck Hurgronje (1906), The Achehnese, Vol. 1, pp.

5-6: used by G.W.J. Drewes and P. Voorhoeve (1958), as MS S. Note the description of this manuscript in the

above-mentioned work (pp. 9-11).

See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 503 (No. 1083).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2897)

Or. 8214

Collective volume with texts in Malay and Arabic, paper, 168 pp., Arabic script

A copy by Tgk. Moehamad Noerdin of Or. 7255, above.

(1) pp. 1-28. Malay. Kifayat al-Muhtagin ila Mashrab al-Muwahhidin al-Qa’ilin bi-Wahdat al-Wugud, by

Abdurrauf of Singkel (11/17th cent.). Copied from Or. 7255, ff. 1v-12r, above. See also P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan

Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially pp. 112-113.

(2) pp. 28-29. Arabic. Fasl fi Bayan Kifayat al-Tafa’ul.

(3) p. 30. Malay. A treatise to the effect that children below two years should not be smacked.

(4) pp. 31-46. Malay. Kitab tarasul.

(5) pp. 47-49. Arabic. Talqin al-Amwat.

(6) pp. 50-67. Lubb al-Kashf wal-Bayan lima garahu al-Muhtadar bil-`Iyan by Abdurrauf of Singkel (11/17th

cent.). Copied from Or. 7255, ff. 20r-25v, above. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp.

87-117, especially p. 113.

(7) pp. 68-72. Malay. Jalan kita mengetahui kembali ke rahmatullah.

(8) pp. 73-76. Arabic. Dhikr.

(9) pp. 77-102. Malay. Incomplete copy (end is lacking) of the Malay translation by (?) Abdurrauf of Singkel

of Kashf al-Muntazar lima garahu al-Muhtadar by Ibrahim al-Kurani (d. 1101/1690), GAL G II, 385. A copy of

Or. 7255, ff. 27v-35v, above P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117, especially p. 113.

(10) pp. 104-106. Malay. Do’a, obat, etc.;

(11) pp. 107-137. Malay (?). Usul tahqiq.

(12) pp. 139-145. Malay. Usul mutahaqqaqa. The first two pages are not copied.

(13) pp. 146-153. Arabic, Malay. Arba’un Hadithan. Arabic text with interlinear Malay translation.

(14) pp. 156-158. Malay. Nahas, etc.

(15) pp. 159-168. Malay. Kutika.

See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 503-504 (No. 1084). The Arabic texts not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2926)

Or. 8215

Minangkabau, paper, watermark: Elephant with GUTHRIE & CO (with Arabic and Chinese characters), [1] +

210 ff., Arabic script, the copying was finished on 15 January 1887. Under the colophon a signature in

Latin script resembling Soetan Nanggari (the copyist/owner?). On f. 209v in pencil (Jawi and Latin

characters) the name Soetan Radja Amas (a later owner?).

Kaba Cindue Mato.

The text is on ff. 1v-199r. The story ends with the defeat of Tiang Bungkuk by Cindue Mato.

On ff. 199v-200r is a short fragment of Tambo Minangkabau in a later hand.

On ff. 208v-209r. Pantun (in pencil).

See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 217.

See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 504-505 (No. 1085).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3096)

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Or. 8216-Or. 8225

Manuscripts coming from the parcels of books in the Acehnese manuscript collection of C. Snouck

Hurgronje (1857-1936).

Or. 8216

Malay and Acehnese, portfolio with three items, paper, 7 + 53 + 7 pp.

A. 7 pp. Obat. Arabic script. Medical prescriptions.

B. 53 pp. Collection of texts. Arabic script.

- 1. On the cover page is the beginning only of a work by Muhammad Zain bin Fakih Jalaluddin Aceh;

- 2. pp. 1-5. Do’a perkasih.

- 3. pp. 9-12. Do’a kebal.

- 4. pp. 13-18. Acehnese and Arabic. Do’a, etc.

- 5. pp. 19-36. Azimat orang bunting. At the end calculations.

- 6. pp. 36-47. Divination, calculation of lucky days, etc., measurement of ships, and how to find a suitable

place to build a house.

- 7. pp. 49-50. Do’a ufar cintra mani.

- 8. pp. 52-53. Acehnese. Du’a peugaseh.

C. 7 pp. Do’a. Arabic script. The text contains do’a tangkal demam, etc.

See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 505 (No. 1086). Arabic texts not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Acehnese texts

not in Voorhoeve, Catalogue (1994).

Earlier provenance: War booty. Captured at Leupueng, Aceh, in 1896.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3030)

Or. 8217

Malay and Arabic, paper, 26 ff.

Private prayer book with texts in Malay and Arabic, and occasionally in a mixture of both languages. Among

the texts is also Ayat al-Kursi (ff. 7b-8a), Qur’an 2:255. ff. 1v-14v. Kitab bahas sembahyang. Instructions for sembahyan. ff. 16v-25r. Kutika lima. On each day of the month (Mesuari, Kala, Seri, Berahma, Bisnu, and Jaguni

mentioned). At the end kerling naga.

See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 505-506 (No. 1087). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Earlier provenance: Teungku Bentara Cumbok (?) Juhan Pahlawan Sri Muda Seutia Raja is mentioned as the


Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 3031]

Or. 8218

Malay, paper, 4 ff., envelope with content (letters, proxies).

1 f. Letter from Syaikh Abdur-Rab at Keumala to Teungku Syaikh Hasyim and Teungku Syaikh Harun at

Meunasah Krueng, dated 1306/1888-1889.

1 f. Letter from Abdur-Rahman ibn Syaikh Abdur-Rab to Tuanku Raja Keumala, dated 24 Dzulka'edah

1318/15 March 1901.

2 ff. Two deeds of proxy, dated Tamiang, 21 Safar 1319/9 June 1901 and either document signed by the same


See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 506 (No. 1088).

(Mal. 3032)

Or. 8219

Malay, paper, 68 ff., Arabic script

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Asal-usul silsilah ijazah Muhammad Rasul Allah.

The text, ff. 1 v-3v, is a mystical writing, containing a da’irah of the creed and the silsilah of Muhammad, the

Pole of Being. Also called at the beginning Muhammad Sa’id Allah an-Nabi qutb al-wugud. See T. Iskandar,

Catalogue (1999), p. 506 (No. 1089).

Earlier provenance: War booty. Found in the kampung of Teungku Gade (no. 22).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3033)

Or. 8220

Malay, lined paper, 16 ff., Arabic script.

Silsilah la ta’yin dhat Allah. The text is on ff. 3v-6r.

See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 506 (No. 1090).

Earlier provenance: War booty. Found in the kampung of Teungku Gade (no. 19).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3034)

Or. 8221

Malay, lined paper, 24 ff., Arabic script.

Silsilah Muhammad qutb al-wugud.

The text, ff. 2r-3r, contains a da’irah of the creed, the silsilah of Muhammad, the Pole of Being.

See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 507 (No. 1091).

Earlier provenance: War booty. Found in the kampung of Teungku Gade (no. 11).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3037)

Or. 8222

Malay, lined paper, 8 ff., occasionally vocalized Arabic script.

Silsilah Muhammad qutb al-wugud.

The text, ff. 1v-2r, contains the silsilah of Muhammad, the Pole of Being.

See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 507 (No. 1092).

Earlier provenance: War booty. Found in the kampung of Teungku Gade (no. 13).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3036)

Or. 8223

Malay, paper, 46 pp., Arabic script.

Mystical treatise. Possibly a copy specially made for Snouck Hurgronje.

The text contains the ten principles of the tarikat, the syahadat syari’at and syahadat ma’rifat, syahadat

hakikat, syahadat muta’awwila, martabat tujuh, sembahyang, about the letters of the creed, rukun

sembahyang, ma’na Islam, and iman.

See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 507 (No. 1093).

Earlier provenance: As owner (of the original manuscript?) is mentioned Ratu Syarifah at Tanah Senayan

(below this is repeated that the owner was Ratu Syarifah in the kampung of Demang Raden Siporik (?) at

Kebayoran, Tanah Mampang Perapatan).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3038)

Or. 8224

Collective volume with texts in Malay and Arabic, paper, 156 ff.

ff. 1r-2v. Sembahyang, a treatise.

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ff. 2v-6v. Nadhar.

ff. 7r-9r. Tempat mani pada perempuan.

ff. 9r-22v. Do’a, obat, etc.

ff. 22v-23r. Berbuat ra(k)sa, about quicksilver.

ff. 23r-25v. Symptoms of certain illnesses.

ff. 25v-47r. Khasiat obat, of herbs, meat, fruits, etc.

ff. 47v-50v. Coïtus, a treatise.

ff. 51r-53v. Do’a, a gap between ff. 53v-54r.

f. 54r. Notes of outstanding debts.

ff. 54r-101r. Azimat, tangkal, do’a, obat.

ff. 101v-106r. Coïtus, a treatise.

ff. 106r-110v. Azimat.

ff. 111r-113v. Acehnese, du’a keubai. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 212: Du’a

keubay in a mixture of Malay and Acehnese, diambil dari Teuku Beurabo (?) Krueng Keureutoe diambil dari

Teuku Meulaboh.

ff. 113v-114v. Do’a.

ff. 114v-115r. Hikmat membuang arak.

ff. 155r-131r. Azimat, do’a, obat, etc.

ff. 131v-148v. Waraqat al-ikhlas wa-tuhfat al-agnas, fragments from this and other works.

ff. 148v-150v. Ilmu memasukkan ra(k)sa. About the application of quicksilver.

Enclosed is a short table of contents by Ph.S. van Ronkel.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 507-508, No. 1094. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Earlier provenance: Found in the kampung of Teungku Gade (no. 5).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3039)

Or. 8225

Arabic and Malay, paper, 82 pp.

A fragment only of Mawlid (or Mawlud) Sharaf al-Anam. Anonymous, but sometimes (however, not in the

Leiden manuscripts) ascribed to all Bukhari, cf. GAL S II, 1000, No. 42. With interlinear translation in Malay.

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 207-208. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Ar. 3007)

Or. 8226-Or. 8233

Some more Acehnese manuscripts from the C. Snouck Hurgronje legacy, 1936.

Or. 8226

Acehnese, paper, 19 closely written pp., Arabic script, copied by Hasan Moestapa, showing his spelling


Wasiet prang Aceh. Sequel to the Hikayat prang gompeuni by Dôkarim. Or. 8170, above, is a transliteration of

the present manuscript, made by Tgk. M. Noerdin. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 62. A later reader has added the verse numbers with pencil.

Voorhoeve: ‘The sequel is in Codex Or. 8226 in Arabic script. From comparison with other texts it appears

this was taken down by H. Hasan Moestapa, who was chief panghulu of Koeta Radja from 1893-1895 (see

Kern’s introduction to Hasan Moestapa 1946). He has attempted to render Acehnese pronunciation with an

idiosyncratic spelling using Arabic script. Evidence of this is the words wasiat - wasiet written in a top

corner, which Damsté has taken as title of his transliteration. It is apparent from the many corrections that

writing the text down took great effort. It is definitely an achievement which deserves admiration, but the

result is nevertheless not wholly satisfying. Neither Tgk. M. Noerdin nor Damsté succeeded in providing a

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complete good continuous transcription, and Damsté's translation has a good number of breaks. Tgk. M.

Noerdin chose ‘Wasiet prang Atjeh’ as the title.’

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2903]

Or. 8227

Dutch, Malay, Acehnese, Arabic. Varia, papers and transcripts, received by C. Snouck Hurgronje from his

successor in Batavia, G.A.J. Hazeu (1870-1929). One portfolio with a great number of sheaves and sheets.

Contains all kinds of letters and copies of letters in Latin and Arabic script, a letter from CSH to Tgk.

Muhamad Noerdin of August 25, 1911, and letters from Acehnese banned to Bandung. It is evident that the

documents, that are in an evident state of disorder, need to be sorted out in detail. Hereunder, just a rough

division is made. The sub-numbering hereunder is therefore only preliminary, although it is in accordance

with relevant cross references.

(1) Dutch. One double leaf. List of exiled Acehnese in Bandung, made after a list kept by the Resident of

Bandung. Of some 18 Acehnese notables the names, type of conviction, character assessments, follow-up

(deceased or returned to Aceh), and other details are registered. Also in the handwriting of C. Snouck

Hurgronje. Added is a double leaf containing an intelligence report, apparently made in Bandung, and

signed by the retired major J.M. ….burg (?), about exiles from Sigli and Pedir. Marginal notes in Snouck

Hurgronje’s and handwriting.

(2) Malay and Acehnese. C. 12 letters of and information concerning Acehnese exiles in Bandung. Some

transcripts by Tgk. Muhamad Noerdin, several original documents. Both Arabic and Latin scripts. One letter

addressed to T. Bentara Moeda. His memoirs, Hikayat Peutawi, are in Amsterdam, Institute of the Tropics

713/1 – 713/2 and in Leiden Or. 8713, above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 66.

(3) Dutch, printed.

- Verslag nopens den toestand in het gewest Atjèh en Onderhoorigheden. Extra-Bijvoegsel der Javasche

Courant 23/6-1908, No. 50. [11] pp. in large format (47 x 28.5 cm). Signed by J.B. van Heutsz, Buitenzorg, 6

April 1908. Text divided into 193 numbered paragraphs, plus ‘Bijlagen’.

- Verslag betreffende het gehouden onderzoek naar het militair beleid in Atjèh en Onderhoorigheden.

Extra-Bijvoegsel der Javasche Courant 7/8-1908, No. 63. 44 pp. in large format (47 x 28.5 cm).

(4) A large number of documents, copies of documents, and other texts. These were apparently chosen or

even purposely made as teaching materials or as examination texts. On some of these, this has been

indicated. Both texts to be translated from Dutch into Acehnese, and the other way around.

(5) Acehnese and Malay letters from Teuku Kali Malikōn Adè to Tgk. Muhamed Noerdin, 1906-1907. A great

number (more than one hundred) of copies and originals, also from other senders and dated to other years.

Also includes a few newspaper clippings in Dutch.

(6) Dialogues, some in Dutch, some in Acehnese. Apparently for educational purposes.

(7) Correspondence, both in originals and copies. The copies usually in the hand of Tgk. Muhamad Noerdin.

(8) Articles in Dutch by H.T. Damsté, ‘Uit Atjehse Papieren’ (‘From Achnese Papers). The articles are

numbered, but have no different titles.

No. [1]. No details. Clipping from the Nieuwsblad voor het Gouvernement Atjeh en Onderhoorigheden 11/41,

October 14, 1911; No. 2. No details; No. 3. No details; No. 4. No details; No. 5. Clipping from the Nieuwsblad

voor het Gouvernement Atjeh en Onderhoorigheden 11/45, November 11, 1911; No. 6. No details; No. 7. No

details; Slot (‘concluding piece’). No details.

To this is added: ‘Meer Atjèhse Oorlogspapieren’, Clipping from the Nieuwsblad voor het Gouvernement Atjeh

en Onderhoorigheden 12/4, January 27, 1912 .

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 258.

(9) Passages in Dutch for translation in Acehnese, for the officers’ examinations in Acehnese, 1904.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 258.

(10) Acehnese. 31 pp. Summary of Hikayat Nasruan Adé, or Kisah Hiweuen. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 135.

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(11) Passages from Hikayats converted into prose for translation (in Latin script). See Voorhoeve, Catalogue

of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 258.

(12) A portrait of Panglima Tibang Muhamat. Newspaper cutting pasted-on. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 258. See De Atjèhers vol. 2, p. 109.

The Malay texts not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Earlier provenance: Acehnese papers and documents originating from G.A.J. Hazeu and later found by P.

Voorhoeve in the Snouck Hurgronje collection. Possibly also materials collected by Tgk. Muhamad Noerdin.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2904]

Or. 8228

Acehnese, with Arabic and Malay, folio notebook, 157 ff., all texts in Arabic script in the handwriting of Haji

Hasan Mustafa (Moestapa), who was chief panghulu of Kota Raja between 1893-1895, and hence the text is

often vocalized according to Sundanese conventions. Text mostly only on the recto pages. Formerly No. 82b

of the Snouck Hurgronje loan collection of Acehnese manuscripts (??). Added is a loose leaf containing a

table of contents. The Arabic texts are not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

(1) pp. 1-7. Wasiet Nabi. Admonitions given to Sèh Amat. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 174. Manuscripts of the Arabic text of these admonitions are referred to in Voorhoeve, Handlist,

s.v. Wasiyyat Rasul Allah.

Added: loose leaf with several shorter texts, in the same handwriting, one is entitled: Pantun Aceh dalam

Hikayat Leumo. Not mentioned by Voorhoeve.

(2) pp. 9-19. Hikayat Prang Sabi, fragment. Qur’anic quotations in red ink. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 75.

(3) pp. 19-23. Malay, Sipat duapuluh.

(4) pp. 23-25. Nama Nabi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 213.

(5) pp. 25-27. Malay. Short note, beginning Dan wajib kita i`tiqad kan ...

(6) pp. 27-31. Prescriptions for the seumayang. Pa’idah rukôn lhèe blaih, in sanjak metre. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 242. Colophon on p. 31, copied 5 November 1893 in Kota Raja.

(7) and (8) pp. 33-75. Koteubah. Two khutba’s, in Arabic, with translations in a mix of Malay and Acehnese.

Khutba lil-Qital (pp. 33-61), Khutba al-Qissa al-Munafiq (pp. 63-75). See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 250.

(9) pp. 77-91: Malay. Masa’il al-Muhtadi li-Ikhwan (?) al-Mubtadi.

(10) pp. 93-95. Hikayat sipheuet dua ploh. Here the sources is mentioned as Akhbar al-Akhira, whereas in

other manuscripts this is called Bidayat al-Hidaya (see Or. 8135 (3)). From an original dated 1237 AH. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 221.

(11) pp. 99-108. Wasiet. Maw`izat al-Ghafilin, by (?) Jamaluddin. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 215.

(12) pp. 110-157. Miscellanea: Acehnese word-list, in two columns. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 254. Remainder of the book is blank.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 508-509, No. 1095.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2905]

Or. 8229

Acehnese, Malay, paper, 18 + 2 + 3 pp, Latin script.

‘Arakata djameun’, genealogical notes in a mixture of Acehnese and Malay. Dated Padang Tiji, 14 September


See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 261. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Earlier provenance: Received from H.W. Fischer on 16.10.1910 from Captain Veltman’s papers.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

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(Mal. 2906)

Or. 8230

Malay, English, Dutch, lined paper, 80 + 4 ff., Latin script.

Memorandum by Tunkoo Mahomed Ariffin. Written in English with enclosures in English, Dutch, and

Malay, in different hands. The latest document is dated 1879. Enclosed isa photograph of Tunkoo Ariffin;

(1) ff. 1v-33v. Memorandum by Tunkoo Ariffin with copies of letters in English and Malay. The

memorandum, addressed to the Governor-General in Batavia, is a complaint about his dismissal as an

informant at the outbreak of the Acehnese war and a petition for an allowance as a reward for his good


(2) ff. 34v-74v. Enclosures containing copies of letters and reports (Dutch and Malay) concerning the seizure

of the schooner Dolphijn by the Acehnese, dated 1836 (15 items), and 4 loose leaves containing a report by

the Dutch consul in Singapore to the General Secretariat in Batavia about the information provided by

Tunkoo Ariffin, a report on a mission sent by the Resident of the West Coast of Sumatra to Aceh (1837), and

the reply by the Sultan of Aceh to the Governor-General about the question of the Dolphijn. About the role

of Tunkoo Ariffin, see also Paul van ’t Veer 1969, pp. 46-48.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 509-510 (No. 1096).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2893)

Or. 8231

Collective volume with texts in Dutch, Malay and Acehnese, paper, 34 + 5 + 38 + 2 + 2 + 77 + 62 + 1 + 2 + 5 ff.

(1) Dutch. Folio sheaf with notes on Acehnese grammar, by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), and in his


- A. pp. 1-34. An essay on verb formation. Between pp. 10-11 is a single sheet with examples of verb


- B. 5. Seven numbered sheets folded once, containing 25 pp. of text. An essay on the characteristics of, and

distinction between the verb and adjective in Acehnese. Abrupt end.

- C. 38 ff. with an inserted slip folded double. Inventory of examples of: derivational affixes, borrowings from

Malay, reduplication, stem reduplication, compounding, parts of speech. On the first page is the (discarded)

beginning only of an ‘Advice’ by Snouck Hurgronje on the question whether ‘foreign Orientals’ coming from

the holy cities of Arabia should, or should not, be admitted to the Dutch East-Indies.

- D. 2 ff., folded double. Notes on adverbs.

- E. 2 ff. Notes on prepositions.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 252.

(2) Malay, Acehnese. A collection of c. 77 letters, documents, other texts, from Aceh, both in Acehnese and

Malay. The letters, about half of the collection, often are originals and have their seal stamps on them.

Earlier provenance (according to a note in Dutch, kept with papers): War booty taken from Teungku di

Kroeëng Kalé in Karang Ampar (Gajo territory). Many of the documents are dated 1318 (1900-1901).

(3) 62 pp. Dutch. ‘Verslag van een diensteis naar Atjeh [Poeloe Weh en P. Bras] door Houtvester Koorders.

Januari en Februari 1890’. Report of an official journey to Aceh (the islands of Weh and Bras), done by

forrester S.H. Koorders in January and February 1890 (= botanist Sijfert Hendrik Koorders, 1863-1919). The

text is preceded by maps and coastal profiles of either island, made by Koorders, and a letter (on stationary

of ‘Museum van het Boschwezen’, Buitenzorg (now Bogor), Java, dated Buitenzorg, August 21, 1893) in which

Koorders offers his report to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

(4). Acehnese, Dutch. List (1 f.) of the titles of 60 Hikayats, both in Arabic script, and in Latin transcription

(by Snouck Hurgronje). The list may have served as the survey for chapter 2 of vol. 2 of De Atjehers, in which

Snouck Hurgronje treats the Acehnese literature. This is followed by a list in Acehnese and commentary (by

Snouck Hurgronje) in Dutch, of Acehnese arms. The list of weapons was made by N.C. Nieuwenhuijzen

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(reading initials uncertain). A letter in which he offers the list to Snouck Hurgronje (dated Kota radja,

January 25, 1892) is added.

(5) Acehnese. 1½ p. Panton. Arabic script, in pencil. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 34.

(6) Acehnese. Added: 5 folded sheets of the type that Snouck Hurgronje used, but the sheets are blanks and

are kept in a blank cover.

- a. Acehnese conversations. In Latin script, noted down, in ink, by C. Snouck Hurgronje. 11 folded sheets, c.

43 pp. With envelope.

- b. Acehnese notes about firing pottery, in pencil, by C. Snouck Hurgronje. 2 folded sheets, 6 pp. of text.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscrips (1994), p. 251.

The Malay texts not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). The Arabic texts not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 2893]

Or. 8232

Dutch, paper, 22 + 44 + c. 20 + 10 ff., portfolio with three items.

A. 22 ff. Dutch. Opgave der voornaamste tegenwoordige bendehoofden (Report on Aceh). Copy of the report

by K.F.H. van Langen (1848-1915), dated January 1898. A detailed report on rebel leaders in Great Aceh.

- ff. 1v-5v. Rebels in the XXVI Mukim.

- ff. 5r-7r. Rebels in the XXII Mukim.

- ff. 7r-10r. Rebels in the XXV Mukim.

- ff. 10r-14r. Rebels in the dependencies.

- ff. 15r-16v. Family tree of Habib Hoesin bin Sjarief Oemar Bambi (1897).

- ff. 16r-19v. Rebels in the dependencies (continuation).

- ff. 19r-21v. Rebel leaders in the VI Mukim (supplement).

B. 44 ff. Dutch.

(1) Report on the political situation in Pidie. Copy of the report by J.A. van Rijn van Alkemade (assistant-

resident of the North and East Coast of Aceh at Lhok Seumawe) dated 25 March 1897.

- ff. 1v-23r. Report on the political situation in Pidie.

- ff. 24v-35v. Agreements between a number of ulèebalangs and the Netherlands Indies Government;

- ff. 35r-44v. Family trees of a number of Ulèebalangs.

(2) 5 ff. Dutch. Report on the political situation in Tamiang, dated 17 April 1891. A report (copy) on the

political situation in Tamiang. On f. 2r a family tree showing the family relations between chiefs of Langsa

and Tamiang.

C. Plans of Acehnese houses. File containing plans of an Acehnese house (proofs for Snouck Hurgronje’s

book The Achehnese), maps of Aceh, photographs of the seals of the sultan of Aceh and Teungku Chik di

Tiro, sketch of the surrender of Habib Abdur-Rahman, portraits of ulèebalang etc., family tree of the

Prophet (on one side, ending with Hasan, Husain and the caliphs Abu Bakar, Umar and Usman) and with

the names of God (on the other side).

Genealogy of the sultans of Aceh

D. 20 pp. A list of sultans from 1205-1884, and family trees.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 510-511 (No. 1097).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2893)

Or. 8233

Acehnese, paper.

Acehnese genealogies. Not in Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2893)

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Or. 8234-Or. 8236

Several items from the C. Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

Or. 8234

Javanese, paper, 10 pp., Arabic script.

Notes on prayers and mysticism, fragmentary. Malang Yuda book of notes, marked H3. See also Or. 7580,

2nd part, above. See Pigeaud II, p. 473.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3098)

Or. 8235

Turkish, paper, 36 pp., Ruq’a script.

Tandir bashi. A fairy tale by Muhammad Tawfiq (Mehmed Tevfiq). See the summary and references to the

translation by Jan Schmidt.

See Jan Schmidt, Catalogue, vol. 2 (2002), pp. 368-369.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Ar. 3010)

Or. 8236

Collective volume with texts in Turkish, paper, 90 ff., Naskh script.

A collection of works on mysticism and the Khalwatiyya order.

(1) first fly-leaf-f. 3a. Risala-yi Atwar-i Sab’a. Anonymous treatise on the seven states of the Khalwati Murid

on his way to enlightenment.

(2) ff. 3b-5a. Anonymous and untitled treatise about instructions for the Murid how to behave towards the


(3) ff. 5a-7b, 19a-b. Anonymous and untitled treatise about instructions for the Murid how to behave

towards the Murshid.

(4) ff. 8b-18b, 20a-b. Hidayat al-Salikin wa-Bahgat al-‘Ashiqin. Anonymous treatise on Sufi doctrine.

(5) ff. 21b-39a. A Mathnawi by ‘Ashiq, posiibly to be identified as ‘Ashiq Chelebi (d. 979/1572).

(6) ff. 40b-44b. As’ila wa-Agwiba-yi Mutasawwifana. Catechism by the Khalwatiyya Shaykh Niyazi

Muhammad Misri (d. 1105/1693).

(7) ff. 45b-49a. Sharh-i Asma’ al-Husna. by the Khalwatiyya Shaykh Niyazi Muhammad Misri (d. 1105/1693).

(8) ff. 50b-64b. Tanbih al-Ghabi fi Ru’yat al-Nabi, by Yusuf b. Ya’qub al-Khalwati, better known as Sunbuli

Yusuf Sinan Efendi (d. 989/1581).

(9) ff. 66b-81b. Murshid-i Kamil. Mathnawi by Fadli (fl. 985/1577-1578).

(10) ff. 82b-90a. Ma’-yi Ma’ni. Mathnawi by Ibrahim b. Muhammad b. Shihab al-Din Gulshani (d. 940/1534).

See Jan Schmidt, Catalogue, vol. 2 (2002), pp. 369-376.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Ar. 3011)

Or. 8237

Arabic, paper, 154 ff., dated 1103 (1691-1692).

Commentary by `Abdallah b. Yusuf Ibn Hisham (d. 761/1360), GAL G II, 23, on his own Qatr al-Nada wa-Ball

al-Sada. With many glosses. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 271.

Provenance: Purchased on 14 April 1947 from Paul Geuthner, Oriental bookseller and publisher in Paris.

(Ar. 3012)

Or. 8238

Dutch, various languages, 4 boxes.

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Archive of the 18th International Orientalist Congress, held in Leiden on 7-12 September 1931. President of

the Congress was C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). The proceedings have been published as Actes du XVIIIe

Congres International des Orientalistes, Leiden, 7-12 septembre 1931. Leiden 1932.

Provenance: Transferred in 1947 from the Archive of the Legatum Warnerianum to the main Library


(Ar. 3018, Ar. 3019, Ar. 3020, Ar. 3021)

Or. 8239

Javanese, palm leaf.


Provenance: Presented to the Library by the University Library of Birmingham (letter of 10 February 1947).

Not in Pigeaud II.

(Lont. 760)

Or. 8240

Ethiopic, parchment, 146 ff., in leather satchel with strap.

Psalms of David.

Provenance: In 1947 the manuscript was found by P. Voorhoeve, standing on the shelf next to Or. 4734

(Scaliger 17), above, and had apparently been confused with that manuscript since long. When detected, the

manuscript was registered as Or. 8240.

(Hebr. 237)

Or. 8241-Or. 8252

Several items from the C. Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

Or. 8241

Gajo’nese, Dutch, paper.

Dutch translation of Gajo’nese stories by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) and G.A.J. Hazeu (1870-1929). The

Gajo’nese texts are registered as Or. 7124, above. Snouck Hurgronje’s notes are in Or. 8343, below. See P.

Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 214.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2489)

Or. 8242


Duplicates of Gajo’nese texts, as mentioned in Or. 8241. Given to the Universitas Indonesia, with

authorization of the Dutch Ministry of Education, dated 17 March 1949, No. B 99747, Afd. H.O.W. No. 372.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(formerly Mal. 2490, not in the collection anymore)

Or. 8243

Javanese, paper, scroll, pasted on white cloth, damaged.

Scroll with mystical drawings, with captions in Javanese. See Pigeaud II, p. 474.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2933)

Or. 8244

Malay, paper, 15 ff.

Page 94: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Collection of 30 Sarakata, decrees issued by the Sultans of Aceh. 28 are tracings or copies. Most are provided

with a seal, either in photography prints of the original. Iskander gives a detailed description of each


See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 511-513 (No. 1098).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2934)

Or. 8245

Malay, paper, cardboard container.

Genealogy of the rulers of Palembang.

- 1 f. The text contains the genealogy of Palembang rulers starting with Brawijaya who conquers Palembang

and sends Arya Damar to Palembang. Arya Damar marries a daughter of sultan m.p.n.y., Puteri Sindang

b.y.d. u. From them descends the sultan of Palembang. The genealogical tree begins with Muhammad,

Fatimah, Husain, Zainal Abidin, etc. The genealogy of the Palembang sultans is given from Kiyai Geding

Sura (954/1547-1548) the first to Suhunan Mahmud Badaruddin (1270/) the fifteenth, who is defeated by the

Dutch. In the genealogical tree the last Sultan mentioned is Sultan ... (illegible) ... Najamuddin pangeran


- 3 ff. Genealogy of the royal house of Palembang. M.O. Woelders, Het Sultanaat Palembang. Leiden 1975, p.


See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 513-514 (No. 1099).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2935)

Or. 8246

Malay, paper, container with 4 items, Latin script.

Silsila Sambas

A. Severely damaged. The genealogical tree begins with Sultan Mohijedien (Merhom Seleman) and

ends with Sultan Oemar Djalaloedien.

B. Severely damaged. The genealogical tree is as above, with notes in pencil in a later hand (e.g. after

Sultan Oemar Djalaloedien the year 1839).

C. Silsila Sambas

f. 1. Genealogy beginning with Sultan Mohijedien (Merhom Seleman) and ending with his son Sultan


f. 2. Genealogy beginning with Sultan Djalaloedien (Merhom Tingah) and ending with his son Sultan

Mohamat Djalaloedien.

f. 3. Genealogy beginning with Sultan Mohamat DjalaJoedien (Merhom Adit) and ending with his son

Sultan Aboebakar Kamaloedien.

f. 4. Genealogy beginning with Sultan Aboebakar Kamaloedin (Merhom Bongsoe) and ending with his son

Sultan Oemar Akamoedin.

f. 5. Genealogy beginning with Sultan Oemar Akamoedin (Merhom Aijah) and ending with his sons Sultan

Moehamat Alie Safioedien and Sultan Oemar Djalaloedien. See also J.J. de Hollander, ‘Geslachtregister der

vorsten van Sambas, in BKI III: 6 (1871), pp. 185-203.

D. Manuscript map of the Sambas River. Severely damaged, 56½ x 44 cm.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 514-515 (No. 1100).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2936)

Or. 8247

Malay, paper, 2 ff.

Silsila Palembang.

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f. 1v. Silsilah Soeltan Ratoe Ahmad Nasaroedin (1858-1881), mentioning his wives and children.

f. 1. Silsilah Pangeran Aria Djaja Koesoema (regent), mentioning his wives and children.

f. 2v. Silsilah Pangeran Praboe Djaja Negara, mentioning his wives and children.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 515 (No. 1101).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2937)

Or. 8248

Malay, paper, 1 f., 66½ x 43½ cm, copied by (?) Tgk. Moehamad Noerdin from a manuscript dated 14

Jumadil-awal1226/6 June 1811.

A safe-conduct in the name of Abdus-Salam, supposed to have been issued by the ruler of Pagarruyung. At

the end the genealogy of Abdus-Salam. In the margin: seals of rulers supposed to be of Pagarruyung origin.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 515 (No. 1102).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2938)

Or. 8249

Javanese, scroll on oiled paper, illustrations.

Five Charters (piyagems), by Regents of Ukur, Bandung, given to the guardians of the Pabuntelan (or

Pawuntelan) sanctuary (kramat), Ci Peujeuh, Ci Calengka, sacred to the Ukur laird who resisted Sultan

Agung of Mataram. Copied on oiled paper for Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936).

Also: copies of old palmleaves with Javanese writing: charms and rajahs, unclear.

Pigeaud II, p. 474

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2939)

Or. 8250

Javanese, Sundanese, scrolls, photostats, Arabic and Javanese scripts.

Charters of Banten Sultans for Lampung, South Sumatra: two in Arabic characters, same text, dated 1671

A.D.; the smaller one in Javanese characters. The originals were engraved on copper plates. Photostats made

in 1896. See also Or. 5825, above, according to Pigeaud III, p. 102.

Pigeaud II, p. 474.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 410.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2940)

Or. 8251

Javanese, Sundanese, envelope containing wax-prints of seals, now illegible.

Seals, wax-prints, from Banten, allegedly property of the late pangeran Bukun Prabuningrat.

Pigeaud II, p. 474

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 414

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2135)

Or. 8252

Malay, paper.

Malay synopses of Acehnese hikayat.

A. Summary of the contents of Hikayat (Putroe) Gumbak Meuih. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), pp. 92-96.

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B. Summary of the contents of Hikayat Diwa Alaih Cahya. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 114.

C. Summary of the contents of Hikayat Cah Kubat. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 102.

D. Summary of the contents of Hikayat Malem Diwa. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 80.

E. Summary of the contents of Hikayat Malem Dagang. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 36.

F. Summary of the contents of Hikayat Pocut Muhamat. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 49.

G. Summary of the contents of Hikayat Kamarodaman. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 108.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3012)

Or. 8253- Or. 8257

Manuscripts found in 1947 by P. Voorhoeve in the Library, without number, and therefore only registered in

1947. No earlier provenances are known.

Or. 8253

Malay, Batavia Malay, paper, 9 ff., originally pasted together, now fallen apart.

Pantun. Syair Bunga (?).

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 516 (No. 1104).

Provenance: Found by P. Voorhoeve in the Library in 1947, earlier provenance unknown.

(Mal. 3040)

Or. 8254

Arabic, Malay, paper, 10 ff.

Kitab ilmu falak. A table of chronological computations of the Muslim-Coptic-Persian (solar calendar)-

Greek-Christian-(here called Dutch)-Javanese calendars. The explanations are in Arabic and Malay. A note

says that the manuscript did not belong to H.N. van der Tuuk (1824-1894). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 434.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 516 (No. 1105).

Provenance: Found by P. Voorhoeve in the Library in 1947, earlier provenance unknown.

(Ar. 3024)

Or. 8255

Hebrew, on parchment, bifolium.

Rashi, commentary on Yewamot 51a-52b, 55a-56a.

Provenance: Registered in 1947 in the Legatum Warnerianum, after the fragment had been removed at an

earlier date from MS Leiden Voss. Chym. Q.4, to which it apparently had served as a wrapper. See A. van der

Heide, Hebrew Manuscripts (1977), p. 91.

[* in Hebr. 238]

Or. 8256

Mandailing Batak, paper, ff., Batak script.

Two neat copies of a circular in Toba Batak about enrolling in the army. Or. 3394 (v), above, is the draft copy

of this circular in Mandailing Batak.

Voorhoeve, Codices Batacici (1977), p. 242.

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Provenance: Found by P. Voorhoeve in the Library in 1947, earlier provenance unknown.

(Mal. 3045)

Or. 8257

Arabic, Dutch, Latin, paper, c. 300 pp., 18 exercise books bound together.

Notes and translations of Arabic, by J.L.A. Brandes (1857-1905). On fly-leaf in front: ‘J. Brandes. 1879-1881’.

These are reading notes and translations of someone who is beginning to learn Arabic, and who has

progressed to a high level. They reflect two years of study in Arabic. The sources mentioned indicate the

program which the professor, M.J. de Goeje (1836-1909), imposed on his pupils. They are:

- ‘De fabels van Loqmân’, without mention of the source, but most probably from one of the editions of the

grammar by Erpenius.

- ‘Antar Roman’, read in J.G.L. Kosegarten, Chrestomathia Arabica ex codicibus manuscriptis Parisiensibus,

Gothanis et Berolinensibus collecta atque tum adscriptis vocalibus, tum additis lexico et adnotationibus

explanata. Leipzig 1828.

- The chrestomathia in T. Roorda, Grammatica Arabica, breviter in usum scholarum academicarum

conscripta. Leiden 1835.

- F.A. Arnold, Chrestomathia Arabica quam e libris mss. vel impressis rarioribus collectam. Halle 1853.

- Historia Khalifatus Omari II, Jazidi II et Hischami... Edidit M.J. de Goeje. Leiden 1865, or:

- Fragmenta historicorum arabicorum. Et quidem pars tertia operis Kitabo l-Oyun

wa l-hadaik fi akhbari l-hakaik, et pars sexta operis Tadjaribo l-Omani, auctore Ibn Maskowaih, quae cum

indicibus et glossario edidit M.J. de Goeje. Leiden 1869-1871.

- W. Wright, An Arabic reading-book. London 1870.

- V.R. Rosen & V.F. Girgas, Arabskaja chrestomatija. Petersburg 1876.

Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Added: A short list with titles of manuscripts and books received on 10 June 1930 from the estate of J.L.A.


Provenance: Found by P. Voorhoeve in the Library in 1947, earlier provenance unknown, but ultimately the

course notes come from Brandes. They may have been part of the Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, as Brandes was

a good friend of Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje.

(Arab. 3025)

Or. 8258

Javanese, Dutch, paper, 3 folded sheets (6 ff), Javanese script, dated 1831.

Letter from Paku Buwono VII (1796-1858), Susuhunan of Surakarta, to general H.M. de Kock (1779-1845), in

which the former confirms his accession to the throne. Red wax seal. Kept in a silk holder, with addressee’s

name in Javanese. Added are a Dutch translation of the letter, and the draft in Dutch of de Kock’s answer,

dated Middelburg, September 20, 1831. Not in Pigeaud II.

Provenance: Received from the Ministry of Overseas Territories, by letter of February 7, 1947 (Afd. Kabinet

M 8).

(Mal. 2946)

Or. 8259

Arabic, paper, 1 f.

Genealogical tree of King `Abd al-`Aziz Ibn Sa`ud. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 430.

Provenance: Purchased at the request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (letter from department Cabinet

and Protocol, No. 21267, dated March 13, 1947).

(Ar. 3223)

Or. 8260

Malay, paper, 24 pp. (pp. 422-445), Arabic script.

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Sifat duapuluh. Translation (?) of the Arabic Umm al-Barahin by Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Yusuf al-

Sanusi (d. 892/1486), GAL G II, 250.

Copied from a copy which was dated 12 Jumadail-awal 1217 (10 September 1802), and copied by Daud Yahya

Valentijn, in Batavia. On p. 422: ‘Eenige stukken uit den Koran met Maleische letters.’ See Iskandar,

Catalogue (1999), p. 517 (No. 1106).

Provenance: Purchased on February 12, 1947, from Messrs. E.J. Brill, antiquarian and Oriental booksellers in


(Mal. 2928)

Or. 8261-Or. 8305

Legacy of Cornelis van Arendonk (1881-1946), the learned adjutor Interpretis Legati Warneriani. The

collection was received and registered on June 6, 1947. Many materials are relevant to the writing of van

Arendonk’s thesis, De opkomst van het Zaidietische imamaat in Yemen. Leiden 1919. The materials in Arabic

have been described by Voorhoeve in his Handlist (1957, 1980). The second part of the Van Arendonk Legacy

was registered in 1979 and is now inscribed as Or. 14.606, below.

Or. 8261

Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Persian, paper, 100 ff., nasta`liq script, one copyist, illuminated

double opening pages with `unwan (ff. 1b-2a, 66b-67a), entire text set in gold frame, full-leather Islamic

binding, coloured ornamentation (borders). A luxury manuscript.

(1) ff. 1v-65r. Arabic. al-Nafi` Yawm al-Hashar, commentary by al-Miqdad b. Galal al-Din al-Suyuri (c.

800/1397), GAL S I, 707; S II, 209, on al-Bab al-Hadi `Ashar, a work on Shi’ite dogmatics by Hasan b. Yusuf

Ibn al-Mutahhar al-Hilli (d. 726/1325).

(2) ff. 66b-100a. Persian. Urwa-yi Wuthqa, by Ibrahim b. Sadr al-Din Muhammad Shirazi.

Earlier provenance: Purchased by C. van Arendonk from Mr. Armand Kovacs on 16 November 1934, for 10

Dutch guilders (note on slip of paper).

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* Ar. 3026]

Or. 8262

Persian, paper, 120 ff. (f. 113 bound upside-down), nasta`liq script (shekaste-amiz), illuminated `unwan (f. 1a),

text written on coloured fond, inside gold frame, dated Saturday in Dhu al-Higga 892 (!), copied by […] `Abd

al-Samad (?, colophon on f. 120a), but this date cannot be genuine, full-leather Islamic binding with flap,

gilded ornamentation (border, medallion).

Poetry of Mirza Muhammad `Ali, known as Saib-i Tabrizi (d. 1678 AD), see. art. Sa’ib, by Munibur Rahman,

in EI, new. edition. This is not the Diwan (see also Or. 11.050, below), but apparently one of the derived

selections which the poet made from his work.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* Ar. 3027]

Or. 8263

Arabic, paper, 84 pp., dated 1343 AH (1924-1925).

Kitab al-Musalsal by Abu al-Tahir Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Tamimi (d. 538/1143), GAL G I, 309. Copy from a

Cairo manuscript dated 565 AH (1169-1170, Cat. 1IV, p. 187, 2III, p. 38), See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 241.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3028)

Or. 8264

Arabic, papyrus, 1 leaf., set between glass.

Qur’an, fragment, sura 71: 9-19.

Page 99: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Description by Mrs. Petra Sijpesteijn, then from Princeton (received on 4 July 2001):

Recto: 13 lines written in black ink parallel to the papyrus fibers; original cutting lines preserved on right,

left, top and bottom; right bottom corner broken off; two small holes in the papyrus.

Verso: 7 lines written in black ink at right angles to papyrus fibers; bottom quarter of papyrus blank.

On the recto side verses 10-19 of sura 71, on the verso side verses 19-25 of the same sura are written (this was

already discovered by C. van Arendonk, the previous owner, as is clear from his his comments in the small

notebook that is kept with the papyrus (Or. 8264a, below). He indicated that the recto started at verse 9, but

it is in fact half way verse 10).

The text seems to be a writing exercise dating from the 3rd/9th century. The letters (open `ayn, bottom of

alif bends to the right) and lay-out (words are broken off at the end of a line and continued on the next) are

characteristic of papyri from the first two Muslim centuries. It may also be argued that this is probably the

result of the fact that the text was written by someone who has not much practice in writing or who was

learning how to write. (See also the Leiden papyrus Or. 12.885 (14), below. W. Diem has published a 3rd/9th

century letter written by an unpracticed hand, and which looks similar to earlier writings, see his Arabische

Briefe auf Papyrus und Papier aus der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1991.). The

writer made several spelling mistakes (for example: recto 2 al-sama’ is written with sad instead of sin; verso

2 lam yaziduhu is written with an incorrect long i; verso 6 wa-la tuzid is written with incorrect long i). He has

left words out (recto 4 one word left out; recto 13 al-ard is written above the line; verso 5 second la left-out).

And he used many orthographical incorrect spellings (recto 2 long a not written in first word; recto 5 long a

corrected and added; verso 1 long a not written; verso 3 twice long a not written).’

The text stops in the middle of an aya and at the end of line 5 on the recto side decorations in the form of

dots in the shape of a circle are written although there is no end of verse there.

Earlier provenance: The papyrus comes apparently from a collection, either private or public, as there is a

label pasted on the glass with the mark ‘A1’. The manuscript was privately acquired by C. van Arendonk (d.

1946) from Erik von Scherling (1907-1956), the antiquarian, first of Leiden, later Oegstgeest, who may have

directly brought the papyrus from Egypt. Added as Or. 8264 bis is the cliché for Rotulus.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3029)

Or. 8264 bis

The cliché used for reproducing Or. 8264 in Rotulus.

(preserved in the film collection as Or. B 356)

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

Or. 8264 a

Arabic, Dutch, paper, 5 ff., and blanks.

Exercise book of C. van Arendonk (d. 1946), containing his notes on Arabic papyri. He may have made these

notes when asked for information about the originals, which may have been offered to him by Erik von

Scherling (1907-1956), the well-known antiquarian who was first based in Leiden, later in Oegstgeest (near

Leiden), and who published a series of scholarly sales catalogues under the collective title Rotulus. This is

correct if the assumption that the other fragments mentioned in van Arendonk’s exercise book also come

from Erik von Scherling. No. 5 (ff. 3a-b) in van Arendonk’s notes concerns the fragment which is now known

as Leiden Or. 8264. Added are two sets of photographs of Or. 8264, above.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3029)

Or. 8265

Various European languages, of Arabian interest. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

File with materials about the Hadramawt, both handwritten en printed.

(1) 4 ff. Notes by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) about Hadramawt, abstracted from Arab geographers.

Page 100: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

(2) 1 sheet. Hermann von Wissmann (1895-1979), Geologische Karte von Arabien. Scale 1:7500000. From

Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde, Berlin 1932.

(3) Newspaper articles by Daniël van der Meulen (1894-1989):

- ‘Onbekend Arabië betreden’, in De Telegraaf 8 June 1939.

- ‘Ver achter Aden waar de Britten alleen per vliegtuig regeeren’, in De Telegraaf 4 July 1939.

(4) 33 pp. List with geographical names concerning Hadramawt, partly typewritten.

(5) Offprints concerning the Hadramawt:

- William Plate, ‘Ptolemy’s knowledge of Arabia, especially of Hadhramaut and the Wilderness El-Ahkaf’, in

‘Classical Museum’ 7 (1845). 11 pp + map.

- H. von Wissmann, ‘Brieflicher Bericht über eine Reise von `Aden durch das `Audhilla- und `Awaliq-land

und das Wadi Djirban nach Hadramaut’, in Geographische Zeitschrift, 45 (1939) Heft 9/10, pp. 335-343.

- Daniel van der Meulen & Hermann von Wissmann, ‘Harry St. Johns Bridger Philby C.I.E. I.C.S.’, in

Geographische Zeitschrift 1940 (Heft 1), pp. 23-26, with a map. With dedication by von Wissmann to van der


(6) The typewritten copy of the article by Hermann von Wissmann for the Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk

Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap. Dated Sewun 24 April 1939, 8 pp., carbon copy.

Added is the relevant correspondence:

- Letter by J. Luymes (Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap), to C. van Arendonk, dated

The Hague, 4 June 1939.

- Draft of van Arendonk’s answer to the previously mentioned letter, dated Leiden, 19 June 1939.

- Letter by Hermann von Wissmann to C. van Arendonk, dated Liezen, 11 July 1939.

- Draft of a letter by C. van Arendonk, to Hermann von Wissmann, dated 13 July 1939.

- Undated draft of a letter from C. van Arendonk to Hermann von Wissman.

- Letter by J. Luymes (Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap), to C. van Arendonk, dated

The Hague, 23 June 1939.

- Draft of a letter by C. van Arendonk, to Hermann von Wissmann, dated 29 July 1939.

Postcard from Hermann von Wissmann to C. van Arendonk, postmark Liezen, 2 August 1939.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* Ar. 3031]

Or. 8266

Volumes with texts in Arabic, Dutch, various papers and notebooks.

(1) 4 exercise books. Biographies of Yemenite scholars, copied by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS Berlin

Pet. 128, Ahlwardt 9909, ff. 80v-94v, and some shorter pieces. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 431.

(2) Copy by C. van Arendonk, with critical notes, from MS Berlin, Ahlwardt 2076, being Kitab Shakwa al-

Gharib `an al-Awtan ila `Ulama al-Buldan, by Abu al-Ma`ali `Ayn al-Qudat al-Miyanagi (d. 525/1131), GAL G I,

391. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 326.

(3) 3 exercise books, containing an unfinished copy (ff. 164b-179b only) by C. van Arendonk of MS Berlin

Ahlwardt 10292, being `Aqa’id Ahl al-Bayt wal-Radd `ala al-Mutarrifiyya, by (?) Husam al-Din `Abdallah al-

Ansi. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 17-18. See also Or. 8266 (5), Or. 8280 and Or.8268, below.

(4) Unfinished copy (ff. 25a-29a only) by C. van Arendonk of MS Berlin, Ahlwardt 3395, being Kitab al-Usul

by Abu al-Hasan al-Tabari. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 393.

(5) Abstracts in Dutch by C. van Arendonk of MS London, BL, Or. 3976, ff. 145-168, Suppl. Cat., No. 210-II,

being al-Risala al-Hadiya bil-Adilla al-Badiya fi Bayan Ahkam Ahl al-Ridda, by al-Mansur billah `Abdallah b.

Hamza (d. 614/1217), GAL G I, 403. See also C. van Arendonk, ‘De Jemenitische secte der Mutarrifieten’, in

Oosters Genootschap in Nederland. Verslag van het Vijfde Congres (1927), pp. 23-24. See Voorhoeve, Handlist,

p. 307. See also Or. 8266 (3), above, and Or. 8280 and Or.8268, below.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* Ar. 3032]

Page 101: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8267

Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Dutch, paper, 22 photostats each showing two pages of text, four

exercise books, several loose inserts, and three printed works.

(1) 22 photostats of MS Berlin, Spr. 147, ff. 341v-365r (Cat. Ahlwardt No. 5479), being Safwat al-Safwa fi Bayan

Hukm al-Qahwa by `Abd al-Qadir b. Shaykh al-Aydarus (d. 1038/1628), GAL G II, 407. See the art. ‘Kahwa’, in

EI (first edition), which was written by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 322.

(2) Added to the photostats are Van Arendonk’s notes for his article ‘Kahwa’, consisting of four unnumbered

exercise books, with occasional loose inserts. 2

(3) Added to the sheaf are three printed treatises, which codicologically belong together. They are

- a. Risāla fi Qamʿ al-Shahwa ʿan Tanāwul al-Tinbāk wal-Kafta wal-Qāt wal-Qahwa, by al-Sayyid ʿAlawī b. al-

Sayyid Aḥmad al-Saqqāf (10 pages, text conceived in 1 Ṣafar 1295, printed in Miṣr 1302, a Taqrīẓ by the

printer, al-Shaykh Muḥammad Bayram, the owner of the Press, al-Maṭbaʿa al-Iʿlāmiyya, on p. 1). This text is

the reason that these three printed texts are kept together with the other materials which Van Arendonk

collected for his research on coffee;

- b. Another printed work, entitled Fatḥ al-ʿAllām bi-Aḥkām al-Salām, by the same al-Sayyid ʿAlawī b. al-

Sayyid Aḥmad b. ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Saqqāf (9 pages, text conceived 4 Ṣafar 1295, printed in Miṣr 1302);

- c. And another printed work, entitled al-Qawl al-Ǧāmiʿ al-Naǧīḥ fī Aḥkām Ṣalāt al-Tasbīḥ, also by al-Sayyid

ʿAlawī b. al-Sayyid Aḥmad al-Saqqāf (7 pages, conceived on 23 Muḥarram 1295 (1878), printed Miṣr 1302


Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* Ar. 3033]

Or. 8268

Arabic, paper, photostats, 24 ff.

Photostats of MS London, BL, Or. 3976, ff. 145-168, Suppl. Cat., No. 210-II, being al-Risala al-Hadiya bil-Adilla

al-Badiya fi Bayan Ahkam Ahl al-Ridda, by al-Mansur billah `Abdallah b. Hamza (d. 614/1217), GAL G I, 403.

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 307. See also Or. 8266 (3), above.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3034)

Or. 8269

Arabic, photographs.

al-Masabih min Akhbar al-Mustafa wal-Murtada wal-A’imma min Waladihima al-Tahirin, by Ahmad b.

Ibrahim al-Hasani (beg. 5/11th cent.), GAL S I, 556. Complete set of photostats of MS Milano, Ambrosiana A

55 (1). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 197. See Oscar Löfgren & Renato Traini, Catalogue of the Arabic

manuscripts in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana. Vicenza 1981 (Vol. 2: Nuovo fondo: series A-D (Nos. 1-830), p. 28,

where also the Tatimma (from f. 52 onwards) by Ibn Bilal, GAL S I, 556, No. 1a, is mentioned, with an update

of bio-bibliographical references. See also Or. 8296, below.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* Ar. 3035]

Or. 8270

Arabic, paper, 91 photostats.

Photostats of MS Milano, Ambrosiana C 5 (Cat. Griffini No. 261), ff. 2-90a, being Kitab al-Risala fi Nasihat al-

`Amma, by al-Muhsin b. Muhammad al-Bayhaqi (d. 494/1101?), GAL S I, 732. See also H. Ritter, in Der Islam

18, p. 45. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 300.

2 Dr. Dorrit van Dalen (Leiden) kindly pointed out to me the existence of Van Arendonk’s notes kept under this

number (April 16, 2010).

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Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3036)

Or. 8271

Arabic, paper.

Photostats of MS Leiden Or. 2381, being the autograph draft copy of Ta’rikh `Abd al-Hamid Bey (d.

1283/1866). CCA 1122 (II, pp. 194-196) gives a list of names of the biographees. Edited solely on the basis of

the (unique?) Leiden manuscript by Aboul-Kassim Saadallah, A`yan min al-Mashariqa wal-Maghariba

(Ta’rikh `Abd al-Hamid Beg) … Beirut (Dar al-Gharb al-Islami) 2000. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 370.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3037)

Or. 8272

Arabic, paper (photographs).

Photographs of MS Leiden Or. 287, ff. 155a-159a, being Risalat Ya`qub b. Ishaq al-Kindi ila Ba`d al-Khulafa’ fi

Gawahir al-Suyuf. Letter by Ya`qub b. Ishaq al-Kindi (d. soon after 256/870), GAL G I, 209.

On November 9, 1962, removed from the collection by P. Voorhoeve (‘Journaal’, p. 172: ‘Afgeschreven 9/11 ’62,


Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Formerly as shelf mark Ar. 3065. Present whereabouts unknown)

Or. 8273

Arabic, paper, 8 ff., autograph copy, dated 860 AH (1455).

The last quire only, containing Mawtin 37-55, of Mawatin al-Salat `ala al-Nabi, by Muhammad b.

Muhammad Ibn al-Haydari (d. 894/1489), GAL G II, 97, where this work is not mentioned. The work is,

however, mentioned by Haggi Khalifa, VI, 231. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 206.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3038)

Or. 8274

Arabic, Dutch, various papers.

Notes and letters from Cairo.

Apparently study notes by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) on his trip to Cairo in February-March 1929.

On August 7, 1959, removed from the collection by P. Voorhoeve and after selection kept in the collection of

letters (‘Journaal’, p. 172: ‘afgeschreven 7/8 ’59 PV’).

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Formerly as shelf mark Ar. 3059, Present location unknown).

Or. 8275

Arabic, paper, ff.

Kitab al-Ashriba, by Ibn Qutayba (d. 270/884), GAL G I, 122. Copied by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS

Copenhagen 298, with variant readings. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 29. See also Or. 8279, below.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3040)

Or. 8276

Arabic, paper, photostats. The contents of this portfolio have not been described in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

(1) 66 ff. Photostats of MS London, BL, Or. 3901 (Suppl. No. 531), containing Sirat al-Hadi, by `Ali b.

Muhammad b. `Ubayd Allah al-`Abbasi al-`Alawi (3rd/9th cent.), GAL S I, 230. See C. van Arendonk, De

opkomst van het Zaidietische imamaat in Yemen. Leiden 1919, pp. xi-xiii. See also Or. 8277 and 8300 q, below.

Page 103: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

(2) 28 ff. Photostats of MS London, BL, Or. 3798, being Magmu` min Kutub al-Hadi, by al-Imam al-Hadi ila al-

Haqq (d. 298/910), GAL G I, 186. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 178. See also Or. 8293 c, below.

(3) 6 ff. Photostats of MS Istanbul, Ayasofia 2366, being Maqalat al-Islamiyyin by `Ali b. Isma`il al-Ash`ari (d.

324/935). Added: Postcard by A.H. van Ophuijsen, to C. van Arendonk, dated Constantinopel 29 July 1912;

and a letter by A.H. van Ophuijsen, to C. van Arendonk, dated Constantinopel 5 August 1912. Also a postcard

by J.H. Mordtmann (1852-1932) to C. van Arendonk, dated Constantinopel 17 April 1914. Apparently van

Ophuijsen had begun with copying from Ayasofia manuscripts, and later Mordtmann sent van Arendonk

the six photographs of the manuscript. See also Or. 8295, below. See C. van Arendonk, De opkomst van het

Zaidietische imamaat in Yemen. Leiden 1919, p. ix, where acknowledgments to van Ophuijsen and

Mordtmann are given.

(4) 6 ff. Photostats and notes by C. van Arendonk concerning MS Berlin, Landberg 627 (Ahlwardt 1299), ff.

53b-58b. being Kitab Durar al-Ahadith al-Nabawiyya bil-Asanid al-Yahyawiyya, by `Abdallah b. Muhammad

b. Hamza Ibn Abi al-Nagm (560 AH), GAL I, 402. See C. van Arendonk, De opkomst van het Zaidietische

imamaat in Yemen. Leiden 1919, p. ix.

(5) 3 ff. Photostats of MS Berlin, Glaser 116, ff. 27b-30a (Ahlwardt 10237), being the beginning of the first part

of Tafsir Gharib al-Qur’an al-Magid, transmitted on the authority al-Imam al-Shahid Abu al-Husayn Zayd b.

`Ali b. al-Husayn b. `Ali b. Abi Talib (d. 122/740).

(6) 3 ff. Photostats of MS London, BL, Or. 2606 (Rieu, Suppl. Cat. No. 202, pp. 121-124), ff. 217b-219b, being

part of Kitab al-Kashf wal-Bayan, an Ibadi work on the History of the Prophets and about sects by Abu Sa`id

Muhammad b. Sa`id al-Azdi al-Qalhati. The photographed pages concern among other things the Zaydiyya.

(7) 3 ff. Photostats of MS London, BL, Or. 3940 (Rieu, Suppl. Cat. No. 337, p. 216), ff. 184b-187a, being part of

the Kitab al-Muntakhab, by Abu Ga`far Muhammad b. Sulayman al-Kufi.

(8) 2 ff. Photostats of MS London, BL, Or. 4040 (Rieu, Suppl. Cat. No. 340, p. 218), ff. 152b-154a, being Kitab al-

Hudud as part of the Kitab al-Tahrir, by al-Natiq bil-Haqq Abu Talib Yahya b. al-Husayn b. Harun al-Hasani

(d. 424 AH).

(9) 2 ff. Photostats of MS London, BL, Or. 3971 (Rieu, Suppl. Cat. No. 336-V, pp. 215-216), ff. 28b-29a, being

`Ahd al-Hadi ila al-Haqq Amir al-Mu’minin Yahya b. al-Husayn, the Covenant of al-Hadi ila al-Haqq Amir al-

Mu’minin Yahya b. al-Husayn.

(10) Photostats of manuscripts in the Ambrosiana, in Milano:

- B 97, ff. 157b-158b, being part of Taftih al-Qulub wal-Absar lil-Ihtida’ ila Kayfiyyat Iqtitaf Athmar al-Azhar fi

Fiqh al-A’imma al-Athar, by Gamal al-Din Muhammad b. Yahya b. Bahran.

- B 107-III, ff. 201a-202a, being al-Risala fi Baqa’ al-Yahud fi Ard al-Yaman (Catalogue Griffini, No. 231, pp. 112-

113), and

- E 57, ff. 18a-19a, containg part of the Sirat al-Hadi ila al-Haqq …, by `Ali b. Abi Ga`far Muhammad, GAL S I,


Added: Letter by Eugenio Griffini (1878-1925) to C. van Arendonk, dated Milano, 10 September 1918, and

notes by him on several Ambrosiana manuscripts.

(11) 2 ff. Photostats of MS Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Pococke 271 (Cat. Uri I, cod. Arab., p. 64, No. CXXXII,

ff. 58b-60a, being a passage from Kitab al-Radd `ala Ahl al-Bida` wal-Ahwa’ al-Dalla al-Mudilla, by Makhul b.

al-Mufaddal al-Nasafi. See C. van Arendonk, De opkomst van het Zaidietische imamaat in Yemen. Leiden 1919,

p. xi.

(12) 2 ff. + loose leaves with notes. Photostats of MS London, BL, Or. fol. 1300, ff. 42b-43a, 51b-52a, not

identified yet (??).

Added: Postcard from R.B. Flemming (BL’s photographer) to C. van Arendonk, dated London 3 September

1916. And Flemming’s invoice of 14 September 1916.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* Ar. 3041]

Or. 8277

Arabic, paper, ff.

Page 104: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Abstracts from MS London BL, Or. 3901 (Suppl. No. 531), containing Sirat al-Hadi, by `Ali b. Muhammad b.

`Ubayd Allah al-`Abbasi al-`Alawi (3rd/9th cent.), GAL S I, 230. See C. van Arendonk, De opkomst van het

Zaidietische imamaat in Yemen. Leiden 1919, pp. xi-xiii. See also Or. 8276, above, and Or. 8300 q, below. And

abstracts from MS London, BL, Suppl. 206, XXXV; 336, V, containing `Ahd al-Hadi. See Voorhoeve, Handlist,

p. 340.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3042)

Or. 8278

Arabic, Dutch of Arabic interest, paper, c. 600 pp., loose leaves, exercise books, proofs, etc.

Notes and drafts by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) made for his publications. Several drafts of his articles which

appeared in the The Encyclopaedia of Islam.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* Ar. 3066]

Or. 8279

Arabic, paper.

Kitab al-Ashriba, by Ibn Qutayba (d. 270/884), GAL G I, 122. Complete copy with collations, by or on behalf

of C. van Arendonk (d. 1946), probably from MS Copenhagen 298. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 29. See alsp

Or. 8275, above.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3043)

Or. 8280

Dutch and French, of Arabian interest, 2 exercise books and offprints.

Notes by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) about the sect of Mutarrifiyya in Yemen.

- Exercise book containing ‘Iets over de Mutarrifieten’. 15 ff. and blanks.

- Exercise book containing ‘Iets over de Mutarrifieten’. Draft version, with quotations in Arabic, 15 ff. and


- Exercise book containing ‘Notes sur les Mutarrifites’. 11 ff. and blanks.

- Several copies of C. van Arendonk, ‘De Jemenitische secte der Mutarrifieten’, in Oosters Genootschap in

Nederland. Verslag van het Vijfde Congres (1927), pp. 23-24. See also Or. 8266 (3), above.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* Ar. 3044]

Or. 8281

Portfolio with exercise books, all with notes and excerpts by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946). Some of these

evidently date back from his student days, others may have been made when he was working on his thesis.

Some of these notes have been incorporated in Leiden’s catalogue of printed books. Apart from Or. 8281 a,

the materials below are not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* Ar. 3045]

Or. 8281 a

Arabic, paper, exercise book, 9 pp. and many blanks.

Variant readings to Historia de los Musulmanes de Espana y Africa, por en-Nuguari. Texto árabe y traducción

española por Gaspar Remiro. Granada 1917-1919, which is the edition of Nihayat al-Arab fi Funun al-Adab, by

Ahmad b. `Abd al-Wahhab al-Nuwayri (d. 732/1332), GAL G II, 140, collected from Leiden Or. 2 h, above, by

C. van Arendonk (d. 1946). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 252-253.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

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[* in Ar. 3045]

Or. 8281 b

Arabic, paper, exercise book, 4 ff. and many blanks.

Collation notes by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946), between Leiden Or. 6357 a, above, as compared with the

edition by al-Ab Anastas Mari al-Kirmili, al- Iklil. Al-Guz’ al-Thamin, by al-Hasan b. Ahmad al-Hamdani.

Baghdad 1931. [former shelf mark in the Oriental reading room: OOSHSS D 2027].

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* in Ar. 3045]

Or. 8281 c

Arabic, paper, exercise book, 11 ff. and many blanks.

Collation notes by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946), between Copenhagen, Royal Library, Cod. Arab. 176 in 4to,

Cat. No. CCXCVIII (pp. 163 ff.) as compared with the edition Ibn al-Mu`tazz, Fusul al-Tamathil fi Tabashir al-

Surur. Cairo 1344/1925 [813 E 12 is van Arendonk’s copy with notes by him].

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* in Ar. 3045]

Or. 8281 d

Dutch of Arabian interest, paper, exercise book, 5 ff. and many blanks.

Partial excerpt by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946), of Kitab al-Hayda by `Abd al-`Aziz al-Kinani. Mekka 1339 (1920-

1921). [8200 F 30 - 892 F 54].

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* in Ar. 3045]

Or. 8281 e

Dutch of Arabian interest, paper, exercise book, 3 ff. and many blanks.

Partial excerpt by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946), of al-Muntaza` al-Mukhtar min al-Ghayth al-Midrar al-Mufattih

li-Kamaim al-Azhar by `Abd Allah Ibn Miftah … Cairo 1332-1341/[1914-1923]. [8202 A 35-38]

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* in Ar. 3045]

Or. 8281 f

Dutch of Arabian interest, paper, exercise book, 12 ff. and blanks.

Partial excerpt by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946), of several books:

- Al-Sharaf al-Mu’abbad li-Al Muhammad by Yusuf b. Isma`il al-Nabhani. Bayrut 1309/[1891-1892]. [891 E 16].

- Al-Ithaf bi-Hubb al-Ashraf, by `Abd Allah b. Muhammad al-Shubrawi… Cairo 1316/[1899]. [889 D 16].

Added: 7 pieces of loose paper, with notes by van Arendonk.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* in Ar. 3045]

Or. 8281 g

Dutch of Arabian interest, paper, exercise book, 12 ff. and blanks.

Partial excerpt by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946), of Hermann Thorning, Beiträge zur Kenntnis des islamischen

Vereinswesens auf Grund von Bast Madad et-Taufiq. Berlin 1913. [V 2800:16].

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* in Ar. 3045]

Or. 8281 h

Dutch of Arabian interest, paper, exercise book, 20 ff.

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Extensive excerpt by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946), of Olga Pinto, ‘Le bibliotheche degli Arabi nell’età degli

Abbasidi’, in La Bibliofilia 30 (1928), pp. 139-165, which is a resumé of Pinto’s thesis (University of Rome).

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* in Ar. 3045]

Or. 8281 i

Dutch of Arabian interest, paper, exercise book, 47 pp. and blanks.

Reading notes by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946), of Arabic poetry, apparently from his student days, when he

used Max Grünert, Arabische Lesestücke. 3. Heft. Poesie. Praha 1903 [not in Leiden].

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3045)

Or. 8282

English, of Arabian interest, paper (exercise book), 11 ff. and many blanks.

Yemen observations for James Loder Park Esq. American Consul, Aden, March 21, 1928. Copied by C. van

Arendonk (d. 1946) from an original which had been received by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) in May

1928. Van Arendonk has added to this that the name of the author of the report was indicated by initials

written in an unclear way.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* Ar. 3046]

Or. 8283

Arabic, paper (photostats and notes), ff.

Treatise by Radi al-Din Ibn al-Khayyat on the names of animals in Bab al-At`ima of al-Hawi al-Saghir fil-

Fatawi by Nagm al-Din `Abd al-Ghaffar b. `Abd al-Karim al-Qazwini (d. 665/1266), GAL S I, 679, and other

works on fiqh, explained in Yemeni dialect. Photostats of MS London, BL, Or. 3799, ff. 181-186 (Supplement

Catalogue 265, II), and a copy (not punctuated) by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp.


Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3047)

Or. 8284 a

Arabic, paper, 2 ff.

Collation notes by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946), but it is not clear from from which manuscript of work. An

envelope sent by G. Bergsträsser (1886-1933) from Munich on 14 June 1926 to C. van Arendonk possibly

belongs to these papers.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* in Ar. 3048]

Or. 8284 b

English, of Arabian interest.

Offprint of A. Ahmedali, ‘Zaid b. Rifa`a and his Abridgment of Ibn al-Sikkit’s Islah al-Mantiq, in ZDMG 90

(1936), pp. 201-208. With autograph dedication.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* in Ar. 3048]

Or. 8284 c

Arabic, paper, photostats, 5 ff.

Photostats of MS Gotha No. 98 (Catalogue Pertsch, I, 177-180), ff. 31a-32a, 91b-93a, being a collective volume.

On ff. 31a-32a is: Nubadh fi Dhikr Firaq al-Qaramita wal-Batiniyya wa-Madhahibihim al-Batina wal-Zahira.

Page 107: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

On ff. 91b-93a is a catalogue of the library of the copyist of the present volume in the year 1039. He is

Muhammad b. Taqi al-Din b. Abi Bakr b. Ahmad b. Burhan al-Din al-Husayni. See also Or. 8291 j, below.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* in Ar. 3048]

Or. 8284 d

Arabic, Dutch, paper, 82 ff.

Collectanea brought together by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) concerning Ta’rikh al-Lahgi by Muslim b.

Muhammad b. Ga`far al-Lahgi (after 627/1230), GAL S I, 587. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 372. See C. van

Arendonk, De opkomst van het Zaidietische imamaat in Yemen. Leiden 1919, p. x.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* in Ar. 3048]

Or. 8285

Arabic, paper, photostats.

Kitab al-Ashriba, by Ibn Qutayba (d. 270/884), GAL G I, 122. Photographic reproduction of MS London, BL,

Add. 16.661 (3). Apparently made for C. van Arendonk (d. 1946). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 29.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3049)

Or. 8286

Arabic, paper, photostats.

Photostats of MS Cairo, Catalogue1, vol. 5, pp. 105r-120v, being the first half only of Kitab al-I`tibar fi Dhikr al-

Tawarikh wal-Akhbar, or Ta’rikh al-Husayn. Anonymous work from the 8th/14th century, GAL G II, 184; S II,

237. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 144.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3067)

Or. 8287 a

Arabic, paper, photostats, 2 ff.

Photostats of MS Berlin, Mf. 1300, Ahlwardt 9664, ff. 40v-41r, being Ta’rikh al-Lahgi by Muslim b.

Muhammad b. Ga`far al-Lahgi (after 627/1230), GAL S I, 587. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 372.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3050)

Or. 8287 b

Arabic, paper, photostats, 3 ff.

Three photostats made for C. van Arendonk (d. 1946), reproducing 6 pages from a historical text. History of

Medina, about 655 (1257-1258). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 430. The photographs were found by P.

Voorhoeve in I. Guidi, ‘Summarium grammaticae Arabicae Meridionalis’, in Le Muséon 39 (1926). The

offprint is kept in the Library as 893 B 24.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3050)

Or. 8288

Copies from passages in Arabic manuscripts in Cairo, made at the request of C. van Arendonk (d. 1946),

reflecting his interests and projects. Paper, 138 ff. At least some of these were sent to van Arendonk by Max

Meyerhof (1874-1945) in Cairo (postmark 12 April 1928, f. 139b). Van Arendonk collated the copies with the

originals in February-March 1929 in Cairo. Presently the leaves are bound together into one volume. P.

Voorhoeve, in his Handlist, has described the different texts as separate entities, and this has been

Page 108: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

maintained hereunder. The copyist of the texts, who worked in the course of 1346/1928 and 1929, is Mahmud

Sidqi, al-Nassakh bi-Dar al-Kutub al-Malikiyya or al-Nassakh bi-Dar al-Kutub al-Misriyya (colophons on ff.

55b, 84b, 112a, 138b).

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* Ar. 3051]

Or. 8288 a

Arabic, paper, 26 x 19 cm, naskh script, 21 lines to the page.

Kitab al-Ashriba, by Ibn Qutayba (d. 270/884), GAL G I, 122. Copied for C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from the

printed edition published in al-Muqtabas of Rabi` II 1325, May 1907, pp. 234-243. A fragment, the beginning

of the text only, with abrupt end, as in the original (‘cetera desunt’). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 29.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* in Ar. 3051, ff. 1b-10b]

Or. 8288 b

Arabic, paper, 26 x 19 cm, naskh script, 21 lines to the page.

Kitab al-Ashriba, by Ibn Qutayba (d. 270/884), GAL G I, 122. Copied in Cairo 20 Shawwal 1346/11 April 1928

for and collated in Cairo on 12 February 1929 by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS Cairo, Magmu` 166, ff.

55b-80b, which is dated 1 Muharram 1205 (1790). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 29.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* in Ar. 3051, ff. 11a-55b]

Or. 8288 c

Arabic, paper, 26 x 19 cm, naskh script, 21 lines to the page.

Fakihat al-Zaman wa-Mufakahat al-Adab wal-Fitan fi Akhbar man malaka al-Yaman, by al-Malik al-Ashraf

Abu al-`Abbas Isma`il b. al-`Abbas (d. 803/1400), GAL S II, 237. Here copied for C. van Arendonk (d. 1946)

from MS Cairo, Ahmad Taymur No. 1409, which is dated Friday 1 Dhu al-Qa`da 985 (1578), under the title: al-

Fasl al-Sadis fi Dhikr al-Qaramita. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 75.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* in Ar. 3051, ff. 57a-66b]

Or. 8288 d

Arabic, paper, 26 x 19 cm, naskh script, 21 lines to the page, dated 26 Sha`ban 1347 / 6 February 1929, copied

by Mahmud Sidqi al-Nassakh bi-Dar al-Kutub (colophon on f. 84b).

Taysir al-I`lam bi-Taragim Taragimat al-Tafsir al-A`lam, by Ahmad b. Salih Ibn Abi al-Rigal (d. 1092/1681),

GAL G II, 406. Abstracts from this work and from other biographical works, copied for C. van Arendonk (d.

1946) from MS Cairo, Ahmad Taymur, Magmu` 386, pp. 298-312 (see also Or. 8288 f, below, for a copy of part

of the same manuscript volume). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 359.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* in Ar. 3051, ff. 67a-84b]

Or. 8288 e

Arabic, paper, 26 x 19 cm, naskh script, 21 lines to the page.

A selection taken from Nuzhat al-Anzar fi Bayan al-Taharir al-Kubbar, by Yahya b. Muhammad b. Hamid (d.

after 972/1564), GAL S I, 702; II, 557, 978. The paragraph on the Zaydiyya sect, copied by Mahmud Sidqi and

collated in Cairo on 12 March 1929 by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS Cairo, Ahmad Taymur, Ta’rikh

1469. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 259.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* in Ar. 3051, ff. 85a-104a]

Page 109: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8288 f

Arabic, paper, 26 x 19 cm, naskh script, 21 lines to the page, dated 20 Sha`ban 1347 / 10 February 1929, copied

by Mahmud Sidqi (f. 112a).

Hadithat al-Yahud bil-Yaman. This is the title given by the copyist to a fragment copied for C. van Arendonk

(d. 1946) from MS Cairo, Ahmad Taymur, Magami` 386, pp. 246-257 (see also Taysir al-I`lam, Or. 8288 d,

above), and collated by van Arendonk on 16 February 1929. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 106.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* in Ar. 3051, ff. 105b-112a]

Or. 8288 g

Arabic, paper, 26 x 19 cm, naskh script, 21 lines to the page.

Nubdha min Akhbar al-Higra al-Mansuriyya. Anonymous text. The original is MS Cairo, Ta’rikh 1470 in the

Ahmad Taymur collection in the National Library. From this manuscript, p. 18, line 18 – p. 23, line 12, a copy

was made for and collated by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) in Cairo on 25 March 1929. See Voorhoeve, Handlist,

p. 255.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* in Ar. 3051, ff. 113a-115b]

Or. 8288 h

Arabic, paper, 26 x 19 cm, naskh script, 21 lines to the page, dated 24 Sha`ban 1347 / 4 February 1929 (f. 138b).

Nasihat al-Ikhwan bi-Igtinab al-Dukhan, by Ibrahim al-Laqani (d. 1041/1631), GAL G II, 316. Copied, by

Mahmud Sidqi, apparently for C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from an autograph manuscript (nuskhat al-asl)

kept in the library of al-Sadat al-Wafa’iyya, the Wafa’iyya brotherhood, in Darb al-Gamamiz in Cairo, under

the class-mark Magami` 2, which was copied by the son of the author, `Abd al-Salam b. Ibrahim b. Ibrahim

al-Laqani, in 1036 AH (f. 138). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 249, who misunderstands the note on f. 138b,

translating the verb `allaqahu as ‘adding text’, where it does not mean anything more than copying.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* in Ar. 3051, ff. 117a-138b]

Or. 8289

Arabic, paper (2 exercise books), 12 photostats.

Photostats of MS Munich 893, 17, being Sharh al-Iman wal-Islam by al-Zubayr b. Ahmad al-Zubayri (d.

before 320/932), GAL G I, 180. With a handwritten copy by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946). See Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 332.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3052)

Or. 8290

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, photostats.

(1) Photostats of MS Munich, Ar. 151, cat. Aumer, p. 43, being an anonymous Kitab al-Milal wal-Nihal. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 213.

(2) Photostats of MS Munich, Ar. 151, ff. 31-35, cat. Aumer, p. 43, being Kitab Ahl al-Sunna wal-Gama`a by

Muhammad Ibn al-Sakkaki. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 7.

(3) Photostats of MS Munich, Ar. 151, ff. 35b-36a, cat. Aumer, p. 43, being an anonymous text entitled fi

Fawa’id Nafy al-Shirka. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 81.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3053)

Or. 8291 a-k

Notes and study materials of C. van Arendonk (d. 1946).

Page 110: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3054)

Or. 8291 a-d

Arabic, paper.

Abstracts by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS Munich Gl. 86, which is al-Hada’iq al-Wardiyya fi Dhikr

A’immat al-Zaydiyya by Humayd b. Ahmad al-Muhalli al-Hamdani (d. 652/1254), GAL G I, 325. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 105.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3054)

Or. 8291 e, f

Arabic, paper.

Ta’rikh al-Mustabsir by Ibn al-Mugawir (d. 690/1291), GAL S I, 883. Abstracts from MS Paris 6021 (MS

Schéfer) made by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946). See also Or. 8300 l, below. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 372-


Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3054)

Or. 8291 f

Arabic, paper.

Notes taken by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS Paris, BNF, Arabe 2127, being al-Suluk fi Tabaqat al-

`Ulama’ wal-Muluk by Muhammad b. Ya`qub Baha’ al-Din al-Ganadi (d. 732/1332), GAL G II, 184. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 346.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3054)

Or. 8291 g

Arabic, paper.

Notes taken by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from some manuscripts in Cairo, some of which are not

mentioned in the printed catalogues. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 414.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3054)

Or. 8291 h

Arabic, paper.

Notes taken by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from and about some manuscripts in the British Library, London,

with a short list of some additional manuscripts not mentioned in the printed catalogues. See Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 414.

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 414.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3054)

Or. 8291 i

Arabic, paper.

Notes taken by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from some manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 414.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3054)

Page 111: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8291 j

Arabic, paper.

A short abstract by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS Gotha, Arab. 98, being Nubdha fi Dhikr Firaq al-

Qaramita, an anonymous work. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 255. The photographs from which van

Arendonk worked are registered as Or. 8284 c, above.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3054)

Or. 8291 k

Arabic, paper.

Preliminary list of Arabic manuscripts in the Ambrosiana, Milano, by E. Griffini. Copied by C. van Arendonk

(d. 1946). This list comprises the collections C (of which a catalogue has been published by Griffini in RSO)

and D (Nos. 220-574). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 414.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3054)

Or. 8292 a-b

Notes and study materials of C. van Arendonk (d. 1946).

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3055)

Or. 8292 a

Arabic, paper.

A passage copied by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS Berlin Ahlwardt 4803, being Nihayat al-Rutba fi

Talab al-Hisba, by `Abd al-Rahman b. Nasr al-Shayzari (6/12th cent.), GAL S I, 832. See Voorhoeve, Handlist,

p. 253.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3055)

Or. 8292 b

Arabic, paper.

Copy by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from an unidentified manuscript, containing al-Bab al-Khamis fi Dhikr

Haqa’iq al-Imama. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 108.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3055)

Or. 8293 a-f

Notes and study materials of C. van Arendonk (d. 1946).

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3068)

Or. 8293 a

Arabic, paper.

Summaries and abstracts by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS Munich Ar. 43, being Magmu` Kutub al-

Hadi, by al-Imam al-Hadi ila al-Haqq (d. 298/910), GAL G I, 186. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 178.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3068)

Or. 8293 b

Arabic, paper.

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Photostats from MS Munich Ar. 43, being Magmu` Kutub al-Hadi, by al-Imam al-Hadi ila al-Haqq (d.

298/910), GAL G I, 186. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 178.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3068)

Or. 8293 c

Arabic, paper.

Fragments copied by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS London, BL, Or. 3798, being Magmu` min Kutub al-

Hadi, by al-Imam al-Hadi ila al-Haqq (d. 298/910), GAL G I, 186. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 178. See Or. 8276

(2), above for the photographs from which van Arendonk worked.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3068)

Or. 8293 d

Dutch, Arabic, paper.

Summary (in Dutch) and abstracts by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS Berlin, Ahlwardt 9745, being

Anba’ al-Zaman fi Akhbar al-Yaman, by Yahya b. al-Husayn Ibn al-Mu’ayyad billah (d. 1090/1679), GAL G II,

403. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 14.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3068)

Or. 8293 e

Arabic, paper.

Notes and abstracts by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS London, British Library Or. 3786, which is al-

Hada’iq al-Wardiyya fi Dhikr A’immat al-Zaydiyya by Humayd b. Ahmad al-Muhalli al-Hamdani (d.

652/1254), GAL G I, 325. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 105.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3068)

Or. 8293 f

Arabic, paper.

Abstracts and notes by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946), from MS Berlin 4876, being Magmu` min Kutub al-Imam

al-Qasim b. Ibrahim al-Hasani (d. 246/860), GAL G I, 185. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 177.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3068)

Or. 8294

Arabic, paper.

Kitab Fada’il al-Qur’an wa-Adabihi, by Abu `Ubayd al-Qasim b. Sallam (d. 233/837), GAL G I, 107. Copied by

C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS Berlin, Ahlwardt 451. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 73.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3056)

Or. 8295

Arabic, paper.

Maqalat al-Islamiyyin, by `Ali b. Isma`il al-Ash`ari (d. 324/935). Abstracts from a manuscript in Istanbul,

copied by A.H. van Ophuijsen and other copyists. See C. van Arendonk, De opkomst van het Zaidietische

imamaat in Yemen. Leiden 1919, p. ix, and the edition by H. Ritter, Kitab Maqalat al-Islamiyyin wa-Iktilaf al-

Musallin. Istanbul 1929-1933 (Bibliotheca Islamica 1), p. 12. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 189.

Page 113: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

¶ See also Or. 8276 (3), which contains photostats of MS Istanbul, Ayasofia 2366, and letters by van van


Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3057)

Or. 8296

Arabic, paper.

Incomplete copy by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946), with some text-critical notes, of MS Milan, Ambrosiana,

Nuovo Fondo A 55, Griffini, Lista, RSO III, 571, No. 55 I, being al-Masabih min Akhbar al-Mustafa wal-

Murtada wal-A’imma min Waladihima al-Tahirin, by Ahmad b. Ibrahim al-Hasani (beginning 5th/11th cent.),

GAL S I, 556. The photostats from which C. van Arendonk made this copy are kept in the Library as Or. 8269,

above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 197.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3058)

Or. 8297

Arabic, paper, photostats.

Photostats of MS Berlin 7915 (Glaser 9), ff. 135v-159r, being part of Ma’athir al-Abrar fi Tafsil Mugmilat

Gawahir al-Akhbar, or Lawahiq al-Nadiyya lil-Hada’iq al-Wardiyya, which is a commentary composed in

916/1510 by Muhammad b. `Ali b. Yunus al-Zuhayf (GAL S I, 560), on al-Bassama al-Sughra, or Bassamat Ahl

al-Bayt, by Sarim al-Din Ibrahim b. Muhammad Ibn al-Wazir (d. 914/1508), GAL G II, 188. withSee also Or.

8300 c, below. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 42.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3059)

Or. 8298

Arabic, paper.

A few unidentified abstracts by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946), probably from manuscripts in the British Library.

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 470.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3060)

Or. 8299

Arabic, paper.

Abstracts taken by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS Paris, BNF, Arabe 5982, being Ta’rikh al-Lahgi by

Muslim b. Muhammad b. Ga`far al-Lahgi (after 627/1230), GAL S I, 587. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 372.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3061)

Or. 8300 a-u

Notes and study materials of C. van Arendonk (d. 1946).

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3062)

Or. 8300 a

Arabic, paper.

Anwar al-Yaqin by al-Mansur billah al-Hasan b. Muhammad al-Hadawi (d. 670/1272), GAL S I, 703. Abstracts

by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS London, BL, Or. 3868. See also C. van Arendonk, De opkomst van het

Zaidietische imamaat in Yemen. Leiden 1919, p. ix. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 16.

Page 114: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Or. 8300 b

Arabic, paper.

Abstracts by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS London, BL, Or. 3820, Suppl. 537, being Mahasin al-Azhar fi

Manaqib al-`Itra al-Athar, commentary by Husam al-Din Humayd b. Ahmad al-Muhalli (d. 652/1254), on a

Qasida by al-Mansur billah `Abdallah b. Hamza Husam al-Din (d. 614/1217), GAL S I, 560; III, 1217. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 265.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Or. 8300 c

Arabic, paper.

Notes taken by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) taken from MS London, BL, Add. 18513, Cat. No. 907. Partly in

Dutch, as compared with MS London BL Or. 3825 (al-Bassama al-Sughra, see also Or. 8297, above). The

London manuscript contains al-Targuman al-Mufattih li-Thamarat Kama’im al-Bustan, which are the

prolegomena to al-Bustan al-Gami` lil-Fawakih al-Hisan, which is the commentary by Badr al-Din

Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Yahya to the work by his grandfather, al-Bayan al-Shafi `an al-Burhan al-Kafi, by

`Imad al-Din Yahya b. Ahmad b. Muzaffar (9th cent. AH). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 47.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Or. 8300 d

Arabic, paper.

al-Simt al-Hawi al-Muttasi` Magaluhu bil-Rawi, by Isma`il b. al-Husayn Ga`man (d. 1256/1840), GAL S II, 820.

Abstract by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS London, BL, Or. 3898, Suppl. Cat. 1223, V. See also C. van

Arendonk, De opkomst van het Zaidietische imamaat in Yemen. Leiden 1919, p. xi. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p.


Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Or. 8300 e

Arabic, Dutch, paper.

Notes, partly in Dutch, taken by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS London, British Library Or. 4021, Rieu

395, being Book VII of al-Bahr al-Zakhkhar al-Gami` li-Madhahib `Ulama’ al-Amsar, by Ahmad b. Yahya Ibn

al-Murtada (d. 840/1437), GAL G II, 187; S II, 244. As Brockelmann’s description of both al-Bahr, and the

author’s own commentary entitled Ghayat al-Afkar wa-Nihayat al-Anzar al-Muhit bi-`Aga’ib al-Bahr al-

Zakhkhar, is confusing, Voorhoeve has set out to bring some order in this state of affairs. See Voorhoeve,

Handlist, pp. 37-39.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Or. 8300 f

Arabic, paper.

Kanz al-Akhyar (or al-Ahbar?) fi Ma`rifat al-Siyar wal-Akhbar, by Idris b. Muhammad b. `Ali b. `Abdallah b.

Sulayman b. `Imad al-Din (d. 714/1314), GAL G II, 183. See also C. van Arendonk, De opkomst van het

Zaidietische imamaat in Yemen. Leiden 1919, p. 308. Abstracts by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS

London, BL, Or. 4581, Suppl. Cat. 469. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 150-151.

Page 115: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Or. 8300 g

Arabic, paper, 2 pp.

Abstracts by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from a work on Muslim sects. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 450.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Or. 8300 h

Arabic, paper.

al- `Iqd al-Thamin fi Bayan Ahkam al-A’imma al-Hadin, by al-Mansur billah `Abdallah b. Hamza (d. 614/1217),

GAL G I, 403. Abstract by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS London, BL, Or. 3876, Suppl. Cat. 210, I. See

also C. van Arendonk, De opkomst van het Zaidietische imamaat in Yemen. Leiden 1919, p. x. See Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 133.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Or. 8300 i

Arabic, paper.

Sirat al-Mansur billah (d. 393 AH), by one of his followers, al-Husayn b. Ahmad b. Ya`qub. Abstracts by C.

van Arendonk (d. 1946), from MS London, BL, Or. 3816 (Suppl. No. 532). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 340.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Or. 8300 j

Arabic, paper, 4 ff.

Kitab al-Shafi, by al-Mansur billah `Abdallah b. Hamza (d. 614/1217), GAL G I, 403. The beginning only,

copied by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS Berlin, Ahlwardt 10281. With some notes by C. van Arendonk.

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 321.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Or. 8300 k

Arabic, paper.

Rawdat al-Albab wa-Tuhfat al-Ahbab, by Muhammad b. `Abdallah b. `Ali b. al-Husayn Ibn al-Mu’ayyad

(1030/1620), GAL G II, 290 (in the 1st edition only). Abstracts by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS Berlin

Or. Fol. 1297 (Ahlwardt 9402). There is another copy in the Ambrosiana, Griffini 131 (B 7). See Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 287.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Or. 8300 l

Arabic, paper.

Ta’rikh al-Mustabsir by Ibn al-Mugawir (d. 690/1291), GAL S I, 883. Abstracts from MS Paris 6021 (MS

Schéfer) made by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946). See also Or. 8291 e and f, above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp.


Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Page 116: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8300 m

Arabic, paper, 7 ff.

Kitab al-Nagat, by al-Imam Ahmad b. al-Hadi Yahya Ibn al-Murtada (d. 840/1431), GAL G II, 187. Abstract by

C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS Munich, Glaser 4 (not mentioned by Gratzl). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p.


Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Or. 8300 n

Arabic, paper.

Abstracts by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS Munich Gl. 86, which is al-Hada’iq al-Wardiyya fi Dhikr

A’immat al-Zaydiyya by Humayd b. Ahmad al-Muhalli al-Hamdani (d. 652/1254), GAL G I, 325. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 105.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Or. 8300 o

Arabic, Dutch, paper.

Notes, partly in Dutch, taken by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS London, British Library, Or. 3771, Rieu

420, being chapter 6 of Yawaqit al-Siyar, the commentary on al-Bahr al-Zakhkhar al-Gami` li-Madhahib

`Ulama’ al-Amsar, by Ahmad b. Yahya Ibn al-Murtada (d. 840/1437), GAL G II, 187; S II, 244, containing the

part on the history of the Zaidites. As Brockelmann’s description of both al-Bahr, and the author’s own

commentary entitled Ghayat al-Afkar wa-Nihayat al-Anzar al-Muhit bi-`Aga’ib al-Bahr al-Zakhkhar, is

confusing, Voorhoeve has set out to bring some order in this state of affairs. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 37-


Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Or. 8300 p

Arabic, paper.

Kashifat al-Ghumma `an Husn Sirat Imam al-Umma, by Diya’ al-Din al-Hadi b. Ibrahim al-Waziri (791/1389),

GAL S II, 238. Notes by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS London, BL. Or. 3791, Suppl. Cat. 539. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 155.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Or. 8300 q

Arabic, paper.

Sirat al-Hadi, by `Ali b. Muhammad b. `Ubayd Allah al-`Abbasi al-`Alawi (3rd/9th cent.), GAL S I, 230. See C.

van Arendonk, De opkomst van het Zaidietische imamaat in Yemen. Leiden 1919, pp. xi-xiii. A passage copied

by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946), edited in Opkomst, pp. 294 ff. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 340. See also Or.

8277, above.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Or. 8300 r

Arabic, paper.

al-Risala al-Nasiha bil-Adilla al-Wadiha, by al-Mansur billah `Abdallah b. Hamza (d. 614/1217), GAL G I, 404.

MS London, BL, Or. 3828 (Suppl. 211, II) contains the second half of this poem. A few notes taken from this

MS by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 310.

Page 117: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Or. 8300 s

Arabic, paper.

Tanbih al-Ghafilin `an Maghalit al-Mutawahhimin, by Hamidan b. Yahya b. Hamidan b. al-Qasim al-Zaydi

(7/13th cent.), GAL S I, 702. Abstract by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS London, BL, Or. 3959, Suppl. Cat.

212, III. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 364.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Or. 8300 t

Arabic, paper.

Abstracts by C. van Arendonk from MS London, BL, Or. 3959 (VI): al-Mansur billah `Abdallah b. Hamza b.

Sulayman (d. 614/1217), GAL G I, 403, against the Mu`tazila. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 450.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Or. 8300 u

Arabic, paper, 4 pp.

Risala ila Ahl Tabaristan, by Muhammad b. al-Hadi Yahya b. al-Husayn Ibn Rasul Allah (d. 310/922), GAL S I,

316. Copy by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) of the beginning only of MS London, BL, Or. 3977 f, ff. 73a-75b

(Suppl. 203, IV). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 307.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3062)

Or. 8301 a-s

Notes and study materials of C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) concerning Leiden manuscripts.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3063)

Or. 8301 a

Arabic, paper.

Risala fi Gawahir al-Suyuf, by Ya`qub b. Ishaq al-Kindi (d. soon after 256/870), GAL G I, 209. Copied by C.

van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS Leiden Or. 287, above, Gamharat al-Islam dhat al-Nathr wal-Nizam by

Muslim b. Mahmud al-Shayzari (c. 625/1228), GAL G I, 259. Ed. in Bull. Fac. Arts 1952, II. See Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 91.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3063)

Or. 8301 b

Arabic, paper.

Abstracts by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) of MS Leiden Or. 2616 (1), above, being Kitab al-Ifada fi Ta’rikh al-

A’imma al-Sada by al-Natiq bil-Haqq Abu Talib Yahya b. al-Husayn b. Harun al-Hasani (d. 424/1033), GAL G

I, 402. Dated 1074. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 122.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3063)

Or. 8301 c

Arabic, Dutch, paper.

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Copy by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) of ff. 10v-11r of MS Leiden Or. 2598, above, being Qiladat al-Nahr fi

Wafayat A`yan al-Dahr, by Abu Makhrama (d. 903/1497), GAL S II, 240. Also with citations, and Dutch

abstracts by C. van Arendonk. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 274.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3063)

Or. 8301 d

Arabic, paper.

Passages copied by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) of MS Leiden Or. 2612, above, being Simt al-La’al fi Shu`ara al-

Al by Isma`il b. Muhammad b. al-Hasan b. al-Qasim (d. 1079/1668), GAL G II, 402. See Voorhoeve, Handlist,

p. 338.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3063)

Or. 8301 e

Arabic, paper.

Unfinished copy by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) of MS Leiden Or. 2430, above, being Qira al-Dayf, by Abu Bakr

`Abdallah Ibn Abi al-Dunya (d. 281/894), GAL G I, 154. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 274.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3063)

Or. 8301 f

Arabic, paper.

Copy by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) of part of MS Leiden Or. 958 (42), above, being al-Durr al-Nazim fi Ahwal

al-`Ulum wal-Ta`lim, anonymous reworking of Irshad al-Qasid ila Asna al-Maqasid by Muhammad b.

Ibrahim b. Sa`id Ibn al-Akfani (d. 749/1348), GAL G II, 137, with some collations from the MS Vienna N.F. 4

(Catalogue by Flügel I, p. 8, No. 2). A photograph of the Vienna manuscript which was used by C. van

Arendonk is registered as Or. 7125, above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 136. See now also J.J. Witkam, De

Egyptische arts Ibn al-Akfani ... (Leiden 1989), especially pp. 54, 254-264. A typewritten copy, with register,

made by J.J. Witkam of MS Leiden Or. 958 (42) is Or. 23.066, below.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3063)

Or. 8301 g

Arabic, paper.

Copy by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS Leiden Or. 915, ff. 204v-206, above, being Tadhkirat Khawass al-

Umma bi-Dhikr Khasa’is al-A’imma by Yusuf b. Qizoghlu Sibt Ibn al-Gawzi (d. 654/1257), GAL G I, 347. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 351.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3063)

Or. 8301 h

Arabic, paper.

Passages copied by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) of MS Leiden Or. 2612, above, being Simt al-La’al fi Shu`ara al-

Al by Isma`il b. Muhammad b. al-Hasan b. al-Qasim (d. 1079/1668), GAL G II, 402. See Voorhoeve, Handlist,

p. 338.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3063)

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Or. 8301 i

Arabic, paper.

Partial copy by C. van Arendonk of MS Leiden Or. 766, above, being Rasa’il by Abu Ishaq Ibrahim Ibn Hilal

al-Sabi (d. 384/994), GAL S I, 153. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 284.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3063)

Or. 8301 j

Arabic, paper.

Copy by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) of a small part of MS Leiden Or. 2652, above, being abstracts taken from

the autograph copy of Ta’rikh Qutb al-Din al-Nahrawali, by Muhammad b. `Ala’ al-Din al-Nahrawali (d.

990/1582), GAL G II, 382. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 373.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3063)

Or. 8301 k

Arabic, paper.

Passage copied by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS Leiden Or. 644, f. 245v (= Or. 1023 f. 20v, ff.), that is

from the work al-Shaqa’iq al-Nu`maniyya fi `Ulama’ al-Dawla al-`Uthmaniyya by Abu al-Khayr Ahmad b.

Muslih al-Din Tashköprüzada (d. 968/1560), GAL G II, 425. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 329.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3063)

Or. 8301 l

Arabic, paper.

Bab al-`Irafa wal-Zagr wal-Firasa `ala Madhhab al-Furs, by `Amr b. Bahr al-Gahiz (d. 255/868), GAL S I, 244,

No. 45. Copied by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from MS Leiden Or. 198 (2), above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p.


Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3063)

Or. 8301 m

Arabic, paper.

Parts of MS Leiden Or. 133 (4) pp. 66-73, copied by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946), being Ta`liq min Kitab

Muntakhab Siwan al-Hikma, the Siwan being by al-Sigazi (c. 370/980), GAL S I, 378. See Voorhoeve, Handlist,

p. 343.

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 343.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3063)

Or. 8301 n

Arabic, paper.

Notes collected by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) for his article ‘Legatum Warnerianum. Les manuscrits

sémitiques, persans et turques’, in Quatre esquisses détachées relatives aux études orientalistes à Leiden,

Leiden 1931. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 414.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3063)

Or. 8301 o

Arabic, paper.

Page 120: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Unfinished copy by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) of book I of MS Leiden Or. 7105, above, which is al-Bahr al-

Zakhkhar al-Gami` li-Madhahib `Ulama’ al-Amsar, by Ahmad b. Yahya Ibn al-Murtada (d. 840/1437), GAL G

II, 187; S II, 244. As Brockelmann’s description of both al-Bahr, and the author’s own commentary entitled

Ghayat al-Afkar wa-Nihayat al-Anzar al-Muhit bi-`Aga’ib al-Bahr al-Zakhkhar, is confusing, Voorhoeve has

set out to bring some order in this state of affairs. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 37-40.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3063)

Or. 8301 p

This number is cancelled.

(in Ar. 3063, not available anymore)

Or. 8301 q

Arabic, paper.

The beginning of MS Leiden Or. 430, above, copied by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946), being Futuh al-Buldan by

Ahmad b. Yahya al-Baladhuri (d. 279/892), GAL G I, 141, S I, 216, with a few notes. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p.


Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3063)

Or. 8301 r

Arabic, paper.

Mukhtasar fil-Imama, copied by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) from ff. 204 ff of MS Leiden Or. 2949, above,

being Ziyadat Sharh al-Usul, by al-Natiq bil-Haqq Abu Talib Yahya b. al-Husayn b. Harun al-Bathani (d.

424/1033), and others, GAL S I, 698. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 407.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3063)

Or. 8301 s

Arabic, paper.

Partial copy made by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) of MS Leiden Or. 704, above, being Mushkil al-Qur’an by Ibn

Qutayba (d. 276/889), GAL G I, 122. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 242.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(in Ar. 3063)

Or. 8302

Arabic, various other languages, paper.

Notes by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946) about Leiden manuscripts. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3064)

Or. 8303

Arabic, paper, 110 ff., 11/17th cent. (?)

Lata’if al-Minan fi Fada’il [...] Abi al-`Abbas wa [...] Abi al-Hasan by Ahmad b. Muhammad Ibn `Ata’ Allah al-

Iskandari (d. 709/1309), GAL G II, 117. A copy in which the text is followed by Hizb al-Shaykh Abi al-Hasan

al-Shadhili. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 168.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3159)

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Or. 8304

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, 92 ff., c. 1300 AH (1882-1883).

(1) ff. 1v-5v. Ta’lif Latif, text on Asma Allah al-Husna and the virtue of reciting these, by Ahmad b. Zarruq (d.

899/1493), GAL G II, 254; S II, 361. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 26.

(2) ff. 5v-26v. Opinions of various authorities on verses in the Qur’an about Dhikr. See Voorhoeve, Handlist,

p. 467.

(3) ff. 28v-42v. Arba`un Hadithan. Anonymous collection. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 22.

(4) ff. 43v-58v. Wasiyyat al-Nabi li-Abi Hurayra. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 400.

(5) See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 198. Also known as Wasiyyat al-Rasul, given to his companion Abu Hurayra.

Ascribed to al-Hasan al-Basri (d. 110/728), GAS I, 593, No. 8. See also Or. 11.952 (28), below.

(6) ff. 74r-75v. Ahadith al-Nabi. Anonymous collection. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 22.

(7) ff. 75v-86v. al-Ahadith al-Qudsiyya. A collection of 110 Hadith Qudsi, copied in 1306 AH by Farhan b.

Ahmad al-Zangabari. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 5.

(8) ff. 86v-92r. Wafat al-Nabi. Dated 1307 AH. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 396.

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

(Ar. 3155)

Or. 8305

Persian, paper, 248 ff., f. 1 seems to be a later replacement, naskh script, dated 26 Sha`ban 686, copied by

Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Yunus b. Yusuf b. Muhammad al-Tarazi, in Tabriz, Adharbaygan (colophon

on ff. 245a-b), full-leather Islamic binding with gilded ornamentation.

Akhlaq-i Nasiri, by Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (d. 672/1274), GAL G I, 508. The manuscript is a nearly contemporary


Earlier provenance: Purchased by C. van Arendonk from Erik von Scherling (1907-1956) on 22 July 1939 for

50 Dutch guilders (note on slip of paper).

Provenance: C. van Arendonk Legacy, 1947.

[* Ar. 3130]

Or. 8306-Or. 8307

Study materials from the estate of Gerlof van Vloten (1866-1903). Received on July 18, 1947, from Mrs. M.

Nijland-Verweij. Earlier, study materials used by van Vloten had entered the Library, as part of the

collection of van Vloten’s teacher, and chief, M.J. de Goeje (1836-1909). These are registered as Or. 5585-Or.

5587, above.

Or. 8306 a-b

Arabic, paper.

Collation of manuscripts by G. van Vloten (1866-1903) for his edition of Kitab al-Mahasin wal-Addad,

ascribed to `Amr b. Bahr al-Gahiz, GAL G I, 246. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 179. The edition: Le livre des

beautés et des antithèses, attribué à Abu Othman Amr ibn Bahr al-Djahiz de Basra. Texte arabe publié par G.

van Vloten. Leiden 1898.

Provenance: Presented to Library by Ms. M. Nijland-Verweij, 1947

(Ar. 3074-Ar. 3075)

Or. 8307 a-b

Arabic, paper.

Collation notes by G. van Vloten (1866-1903) for his edition of Mafatih al-`Ulum by Muhammad b. Ahmad al-

Khwarizmi (between 365/975 and 387/997), GAL G I, 244. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 176. The edition is

Liber Mafatih al-olum. Liber explicans vocabula technica scientiarum tam Arabum quam peregrinorum,

auctore: Abu Abdallah Mohammed ibn Ahmed ibn Jusof al-Katib al-Khowarezmi. Leiden 1895. The

manuscripts used by Van Vloten were A: Leiden, Or. 514, above; B: London, British Library Add. 7528; C:

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London, British Library Add. 23,429; D. Berlin, SBPKB, Landb. 1051 (Ahlwardt No. 17); E. London, British

Library Add. 2524; F. Istanbul, Esad Efendi 2911.

Provenance: Presented to Library by Ms. M. Nijland-Verweij, 1947.

(Ar. 3076)

Or. 8308-Or. 8309

Two manuscripts on palm leaf, received on August 1, 1947, from the Royal Library in The Hague.

Or. 8308

Sanskrit and Sinhalese, palm leaf, 21 ff., with one wooden cover.

Anuruddha-sataka, the Sanskrit text with Sinhalese translation. The text was written in the 12th century in

Ceylon by Anuruddha-thera, 100 stanzas in praise of the Buddha.

Earlier provenance: English text, written in ink on the first leaf: ‘Singelease Language, written on Tallipot

Leaves with an iron pen. The Beauties of the History of Boddhoo, the God worshipped and adored by the

natives of the Island of Ceylon and Siam. Presented by Mr. S. Charles VanderStraaten, Colombo, in the

Island of Ceylon, East Indies, to the Royal Museum at the Hague. 12th May 1827.’

Two numbers, on the last leaf: ‘No 60.’ and ‘236’.

Provenance: Received from the Royal Library, The Hague, 1947.

(Skr. 86)

Or. 8309

Javanese, palm leaf, 22 ff., slightly damaged, quadratic script, probably East Java, 16th century.

Incantations, exorcism (pangruwatan) mentioning Aji Danna, batara Guru, Kunjara Karna, Purna Wijaya,

Iswara (East, white, Manis), Brahma (South, red, Pahing), Mahadewa (West, yellow, Pon), Wisnu (North,

black, Wage), Siwah (Centre, hening, Kliwon), batara Swara, Panjitah Mala, Mandala Giri, the pantheon

down to the bagawans and widadaris.

The Old Javanese nearly quadratic script is only rarely found in manuscripts. Romanized copy by Soegiarto:

Or. 8312 a, also BCB portf. No 213.

Pigeaud II, 474.

Provenance: Received from the Royal Library, The Hague, 1947.

(Lont. 763)

Or. 8310-Or. 8311

Manuscripts presented to the Library by A.A. Cense (1901-1977), Makassar, August 1947.

Or. 8310 a

Dutch, paper.

S.J. Esser (1900-1944)’s notes on the languages and literature of Minahasa.

Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 517 (No. 1107).

Provenance: Presented by A.A. Cense, Makassar, 1947

(in Mal. 2947)

Or. 8310 b

Banjarese, Dutch, paper, 6 + 5 + 9 pp.

Three texts in machine script, copies found in the estate of W. Kern.

Dutch and Banjarese word list. W. Kern’s notes on the language and literature of Banjar (not mentioned in

J.J. Ras, Hikajat Bandjar. A study in Malay historiography, Leiden 1968)

(1) Mandi-mandi batianan, Batoembang, 6 pp.

(2) Basoenat laki2, 5 pp.

(3) 45 sentences, 9 pp.

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P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 213. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 517 (No. 1107).

Provenance: Presented by A.A. Cense, Makassar, 1947

(in Mal. 2947)

Or. 8310 c

Malay (?), 3 ff., typing paper; 27 x 20½ cm.; ca. 40 lines per page; Latin script (typewritten carbon copy); only

the verso side typed on; signed by Moessafar, retired Kiai Amoentai, Bandjarmasin, June 30, 1939.

llmu pertanian memakai bintang tujuh (karantika). A guide for farming based on the position of the Pleiades.

Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 517 (No. 1107).

Earlier provenance: Found in the estate of Noeroeddin Daeng Maganing at Makassar.

Provenance: Presented by A.A. Cense, Makassar, 1947

(in Mal. 2947)

Or. 8310 d

Dutch, paper.

Report by W. Kern on his linguistic fieldwork etc. in and around Banjarmasin (1938-1940).

Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 517 (No. 1107).

Provenance: Presented by A.A. Cense, Makassar, 1947

(in Mal. 2947)

Or. 8311

Malay, Minahassa Malay, typing paper; 34½ x 22 cm.; 19 ff., 20 entries per page; Latin script (typewritten

carbon copy); only the verso side typed on; copied from two exercise books found among the papers of S.J.


The text contains a Minahasa Malay wordlist; on f. 1v (below) there is a Dutch note to the effect that this list

is a supplement to the data worked into Het Maleisch der Molukken by F.S.A. de Clercq (1876); the notes

were probably made by a clerk; several additions by Esser himself. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 517 (No.


A list of Minahassa Malay words with notes by S.J. Esser (1900-1944). See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische

handschriften’ (1952), p. 216.

Provenance: Presented by A.A. Cense, Makassar, 1947

(Mal. 2929)

Or. 8312 a-c

Sundanese, Javanese, paper, Latin script (typewritten).

Transcripts by Soegiarto of Or. 8309, above, and other manuscripts.

- Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto of Or. 6620, above, containing:

Notes in prose:

(1) ff., sequence of the leaves in the original is uncertain. Lessons on Muslim mysticism and theology,

kawula-gusti doctrine, mentioning the example of Wisnu and Krsna, in prose, clumsy writing, not

blackened, At the end: kang nganolis raga tapa (Raga Tapa, a name?).

(2) ff. Divination referring to the seven days, their prayers (puji) and their prophets (nabi).

(3) ff. Genealogy of deities beginning with Guru Bayu and Rasulula, down to a list of four ratus of the points

of the compass: south: Malik Matana of Sacang, ruler of earth-quakes and fever; east: Manik Rayana of

Roban, ruler of lightning; north: Manik Gumilang of Lodaya Tegal Butak, ruler of storms; and west: Manik

Lumegan of Tegal Lubu, ruler of fiery rain (udan geni). The text seems to be an incantation beginning with

the basmala. Another copy of the romanized transcription by J. Soegiarto is in BCB 158. Origin of the

original: West Java. See Pigeaud II, p. 403.

Page 124: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

- Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto of Or. 6622, above, containing: a Sundanese incantation text (originally

written on bambu). Another copy of the romanized transcript by J. Soegiarto is in BCB 158. Not in Ekadjati,

Naskah Sunda.

- Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto of Or. 6626, above, containing: Notes on Muslim mysticism, in prose,

mentioning pangeran Dekeh instructing seh Munajat: simile of marriage of body and soul (badan and

nawa), kawula-gusti.

As the leaves of the original manuscript are not numbered the sequence is difficult to establish. Another

copy of the romanized transcription and epitome by J. Soegiarto is in BCB 158. See Pigeaud II, p. 404.

- Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto of Or. 6628, above, containing: Incantation, in prose, beginning with the

invocation of spirits, residing on mount Mahameru, Brama, in Roban, Ludaya etc., presumedly referring to

the health of a baby. Allah is mentioned incidentally. Another copy of the romanized transcription by J.

Soegiarto is in BCB 158. See Pigeaud II, pp. 404-405.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 220.

Provenance: Transcripts made by J. Soegiarto, Leiden, 1947, or earlier.

(Mal. 2945)

Or. 8312 d

Javanese, paper, Latin script (typewritten).

- Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto of MS Leiden Or. 6623, above, containing: Notes on divination: auspicious,

and inauspicious days, eclipses, earth-quakes, in prose (ff. l-32a), followed by some stanzas on calculations

referring to chronology, unfinished. Rustic, West Javanese script. Another copy of a romanized transcription

and epitome by J. Soegiarto is in BCB 158. See Pigeaud II, p. 404. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda.

Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 220.

Provenance: Transcripts made by J. Soegiarto, Leiden, 1947, or earlier.

(in Mal. 2945)

Or. 8312 e

Sundanese, paper, paper, Latin script (typewritten).

Mantera. Copy of a Sundanese incantation written on bamboo laths, Or. 6622, above.

Pigeaud II, p. 474. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 220.

Provenance: Transcripts made by J. Soegiarto, Leiden, 1947, or earlier.

Or. 8312 f

Javanese, Sundanese, paper, Latin script (typewritten).

Romanized copy by J. Soegiarto of Or. 6623, above, containing: Tale in verse about a siege of Mesir-ulah

(true believers) by people of Kabir-ulah, spirits (jins) commanded by Bujug (the Tempter), allegorical.

As the leaves of the original manuscript are not numbered the sequence is difficult to establish. Another

copy of the Transcription and Dutch epitome by J. Soegiarto is in BCB 158. See Pigeaud II, p. 404. See Edi S.

Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 220.Provenance: Transcripts

made by J. Soegiarto, Leiden, 1947, or earlier.

(in Mal. 2945)

Or. 8313

Javanese, photocopy of a lontar leaf, kept in an envelope, 1 f.

Yusup, both sides of one palmleaf, belonging to a manuscript in the possession of Mr. George Downing of

Chicago, Ill., asking SOAS, London, for information, 1947.

Pigeaud II, 475.

Provenance: Received on August 21, 1947, from the School of Oriental and African Studies, London.

(Mal. 3042)

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Or. 8314

Photograph and copies of Syriac manuscripts, 7 + 2 ff.

(a) 7 folded sheets with handwritten copies from MS Vatican, Cod. Syr. 163, fragments of ‘Chronicles of


(b) 2 photographs, fragments of Jacob of Sarug.

See Janson, Summiere beschrijvingen, pp. 7-8.

Provenance: Received in 1947 from Mr. Smit, a manufacturer of buttons in Amstelveen.

[* in Hebr. 238]

Or. 8315

Javanese, portfolio with two sheaves of papers, Latin script.

Javanese books, both manuscript and printed. Inventory of a collection (4 cases) belonging to Messrs. Brill,

booksellers of Leiden. As a catalogue of the library of Mr Paardekooper, formerly Assistant Resident of

Blora, Central Java, is mentioned in the list, perhaps the books belonged originally to that gentleman.

Allegedly the collection was sold to a German buyer between 1940 and 1945.

Pigeaud II, p. 475.

Provenance: Presented to the Library by Messrs. E.J. Brill, Leiden.

(Mal. 2931)

Or. 8316

Batak, paper, photographs.

A complete set of photocopies (enlargements of film Or. B 8) of MS Amsterdam, Institute of the Tropics, A

1389 (the so-called ‘large pustaha of Van der Tuuk’).

See also Or. 8386, below.

Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), p. 242, and pp. 98-99 for a description of the Amsterdam manuscript.

Provenance: Photographic reproduction and prints made in the Leiden Library.

(Mal. 2944)

Or. 8317

Arabic, photographs, diverse sizes, negatives, positives.

J.H. Kramers’ collection of photographs of various manuscripts, brought together by P. Voorhoeve from

materials in Kramers’ estate and possibly from other sources.

(1) 3 photographs taken from MS Leiden Or. 3101, above: al-Istakhri, Kitab al-Masalik wal-Mamalik. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 200. Maps of the World, map of al-Andalus, map of Bahr Faris.

(2) Mamalik-i Iran. Photograph of the Map of Iran from the atelier of Ibrahim Müteferrika, Constantinople


(3) 3 photographs from ff. 113b-114a, 148b-149a and 163b-164a of a manuscript of an unidentified

philosophical text. Maghribi script, 32-35 lines to the page.

(4) 1 photograph from MS Milano, Ambrosiana & 114 sup, f. 31a. Turkish prose text, unidentified.

(5) 28 Photographs of an unidentified Christian Arabic text.

(6) 3 hand-coloured photographs of a Mamlūk Qur’an. One photo shows Sura 1, one Sūra 114, and a third

page, beginning with Qur’an 14:21. At the left bottom corner is written ‘de Goeje’. M.J. de Goeje (1836-1909)

may be the former owner of the three photos.

(7) 5 photographs of calligraphic panels, of mid-19th-century originals.

(8) 2 heliogravures of Arabic papyri I = No. 31318; II = 31317. No reference to the original.

(9) 20 photographs, from MS Leiden Or. 909 (2), Kitab Si Fasl, Persian treatise by Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (CCO

III, p. 148). Added: collation notes of the Si Fasl (2 ff.). Also added the invoice of the Leiden photographer N.

Rameau for the manuscture of the prints, dated Leiden, May 1937. Also added is a letter by Kramers’ pupil J.

Slikboer, dated Utrecht, June 1, 1937, with envelope.

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(10) 2 heliogravure prints showing 8 pages from MS Leiden Or. 889, the Hamasa by al-Buhturi. The sheets

probably originate from the facsimile edition (De Goeje publications, No. 1).

(11) Collection of various photographs of texts, mostly in Arabic and Persian. No reference to their origins,

and a few notes. Two photographs have on their verso an oval stamp of J. Goedeljee | Hofphotograaf |


See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 470.

Provenance: Materials found in the estate of J.H. Kramers, and possibly elsewhere as well.

[* Ar. 3224, outplaced because of its large dimensions]

Or. 8318

Arabic, photograph.

Photograph of an Arabic inscription written on cloth. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 470.

(Ar. 3225)

Or. 8319

Arabic, photographs, paper.

A collection of photographs, ‘Abklatschen’ (paper casts), drawings and maps of Arabic inscriptions on

tombs in Pase (Acheh), Tralaja and Leran (residency Surabaya, Java), Banten, etc. See Rapporten van de

Commissie v. Oudheidkundig onderzoek 1910, p. 2 (Tralaja, Leran), Oudheidkundig verslag 1912-1913, and

Verhandelingen Bataviaasch Genootschap 46, p. 230. There is a nearly complete set of Abklatsch Nos. 552-

1062 listed in the Oudheidkundig verslag 1912-1913. The Nos. 1806-1838, Oudheidkundig verslag 1915, pp. 131 ff.

Are in the Kern Institute. In addition, there are plaster casts of the 6th line of the inscription of Leran (see

TBG 65, pp. 668 ff.), some coins and plaster casts of coins, and some letters from J. Moquette to C. Snouck

Hurgronje. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 430.

Provenance: Legacy C. Snouck Hurgronje (1936).

(placed in the printed book stacks, North side, near plano shelves; partly kept in boxes)

¶ Or. 18.097 S. 14, below, contains correspondence about the prints and rubbings (paper casts) of tomb

stones in Pasei and Tralaja, with drawings, 1905-1911. 1 sheaf.

(Now [since summer 2002] in the process of being transferred and kept in cupboards in strongroom first

floor, west side, from No. 4 onwards).

=> Update August 5, 2019: ‘MS Leiden Or. 8319 is a collective class mark that refers to numerous different

items. Some of these have by now received new class marks. These materials are at present not completely

catalogued or inventorized, and are, therefore, not yet accessible for research.’3

Or. 8320

Javanese, or Balinese?, palm leaf, wooden boards.

Smaratantra. Not in Pigeaud II.

Provenance: Received in April 1921 as a gift from Mr. F.A. Liefrinck (1853-1927), together with the

manuscripts which are registered as Or. 6206-Or. 6227, above. The present manuscript was transferred to

this class-mark from Or. 6220, above. It is still kept in the same lontar box, Lont. 710, as the materials which

are registered as Or. 6220.

(in Lont. 710)

Or. 8321

Rejang, Dutch, paper.

3 Message of August 5, 2019, from Mr. Matthijs Holwerda, supervisor of the Special Collections reading room in the

Leiden library.

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Dutch-Rejang wordlist (Musi dialect), from the archive in Kepahiang, typewritten copy from a copy in the

library of the KITLV (see BKI 103, p. 578, MS CXLI, VIII). See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’

(1952), p. 217. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Provenance: Gift of P. Voorhoeve (1899-1996), received in 1947.

(Mal. 2941)

Or. 8322

Batak, paper, folio size, 32 pp., Batak script.

Copy on paper of the so-called boekoe bioes (buku bius) of Simanindo on Samosir, being a pustaha about

divination with a buffalo at the bius sacrifice. The copy was made in Sibolga for V.E. Korn (1892-1969), at the

time resident of Tapanuli. Voorhoeve has seen the original in Simanindo, before the war. According to Korn,

it was after it had been copied sent back to the owner through the intermediary of the ‘controleur’ of

Samosir, but according to the owner’s son, Mr. Sidauruk, police commissioner in Medan, it was never


The copy is neatly written, but the copyist was not able to read everything well and he did not insert a space

where he skipped letters. This makes the copy difficult to understand at some places, but it is not entirely

unusable. Voorhoeve has made a transcript in Latin script (MS Leiden Or. 8322 A, below). The copyist has

serially numbered the bindus, and Voorhoeve has maintained this numbering in his transcript.

There are several chains of transmission in which it is said that the prescripts have come to Simanindo from


The entire text text treat porbuhit, everything that is connected with divination with a buffalo. As usual,

there is also a porpanean and a pangarumbui. At the end is also a porhalaan with the accompanying text.

See Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), pp. 242-243.

Provenance: Presented to the Library by V.E. Korn (1892-1969), before September 1947.

(Mal. 2942)

Or. 8322 A

Batak, paper, Latin script.

Transcript by P. Voorhoeve (1899-1996) of the Batak text on porhubit, etc., as contained in Or. 8322, above.

Received in the course of 1947.

(in Mal. 2942)

Or. 8323

Javanese, palm leaf.

Serat Yusup.

Not in Pigeaud II.

Provenance: Presented in September 1947 by Mr. H. van Herwerden.

(Lont. 764)

Or. 8324

Hebrew, fragment on parchment, 1 f.

Bible, Genesis 6,8-7,3. See A. van der Heide, Hebrew Manuscripts (1977), pp. 91-92.

Provenance: Acquired in January 1948 from the estate of Maurits Wagenvoort (1859-1944), a Dutch travel


[* in Hebr. 238]

Or. 8325

Balinese, palm leaf.

Medical recipes.

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Provenance: From the estate of Ms. A. van der Boon-Mesrope, who had it from the estate of her late

husband, Mr. E. Mesrope, of The Hague. Acquired on February 2, 1948, through the intermediary of the

National Museum of Ethnography, Leiden.

(Lont. 765)

Or. 8326

Batak, Dutch, English, paper, 11 ff., kept in a paper sheaf.

Correspondence related to the proper identification of MS Acad. 247.

- Letter (in Dutch) from J. Willmet (1750-1835) in Amsterdam, dated 30 June 1819, to C.J.C. Reuvens (1793-

1835) in Leiden, also containing three facsimile fragments made by Willmet of his manuscript (which is now

Acad. 247). The text is as follows:

Den WelEd. Hoog. Gel. Heer

den Heer C.J.C. Reuvens,




WelEd. HoogGel. Heer,

In gevolge van Uw Hooggel. vriendelijke aanbod heb ik de eer UHG. hier bij toetezenden een fac simile

(het eenige dat ik heb en het welk ik dus na gebruik te rug verzoek) van mijn Egijptisch, of gelijk het mij

toeschijnt, Egijptisch in Indische letters geschreven, Handschrift; dewijl deze gelegenheid van Uw H.G.

reis naar Engeland, welke ik wensch dat voorspoedig, aangenaam en nuttig zijn zal, misschien

onverwachte ophelderingen zal kunnen geven over een zoo vreemd, zoo oud en mogelijk belangrijk stuk.

Ik heb de eer met een aanbeveeling in Uw in Uw H.G. vriendschap en met ware hoogachting te zijn

Uw Hooggel. D.W. Dienaar

Amst. 30 Junij 1819. J. Willmet.

- Note (in English) from Ch. Wilkins (Library East India House, London), dated 12 October 1819, to C.J.C.

Reuvens (then in London).

- Note (in Latin) on an as yet unidentified Indian manuscript of J. Willmet, apparently not Acad. 247.

- Notes (in Dutch), by C.J.C. Reuvens concerning the determination of MS Acad. 247 as a Batak manuscript.

Followed by information on other Batak manuscripts in the London library, which was given by Dr. Wilkins

to Prof. Reuvens.

Three facsimiles (pencil and ink on transparent paper) drawn after MS Acad. 247 (one illustration, two text

fragments). These were probably made by J. Willmet, as they are mentioned in his letter to Reuvens.

See M.C. Ricklefs & P. Voorhoeve, Indonesian manuscripts in Great Britain. Oxford 1977, p. 13. See also Acad.

247, below.

See P. Voorhoeve, Codices Batacici (Leiden 1977), p. 243.

See now also Jan Just Witkam, ‘Operatie geslaagd, patiënt overleden. Joannes Willmets codicologische en

paleografische exercities’, in Paul Hoftijzer, Kasper van Ommen, Geert Warnar en Jan Just Witkam (eds.),

Bronnen van kennis. Wetenschap, kunst en cultuur in de collecties van de Leidse Universiteitsbibliotheek.

Leiden: Primavera Pers, 2006, pp. 230-240

Provenance: Transferred in February 1948 from the National Museum of Ethnography in Leiden, where it

had been kept as part of the Reuvens Collection or Legacy.

[* Mal. 2927]

Or. 8327-Or. 8328

Manuscripts received in February 1948 from the estate of Maurits Wagenvoort (1859-1944).

Page 129: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8327

Arabic, paper, 12 ff., maghribi script, 18th cent.?

Qissat Qasr al-Dhahab. Anonymous legendary tale about Nabi Sulayman. Probably a lacuna between ff. 7-8.

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 276.

Provenance: Received in February 1948 from the estate of Maurits Wagenvoort.

(Ar. 3077)

Or. 8328

Arabic, paper, 9 ff., maghribi script, 12/18th cent.?

al-Muqaddima al-Agurrumiyya by Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Sanhagi Ibn Agurrum (d. 723/1323), GAL G

II, 237. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 236. Added: a lithographed title-page mentioning Miftah Kunuz al-Nahw

wal-Adab li-Fath `Ulum al-`Arab.

Provenance: Received in February 1948 from the estate of Maurits Wagenvoort.

(Ar. 3078)

Or. 8329 a-b

Malay, paper, typewritten carbon copy, 466 ff. in two portfolios, Latin script, dated Surabaya, July 4, 1929,

transliterated by Oedin (f. 466v).

Copy of Hikayat Tumenggung. Copy of MSS Jakarta KBG 516 and KBG 523.

Iskandar’s abstract: ‘Raden Inu Kertapati (prince of Kuripan) is kidnapped by Ratu Sencawindu, tortured,

thrown into the sea, saved by Jurudeh and Persanta and changes his name into Cekel Waneng Pati; his

fiancee Galuh Candrakirana (of Daha), is kidnapped by Buta Wilasumba; Cekel Waneng Pati defeats

Wilasumba and brings Raden Galuh back to Daha; here Cekel Waneng Pati becomes a favourite of the

court; Raja Mengkodo proposes to Galuh but is rejected; Inu’s brother, Carang Tiningal, leaves the court in

search of his brother and changes his name to Prabu Jaya; the brothers meet in a war; the ruler of Daha

installs Cekel Waneng Pati as Adipati Tambakbaya who will rule Daha in the future; Galuh leaves in search

of adventures and is adopted by the ruler of Lasem; her brothers (sisters), Perbatasari and Gunungsari, go in

search of her and meet her in Lasem; Inu, disguised as Temenggung Ariwangsa, comes across Galuh and

Perbatasari (disguised as Maesa Ulama and later on as Demang Utara); Temenggung Ariwangsa marries

Galuh of Daha; at the instigation of one of his concubines, Galuh of Gagelang, Raden Inu repudiates the

pregnant Galuh of Daha; in a forest she gives birth to Maesa Tanderaman; in her absence Inu falls ill and

Galuh of Gagelang begets a son Citra Anglingbaya; both sons go in search of a medicine; only Maesa

Tanderaman is able to find it; when Maesa Tanderaman’s identity is brought to light, he is installed as ruler;

Galuh of Daha is kidnapped but freed; a prince of Singasari and Daha is married to a princess of Keling;

Prabu Secawindu and his consort ascend to heaven; their daughter, who married Raden Inu, begets a

daughter, Raden Galuh Ratnakumala; Inu Asmarajaya, son of Pangeran Kusumawijaya, marries Galuh

Ratnakumala.’ See M. Amir Sutaarga, Katalogus koleksi naskah Melayu Museum Pusat. Jakarta: Departemen

Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1972. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 518 (No. 1109).

Provenance: Received in April 1948 from the University of Indonesia in Batavia/Jakarta.

(Mal. 2924, Mal. 2925)

Or. 8330

Persian, Turkish, paper, 27 ff., naskh script, modern binding.

Tuhfe-i Shahidi, rhymed Persian-Turkish dictionary by Ibrahim Shahidi (d. 957/1550). On f. 26a is a list with

the numerical values of the letters of the Arabic alphabet, as final part of the text.

See Jan Schmidt, Catalogue, vol. 2 (2002), pp. 376-379.

Earlier provenance: On f. 1a: ‘Ex Cubiculo Orientalium Colleg. L.M.S.J.’ Another manuscript from this same

origin is Or. 14.345, below, where the abbreviation is read: ‘Ex cubiculo orientalium collegii Ludovici magni,

1755’. On f. 26b: ‘Fonton 1780’, and: ‘Il ya dans tout le chaidy six cent quatre vingt seize vers. 696.’ Would he

Page 130: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

be Charles Fonton, the dragoman who lived from 1753 onwards in Istanbul, and later also in Izmir, Aleppo

and Cairo. If not, he would at least be a member of the Fonton family.

Provenance: Presented to the Library in April 1948 by Mr. J.C. Juta, The Hague.

[* Ar. 3079]

Or. 8331

Arabic, Coptic, paper, 189 pp., 18th cent.

Kitab al-Sullam. Anonymous Coptic-Arabic dictionary, systematically arranged like that of Abu al-Barakat

(d. 1324 AD), Graf GCAL II, 443-446. Added: a description in Italian by Celestino Schiaparelli (1841-1919). See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 346. Not in Kruit & Witkam, List (2000).

Provenance: Purchased on 29 December 1948 from Meyer Elte, antiquarian bookseller in The Hague.

(Ar. 3080)

Or. 8332

Banjarese, paper, 279 + 14 pp., typewritten, Latin script.

Copy of a never completed Banjarese Idioticon by W. Kern. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’

(1952), p. 213.

Added: notes by H.D. van Pernis.

A. 279 pp, typewritten carbon copy. W. Kern, Banjarese-Malay vocabulary.

B. 14 pp. Banjarese vocabulary by H.D. van Pernis. With a letter by van Pernis to R.A. Kern.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 518-519 (No. 1110).

Provenance: Presented to the Library in July 1949 by the Instituut voor Taal- en Cultuuronderzoek in


(Mal. 3099)

Or. 8333

Persian, paper, mostly nasta`liq script, different hands,

- Collection of Persian letters, contracts, reports, surveys, etc., from India.

- A short geographical work in Persian, comprising 16 ff., in nasta`liq script with marginal notes in Shekaste-

amiz, possibly incomplete, although this is difficult to say, containing descriptions of Persian towns,

Ardabil, Tabriz, Shirwan, Khurasan, etc. Beginning: (basmala) … Dar Bayan-i Ahwal-i Wilayat-i Iran. Further

on are also descriptions of `Iraq (f. 8b) and Transoxania (f. 16b).

- Ahwal-i Wali-yi Bahawalpur Nisbat ba Wali-yi Lahawr. Paper, 8 ff., nasta`liq script. On the relationship

between Bahawalpur and Lahore.

- Added: Sheet with a printed poem in Persian by Charles Edward Wilson, B.A., Royal Academy of Arts,

Piccadilly, entitled: ‘H.I.M. The Shah Nasiru’d-Din Shah Kajar, K.G.’, dated July 1889. The Persian Shah Nasir

al-Din Shah (reigned 1848-1896) visited Europe several times, and apparently visited London in 1889.

Provenance: Presented to the Library by J.G. Luzac, the Hague, in November 1948.

(Ar. 3135)

Or. 8334

Study materials from the estate of A.J. Wensinck (1882-1939). Presented to the Library by Mrs. Wensinck in

July 1949. Other material related to A.J. Wensinck is MS Leiden Or. 25.686, below.

Or. 8334 a

Dutch, paper, 2 ff., typewritten.

Lecture notes by A.J. Wensinck (1882-1939), for his paper on the 6th Congress of the Dutch Oriental Society.

See also Verslag, pp. 16-17. Typed by P. Voorhoeve from Wensinck’s original notes in pencil.

Provenance: Received in July 1949 from the estate of A.J. Wensinck.

[* in Ar. 3082]

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Or. 8334 b

Arabic, paper, 15 ff.

Variae lectionis for the text of al-Munqidh min al-Dalal by Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111),

GAL G I, 425, collected by A.J. Wensinck (1882-1939) from MS Cairo, al-Maktaba al-Mahmudiyya 102, ff. 56-

71. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 234.

Provenance: Received in July 1949 from the estate of A.J. Wensinck.

[* in Ar. 3082]

Or. 8334 c

Collection of texts in Arabic, paper, 80 pp., pencil. Copied by A.J. Wensinck (1882-1939) for Or. 1093 (1),

above, being Mishkat al-Anwar by Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazzali (d. 505/111), GAL G I, 423, with

apparatus criticus in the margin. See A.J. Wensinck, Semietische Studiën, pp. 191-212. See Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 217.

Provenance: Received in July 1949 from the estate of A.J. Wensinck.

[* in Ar. 3082]

Or. 8334 d

Arabic, paper, 14 ff. Kitab al-Kashf wal-Tabyin fi Ghurur al-Khalq Agma`in, by al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G

I, 423, No. 42. Copied in Leiden on 28 July 1933. The beginning copied by A.J. Wensinck (1882-1939) himself,

and later by the Egyptian `Abd al-`Aziz Barham for Wensinck, from MS Berlin, Landberg 276, Cat. Ahlwardt

8744. It is an abstract from Ihya’ `Ulum al-Din, vol. 3, book 10: Kitab Dhamm al-Ghurur. See Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 154.

Provenance: Received in July 1949 from the estate of A.J. Wensinck.

(in Ar. 3082)

Or. 8334 e

Arabic, paper, 8 ff.

Risala fi Bayan Ma`rifat Allah, by al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 421, No. 17. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp.

293-294. Copied by A.J. Wensinck (1882-1939) from Or. 177 (7), above, with some notes added. These two

Leiden manuscripts were used for the edition of the text: Min al-Turāth al-Makhṭūṭ lil-Imām al-Ghazzālī.

Thalāth Rasāʾil fil-Maʿrifa lam tunshar min qabl. Taḥqīq wa-Taqdīm wa-Taʿlīq Maḥmūd Ḥamdī Zaqzūq.

Cairo2 (al-Maǧlis al-Aʿlā lil-Shuʾūn al-Islāmiyya) 1430/2009, pp. 9-21.

Provenance: Received in July 1949 from the estate of A.J. Wensinck.

[* in Ar. 3082]

Or. 8335

Mentawei, Dutch, Malay, 117 pp. and a printed booklet.

Spraakkunstige schets van de taal der Mentawai-eilanden, by N. Adriani (1865-1926), as published in BKI 84

(1928), pp. 1-117, with some materials by O. Westerman (1923), and a printed booklet, with handwritten

Malay translation. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 217. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue


Provenance: From the estate of N. Adriani (1865-1926), received in 1949 from the estate of S.J. Esser (1900-

1944) through the intermediary of P. Voorhoeve.

(Mal. 3048)

Or. 8336

Arabic, Acehnese, paper, 2 pp.

Copy of a poem on the subject of al-Asma’ al-Husna. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue

of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 213.

Earlier provenance: War booty? Found in Curèe, December 1898.

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Provenance: Legacy C. Snouck Hurgronje, 1936.

(Mal. 6191)

Or. 8337

Tidorese (Malay?), paper, 1 f.

Reproduction of a genealogical tree in Tidorese script.

Provenance: Presented to the Library on September 5, 1949, by G.F. Pijper (1893-1988).

(Ar. 3225, outplaced)

Or. 8338

Acehnese, paper, 4 pp. school excercise book paper in ink, Latin script.

A transliteration of the 7th story only, the Kisah Padeulon, taken from the Kisah dua blaih peukara (‘eleven

vices and one virtue’). See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 167 and pp. 181-183,

with extensive description of the content of the entire text.

A carbon copy of the Sundanese transliteration in MS Leiden Or. 8309 (see above). According to ‘Journaal’ p.

178 this should be: Photographic reproduction (a) in microfilm, diapositive, (b) of MS Jakarta KBG Vt. 54.

Provenance: Received (in 1949?) from the Instituut voor Taal- en Cultuuronderzoek in Batavia/Jakarta.

(Mal. 3044)

Or. 8339

Mandailing Batak, paper cards.

Incomplete card system for a Mandailing-Batak dictionary by C.A. van Ophuijsen (1854-1917). It has almost

entirely been incorporated in H.J. Eggink, Angkola- en Mandailing-Bataksch – Nederlandsch woordenboek

(Batavia 1936). See Eggink’s introduction about this. The card system has therefore lost most of its

informative value. It has been taken from original wooden cupboard and is preserved in a carton box. A list

of those words, which were not included by Eggink in his Woordenboek is registered as OLG VIII, 68 [but

this was not found on that place, which is now OLG section 90, jjw/26.1.2001]. See Voorhoeve, Codices

Batacici, p. 221.

Provenance: Originates from Prof. Ch.A. van Ophuijsen (1854-1917).

(Mal. 3043)

Or. 8340

Malay, paper, 16 ff., Latin script.

Table of contents only of Hikayat Mashhud Haqq (Masyudehak), which is MS Jakarta, KBG v.d. Wall No. 180.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 519 (No. 1111).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3205)

Or. 8341

Arabic, paper, 1 f., dated 8 Ragab 1317 / 12 November 1899, copied by Khatib Mahmud b. Muhammad Galal


Azimat, amulet, from Ternate, circles and squares. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 34. See Iskandar, Catalogue

(1999), p. 519, No. 1112.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 519 (No. 1112).

Provenance: Presented to the Library in 1949 by Dr. J. Fortgens, of Doorn, who was a missionary on


(Mal. 3225)

Or. 8342

Malay, Acehnese, paper and photocopies.

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A. Sarakata. Issued by Sultan Alaaddin Johan Syah ibn Sultan Ahmad Syah. An edict confirming the

installation of Tun Bungsu as successor of his father as keujruen batang of Meulaboh.

B. Seal of Pengulu Sidik, d. g. h. r. a (? tughra = Turkish for seal) wazir Sultan Aceh di negeri Neulaboh

(Meulaboh), dated 1275/1858-1859.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 519 (No. 1113). See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese Manuscripts (1994), p.


Provenance: Received on September 5, 1948, from Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap, Batavia/Jakarta.

(Ar. 3225)

Or. 8343

Gajo’nese, Acehnese, paper.

Notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) on the Gajo’nese stories. See also Or. 7124 (texts) and Or. 8241

(translation), above. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften’ (1952), p. 214.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3046)

Or. 8344

Arabic, Malay

Four Amulets with texts in Arabic and Malay.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 520 (No. 1114).

Provenance: Received on November 15, 1949, as a present from Mr. E.A.P. de Raadt (* 1911) of Jambi.

(Mal. 2948)

Or. 8345

Karo-Batak, and text in Latin and Arabic scripts, long scroll, with drawings.

Pedigree of Raja Ngabu, pengulu of Selempai, Sumatra’s East coast.

Raja Ngabu suffered from a paranoid psychosis. He produced this pedigree during his treatment in the

hospital in Tanjung Pura in c. 1940. The persons in the pedigree are represented by their portraits. Their

names are added to the drawings in Karo-Batak, Latin and Arabic scripts.

Provenance: Received on October 29, 1949, from Dr. Amir, a psychiatrist in Medan.

Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), p. 243.

(Mal. 3207)

Or. 8346-Or. 8347

Two Arabic manuscripts, purchased on August 29, 1949, from Mr. P. Harry Rofé in Tangiers.

Or. 8346

Arabic, paper, 234 pp., dated c. 1800.

Manzumat Ta`bir al-Ru’ya, by Muhammad b. Gabir al-Ghassani al-Miknasi (d. 827/1424), GAL S II, 367.

Composed in 1401 AD. Probably the same as al-Mir’at al-Ulya fi Ta`bir al-Ru’ya, MS Rabat, Cat. Lévi-

Provençal, No. 473. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 187.

(Ar. 3084)

Or. 8347

Arabic, paper, 70 ff., maghribi script, dated 1065 AH (1654-1655).

Commentary by al-Gharnati (d. 760/1351) on al-Ramiza al-Shafiya fi `Ilm al-`Arud wal-Qafiya by al-Khazragi

(c. 650/1252), GAL G I, 312. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 283.

(Ar. 3094)

Or. 8348-Or. 8362 (and possibly Or. 8368, Or. 8373, Or. 8415-Or. 8437 as well).

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Collection of Middle-Eastern manuscripts, formerly belonging to Dr. Is. Jos. H. Paul Herzsohn (1842-1931).

The present collection was acquired by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk &

Niermans, booksellers and auctioneers in Leiden.

¶ Not much is known about Dr. Is. Jos. H. Paul Herzsohn, as he was never attached to a university or another

institution of learning. He is not mentioned by Wolfgang Behn, Concise biographical companion to Index

Islamicus (Leiden (E.J. Brill) 2004-2006). A few books go by his name. First there is his doctoral thesis: Der

Überfall Alexandrien’s durch Peter I., König von Jerusalem und Cypern. Aus einer ungedruckten arabischen

Quelle mit historischen und kritischen Anmerkungen dargestellt. Erstes Heft. Inaugural-Dissertation [...]

vertheidigt, am 23 Juni 1886... Bonn (Universitäts-Buchdruckerei von Carl Georgi) 1886, then he is the

author of a few other works, first of a collection of poetry: Schlehdorn und Rosen, Leiden (E.J. Brill) 1891, and

of the earliest preparations for the Encyclopaedia of Islam as a project of the Leiden publisher E.J. Brill: Erste

Sammlung von Stichwörtern für eine Encyklopaedie des Islam, Leiden (E.J. Brill) 1897; together with M.Th.

Houtsma, Verzeichnis der Stichwörter für die Encyklopädie des Islam, Leiden (E.J. Brill) 1905. Some more

detailed biographical details on him can be found in the Lexicon Westfälischer Autorinnen und Autoren, 1750-

1950, which is on-line available:


671904>. The following information was downloaded on 19 June 2010:

“Paul Herzsohn

Geboren am 4. April 1842 in Schwelm als Sohn eines jüdischen Viehhändlers und Gastwirts. Ab 1853 Besuch der

Höheren Bürgerschule in Schwelm. 1857 oder 1858 wurde er Kaufmannsgehilfe in Hamm. Nach 13 Jahren Tätigkeit

erreichte er die Stellung eines Prokuristen. Von 1874 an nahm er Privatunterricht, um 1876 die Hochschulreife zu

erwerben. Nach dem Tod der Eltern (1875 der Mutter, 1877 des Vaters) scheint es, daß Herzsohn von nun an das

elterliche Vermögen, das er als einziger (überlebender) Nachkomme geerbt hat und das nicht unbeträchtlich gewesen

sein kann, aufzuzehren begonnen hat. (Wolfgang Fenner) 1879 Umzug nach Bonn, wo er Philologie, Philosophie und

Geschichte studierte. 1886 Promotion in Orientalistischer Philologie. 1886 oder 1887 Umzug nach Leiden, wo sich ein

orientalistisches Zentrum befand. 20 Jahre lebte er in dem Dorf Zoeterwoude nahe Leiden, von wo aus er mit

Orientalisten der Leidener Universität in Kontakt stand. 1907 mit der Berufsbezeichnung Privatgelehrter und

Orientalist Umzug nach Düsseldorf, wo er am 21. März 1931 starb.

Über Schlehdorn und Rosen (1891) heißt es: eine ermüdend umfangreiche Sammlung bildungsbürgerlicher

Gelegenheitsgedichte, die zwar fast sämtlich für sich beanspruchen können, formal, d.h. was die Verslehre betrifft,

korrekt zu sein, denen es aber an persönlicher Handschrift fehlt, an Erfahrung: [...]. (Wolfgang Fenner)

Selbständige Veröffentlichungen: Der Überfall Alexandrien's durch Peter I., König in Jerusalem und Cypern, aus einer

ungedruckten arabischen Quelle mit historischen und kritischen Anmerkungen dargestellt. Heft 1. Diss. Bonn: Georgi

1886. XXVI, 50S. (ULB Münster) – Schlehdorn und Rosen. Leyden: Brill; Leipzig: Koehler 1891. VIII, 382S. (Museum

Haus Martfeld, Schwelm).

Unselbständige Veröffentlichungen in: Das Museum stellt vor (s.u.): Auswahl von Gedichten aus „Schlehdorn und


Unselbständige Veröffentlichungen über Herzsohn: W. Fenner: „Schlehdorn und Rosen (1891)“. Ein Gedichtband von

Paul Herzsohn. Das Museum stellt vor (12), in: Beitr. zur Heimatkunde der Stadt Schwelm und ihrer Umgebung, N.F.

42, 1992, S. 145f.

Erwähnungen in: G. Helbeck: Juden in Schwelm. Geschichte einer Minderheit von den Anfängen im 17. Jahrhundert

bis zum Nationalsozialismus. Schwelm 1988, S. 133.

Handschriftliches: Archiv der Universität Leiden: 2 Briefe an den Orientalisten M.J. de Goeje; Brief an M. Houtsma;

Brief an E.J. Brill – Datenbank www.juedischeliteraturwestfalen.de”

The site <www.juedischeliteraturwestfalen.de> contains the same information (as seen on June 19, 2010).

Herzsohn’s books (and manuscripts) were sold by auction by Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, antiquarian

booksellers and auctioneers in Leiden, in the course of 1949. Burgersdijk & Niermans published a catalogue

(not seen) of Herzsohn’s library: Veilingcatalogus, boeken van Paul Herzsohn, 26 tot 27 september 1949.

Antiquarian bookman of 1949 announced the Herzsohn auction as follows: ‘Burgersdijk & Niermans LEIDEN

- HOLLAND will sell by auction Sept. 26 and following days the library of the late Dr. Paul Herzsohn

Page 135: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

including an important collection of Arabica, Judaica, Egyptology, some early impressions, ...’

See now on Herzsohn also Peri Bearman, A History of the Encyclopaedia of Islam. Atlanta: Lockwood Press,

2018, index s.v., and especially pp. 11-13.

Or. 8348

Arabic, paper, 105 ff., full leather, rebacked, Islamic binding, with blind tooled ornamentation (borders and

medallion), owner’s mark, dated 9 Shawwal 1285 (1869), by Muftizada al-Alusi al-Sayyid Muhammad Shakir.

Bustan al-`Arifin by Abu al-Layth Nasr b. Muhammad al-Samarqandi (d. c. 373/983), GAL G I, 196 (title and

author on f. 3a). On ff. 1a-2b is a detailed table of contents with mention of 116 chapter titles. On top of a

number of verso pages is written a pious saying, which has no connection with the main text. Identified

with MS Berlin Pet. 56 (Ahlwardt 8322). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 54.

Auction catalogue No. 2.

¶ See also Amnon Shiloah, The theory of music in Arabic writings (c. 900-1900). München 1979, No. 228, pp.

319-320, where chapters 80 and 83 on singing and music are discussed.

Provenance: Herzsohn collection, acquired by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk &

Niermans of Leiden.

[* Ar. 3099]

Or. 8349

Collective volume with texts in Persian, with some Arabic, paper, 200 ff., nasta`liq script, full-leather Islamic

binding, with gilded ornamentation.

(1) ff. 1a-2b, 200a-b. Notes and quotations, in prose and poetry, mostly in Persian, but some in Arabic. From

works by `Umar al-Khayyam (f. 1b), Molla Sadra (f. 1b). Also the text of a Musalaha, dated 1271 AH, to be used

as a model (f. 1b). And a contract of purchase (Mubaya`a) dated 1267 AH (1850-1851, f. 2a).

(2) ff. 2b-146b. A secretarial or notarial handbook by Ibn Shams al-Din Muhammad Sayyid Muhammad

Husayn al-Hasani al-Husayni. Many subjects are treated, sometimes provided with figures in the text or in

the margins, showing the portions of inheritance (ff. 75b, 76b, 77a, 77b, 79a), geometrical figures

(concerning Misahat, ff. 83a, 83b, 84a, 84b), arithmatical figures, etc. Dated Dhu al-Qa`da 1079 (1669), copied

by Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Musawi (colophon on f. 146b).

(3) ff. 146b-147a. Questions and answers (Su’al – Gawab) on subjects of Islamic law. Continued in the

margins of ff. 147b-154a, and continued on f. 198b.

(4) ff. 147b-198a. Extracts from what is said to be the third volume of Habib al-Siyar, by Ghiyath al-Din b.

Hammam al-Din Khwandamir (d. 941/1534-1535). First, there is a section on towns and regions (ff. 147b-

167b), then about rivers and seas (ff. 168a-171b), then on Ghara’ib al-Athar (ff. 171b-173b), on wells (ff. 173b-

174b), islands (ff. 174b-177b), mountains (ff. 177b-179b), strange creatures (ff. 179b-184a), strange stories about

Ginn’s (ff. 184b-186b), strange stories about animals and birds (ff. 186b-198a).

(5) ff. 199a-b. Quotations from one or more works by Molla Sadra Shirazi.

Auction catalogue No. 9.

Provenance: Herzsohn collection, acquired by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk &

Niermans of Leiden.

[* Ar. 3090]

Or. 8350

Arabic, paper, 123 ff.

al-Nuzha al-Mubhiga fi Tashhid al-Adhhan wa-Ta`dil al-Amziga by Dawud b. `Umar al-Antaki (d. 1008/1599),

GAL G II, 364. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 259.

Auction catalogue No. 10.

Provenance: Herzsohn collection, acquired by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk &

Niermans of Leiden.

(Ar. 3091)

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Or. 8351

Arabic, paper, 149 ff. + 25 pp.

Incomplete copy (end missing) of volume 2 only of al-Mughni fil-Adwiya al-Mufrada by Muhammad b.

Ahmad Ibn al-Baytar (d. 646/1248), GAL G I, 492, with collations and a copy of bab 20 from MS Paris BNF

Arabe 2990 by Ahmed Zeki Bey. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 223.

Auction catalogue No. 18.

Provenance: Herzsohn collection, acquired by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk &

Niermans of Leiden.

(Ar. 3088)

Or. 8352

Arabic, paper (watermark tre lune), 12 ff.

Bughyat al-Tullab wa-Tuhfat al-Hussab, by `Abd al-Fattah b. Ibrahim (al-Ladhiqi?) al-Maliki (see Asna’ al-

Ghayat fi `Ilm al-Miqat), an Urguza composed in 1143 (1730-1731). Followed by several Fawa’id, the last one

by the copyist. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 53-54.

Auction catalogue No. 19.

Provenance: Herzsohn collection, acquired by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk &

Niermans of Leiden.

(Ar. 3098)

Or. 8353

Arabic, paper (watermark Heawood No. 4, early-17th cent.), 33 ff. (with a large hiatus between ff. 1-2).

Nihayat al-Rutba fi Talab al-Hisba, by `Abd al-Rahman b. Nasr al-Shayzari (6/12th cent.), GAL S I, 832. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 253.

Auction catalogue No. 20.

Provenance: Herzsohn collection, acquired by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk &

Niermans of Leiden.

(Ar. 3097)

Or. 8354

Arabic, paper, 120 ff., dated 1089 (1678-1679).

Magma` al-Turuqat fi Bayan Qismat al-Tarikat, by (according to an erased but still faintly legible note on the

title-page) Ibrahim al-Salihi (see GAL G II, 299). With numerous tables and diagrams. The handwriting is

similar to that of MS Leiden Or. 8512, below, which is al-Salihi’s autograph. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 177.

Auction catalogue No. 21.

Provenance: Herzsohn collection, acquired by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk &

Niermans of Leiden.

(Ar. 3095)

Or. 8355

Arabic, paper, 336 ff., dated 1148 (1735-1736).

Commentary by `Ali b. Muhammad al-Gurgani (d. 816/1413) on Kitab al-Mawaqif by `Adud al-Din al-Igi (d.

756/1355), GAL G II, 208. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 206.

Auction catalogue No. 22.

Provenance: Herzsohn collection, acquired by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk &

Niermans of Leiden.

(Ar. 3087)

Or. 8356

Collective volume. Arabic, dated 1123 (1711-1712).

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(1) pp. 1-527 (p. 213 omitted in numbering) Al-Hawi fil-Tibb (fi `Ilm al-Tadawi), by al-Shirazi (d. 730/1330),

GAL S II, 298. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 110.

(2) pp. 527-533. al-Tibb al-Nabawi, medical text by Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi (d. 892/1486), GAL G II,

252. Dated 1123 AH (1711-1712). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 379.

Auction catalogue No. 23.

Provenance: Herzsohn collection, acquired by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk &

Niermans of Leiden.

(Ar. 3089)

Or. 8357

Arabic, paper, 24 ff., at the end two notes dated 988 (1580-1581).

A calligraphic copy of the Burda by Muhammad b. Sa`id al-Busiri (d. 694/1294), GAL G I, 264, with five

different takhmis above each line of text. One of these is the takhmis as contained in Or. 6350, above,

entitled Al-Durra al-Mudi’a fi Madh Khayr al-Bariyya. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 156.

The fifth Takhmis is identical to MS Leiden Or. 6350, above and MS Leiden Or. 14.244 (2), below.

Auction catalogue No. 33.

Provenance: Herzsohn collection, acquired by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk &

Niermans of Leiden.

(Ar. 3092)

Or. 8358

Arabic, paper, 128 ff., dated 977 (1569-1570).

Kitab `Aga’ib wa-ma abadahu al-Hadathan wa-`Aga’ib al-Buldan wal-Ghamir bil-Ma’ wal-`Umran (title in

colophon). This is the work which was translated by Carra de Vaux under the title L’abrégé des merveilles.

Traduit de l’Arabe d’après les manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris par B. Carra de Vaux. Paris 1898

[1439 G 23]. According to GAL S I, 221, it is an abridgment, augmented from other sources, of Kitab Akhbar

al-Zaman by al-Mas`udi (d. 345/956). The title varies in different copies. Paris, BnF Arabe 1471 has the same

title, apart from the first word (Akhbar al-Zaman). The first leaf is missing. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 4.

Added: Letter by Ahmed Zeki Bey to De Stoppelaar (managers of Brill’s, Leiden), dated Paris 26 September


Also added: The beginning of the text, lacking in the present manuscript, copied by Ahmed Zeki Bey from

MS Paris, BNF Arabe 1471.

Auction catalogue No. 30.

Provenance: Herzsohn collection, acquired by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk &

Niermans of Leiden.

(Ar. 3160)

Or. 8359

Arabic, parchment.

Qur’an. ‘Kufic’ fragment on parchment. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 278.

Auction catalogue No. 30.

Provenance: Herzsohn collection, acquired by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk &

Niermans of Leiden.

(Ar. 3085)

Or. 8360

Arabic, paper, 382 ff.

Incomplete copy (abrupt end) of volume 1 of Hayat al-Hayawan by Muhammad b. Musa al-Damiri (d.

808/1405), GAL G II, 138. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 111-112.

Auction catalogue No. 30.

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Provenance: Herzsohn collection, acquired by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk &

Niermans of Leiden.

(Ar. 3154)

Or. 8361

Arabic, paper, 8 ff., dated 1300 (1882-1883).

Kashf al-Asrar al-`Ilmiyya bi-Dar al-Darb al-Misriyya, by Mansur b. Ba`ra al-Dhahabi al-Kamili (1135/1722),

GAL G II, 356. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 153.

Auction catalogue No. 30.

Provenance: Herzsohn collection, acquired by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk &

Niermans of Leiden.

(Ar. 3086)

Or. 8362

Arabic, European paper (trelune watermark), 23 ff., 22 x 15.5 (16 x 10) cm, naskh script (with occasional

vocalization), 20-22 lines to the page, black ink with rubrics, catchwords at the bottom of each verso page,

dated Tuesday 17 Muharram 1157 (1744), copied by `Umar al-Badrawi (colophon on f. 23b), modern full-cloth

European binding, apparently made in the Leiden library.

al-Adilla al-Hisan fi Bayan Tahrim Shurb al-Dukhan (title on title-page, f. 1a), or Ghayat al-Kashf wal-Bayan fi

Tahrim Sharb al-Dukhan (title in text, on f. 2a) by Muhammad al-Wali b. Sulayman b. Abi Muhammad b.

Muhammad b. Muhammad b. Ibrahim al-Fulani al-Maliki al-Ash`ari (author on title-page, f. 1a, and in the

beginning of the text, f. 1b). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 2.

Title-page (f. 1a):

ريم شرب الدخان جمع الش يخ | الامام والمحقق الهمام الادلة الحسان فى بيان تحريم شرب الدخان | وهذه غاية الكشف والبيان فى | تح

| مولانا محمد الوالى | ابن الش يخ الولى الس نحى سليمان بن ابى محمد | ابن محمد بن محمد بن ابراهيم الفلانى | المالكى مذهبا والاشعرى

عقيدة جعل الله | الجنة مثواه | بجاه محمد خير | انبياه امين | امين | م

Colophon (f. 23b):

... وكان الفراغ من كتابة ذلك فى يوم | الثلاثا المبارك سابع عشر شهر محرم | الحرام من شهور س نة الف وماية | وس بع وخمسين من

| الهجرة النبوية | على مشرفها افضل الصلاة | والسلام على يد العبد | الحقير عمر البدراوى | غفر الله له ولوالديه | ولجميع المسلمين

مين | م امين | ا

Auction catalogue Paul Herzsohn No. 30.

Provenance: Herzsohn collection, acquired by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk &

Niermans of Leiden.

[* Ar. 3101]

Or. 8363

Various languages, paper.

Register on the articles on comparative linguistics in Verspreide geschriften by H. Kern (The Hague 1913-1928,

1929, 1936). Concerns Johan Hendrik Caspar Kern (1833-1917).

Provenance: Gift from R.A. Kern (1875-1958), received on January 25, 1950.

(Mal. 2487)

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Or. 8364

Various materials, paper.

Oriental images and sayings, originating from the Dutch author Maurits Wagenvoort (1859-1944).

Provenance: Received in 1950 from the estate of Maurits Karel Herman Wagenvoort.

(Ar. 3227), plano (outplaced?)

Or. 8365

Malay, paper, 39 ff., Arabic script, diagram.

Collection of religious texts.

ff. 2v-6v. La ilaha illa 'llah, written by Abdul-Hamid bin Abdullah for his son Abdullah (?) as handed down

by Jahiduddin bin Abdullah, who had it from Mu’inuddin, who had it from Nuruddin ibn Ali Hamid ar-

Raniri, ending with the Prophet;

ff. 6v-9v. Ibadat and ‘amal, a treatise about ibadat and ‘amal.

ff. 9v-11v. La ilaha illa 'llah, kalimah Islam, kalimah iman, kalimah tauhid dan kalimah ma’rifat. At the end a


ff. 11 v-17r. Risalah muktasarah fi bayan af-tarrqah ‘ala dhikr al-mawt (jalan segala mukmin pada dzikir al-


ff. 17r-29r. Ma’rifat as-samiyyah li-ahl ash-sha’n az-zakiyyah. Contains mengenal Allah (man ‘arafa nafsahu

faqad ‘arafa rabbahu), la ilaha illa ‘Ilah, etc.

ff. 29v-38r. Manar as-suluk li-tullab wali al-muluk. Contains taharah anggota lahir dan batin (menghiasi

anggota lahir dan batin).

f. 38v. Mystical diagrams.

f. 39r. Mantera.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 520-521 (No. 1115).

Earlier provenance: K.F. Holle (1829-1896).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936. Found in 1950 in the Library, connected with a thread to MS

Leiden Or. 7635, above.

(Mal. 3047)

Or. 8366

Javanese, envelope containg 2 leaves of treebark paper (dluang).

Moralistic treatise, on asceticism, fragment, marked at the end: Yasadipuran.

Pigeaud II, p. 475.

Provenance: Found in 1950 in the Library, in Or. 2250 B. Wilken’s Javanese dictionary.

(Mal. 3049)

Or. 8367

Javanese, paper, 87 pp., Latin script.

Brata Tama, in verse, tale of Cabolek and Ketib Anom, in the reign of Prabu Mangkurat, Court stories,

written by (order of) the Yogyakarta Crown-Prince, composed by Niti Praja, bupati jaksa of Yogyakarta,

dated 1873 A.D. Copy of a Yogyakarta manuscript, made in 1932 for Th.G.Th. Pigeaud. J. Soegiarto’s notes in

Or. 10.867-D, below. Pigeaud II, p. 475.

Provenance: Received in March 1950 from the Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap, Batavia/Jakarta.

(Mal. 2490)

Or. 8368

Arabic, paper, 325 ff., dated 878 (1499-1500).

Volume 2 (from a set of 2) of al-Mungiz Sharh al-Mugiz, a commentary by Mahmud al-Amshati (d.

902/1496), GAL S II, 93, on al-Mugiz al-Qanun fil-Tibb, the commentary by `Ali b. Abi al-Hazm Ibn al-Nafis

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(d. 687/1288) on al-Qanun fil-Tibb, by Abu `Ali al-Husayn b. `Abdallah Ibn Sina (d. 428/1037), GAL G I, 493.

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 263-264.

Possible earlier provenance: Paul Herzsohn (1842-1931), see also Or. 8348-Or. 8362, above, Or. 8373, Or. 8415-

Or. 8437, below.

Provenance: Acquired by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, booksellers

and auctioneers in Leiden.

(Ar. 3093)

Or. 8369

Sundanese, paper,

Carita Ki Fadlun. This manuscript not in Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda (1988).

Provenance: Transcribed from MS Jakarta, KBG 145 Snd, which is mentioned by Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda

(1988), p. 90 (No. 198) under the title Ieu Carita ki Fadlun jeung Sayidina Umar Rajah Arab.

(Mal. 2950)

Or. 8370

Malay, paper, c. 30 ff., Arabic script.

Kitab Fa’l. Divination of lucky and unlucky days, bintang duabelas, fa’al Qur’an, etc. Former owner Pak Kecik

Sina'in (Sinayan?) of Batubahara; on a torn piece of the manuscript it is stated that the writing was finished

in Rajab 1255/September-October 1839; on the back-page the year 1826 (?) in another hand.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 521 (No. 1116).

Earlier provenance: Found in the Library in a portfolio with fragments in Arabic and then registered


Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936

(Mal. 2889)

Or. 8371

Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Turkish, paper, 95 ff., naskh script, several different hands, half-

leather Islamic binding, pasted boards.

(1) ff. 1a-89b. Arabic. Incomplete copy (first leaf missing; after f. 10 is a lacuna, indicated by blanks, with

numerous diagrams) of Shams al-Ma`arif wa-Lata’if al-`Awarif by Ahmad b. `Ali al-Buni (d. 622/1225), GAL G

I, 497. Dated Wednesday 14 Safar 1057. Copied by al-Hagg Mustafa b. al-Hagg `Ali, known as Ibn Angir

(colophon on f. 89b). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 328.

(2) f. 90a. Square, filled with dots, caption in Turkish.

(3) ff. 90b-95a. Turkish. Taskhir-i Akbar, A treatise on onomancy by Shaykh Ibn `Isa Aqhisari (Ilyas b. `Isa

Sarukhani, d. 967/1559-1560), beginning with al-Asma’ al-Husna, and also tables (gadawil), squares, huruf, all

with explanation in Turkish. See Schmidt, Catalogue of Turkish Manuscripts, vol. 2 (2002), p. 381.

On f. 95b some recipes in Arabic.

Possible earlier provenance: Paul Herzsohn (1842-1931).

Provenance: Acquired by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, booksellers

and auctioneers in Leiden.

[* Ar. 3102]

Or. 8372

Javanese, paper, 21.8 x 17.3 cm, [2] + 22 pp., vocalized pegon script (‘naskh’), 13 lines to the page, grey-black

ink, ‘modern’ half-cloth binding, pasted boards.

‘Copy of a Primbon of a certain Djokerto, dessa Sawoeh (Madioen), purportedly originating from Kjahi

Jahja, desa Tiri (Djapari (?)), Soerabaja. Belongs to missive resident Madioen of 14 September 1897, No.

59/2/25, Ag. 59,’ according to a note in Dutch on p. [1].

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Used to be bound together with MS Leiden Or. 7309, above, now detached and registered separately. Not

described in Pigeaud II.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 3050]

Or. 8373

Arabic, paper, 8 ff., ‘old’.

Kitab al-Bazdara, or Kitab al-Biza, or Fī ʿIlāǧ al-Ṭuyūr. Badly damaged fragment of what seems to be this

work which is sometimes ascribed to al-Hallag b. Khaythama (2nd/8th cent.). The text in the present

volume corresponds to that in MS Berlin, Ahlwardt 6198, book 2, bab 27-44. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 49.

¶ Facsimile edition on the basis of the Leiden manuscript: Kitab al- Bazdara. Al-nuskha al-asliyya al-

makhtuta, [by] Adam al-Bahili. Al-riwaya al-Iskandariyya li-Abi Bakr al-Ash`ari. Bi-muqaddimat Jan Just

Witkam. - Lausanne 1402/1982. [former location: O.L.G. 11: 4211].

Possible earlier provenance: Paul Herzsohn (1842-1931), see also Or. 8348 – Or. 8362, Or. 8368, above, and Or.

8415 - Or. 8437, below.

Provenance: Acquired by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, booksellers

and auctioneers in Leiden.

(Ar. 3103)

Or. 8374

Buginese, paper.

Fragment of a Buginese reader.

Provenance: From the estate of S.J. Esser (1900-1944). Registered in 1950.

(Mal. 3057)

Or. 8375

Malay, portfolio with loose paper.

- 1 f. Nalam peraturan alif, containing 7 stanzas of the beginning of Or. 5635, above. Handwriting of

P. Voorhoeve.

- 2 ff. Sajak perkataan alif (= Nalam peraturan alif). Arabic script (handwriting of P. Voorhoeve

?). Copy of MS London SOAS 41755, pp. 16-19, with variae lectiones from Or. 5635, above.

- 4 ff. Syair bahr an-nisa’. Transliteration by P. Voorhoeve of the end of the syair in MS SOAS


For MS London, SOAS, 41755, see M.C. Ricklefs & P. Voorhoeve, Indonesian manuscripts in Great Britain.

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977, p. 165.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 521 (No. 1117).

Provenance: Received from P. Voorhoeve, 1950.

(Mal. 3058)

Or. 8376

Malay, paper, 2 pp., typewritten, Latin script.

Undang-undang Minangkabau. Typewritten copy by P. Voorhoeve of the first 3 leaves of MS Jakarta KBG 1e

(Catalogue van Ronkel 1909, p. 260), called Hikayat Iskandar Dzulkarnain by van Ronkel but belonging to

the introduction of Undang-undang Minangkabau.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 521-522 (No. 1118).

Provenance: Received from P. Voorhoeve, 1950.

(Mal. 3372)

Or. 8377 a-d

Malay, 4 school exercise books, paper, 79 pp., Latin script.

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Cerita Negeri Palembang. The same as Sejarah Palembang. Malay texts on the history of Palembang.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 522 (No. 1119).

See also M.O. Woelders, Het Sultanaat Palembang 1811-1825. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1975, p. 30.

Earlier provenance: On the label of the first exercise book is written in pencil that it was the property of D.A.

Rinkes (1878-1954) and received back from the widow of J.P. Moquette (1856-1927) in 1927.

Provenance: Received in July 1950 from C.C. Berg (1900-1990) who had received it in Jakarta.

(Mal. 3059)

Or. 8378 A, B, C, D

Madurese, paper, 20.3 x 16.1 cm, 4 portfolios, all materials in Javanese/Madurese script.

Collection of Madurese popular stories and notes, from H.N. Kiliaan, ± 1890. See for other materials from

Kilaan: Or. 4828-Or. 4966, above and Or. 10.991-Or. 10.994, below. Or. 10.991-Or. 10.992 are the lacking Nos. 11-

20 in the present series of materials.

Four sheaves with content numbered 1-50 (lacking are Nos. 7, 11-20, 26).

- Mal. 3060 A:

(1) Convolute of 9 exercise books, sewn together.

(2) Convolute of 2 exercise books, sewn together.

(3) Madoereesche woorden (Bangkalansch), convolute of 4 exercise books, sewn together.

(4) Convolute of 7 exercise books, sewn together.

(5) Convolute of 3 exercise books, sewn together.

(6) Convolute of 2 exercise books, sewn together. Madoereesche woorden (Bangkalansch)

(7) Lacking.

(8) Convolute of 3 exercise books, sewn together.

(9) Convolute of 3 exercise books, sewn together.

(10) Convolute of 3 exercise books, sewn together.

(11)-(20) At first lacking, but found, and now preserved as Or. 10.991-Or. 10.992, below.

- Mal. 3060 B:

(21) Convolute of 4 exercise books, sewn together. Baron Kelenting.

(22) 1 exercise book. Doenginga oereng soegi.

(23) 1 exercise book. Tjara Kangean.

(24) 1 exercise book. Tjara Kangean.

(24a) 1 exercise book. Tjara Kangean.

(25) 1 exercise book. Moslimsch gedicht.

(26) Lacking.

(27) 1 exercise book. Dari adanja soerat soerat belian.

(28) 1 exercise book. Tjara Kangejan

(29) Convolute of 3 exercise books, sewn together.

(30) Convolute of 2 exercise books, sewn together. Abis di Toe… (?), dated 1891.

- Mal. 3060 C:

(31) Convolute of 2 exercise books, sewn together.

(32) Convolute of 3 exercise books, sewn together.

(33) Convolute of 3 exercise books, sewn together.

(34) 1 exercise book. Ktap sata.

(35) Convolute of 3 exercise books, sewn together. Madoereesche woorden (Bangkalansch)

(36) Convolute of 3 exercise books, sewn together.

(37) Convolute of 4 exercise books, sewn together. Kjahi Masdip doengengah Djoko Pertoko.

(38) 1 exercise book.

(39) Convolute of 2 exercise books, sewn together.

(40) Convolute of 2 exercise books, sewn together.

- Mal. 3060 D (see also Or. 10.994):

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(41) 1 exercise book. Zamenspraken.

(42) 1 exercise book.

(43) 1 exercise book.

(44) 1 exercise book. Dongenga Asis ban Randa Kasijan.

(45) 1 exercise book. Dongenga oereng disa.

(46) 1 exercise book. Doenginga Tokelan ban Papatena.

(47) Convolute of 4 exercise books, sewn together.

(48) Convolute of 3 exercise books, sewn together.

(49) 1 exercise book.

(50) 1 exercise book. Tjaretana Poteran.

Earlier provenance: Note by C.C. Berg, dated October 6, 1948, with text (to Pigeaud?): ‘Amice, Bijgaande

stukken trof ik aan onder een zending papieren en boeken, die ik uit Batavia ontving. M.b.gr. Berg’.

Provenance: Received in July 1950 from Th.G.Th. Pigeaud who had received it from Jakarta.

[* Mal. 3060a, Mal. 3060b, Mal. 3060c, Mal. 3060d]

Or. 8379

Javanese, palm leaf, slightly damaged, 106 pp.

Yusup, history of Joseph, in verse, complete. Javanese-Madurese idiom and script.

Pigeaud II, p. 475.

Provenance: Presented to the Library by J.C.Ph. Loeff, Hilversum, from the estate of the Rev. J.P.Ph. Loeff (*

1872) of Nootdorp, July 1950.

(Lont. 766)

Or. 8380

Malay, paper, 18 ff., exercise book, Latin script, written by Moehammad Prie, dusun chief of Mandiangin in


Tulisan rencong by M. Prie.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 522 (No. 1120).

Provenance: Received from E.M. Uhlenbeck (1913-2003), June 1950.

(Mal. 846)

Or. 8381

Javanese, Acehnese, Arabic, 8 ff. kept in a portfolio.

Photographic enlargements made in July 1950 by Mr. Laman, the Library’s photographer, from films

received from Batavia/Jakarta. The enlargements were made because the microfilms were illegible. Nos. A-F

are all manuscripts on paper.

A – 1 photograph of Acehnese manuscript Dj. 29, beginning.

B – 1 photograph of Arabic MS KBG 97.

C – 1 photograph of Arabic MS KBG 97.

D – 1 photograph of Arabic MS KBG 101, pp. 133-134.

E – 1 photograph of Arabic MS KBG 101, pp. 203-204.

F – 1 photograph of Arabic MS KBG 101, pp. 205-206.

Added: 2 photographs of a lontar manuscript (printed from F.Or. A 39 b).

Provenance: Made in the Library, July 1950.

[* Ar. 3083]

Or. 8382-Or. 8383

Indonesian manuscripts received as gift from Th.G.Th. Pigeaud (1899-1988), in September 1950.

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Or. 8382

Simalungun Batak, pustaka, treebark, 41 ff., 11 x 10.5 cm, without covers. Text on the a side and only one page

of the b side.

Text mostly of calendar divination. The pormamis ar brought in connection with the partadjomburikan.

Also their colours are mentioned. Also tabas ni ari na pitu, but the text is not well legible.

Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), p. 243. See also MS Leiden Or. 12.322, below, ff. 576-577.

Provenance: Presented to the Library by Th.G.Th. Pigeaud (1899-1988), September 1950.

(Bat. 187)

Or. 8383

Javanese, paper, 28 pp., Latin script.

House building, Kawruh Griya, treatise in prose mentioning the wood to be used, the measures, divination,

etc. Copy made in 1939 for Th.G.Th. Pigeaud of a manuscript belonging to Panti Buclaya, Yogyakarta, dated


Pigeaud II, p. 475

Provenance: Presented to the Library by Th.G.Th. Pigeaud (1899-1988), September 1950.

(Mal. 2951)

Or. 8384

Javanese, palm leaf, 1 + 3 ff., Balinese and Javanese script.

Warga Sari, tengahan verse, romance, small fragment. See the Notes of J. Soegiarto, MS Leiden Or. 10.867 D.

Pigeaud II, p. 475.

Provenance: Received from the head of the Municipal Archive of the city of The Hague, from the papers of

the late Mr. Harco Theodoor Hora Siccama (1842-1922). See for the same provenance also MS Leiden Or.

8402, below.

(Lont. 767)

Or. 8385

Batak, paper, 32 ff., typewritten

Typewritten transcript by Djaporman Saragih of a pustaha ni porbuhitan (buffalo divination) in the

possession of Dr. J.H. van Delden in Wageningen. In 1972 Voorhoeve has collated the transcript with the

original, and entered a few corrections.

Chain of transmission:

Datu na bolon Namora Dairi

asa ro ma di Ompu ni ....

asa ro ma di Datu Bindu na morhuta di Paratuaan

asa ro ma di Mara So Mangantan

asa ro ma di Datu Sunggu ni adji Ompu Radja Sungkunan na morhuta di tano Hajunatas, the copyist of

this pustaha,

asa ro ma di ho ale amang ibebere Radja Manorhap

asa ro ma di ho ale amang pahompu Sajur ni adji namora Na di Borhu di tano Huta Namora.

All these datus lived in the Toba plain South of the lake. The first and the third are also in the chain of

transmission in MS Dublin, Chester Beatty 1115.

First part: djaha horbo marobo, after the 16 directions of the compass.

a 23 poda ni suhat ni borotan.

a 24 poda ni pangalebatan ni horbo srulti raja.

a 26 poda ni hit a djahadi (read: tumor) horbo tu borotan (dator is used later) Several signs also to the


a 37 poda ni pusoran ni horbo.

b 2 Ija pangintejanta di harangan

Page 145: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

b 3 Poda ni rasun ni djuhut ni horbo na so panganon.

b 4 Ija sulang ni horbo santi raja, with tonggo-tonggo.

b 5 Poda ni pangintejan di horbo marobo.

b 5 Poda ni panungkun datu.

b 6 Poda ni hi ta mangalap ahar tu harangan ahar ni suhut ahar ni na torop.

b 7 bonang called suntora itam; pangaraksaon names.

b 10 Poda ni pansara ni alaman, with the different layers of earth (tano).

b 11 about the surik; extensively about forging with pangaraksaon names.

b 13 anak na dt obungon and valled pustaha ni borun dolok; boru na di abungon nioli ni sitarihoran; Datu

Djantan Debata.

b 18 the bindu matoga to be drawn on the alaman.

b 19 Poda ni ringkar ni gordang, with pangaraksaon names for the parts of the gordang.

b 22 Poda ni panggujang ni ulu ni santi raja.

b 24 Poda ni portoga (to be read portonggo?) di ajok, with pangaraksaon names of fish, etc.

b 26 Poda ni sombajang di horbo santi raja. In this: inang ni borboron na borbor so mandidi na lojot so … na

lomlom so morbadja na rata so marsanggul … inang so morhunik marabit tidang tapol morhohos

dalijat morsimata tiding binbin mangan tidang ho … minum tidang bule mornapuran tidang purti.

b 28 Pangaraksaon names for the drawing of palm wine.

b 30 Panulangta ni horbo santi raja with description of the buffalo.

b 34 Poda ni lapik ni borotan with drawings with ahu batara …

End: pangarambui; begins with ruma ni rau panaluwan; the other one with rambu.

Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), pp. 244-245, from which the description above was taken.

Provenance: Received in November 1950 through the intermediary of C. Hooykaas, Jakarta, but originally

from the Institute of Language and Culture Research (Instituut voor Taal- en Cultuuronderzoek) of the

University of Indonesia.

(in Mal. 2952)

Or. 8386

Batak, paper, 149 ff., typewritten with text on one side only.

Typewritten transcript of the large Van der Tuuk pustaha (MS Amsterdam, Tropical Institute, A 1389), made

in Jakarta after photographs by Djaporman Saragih. A small part of the text has been collated by Voorhoeve

with the original.

Added: one page with transcription of the chains of transmission; 4 pp. with corrected table of content; 2

pp. ‘special words’; a letter from Ms. Dr. C.H.M. Nooy-Palm about the origin of the manuscript.

See also Or. 8316, above, which is a photograph of the Amsterdam manuscript.

Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), p. 245, and see also p. 98.

Provenance: Received in November 1950 from the Institute of Language and Culture Research (Instituut

voor Taal- en Cultuuronderzoek) of the University of Indonesia.

(in Mal. 2952)

Or. 8387

Arabic, paper, 22 pp., dated 1893.

Khulasat al-Kalam min Tahqiq al-Maram, commentary by `Ali b. `Abd al-Barr al-Wanna’i al-Shafi`i al-

Khalwati (d. 1212/1797), GAL S II, 424, on the work of his teacher, Nazm Dhawi al-Arham, by Ahmad b.

Ahmad al-Shuga`i (d. 1190/1777), GAL G II, 323. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 251-252.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Ar. 2883)

Or. 8388 a-c

Malay, 3 vols., paper, typewritten, Latin script.

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Excerpts from the newpapers in Bali during the Japanese occupation, compiled by J. Timisela. Reports on

persons, abstracted from the newspapers Bali Sinbun, Pewarta Bali and Soeara Indonesia (March 1944-

December 1945). Persons who had collaborated with the Japanese.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 522-523 (No. 1121).

Provenance: Presented by Dr. P.J. van Leeuwen, January 9, 1951.

(Mal. 2955, Mal. 2956, Mal. 2957)

Or. 8389

Acehnese, paper, Latin script.

A carbon copy of H.T. Damsté’s typed transliteration of Hikayat prang gômpeuni, by Dôkarim. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (Leiden 1994), p. 61.

Provenance: Presented to the Library by H.T. Damsté, January 9, 1951.

(Mal. 2963)

Or. 8390

Javanese, portfolio with 9 paper covers with photographs, Javanese script, illustrations,

Damar Wulan. Romance in verse, with many illustrations in a realistic style, showing dresses and customs of

the 2nd half of the 18th century in East Java. Photographs, 152, and several enlargements of details, made of

a manuscript of 432 pp. in East Javanese script and idiom, belonging to the India Office Library, London

(Jav. C. 1), presented to that library in 1815 A.D. The pages without illustrations are photographed only in the

latter part of the manuscript, so the Javanese text is not complete.

Incomplete photocopy of the illustrated MS London, IOL, Jav. 89, see M.C. Ricklefs & P. Voorhoeve (1977), p.

71. Possibly made from microfilm Leiden For. A 21.

Pigeaud II, pp. 475-476.

Provenance: Produced by the Library’s photographer.

(Mal. 2965)

Or. 8391

Malay, paper, 20 ff., exercise book.

Transliteration and notes by P. Voorhoeve (1899-1997) of MS Paris, BnF, Mal.-pol. 79, being Hikayat Si

Burung Pingai. See E.P. Wieringa, Catalogue of Malay and Minangkabau manuscripts, vol. 1 (1998), pp. 25-26

(ad Or. 1626, above).

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 523 (No. 1122).

Provenance: Presented to the Library by P. Voorhoeve, 1951.

(Mal. 3067)

Or. 8392-Or. 8393


Lists of initial lines, beginnings and endings, of manuscripts of the Lombok collection, made for J.L.A.

Brandes (1857-1905). The Lombok collection is registered as MS Leiden Or. 5012 - Or. 5435, above. MS Leiden

Or. 8392 consists of four sheaves, Or. 8393 of one sheaf.

Provenance: Transferred from the Library archive to the main collection, 1951

(Mal. 2958-Mal. 2962)

Or. 8392 a-d

Javanese, 4 bundles in folio, Balinese script.

Excerpts Lombok collection (MS Leiden Or. 5012-Or. 5435, above). Catalogue of the palmleaf manuscripts

belonging to the Lombok-collection, prose:

a. Nos. 1-75,

b. Nos. 76-137,

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c. Nos. 138-210,

d. Nos. 211-282.

Notes made for J.L.A. Brandes (1857-1905) by a Balinese scribe, mentioning the beginning and the end of the

texts, and their names, if known.

Pigeaud II, p. 476.

Provenance: Transferred from the Library archive to the main collection, 1951.

(Mal. 2958, Mal. 2959, Mal. 2960, Mal. 2961)

Or. 8393

Javanese, 1 bundle, Javanese-Balinese script

Excerpts of kakawins in the Lombok collection (Or. 5012-Or. 5435, above). Catalogue of the palmleaf

manuscripts belonging to the Lombok collection: texts in verse (kakawins): Jinarti Prakert or Pralambang

Kamahayanin, Hanang Nirartha, Indra Wijaya, Kalayawanantaka, Krsnayana, Kertasamaya ngwang,

Kunjara Karna, Lubdhaka, Partha Yajna, Candra Kirana, Wiratakatha or Partha Wijaya.

Notes made for J.L.A. Brandes (1857-1905) by a Balinese scribe, mentioning the initial lines of the


Pigeaud II, p. 476.

Provenance: Transferred from the Library archive to the main collection, 1951.

(Mal. 2962)

Or. 8394-Or. 8399

Collection of Indonesian manuscripts, presented to the Library in January 1951 by Mrs. M. Maasland-Lobrij

de Bruijn. The manuscripts came from the estate of Dr. J. Maasland, who had served as a gouvernment

physician in Tarutung. His full name is probably Jan Hendrik Maasland, if he is the same as the person who

defended a thesis on aspects of pseudo-typhus in Amsterdam in 1926. Other manuscripts from the same

origin are MS Leiden Or. 8406-Or. 8407, below.

Or. 8394

Javanese?, palm leaf, 16 + 1 ff.

Unidentified material. A bundle of 16 lontar leaves, plus a detached (non-related?) leaf.

Not in Pgeaud II.

Provenance: Presented to the Library by Ms. M. Maasland-Lobrij de Bruijn, January 1951.

(Lont. 768)

Or. 8395

Batak pustaha, treebark, 25 + 5 (damaged) ff., 17 x 10 cm, illustrations, two wooden covers.

Text about pormanuhon (manuk di ampang), with drawings. Beginning and end are lacking.

See MS Leiden Or. 12.322, ff. 577-579.

Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), pp. 245-246.

Provenance: Presented to the Library by Ms. M. Maasland-Lobrij de Bruijn, January 1951.

(Bat. 188)

Or. 8396

Batak pustaha, treebark, 4 ff., 25 x 18 cm, ‘normal’ Toba-Batak script and language, very damaged.

A fragment only of a Pangulubalang text, with drawings, now mostly wiped out.

Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), p. 246.

Provenance: Presented to the Library by Ms. M. Maasland-Lobrij de Bruijn, January 1951.

(Mal. 2953)

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Or. 8397

Malay, round bamboo, long 9.5 cm, thick 3 cm, Simalungun Batak script.

Malay mantra. Transliteration in MS Leiden Or. 12.322, f. 565.

Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), p. 246. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Provenance: Presented to the Library by Ms. M. Maasland-Lobrij de Bruijn, January 1951.

(in Bat. 182)

Or. 8398

Batak, round bamboo, long 15 cm, thick 2.5 cm, Simalungun Batak script.

Tabas ni pagar mula djadi. Transliteration in MS Leiden Or. 12.322, ff. 565-566.

Provenance: Presented to the Library by Ms. M. Maasland-Lobrij de Bruijn, January 1951.

(in Bat. 182)

Or. 8399

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Malay, Persian, paper, 113 ff., naskh script, illustrations, loosely added

is a full-leather Islamic binding with flap, with blind tooled ornamentation in the Indonesian fashion, not

originally made for the present volume.

(1) ff. 1r-33r. Arabic. al-Hawashi. Voorhoeve: ‘This is the title given in the colophon to a commentary on a

mystical treatise of which the beginning is missing. The original text is partly in Persian [not seen, jjw] and

there are some notes in Malay. The copyist is Faqih Mawlana, ismu baladihi Mandailing (f. 33r). Another

part of the manuscript is dated 1140 AH (1727-1728), and the whole volume might well have been copied in

this year, but it would be curious to find a Mandailing man copying a Muslim manuscript at that date, as

Islam wat not introduced into Mandailing until the 19th century.’ See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 110.

(2) ff. 33v-38r. Malay. Mystical treatise. Dated a Thursday in Gumada I (without the year), copied by Amin

Muhammad (f. 38r).

(3) f. 38v. Prayer, Du`a’. With a circular diagram. Arabic basmala, with notes in Malay. See Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 67.

(4) ff. 39r-41r. Incomplete copy (beginning missing) of an Arabo-Malay treatise.

(5) ff. 41r-43v. Malay. Shart Bay`a. Talqin text. On ff. 43v-44r follows a note on cermin.

(6) ff. 44r–46r. Malay. Mystical treatise. On ff. 45v-46r diagrams.

(7) ff. 46v-90v. Arabic. `Umdat al-Ansab (f. 90v). Anonymous treatise on the genealogy of the Prophet and

the first four caliphs, composed in Aceh, in 1079 AH (1668-1669). It is an abstract from the Persian Rawdat

al-Ahbab (ff. 46v, 90v) by `Ata’ Allah b. Fadl Allah Gamal al-Husayni (d. 926/1520). See also BKI 108 (1952), p.

207. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 386. Other titles: Tarikh Mukhtasar fi Bayan Silsilat Nasab al-Nabi (f. 46v),

and Taqrir `Umdat al-Ansab (f. 46v). Malay interlinear notes. Dated 1140 AH (f. 90v).

(8) ff. 91r-96r. Malay. Short treatise on ritual prayer, sembahyang, Salat.

(9) ff. 96v-113v. Incomplete copy (end missing) of Targhib al-A`mal fi Bayan Kayfiyyat al-Salat. Anonymous

mystical treatise. All manuscripts in Leiden come from Indonesia, and so does MS Berlin, Schöm. XI, 1,

Ahlwardt 3550. The beginning is similar to that of `Arsh al-Muwahhidin. With some interlinear notes in

Malay. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 369.

The Malay texts in this volume have been described in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 523-524 (No. 1123),

who adopts Voorhoeve’s improbable dating.

¶ The discussion by Voorhoeve concerning the Mandailing origin of the copyist of text No. 1 seems futile,

since the manuscript was evidently made in the 19th century. The date 1140, which is mentioned in the

colophon on f. 90v, must be the year when the text was completed, not when the present manuscript was


See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 523-524 (No 1123).

Provenance: Presented to the Library by Ms. M. Maasland-Lobrij de Bruyn, January 1951.

[* Ar. 3104]

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Or. 8400

Malay, paper, 1 f., from Aceh, handwriting of Tgk. Muhamad Noerdin.

List of manuscripts captured in 1897 in Leupoeëng, Aceh.

The text contains a list of 15 manuscripts (numbered only until 14) which were captured in Leupueng

(Aceh) in 1896. A number of them were identified by P. Voorhoeve as MSS Leiden Or. 7643 (No. 1), Or. 7982

(No. 11), Or. 7072 (No. 15?), Or. 7073 and Or. 7074 (no. 15?).

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 524 (No. 1124).

¶ The list has as No. 2 the Bayan Tajalli by Abdurauf of Singkel, but that manuscript was not found by

Voorhoeve in the Snouck Hurgronje collection. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp.

87-117, especially p. 102.

Also in this No. 2 was the Malay translation by (?) Abdurrauf of Singkel of Kashf al-Muntazar lima garahu al-

Muhtadar by Ibrahim al-Kurani (d. 1101/1690), GAL G II, 385. See P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, p. 113.

Earlier provenance: War booty. Found in Or. 7643, above.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 2954)

Or. 8401 a-i

Portfolio with excerpts from manuscripts preserved at the Museum Pusat (formerly KBG, Overbeck

collection) in Jakarta.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 524-526 (No. 1125), whose description is followed hereafter. All texts are

typewritten carbon copies.

See also R.M.Ng. Poerbatjaraka, P. Voorhoeve and C. Hooykaas 1950, p. 180.

Provenance: Received in 1951 from Lembaga Penyelidikan Kebudayaan Indonesia of the University of


(Mal. 2964)

Or. 8401 a

Malay, paper, 26 ff., typewritten.

Hikayat Kelana Anakan. Excerpt of MS Jakarta KBG 507 A and B.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 524-526 (No. 1125).

Provenance: Received in 1951 from the University of Indonesia.

(in Mal. 2964)

Or. 8401 b

Malay, paper, 4 + 4 ff., typewritten.

(1) Hikayat Bambang To’ Sena. Excerpt from and notes on MS Jakarta KBG 508 A Mal.

Earlier provenance: The original MS was formerly owned by Ki Agus Haji Agus bin Ki Agus Abang at

Kampung 2 Ulu (Perigi Kecil), Palembang, who purchased it from a Chinese at Kampung 4 Ulu on 15

Jumadil-awal 1337/16 February 1919; cf. H. Overbeck 1934;

(2) Hikayat Bambang Gandawerdaya. Excerpt from MS Jakarta KBG 508 B Mal. Original copied by Kemas

Ahmad (here called yang mengarang), dated 3 Jumadil-awal 1336114 February 1918 at Kampung 3 Ulu


See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 524-526 (No. 1125).

Provenance: Received in 1951 from the University of Indonesia.

(in Mal. 2964)

Or. 8401 c

Malay, paper, 6 ff., typewritten.

Hikayat Pendawa Lima (Pendawa Lebur). Excerpt from MS Jakarta KBG 514 M. The copying (?) of the

original was finished on 1 July 1906. Microfilm in Leiden: FOr A 24b.

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Earlier provenance of the original: The owner was Muhammad Syafi’i bin Muhammad Saleh, Kampung 9

Ulu (Palembang). Previously, it belonged to his lending library.4 At the end notes on the manuscript.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 524-526 (No. 1125).

Provenance: Received in 1951 from the University of Indonesia.

(in Mal. 2964)

Or. 8401 d

Malay, paper, 12 ff., typewritten.

Hikayat Tumenggung. Excerpt from MS Jakarta KBG 516 Mal; at the end some remarks regarding the story.

Dated (original) 12 Jumadil-awal 1304/6 February 1887. Microfilm in Leiden: FOr A 26c.

Earlier provenance: The manuscript once belonged to a lending library. Owned by Kemas Ali bin Kemas

Hassan, Kampung 7 Ulu (Palembang).

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 524-526 (No. 1125).

Provenance: Received in 1951 from the University of Indonesia.

(in Mal. 2964)

Or. 8401 e

Malay, paper, 7 ff., typewritten.

Hikayat Indera Nata. Excerpt from MS Jakarta KBG 517 Mal. At the end some remarks regarding the story.

Microfilm in Leiden: FOr A 27a.

Earlier provenance. The original once to to a lending library owned by Muhammad Syafi’i, Kampung 9 Ulu

(Palembang) (3 March 1908).

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 524-526 (No. 1125).

Provenance: Received in 1951 from the University of Indonesia.

(in Mal. 2964)

Or. 8401 f

Malay, paper, 1 + 19 ff., typewritten.

Iskandar: Mesa Prabu Jaya. Excerpt from MS Jakarta KBG 510 (Overbeck coll.). On f. 1 is a note by

Poerbatjaraka on the contents, dated 3-12-1949.

Wieringa: A duplicate of MS Jakarta, Ml 510, being Hikayat Panji Susupan Mesa Kelana Asmarapati. A Panji

story. Malay translation of an originally Javanese text. See E.P. Wieringa, Catalogue of Malay and

Minangkabau manuscripts, vol. 1 (Leiden 1998), pp. 223-224, for the description of MS Leiden Or. 2005,


See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 524-526 (No. 1125).

Provenance: Received in 1951 from the University of Indonesia.

(in Mal. 2964)

Or. 8401 g

Malay, paper, 12 ff., typewritten.

Hikayat Maharaja Boma. Excerpt from MS Jakarta KBG 506 Mal. by Raihoelanwar gelar Datuk Besar in 1949.

With a note on the contents by him. The original was copied at Kampung 23 Ilir (Palembang).

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 524-526 (No. 1125).

Provenance: Received in 1951 from the University of Indonesia.

(in Mal. 2964)

Or. 8401 h

4 See on the phenomenon of lending libraries Th.C. van der Meij, Indonesian Manuscripts from the Islands of Java,

Madura, Bali and Lombok. Leiden: Brill, 2017, pp. 107-108.

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Malay, paper, 7 ff., typewritten.

Hikayat Pandawa Lebur. Excerpt from MS Jakarta KBG 515 Mal.. The copying of the original was finished by

Tahir bin Ali on 7 Ramadhan 1321/27 November 1903 at Kampung 14 Ulu (Palembang). Microfilm in Leiden:

A 26b.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 524-526 (No. 1125).

Provenance: Received in 1951 from the University of Indonesia.

(in Mal. 2964)

Or. 8401 i

Malay, paper, 7 ff., typewritten.

Ceritera Panji. Excerpt from MS Jakarta KBG Mal. 529 A. The writing (?) of the original was finished at

Palembang on 12 Jumadil-akhir 1340/10 february 1922. Transliterated into Latin script by Oedin at Surabaya

and finished on 4 July 1929.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 524-526 (No. 1125).

Provenance: Received in 1951 from the University of Indonesia.

(in Mal. 2964)

Or. 8402

Malay, paper, 1 f., Arabic script, illumination.

Letter from Sultan Ahmad Nadjmuddin of Palembang to Governor-General G.A.G.Ph. van der Capellen (in

office 1818-1826), with slip of paper containing the address. See Woelders, Het sultanaat Palembang (1975),

pp. 55-56. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 526 (No. 1126)

Provenance: Received on March 15, 1951, from the head of the Municipal Archive of the city of The Hague.

From the papers of the late Mr. Harco Theodoor Hora Siccama (1842-1922). See for the same provenance

also Or. 8384, above.

(Mal. 3061)

Or. 8403-Or. 8405

The here following three Malay manuscripts were taken from Or. 7603, above, and registered separately in

1951. Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

Or. 8403

Malay, paper, 67 ff., Arabic script.

Bidayat al-mubtadi bi-fadl Allah al-muhdi. A complete version of the text. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p.

526 (No. 1127).

Earlier provenance: Received from K.F. Holle (1829-1896) in 1890.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3063)

Or. 8404

Malay, Arabic, paper, 33 ff., Arabic script, copied in more than one hand.

Kitab an-nikah. The law of marriage. The beginning is missing; on f. 1r (line 4) begins the Bab an-nikah. The

text is divided into 13 unnumbered bab among which Bab annikah (f. 1r), Bab al-khul’ (f. 17v), Bab al-talaq (f.

18r), Bab an-nafaqah (f. 27v). At the end (f. 33r) a fragment beginning with the meaning of wajib etc., and

ending with syurga segala perempuan itu dibawah tapak kaki suaminya (Arabic with Malay interlinear

translation). See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 526 (No. 1128). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Earlier provenance: Received from K.F. Holle (1829-1896).

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3064)

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Or. 8405

Malay, paper, 36 ff., Arabic script.

Kitab bidayat al-mubtadi bi-fadl Allah al-muhdi. Incomplete at beginning and end. See Iskandar, Catalogue

(1999), p. 527 (No. 1129).

Earlier provenance: Received from K.F. Holle (1829-1896) in 1890.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Mal. 3062)

Or. 8406-Or. 8407

Manuscripts from Indonesia, presented to the Library by Mrs. M. Maasland-Lobrij de Bruijn. These

apparently originate from the estate of her husband, Dr. J. Maasland, who had served as a gouvernment

physician in Tarutung. His full name is possibly Jan Hendrik Maasland, if he is the same as the person who

defended a thesis on aspects of pseudo-typhus in Amsterdam in 1926. Other manuscripts from the same

origin or provenance are MSS Leiden Or. 8394-Or. 8399, above.

Or. 8406

Collection of three texts in Malay.

(1) 26 ff., blue paper. Kitab masa’il al-muhtadi li-ikhwan al-mubtadi.

On ff. 1, 26 are notes on sembahyang and menanamkam mayat.

(2) 9 ff. European laid paper. Ff. 1a-6a. Kitab fa’al, about ascertaining good and bad omens between man and

wife by using the letters of their names. Ff. 6b-9b. Do’a, etc.

(3) 8 ff., lined paper. Ff. 1b-8b. Fasal sembahyang.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 527 (No. 1130)

Provenance: Presented to the Library by Mrs. M. Maasland-Lobrij de Bruijn, 1951.

(Mal. 3066)

Or. 8407

Collection of texts in Acehnese, five items in different hands. And possibly a few Malay texts which are not

in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

(1) Collection of two texts in Acehnese (and Malay?).

- 1. ff. 2b-5a. Text on sembahyang.

- 2. ff. 4b-5a. Prayer.

- 3. ff. 5a-6a. Incomplete copy of the commentary on Carah kul-hu. Short commentary on Qur’an 112, surat

al-Ikhlas, used as an amulet for protection against iron (?). See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 247.

(2) Collection of texts in Acehnese (and Malay?), paper, 14 ff.

- 1. ff. 3b-6b. Hikayat hayake tujoh. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 170. See on the

Arabic text (al-Hayakil al-Sab’a) also Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 111. See also C. Snouck Hurgronje, The

Achehnese, II, p. 180. Ff. 1a-3a: blank.

- 2. ff. 7r-v. An exhortation to married women. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 217.

- 3. ff. 7b-10a. Rateb text with refrain Alahu. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 198.

Ff. 10b-12b: blank.

- 4. ff. 13a-14a. Malay (?). Prayer text. F. 14b. Blank.

(3) Collection of texts in Acehnese, paper, 26 ff.

- 1. ff. 1b-3a. Beginning of an unidentified Hikayat. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994),

p. 131.

- 2. ff. 3a-26b. Several Rateb texts, the beginning of which agrees that in MS Jakarta KBG Ml. 319. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 203.

(4) Acehnese, paper, 10 ff. (ff. 8a-10b: blank).

Rateb text, of which every second line reads: la elaha elalah, taseumah ujut nyang asa.

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The lines in between almost all end in durrat al-baiḍāʾ.

Last line: durrat al-baiḍāʾ ḥaqīqī nyang mirah, kalamolah deungon Musa.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 200.

(5) Acehnese, paper (42.5 x 16 cm), 1 f.

Hikayat wapheuet Nabi. Vocalized sanjak about the death of the Prophet Muhammad. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 163.

Provenance: Presented to the Library by Mrs. M. Maasland-Lobrij de Bruijn, 1951

[* Mal. 3065]

Or. 8408

Arabic, Makassarese, Buginese, photographs,

Prints made after the Leiden microfilm Or. A 17b, of MS London, British Library, Add. 12367, a collection of

mystical treatises, teachings, and sayings of well-known mystics in Arabic, Makasarese, and Buginese. See

the detailed description in M.C. Ricklefs, P. Voorhoeve & Annabel Teh Gallop, Indonesian Manuscripts in

Great Britain. A Catalogue of Manuscripts in Indonesian Languages in British Public Collections. New Edition

with Addenda et Corrigenda. Jakarta 2014, pp. 31-32.

(Mal. 3085)

Or. 8409

Arabic, paper, 249 ff., dated 605 (1208-1209), probably copied by the same copyist as Or. 2584, above.

The second volume only of al-Ihata, by al-Imam al-Muwaffaq billah Abu `Abdallah al-Husayn b. Isma`il al-

Hasani (imam of Tabaristan, died after 420 (1029-1030), see al-Gandari, Taragim al-Rigal, p. 12. See also the

San`a’ catalogue, p. 84: Ta`liq al-Ihata.

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 124. A piece of paper has been pasted over the title-page of this volume in order

to disguise it as volume 2 or Or. 2584 (Sharh `Uyun al-Masa’il). Collated by Muhammad b. Ahmad Ibn al-

Walid with a copy brought from Iraq.

Formerly considered to be the 2nd volume of Or. 2584. See also C. Landberg, Catalogue, No. 215. The book

was once part of the library of the Imam of Yemen al-Mansur billah `Abdallah b. Hamza b. Sulayman

(reigned 593-614 AH).

Provenance: From the collection of Amin al-Madani (Or. 2363-Or. 3025 above). Separately registered in 1951.

(Ar. 1942 b)

Or. 8410

Javanese, paper, 177 pp., Javanese script.

Gato Loco suluk, mystic treatise in verse (mentioning Perjiwati and Darma Gandul). See Ph. van Akkeren,

Een gedrocht en toch de Volmaakte Mens. The Hague: Excelsior, 1951. Copy of a text allegedly written by Tan

Deh Yang, a Kadiri Chinese, 1891 A.D. See Notes by J. Soegiarto: Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 476.

¶ Other study materials from Ph. van Akkeren are registered as Or. 23.466, below.

Provenance: Received on August 17, 1951, from Dr. Ph. van Akkeren.

(Mal. 3074)

Or. 8411

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, ff., before 1232 AH.

(1) ff. 1v-20v. Sharh Khutbat al-Qamus, a commentary by `Isa b. `Abd al-Rahim (c. 1000/1591), on the

introductory chapter of al-Qamus al-Muhit, by Muhammad b. Ya`qub al-Firuzabadi (d. 817/1415), GAL S II,

234. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 262.

(2) ff. 20v-33v. Tahbir al-Muwashshin fil-Ta`bir bil-Sin wal-Shin, by Muhammad b. Ya`qub al-Firuzabadi (d.

817/1415), GAL S II, 235. Added: an appendix on synonyms by `Abdallah b. Muhammad al-Sharif. Maghribi

script. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 355.

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(3) ff. 37v-57v. I`tiradat (or Intiqad) by Ibn al-Khashshab (d. 567/1172), on al-Maqamat by al-Qasim b. `Ali al-

Hariri (d. 516/1122), GAL G I, 276, and on Ibn Barri (d. 582/1187). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 189-190.

(4), ff. 58r-59r. al-Risala al-Siniyya wal-Risala al-Siniyya by al-Qasim b. `Ali al-Hariri (d. 516/1122), GAL G I,

276. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 312.

(5) ff. 62v-74v. Ikhtira` al-Khira` (or al-Khura` ?), by Khalil b. Aybak al-Safadi (d. 764/1363), GAL G II, 33. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 125.

(6) ff. 75v-77v. Qanun fil-Gadl, by Abu al-`Abbas Ibn al-Banna’ al-Azdi (d. 721/1321), GAL G II, 255. Probably

part of a larger work. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 262.

Earlier provenance: ‘Possibly from the Ferrand collection’.

Provenance: Purchased from Messrs. E.J. Brill, Leiden, on August 18, 1951.

(Ar. 2826)

Or. 8412

Arabic, paper, 229 pp., but pp. 221-224 are missing, dated c. 1875, possibly made from the Cairo manuscript.

al-`Aqida al-Darwishiyya fi Tahrir al-Sab` al-Funun al-Adabiyya, by Ahmad al-Darwish al-Burullusi (GAL S II,

917). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 19.

Provenance: Purchased from Messrs. E.J. Brill, Leiden, on August 20, 1951.

(Ar. 2494)

Or. 8413

Collection of photostats and photocopies from manuscripts in the Leiden Library’s collection. In all 6

portfolios. One may wonder what is the wisdom of keeping photographs of manuscripts of the collection. I

can only explain that within the perspective of the time. Photographs were still relatively expensive to

make, materials were scarce shortly after the war, and just throwing them away after use may not have been

an option for Voorhoeve, the then curator of Oriental collections. Presently the collection is not much more

than a curiosity.

A. Portfolio with photographs of Hebrew manuscripts of the Leiden collections. References are written on

the outer cover, and on the versos of the photographs.

Or. 18, pp. 1a, 343

Or. 107a, f. 338b, unnumbered, beginning Exodus; unnumbered, end Exodus; unnumbered: beginning

Deuteronomium; unnumbered, with drawing candelabrum

Or. 1189, ff. 38b, 43b, 133b, 255b, 315b

Or. 1195, ff. 25a, 73a, 191b, 235b

Or. 4723, ff. 5b, 6a, 32b, 132b, 133a, 370b

Or. 4724, f. 1a

Or. 4730, f. 8a.

Or. 4736, ff. 25v-26r, 88r

Or. 4737, ff. 3a, 66b

Or. 4760, ff. 2a, 143a, 209b, 224b, 346b (van Hell manuscript)

Or. 4762, ff. 17a, 37a, 43b, 57b, 88b, 99a, 115a

Or. 4763, ff. 68b, 72b, 84b, 85a

Or. 4764, f. 84a

Or. 4765, ff. 2b, 106a, 107a, 117b

Or. 4766, ff. 388b, 391a, 400b

Or. 4768, ff. 203b, 314a

Or. 4769, ff. 74b, 274b, 308b

Or. 4770, ff. 1a, 35a, 107b, 111a, 167’

Or. 4778, ff. 23b, 29a

Or. 4785, ff. 59b, 109a, 183a

Or. 4790, f. 127b

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Or. 4801, ff. 1b, 2b, 44b

Or. 4803, f. 139a

Or. 4805, f. 140a

B. 5 sheets of Or. 287, ff. 154b-159a, being Risalat Ya’qub b. Ishaq al-Kindi fi Gawahir al-Suyuf. Or. 287 as a

whole is catalogued as al-Shayzari, Gamharat al-Islam. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 91. Provenance: Ex-

collection C. van Arendonk, Leiden.

C. Photostats of manuscript pages from the Leiden collection. Numerous sheets.

Or. 6, f. 153a

Or. 14, pp. 197-198, 199-200, 215-216, 217-218

Or. 22, p. 14

Or. 64, f. 4b (exhibition Lahore, 1957)

Or. 100, p. 3 (exhibition Lahore, 1957)

Or. 103, ff. 5b-6a

Or. 110, ff. 30b-31a

Or. 115, f. 4a, unnumbered

Or. 133, pp. 33-66 (17 sheets in envelope); unnumbered = pp. 33-34

Or. 146, ff. 64b-79a (15 sheets in envelope)

Or. 168, unnumbered

Or. 185, unnumbered (unpunctuated text)

Or. 188, ff. 21v-22r

Or. 231, unnumbered (photo by J. Goedeljee)

Or. 249, pp. 81-82, 89-90, 91-92, 165, 166, 173-174

Or. 287, f. 113a

Or. 298, unnumbered (Copyright De Spaarnestad)

Or. 305, f. 2r

Or. 327, ff. 5v-6r

Or. 331, ff. 196a (twice), 198r, 218v

Or 366, f. 2v

Or. 403, ff. 100b-101a, 107b-108a, 108b-109a, 109b-110aa, 167b-168a, 278b-279a, 284b-285a, 422b-423a

Or. 430, p. 548

Or. 431, f. 2r

Or. 437, f. 1v

Or. 446, f. 57r

Or. 494, f. 385

Or. 6664, ff. 35a, 3b

D. Photostats of manuscript pages from the Leiden collection. Numerous sheets. Sequel to portfolio C.

Or. 513, ff. 74b-75a, unnumbered

Or. 516, ff. 4b-5a, 11b-12, 145b-146a

Or. 556, ff. 41b-42a

Or. 560 IV, f. 42b, with following, discontuous page

Or. 583, ff. 58v, 91r, 91v

Or. 597 unnumbered

Or. 656, f. 9a

Or. 704, ff. unnumbered (2); 4b-5a, 5b-6a, 6b-7a7b-8a, 8b-9a, 9b-10a, 57b-58a, 58b-59a

Or. 725, f. 8r

Or. 865, f. 1v

Or. 889, heliogravure reproductions: two folded sheets with 16 pages in all, from the beginning of the

manuscript. Taken from the facsimile edition (De Goeje Stichting, No. 1)

Or. 927, ff. 19b-20a, 25b-26a, 26b-27a, 28b-29a, 33b-34a, 42b-43a, 58b-59a, 61b-62a, 69b-70a, 73b-74a, 75b-76a,

77b-78a, 83b-84a, 103b-104a, 115b-116, 121b-122a

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Or. 945, ff. 16b-17a, 17b, 53r (made in March 1905 for C.H. de Goeje for Prof. Hirschberg, Berlin)

Or. 979, f. 5v

Or. 1066, ff. 6v, 39v

Or. 1070, ff. 63v-64a

Or. 1153, f. 1a

Or. 1194, ff. 70b-71a

Or. 1199 (or Or. 1198?), last leaf recto, last leaf verso

E. Photostats of manuscript pages from the Leiden collection. Numerous sheets. Sequel to portfolio D.

Or. 1366, ff. 25b-26a, 26b-27a (bis), 27b-28a, 43b-44a, 59b-60a, 72b-73a, 126b-127a, 174b-175a, 182b-183a, 193b-

194a, 194b-195a, 196b-197a, 204b-205a, 258b-259b-260a

Or. 1448, f. 2v

Or. 1553, unnumbered and ff. 9b-10a

Or. 1797, f. 22a

Or. 2073, f. 168r

Or. 2075, ff. 9b-10a

Or. 2380, three unnumbered sheets (exhibition Lahore, 1957

Or. 3133, pars 1

Or. 3390, four unnumbered sheets (printed under different variables); small package with sheets: No. 31, No.

173, No. 174, No. 293, No. 297 (half), No. 297 (the other half)

Or. 3624, ff. 1b-2a (bis), 17b-18a

Or. 3750, ff. 34r, 39r, 40r, 41r, 42r, 44r (together on one sheet)

Or. 3930, p. 115

Or. 4165, unnumbered

Or. 4718, ff. 45b-46a, 132b-133a (bis), 236b-237a,

Or. 4719, f. 46v

Or. 4762, f. 121a

Or. 4794, ff. 227r, 227v, 228r, 228v, 229r, 229v, 230r

Or. 5109, ff. 4b, 5a, 6b, 7a all left half (one sheet, bis), 8r, 9a, 10b, 11a all right half (one sheet), 8r, 9a, 10b, 11a all

left half (one sheet), and six more sheets of varying size.

Or. 5443, 15 unnumbered sheets

Or. 5702, ff. 42b-43a, 43b-44a (exhibition Lahore, 1947)

Or. 5706, ff. 18v-32r (13 sheets) (exhibition Lahore, 1947)

Or. 6405, p. 35

Or. 7054, pp. 61-64 (2 sheets)

Or. ?? (lacks class-mark, with single 32 mm negative) Abdar-Rauf

?? Printed text (Arabic, pp. 115-117 (3 sheets) al-Baqillani

F. Photostats of manuscript pages from the Leiden collection. Numerous sheets all of the same large size,

and all often from Hebrew manuscripts.

Or. 4718, ff. 1b, 25b, 271a, 284a, 294b, unnumbered (9 sheets)

Or. 4719, ff. 30b, 63b, 84b, 135a, 154a

Or. 4721, ff. 10a, 12a, 13b, 24b, 80b, 313b

Or. 4720, f. 303b

Or. 4720 I, ff. 148b, 371a

Or. 4722, ff. 1a, 43b, 83a, 490a

Or. 4739, ff. 77a, 106a, 157a, 162a, 235b

Or. 4740, f. 183b

Or. 4743, ff. 24b, 32b, 35a, 42b, 48a, 80a

Or. 4751, ff. 60a, 78a, 114b

Or. 4752, ff. 1a, 43b, 163a, 242a,

Or. 4753, ff. 1a, 104a

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Or. 4755, ff. 78a, 148a, 226b, 273b

Or. 4759, ff. 154a, 261b,

Or. 5834, one but last leaf.

[* Ar. 3071]

Or. 8414

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Persian, Malay, paper, photostats.

(1) Qur’an. Photostat of a ‘Kufic’ fragment. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 278. missing!

(2) Qur’an. Photostat of a ‘Kufic’ fragment. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 278. missing!

(3) Persian. Photostat of a page of an illustrated manuscript of `Aga'ib al-Makhluqat wa-Athar al-Bilad, by al-

Qazwini (d. 682/1283), GAL G I, 481, taken from an original in Berlin.

(4) 1 f. Photograph of the ceiling of the Justice Hall in the Alhambra, Granada. Photograph of an older

photograph by Señán y González with legend: ‘348. Granada. Alhambra. Techo de la Sala de Justicia’.

(5) Kitab al-Adwar, by `Abd al-Mu’min b. Yunus al-Urmawi (d. 693/1294), GAL G I, 496. Photostats of the first

two pages of MS London, BL, Or. 2361 (III), Suppl. Cat., No. 823. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 2.

(6) 2 ff. Khulasat al-Mafakhir, by `Abdallah b. As`ad al-Yafi`i (d. 768/1367), GAL G II, 177. See Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 161. Photostat of two pages from MS London, IOL, Loth 708. See also TBG 1949, pp. 110-ff.

(7) 2 ff. Two photographs of a painting on paper (or dluang?), to be combined for a broad view. On the back

of the right-hand side: ‘Kg. Batoe Koeroeng, desa Tji-tjapar, ond. Bandjar sari. Distr. Pada kerang. Juni 1909.

C.M. Pleyte’. Pasted on board. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung

1988, p. 411.

(8) 1 f. The last double page of a Malay MS (ff. 187b-188a), showing the final part of the text and the

colophon. No further details are noted. It is apparently a work by Nur al-Din al-Raniri. The work was

completed on Monday 28 Dhu al-Higga 1076. The colophon also mentions the journey of the author to

Baladat al-Ranir in 1054 AH. Negative print. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

(9) 22 ff. Photostats from an illustrated and illuminated manuscript, containing a Persian translation of the

Ramayana. The original is in the National Museum of Ethnography, Leiden.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 527-528 (No. 1131)

Provenance: Photographs were kept under this number by P. Voorhoeve, from c. 1950 onwards. No. 9 was

received on 13 October 1966. Some photographs must be much older than 1950.

[* in Ar. 3072]

Or. 8414 a

Collection of texts and fragments in Turkish and Arabic, many sizes, and handwriting.

(1) Turkish. The first page only of a Falnama, with the indication of the the omens in alphabetical order.

(2) 2 ff. (folded). Arabic phonological rules. One sheet gives the pronunciation rules and articulation points

of the Arabic, here alif-ya’. The other sheet gives an explanation of technical terminology in connection

with Arabic phonology.

(3) 7 + 1 ff. Two fragments of an Arabic book on the making of amulets. Structure: wa-in aradta …, followed

by the amulet or procedure. F. 8 is from the same work, but apparently not connected to the text on the

other leaves. Possibly lacunous. A figure on f. 5b.

(4) 6 ff. Fragment of a commentary on what seems to be the Qasidat al-Burda by Muhammad b. Sa`id al-

Busiri (d. 694/1294), GAL G I, 264, with a discussion on the special properties (Khassiyya) of the lines.

(5) 2 ff. Fragment of text with prescription for preventing plague (Daf` al-Ta`un). A Da’ira with magical signs

on f. 1a. A poem by the imam `Ali b. Abi Talib is extensively quoted. Then follows the first chapter (Bab), and

the beginning of the second chapter. On f. 2b al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 424 is quoted.

(6) 1 f. Leaf from a work on astrology. An authority is referred to several times with the words ‘Qala al-Hakim


Page 158: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

(7) 10 ff. Not completed text on Istikhdam, a magical procedure. As author is given al-Sayyid Anthurush, who

is also invoked in the text. Another authority mentioned is al-Shaykh `Ala’ al-Din al-Tunisi. Ff. 6-10 blank.

Magical squares. Dated Wednesday 11 Gumada I 1268 (copied from the original?).

(8) 6 ff. Unconnected fragments from a work on amulet making or raml. Several unnumbered chapters

(Bab). Explanation of Abu Riyah, with a cross-shaped drawing of this entity.

(9) 16 ff. Fawa’id Habiba wa-Abwab `Agiba. A collection of magical content. Apparently a complete


(10) 8 + 6 + 4 ff. Three unconnected fragments of a prayer text (Du`a’).

(11) 4 ff. Several shorter prayers (Du`a’).

(12) 4 ff. Incomplete (beginning missing) and lacunous fragment, containing the conversation between God

and the Prophet Musa (Munagat Musa?).

(13) 2 ff. Fragment from a work, in which the Prophet Musa is mentioned, apparently from a work, different

from the one mentioned under No. 12, above.

(14) 32 pp. Fasl fil-Istinzal al-Nafsi, by, or on the authority of Sidi Muhammad b. Yusuf (p. 1), who had

procured the text from a man from Baghdad for the sum of seventy dinar. At the end also magical drawings

and signs (pp. 30-31). A complete compilation.

(15) 8 ff. Several shorter prayer texts (Du`a’). Ff. 4b-8b blank.

(16) 1 f. Fragment of a story in which al-Miqdad b. al-Aswad al-Kindi figures.

(17) 4 ff. Four unrelated fragments, some with notes of financial nature.

(18) 1 f. One leaf from a work on magic.

(19) 1 f. One leaf with amulet texts, and magical squares.

(20) 4 ff. Fragment with text in prose and in what seems to be poetry, on magic (?).

(21) 1 f. Fragment of a collection of amulet texts.

Arabic materials not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See for the Turkish parts Jan Schmidt, Catalogue, vol. 2 (2002),

p. 382.

Provenance: Purchased in Cairo in May 1973 by Dr. Qasim al-Samarra’i, and presented by him to the Leiden

Library shortly afterwards.

¶ It is not clear to me why this acquisition of 1973 should be registered among the acquisitions of the 1950’s.

[* in Ar. 3072]

Or. 8415-Or. 8437

Collection of Middle-Eastern manuscripts, acquired by auction on September 26, 1949, at Messrs.

Burgersdijk & Niermans, booksellers and auctioneers in Leiden. The present collection was apparently one

lot in the auction. See also Or. 8348-Or.8362, Or. 8368 and Or. 8373, which were purchased at the same

auction. It is not impossible that the present collection also originates from Paul Herzsohn (1842-1931).

Or. 8415

Collective volume with medical texts in Arabic, paper, ff.

(1) ff. 1-152. al-Nuzha al-Mubhiga fi Tashhid al-Adhhan wa-Ta`dil al-Amziga by Dawud b. `Umar al-Antaki (d.

1008/1599), GAL G II, 364. A copy with some lacunae, with many notes in the margin. Apparently copied

from the autograph. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 259.

(2) ff. 153v-171. al-Tuhfa al-Bakriyya fi Ahkam al-Istihmam al-Kulliyya wal-Guz’iyya, by Da’ud b. `Umar al-

Antaki (d. 1008/1599), GAL G II, 364. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 380.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

(Ar. 3161)

Or. 8416

Persian, paper, 108 ff., naskh script, illumination (ff. 1a-b, damaged), full-leather Islamic binding, with blind

tooled ornamentation (borders), apparently quite old, but without date.

Page 159: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Incomplete copy (end missing) of Qawsnama, a work on archery by Ustadh Abu Nasr `Abd al-Rahman b.

Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Dhaki al-F… (?). Written and explained in the way of Ustadh Gatu-yi Ma-wara al-

Nahri (f. 2b).

On ff. 3a-4a is a survey of the contents (it should be noted that the chapter titles in the text are sometimes of

slightly different wording):

Bab 1: Dar Fada’il-i Tir andakhtan.

Bab 2: Dar Fada’il-i Tir u Kaman.

Bab 3: Dar I`dad-i Usul-i Tir andakhtan.

Bab 4: Dar Tariq-i Tir andakhtan.

Bab 5: Dar Qabda giriftan.

Bab 6: Dar Shast giriftan.

Bab 7: Dar Istadan.

Bab 8: Dar Nazar giriftan.

Bab 9: Dar Tafawut-i Nazar danestan.

Bab 10: Dar Masafat danestan.

Bab 11: Dar Kaman kashidan.

Bab 12: Dar birun amadan az Kaman.

Bab 13: Dar Kushadhan-i Tir.

Bab 14: Dar Cigunagi-yi Kaman.

Bab 15: Dar Cigunagi-yi Zih.

Bab 16: Dar Cigunagi-yi Tir u Bigan.

Bab 17: Dar Cigunagi-yi Angishtwana.

Bab 18: Dar `Adat kardan.

Bab 19: Dar `Uyub-i Tir-andaz.

Bab 20: Dar `Uyub-i Tir.

Bab 21: Dar Tir pur Tab andakhtan.

Bab 22: Dar Karw bastan.

The text ends abruptly in the 22nd chapter, which means that not much of the text of this treatise is


Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

[* Ar. 3162]

Or. 8417

Arabic, paper, 63 ff., dated (?) c. 850 AH.

Fragment of an anthology of poetry in Zagal, Muwashshah and other metres, by such poets as `Abd al-`Aziz

b. Ahmad al-Dirini (d. 697/1297), GAL G I, 451, and Ibrahim b. Sahl al-Isra’ili (d. 649/1251), GAL G I, 273. Poets

until c. 800 (1397-1398) are represented. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 426.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

(Ar. 3107)

Or. 8418

Collective volume with texts in Arabic on alchemy and divination, paper.

(1) ff. 2-5. On `Ilm al-Huruf and the writing of amulets. Ff. 1 blank; between ff. 1-2 one leaf has been torn out.

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 436. No. 12, below, seems to be the sequel.

(2) f. 6. A fragment on alchemy. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 436.

(3) ff. 7-12v. A treatise in ten chapters (Bab). The beginning and the introduction are missing. The titles of

the chapters are: 1. Fi Kayfiyyat al-`Alam al-Saghir; 2. Fi Ma`rifat al-Ta’thirat allati fil-`Alam al-Saghir; 3. Fi

Ma`rifat Kayfiyyat al-Qalb wa-Haqiqat Ma`nahu; 4. Fi Ma`rifat Kayfiyyat al-`Amal wal-Mugahada wal-Riyada;

Page 160: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

5. Fi Ma`rifat Kayfiyyat al-Nafs; 6. Fi Muhafazat al-Mani; 7. Fi Ma`rifat Kayfiyyat al-Wahm; 8. Fi Ma`rifat

`Alamat al-Mawt wa-Kayfiyyat Daf`iha. 9. Fi Ma`rifat Taskhir al-Ruhaniyyat. 10. Fi Ma`rifat Tatimmat al-

Hikaya. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 436.

(4) ff. 12v-17r. Sirr al-Galil min Bayt al-Khalil, by Muhammad b. `Abdallah al-Husayni al-Kibrit (d. 1070/1639),

GAL S II, 538. On `Ilm al-Za’irga, an abstract from a work entitled al-Bahr al-Basit bil-Sirr al-Muhit. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 341-342, 437.

(5) ff. 17v-33r. Kitab fi Gawami` `Ilm an-Nugum wa-Usul al-Harakat as-Samawiyya, by Ahmad b. Muhammad

Ibn Kathir al-Farghani (c. 200/815), GAL G I, 221. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 98, 437. See also Acad. 47.

(6) ff. 33v-41r. Khafiyat Aflatun al-Hakim. The text of an old document said to have been found by Plato. See

also MS Berlin, Ahlwardt 4130; Haggi Khalifa III, 128. A redaction agreeing with the description of the Berlin

manuscript, including the list of guardian angels. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 158, 437.

(7) ff. 41v-47v. Treatise by Abu al-`Abbas b. Ahmad (b. Muhammad) b. `Isa al-Burnusi al-Fasi, known as Ibn

Zarruq (d. 899/1493), GAL G II, 253, on al-Sina`a al-Kubra, alchemy. Without title. The title Kashf is added by

a later hand, but the beginning of the text is different from that of Ibn Zarruq’s Kashf as mentioned in Cat.

Cairo1, V, p. 387. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 437.

(8) ff. 47v-49r. Mawahib al-Minan fi Ma`rifat Tadbir al-Ma`dan wal-Miyah al-Hadda allati yusta`anu biha `ala

Hall al-Madda. Anonymous. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 204, 437.

(9) ff. 49r-53r. Various abstracts on alchemy, etc. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 437.

(10) ff. 53v-67v. Treatise in Za`irgat al-`Alam by Gamal al-Din Abu Muhammad Ibn `Abdallah b. `Abd al-

Malik b. `Abdallah al-Margani (see GAL S II, 927), who lived in 876 AH, as appears on f. 54r. See Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 437.

(11) ff. 67v-68v. Urguza fi Lafz Huruf al-Darb al-`Adadi. Anonymous. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 391, 437.

(12) ff. 69v-78. Apparently the continuation of No. 1, above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 437.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

(Ar. 3108)

Or. 8419

Arabic, paper, 7 ff., dated 768 (1366-1367).

Small fragment of Awdah al-Masalik ila Ma`rifat al-Manasik, by Tag al-Din Abu al-Fadl Muhammad b.

Ahmad b. `Umar b. Muhammad b. Musa b. al-Nu`man al-Ansari. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 31.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

(Ar. 3109)

Or. 8420

Arabic, paper, 332 pp., dated 985 (1577-1578).

Mukhtasar al-Quduri by Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Quduri (d. 428/1037), GAL G I, 175, with interlinear and

marginal glosses. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 230.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

(Ar. 3210)

Or. 8421

Arabic, paper, 54 ff., 12/18th century?

Incomplete copy (end missing) of al-Lu’lu’ al-Manthur fi Nasihat Wulat al-Umur. The author’s name has

been erased. He wrote later than al-Suyuti (d. 905/1511), whose work al-Gami` al-Saghir fi Hadith al-Bashir al-

Nadhir he cites, and before the 17th century (see MS Paris, BNF, Arabe 3575). The work is divided into 3

chapters (Bab). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 170-171.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Page 161: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

(Ar. 3111)

Or. 8422

Arabic, paper, 10 ff., ‘modern’.

Mawlid al-Nabi. Anonymous. Beginning: al-Hamdu lillah alladhi atla`a fi Sama’ihi al-Nubuwwa Siragan

Lami`an… See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 207.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

(Ar. 3112)

Or. 8423

Collection of texts in Karshuni (Arabic in Syriac script), Oriental (?) paper, 176 ff., serto script, old

(authentic?) full-leather binding with simple blind-tooled ornamentation, borders, crossing lines.

Collection of shorter ritual texts.

Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

[* Hebr. 239]

Or. 8424

Arabic, Persian, paper, 22 ff., leaves in disorder, naskh script, half-cloth binding, pasted boards.

Mi’at Kalima. The 100 apophthegms ascribed to `Ali b. Abi Talib (d. 40/661), GAL G I, 43, with a Persian

metrical translation by Rashid al-Din Ahmad b. Ishaq al-Watwat (d. 573/1177 or 578/1182). Neither the title

nor the author is mentioned in this manuscript, and there is no commentary as in H.L. Fleischer’s edition

(Ali’s hundert Sprüche. Arabisch und persisch paraphrasirt von Reschideddin Watwat. Nebst einem doppelten

Anhange arabischer Sprüche. Leipzig 1837. [842 B 15]). Moreover, the manuscript seems to have been copied

from an original that was in a hopeless state of disorder. Pieces of the Mi’at Kalima (complete but for one)

are intermingled with fragments of a collection of sayings in alphabetical order (one for every letter) and

other proverbs, all provided with the same kind of Persian metrical translations. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p.

209. Written by P. Voorhoeve in the inside of the end-cover a concordance of Fleischer’s edition with the

present manuscript.

¶ The same Arabic text, but with a different Persian versification is given in Sad Kalima-yi Manzum (Farsi).

Chap-i `Aksi-yi Rangi bar Asas-i Nuskha-yi Kitabkhana-yi Gulistan. One hundred verse aphorisms (in

Persian). Color facsimile edition of the manuscript at Gulistan Library. Based on the sayings of Imam Ali ibn

Abi Talib. Calligrapher Ali Quli Shirazi. Introduction by Djamal al-Din Shirazian. Teheran 1369/1990.

[former location: OosHss: T 4010 6].

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

[* Ar. 3113]

Or. 8425

Arabic, paper, 26 ff.

A scrap-book with various notes in several handwritings; mostly poetry, e.g. a Qasida by Abu `Abdallah

Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Tanukhi (7/13th cent), GAL S I, 520; also verse written by Shams al-Din al-

Gawhari to Ibn Hagar al-`Asqalani (d. 852/1449), GAL G II, 67; etc. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 426.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

(Ar. 3114)

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Or. 8426

Arabic, paper, 70 ff., ‘not modern’.

Fragment of a history of Islam, mainly about the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad. The order of the leaves

is hopelessly confused. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 429.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

(Ar. 3192)

Or. 8427 a

Arabic, paper, 16 ff., naskh script, dated Saturday 9 (month not mentioned?) 1235 (1819-1820), copied by `Abd

al-Baqi b. Ahmad al-Qadiri al-Hanafi, without binding.

Alphabetical list of the names of the Sahaba in the metre Kamil. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 430.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

[* in Ar. 3116]

Or. 8427 b

Turkish, Arabic, paper, 16 ff., naskh script, several hands, without binding.

Miscellany. Collection of prayers, in Turkish, and some in Arabic. Abrupt beginning and end. Turkish

prayers: ff. 1a-3b; ff. 3b-6b; 7b-8b, 9a-16b.

(1) ff. 1a-8b. Turkish. Sufi catechism, for novices. Arabic prayer: ff. 6b-7b. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

(2) ff. 9a-16b. Turkish. Catechism, similar to the preceding text.

See Jan Schmidt, Catalogue, vol. 2 (2002), pp. 382-383.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

[* in Ar. 3116]

Or. 8428

Arabic, paper, 69 ff., half-leather Islamic binding, pasted boards.

Tawali` al-Anwar min Matali` al-Anzar by `Abdallah b. `Umar al-Baydawi (d. 716/1316?), GAL G I, 418. Copy

with glosses, first leaf missing, lacking not more than one page of text (see Or. 11.979, below). See Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 376. Text ends on f. 68a. Some notes on f. 69a.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

[* Ar. 3117]

Or. 8429

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, ff., some fragments are ‘old’.

(1) ff. 1-49. A fragment (kitab al-gum`a) only of al-Gami` al-Sahih by Muhammad b. Isma`il al-Bukhari (d.

256/870), GAL G I, 158. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 324.

(2) f. 50. One leaf from a work on mysticism, divided into unnumbered chapters (Bab). On the recto side:

Bab al-`Ubudiyya. Perhaps by al-Qushayri (d. 465/1072), GAL G I, 432. The author cites as his teacher: Abu

`Ali al-Daqqaq (d. 404 or 406, see Tadhkirat al-Awliya’, II, pp. 187 ff. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 459.

(3) ff. 51-52. Two disconnected leaves from a work on inner and outer duties. On the first leaf are the

headings of two sections (Fasl): Fasl 13: fi Bayan al-Tahara; Fasl 14: fi Bayan Salat al-Shari`a wal-Tariqa. Sahib

Tafsir al-Magma` is cited. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 459-460.

(4) ff. 53-122. Fragment of a work on hereditary and matrimonial law. On f. 63v: Kitab al-sadaq; f. 80r. Kitab

al-Nikah. ‘Old’. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 446.

(5) ff. 123-128. Fragment of a work on Fiqh, about Salat. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 446.

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(6) ff. 126-194. Fragment of a gloss on a work on Fiqh. On f. 130: Kitab al-Sulh; f. 133r. Kitab al-Igara ila al-

Luqata; f. 145r. Kitab al-Nikah ila al-Talaq. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 446.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

(Ar. 3194)

Or. 8430

Arabic, paper, 114 ff., ‘old’.

A fragment, damaged and wrongly bound, of a work on materia medica, probably one of the adaptations of

the Gami` Mufradat al-Adwiya by Ibn al-Baytar (d. 646/1248), GAL G I, 492. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 438.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

(Ar. 3152)

Or. 8431

Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Turkish, paper, 240 pp., naskh script, dated 1120 (1708-1709) and

1122 (1710-1711), half-leather Islamic binding, pasted boards.

(1a) p. 1. Various notes in Arabic.

(1) pp. 2-33. Arabic. Sirag al-Musalli wa-Badr al-Mubtadi’ wal-Muntahi. Anonymous treatise on the rules of

ritual prayer (Salat). Dated 1120. The same text as MS Berlin Ahlwardt 3537. Or. 11.776, below, is another

copy. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 339.

(2) pp. 33-35. Turkish. A Hadith on the authority of Hasan al-Basri. Dated 1120.

(3) pp. 35-38. Arabic. Traditions from the Prophet Muhammad and sayings and stories from later

authorities, mainly of paraenetical nature. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 454.

(4) pp. 39-50. Turkish. Fasl fil-Tayammum, followed by other paragraphs on aspects of purity and prayer.

(5) pp. 51-53. Hadith al-Arba`a. Short collection of four Hadith, apparently selected from an Arba`un

Hadithan collection, Nos. 8, 9, 10, 13. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 454.

(5a) pp. 54-66. Traditions from the Prophet Muhammad and sayings and stories from later authorities,

mainly of paraenetical nature. Several vlearly distinguishable bibliographical entities. See Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 454.

(6) p. 67. Turkish. Note (on food?). Schmidt (p. 384) describes No. 6 as one text, as a note on ritual slaughter,

based on a work entitled Rawdat al-‘Ulama’.

(6a) pp. 67-71. Turkish. Fasl.

(6b) pp. 72-. Turkish and Arabic. Notes, extracts, questions and answers, etc., a.o. from a work by Abu al-


(6c) p. 74. Arabic. A note on the relative chronology of the Prophets, with a calculation of the annus mundi

till the Prophet Muhammad, reaching 6430 years.

(6d) p. 75. Extract from a work entitled Sharh al-Mashariq.

(6e) p. 76. Several shorter notes.

(7) pp. 77-142. Arabic. Traditions from the Prophet Muhammad and sayings and stories from later

authorities, mainly of paraenetical nature. Abrupt end.

(7a) pp. 143-194. The beginning of a fragment, probably of the last part, of a work divided into chapters

(Bab), containing Bab 12 (fil-Sadaqa wama fiha min al-Fadl) – Bab 26 (fi Fadl It`am al-Ta`am wa-Husn al-

Khulq), and one chapter without number (fi Sifat al-Ganna wal-Nar). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 454.

(8) pp. 194-223. Minhag al-Muta`allim. Anonymous. The same work as MS Berlin, Ahlwardt 125-137. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 214. Dated 1121 AH (p. 223).

(9) p. 224. Turkish. Note on poraying, written upside-down, in the margin.

(10) 225-234. Arabic. Collection of Hadith. Traditions from the Prophet Muhammad and sayings and stories

from later authorities, mainly of paraenetical nature. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 454.

(11) p. 235. Turkish. Note on the Islamic faith.

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(12) pp. 235-236. Religious adagia. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

(13) pp. 237-240. Turkish notes, several different origins, fragments, etc. On p. 237 is a note on the 17 passages

of the Qur’an where one should not interrupt recitation. Incomplete note on the five pillars (p. 238), and

idem on dogma (pp. 239-240).

See Jan Schmidt, Catalogue, vol. 2 (2002), pp. 383-384.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

[* Ar. 3120]

Or. 8432

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper.

(1) ff. 1-35. Gloss by Molla Galal, that is Galal al-Din Muhammad b. As`ad al-Dawwani (d. 907/1501), without

the preface, on Tahdhib al-Mantiq wal-Kalam, or Ghayat Tahdhib al-Kalam fi Tahrir al-Mantiq wal-Kalam, by

Sa`d al-Din Mas`ud b. `Umar al-Taftazani (d. 792/1390), GAL G II, 215. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 356.

(2) ff. 36v-40v. The first part only (on logic) of Tahdhib al-Mantiq wal-Kalam, or Ghayat Tahdhib al-Kalam fi

Tahrir al-Mantiq wal-Kalam, by Sa`d al-Din Mas`ud b. `Umar al-Taftazani (d. 792/1390), GAL G II, 215. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 356.

(3) ff. 41v-49r. Ayyuha al-Walad by Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 423. Dated

1010 AH (1601-1602). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 32.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

(Ar. 3182)

Or. 8433

Arabic, Persian, paper, 132 ff., naskh script, cloth boards.

Incomplete copy (beginning and end missing) of an Arabic-Persian dictionary. The first available lemma is

As Banka (?, f. 1a), the last available one is Shagarat al-Baraghith (f. 132b). The lemma’s, which sometimes

consist of composite expressions, are given in strict alphabetical order and are written in red ink. Not in

Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

[* Ar. 3122]

Or. 8434

Arabic, paper, 122 ff., dated 1069 AH (1658-1659).

Incomplete and disorderly copy of the longer commentary (al-Sharh al-Mutawwal) by Mas`ud b. `Umar al-

Taftazani (d. 792/1390) on Talkhis al-Miftah, an abridgment by Muhammad b. `Abd al-Rahman al-Qazwini

Khatib Dimashq (d. 739/1338) of Book 3 of Miftah al-`Ulum, by Yusuf b. Abi Bakr al-Sakkaki (d. 626/1229),

GAL G I, 294. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 210-211.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

(Ar. 3123)

Or. 8435

Arabic, paper, 13 ff., on the first page a note dated 1109 AH (1697-1698).

Astronomical tables. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 434.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

(Ar. 3124)

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Or. 8436

Arabic, paper, 9 ff.

Some disconnected fragments of a work on Fiqh. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 446.

Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

(Ar. 3125)

Or. 8437

Arabic, paper, 99 ff., 13th/19th cent.

Taqwim al-Adwiya, by Hubaysh b. Ibrahim al-Tiflisi (c. 600/1203), GAL S I, 893. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p.


Earlier provenance: Possibly the Paul Herzsohn collection.

Provenance: Purchased by auction on September 26, 1949, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

(Ar. 3100)

Or. 8438

Javanese, palm leaf, damaged, incomplete, 96 pp.

Yusup, history of Joseph in verse. East Javanese script and idiom. A list of initial lines of cantos by J.

Soegiarto is added. Pigeaud II, p. 476.

Provenance: Originates from Mr. H. Warners, who made it available on April 21, 1935, but the manuscript

only entered the Library in 1951 through the intermediary of C.C. Berg (1900-1990).

(Lont. 769)

Or. 8439

Malay, photostats, 82 ff.

Mystical poetry. Photostat copy of unclear pages, made from the microfilm FOr. A 17c, of MS Jakarta KBG

Mal 83. Compared with the original and retouched by Teuku Iskandar; part of the poetry is by Hamzah


See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 528 (No. 1132).

Provenance: Photographs made in the Library, 1951 or 1952.

(Mal. 3069)

Or. 8440

Malay, paper, cover with two pieces of paper, and microfilm.

Hikayat Hang Tuah. Fragments of the story of Hang Tuah, here called Tun Tuah. See also Shellabear 1908,

pp. 140-143.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 528 (No. 1133).

Provenance: Fragments found in Or. 5687, above, and in 1951 or 1952 separately registered.

(Mal. 3070)

Or. 8441

Malay, photostat, 28 ff.

Huggat al-Siddiq li-Daf’ al-Zindiq by Nuruddin ar-Raniri. Photostats made from the Leiden microfilm FOr. A

12b, from the original MS London RAS Maxwell 93 (2), pp. 119-145. See Ricklefs and Voorhoeve 1977, p. 149.

Published in facsimile in Voorhoeve 1955a, and Al-Attas 1966.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 528 (No. 1134).

Provenance: Presented to the Library by the De Goeje Stichting, Leiden, 1951 or 1952.

(Mal. 3071)

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Or. 8442

Javanese, photostats and notes in an envelope

Tutur, Hinduistic speculations. Copy of some pages from MS Paris BnF mal.-pol. 161. With a romanized copy

by J. Soegiarto. See also Or. 8451, below.

Pigeaud II, p. 476.

Provenance: Purchased from Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, 1952.

(Mal. 3072)

Or. 8443

Collective volume with texts in Berber only, paper, 164 ff., European binding, with the original binding

preserved, dated end Rabi’ II 1291/1874, copied by ‘Ali b. Muhammad b. Hamad al-Mazwari al-Tidili min

Jidarat al-‘Usra.

Nos 1-4 are works by Muhammad Awzal (d. 1749 AD).

(1) ff. 1a-39b. al-Hawd, part 1, vv.24a-50a missing. The verse numeration of the edition by Luciani (Algiers

1897) was written in the margins by Roux. On f. 5r, bottom left margin, Stricker has added the note that

verse 141b is missing.

(2) ff. 40a-137a: al-Hawd, part 2.

(3) ff. 137a-140b. al-Nasiha.

(4) ff. 140b-164a: Bahr al-Dumu’.

(5) f. 164b: Short unidentified text, eight lines of unvocalized script (added in cursive script), possibly


See also Or. 10.882 (g), below.

Nico van den Boogert, Catalogue of Berber Manuscripts in the Library of Leiden University. Leiden: Legatum

Warnerianum, 2002 (the unpublished draft version), p. 1

Provenance: Received in June 1952 as a present from Arsène Roux (1893-1971) in Rabat, through the

intermediary of B.H Stricker (1910-2005).

(Ar. 3131)

Or. 8444

Malay, 2 items, paper.


A. In yellow silk envelopes, addressed to P.L. de Lannooy, Resident of Riau, with the seal of the

sultan of Lingga and the date 1264 (?, 1847-1848); and the same as above; and the same as above but without

seal; and one addressed to W.S. Hoogmaker, Resident of Riau, with the seal of the viceroy of Riau.

B. Greeting cards. Three photostats of greeting cards with calligraphy: in the shape of a cockroach and with

the words Hormat tahun baru, umur panjang, rezeki murah; and another similar one; and one in the shape

of a parrot and with the words Tabik tuan yang terhormat memegang pekerjaan aspirant controleur

bertakhta di dalam negeri Palembang.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 528-529 (No. 1135).

Provenance: Received from Prof. C.C. Krieger (d. 1970), August 1952.

(Mal. 3073)

Or. 8445

Armenian, English, Dutch, exercise book, lined paper, 76 pp., flexible cloth binding.

‘Catalogue of the Armenian manuscripts of the University of Leiden’, by Fred C. Conybeare (1856-1924). The

catalogue was made ‘somewhat hurriedly’ in 1910 (p. 76). See Frédéric Macler, Rapport sur une mission

scientifique en Belgique, Hollande, Danemark et Suède (juillet-septembre 1922). Paris: Imprimerie Nationale,

1924, p. 296 [20], from which it becomes clear that Conybeare renounced the completion of the catalogue

that he had begun to make in favour of Macler.

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Added: exercise book, lined paper, text in Dutch, 22 pp., containing: ‘Lijst van Armenische Handschriften,

geschonken door Professor Dr. J. Rendel Harris’. The Leiden class-marks have been added. Pp. 1-15: [Eerste

zending]; p. 16: Tweede zending; p. 19: Zending Mei 1906; p. 21: Zending Oktober 1906

Provenance: Found in the collection and registered in 1951 or 1952.

[* Hebr. 240]

Or. 8446

Arabic, paper, ff.

Qur’an, from Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 277.

Provenance: Purchased from M. Heerma van Voss, December 1951.

(Ar. 3139)

Or. 8447

Malay, many papers in 173 sheaves.

Materials of the South Sumatran Literature Project. Collection of transliteration of manuscripts in rencong


Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 529-530 (No. 1136) describes the Rencong project of Voorhoeve as follows:

‘A collection of transliterations of texts in South Sumatran scripts. Description made by P. Voorhoeve. It

consists of 182 sheaves of paper numbered Or. 8447 (1)-(182) and contains:

1. some photocopies of texts;

2. copies of texts by Jaspan and Jumsari Jusuf;

3. preliminary transliterations in ink or pencil by Jaspan, P. Voorhoeve, Mrs. Voorhoeve and their children;

4. typed transliterations by P. Voorhoeve. Duplicates of these are in the Brynmor Jones University, Hull, DJA,

unclassified (4). See BSOAS 45 (1982), p. 310.

5. occasionally: introductions and notes by Voorhoeve, some in Dutch, some in English.

In 1964 M.A. Jaspan edited 8 Malay texts in rencong script which he had collected during anthropological

fieldwork in 1961-1963 among the Rejang of South Sumatra. He gave them the title Redjang Ka-Ga-Nga Texts.

On the back cover a further fascicle of Ka-Ga-Nga Texts was announced as being in preparation. This should

also contain texts from Pasemah, Serawai and cognate Middle Malay peoples (p. 6).

For this fascicle Jaspan had made copies and tentative transliterations of rencong texts in museums in

Berlin, Leiden, and London. He then found that the number of these texts in museums and library

collections was much greater than he had supposed and their interpretation was far from easy. Therefore,

he asked P. Voorhoeve to co-operate on the South Sumatran Literature Project, for which he had obtained a

grant from the Wenner Gren Foundation in New York. Voorhoeve had then already retired from his work as

a librarian. In 1941, when he was government linguist for Sumatra, his wife, Ms. M.C.I. Voorhoeve-Bernelot

Moens, had accompanied him to Kerinci and had taken an active part in transliterating Kerinci rencong

documents. Mrs. Voorhoeve also joined the project and in 1969, with the help of the Wenner Gren grant, the

Voorhoeves visited Jakarta. They established co-operation with Dra. Jumsari Jusuf, who made careful copies

of rencong texts in the Museum Pusat. Jaspan’s death in 1975 put an end to the project, but the Voorhoeves

continued their work on South Sumatran texts. Several travel grants were obtained from the Verzeichnis der

Orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland, for which Voorhoeve had catalogued 44 manuscripts in

German collections (Südsumatranische Handschriften, VOHD XXIX, 1971). A supplement to this catalogue

was published in 1985 (VOHD, XXVIII, 2-II).

In 1982 the collection of romanizations was transferred to Leiden University Library. They were added to MS

Cod. Or. 8447, which already contained Voorhoeve’s transliterations of Leiden rencong manuscripts. The

following description of the collection is as succinct as possible. For further information regarding original

Ka-Ga-Nga manuscripts in this library, the reader is referred to the pages of this catalogue where they are

described under their respective numbers.

A distinction is made here between rencong and Lampung script. The name rencong is sometimes used for

the Ka-Ga-Nga script in Kerinci and the Middle Malay area, but apparently it is unknown in Lampung.

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Arabic = Arabic or Malay-Arabic (Jawi) and Pegon script.

Lp = Lampung script

rencong = rencong script

J = M.A. Jaspan

JJ = Jumsari Jusuf.

PV = P. Voorhoeve (often not mentioned)

MV == M.C.T. Voorhoeve-Bernelot Moens

CLV/MBV = their son and daughter

All transliterations are literal, i.e. they reproduce the script signs, not the pronunciation in Lampung, Malay

or Rejang:’

(1) Jampi. Transliteration of Or. 1914 I, above. From Arabic script.

(2) From several different sources:

- Andai-andai Anak Dalam, from Or. 3211, above. Short list Dutch: Dutch abstract: See Voorhoeve, Spectrum

1978, pp. 95, 591.

- From Or. 3263 A.

- From Or. 3387, with list of contents in Dutch. See Voorhoeve 1952b, in BKI 108, p. 215.

- From Or. 3387 BB, 8 pp.; list of contents in Dutch in ink; 3 pp.; typed: the same in English.

- From Or. 3387 BB V: 1 p.; typed transliteration from rencong: Serambah from Ampat Lawang.

- From Or. 3387 BB VI: 1 p.; typed transliteration from rencong: Serambah from Ampat Lawang.

- From Or. 3387 BB VIll: 2 pp.; typed transliteration from Arabic script: Usuran from Pino.

- From Or. 3387 BB IX: 1 p.; typed: copy of Van der Tuuk's transliteration from rencong: Jampi.

- From Or. 3391: 1 p.; typed: list of contents in Dutch; see Voorhoeve 1952b, BKI 108, p. 215; note on contents

of Or. 3392, Or. 6662, Or. 7646, Or. 8321 and Or. 8447.

- From Or. 3391 D: 1 p.; typed: notes in Dutch and transliteration from Lampung script: Bandung from


-From Or. 3391 G: 2 pp.; copy in ink of Van der Tuuk’s transliteration from Lampung script: Si Dayang Rindu,

the fragment which is missing in MS Munich.

(3) From Or. 3211 (2): Dayang Merindu; cf. Voorhoeve, Spectrum 1978, pp. 99, 614; 2 pp.; in ink and pencil:

Dutch abstract; 20 pp.; photocopy of Arabic text; 28 pp.; transliteration in black and red ink from Arabic

scnpt (new orthography).

(4) From Or. 3387 A: 48 pp.; typed transliteration from Lampung script: Si Dayang Rindu, and a carbon copy

with corrections.

(5) From Or. 3387 B: 45 pp.; typed transliteration from Lampung script with introduction in Dutch: Si-


(6) From Or. 3387 C: 55 pp.; transliteration in ink from Lampung script by MV: Si Dayang Rindu.

(7) From Or. 3387 D: 2 pp.; transliteration in ink from Lampung script by MV (p. 1-3 only) and 1 p. photocopy

of p. 1: Anak Dalom. Not continued because there is a transliteration by Van der Tuuk in Or. 3391 F.

(8) From Or. 3387 E: 10 pp.; photocopy of pp. 18-19,42-59; 46 pp.; in ink, pencil and partly typed; preliminary

transliteration from Lampung script without division into lines; 52 pp.; in ink; in 4 exercise books, finished

transliteration of pp. 1-42: Anak Dalom; 4 pp. duplicate of first part of finished transliteration.

(9) From Or. 3387 F: photocopy of title page; 62 pp.; transliteration in ink from Lampung script by PV and

MV: Anak Dalom; last part Seram.

(10) From Or. 3387 G: 1 p.; photocopy of first page; 75 pp.; transliteration from Lampung script by MV and

PV: Anak Dalom.

(11) From Or. 3391 E: 73 pp.; ink transliteration from Lampung script; Anak Dalom; 19 pp.; typed, the first part


(12) From Or. 3391 F: 13 pp.; written in ink in an exercise book. Dutch abstract from Van der Tuuk’s

romanization of Or. 3387 D, Anak Dalom; 6 pp.; typed: the same abstract.

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(13) From Or. 3422 A: 4 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong texts in Or. 3422 B, E and A. Continued in 46.

4 pp.; typed; transliteration of Or. 3422 A: Sawi berdundun.

(14) From Or. 3422 B: 1 p.; typed transliteration from rencong; Arabic text.

(15) From Or. 3422 C: 3 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong; 4 pp.; typed: Sawi berdundun.

(16) From Or. 3422 D: 4 pp.; copied in rencong; 2 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong; 3 (?) pp. typed: Du’a

sipulang guna, with introduction.

(17) From Or. 3422 E: 2 pp.; typed transliteration from rencong; Surat bujang kasiyan; see no. 13.

(18) From Or. 5447: Transliteration from rencong on 64 filecards, and 1 p. notes; 12 pp.; typed: Myth of origin.

Or. 5447 being a manuscript on bambu, 64 strips of bambu (strung together), in rencong script, containing a

myth of origin, in South Sumatran literary Malay. See T. Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 197, No. 438.

(19) From Or. 5825: 4 pp.; photocopy off. 13v-15r, Latin script; Juarian from Serawai. 3 pp.; written in red ink;

copy of f. 13r, the introduction by R. Bangsawan; see the German translation in VOHD XXIX, p. 8.

(20) From Or. 6662: 7 pp.; photocopy from Louis Constant Westenenk (1872-1930), TBG 58 (1919); pp. 448-

459, for comparison with Westenenk’s copy in Or. 6662.

(21) Or. 6774: 11 slips of paper; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; 5 pp.; typed; with an introduction

in Dutch: Juarian with Muslim terminology.

(22) From Or. 6817: 10 pp.; written in ink; incomplete transliteration from rencong by MBV and MV; 27 pp.;

typed; complete transliteration: Juarian pajar.

(23) From Or. 6818: 15 pp.; in ink and pencil; imperfect transliteration from rencong; 33 pp.; typed; corrected

transliteration from rencong: Si Remas Malang (including p. 3a).

(24) From Or. 6819: 11 pp.; typed transliteration from rencong: Juarian kumbang; (Preliminary transliteration

in No. 44).

(25) From Or. 6820: 6 pp. transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; 8 pp.; typed: Juarian baringin;

(26) From Or. 6821: 13 cards; transliteration in ink from rencong on 13 unnumbered strips of bamboo, by PV;

7 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong on 12 numbered strips, by MV and BMV; 9 pp.; typed

transliteration of both texts with 1 p. of introduction in Dutch. The unnumbered strips mainly

rejung; the numbered strips pakéling.

(27) From Or. 6822: 9 pp.; transliteration in ink of the first part from rencong by MV; 13 pp.; typed and 2 pp.

introduction in Dutch: Juarian tanye; (Preliminary transliteration of the second part in No. 44).

(28) From Or. 6903: 4 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong; 3 pp.; typed; rejung, with English introduction.

(29) From Or. 6904: 3 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong; 5 pp.; typed, with Dutch notes: Sawi


(30) From Or. 6905: 6 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong; 3 pp.; typed: Names of the child in the womb

and creation.

(31) From Or. 12.200: 4 pp.; photocopy; Lampung text and Malay translation; 8 pp.; transliteration in ink

from Lampung script by MV; 5 pp.; typed transliteration from Lampung script and Undang-undang Kro.

(32) From Or. 12:218: 5 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; 7 pp.; typed; with Dutch introduction:

Cerita Demak. Or. 12.218, below, being Cerita Demak (given title), or Djoewarian Teloer Sembilan roeang. The

original text contains an epic story and is written in Arabic and Rencong scripts. See T. Iskandar, Catalogue

(1999), p. 648 (No. 1326).

(33) From Or. 12.232: 15 pp.; transliteration in ink; from rencong by MV; 11 pp.; typed; with Dutch

introduction: Primbon Pajarbulan. Or. 12.232 (formerly Oph. 111), being Primbon Pajarbulan. A collection of

shorter magical and astrological texts. On f. 1a of Or. 12.232 is a magical compass with drawings of figures

and animals. See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 652 (No. 1340).

(34) From Or. 12.245: 4 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; 5 pp.; typed: Cenantingan. Original on


(35) From Or. 12.247: 1 p.; ink transliteration from rencong by MV; 2 pp.; typed: Ilmu berlimau; jaya talu.

Original on bambu.

(36) From Or. 12.248: 5 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong; 8 pp.; typed; a text similar to Si Remas

Malang. Original on bambu.

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(37) From Or. 12.255: 5 pp.; transliteration, in ink from rencong; 8 pp.; typed: Juarian bunga. Original on


(38) From Or. 12.263: 18 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong; 7 pp.; typed: Kitab mendukun. Original on


(39) From Or. 12.274, Or. 12.275, Or. 12.278, Or. 12.279, Or. 12.280, Or. 12.281:

- From Or. 12.274-Or. 12.275: 5 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV. Original on bambu.

- From Or. 12.274 (copied in Or. 12.257): 2 pp.; typed: Ilmu bedil. Original on bambu.

- From Or. 12.275 (copied in Or. 12.250): 2 pp.; typed: Rejung. Original on bambu.

- From Or. 12.278: 1 p.; transliteration in ink from rencong; 1 p.; typed: mantra. Original on bambu.

- From Or. 12.279: 12 pp.; ink transliteration from rencong by MV; 6 pp.; typed: Juarian (copied in Or. 12.242:

transliteration in ink; 5 pp.). Original on bambu.

- From Or. 12.280: 1 p.; ink transliteration from rencong (The letter only); 1 p.; typed; letter; the major part of

this MS, a text about tuah ayam, has not been transliterated. Original on bambu.

- From Or. 12.281: 8 pp.; ink transliteration from rencong; 6 pp.; typed: Juarian (copied in Or. 12.243;

transliteration in ink of the beginning; 1 p.). Original on bambu.

(40) From Or. 12.272: 3 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; 2 pp.; typed: mantra. Added: 12 pp.

transliteration in ink from rencong by MV from Or. 12.244, which is a copy of Or. 12.272, and 3 pp. typed.

Original on bambu.

(41) From Or. 12.273 (copied in Or. 12.252): 3 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; 2 pp.; typed:

Jampi (Djampi Penjakit Koerok en Ilmu moeda). Original on bambu.

(42) From Or. 12.276 and Or. 12.277: 3 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV from Or. 12.246, which is

a copy of Or. 12.276 and Or. 12.277. Original on bambu.

- From Or. 12.276: 2 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV. Added: 1 p.; ink; copy of some cryptic

lines with an endeavour at transliteration and a carbon copy of a letter from PV to Jaspan; 3 pp.; typed;

transliteration and explanation in Dutch: Rejung for ‘Mintar Bantar' and divination; see Voorhoeve 1979, BKI

135, pp. 367-370.

- From Or. 12.277: 3 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong; 2 pp.; typed: Jampi ular, with Dutch notes.

(43) From Or. 12.581: 129 pp.; transliteration in ink from Lampung script by MV: Anak Dalom; Added: a Dutch

abstract, 21 pp. in an exercise book. Also various notes on Anak Dalom texts; 17 pp.; in ink; in an exercise

book; 5 pp.; typed; 1 p.; pencil; 18 pp. photocopy; Added: 4 pp.; notes in

pencil; 10 pp.; carbon copy of the present documents (pieces?).

(44) From MS Leiden Batenburg: 1 p.; written in ink and 26 pp. in ink in an exercise book: incomplete

transliteration of a severely damaged rencong text on tree bark: Undang-undang. The exercise book also

contains transliteration from Or. 6822, Or. 6819 and MA Leiden KITLV Or. 209.

(45) From MS Leiden KITLV Or. 142 (Aanv. Catalogue van Ronkel XCV; = Jakarta vdW 316): 47 pp.; typed;

incomplete copy of the romanized text; a few pages have been compared with the original which is in

Arabic; the typed text is an attempt at a metrical division into lines. Three stories (andai-andai) in the

Kikim dialect. With 1 p. typed Dutch introduction. The text is dated 1857.

(46) From MS Leiden KITLV Or. 164. I.: 10, 3 and 4 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong with corrections

from the romanized interlinear version; 1 p.; transliteration in ink from rencong, continuation of Or. 3422A;

see (13); 15 pp.; typed: Sawi berdundun and/or love charms, with English introduction. The text is dated 1856.

(47) From MS Leiden KITLV Or. 164: 13 pp.; ink and pencil, transliteration from this collection of documents

in rencong and Lampung script, most of them dated 1856.

(48) From MS Leiden KITLV Or. 164 IX: 12 pp.; photocopy of PV’s text in ink and pencil; in ink: transliteration

from rencong; in pencil: copy of romanized transcription of the original. Rejang tradition; dated 1856. One of

the earliest documents of the Rejang language.

(49) From MS Leiden KITLV Or. 208: 10 pp.; ink transliteration from rencong by MV; 4 pp.; typed: Jampi;

(50) From MS Leiden KITLV Or. 209: 7 pp.; typed transliteration from rencong: 2 incantations beginning with

the word seram, the first one about si Parimasa, the second a love charm. (Preliminary transliteration in No.


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(51) From MS Leiden KITLV Or. 210: 4 pp.; ink transliteration from rencong; 4 pp.; typed: a love charm.

(52) From MS Leiden KITLV Or. 211: 3 pp. ink transliteration from rencong by MV; 4 pp.; typed: a love charm.

(53) From MS Leiden KITLV Or. 239: 7 pp.; pencil, transliteration from Kerinci rencong. Published in

Voorhoeve 1970b, BKI 126, pp. 390-394 and plate 4.

(54) From MS Leiden KITLV (National Museum of Ethnography, Leiden): Survey of manuscripts in

South Sumatran scripts and copies of short texts:

- List of Jaspan' s copies (1 f.).

- Index of numbers with references to transliterations and short notes on texts which have not been

transliterated (1 f. and 23 slips of paper). In Dutch.

- Transliterations by PV and MV, copies and transliterations by Jaspan of rencong texts:

a. From MS Leiden REM 40/11a: 1 p.; in ink; PV: surat bujang kasiyan.

b. From MS Leiden REM 40/11b: 1 p.; in ink; PV: rejung.

c. From MS Leiden REM 40/11c: 1 p.; in ink; PV: rejung.

d. From MS Leiden REM 40/11d: 1 p.; in ink; PV: rejung; Catalogue p. 229.

e. From MS Leiden REM 40/46: 1 p.; in ink; PV: surat layang bambu.

f. From MS Leiden REM 132/1: 2 pp.; in ink; MV: genealogy?

g. From MS Leiden REM 886/25a: 3 pp.; in ink; PV: sawi berdundun.

h. From MS Leiden REM 886/25c: 2 pp.; in ink, PV: seram.

i. From MS Leiden REM 886/25d: 1 p.; in ink, PV: jampi.

j. From MS Leiden REM 886/26: 1 p.; in ink, PV: surat bujang minggiran.

k. From MS Leiden REM 886/27: 4 ff.; copy in ink by J; transliteration in pencil by PV: seram.

m. From MS Leiden REM 886/28: 2 ff.; ink copy by J, transliteration in pencil by PV: jampi.

n. From MS Leiden REM 886/29: 2 ff.; copy in ink and transliteration in pencil by J: love charms.

o. From MS Leiden REM 886/30 and MS Leiden REM 2347/2: 2 ff.; copy in ink and pencil transliteration by J:

886/30 surat and jampi; from MS Leiden REM 2347/2 a specimen of r: MS Leiden REM 886/37.

p. From MS Leiden REM 886/31: 10 ff.; copy in ink and transliteration in pencil by J and an envelope with 6

photographs and 1 card: jampi.

q. From MS Leiden REM 886/34: 6 ff.; copy in ink by J, transliteration by PV: seram.

r. From MS Leiden REM 886/37: 4 ff.; copy in ink by J, transliteration by J and PV: jampi?

s. From MS Leiden REM 886/45: 4 ff.; copy in ink by J, transliteration by J and PV: jampi?

(55) From MS Leiden REM 360/5323: 4 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by PV and MV; 4 pp.; typed:


(56) From MS Leiden REM 886/20: 2 pp.; in ink, transliteration from rencong by MV; 2 pp.; typed: love


(57) From MS Leiden REM 886/21: 4 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; 3 pp.; typed:


(58) From MS Leiden REM 886/23: 1 p.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; 1 p.; typed; fragment of a

love charm.

(59) From MS Leiden REM 886/24: 1 p.; transliteration 111 ink from rencong by MV.; 2 pp.; typed: divination.

(60) From MS Leiden REM 886/25: 2 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; 1 p.; typed: tuah ayam.

(61) From MS Leiden REM 886/25b: 2 pp.; ink transliteration from rencong by MV; 3 pp.; typed: love charms.

(62) From MS Leiden REM 886/38: 2 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; 3 pp.; typed: seram.

(63) From MS Leiden REM 886/39: 3 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; 3 pp.; typed: seram.

(64) From MS Leiden REM 886/40: 3 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; 3 pp.; typed: seram.

(65) From MS Leiden REM 886/41: 3 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; 4 pp.; typed: seram and

surat bujang kasiyan.

(66) From MS Leiden REM 886/42: 3 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong; 5 pp.; typed; with Dutch

introduction: charms; and a conversation with Bijabarahyil.

(67) From MS Leiden REM 886/43: 1 p.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; 2 pp.; typed: love charm.

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(68) From MS Leiden REM 886/44: 2 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; 1 p.; typed: Arabic text

from the Koran.

(69) From MS Leiden REM 886/46: 6 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by PV and MV; 7 pp.; typed:

seram (wedding song).

(70) From MS Leiden REM 886/47: 5 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; 6 pp.; typed: seram.

(71) From MS Leiden REM 891/5: 35 file cards, transliteration in ink from rencong; 10 pp.; typed: a text

resembling Saribu maksa; see also No. 156, below.

(72) From MS Leiden REM 89116. 3 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong; 4 pp.; typed: Usuran.

(73) From MS Leiden REM 2908/2: 9 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; 10 pp.; typed:


(74) From MS Leiden REM 2908/3: 6 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; 6 pp.; typed: Juarian


(75) From MS Tilburg ET 48-2-117 (Mission Museum, Tilburg): 13 photocopies of a tree-bark MS; 5 pp.; ink

transliteration from rencong by MV: tuah ayam and divination?

(76) From MS Tilburg ET 48-2-118: 6 photocopies of a tree-bark manuscript; 4 pp.; transliteration in ink from

rencong by MV: Divination.

(77) From MS Tilburg ET 48-2-119: 18 photocopies of a tree-bark manuscript; 12 pp.; transliteration from

rencong by MV: Divination; see also BKI 135 (1979), p. 369.

(78) From MS Tilburg ET 48-2-120: 9 photocopies of a tree-bark manuscript; 5 pp.; transliteration from

rencong by MV: Divination and medicine; see also BKI 135 (1979), p. 369.

(79) From MS Tilburg ET 48-2-122: 11 photocopies of a tree-bark manuscript; 3 pp.; transliteration from

rencong by MV: Divination.

(80) From MS Tilburg ET 48-2-127: This MS is now in the Van Baaren collection in Museum Gerardus van

der Leeuw, Groningen; 8 photocopies of a tree-bark manuscript; 3 pp. in ink and 1 p. in pencil;

transliteration from rencong; 1 p.; typed: Seram, perhaps for sowing rice.

(81) Manuscripts in Delft, DFT (Museum Nusantara, Delft): 1 p.; typed; notes on:

- MS Delft, Nusantara, S 166/142-147: Batak.

- MS Delft, Nusantara, S 240124: Batak.

- MS Delft, Nusantara, S 215/1: A Malay letter in Lampung script.

- MS Delft, Nusantara, S 2311192: A tree-bark book in Lampung script containing jampi.

(82) From MS Delft, Nusantara (DFT) S 2311193: 4 pp.; ink transliteration from rencong Lampung script by

MV: perhaps a panegyric for a Dutch civil servant.

(83) From MS Delft, Nusantara (DFT) S 240/26: 55 pp.; transliteration from rencong; 7 pp.; typed: Juarian


(84) From MS Delft, Nusantara (DFT) S 240/27: 5 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by PV and MV; 1 p.

in red ink, a note on this text; 6 pp.; typed: Juarian alam tujuh.

(85) Notes on and transliteration, from texts in J.H. Beltman’s (* 1906?) collection;5 4 pp.; typed; description

of the rencong manuscripts in the BeItman collection (in Dutch). A writing pad containing transliterations

of MSS

264, 260, 263, 262V and VI in the Beltman collection; 2 pp., in ink, 3 pp. in ink and 2 pp. typed; transliteration

from rencong: Beltman 261, tuah ayam; Xerox copies of paper scrolls, Beltmann 262 I-VI; Xerox copies of a

table of alphabets and of a map of the Residency of Palembang.

(86) Manuscripts in the Educational Museum, The Hague (dHMvO, Museum voor het Onderwijs,

Educational Museum, The Hague):

- From MS The Hague dHMvO 484: 1 p.; transliteration in ink from rencong; 2 pp.; typed: Serambah.

- From MS The Hague dHMvO 6665: 29 pp.; transliteration in ink from Lampung script by PV and MV: 3 pp.;

typed: Sipat Nabi, Javanese; see Pigeaud, IV, p. 261. With a carbon copy in which the letters used for

numbering the pages are copied; 2 pp.; letters from P. Voorhoeve to Th.G.Th. Pigeaud.

5 It is not clear to me where this Beltman collection would be at present: Delft? Deventer? or elsewhere?

Page 173: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

- From MS The Hague dHMvO 6666: 4 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong: Juarian.

- From MS The Hague dHMvO 7061: 13 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong; 7 pp.; typed: Juarian? Added:

8 pp. typed and ink: correspondence with the museum and notes;

(87) - From MS The Hague Royal Household Archive (KHA, Koninklijk Huisarchief, Royal Household

Archives, The Hague). No official numbers known:

- From MS The Hague Royal Household Archive: double sheet of paper: copy of a rencong inscription on half

a buffalo horn, with an attempt at transliteration.

- From MS The Hague Royal Household Archive: double sheet of paper: copy of a Lampung inscription on

half a buffalo horn; this and the previous one have similar texts, defining the boundary between Tulang (?)

and Baringin.

- From MS The Hague Royal Household Archive: double sheet of paper: transliteration from Lampung script

by MV of a tree-bark book of 7 leaves, containing a Malay text.

- From MS The Hague Royal Household Archive: double sheet of paper: notes by PV on the contents of a

tree-bark book of 16 leaves with an Arabic text (Salawat) and a Malay text in Arabic script on sembahyang

and hari nahas; enclosed are some notes by Voorhoeve on other manuscripts in this collection, e.g. a

transliteration of a

Malay letter sent by Raja Maluku through the intermediary of Wybrand Warwijck to Raja Uland and of an

Arabic letter sent through the intermediary of George van de Spilberg to the Princeps of Holland.

- From MS The Hague Royal Household Archive: double sheet of paper: copy of a description of these 4

manuscripts by C.A. van Ophuysen (1856-1917).

(88) From MS Helfrich: 12 pp.; typed; title: ‘Tarloemohan uitgesproken bij het gawijan – dodenfeesten’. On

the left half of the pages the Middle Malay text from Besemah received from O.L. Helfrich (1860-1958), on

the right half a Malay translation by Bachsir, assistant-demang at Muara Aman; 11 pp.; typed: commentary

by P. Voorhoeve. The text of the tarlumohan, which was recited at a funeral ceremony, is incorporated in

O.L. Helfrich’s unpublished work Besemah, MS Leiden KITLV H 799.

(89) From MS Van Hasselt: 3 pp. typed: fragment of Syair prahu: transliteration from rencong text published

in A.L. van Hasselt, De talen en letterkunde van MiddenSumatra, Leiden 1881, pp. 11-13.

(90) From: H.N. van der Tuuk, Les manuscripts lampongs en possession de M. le Baron Sloet van de Beele,

Leiden 1868. A copy to which transliterations of many texts by MV and PV have been added. (A copy with

vdT’s own transliteration is among the printed books in the library).

(91) From MS Amsterdam Royal Institute for the Tropics (AdKIT, Royal Institute for the Tropics,

Amsterdam) 639/1: 4 pp. of notes in Dutch by Voorhoeve concerning the edition of this text by D. van

Hinloopen Labberton in Mededeeling no. 4 van de Afdeeling Volkenkunde van het Koloniaal Instituut


(92) From MS Amsterdam Royal Institute for the Tropics (AdKIT, Royal Institute for the Tropics,

Amsterdam) 1273/1a and b: 23 pp.; transliteration in ink from Lampung script by PV and MV: a Lampung

moralistic text; a Lampung text about divination; and a Javanese text in Lampung script called Junggul

Muda; see Pigeaud III,

p. 96; 3 pp.; typed; in Dutch; notes on this MS and a letter from Th. Pigeaud.

(93) From MS Paris Bibliothèque Nationale (BNP, Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris): 3 pp.; typed:

- From MS Paris Bibliothèque Nationale, mal.-pol. 189, Arabic text transliteration from rencong.

- From MS Paris Bibliothèque Nationale, mal.-pol. 193, Hiwang, transliteration from L.

- From MS Paris Bibliothèque Nationale, mal. -pol. 200, Bandung, transliteration from L.; added 1 p.; typed; a

short note concerning a manuscript in Lampung script Musee de l’homme 94.60.1.

(94) From MS Vienna, Ethnographical Museum 30761 (MjVW, Ethnographical Museum, Vienna); Negative

microfilm, 11 exposures; 10 photocopies enlarged from this film; 6 pp. transliteration in pencil from L. by

MV; contents umdentlfied 30762. Negative microfilm, 7 exposures. Drawing only, no text; added a letter

from N. Mylius, 1 p.

(95-108) From manuscripts in German collections. These are described in P. Voorhoeve, Süd-sumatranische

Handschriften, VOHD XXIX, 1971 (cited as Kat.) and in a supplement to this catalogue (cited as Kat. II).

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- From MS Berlin Ethnographical Museum (M.fVB, Ethnographical Museum, Berlin) I.C. 9720: 1 p.; in ink;

copied and transliteration from rencong (Kat. 14).

- From MS Berlin Ethnographical Museum (M.fVB, Ethnographical Museum, Berlin) I.C. 9723: 1 p.; in ink;

copied from rencong by J (Kat. 15).

- From MS Berlin Ethnographical Museum (M.fVB, Ethnographical Museum, Berlin) I.C. 9783, 9784, 9785: 4

pp.; in ink and pencil; copied and transliteration from rencong by J; 3 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong

by MV; 3 pp.; typed (Kat. 19, 20, 11).

(96) From MS Berlin Ethnographical Museum (M.fVB, Ethnographical Museum, Berlin) I.C. 9737: 4

photocopies of rencong text; 11 pp.; transliteration from rencong by PV and MV (including I.C. 9733, 9734

(see Kat. 2) and 9738); 6 pp.; typed; I.C. 9737 only; Published Kat. 1.

(97) From MS Berlin Ethnographical Museum (M.fVB, Ethnographical Museum, Berlin) I.C. 9738:

Preliminary transliteration see preceding (96); copy of some lines in rencong; 13 pp.; typed transliteration

from rencong; Published Kat. 4.

(98) From MS Berlin Ethnographical Museum (M.fVB, Ethnographical Museum, Berlin) I.C. 9739: 11 pp.;

transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; 10 pp.; typed; Published Kat. 3.

(99) From MS Berlin Ethnographical Museum (M.fVB, Ethnographical Museum, Berlin) I.C. 27600: Negative

microfilm, 14 exposures; 14 photocopies, enlarged from this film; 17 pp.; transliteration ink from L. (Kat. 26).

(100) From MS Berlin Ethnographical Museum (M.fVB, Ethnographical Museum, Berlin) I.C. 37084: 1 p.;

notes in ink on South Sumatran MSS in M.fVB (On the back of this page a note saying that I.C. 38269 is

Makasarese or Buginese); 6 pp.; typed from Lampung script by PV and MV; (Kat. 38-42).

(101) From MS Berlin, Staatsbibliothek (SBB Schoemann, Staatsbibliothek, Berlin) IX 1-5; 1 p. written in

pencil and 1 p. ink; notes on IX 1, 2, 4, 5; IX, 5 transliteration from L.; 2 photocopies of IX, 4 and 5; 1 p. in ink,

IX,1 and 2 transliteration from Lampung script; 4 double sheets (8 pp.) ink copy by J with an attempt at

transliteration by J and PV, pencil; (Kat. 22-24, 28, 29).

(102) From MS Halle, Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft (DMG, Deutsche Morgenländische

Gesellschaft, Halle): 5 pp.; typed transliteration from rencong; 2 pp.; typed; Dutch abstract; 1 p.; letter from

PV to the donor J.W. Schut; (Kat. 18).

(103) From MS Stuttgart, Linden Museum 12167-74 and 12179 (LMS, Linden-Museum, Stuttgart):

19 pp.; transliteration in ink from Lampung script by PV and MV; on 2 pp. the Lampung script text is copied

too; 8 photocopies from MS 12179 (Kat. 25, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37).

(104) From MS Dresden, Ethnographical Museum 34225 (MjVD, Ethnographical Museum, Dresden):

A complete reproduction on 32 photocopies; 7 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; (Kat. 17).

(105) From MS Frankfurt am Main NS 23163 - 23167, 23844 and 23845 (MjVF, Ethnographical Museum,

Frankfurt/Main): 4 photocopies of NS 23844; 7 pp.; copies in ink and pencil and transliteration from rencong

by PV and MV (Kat. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 21).

(106) From MS Mannheim, Reiss-Museum II AS 5018 (3025) (RMM, Reiss-Museum, Mannheim): 1

photocopy; 2 pp.; transliteration written in pencil from rencong; 3 pp. typed and 1 in pencil, transliteration

and an abstract in German: Juarian (Carita bintang mukawur); 2 letters; (Kat. II 66).

(107) From MS Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lamp. 1-10 (BSB, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich):

60 pp.; p. 1 in ink; alphabets; p. 2 in pencil; notes; pp. 3-60 transliteration from L. mainly by MV: Charms,

divination and a text on sexual intercourse; 1 p.; letter from A.A. Cense (1901-1977) about a Bugis (?)

manuscript in BSB; 2 pp.; correspondence concerning MS BSB Malai 8 (Salasilah Kutai) and Malai 17 (Beraja

Nanti or Beraja Nitl); (Kat. II 53-62).

(108) From MS Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lamp. 11: complete reproduction on 33 photocopies; 47

pp.; transliteration in ink from Lampung script: Si Dayang Rindu; (Kat. II 63).

(109) From MS London, Museum of Mankind + 1922 and + 1934 (MM, Museum of Mankind, London): 7 pp.;

in ink; copies by J; See Ricklefs and Voorhoeve 1977, p. 131b.

(110) From MS London, Museum of Mankind Q 72 AS 1371: 1 p. alphabet and 9 pp. written in ink;

transliteration from rencong by MV; 4 pp.; typed: Juarian gunung; see BSOAS () 45, p. 311.

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(111) From MS London, Museum of Mankind Q 72 AS 1852: 10 pp.; transliteration from rencong by PV and

MV: 1 p. sample of script; 3 pp.; typed transliteration and commentary: Sawi berdundun; see BSOAS () 45, p.


(112) From MS London, British Library Or. 12.986 (OMMS): 8 pp.; typed transliteration from rencong and 4

pp. notes and correspondence: Seribu maksa; See Ricklefs and Voorhoeve 1977, p. 110b.

(113) From MS London, India Office Library Malay A 4 (IOL, India Office Library): Complete reproduction on

12 photocopies; 1 p.; letter concerning these photographs; 1 p. in pencil: alphabet; 11 pp.; typed transliteration

from Lampung script and Arabic: Wayak; 1 p.; typed description of the MS;

See Ricklefs and Voorhoeve 1977, p. 95a.

(114) From MS London, India Office Library Malay D 11: 1 photocopy showing 4 pp. of the MS; 1 p.; typed; an

English note on the contents; 17 pp.; typed; transliteration from rencong compared with

Van der Tuuk’s transliteration in Or. 3387 W: Tembai; 11 pp.; typed; an earlier transliteration by PV; See

Ricklefs and Voorhoeve 1977, p. 127a.

(115) From MS London, Wellcome Institute Mal. 10 (Well., Wellcome Institute, London); 5 pp.; in ink;

alphabet and transliteration from rencong by MV; 2 pp.; typed: Incantations; see BSOAS (1982) 45, p. 315.

(116) From MS London, School of Oriental and African Studies, 413941A (SOAS, School of Oriental and

African Studies, London): Negative microfilm 15 exposures. Reproduction on 12 photocopies. Another set of

photocopies lacking no. 12; 12 pp.; typed transliteration from rencong, compared with MS Paris, DN mal.-pol.

79: Si Burung Pingai; 2 pp.; abstract from O.L. Helfrich, Besemah (MS Leiden KITLV H 799); 3 pp.; typed

correspondence concerning a projected 2nd part of Jaspan's Ka-Ga-Nga text; 1 p.; notes; See Ricklefs and

Voorhoeve 1977, p. 165a. Added: Natur-Museum Coburg, Ethn. Dept. 91A. 10 pp.; typed transliteration from

rencong: Fragments of Si Burung Pingai and Syair Perahu; (Kat. Nachtrag 64) 11 pp.; photocopy of rencong

text Si Burung Pingai?, by PV) 11 pp.; typed; preliminary romanization.

(117) From MS London, India Office Library Malay A 2 and MS London, School of Oriental and African

Studies 41.394 B: Syair Perahu; See Ricklefs and Voorhoeve 1977, p. 123a and 165a. 10 pp.; ink and pencil

transliteration from rencong India Office Library MS; 1 p.; transliteration in ink from

rencong; first lines of MS School of Oriental and African Studies; 8 pp.; (numbered 12-19); typed

transliteration from rencong MS School of Oriental and African Studies; 10 pp.; in ink: Synoptic text of Syair

Perahu from MS London, India Office Library Malay A 2 and MS School of Oriental and African Studies

41.394; 16 pp.; typed with ink notes by PV and emendations by G.W.J. Drewes: Synoptic text; 24 pp.; typed

(numbered 2-25): Reconstruction of Syair Perahu by V. Braginsky; 6 pp.; photocopy of Syair Perahu in MS

School of Oriental and African Studies 168218 f. 8v-13r (See Ricklefs and Voorhoeve 1977, p. 167a) 1 p.; note in

ink on Syair Sunur; 6 pp.; correspondence with G.W.J. Drewes (1899-1992) and S.C. Sutton.

(118) From MS School of Oriental and African Studies 41516: Complete reproduction on 22 photocopies; 28

pp.; transliteration in ink from Lampung script by MV and PV; 39 pp.; typed: Si Dayang Rindu; See Ricklefs

and Voorhoeve 1977, p. 165a; see Voorhoeve in Spectrum 1978, pp. 99, 619.

(119) From MS Oxford, Bodleian Library Jav. e. 2.; 7 photocopies; complete photocopy in Or. 12.582; 2 pp.;

transliteration in pencil from Lampung script; 4 pp.; typed: Hikayat Nur Muhammad; Malay text; See

Ricklefs and Voorhoeve 1977, p. 105a; Added: 1 p. in ink, note; 7 pp.; ink transliteration from Arabic script:

Arabic text with interlinear Javanese; 8 pp.; in ink transliteration from Arabic script; Arabic text.

(120) From MS Dublin, Chester Beatty Library 1171: 8 pp.; typed transliteration from Lampung script: Si

Dayang Rindu; see Voorhoeve 1968b, BKI 124, p. 383 and in Spectrum, 1978, pp. 619.

(121) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional (MNJ, Jakarta, Musium Nasional): Lists of manuscripts in the

Jakarta collection, mostly in group E, rencong manuscripts, but also in other groups; correspondence.

(122) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 1: 4 pp. photocopy of typed transliteration from rencong: Jampi


(123) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 2: 7 pp.; photocopy of typed transliteration from rencong: Juarian

setimbang giring.

(124) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 3: 15 pp.; photocopy of typed transliteration from rencong:

Juarian rindu dendam.

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(125) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 4: 12 pp.; photocopy of typed transliteration from rencong:

Dundang text.

(126) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 5: 3 pp.; photocopy of typed transliteration from rencong:


(127) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 6: 7 pp.; photocopy of transliteration from rencong: Juarian


(128) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 7: 4 pp.; photocopy of transliteration from rencong: Saribu


(129) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 8: 6 pp.; photocopy of transliteration from rencong: Juarian

setimbang giring.

(130) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 9: 5 pp.; photocopy of transliteration from rencong: Juarian


(131) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 13: 4 pp.; photocopy of transliteration from rencong: Biring


(132) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 18: 2 pp.; photocopy of transliteration from rencong: Biring empat


(133) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 19: 12 pp.; photocopy of transliteration from rencong: Juarian.

(134) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 40: copy by JJ; 1 p.; typed transliteration from rencong with

Dutch commentary: A letter; 1 p.; typed English letter to J: corrections.

(135) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 41: copy by JJ.; 5 pp.; ink transliteration from rencong; 7 pp.;

typed: Juarian puca inda and tuah ayam.

(136) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 47a: copy by JJ.; 6 pp.; ink transliteration from rencong by MV; 7

pp.; typed: Juarian bayan kapitu.

(137) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 47b: copy by JJ; 5 pp.; typed transliteration from rencong: Juarian


(138) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 47c: copy by JJ and preliminary transliteration from rencong by

PV and MV; 14 pp.; typed: Juarian setimbang giring;

(139) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 47e: copy by JJ; 3 pp.; typed transliteration from rencong: Juarian

rindu pitung atus.

(140) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 47g: copy by JJ; 2 pp.; ink/typed (?) transliteration from rencong:

Juarian yang imbang (?, not clear, line almost illegible).

(141) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 47i: copy by JJ; 1 p.; transliteration in ink from rencong: list of


(142) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 47k: copy by JJ; 1 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong: Usuran

menyembelih; 2 pp.; correspondence with G.W.J Drewes.

(143) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 47m: copy by JJ; 1 p.; transliteration in ink from rencong:

Usuran nyurum.

(144) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 49 (18): Negative microfilm, 1 exposure; Complete reproduction

on 7 photocopies; Specimen page copied by JJ; 15 pp.; transliteration in ink from Lampung script: Lelayang

(in Lampung language). Another transliteration in O.L. Helfrich 1891, Verzameling Lampongsche teksten No.


(145) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 50a: copy by JJ; 1 p.; transliteration in ink from rencong; 2 pp.;

typed: Carita Demak.

(146) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 50b: copy by JJ; 4 pp.; ink transliteration from rencong; 6 pp.;

typed: Juarian timbangan empat (racun pengi? - ? illegible).

(147) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 51: copy by JJ; 8 pp.; ink: notes; 7 pp.; typed transliteration from

rencong: Juarian, similar to E 83.

(148) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 55: copy by JJ and preliminary transliteration from rencong by

MY; 6 pp.; typed: Lembu Cemarang; Anak Dalam.

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(149) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 56: preliminary transliteration from rencong by PV and MV; 10

pp.; typed: Seremas Malang.

(150) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 57: copy by JJ and preliminary transliteration from rencong by

PV and MY; 16 pp.; typed: Seremas Malang.

(151) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 58: copy by JJ; 7 pp.; typed transliteration from rencong: Juarian.

(152) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 59: 1 specimen page of a Lampung text in Lampung script copied

by JJ.

(153) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 66: 2 photocopies; specimen pages; 34 pp.; written in pencil and

ink in an exercise book; transliteration from rencong; 9 pp.; typed: Undang-undang; see Voorhoeve 1940, p.


(154) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 72: 2 copies by JJ; 6 file cards; ink transliteration from rencong; 4

pp.; typed; with a carbon copy which has some additional corrections: Juarian.

(155) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 73: copy by JJ; 3 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong:


(156) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 75: copy by JJ; 22 pp. of various sizes; transliteration from

rencong: Saribu maksa.

(157) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 77: copy by JJ with preliminary transliteration from rencong in

mirror writing by PV; 5 pp.; typed: Juarian rindu pitung atus?

(158) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 78: copy by JJ with preliminary transliteration from rencong by

PV; 3 pp.; typed: Juarian (religious).

(159) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 83: 7 pp.; typed transliteration from rencong in 1933, with a

Dutch introduction concerning the script; 5 pp.; typed; copied in 1949 from the transliteration made in 1933;

5 pp.; typed; new copy of the transliteration collated in Jakarta 1969: The Juarian from which Dutch

abstracts are published in Voorhoeve 1940, Supplement op het Triwindoe-Gedenkboek Mangkoe Nagoro VII, p.


(160) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 84: copy by JJ; 7 pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by PV

and MV: Seram.

(161) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 86: copy by JJ; 12 pp.; typed transliteration from rencong and

comparison with MS London British Library Or. 12986 (see above no. 112.: Saribu maksa; see Voorhoeve 1940,

Supplement op het Triwindoe-Gedenkboek, p. 139; 3 pp.; in pencil; comparison of the Jakarta and London


(162) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 87: copy by JJ and preliminary transliteration from rencong by

PV and MV; 7 pp.; typed: Juarian timbangan empat.

(163) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional E 110: copy by JJ; 1 p.; typed transliteration from rencong: a


(164) Notes from the Jakarta Museum; 7 pp.; fragmentary transliteration in ink from Lampung script from a

tree-bark MS offered for sale to the Museum but not purchased: Simbur cahya; 1 p. in ink and (the same

text) 1 p. typed: the first lines of some of the texts published in O.L. Helfrich 1891, Verzameling Lampongsche

Teksten; transliteration from the Lampung script originals by PV; copied from MS Jakarta KBG Mal. 482.

(165) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional Brandes 157 Va: 23 pp.; photocopy: 'Roewajat Dajang Merindoe'

(Ruwayat Dayang Merindu); cf. Voorhoeve, Spectrum 1978, pp. 99, 614.

(166) From MS Hull, Centre for South-East Asian Studies: manuscript without number; 16 pp.; photocopy; 8

pp.; transliteration in ink from rencong by MV; 4 pp.; typed: Divination; magic; see BSOAS 45 (), p. 311.

(167) From a manuscript in private possession. The following papers are xerox copies of MS Leiden KITLV

Or. 333: 4 pp.; transliteration from rencong by PV 1961; 5 pp.; typed: Litany (seram); 2 pp.; typed: Dutch

abstract by PV; 2 pp.; in ink: Letter from the owner, 1961.

(168) From MS Leiden KITLV Or. 213: 49 pp.; preliminary transliteration from a rencong text written by an

unskilled scribe: Several andai-andai. The first is the Andai-andai Raden Alit to be compared with MS MS

Jakarta, Musium Nasional vdW 315, see also 169, below.

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(169) From MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional vdW 315: 5 photocopies: Andai-andai Radin Alit from Pasemah

Lebar, 858, in Arabic script; see also 168, above; 8 photocopies: Cerita Radin Alit, MS Leiden

Or. 7295 I (Supplement Cat. van Ronkel no. 105), copied from MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional, vdW 194 (Cat.

van Ronkel CCCLVII); 4 pp.; ink complete transliteration from Arabic script Cerita Radin Alit; on the cover a

note on andai-andai texts in Arabic script:

MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional vdW 312 = MS Leiden Or. 12.323.

MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional 313 = MS Leiden Or. 12.324.

MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional 314 = MS Leiden Or. 12.325.

MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional 316 = MS Leiden KITLV Or. 142.

MS Leiden KITLV 143 (different from MS Jakarta, Musium Nasional vdW 315).

(170) Rencong texts with transliteration received from W.A. Collins;

- 1 p.; photocopy: bamboo cylinder; 1 yellow p.: note by Collins: 1 p.; typed transliteration from rencong:


- 16 pp.; photocopy: tree-bark book, with some paper pages; added: 1 yellow p.; note by Collins; 10 pp.; typed

transliteration from rencong: ubat, du’a, jimat etc.

- 1 yellow p.; note by Collins; 10 pp.; photocopy of tree-bark book with typed transliteration: Divination.

- 1 yellow p.: note by Collins; 13 pp.; photocopy of tree-bark book with typed transliteration from rencong: A

boundary document; 3 pp.; typed commentary by PV in a letter to Collins.

- 1 yellow p.; note by Collins; 2 pp.; photocopy of 16 bamboo strips; 2 pp.; typed transliteration from rencong:


- 32 pp.; photocopy of a Palembang piagem; 2 pp.; in pencil: transliteration from Javanese by Th. Pigeaud; 2

pp.; typed: letter to Collins and typed transliteration of piagem; 1 p.; in pencil; note on other piagem.

(171) Miscellaneous notes on alphabets and manuscripts. Typed and photocopies.

(172) Notes by PV: on the letter A of Jaspan’s unpublished Rejang dictionary (6 pp. in ink) and on Jaspan’s

unpublished Redjang Ka-Ga-Nga Texts (3 pp. typed).

(173) From MS London, India Office Library, Lampung 1: not quatrains, as mentioned in BSOAS H 5 p. 309,

but incantations; 7 colour photographs; 3 pp.; in ink: transliteration from Lampung script by PV; 1 p.; typed:

carbon copy of a letter from PV to India Office Library.

(174) 5 photographs of a rencong MS received from Museum of Mankind, London, May 1983. With a letter

from Dr. Brian Durram to the Royal Institute, Leiden, and a reply by P. Voorhoeve.

(175) 22 pp.; typed and handwritten; Paper in Dutch about South Sumatran Literature; read before Leidsch

Orientalistisch Dispuut in ca. 1947.

(176) 8 pp.; typed; Paper in Dutch about South Sumatran manuscripts read before Afdeling Taal-, Land- en

Volkenkunde KBG, Jakarta, ca. 193?. (ninenteen thirties?).

(177) Inventory of the Westenenk collection in the Netional Museum of Ethnology, REM Leiden (2 pp.;

photocopy of typescript). Description of Nos. 30 and 31, above (2 pp.; carbon copy). Text of Simbur Caya; 12

pp.; typescript and photocopy of no. 3I B, above.

(178) 2 pp.; photocopy of MS Jakarta KBG Vt. 215, Hanunóo song, transliteration and translation by H.C.

Contelin (?) (1948);

(179) From MS Sankt Gallen, Museum für Volkenkunde B 3889: bamboo cylinder; decorated with 4 lines of

rencong script; 1 photograph; 1 letter from R. Hanhart with on the back a rough transcription in pencil (PV);

1 f.; carbon copy of typed transliteration; 1 f.; letter from PV to Hanhart;

(180) Pantun collection of Guru Aliakbar.

(181) From MS Paris, Musée de l’homme 94.60.1: 2 pp.; ink transliteration from Lampung script by MV of

Mantras in Javanese.

(182) From MS New York, American Museum of Natural History: photographs of two rencong manuscripts

Correspondence on this in MS Leiden Or. 12.605 N (28).

See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 529-548, No. 1136, for a survey of the entire collection of notes and


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Provenance: Deposited in full in 1982 in the Library by P. Voorhoeve.

(Mal. 2966)

Or. 8448

Javanese, Dutch, paper, 15 pp.

Suluks, Daka, Fatah ur Rahman, prayers, dikir, sattariya pedigree; copy. A Dutch epitome of the original (74

pp. Arabic script) and a romanizecl copy of the two suluks (p. 1-35) by J. Soegiarto are added. Copy of MS

London, India Office Library, Jav. 83, No. 3102 (See Ricklefs & Voorhoeve, 1977, p. 70). The Fatah ur Rahman

(Fatḥ ar-Raḥmān) text is dated 1738 A.D.

Pigeaud II, p. 476.

Provenance: Acquired from the India Office Library, London, the transcripts were made in Leiden.

(Mal. 2967)

Or. 8449

Arabic, paper and photographs.

Collection of materials made by J.H. Kramers (1891-1951) for the preparation of his new edition of the Futuh

al-Buldan by Ahmad b. Yahya al-Baladhuri (d. 279/892), GAL G I, 141, S I, 216. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 87.

(1) Photographs of ff. 11b, 86b and rotographs of ff. 1a, 3a, 4a, 4b, 9a, 10b, 25b, 34b, 38b, 39b, 40a, 40b, 41a, 41b,

42a, 77a of MS Landberg 33 (New Haven, Yale University), with a page of notes by J.H. Kramers.

(2) Rotographs of MS London, British Library, Add. 23,264, ff. 2r-4r, 42r-75r.

(3) Part of the text in a new edition by J.H. Kramers (unfinished).

(4) Some notes by J.H. Kramers.

Provenance: Found in 1952 in the desk of the Interpres Legati Warneriani (J.H. Kramers).

(Ar. 3073)

Or. 8450

Sundanese, 10 ff. (photostats).

Siksa Kanda Karesiyan. Copy from MS Jakarta, KBG 630.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 290 (No. 352).

Provenance: Received on November 5, 1952, from Universitas Indonesia, by exchange.

(Mal. 2968)

Or. 8451

Javanese, portfolio containing a sheaf of photographs and an envelope with notes.

Photocopy and transliteration of MS Paris, BNF, M.P. 161.

Tutur, Hinduistic speculations. See also Or. 8442, above. The original manuscript is written (not scratched)

on palmleaves (Nipa fructicans not Borassus flabellifer); the characters are Old Javanese, not Balinese, and

well written. The manuscript is damaged and incomplete. A complete romanized copy by J. Soegiarto and a

list of the photographs as corresponding with the manuscript are added.

Pigeaud II, p. 477.

Provenance: Gift from C. Hooykaas, received on December 29, 1952.

(Mal. 3035)

Or. 8452

Collective volume with texts in Malay and Balinese, paper, 14 ff., photostats, all in Balinese script, with some

notes in English.

Photographs of manuscripts in the Royal Library in Copenhagen.

Six Letters written to and by Mads Lange (1807-1856), the Danish trader living in Bali.

(1) 2 ff. Malay letter from Mads Lange’s wife Nyai Kenyer to Mads Lange, dated Tabanan, 6 Dhulkaidah 1850.

((Bal.) 1. Lange I).

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(2) 1 f. Balinese letter from Ngurah Gede Kasima to Mads Lange. (Bal. 1. Lange II).

(3) 1 f. Balinese letter from Nyoman Mayun to Mads Lange. (Bal. 2. Lange III).

(4) 1 f. Balinese letter from Biang Agung of Mengwi, to Mads Lange. (Bal. 3. Lange IV).

(5) 1 f. Balinese letter from Biang Agung and Ketut Agung to Mads Lange (Bal. 4. Lange V).

(6) 1 f. Balinese letter from Ketut Agung to Mads Lange. (Bal. 5. Lange VI).

(7) 1 f. Malay letter from Mads Lange to Raja Ngurah Agung of Tabanan. ((Bal.) 2. C.a. 125).

The collection has been described and translated by P. Voorhoeve in F.H. van Naerssen, Th.G.Th. Pigeaud &

P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Indonesian manuscripts [of the Royal Library, Copenhagen], Part 2. Old Javanese

charters. Javanese, Malay and Lampung manuscripts. Mads Lange’s Balinese letters and Official letters in

Indonesian languages. Copenhagen 1977, pp. 149-154.

Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Provenance: Received in January 1953 from the Royal Library in Copenhagen.

(Mal. 3199)

Or. 8453-Or. 8454

Part of the Legacy of C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), found and registered in 1952 or 1953.

Or. 8453

Arabic, paper, 42 ff., c. 1900 (?).

Fragments of a collection of Qasida’s from the Hadramawt. Or. 7099, above, is a copy of this manuscript. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 266.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Ar. 3132)

Or. 8454

Arabic, paper.

Collection of Qasida’s from the Hadramawt, by Ba Gerad and others. A fragment received from Sayyid

`Uthman in 1907 (19 pp.), and two Qasida’s on loose sheets of paper, sent to Sayyid `Uthman from

Pekalongan in 1906. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 267.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Ar. 3133)

Or. 8455

Arabic, paper, 273 ff., illuminations (ff. 4b-5a, 270b-271a, and marginal indicators).

Qur’an, from Aceh. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 277. The text is amply provided with qira’at, the so-called

Ahruf, with the system of abbreviations as used in al-Qasida al-Shatibiyya.

¶ Or. 8456, below, is a fragment with text in Acehnese, which was found in the binding of this manuscript.

Provenance: Purchased in March 1953 from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, auctioneers and antiquarian

booksellers in Leiden. According to a newspaper cutting kept in the volume, the book was found in the

confiscated house of a member of the NSB, in Laren.

(Ar. 3129)

Or. 8456

Acehnese, paper.

Hikayat Nabi Usuih, a small fragment. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts, p. 142.

Provenance: Found in the binding of Or. 8455, above, which was purchased in March 1953 from Messrs.

Burgersdijk & Niermans, auctioneers and antiquarian booksellers in Leiden.

(Mal. 3075)

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Or. 8457

Collective volume with texts in Malay and Sulu (with numerous Arabic quotations and prayer formulas),

paper (photostats), 47 ff., Arabic script, several hands, original dated 1247-1249/1831-1834, illustrations,


Photocopy of a Malay-Philippine manuscript, preserved in the Biblioteca Nacional in Madrid, containing a

collection of prayers, divinatory texts, magic, and other pieces, including registration of debts and debtors.

See Iskandar, Catalogue, pp. 548-549 (No. 1137), where 18 bibliographical entities are distinguished. Added to

the photostats are reading notes (8 pp.) by Ph.S. van Ronkel (1870-1954) with excerpts of the contents, in the

order of the pages of the original.

Provenance: Gift from Ph.S. van Ronkel (1870-1954), received in April 1953.

(Mal. 3076)

Or. 8458

Arabic, paper, 6 ff., autograph (?).

A Qadiriyya Silsila by Khalil al-Qadiri al-Khalisi al-Karkuki al-Baghdadi. Beginning after the basmala:

Hadhihi Shagara Asluha Thabit wa-Far`uha fil-Sama`. Copy with the seal of the author. The seal has the date

1282 AH. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 466.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

(Ar. 2864)

Or. 8459-Or. 8469

Arabic manuscripts found in the desk of the Interpres Legati Warneriani, J.H. Kramers (1891-1951). They

were there already in 1945. They were incorporated in the Oriental collections on June 20, 1953. Earlier

provenance unknown.

Or. 8459

Arabic, paper, 5+240 ff., ff. 49-240 are dated 24 Safar 948 (1541) by the copyist Amirza b. Mahmud al-Kashani;

the first part (ff. 5 + 1-48) is more recent (19th cent.).

Book I of al-Qanun fil-Tibb, by Abu `Ali al-Husayn b. `Abdallah Ibn Sina (d. 428/1037), GAL G I, 493. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 263.

Provenance: Found in the desk of the Interpres Legati Warneriani, J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), and registered in


(Ar. 3136)

Or. 8460

Arabic, paper, 287 ff., old (ff. 51-190), and partly (ff. 1-50, 191-287) dated 1231 AH (1815-1816).

Old fragment (7/13th cent.?) of al-Sahah by Isma`il b. Hammad al-Gawhari (d. 393/1003), GAL G I, 128. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 323.

Provenance: Found in the desk of the Interpres Legati Warneriani, J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), and registered in


(Ar. 3137)

Or. 8461

Syriac and Arabic, paper, 84 ff. (?)

Syriac Grammar by Bar Hebraeus. Copied in 1889 AD. This manuscript also contains the 5th chapter. Arabic

is occasionally written within the Syriac text. See Janson, Summiere beschrijvingen, p. 8. Not in Voorhoeve,


Provenance: Found in the desk of the Interpres Legati Warneriani, J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), and registered in


[* Hebr. 241]

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Or. 8462

Arabic, paper, 224 ff., dated 977 (1569-1570).

al-Fawa’id al-Diya’iyya, or al-Fawa’id al-Wafiya fi Hall Mushkilat al-Kafiya, commentary by `Abd al-Rahman

b. Ahmad al-Gami (‘Molla Gami’) (d. 898/1492) on the Kafiyat Dhawi al-Adab fi `Ilm Kalam al-`Arab, by

Gamal al-Din `Uthman b. `Umar Ibn al-Hagib (d. 646/1249), GAL G I, 303, with many marginal glosses. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 146-147.

Provenance: Found in the desk of the Interpres Legati Warneriani, J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), and registered in


(Ar. 3138)

Or. 8463

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Persian (?), a manuscript from Turkey, dated c. 1177 (1763-1764).

(1) ff. 1-5. al-Ramiza al-Shafiya fi `Ilm al-`Arud wal-Qafiya by al-Khazragi (c. 650/1252), GAL G I, 312. Dated

1179 AH. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 283.

(2) ff. 6-11. `Arud al-Andalusi, by Muhammad b. Husayn Abu al-Gaysh al-Andalusi (d. 626/1229), GAL G I, 310.

c. 1180 AH. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 23.

(3) ff. 12-14. al-Risala al-Samarqandiyya (= Fara’id al-Fawa’id li-Tahqiq Ma`ani al-Isti`ara) by Abu al-Qasim b.

Abi Bakr al-Laythi al-Samarqandi (c. 888/1483), GAL G II, 194. Dated 1178 AH. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 76.

(4) f. 15. al-Risala al-Wad`iyya by `Adud al-Din `Abd al-Rahman b. Ahmad al-Igi (d. 756/1355), GAL G II, 208.

dated c. 1178 AH. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 313.

(5) ff. 16-21. Risalat al-Isti`arat, by `Ali b. Muhammad al-Qushgi (d. 879/1474), GAL G II, 235. See Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 315.

(6) ff. 22-59r. Talkhis al-Miftah, an abridgment by Muhammad b. `Abd al-Rahman al-Qazwini Khatib

Dimashq (d. 739/1338), with glosses collected by Mu`in al-Din `Imrani, of Book 3 of Miftah al-`Ulum, by Yusuf

b. Abi Bakr al-Sakkaki (d. 626/1229), GAL G I, 294See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 210-211.

(7) ff. 59v-72. Commentary by Ibrahim b. Muhammad al-Isfara’ini (d. 944/1537) on al-Risala al-

Samarqandiyya (= Fara’id al-Fawa’id li-Tahqiq Ma`ani al-Isti`ara) by Abu al-Qasim b. Abi Bakr al-Laythi al-

Samarqandi (c. 888/1483), GAL G II, 194. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 76.

(8) ff. 73-77. al-Risala al-Husayniyya fi Fann al-Adab, by Shah Husayn Efendi al-Antaki (d. 1130/1718), GAL S

II, 482. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 307.

(9) f. 88. Risala fi `Ilm Adab al-Bahth, by Ahmad b. Mustafa Tashköprüzada (d. 968/1560), GAL G II, 425. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 296.

(10) ff. 80-87. Commentary by Ahmad b. Mustafa Tashköprüzada (d. 968/1560), GAL G II, 425, on his own

Risala fi `Ilm Adab al-Bahth. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 296.

(11) ff. 89-102. al-Risala al-Waladiyya, or Risala fi Fann al-Munazara, by Muhammad Sachaqlizada (d.

1150/1737), GAL G II, 370. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 314.

(12) ff. 103-121. Commentary by `Ali b. Muhammad al-Qushgi (d. 879/1474) on al-Risala al-Wad`iyya by `Adud

al-Din `Abd al-Rahman b. Ahmad al-Igi (d. 756/1355), GAL G II, 208. Dated 1176 AH. See Voorhoeve, Handlist,

p. 313.

(13) ff. 123-147. al-Fawa’id al-Fanariyya by al-Fanari (d. 834/1431) on al-Isaghugi by Athir al-Din al-Abhari (d.

663/1265), GAL G I, 464. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 138.

(14) al-Risala al-Shamsiyya fi al-Qawa`id al-Mantiqiyya, by Nagm al-Din `Ali b. `Umar al-Qazwini al-Katibi (d.

675/1276, or. 693/1294), GAL G I, 466. Dated c. 1177 AH. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 311.

(15) ff. 163-167. al-Isaghugi by Athir al-Din al-Abhari (d. 663/1265), GAL G I, 464. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p.


(16) ff. 169-174. Anonymous commentary on the Dibaga of al-Isaghugi by Athir al-Din al-Abhari (d.

663/1265), GAL G I, 464. The same as MS Berlin Ahlwardt 5253. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 138.

(17) ff. 177b-184b. al-Mafatih al-Durriyya fi Qawanin al-Dariyya, a manuel of Persian (Dari?) by Ibn Abi Bakr

al-Siwasi (?) Mustafa. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 175.

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Provenance: Found in the desk of the Interpres Legati Warneriani, J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), and registered in


(Ar. 3139)

Or. 8464

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, 55 ff., dated 1193 AH (1779-1780), but ff. 1-20 are in a later hand.

(1) 55 ff. al-Bahga. Autobiography by Abu Muhammad Mustafa al-Latifi (1004/1595-1126/1714). In other

copies the work is called al-Siyaha. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 36.

(2) f. 55v. The first page only of Ayyuha al-Walad by Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G

I, 423. Dated 1193 AH. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 32.

Provenance: Found in the desk of the Interpres Legati Warneriani, J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), and registered in


(Ar. 3140)

Or. 8465

Arabic, paper, 54 ff., 19th cent. (?)

al-Ishara fi `Ilm al-`Ibara, a work on dream interpretation ascribed to Ibn Sirin (d. 110/728), but probably

written by Muhammad b. `Umar b. Ahmad al-Salimi (before 1167 AH), see GAL S I, 102. Abu Ishaq al-Kirmani

(see GAL S I, 433) is quoted as an authority. Carelessly copied. A small part at the end is missing. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 138.

Provenance: Found in the desk of the Interpres Legati Warneriani, J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), and registered in


(Ar. 3141)

Or. 8466

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper.

(1) ff. 1-102. Gloss by Mawlana Nagm al-Din Shihab al-mad`u bi-`Abdallah (Brockelmann has `Abdallah b. al-

Husayn Nagm al-Din b. Shihab al-Din al-Yazdi, d. 1015/1606) on the part on Logic of Tahdhib al-Mantiq wal-

Kalam, or Ghayat Tahdhib al-Kalam fi Tahrir al-Mantiq wal-Kalam, by Sa`d al-Din Mas`ud b. `Umar al-

Taftazani (d. 792/1390), GAL G II, 215. According to Brockelmann the work was finished in 967/1557, but this

manuscript has 27 Safar 1088 as date of completion. Numerous superglosses in the margin and at the end.

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 356.

(2) ff. 104-227. Ta`liqat on the part on Logic and its Gloss, being the commentary by Galal al-Din Muhammad

b. As`ad al-Dawwani (d. 907/1501) on Tahdhib al-Mantiq wal-Kalam, or Ghayat Tahdhib al-Kalam fi Tahrir al-

Mantiq wal-Kalam, by Sa`d al-Din Mas`ud b. `Umar al-Taftazani (d. 792/1390), GAL G II, 215. Dedicated to

Abu al-Ghazi Khan Ahmad Bahadur Khan (of Khwarizm, reigned 1053-1074 AH). Same copyist as of

following text. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 356.

(3) ff. 228-270. Complete copy of the Gloss by Galal al-Din Muhammad b. As`ad al-Dawwani (d. 907/1501) on

Tahdhib al-Mantiq wal-Kalam, or Ghayat Tahdhib al-Kalam fi Tahrir al-Mantiq wal-Kalam, by Sa`d al-Din

Mas`ud b. `Umar al-Taftazani (d. 792/1390), GAL G II, 215. Dated 1121 AH. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 356.

Provenance: Found in the desk of the Interpres Legati Warneriani, J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), and registered in


(Ar. 3142)

Or. 8467

Arabic, paper, 75 ff., of which 22 ff. are missing.

Arba`un Hadithan. An anonymous collection, followed by one or more Hikaya. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p.


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Provenance: Found in the desk of the Interpres Legati Warneriani, J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), and registered in


(Ar. 3143)

Or. 8468

Arabic, paper, 110 ff., before 891 (1486-1487).

Anthology of religious poetry. The title on the fly-leaf Diwan Ibn Aybak al-Safadi, is erroneous. Only the first

poem is by al-Safadi (d. 764/1363), GAL G II, 31. Some other poets are: Kamal al-Din Ibn al-Nabih (d. 619), Ibn

Matruh (d. 649), Ibn Ghanim al-Maqdisi (d. 678), `Afif al-Din al-Tilimsani (d. 690), Ibn Sayyid al-Nas (d.

734), Safi al-Din al-Hilli (d. 749), Ibn Higga al-Hamawi (d. 837), Ibn Hagar al-`Asqalani (d. 852), Ibn Qurqmas

(d. 882).

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 426.

Provenance: Found in the desk of the Interpres Legati Warneriani, J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), and registered in


(Ar. 3144)

Or. 8469

Arabic, paper, 171 ff., dated 1058 (1648-1649).

al-Nafi` fi Mukhtasar al-Shara’i`, compendium by Zayn al-Din b. `Ali al-`Amili al-Shahid al-Thani (d.

966/1558) of his own work Masalik al-Afham ila Tanqih Shara’i` al-Islam, being a commentary on Shara’i` al-

Islam by Nagm al-Din Ga`far b. Muhammad b. Sa`id al-Hilli al-Muhaqqiq al-Awwal (d. 676/1277), GAL G I,

406. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 330.

Provenance: Found in the desk of the Interpres Legati Warneriani, J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), and registered in


(Ar. 3081)

Or. 8470

Batak, bambu, half-round, 8 lines in Mandailing Batak script.

Letter from three chiefs of Padang Lawas to the Dutch government, probably dating from 1855 or 1869.

Illustrated in Bibliotheekinformatie 7 (1972) p. 17, and in Open 4 (1972), p. 726. See Voorhoeve, Codices

Batacici (1977) p. 246.

See Or. 12.322, f. 566, for a transcription.

Provenance: Received in August 1953 from the Royal Library, The Hague.

(Bat. 182)

End of volume 1 of the ‘Journaal’, beginning of volume 2 of the ‘Journaal’

Or. 8471-Or. 8472

Fragments, separated in 1953 from manuscripts in the Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

Or. 8471

Arabic, paper, 25 ff., 19th cent.

A fragment only of Muqaddima fi `Ilm al-`Arabiyya (Mutammima) li-Masa’il al-Gurrumiyya, by Muhammad

b. Muhammad al-Hattab al-Ru`ayni (d. 954/1547), a commentary on al-Muqaddima al-Agurrumiyya by

Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Sanhagi Ibn Agurrum (d. 723/1323), GAL G II, 237. See Voorhoeve, Handlist,

pp. 236-237.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936. Separated in 1953 from Or. 7589 h, above.

(Ar. 3148)

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Or. 8472

Arabic, paper, 46 ff., dated 1264 AH, copy from Aceh.

Incomplete copy of al-Alfiyya by Muhammad b. `Abdallah Ibn Malik al-Ta’i (d. 672/1274), GAL G I, 298. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 11.

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936. Separated in 1953 from Or. 7589 h, above.

(Ar. 3149)

Or. 8473-Or. 8475

Manuscripts coming from the collection of Johan van Manen (1877-1943). The main (Sanskrit) collection of

van Manen is registered as Or. 8823-Or. 8874, below. See for other Van Manen manuscripts: Or. 8494-Or.

8495, below. The manuscripts were received in the Library and registered on September 29, 1953, and

October 6, 1953, respectively.

Or. 8473

Batak, treebark, 37 ff., 28 x 17 cm, two original wooden covers.

Batak pustaha, containing:

a 2-36 and b 3-25 Poda ni pormanuhon Adji Nangka Piring ... asa dalaba-laba ma manuk laba-laba ni

ompunta Batara Guru

asa i ma na toding gurunta Datu Hohat ni adji

asa ro ma di ho ale lae Ompu Ronggur ni adji

asa ro ma di ho ale lae Datu Morpagar Debata.

In the pangarambui on b 24: rau bisa = rambu bisa.

b 26 Poda ni tambarta di sisangkil and other texts.

b 27 Poda ni taoarta

Poda ni tambar batu harang na morgoar siansur bosi

b 28 Poda ni porsimboraonta di bodil beja di hudjur na morgoar Adji Malim Adji Habonaran

b 31-34 Poda ni tembakta sipamutung

i ma na toding gurunta Nahoda Pandjang tijan tano Barus

asa ro ma di ho lae Ompu ni Manambual ni adji.

See also Or. 12.322, ff. 579-583. See Voorhoeve, Codices Batacici (1977), p. 246.

Provenance: Collection Johan van Manen, September 1953.

(Bat. 189)

Or. 8474

Collective volume with texts in Persian, paper, 84 ff., possibly in disorder, nasta`liq script, one copyist, dated

11 Muharram 1214, copied in the town of Gan… (?) (colophon on f. 84b), illustrations (53 miniatures), half-

cloth binding, pasted boards.

(1) ff. 1b-17b. Miftah al-Surur (title on f. 3a, or should it be read Miftah al-Surud?), a prose text on music,

translated from a work in an Indian language (az Istilah-i Hindi) into Persian (dar `Ibarat-i Furs), in

Muharram of the year 1074, in the reign of the Moghul emperor Aurangzib (f. 3a, reigned 1068-1119). End of

the text is on f. 17b. In this section are no miniatures.

(2) ff. 18a-44b. Collection of 43 miniatures, some of which may belong to No. 1, above, and some to No. 3,

below. Several are erotic and may therefore be associated with text No. 3. Many of the miniatures are

numbered, from which it becomes clear that the series originates from at least two different sources, and

that it is both incomplete and in disorder. Several of the miniatures show distinctly un-Islamic features, and

may, therefore, be associated with text No. 1.

(3) ff. 45a-84b. Ladhdhat al-Nisa’ (title on f. 84b). A work in poetry (Mathnawi), mostly treating aspects of

sexual intercourse, slightly incomplete at the beginning. In this section are another 10 miniatures. The

chapters are numbered:

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Introductory part (ff. 45a-53a). Dar Bayan-i Ibtida kardan-i Kitab (f. 46a); dar Bayan-i Maglis sakhtan-i Ra’i (f.

47a); dar Bayan-i Yad farmudan-i Ray-i Rawshan … (f. 49a).

f. 53b. Bab 2: dar Shenakhtan Tabi`-ha-yi Mard u Zan.

f. 54a. Bab 3: dar Shenakhtan-i Zan […], ya`ni Parmani.

f. 56a. Bab 4: dar Bayan-i Khalwat dashtan-i Zan-i Parmani.

f. 56b. Bab 5: dar Bayan-i Shenakhtan-i Zan-i Chintani.

There is no Bab 6, possibly due to a lacuna.

f. 58a. Bab 7: dar Bayan-i Shenakhtan-i Zan-i Sikhni.

f. 59a. Bab 8: dar Bayan-i Shenakhtan-i Zan-i Sikhni.

f. 60a. Bab 9: dar Bayan-i Shenakhtan-i Zan-i Hatni.

f. 60b. Bab 10: Khalwat dashtan-i Zan-i Hatni.

f. 62a. Bab 11: dar Bayan-i dashtan-i Shahwat-i `Awrat […] Ganib-i Chap.

f. 63a. Bab 12: dar Bayan-i dashtan-i Shahwat-i `Awrat […] Ganib-i Rast.

f. 65a. Bab 13: dar Bayan-i Khalwat dashtan-i Zani-ki Khur u Sal bud.

f. 65a. Bab 14: dar Bayan-i Khalwat dashtan-i Zanan Gar Gins.

f. 65b. Bab 15: dar Bayan-i dashtan-i Rak-ha-yi Shahwat ki koga mibashad.

f. 66a. Bab 16: dar Bayan-i shenakhtan-i Khasa’il-i Mard-i Ahutabiat wa-Partabiat.

f. 66b. Bab 17: dar Bayan-i Khaslat-i Mard-i Khartabiat wa-Filtabiat.

f. 67a. Bab 18: dar Bayan-i Mast shudan-i `Awrat Waqt-i Mugama`at.

f. 67b. Bab 19: dar Bayan-i Busa zadanGa’i-ki Khush ayad Zan-ra.

f. 67b. Bab 20: dar Bayan-i Nakhan zadan ki Raha-ra Khushhali-yi u dihad.

f. 68a. Bab 21: dar Yadkar dashtan-i Nishan-i Nakhan zadan bi-Waqt-i Musafir shudan.

f. 68b. Bab 22: dar Danestan-i hingam Gawani wa-Suhbat dashtan.

f. 69a. Bab 23: dar Danestan-i Haml-i Zan wa-Nishan-ha-yi u.

f. 69a. Bab 24: dar Asan zadan-i `Awrat.

f. 69b. Bab 25: dar Shenakhtan-i Farzand-i Nirumand.

f. 69b. Bab 26: dar Shenakhtan-i […] dashtan-i Zan-i Hamla.

f. 70a. Bab 27: dar Bayan-i bi-Ikhtiyar dashtan-i `Awrat dar Ayyam-i Haml.

f. 70a. Bab 28: dar Bayan-i `Ilag-i Zan-i `Aqima. At the end a magic square (f. 72a).

f. 72a. Bab 29: dar Danestan-i Shahwat-i `Awrat.

f. 73a. Bab. 30: dar Bayan-i kutah wa sakht shudan-i pusta.

f. 74a. Bab 31: dar Bayan-i shudan-i `Awrat.

f. 74b. Bab 32: dar Bayan-i Quwwat-i Bah.

f. 77b. Bab 33: Lepa ki hargiz Mani narizad.

f. 78a. Bab 34: dar Bayan-i Sitabr kardan shudan-i Dhakar.

f. 78b. Bab 35: dar Bayan-i Imsak.

f. 79b. Bab 36: dar `Ilag-i Suzak-i Kuhna.

f. 79b. Bab 37: dar `Ilag-i Khiyarak.

f. 80a. Bab 38: Diq al-Nafas-ra `Ilag.

f. 81a. Bab 39: dar `Ilag-i Khurug-i Mani wa-Khatm-i Kitab.

Provenance: Collection Johan van Manen, October 1953.

[* Ar. 3145]

Or. 8475

Persian, paper, safina-shape, 188 ff., naskh script, full-leather binding.

Targuma-yi Gogbashisht. Persian version, by an unknown translator, of Valmiki’s Sanskrit work

Yogavasishtha, on Hindi gnosticism, taken from the abridged version of the Kashmirian Pandit Anandan, or

as he is here constantly called Bahandan (Ethé, cat. IOL, No. 1971). See also Grundriss der iranischen

Philologie, II, p. 353, where it is mentioned that a shortened translation was made in 1006/1598 at the request

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of the Moghul emperor Akbar. Grundriss der iranischen Philologie, II, p. 354, mentions another translation,

made in 1060/1656 by Dara Shikuh. The text seems to be incomplete both at the beginning and at the end.

Provenance: Collection Johan van Manen, October 1953.

[* Ar. 3146]

Or. 8476

Javanese, palm leaf, 65 pp., without boards, incomplete.

Malat, Panji romance in verse, tengahan, the pages numbered 136-203, some missing. J. Soegiarto noted that

the text covered the end of canto 13 till the middle of canto 18 of the Malat manuscript as described by J.L.A.

Brandes ("Beschrijving", II, p. 138). See also Poerbatjaraka, ("Pandji-verhalen", p. 268).

Pigeaud II, p. 477.

Provenance: Purchased on October 14, 1953 from Mr. F.M. van Steenhardt Carré of Amsterdam.

(Lont. 770)

Or. 8477

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, ff., maghribi script.

(1) ff. 1-72. Incomplete copy (first leaf missing) of Kitab al-Taysir fil-Qira’at al-Sab`, by `Uthman b. Sa`id al-

Dani (d. 444/1053), GAL G I, 407. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 358.

(2) ff. 73-160. Incomplete copy (last leaf missing) of Inshad al-Sharid min Dawall al-Qasid, a commentary by

Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. `Ali Ibn Ghazi al-`Uthmani al-Miknasi (d. 919/1513) on Hirz al-Amani wa-Wagh

al-Tahani (or al-Qasida al-Shatibiyya), a rhymed version by al-Qasim b. Firroh al-Shatibi (d. 590/1194), GAL

G I, 409, of Kitab al-Taysir fil-Qira’at al-Sab`, by `Uthman b. Sa`id al-Dani (d. 444/1053), GAL G I, 407. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 358-359.

Provenance: Purchased on October 14, 1953, from an antiquarian, through the intermediary of Mr. J. Smit

Sibinga, a student of theology living in Warmond.

(Ar. 3147)

Or. 8478

Buginese, paper, 200 pp., folio. Copied between 4-18 October 1949.

I La Galigo, containing the following three events: 1. Campaign of I La Galigo to Sunrariaja, 2. His marriage

with Karaengtompo’ in Pujananting, 3. Return of I La Galigo to Cina.

Extensive description of the contents by R.A. Kern (1875-1958), ‘Een episode uit het La Galigo epos’ in: BKI

117 (1961), pp. 363-383.

Provenance: Gift from Mr. L.C. Emanuel, received on November 24, 1953.

(Mal. 2969)

Or. 8479

Javanese, Balinese, large portfolio containing photographs of palm leaf manuscripts and copper plates and


Usana Bali, Usana Jawa, Asta Kosali (palmleaf manuscript) and a legendary tale referring to Semar (copper

plate fragments, old East Javanese characters). Copies of manuscripts belonging to the Copenhagen Royal

Library, made in 1953, with notes by P. Voorhoeve.

Provenance: Presented by the Royal Library in Copenhagen, and P. Voorhoeve, Leiden, 1953.

(Mal. 3206)

Or. 8480

Sanskrit or Singhalese, palm leaf,

As yet unidentified text.

Provenance: Purchased through the intermediary of Mr. C. Pak, theological assistant, 1953

(Lont. 771)

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Or. 8481-Or. 8482

Two Middle-Eastern manuscripts, purchased in 1953 from antiquarian bookseller A.L. van Gendt (d. 1986),


Or. 8481

Chaghatay Turkish, paper, 300 ff., nasta’liq script, illuminations, dated 1287/1870-1871 (colophon on f. 299b),

also by chronogram, copied by Muhammad Salim b. Muhammad Said Gurani, full-leather binding. Copyist

verse on f. 299b.

Sedd-i Iskenderi, or Iskendernama, the mathnawi by Mir ‘Ali Shir Nawa’i of Herat (d. 906/1501).

Jan Schmidt, Catalogue, vol. 2 (2002), pp. 386-388.

Provenance: Purchased from A.L. van Gendt, Blaricum, 1953.

(Ar. 3151)

Or. 8482

Arabic, paper.

Qur’an. Calligraphic copy from Persia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 277.

Provenance: Purchased from A.L. van Gendt, Blaricum, 1953.

(Ar. 3119)

Or. 8483-Or. 8485

One Turkish and two Arabic manuscripts from Indonesia, purchased on February 19, 1954, from Mr. Georg

Rueter (1875-1966), Sloterdijk, Amsterdam.

Or. 8483

Turkish, paper, [2] + 5 + 709 + [1] pp., naskh script, full-leather binding.

Hulwiyyat, compendium of legal rulings by Abu al-Hasan Isma’il b. Ibrahim b. Isfandiyar, known as Isma’il

Beg Isfandiyaroghlu (fl. 847/1443-1444, and 864/1459-1460, near Amasia).

Jan Schmidt, Catalogue, vol. 2 (2002), pp. 388-390.

Provenance: Purchased from Mr. Georg Rueter, Sloterdijk, in 1954.

(Ar. 3193)

Or. 8484

Arabic, paper, a manuscript from Aceh.

Qur’an, guz’ 27. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 278.

Provenance: Purchased from Mr. Georg Rueter, Sloterdijk, in 1954.

(Ar. 2842)

Or. 8485

Collective volume with texts in Arabic (and some Malay) on Arabic grammar, European laid paper, 20.6 x 16

cm, 254 ff., naskh script in more than one hand, black ink with rubrication, dated 15 Rabi’ I (year not

mentioned, colophon on f. 254a, catchwords at the bottom of every verso page (often only between the

quires), full-leather Oriental binding in Javanese style, with flap. A copy from Minangkabau, probably 2nd

half of the 19th cent.

ff. 1a-b, 2b-5a, 6b-7a. Blank. Short note in Arabic on f. 2a. Ff. 5b-6a in Arabic and Malay.

(1) ff. 7b-13a. Kitab al-`Awamil al-Mi’a, by `Abd al-Qahir b. `Abd al-Rahman al-Gurgani (d. 471/1078), GAL G I,

287. With notes or translations in Malay. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 30.

(2) ff. 13b-33a. Incomplete copy (abrupt end) of al-Muqaddima al-Agurrumiyya, by Ibn Agurrum (d.

723/1323), GAL G II, 237. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 236. Ff. 33b-34a. Blank.

(3) ff. 34b-94a. Commentary by Khalid b. `Abdallah al-Azhari (d. 905/1499), GAL G II, 238, on al-Muqaddima

al-Agurrumiyya by Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Sanhagi Ibn Agurrum (d. 723/1323), GAL G II, 237. See

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Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 236-237. Notes in Arabic and Malay. Matn in red, Sharh in black ink. Mistara used

(13 lines, inner and outer margins). Ff. 94b-96a. Blank.

(4) ff. 96b-128a. Inna Awla, anonymous commentary on Kitab al-`Awamil al-Mi’a by `Abd al-Qahir b. `Abd al-

Rahman al-Gurgani (d. 471/1078), GAL G I, 287. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 30. Matn in red, Sharh in black

ink. Ff. 128b-130a, 131a. Blank. On f. 130b a short note in Malay.

(5) ff. 131b-254r. Anonymous commentary on Qatr al-Nada wa-Ball al-Sada, by Ibn Hisham (d. 761/1360),

GAL G II, 23. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 272, where reference is given to a manuscript in Jakarta. Matn in

red, Sharh in black ink. F. 143a blank, possibly with lack of text.

Provenance: Purchased from Mr. Georg Rueter, Sloterdijk, in 1954. His monogram GR is pasted on the inside

of the back cover.

[* Ar. 3150]

Or. 8486-Or. 8492

Collection of Indonesian manuscripts, acquired on March 1, 1954, ‘by exchange’, from J.C. Anceaux (1920-

1988). Pigeaud, in his description of the Javanese manuscripts mentions 1950 as the year of exchange, but

the place of the entries of this collection in the ‘Journaal’ unequivocally indicates 1954. See also Or. 8497,


Or. 8486

Malay, paper, 453 pp., Arabic script with numerous mistakes, dated 4 Muharram 1268 (1851), copied by

Muhammad Hasan, illuminated pages in the beginning.

Bunga Rampai

(1) pp. 1-55: Hikayat Puteri Badariah; the story is the same as Hikayat Jauhar Manikam; cf. MS Jakarta KBG

24, Van Ronkel 1909, p. 89.

(2) pp.56-89: Hikayat Burhan al-‘Arifin; the son of the ruler of Mughab who is given wise advice from his

dying father; in this story there is reference to the Bustan as-Salatin and to the Bustan al-‘Arifin; cf. MS

Jakarta KBG 24, Van Ronkel 1909, p. 89.

(3) pp. 89-113: Hikayat Khoja Zubair (instead of Jubair); no. I in Or. 1721, above.

(4) pp. 113-123: Hikayat Khoja ‘Asr; the same story as of Khoja His in Or. 1721 II, above.

(5) pp. 123-144: Hikayat Abdur-Rahman dan Abdur-Rahim; Or. 1931 VII, above.

(6) pp. 144-152: Hikayat Khoja Kamar Syahi, the story of the son of a merchant who gambles away the wealth

left by his father and loses his friends; wanting to commit suicide he finds valuables hidden by his father;

now he discovers that he has friends only because of his wealth; cf. MS Jakarta KBG 24, Van Ronkel 1909, p.


(7) pp. 152-167: Hikayat saudagar Negeri Kujah; the story of a merchant who makes his poor neighbour pay

for the aroma from his dishes and who is ordered by the judge to be paid by the sound of coins; no. VI in Or.

1721. In this main story is inserted Hikayat Raja Kura-kura, the story of the

turtle and the monkey (from Hikayat Kalilah dan Daminah).

(8) pp. 167-187: Hikayat saudagar Negeri Yaman. The story of Khoja Salim, son of Khoja Ishak, who falls into

a well and clutches on to a root which is gnawed away by mice while below a crocodile lurks, and is saved

by honey from bees above on the root; cf. MS Jakarta KBG 24, Van Ronke11909, p. 91; this story ends with the

story of Ali, son-in-law of the Prophet, deceived by an iblis into not going to a Friday-salat.

(9) pp. 187-205: Hikayat Bintan dilanggar Raja Singapura; no. III in Or. 1721, above.

(10) pp. 205-286: Hikayat Khoja Baldas; no. IV in Or. 1721, above.

(11) pp. 286-319: Hikayat Ghaznawi dan Syaikh Maqbul; the story of a king and a fakir ending with the fakir

becoming a vizier and the king renouncing his throne to become a fakir; cf. MS Jakarata KBG 24, Van Ronkel

1909, p. 90.

(12) pp. 319-322: Hikayat Raja Hindustan; the story of the king of Hindustan who learns the language of

animals from a snake; Or. 1721 V, above.

(13) pp. 322-336: Hikayat Afdhal dan Fadhil; the story of a man who loses his wife to his friend by subterfuge.

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(14) pp. 336-407: Hikayat Alqas Menteri; in this main frame story are found the following subthemes:

- the boy who passes a Solomonian judgement; cf. MS Jakarta KBG 24, Van Ronkel 1909, p. 90;

- the son who is bypassed in his inheritance.

- the story of a king who wants to know the number of stars in heavens and is advised to count the number

of hairs on a cow.

- Cerita si Bodoh dan si Cerdik.

- the story of Siti Zainab who become the king’s consort and disguised as a man, loses herself, as her own

gundik, at chess to her husband; cf. MS Jakarta KBG 24, Van Ronkel 1909, p. 90.

(15) pp. 407-418: Hikayat Hengku Mal dan Dang Sari; the man who gives half of his life to his wife; Or. 1721

VIII, above.

(16) pp. 418-432: Hikayat Khoja Muslim; the story of a merchant who adopts the son of his slave.

(17) pp. 432-453: Hikayat saudagar Negeri Khaibar; the story of Khoja Mir Hasan of Khaibar; Or. 1721 IX,

above; cf. Voorhoeve 1964, pp. 261-266.

See the collation of pp. 162-165 of the present manuscript with the text in Klinkert 67 b, ff. 72v-73v, in P.

Voorhoeve, ‘A Malay scriptorium’, in Malayan and Indonesian studies. Essays presented to Sir Richard

Winstedt on his eighty-fifth birthday. Edited by John Bastin & R. Roolvink. Oxford 1964 (pp. 256-266), pp. 262-


See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 550-551 (No. 1138).

Provenance: Acquired from J.C. Anceaux, 1954.

(Mal. 3081)

Or. 8487

Malay, paper, 189 ff., Arabic script, dated 14 Ramadan 1268 (1852), leather binding.

Hidayat as-salikin (fi suluk maslak al-muttaqin) by Abdus-Samad al-Jawi al-Palimbani.

On ff. 1v-4r are notes in Malay, Sundanese and Arabic.

On f. 3r the genealogy of Muhammad; on f. 2r the name of an owner named Haji ... (rest illegible).

On f. 5r is a note signed by S.C. stating that the MS was donated by Albers to the reading-room at Cianjur on

18 May 1865.

On ff. 184v-186v is a treatise about Kaifiyat membaca al-musabba’at al-‘ashar (supposed to be mentioned by

al-Ghazzali), in another hand.

On ff. 187v, 188v, 189r: do’a.

On f. 188r is a note signed by Aminah (?), presenting Kiyai Haji Abdullah Hasan of Cianjur with the MS on 6

Rajab 1279 (1862).

Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 551-552 (No. 1139).

Provenance: Acquired from J.C. Anceaux, 1954.

(Mal. 3082)

Or. 8488

Javanese, paper, 220 pp., Arabic script.

Notes on theology and fiqh, mentioning Muḥarrar and Taqrīb, containing the date 1823 A.D.

Earlier provenance: Library of the missionary society Nederlandsche Zendingsvereeniging (1858-1951)

section of Rotterdam.

Pigeaud II, p. 477.

Provenance: Acquired from J.C. Anceaux, 1954.

(Mal. 3083)

Or. 8489

Javanese, paper, 11 pp., Arabic script.

Munawwir a1-Himmat, treatise on the questions in the grave (pitakonan qubūr) in simple 12 syllable verses,

by Ahmad Ripangi, dated 1855 A.D.

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Pigeaud II, p. 477.

Provenance: Acquired from J.C. Anceaux, 1954.

(Mal. 3084)

Or. 8490

Malay, European laid paper, 12 ff.

Pantun. A poem consisting of stanzas of four lines and rhyming like the syair but as to content resembling a

pantun. The language is Batavia Malay. Written by a European? The beginning and the end are missing.

T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 552 (No. 1140).

Provenance: Acquired from J.C. Anceaux, 1954.

(Mal. 3086)

Or. 8491

Javanese, paper, 25 pp., Arabic script.

Zawāl al-Māniʿāt, fiqh treatise in prose on menstruation, for women, by Muhammad Tayyib ibn

Muhammad Yusuf of Kendal, with date 1898 A.D.

Pigeaud II, p. 477.

Provenance: Acquired from J.C. Anceaux, 1954.

(Mal. 3087)

Or. 8492

Sundanese, paper, exercise book, 22 ff., 21.5 x 13.8 cm, fully vocalized Arabic script, black ink with

rubrication, use of green ink, entire text set in double frame (green).

Patikan tina. Surat Hukum Undang-undang Inlands Rahlamayn (transliteration not certain) Text on ff. 2b-

20a, divided in 10 sections and 137 articles; other pages are blank.

Not in Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda.

Provenance: Acquired from J.C. Anceaux, 1954.

[* Mal. 3088]

Or. 8493

Batak pustaha, treebark, 65 ff., 36 x 20 cm, 2 original covers, drawings (only in black ink).

See Or. 12.322 ff. 583-606 en de transcription of a 28-33 in Or. 12.475.

Voorhoeve, in Codices Batatici, p. 247, finds it difficult to decide which side of the treebark is the a-side and

which one the b-side. He starts with what his main informant, Ms. M.T. Mostert-Silitonga, has called the b-


a 3 Poda ni sipadiampa ni taon sipadiampa ni bulan beja sipadiampa ni ari ija rna inon tambatuwa na

morgoar si tangka padi sibaganding manuk (always thus, instead of manik) ni pinta-pinta ompu radja ni adji

naga djungdjung adji …

ija rna non na toding Dorma Sijam

asa ro ma dii Mogom Sabit

asa ro di Datu Harondang ni adji Sirimbang

asa ro rna di ho Datu Porhas hata ni adji

asa ro rna di Guru Tumurun hata ni adji.

As a complement to this chain of transmission may serve:

Guru Tumurun hata ni adji Datu Morgondang (elsewhere: Morrondang) Bulan di tano Pollung (a 38, 63).

Datu Porhas Ompu Ronggur hata ni adji (a 43, 63) di tano Ajek na Uli. See about these localities Or.12.322,

opposite f. 606.

a 10 Poda ni tambatuwa na bolon with a large drawing on 20-23. See about the phantasies as a result of such

drawings the journal Open 4 (xxxx) p. 724.

a 23 Poda ni portonggo ni sibaganding manuk ni pinta-pinta ompung radja ni adji si ampupungu …

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a 25 Poda ni pangalaho ni sibiangsa ni sibaganding

a 28 Poda ni turi-turijan ni naga si tunglang bosi ompu radja ni adji, (a creation myth, see the transcript in

Or. 12.475).

a 33 en 37 Poda ni guna hangalan. Hangalan means ‘the unfavourable consequences of unfulfilled wishes’

(see Liberty Manik, Catalogue, No. 3). According to Van der Tuuk’s dictionary this is also personified as a

ghost, what also seems to be the case in the passage of b 51, where someone addresses his hangalan in order

to accept a sacrifice. Instead of guna hangalan one finds elsewhere (e.g. Winkler, Reg.) daon hangalan, a

medicine against hangalan. What guna means there is not clear to Voorhoeve.

a 40 Poda ni pamusatan ni tambatuwa na bolon.

a 43 Poda ni pormabuwat di na torop … ija rna inon na morgoar sibangun-bangun ni sibaganding … ale adji

ni Naboru Alas

asa ro rna di Boru Haluwat

asa ro ma di Datu Porhas, etc. enz.

a 45 Poda ni tambatuwa ni sibangun-bangun

a 56 Poda ni patudjolo ni sibangun-bangun … ahu ma debata ni singsa dorma …

a 57 Poda ni guro-guroan ni sibangun-bangun … and several other applications (pangalaho).

b 1 A drawing exercise (porsiadjaran ni mangsi) in the shape of an umpama.

Poda ni sipadiampa … na morgoar sibadak na bolon, later on also Pagar mula djadi manisija.

b 3 Poda ni suhat ni sibaganding … pormabuwat ahu raoa pamasu-masu ahu raoa, etc. Here it can be seen

that the word ra = to wish has been contracted from rawa (cf. Karo merawa = wild, therefore to be wildly

desirous of something?

b 5 Poda ni pulungan ni sibaganding manik (thus) ni pinta-pinta tambatuwa na bolon.

b 8 Poda ni hit a sumidok suhat ni sibaganding.

b 9 Poda ni suhat ni tatarin(g)ta

b 11 Poda ni tambatuwanta; b 14: ahu debata ni singsa dorma.

b 22 Poda ni pamusatan ni sibaganding with a large drawing at the end. After that the pages have a lay-out

of two columns.

Left column:

b 33 Poda ni panonggoti ni porminahan. Also about bohom-bohom

b 49 Poda ni hatotoganta … sibangun-bangun ni sibaganding

b 51 Poda ni pangasu hangalanta

b 52 Poda ni porngotinta di portandangan barang hita matahut ditahi halak beja pangarintak na begu asa

dapahe rna di akta datuwang pangalaho ni sibagandingta inon, tu porminahanta pe boti do.

b 54 Poda ni pamusatan ni sirunggar ruma dohot sipasu djagat.

b 58 Poda ni sitahal-tuhulta.

Right column:

b 30 Poda ni pamusatan ni tambatuwa.

On b 34 is an enumeration of names of hutals, some on the plateau Toba.

b 35 Poda ni pan0nggoti ni tambatuwanta

b 44 Poda ni tambatuwanta

Additionally ahu debata … with drawings.

b 64 End: boti do pangalaho ni pagar mula djadi manisijan.

Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), pp. 247-249.

Provenance: Purchased on 25 March 1954 from Mr. Erik von Scherling (1907-1956), antiquarian in

Oegstgeest. See his periodical Rotulus VII (1954), p. 26 (No. 2512a), but it is evident that von Scherling did not

know anything about the content of the manuscript.

(Bat. 190)

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Or. 8494-Or. 8495

Manuscripts coming from the collection of Johan van Manen (1877-1943). The main (Sanskrit) collection of

Johan van Manen in the Central Library is registered as Or. 8823-Or. 8874, below. See also Or. 8473-Or. 8475,

above. The present two manuscripts were registered in 1954.

Or. 8494

Malay, paper, 33 pp., Arabic script.

Taman puspa ragam. A copy of the printed text by W.A.P. Roorda van Eysinga (Rotterdam 1856), showing

small differences in spelling.

A manuscript Or. 8494 is mentioned by S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan.

Bandung 1988, p. 273-274, with the title Sejarah Jawa. This must be a mistake. Could this be in fact Or.

8498, below?

Provenance: Johan van Manen collection, registered in 1954.

(Mal. 3077)

Or. 8495

Persian, paper (damaged, with repairs, involving some text), 125 ff., nasta`liq script, illuminated double

opening page (ff. 1b-2a, damaged), entire text set in gold frame, dated 978 (1570-1571), copied by Mirak in

Samarqand (colophon, with copyist verse, on f. 125a), half-leather European binding, pasted boards.

Diwan of Hafiz Shirazi (d. 792 AH).

Provenance: Johan van Manen collection, registered in 1954.

[* Ar. 3153]

Or. 8496

Javanese, Malay, Dutch, portfolio containing 18 illustrations of Javanese texts, damaged.

Pictures, coloured drawings, wall decoration, popular art, North Coast, partly wayang style, partly

naturalistic. Subjects: Javanese tales (Menak Amir Hamza, Rengganis, Asmara Supi, Menak Jingga, female

dancer (ronggeng) and gamelan orchestre. Probably middle 19th century. Explanations

in vulgar Malay with Dutch translations added afterwards.

Pigeaud II, pp. 477-478. Illustrated in Pigeaud III, p. 17 (plate 19). T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 552 (No.

1142) copies Pigeaud, except that the ‘vulgar Malay’ has become ‘bazar Malay’.

Provenance: Purchased between March and May 1954 from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, antiquarian

booksellers and auctioneers in Leiden.

(Mal. 3041)

Or. 8497

Javanese, treebark paper (dluang), 275 pp. and blanks, damaged, Arabic script.

Anbiya in verse.

- pp. 4-101. History of nabi Yusup (Joseph),

- pp. 102-120. Raja Pirngon (Pharaoh and Moses).

- pp. 124-275. Life of Muhammad, incomplete.

Dated 1843 A.D. East Java idiom.

See Notes by J. Soegiarto, Or. 10.867-D, below.

Pigeaud II, p. 478.

Provenance: Received from J.C. Anceaux, in May 1954.

(Mal. 2970)

Or. 8498-Or. 8503

Collection of Javanese manuscripts, originally in the possession of Mr. H. Ennen (notes on the flyleaves),

who worked from 1907 till c. 1932 in education in Java. He is the author of Beknopte geschiedenis van

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Indonesië tot aan de komst der Hollanders. The Hague: Van Goor Zoonen, 1930. Purchased by auction in May

or June 1954 from Messrs. van Stockum, auctioneers in The Hague. Pigeaud II, p. 478, gives 1950 of the date

of purchase. The location in the ‘Journaal’ of this collection would point to 1954, but the ‘Journaal’ does not

give a precise year or date.

Or. 8498

Javanese, paper, 359 pp., Javanese script.

History of Java, mythological tales beginning with dewi Sri, Galuh, cannon, down to Jaka Tarub and the

nymph Nawang Wulan, in verse (serat Kanda). Yogyakarta manuscript, dated 1917 A.D. Notes by J. Soegiarto

in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda (1988), pp. 273-274 (No. 294) mentions this manuscript with an incorrect class-mark:

Or. 8494.

Pigeaud II, p. 478.

Provenance: Purchased by auction at Van Stockum’s auction house, The Hague, 1954.

(Mal. 3078)

Or. 8499

Javanese, paper, paper, 450 pp., Javanese script. Beginning and end are missing.

Menak Amir Hamza romance in verse, beginning with Maryunani, son of Amir Hamza, and Sekar Kadaton, a

princess of Mesir. Demis episode, down to Kanda Bumi. Neat Surakarta Court script. Notes by J. Soegiarto in

MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 478.

Provenance: Purchased by auction at Van Stockum’s auction house, The Hague, 1954.

(Mal. 2971)

Or. 8500

Javanese, paper, 363 double pp., Javanese script.

Damar Wulan romance in verse, long redaction, full of details, Yogyakarta, containing only the middle part

of the tale. Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 478.

Provenance: Purchased by auction at Van Stockum’s auction house, The Hague, 1954.

(Mal. 2972)

Or. 8501

Javanese, paper, 692 pp., Javanese script.

History of the Mataram dynasty, in verse, beginning with Demak up to the Truna Jaya troubles. Yogyakarta

manuscript dated, at the end: 1908 A.D., belonging to pangeran Surya Brata. Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS

Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 478.

Provenance: Purchased by auction at Van Stockum’s auction house, The Hague, 1954.

(Mal. 2973)

Or. 8502

Javanese, paper, 405 pp., Javanese script.

Brata Yuda jarwa in verse, Yogyakarta. Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 478.

Provenance: Purchased by auction at Van Stockum’s auction house, The Hague, 1954.

(Mal. 2974)

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Or. 8503 a, b

Javanese, paper, 1069 pp., Javanese script, 2 volumes.

History of the Mataram dynasty beginning with Pajang up to Mangku Bumi. Yogyakarta manuscript,

originally belonging to raden panji Sugriwa. The end of vol. I: p. 238-261 is missing. Notes by J. Soegiarto in

MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, pp. 478-479.

Provenance: Purchased by auction at Van Stockum’s auction house, The Hague, 1954.

(Mal. 2975, Mal. 2976)

Or. 8504

Wolio texts.

See also J.C. Anceaux, The Wolio language. Outline of grammatical description and texts. ’s-Gravenhage:

Nijhoff, 1952. [KITLV, Verhandelingen 11.]. See also microfilm D 35.

Provenance: Presented to the Library by J.C. Anceaux (1920-1988), May or June 1954.

(Mal. 2977)

Or. 8505-Or. 8506

Manuscripts from Aceh, presented to the Library by H.T. Damsté (1874-1955) on 16 June 1954.

The main Damsté collection is registered Or. 8666-Or. 8755, below.

Or. 8505

Collection of texts in Arabic, Malay, Acehnese, from Aceh.

T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 552-554 (No. 1143) gives an overview of all texts in the collection. This

description is largely based on that of H.T. Damsté, inserted with the materials. Damsté’s typewritten

description is in fact the neat version of his manuscript notes on the covers.

(1) Star-shaped folding Fāl device, with as choices the names of Prophets and angels. The circle is divided in

16 sectors. Little cords of c. 7 cm attached to the outer rim of the sectors make it possible to make a random

choice of one of the segments while the device is closed. Cords are reddish, except for the cord for ʿĪsā

which is blue.

Counting from ʿĪsā anti-clockwise there are the following personalities from which an omen (Fāl) can be

derived: ʿĪsā, Ismaʿīl, Mīkāʾīl, ʿAzrāʾīl, Muḥammad, Ibrāhīm Khalīl Allāh, Yūsuf, Mūsā, Yaḥyā, Dāwud, Yūnus,

Idrīs, Yaʿqūb, Khiḍrī, Ǧibrāʾīl, Asrāfīl.

Lined paper in one piece, 32 cm wide and high, doubled with cloth pasted on the verso of the paper, on

which there is a label on the verso of Yaḥyā with a handwritten description in ink: ‘Koetika limong of Atj.

Horoscope met profeten en engelen in stede van planeten’. In pencil in another hand: ‘Ontv. 28/8 – XI’.

Damsté has transcribed two of the sixteen segments: ʿĪsā and Ismāʿīl, and the beginning of a third: Mīkāʾīl.

Damsté has treated the text as being written in Acehnese. Iskandar considers it as Malay. Or. 8718 (1),below,

contains notes and transcriptions from this manuscripts.

Similar Fāl devices with a division into 16 pointed fields (sectors) are in Leiden Or. 8506 (1) and in Jakarta,

Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia, ML 233. The latter has been illustrated in Farouk Yahya, Magic

and Divination in Malay Illustrated Manuscripts. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2016, p. 147 (figure 148). Yahya

mentions more than just this particular type of ‘wheel diagram’.

(2) A booklet and a fragment. the booklet one is a small cash register on lined paper (13.5 x 8 cm), the

fragment comes from a slightly smaller cash register, lined paper (12.5 x 7.5 cm).

- a. The booklet (32 pp. and unnumbered pages, both blanks and with text) opens from two sides. The part

of 32 pp. contains Surat kriman, or Wasiet Nabi. Admonitions given to Sèh Amat. Or. 8678, below, is a

transliteration of the present manuscript. In Or. 8718, ff. 4-5, is the transliteration of a passage in the present

manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 174. Manuscripts of the Arabic text

of these admonitions are referred to in Voorhoeve, Handlist, s.v. Wasiyyat Rasul Allah.

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At the unpaginated end two fragments of the Qur’an: Q. 111, followed by Q. 110. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Also there is a note about Ikhtiyarat in Malay, saying that the 3rd, 5th, 13th, 16, 21, 24th and 25th days of each

month are unlucky days.

- b. Insert in (a) of 11 ff., incomplete at beginning and end. According to Damsté a copy of part of the text in

(a), written in pencil and ink.

(3) Malay, paper, 36 ff., 16.3 x 10 cm, text on ff. 1a-8a, 33a, 34b-36b (other leaves are blank), paper boards,

with label with description (by Damsté?) of the contents.

- f. 1a. Do’a sembelih. for kerbaus, cows, goats, and chicken.

- ff. 1b-2a. Do’a tolak bala. Conjuring bad luck, the forty kafs of Tjèh Abeudō Kadé Keutōbīn Rabani.

- f. 2a. Do’a rajah sekalian penyakit.

- ff. 2b-8a. Kifayat sembahyang.

- f. 33a, 34b-35b. Acehnese. The blanks ff. 33b-34a do not indicate a lacuna in the text, as is shown by the

catchword. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), does not seem to mention this text.

Previous owner Amān Gambang, from which Damsté concludes (text on label and in typewritten

description) that he was a Gayo-nese. On label: ‘Ontv. 28/8 XI’.

(4) Arabic, Malay, Acehnese. Several sheets, folded, unsewn. Lined paper, 18.5 x 10.5 cm.

ff. 2-5a. Cara aléh ba ta. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 219.

ff. 1a-2b (separate item). Qur’anic texts: Q. 98, Q. 96, Q. 103, Q. 102, Q. 101, Q. 100, Q. 99. Not in Voorhoeve,


ff. 3a-6b. Seumajang treatises, in Acehnese poetry, including a dialogue between the Imam and his

Ma’mums, and in Malay poetry. Last text incomplete at the end.

ff. 7a-b. Several shoter texts in Malay.

On label: ‘Ontv. 28/8 XI’.

(5) 6 ff. Arabic and Acehnese texts. Lined paper, 17.3 x 10 cm.

ff. 1a-b, 6a. Sūrat al-Fātiḥa (Q. 1), not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. Followed by short texts in Malay, and a letter

dated 1327 (1909-1910). Content abstract in Damsté’s typewritten description, and on the label of the

frontcover. Inside the cover the complete romanized transcript of the letter of 1327.

ff. 2a-5a. Acehnese poem about the letters of the Arabic alphabet. The names of the Arabic letters are circled

with red pencil.

f. 5b. Scribbling.

On label: ‘Ontv. 28/8 XI’.

(6) Malay, Arabic. 8 ff., 17.1 x 10.6 cm, folded, sewn.

ff. 2b-6b. Prayers in Arabic, with Qur’anic quotations, but the text as a whole is not Qur’an. Introduction in


On label: ‘Ontv. 28/8 XI’.

(7) Damsté mentions yet a 7th text, Hikayat Radja Bada, 104 pp. That is lacking in the present collection. It is

possible that this now Or. 8062, above.

Added is a Table of contents in Dutch by H.T. Damsté, typewritten on 2 pp., text on one side only. This

concerns all items (1-6) in Or. 8505 and one other text that is now missing in Or. 8505, namely

Earlier provenance: Together kept in een envelope with a label telling: ‘Atjehse schrifturen, buitgemaakt bij

overval schuilplaats Teungkoe di Mata Ië, a/d Kroeëng Ramaïhsan, d/e patrouille uit Lhoʿ Soekōn onder lt

Le Maire, aug. 1911.’

Provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

[* Mal. 3079]

Or. 8506

Envelope containing five items in Malay, Arabic and Acehnese; donated by H.T. Damste in 1954.

(1) Made of a single sheet of lined paper, largest diameter 33.5 cm, doubled with textile (batik, blue, vegetal

design). Texts in Malay.

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Wheel shaped Fal device, similar to Or. 8505 (1), above. Circle divided into 16 sectors, main catchwords for

each sector are the names of the Prophets and the angels. From ʿĪsā anti-clockwise the following names can

be observed: ʿĪsā, Dāwud, Lamsmā (Ismāʿīl?), Ibrahīm, Yūsuf, Mūsā, Yaḥyā, Idrīs, Nūḥ, Yaʿqūb, Muḥammad,

Khiḍr, ʿAzrāʾīl, Ǧibrāʾīl, Arāfīl, Mīkāʾīl. Note that the order of persons is different from that in Or. 8505 (1),

above. A typewritten caption is added: ‘Horoscoop uit Atjèh.’

(2) Arabic, Malay, Acehnese. Booklet, lined paper, 15.8 x 9.7 cm, 34 ff., usually vocalized Naskh script, dated

1322 (1904-1905, f. 11a), half-linnen binding, carton boards.

- inside front and end boards: scribbling and notes in Malay, owner’s note by Teungku … (?).

- ff. 1a-7a. Qur’an 36 (Yā Sīn). On f. 2b the indication of Guz’ 23.

- ff. 7b-11a. Qur’an 56 (al-Wāqiʿa). Date 1322 AH on f. 11a.

- ff. 11b-14b. Qur’an 67 (al-Mulk).

- ff. 14b. Prayer in Arabic.

- f. 15a. Malay, on Sembahyang.

- ff. 15a-b. Arabic. Taṣliya prayer.

- ff. 15b-16a. Arabic with Malay instruction. Istighfara.

- ff. 16a-20a. Arabic prayers, with Malay instruction at the end.

- ff. 20b-25b. Acehnese poem about the letters of the Jawi alphabet. Nalam aléh ba ta. On f. 25a Muhammad

Tahir is mentioned. Inserted here is a Romanized copy of the text in the hand of Damsté (4 pp., folio

format)? See Voorhoeve, Catalogue (1994), p. 219, where this text is referred to as Or. 8506 b (4).

- ff. 25b-28a. Arabic, Malay. Dhikr or Du’a’. On f. 28a: Shaykh Muhammad As’ad Tahir of the Tariqa

Shattariyya is mentioned; also on f. 27b: Muhammad Sa’id Tahir Tiro, Shaykh ‘Abdul Wahab Tanoh Abèe,

Shaykh Muhammad As’ad Tahir of Medina. Iskandar interprets this as Silsila Shattariyya, which may well be

the correct.

- ff. 28b-29a. Arabic. Prayer (?).

- ff. 29b-32a. Blank.

- ff. 32b-34b. Several shorter pieces in Arabic and Malay.

- Outside end board is a label: Mulk Teungku Hulubalang Aron, 1322.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue Acehnese Manuscripts (1994), p. 219.

(3) Booklet with text in Malay, Arabic and Acehnese. Lined paper, 27 ff., 17.8 x 11 cm, Naskh script, ff. 1b-9b,

18b-27a in pencil, rest in ink, no covers, ff. 1a, 27b serve as cover. On f. 1b stamp with date of acquisition (by

Damsté?) January 28, 1912.

- ff. 1b-16a. Malay. Masa’il al-Muhtadi li-Ikhwan al-Mubtadi (title on f. 2a). Unrelated insert between ff. 14b-

15a. At the back, written in pencil: Carah aleh ba ta, see Voorhoeve, Catalogue (1994), p. 219, where this text

is referred to as Or. 8506 c (3).

- f. 16b. Arabic. Qur’an 1 (al-Fatiha). In pencil.

- ff. 17a-18a. Fragment in Malay, or continuation of the text that ends on f. 16a.

- ff. 18b-20b. Notes, prayers, etc., mostly in Arabic.

- ff. 26b-21a. Acehnese, beginning at the other side of the booklet, text in pencil. Nalam Rukōn Seumayang,

Metrical text about the pillars of ritual prayer. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue Acehnese Manuscripts (1994), p.


- f. 27a. Scribbling, in Arabic.

(4) Booklet. with texts in Malay. Lined paper, 24 ff., 14.2 x 10.8 cm, Naskh script in several hands, diagram on

f. 7a.

- f. 1a. Scribbling with the Basmala.

- ff. 1b-2a. Blank.

- ff. 2b-3a. Du’a’. The angels are invoked, and the four righteous caliphs.

- f. 3a. Du’a’.

- ff. 3b-4a. Blank.

- ff. 4b-5b. Acehnese. Rukōn seumayang, sipheuet dua plōh. Voorhoeve, Catalogue Acehnese Manuscripts

(1994), p. 241.

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- ff. 6a-7a. Malay. Asrar al-Salat (Iskandar’s identification. Diagram on f. 7a.

- ff. 7b-10a. Malay. Several Du’a’. Notes by Damsté in red ink on f. 7b

- ff. 10b-12a. Malay. Tariqa Shattariyya. Teacher Muhammad Khashim (thus written) from Paya Bakong.

- ff. 12a-16a. Malay. Fal Kalam Allah. Fal given according to the letters that one has randomly found in the

Qur’anic text, alphabetically arranged.

- ff. 16b-18a. Arabic prayers and fragments, with interlinear translation into Malay. Notes by Damsté in red

ink on f. 16b.

- ff. 18b-22a. Several Du’a’, several different hands.

- ff. 22b-24b. Blank.

Iskander mentions yet a fifth text: ‘Arabic; fragment from the Qur’an.’ This is not available.

Arabic texts not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Provenance: Received from H.T. Damsté on June 16, 1954.

[* Mal. 3080]

Or. 8507

Persian, 1 f., sheet of paper pasted on carton, illumination, drawings of snakes.

A board game. The ‘Snakes and ladders game. The present version is Islamicized, and instead of ladders

there are arrows.

It is an Indo-Persian version of Moksha-Patamu. This ancient race game originated in India. It is a game of

morality with the bases of the ladders being located on squares representing various types of good and the

more numerous snakes coming from squares representing various forms of evil. The squares of virtue on

the original game are Faith (12), Reliability (51), Generosity (76), Knowledge (76), Asceticism (78); the

squares of evil are Disobedience (41), Vanity (44), Vulgarity (49), Theft (52), Lying (58), Drunkenness (62),

Debt (69), Rage (84), Greed (92), Pride (95), Murder (73) and Lust (99). The game is Hindu and was used to

teach children about the religion in that the good squares allow a player to ascend higher in the league of

life whereas evil will reduce a player back through reincarnation to lower tiers of life. Presumably the last

square, 100, represents Nirvana.

Added: Older photocopies of Indian versions of the ‘Snakes and ladders game’, and a print from the website,

which has provided the above information.

Provenance: Purchased in May 1954 from Mr. George Rueter (1875-1966), Sloterdijk, Amsterdam.

[* Ar. 3226, outplaced on plano shelf 7 A]

Or. 8508

French, of Indonesian and Japanese interest,

Letter by Ph.F. von Siebold (Leiden, 21 March 1837) to S. (?) de Montry in Rotterdam. Double sheet of paper,

text in French. On the cover: ‘de Siebolt. Dirigerend Chef der Geneeskundige Dienst, in Nederlandsch Indië;

- Directeur van het Japansch Kabinet te Leyden’. The sender is: Philipp Franz von Siebold (1796-1866).

Provenance: Found in an auction lot purchased by the Western Manuscripts department and transferred in

1954 to the Legatum Warnerianum.

[* in Skr. 53]

Or. 8509

Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Latin, paper, 28 + 101 pp., half-parchment binding, pasted boards,

on the back: ‘Ibn Doreid cum Commentario Schröderi’.

(1) 8 + 20 pp. Printed book: al-Maqsura al-Duraydiyya. Abv Becri Mohammedis Ibn Hoseini Ibn Doreidi

Azdiensis poemation ad fidem codicis ms. Everardi Scheidii ... pro specimine expressvm. Accessit varietas

lectionvm ex eivsdem binis mss. in VI. priores Haririi consessvs. Harderwijk 1768. * 4 A-B 4 C 2. With signature

of E. Scheidius (1742-1794).

(2) 101 pp. Latin commentary by N.G. Schroeder (Nicolaas Willem Schroeder, 1721-1798) on al-Maqsura by

Muhammad b. al-Hasan Ibn Durayd (d. 321/933), GAL G I, 111. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 192.

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Provenance: Transferred on 3 August 1954 rom the printed books section. Previous class-mark in the

Library: 853 A 3.

[* Ar. 3128]

Or. 8510

Javanese, paper, Javanese script, envelope containing 3 photographs and notes.

PIaquettes of ivory: A. 22 x 10.8 x 0.3 cm, B. 21.5 x 8.5 x 0.5 cm, with engraved inscriptions.

A. on one side only, 7 lines: The Javanese alphabet letters ANACARAKA, the Javanese numbers 1-0, and 4

padas, used in writing poetry; B. on both sides.: 7 stanzas, complete, of the Brata Yuda, in macapat metre

(pangkur), referring to the Pandawa's victory.

The writing is clear and nicely engraved. The script and the idiom are modern Javanese, probably not much

older than 1800 A.D.

Probably the two plaquettes, A representing scholarship and B the art of war, were used in some noble

family in the ceremony of a male baby’s touching the earth for the first time (being laid down on the

ground, medlun lemah). He was given the opportunity to point out his predilection as to his future career in

life by touching first either A or B.

A romanized copy and a Dutch translation of the seven Brata Yuda stanzas by C. Hooykaas are added.

Pigeaud II, p. 479

Provenance: Received in August 1954 from C. Hooykaas of the School of Oriental and African Studies,

London University, who had received the photos from Mr Rozo Lagôa of Sao Paulo, Brasil, formerly

Brasilian Consul in Europe, who believed that the plaquettes had belonged for a considerable time to his

Portuguese ancestors.

(Mal. 3089)

Or. 8511-Or. 8513

Arabic manuscripts purchased on September 14, 1954, from Messrs. Burgersdijk & Niermans, antiquarian

booksellers and auctioneers in Leiden.

Or. 8511

Arabic, paper, 28 ff., probably 11th/17th cent.

`Umdat al-Kuttab wa-`Uddat Dhawi al-Albab. Anonymous, but usually ascribed to al-Mu`izz b. Badis (d.

453/1051), GAL G I, 268. This version has twelve chapters (Bab), like the manuscript described by M.

Weisweiler, Istanbuler Handschriftenstudien, No. 150. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 386-387.

Provenance: Purchased in 1954 by auction from Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

(Ar. 3156)

Or. 8512

Arabic, paper, 20 ff., autograph copy, dated 1070 AH.

Nasihat Uli al-Absar fi Shirk al-Kibr wal-`Azama wal-Iftikhar, by Ibrahim b. Abi Bakr al-Salihi, who completed

it on 14 Rabi` II 1070), GAL G II, 299. The text is divided into an introduction, 7 chapters (Bab) and an

epilogue. The handwriting is similar to that of Or. 8354, above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 249, 177.

Provenance: Purchased in 1954 by auction from Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

(Ar. 3157)

Or. 8513

Arabic, paper, 67 ff., nasta`liq script, full-leather Islamic binding, with simple blind tooled ornaments (lines).

Khulasat al-I`rab, commentary by Hagg Baba b. Hagg Ibrahim b. Hagg `Abd al-Karim b. `Uthman al-Tusi

(2nd half of 9/15th cent.) on al-Misbah fil-Nawh by Nasir b. `Abd al-Sayyid al-Mutarrizi (d. 610/1213), GAL G I,

293. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 217. Matn distinguished by red overlining.

Page 200: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Provenance: Purchased in 1954 by auction from Burgersdijk & Niermans, Leiden.

[* Ar. 3158]

Or. 8514

Malay, paper, 2 ff., Latin script, typewritten.

Letters. Envelope containing transliterations by Miss M.B. Lewis of two letters from the sultan of Banten to

the king of England. The original letters are kept at the Public Record Office, London.

A. 1 f.; typing paper; typewritten carbon copy. No. 28: letter from Sultan Abul Fathi Abdul Fattah

to King Charles the Second of England, dated 5 Dzulka'edah 1085 (1675).

B. 1 f.; the same paper etc. as above. No. SP/l02/4/50: letter from the Sultan of Banten to the king of England,


See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 555 (No. 1145).

Provenance: Received from C. Hooykaas on 12 October 1954.

(Mal. 3090)

Or. 8515

Javanese, portfolio containing a sheaf of photostats and notes, Javanese script.

Rasa Carita, cosmogony, the seven spheres of Cosmos below and on high, in Old Javanese prose.

Photostats of part of a manuscript of the Bodleian Library, Oxford (MS Jav. b 1). The original

manuscript is written with ink (not scratched) on palm leaves (of Nipa frutican, not of Borassus

flabellifer, as usual) with Old Javanese, nearly quadratic script. The Old Javanese idiom seems to be West

Javanese. A romanized copy and notes by P. Voorhoeve and J. Soegiarto are added. Voorhoeve

identified the Bodleian Rasa Carita text with the text reproduced in facsimile in K.F. Holle, Tabel van Oud-

en Nieuw-Indische alphabetten. Bijdrage tot de palaeographie van Nederlandsch-Indië. Batavia: W. Bruining /

The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1882, opposite p. 50.

For the original manuscript see M.C. Ricklefs & P. Voorhoeve, Indonesian manuscripts in Great Britain.

Oxford 1977, p. 177.

See also Or. 14.436, below, which is a complete photostat of the Oxford manuscript, made from the Leiden

microfilm A 428.

Pigeaud II, p. 479.

Provenance: Photostats sent in October 1954 to the Library.

(Mal. 3068)

Or. 8516

Collection of photographic reproductions of manuscripts in other libraries, which were collected by P.

Voorhoeve as a preparation for the introduction of his work Twee Maleise geschriften van Nuruddin ar-Raniri

(Leiden 1955), p. 1315. Texts in Arabic and Persian.

(1a) - (1b) Bayan Madhahib al-Mutasawwifa, or Bayan Madhhab al-Tasawwuf, by Nagm al-Din `Umar b.

Muhammad al-Nasafi (d. 537/1143), GAL S I, 762. Photostats of MS Vatican, Borg. Arab. 254, f. 26. See

Voorhoeve, op. cit., p. 15.

(1c) Bayan Madhahib al-Mutasawwifa, or Bayan Madhhab al-Tasawwuf, by Nagm al-Din `Umar b.

Muhammad al-Nasafi (d. 537/1143), GAL S I, 762. Photostats of MS Istanbul, Selim Agha 1271, f. 192. See

Voorhoeve, op. cit., p. 15.

(1d) – (1e) Persian. Bayan Madhahib al-Mutasawwifa, or Bayan Madhhab al-Tasawwuf, by Nagm al-Din

`Umar b. Muhammad al-Nasafi (d. 537/1143), GAL S I, 762. Photostats of MS Istanbul, Sulaymaniyya 1028, ff.

214b-216a. See Voorhoeve, op. cit., p. 15.

(2) Ma`rifat al-Madhahib. Anonymous. Apparently identitical Tadhkirat al-Madhahib (by Ibn al-Sarrag?).

Photographs from MS Calcutta, Catalogue Ivanow, Curzon Collection No. 672 (4). See Voorhoeve, Handlist,

pp. 351-352.

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(3) Tadhkirat al-Madhahib by Ibn al-Sarrag. (Photographic reproduction of MS London, India Office, cat.

Levy No. 2033, original from the 18th cent.). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 351-352.

(4) Abridgment by Ibn Muhammad `Azim, written in the margin of MS Berlin Spr. 831, ff. 41v-43v (Ahlwardt

No. 2185), of Tadhkirat al-Madhahib (by Ibn al-Sarrag?). Photographs. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 351-352.

Also: al-Tamhid fi Bayan al-Tawhid wa-Hidaya li-Kull Mustarshid wa-Rashid, by Abu Shakur Muhammad al-

Salimi (2nd half of 5/11th cent.), GAL G I, 419. Photostats of MS Berlin, Spr. 831, ff. 41v-43v (Ahlwardt 2185).

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 363.

(5) Persian. 4 ff. Ma`rifat al-Madhahib, by Mahmud al-Tahir Ghazzali. Dated 1 Ragab ..20, copied by `Abd al-

Magid Ghulam Farid, son of Ghaffar Barkhurdar (?) Chishti. Photostats of MS London, Asiatic Society, No. ?.

See also Voorhoeve, op. cit., p. 14.

(6) Persian. 7 ff. Ma`rifat al-Madhahib, by Mahmud al-Tahir Ghazzali, dated 1055 AH in Surat. Photostat of

MS London, IOL, Ethé No. 1920 (11).

(7) Persian. 10 ff. Ma`rifat al-Madhahib, by Mahmud Natahir, not dated. Photostat of MS London, IOL, Ethé

No. 2548. See also Voorhoeve, op. cit., p. 14.

(8) Persian. 5 ff. Ma`rifat al-Madhahib, by Mahmud Tahir Ghazzali, dated 1137 AD. Photostat of MS London,

IOL, Ethé No. 2549, ff. 118-125. See also Voorhoeve, op. cit., p. 14.

(9) Enumeration of heretics and their teachings with efutation, by Abu al-Qasim b. Muhammad al-Razi (d.

378/988), see Voorhoeve, op. cit., pp. 13 ff. Photographs of MS London, IOL, Levy, No. 2177. See Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 450.

(10) Persian. 1 f. Muntakhab from Kitab Usul al-Din wal-Irshad wa-Bayan al-Yaqin wal-I`tiqad, by Muhammad

b. al-Hasan b. Israfil al-Shuruti. Photostat of MS London, IOL, Ethé No. 2629 (5).

(11) Persian. 16 ff. The introduction only of `Aqa’id al-Kalam, by Burhan Miskin. Photostats of MS Berlin,

Peterm. 412, ff. 1a-16b. Cat. Pertsch, No. 227.

(12) al-Tamhid fi Bayan al-Tawhid wa-Hidaya li-Kull Mustarshid wa-Rashid, by Abu Shakur Muhammad al-

Salimi (2nd half of 5/11th cent.), GAL G I, 419. Photostats of the last chapter from MS London, IOL, Levy 1890.

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 363.

Provenance: Partly made in the Leiden library, partly received from other libraries.

(Ar. 3127)

Or. 8517

Turkish, European laid paper (watermark: crown), ff. 390-627, full-leather Oriental binding with flap.

Tarikh-i Rashid, the second volume of the history of the Ottoman empire by Muhammad Rashid (d.

1148/1735). The volume describes the events from the accession to the throne of Sultan Ahmad III (1115/1703)

up to the appointment of the Shaykh al-Islam ‘Abdullah Efendi in 1130/1718.

See Jan Schmidt, Catalogue of Turkish Manuscripts, vol. 2 (2002), pp. 390-391.

Provenance: Purchased from Messrs. Bakker, Amsterdam, between October and December 1954.

(Ar. 3096)

Or. 8518 a, b

Arabic, paper, 2 vols., 306 + 179 ff., dated c. 1950.

`Aga’ib al-Ash`ar wa-Ghara’ib al-Akhbar, by Muslim b. Mahmud al-Shayzari (c. 625/1228), GAL G I, 259; S I,

460. Copied from the unique copy kept in Peshawar. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 3.

Provenance: Presented to the Library by Mr. Ahmad Hasan, Peshawar, possibly in exchange for a photostat

of MS Leiden Or. 287.

(Ar. 3105, Ar. 3106)

Or. 8519 – Or. 8536

Middle Eastern and Indonesian manuscripts from the collection of J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), purchased on

December 27, 1954, from his widow, Mrs. G. Kramers-de Vlaming Pleysier.

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Or. 8519

Arabic, maghribi script, 124 ff., undated, recent (18th cent.?)

(1) ff. 1r-46r: Kitab al-Gughrafiya, by al-Zuhri (c. 532/1137), GAL G I, 476. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 90. First

part missing.

(2) ff. 46r-55r. Description of al-Maghrib, from Nuzhat al-Mushtaq fi Ikhtiraq al-Afaq, or Kitab Rugar, by Abu

`Abdallah Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Sharif al-Idrisi (d. 560/1166), GAL G I, 477. See Voorhoeve, Handlist,

pp. 259-260.

(3) ff. 55v-62v. Tales and anecdotes. End missing. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 423.

Provenance: From the estate of J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), 1954

(Ar. 3166)

Or. 8520

Arabic, paper, 154 ff., early 19th cent.?

Complete text of Mughni al-Labib `an Kutub al-A`arib by Gamal al-Din `Abdallah Ibn Hisham (d. 761/1360),

GAL G II, 23. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 223.

Provenance: From the estate of J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), 1954

(Ar. 3164)

Or. 8521

Arabic, paper, 148 ff., c. 1600 AD?

al-Shaqa’iq al-Nu`maniyya fi `Ulama’ al-Dawla al-`Uthmaniyya by Abu al-Khayr Ahmad b. Muslih al-Din

Tashköprüzada (d. 968/1560), GAL G II, 425. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 329.

Provenance: From the estate of J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), 1954

(Ar. 3165)

Or. 8522

A bundle of fragments on paper of texts in Arabic, with some Malay and Acehnese. The Malay fragments

not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

A. c. 100 ff. Fragment(s) of a commentary on Fiqh. Matn distinguished by red overlining. See Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 446.

B. c. 150 ff. Fragment(s) of a commentary on Fiqh. Matn written in red ink. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 446.

C. 10 ff. and damaged leaves (moisture) with illegible text. Fragment of a text on rhetoric with commentary.

Matn written in red ink. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 418.

D. c. 50 ff. Fragment(s) of work on logic. Damaged by moisure, many leaves glued together. See Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 440.

E. c. 150 ff. Fragment(s) of a commentary on Shafi`ite Fiqh. The Matn is an Urguza. Damaged by moisture,

some leaves glued together. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 446.

F. c. 8 ff. A damaged fragment of an Urguza on `Ilm al-Fara’id with prose gloss (Qawluhu – Aqulu). The

Urguza in red ink, and fully vocalized. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 446.

G. 15 ff. A small fragment of a collection of traditions. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 443.

H. 8 ff. One quire from a commentary on a rhymed `Aqida. Beginning, after the introductory lines: wa-Ba`du

fahfaz hadhi al-Qasida, fa’innaha damanat al-`Aqida. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 452.

I. 6 ff. Prayer, Du`a’. Text in Arabic, some instructions in Malay. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67.

J. 4 ff. Fragment on arithmetical work. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 432.

K. 2 ff. On f. 1a-b (half a leaf) a fragment of a work in Arabic. On ff. 2a-b fragment of a work in Acehnese:

Beukeumeunan. Not in Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), where it should have been

mentioned on pp. 228-230.

L. 12 ff. The beginning only of a commentary (according to the title-page by `Abdallah al-Sharqawi (d.

1227/1812), but the beginning is different from his commentary) on al-Hikam al-`Ata’iyya, by Ibn `Ata’ Allah

al-Iskandari (d. 709/1309), GAL G II, 117. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 114. Text still to be compared with al-

Page 203: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Sharqawi, Taqyidat `ala Hikam Ibn `Ata’ Allah. Cairo 1338/1920 [885 A 6]. On the title-page also a recipe in

Malay, against pain in the belly.

M. Various unidentified fragments. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 470. One fragment has a colophon with date

Saturday, with still 5 days to go in Dhu al-Qa`da in 1230, copied by Yusuf Abu al-`Izz al-Maslami.

The Malay texts not mentioned in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Provenance: From the estate of J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), 1954

(Ar. 3168)

Or. 8523

Arabic, Malay, paper, 35 ff., a manuscript from Aceh.

A ‘primbon’ from Aceh, containing prayers, amulets, divination, partly in Malay. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p.

436. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Provenance: From the estate of J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), 1954

(Ar. 3169)

Or. 8524

Arabic, paper, photostats, 140 ff., original dated 479/1086.

Kitab Surat al-Ard by Abu al-Qasim Ibn Hawqal (367/977), GAL G I, 229, S I, 408. Photostats of MS Istanbul,

Old Seray Library No. 3346 (A 3346), made from the photographic copy in the Berlin Library. Used by J.H.

Kramers for his edition: Abu al-Kasim Ibn Haukal al-Nasibi, Opus geographicum. Secundum textum et

imagines codicis Constatinopolitani conservati in bibliotheca antiqui Palatii no 3346 cui titulus est "Liber

imaginis terrae". Edidit collato textu primae editionis aliisque fontibus adhibitus J.H. Kramers. Leiden 1938, 2

vols. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 347. See also Gerald R. Tibbetts, ‘The Balkhi School of Geographers’, in: J.B.

Harley & David Woodward (edd.), The History of Cartography, vol. 2, book I (Chicago, London 1992), pp. 134-

135, No. 38.

Provenance: From the estate of J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), 1954

(Ar. 3174 – Ar. 3175)

Or. 8525

Arabic, paper, photostats, 53 ff.

Kitab Hay’at Ashkal al-Ard. Photostats of MS Paris, Arabe 2214. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 347-348.

Provenance: From the estate of J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), 1954

(Ar. 3176)

Or. 8526

Persian, paper (damaged), 270 ff., nasta`liq script, not necessarily by one and the same copyist, text in four

columns, in golden frame, illumination (f. 201b) dated 11 Rabi` I 900 (colophon in different hand on f. 268b),

full-leather Islamic binding, with lacquered covers (inside and outside), rebacked.

Incomplete and lacunous copy of the Khamsa of Nizami Gangawi (d. 579 AH). It is an apparently stripped

manuscript. The lacunae are possibly caused by the tampering of antiquarians with the manuscript, who

may have removed the miniatures and illuminated pages in order to sell these separately. If one looks at f.

46b, it is clear that the wide lay-out of the text was applied in order to save space for a full-page illustration

on the following leaf (which is not there).

ff. 1b-25b. Makhzan al-Asrar. Beginning missing.

ff. 26a-93a. Khusraw u Shirin. Beginning missing.

ff. 94a-143a. Layla u Magnun. Beginning missing

ff. 145a-200a. Haft Paykar. Beginning missing.

ff. 201b-268b. Sharafnama, the first volume of the Iskandarnama (title on f. 268b). Illuminated `unwan (f.

201b). The Iqbalnama, the second volume of the Iskandarnama, is not available in this volume.

- ff. 269a-270b: scribbling, notes, etc.

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Added: A leaf with notes by J.H. Kramers.

Also added: Postcard from the antiquarian Erik von Scherling (1907-1956) to J.H. Kramers, dated Leiden, 12

August 1932, concerning the possible purchase of the manuscript by Kramers.

Earlier provenance: Purchased by J.H. Kramers in the course of 1932 from Mr. Erik von Scherling,

antiquarian, then established in Leiden.

Provenance: From the estate of J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), 1954

[* Ar. 3170]

Or. 8527

Persian, paper, 190 ff., nasta`liq script, text set in red frame, full-leather Islamic binding, blind tooled

ornamentation (borders).

Diwan of Hafiz. Shirazi (d. 792 AH).

Provenance: From the estate of J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), 1954

[* Ar. 3173]

Or. 8528

Arabic and Turkish, paper, 703 ff., leather binding, incomplete.

Multaqa al-Abhur by Ibrahim b. Muhammad al-Halabi (d. 956/1549), GAL G II, 432, with Turkish

commentary by Muhammad Mawqufati (d. 1065/1654). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 232. See Jan Schmidt,

Catalogue, vol. 2 (2002), pp. 391-394.

Provenance: From the estate of J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), 1954

(Ar. 3167)

Or. 8529

Turkish, European paper watermark with letters IMC), 1 + 89 ff., rebound in a leather binding.

Waridat-i Manthura wa-Diwan-i Manzuma, incomplete copy of a work on mysticism in prose and poetry by

Sayyid Mustafa Hashim al-Uskudari al-Galwati (fl. mid- to late-18th century). Preceded by the author’s


J. Schmidt, Catalogue of Turkish Manuscripts, vol. 2 (2002), pp. 394-395.

Provenance: From the estate of J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), 1954

(Ar. 3171)

Or. 8530

Turkish, paper, [1] + 126 + 4 + [1] ff., calligraphic Naskh script, 17 lines to the page, dated Gumada I 1282

(1865), dated Gumada I 1282 (1865), copied by al-Sayyid Muhammad Rida (colophon on f. 126a), leather


A treatise on mysticism, without mention of author and title. Schmidt mentions, on the basis of information

in the Berlin manuscript, that the author is Anwari Nur al-Din (Enveri Nuruddin), who completed the text

in 936/1529.

J. Schmidt, Catalogue of Turkish Manuscripts, vol. 2 (2002), pp. 395-396.

Provenance: From the estate of J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), 1954

(Ar. 3172)

Or. 8531

Turkish, paper, [1] + 32 + [1] ff., Nasta`liq script, dated 1248 (1832-1833), copied by Hafiz Ahmad Nazif, known

as Qalansuwa al-Kabirzada al-Brusawi (colophon on f. 32a), full-leather binding.

Miftah Mushkilat al-Alamayn wa-Adab Tariq al-Wasilin, a treatise on mysticism by the Qadiriyya Shaykh

Salim Baba Diwani-i Uskudari (d. 1170/1756-1757).

J. Schmidt, Catalogue of Turkish Manuscripts, vol. 2 (2002), pp. 396-398.

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Provenance: From the estate of J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), 1954

(Ar. 3163)

Or. 8532

Turkish, Greek, Persian, Turkish, portfolio with papers.

A. Document in Turkish, dated 20 R 1238. One sheet, folded. A balance sheet of at least three salt works in

Walachia, one of which was situated in a place called Qarayuva. Text on one side only. On the verso a note

in Rumanian: Propietate.. D.. Edi Urban of Ploeşti. Romani.. (?). See J. Schmidt, Catalogue of Turkish

Manuscripts, vol. 2 (2002), pp. 398-400.

B. Letter in Greek. One sheet, folded once. Dated 3.?.1818. Also a note in Rumanian: Propietate.. D.. Edi

Urban, Ploesti, Romania (?). (No. 105).

C. Letter in Greek. One sheet. Dated 18 January 1823. Also a note in Rumanian: Propietate.. D.. Edi Urban,

Ploesti, Romania (?). (No. 104).

D. Letter in Greek. One sheet, folded once. Dated 22 January 1824. With signature and red wax seal. Also a

note in Rumanian: Propietate.. D.. Edi Urban, Ploesti, Romania (?). (No. 102).

E. Sheaf with photographs of two Persian documents, with the beginning of a transliteration of either

document by J.H. Kramers. Indications about the originals are lacking.

Provenance: From the estate of J.H. Kramers (1891-1951).

[* Ar. 3121 and in a mixed portfolio on plano shelf 4 D]

Or. 8533

Balinese, palm leaf.

Fragment of the Bratayuda.

Provenance: From the estate of J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), 1954

(Lont. 772)

Or. 8534

Javanese, tree bark paper (dluang), 29 ff., Javanese script, damaged, incomplete.

Treatise in verse on mysticism (beginning is missing), theology, Muhammad’s shaving (Nabi Aparas).

Central Javanese script and idiom, probably early-19th century. A Dutch epitome by Soegiarto is added. See

also 10.867-D, below.

Pigeaud II, p. 479.

Provenance: From the estate of J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), 1954

(Mal. 3150)

Or. 8535

Simalungun Batak, pustaha, treebark, 62 ff., 8.5 x 6.5 cm, 2 wooden covers.

The first letter of the alphabet is often used for h.

a 2-25 Poda ni (h)ata-(h)ata ni sipinang rambe that is the divination of the character of a guest from the

direction from where he arrives. Written by Guru Bangsa Hadja (h)an tano Dolok Paribuwan.

a 25-32 Poda ni ari rodjang na pitu.

a 33-61 and b 2-28 Poda ni pormanukan, that is manuk gantung.

b 29-58 Poda ni Adji Pajung, also with a chicken, but not with a pig.

See Or. 12.322, ff. 606-610.

Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), p. 249.

Provenance: From the estate of J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), 1954

(Bat. 191)

Or. 8536

Batak pustaha, treebark, 48 ff., 12.3 x 6.3 cm, two wooden covers.

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a 2-48 en b 2-4 About shooting (tembak), bullets, the preparing of gun powder, by a datu of the marga

Silalahi te Sigumpar, as taught to Guru Bawaa ni adji and written down for him by Guru Sihatu ni adji.

¶ On a 18 and following the tembak hulanda whereby the butt of the rifle is held under the collar bone

(haliadang) of the shooter, therefore the ‘Dutch’ way of shooting. Luigi Santa Maria, I prestiti portoghesi nel

malese-indonesiano, Napoli 1967, p.27, derives the Malay belanda (Sundanese and Javanese walanda) from

the Portuguese Holanda, whereby the initial sound of the Portuguese word is represented by |w|. If the word

had originated from Dutch, so he says, one would have expected an h at the beginning. The Batak word only

seems to have the Dutch h. Acehnese has directly derived the older form ulanda and the more modern

blanda from Malay. For Toba Batak Van der Tuuk also gives ulanda, and Mandailing has ulando, that comes

from Minangkabau as the -o at the end shows. The Toba Batak h usually originates from k, but that cannot

be the case here, of course. According to Voorhoeve we have here an anorganic or hypereorrect h, the same

as in Toba Batak hupas = Dutch oppasser (Simalungun upas). Apart from ulanda and hulanda, the form

hulonda also exists. See also the remarks made under Or. 3446, above.

b 5-47 Pormanuhon Adji Nangka Piring.

See also Or. 12.322, ff. 611-614.

Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), pp. 249-250.

Provenance: From the estate of J.H. Kramers (1891-1951), 1954

(Bat. 192)

Or. 8537

Malay, paper, 2 ff.

Two leaves from a Malay Tarasul work. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 555 (No. 1146).

Earlier provenance: The Banten collection, received from C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1906.

Provenance: Found in Or. 5714, above, which was owned by a Banten Shaykh, and separately registered in

the course of 1954.

(Mal. 3091)

Or. 8538 – Or. 8653

Collection of Indonesian manuscripts, bequeathed by D.A Rinkes (1878-1954) to the Kern Institute of Leiden

University, and transferred in the course of 1954 from the Kern Institute to Leiden University Library. The

sequel of the Rinkes collection is registered as Or. 8971-Or. 8993.

Or. 8538

Minangkabau, paper, 198 ff., Arabic script.

Kaba Cindue Mato. The longer version; ending with Sutan Sari Dunia's coming home from Aceh. See

Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 556 (No. 1147).

Or. 8539, below, is a copy.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3100)

Or. 8539

Minangkabau, paper, 234 ff., Arabic script.

Kaba Cindue Mato. The longer version; ending with Sutan Sari Dunia's coming home from Aceh. See

Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 556 (No. 1148). Copy of Or. 8538, above. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 556

(No. 1148).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3101)

Or. 8540

Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, European paper, 77 ff., c. 1910 (No. 3)

Page 207: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

(1) ff. 1v-9r. Bahr al-Lahut by `Abdallah al-`Arifin (or al-`Arif), fil-Gha’ib (or: al-Ghayb) wal-Shahada. See also

MS London, India Office, Loth 1047, II. With interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p.


(2) ff. 9v-14r. (3) pp. 22-29. Bayan al-Alif. Anonymous mystical treatise. See H. Kraemer, Een Javaansche

primbon, p. 79, note 2, where reference is probably made to a Javanese translation of this text. All

manuscripts of this text come from Indonesia.

The Arabic text with interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 43.

(3) ff. 14v-19v. (Bab fi) Ma`rifat al-Islam wa-Bayan al-Turuq (or al-Tariq, or al-Tariqa). Anonymous, the same

as Batavia, Suppl. Cat. No. 253, tract in the form of questions and answers. The turuq are: Shari`a, Tariqa and

Haqiqa. With interlinear Javanese translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 195.

(4) ff. 20r-31r. Kitab Magnun Allah. Anonymous treatise on Fana’, Salat Da’im and mystical frenzy. Another

copy is in London, IOL, Loth 1047 (III). The present manuscript has an interlinear translation in Javanese.

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 178.

(5) ff. 31v-36v. Nur al-Sufi. Anonymous, with interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p.


(6) ff. 37r-39r. Al-Ma`lumat, short anonymous mystical treatise. Here with the title: Tasawwuf Ahl al-Haqq.

With interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 181.

(7) ff. 39v-41r. Nubdha fi Da`wa al-Zill ma`a Sahibihi, by Nur al-Din b. `Ali Hamid al-Raniri (11/17th cent.). See

BKI 111, pp. 155 ff. The author is not mentioned. The title is Sahib al-Zill. With interlinear translation in

Javanese. The treatise is cited in al-Maslak al-Gali. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 254.

(8) ff. 41v-46r. Inzal al-Ruh. A short treatise about the origin of Ruh by an author who in some copies is

called `Abd al-Da`if, but in other copies more correctly `Abduhu al-Da`if or `Abd Allah al-Da`if. MS London,

IOL, No. 2446, ff. 201v-205r, contains a Javanese translation of the text. With interlinear translation in

Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 131.

(9) ff. 46v-63v. Nur al-Daqa’iq, a Sufi treatise by Shams al-Din al-Samatra’i (d. 1039/1630), see C.A.O. van

Nieuwenhuijze, Samsu’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 25

and the edition by A. Johns, in JRAS 1953, pp. 147 and ff. Copy with interlinear translation in Javanese. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 256-257.

(10) ff. 64r-67r. Bab Bayan al-Mir’at. Anonymous mystical tract. A copy with interlinear Javanese translation.

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 46-47.

(11) ff. 67v-73r. Bayan al-Sirr. Anonymous mystical tract, beginning: I`lam kullaka shirk khafi, with interlinear

Javanese translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 48.

(12) ff. 73v-77r. Kitab Bayan Allah. Anonymous tract on Salat. Copy with interlinear translation in Javanese.

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 43.

Not in Pigeaud II.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Ar. 3177)

Or. 8541

Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, paper, ff., c. 1910 (Nos. 3, 8), 1912 (No. 1)

(1) ff. 3v-15r. Bahr al-Lahut by `Abdallah al-`Arifin (or al-`Arif), fil-Gha’ib (or: al-Ghayb) wal-Shahada. See also

MS London, India Office, Loth 1047, II. Dated 1912. Copy with interlinear translaion in Javanese. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 37.

(2) ff. 15v-23v. (3) pp. 22-29. Bayan al-Alif. Anonymous mystical treatise. See H. Kraemer, Een Javaansche

primbon, p. 79, note 2, where reference is probably made to a Javanese translation of this text. All

manuscripts of this text come from Indonesia. The Arabic text with interlinear translation in Javanese. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 43.

(3) ff. 24r-32r. (Bab fi) Ma`rifat al-Islam wa-Bayan al-Turuq (or al-Tariq, or al-Tariqa). Anonymous, the same

as Batavia, Suppl. Cat. No. 253, tract in the form of questions and answers. The turuq are: Shari`a, Tariqa and

Haqiqa. With interlinear Javanese translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 195.

Page 208: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

(4) ff. 32v-50v. Kitab Magnun Allah. Anonymous treatise on Fana’, Salat Da’im and mystical frenzy. Another

copy is in London, IOL, Loth 1047 (III). With Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 178-179.

(5) ff. 51r-59r. Nur al-Sufi. Anonymous, with interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p.


(6) ff. 59v-63v. Al-Ma`lumat, short anonymous mystical treatise. Here with the title: Tasawwuf Ahl al-Haqq.

With interlinear translation in Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 181.

(7) ff. 64r-67v. Nubdha fi Da`wa al-Zill ma`a Sahibihi, by Nur al-Din b. `Ali Hamid al-Raniri (11/17th cent.). See

BKI 111, pp. 155 ff. The author is not mentioned. The title is Sahib al-Zill. With interlinear translation in

Javanese. The treatise is cited in al-Maslak al-Gali. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 254.

(8) ff. 68r-76r. Inzal al-Ruh. A short treatise about the origin of Ruh by an author who in some copies is

called `Abd al-Da`if, but in other copies more correctly `Abduhu al-Da`if or `Abd Allah al-Da`if. MS London,

IOL, No. 2446, ff. 201v-205r, contains a Javanese translation of the text. With interlinear translation in

Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 131.

(9) ff. 76v-107v. Nur al-Daqa’iq, a Sufi treatise by Shams al-Din al-Samatra’i (d. 1039/1630), see C.A.O. van

Nieuwenhuijze, Samsu’l-Din van Pasai. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sumatraansche mystiek. Leiden 1945, p. 25

and the edition by A. Johns, in JRAS 1953, pp. 147 and ff. Copy with interlinear translation in Javanese. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 256-257.

(10) ff. 108r-114v. Bab Bayan al-Mir’at. Anonymous mystical tract. A copy with interlinear Javanese

translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 46-47.

(11) ff. 115r-126r. Bayan al-Sirr. Anonymous mystical tract, beginning: I`lam kullaka shirk khafi, with

interlinear Javanese translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 48.

(12) ff. 126v-139r. Fath al-Rahman. Anonymous treatise with interlinear translation in Javanese. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 80.

(13) ff. 139v-145r. Insan Kamil. Anonymous, with interlinear Javanese translation. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p.


(14) ff. 146v-154v. Kitab Bayan Allah. Anonymous tract on Salat. Copy with interlinear translation in

Javanese. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 43.

Not in Pigeaud II.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Ar. 3178)

Or. 8542

Arabic, paper, 16 ff., c. 1910 (?).

Risala tubayyinu Martabat al-Tagalli, and other notes on mysticism. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 313.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Ar. 3179)

Or. 8543

Arabic, 1 f.

Letter by `Abd al-Ghaffar (C. Snouck Hurgronje, 1857-1936), dated November 8, 1913, to Sayyid `Uthman b.

`Abdallah b. Yahya (Sajjid Oethman, 1822-1914) to thank him for his pamphlet about the Sarikat Islam. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 420.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Ar. 3180)

Or. 8544

Malay, paper, 112 ff., owner’s note dated 1822 in Kampung Hembrat.

Akhbar al-akhirah fi Ahwal al-Qiyamah. In the manuscript the title ‘Aga’ib al-Akhirah is given.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 556-557 (No. 1149), where a detailed table of contents is given.

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Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3373)

Or. 8545

Malay, paper, 117 ff., Arabic script, dated 17 Ragab 1283 (1866).

Tuhfat al-Nafis. This manuscript contains the second volume of the Tuhfat an-Nafis beginning with p. 151 of

Winstedt’s edition; Winstedt 1932b, pp. 1-299; cf. Matheson 1971, and Matheson & Andaya 1982; enclosed is a

letter of safe-conduct from the raja of Pagarruyung containing the pedigree of Teungkoe di Lam Paseh

(copy made by Muhammad Nurdin) now Or. 8942, below. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 557 (No. 1150).

Earlier provenance: On ff. 12v, 16v seal prints of Baginda Marah, Adjunct Djaksa Olehleh (Aceh).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 2988)

Or. 8546

Malay, Arabic, portfolio with 9 items, paper.

Versions of the Wasiat Nabi (Wasiyyat al-Nabi).

A. Malay. 4 ff., Arabic script. Wasiat Nabi. On the cover a piece of paper with a note by Coenen (?), assistant-

resident of Tanah Datar, that, as admitted by Datoe Patiah nan Kajo, this wasiat was dispatched to Toeanku

Taloek at Kota-Tangah, laras Batoe Ampa, Pajakoemboeh, and so originally came from Hadji Yahajah; on

the cover itself is a note that this MS was enclosed in a letter from the assistant-resident of 22 January 1904,

No. 5.

B. Arabic and Malay. 2 ff., Arabic script. Wasiat Nabi. On a piece of paper is a note by Assistant-Resident

Coenen, dated 28 January 1904, that this wasiat came from Mohammad Yasin Hadji Ibraïl, soekoe Kampong

Tangah, negri Pagarroejoeng, who had received it from the imam of Lantei Batoe; so originally it came from

Hadji Yahajah.

The text, ff. 1 v-2v, is in Arabic (red ink) with Malay translation (black); According to this manuscript the

date of the dream was Rabi'ul-awal 1321 (1903); at the bottom is a postscript that this writing was also sent to

Sayid Habib Usman in Batavia.

C. Arabic. 1 f. Arabic script, dated 1321/1903-1904. Wasiat Nabi. A note by Coenen on a piece of paper says

that this wasiat was given by the Pakih Sihat of Koeboe, radjō laras Lima Kaoem, who received it from the

imam of Lantei Batoe; so originally it came from Hadji Yahajah; the text is only on f. 1r.

D. Arabic, 2 ff., Arabic script in the hand of Hadji Yahajah. Wasiat Nabi. A note by Coenen on a piece of

paper, dated 25 February 1904, says that it was given by Hadji Yahajah to Toeankoe Chatib in Sikaladi,

Padang Pandjang, laras Priangan. The text is on ff. 1v-2r; on f. 1r the address and the sender.

E. Arabic, 1 f., Arabic script, dated 1321 (1903-1904). Wasiat Nabi. On a piece of paper is a note by Coenen

saying that the penghoeloe kepala of Pasir Lawas, Soengei Tarab, received this wasiat from the imam of

Lantei Batoe; Datoe Hadji galar Datoe Radja panghoeloe, imam masdjid Pasir Lawas read it out in several

houses, to an audience including women, with the result that many who were not used to perform their

salat now diligently fulfilled their religious duties and visited the mosque. The text is only on f. 1r.

F. Arabic, 2 ff., Arabic script. Wasiat Nabi. According to a note by Coenen this wasiat came from Sikari at

Soengei Patei, Soengei Tarab, caretaker of the mosque at that place. He copied it from the imam of Laboeh -

Lima Kaoem, and so originally it came from Hadji Yahajah. The text is on ff. 1v-2r.

G. Arabic, 1 f., Arabic script. Wasiat Nabi. According to a note by Coenen, dated 5 February 1904, this wasiat

was received from Hadji Yahajah.

H. Malay, lithograph. Al-Nasiha al-Mardiyya fi al-Radd ‘ala al-Wasiyat al-Manamiyya (Ini sebuah nasihat

yang tersukak di dalam menolak ceritah wasiat yang dapat dari mimpi). A lithographed edition of ‘Uthman

bin ‘Abd Allah bin ‘Aqil bin Yahya al-‘Alawi al-Husaini’s repudiation of the widely circulated Wasiat Nabi,

dated Batavia, Jumadil-awal 1309 (1891).

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 557-558 (No. 1151). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 400, where there is no

reference to this manuscript.

Page 210: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3102)

Or. 8547

Arabic, Malay, Javanese, paper, 10 ff., Arabic script.

Pigeaud II, p. 480, describes the content as: ‘Notes on theology and mysticism, mainly Arabic. Muslim creed

with Javanese interlinear glosses. From Surakarta. Coll. Rinkes. 1954.’

Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 559 (No. 1152) has a more extensive description:

Mystical treatise

- f. 1r. Rukun hakikat.

- ff. 1v-4r. Do’a; Arabic Du’a’, with Malay explanation.

- ff. 4v-5r. al-Fatiha, with names of parts of the body.

- ff. 5v-6r. Sifat duapuluh, its mystical meaning.

- f.6v. La ilaha ilia ‘llah. It’s mystical meaning.

- f. 7r. Wahdat al-wugud.

- ff. 7v-10r. Javanese. Syahadat and its mystical meaning, etc.

- f. 10v. Jottings, mystical conceptions, etc.

Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3103)

Or. 8548

Javanese, Malay, Sundanese, paper, 116 ff.


- Pigeaud II, p. 480: ‘Notes on theology and mysticism, mainly Malay, from Maja Lengka, 1906. Or. 8548

and Or. 8549 have nearly the same contents. See also Or. 8572, below.’

- Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 559- (No. 1153) describes the entire volume in detail:

Cash book, 116 ff., Arabic script, dated 29 Ramadan 1906, copied by Kiyai Wirapatih at Majalengka.

ff. 1v-4r: Inilah bab fasal pada menyatakan jalan yang sempurna; divinely revealed wisdom brought to

Java by Seh Molana Magrib; brought to Cirebon by Prabu Socamata (Prabu Satmata or Sunan Giri?),

from there to Sunan Wahdat at Bonang, to Sunan Kalijaga, etc. This wisdom is

called Tariq Akmaliyah.

f. 4r-v: Nasihat Nabi; the beginning.

ff. 4v-8v: Haji Muhammad Fakih named Panembahan Nur Saleh Dayeuh Luhur, with the 5 Tariq, one of

which is the Akmaliyah.

ff. 8v-11v: Bab fasal menyatakan Tariq Akmaliyah.

ff. 11v-13r: Bab jasal pada menyatakan syahadat.

ff. 13r-15r: Bab Jasal pada menyatakan syahadat asli.

ff. 15r-v: Javanese; explanation of the basmala.

f. 15v: Diagrams, with Allah and Muhammad.

f. 16r: Syahadah. Mystical explanation of the syahadah.

ff. 16v-19r: Awwal ad-din ma’rifat Allah. A short sifat duapuluh.

ff. 19r-21v: Bismillah; about the letters of the basmala; at the end the attributes of God.

ff. 21 v-26v: Pintu hadith. About man ‘arafa nafsahu faqad ‘arafa rabbahu.

ff. 26v-28v: Dzikir la ilaha illa ‘llah. Syaikh $alih bin Ahmad of Medinah is mentioned.

ff. 28v-30r: Diagrams; with Allah and Muhammad.

ff. 30v-40r: Huruf yang tigapuluh; martabat tujuh and sembahyang mentioned.

ff. 40-41r: Huruf duapuluh.

ff. 41r-42v: Lafaz la ilaha illa ’llah.

ff. 42v-43v: Insan al-kamil. About insan al-kamil and Islam (empat perkara).

Page 211: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

ff. 43v-50v. Married people. A treatise for married people, about the nurbuwat, etc.

ff. 50v-52v: Wong mati. About wong mati and sedekah.

ff. 52v-55r: Rukun Islam.

ff. 55r-56v: Hukum yang empat perkara; ‘adat, wajib, mustahil, harus.

ff. 56v-59r: Hukum yang empat perkara di dalam badan kita.

ff. 59r-62r: Malaikat.

ff. 62r-66r: Bab pada menyatakan jauhar.

ff. 66r-69r: Pada menyatakan ruh dan hati, surga dan naraka.

ff. 69r-73r: Syari’at, hakikat dan ma’rifat nabi yang enam.

ff. 73-74r: Martabat Nabi, wali dan mu’min.

ff. 74r-v: Air sembahyang. Before taking up the reading of this book first ambil air sembahyang, karena

kitab ini akan nukil daripada hatinya Qur'an kitab Insan Kamil namanya karangan daripada Seh Saleh

yang anak Ahmad negeri Madinah jurukunci nabi kita Muhammad rasulu'llah s.a.w. Hijrat nabi 1220


ff. 74v-76r: Sifat duapuluh.

ff. 76r-80v: Pratelane kodrat kita ini sabelonnya turun dengan bapak dan ibu kita.

ff. 80v-87r: Naktu gha’ib yang ketujuh (Javanese).

ff. 87v-89r: Jalan yang sempurna.

ff. 89r-106v: Kitab daripada Pangeran Giri, martabat tujuh, Bab kang ingaranan urip, Masaalah

pelayaran, about the four nyawa, Kadimnya Allah 4 perkara, ngelmu (for the greater part in Javanese).

ff. 107r-116: Diagrams, notes and jottings.

- Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 209: Ilmu Agama dan


Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3104)

Or. 8549

Javanese, Malay, Sundanese, paper, 87 ff., Arabic script, written by Kiyai Wirapatih at Majalengka; in the

notes on f. 1r the dates 1903 and 1904.


Pigeaud II, p. 480: Notes on theology and mysticism, mainly Malay, from Maja Lengka, 1906. MS Leiden

Or. 8548 and MS Leiden Or. 8549 have nearly the same contents. See also MS Leiden Or. 8572, below.

Islandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 561 (No. 1154): the same contents as Or. 8548, possibly the original. Loosely

inserted in the manuscript are 2 ff. with words of the Fatihah identified with parts of the body.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 209: Ilmu Agama dan


Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3105)

Or. 8550

Malay, Arabic, paper, 20 ff., Arabic script, dated by Rinkes Buitenzorg, 1905.

Hikayat Syaikh Abdul-Kadir. Contains 28 stories and a Du’a’ Syaikh ‘Abd al-Qadir in Arabic (not in

Voorhoeve, Handlist). At the beginning it is mentioned that this is a translation from the Javanese and that

its source was Khulāṣat al-Mafākhir by al-Yāfiʿi (d. 768/1367), GAL G II, 177. Unfinished. See Drewes &

Poerbatjaraka 1938, pp. 31-39. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 561-562 (No. 1155).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 2990)

Or. 8551

Malay, paper.

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A collection of 6 letters.

A. Letter from four Minangkabau Datuk to the government officer at Kota Alam, dated 1295/1878.

B. Letter from Yang Dipertuan Sakti of Rokan to a district officer about the settlement of the frontier, dated


C. Letter from the same to Datuk Sati, the same date.

D. Letter from the same to Engku Laras, the same date.

E. Letter from the same to Datuk Bendahara, the same date.

F. Minutes of legal proceedings of 26 June 1878 at Payakumbuh.

Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 562 (No. 1156).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 2991)

Or. 8552 a, b, c

Javanese, paper, 588, 1382 pp., Javanese script, 3 volumes.

History of Yogyakarta (Babad Ngayogya) in verse, marked: III, IV and V, mentioning in the beginning of

vol. III as authors: pangeran Surya Nagara and the grand-vizier Danureja V of Yogyakarta, and the year

(of the beginning of the tale) 1784 A.D. The manuscript covers the period of the Java (Dipa Nagara) war.

It contains also passages in prose. The descriptions of Court scenes are detailed. The script and the

idiom are Yogyanese. Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 480.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 2992, Mal. 2993, Mal. 2994)

Or. 8553

Javanese, paper, 275 double pp., Javanese script.

History of Dipa Nagara in verse, Yogyakarta, allegedly founded on information provided by Ali Basah, one of

Dipa Nagara’s captains, dated 1883 A.D. A list of the initial lines of the cantos is added. Notes by J. Soegiarto

in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 480.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 2995)

Or. 8554

Javanese, paper, 335 pp., Javanese script.

Manik Maya, cosmogony in verse, beginning with Anwar and Anwas, mythology, dewi Sri tale. North Coast

idiom and script. Dated 1890 A.D. Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 480.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 2996)

Or. 8555

Javanese, paper, 254 double pages, Javanese script.

Menak Amir Hamza tale in verse, Parang Akik, Kanjun episode, incomplete. Originally belonging to Mr.

Dieduksman of Yogyakarta. Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 480.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 2997)

Or. 8556

Javanese, paper, 349 double pages, Javanese script.

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History of Surakarta and Yogyakarta (Babad Giyanti, Palihan Nagara, Mangkubumen) in verse, written by

different hands, dated 1822 A.D. Prohably origin: Yogyakarta. Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-


Pigeaud II, p. 480.

Provenance: Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 2998)

Or. 8557

Javanese, paper, 94 double pages, Javanese script, illustrations.

Parta Krama, Janaka (Arjuna)’s nuptials with Sembaclra, wayang purwa play in verse, with 5 full-page

coloured illustrations in wayang style and space left open for more illustrations. From Surakarta. Notes by J.

Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, pp. 480-481.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 2999)

Or. 8558

Javanese, paper, 247 pp., Javanese script.

Pustaka Raja (by Rangga Warsita) versified by lurah Mangku Winata, beginning with the Wirata king

Basurata and his queen Rukmawati. Yogyakarta script and idiom. Dated 1895 A.D. Originally belonging to

Mr. Dieduksman of Yogyakarta. Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 481.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3000)

Or. 8559

Javanese, paper, 323 pp., Javanese script.

History of Sultan Agung of Mataram, legendary (Babad Nitik Sultan Aguryan) in verse, beginning with Juru

Taman, Laweyan Putih, down to Mur Jangkung of Batavia. Copy of a Yogyakarta manuscript dated 1899 A.D.

Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 481.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3001)

Or. 8560

Javanese, paper, 16 pp., Javanese script.

History of Java, chronological list (Babad Momana [Javanese emendation: Molana], Sangkala) in prose,

beginning with Abu Sakya (Aji Saka) coming from India down to 1662 A.D. (Mataram history). Copy

of a Yogyakarta manuscript made in 1913 for Rinkes. See also MS Leiden Or. 8989, below and MS KITLV Or.


Pigeaud II, p. 481.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3002)

Or. 8561

Javanese, paper, 193 pp., Latin script.

Budayana, Pustaka Raja (by Rangga Warsita) tale versified by Jaya Atmaja, by order of pangeran

Suryaningrat of Yogyakarta, dated 1903 A.D., referring to Narayana of Kadiri fighting pests damaging

agriculture. A detailed Javanese summary is added. Copy of a manuscript from Banyumas, copied in 1911 for

D. Rinkes by Poerwasoewignja, Batavia. Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

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Pigeaud II, p. 481.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3003)

Or. 8562

Javanese, Sundanese, paper, 275 pp., Latin script.

Notes, texts. and tales, copies made by Poerwasoewignja, 1911 (by order of Rinkes) of manuscripts.of the

Leiden collection. In many cases short Javanese epitomes are added.

(1) Kasanah, moralistic tale from Nawawi in verse (MS Leiden Or. 2317).

(2) Suluk Runtik, tale of Muhammad Bandarudin (bagus Lacut) marrying and instructing Sari Rasa, and

suluk Luntang (MS Leiden Or. 2319 [1]).

(3) Wangsalans (enigmas) with solutions, 317, by C. F. Winter sr (MS Leiden Or. 2319 [4]).

(4) Chronological list of Javanese Kings and their viziers, etc. and of Dutch governors (MS Leiden Or. 2310

[2]), history.

(5) Sajarah Empu in verse, history of smith Sura, Blambangan (MS Leiden Or. 2310 [1]).

(6) Baru Klinting, legendary history of lake Grati, Pasuruhan, in verse (MS Leiden Or. 2042).

(7) Local legendary history in prose: Jejawi and Kebo Siwayuwa, Penanggungan and mas Panegar, ki gede

Belahan, grandfather of Damar Wulan; Sanggariti and smith Supa; Gribig and Sengguruh, converted to

Islam; Malang and Pasuruhan, Sukun; Singasari attacked by Bali, Panji tale; Supit Urang, place of rangga

Pramana, who came from Sengguruh, son of the last Majapahit vizier; Jejago statues of Dewa Batara Sugih

Angeluwih (MS Leiden Or. 2244 B).

(8). Christian moralistic tales in prose (Sugih, the rich man, poor Yusup) (MS Leiden Or. 2244 A [1]).

(9). Raden Supama, from Gumul, who became Regent of Pakalongan, tale in verse from the Major History of

Java (MS Leiden Or. 1786, vol. 13).

(10). Pandu Dewanata, wayang purwa tale in prose (MS Leiden Or. 2244 A [7d]).

(11). History of Pasuruhan, prose (MS Leiden Or. 2244 A [7c]).

(12). Sundanese. History of Cerbon, prose, dated 1829 A.D. (MS Leiden Or. 2244 A [7b]). See Edi S. Ekadjati,

Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 286 (No. 337).

(13). Legendary tale of the Grati lake, Pasuruhan, prose (MS Leiden Or. 2244 A [7c]).

(14). Legendary history of Tengger, Dadap Putih, prose (MS Leiden Or. 2244 A [7 e]).

Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D. Pigeaud II, pp. 481-482.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3004)

Or. 8563

Javanese, paper, 445 pp., Latin script.

Historical texts copied for Rinkes, 1911, mostly with Javanese epitomes:

(1). Babad Alit, legendary history of Panaraga, Batara Katong, ki gede Kutu; Pacitan; Madiun; Jenggala Manik,

Kadiri, Siman and Besawa (were-tigers); Lodaya; Pajajaran; rawa Campur Tulung Agung; mount Liman,

Berbeg, in prose (for children);

(2). Tale of pangeran Banu Urip in prose by Mangku Sudarma of Lowano Wetan, 1910;

(3). History of Bagelen in verse, Kebumen 1910: dipati Anden, Singgela, Bocor, with intercalated

mythological tale, raden Jambu and Mangir, Juru Taman of Mataram;

(4). Tale of sunan Bonang, and buta Locaya, Yogya 1910 (see history of Kadiri, Palmer v.d. Broek) in prose;

(5). Buta Locaya tale in verse, dated 1903, Kalam Wadi and Darma Gandul;

(6). Death of seh Siti Jenar (Lemah Abang), kyahi Pengging, wali history;

(7). Wirid by Rangga Warsita in prose, on mysticism;

(8). Idayat Jati by Rangga Warsita in prose, on mysticism, copied by Suradipura, 1907.

Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 482.

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Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3005)

Or. 8564

Javanese, Sundanese, paper, 381 pp., Latin script.

Compilation of religious and moralistic texts, copied for Rinkes, 1911, mostly with Javanese epitomes:

(1) Asmara Dwipedah in prose, erotics;

(2) Pepali Sultan Agung in prose, popular moralistic lessons with list of 85 good and bad qualities;

(3) Tapa Brata in prose, ascetic practices;

(4) Purwakanti by Mangun Wijaya, in prose: expressions referring to morals and behaviour, with rhyming

words, alphabetically ordered;

(5) Suluk Saloka, in verse, on theology and mysticism;

(6) Candra ning curiga, in prose, about magic crisses;

(7) Wara Yoga by pangeran Suryaningrat, Yogyakarta, in verse: tale about a descendant of pangeran Rama

Kajoran, Ngabdu'r-Rahman of Sumyang, who was metamorphosed into a talking starling (jalak): Yogyakarta

Court stories;

(8) Laksita Tama and suluk Bayan Allah, by panji Nata Rata of Yogyakarta, in verse;

(9) Darma Sona in prose, on cosmogony; from Yogyakarta;

(10) Sewana Tuhu, by Karta Siswaya of Temanggung, Kedu, on superstition, in prose;

(11) Sundanese treatise in prose on theology and mysticism;

(12) Treatise on dancing and on wedding ceremonies in prose by Puspa Kusuma of Kuta Arja, Kebumen;

(13) Sana Sunu, moralistic poem, dated 1819 A.D.

Notes by J. Soegiarto in Or. 10.867-D.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 183 (No. 8), 212 (No.

95). Ekadjati’s descriptions seem to concern MS Leiden Or. 8564 (9) and MS Leiden Or. 8564 (11),


Pigeaud II, pp. 482-483.

Earlier provenance: H. Abdul Patah, Kaum, Sumedang, 1912.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3006)

Or. 8565

Javanese, paper, 16 + 100 double pages, Arabisch script.

Ahmad Ripangi, fiqh treatises in popular rhyming verse:

(1) Nazm Atlab on talabu 'lʿilm, on theological studies" and

(2) Tashrihatu 'l-Muhtag, on business transactions, buying etc.

See Jaarboek KBG 1933, p. 241, and MS Leiden Or. 8567 and MS Leiden Or. 8569, below.

Pigeaud II, p. 483.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3106)

Or. 8566

Javanese, paper, 121 + 239 pp., Arabic script.

Ahmad Ripangi, fiqh treatises:

(1) Nazm Tadhkiyah, on legal slaughter, and

(2) Riʿayatu '1-himmah, on shariʿa: usul, fiqh, tasawwuf.

Conclusion: a short treatise in rhyme on sins, and prayers.

See Jaarboek KBG 1933, p. 240 and MS Leiden Or. 6944 (up to p. 239). A short Javanese epitome is added.

Pigeaud II, p. 483.

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Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3107)

Or. 8567

Javanese, paper, 99 double pp., Arabic script.

Ahmad Ripangi, Tashrihatu 'l-Muhtag, fiqh treatise on business transactions, buying etc. in popular rhyme;

see also MS Leiden Or. 8565, above.

Pigeaud II, p. 483.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3108)

Or. 8568

Javanese, paper, 323 pp., Arabic script.

Sharhu 'l-iman, treatise on theology, partly in prose partly in popular rhyme, by Ahmad Ripangi. See

Jaarboek KBG 1933, p. 242.

Pigeaud II, p. 483.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3109)

Or. 8569

Javanese, paper, 34, 12, 16, 10 double pages, Arabic script.

Ahmad Ripangi treatises mostly on popular rhyme, on theology:

(1) Tasfiyah, on the fatiha;

(2) Takhyirah Muhtasar, on the creed (shahadat), in prose (see also MS Leiden Or. 7522, above), mentioning

some works of the same author;

(3) Atlab, on religious studies;

(4) A fragment.

See Jaarboek KBG 1933, p. 241.

Pigeaud II, pp. 483-484.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3110)

Or. 8570

Javanese, paper, 117 double pp., Arabic script.

Husnu 'l-Matalib, on shariʿah, usul, fiqh, tasawwuf. Ahmad Ripangi treatise in popular rhyme.

See also Or. 7521, above.

Pigeaud II, p. 484.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3111)

Or. 8571

Javanese, paper, 53 double pp., Arabic script.

Ahmad Ripangi treatise in popular rhyme, Nazm Tahsinah, on tagwid, recitation of the Qur’an.

See Jaarboek KBG 1933, p. 241.

Pigeaud II, p. 484.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3112)

Or. 8572

Javanese, paper, 112 double pp., Arabic script.

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Notes on mysticism, Shattariya Akmaliya tariqa, mentioning a prayer Jaya Sampurna from Jasinga.

Contents: the same as the Malay books of notes MSS Leiden Or. 8548 and Or. 8549, above.

Pigeaud II, p. 484.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3113)

Or. 8573

Javanese, Arabic, paper, 69, 40, 86, 2, 1, 2 pp., folded in an envelope. Arabic script.

Notes, 6 booklets and loose leaves, on mysticism, Arabic with Javanese glosses and interpretations. Not in

Voorhoeve, Handlist. The leaf No 4 contains notes:

A. On bok Lara Nahi Kidnl of the Southern Ocean, daughter of sunan Lawu gunung Bahita, who was King of


B. On her suitor, the snake Jaka Linglung Wira-wiri of Mancingan, who popped up out of the earth in several

places making wells, and

C. On Jaka Tingkir of Pajang who was vanquished, with Nahi Lara Kidul’s assistance, by raden Ngabehi

Panembahan Senapati of Mataram.

Copies made by kyahi Imam Arum, of Mangkunagaran, Surakarta, of his own books of notes, by request of

D. Rinkes, 1910 AD.

Pigeaud II, p. 484.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3114)

Or. 8574

Javanese, paper, 74 pp., Arabic script, pencil writing.

Notes on mysticism, from Selepih, Batavia, connected with Sarikat Islam activities, May 1913.

Pigeaud II, p. 484.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3115)

Or. 8575

Javanese, paper, 150 pp., Arabic script.

Notes on Muslim prayers, niyats etc., in a small notebook, bound in red linen, damaged. See also MS Leiden

Or. 8576, below.

Pigeaud II, p. 484.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3116)

Or. 8576

Javanese, paper, 150 pp., Arabic script.

Notes on prayers and miscellanea, from Batavia. See also MS Leiden Or. 8575, above.

Pigeaud II, p. 484.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3117)

Or. 8577

Javanese, paper, 428 pp, Javanese script.

Anthology of Surakarta literature, in verse, late 19th century, mostly by Mangku Nagara IV and Rangga

Warsita, called Serat Warni-warni, 1899. A Javanese table of contents (followed by a Menak Amir Hamza

passage) is added. Many of the works in this anthology were published in Surakarta by Albert Rusche & Co.,

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about 1900. Prince Mangku Nagara IV’s collected poetical works were re-edited in Surakarta between 1925

and 1935:

(1) Candra Rini;

(2) Wara Yagna;

(3) Piwulang dateng, putra;

(4) Piwulang dateng prajurit;

(5) Wara Punggawa;

(6) Weda Tama;

(7) Weda Raga;

(8), (9) and (10) Rerepen, erotic, lyric;

(11), (12) and (13) Letters with enigmas (wangsalans), explained;

(14) Kala Tida, eschatology;

(15)-(20) Passages from the Menak Amir Hamza romance referring to morals and good behaviour;

(21)-(26) Suluks: i.a. Malang Sumirang, Bango Butak, Ceraki ngelmi, 3 birds’ discussion; see also Or. 8608,


(27) Kyahi Burtuh’s lesson for Jaka Tingkir;

(28) Glossary of Panji Wulung;

(29) Chronology, wukus;

(30)-(32) Suluks: i.a. Samsu Tabarit;

(33) Names of hells and heaven;

(34) Passages from Puspita Mancawarni, in prose, on death;

(35) Passages from Centini, suluk seh Among Raga;

(36) Rajah Kala Cakra explained;

(37) Prabu Dasamuka’s lesson for lndrajit;

(38)-(41) Parama Sastra, Aksara Buda (old characters), Caraka Basa, in prose, grammar, cryptology;

(42) Poem on sembahs, Wasita dumateng siwi;

(43) Candra Sengkala.

Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D. Pigeaud II, pp. 484-485.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3118)

Or. 8578

Javanese, paper, 234 pp., Javanese script.

History of Javanese kingdoms, with years (babad sengkala) beginning with Majapahit till 1829 AD in verse,

mentioning taboos (wawaler, prasapa) of princes and Kings, followed by a chronological list (pp. 172-234)

beginning with the settling of Java by Rum people in the year 1 till 1875 AD., in prose, referring mainly to

Yogyakarta. The Sultan is called Paku Buwana not Amengku Buwana.

Yogyakarta script. A Javanese epitome is added. MS Leiden Or. 8578 has much in common with Or. 8807

below, colIection von Faber, Surabaya. See Notes of J. Soegiarto, MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 485.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3119)

Or. 8579

Javanese, paper, 32, 24 pp., Arabic script.

Wasiyatu 'l-Nabi, two eschatological tracts in prose from Madiun referring to great calamities, with copy of

an official letter of Rinkes, 1914.

Pigeaud II, p. 485.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3120)

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Or. 8580

Javanese, paper, 31, 51, 36, 52, 35, and envelope, and 8, 3 and 10 pp., in sheaves in a portfolio, Latin script.

Centini notes, selected passages:

A (31 p.): Among Raga instructing his wife Tambang Raras;

B. (51 p.): Javanese epitome with initial lines of cantos;

C. (35 p.): Among Raga and Tambang Raras as badan alus (in spiritual state) giving instruction in Wana


D. (52 p.): Among Raga instructing Tambang Raras;

E. (35 p.): Bangsa Seti on divination etc.;

F. Envelope with short notes on the Centini and its author, by Rinkes;

G. (8 p.): Notes, taken from Centini, on the walis, on cannon (Cabolang) and on physiognomy of women;

H. (3 p.): Poerbatjaraka on Javanese metres (gambuh), notes based on Centini;

I. (10 p.): Letters (of Mangku Nagara VII) on Centini. Dates between 1910 and 1915.

Pigeaud II, pp. 485-486.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3007)

Or. 8581

Javanese, Dutch, sheaves in portfolio, 56, 24 double pages, 43, 31 pp., Latin script.

Gresik notes:

A. (56 p.): Copy of a book of notes on Gresik history, the sacred graves of Gapura, Leran, Kabungson and

Giri, with sengkalas and lists of years, partly in prose, partly in verse, followed by notes on candra sengkalas,

kawi words, chronology, mangsa (solar) calendar;

B. (24 double p.): Dutch list of sacred places, graves etc. in the district of Gresik, with historical etc., notes,

official, 1890;

C. (43 p.): Copy of a Gresik history in prose till 1879 AD belonging to the Regent;

D. (31 p.): Copy of a genealogical list of the Gresik Regents made by adipati Suryawinata, about 1870 AD.

Pigeaud II, p. 486.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3008)

Or. 8582

Javanese, paper, 404 pp., Latin script.

History of Muhammad and his descendants till Jenal Abidin (p. 228), linked with a history of Gresik and Giri

and the Javanese Kings till Senapati Mataram, in verse, dated 1862 AD.

A Javanese epitome with initial lines of the cantos is added; see also notes by J. Soegiarto: MS Leiden Or.


Pigeaud II, p. 486.

Provenance: Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3009)

Or. 8583

Javanese, Arabic (not in Voorhoeve, Handlist), 44 pp., in portfolio, Latin script.

Mystic treatise in verse (Bayan Maʿrifa), suluks, Malang Sumirang, Sujinah, opinions of the walis. Copy of MS

Leiden Or. 7503, Snouck Hurgronje collection, from Pamekasan, dated 1871 AD. See also Or. 7503, above, and

its romanized copy MS Leiden Or. 10.763, below. See Pigeaud II, 663.

A short Javanese epitome and a list of initial lines of cantos are added. Copy by J. Soegiarto: MS Leiden Or.


Pigeaud II, p. 486.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

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(Mal. 3151)

Or. 8584 a

Javanese, lined paper, 8 pp. and blanks, loose sheets folded once, 34.5 x 21.6 cm, Latin script, mystical

diagrams (p. 4).

‘Eene Sjaṭṭariah-salasilah waarin Kjahi Abdoelmoehji, enz. (Preanger 1893) Javaansch’.

Notes on mysticism, Shattariya pedigree, etc. Copy of MS Leiden Or. 7446 (Snouck Hurgronje No. 71).

Four different texts: pp. 2-3, 4, 5-6, 6-7 (table on contents on p. 8).

Pigeaud II, p. 486.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

[* in Mal. 3152]

Or. 8584 b

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, occasionally vocalized Arabic script, paper, [3] + 21 pp., 21.7 x 17.2

cm., loose sheets folded once.

On salawat kabir in praise of Muhammad, preceded by a recommendation: an incestuous mother and son

saved by reciting it. See also Or. 7724, above (Snouck Hurgronje collection), Preanger, February 1894. Not in

Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Pigeaud II, p. 486.

p. [1]. Notes in pencil, about the contents. Pp. [2]-[3]. Blank.

(1) pp. 1-3. Hikaya about a woman in Baghdad.

(2) pp. 3-11. Bab Salat Kabir. A Tasliya prayer.

(3) p. 12. Wasiyyat al-Nabi ila Sayyidina ‘Ali.

(4) pp. 12-14. Hadith about the properties of Surat al-Kahf, and other Hadith.

(5) pp. 15-16. Quotation from Kitab al-Inbah, ultimately referring to al-Mutawwal and the Miftah al-ʿUlūm.

(6) pp. 16-20. Mystical advice to the student. P. 21. Blank.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

[* in Mal. 3152]

Or. 8585

Javanese, paper, 19 pp., Latin script.

Tales of 15 kramats, sacred graves of walis: Bonang, Bejagung (Majagung), maulana Mahribi, seh Asmara

Ibrahim, caves and wells in Tuban and Boja Nagara, by Sasradiharja, dated 1858.

Copy of MS Leiden Or. 2310 (3), above, being ‘Descriptions in prose, by raden ngabeni Sasradiharja, of 15

holy spots, graves of the walis etc. in Tuban and Boja Nagara, called kramats, dated 1858’. See also MS

Jakarta, KBG 90.

Pigeaud II, pp. 486-487.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3153)

Or. 8586

Javanese, paper, 77 pp., Latin script.

Notes on mysticism, doctrines of saints: seh Mansur, Ba Yazid, the Javanese walis, Karang magic, medicines,

charms, prayers. Copy of Or. 7475 (Snouck Hurgronje collection, Copy of a book of notes from Wanayasa,

Banyumas). A Dutch epitome by Snouck Hurgronje is added. See for MS Leiden Or. 7475 Pigeaud II, p. 440.

Pigeaud II, p. 487.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3154)

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Or. 8587

Collective volume with texts in Sundanese and Javanese, lined paper, 20 pp., loose sheets folded once, 34.3 x

21.5 cm, Latin script, two different hands.

Copy of MS Leiden Or. 7819, above, from the collection Snouck Hurgronje, No. 100.

(1) pp. 1-13. Latin script. Javanese. Suluk Daka, kawula-gusti mysticism in verse. See Pigeaud II, pp. 471, 487.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 241-242 (where only the

Javanese part of the volume is mentioned), 228. Table of contents on p. 13

(2) pp. 14-20. Sundanese. Nur Muhammad. Prose. See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan

Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 228.

See the notes by J. Soegiarto on MS Leiden Or. 7819 in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D, below.

Pigeaud II, p. 487.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

[* Mal. 3155]

Or. 8588

Javanese and/or Sundanese, paper, 10 pp., Latin script.

History and genealogy of ʿAbdul Muhyi of Karang, Sapar Wadi, Pamijahan. Copy of Or. 7540 (collection

Snouck Hurgronje, No. 22) described in Pigeaud II, p. 450 as “History and genealogy of ʿAbd ul-Muhyi of

Karang, Sapar Wadi, Pamijahan. Copy of a book of notes belonging to a panghulu Marum Reja (5 pp.). Dutch

notes by C. Snouck Hurgronje of an oral tradition related by a descendant of `Abdul Muhyi, in 1890 (6 pp.),

Snouck Hurgronje’s Dutch notes on the Javanese text (3 pp.).”

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 416 (about MS

Leiden Or. 7540), 424 (about MS Leiden Or. 8588).

Pigeaud II, p. 487.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3156)

Or. 8589

Javanese, paper, 10, 24 pp., Latin script.

Nawawi, epitomes and initial lines of cantos:

(1) (10 p.): of MS Jakarta KBG no 229 [epitomes only of canto 1-9 and 43-45], and

(2) (24 p.): of Or. 1812, above: Nawawi, or Imam Nawawi, a moralistic poem in macapat verse on statecraft

and behavior of princes, called at the end Siratul Salatin. It is an adaptation in Javanese verse of Raniri’s

Bustan as-Salatin, book 4 and 5.

Pigeaud II, p. 32 (for MS Leiden Or. 1812), 487.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3157)

Or. 8590

Javanese, paper, 142 pp., Latin script.

Husnu 'l-Matalib in popular verse by Ahmad Ripangi, on theology, fiqh and mysticism. Copy of MSS Jakarta

KBG 400 and KBG 482, collated; 1911.

Pigeaud II, p. 487.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3158)

Or. 8591

Collective volume with texts in Javanese, paper, 190 pp., Javanese and Latin scripts.

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A (pp. 1-106). Javanese script: Samsul Tubarik, seh, (Samsu Tabarit), lengthy treatise on theology and

mysticism, lessons of the walis, and sri Gandana, romantic didactic tale, suluk-like, dated 1869 AD. A

Javanese epitome is added. Copy of Sam Tugu Barik (sic), MS Jakarta, KBG CS No. 115.

B (p. 107-130). Latin script: Wejangan, mystic lessons in prose, given by the walis, mentioning

especially sunan Kali Jaga, explanations of cryptic mystic expressions, characters of 12 periods of human life,

from birth till the age of 72, followed by Salokaning sastra Jawi, explanations of the esoteric meanings of the

letters, in verse. Copy, romanized, of a Yogyakarta manuscript in acquired 1910. An epitome is added.

C (pp. 131-161). Latin script: Nitik Sultan Agungan, legendary tales on history: ki gede Giring, baron Sakender,

the Pandawas, ki Bengkung, Truna Jaya, etc. in verse. Romanized copy. An epiltome is added.

D (pp. 162-189). Latin script: Gato Loco, discussions on mysticism, in verse, romanized copy. An epitome is


Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, pp. 487-488.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3159)

Or. 8592

Javanese, Sundanese (?), paper, 240 pp., Latin script.

Suluks, 41, from Cerbon, mystic poems and kidungs (some incantations). Romanized copy of MS Jakarta

KBG No. 383, which itself is a copy of a manuscript formerly belonging to arya Bratadiwijaya, patih of

Mangun Reja, who said that the poems were made partly by Sultan Adiwijaya of Cerbon, partly by

panghulu ʿAbdul Kahar. See Or. 7375 and Or. 7560, legacy Snouck Hurgronje. A Javanese list of contents

is added. Notes by J. Soegiarto: MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

See also Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 241, where the

present volume is given the title Suluk, and is treated as having text in both Javanese and Sundanese.

Pigeaud II, p. 488.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3160)

Or. 8593

Javanese, Sundanese (?), paper, 11 pp., Latin script.

Wirit, wejangan in prose, lessons in mysticism of the walis, sunan Kudus instructing pangeran Demang,

sunan Kali Jaga instructing kyahi Luhung Salawe, musawaratan in Giri Gajah, mentioning as eighth on

the board seh Bendo. Romanized copy of MS Jakarta, KBG CS No. 23, which is a copy by panji Surya

Wijaya, dated Batavia 1865, of a palmleaf manuscript allegedly from Bandung.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 253-254, where

under the title Wirid, the text in the volume is considered to be in Sundanese.

Pigeaud II, p. 488.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3161)

Or. 8594

Javanese, paper, 10 pp., Arabic script.

Tuban notes, sunan Bonang’s grave and genealogy, Ibrahim Asmara, in prose, with many Arabic words.

Lithography (?) by ʿAbdu 'l-Gabba.r, acquired 1913.

Pigeaud II, p. 488.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3162)

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Or. 8595

Javanese, Dutch, paper, 14, 24, 6, 12, 3 pp. of different sizes, Latin and Javanese scripts.

History, epitomes:

(1) Yogyakarta history of Javanese kingdoms, till Kantasura, MS Jakarta KBG 71 (MS Leiden Or. 6562 is a

copy of MS Jakarta KBG Br 87 which is a copy of MS Jakarta KBG 71);

(2) Two copies of an old Dutch compilation by A.B. Cohen Stuart (1825-1877) on Javanese chronology, type-


(3) History of Demak, MS Jakarta KBG 575 (beginning: baron Sakender);

(4) History of Demak, MS Jakarta KBG 397, Javanese characters (beginning Jaka Tarub). See

Rinkes’ paper "Heiligen van Java" II, in TBG;

(5) Serat Kanda, MS Jakarta KBG Br 606 (which is a copy of the Leiden manuscript NBS 22);

(6) History of Java, MS Jakarta KBG Br 210 (beginning: Watu Gunung).

The epitomes were made between 1910 and 1920.

Pigeaud II, p. 488.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3163)

Or. 8596

Javanese, paper, 14 pp., Javanese script.

Jabar Sidik, seh -, instructing his wife Mutma’inah; didactic poem on theology and mysticism.

Copy of a manuscript formerly belonging to Mr. Dirk van Hinloopen Labberton (1874-1961). See Notulen

KBG, January 1909), identical with MS Jakarta KBG 549. See Poerbatjaraka, "Indonesische Handschriften",

KBG 1950, p. 110. A Javanese epitome is added.

Pigeaud II, p. 488.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3164)

Or. 8597

Javanese, paper, 19 pp., Javanese script.

Notes on mysticism and theology, in questions and answers, copy of three old manuscripts from Benda,

Bagelen, described by J.L.A. Brandes (Notulen KBG, March 1888): MS Jakarta KBG 189. The originals are in

Old Javanese characters. A Javanese epitome is added. MS Leiden Or. 7480, above, Snouck Hurgronje

collection, contains the same texts (in another order), copied from from MS Jakarta KBG 17, dated 1864.

Information for MS Leiden Or. 7480, from Pigeaud II, p. 489: Copy of MS Leiden Or. 7480, above, with the

same texts, but in a different order. MS Leiden Or. 7480 is described in Pigeaud II, p. 441 as: Notes on

mysticism and theology, copy of MS Jakarta, KBG No. 17, called Martabatan dalil ngelmi, originally found in

Benda, district of Wanarata, Ambal, Bagelen, in 1864. The copy was made for C. Snouck Hurgronje in 1891. A

Javanese list of contents is added. MS Leiden Or. 8597, below, contains the same texts (copy D. Rinkes) in

another order. See Notulen KBG March 1888 (J. Brandes’ description). Legacy Snouck Hurgronje (no 34),


Pigeaud II, p. 489.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3165)

Or. 8598

Javanese, paper, 24, 8, 150 pp., Latin script.


A. (24 pp.): epitomes. and lists of initial verses of Cantos 289-438, vol. IV -V, of Major Serat Kanda (Babad

Tanah Jawa), MS Jakarta KBG 7: MS Leiden Or. 6379, collection Hazeu, with a Dutch introduction by D.A.

Rinkes referring to the wali period;

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B. (8 pp.): Beginning of a Dutch study by D.A. Rinkes on "The Javanese Genoveva", referring to Ratu Kali

Namat’s vow to practise asceticism by discarding all clothing, covering herself only with her unloosened

hair, until her husband’s death would be revenged: a tale from the ‘History of Java’;

C. (150 pp.): Romanized copy of canto 395-439 of the Major Serat Kanda, MS Jakarta KBG 7.

Pigeaud II, p. 489.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3166)

Or. 8599

Javanese, Malay, Sundanese (?), paper, 21 pp., Javanese script.

Notes on mysticism, “ilmu teyosopi” (theosophy), Javanese mixed with Malay and Sundanese. Copy of Ilmu

Tasawup, MS Jakarta KBG 455.

See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 563, No. 1158.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 211 (No. 90).

Pigeaud II, p. 489.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3167)

Or. 8600

Javanese, paper, 11 pp., Latin script.

History of sunan Ngampel, sunan Bonang, walis, in prose: genealogy from Cempa. Copied from MS Jakarta

KBG CS 114: Babad Cerbon, p. 45. See also MS Leiden Or. 8657 A, below (not identical).

Pigeaud II, p. 489.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3168)

Or. 8601

Javanese, paper, 13 pp., Javanese script.

Subrata, poem in tengahan metres, speculations on life and death, pre-Muslim. Copy of MS Jakarta KBG CS

165, which is a copy, made in 1870, of a palmleaf manuscript written with Old Javanese characters, lontar MS

Jakarta KBG 183. See Notes by J. Soegiarto, MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 489.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3169)

Or. 8602

Javanese, paper, 278 pp., Latin script.

History of the walis, seh Lemah Abang, beginning: Majapahit, till the death of ki Pengging in the Demak

period, in verse. Copy of a Babad Tanah Jawa manuscript from Purwareja, 1911. A Javanese epitome is added.

See Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 489.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3170)

Or. 8603

Javanese, paper, 278 pp., Javanese script.

History of Dipa Nagara in verse, till the end of the troubles, from Yogyakarta, dated 1867 A.D. Copy made in

1904. A list of initial verses of canto’s is added. See Notes by J. Soegiarto, MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, pp. 489-490.

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Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3171)

Or. 8604

Javanese, paper, 71 pp., Javanese script.

History of Javanese kingdoms, called Surya Raja, beginning with Adam and the prophets, till the middle of

the 19th century, with sengkalas, especially Yogyakarta, in verse, Yogyakarta idiom, followed by a list of the

characters (candra) of 12 Paku Buwanas and 7 Mangku Nagaras. A Javanese epitome with a list of initial

lines of cantos is added.

Pigeaud II, p. 490.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3172)

Or. 8605

Javanese and/or Sundanese, paper, 295, 145 pp., Latin script.

History of Banten, Sandi Sastra, in verse, major redaction, beginning, after the introduction, with the

history of the prophets and the walis, Galuh etc. (H. Djajadiningrat, Sajarah Banten, manuscript I),

copied for D.A. Rinkes.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 386, where the

language of the text is called Sundanese. See now also Titik Pudjiastuti, Perang, dagang, persahabatan.

Surat-surat Sultan Banten. Prakata: M.C. Ricklefs. Jakarta (Yayasan Obor Indonesia, The Toyota Foundation)

2007, pp. 238-239.

Pigeaud II, p. 490.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3173)

Or. 8606

Javanese, paper, 89, 88 pp., Javanese and Latin scripts respectively, two volumes.

Wali Sana, history of the walis, in verse, by Rangga Warsita.

I. copy of a manuscript belonging to Cakra Nagara, Regent of Blora, 1911, collated (by Surya Suparta, i.e.

Mangku Nagara VII) with a Surakarta manuscript;

II. copy of a Surakarta manuscript. A Javanese epitome with list of initial lines of vol. II is added.

Pigeaud II, p. 490.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3174 – Mal. 3175)

Or. 8607

Javanese, paper, 16, 13, 25 pp., Javanese script.

Notes on Javanese history, in prose: copies made ready for the press by Cakra Nagara, Regent of Blora, 1911:

(1) Jangka, outline of history, with sengkalas (years), till 1892 A.D.;

(2) Jaya Baya prophecies, tale of the 7 dishes. Lambangs, cryptic descriptions of the characters of reigns and


(3) Praniti Wakya, Jaya Baya Jangkas (outlines of history), tale of the 7 dishes of ajar Subrata, Pustaka Raja


Pigeaud II, p. 490.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3176)

Or. 8608

Javanese, Malay, paper, 18, 40 pp., Latin script.

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Suluks, mystic poems:

(1) Suluk Among Raga and Tambang Raras, from Centini;

(2) Various suluks: Bango Butak, Ceraki Ngelmi, 3 birds’ discussion, ki Butuh’s lesson, Nukat Gaib, Samsu

Tabarit, Wringin Sungsang.

Two Malay suluks are included: Serat soeloek warna-warni. See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 563 (No.

1159), where no further details are given.

Copies made for Rinkes.

Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D. See also MS Leiden Or. 8577 (21)-(26), above.

Pigeaud II, p. 490.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3177)

Or. 8609 a-c

Javanese, Sundanese, 75, 5, 199, 152 pp., Latin script.

Nitik Sultan Agungan, Yogyakarta legendary Court stories about Sultan Agung of Mataram, with

Javanese epitomes and lists of initial lines of cantos:

a. (A, 75 pp.): in verse: Babad Nitik dated 1900 A.D., mentioning the Ratu Lara Kidul, Sultan Agung’s

conquests, kyahi Bengkung and Jala Sutra, Tembayat and Imagiri, the King of Siyem, and the visits to

Mecca, and

a. (B, 5 pp.): in verse: mentioning Juru Taman and the Banten tour:

b. (199 pp.): in verse, containing i.a. tales about the Sindung magic of mount Diyeng and the Pandawa

visit, about Prana Citra and rara Mendut, about resi Andayaningrat and the flower Wijaya Mulya, about

the wars of Abesi, Rum, Inggris and Cina, about the bird Manglar Munga of Imagiri, about the old bard

Kanda Lawak, and ahout Mur Jangkung and the siege of Jakarta;

c. (152 pp.): Babad Nitik in prose, made by order of the Yogyakarta vizier Danu Reja (Cakradiningrat) in

1911, containing, besides several of the tales of Or. 8609 b, tales about Sultan Agung’s father sunan Adi

Anakrawati seda Krapyak, about pengulu Amad Kategan, about travels, i.a. to Persia and Bengal, about

the Ukur trouble, the river Gajah Wong, pangeran Silarong, about Jan Piter Soen Koen (Jan Pieterszoon

Coen) marrying a Jakarta princess.

The last 6 of the 106 paragraphs mentioned in the epitome, containing notes on wayang, gamelan music

(sastra gending), on baticking designed in Sultan Agung’s time, on Prana Citra and rara Mendut and on

the dalang ki Pangjang Mas, are missing in the available text.

In Or. 8609-c is also found an epitome of a Babad Nitik in verse of the same redaction as Or. 8609-b, but

ending at canto 49. In TBG vol. 53 some tales taken from these Yogyakarta babads have been published.

Pigeaud II, pp. 490-491.

See also Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 405, where the

language of the texts is indicated as Javanese.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3178, Mal. 3179, Mal. 3180)

Or. 8610

Javanese, paper, 22, 32, 22, 32 pp., Latin script.

Suluks, mystic and didactic poems, from Kebumen, 1911, with. Javanese epitomes and lists of initial verses of


(a) Suluk Ngelmu Kak by Ngabehi Arung Dirja;

(b) Piwulang, moralistic, for women, etc.;

(c) Suluk Boda Jati, instructed by Pahesan Jati;

(d) lessons of ʿAbdul Salam given to his sons, i.a. esoteric meaning of the Pandawas, etc.

Pigeaud II, p. 491.

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Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3181)

Or. 8611

Javanese, Sundanese, paper, 65 pp., Latin script.

Ahmad Muhammad romance in verse, copy of a palmleaf manuscript belonging to pangeran Kasepuhan of

Cerbon, 1911. A Sundanese epitome with list of cantos is added.

See also Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 350 (No. 564).

Pigeaud II, p. 491.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3182)

Or. 8612

Javanese, paper, 140 pp., Javanese script.

Sajarah Dalem, genealogy of the Javanese Kings till Paku Buwana IX and Mangku Nagara VI of Surakarta

and Amengku Nagara VII of Yogyakanta, in prose, numbered, with full particulars, beginning with Adam,

right (panengen, prophets and walis) and left (pangiwa, gods and heroes of antiquity, Pandawas) branch.

Copy of a Yogyakarta manuscript, of Mangundimeja (?), 1913.

Pigeaud II, p. 491.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3183)

Or. 8613

Javanese, paper, 193 pp., Latin script.

Suluks, mystic didactic poems, from Kebumen, 1912-1915, with a Javanese epitome and a list of initial lines of

cantos. Compilation of well-known poems, containing i.a.:

- the discussion of 3 birds,

- Suluk Gato Loco (Purwa Sampurna), seh Melaya on wayang (Pandawas), allegory of the 4 napsus: Luwamali

and Amarah (male),

- Supiyah and Mutmainah (female),

- Dewa Suci and Brata Sena,

- seh Teka Werdi, seh Karamat,

- a little boy before Sultan Rum,

- seh Lemah Abang.

Pigeaud II, pp. 491-492.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3184)

Or. 8614

Javanese, Arabic, paper, 32, 1, 6, 6, 1 pp., Latin and Javanese scripts.

Tuban notes on the walis, 1913:

(a) Genealogy of the walis beginning with Cempa, mentioning their graves, partly in prose partly in verse,

with a Javanese epitome;

(b) divination referring to auspicious places of gates of compounds, from Cerbon, 1923;

(c) Legendary tale about sunan Bonang (raden Rahmat), castrated, living in a buffalo bull’s carcass (batang);

(d) genealogy of Tuban Regents, mentioning Rangga Lawe and tumenggung Wilatikta, sunan Kali Jaga’s


(e). J.P. Moquette’s (1856-1927) transcription of the Arabic inscription of the Leran tombstone, 1198 A.D. Not

in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Pigeaud II, p. 492.

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Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3185)

Or. 8615

Javanese, paper, 114 pp., Latin script.

History of Pati in verse, legendary, beginning with a tale about dalang Sapa Nana and raden Kembang Jaya

who became King of Majasem (Pati, Santenan). Naya Genggong and his son Sabda Palon are mentioned as


Tales about baron Sekeber (or Sakender), who begets Janur Wenda and Sirwenda, and afterwards changes

into a horse, Juru Taman, Senapati Mataram’s mount.

Senapati visits seh Adi (sunan Kali Jaga) in pulo Upih. Senapati desires rara Mendut.

Finally, Pati is conquered and destroyed by Senapati Mataram. Kyahi Suta, ruler of the spirits of mount

Clering, is the last scion of the House of Pati.

Partly Central North Coast idiom. A Javanese epitome and a list of initial lines of cantos are added.

Pigeaud II, p. 492.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3186)

Or. 8616

Javanese, paper, 276 pp., Javanese script.

Niti Mani, questions and answers, on erotics and mysticism, copy of a Yogyakarta manuscript, of Nitidipura,


Pigeaud II, p. 492.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3121)

Or. 8617

Javanese, paper, 47, 2 pp., Javanese and Latin scripts respectively

(a) 47 pp. Suluk Jati Rasa, Sri Gandana tale, mystic didactic poem by panji Surya Wijaya dated Batavia 1870.

Copy of MS Jakarta KBG CS 151. A Javanese epitome and list of cantos is added.

(b) 2 pp. Genealogy of Javanese Kings, beginning with Si Ribud and seda Kajenar, till Paku Buwana III, with

A.D. years. Copy of a note by J.L.A. Brandes (1857-1905), origin unknown.

Pigeaud II, pp. 492-493.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3122)

Or. 8618

Javanese, paper, 48 pp., Arabic script, illustrations.

Notes on prayers, sarabad, rajahs and incantation, kidung Rumeksa ing Wengi. Copy of MSS Jakarta KBG 335

and KBG 336 (Jaarboek 1933, p. 339). A Sundanese epitome is added.

Illustrated in Pigeaud III, p. 5 (plate 5).

Not in Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda (1988).

Pigeaud II, p. 493.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3123)

Or. 8619

Collective volume with texts in Javanese, paper, 57 pp., Javanese script.

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A. (pp. 1-11). Wali history in verse, sunan Kali Jaga (raden Sait) converted by his uncle sunan Bonang,

building of the Demak mosque, kyahi Gondil, goatskin, palladium of Javanese Kings, falls on sunan Kali Jaga,

the glutton kyahi Nagur made the string for the mosque’s roof shingles, and ascends to heaven.

Copied from the Javanese journal Bra Martani, 1879, Nos. 17, 18, 19, from Panaraga.

B. (p. 13-36). Notes on mysticism, lessons of the walis, beginning with a genealogy of pangeran Kajoran.

Copy of MS Jakarta KBG 60, collated with MS Jakarta KBG CS 49 (Jaarboek 1933, p. 338). Cod. 7506 is

another copy (Pigeaud II, 445). A short Javanese epitome is added: Notes on theology and mysticism,

dialogue of a man and a woman on mystic union, presents offered by true believers (mu’min) after death to

ten quarters: Jabara’il, the grave, Munkarun wa Nakirun etc., each four presents (oleh-oleh), lesson on iman

etc., given by sunan Ampel Denta to his two ‘sons’ pangeran Bonan, consecrated (ingastren) ratu

Anakrawati, and pangeran Giri Gajah, consecrated prabu Satmaka ratu Kudratullah, and mystic instruction

from the book Musnif (?) by pangeran Panggun, mentioning pangeran Randu Sana. In the beginning a short

genealogy of sunan Tembayat and pangeran Kajoran, beginning with the batara ing Majapahit and his son

Lembu Peteng, who married a daughter of batara Kali Wungu.

C. (p. 37-57). Wiwaha (Minta Raga) redaction in verse by Darma Wiyata.

Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 493.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3124)

Or. 8620

Javanese, paper, 49 pp., Javanese script.

Suluk Dulil (misreading of Wujil in Arabic characters): Wujil (dwarf) instructed in mysticism by sunan

Bonang, containing seh Melaya’s explanation of wayang, Pandawas-Korawas (napi-isbat) (p. 1-26), followed

by Suluk Darmana (p. 27-45), moralistic-didactic.

Copy of MS Jakarta KBG 54 (Jaarboek 1933, p. 308). A short Javanese epitome is added.

Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 493.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3125)

Or. 8621

Javanese, paper, 69 pp., Javanese and Latin scripts respectively.

Children’s ditties and girls’ games:

A. 109 numbers, Javanese script. Collection raden mas Sukardi, Yogyakanta, collated with Dolanan Lare-lare,

published by "Volkslectuur", Batavia and:

B. Copy of a collection of G.A.J. Hazeu (1870-1929), No 124, called: Parikan utawa Rerepen, 81 numbers,


Pigeaud II, pp. 493.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3126)

Or. 8622 a

Javanese, paper, 59 pp., Javanese script.

A. pp. 1-20. In verse: History of Adam etc. and prophecies (incorrectly called Jaya Baya) beginning with Rum,

seh Bakir, on mount Tidar, meeting the tutelary spirits, danyang, of Java: Semar (Manik Maya, son of Eva

and Idajil), also called Jaya (Wijaya) Kusuma, jaka Pandak, Indik-indik Krinjing-nati, and his elder brother

Togog (the bird Senjari) of mount Rebabu (Merbabu);

B. pp. 21-59. Suluks, mysticism, on salat, Purwa-Duksina, ending in prose.

Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

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Pigeaud II, pp. 493-494.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3127)

Or. 8622 b

Javanese, paper, 17, 29 pp., Javanese script.

A. (17 pp.). Jaya Baya prophecies in verse, Rum, incomplete.

B. (29 pp.). Kidungan, incantations in verse, collected by Danna Wiyata of Surakarta: Rumeksa ing wengi,

Wringin sungsang, names of spirits of the districts of Java and Surakarta town spirits.

Incantations against children’s illnesses: pitik tulak pitik tukung, etc.

Sunan Kudus’ danyangan incantation beginning with Bul Putih of Lodaya.

Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, pp. 493-494.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3128)

Or. 8623

Sundanese, paper, 164 pp., Javanese script.

Rangga Wulung.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 343-344.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3129)

Or. 8624

Javanese, paper, 33 pp., Latin script.

Sastra Gending, suluk, allegedly written by Sultan Agung Mataram, mysticism, dualism, Wisnu-Kresna,

wayang. Copy of a manuscript of Prawira Winarsa of Yogyakarta.

Pigeaud II, p. 494.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3130)

Or. 8625

Sundanese, paper, 145 pp., Arabic script.

Rangga Wulung.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 344.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3131)

Or. 8626

Javanese, paper, 153 pp., Latin script.

Wyakarana Jawa, Javanese grammar in prose, by C.F. Winter and J.A. Wilkens, romanized copy of the

Semarang edition 1861 (G.C.T. van Dorp).

Pigeaud II, p. 494.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3187)

Or. 8627

Javanese, paper, 64 pp., Latin script.

Parama Sastra by Rangga Warsita, Javanese grammar in prose, copied Surakarta 1912, showing some

variations from Padma Susastra's edition of 1900.

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Pigeaud II, p. 494.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3188)

Or. 8628

Sundanese, paper, 14 pp., Latin script.

Japar Sidik. Copied from MS Jakarta KBG 12.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 381 (No. 664).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3189)

Or. 8629

Sundanese, paper, 319 pp., Arabic script, dated 1321/1903.

Rangga Wulung, in verse (tembang metre).

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 344 (No. 542).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3132)

Or. 8630

Sundanese, paper, school exercise book, 49 pp., Arabic script.

Wawacan Muhammad Kaya, in verse (tembang metre).

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 358-359 (No. 596).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3133)

Or. 8631

Sundanese, paper, school exercise book, 40 pp., Arabic script, dated 1321/1903.

Hikayat Sudagar, in verse.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 331 (No. 494).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3134)

Or. 8632

Sundanese, paper, school exercise book, 37 pp., Arabic script.

Wawacan Turbengi Jeung Tursiang, in verse (tembang metre).

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 369 (No. 634).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3135)

Or. 8633

Sundanese, paper, school exercise book, 60 pp., Arabic script.

Wawacan Sulanjana, in verse (tembang metre).

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 276 (No. 303).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3136)

Or. 8634

Sundanese, paper, school exercise book, 99 pp., Arabic and Latin scripts.

‘Mistik Sunda’ (given title), in prose.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 226-227 (No. 145).

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Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3137)

Or. 8635

Sundanese, paper, school exercise book, 16 pp., Arabic and Latin scripts.

‘Kitab Sejarah’ (given title), in prose.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 410 (No. 734).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3138)

Or. 8636

Collective volume with texts in Sundanese, paper, school exercise book, 53 pp., Arabic script.

(1) pp. 1-17. Wawacan Iblis.

(2) pp. 18-53. Nabi Paras, shaving the Prophet.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 356 (No. 586).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3139)

Or. 8637

Sundanese, paper, school exercise book, 52 pp., Arabic script, dated 1321/1903.

Wawacan Carita Muhammad Kaya, in verse (tembang metre)

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 353 (No. 578).

Provenance: Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3140)

Or. 8638

Sundanese, paper, folio size, 97 pp., Arabic script.

Wawacan Bermana Adam dan Bermana Sakti, in verse (tembang metre).

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 352 (No. 573).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3141)

Or. 8639

Javanese, Arabic, Sundanese, paper, 6 exercise books, 306 pp., Arabic script.

Paririmbon, a collection of shorter texts (Primbon).

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 299 (No. 381).

Pigeaud II, 494 gives: ‘Notes on mysticism, prayers, charms, medicines, mixed Javanese, Arabic and

Sundanese. Copy (in 6 exercise books) of books of notes from Pamijahan, made for D. Rinkes about

1910. A Sundanese epitome is added.’

Arabic texts not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3142)

Or. 8640

Sundanese, paper, 254 pp., Arabic script.

Babad Cirebon, in verse (tembang metre).

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 370 (No. 637).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3143)

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Or. 8641

Sundanese, paper, 105 pp., Arabic script.

Wawacan Bin Entam, in verse (tembang metre).

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 352 (No. 574).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3144)

Or. 8642

Sundanese, paper, school exercise book, 59 + 2 pp., Latin script.

Dongeng, in prose. From Natawisastra, Bandung.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 322 (No. 466).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3145)

Or. 8643

Sundanese, paper, school exercise book, 76 pp., Latin script.

Dongeng Dongeng Sunda, in prose. From R. Nitipradja, Bandung.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 323 (No. 473).

Provenance: Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3146)

Or. 8644

Sundanese, paper, 2 school exercise books, 102 pp., Latin script.

Dongeng, in prose. From R. Nitipradja, Bandung, copied from Or. 8643, above.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 322 (No. 467).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3147-Mal. 3148)

Or. 8645

Sundanese, paper, school exercise book, 54 pp., Latin script.

Daftar Koleksi Rinkes.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 287 (No. 240).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3149)

Or. 8646

Sundanese, paper, folio, 98 pp., Arabic script, dated 1321/1903.

Wawacan Rengganis, in verse (tembang metre).

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 365-366 (No. 622).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 2985)

Or. 8647

Sundanese, paper, folio, 140 pp., Arabic script.

Wawacan Umar Maya, in verse (tembang metre).

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 369 (No. 635).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 2983)

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Or. 8648

Sundanese, paper, folio, 195 pp., Arabic script.

Wawacan Banurungsit, in verse (tembang metre).

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 352 (No. 571).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 2984)

Or. 8649

Collective volume with texts in Sundanese, paper, folio, Latin script.

Salinan-salinan dari Karangan Sunda.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, pp. 388-390 (No. 681),

where the following texts are mentioned:

1. Wawacan Babad Sumedang, by Abdoerrachman, 1916.

2. Nyawer, by M. Ardiwinata, 1912.

3. Tilu Dongeng ti Cirebon, by Mas Ahmad, 1925.

4. Babad Ciampea, by M. Djajawinata, 1914.

5. Teka-teki mengenai hakekat dan sehagainya, by M. Wiriasasmita.

6. Buku bab ngurus nu ngajuru, by Nyi Raden Widarsih.

7. Wawacan Jaka Tawa, 1914, by H.O. Kartaatmadja.

8. Wawacan Mengenai Tarekat dan Hakekat, by R. Danoekoesoemah and Nyimas Pernatarosmi, 1925.

9. Wawacan Suluk Kartu Cina, 1911, by Sastradiredja.

10. Wawacan Suluk Kartu Cina, different from the previous one, by Sastradiredja.

11. Carios Sri Batara Kala, 1911, by Sastradiredja.

12. Dongeng Pangeling-pangeling, 1912, by Sastradiredja.

13. Tujuh Puluh Pantangan, by M. Sastrawiria, 1912.

14. Sekar Nungku, 1913, by M. Sastrawiria.

15. Babad Cilegok, by Mas Atmadisastra, 1925.

16. Wawacan Dongeng Bapa Pucung, by Adipradja, 1914.

17. Babad Jaketra, by H.M. Asari, 1914.

18. Cerita Sunda, by Kyai Citra, the dalang of Almarhum Penghulu Sumedang, 1915.

19. Wawacan Prabu Gendrayana, by R. Soerasetja, 1920

20. Babad Talaga, by R. Atmadibrata, 1915.

21. Piluwangeun, by M. Partadiredja, 1910.

22. Buku Gelar Hilang, by Partadilaga, 1915.

23. Wawacan Panyalin Adat, by Adipradja, 1918.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 2987)

Or. 8650

Sundanese, paper, folio, 180, 96 pp., Latin script.

Wawacan Madu Kusuma, in verse (tembang metre).

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 358 (No. 594).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 2986)

Or. 8651

Malay, portfolio containing six items.

A. 12 pp., paper, Latin script.

Hikajat Soenan Njatnjana, written by Pratiktakoesoema(?) (assistant-wedono of Bawen), who acquired the

story at the mosque of Nyatnyana on 14 May 1917. This is a copy of the original.

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The story of Raden Kartanadi who met Raja Yudistira who had been converted to Islam by Sunan Kalijaga to

Islam; after studying with Sunan Kalijaga Yudistira was declared a wali, with the title of Sunan Nyatnyana;

this happened after Majapahit was conquered by Sultan Bintara of Demak. He

converted the ajar Tuan Patra of Majapahit; another ajar, Buntit, a heathen, refused to embrace Islam and

war broke out; Buntit was defeated and on his flight he entered a stone where he was found by Raden

Kartanadi. Because of his refusal to become a Muslim, Buntit and his men were cursed to stay in that stone

for ever. Then Raden Kartanadi went to Kedu to propagate Islam and married there. After his death he was

buried in Kedu. His grandson from Nyatnyana stole his body and took it back to Nyatnyana. Inserted there

are 2 loose folios containing a discourse about wahidiyyah. See Pigeaud 1933, p. 23, and Pigeaud 1938, p. 98.

B. I + 30 ff., typing paper, 34 x 21½ cm.; typewritten (in Latin script).

Tjeritera Kiai Galenggong dan Kiai Barot, written by Soebandi, goeroe bantoe Kraton Pasoeroean in 1925. The

text contains the story of Kiyai Galenggong and Kiyai Barot; ff. 1a-b are a summary in Dutch.

C. 60 ff.; typing paper; 34 x 21½ cm.; typewritten (in Latin script).

Intjek Aminah, written by Moh. Daud Rangkutty at Medan (1925). The purport of the story is to denounce

forced marriage; inside there is a Dutch summary.

D. 2 ff.; lined paper; 34½ x 21½ cm.; Latin and Lampung script;

Soerat Lampoeng, written by Ilias (assistant teacher at Sukadana, Lampung). The composition deals with

the Lampung alphabet.

E. 2 ff.; lined paper; 34½ x 21½ cm.

Letter from Moehd. Kasim of Pengandonan (Palembang) to the Commissie voor de Volkslectuur (Balai

Pustaka) at Batavia, dated 14 October 1922.

F. Collections of proverbs, all on paper.

(1) 17 exercise books; each containing 14-30 ff.; 21 x 16½ cm.; Latin script. Kitab Pepatah dan perbahasaan

Melajoe, written by Soetan Lembang ‘Alam. The text contains 500 proverbs with explanation, collected by

Soetan Lembang ‘Alam, arranged alphabetically, beginning with Ada goela ada semoet and ending with

Laksana ajam tidak mendekoet. Annexed is a letter from M.T.H. Lembang Alam to the aforesaid Commissie,

dated 10 October 1918.

(2) 48 ff.; exercise book; 20½ x 16 cm.; Latin script; written only on one side of the folios. Perhimpoenan

pepatah Melajoe. The writing was begun by Mas Samsir, menteri goeroe, at Cepu on 24 April 1911. The text

contains 216 proverbs with explanation, and has a supplement containing another 18proverbs.

(3) 35 ff.; exercise book; 20½ x 16½ cm.; Latin script; written on one side of the ff. only;

Perbahasaan Melajoe, written by Sewaja Winata, dated 23-6-1911. The text contains 109 proverbs with


(4) 64 ff.; 2 exercise books (numbered 6 and 7); 20½ x 16½ cm.; Latin script.

Syair, written by Goedeman gelar Baginda Radja, Gang Kadiman, Weltevreden. Contains a fragment of a

Syair about a journey from Teluk Bayur to Teluk Betung, Tanjung Periuk, Batavia, Palembang, Jambi, etc.,

with a description of the places visited; the language is Batavia Malay.

See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 563-565 (No. 1160).

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 2982)

Or. 8652

Collection of Malay, Javanese, Dutch, Sundanese texts, all on paper.

The collection of papers is described by Pigeaud (1968), Ekadjati (1988) and Iskandar (1999).

Pigeaud II, pp. 494- describes Or. 8652 as:

(a) Portfolio with 4 sheaves of papers, texts in Latin script.

Notes on wedding cerem0nies, with speeches and gifts. Copies and clippings from Javanese journals from

about 1910-1920.

(b) Portfolio, 56 pp., Latin script.

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Notes (by numbers) for gamelan music, Kawruh Krawitan Jawi. Copy from the Javanese journal Taman

Pawarta, 1915.

(c) Portfolio with 11 sheaves of papers, with texts both in Latin and Javanese script.

Notes 0n literature and language, copies and clippings from Javanese newspapers, about 1910-1920:

- 1. Javanese metres, macapat, tengahan, expressing different states of mind;

- 2. Javanese alphabet letters, cryptic meanings;

- 3. Study of Javanese literature by European scholars, Dutch paper by Rinkes, translated into Javanese by

raden mas Suparta (afterwards Prince Mangku Nagara VII of Surakarta);

- 4. papers on kawi, Old Javanese Poetical idiom, by Poerbatjaraka;

- 5. note on grammar;

- 6. candra sengkala;

- 7. kidung lelembut (spirits);

- 8. jaka Bodo tale in prose, originally collection G.A.J. Hazeu (1870-1929);

- 9. Poem on Ditayana;

- 10. epitomes of some texts, i.a. of Jiwandana romance;

- 11. popular story, stupid father-in-law.

(d) Portfolio containing 24 sheaves of papers, with texts both in Latin and in Javanese script.

Notes on topography, local cults and folklore, copies and clippings from Javanese journals, about 1910-1920:

- 1. mount Permuni, Yogyakarta;

- 2. Ngreden, kyahi Pruwita, Tegal-Sari;

- 3. seh Bela-Belu and Gagang Aking;

- 4. Kasihan, sendang, Gamping, Yogyakarta;

- 5. Watu Jaran, Kulon Praga, Yogyakarta;

- 6. Puluwan, Beji;

- 7. Kalak cave, Punung, Pacitan;

- 8. Kali Yasa, Surakarta;

- 9. Lawiyan well, Surakarta;

- 10. Jombor, Tembayat;

- 11. Bara Api, Prapen, Demak;

- 12. Rejeng, Randu Blatung, Blora;

- 13. Nahi Buwur, Dampu Awang, Jombang;

- 14. kala Dite, Diyeng, tangled hair;

- 15. sendang Prembeh, Ngablak, Sragen;

- 16. Angka Wiyu, Yaka Wiyu (ya Qawīyu al-ʿAzīz al-Ḥamīd), fair with pancakes (apem), Jati Nom, Pengging;

- 17. Wana Segara, Bayalali;

- 18. rawa Pening, Bahrawa;

- 19. ki Sesela, Tunggul Wulung, Grobogan;

- 20. Medang Kamulan, Medang Pramesan, Aji Saka, Grobogan;

- 21. well Jala Tunda;

- 22. Sayudan tortoises, Bayalali;

- 23. Gana Reti statues, Boja;

- 24. sunan Giri.

(e) Portfolio containing 7 sheaves of papers. Texts in Latin script.

Notes on history, copies and clippings from Javanese journals, about 1910-1920:

- 1. Javanese history in prose beginning with Kandiawan, originally: collection K.F. Holle (1829-1896),

later: MS Jakarta. KBG Brandes 243;

- 2. Mataram genealogy, passage from MS Jakarta KBG 120, p. 521;

- 3. Semut ireng, etc. cryptic allusions on history;

- 4. Jangka Nagari, prophecies, dishes of the ajar;

- 5. Cerbon history, sunan Gunung Jati and the Sultans;

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- 6. kyahi Mustahal, Dipa Nagara troubles;

- 7. Sangkala memet, in pictures, years of wayang puppets.

Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda, p. 415 (No. 755) describes Or. 8652e, with title Sejarah Cirebon Sunan Gunung Jati,

dan para sultan, in Javanese, in prose, 7 ff., text written in Latin script.

(f) Portfolio containing 6 sheaves of papers. Texts both in Javanese and Latin script.

Notes on the Surakarta and Yogyakarta C0urts, copies and clippings from Javanese journals about 1910-1920:

- 1. Yogyakarta Royal compound, plan;

- 2. the Surakarta Royal compound entered;

- 3. Labuh offerings brought to mount Merapi, mount Lawu, Dlepih and the Southern Ocean;

- 4. Mahesa Lawung offering, Surakarta.;

- 5. gamelan Sekaten;

- 6. magic with Royal heirlooms (pusaka), Surakarta.

(g) Portfolio containing 19 sheaves of paper. Text both in Javanese and Latin script.

Notes on Muslim religion and popular belief, on natural phenomena, copies and clippings from Javanese

newspapers, about 1910-1920:

- 1. divorce sikok (shiqāq), fiqh;

- 2. istisqa salat, against drought;

- 3. nabi Idris entered Heaven;

- 4. the Fast;

- 5. dancing (nayuban) on Friday eve;

- 6. polygamy;

- 7. spirits, Kemamang, Banaspati chthonic spirit, river spirits in pairs, male and female;

- 8. papali taboos;

- 9. orientation of Javanese houses, South, and variation in Kragan, Klaten;

- 10. ringing in the ear, prognostics;

- 11. papers against magic and superstition;

- 12. on wind, susuh angin;

- 13. on twilight;

- 14. rainbow: cow drinking from the sea;

- 15. andaru, fire-ball, portent;

- 16. eclipse;

- 17. lightning;

- 18. earthquake.

(h) Portfolio containg 4 sheaves of papers. Text both in Javanese and Latin script.

Notes on m0rals, and miscellanea, copies and clippings from Javanese newspapers, about 1910-1920:

- 1. morals (paederasty [gemblakan], gambling, cock-fighting, cattle-dealers [blantiks]’ tricks.);

- 2. character (Europeans, Arabs, Chinese and Javanese compared; note on hesitation [was-was]);

- 3. food and medicines (sugar-palm [aren], peculiar kinds of fruit [kledung, mundu, kleca]; wood-pecker

[platuk-bawang] as medicine; beetle [gareng-pung] appearing in the dry season; cookery-book of

Yogyakarta; invigorating medicine);

- 4. varia (a return to life; on world-war I; on hair-growth).

(i) Portfolio containing about 14 sheaves of papers and booklets. Texts in Latin, Javanese and Arabic scripts.

Notes on mysticism, popular and modern theosophical. Copies and clippings from Javanese journals about

1910-1920, and from manuscripts.

(j) Portfolio containing 4 sheaves of paper. Texts in Dutch.

Notes on topography, local cults and folklore, clippings fro111 Dutch papers, about 1910-1925:

- 1. seh Balumatis, Wana Badra, Pekalongan;

- 2. Lodaya, the gong kyahi Pradah;

- 3. mount Merapi: a smithy;

- 4. kyahi Banda Yuda, nahi Lara Kidul, Cilacap;

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- 5. Rengel cave, Bojanegara: sunan Majagung opened it; his dog married the fair weaver who dropped her

shuttle; he was afterwards killed by their son.

Pigeaud ends with a reference only to Or. 8652k and Or. 8652l, which he does not describe. These may be

the materials that are described in two instances by Ekadjati, whereas Or. 8652k has been extensively

described by Iskandar.

For these, see Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 377 (No.

653), where the collection has been described as ‘Notes’ (Catatan-catatan) in three sheaves, with texts

in Sundanese, written in Latin script:

(1) Legenda-legenda Yogyakarta dan Topografie.

(2) Cerita-cerita Sunda.

(3) Ringkasan naskah lain.

And also, Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda, p. 415 (No. 755) who describes the manuscript once more as Or. 8652e,

with title Sejarah Cirebon Sunan Gunung Jati, dan para sultan, in Javanese, in prose, 7 ff., text written in

Latin script.

T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 565-569 (No. 1161), describes Or. 8652k, and he does so as follows:

Portfolio containing 11 sheaves of paper. Copies and clippings from Malay journals.

A. I. First sheaf:

- 1. Djojobojo;

-- a. (ff. 1b-8a) lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm; Latin script. Copy of an article in Oetoesan Melajoe of Monday 24

February 1919 by Djokdjanees;

-- b. (ff. 1b-4a) typing paper; Latin script. Copy of an article in Warna-warta of Wednesday, 29 January 1919;

- 2. Ilmoe Sedjati; newspaper Kaoem Moeda of Wednesday, 10 September 1913, with the article Ilmoe Sedjati,

about predestination, marked with red pencil; enclosed 2 ff., 21½ x 17 cm, unlined paper with a Dutch

commentary about the subject;

A. II.

Dipati Oekoer;

- 1. 1 f.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm; 57 lines on both pp.; written in pencil, Latin script, notes on Dipati Oekoer;

- 2. 1 f. Dutch translation of preceding.


- 1. Rebo wekasan.

-- a. 1 f.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm; Latin script. Copy of an article in Djawa Kando of 22 January 1914;

-- b. Jawa Kando of 22 January 1914;

- 2. a. 1 f.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm; Latin script. Letter from Diponegoro; copy of a letter from Diponegoro

dated Menado 15 December 1919;

-- b. 1 f.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm; Latin script. Sadjara Sataria, containing genealogies of the Shattariya

mystical order;

-- c. Javanese. Unidentified text in Javanese, in Javanese metres.

-- d. 2 ff.; lined paper; Latin script. Wali Koesen, copy of an article about Wali Koesen in Pantjaran Warta of

Tuesday 15 July 1915;

A. IV. 1 f.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm; Latin script.

Perampoean aulio. Copy of an article in Djawi Kanda of 19 January 1915 about a divinely inspired woman.

A. V.

- 1. 1 f.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm; Latin script. Orang djadi oeler, copy of an article in Bintang Mataram of 29

April 1915;

- 2. 2 ff.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm; Latin script. Manoesia menakdirkan oelar, transliteration of an article in

Utusan Melayu (Pulau Pinang) of 2 October 1915.

- 3. Utusan Melayu of October 1915 in Jawi script.

A. VI. 2 ff.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm; Latin script. Sri Sedana, copy of an article in Djawi Kisworo of

September 1914.

Page 239: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

A. VII. 1 f.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm; Latin script. Nyai gede Loro Kidoel, copy of an article in Bintang

Surabaya of 21 August 1915.

A. VIII. 1 f.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm; Latin script. Tachajoel pada moesim pest, copy of an article in Djawi

Kisworo of 29 September 1915 about magic to overt the plague.

A. IX. 4 pp.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm; Latin script. Tjeleret tahoen dan Lampor, copy of an article in Pemitran

of 17 December 1914.

A. X.

- 1. Maesalawoeng.

-- a. 1 f.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm; Latin script.

Copy of an article in Djawi Hisworo of March 1915 with postscript;

-- b. 1 f.; lined paper; 34 x 21½cm; Latin script.

Copy of an article only.

- 2. 1 f.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm; Latin script. Kepertjajaan Koeno, copy of an article in Warna-warta of

Monday 4 November 1918.

- 3. Papers. Darmo Kando of Wednesday 29 May 1912 and Monday 20 October 1913; and Djawi Hisworo of

Monday 1915.

A. XI.

Prijsvraag hal gamelan dan Najoeban.

- 1. 3 ff.; typing paper; 33½ x 21 cm; Latin script, typewritten; copy of an article by Bapa Achmad in Kaoem

Moeda of 10 September 1918.

- 2. 3 ff.; typing paper; 33½ x 21 cm; Latin scrupt, typewritten; copy of the preceding in Kaoem Moeda of 11

September 1918.

- 3. 3 ff.; typing paper; 33½ x 21 cm.; Latin script, carbon copy of a typewritten continuation of the preceding)

in Kaoem Moeda of September 1918.

A. XII. 7 ff.; typing paper; 34 x 21½ cm; Latin script; typewritten; Prostitutie ditanah Priangan, dated

Weltevreden, 24 July 1914, and signed by the ‘Hoofdredacteur v/d Comm. voor de Volkslectuur’.

A. XIII. 2 ff.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm.; Latin script. Beristeri lebih dari sa'orang, copy of an article in Bintang

Soerabaja of 12 January 1914.

A. XIV. Newspapers

- 1. Djawi Kando of Saturday, 21 September 1912, with the article Alamat boeroeng malam which is marked

with red pencil.

- 2. Pemberita Betawi of Thursday, 24 december 1914, with the article Atoeran bangsa Djawa mengawinkan

anaknya which is marked with red pencil.

A. XV. Newspapers.

- 1. Bintang Soerabaja of Friday, 11 April 1913.

- 2. Oetoesan Hindie of Wednesday, 7 May 1913, of which the article Serikat Islam is marked in red pencil.

A. XVI. Darmo Kando, the newspaper of Wednesday, 4 September 1912, in which the article Dari hal

mengoeatkan soekoe dalam kata-kata Melajoe is marked in red pencil.

B. Second sheaf.

B. I. 8 pp.; lined paper; 34 x 21½cm; Latin script. Hikayat goenoeng Keloet djaman doeloe. The text, pp. 1-6,

contains a copy of the article in Djawa Tengah of 10 June 1919.

B. II. 1 f.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm. Ke Moerija, a copy of an article in Sinar Djawa of 4 December 1914.

B. III. 1 f.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm. Dongengnja desa Tergoa, a copy of an article in Warna Warta of 14

December 1914.

B. IV. Koeboeran soetji. The newspaper Tjihoen Tjhioe of Wednesday, 7 July 1915, with the article mentioned

marked in red pencil.

B. V.

- 1. 1 f.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm. Orang jang membikin bersih pasarean Senopati djadi gila, copy of an

article in Medan Prijaji of February 1912.

Page 240: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

- 2. Banjoemas, Tanah merdikan angkar (heilig). The newspaper Kaoem Moeda of Wednesday, 15 December

1915, with the above-mentioned article marked in red pencil.

B. VI. Tjeritanja seorang bernama Singomerto Singodjojo dan setan Ngroban. The newspaper Bintang

Soerabaia of Monday, 17 February 1913, with the article mentioned above marked in red pencil.

B. VII. 1 f.; unlined paper; 25 x 11 cm. Roro Mendoet, copy of an article in Oetoesan Hindia of Monday, 6

October 1913, about the curse of Roro Mendoet.


- 1. 1 f.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm; Latin script. Barikan (Tachajoel), copy of an article in Djawi Hisworo of 23

January 1914 about Ratu Loro Kidul.

- 2. 1 f.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm; Latin script. Tachajoel. Copy of an article in Djawi Kando of 20 January 1914

about Ratu Loro Kidul.

B. IX. Jati Anom. Missing.

B. X. 1 f.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm; Latin script. Tempat ziarahan, copy of an article in Djawi Kando of 5 July


B. XI. 1 f.; typing paper; 34½ x 22 cm; typewritten; Latin script. Anak adjaib, copy of an article in Warna

Warta of 29 June 1919.

B. XII. 1 f.; lined paper; 34 x 21½ cm; Latin script. Waktoe Pangeran Pekik di Soerabaja, copy of an article in

Tjahaja Timoer of 17 February 1919.

B. XIII. 1 f.; lined paper; 34½ x 21½ cm; Latin script. Dziarah, copy of an article in Djawi Kando of 13 October


B. XIV-B. XV. Nusukan, Mangkunagaran are missing.

B. XVI. Agama, kepertjajaan dan tahajoelnja di Tjisalak. The newspaper Pemberita Betawi of Saturday, 17 July

1915, and Monday, 19 July 1915, in which this article is marked in red pencil.

B. XVII. Riwajatnja “Batoe Balei’ di Muntok. The newspaper Warna Warta with this article marked in red


Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 2981)

Or. 8653

Javanese. Three portfolios with texts in Javanese.

(a) Postfolio containing 5 sheaves of papers, Latin script. Notes on mysticism and theology, copied:

- 1. Ajali Nur, from Kebumen, in verse;

- 2. Salat Da’im;

- 3. Notes from Purwareja;

- 4. Notes from Luwano, Purwareja;

- 5. Explanations of mystic expressions.

(b) Portfolio, containing an exercise book. Javanese script.

Susilastri, moralistic poem on women of different classes of society, from agriculturers to concubines of

Chinese (gondik Cina), by raden mas Sukardi Prawira Winarsa of Yogyakarta. See also Or. 6595, above.

(c) Postfolio containing 6 sheaves of papers. Latin script. Compilation of moralistic and didactic

texts, copies:

- 1. Pantuntun Trimurti (by three authors), mixed verse and prose, good counsel for life, also referring to

agriculture, from Madiyun and Pacitan, 1922;

- 2. Kala Uni, two volumes., 132 paragraphs on good and bad behaviour and customs, in prose, alphabetically

ordered: old popular sayings. and rules explained as referring to modern ideas, by Sastra

Kartika of Surakarta, 1912;

- 3. Aksara XX, the 20 letters in a moralistic poem, one stanza each, by Nata Siswa of Gemolong, Salem,

Central Java;

- 4. Pangarem-arem manah, didactic poem by Sayid Besari of Rembang;

- 5. Damar Jati, dialogue in prose on human condition by Sastra Darsana, Surakarta, 1921;

Page 241: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

- 6. Madu Yatna, moralistic poem by Niti Saraya, Surakarta, 1924.

Pigeaud II, p. 497.

Provenance: D. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 2978, Mal. 2979, Mal. 2980)

Or. 8654

Arabic, Javanese, paper, 140 ff., European paper, early 19th century (before 1236/1821).

Complete copy of al-Idah fi’l-Fiqh, an anonymous work, which is an abridgement of a work called at-Tabsira

fi’l-Fiqh (GAL S I, 670). Whether this was the work by Ibrahim b. `Ali al-Shirazi (d. 476/1083) cannot be

decided. All copies from the Idah come from Indonesia and most of them have an interlinear translation (in

some cases incomplete) into Javanese. See MSS Jakarta, KBG 139 Arab. (Catalogue van den Berg, p. 122); Br.

396 (Supplement Cat. Batav., No. 462); Oxford, Bodleian, Marsh 362; Ouseley 399, ff. 68, 69 (the beginning

only, = Ethé 1931, which was probably copied from Marsh 362), and the three copies in the Netherlands

(MSS Leiden Acad. 41, Amsterdam I H 1, and Middelburg A. 2). MS Paris, BNF, mal.-pol. 27 has a Malay

translation, and so has the Breda fragment. A Javanese translation without Arabic text is found in Leiden Or.

5466 (3). The Idah is mentioned as a source in a Javanese text on fiqh, namely MS Cambridge Gg.5.22, which

originates from the collection of Thomas Erpenius (1584-1624). It seems probable that the abridgment was

made in Indonesia before the end of the 16th century. There is a copy of a Dutch translation of the first two

books (tahara and salat) by Melchior Leydekker (1645-1701) in Leiden, Dept. Western Manuscripts, BPL 310

(Catalogus compendiarius 1 (1932), p. 121). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 121-122, with special reference to the

interleaved copy of the Handlist preserved in the Legatum Warnerianum.

Not in Pigeaud II.

Provenance: Presented to the Library by the Rvd. J.J.W.A. Wijchers, The Hague, in the course of February


(Ar. 3181)

Or. 8655

Javanese, paper, 316 pp., Javanese script, illustrations.

Amad Muhammad romance in verse, with coloured illustrations and book-decorations, dated 1828 A.D. The

illustrations are naturalistic (not wayang style). The script is probably Central North Coast. Added are a

Dutch note written by H.H. Juynboll (1867-1945) comparing the text of Or. 8655 with the text of Or. 1985 and

Or. 1877, above, and a double page reproduction (from Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie vol. XVI

(1904), plate VIII,6 of a Balinese coloured illustration showing Amad on his horse under the miraculous

kastuba tree with two birdnymphs, paksi Bayan, in the air above him). Many illustrations of cod. 8655 have

names and explicative notes written in.

The coloured drawing is registered in the list of van der Tuuk’s Balinese pictures (cat. Juynboll II, p. 481, No

215). Illustrated in Pigeaud III, p. 15 (plate 17).

See Notes by J. Soegiarto, Or. 10.867-D.

Earlier provenance: Collection H.H. Juynboll, Leiden, who mentioned the manuscript in his catalogue

(Juynboll, vol. 2, p. 10, describing Or. 4016, above). He must have owned the manuscript before 1904. Not

mentioned in Jan Just Witkam, ‘The Oriental Manuscripts in the Juynboll Family Library in Leiden’, in:

Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 3 (2012), pp. 20-102.

6 H.H. Juynboll, ‘Proeven van Balineesche Teekenkunst’, in Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie XVI (1904), pp. 81-

87, and plates VI-IX, especially plate VIII and pp. 83-84. On p. 83 Juynboll refers to the manuscript in his own collection

which is now MS Leiden Or. 8655. See now also on the Van der Tuuk drawings: H.I.R. Hinzler, Catalogue of Balinese

Manuscripts […], vol. 1, Reproductions of the Balinese drawings from the Van der Tuuk Collection (Leiden 1987) and vol. 2,

Descriptions of the Balinese drawings from the Van der Tuuk Collection (Leiden 1986).

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Provenance: Purchased in February 1955 from Messrs. Beijers, antiquarian booksellers in Utrecht.

Pigeaud II, p. 498.

(Mal. 3192)

Or. 8656

Arabic, Malay and another Indonesian language, photographs, 4 ff.

Photographs taken from MS London SOAS 11660 and printed on paper from microfilm Leiden FOr. 48a. See

for a full description of the entire SOAS volume: M.C. Ricklefs, P. Voorhoeve, Annabel Teh Gallop,

Indonesian Manuscripts in Great Britain. New Edition (Jakarta 2014), p. 156.

The present photographs are from MS London, SOAS, 11660, ff. 65b-67a, containing a Du’a’ in Arabic for the

days of the week and Notes in an unidentified Indonesian language containing many Malay words.

See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 569 (No. 1162), who literally follows the first edition of Ricklefs &

Voorhoeve. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 67.

Provenance: Photographic enlargements made in the Leiden Library, 1955.

(Mal. 3190)

Or. 8657

Javanese, photocopies, bound together, 52 pp., Javanese and Arabic scripts.

A. (pp. 1-16) Sajarah Pangeran ing Ngampel Denta, history and genealogy of the walis, in prose, tradition of

kyahi Weru, Wuryapada (mount Murya?), dated only: in the year Jim.

See also MS Leiden Or. 8600, above, history of sunan Ngampel, which is Rinkes’ copy of MS Jakarta KBG CS

114, Babad Cerbon (not identical with MS Leiden Or. 8657). The script is antique quadratic, probably 18th or

early 19th century.

B. (pp. 17-32) Treatise on theology and mysticism; questions and answers, beginning wilth Caritanira

Jagung, the tale of Jagung who examines Muhammad, afterwards Jawa, upon the meaning of many terms.

Adam is also examined.

The script is Arabic, vocalized in a particular way (the Javanese pepet: a fatḥa with a mark under the letter),

well written.

C. (pp. 33-52): Notes on theology and mysticism, beginning with God’s qualities, etc. The script is antique

quadratic Javanese, of the same kind as in A, but smaller.

The copies are enlarged from microfilms made of two manuscripts from East Java, origin not known. The

microfilms are marked I.T.C.O. 86 B, 86 A and 85 A. Apparently 86 B (= A) is the reverse side of 86 A (= B).

The photocopies of the reverse side of 85 (= C) are lost. Apparently, the original manuscripts were written

on treebark paper, folded in the manner of a concertina balloon, like Batak books. As a rule, one page (fold)

of the manuscript has four lines, and its margins are decorated with a vertical flowery design, continued

over several pages. This kind of book is rare in Java. See also MS Leiden Or. 11.092, below. A Dutch epitome

and a copy by J. Soegiarto are added.

Pigeaud II, p. 498.

Provenance: Photographs made in the Leiden Library, 1955.

(Mal. 3191)

Or. 8658

Collective volume with texts in Arabic and some Malay, paper (dluang?), 46 ff., Naskh script, vocalized in

text No. 2 only, 15 lines to the page, black and red inks, two quires sewn together, no catchwords, no


A MS from Minangkabau, Indonesia.

f. 1a. Notes in several hands.

(1) ff. 1b-18a. al-Miftah fi Sharh Ma`rifat al-Islam, anonymous commentary on Bab Ma`rifat al-Islam wal-

Iman, which is anonymous theological tract, very common in Indonesia. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 195,

where also references to manuscripts in Jakarta and Paris, BnF, mal.pol. 35 (which latter manuscript has an

Page 243: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

author: Ahmad b. Shaykh al-Islam). Matn in red, Sharh in black ink. Text on f. 15b does not belong to this,

and f. 16a is blank. F. 18b: Malay, Hadith on the authority of Ibn Mas’ud.

(2) ff. 19a-46b. Incomplete copy (abrupt end) of the commentary by Muhammad b. `Umar b. Ibrahim al-

Tilimsani (897/1492) on Umm al-Barahin by Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi (d. 892/1486),

GAL G II, 250. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 387-388. Matn in red, Sharh in black ink.

Provenance: Presented on April 14, 1955, to the Library by Mr. A.M. Bekker, Rotterdam.

[* Ar. 3183]

Or. 8659

Thai, paper (black coloured, text in yellow and also in white ink), ff.

Vol. 29 only of the Pongsawadan (a historical work).

Provenance: Purchased on May 19, 1955, from Mrs. L. van Fraassen-Ornek, Oegstgeest.

[* Skr. 87]

Or. 8660-Or. 8662

Manuscripts presented by Ms. J. Gobée-Bosman, received in the Library on 26 May 1955. Possibly from the

estate of Emile Gobée (1881-1954). See also Or. 8762, Or. 8931, Or. 8949, below

Or. 8660

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, ff., dated 1059 AH.

(1) ff. 1-53v. al-`Umda al-Mahriyya fi Dabt al-`Ulum al-Bahriyya, by Sulayman b. Ahmad al-Mahri al-

Muhammadi (10th/16th cent.), GAL S II, 231. According to a note on the title-page, the book was composed

in 787 (1385-1386), but according to G. Ferrand, in EI (first edition, English), IV, p. 530, the book was

composed in 917/1511. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 386.

(2) ff. 53v-85r. al-Minhag al-Fakhir fi `Ilm al-Bahr al-Zakhir, by Sulayman b. Ahmad al-Mahri al-Muhammadi

(10th/16th cent.), GAL S II, 231. Dated 1059 AH. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 214.

Provenance: Presented by Ms. J. Gobée-Bosman, received in the Library on 26 May 1955. Possibly from the

estate of Emile Gobée (1881-1954).

(Ar. 3184)

Or. 8661

Arabic, paper, 7 ff., ‘modern’.

al-Mutawakkili, by Galal al-Din al-Suyuti (d. 905/1511), GAL G II, 145. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 244.

Provenance: Presented by Ms. J. Gobée-Bosman, received in the Library on 26 May 1955. Possibly from the

estate of Emile Gobée (1881-1954).

(Ar. 3185)

Or. 8662

Dutch, paper, i + 43 pp., typewritten, carbon copy, hand drawn map (p. 14), carton boards.

Report dated January 30, 1932, about a journey to Medina undertaken by two employees of the Dutch

Legacy in Jeddah, the medical officer and the future vice-consul, brought out by the Dutch chargé d’affaires

C. Adriaanse (1896-1964), to the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies and the Adviser for Indigenous

Affairs in Batavia. The present carbon copy was destined for C. Snouck Hurgronje. Another copy is in the

archive of the Dutch Consulate in Jeddah, kept in the National Archive in the Hague, inventory No. 2.05.53.

p. i. Preamble signed by the chargé d’affaires, C. Adriaanse, dated January 30, 1932.

pp. 1-13. ‘Verslag eener reis naar Medīnah’ (January 3 – 8, 1932), dated Jeddah, January 15, 1932. Signed by

Widjojoatmodjo and … (?).

p. 14. Hand drawn map: ‘Schetskaart aangevende de verbindingswegen langs de kust tussen Mekkah en


Page 244: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

pp. 15-17. ‘Het reisverhaal van Soeleiman, afkomstig van Menes, aangekomen in 1929, sjeich te Mekka

Abdulaziz Zabidi. Pas achtergelaten te Mekka.’

pp. 18-20. ‘Woensdag 6 Januari 1932. Een bezoek aan den Emier.’

pp. 21-22. ‘Woensdagavond, 6 Januari 1932. Een bezoek aan Hamzah Ghauth.’

pp. 23-24. ‘Donderdag, 7 Januari 1932. Een bezoek aan Asadoellah Leopold Weiss’.

pp. 25-33. ‘Een omwandeling door de stad.’

pp. 34-41. ‘Het bezoek’

pp. 42-43. Lijst van Moezawwirs te Medinah.’

Earlier provenance: Possibly Legacy Snouck Hurgronje, 1936, for whom the present copy was destined.

Provenance: Presented by Ms. J. Gobée-Bosman, received in the Library on 26 May 1955. Possibly from the

estate of Emile Gobée (1881-1954).

[* Ar. 3186]

Or. 8663

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper (photostats).

(1) 95 ff. Kitab fi Gawami` `Ilm an-Nugum wa-Usul al-Harakat as-Samawiyya, by Ahmad b. Muhammad Ibn

Kathir al-Farghani (c. 200/815), GAL G I, 221. Photostat of MS Princeton, Garrett collection, No. 967. On the

title-page: al-Migisti. Original dated 1068 AH (1657-1658). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 98, 437.

(2) 11 ff. Anonymous fragment with quotations from Kushyar b. Labban al-Gili, al-Zig al-Gami`. Original

dated 1068 (1657-1658). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 405. Photograph of MS Princeton 967.

Provenance: Presented to the Library on June 25, 1955, by F.J. Carmody (1907-1982) of Berkeley.

(Ar. 3187).

Or. 8664

Javanese, palm leaf, 113 ff., Javanese script.

Darma Jati romance in verse, wayang purwa play about Arjuna, and his wives Sembadra and Srikandi,

versified. East Javanese script and idiom. The tale is complete. The date mentions only the year: Alip.

Incomplete epitome added. See also the Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, pp. 498-499.

Provenance: Purchased on July 6, 1955, from Mr. P. Brouwer of Leiden.

(Lont. 773)

Or. 8665

Javanese, palm leaf without boards. 10 pp., Balinese, Javanese scripts.

Lyric poem in Old Javanese, tembang gede (Sanskrit metres), descriptions of nature, erotic, made in Bali,

probably 18th or 19th century. Apparently, the manuscript is a recent copy, well written and well kept,

scarcely ever read.

Earlier provenance: Mr. F.P. Heckman, of the Netherlands East Indies Civil Service, found it in 1926 in the

possession of a Sundanese clerk in a Government bureau in Ci Calengka, Bandung, West Java.

Pigeaud II, p. 499.

Provenance: Presented to the Library on July 16, 1955, by R.A. Kern (1875-1958).

(Lont. 774)

Or. 8666-Or. 8755

Collection H.T. Damsté. Gift to the Leiden Library from Mrs. I. Damsté-Muller, from the estate of her late

husband, Dr. H.T. Damsté (1874-1955), who had explicitly wished his papers and materials to be deposited in

the Leiden library. After Damsté’s death his collection of manuscripts for the greater part went to Leiden

University Library, whereas a few manuscripts went to the Royal Institute of the Tropics in Amsterdam.

During his lifetime he had already been presenting a few pieces to the Leiden library. Many of his

manuscripts originate from Aceh, Indonesia. See on his collections Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

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Manuscripts (1944), pp. 265, 287. A portrait of Damsté is ibid., p. 362. Damsté’s offprints were incorporated in

the offprints collection of the Legatum Warnerianum. Additional materials from Damsté’s collection are

registered as MSS Leiden Or. 8505-Or. 8506, Or. 8764, Or. 8788, Or. 8811, Or. 8813-Or. 8818, Or. 8926-Or. 8927,

Or. 14.194-Or. 14.196, Or. 14.219.

Other copies and translations by Damsté are catalogued in the Leiden library as 813 B 33.

There is also a considerable collection of Damsté in the KITLV, of which the Dutch National Catalogue has

the following description:

‘Collectie H.T. Damsté. - 1894-1940. - 102 omslagen. ; 36 cm. Stukken met betrekking tot zijn loopbaan als

bestuursambtenaar, onder andere in Batavia, Sumatra’s Westkust, Atjeh, Celebes en Palembang,

correspondentie met familie en collega’s etc. - Inventaris op de collectie is aanwezig (KITLV, No. 9).’

Or. 8666

Acehnese, paper, 98 pp., Arabic script.

(a 1) 2 pp. from Hikayat Pocut Muhamat, by Tgk. Lam Rukam, numbered 5 and 8. On p. 5 are verse 79-102, on

p. 8 lines 1-15 are verse 149-163 and p. 8, lines 16-23 are different.

(a 2) A leaf with explanations of Arabic words by Ph.S. van Ronkel, and a portion of tranaltion by H.T.


(a 3) Letter from H.J. Schmidt to H.T. Damsté, which includes the information that according to T. Ali Ba’et,

Schmidt’s manuscript of Hikayat Pocut Muhamat was copied from memory, which may be correct, see also

G.W.J. Drewes (ed.), Hikajat Potjut Muhamat. The Hague 1979, p. 31. Probably the original of MSS Leiden Or.

8666 and Or. 8936, below, was a rough draft made during a recitation of the epic.

(a 4) An incomplete comparison of MS Leiden Or. 8666 with a transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 7953, above,

by H.J. Schmidt.

MS Leiden Or. 8669, below, contains transliterations and translations by H.J. Schmidt and H.T. Damsté from

this manuscript.

Note that MS Leiden, KITLV Or. 247, is a transliteration by H.J. Schmidt from his own manuscript, MS Leiden

Or. 8666.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 49, 52, and especially p. 53.

Earlier provenance: Captain H.J. Schmidt (* 1872). Acquired by H.T. Damsté, who received it from Schmidt.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3323)

Or. 8667

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 423 ff., dated 26 Rajab 1250 (1834), thus long before the

Acehnese-Dutch war. Two volumes.

(1) ff. 2v-15v. Hikayat Tamim Ansa. Incomplete copy. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 166.

(2) ff. 16b-38a. Tambéh, without further title. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p.


(3) ff. 38v-62r. Hikayat prang sabi. Or. 8687 (2), below, is a copy of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 75.

(4) ff. 62a-414a. Boseutan sabilu. This text treats the earliest history of Islam, beginning with the eight

campaigns in which the Prophet Muhammad himself took part; then other victories; the death of the

Prophet; the califate of Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthman and ‘Ali; the deaths of Hasan and Husain; on f. 351

Nuruddin ibn Hasanji (i.e. al-Raniri) is cited; the story of Muhammad Hanafiah. After the end there is a

tanbih, principally of eschatological nature. Various Arabic works are cited as authorities. Voorhoeve has

not been able to determine if anyone text is the principal source. In spite of the title and the mention of

Raniri’s name it is not a rendering of a passage from Raniri’s Bustan al-salatin. It seems to Voorhoeve that

this work has been compiled by a well-read Acehnese from Arabic and Malay sources. It is a representative

of the Maghazi literature (see Paret 1930). With the manuscript are passages of transliteration by Damsté

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and a very extensive Dutch summary by T. Iskandar. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 156.

(5) ff. 418a-423b. Hikayat kisah ulat. The beginning is missing. Abu Jahl wants to put Muhammad to the test

by having him guess what is in his sleeve. It is a diamond. Muhammad proves that there is a red worm in the

stone, with a small green leaf in its beak. Published and translated by Damsté (1948). See also Damsté 1953.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 157.

See also James T. Siegel, Shadow and sound. The historical thought of a Sumatran people. Chicago 1979, p. 236.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3324 – Mal. 3325)

Or. 8668

Acehnese, paper, 206 pp. (in disorder: pp. 183-190 belong between pp. 118-119).

Hikayat Tujoh kisah. The text is a literal translation of Nur al-Din al-Raniri’s (mentioned on p. 203: Nurodin)

eschatological work Akhbar al-Akhira fi Ahwal al-Qiyama. The original title is given here: Akeubaro Akirat or

Haba kiamat printah akirat. The chapters (Bab) begin as follows: I, p. 1; II, p. 6; III, p. 20; IV, p. 67, V, p. 90; VI,

p. 156; VII, p. 172. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 178.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3326)

Or. 8669

Acehnese, paper, 75 pp., copied by Tgk. H. Muhamat, the scribe of K.F.H. van Langen (1848-1915).

Hikayat Pocut Muhamat, by Tgk. Lam Rukam. H.T. Damsté’s transliterations and translation (in various


(a) Complete transliteration of Or. 7953, above, 2442 verse, typewritten, with a written translation by

Damsté. This text was translated by James Siegel in Shadow and sound. The historical thought of a Sumatran

people. Chicago 1979 [8157 D 4].

(b) Complete transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 7953, above, 2442 verse, typewritten, with a typed translation

by Damsté of verse 1-650.

(c) Transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 7953, above, verse 1-1300, typewritten, with a typewritten translation by

Damsté of verse 1-650.

(d) Transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 7953, above, verse 1-1250, typewritten, with typed translation.

(e) Transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 7953, above, verse 1251-1400.

(f) Transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 7953, above, verse 1-1400.

(g) Index of the verse numbers in MS Leiden Or. 7953 with notes indicating which verses are from the

manuscript from Brawe.

(h) First half of the text Hikayat Pocut Muhamat, transliterated by H.J. Schmidt from MS Leiden Or. 8666,

above, pp. 1-49. The rest is by Damsté, typewritten, from various manuscripts, with partial translation.

(i) Some typed transliterations of MS Leiden Or. 8666, above, all incomplete.

(j) Typed translation, incomplete.

(k) Copy of C. Snouck Hurgronje’s notes from MS Leiden Or. 7953, above; incomplete typed transliterations

from MS Leiden Or. 7953 and the first half of MS Leiden Or. 8016, above.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts … (1994), p. 52.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3217)

Or. 8670

Acehnese, paper, 318 ff., Arabic script.

Tambihoy rapilin. Complete text. In the beginning is a list of the chapters. Also added is correspondence

concerning this manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 185.

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Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3218)

Or. 8671 a

Acehnese, paper, 214 ff., Arabic script, dated 1317 (1899-1900).

Hikayat Malem Diwa. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 83.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3219)

Or. 8671 b

Acehnese, paper, 445 pp., Latin script.

Transliteration by H.T. Damsté of Or. 8671 a, above, being Hikayat Malem Diwa. Also some loose sheets of

transliteration. Included is a description by T. Iskandar, who also remarked that the Hikayat is wholly

located in Aceh. It cannot be read without first giving a kanduri. A man who did not heed this prohibition

received a blow from an invisible hand causing his head to go askew. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 83.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3219)

Or. 8672

Acehnese, paper, 30 pp., dated 1333 (1914-1915).

Hikayat Raja Jomjomah. The contents agree with the Malay Hikayat Raja Jumjumah.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 145.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3220)

Or. 8673

Collective volume with texts in Malay and Acehnese, paper, cash book with lined paper, 44 ff., Arabic script,

hard cover.

Inside hard cover at front and back and f. 1a: Notes and scribbling.

ff. 1b-3b. Malay. Fasl pada menyatakan Haqq Subhana wa-Ta’ala …

ff. 4a-16b. Malay. Sifat duapuluh. On f. 6a enumeration of the Arabic alphabet, with explanation.

ff. 16b-27a. Bab ini … On ff. 24a-25a anthropomorphic drawing and other drawings. Followed by several

shorter texts.

ff. 27b-28a. Acehnese. Mystical text, not further identified, about the origin of the human body.

ff. 28b-37a. Several shorter texts in Acehnese and Malay.

ff. 37b-40a. Acehnese. A passage of mixed Acehnese/Malay with title Mir’at al-Mu’minin, largely in the form

of questions and answers.

ff. 40b-43b. Several shorter texts.

f. 44a. Du’a’. ‘Aqiqa, and other texts.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), Leiden 1994, p. 193.

Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* Mal. 3221]

Or. 8674

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Malay and Acehnese, laid paper, c. 21 x 16 cm, 36 ff., dated 1321 (f.

36b), some pages with (sometimes illuminated) frames: ff. 1a-7b and 8b-9a, loose leaves kept in an envelope

in a portfolio.

(1) ff. 1a-2a. Malay. Notes on sembahyang.

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(2) ff. 2a-4a. Malay. Notes on sembahyang subh. Illuminated end on f. 4a.

(3) ff. 4a-6b. Malay A work on dream interpretation.

(4) ff. 6b-7b. Malay. Notes on sembahyang `isha.

(5) ff. 8a-29a. Arabic, Malay, Acehnese. Mi`rag al-Salikin. Notes on Ahwal al-Tariq wa-Silsilatihi. Text in

Arabic in red ink. On ff. 27b-39a in Acehnese. Something from the life history of the scribe, in sanjak. Abrupt

end. It is the conclusion of a text in Malay dated 1337 (1918-1919). See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 261. Inserted is a handwritten note (by Iskandar?) with details from this life history in


(6) ff. 29b-30a. Arabic. Prayers to be said in Mecca. F. 30b. Blank.

(7) ff. 31a-32a. Acehnese. On inauspicious days of the month.

(8) ff. 32a-33a. Acehnese. Amulet text, azima, with two drawings (f. 32b).

(9) ff. 33a-b. Acehnese. Amulet text.

(10) ff. 33b-36a. Acehnese. On the pleasure of copulation, Ladhdhat Gima`.

(11) ff. 36a-b. Malay. On four actions.

Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Arabic texts not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* Mal. 3222]

Or. 8675 a-d

Collection of texts from Aceh, in Acehnese, and notes by H.T. Damsté.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* Mal. 3223]

Or. 8675 a

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, lined paper, school writing book, 43 pp. and blanks,


(1) pp. 1-4. Transliteration of the beginning only of Mo’lot Nabi, by Tgk. Cèh Kob, or Tgk. Panté Ceureumèn.

There exist two printed editions of the Mawlid, Bombay 1345/1926 (lithograph, Hikajat Akeubaro Karim.

Karangan Teungku Seumatang (followed by a text on Paradise). Bombay 1345 / 1926. [8201 E 39]) and

Kutaraja 1344/1926 (lithograph?, Madjmoe rasail dengan bahasa Atjeh. Pertama Risalat fiqh jang kedoea

Aqidat al-awwamm, dan lain-lain. By `Abd Allah b. Ibrahim and Toeankoe Radja Keumala. Koetaradja,

1344/1926 [892 C 6]), each with variant readings of its own. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 152. Pp. 5-12 are blank.

(2) pp. 13-19 (and a p. 13a and 14a). Haba seulaweuet. A mystical lullaby, with translation and notes by H.T.

Damsté. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 202.

(3) pp. 20-38. Nalam sipheuet dua ploh, by M. Amin Tiro. This is an Acehnese rendering of the `Aqidat al-

`Awamm by Abu al-Fawz Ahmad al-Marzuqi (c. 1281/1864), GAL S II, 990. According to a communication

from C. Snouck Hurgronje to J. Kreemer, the author of this rendering was the famous Tgk. Muhamat Amin

Tiro, who is also named as the author in an edition published in Cairo 1357/1938. See J. Kreemer, Atjèh.

Leiden 1922-1923, vol. 2, p. 680. [SH’s copy: 898 A 2-3]. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 224.

(4) pp. 39-53. Notes in pencil by Damsté. After that two blank leaves.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3223]

Or. 8675 b

Acehnese, paper, Latin script, typewritten, 3 double and 3 single sheets.

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Haba seulaweuet. A mystical lullaby, with Dutch translation and notes by H.T. Damsté. Apparently made

afier Or. 8675a (2), above, followed by handwritten notes (also by Damsté?). See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 202.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3223]

Or. 8675 c

Acehnese, Latin script, typewritten and handwritten, 5 ff.

Meureutabat tujoh. Copy by H.T. Damsté. In addition, a further 1.5 double folio sheet with the same text.

Text the same as in MS Leiden Or. 8142 (3), above. And another similar text.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 190.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3223]

Or. 8675 d

Acehnese, Dutch, small number of unnumbered loose leaves.

Notes by H.T. Damsté on mysticism.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3223]

Or. 8676

Acehnese, paper, 48 + 3 pp.

A. 48 pp. Sheets of lined writing paper bound as a writing book. Nalam masa’ilay. Rhyming rendition of the

Malay catechism Masa’il al-Muhtadi li-Ikhwan al-Mubtadi.

B. School writing book with transliteration of the first 3 pp. of Nalam masa’ilay. Rhyming rendition of the

Malay catechism Masa’il al-Muhtadi li-Ikhwan al-Mubtadi.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 235.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3224)

Or. 8677

Acehnese, school writing book format, 56 ff., Latin script, dated 1322 (1904-1905), copied in Glumpang.

Hikayat Mè’reuet. Content: Muhammad was telling Ibn Abbas of his ascension. A Jew in the audience

disbelieved. Whilst the Jew’s wife was preparing a meal he went to the river to bathe. Suddenly he changed

into a woman. Someone took him home and married him. They had three children. One day the Jew who

had become a woman again went to the river to bathe. He regained his former form. When he returned to

his wife, she had not even finished preparing his meal. After the meal he returned to the prophet, who had

just finished his story, and said that he now believed because he had had a similar experience. See G.A.N.

Scheltema de Heere, ‘De Nacht der Opstijging. Eene mohammedaansch-oostindische studie’, in De Indische

Gids 36/2 (1936), pp. 1067-1085. A copy of this is included with this manuscript.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 160.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3225)

Or. 8678

Acehnese, lined folio paper, 5 ff.

Surat kriman, or Wasiet Nabi. Admonitions given to Sèh Amat. Transliteration of Or. 8505 (2), above. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 174.

Manuscripts of the Arabic text of these admonitions are referred to in Voorhoeve, Handlist, s.v. Wasiyyat

Rasul Allah (p. 400).

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Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3226)

Or. 8679

Acehnese, paper, 106 pp. (part of pp. 2-5 torn off, with loss of text), copied by Po Buruhan at the request of

his friend Tgk. Nyak Ahmat.

Hikayat Raja Bada. A transliteration of pp. 1-67 and 96-104 in 4 school writing books is added.

The text is preceded by 3 pp., with a passage from another Hikayat, which is not included in the numbering.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 155.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3227)

Or. 8680 a

Acehnese, paper, 45 ff., Arabic script.

Incomplete copy (beginning and end missing) of Hikayat Nubuet, or Nubuet Nabi. A poem about the

mystical origin, birth and person of the Prophet Muhammad. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 150.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3228)

Or. 8680 b

Acehnese, paper, 103 pp., Latin script.

Transliteration from a complete copy of Hikayat Nubuet, or Nubuet Nabi. A poem about the mystical origin,

birth and person of the Prophet Muhammad. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p.


Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3228)

Or. 8681 a

Acehnese, paper, 75 pp. in a school exercise book, copied by Tgk. Hi, Pasai.

Hikayat Akeubaro karim, by Tgk. Seumatang. Transliteration. At the end an owner is mentioned as Si Nyak

Fatimah, Simpang Ulim. With exception of the end almost a word for word copy of MS Leiden Or. 8817 (5),

below. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 239.

MS Leiden Or. 8818, below, was taken from MS Leiden Or. 8681 and registered separately in 1957.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3229)

Or. 8681 b

Acehnese, paper, 7 pp., copied by someone from Meura’sa.

Hikayat Akeubaro karim, by Tgk. Seumatang. Transliteration of the beginning only. The owner is mentioned

here as Tgk. Cut Raden, son of Ampon Bayu. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p.


MS Leiden Or. 8818, below, was taken from MS Leiden Or. 8681 and registered separately in 1957.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3229)

Or. 8682 a

Acehnese, paper, note booklet, 14 ff.

Hikayat prang sabi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 75.

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Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3230)

Or. 8682 b

Acehnese, paper, note booklet, 30 ff.

Hikayat prang sabi. Added two small additional leaves of which ff. 1v-2r contain a Rateb recited at the

daboih. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 75.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3230)

Or. 8682 c

Malay, paper, note book, 37 pp.

Pp. 1-23 contain a treatise about sembahyang. On the other pages Du’a’ texts and other jottings. Enclosed is a

piece of paper with transliterations of fragments.

See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 569 (No. 1163)

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3230)

Or. 8682 d

Malay, paper, 1 f.

Letter from Teungku di Lam U to Tuanku Raja Keumala, dated 30 Dzulka’edah 1318/21 March 1901.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 569 (No. 1163)

(in Mal. 3230)

Or. 8682 e

Acehnese, Malay, paper, 7 ff.; lined paper; written at random.

Notes by Tuanku Raja Keumala.

f. 1r. Acehnese. Notes.

ff. 1v-2r. Do'a, tangkal, etc.

f. 3r. Seals of the Sultan of Aceh.

ff. 7r-5v. Notes on jewellery pawned by Tuanku Raja Keumala with several people, etc.

f. 7v. Jottings; on the cover a short summary by Damsté.

Not in Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994).

See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 569-570 (No. 1163).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3230)

Or. 8682 f

Acehnese, paper, note booklet, 25 ff.

Hikayat prang sabi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 75.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3230)

Or. 8683 a

Acehnese, paper, 13 ff.

Hikayat prang sabi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 75.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3231)

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Or. 8683 b

Acehnese, paper, 12 loose ff., written from the other end of Or. 8683 a, above, by the same copyist.

Hikayat prang Geudong. The sheets are placed in a writing book in which Damsté has transliterated the

text in Latin script, except for the last two pages. At the beginning one or more pages are missing. The text

ends abruptly.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 63.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3231)

Or. 8683 c

Acehnese, Dutch, Malay, paper, 48 pp.

A writing book with notes by H.T. Damsté on Geudong. This contains:

1. Some printed excerpts, including the articles of Damsté 1917a. Damsté's authorship can be deduced from

an accompanying letter about the Geudong article in the Encyclopaedie van Nederlandsch-Indië; rough

drafts of the other articles arc also included:

- Clippings from the Encyclopaedie about Blang Mangat, Blang Me, Bajoe, and Geudong.

- Mededeelingen betreffende de Atjehsche Onderhorlgheden (1. Matang Koelie, 2. Blang Pidie, 3. Blang

Mangat); offprint of an article in BKI 56 (1904), pp. 587-602.

- De Voornaamste Gebeurtenissen in het Begin van de 2de Atjeh-expeditie, door Atjehers beschreven, by W.

Frijling; offprint of an article in Tijdschrift voor Binnenlandsch Bestuur, Juli 1912.

- Nota omtrent het landschap Lho’ Seumawe; offprint of an article in BKI 61 (1908).

- De Pacificatie van Atjeh (correspondentie-artikel); offprint of an article about Geudong by W. Frijling, in

Indische Gids, 1903.

2. Transliteration in Roman script of a letter in which T. Mohamad Rasyad in consultation with T. Bentara

Blang Mangat incites the chiefs of Blang Me to wage the holy war (not dated).

3. Transliteration in Roman script of a sarakata from Nisam. Seals.

4. Idem from Cunda, with an historical note titled ‘Tjoenda en Telok Samoei’.

5. Copy of a letter from the Government Secretary Pannekoek to the Resident of Sumatra’s East Coast, dated

20 December 1877, concerning the Gayo chieftains.

6. Copy of a resolution of the Governor General dated 8 July 1879 concerning contacting the raja of Batu

Bulan (Alas).

7. Copy of a letter from the Government Secretary A. Sol to the Governor of Aceh dated 24 July 1881

concerning the Gayo chieftains.

8. Copy of a letter from Tuanku Bangta Muda (Tuanku Hasyim) of the 22 Mukims to ‘Singa Maharadja [read

Si Singamangaradjal, one of the principal Batak radjas in the highlands of Langkat’ (sic! actually in Bakkara

on Lake Toba) dated 28 Zulhidjdjah 1294 (early January 1878).

9. Letter from T. Bentara Ibrahim (of Blang Mè; see Damsté 1917a under Blang Mè) to T. Chik Idi-besar dated

30 Rabīʿ II 1296 (1879), with transliteration.

10. Letter from T. Bentara Ibrahim to T. Chik Idi-besar, undated, but probably somewhat older than the

preceding, since this letter still bears the seal of T. Muda Angkasa, who was murdered in 1876. With


See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 65.

See also, for a somewhat more detailed description, T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 570-571 (No. 1164).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3231)

Or. 8684

Acehnese, paper, 280 pp., dated 30 Syawal 1311 (1894), copied by Nyak Meuse, Lhok Seumawe (information

on the back).

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Complete copy of Hikayat Diwa Sangsareh. This Hikayat is a translation of a Malay text, as is shown by P.

Voorhoeve. Inserted is a transliteration of No. 3 till f. 14, line 4; a transliteration from the present manuscript

till line 120 and pp. 107-108; and notes by T. Iskandar, about (among other things) the division into 52

chapters (Bab). See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 106.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3232)

Or. 8685 a

Acehnese, writing book, 133 pp.

Hikayat Banta Sa’ti. A complete abstract of the contents has been added by T. Iskandar and an incomplete

one by Damsté (both in Dutch).

See also the remark by Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 98, telling that this text,

according to Damsté, belongs to the Hikayat Banta Amat. Voorhoeve (1994), p. 124 has a different opinion.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 124.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3230)

Or. 8685 b

Acehnese, writing book, Latin script.

Hikayat Banta Sa’ti. Transliteration of the preceding by H.T. Damsté. Inserted: an abstact of the contents in

Dutch by T. Iskandar; two slips with typed notes by Damsté.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 124.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3234)

Or. 8686

Several texts in Acehnese, Arabic and Dutch.

Du’a bak Teungku di Alue Keutapang, in nalam form. Passages from this are translated in Damsté 1912, pp.


A. 13 x 7.5 cm. Lined note booklet. Ff. 1-14 du'a; 15-19 nasihat.

B. 16.5 x 10 cm. Note booklet. 20 written ff. The du'a is preceded by passages from the Koran (ff. 1-5 f) and

followed by a nasihat (ff. 15v-20). Added transliteration on a loose piece of paper. Not in Voorhoeve,


C. 17.5 x 10.5 cm. Note booklet. 13 written ff. Ft. 1-5v nasihat; ff. 6r--11v the text, again followed by a nasihat, ff.

12r-13r. The owner is named as ‘Nja' Bén Arōn’.

D. Complete typed transliteration. 9 pp.

E. 15ff. in a lined school writing book. Hand-written transliteration with Dutch translation.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 210.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3235)

Or. 8687

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, lined, pp., sewn.

(1) pp. 1-48. Tambéh, without further title. Copy of MS Leiden Or. 8667 (2), above. With a partial

transliteration by Damsté, in a school writing book (MS Leiden Or. 8687 b), and a letter from a mantri polisi

dated November 26, 1924 (Or. 8687 a), from which it appears that the original was in the possession of Waki

Incah, gam pong Lampoh Rayeuk, Simpang Ulim. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994),

p. 183.

(2) pp. 48-97. Hikayat prang sabi. A copy of Or. 8667 (3), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 75.

Page 254: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

(3) pp. 91-133. Boseutan sabilu. Copy of Or. 8667 (4), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 157.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3236)

Or. 8688

Acehnese, paper, lined note booklet, 109 pp.

Hikayat prang sabi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 75.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3237)

Or. 8689

Acehnese, paper, 76 pp. and blanks.

Hikayat prang sabi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 75.

Earlier provenance: Formerly in the possession of Teungku Putroe, wife of Tuanku Muhamat Dawot.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3237)

Or. 8690

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 95 ff., sewn.

(1) ff. 1-40. Hikayat prang sabi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 75-76.

(2) ff. 41-95r. Hikayat Raja Bada. On f. 90v is written Teungku Cheh Amat po riwayat. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 155.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3238)

Or. 8691

Malay, Arabic and Acehnese, fragments, paper, Latin script. Envelope with indication: ‘Aan Controleur te


Collection of smaller fragments and shorter texts. See the transliteration of the original Malay letters in Or.

8691 (1)-(8), in Or. Or. 8691 (9) (c), below.

(1) Malay, 1 sheet, 17 x 10.7 cm, Arabic script. Letter from Tgk. Seuneubo’ and Panglima Muda to Panglima

Juhan about the possessions of Tgk. Jet.

(2) Malay, 1 sheet, 20 x 8.8 cm, Arabic script. Letter from Tgk. Seuneubo’ to Tgk. Abeudōrahman about the

invalidity of the marriage concluded by the latter.

(3) Malay, 1 sheet, 21.3 x 21.4 cm, Arabic script. Appeal from Tuanku Raja Keumala and Panglima Polem

solliciting material contributions.

(4) Malay, 1 sheet, 17.2 x 18.5 cm, Arabic script. Appeal from Sajet Atjhem to the population, solliciting a

contribution of rice and salt for the moseulimin. Dated 16 Jumada I 1326 ().

(5) Lacking.

(6) Malay, 1 sheet, 5 x 18.3 cm, Arabic script. Fragment about ‘bewijsleer’.

(7) Booklet, 6 ff., sewn. Acehnese and Malay.

- ff. 1r, 6r-v. Small fragments only of the text of the Nalam Mareuduki, or Nalam sipheuet dua ploh, by M.

Amin Tiro. This is an Acehnese rendering of the `Aqidat al-`Awamm by Abu al-Fawz Ahmad al-Marzuqi (c.

1281/1864), GAL S II, 990. According to a communication from C. Snouck Hurgronje to J. Kreemer, the

author of this rendering was the famous Tgk. Muhamat Amin Tiro, who is also named as the author in an

edition published in Cairo 1357/1938. See J. Kreemer, Atjèh. Leiden 1922-1923, vol. 2, p. 680. [Snouck

Hurgronje’s copy: 898 A 2-3]. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 224.

- ff. 2b-5b. Malay. About the washing of the corps.

Page 255: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

f. 2. A passage in which the body is compared with ‘a land in which the heart is king’. In sanjak. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 250.

(8) Lacking.

(9) Malay, 1 sheet, 11 x 21.4 cm, Arabic script in pencil. Letter from Muhammad Khashim to Tgk. Hajj Aziz.

Added: Collections of several shorter texts.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

Malay texts not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). Added is a handwritten survey of the contents by T. Iskandar,

with notes in Voorhoeve’s hand, which has been followed in the description above.

Arabic texts not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955, who (?) received the on Sunday November 26 (year?) from Lho’


[* in Mal. 3239]

Or. 8691 a

Small cash book, lined paper, 40 pp., several hands, several inserts.

- pp. 1-16. Arabic. Several Khutbas, sermons.

- pp. 17-18. Malay, Syarat Fasih.

- pp. 19-22. Malay, meanings of the letters of the Jawi alphabet.

- pp. 23-32. Shorter and longer notes.

- pp. 28-27. Divination booklet.

- p. 32. Dhikr Shaykh Muhammad b. Sulayman al-Kurdi.

- pp. 33-35. Prayers, Du’a’, Na’t al-Nabi, etc.

- pp. 39-37. Arabic. Dhikr texts.

[* in Mal. 3239]

Or. 8691 b

Malay, 11 ff. being a fragment from a book on fiqh, and other notes. Abrupt beginning.

[* in Mal. 3239]

Or. 8691 c

Acehnese, ff. 1-5 + 1. Transliteration of Letters 1-9 (= MS Leiden Or. 8691 (1) – (9) above). At the other side

partial transliteration of Hikayat Soydina Usen, or tuanteu Usen. Latin script. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 164.

[* in Mal. 3239]

Or. 8692

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, lined paper, 19 ff., Naskh scridpt, quire sewn together, without

binding, texts 8 and 9 in a hand different from that of the preceding texts.

(1) ff. 1b-4a. Palilat Malam beureu’at. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 172.

(2) ff. 4a-b. Palilat Seumayang me’reuet. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 172.

(3) ff. 4b-7b. Hikayat palilat uroe Acura. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 172.

(4) ff. 7b-8a. A Wasiet text. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 217, where the

beginning is quoted: Nyoe na saboh peungajaran, wahe teelan ngo beurata.

(5) ff. 8a-11b. Rateb. A passage in which each division begins with la elaha elalah. Beginning: la elaha elalah,

Tuhan printah dum alam nyoe. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 200.

(6) ff. 11b-13a. Rateb. Text with refrain Alah Hu. Called seulaweuet at the end. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 199.

(7) ff. 13b-18b. Nalam sipheuet dua ploh, by M. Amin Tiro. With the addition, but shorter. The end of the

Nalam Mareuduki on f. 16r, line 6. This is an Acehnese rendering of the `Aqidat al-`Awamm by Abu al-Fawz

Ahmad al-Marzuqi (c. 1281/1864), GAL S II, 990. According to a communication from C. Snouck Hurgronje to

Page 256: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

J. Kreemer, the author of this rendering was the famous Tgk. Muhamat Amin Tiro, who is also named as the

author in an edition published in Cairo 1357/1938. See J. Kreemer, Atjèh. Leiden 1922-1923, vol. 2, p. 680. [SH’s

copy: 898 A 2-3]. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 224.

(8) ff. 18b-19b. Arabic. Ibtida’ al-Tarhim. A prayer text.

(9) ff. 19b-end. Arabic, with title in Malay or Acehnese. A do’a about Sembahyang/Seumayang, ritual prayer.

Arabic texts not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* Mal. 3240]

Or. 8693

Acehnese, paper, pp., loose leaves, different sizes.

Hikayat prang sabi. The sheaf contains two short war Hikayat’s. The contents are described by H.T. Damsté,

‘Atjèhsche oorlogspapieren’, in IG 34(1912) I: 617-633, 776-792, especially pp. 789 ff. MS Leiden Or. 8747 c,

below, contains a transliteration of the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 76.

Earlier provenance: War booty. These originals were found at the capture of Tgk. Raja Sabi’s hiding place in

Paya Cicem, on December 20, 1911. See the note under MS Leiden Or. 8747c, below.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3241)

Or. 8694 a-e

A sheaf of papers from the hiding place of Tgk. Raja Sabi in Paya Cicem, on December 28, 1911. See H.T.

Damsté, ‘Atjèhsche oorlogspapieren’, in IG 34/1 (1912), p. 789. Envelope with indication: ‘Aan Controleur te

Idi’. Also on the envelope: ‘Overvalling schuilplaats T.R. Sabi 28/12 XI Sneuvelde F. Lotan’. A war booty


Added: a sheet (4 pp.) from a lithographed Qur’an.

Earlier provenance: War booty. These originals were found at the capture of Tgk. Raja Sabi’s hiding place in

Paya Cicem, on December 28, 1911. See the note on MS Leiden Or. 8747 c, below.

Malay texts not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* Mal. 3242]

Or. 8694 a

Collective volume with texts in Malay, Acehnese and Arabic, lined paper, 17.5 x 10.5 cm, 32 ff., Arabic script,

quires sewn together, no binding.

(1a) f. 1a. Notes; f. 1b. Three short prayers.

(1b) ff. 2a-5b. Bab pada menyatakan Fal. Several shorter pieces, schematic drawing on f. 3b. On ff. 5a-b are

the names that are also mentioned in the Fal device, MS Leiden Or. 8694 d, below.

(1c). Ff. 5b. Sharh Nama Rasul, also in Fal context.

(1d) f. 10a. Short Bab.

(1e) ff. 10a-b. Doa.

(1f) ff. 10b-11a. Obat Dhikr.

(1g) ff. 11a-b. Sihr dan Jinn.

(1h) ff. 11b-12b. Obat.

(1i) ff. 12b-16b. Obat and other magical texts

Between ff. 13b-14a are 6 ff. Sewn in. Prayer texts.

(2) ff. 17a-19a. Acehnese. Hikayat basa Jawoe. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p.


Page 257: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

(3) ff. 20a-26a. Arabic-Acehnese word-list. The beginning: Beseumilahi rahmani Rahim | aleuhamdulelah

nyang that ‘ajab, basa Arab lon peujawoe. The rest of the beginning is different from MS Jakarta Arab. 277.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 246. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

(4) ff. 27a-b. On Qubur.

(5) ff. 28a-. Mas’ala.

(6) ff. 28b-30a. Lafz Niyya. Several shorter versions.

(7) ff. 30a-b. Arabic. Prayer.

(8) ff. 31a-32a. Fasl.

(9) ff. 32a. Doa.

(10) ff. 32a-b. Hikmat. Abrupt end.

Added: extensive description of the content, by Damsté or Iskandar?

Earlier provenance: War booty. These originals were found at the capture of Tgk. Raja Sabi’s hiding place in

Paya Cicem, on December 28, 1911. See the note on MS Leiden Or. 8747 c, below.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3242]

Or. 8694 b

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 3 ff., loose leaves.

(1) ff. 1b-2b. Hikayat Soydina Usen or tuanteu Usen. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 164.

(2) ff. 2b-3b. Notes.

Earlier provenance: War booty. These originals were found at the capture of Tgk. Raja Sabi’s hiding place in

Paya Cicem, on December 28, 1911. See the note on MS Leiden Or. 8747 c, below.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3242]

Or. 8694 c

Acehnese, Arabic, paper, 8 ff., 17 x 10.5 cm, loose leaves in a quire.

f. 1a. Notes and scribbling.

f. 1b. Arabic, prayer.

f. 2a. Scribbling.

ff. 2v-7v. Acehnese. Tambihoy rapilin. Chapter 82 only. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 185.

f. 8a. Alamat Surat Du’a

f. 8a. Prayer.

f. 8b. Notes and scribbling.

Earlier provenance: War booty. These originals were found at the capture of Tgk. Raja Sabi’s hiding place in

Paya Cicem, on December 28, 1911. See the note on MS Leiden Or. 8747 c, below.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3242]

Or. 8694 d

Malay, paper, cloth reinforcement of the edges of the paper, 8.4 x 11 cm.

A Fāl device of the same mechanics as the devices Or. 8505 (1) and Or. 8506 (1), above, not in circular form,

but of rectangular shape. Otherwise the function of the cords is the same, as are the 16 references to the

prophets and angels: Mūsā, Yaḥyā, Nūḥ, Idrīs, Yaʿqūb, Mummad, Khiḍr, ʿAzāʾīl, Ǧibrāʾīl, Isrāfīl, Mīkāʾīl, ʿĪsā,

Dāwud, Ismaʿīl, Ibrahim, Yūsuf.

Earlier provenance: War booty. These originals were found at the capture of Tgk. Raja Sabi’s hiding place in

Paya Cicem, on December 28, 1911. See the note on MS Leiden Or. 8747 c, below.

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Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3242]

Or. 8694 e

Malay, lined paper, 12 x 7.6 cm, 4 ff., folded loose leaves in a cover which is dated 1911.

ff. 1a-2a. Prayer texts. Rest is blank.

Earlier provenance: War booty. These originals were found at the capture of Tgk. Raja Sabi’s hiding place in

Paya Cicem, on December 28, 1911. See the note on MS Leiden Or. 8747 c, below.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3242]

Or. 8695

Acehnese, note booklet, lined paper, 17 x 10.5 cm, 26 ff., Jawi naskh, mostly by one copyist, usually 9 lines to

the page, brown ink, catchwords at the bottom of each verso page, unbound, one quire, sewn.

f. 1a. Pen trials, scribbling.

(1) ff. 1b-2b. Prayers, Doa’s.

Ff. 3a-6a. Blank.

(2) ff. 6b-24b. Haba Musa. Conversation between God and the prophet Musa consisting of questions by

Musa and answers by God: who was created first; why God loves the community of Muhammad above all

others; what is the reward for good deeds; etc. In the style of the Malay Hikayat Nabi Musa munajat. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 143-144.

ff. 25a-26a. Blank.

f. 26b. Scribbling.

Added: occasional transliterations in Latin script, possibly in Damsté’s hand, on 2 separate inserts.

Description by Voorhoeve.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* Mal. 3243]

Or. 8696

Collective volume with texts in Malay and Acehnese, notebook, paper, 17 x 10.5 cm, 136 pp., Jawi script in

several different hands, three quires sewn together, in textile cover (colourful print).

(1) pp. 1-20. Malay. Prescriptions for taǧwīd en Duʿāʾ in de sembahyang; pp. 17-18. God’s attributes in Arabic

with explanation in Malay; p. 18. Doa to be said during copulation; pp. 19-21. Doa to be said after the ṣalāt.

Not in Iskandar, Catalogue.

(2) pp. 21-22. A 9th pasay about wuḍūʾ, in sanjak. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994),

p. 236.

(3) pp. 22-25. The calculation of favourable times. In sanjak. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 251.

(4) pp. 26-134. Hikayat prang sabi. Abrupt end. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p.

76. Pp. 135-138 blank.

p. 139. Note on provenance by military action, in pencil:

‘1e Brigade 5e Divisie |

Op den 20-12-11 overvallen | bivak Radja Sabi zonder resultaat | Op den 28-12-11 overvallen | bivak

Radja Sabi gesneuveld |

Buit. 1 beaumont geweer | 1 model (?) klewang blanke | wapens en Munitie kleeren | enz. |

(w.g.) J. Kretz Es. (?) |’

p. 140 (inside back cover). Letter Letter from Teuku Maʾèl (?) or Maʾid of Teuku Gam, dated 1324 (?), with

two seal prints.

Added: occasional transliterations in Latin script, possibly in Damsté’s hand, on 2 separate inserts.

Description by Voorhoeve.

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See related materials from Raja Sabi in MS Leiden Or. 8708, below.

Earlier provenance: War booty.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* Mal. 3244]

Or. 8697

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, cash booklet, pp.

(1) pp. 1-27. Nalam sipheuet dua ploh, by M. Amin Tiro. The end of Nalam Mareuduki on p. 12, with additions

about rukon eseulam, etc. This is an Acehnese rendering of the `Aqidat al-`Awamm by Abu al-Fawz Ahmad

al-Marzuqi (c. 1281/1864), GAL S II, 990. According to a communication from C. Snouck Hurgronje to J.

Kreemer, the author of this rendering was the famous Tgk. Muhamat Amin Tiro, who is also named as the

author in an edition published in Cairo 1357/1938. See J. Kreemer, Atjèh. Leiden 1922-1923, vol. 2, p. 680. [SH’s

copy: 898 A 2-3]. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 224.

(2) pp. 28-78, 78-120. Nalam masa’ilay. Rhyming rendition of the Malay catechism Masa’il al-Muhtadi li-

Ikhwan al-Mubtadi. The text (pp. 28-78) with an added nasihat as khatima (pp. 78-120). See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 235.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3245)

Or. 8698

Malay, Acehnese, paper, note book, 42 ff., Arabic script.

Kitab nujum tib

(1) ff. 1v-24v. Ta’bir mimpi.

(2) ff. 24v-27v. Bab pada menyatakan mani perempuan, fasal pada menyatakan pintu langit terbuka, nama

anak kalau dilahirkan pada hari lsnin, Selasa, etc.

(3) ff. 27v-32v. Divination; lucky and unlucky days, pada menyatakan naga bekerling, prediction of the rainy

days in the year, how to retrieve lost property, divination by using the letters of the name, to predict luck,

marriage, love, sickness.

(4) ff. 32v-39v. Do’a, ma’jun, perkasih, etc. (ff. 35v-39v. Du’a’ and litanies in Acehnese.

Enclosed is a summary by Iskandar (1956).

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 210. See T. Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 571-

572 (No. 1165)

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3246)

Or. 8699

Acehnese, paper, 6 written pp., Latin script, without binding.

A second copy of Asay jeuet nanggroe Lhok Kruet, the first story in Or. 8144, above, written by the same hand

as Or. 8144, above, and with somewhat different spelling. H.T. Damsté has written, in Dutch: ‘History of

Lhok Kruet (on the west coast of Aceh), by District Officer D.J. Cramer (1872-1902),7 who at that time was

district officer of Pulo Raya, and after that Meulaboh, and died in Pulau Pinang in 1902.’ This text is more

extensive than MS Leiden Or. 8144(1), above. On the basis of Damsté’s note one can assume that the six

stories in Or. 8144(1-6) were collected by D.J. Cramer. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 27.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 2847]

7 Dirk Johannes Cramer, born July 24, 1872, died (murdered or by suicide?) on September 8, 1902 (information taken

from a photograph of his tombstone in the possession of Mr. Matthijs Snouck Hurgronje in Leiden). He was a nephew

of Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, the son of Snouck Hurgronje’s sister Anna Maria de Visser (1849-1931).

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Or. 8700

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, and a few in Acehnese or Malay, lined paper, 53 ff., 17 x 10 cm, Arabic

script in several different hands, sewn together, paper cover.

f. 1a. Arabic. Notes on Shurut.

ff. 1b-2a. Arabic Fa’ida, taken from Nuzhat al-Magalis.

ff. 2a-b. Arabic. Munagat, in verse. Taken from Anis al-Muttaqin.

f. 2b. Arabic. Note on Nikah, marriage, and another, about using land as collateral, Rahn al-Ard.

f. 3a. Blank.

f. 3b. Arabic. Two Khutbas, sermons.

ff. 3b-4b. Notes in Malay.

ff. 5a, 6a. Note in a mix of Arabic and Malay.

f. 5b. Blank.

f. 6b. Note in Arabic. Mention of al-Shaykh Istakhri al-Shafi’i.

ff. 7a-12a. Notes in Arabic from Yusuf b. Isma’il al-Mayaqi about Tahlil, and a great number of other subjects,

including Khutbat al-Nikah.

ff. 12a. Notes in Arabic, referring to al-Suyuti (f. 12a), Gumal Barmawi (f. 14a), al-Shawbari (f. 27b), Fasl fil-

Nafaqa (f. 29a), Muhammad b. Sulayman al-Kurdi (f. 32a), al-Bab al-Tani fil-Gihad (f. 35a), al-Kafi (f. 43b), al-

Bang wal-Afyun (f. 45a), Du’a’ (f. 49b), ‘Ali b. Abi Talib (f. 51a), several poetical fragments (f. 51b), the wife

who wears silk… (f. 53b). Abrupt end on f. 53b.

Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Earlier provenance: On f. 1a an owner’s mark: Teungku <di> Paya Bakong; later a date stamp of Damsté:

January 23, 1912.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* Mal. 3247]

Or. 8701 A-K

Collection of various smaller texts in Acehnese, Malay and Arabic. The collection gives, by its variety and by

comparison with similar collections, the impression of being war booty. Inserted is a description of the

contents by P. Voorhoeve, and two sheets with notes by Damsté. A few leaves have remained unsorted:

(1) Arabic. 2 ff., 17.2 x 10.7 cm (one sheet folded once). Fragment in Arabic on the use of opium (al-Banǧ wal-

Afyūn) for medical reasons. And other notes, also in Malay.

(2) Arabic and Malay. 1 f. 16.8 x 10.6 cm. Prayer and Hadith in Arabic (recto), Beginning of a letter Malay.

Letter from Shaykh Abdul Ghani to the brethren ‘who are on the way or who are off the way’. If Muslim

fighters come along, then it is a duty to help them with ‘blandje prang’, because when the unbelievers

invade a Muhammadan country, all inhabitants, rich, poor and slaves, must fight the intruders.’ (note on the

content by Damsté in Or. 8701 H, below). Would this text have served as a sort of passport in the hands of

fighters who were fleeing for the enemy?

Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1994). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist (1980).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

Or. 8701 A

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, Malay and Arabic, paper, 17 x 10.5 cm, lined booklet, [1] + 36 ff.,

several hands, all Jawi script, unbound, one quire sewn together. Arabic texts not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Malay texts not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

f. [1a]. Note on provenance (Irth, heritage), followed by prayer in which Yaʿqūb is mentioned. And some


f. [1b]. Arabic. Note on the divine attribute Wāḥid.

f. 1a. Malay. Letter from Tuanku Radja Keumala to Shaykhunā Teungku di kampong Langkā (Linggö,

Gajoland?) about the content of the booklet.

(1) ff. 1b-11a. Arabic. Khatm al-Qur’an al-Karim.

Page 261: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

(2) ff. 11b-13b. Arabic. Taṣliya prayer, Qaṣīda rhyming in rāʾ.

ff. 14a-17a. Arabic. Taṣliya prayer, Qaṣīda rhyming in nūn, and other fragments.

ff. 17b-18a. Arabic. Several shorter prayers.

ff. 18b-19b. Arabic. Several shorter prayers, in poetry.

ff. 19b-21b. Taṣliya prayer, in prose.

On f. 21a a note on fasting, on f. 21b a prayer Malay to be said before washing.

(3) ff. 21v-23r. Acehnese. Hikayat prang sabi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 76.

(4) f. 23b. Malay. Note on the four sunna to be respected on Friday, and other subjects.

(5) ff. 24a-26a. Malay. Bāb, an explanation, Sharh, of the use of Qur’anic sūras with sick people

(6) ff. 26v-31v. Acehnese. Hikayat prang sabi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p.


(7) ff. 31v-32v. Arabic poem in praise of the Prophet, with explanation in Acehnese. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 206. Also on f. 32b Abǧad with its numerical values; f. 33a.

Arabic note on how to perform Fāl al-Qur’an; ff. 34-35a blank; f. 35b Note in Arabic on the difference

between men and women in society.

Added: description of the content of MS Leiden Or. 8701 by P. Voorhoeve. Also added notes in the hand of


Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3248]

Or. 8701 B

Malay, one sheet, folded once, 16,7 x 20.1 cm, Jawi script.

Letter from Teuku Kedroeën of Negri Langiën, to Teukoe Doen Plōh Doea. Sender offers his son for the

Prang Sabi. All other texts and notes, in the margin and the verso, are of later date.

Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1994).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3248]

Or. 8701 C

Malay and Arabic, one sheet, folded twice, 34.1 x 20.9 cm, Jawi script.

Notes on the divine attributes, Sifat Duapuluh, several prayer texts.

As owner is mentioned Teukoe Paetéh.

Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1994). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist (1980).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3248]

Or. 8701 D

Acehnese, paper, one sheet, folded once: 4 pp. (17 x 10.6 cm), Jawi script.

A fragment only of Hikayat Raja Bada. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 155.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3248]

Or. 8701 E

Malay and Acehnese, 2 ff., (17 x 10.7 cm), Jawi script.

Fragment (abrupt beginning and abrupt end) of a Doe’a Seumajang.

Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3248]

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Or. 8701 F

Acehnese and Malay, paper, 4 ff., Jawi script, unbound

f. 1b. Acehnese. A fragment only of Nalam sipheuet dua ploh, by M. Amin Tiro. This is an Acehnese

rendering of the `Aqidat al-`Awamm by Abu al-Fawz Ahmad al-Marzuqi (c. 1281/1864), GAL S II, 990.

According to a communication from C. Snouck Hurgronje to J. Kreemer, the author of this rendering was

the famous Tgk. Muhamat Amin Tiro, who is also named as the author in an edition published in Cairo

1357/1938. See J. Kreemer, Atjèh. Leiden 1922-1923, vol. 2, p. 680. [SH’s copy: 898 A 2-3]. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 225.

ff. 2a-3a. Blank.

f. 3b-4a. Malay. Notes on Rukun Sembahyang, and a prayer, and some smaller notes.

Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3248]

Or. 8701 G

Acehnese, paper, 3 pp., small format (15.5 x 9.8 cm), Jawi script.

A small fragment only of Hikayat prang sabi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p.


Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3248]

Or. 8701 H

Malay and Arabic, 11 ff., paper (17.1 x 10.2 cm), Jawi script in many hands.

ff. 1b-2a. Malay. Letter from Shaykh Abdul Ghani to the brethren ‘who are on the way or who are off the

way’. If Muslim fighters come along, then it is a duty to help them with ‘blandje prang’, because when the

unbelievers invade a Muhammadan country, all inhabitants, rich, poor and slaves, must fight the intruders.’

(note on the content by H.T. Damsté).

ff. 2b-3a. Malay. Prayer with invocation of Gibra’il.

f. 3b. Note in Arabic.

ff. 4a-7b. Notes on the divine attributes, and other subjects.

ff. 8a-9b. Blank.

f. 10a. Collection of shorter sūras of the Qur’an: 114, 113, 112.

ff. 10b-11b. Blank.

Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1994). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist (1980).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3248]

Or. 8701 I

Acehnese and Arabic, paper, 2 ff., twice 1 p. of the beginning only, one page with illumination, but two

unrelated fragments.

Arabic-Acehnese word-list. The beginning only, identical with the text in Or. 8694a (3), above.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 246.

Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist (1980).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3248]

Or. 8701 J

Acehnese fragments, 1 f., text written in pencil.

Sundry notes and scribbling. Enumeration of days. Voorhoeve: ‘geknoei’.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 262.

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Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3248]

Or. 8701 K

Acehnese and Arabic, 1 f., text recto Malay in pencil, on verso Arabic in ink

Prayers and notes.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 262.

Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist (1980).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3248]

Or. 8702

Acehnese, paper, folded lined paper, 61 pp.

Hikayat prang sabi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 76.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3249)

Or. 8703

Arabic, Malay, paper, 29 ff. Arabic script.

(1) f. 1a. Letter (draft?) from Teuku Mat Asan to Teungku di Paya Bakong.

(2) ff. 1b-18a. Masa’il al-Muhtadi li-Ikhwan al-Mubtadi’.

(3) ff. 18b-29a. Do’a, fragments of the Qur’an, notes.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 572 (No. 1166). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3250)

Or. 8704 a

Collective volume with texts in Malay, Arabic and Acehnese, paper, 32 ff.

(1) f. 1a. Hikayat nabi Isa. A fragment, at the top, names of angels.

(2) ff. 1b-2a. Fa’al.

(3) f. 2b. Obat tuba (Acehnese and Malay).

(4) ff. 3a-11b. Fiqh; notes on fiqh in Malay, Acehnese and Arabic. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

(5) ff. 11b-13a. Acehnese. Prescriptions for the seumayang. Nalam rukon lhee blaih. The same text as Or. 8707

A, below, and Or. 8729b, below. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 241.

(6) ff. 1a-16b (numbered from the back). Kitab fa’al, containing divination, do’a, obat; at the end some

theological notes on the descent of the Fatiḥah, and on sembahyang.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 572 (No. 1167). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3251)

Or. 8704 b

Malay, paper, 15 ff., Arabic script.

(1) ff. 1a-5b. Do’a.

(2) ff. 6b-7a. Do’a kebal.

(3) ff. 8b-15b. Arabic-Acehnese word-list. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue (1994), p. 246. Not in Voorhoeve,


See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 572-573 (No. 1167).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3251)

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Or. 8704 c

Arabic with occasionally Malay interlinear translation, paper, 2 ff., Arabic script.

Kifayat Khatb al-Qur’an. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 573 (No. 1167). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3251)

Or. 8704 d

Malay, 1 f., Arabic script.

Fragment of a text on fiqh.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 573 (No. 1167).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3251)

Or. 8705 a-k

Collection of texts in Arabic, Malay and Acehnese. Kept together in a cover of Gids bij de Prijs-Courant van

de Vereeniging voor den Effectenhandel, 29e Jaargang. 1918.

From notes in MS Leiden Or. 8705 d and possibly MS Leiden Or. 8705 g, it is clear that part or whole of the

collection is Acehnese war booty. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Earlier provenance: War booty, see the note in MS Leiden Or. 8705 d, below.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3252)

Or. 8705 a

Collective volume, notebook, with texts in Malay, Arabic and Acehnese, paper, 46 + 20 ff., 14 x 8 cm, Arabic

script in more than one hand, without binding, two quires sewn together.

ff. 1a-5a. Malay.

f. 1a. Scribbling, notes.

f. 1b. Basmala and one line of text.

f. 2a. Blank.

f. 2b. Two words.

f. 3a. Blank.

f. 3b. The first line only of al-Khutba al-Ula.

f. 4a. Title only of al-Khutba al-Ula.

f. 4b. Beginning only of Rukn Nikah.

f. 5a. Blank.

(1) Malay. ff. 5b-6b. Fragment of Masa’il al-muhtadi li-ikhwan al-mubtadi’. F. 6b. Basmala.

(2) ff. 7a-15a. Malay. Perintah sembahyang. A treatise about the Salat and do’a. On f. 8b is Surat al-Fatiha.

(2a) Arabic, Malay. ff. 15a-b. List of the divine attributes. Arabic with explanation in Malay.

(3) Malay. f. 15a. A fragment only of `Aqidat al-`Awamm by Abu al-Fawz Ahmad al-Marzuqi (c. 1281/1864),

GAL S II, 990.

(4) Acehnese. ff. 16a-28a (ff. 17b-18b blank). Nalam sipheuet dua ploh, by M. Amin Tiro. This is an Acehnese

rendering of the `Aqidat al-`Awamm by Abu al-Fawz Ahmad al-Marzuqi (c. 1281/1864), GAL S II, 990. With

addendum and additions. The end of the nalam is on f. 23a. According to a communication from C. Snouck

Hurgronje to J. Kreemer, the author of this rendering was the famous Tgk. Muhamat Amin Tiro, who is also

named as the author in an edition published in Cairo 1357/1938. See J. Kreemer, Atjèh. Leiden 1922-1923, vol.

2, p. 680. [SH’s copy: 898 A 2-3]. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 225.

(4a) Acehnese (?). ff. 28b-29b. Nazm Rukn Sembahyang.

(4b) Acehnese (?). f. 30a. On Tahara.

(4c) Malay. F. 30a. Lafz niyyat sujud.

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(4d) Acehnese (?). ff. 30b-31a. Sual jawab, between the imam and the pupil.

ff. 31b-46b. Blank.

(5) ff. 1a-3b (= 64b-62b). Acehnese. The beginning only of Surat kriman, or Wasiet Nabi. Admonitions given

to Sèh Amat. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 174. Manuscripts of the Arabic

text of these admonitions are referred to in Voorhoeve, Handlist, s.v. Wasiyyat Rasul Allah.

(6) Several shorter texts. F. 4a. Malay or Acehnese; f. 4b. blank; f. 5a. Acehnese (?); ff. 5b-6a. blank.

(7) Arabic. Ff. 6b-14b. Prayer text, followed by a shorter prayer text (ff. 14a-b).

f. 15a. Blank

(8) ff. 15b-20a. Malay. Prayer text, and another one on f. 20b.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 573 (No. 1168). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Earlier provenance: War booty, see the note in MS Leiden Or. 8705 d, below.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3252]

Or. 8705 b

Collection of texts in Acehnese, paper, 8 ff., 17 x 10.6 cm, Arabic script, sheets sewn together, without

binding. Added one folded sheet with notes (by H.T. Damsté?) in Latin script.

f. 1a. Prayer in Arabic.

(1) ff. 1b-4b. Rukon seumayang. Abrupt end on f. 4b. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 243.

(2) ff. 5a-6a. Do’a. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 211. Shaykh Sanusi in Negri

Palembang is mentioned.

(3) f. 6b. Malay. Several Shahada formulas.

(4) ff. 7a-8b. Several shorter texts in different hands

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 573 (No. 1168).

Earlier provenance: War booty, see the note in MS Leiden Or. 8705 d, below.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3252]

Or. 8705 c

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese and Arabic, paper, 40 ff., cash booklet, 16.2 x 9.8 cm, Arabic script

in more than one hand, hard cover.

ff. 1a-b. Arabic, Malay. Du’a Iblis ‘alayhi al-La’na. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

(1) ff. 2a-12b. Durr al-Niẓām, meunajat, but in nalam form. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 208.

(2) ff. 13a-18a. Hikayat nabi meucuko. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 158.

(3) ff. 18a-25a. Seulaweuet keu Nabi. In fact, this is Mo’lot Nabi, by Tgk. Cèh Kob, or Tgk. Panté Ceureumèn.

There exist two printed editions of the Mawlid, Bombay 1345/1926 (lithograph, Hikajat Akeubaro Karim.

Karangan Teungku Seumatang (followed by a text on Paradise). Bombay 1345 / 1926. [8201 E 39]) and

Kutaraja 1344/1926 (lithograph?, Madjmoe rasail dengan bahasa Atjeh. Pertama Risalat fiqh jang kedoea

Aqidat al-awwamm, dan lain-lain. By `Abd Allah b. Ibrahim dan Toeankoe Radja Keumala. Koetaradja,

1344/1926 [892 C 6]), each with variant readings of its own. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 152.

(4) ff. 25b-31a. Du’a bak Teungku di Alue Keutapang. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 211.

ff. 31b-39a. Blank.

(5) ff. 39b-40b. Acehnese. Nalam Rukōn seumayang. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 573 (No. 1168). Not in

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Earlier provenance: War booty, see the note in MS Leiden Or. 8705 d, below.

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Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3252]

Or. 8705 d

Acehnese, Malay and Arabic, paper, cash book, 22 ff., 16.4 x 10.3 cm, Arabic script in more than one hand,

one quire with sheets sewn together. Arabic texts not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

(1) ff. 1b-4b. Malay and Arabic. Perintah sembahyang lima waktu.

(1a) ff. 5a-6b. Malay introduction with text in Arabic. On how to read the Shahada.

(1b) ff. 6b-8b. Malay and Arabic. Prayer. Abrupt end on f. 8b.

(2) f. 9a. Acehnese. Du’a. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 211.

(3) ff. 9b-10b. Acehnese, Malay, Arabic. Nalam rukōn seumayang. With a marginal note by Damsté (f. 9b).

(3a) ff. 11a-13a. Arabic. Qasida Ilahiyya, rhyming in ǧīm.

(4) ff. 13a-14a. Arabic, Malay. Qasida Ilahiyya, with a Fa’ida in Malay.

(4a) ff. 14a. Arabic. On eight of the Tabi’in, 3 lines of poetry.

(5) f. 14a. The beginning only Rukn doa Khutba. Arabic with Malay translation. F. 14b. Short prayer text with

the Kalimatayn.

ff. 15a-18a. Blank.

(6) ff. 20b-18b. Arabic. Prayer text.

ff. 21a-22a. Blank.

On f. 22b is a note in pencil, from which it becomes clear that this collection of texts is war booty:

‘Gevonden bij Tng Mat Asan (?) | † 6/11 1909 opg Ae Zë Poetéh (SO [?])’ |

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 573-574 (No. 1168). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist (1980).

Earlier provenance: War booty, captured on November 6, 1909.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3252]

Or. 8705 e

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, Arabic and Malay, notebook, paper, 38 ff., 17 x 10.5 cm, paper

cover, sheets sewn together. The Arabic text not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

(1) ff. 1b-2b, 38a (?). Khutbat Bilal, Arabic and Malay.

(2) f. 3a. Arabic and Acehnese. Prayer text. Ff. 3b-4a. Blank.

(3) ff. 4b-6a. Arabic and Malay. Surat hayakil tujuh, al-Hayakil al-Sab’a.

(4) ff. 6a-b. Malay. Pada menyatakan mengerat kuku.

(4a) ff. 6b-8a. Acehnese, Nalam Rukon Semeujang. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994).

P. 243. Ff. 8b-9a. Blank.

(5) ff. 9b-10a. Acehnese. Sipheuet dua plōh by Tgk. Lambhuk. Brief text in prose. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 221.

(5a) ff. 10b-11a. Malay. Sipat yang haris bika Allah.

(5b) ff. 11a-13b. Acehnese. Rukon seumayang. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p.


(5c) ff. 13b-14a. Malay. Sipat Allah, on the divine attributes.

(5d) ff. 14b-16b. Malay. Begins with a description of prayer on Sunday.

(6) ff. 16b-17a. Malay. Sembahyang ziarah kubur. Prayer during the visiting of graves.

(7) f. 17b. Malay. Ini kafarat sembahyang yang tinggal tiada dapat dikira-kira ia banyaknya.

(8) ff. 18a. Malay. Sembahyang qadah.

(9) ff. 18b-19a. Malay and Arabic, Berbekam.

(10) ff. 19b-21a. Malay. Fadhilat pahala sembahyang.

(11) f. 21a. Arabic and Acehnese. Do’a Bilalang.

(11a) f. 21b. Arabic. Prayer (?).

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(11b) f. 22a. Malay. Do’a beginning with Tabat Yada Abi Lahab (Qur’an 111) See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 211.

(12) ff. 22b-25a. Malay. Ta’bir gempa.

(13) ff. 25b-26a. Arabic and Malay. Do’a membelah karbau.

(13a) f. 26a. Malay, Arabic. Do’a, prayer.

(14) ff. 26b-27a. Malayu. Suatu masa’ilah hendak mengetahui umur segala nabi yang enam membawa syari’at.

(15) f. 27b. Malay. Do’a, prayer.

(15a) ff. 27b-28b. Malay (?). Short text with letter diagram: Allah – Muhammad.

(15b) f. 28b. Malay. Soal – Jawab, followed bt a line of prayer.

(15c) f. 29a. Malay. Do’a memandi monyet, followed by Do’a Raja Kuwayt.

(15d) f. 29b. Malay. Ilmu Jalan. Note by Damsté (?): ‘Doodstrijd’.

(16) f. 30r. Arabic and Malay. Soal Munkar dan Nakir.

ff. 30b-31a. Blank.

(17) ff. 31b-37b. Acehnese. Nalam Munfarijah. Incomplete at the end. Acehnese version of the Arabic al-

Qasida al-Munfariga by Yusuf b. Muhammad b. Yusuf Ibn al-Nahwi al-Tawzari (d. 505/1113 or 513/1119), GAL

G I, 268, known as the ‘Poem of Consolation’ or ‘Poem of Relief’. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 220.

F. 38a may be the sequel of f. 2b.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 574 (No. 1168), who does not mention all texts in Malay, however. Not in

Voorhoeve, Handlist (1980).

Earlier provenance: War booty, see the note in MS Leiden Or. 8705 d, above.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3252]

Or. 8705 f

Malay, paper, 1 sheet, c. 18.5 x 12 cm, Arabic script, loose.

Several shorter texts in Malay.

Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Earlier provenance: War booty, see the note in MS Leiden Or. 8705 d, above.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3252]

Or. 8705 g

Arabic, Acehnese, paper, 1 sheet folded twice and two smaller pieces of paper, 33.8 x 21.3 cm, Arabic script,


Prayer, Istighfara (?).

Separate: fragment in Malay.

Added: Notes by Damsté (?) on separate folded leaf.

Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 574 (No. 1168), saying that this is the Acehnese text Nalam Munfarijah, is

misleading. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist (1980).

Earlier provenance: War booty, see the note in MS Leiden Or. 8705 d, above. See also on the verso of the

large leaf, in ink: ‘Ontv. 16/10 XI’, probably referring to this item being war booty.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3252]

Or. 8705 h

Arabic, paper, 10 ff., Arabic script, sheets in one quire, sewn together, and another sheet (loose), binding.

ff. 1a-10a. Arabic. Several suras of the Qur’an in this order: 1, 114, 113, 112, 111, 110, 109, 108, 107, 106, 105, 104, 103,

102, 101, 100, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93, 92, 91, 90 with abrupt end on f. 10a with Qur’an 90:16.

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On f. 10b: Qur’an 92:1-6.

Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 575 (No. 1168), fragment of Hukum Nikah, is misleading.

Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist (1980).

Earlier provenance: War booty, see the note in MS Leiden Or. 8705 d, above. Date stamp by Damsté on

paper cover: ‘23 I 12’.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3252]

Or. 8705 i

Acehnese, lined paper, note booklet, 8 ff./16 pp., 16.9 x 10 cm, of which 5 pp. are written in pencil.

p. 1. On the initial page some notes about the owner, written upside-down.

pp. 2-5. Hikayat Mèreuet.

pp. 6-15. Blank.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 160.

Earlier provenance: War booty, see the note in MS Leiden Or. 8705 d, above.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3252]

Or. 8705 j

Collective volume with text in Arabic, and some Malay notes, paper, 3 + 4 ff., 17 x 11 cm, one quire with

sheets sewn together, no binding.

(1) ff. 1a-3b, Arabic, prayer, followed by short text in Malay.

On the end (f. 1a, or 7b) page a list of debts, with names:

- akan Teungku di Lam Kra’ dua rial

- akan penghulu […] 3 rial

- akan Pang Adam tiga rial

- akan Sangan (?) suatu rial

- akan Nja’ Abus suatu rial

- akan Raja Keumala suatu rial

- akan Teungku Hasan suatu rial

- akan Bilal suatu rial

(2) ff. 2a-4b. Arabic. Prayer and notes.

Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist (1980).

Earlier provenance: War booty, see the note in MS Leiden Or. 8705 d, above.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3252]

Or. 8705 k

Collection of shorter texts in Arabic with Acehnese, at the beginning, paper, 8 ff., 17.5 x 10.5 cm, one quire

with sheets sewn together, no binding.

ff. 1a, 8b. Arabic. Notes and scribbling.

f. 1b. Note in Acehnese.

ff. 1b-6b. Arabic. Du’a’, prayer.

ff. 7a-b. Arabic. Dhikr text.

f. 8a. Arabic. Du’a, prayer text.

Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist (1980).

Earlier provenance: War booty, see the note in MS Leiden Or. 8705 d, above.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3252]

Page 269: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8706

Acehnese, paper, lined booklet, pp. 1-39, dated 1330 (1911-1912).

Hikayat prang sabi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 76.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3253)

Or. 8707

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Malay and Acehnese, paper, cash booklet, 97 + 61 pp., several

different hands, calendar (No. 21, pp. 15-16 from the back) is dated 1322/1904-1905, notes by Damsté in the

margin, enclosed: loose inserts with translation by Damsté.

(1) p. 1. Qur’an verse, with mystical diagrams.

(2) p.3. Mantera.

(3) p.4. Do’a (by Habib Haddad bin 'Abd Allah Haddad) = Rateb?

(4) pp. 5-7. Niat sembahyang, niat puasa.

(5) pp. 8-9. Silsilah Syattariyah.

(6) p. 10. Do’a.

(7) pp. 13-16. Fiqh. Fragments.

(8) p. 17. Do’a.

(9) pp. 18-29. Perintah sembahyang.

(10) pp. 30-50. Hikayat prang sabi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 76.

(11) pp. 51-53. Arabic poem in praise of the Prophet, with explanation in Acehnese. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 206. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

(12) p. 54. Barangsiapa makan nasi yang gugur.

(13) pp. 54-55. Contact with a kafir. Treatise about the contact with unbelievers.

(14) pp. 55-57. Do’a mandi Safar.

(15) pp. 57-60. Arabic. Ayat limong, Qur’an.

(16) pp. 61-63. Presriptions for the seumayang. Nalam rukon lhee blaih. The same text as Or. 8704a, above,

and Or. 8729b, below. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 241.

(17) pp. 63-84. An exhortative nalam on the transitory nature of worldly things; death can strike at any time;

one should consider what may befall us in the after-life. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 218.

(18) pp. 85-95. Arabic. Do’a.

(19) pp. 96-97. Fiqh (wali nikah).

(20) pp. 1-14. Sembahyang, niat puasa ‘Asyura, etc.;

(21) pp. 15-16. Calendar, 1322/1904-1905.

(22) pp. 17-61. Do’a, niat sembahyang, etc.

Enclosed 1 f. (loose) with summary by Iskandar (1956).

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 575-576 (No. 1169). Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist (1980).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3254)

Or. 8708

Malay, paper, 6 ff., Arabic and Latin scripts.

- Letter, from Pang Meurah to Teuku Chik Bentara, 1 f. of lined paper. A transliteration into Roman

characters on f. 1v of the exercise book.

- Letter from Teuku Pang Ali aneuk Teuku Muda Mantang to Keujruen Buah, 1 f. of lined paper. A

transliteration on f. 2v of the exercise book.

- Letter; from Teuku Raja Sabi to Teuku Muda Usuih, 1 f. of lined paper. A transliteration on 3v of the

exercise book.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 576 (No. 1170).

Page 270: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Earlier provenance: War booty: Three letters found at the hiding place of Teuku Raja Sabi at Paya Cicem

(Aceh). See related materials from Raja Sabi captured on 28 December 1911 in MS Leiden Or. 8696, above.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3255)

Or. 8709 A

Acehnese, paper, lined booklet, 28 pp.

Hikayat prang sabi. MS Leiden Or. 8709 B, below, is a transliteration by H.T. Damsté of the present

manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 76.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3256)

Or. 8709 B

Acehnese, paper, writing pad, text in pencil.

Hikayat prang sabi. Transliteration by H.T. Damsté of MS Leiden Or. 8709 A, above. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 76.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3256)

Or. 8709 C

Acehnese, paper, school writing book, 11 pp.

Hikayat prang sabi. Transliteration taken from an unidentified manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 76.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3256)

Or. 8710

Acehnese, paper, school writing book, and loose leaves.

Hikayat prang sabi. Portions of transliteration and translation by H.T. Damsté, from Or. 8145, above. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 76.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3257)

Or. 8711

Malay, paper, portfolio with seven items, Arabic and Latin scripts.

(1) 2 ff.; Letter on lined paper, written only on one page, Arabic script, from Datuek Juma’at of Rantau

Panjang to the District officer of Meulaboh, dated 28 Jumadil-akhir 1320/2 October 1902; with a seal.

(2) Letter, 1+2 ff. of lined paper, Arabic and Latin scripts, from chiefs etc. of Rantau Panjang to Teuku Paneu',

acting for Teuku Chik Raja Nago Lela Perkasa, ulèebalang of Meulaboh, dated 6 Syawal 1319/16 January 1902,

and transliteration of the same.

(3) Silah-silah Datoe’ Ajah kampong Tengoh, 2 ff., of lined paper. Latin script, Genealogy of Datuk Ayah.

(4) Asal-oesoel Datoe’ Djanggoet, 2 ff. of lined paper, Latin script. Genealogy of Datuk Janggut of Meulaboh.

‘Geslachtslijst van Datoe' Djanggoet in Merbou (Melaboeh)’, 7 ff. of lined and unlined paper, written at

random (some on one side, others on both sides of the leaves), Latin script. Reconstruction of the

genealogical tree of Datuk Janggut (by Damsté); enclosed piece of paper with notes by Damsté.

(5) Puteri Hijau, 1 f. of wove paper, Arabic script. The legend of the beautiful Puteri Hijau of Meulaboh who

rejects the marriage proposal of the sultan of Aceh. When the sultan proceeds to Meulaboh to see her she

commits suicide. Cursed by her, all women of her tribe are plain.

(6) Notes on the Minangkabau dialect of Meulaboh, 3 ff. of lined and unlined paper, written at random.

Pantun in Meulaboh Minangkabau dialect, and other notes.

Page 271: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

(7) Notes on the Acehnese language, 40 ff., exercise book. Latin script.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 576-577 (No. 1171).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3258)

Or. 8712

Acehnese, Dutch, paper, pp., Latin script.

Surat kriman sanjak. An epistle in verse from Syabandar Abdolah, Bandung 1903, to his family in Aceh.

Acehnese text in Latin script (right side) with H.T. Damsté’s Dutch translation (left side). See See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 67.

¶ In contrast with the Hikayat Peutawi by T. Bentara Muda (See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 66), this text has little to say about experiences in exile. The author’s unjust

conviction, the pain of separation from household and family, and concern for their circumstances are the

main subjects of this poem. By way of explanation Damsté cites a passage out of a letter from General K. van

der Maaten to Professor C. Gerretson (1884-1958) dated 17 April 1938. ‘So at the time when he [Van Daalen]

was still in Sigli, he had the ‘Tjabanda’ [= syahbandar or harbour master] of Gigieng and that of Pineung

exiled [probably for one of these one should read the syahbandar of Peukan Pidie] on the basis of two

letters secretly passed to him, in which T. Mak Seuman, leader of a guerrilla gang, acknowledged the safe

receipt of munitions sent by the two syahbandars, and thanked them. Both syahbandars were in fact

confidants of Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), who according to Van Daalen had again let himself be

fooled by the two. But Van Daalen did not believe that both letters could have been a ruse of the guerrilla

leader to bring down the two men because of their favourable disposition towards us.

The first-named died in exile, the latter I encountered several times in Bandung, where he had set up a tile

works, which provided him with a good living. He did not even wish to return to Aceh. He too had had

enough of the Acehnese kacho-kacho. The man made a very favourable, even winsome impression upon

me.’ It is not clear whether the author of our poem is the syahbandar who later died in exile or the tile-

maker. He does not write of his place of origin, but only says that he hopes to return to Sigli. In a list of exiles

in Bandung, to be found in MS Leiden Or. 8227 (1), below, Syahbandar Usman from Pidie (banned 5

December 1902) and Peutua Dolah (banned 7 August 1897) are mentioned. There mention is also made of

Syahbandar Assan, relative of Syahbandar Usman, who had apparently not been banned. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 66-67.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3259)

Or. 8713

Acehnese, paper, three school writing books.

Hikayat Peutawi, by T. Bentara Muda. See Damsté & Van Ronkel 1935: 157. Poem by the ulèebalang T.

Bentara Muda, from the region of Bagok and Bugeng on the East Coast of Aceh, in which he tells of his exile

to Java during the governorship of Van der Wyck, of his stay there, and of his return to Aceh in the time of

Governor Van Daalen. Concerning this poem see Damsté 1916a, which contains an extensive excerpt. A

condensed reprint is in Damsté 1947. See also the letters to and from T. Bentara Muda in Or.8227 (2), above.

a. Transliteration of part 1 by H.T. Damsté, 136 right pp. only, with a partial translation on the left pp.

Preceded and followed by some notes (2 pp. and 2 pp.).

b. Pencilled transliteration of part 2, pp. 1-23 by W.H. Grashuis, made at the request of Damsté after being

transferred from Idi to Sinabang.

c. Story of the tiger and the brahmin in prose: Saboh haba jameun rimueng deungon Beurahman. 5 pp.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 66.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3260)

Page 272: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8714

Malay, Acehnese, paper, exercise book, Latin script, by Teuku Bentara Maeda of Bagok and Bugeng (the

author of Hikayat Peutawi).

A work on Fiqh. The volume begins with Hadza kitabi madjmoe’i l-masail and one page in Acehnese with

didactic contents as introduction; about the true kadhi; lucky and unlucky times for marriage, cutting nails,

the zakat, planting on another’s land (ff. 1v-3r), about marriage law (ff. 3r-6r); about the situation when there

is no ruler in a country, about the asking of imam and ma’mum questions during the sembahyang, about the

fatihah, the sembahyang, talak, the liberation of slaves, orang adil, alim, wali, taklid (ff. 7v-11r); syarat tahkim,

taklid, pasah, wali, talak, idah, syarat kadhi, akikah (ff. 11v-15r); about the ownership of a branch overhanging

a neighbour’s garden, saksi, separate interrogation of witnesses recommended for judges, the fasakh (ff. 15r-

18r); nisab padi (from the Sirat al-mustaqim by Nuruddin ar-Raniri), the numerical value of year-letters, the

age of the earth (ff. 18r-20v); enclosed a summary by T. Iskandar (1956).

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 577-578 (No. 1172). The Acehnese text not in Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994).

Earlier provenance: Donated by the author to H.T. Damsté in 1910.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3261)

Or. 8715

Acehnese, paper, 110 ff. + 24 pp.

Hikayat Cah Kubat.

A. 110 ff. Incomplete at the end. School writing books, sewn together. Latin script, not by H.T. Damsté.

B. School writing book, of which 24 pp. contain a copy by H.T. Damsté of A, above.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 104.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3262)

Or. 8716

Acehnese, Dutch, paper, 32 pp., Latin script, written by H.T. Damsté.

Hikayat rabue-tue. ‘A poem about everything and more besides’ by T. Habib Muhamat, ulèebalang of

Peudawa Rayeuk. Damsté (1916b) has given the relevant information concerning the author, described the

contents of the text, and translated the first section (pp. 1-8). Opposite pp. 1-15, 18, and 21-28 there is a

translation by Damsté.

Inserted: an off-print of Damsté 1916b; two cuttings from the Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant about the

author of this Hikayat; a small typed sheet with sentences containing the word ‘meudoeë’; a letter from the

editor of the Java-Bode containing a statement by H. Colijn about opium use; and two cuttings about

smoking. A later insertion is a detailed summary of the contents of pp. 9-32 by T. Iskandar (3 pp. folio).

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 68.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3263)

Or. 8717

Acehnese, Dutch, paper, 8 school exercise books with loose pages inserted.

All sorts of Acehnese texts collected by H.T. Damsté, e.g. riddles, pantōn, conversations, etc., and a summary

of contents in Dutch by T. Iskandar.

An envelope is included with translations made by Damste for Gonda 1947. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 34.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3264)

Page 273: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8718

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, 20 ff. exercise book M.J. Karwa, Rangoon.

Notes and transcriptions by a European scholar, possibly Damsté, on papers found in 1911 in the hiding

place of Tgk. Di Mata Ie (= Or. 8505).

(1) ff. 1-3. Acehnese, loose leaves. Description and transcription of one of the Acehnese horoscopes (in this

case Or. 8505 (1), above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 262. This followed by

several blank leaves.

(2) ff. 4-5. Acehnese, loose leaves. Transliteration of a passage from Or. 8505 (2), above, being Surat kriman,

or Wasiet Nabi. Admonitions given to Sèh Amat. Ff. 6-12, loose leaves, blank.

(3) ff. 13-19, 20. Acehnese. Romanized transcription of a Fal ascribed to Zayn al-‘Abidin, the fourth of the

Shi’ite imams. Arranged according to the letters of the Arabic alphabet. F. 20 paper of smaller format, with

the beginning of the Fal again. Ff. 21 and following are blank.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 174. Manuscripts of the Arabic text of these

admonitions are referred to in Voorhoeve, Handlist, s.v. Wasiyyat Rasul Allah.

Added: further notes on war booty: papers found in 1911 in the hiding place of Tgk. Di Mata Ie (namely MS

Leiden Or. 8505, above).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* Mal. 3265]

Or. 8719

Acehnese, paper, school writing books sewn together.

Hikayat prang sabi. Portions of transliterations, translations and summaries, taken by H.T. Damsté, from Or.

8145, above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 76-77.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3266)

Or. 8720

Acehnese, paper, school writing book, 46 pp.

Hikayat prang sabi. Transliteration by H.T. Dansté of a manuscript which he had received for examination

from H.J. Schmidt. Presently, that manuscript is not in the Schmidt collection which is kept in the KITLV. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 77.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3267)

Or. 8721

Acehnese, Dutch, paper, 112 pp. (opposite pages left blank, Latin script, school writing book.

Hikayat Nasruan Adé, or Kisah Hiweuen. Opposite each page a page is left blank; on some of these

fragments are translated. In the back there is another passage of 6 pp. in Latin script, with a note by Damsté:

‘Redaction of T. Bentara Moeda of Bago’ and Boegeng, received in 1910 in Idi’. Only story 12, Haba Tikoih (in

hikayat form). With a few fragments of translation.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 137.

Earlier provenance: ‘Received in 1910, in Idi’.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3268)

Or. 8722

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, Malay and Arabic, Several types of European paper, both

machine-made and laid, some blue paper as well, paper sometimes damaged by corrosion of the ink, blind

stamps with years: 1858 (f. 14), 1856 (f. 48), 324 ff. (f. 163 is counted twice), 17 x 10 cm, naskh script in

numerous hands, black ink with rubrication, without binding, quires sewn together.

Page 274: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

(1) ff. 1b-4a. Malay. Treatise on the virtues of praying in Laylat al-Qadr, beginning missing.

(2) ff. 4a-b. Malay. Enumeration of the letters of Jawi alphabet, with a dotting code.

(3) ff. 4b-15a. Malay. On names giving?

(4) ff. 15b-24a. Malay. Treatise on the interpretation of dreams, first on the names of the months, then on the

names of the divisions of the day.

(5) ff. 24a-26a. Malay. Unidentified.

(6) ff. 26a-37a. Arabic and Malay, mixed. Fa’ida Ahl Silsila.

(7) ff. 37b-40a. Bab. Malay. On Fal (?).

(8) ff. 40b-44b. Fasl. Malay. On Fal (?).

(9) ff. 44b-45b, 46a. Diagrams, enumeration of the letters of the Jawi alphabet with dotting code.

(10) f. 46a. Bab. Unidentified.

(11) ff. 46b-47b. Malay. List of the Arabic letters with their numerical value.

(12) ff. 47b-51a. Malay. Silsila, divided into sections (Fasl). On how to known the angels; on how to know the

Rigal al-Ghayb.

(13) ff. 51b-54a. Malay. On predictions, according to the days of the month.

(14) ff. 54b-55a. Malay. Circular diagram, showing the names of the four right-guided caliphs in the lower


(14) ff. 55b-56a. Malay. Gadwal.

(15) f. 56b. Malay. Doa.

(16) ff. 56b-57a. Malay. Doa.

(17) ff. 57b-58b. Malay. Doa.

(18) ff. 58b-59b. Malay. Tariqat Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir, the Qadiriyya.

(19) f. 60a. Malay. Bab. Hikmat…

(20) ff. 60b-69a. Malay. Not identified.

(21) ff. 69a-83b. Malay. Unidentified, very much damaged by corrosion of ink. At the end about the divine


(22) ff. 84a-b. Malay. Sipat Asma Allah. Damaged.

(23) ff. 85a-86b. Malay. Damaged, remants of a diagram, mention of Mecca and Medina.

(24) f. 86b. Malay. Doa.

(25) ff. 87a-88a. Malay. Several shorter texts, Doa, diagram.

(26) ff. 88b-91a. Malay. Several subjects, ritual ablutions, etc.

(27) ff. 91a-98b. Malay. Bab, on Gima’, copulation’, and other subjects.

(28) ff. 98b-99b. Malay. Bab. On Gima’, and related subjects. F. 100a. Blank.

(29) ff. 100b-101a. Malay. Two diagrams.

(30) ff. 101b-104b. Malay. Fasl pada menyatakan Adab Gima’, on the manners of copulation.

(31) f. 104b. Malay. The beginning only of a Doa.

(32) ff. 105a-107b. Arabic. Du’a’, prayer.

(33) ff. 107b-109a. Malay. Doa to be said at Tarawih prayer.

(34) ff. 109a-112a. Malay. Doa of ‘our panghulu’.

(35) ff. 112a-113b. Malay. Doa to be said after Qur’an recite.

(36) ff. 113b-115a. Malay. Doa.

(37) ff. 115a-b. Malay. Fatiha, prayer.

(38) ff. 115b-116a. Malay. Fatiha, prayer.

(39) ff. 116a-b. Malay. Doa to be said during the visiting of gravers.

(40) ff. 116b-117a. Malay, Doa.

(41) ff. 117a-124a. Malay. Fatiha prayer.

(42) ff. 124b-128a. Malay. Doa.

(43) ff. 128a-129b. Malay. Doa.

(44) f. 130a. Malay. Doa.

(45) ff. 130a-131a. Malay. Doa.

Page 275: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

(46) ff. 131a-133a. Malay. Talqin.

(47) ff. 133a-135a. Malay. Talqin.

(48) ff. 135a-146a. Malay. Talqin.

(49) ff. 146a-150b. Arabic, Malay. Niyya and Tasliya.

(50) ff. 150b-151b. Malay. Doa for visiting graves.

(51) ff. 151b-152a. Malay. Doa, for the five times, Lima waktu.

(52) f. 152b. Malay. Doa.

(53) ff. 152b-153a. Malay. Doa.

(54) ff. 153a-154b. Malay and Arabic. Prayer to be said when ending the recite of the Qur’an.

(55) f. 155a. Malay. Doa.

(56) ff. 155b-156a. Malay, Arabic. Doa.

(57) ff. 156a-157a. Malay. Sharh Qul huwa Allah Ahad.

(58) f. 157b. Malay. Doa

(59) ff. 157b-158a. Malay. Doa.

(60) ff. 158a-159a. Malay. Doa.

(61) ff. 159a-162a. Arabic. Du’a’ Rih al-Ahmar.

(62) ff. 162a-b. Arabic. Du’a’ Nabi Allah Sulayman.

(63) ff. 162b-163b. Malay. Doa.

(64) ff. 163b-163bis b. Malay. Doa, incomplete at the end. F. 164. Blank.

(65) ff. 164b-172a. Acehnese. Hikayat hayake tujoh. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994),

p. 170. See on the Arabic text also Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 111. See also C. Snouck Hurgronje, The Achehnese,

II, p. 180.

(66) ff. 172b-177b. Arabic. Du’a’.

(67) ff. 177b-178a. The names of the Seven Sleepers and their dog.

(68) ff. 178b-179a. Arabic. Circles with texts. F. 179b. Blank.

(69) ff. 180a-181a. Arabic. Du’a’.

(70) ff. 181b-182a. Malay. Doa.

(71) ff. 182a-183a. Malay. Doa.

(72) ff. 183b-185b. Malay. Unidentified.

(73) ff. 185b-186b. Malay. Several Obat.

(74) ff. 186b-187a. Malay. Doa.

(75) f. 187b. Malay. Doa.

(76) ff. 187b-188b. Malay. Obat.

(77) ff. 188b-198b. Acehnese. Hikayat nabi meucuko. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 158.

(78) ff. 198b-199a. Arabic. Du’a’.

(79) ff. 199b-201a (f. 200b is blank). Fasl. Amulet texts according to the days of the week.

(80) ff. 201a-203a. Malay, Arabic. Doa and Azimat. F. 203b. Blank.

(81) ff. 204a-211b. Arabic, Malay. Incomplete copy (beginning is missing) of an unidentified prayer text.

(82) ff. 212a-229a. Acehnese. Hikayat Nubuet, or Nubuet Nabi. A poem about the mystical origin, birth and

person of the Prophet Muhammad. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 150. Same

beginning as in Or. 3117 (2), above. Added on an insert: romanized copy of the beginning only, possibly by


(83) ff. 229a-232a. Malay. Kayfiyyat Sembahyang.

(84) ff. 233a-237b. Malay. Fasl pada menyatakan Fa’ida suci …

(85) ff. 237b-239a. Malay. Tempat sembahyang.

(86) ff. 239a-240a. Acehnese. A small passage of beukeumeunan. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), p. 230.

(87) ff. 240a-244a. Malay. Sual, jawab, a catechism.

(88) ff. 244b-246a. Malay. Diagrams with captions and explanations.

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(89) ff. 246b-248a. Malay. Unidentified.

(90) f. 248a. Arabic. Prayer of al-Tariqa al-Shattariyya.

(91) ff. 248b-250b. Arabic, Malay. Several shorter text, among which also a Niyya sembahyang. F. 251a is


(92) ff. 250b-253a. Malay. Diagrams with captions and explanations.

(93) ff. 253b-258a. Arabic, Malay. Du’a’, Doa.

(94) f. 258b. Malay. Doa.

(95) ff. 258b-262b. Malay. Fatiha.

(96) ff. 262b-267a. Malay. Silsila, unidentified.

(97) ff. 267b-268a. Malay. Azimat.

(98) ff. 268a-272a. Fatihat ‘Aqiqa, for shaving.

(99) ff. 272a-284b. Malay, Arabic. Bab. Doa.

(100) ff. 284b-308a. Hikayat asay (jeuet) pade. See on this text J.J.C.H. van Waardenburg, De invloed van den

landbouw op de zeden, de taal en letterkunde der Atjèhers. Leiden 1936, pp. 62-109. See on this work also the

review by G.W.J. Drewes, in TBG 77 (1937), pp. 519-523. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), pp. 137-139, where there is an extensive discussion on the Arabic origins of the present work: ‘In the

description of this work by Snouck Hurgronje (1906, II:166) it was not expressly stated that it is derived from

an Arabic source, but one can deduce this from the proper names and from the refutation of Jahiliyya (pre-

Islamic) ideas in the appendage about the rainbow. Indeed, reference is made in the text to a matan, an

Arabic text. In Or. 8209, above, an Arabic kitab téh from Aceh, there is a small Malay passage at the end

(104v-l05r), which refutes the folk belief that rice derived from one of Adam's sons. The correct

understanding is rather that rice comes from the Nur Muhammad. Al-Tha’labi’s Koran commentary and the

Hashiyat Iqna’ fath al-habib are given as sources for the Malay text. This also indicates that there must be an

Arabic original for the Hikayat asay pade. Professor Drewes informs us (= Dr. Voorhoeve) that he indeed

once came across this, but cannot remember exactly where. Since the customs mentioned in the story are

‘still practised here and there, but by no means universally’ (Snouck Hurgronje 1906, II:166, n.), one could

speak of the influence of Arabic literature on Acehnese agriculture, rather than ‘The influence of agriculture

on the manners, language and literature of the Acehnese’. Such is the title of Van Waardenburg’s 1936

dissertation in which (pp. 62-109) this hikayat is published and translated from Tgk. M. Noerdin’s

transcription (MS Leiden Or. 8168, above). Also included (pp. 110-113) under the title Haba pade is an excerpt

from the hikayat (also in hikayat form). A still shorter excerpt is in Jakarta M1. 323, described by Snouck

Hurgronje as ‘an Acehnese formula in which the four names appear which according to Acehnese tradition

are connected with the origin of the rice plant, and the recitation of which guarantees all kinds of blessing.’

(101) ff. 308b-309a. Malay. Doa Sani.

(102) ff. 309a-b. Malay. Pada menyatakan kutika malam, beginning with the evening of Sunday and ending

with the evening of Saturday.

(103) ff. 310-314b. Malay. Doa, for ritual ablutions. Some transliteration notes on an insert (by Damsté?).

(104) f. 314b. Takbir in Arabic.

(105) f. 315a. Arabic, Malay. Doa. Two short prayers. Ff. 315b-323a. Blank.

(106) ff. 323b-324a. Scribbling. F. 324b. Blank.

Malay texts not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). Arabic texts not in Voorhoeve, Handlist (1957/1980).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* Mal. 3269]

Or. 8723

Acehnese, paper, dictation book, 125 pp.

Hikayat Nun Parisi. Incomplete transliteration by H.T. Damsté. Also a short summary of the content, with

notes and correspondence with L. de Vries. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 87.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3270)

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Or. 8724

Acehnese, and Arabic, paper, school writing book, 6 ff., Latin script, dated 1339 (1920-1921).

Hikayat hayake tujoh. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 169. See on the Arabic

text (al-Hayakil al-Sab’a) also Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 111. See also C. Snouck Hurgronje, The Achehnese, II, p.


Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3271)

Or. 8725

Acehnese, paper, 3 loose school writing books containing 100 ff. of typed transliteration by Damsté. Hikayat

Banta Amat. Added: a letter from P. Voorhoeve to H.T. Damsté, and 7 loose ff. with notes by Damsté. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 97.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3272)

Or. 8726

Acehnese, Dutch, paper, Latin script.

Hikayat Ahmat Sulutan. No title appears in the manuscript. Voorhoeve has named it in accordance with the


Hikayat Ahmad Muhammad, with which the Acehnese work agrees. In the Acehnese hikayat the two

brothers are called Banta Ahmat and Banta Sulutan. See also Voorhoeve 1927, No. 155.

Almost complete transliteration of MS Amsterdan, Tropical Museum 45/282c by Damsté. A few pages are

not transliterated but are rendered into Dutch. An incomplete abstract of the contents has also been added.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 123.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3274)

Or. 8727

Acehnese and Dutch, paper,

Hikayat prang gômpeuni by Dôkarim.

(a) Typed romanization of the entire text made by H.T. Damsté, with a complete Dutch translation written

by Damsté.

(b) Typed romanization by H.T. Damsté of the entire text, interleaved with a few sheets of duplicate text

and typed translation.

(c) Text only, verse 1151-3128.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese Manuscripts (Leiden 1944), p. 61. See also E.P. Wieringa, in BSOAS 61

(1998), p. 300, n. 5.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3275)

Or. 8728

Acehnese, Dutch, paper, pp., Latin script.

(a) Sequel to the Hikayat prang gompeuni by Dokarim. Also known as Wasiet prang Aceh. Transliteration of

the entire text (1328 verse) by H.T. Damsté, with his translation. Both text and translation show lacunae

where the original was illegible or incomprehensible.

(b) Second copy of the text, with incomplete transliteration.

(c) Third copy, only text.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 62.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3276)

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Or. 8729a

Acehnese, paper, school writing book, 23 pp., Latin script.

Prescriptions for the seumayang. About the seumayang in a mystical sense, by Tgk. Chik Pante Glima

Meureudu. In sanjak. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 243.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3277)

Or. 8729b

Acehnese, paper, school writing book, 2 pp., Latin script.

Prescriptions for the seumayang. Nalam rukon lhee blaih. The same text as Or. 8704a, ff. 11b-13a, above and

Or. 8707 A, pp. 61-63, above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 241.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3277)

Or. 8730

Acehnese, paper, 12 pp., school writing book.

Hikayat Printaih Salam. The story would, according to Or. 7254 (1), above, be part of the Tambihoy Ensan.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 161-162.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3278)

Or. 8731

Original Acehnese texts (MS Leiden Or. 8731 b) kept together with notes and transliterations by H.T. Damsté

(MS Leiden Or. 8731 a). Also some notes by Voorhoeve.

Or. 8731 a

Acehnese, paper, exercise book, 11 pp., Latin script.

Transliteration (not from Damsté’s copy, Or. 8731 b (1)) of Mo’lot Nabi, by Tgk. Cèh Kob, or Tgk. Panté

Ceureumèn. There exist two printed editions of the Mawlid, Bombay 1345/1926 (lithograph, Hikajat

Akeubaro Karim. Karangan Teungku Seumatang (followed by a text on Paradise). Bombay 1345 / 1926. [8201

E 39]) and Kutaraja 1344/1926 (lithograph? Madjmoe rasail dengan bahasa Atjeh. Pertama Risalat fiqh jang

kedoea Aqidat al-awwamm, dan lain-lain. By `Abd Allah b. Ibrahim and Toeankoe Radja Keumala.

Koetaradja, 1344/1926 [892 C 6]), each with variant readings of its own. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 152.

Note that Voorhoeve description considerably differs from Damsté’s who gives this text the title Seulaweuët

(Ratéb inòng), to which Voorhoeve has remarked: ‘but that is a different text’. That text is now MS Leiden

Or. 7995 (4) and MS Leiden Or. 8138 (4).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3279]

Or. 8731 b

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese and Arabic, paper, 54 pp., Arabic script in several hands,

unbound, one quire sewn together.

Unnumbered opening page: scribbling, verso blank.

(1) pp. 1-18. Mo’lot Nabi, by Tgk. Cèh Kob, or Tgk. Panté Ceureumèn. There exist two printed editions of the

Mawlid, Bombay 1345/1926 (lithograph, Hikajat Akeubaro Karim. Karangan Teungku Seumatang (followed

by a text on Paradise). Bombay 1345 / 1926. [8201 E 39]) and Kutaraja 1344/1926 (lithograph?, Madjmoe rasail

dengan bahasa Atjeh. Pertama Risalat fiqh jang kedoea Aqidat al-awwamm, dan lain-lain. By `Abd Allah b.

Ibrahim and Toeankoe Radja Keumala. Koetaradja, 1344/1926 [892 C 6]), each with variant readings of its

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own. And an insert of one leaf with transliteration of the beginning, by Damsté (?). See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 152.

(2) pp. 19-26. Arabic. Collection of quotations from the Qur’an, taken from Sura 2, 37, 72, 2.

Pp. 27-34. Blank.

(4) pp. 35-45. Carah aleh ba ta. A similar work. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p.

220. Pp.46-50. Blank.

(51) pp. 51-54. Shorter notes, prayers and scribbling, partly in Arabic, partly in an Indonesian language.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Mal. 3279]

Or. 8732

Acehnese, paper, 5 pp., Latin script, typewritten.

Hikayat nabi meucuko. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 158.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3280)

Or. 8733

Portfolio with texts in Malay and Acehnese, paper, several bibliographical entities in different formats.

(1) Two small collections with images of muhrs, seals or azimats, amulets, 8.3 x 6 cm; divinatory tool, in

function not unlike the large tools (as Or. 8505, above), where cords have been attached to the pages in

order to enable a random choice of the prediction; largest dimensions: 9.8 x 7 cm.

(2) 28 pp., notebook, Arabic script. Divination. Containing the prediction of lucky and unlucky days of the

month, etc., with diagrams; on p. 28 three seals (illegible); inside there are 4 ff. of a cash-book

with accounts of debts, a do’a, etc.; 2 loose ff. with transliterations by Damsté and 1 f. with a summary by

Iskandar (1956).

(3) 22 ff., European laid paper, watermark: Crescent in shield (= Abū Shubbāk), Arabic script.

- ff. 1v-3r. Treatise about sembahyang.

- ff. 1r-2r. Niat, fardhu and sunat.

- ff. 2v-3v. Sifat duapuluh.

- ff. 21v-12v. Do’a, mantera, etc.

(4) 22 ff., thin wove paper, written at random, Arabic script. Religious texts and charms. Do’a, tangkal, etc.,

with diagrams and tables; inside there are a piece of lined paper with an amulet, three pieces of paper with

notes by Damsté, and a piece of paper with a summary by Iskandar.

(5) 82 pp., Note book, written at random, Arabic script. Primbon (miscellaneous). The text, pp. 1-41, 69-70,

82-71, contains do’a, dzikir, treatises about the syahadah, sembahyang and khutbah, mantera and divination;

with diagrams and tables; inside there is a piece of paper with a summary by Iskandar.

(6) 6 pp. Fragment of a cash-book, Arabic script. The text, pp. 1-3, contains Do’a sembahyang. Enclosed is a

piece of paper with a summary by Iskandar.

(7) 6 pp., lined paper, Arabic script. Do’a, mantera, etc. Inside there is a piece of paper with a summary by


(8) Several texts, in Acehnese and Malay, Arabic and Latin scripts.

- 1 f. Acehnese. Dzikir.

- 1 f. Do’a sembahyang. A fragment.

- 1 f. Mantera. Arabic script. Do’a.

- 3 ff. Acehnese. Hikayat Prang Sabi. The beginning only of a Hikayat prang sabi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue

of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 77.

(9) [1] + 37 ff. European laid paper. Arabic script. Primbon (miscellaneous). ff. 1r-28r contains treatises about

sembahyang, puasa, sifat duapuluh, divination: rigal al-ghaib, naga mengedar, do'a menyembelih, etc., again

about sembahyang, do’a mengeluarkan fitrah, etc.

(10) Collection of texts in Malay.

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- 12 ff. European laid paper, watermark: Crescent in shield (= Abū Shubbāk), written at random. Arabic

script. Azimat, amulet.

- 11 ff. Do’a and azimat.

- 16 pp. A book of divination.

Enclosed is a piece of paper with summary by Iskandar.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 578-580 (No. 1173).

Earlier provenance: Nyak Abu, Kota Tayung (?), Samarkilang.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* Mal. 3280]

Or. 8734

Acehnese, paper, school writing book, 160 pp., Latin script.

Transliteration by H.T. Damsté of the major part of Or. 6970, above, being an incomplete copy (end missing)

of Hikayat Indra Peutawi, or Diwa Peutawi.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 122.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3282)

Or. 8735

Acehnese, paper, 5 school writing books.

Incomplete transliteration and translation by H.T. Damsté (1874-1955) of Hikayat Banta Beuransah.

Text published in A. Verheul, Hikajat Banta Beuransah [geusalen ngon haraih Beulanda le Nja Oesin. Lam

thon njoe ka geusalen dan geupenget lom le Moehammad Joesoef]. Njang oseuha A. Verheul. - [Medan 1927,

890 A 20 - 901 B 46 - 901 B 47 - 813 B 37, copy with notes by H.T. Damsté (1874-1955)]. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 87-90. No. 11.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3283)

Or. 8736

Acehnese, paper, Latin script

Hikayat Samudalangga. Transliteration and summary of the contents of MS Amsterdam, Tropical Museum,


See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 131.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3284)

Or. 8737

Acehnese, Dutch, paper,

Hikayat Loyla Majeunun, or Majeunun Diwana. The Acehnese Layla Maǧnūn. Handwritten and typewritten

copy by H.T. Damsté of MS Amsterdam, Tropical Museum 674/870 (III).

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 128.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3285)

Or. 8738

Acehnese, Dutch, paper, ff., manilla folder, Latin script.

Hikayat musang meujanggot or Hikayat Eseukanda Cah or Musang Janggot. The original of Or. 8182 (38), Or.

8183 (17), above.

Transliteration and Dutch translation of the text in MS Amsterdam, Tropical Museum, 674/870 (II).

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 31, 129.

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Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3286)

Or. 8739

Acehnese, and miscellaneous Indonesian languages, paper

Writing book. On the cover: ‘Atjehsch’ and ‘Damsté, Sigli 1902’.

- ff. 1r-15r. Notes on verbs. One side only. With numerous notes on the blank pages.

- ff. 16r-18r. Comparative tables of demonstratives from various Indonesian languages, including: Javanese,

Sundanese, Malay, Acehnese, Makasarese, Buginese. Notes on Acehnese demonstrative compounds.

At the back (numbered from the back): f. 1r notes on the noun si ‘side, place’; f. 2r notes on the phrase sama

teungoh ret.

A loose leaf inserted in the front has typed examples of meu- formations, ordered alphabetically; apparently

from a list many pages long in MS Leiden Or. 11.047 (2), below.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 253-254.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3287)

Or. 8740

Dutch, Acehnese, Malay, paper, writing book, 53 pp., Latin script.

‘Outline of Acehnese grammar’, the ‘dictaat’ on the right pages; on the left pages are notes by C. Snouck

Hurgronje. Contents: verb, noun, adjective, pronoun, conjugation, times. Copied by Ph.S. van Ronkel from

MS Leiden Or. 8192, above. According to a note in the present manuscript, the lectures in MS Leiden Or.

8192 were given by C. Snouck Hurgronje to Lieutenant-colonel Beeger.

On pp. 1-4, 6-7 (numbered from the back) are etymological notes on Malay words by Ph.S. van Ronkel. Not

in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 253.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3288)

Or. 8741

Acehnese, paper, Latin script

(1) Writing book. 21 x 17 cm. Right pp. only. Written by G.A.J. Hazeu. Dictated ‘Notes on Acehnese grammar

by Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronje, 1904’. Pp. 1-93 verb, noun, adjective, conjugation, jak, passive; pp. 94-110 blank;

pp. 111-119 lists of word derivations. In the back the following inserts by Damsté:

(2) 3 ff. 25.5 x 16 cm. 3 ff. with 2 written pp. of notes on word formation; 1 p. on demonstrative formations.

(3) 1 f. Folio. Written notes on one side on word formation.

(4) 7 pp., 21 x 16.5 cm. and 6 pp., 22 x 14.5 cm. of typed condensed notes derived from (1): inserted is one

double sheet of written notes with typed heading on the types of meu- formations.

(5) 38 pp. Folio typing paper. Typed carbon copy, the same text as in the writing book. With the signature of

E. Gobée at the front.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 253.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3289)

Or. 8742

Acehnese, Dutch, paper, Latin script.

Daw’ al-shams carah Tibyan. Commentary on the Tibyan fi ma’rifat al-adyan of Nuruddin al-Raniri, with

numerous additions, in sanjak, by Tgk. Haron from Krueng Mane, ulama musapat kanto BB [Civil Service

office] in Lhok Seumawe, written in 1929-1931. The Malay original is published in Voorhoeve 1955b;

concerning the Acehnese rendering, see the introduction, p. 25. At that time, Voorhoeve could still make

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use of a study that Damsté had written about this Acehnese work, and which was to be published by Messrs.

E.J. Brill of Leiden. After using it, Voorhoeve passed Damsté’s manuscript on to Brill’s, where it was lost.

The present manuscript is a transliteration and translation of the Acehnese text in MS Leiden KITLV Or. 185,

bound in three thick school writing books.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 186.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3290, Mal. 3291, Mal. 3292)

Or. 8743

Dutch of Malay of Acehnese interest, paper, 8 + 28 ff., Latin script. typewritten.

A Dutch introduction, the Malay text and a partial Dutch translation by H.T. Damsté of the text by Haji

Hasan Mustafa, Hoofd-Penghulu at Kutaraja (Aceh), contained in Or. 7636, above, being Keadaan Atjeh oleh

Hadji Hasan Moestapa (given title?). An analysis of the political situation in Aceh in the form of questions

and answers. The text contains the observations of the author about the indigenous administration, the

relations with the Dutch administration, the position of the Sultan and the Uleebalangs, the continuing war

(perang sabil) under the leadership of the ulama, the internal quarrels between the Acehnese and their

unity against the Dutch, the relationship between Acehnese who had surrendered to the Dutch and with

those who had not, and about the position of the sultan in the eyes of the Acehnese, should he fall into

Dutch hands. See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 580 (No. 1174).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3293)

Or. 8744

Acehnese, paper, school writing book, 62 pp., right pages only.

Hikayat Tamlikha, or Eelia Tujoh. Transliteration of MS Leiden Or. 7993, above, which is MS A in the edition

by H.T. Damsté, ‘De legende van de Heilige Zeven Slapers in het Atjèhsch’, in BKI 98 (1939), pp. 407-488. See

also H.T. Damsté, ‘Nog iets over de zeven slapers’, in BKI 101 (1942), pp. 403-404. On the left pages is a copy

in pencil of MS Leiden Or. 7992 (1), above, which is MS B of Damsté.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 146.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3294)

Or. 8745

Arabic, paper, 1 f.

Copy of an amulet, with several shorter prayer texts. Possibly from Indonesia. Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* in Ar. 2998]

Or. 8746

Malay, paper, 1 f., Arabic script, dated 27 Dzulka'edah 1279/16 May 1863.

Sarakata. Authorization issued by Sultan Alaaddin Mansur Syah to collect taxes on agricultural products in

territories of certain ulèebalang (probably on the west coast of Aceh), with the sultan’s seals.

See Iskandar, Catalogue, p. 580 (No. 1175).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3369)

Or. 8747a

Acehnese, Dutch, Malay, paper, folio bundle, Arabic and Latin scripts.

Record of statements and answers by people questioned in connection with legal cases in Idi, Sigli, 1911,

when H.T. Damsté was the district officer there. Mostly in Roman script, written on the right halves with the

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questions on the left halves, each interview record preceded by personal particulars of the interviewee.

Written in ink. Sometimes in Arabic script, in ink and pencil with the questions on the right and answers on

the left halves; sometimes passages in Arabic script are transliterated. Here and there slips and sheets arc

inserted with notes, summaries and copies of the interviews in Dutch and Acehnese. Some written, some

typed in blue. The typewriter and the ribbon colour are the same as in MS Leiden Or. 8747c, below, so

almost certainly these were typed by Damsté. The details of one case are typed out in Acehnese in their

entirity, with translation, word-for-word interlinear gloss of the Acehnese text and linguistic notes. A few of

the inserted slips contain notes of a purely linguistic nature.

Inserted are: six Acehnese letters on folio paper in Arabic script from local rulers, with transliterations (now

MS Leiden Or. 8747b, below); two Acehnese letters (statements?) in Latin script; five Malay letters

(statements?), one of which is in Arabic script, with transliteration: all related to legal cases. Also: 1 (empty)

yellow silk envelope: ‘Menghadab kebawah kaus Sripedoeka toean Besar civiel en Melitair Gouveurneur Atjeh

dan daerah taaloeknja bersamajan di Kota Radja’.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 259. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3197)

Or. 8747 b

Acehnese, paper, writing book

‘Letters from Pidie’. Six inserted letters from Acehnese chieftains in 1904-1905, with transliterations

on the book pages. After p. 25 three inserted copies of a harangue in sanjak in the same hand against one of

the war factions, with accompanying transliterations (by H.T. Damsté), typed and written on double folio

sheets. The first copy includes a letter to Tgk. Ibrahim di Cot Cicem. This harangue and letter have the same

text, paper and hand as the 4th of the 6 letters, where the author is named as H. Muhamat Tahé, Cot Plieng,

20 Adoe Mo’lot, 1322 (July 1904), whom a pencilled note with the transliteration there identifies as assistant

to Tgk. Tiro. Apparently taken as booty in July 1905 when the Tgk. di Cot Plieng was captured at the head of

Krueng Tiro. (See note dated March 1906 on p. 25).

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 258-259.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3197)

Or. 8747c

Acehnese, paper, 6 pp. on 7 ff., typewritten.

A transliteration of two Hikayat prang sabi of a simple sort. The originals were found at the capture of Tgk.

Raja Sabi’s hiding place in Paya Cicem, on December 20, 1911. Added: a draft Dutch translation in pencil and

pen on the left pages. Enclosed: a cutting from the Nieuwsblad voor het Gouvernement Atjeh en

Onderhoorigheden of January 27, 1912, with an article by H.T. Damsté in Dutch, entitled ‘More Acehnese War

documents’, reproduced in H.T. Damsté, ‘Atjèhsche oorlogspapieren’, in IG 34/1 (1912), pp. 617-633, 776-792,

especially pp. 789-792. This article summarizes the contents of the translated text. Same typewriter and

ribbon colour as of the typing in MS Leiden Or. 8747a, above. The original manuscripts, war booty from

Paya Cicem are in MS Leiden Or. 8693, above.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 79.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3197)

Or. 8747d

Acehnese, half a folio sheet, Arabic script, in pencil.

Narit Rapa’i. With partial typed transliteration on an accompanying slip.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 34.

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Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(in Mal. 3197)

Or. 8748

Malay, Simalurese, Dutch, paper, Latin script, envelope containing two items.

Ceritera-ceritera Simalur.

A. 180 pp., 6 exercise books; Latin script, only the left half of the pages written on (not in H.T. Damsté's

handwriting); on part of the right half a Dutch translation by Damsté; enclosed are loose papers with

notes by Damsté.

- pp. 1-34. Tjeritera Lamboerek dan Soemarek, or the Islamization of Simalur.

- pp.34-54. Tjeritera Pelandoek.

- pp. 54-64. Tjeritera kerbau beranak toedjoeh orang perempoean.

- pp. 64-86. Tjeritera Radja Kajaan.

- pp. 86-132. Tjeritera Banta Beransah;

- pp. 133-149. Tjeritera Si Miskin I.

- pp. 150-163. Tjeritera Si Miskin II.

- pp. 163-171. Tjeritera darihal asal boeaja. At the back is a do’a mengail buaya.

- pp. 172-180. Tambo Simalur, starting with Adam, raja Rum who arrives in Minangkabau, Toeankoe

Chaliloellah or Soetan Moebahar from Minangkabau who comes to Aceh and meets Soeltan Iskandar

Moeda. Iskandar Moeda dispatches him to Poelau Tempoerong (Simalur), where he meets a woman named

Simaloer (or Fatimah). He marries her at Meulaboh, goes back to Poelau Tempoeroeng and converts the

people there. Toeankoe’s brother, Soetan Marah Akoeb, becomes ruler of Tapa Toean. The latter also

converts the people of Tapah and is installed ruler of Tapah by the sultan of Aceh. He is succeeded by his

sons Soetan Koeasa, Soetan Mengatar, and Datoe’ Soetan Lembang Alam. In his reign, during the first

Acehnese war, a ship arrives and they surrender to the Kompeni.

B. 28 ff., typing paper, typewritten in Latin script (only on one side). A Dutch introduction and translation of

Simalur stories (probably not from the texts in A).

- ff. 1-2. Mother buffalo and her seven human daughters.

- ff. 3-5. Pelanduk stories.

- ff. 6-8. Stories of the ruler and Si Miskin.

- ff. 9-11. True Si Miskin stories.

- f. 12. The legend of Batoe Belair

- ff. 13-14. How crocodiles came into the world.

- ff. 15-18. Chicken island.

- ff. 19-22. How Nene’ Lambore’ fled for Soemareh Fintoe from Simalur to Mas.

- ff. 23-24. The Islamization of Simalur.

- ff. 25-28. Prince Glutton, son of King Nabob and Queen Well-Contented.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 580-582 (No. 1176).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3295)

Or. 8749

Simalurese, Dutch, paper, several formats and units.

Simalurese Tales.

(1) Dutch, Simalurese. H.T. Damsté, ‘Simaloereesche teksten’, in Bijdragen 71/3-4 (1916), pp. 584-638.

Offprint, with Damsté’s handwritten and typed notes (c. 20 ff.). Also a list of names of persons to whom

Damsté has sent an offprint of his article.

(2) Dutch. H.T. Damsté, ‘Simaloerese vertelsels’. 13 ff. typewritten.

(3) Dutch. 7. Kippeneiland [by H.T. Damsté]. Typewritten, with notes and added papers, including a short

letter by J.Ph. Vogel to Damsté, dated Oegstgeest, 21 February 1949.

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(4) Dutch. Dwerghert-verhalen [by H.T. Damsté]. Typewritten, 3 ff., original.

(4) Dutch. L.F. de Beaufort, ‘Levensbericht van Dr. Edward Jacobson’, offprint from Jaarboek der Koninklijke

Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen 1947-1948. Jacobson (1870-1944) had been involved in the

collection of Simalurese texts.

(5) Simalurese, Dutch. Hardbound exercise book, numbered ff. 68-116, followed by many blanks. Collection

of popular stories, in two columns, left Simalurese, right Dutch. Preceded by notes of Damsté in which Van

Ronkel and Jacobson are mentioned. Also preceding f. 68a is the beginning of a table of contents:

Gesprek over een werpnet, 68

Verhaal v.d. Batoe Beláir, 74

Verhaal van Si Meloe, 77

Verhaal van de bouw v.d. eerste moskeeën, 83

Verhaal v.d. Koeaʾ en de SiToli-Toli, 92

De Vloedgolf, 95

Dodenklacht, 97

Legende nopens het Kippen eiland, 99

Losse zinnen, 102

Verhaal van Tengkoe Maʾ Drih, 105 (no translation, only notes in the right column).

(6) Simalurese. Collection of pantuns, paper, 7 ff., followed by blanks.

(7) Dutch, oblong format, paper, c. 25 ff. ‘Volksverhalen van Simaloer’, with numerous editorial changes, all

by Damsté.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* Mal. 3296]

Or. 8750

Simalurese, Dutch, hard bound notebook with alphabet keys, 16.7 x 10.2 cm, Latin script, c. 96 ff. (6 quires of

16 ff. each), unnumbered, but alphabetically arranged), also blank pages.

‘Taal van Simaloer’ [by H.T. Damsté]. Simalurese wordlist. At the end also notes on Simalurese grammar.

Earlier provenance: Dated (verso flyleaf in front): ‘Damsté, juli, 1912.’

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* Mal. 2891]

Or. 8751

Simalurese, Acehnese, Meulaboh Malay, Dutch, hard bound notebook, paper 20 x 16.5 cm, 67 + 24 ff., Latin

script, in the hand of Damsté. Label on front cover: ‘Talen van Simaloer’.

The originals of Simalurese texts that, for the large part, have been edited, sometimes bilingual, sometimes

Simalurese only, with notes of all sorts by H.T. Damsté, and several inserts in different formats and

sometimes typewritten.

Preceding the texts is a table of contents:

Inafi nafi anaʾ tioʾ, 1

Geschiedenis van Simaloel, 7

Inafi nafi Toeankoe Manggarang, 20

Inafi nafi ôèng alèʾ balōng, 28

Banta Beransah, 37

Nàngā-nàngā, 42

Wiegelied, 44

Raadsels, 45

Zinnen, 46

Landbouw, 48

Eedsformulieren, 50

Acehnese and Meulaboh Malay, Léng banò, Wali benoeah, 51-60

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Acehnese and Léng banò, 61

Added is an exercise book (24 ff.) with label Léng Banò; new set of texts (Wali benoeah) begins from the

other side of the exercise book.

Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999). Not in Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* Mal. 2892]

Or. 8752

Malay, paper, 140 pp., cashbook, Arabic script (ink and pencil), dated 17 September 1913.

Ceritera-ceritera Simalur.

- pp. 1-19. Celitera nenek Lamburek dan Sumareh Fintoe. The same story as in MS Leiden Or. 8748 (A 1),


- pp. 19-23. Celitera tikus, only the odd pages written on, in bahasa Pulau.

- pp. 24-33. Celitera pelanduk.

- pp.40-44. Celitera kerbau beranak tujuh perempuan.

- pp. 46-59. Celitera Raja Kayaan dan Puteri Kesenangan.

- pp. 60-91. Celitera Banta Beransah.

- pp. 92-102. Celitera Raja dan Si Miskin.

- pp. 102-109. Celitera Si Miskin.

- pp. 138-130. Pantun nyanyi.

- pp. 133-132. Blank.

- pp. 128-124. Tambo Simalur.

- pp. 117-113. Celitera darihal asal buaya.

- pp. 111-110. Do’a mengail buaya.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 582 (No. 1177).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3297)

Or. 8753

Simalurese, Dutch, hard bound volume in folio, 33.2 x 21 cm, Latin script, 10 + 21 ff.

Notes on the Simalurese language and other subjects. Travel notes by an indigenous person, in Dutch, dated

14 March 1912, followed by 30 [March], 1 April, 9 [April], 11 [April], draft of long letter by Damsté about his

official situation. Notes on Simalurese grammar. Several shorter texts.

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

[* Mal. 3298]

Or. 8754

Malay, portfolio with two items.

A. Collection of several texts, 20 ff., exercise book, Arabic and Latin scripts, the copying was finished at Talu

on 22 August 1901.

- ff. 3v-6v. Syair Sunur, by Syaikh Daud Sunur.

- ff. 6v-8r. Syair Perahu, see Doorenbos 1933, pp. 16-21.

- ff. 8r-10r. Syair Mekah, a passage of Syair Mekah dan Madinah, description of the town of Mecca, by Syaikh

Daud Sunur.

- ff. 15r-10v. Inilah Sair Prahoe, a transliteration of Syair Perahu (see above, ff. 6v-8r) in Latin script by H.T.


B. Syair Sunur, 8 pp., wove paper, Arabic script. The text on pp. 2-4 contains the beginning of Syair Sunur.

Enclosed is a note by R. Roolvink to the effect that according to Voorhoeve and Damsté himself this

fragment is a copy of a lithographed edition: Sjair Soenoer ... dikarangkan oleh Sjaich Daoed, beserta soeatoe

nasihat bagi segala jang hendak mengetahoei adat bersahabat dikirangkan oleh Moehammad Amin al-

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Tanggari. - Singapore, 1322 [1904]. - 12 p. ; in-12 [815 B 32, with annotation in the Leiden automated

catalogue: ‘Een afschrift van de oorspronkelijke editie, waarin ook de Sjair Mekah en de Sjair Perahoe waren

opgenomen, bevindt zich in de handschriftencollectie (MS Leiden Or. 8754).’

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 582-583 (No. 1178).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3299)

Or. 8755

Collection of texts from Minangkabau. Portfolio containing 7 items.

A. 10 ff., wove paper, Arabic and Latin scripts (on two columns).

Plakaat Pandjang (ff. 1v-6v), copied from a copy of the proclamation issued by Commissioner U. van

Sevenhoven and C.J. Riesz at Padang on 25 October 1833. The document was in the possession of the district

chief of Upper Kampar, who inherited it from Tuanku Radja Mantrie, former head of laras Upper Kampar.

B. 20 ff.; European laid paper; watermark: Elephant with counter mark GUTHRIE & CO, Latin script, copied

by Mohamad Tahir gelar Toeankoe nan Tjerdik (the author?) at Talu on 22 July 1899.

Sair nagri Taloe tarendam, 1890.

C. 4 ff., typing paper, typewritten in Latin script, written by Mohamad Tahir gelar Toeankoe nan Tjerdik,

laras-head of Talu.

Gampa besar di negri Taloe. The text, ff. 1r-20v, contains a narrative about the flood at Talu in 1890.

The text, ff. 2v-4r, contains a narrative about the earthquake at Talu on 17/18 May 1892. On f. 1r notes by

Damsté on the financial losses caused by this earthquake.

D. 28 ff., exercise book, Latin script.

Dialect of Taloe (and Meulaboh).

- ff. 1v-12v. Vocabulary of the Talu dialect

- ff. 13v-21v. Sentences, with notes in red ink.

E. 14 ff., exercise book, Latin script, dated August 1897.

Ramboeang Katimboenan. The text, ff. 1v-13r, contains a drama in which Ramboeang Katimboenan is a

miser. On f. 14v is a Pantoen oerang moeda.

F. Several texts.

- 4 pp., exercise book, Latin script.

Padato Soengai Langse. Ff. 1v, 2v, 4v: Padato Soengai Lanse, enclosed are two pieces of paper with a fragment

of an unidentified writing.

- 28 ff.; exercise book, Latin script.

Padato sambah menyambah. Text on ff. 1v-17v, inside there are two loose pages with notes.

- 36 pp., exercise book (loose), Latin script.

Adat kawin. Text on pp. 1-36.

G. Several texts.

- 44 pp., exercise book, Latin script. The text, pp. 1-43, contains a transliteration of the here following (pp.


Oendang-oendang Sidjoendjoeng.

- 42 pp.: exercise book (numbered pp. 43-82), Arabic script.

Law code in 23 fasal.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 583-584 (No. 1179).

Provenance: H.T. Damsté collection, 1955.

(Mal. 3300)

End of the H.T. Damsté collection, 1955 (Or. 8666-Or. 8755)

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Or. 8756-Or. 8759

Manuscripts from the estate of B.J.O. Schrieke (1890-1945), received through his widow, Mrs. P. Schrieke-

Loeff in August 1955.

Or. 8756

Malay, paper, [1] + 127 + 32 ff., Latin script, two columns (Malay, with Dutch translation by the same hand).

A. 127 ff. Hikajat Ridjali, also called Hikayat Tanah Hitu, by Imam Ridjali.

The present manuscript is a transcript of a manuscript in the possession of the Regent of Seti, amplified

from other fragmentary copies. The text, ff. 1v-125v, contains the history of the Ambonese islands up to the

middle of the 17th century. It was utilized by Manusama (1977) as his MS B. Added are 2 ff. (loose), dated 21

April 1926 with notes on the manuscripts extant in Ambon. On f. 127r is a concordance of the chapters of

MSS Leiden Or. 5448, above, Or. 8756 A-B, Or. 8806, below, and Valentijn’s text (1726).

B. 32 ff., typing paper, Latin script, copied from a serial published in a newspaper in Ambon, formerly

owned by V.E. Korn. The text corresponds with MS Leiden Or. 8756 A, above, ff. Iv-78v. It was utilized by Z.J.

Manusama (1977) as his MS Ba.

=> A new edition, with Dutch translation, made on the basis of this manuscript is: Ridjali, Historie van Hitu.

Een Ambonse geschiedenis uit de zeventiende eeuw. Bezorgd en ingeleid door Hans Straver, Chris van

Fraassen en Jan van der Putten. Utrecht (Landelijk Steunpunt Educatie Molukkers) 2004, with illustration of

p. 36 on p. 17.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 585 (No. 1180).

Provenance: Donated by Mrs. P. Schrieke-Loeff in August 1955. Originally from the estate of B.J.O. Schrieke


(Mal. 3311)

Or. 8757

Malay, Dutch, Javanese, paper, 26 ff., typing paper, Latin script,

Hikajat Ridjali, also called Hikayat Tanah Hitu, by Imam Ridjali.

A. ‘Radjah Hitoe en de vier Perdana’s’. Contains notes on Ambon by B.J.O. Schrieke (1890-1945). Inserted is a

letter from Mrs. P. Schrieke-Loeff to Dr P. Voorhoeve.

B. Articles about the history of the Moluccas, in Dutch:

- 16 ff., typing paper, typewritten, with handwritten notes in margin. ‘Koperen helmen in het Oosten van

den Indischen Archipel’

- 3 ff., typing paper, typewritten, with pencil notes in margin. ‘Hitoe’.

- 10 ff., lined paper, Latin script (handwriting of Prof. Schrieke). Inside there are 2 ff. typing

paper with typewritten notes on 3 pp. ‘Gegevens over de geschiedenis der Molukken’.

- 17 ff., lined and unlined paper, Latin script (handwriting of Prof. Schrieke, in pencil and ink. Some pp. are

blank. ‘Notes on the history of Ambon’, containing the draft of MSS B I and II by Van Hoevell.

- 2 ff. Javanese text (typewritten). Not in Pigeaud II. Cover with all kinds of notes on loose papers;

- Letters and a photograph. A letter and a postcard addressed to Prof. Schrieke at Weltevreden by H.

Maclaine Pont (1884-1971) of Trawoelan, respectively dated 13-11-1925 and 8-XII-1925.

Includes a transliteration of Or. 8806, below. See now also A new edition, with Dutch translation, made with

use of this manuscript is Ridjali, Historie van Hitu. Een Ambonse geschiedenis uit de zeventiende eeuw.

Bezorgd en ingeleid door Hans Straver, Chris van Fraassen en Jan van der Putten. Utrecht (Landelijk

Steunpunt Educatie Molukkers) 2004.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 585-586 (No. 1181).

Provenance: Donated by Mrs. P. Schrieke-Loeff in August 1955. Originally from the estate of B.J.O. Schrieke


(Mal. 3310)

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Or. 8758

Javanese, paper, 19 pp., Javanese script.

Parimbon Ngilmu Kak. Notes on mysticism, mentioning i.a. sunan Kali Jaga instructing seh Luhung Salawe.

Pigeaud II, p. 499.

Earlier provenance: The booklet belonged to raden Kusumaningsih, priyantun (inmate of the zenana)

of pangeran Kusumadilaga of Surakarta, dated 1866 A.D., and was called parimbon Ngilmu Kak.

Provenance: Found among the printed books that were purchased (in August 1955) from the estate of B.J.O.

Schrieke (1890-1945).

(Mal. 3301)

Or. 8759

Arabic, Malay, paper, 82 ff., Arabic script, illuminations.

Mohor nubuat, with diagrams, raqm with tables and Arabic do’a with Malay captions. Miniature manuscript

on paper (4.1 x 2.8 cm), probably from Aceh. Prayers in Arabic and Malay. Some coloured illumination work.

Not in Voorhoeve, Handlist. See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 586 (No. 1182).

Provenance: Gift of Jhr. G.M. Verspijck, 1955, according to whom it had been brought from Indonesia,

probably Aceh, by his grandfather, general Gustave Marie Verspijck (1822-1909).

[*Mal. 3302]

Or. 8760-Or. 8761

Two Malay fragments taken (by P. Voorhoeve?) from MS Leiden Or. 1983, above, and registered separately in

1955. This is the information of the ‘Journaal’, p. 195. However, Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 586, gives MS

Leiden Or. 2183 as the source of the fragments, but that must be incorrect, as MS Leiden Or. 1983 is much

more likely as the provenance.

Or. 8760

Malay, paper, 11 + [2] + 17 ff., Arabic script.

Fragment of Tariq al-salikin wa-sabil as-sa’irin by Syamsuddin of Pasai (d. 1039/1630).

A. 11 ff., European laid paper; watermark. Horn/4 (cf. Heawood no. 2714, but with S underneath, possibly 18th

century), Arabic script. According to Voorhoeve the paper was made in the 18th century (see B, below).

B. [ii] + 17 ff.; lined paper, Latin script. Description and transliteration by P. Voorhoeve (except the Arabic

passages) of fragment A, above.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 586 (No. 1183).

Provenance: This fragment was once part of MS Leiden Or. 1983, above, and registered separately in the

course of 1955.

(Mal. 3303)

Or. 8761

Malay, portfolio with three items, paper, Arabic script.

A. 1 f., European laid paper, watermark only half visible: crowned lion flanking a shield surmounted by a

crown on the pedestal with JHAM, written at random.

Silsilah Raja-raja Banjarmasin. The text (on both sides) gives the genealogical trees of the rulers of

Banjarmasin, beginning with Sultan Syaria(n) Syah, the first ruler to embrace Islam, and ending with Sultan

Abdur-Rahman, the twelfth ruler.

B. 3 ff., Dutch laid paper, watermark Vrijheid with H (cursive), writing at random, on f. 2r pencil notes in

Latin script.

Raja-raja di Tanah Bali. A treatise about the rulers of Bali.

C. 2 ff., European laid paper, watermark: H I V DELDEN.

Fiqh. The text, ff. 1r-2v, contains a fragment of a fiqh-book (on puasa, fasting).

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 586-587 (No. 1184).

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Provenance: This fragment was once part of MS Leiden Or. 1983, above, and registered separately in the

course of 1955.

(Mal. 3369)

Or. 8762

Sundanese, paper, Arabic script.

Wawacan Raja Budiman. Poetry, tembang metre.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 284.

Earlier provenance: Possibly from the estate of Emile Gobée (1881-1954).

Provenance: Presented by Mrs. J.C. Gobée-Bosman, registered on October 4, 1955.

(Mal. 3304)

Or. 8763

Turkish, paper, [2] + 241 + [2] pp., Ta’liq script, dated 5 Gumada II 965 (1558), copied by Mahmud b. Mustafa

al-Brusawi (colophon on p. 241), Oriental binding with flap.

‘Ibret-numa. Edifying tales by Mahmud b. ‘Uthman Lami’i (d. 938/1532-1533). Written in Bursa in 932/1525-


See Jan Schmidt, Catalogue of Turkish manuscripts, vol. 2 (2002), pp. 400-401.

Provenance: Purchased on October 5, 1955, from the antiquarian A.L. van Gendt (d. 1986), Amsterdam.

(Ar. 3188)

Or. 8764

Acehnese, paper, ?? pp.

Passages of transliteration and translation by H.T. Damsté (1874-1955) of Hikayat (Putroe) Gumbak Meuih,

the part of Raja Sabi’s hiding place only.

See on this text M.C.H. Amshoff, Goudkruintje. Een Atjehsche roman met vertolking en toelichting. Leiden

1929. Another edition is the one by Moehammad Joesoef, Hikajat "Poetroe Goemba Meuih". Geusalen ngon

haraih Beulanda le Moehammad Joesoef. N.p, n.d. [Medan, 1929, 890 A 19 - 454 E 31], which was republished

in Banda Aceh in 1972, under the names of Muhammad Jusuf and Djauhari Ishak.

See now also the Malay version by Ramli Harun, Putri Gombak Emas. Sebuah hikayat Aceh. Jakarta 1974.

There is a stencilled edition by M. Abdullah Muthalib, Banda Aceh, in the 1960’s. An outline of the story in

Malay is in MS Leiden Or. 8252 A, above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 92-

96, especially p. 95.

Provenance: Collection H.T. Damsté, 1955.

(Mal. 3305)

Or. 8765

Javanese, paper, portfolio containing some 500 letters, in Javanese script.

Letters written in North Central Java, mostly in Demak, by or addressed to the Regent of Demak raden mas

adipati arya Adiningrat, about 1900. Some 400 letters on private matters, mostly formal 1 Sawal letters and

announcements of weddings, and some 100 official letters, all original handwriting. Two lists, of the writers

and the addressees, are added. Pigeaud II, p. 499.

Earlier provenance: Possibly collected by G.A.J. Hazeu (1870-1929).

Provenance: Transferred in end 1955 from the Archive of the Legatum Warnerianum to the Library


(Mal. 3193)

Or. 8766

Javanese, paper, 4 vols., originally containing about 175 sheaves of papers, Latin, Javanese, Arabic scripts.

Page 291: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

J.L. Brandes’ (1905) catalogue of the Netherlands Bible Society (NBS) collection of Javanese manuscripts

(now on permanent loan in Leiden University Library and described by H.H. Juynboll, Supplement 1907 and

1911), alphabetically arranged (Abdul Kadir Jailani - Wertta Sancaya), all texts provided with lists of initial

lines, of cantos and with copies of beginnings and endings. Many Dutch notes on the inter-relationship of

the texts are added. MS Leiden Or. 8766 (4) contains a descriptive catalogue of ‘problematic’ manuscripts,

difficult to determine.

See also MSS Leiden Or. 8994 and Or. 8995, Brandes’ notes on the Bible Society collection. And see NBS 236.

Pigeaud II, p. 499.

See Titik Pudjiastuti, Perang, dagang, persahabatan. Surat-surat Sultan Banten. Prakata: M.C. Ricklefs.

Jakarta (Yayasan Obor Indonesia, The Toyota Foundation) 2007, pp. 233-234, where MS Leiden Or. 8766 is

mentioned as Babad Banten. The reference seems to be incorrect, however.

(Mal. 3194, Mal. 3195, Mal. 3196)

Or. 8767

Malay, paper, water mark: Pro Patria with G H K LIBERTATE, 101 ff., Arabic script

Undang-undang Minangkabau

The volume contains:

- ff. 1 v-4v. Undang-undang duabelas and Undang-undang nan salapan.

- ff. 4r-7v. On dakwa, saksi, sumpah.

- ff. 9v-10r. Hukum amanat.

- ff. 10r-18v. Kadhi.

- ff. 18v-21r. Diat.

- ff. 21r-24r. Akal.

- ff. 24v-26r. Sumpah and dakwa.

- ff. 26v-28r. Mesjid terpelihara dari hiru-hara dunia: segala manusia terpelihara dalamnya jikalau ada salah


- ff. 28r-29r. Syara’.

- ff. 29r-30r. Rampas.

- ff. 30r-v. Hukum atas orang ghaib.

- ff. 31r-32v. Hukum atas syarikat.

- ff. 33r-37v. Hukum Ketemenggungan.

- ff. 38r-v. Akal.

- ff. 39r-42v. Hukum Perpatih nan Sebatang.

- ff. 44r-45v. Banding and syarat banding.

- ff. 46v. Tambo.

- ff. 47r-v. Akal.

- ff. 55v-63v. Alim, adat and ibarat hukum adat and Hukum syara’.

- ff. 64v-71r. Pengetahuan syahadah.

- ff. 71v-82v. Akal dan ilmu.

- ff. 83v-93r. Menalamkan hukum supaya nyata mudah menghafal supaya rata masuk ke hati di dalam dada.

- ff. 93v-94r. Do’a and mantera.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. (No. 1185).

Provenance: Purchased on December 13, 1955, from the Antiquarian Menno Hertzberger (1898-1982),


(Mal. 3306)

Or. 8768-Or. 8770

Legacy of Prof. C.H. de Goeje (1879-1955), the specialist of Carribean linguistics, son of M.J. de Goeje, 1955.

See about him R. van Lier, ‘In memoriam Claudius Henricus de Goeje (1879-1955)’ in BKI 111 (1955), pp. 321-


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Or. 8768


Warau vocabulary. See B. Hoff, ‘The languages of the Indians of Surinam and the comparative study of the

Carib and Arawak languages’, in Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 111/4 (1955), pp. 325-355,

especially pp. 340 ff.

Provenance: Legacy C.H. de Goeje, 1955.

(Mal. 3307)

Or. 8769

Dutch, several Surinam languages, lined paper, 5 note blocks numbered 6 + I: 2-54, 2-52, 53-77, 1-50, 51-58 + 8

pp., Latin script.

Vocabularies of miscellaneous languages from Surinam by C.H. de Goeje (1879-1955), as published in his

Études linguistiques Caribes, 2 volumes, Amsterdam 1909-1946. Leiden Library class-mark 418 C 36 (vol. 1,

1909) is the author’s copy with numerous annotations in pencil in his hand.

Several working dates given, February 1928, December 18, 1935, etc.

Blocks I, II/1, II/2: Oayana.

Bloc [4]: Tliometesem.

Bloc [5]: Tliometesem (vervolg) + Wama, followed by numerous blanks.

Provenance: Legacy C.H. de Goeje, 1955.

[* Mal. 3308]

Or. 8770

Notes on miscellaneous languages from Surinam, 2 volumes in eight portfolios, containing 83 items, mostly

exercise books.

Collection of excerpts and copies by C.H. de Goeje (1879-1955). ‘Korte Vocabulariën van Karaïben -dialect’

- Mal. 3367 a: 8 exercise books

XXXIX A. Chirignano

XXXIX B. Chirignano

XL Arirab, Paricurn, Apinage, Urubu

XLI. Tripi, Rariri

XLII. Arawak …

XLIII. Arawak …

XLIV. Rodway …

XLV. Ehrenreich …

- Mal. 3367 b: 11 exercise books

XXIX B. Goagiro

XXX. Arehuna …

XXXI. Arawak …

XXXII. Arawak enz. Dance

XXXIII. De La Borde …

XXXIV. Simons, Goajira

XXXV. Warau

XXXVI. Warau …

XXXVII A. Honduras

XXXVII B. Honduras

XXXVIII. Manaos (Manuscript Brit. Muz.)

- Mal. 3367 c: 13 exercise books

XVII. Wapiriana

XVIII. Tariana

XIX. Mehinaku …

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XX. Baressi

XXI. Caraibisch Dominica I.

XXII. Caraibisch Dominica II.

XXIII. Mono, Baure …

XXIV. Guajiro (Ernst)

XXV. Guana

XXVI. Cat. Kalina I.

XXVII. Cat. Kalina II.


XXIX A. Goajiro (catechismus)

- Mal. 3367 d: 16 exercise books

I. Macouchi …

II. Crichana …

III. Macusi …

IV. Apiaka …

V. Chayma …

VI. Arawai …

VII. Arawak …

VIII. Arawak

IX. Arte de la lengua Caribe … Ximenez

X. Kalina, Brett I.

XI. Kalina, Brett II

XII. Acawoio

XIII. Achagua …

XIV. Waran, Brett I

XV. Waran, Brett II.

XVI. Kalina

- Mal. 3368 a: 13 exercise books

Oayana. April 1937 en Juli-Aug.-Sept. 1937

Oayana, gram.

Oayana, ww

Oayana. April 37, Juli enz. 37

Oayana II

Oayana III

Oayana IV

Oayana V

Kalina 1937

Kalina 1937*



Treinreis 9 Febr. 1928 …

- Mal. 3368 b: 8 exercise books


Cumanagota …


Vergelijkend Woordenboek Karaïbisch I

Vergelijkend Woordenboek Karaïbisch II

Taal (algemeen) I

Taal (algemeen) II

Taal (algemeen) III

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Taal (algemeen) IV

- Mal. 3368 c: 5 exercise and 2 spiral books and an envelope with notes

LI A. Catecismo Kariri

LI B. Kariri (vervolg)

LII. Salive

LIII. Kariri …

LIV. untitled

LV. untitled

Genesis (uit archief Evangelische Broedergemeente te Paramaribo)


- Mal. 3368 d: 6 exercise books

XLVI. Uittreksels en titels

XLVII. untitled

XLVIII. de Villiers

XLVIX. Preuss …

L A. Machaguenga

L B. Machaguenga

Provenance: Legacy C.H. de Goeje, 1955.

[* Mal. 3367 a-d; Mal. 3368 a-d]

Or. 8771

Batak pustaha, tree bark, 25 ff., 7½ x 5½ cm, without covers.

Guru Morsahan ni adji is addressed as pupil.

a 1-11 Poda ni … portonggota. The spirit of the mountain Pusuk Buhit is invoked and asked to send female

spirit to whom offerings can be offered in order to chase away a malady-spirit.

a 11-19 Poda ni tambar sahit radja.

a 20-23 Poda ni tangkal bijahat (Dairi-Batak: tiger) with a drawing.

a 23-24 incomplete piece.

b 2-16 Pangarambui with drawings.

b 17-24 Poda ni pamunu longit, about the rambu modom of Northeast to West (songgot-songgot - porhas).

See also Or. 12.322 ff. 614-616 en transcriptie on ff. 800b-803b.

Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), p. 250.

Earlier provenance: Purchased in Berastagi.

Provenance: Purchased on March 14, 1956, from Mr. F. van Deth, Amsterdam.

(Bat. 193)

Or. 8772

Arabic, paper, 215 ff., beginning 19th cent, illuminated, lacquered binding.

Qur’an, from Kashmir (according to the vendor, no direct clue in the manuscript).

Provenance: Purchased on March 21, 1956, from Mr. C.P.J. van der Peet, Oriental bookseller in Amsterdam.

(Ar. 3189)

Or. 8773

Persian, paper, 101 ff., Nasta`liq script, illustrations and illumination (f. 1b), lacquered binding with floral

motives (inside and outside of the covers).

Layla u Magnun, by Maktabi (according to the vendor). However, not one of the works going by this title

and mentioned in Ethé’s catalogue of the IOL can be identified with the present text. Beginning (f. 1b):

Ay bar Ahadiyyat za Aghaz * Khalq-i Azal wa-Abad ham Awaz

Illuminated `unwan of f. 1b. The 19 miniatures show the following scenes:

f. 6b. The Prophet Muhammad (veiled), riding Buraq in the sky.

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f. 15b. Layla and Magnun in school.

f. 20b. An emaciated Magnun in the field, surrounded by the animals.

f. 23a. An emaciated Magnun in the field, with some of the animals. Magnun’s father is meeting him

(remnant of caption on top of the page).

f. 25b. Meeting between the father of Magnun with the father of Layla.

f. 29a. Magnun and his father meet the Old Man for prayer.

f. 33a. Magnun is taken to the pilgrimage to Mekka by his father, in order to improve his condition.

f. 42b. Layla is taken into the garden, in order to recover from her illnes.

f. 46a. King Nawfal’s desire for Magnun.

f. 51a. King Nawfal waging war with Layla’s army.

f. 53b. Magnun meets the hunter (with gun) in the field.

f. 58a. Boys throw stones at Magnun.

f. 61b. Magnun meets the camel (in which Layla is being transported?).

f. 64b. Magnun takes on clothes again and meets his mother (?).

f. 73a. An emaciated Magnun in the field, with the animals. His father has died.

f. 84b. The mother of Magnun goes to Magnun, while he sits in the field with the animals.

f. 88b. Ibn Salam is killed by one of the animals. An emaciated Magnun sits and looks.

f. 91a. Magnun and Layla meet again.

f. 98a. Layla, Magnun and the animals lie dead in the field.

Provenance: Purchased in 1956 from Mr. C.J. Nierstrasz, The Hague.

[* Ar. 3190]

Or. 8774

Batak pustaha, tree bark, 41 ff., 15.5 x 11 cm, without covers.

Pamunu tanduk.

ninna gurungta Guru Sidalijan ni adji … na mijan di tano Tamba Daling Matogu

asa ro ma di ho ale anggi doli Djangkal Ulubalang Bolon Ompu Radja Mandobo ni adji

asa ro ma di ho aloi anak maol Ompu ni Guru Talebun ni adji asa hupodahon ma di ho ale anak maol Ompu

Radja Mananggara

ni adji anak ni Siregar Siagijan na mijan di tano Aritonang Djulu

asa ro ma di ho ale amang ibebere Radja Pangarambu ni adji oi goar maramani

Ompu Radja So Imbangon goar marompuni …

Namora Marbun na mijan di tano Bangkara Toba Bangkara situtu na mangadompon ompunta Mortuwa

Baba Lubis Ompu Radja Pandabuwan Ompun Tuwan Sunggu Radja

asa laho mangalijat mangaretar tu tano Simargalung morbalok anak ni Sihotang

asa ro ma di ho anak maol Guru Tinambaan pinadjingdjing ni dainang boru Hombing …

pinadjingdjing ni damang Ompu Tuwan So Imbangon

asa ingot ma ho da amang ibebere Ompu Radja So Imbangon ni adji oi

asa i ma minangsi ni tulangmu Ompu Radja Manungsang ni adji.

In the text Ompu So Imbangon is being addressed.

Among other things there are drawings of the gordangs in the twelve months; rambu modom, etc.

See the connection with the chain of transmission in Or. 14.295, below.

See Or.12.322, ff. 616-623.

Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), pp. 250-251.

Provenance: Presented to the Library on June 20, 1956, by Ms. M. Piena-Ypes, from the estate of Mr. W.K.H.

Ypes, himself an anthropologist specializing on the Batak people. MS Leiden Or. 8820, below, also comes

from the estate of Mr. Ypes.

(Bat. 194)

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Or. 8775

Javanese, paper, 238 double pp., Javanese script.

History of Mataram and Kartasura Kings in verse, beginning 1680 A.D. Copy of a manuscript belonging to

the patih of Sukabumi, Priyangan, made for J.A.B. Wiselius (* 1844), in 1874. Notes by J. Soegiarto in MS

Leiden Or. 10.867-D. Pigeaud II, p. 499.

Provenance: Purchased by auction at Van Stockum’s (July 17/18, 1956), catalogue No. 540, The Hague.

(Mal. 3203)

Or. 8776

Batak pustaha, tree bark, 93 ff., 23 x 16 cm, many leaves of smaller size, illustrations. Consists of two lengths

of tree bark, that have been sewn together. A small part of a (end of b) is lacking. Without covers.

The first four leaves have partly been torn off, In Museum Princessehof in Leeuwarden a transcript of this

manuscript has been made (Voorhoeve does not know by whom), when part of the first leaf was not yet lost.

See the note Or.12.322 ff. 623-624 and the partly transcription in Or.12.475, the beginning of which has been

supplied after the copy in Leeuwarden.

Beginning: A somewhat related text about Pangulubalang Naborun Dolok can be found in Acad. 247

(Voorhoeve, Codices Batacici, p. 227).

- In de Leiden library are two more such extensive texts on divination with pigs, Or. 8776 a 69-b 78 and Or.

10.855 a 2-68, below. (Codices Batacici, p. 22)

The beginning is lacking. The first part consists of tabas. After a small bindu on a 2 begins a text with the

title Poda ni ompu radja tambatuwa radja ni … (illegible) na bolon Na(m)borun Dolok. This part ends on a 8

with a chain of transmission:

na toding gurunta ma inon Urang Kaluwan na hutandangi ma inon

asa ro ma di Si Boradja

asa ro ma di Guru Sinomba ni adji

asa ro ma Datu Radja Nainggolan

asa huduk do inon ingon torpasang do di pormijahanta ale Hinoting … bajo Guru Mangain Bilang Mauli

Then follows a large drawin till a 13.

a 13-16 Ahu ma debata ni Naga Situllang Bosi. At the end there is again mention of Si Hinoting; it is also said:

adji Malaju ma inon na toding Malaha urang Djawa ija ma naga situldang bosi djadi sibaganding. At the end

a drawing that goes till a 22.

a 16-35 Poda ni pormamuwatanta laho tandang, and then again, a large drawing on a 25-31.

a 35-39 Poda ni pulung-pulungngan ni sibadak sibaganding siampapanga siampupungu simainton bulan

ompu radja nijadji, with small drawings at the end. See also the Catalogue Copenhagen under BAT. 46.

a 39-41 Ahu debata, with drawings.

a 42-46 lioda ni pormabuatanta … na morgoar singsa dorma ma inon

a 46-53 Ahu debata, with drawings.

a 53-59 Poda ni tambatuwanta

na toding Dor(ma) Sijam

asa ro ma di simatuwa Mangapajung

asa ro ma di Datu Borling (ni adji) anak ni Nailantumon

asa ro ma di Si Hinoting.

a 59-69 Ahu debata, with drawings.

a 69-b 78 Poda ni gorak-gorahan n(i) Adji Pajung.

pinodahon ni gurunta Datu Si Rumbija na mijan di Dolok Siduwasusu di Simorpangpang

asa dijadji Sinomba ni Bosi Malala

asa taripar tu Sipru1ganbolon asa disi ma gurunta Datu Pajung di Sipanganbolon

asa mangadji ma Datu Sirungguk Sibu(e)ja na mijan di Huta Namora

asa mangadji ma Datu Mangara Pajung Hasibuwan na mijan di Haju na Pitu

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asa mangadji ma Datu Saporhas Sangijang (previously: Datu Sangijang Porhas ni adji) bajo Pohan

Morpajung na mi jan di Sampilulut anak ni na di Tungkaon

asa mangadji ma Datu Pangsa ni adji na mijan di Rawutbosi Hutagurgur anak ni Nai Rasaon

asa ro ma di Datu na di Panaluwan ni adji anak ni

Datu Pohan Morpajung Adji pahompu ni

Datu Guru Porsintaon ni adji bajo simano ni Manurung

asa diadji gurunta bajo Guru Sinampang Mauli anak ni namora Tampu ni Bolon na toding Sigumpar

asa huadji ma ningku sada boru … ninni bajo Si Hinoting … Guru Mangain anak ni Nai Lantungon

Nainggolan Porhusip na mi jan di huta Pasir Babana na toding Sigumpar hijan … porsinuwan ni dainang

boru Pohan Sihahanipar.

b 78-82 Poda ni tambarta na morgoar babijat so sunggulon

i ma na toding gurunta Guru Debata ni adji tijan tano Baliga

asa ro ma di ho ale lawe Guru Mangain.

b 82-83 Poda ni tambatuwa ni tambarta inon.

b 83-85 Poda ni tambar si malompoi.

b 85-86 Poda ni taoar radja.

b 86-88 Poda ni tajor bugang.

b 88-90 Poda ni tambar ni mata.

b 90-92 Poda ni pohungta di panangko.

b 92-93 Poda ni tambarta namusean (abrupt end).

Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), pp. 252-254.

Provenance: Purchased on August 8, 1956, from Ms. Slegtenhorst, The Hague.

(Bat. 195)

Or. 8777

Javanese, palm leaf, 108 pp., Javanese script, with boards decorated by woodcarving.

Yusup romance in verse. Pigeaud II, pp. 499-500.

Provenance: Purchased in October 1956 from Mr. F.M. van Steenhardt Carré.

(Lont. 775)

Or. 8778

Malay, photostats, 198 pp.

Hikayat Bakhtiar (long version part II), photostat copy of MS Jakarta KBG Brandes 121, numbered pp. 1-196,

the original MS has the watermark Pro Patria with GR, palm branches and crown in a circle. On the page

before p. 1 is written in a later hand 1850; this fragment was used by J.L.A. Brandes (1895). The table of

contents is on the flyleaf.

1. pp. 1-19: Brandes 1895, no. 39; 2. pp. 19-22: no 40; 3. pp. 22-26: no. 41; 4. pp. 26-29: no. 42; 5. p 29-32: no. 43; 6.

pp. 32-34: no. 44; 7. pp. 34-36: no. 45; 8. pp. 36-39: no. 46; 9. pp. 39-48: no. 47; 10. pp. 48-75: nos. 48, 49,50; 11.

pp. 75-79: no. 51; 12. pp. 79-85: no. 52; 13. pp. 85-88: no. 53; 14. pp. 88-94: no. 54; 15. pp. 94-99: no. 55; 16. pp. 99-

108: no. 56; 17. pp. 108-118: no. 57; 18. pp. 118-122: no. 58; 19. pp. 122-126: no. 59; 20. pp. 126-146: no 60; 21. pp.

146-151: no. 61; 22. pp. 151-159: no. 62; 23. pp. 159-176: no. 63; 24. pp. 176-185: no. 64; 25. pp. 185-187: no. 65; 26.

pp. 187-192: no. 66; 27. pp. 192-196: no. 67.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 588-589 (No. 1186).


(Mal. 3204)

Or. 8779

Batak, paper, 12 photocopies.

Photocopy of a Batak pustaha in private property in the USA. Received through an antiquarian in New York.

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12 photos containing two pages each, numbered with ink 24-1 (thus, in reverse order). See Or.12.322 ff. 794-

795. Pp. 24-13 are the a-side of the manuscript, pp.12-1 the b-side. With a rough estimate: at the beginning of

the a-side and the end of the b-side some 15-18 pages are lacking. Content:

24-22 The end of a text about begu monggop according to the days of the month. See also Copenhagen, BAT.

7. Voorhoeve here reads the word porhala(a)n. The entire manuscript is probably an explanation of a

divination calendar. It has been copied by O(m)pu ni Bona ni adji, also called Datu Monang ni adji, for his

younger brother Ama Rumanang ni adji, who is called with his children’s name (si) Sorgang.

22 A piece of 7 lines about unfavourable days.

22-18 Poda ni panabari ni ari, in order to neutralize the unfavourable influences of a bad day.

17-14 Poda ni porbungtion-onta tu tonga ni galung barang manot(o) uma manabur barang mamuwat ome

hita di umanta, according to the months. 13 and 12 are blank. Sequel of this poda on 11-10. The twelfth month

is not mentioned.

10-7 Poda(ni) papangan ni o(m)pu hala, on which days the Scorpion ‘eats’.

6-1 The beginning of a poda ni ari rodjang, only 8 out of the 30 days.

Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), p. 254.

Provenance: Presented to the Library in 1956 by L. Gomme, New York.

(Mal. 3319)

Or. 8780

Malay, photostats, 11 + 10 ff., Arabic and Latin scripts.

Syarh ruba’i Hamzah Fansuri.

A. 11 ff., copy of MS Jakarta KBG 458; pp. 59-80 of the original. The syarh by Syamsuddin Pasai begins on p.

59, line 6, and ends on p. 78, line 7. It contains only a fragment from the commentary on Syair Ikan Tongkol

Tunggal by Hamzah Fansuri. Published by R. Roolvink in 1964.

B. 10 ff., typing paper, carbon copy, Latin script. Transliteration of A, above.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 589 (No. 1187).

Provenance: Photostats printed in the Leiden Library, 1956.

(Mal. 3320)

Or. 8781

Arabic, Javanese, Sundanese, Dutch, paper, 38 ff.

Hirz al-Yamani. A collection of prayers and incantations in Javanese, Sundanese and Arabic. MS Leiden Or.

7038, above, contains a nearly identical text, but the present manuscript is not its exemplar. Or. 7038 has

many notes in Dutch by C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936). The Hizb al-Bahr is also found in Or. 7038. A full

description of the contents MS Leiden Or. 7038, with part of the text edited and translated into Dutch is

given in G.W.J. Drewes, Drie Javaansche goeroe’s (Leiden 1925), pp. 56-76. See also GAL S II, 841.

Formerly registered as MS Leiden Or. 7935 j, above. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 116.

Provenance: Transferred in 1956 from the Snouck Hurgronje collection.

(Ar. 3191)

Or. 8782

Arabic, paper, 3 pp., Latin script.

Ma’ al-Hayat li-Ahl al-Mamat, the Arabic part of a lost Malay work by Nur al-Din Muhammad b. `Ali Hamid

al-Raniri (11/17th cent.). The Arabic words and sentences only, which have been copied in MS Jakarta, KBG

420 Mal., ff. 24v-28v. See also BKI 111, p. 157. Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 171.

Provenance: Transcript from MS Jakarta KBG Mal. 420

(Ar. 3115)

=> MS Leiden Or. 8782 is the highest Or.-number occurring in Voorhoeve’s, Handlist (1957). Pigeaud has

written a note in the hand-written Inventory (p. 199) that Or. 8822 is the highest number, but this

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concerns the interleaved curator’s copy of the Handlist, not the version published in 1957, and later, in

1980. However, Voorhoeve did not include numerous manuscripts with class-marks below Or. 8782 in his

Handlist. This has been indicated as much as possible in the present inventory.

Or. 8783

(Middle-) Persian, paper, 1 + 573 pp., Pahlawi and Gujerati scripts, the latter written, as usual, upside down

in order to accommodate the writing direction, modern binding.

Khurda Awesta, Nirang, Wendidad, ‘matn-i usta’, the master’s copy. Over the beginning a basmalah in

Persian, in Persian script.

Provenance: Presented to the Library by J.G. de Jong, Tehran, on November 27, 1957.

[* Ar. 3126]

Or. 8784

Batak, paper, 41 pp.

Photocopy of Batak pustaha in the possession of Mr. A.B. Doncaster, Colchester, UK. See Or.12.322 ff. 624-


Gorak-gorahan ni manuk gantung.

asa i ma na tijan Guru Sanijang Naga ni adji na ti(jan) huta Djandji Radja

asa ro ma di ho ale Guru Pangata ni adji.

Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), pp. 254-255.

Provenance: Presented to the Library on January 22, 1957, by Mr. A.B. Doncaster, Colchester, UK.

(Bat. 196)

Or. 8785-Or. 8787

Collection of Javanese manuscripts on lontar, presented on January 21, 1957, to the Library by Dr. A.K. Kok,

of The Hague.

Or. 8785

Javanese, palm leaf, 128 pp., Javanese script, with boards decorated by painting.

Yusup romance in verse, extensive redaction.

Pigeaud II, p. 500.

Provenance: Presented by A.K. Kok, The Hague, 1957.

(Lont. 777)

Or. 8786

Javanese, palm leaf, damaged, 103 pp., with boards decorated by wood-carving.

Johar Manikam romance in verse, incomplete, beginning and end are missing,

A Dutch epitome, list of initial lines of cantos and copies of beginning and ending by

J. Soegiarto are added.

Pigeaud II, p. 500.

Provenance: Presented by A.K. Kok, The Hague, 1957.

(Lont. 778)

Or. 8787

Javanese, Dutch, palm leaf, damaged, 146 pp., Javanese script.

Kusuma, raden-, prince of Rum, and the princess of Mesir, romance in verse, East Javanese script and idiom.

The beginning is missing. An extensive Dutch summary, list of initial lines of cantos and copies of beginning

and ending by J. Soegiarto are added. See Poerbatjaraka’s Indonesische Handschriften (1950, p. 109). See also

Or. 8914, below.

Pigeaud II, p. 500.

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Provenance: Presented by A.K. Kok, The Hague, 1957.

(Lont. 779)

Or. 8788

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, lined quire, 13 ff.

(1) ff. 1v-6v. Surat kriman, or Wasiet Nabi. Admonitions given to Sèh Amat. Or. 8816 (1), below, is a copy

made from the present manuscript. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 174.

Manuscripts of the Arabic text of these admonitions are referred to in Voorhoeve, Handlist, s.v. Wasiyyat

Rasul Allah.

(2) ff. 7r-10r. Hikayat asay (jeuet) pade. The exemplar of Or. 8816 (2), below. See on this text J.J.C.H. van

Waardenburg, De invloed van den landbouw op de zeden, de taal en letterkunde der Atjèhers. Leiden 1936, pp.

62-109. See on this work also the review by G.W.J. Drewes, in TBG 77 (1937), pp. 519-523. See Voorhoeve,

Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 137-139, where there is an extensive discussion on the Arabic

origins of the present work.

(3) ff. 10v-13r. A fragment only of a Hikayat prang sabi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), p. 77.

Provenance: From the estate of H.T. Damsté (1874-1955), ‘found in [the printed annotatum] 813 B 35’. This

concerns a copy of Maria Catharina Hilje Amshoff, Goudkruintje. Een Atjèhsche roman met vertolking en

toelichting. Leiden: Vros, 1929. This copy, which contains notes by H.T. Damsté, has now been relocated in

the Library to 21521 B 2.8

(Mal. 3321)

Or. 8789

Arabic, Javanese/Malay, paper, 198 ff., before 1825 AD.

Vol. 2 only of Tafsir al-Galalayn, by Galal al-Din al-Mahalli (d. 864/1460), GAL G II, 114, and continuated by

Galal al-Din al-Suyuti (d. 911/1505), GAL G II, 145. Contains the explanation of sura 18-104 and 1. With

Javanese glosses. This is the second volume of a set of which Or. 1886, above, is the first volume. CCO IV, p.

40 (No. 1696) describes for Or. 1886 the interlinear translation as being Malay. See Voorhoeve, Handlist,

opposite p. 353 in the interleaved copy in the Legatum Warnerianum.

Not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), nor in Pigeaud II.

See M.N. Sefercioglu, World Bibliography of Translations of the Holy Qur’an in Manuscript Form. Istanbul

2000, p. 82 (No. 142/6), for Or. 1886.

Provenance: Purchased in 1957 from Van Huffel’s antiquarian bookshop in Utrecht.

(Mal. 3118)

Or. 8790

Collective volume with texts in Javanese, palm leaf, 196 pp., Javanese script.

(1) pp. 1-71. Menak Amir Hamza, Jayengrana, the Chinese princess, romance in verse.

(2) pp. 71-141. Various, notes in verse. Erotics, mysticism and theology, suluk Kaki Tuwa, suluk Jati Awas by

sunan Bonang, mythical tale about Naga Gini marrying Raspati. Their son is Radite.

(3) pp. 141-154. Watu Gunung and Sita, origin of the wukus; divination.

(4) pp. 154-196; in fact: 186, the numbering is wrong. Anbiya, list of prophets, and tale of Ibrahim and

Namrud, all in verse.

The writing is unclear. A short Dutch epitome by J. Soegiarto is added. Compilation palmleaf manuscripts

like this one are uncommon.

Pigeaud II, p. 500.

8 New location of the book kindly provided by the librarian Ms. S. Compaan-Vermetten, November 2018.

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Provenance: Purchased on March 15, 1957, from antiquarian shop ‘Accolade’, Leiden (see below ad MS

Leiden Or. 8801).

(Lont. 776)

Or. 8791-Or. 8799

Collection of Indonesian and Middle Eastern manuscripts, received on April 4 and purchased on April 10,

1957, from Messrs. E.J. Brill, Oriental booksellers and publishers in Leiden.

Or. 8791

Malay, paper, 61 ff., Arabic script.

Hikayat Kuraisy. On the wrapper a note by Voorhoeve that the manuscript is probably a first copy of MS

Leiden Klinkert 39. The beginning only, as the copyist may have lost his way in the unnumbered loose

sheets of his exemplar.

Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 589 (No. 1188).

Provenance: Received on April 4, 1957, from Messrs. Brill, Leiden.

(Mal. 3201)

Or. 8792

Malay, paper, 13 ff., Arabic script.

Hikayat Raja Budak. The beginning is missing; lacunae between ff. 12v and 13r (the end).

Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 589 (No. 1189).

Provenance: Received on April 4, 1957, from Messrs. Brill, Leiden.

(Mal. 3202)

Or. 8793-Or. 8799

Collection of manuscripts purchased on April 10, 1957, from Messrs. E.J. Brill, Leiden. Or. 8794, Or. 8795, Or.

8797 are from the Collection C.A.C. Barbier de Meynard (1826-1908). Another manuscript from his library is

Or. 8907, below.

Or. 8793

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Malay and Acehnese, European laid paper, 22 x 17 cm, 2 + 106 ff.

(sahha al-bayad on f. 102a), remnants of sewing visible, quires loosely held in a folder made of carton and


(1) Acehnese. ff. [1a-2a]. The beginning only of Qissat/Hikayat Basa Jawu. See other manuscripts of this text

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 243-244. Ff. [2b] blank, f. 1a notes and scribbling.

(2) Arabic, Malay. ff. 1b-104a. Al-Alfiyya by Muhammad b. ‘Abdallah Ibn Malik al-Ta’i (d. 672/1274), GAL G I,

298, a copy from Aceh with interlinear translation into Malay.

Earlier provenance: a manuscript from Aceh, not described in Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese

manuscripts (1994), nor in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Provenance: Purchased from Brill’s, Leiden, April 10, 1957.

[* Ar. 3201]

Or. 8794

Arabic, burnished European laid paper, 150 ff., 20.5 x 14.5 cm, naskh script, 23 lines to the page, black ink

with rubrication, copied by Abu ‘Ali Muhammad Ibrahim b. Muhammad ‘Ali al-Tabasi (?) al-Khurasani

from a copy of the original copy, dated the early morning of day 5 of week 3 in the second decade of the

second month of the sixth year of the third tenth of the third one-hundred of the second thousand, meaning

between 11-20 Safar 1226 (1811) in Dar al-Saltana Isfahan, in the Madrasat Baba Qasim in the quarter of

Tuqgin (?) (colophon on f. 148a), half-leather European binding, pasted boards, spine with gilded

ornamentation and label with text: | Sahifet - | es- | Safa | Arabe |.

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Sahifat al-Safa fi Dhikr Ahl al-Igtiba’ wal-Istifa’, by Abu Ahmad Muhammad b. ‘Abd al-Nabi b. ‘Abd al-Sani`

al-Akhbari al-Nishaburi al-Khurasani (d. 1232/1816-1817), al-Dhari`a 15, p. 22 (title and author on f. 1b).

Colophon (f. 148a):

بن محمد على الطبسى )؟( الخراسانى | من الله عليهما بنيل محمد ابرهيم فرغ من ترقيمه وتسويده كاتبه الفقير الاثيم الجانى ابو على وقد

لايخ من غلط ما فى | الضحى اليوم الخامس من الاس بوع الثالث الواقع الامال والامانى من نسخة انتسخت من النسخة الاولى لكنه

من الالف الثانى من الهجره النبوية عليه واله فى العشر الثانى من الشهر الثانى من الس نة السادسة | من العشر الثالث من المائه الثالثة

افضل الصلوة والتحية | فى دار السلطنه اصفهان فى مدرسة يقال لها مدرست بابا قاسم الواقعة فى محلة طوقجين )؟( | طهرها الله عن

)؟( | وعلى تابعيهم من اهل العلم ذىالمذبذبين والحمد لله فى الاخرة والاولى وصلى الله على محمد واله اذهب الله عنهم الرجس والم

والمحدثين |

Earlier provenance: Collection Barbier de Meynard (stamps ‘Bibliothèque de Mr Barbier de Meynard’ on ff.

1b, 148b).

Provenance: Purchased from Brill’s, Leiden, April 10, 1957.

[* Ar. 3202]

Or. 8795

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, European laid paper,113 ff., 19.5 x 13.5 cm, Maghribi script in more

than one hand, full-leather Oriental binding with flap, blind tooled ornamentation (borders, corner pieces,

centre piece).

(1) ff. 1a-2a. Several shorter texts.

(2) ff. 2a-31b. Incomplete copy (abrupt end on f. 31b) of Takhmis by Ibrahim al-Laqani (d. 1041/1631) on the

Burda (al-Kawakib al-Durriyya fi Madh Khayr al-Bariyya) by Muhammad b. Sa’id al-Busiri (d. 694/1294), GAL

G I, 264. Text of the Burda written in large script. Ff. 32a-b blank.

(3) f. 33a. Fasl 19 of a work only, on the subject of al-‘Umum wal-Khusus wal-Musawat wal-Mubayanat wa-


(4) ff. 33b-59b. Anonymous and untitled work inspired by the hagiography Rawd al-Nazir fi Manaqib al-

Mawla Sidi ‘Abd al-Qadir which the author had found in Jerusalem (f. 33b). F. 60a blank.

(5) ff. 60b-121b. Takhmis by Muhammad b. Mustafa b. Mahib on al-Qasa’id al-‘Ishriniyyat [fi Madh Sayyidina

Muhammad] that were composed in alphabetical order by Abu Zayd ‘Abd al-Rahman b. Yakhlaftan b.

Ahmad al-Fazazi (d. 627/1230), GAL S I, 482-483 (authors and titles on ff. 60b-61a). GAL also mentions an

alternative title: Safina al-Sa’ada li-Ahl al-Di`f wal-Nagada.

(6) f. 122a. Note about 4 verses of the Qur’an that must be memorized.

(7) ff. 122b-133b. Incomplete copy (abrupt end on f. 133b) of al-Zahr al-Aniq Mushtamil `ala Manaqib al-

Salihin wa-Qissat Nabi Allah Yusuf al-Siddiq, a hagiography of the Prophet Yusuf (title on f. 122b).

Earlier provenance: Collection Barbier de Meynard (stamps ‘Bibliothèque de Mr Barbier de Meynard’ on f.

1a and on flyleaf at the back).

Provenance: Purchased from Brill’s, Leiden, April 10, 1957.

(Ar. 3203)

Or. 8796

Arabic, European laid paper, 408 ff., 23.2 x 14 cm (cropped), nasta’liq script in more than one hand, black ink

with rubrication, 21 lines to the page, catchwords at the bottom of each verso page, half-leather binding,

pasted boards.

Acephalous and as yet unidentified medical text, abruptly beginning with (f. 2a):

الاخلاط مغيرة للسحنة الى طبعها وان كانت المادة ريحية كثر معها التمدد ...

f. 2b. فصل في مداواة الصداع الحار بلا مادة

f. 3b. فصل فى مداواة الصداع الحار مع مادة دموية او صفراوية

f. 4a. الصداع البارد وحدهفصل في

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Provenance: Purchased from Brill’s, Leiden, April 10, 1957.

[* Ar. 3204]

Or. 8797

Persian, paper, 134 ff., nasta`liq script, half-leather European binding, text on spine: ‘Divan de Hayaty’.

Diwan of Hayati. Slightly incomplete at the end. Occasionally commentary in prose, in red ink, explaining

the circumstances under which a certain poem was made.

Earlier provenance: On ff. 1b, 134b is a stamp reading: ‘Bibliothèque de Mr. Barbier de Meynard’.

Provenance: Purchased from Brill’s, Leiden, April 10, 1957.

[* Ar. 3205]

Or. 8798

Azeri Turkish, coloured paper, [1] +_ 98 + [1], calligraphic nasta’liq script, illuminations, dated 1084/1673-

1674), copied by ‘Askar b. Haggi ‘Ali (colophon on f. 98a), rebound.

Diwan of Magdhub from Tabriz. Schmidt identifies Magdhub also with the author of a Persian Diwan.

See J. Schmidt, Catalogue of Turkish manuscripts, vol. 2 (2002), pp. 401-403.

Provenance: Purchased from Brill’s, Leiden, April 10, 1957.

(Ar. 3206)

Or. 8799

Turkish, and some Malay, paper, [1] + 16 + [1] ff., copied by H.A. Hamaker (1789-1835), paper bound.

Tarikh-i Munaggim Bashi Targumasi. An undated copy of a fragment of the Turkish translation by Ahmad

Nadim, the universal history of Munaggim Bashi (d. 1113/1702). The work is also known as Saha’if al-Akhbar.

Hamaker’s title: Segmentum historicum Turcicum ex majore opera excerptum a Clar. H.A. Hamaker.

The volume contains a folded insert with a Malay text in a hand different from Hamaker’s.

See J. Schmidt, Catalogue of Turkish manuscripts, vol. 2 (2002), pp. 403-406. Not in Iskandar, Catalogue


Provenance: Purchased from Brill’s, Leiden, April 10, 1957.

(Ar. 3207)

Or. 8800

Persian, paper, 242 ff., nasta`liq script, illuminations (ff. 3b-4a, 20b-21a, 95b-96a, 106b-107a, 129b-130a, 190b-

191a, 224b-225a), illustrations (miniatures on ff. 129b, 190b), full-leather Islamic binding, with blind tooled

and with coloured ornamentation.

Kulliyyat-i `Urfi. The collected poetical works of `Urfi Shirazi (Muhammad b. Zayn al-Din `Ali (d. 999/1591)).

(1) f. 3a. The last page only of Khuraw u Shirin by `Urfi Shirazi. Alternative title: Farhad u Shirin.

(2) ff. 3b-20a. Qasa’id-i `Urfi Shirazi. Illuminated double opening page, with `Unwan. The collected odes of

`Urfi Shirazi. Apparently not the complete text, see also No. 4, below.

(3) ff. 20b-28a. Farhad u Shirin, by `Urfi Shirazi. Illuminated double opening page, with `Unwan. This cannot

be the complete text, but the beginning is identical to that in MS London, IOL, Ethé 1452 (6).

(4) ff. 28b-95a. Qasa’id-i `Urfi Shirazi. The same beginning as No. 2, above. The collected odes of `Urfi Shirazi.

(5) ff. 95b-106a. Muqatta`at-i `Urfi Shirazi. The poetical fragments of `Urfi Shirazi. Illuminated double

opening page, with `Unwan.

(6) ff. 106b-224b. Ghazaliyyat-i `Urfi Shirazi. The Ghazal’s of `Urfi Shirazi. Illuminated double opening page,

with `Unwan. Illuminated end.

Miniature and illuminations on ff. 129b-130a. The miniature (f. 129b) depicts a double scene: Two men are

sitting in an interior, a woman brings in food; two men are standing in a gardin, a musician plays the tabla

behind them, a gardener (or a fisherman?) is at work.

Miniature and illuminations on ff. 190b-191a. The miniature (f. 190b) depicts a woman selling wine to a great

number of men.

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(7) ff. 224b-239b. Ruba`iyyat-i `Urfi Shirazi. The quatrains of `Urfi Shirazi. Illuminated double opening page,

with small headpiece. Abrupt end (f. 239b).

- On ff. 2b, 240b poetical quotations, from the Gulistan of Sa`di Shirazi (f. 240b) and others. Scribbling on f.

242b. Birthdate written by an owner: 1290 AH (1873-1874).

Provenance: Purchased in March 1957 from the Norbertine Abbey of Berne, The Netherlands.

[* Ar. 3208]

Or. 8801-Or. 8802

Manuscripts purchased in March or April 1957 from the antiquarian shop ‘Accolade’. This shop was

established at Rapenburg 15, Leiden. The owner, Ms. Elisabeth Lucie Heskes-van Bergen (d. 1993), a former

schoolteacher who herself lived on Rapenburg 11, Leiden, had been able to purchase part of the collections

of Mr. Erik von Scherling (1907-1956), after the latter’s demise. Other parts of the Von Scherling collections,

especially archeological objects such as Luristan bronzes, later surfaced in the antiquarian shop of Mr.

Kooreman, Nieuwe Rijn 60, Leiden, where they have remained for sale for many years. It is not impossible

that the present two manuscripts originally came from Erik von Scherling.

Or. 8801

Persian, paper, 211 ff., copied by Hidayat Allah al-Shirazi (colophon on f. 210a), illuminations (ff. 2b-3a, 8b-9a,

15b-16a), illustrations (ff. 163a, 211b-212a), entire text set in gold frame, small parts with folral ornamentation

throughout the volume illumination the last distichs, double binding: remnants of the first full-leather

Islamic binding with traces of ornamentation, which are covered by a Persian lacquered binding with floral

motifs, inside and outside of the covers (see below under earlier provenance).

Diwan of Hafiz Shirazi (d. 792).

An owner has written the persian metres in the margins.

ff. 2b-8a. Muqaddamat, prelimaries to the Diwan.

ff. 8b-15a. Qasa’id. Double illuminated opening pages with `Unwan (ff. 8b-9a).

ff. 15b-210a. Ghazaliyyat, followed, at the end, by other forms. Double illuminated opening pages with

`Unwan (ff. 15b-16a). On f. 16a is the ghazal beginning with the line on the Turkish girl of Shiraz.

Miniature on f. 163a showing the polo game, illustrating the verse on f. 163a.

Double miniature on ff. 211b-212a showing a dancing derwishes’ spectacle, with audience (of men men and


Added: Notes on Hafiz by James Mew, dated 14 September 1902, quoted from a British journal.

Earlier provenance: On f. 2a an owner’s note reading: ‘F.J. Shore, 1817’. He is Frederick John Shore who is the

author of Notes on Indian affairs (London 1837). In another added note is written: ‘This copy of Hafiz belongs

to the Hon. F.J. Shore. Its damaged condition is owing to the box in wh. it was packed falling in the Ganges.

The present outside cover was brought from Persia? Shiraz, by E.A. Floyer – see “Unexplored Baluchistan” in

1876-7 – a grandson - & was bound to it by his daughter, L.S. Floyer.’ He is Frederick John Shore and the

book concerned is Unexplored Baluchistan. A survey [...] of a route through Mekran, Bashkurd, Persia,

Kurdistan, and Turkey, by Ern. Ayscoghe Floyer. London 1882 [8192 B 18].

Later earlier provenance: Possibly from Erik von Scherling, Oegstgeest.

Provenance: Purchased in March or April 1957 from the antiquarian shop ‘Accolade’, Leiden.

[* Ar. 3209]

Or. 8802

Batak pustaha, tree bark, 51 ff., 23 x 16 cm, illustrations, without covers.

See Or.12.322 ff. 626-636.

The chain of transmission:

Guru Niambangan ni adji in Sirait - Guru So Imbangon n.a. - Guru Manangkudju n.a. - Guru Mamostang

Laut hata ni adji. His younger brother, Guru So Matahut hata ni adji has written the manuscript (see

Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici, p. 13).

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a 2 Poda ni hatotoganta … (the 12 pormesa with drawings).

a 11 Poda ni tano hadjodjahan (the 8 panggorda with drawings).

a 15 Poda ni hatotoganta (an adji)

a 19 Poda ni hatotoganta … na manggoarhon tampuk ni panuruni na bolon

a 20 Poda ni pormasak ni panuruni na bolon

a 30 Poda ni tampuk ni panuruni na bolon, at the end with pangulubalang drawings.

b 4 Poda ni pagar lumpat tiga

b 12 Poda ni siporhas manoro ni pamunu tanduk

b 14 Poda ni pongpang bala saribu na bolon.

b 21 l'oda ni dorma

b 37 Poda ni hatiha ni pamunu tandulc. Addressed here is Mangihut ni adji.

End on b 45.

Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), p. 255.

Earlier provenance: On the exterior of the manuscript is a wax seal print with the family blazon and

signature A.E. Croockewit. A person with this family defended his PhD thesis in law in 1863. He may have

been a member of the family of Dr. J.H. Croockewit Hzn, who lived in 1849 and 1850 on Bangka and Biliton.

Earlier provenance: Possibly from Erik von Scherling, Oegstgeest.

Provenance: Purchased in March or April 1957 from the antiquarian shop ‘Accolade’, Leiden.

(Bat. 197)

Or. 8803

Arabic with some German, lined paper, 40 pp. with loose leaves and correspondence, copied in April 1912,


Copy by Theodor Nöldeke (1836-1930) of the manuscript of Ahmed Zeki of the Kitab al-Asnam by Hisham b.

Muhammad Ibn al-Kalbi (d. 204/819), GAS I, 268-271. Sezgin refers to the original manuscript in the

catalogue Cairo, Suppl. I, 54. Nöldeke has given his copy a title-page: ‘كتاب الاصنام لابن الكلبى Das Buch der

Götzen von Abulmundhir Hishām ibn Muḥammad al Kalbī. Copiert nach den Photographien der

Handschrift, welche Photogr. mir Hess gegeben hat. Mit den Varr. in den Citaten Jāqūt’s und der Chizāna &

Parallelstellen … (?) versehen. Könnte als Grundlage einer Edition dienen. April 1912. Th. Nöldeke.’ The

manuscript after which Ahmed Zeki published his edition in 1914 [900 C 14] and later in 1924 [852 B 2], was

part of the latter’s private library. It seems that Nöldeke’s edition was never published, not in 1912 (when it

was prepared, apparently during the Congress of Orientalists in Athens in 1912), nor in 1914, nor in 1924.

Ahmed Zeki in his preface of the 1914 edition, p. iv (and by repetition in the 1924 edition, also p. iv),

mentions both Hess and Nöldeke, the latter in a dismissive way. From this it becomes clear that Ahmed

Zeki had announced at the Congress of Orientalists in Athens, that he would like to be the first to edit the

text (from his own manuscript), and not Nöldeke, even though the latter had the edition (the present

manuscript) already ready.

Added is some correspondence:

- From J.J. Hess in Cairo (?) to Th. Nöldeke in Strasbourg, not dated, but probably 1914, handwritten,


- From J.J. Hess in Zürich to Th. Nöldeke in Karlsruhe, dated July 31, 1924, handwritten, 1 f., in envelope.

- From Th. Nöldeke in Karlsruhe to (?) C. Snouck Hurgronje, dated August 1, 1924, handwritten, 1 f.

- From J.J. Hess in Zürich to C. Snouck Hurgronje in Leiden, dated (postmark) August 6, 1924, handwritten,


- From J.J. Hess in Zürich C. Snouck Hurgronje in Leiden, dated August 12, 1924, handwritten, 1 folded leaf, 3

pp. of text.

Earlier provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

Provenance: Presented to the Library in 1957 by Mr. E. Liefrinck and Ms. C. Liefrinck-Snouck Hurgronje,


[* Ar. 2801]

Page 306: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8804-Or. 8805

Photocopies of manuscripts collected by J.H. Kramers (1891-1951) for his work on Youssouf Kamal’s

Monumenta Cartographica Africae et Aegypti (Leiden 1926-1951), together with some relevant


Or. 8804

Copies of Arabic and Persian manuscripts. Loose leaves in envelopes.

Photocopies of manuscripts collected by J.H. Kramers (1891-1951) for his work on Youssouf Kamal’s

Monumenta Cartographica Africae et Aegypti (MCAA, Leiden 1926-1951), together with numerous notes by

Kramers, with some relevant correspondence. Also with identifying notes by A.J.W. Huisman.

- Ar. 3195

(1) Al-Kindi (Yaʿqub b. Ishāq), environ 870. With Kramers’ text for MCAA and photographs MS Oxford I, 877:

Kitab al-Madd wal-Gazr.

(2) Qudama b. Ga`far, 930. Kitab al-Kharag. MS of Schefer (MS Paris BnF 5907) made from of MS Istanbul

Köprülü 1076.

(3) Suhrāb, avant 334/945. British Museum Add. 23379, catalogue No. 1309, edition by von Mzik.

(4) al-Mas`oudi, 345/956. Akhtar az-zaman wa-`aga’ib al-buldan. MS Oxford 656.

(5) Bakri, 1067. Al-Masalik wal-Mamalik. MS British Museum 374.

(6) Ibn al-Zarqala, 474/1080. Tabulae Toletanae by al-Zirqili. No Arabic text. MSS Paris (Latin) 7336, 7421, by

Gerard of Cremona.

(7) al-Kharaqi, vers 1132. Muntaha al-Idrak fi Taqasim al-Aflak. Ibn Ridwan, avant 453/1061. Daf` Madarr al-

Abdan bi-Ard Misr.

(8) al-Zuhri, vers 1138. MS Alger 1552 (firs and last pages only), MS Paris BnF Arabe 2220.

(9) Idrisi 1154, Nuzhat al-Mushtaq fi Ikhtirag al-Afaq. MS Oxford, Graves 42 (Cat. Uri 887).

- Ar. 3196

(10) Kitab al-Istibsar, 587/1191. MS Paris, BnF Arabe 2225, and translation by Fagnan from MS Algiers.

(11) al-Harawi, avant 1214, Kitab al-Ziyarat. MS Berlin, Petermann 36 / Ahlwardt 6222. See MCAA III/4, f.


(12) al-Marrakushi, 1262. MS Paris BnF 2507, Gami` al-Mabadi wal-Ghayat. See edition Sedillot, Paris 1835.

(13) Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, 1273. Al-Tadhkira al-Nasiriyya. MS British Museum 1339.

(14) Ibn Sa`id, 1270. Kitab al-Gugrafiya. MS British Museum 1524 (= … cat. No. 696). Or a MS in the


(15) Pèlerinage de Mansa Mousa de Malli, 724/1324. MS Paris BnF Arabe 4657, or Arabe 1457 (?).

(16) Dimashqi, 1320, Nukhbat al-Dahr fi `Aga’ib al-Barr wal-Bahr. Photographs from MS Leningrad; Also of

MS Paris, Arabe 2187.

(17) Hamdullah Mustawfi Qazwini, 1340. Nuzhat al-Qulub. Persian. See MCAA ff. 1225 ff. MS British Museum

Add. 23543.

(18) al-`Umari, avant 749/1348. Masalik al-Absar. MS Paris 5867.

(19) Suwar al-Aqalim, anonymous. Avant 1358. MS Paris BnF Suppl. persan 364 = persan 666.

(20) Bakuwi, 1410. Talkhis al-Athar of al-Qazwini. MS Paris BnF Arabe 2246.

(21) Sfaksi, 1551. MS Paris Arabe 2278.

[* Ar. 3195, Ar. 3196]

Or. 8805

Copies of Hebrew and Syriac materials.

Arranged in sheaves by subject: I. Abraham bar Hiya; II. Saint Athanase; III. Eldad Ha-Dani; IV. Efrem; V.

Moshe bar Kefa; VI. Petros l’Ibérien; VII. ‘Drukproeven’; VIII. Jacob of Edessa; IX. Zacharias Rhetor; X.

Joannes of Ephese; XI. Severus Sebokht; XII. Elletha Koul Ellan; XIII. Varia. Added: photostats taken from

J.P.N. Land, Anecdota Syriaca, vol. 3. See Janson, Summiere beschrijvingen, pp. 8-11, 14-15. See A. van der

Heide, Hebrew manuscripts (Leiden 1977), p. 92.

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[* Hebr. 242]

Or. 8806

Malay, portfolio with six items, paper,

Materials concerning the Hikayat Tanah Hitu by Imam Ridjali.

A. 2 ff.; typing paper. Carbon copy of a letter by P. Voorhoeve to E.A. Kayadoe, thanking him for sending of

photocopies of the Hikayat Tanah Hitu, dated 16 September 1959 (or 1957?).

B. 1 f. Letter with letterhead of the Leiden University, handwritten by V.E. Korn to Voorhoeve concerning

the study of Hikayat Tanah Hitu by Dra. M. Voitus van Hamme, utilized by Z.J. Manusama (1977), as MS C

(pp. 8-9).

C. Film negatives of Hikayat Tanah Hitu (in an envelope). Two of the negatives were made at Delft from the

photographs owned by Dr. Kayadoe.

D. 1 f. Form of Leiden University Library. On the reverse side a note in pencil dated 1953/5, to the effect that

A.Th. Manusama has published the Hikayat Tanah Hitu in transliteration and that Korn has used several

passages from this publication, and in ink (by Voorhoeve?) that Dr Kayadoe has the photographs (except p.


E. Photographs of Hikayat Tanah Hitu (in an envelope), twelve photographs of MS Leiden Or. 8756,

respectively of pp. 50, 52, 59, 65, 77, 83, 87, 93, 98, 105, 108, 114.

F. Photographs of Hikayat Tanah Hitu (in an envelope), 21 photographs of E, respectively no. 2 (3 copies), no.

3, no. 6, no. 8 (6 copies), no. 9 (6 copies), no. 10, no. 12 (3 copies), utilized by Z.J. Manusama (1977).

A transliteration of this manuscript is kept in MS Leiden Or. 8757, above. See now also A new edition, with

Dutch translation, made with use of this MS: Ridjali, Historie van Hitu. Een Ambonse geschiedenis uit de

zeventiende eeuw. Bezorgd en ingeleid door Hans Straver, Chris van Fraassen en Jan van der Putten. Utrecht

(Landelijk Steunpunt Educatie Molukkers) 2004.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 589-590 (No. 1190).

Provenance: Photocopies made in the Leiden Library in September 1957, after photographs of Dr. E.A.

Kayadoe, Oegstgeest.

(Mal. 3322)

Or. 8807

Javanese, paper, 178 pp., many illuminations, Javanese script, dated 1845 AD.

Genealogy of Javanese Kings, beginning with Adam, with years (babad sangkala), and (beginning p. 46)

history of Javanese Kings in verse mentioning taboos (prasapa) in verse, till 1830 AD., referring

mainly to Yogyakarta. On p. 177 the book is called Jati Pusaka. The script (minuscule) and the idiom are


Or. 8807 has much in common with MS Leiden Or. 8578, above. Notes by J. Soegiarto in Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 500.

Earlier provenance: The manuscript once belonged to Sumadipura of Majakerta. Later: estate of Mr. G.H.

von Faber (1899-1955) of Surabaya.

Provenance: Purchased on May 11, 1957, by auction at Van Stockum’s, auctioneers in The Hague.

(Mal. 2890)

Or. 8808

Persian, paper, 88 ff., nasta`liq script, dated 1 Ragab 1007 [the manuscript has 107], copied by Amini (?)

Turbati in al-Mashhad al-Muqaddas (colophon on f. 85a), modern binding.

Tarikh-i Isfahan, a History of Isfahan, by al-Husayn b. Muhammad b. Abi al-Rida’ al-Husayni al-`Alawi, who

completed the work in 729/1329 (author on f. 2a). The work is a translation from the Arabic work, entitled

Mahasin Isfahan (f. 10b), which is a work by Mufaddal b. Sa`d b. al-Husayn al-Mafarrukhi (between 465-

485/1072-1092), GAL S I, 571. See the exensive resumé of the work by E.G. Browne, ‘Account of a rare

manuscript History of Isfahan present to the Royal Asiatic Society on May 19, 1827 by Sir John Malcolm’, in

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JRAS 1901, pp. 411-446, 661-704. Storey, I/2, p. 1292, mentions an edition by `Abbas Iqbal, Targuma-yi

Mahasin-i Isfahan (Teheran 1328/1949).

- On ff. 86b, 87b-88a are poetical quotations in hands different from the copyist’s. Some poets are

mentioned: quatrains (f. 86b, copied in Dhu al-Higga, by Muhammad Sharif M…) by Kami Sabzawari, Mir

Mughith Hamadani, Mir Ga`far al-Khashi, Hakim Anwari and others. On f. 87b Hakim Anwari is mentioned.

Earlier provenance: On f. 1a notes (upside down) is written: ‘B.R.Kr. persiaans’, apparently in a 17th century

hand. Also a (later) bookplate: ‘Bibl. Res. Krijtberg S.J. Amstelaedam’, and a label ‘25’ and a relatively

modern hand ‘Persiaansch’. This refers to the Jesuit Establishment ‘De Krijtberg’, an originally clandestine

Roman Catholic church in Amsterdam, now still extant, albeit in a 19th-century architecture, which was

first established in 1654 by Petrus Laurentius, who had been active among the catholics in Amsterdam since

1628. If the present manuscript originates, as one may assume, from the older part of the library of the

Krijtberg, the manuscript could even have been brought from Isfahan to Amsterdam by one the Jesuits

living in Isfahan or Julfa during the era of Shah `Abbas (reigned 989-1038 AH).

Provenance: Purchased in May 1957 from Mr. Frits Knuf, antiquarian bookseller in Amsterdam (his

catalogue 30, No. 170).

[* Ar. 3211]

Or. 8809

Turkish, paper, 74 x 530 cm, Diwani script, Tughra of Sultan ‘Abdulmedid I and tailed signature, dated

Ragab 1261 (1846).

Firman. Imperial Decree issued at the request of the Prussian ambassador to the Sublime Porte, addressing

the Gumruk Emini and Liman naziri wakili to grant free passage to an unoaded Prussian merchantman of

180 tons under captain Yasantin (=? Jan Steen) through the Bosphorus to the Black Sea.

See Jan Schmidt, Catalogue of Turkish Manuscripts, vol. 2 (2002), p. 406.

Provenance: Purchased in 1957 from the antiquarian shop ‘Accolade’, Leiden (see above ad MS Leiden Or.


(Ar. 3030)

Or. 8810

Balinese, palm leaf.

Verdict of the Council of Kerta, 136/1898.

Provenance: Presented on June 8, 1957, to the Library by Dr. Elfriede Hulshoff Pol (1910-1975), Leiden

(Lont. 780)

Or. 8811

Acehnese, paper, 1½ p.

Brief article about mutah darah. Several inserted slips with notes on Acehnese language, mostly on

mutah darah.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 255, 265.

Provenance: Presented to the Library on June 26, 1957, by Mrs. Damsté-Muller, from the estate of her

husband H.T. Damsté (1874-1955).

(Mal. 3327)

Or. 8812

Javanese, paper, 325 double pages, Javanese script.

Wan Tong (or Hwan Tong), romantical history in verse, vol. 1, dated 1861 AD., probably written in

Yogyakarta. Chinese tale belonging to the same group as the Lo Thong (MS Leiden Or. 4295, above,

catalogue Juynboll vol. 2, p. 109) and MSS Leiden Or. 2140 and Or. 2151 (catalogue Vreede p. 217), which has

been transcribed by J. Soegiarto.

Pigeaud II, pp. 500-501.

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Title in ‘Journaal’, p. 199: ‘Babad Tjina’.

Provenance: Presented on July 12, 1957, to the Library by Mr. Sie Sioe Ho, of Amsterdam, through the

intermediary of Jan Fontein (1927-2017), director of the Museum van Aziatische Kunst, a department of the

Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.

(Mal. 3200)

Or. 8813-Or. 8818

Additional materials from the collection of H.T. Damsté (1874-1955). The main part of the Damsté collection

is registered as Or. 8666-Or. 8755, above. Separately registered in July 1957.

Or. 8813

Malay, Acehnese, paper, 27 ff., Arabic script, many marginal notes.

Kitab masa’il al-muhtadi li-ikhwan al-mubtadi. The text, ff. 1v-21r, has a postscript in Acehnese.

- ff. 21 v-27v. Do’a, notes etc.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 590 (No. 1191). Not in Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese Manuscripts


Provenance: Additional materials from the H.T. Damsté collection, 1957.

(Mal. 3328)

Or. 8814

Malay, paper, watermarks: Eagle with FNF, Crescent in shield (= Abū Shubbāk), 20 ff., Arabic script.

(1) ff. 1v-7v. Kitab masa’il al-muhtadi li-ikhwan al-mubtadi.

(2) ff. 7v-18v. Kitab bidayat al-mubtadi bi-fadl Allaih al-muhdi, containing the first bab; the fourth fasal of this

bab is unfinished.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 590-591 (No. 1192).

Provenance: Additional materials from the H.T. Damsté collection, 1957.

(Mal. 3329)

Or. 8815

Acehnese, paper, 77 ff., dated 1323 (1905-1906).

(1) ff. 2v-70r. Nalam masa’ilay. Rhyming rendition of the Malay catechism Masa’il al-Muhtadi li-Ikhwan al-

Mubtadi. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 235.

(2) ff. 70v-77v. Carah aleh ba ta. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 220.

Provenance: Additional materials from the H.T. Damsté collection, 1957.

(Mal. 3330)

Or. 8816

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, paper, ff., copied by Teuku Basyah from MS Leiden Or. 8788,

above, who is not the author, as is written in J.J.C.H. van Waardenburg, De invloed van den landbouw op de

zeden, de taal en letterkunde der Atjèhers. Leiden 1936, p. 109.

(1) ff. 2v-9v. Admonitions given to Seh Amat. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p.


(2) ff. 9v-14v. Hikayat asay (jeuet) pade. See on this text J.J.C.H. van Waardenburg, op. cit., pp. 62-109. See on

this work also the review by G.W.J. Drewes, in TBG 77 (1937), pp. 519-523. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 137-139, where there is an extensive discussion on the Arabic origins of the

present work. Added is a transliteration by H.T. Damsté of the Haba pade (see also MS Leiden Or. 8157 (2),

above), which was published by van Waardenburg, op. cit., pp. 110-113, in a somewhat abbreviated form as

Haba pade.

Provenance: Additional materials from the H.T. Damsté collection, 1957.

(Mal. 3331)

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Or. 8817

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Malay and Acehnese, paper, 45 ff. (f. 40 is counted twice), Arabic

script, unbound (4 quires sewn together), loose kept in a European folder. Added is a description of the

content in the hand of T. Iskandar.

(1) ff. 1a-3a. Arabic with Malay interlinear translation. Du’a’, prayer text. Abrupt beginning.

(2) ff. 3b-9b. Malay. Sifat Dua Puluh.

(3) ff. 9b-12a. Acehnese. Martabat tujuh. Different version as compared to MS Leiden Or. 8142 (3), above. See

Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 193.

(4) ff. 12a-13b. Acehnese. Mystical text. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 193.

(5) ff. 14r-38v. Acehnese. Hikayat Akeubaro karim, by Tgk. Seumatang. Complete text. See also MS Leiden Or.

8681 a, above. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 237-239.

(6) ff. 38b-39b. Malay. Fazilat memaca Asma’ Allah al-husna.

(7) ff. 40a-45b. Acehnese. Mystical texts, beginning Ya tuhanku …. Abrupt end. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of

Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 193.

Malay texts not in Iskandar, Catalogue (1999).

Provenance: Additional materials from the H.T. Damsté collection (see MSS Leiden Or. 8666-Or. 8755,

above), 1957.

[* Mal. 3332]

Or. 8818

Malay, paper, cash book, 13 ff., Arabic script. Taken from MS Leiden Or. 8681, above, and separately


Sifat duapuluh. The text is on ff. 1 v-8r. On ff. 11v, 13v are some jottings.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 591 (No. 1193).

Provenance: Additional materials from the H.T. Damsté collection, 1957.

(Mal. 3333)

Or. 8819

Coptic, European paper, 1 f., 33.5 x 22.5 cm, 17 lines per page, black ink with rubrics.

Fragment of a Coptic Lectionary. The beginning of a reading taken from the Letters of St. Paul to the

Hebrews. See Kruit & Witkam, List (Leiden 2000), p. 12.

Provenance: Gift from Mr. J. Bosch, of Breda, received July 2, 1957.

[* Hebr. 243]

Or. 8820

Batak, Malay, paper, 216 pp.

Adat Pasaribu. Customs from Pasaribu.

A transcript of the Toba Batak text (on the left page), with an annotated translation into Malay (on the right

page), by the demang Frederik Goeltom of MS Leiden Or. 3406, pp. 1-107 (in fact there are 108 pp. as p. 81 is

numbered twice). ‘Eenige zeden, gewoonten en wetten van die van Pasarieboe’. The comma after ‘Van der

Tuuk’ in BKI 105, p. 111 is of course a typing error. The manuscript comes from the estate of W.K.H. Ypes, who

has had in mind to publish this text together with P. Voorhoeve and C.M. Pleyte, but nothing came of it. The

corrections in Goeltom’s text are made by Voorhoeve. A transcript of the Batak text made by Voorhoeve is

in MS Leiden Or. 12.475. Survey of the contents, from Voorhoeve’s old notes: ‘p. 1. Zwangerschap; pagar. 9.

Geboorte. 10. Marharoan met naamgeving and p. 15. patutuaekkon. 20. Malladang-ladang (de moeder neemt

het kind mee naar het veld). 21. Stadiën in de groei; padao gial. 29 Uitvoerig over mangolihon anak (het

uithuwelijken van een zoon). 54. weer over de geboorte. Mangupa-upa. Na dit stuk over de ceremoniën die

het menselijk leven begeleiden volgt een gedeelte over ceremoniën bij oorlog. p.56 het oprichten van een

pantangan. 73. beloningen voor de datu enz. 74. pogu ni musu. 75 mangan manuk ramot-ramot. 79.

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sampahaek (oorlogsverklaring). 86. het oproepen van de tondi der vijanden. 93. manulang parangan. 94

krijgstocht; overwinningsfeest. 100 de gesneuvelde. 106 vredessluiting.’

Enclosed are two letters from Ypes to Voorhoeve.

A photocopy of MS Leiden Or. 3406, pp. 1-107, is MS Leiden KITLV Or. 331. Added to the manuscript are

several leaves with fragments of text, translation and introduction by C.M. Pleyte (1863-1917), made (with

numerous mistakes) in 1901.

Voorhoeve, Codices Batacici (1977), pp. 161, 255-256. T. Iskandar, Catalogue of Malay Manuscripts (1999), p.

591 (No. 1194).

Provenance: From the estate of W.K.H. Ypes. Received on August 12, 1957, through the intermediary of P.

Voorhoeve. MS Leiden Or. 8774, above, also comes from the estate of Mr. Ypes.

(Mal. 3198)

Or. 8821

Arabic, paper, 158 ff., dated 935 (1528-1529).

Commentary by ‘Ali b. Muhammad al-Gurgani (d. 816/1413) on al-Mulakhkhas fil-Hay’a, by al-Gaghmini (d.

after 618/1221), GAL G I, 473. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, opposite p. 231, in the interleaved copy in the

Legatum Warnerianum.

Earlier provenance: From a private collection in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, as inspected by

Voorhoeve in 1951 (Handlist, p. 231).

Provenance: Purchased in 1957 from an antiquarian bookseller in Amsterdam.

(Ar. 3212)

Or. 8822

Arabic, paper, 195 ff., autograph (?).

Commentary made in 1129 (1716-1717) by Kamal al-Din Muhammad b. Mu`in al-Din Muhammad al-Fuwwi in

Sulaymaniyya, on al-Shafiya by Ibn al-Hagib (d. 646/1249), GAL G I, 305. With numerous glosses in the same

hand. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, opposite p. 322 in the interleaved copy in the Legatum Warnerianum.

Provenance: Purchased on August 15, 1957, from Messrs. Brill, Leiden.

(Ar. 3213)

Or. 8823-Or. 8874

The collection of Johan van Manen (1877-1943) of mostly Sanskrit manuscripts. The manuscripts have been

given by the Central Library in or around 1957 in loan to the library of the Kern Institute, the Indological

Institute of Leiden University. On pp. 199-202 of the ‘Journaal’ of the Legatum Warnerianum, P. Voorhoeve

(1899-1996), then curator of Oriental collections in Leiden University Library, has written an inventory of

the collection (‘Journaal’) that was given in loan to the Kern Institute. At that occasion the class-marks Or.

8823-Or. 8874 were given. They are still in use. Voorhoeve’s identifications are followed hereunder.

References are given by Voorhoeve to the list compiled by Venkatarama Raghavan, from which may have

derived his short titles in the ‘Journaal’.

See about the Van Manen collection now also Saraju Rath, ‘On the Johan van Manen Collection. Its Origin

and Background’, in Saraju Rath (ed.), Aspects of Manuscript Culture in South India, Leiden/Boston: Brill,

2012, pp. 55-67, especially p. 65. On Johan van Manen see Peter Richardus, The Dutch Orientalist Johan van

Manen. His Life and Work. Leiden: The Kern Institute, 1989. On manuscripts of the Van Manen collection see

also Hanna ’t Hart, A List of the South-Indian Palmleaf Manuscripts (Sanskrit) in the Kern Institute, Leiden

(The van Manen Collection). Leiden: The Kern Institute, 1992. This List does not include the part of the van

Manen collection that is described hereunder.

When in 2016 the collections of the Kern Institute as part of the Asian Library came to Leiden’s Central

Library (as a permanent loan, it seems), the present collection came back as well. The old class-marks

remained in use and the serial numbers of the Raghavan list were used as shelf marks, e.g. “Raghavan No. 1”

becomes “C 1”, etc. Two items in the Raghavan list were in fact printed books (Nos. 17 and 37), so these were

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not entered in the ‘Journaal’. Their numbers in the shelf marks were skipped as well. I do not know where

these two printed books are right now.

In the meantime, the collection has been entered in the Library’s automated catalogue, both on the basis of

the information contained in Voorhoeve’s entries in the ‘Journal’, and at least one other source, but not

completely, it seems, on the basis of autopsy. Additional information, available in the Library’s catalogue,

has been added to the descriptions below. These elements can be observed by the diacritics in the

transliteration of Sanskrit, and the occasional annotation. When the two descriptions are in conflict, this

has been indicated.

Despite extensive searching in the course of 2018, this ‘Raghavan List’ has not been found.

Other manuscripts from the van Manen collection are Or. 8473-8475, 8494-8495, above.

Or. 8823

Sanskrit, 2 ff., Mewari or early Bengali script.

Sitalastotra, from the Skanda Purana.

Śītalāstotra, from the Skanda Purāṇa.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 1.

(C 1)

Or. 8824

Sanskrit, Mewari or early Bengali script.

Bhuvanasvari-sahasra-nama, from the Rudrayamala, Umamahesvarasam vada.

Bhūvaneśvarīsahasra-nāma, from the Rudrayā-mala, Umāmaheśvara-saṃvāda

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 2.

(C 2)

Or. 8825

Nepali ?, 1 long folded sheet, Devanagri script.

Satavara ko Cora ko ho? [Astrological work]

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 3.

(C 3)

Or. 8826

Language not identified, 36 ff.

Unidentified text, in an unknown script.

[Unidentified text, in an unknown script]

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 4.

(C 4)

Or. 8827


Rgvedic selections, Adhyayas 2 (end) to 8.

Ṛgveda, Adhyāya II end to VIII

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 5.

(C 5)

Or. 8828

Sanskrit, paper, 21 ff., old Bengali script.


Ḍāmara Tantra.

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Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 6.

(C 6)

Or. 8829

Collective volume with texts in Sanskrit, paper, 2 + 4 + 5 + 12 ff., dated saṁ. 1814

(1) 2 ff. Paniniya-siksa.

(2) 4 ff. Vedanga-jyotisa.

(3) 5 ff. Pingalacchandas, dated sam 1814.

(4) 12 ff. Naighantuka.

Śikṣācatuṣṭaya. In this text there are four other texts Pāṇinīya-śikṣā, Vedāṅga-jyotiṣa, Piṅgala-cchandas and


Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 7.

(C 7)

Or. 8830

Sanskrit, ff. 2-54 (f. 1 lost).

Satakatraya by Bhartrhari.


Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 8.

(C 8)

Or. 8831

Sanskrit, 19 ff.

Sragdhara-stotra (Buddhistic).


3-4 folios are written in different handwriting. In the front page there is written "Sragdhārāsahasrajala".

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 9.

(C 9)

Or. 8832

Sanskrit, 2 ff.

Aparimitayussutra. (Buddhistic).


Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 10.

(C 10)

Or. 8833

Sanskrit, 1 f.

Aparimitayurdharini. Buddhistic.

Aparimitāyurdhāraṇī. Incomplete. The text starts with Oṃ namo bhagavate aparimitānyādi.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 11.

(C 11)

Or. 8834

Sanskrit, 8 ff., Mewari or early Bengali script.

Aparimitayussutra. Buddhistic.


Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 12.

(C 12)

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Or. 8835

Vernacular Sanskrit (?), paper, 2 ff.

Devikilaka (Saptasati).

Devīkīlakastotra. The first folio's top part is hardly readable. Some red ink is used in this folio. The last one is

in good handwriting. It is partly damaged. Incomplete.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 13.

(C 13)

Or. 8836

Sanskrit, 9 ff., paper.

Tarkasangsaha or Annambhatta.

Tarkasaṅgraha. Paper, 9 lines. Some papers are insect-eaten. Good handwriting. Complete. the text starts

with "Śrīgaṇeśāya namaḥ" and it ends with "Śrīgaṇeśāsarasvatiyai namaḥ".

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 14.

(C 14)

Or. 8837

Sanskrit, paper, 18 ff., dated 2465 Buddhābde

Arya Marjajala (Sahasrika Mahayana tantrantahpati samadhijala pahalad Bhagavad tathagata sri …

Bhagavato Manjusri … nasatrayasya (?) paramarthanamasangitih.

Nāmasaṃgīti. Note: Nepali Paper, 9 lines. Good handwriting. Complete. At the end of the text there is given

some description about the writer in Devanagari, "Āṣāḍhaśuklapūrṇimā tithau tṛtīyavāsare mitrayoge

aśokapattanasaptapūra mahāvihāravāsinā brahmacaryabhikṣhuśrīdharmādityena

bauddhadharmapracāranārtham likhāpitam | Śhreyostu sarvajagatāṃ."

Author (?): Aaśokapattanasaptapūra.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 15.

(C 15)

Or. 8838

Collection of texts in Sanskrit, paper, Bengali script.

(1) 3 ff. Annapurnastotra.

(2) 2 ff. Kukkutivratakatha.

(3) 4 ff. Visvesvarastavataja.

(4) 2 ff. Visvesvarastamurti stavaraja.

(5) 5 ff. Nilakanthastavaraja.

(6) 3 ff. Sivastava from the Kasikhanda.

(7) 5 ff. Sivastuti from the Kasikhanda.

(8) 5 ff. Durgastava kasaca from the Kasikhanda.

Annapūrṇastotra ; Kukkuṭīvratakathā ; Viśveśvarastavarāja ; Śrīviśveśvarāṣṭastamūrtistavarāja ;

Nīlakaṇṭhastavarāja ; Śivastava ; Brahmastutī ; Durgāstavakavaca.

Note: Nepali paper, 4-9 lines. These are all texts from Kāśīkhaṇḍa. Viśveśvarastavarāja is written by

Jaigīṣavya, Śivastava is written by Budha and Durgāstavakavaca is written by Sarvadeva. Readable

handwriting. Complete.

Note: Contains: a. Annapūrṇastotra. -- b. Kukkuṭīvratakathā. -- c. Viśveśvarastavarāja. -- d.

Śrīviśveśvarāṣṭastamūrtistavarāja. -- e. Nīlakaṇṭhastavarāja. -- f. Śivastava. -- g. Brahmastutī. -- h.


Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 16.

Note that Raghavan list No. 17 was a copy of a printed text and was, therefore, not added to the collection

(‘Journaal’, p. 200).

(C 16)

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Or. 8839

Sanskrit, paper, 35 ff.

Bhradaranja bhasya tika by Anandajnana.

Bṛhadāraṇyabhāṣāṭīkā by Ānandajñāna.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 18.

(C 18)

Or. 8840

Collection of texts in Sanskrit, paper,

(1) 8 ff. Annapurnapuja paddhati. Bengali script.

(2) 4 ff. Durgapuja paddhati.

(3) 9 ff. Stava kavaca, on ?. Incomplete.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 19.

( C 19)

Or. 8841

Sanskrit, paper, 154 ff.

Njajakusamanjali prakasa, by Vardhamana.

Nyāyakusumāñjaliprakāśa by Vardhamāna.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 20.

(C 20)

Or. 8842


Mimamsaparibhasa, by Krsnayajran.

Mimamsa Paribhasa by Kṛṣṇa Yazvan.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 21.

(C 21)

Or. 8843

Sanskrit, paper, 60 ff.

Yogasutra vrtti, by Bhoja.

Yogasūtravṛtti by Bhoja.

The papers are numbered "yo. vṛ. 1- 60".

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 22.

(C 22)

Or. 8844

Sanskrit, paper, 33 ff.

Mimamsaparibhasa, by Krsnayajran.

Mīmāmsārthasaṅgraha by Laugākṣi Bhāskara.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 23.

(C 23)

Or. 8845

Sanskrit, paper, 86 ff.

Jaiminiya nyayamala Vistara, by Madhava. Two chapters.

Jaiminīyanyāyāmālā by Mādhava.

8 lines to the page but on f. 85 there are 9 lines.

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Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 24.

(C 24)

Or. 8846

Sanskrit, paper, 77 ff.

Satapatha Brahmana bhasya, by Sayana. Up to ch. 4, 3 date Sam. 1956.

Śatapaṭhabrāhmaṇa - Bhāṣya by Sāyaṇa, Dīnānātha.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 25.

(C 25)

Or. 8847

Sanskrit, 5 ff.



Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 26.

(C 26)

Or. 8848

Sanskrit, paper, 14 ff.

Siddhanta karamudi. A fragment only.

Siddhāntakaumudī by Bhaṭṭojit.

Numbers are given on the left side of the text "si. kau. 1", and on the right side of the text in bottom "rāma: 1".


Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 27.

(C 27)

Or. 8849

Sanskrit, paper, 185 ff.

Siddhanta Praudhamanorama, up to the end of Karoka.

Siddhāntakaumudī - Prauḍhamanoramā by Dīkṣita, Bhaṭṭojit.

The 125th folio is missing. Numbers are given on both sideof the text, in left "Ma. No.", and in right side, in

bottom part, from 1 - 88 folios are writen Rāma, then "Śivambhaje". Incomplete.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 28.

(C 28)

Or. 8850

Sanskrit, paper, ff. 1-367 (Library catalogue says: 2 ff. only)

Siddhanta. Text only (Purvardha)

Siddhāntakaumudī – pūrvārddha. In the front of the text is writen "Siddhāntakaumudī pūrvārddha". On the

left side of the paper there is number given "Si. Kau. 1". Incomplete.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 29.

(C 29)

Or. 8851

Sanskrit, paper, 149 ff., dated Saṃ. 1567.

Tandya Brahmana. Up to the end of chapter 22 and beginning of chapter 23.

Pañcaviṁśabrāhmaṇa. Unidentified SāmavedaText = Tāṇḍyabrāhmaṇa.

The text starts with "Oṃ namaḥ sāmavedāya". In the front page there is written in Devanagari "saṃ. 1567

varṣe kārtikavadi 13 ṣaumemahaṃkarmaṇadyutamahaṃ pustakaṃ śrī... sprītyarthaṃ....pradattaṃ".

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Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 30.

(C 30)

Or. 8852

Sanskrit, paper, 36 ff.

Tandya Brahmana. From the end of chapter 22 to the end of chapter 25.

Tāṇḍyabrāhmaṇa. Old paper, insect eaten, damaged. Incomplete.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 31.

C 31)

Or. 8853

Sanskrit, paper, ff. 1-46

Sarasvata prakriya. Incomplete.

Sārasvataprakriyā by Satyavratacāry.

In the front paper, there is written "Śrīmadsatyavratacārya likhitam". Incomplete.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 32.

(C 32)

Or. 8854

Sanskrit, paper, 153 ff. (the Library catalogue mentions 53 ff.).

Sabdabodhasangraha, by Bhimacarya. Incomplete.

Śabdabodhasaṅgraha by Bhīmācārya.

The text starts with "Śrī Gaṇeśāya namaḥ". On the left side of the papers are numbered as "Śābdabodh. 1"

and the bottom part of the papers, on the right side, are numbered as "Rāma 1". From 1-5 folios are in old

papers with damage and rest are good. Incomplete.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 33.

(C 33)

Or. 8855

Sanskrit, paper, 29 ff.

Canakya nitidarpana (Rajaniti). See also Or. 8857, below.


Nepali paper, 7 lines. On the left side of the papers are numbered as "Śri. Cā. 1" and in bottom, in right side of

papers are numbered as "Buddha. 1". in the front paper there is written "atha śrī cāṇakyanīti darpaṇa


Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 34.

(I.KERN doos 52)

Or. 8856

Sanskrit, paper, ff. 1-70 (the Library catalogue mentions 80 ff.)

Siddhantamuktavali by Visvanatha Pancanana.

Siddhāntapañcānana by Nṛsiṃha.

Paper, 7-9 lines. in the end of the text is written "idam pustakam dakṣhiṇadeśe bodhanākhyagrāmāsthitinā

bhavānidāsātmajanṛsiṃhākhyena likhitam svārthaparopakārārtham".

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 35.

(C 35)

Or. 8857

Sanskrit, paper, 43 ff., dated buddhabda 2465.

Canakya nitisara sangraha. Begins like Or. 8855, above.

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Bodhicāṇakyanītisāra-saṅgraha by Dharmāditya.

Nepali paper, 9 lines. On the left side of the papers are numbered as "Bu. Cā. 1" and in bottom of the paper,

on right side numbered "Guru. 1".

Note: At the end of the paper is written "iti śrī 2465 buddhābde śrāvaṇaśukla aṣṭami tithau

samapūramahāvihāravāsinā dharmāditya brhamacarya bhikṣhuṇā bauddhaśikṣhāpracārārthaṃ likhāpitam

sarve lokāḥ bauddhadharmaparāyaṇāḥ bhavantu"

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 36.

Note that Raghavan list No. 37 is a printed work.

(C 36)

Or. 8858

Sanskrit, paper, 78 ff., Bengali script.

Vidagdhamadhava. Drama in 7 acts.


Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 38.

(C 38)

Or. 8859

Sanskrit, paper, 39 ff.

Vradhacanakya Rajanitisastra. In 8 chapters.

Laghu- and vṛddhicāṇakyarājanītiśāstra by Yadiśvaracandra.

Both sides of the papers are numbered as "1- 39". Small handwriting. At the end of the folio there is written

"saṃvat 1975 vadi 12 śanaiścaravāra (25-3-21 ī.).

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 39.

(C 39)

Or. 8860

Sanskrit, palm leaf, 74 ff., Newari script.

Devi mahatmya. On f. 1a in later Devanagari script the Vagambhrni sukta from R.V.

Devīmāhātmya by Śarmā, Jagannātha.

The first folio is written in Devanagari which is Japaviniyoga of Devīsukta, and the rest is in Nevari script. At

the end of the folio there is written "Saṃ 10/125".

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 40.

(C 40)

Or. 8861

Nepali, Newari script

Dvatrimsat puttabika katha.


Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 41.

(C 41)

Or. 8862

Collection of texts in Sanskrit, paper, 29 ff.

(1) 3 ff. (Library catalogue mentions 4 ff.). Upakarma proyoga (vaidika). Upākarma-prayoga. The first 3 folios

are written in same handwriting and papers also slightly damaged, but the 4th is in different handwriting. It

seems that this folio was taken from a Śaiva text. It begins with "namo bhavāya rudrāya śivāya ca namaḥ"

(2) 1 f. Kali kavaca. Tantric. Kālīkavaca. Begins with "oṃ kālikāyai namaḥ, atha kālīkavacam". It ends with

"Śrī Śrī Durgāyai namaḥ".

(3) 3 ff. Partivesvara puja paddhati. Pārthiveśvara-pūjā-paddhati.

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(4) 1 f. Siva kavaca. Tantric. Sadāśivakavacam. Beginning: "ath Śivakavacam" and it ends

"Śrīsadāśivakavacam samāptam".

(5) 2 ff. Brahmastava and Apamarjana. Apāmārjana and Brahmastava by Sarvadeva. Paper, two folios are

written in different handwriting. The first one has 5 lines. The second folio has 9 lines. At the end of the folio

there is written "iti kāśīmadhye sarvadevakṛta brahmastavaḥ samāptaḥ".

(6) 1 f. Girijadasaka stotra, by Sankara. Girijāśataka-stotra by Śaṅkarācārya. At the end of the text there is

written "iti girijāśatakam stotram samāptam".

(7) 2 ff. Mahalaksmistavaraja, from Kasikhanda. Mahālakṣmīstavarāja. At the end of the text is written "iti

śrīkāśīkhaṇḍe agastyakṛta śrīmahālakṣmīstavarājaḥ sampūrṇaḥ" .

(8) 1 f. Hayagrivastotra.

Abhayakavacam. End: "iti Vi ṣṇudharmottare abhayakavacam samāptam".

(9) 1 f. Aksayakavaca.

Hayagrīvastotra by Vedāntācārya.

(10) 6 + 1 ff. Santivasikaranadi. With one additional folio which contains some unidentied Tantra work.

Śāntivaśīkaraṇādividhi. First 4 folios are in same handwriting, the rest are different.

(11) 3 ff. Mahavidyastotra with Akasabhurana stave. Mahāvidyāstotra with Ākāśabhairava-stava. Begins

with: "Śrī Śrī Durgā".

(12) 3 ff. Malasamskara. Mālāsaṃskāra. It begins with "oṃ namaḥ paradevatāyai".

(13) Samans (Svaras not marked. Bhana srotra, Mahadivakirtya, Dharmavidharma, Pursaratnanugana,

Tavasyaviya, etc.

Śivapūjāvidhi. Incomplete.

(14) 1 f. Sivapujavidhi. Pārthivapūjāvidhi. Begins with "atha Pārthivapūjāvidhirlikhyate". Incomplete.

(15) 1 f. Unidentified text.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 42.

(C 42)

Or. 8863

Sanskrit, palm leaf, Grantha script.

Ramayana (Sundara kanda).

Rāmāyana, Sundara Kānda, by Valmiki.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 43.

(C 43)

Or. 8864

Sanskrit, paper and buton palm leaf, 23 ff., ink, thick Denanagari script type.

Ramayana (Sundara kanda).

Mañjuśrīnāmasaṁgīti. One binding hole in the middle of the leaves. The 12th folio is written on paper, but

the rest are leaves. The text starts with "namo Mañjunāthāya".

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 44.

(C 44)

Or. 8865

Sanskrit, palm leaf, Malayalam script.

Vrddha cankaya Rajanitisastra.

Vrddha-cāṇakya Rājanitiśāstra, by Sri Chanakya (fl. 4th cent. CE).

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 45.

(C 45)

Or. 8866

Sanskrit, Bengali script.

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Mahanataka. A fragment only.

Mahānātaka by King Devaraya II (ca. 1423-1446).

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 46.

(C 46)

Or. 8867

Collection of texts in Sanskrit, paper, 35 ff.

(1) 12 ff.. Unidentified text.

(2) Bengali script. Mahabharata (Santi parvan danadharma section).

(3) Unidentified text.

(4) Unidentified text.

Mahābhārata - Śānti-parvan ­- dānadharma. Beginning: "ōṃ namo gaṇeśāya".

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 47.

(C 47)

Or. 8868

Sanskrit, 2 ff., Bengali script.

Isa stava from Kasikhanda.

Īśa-stava from Kāśikhanda.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 48.

(C 48)

Or. 8869

Sanskrit, Bengali script.

Sararathadarsini, chapters 36-38 lacking.

Sārārthadarśini, by Visvanatha, 1704 CE.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 49.

(C 49)

Or. 8870

Sanskrit, paper, 3 ff. Bengali script.

Dolayatra vidhi.

Dolāyātrāvidhi. Beginning: "ōṃ gaṇeśāya namaḥ".

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 50.

(C 50)

Or. 8871

Sanskrit, paper, 50 ff., Bengali script.

Bhradaranyaka Upanisad with the bhasya of Sankara.

Bṛhadāraṇyakopaniṣad - Śaṅkarabhāṣya, by Śaṅkara. Beginning: "ōṃ namo brahmaṇe".

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 51.

(C 51)

Or. 8872

Sanskrit, Bengali script

Brahmasutra, beginning lacking.

Śārīrakasūtra. Beginning: "ōṃ namaḥ śivāya".

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 52.

(C 52)

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Or. 8873

Sanskrit, paper, 3 ff.

Unidentified text’’ (Voorhoeve).

Śrīśyāmāṣṭottaraśatam -Saṅkīrtanam. Incomplete.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 53.

(C 53)

Or. 8874


Aparadhabhanjana stotra, in 17 verses, from the Gupta tantrarnava. Identification done by the Leiden

Indologist F.B.J. Kuiper (1907-2003).

Aparādhabaṅjana Stotra, in 17 verses : from the Gupta Tantrarnava.

Provenance: Van Manen Collection, 1957. Raghavan list No. 54.

(C 54)

Or. 8875

Arabic, Persian, 41 large (17 x 11.5 cm) and 10 small (5 x 7 cm) photographs, and typewritten notes (2 ff.), kept

in a portfolio. Original copied on 20 Safar 967 (1559) by Galal b. Muhammad Ba-Kilingar (?) al-Daylami

(colophon on f. 20a). Original in full-leather binding with blind tooled ornamentation.

Mi’at Kalima, the 100 sayings ascribed to the Imam `Ali b. Abi Talib (d. 40/661), GAL G I, 43. A calligraphic

and illustrated manuscript. Arabic text with a short Persian translation, Sad Kalima, not the lengthy one by

Rashid al-Din Ahmad b. Ishaq al-Watwat (d. 573/1177 or 578/1182), as becomes clear from comparison with

Fleischer’s edition of 1837.

f. 1a. Persian quatrain in a later hand.

ff. 1b-2a. Two drawings by Bihzad b. Mansur.

ff. 2b-3b. Sayings 1-7 of Fleischer’s edition.

f. 4. Sayings 44-48, 50.

ff. 5-6. Sayings 14-25.

f. 7. Sayings 38-43.

f. 8. Sayings 74, 86, 87, 88, 83, 84

f. 9a. Sayings 8, 9, 10.

f. 9b. Miniature by Manohar Hindi, painted on top of text. Signed Raqam Ser-Ghulam Manuhar Hindi


ff. 10-11. Sayings 26-37.

ff. 12-13. Sayings 51-62.

f. 14. Sayings 76, 77, 79, 78, 80, 89.

f. 15. Sayings 68-73.

f. 16a. Sayings 82, 81, first quart of 97.

f. 16b. Miniature by Manohar Hindi, painted on top of text. Signed Raqam Ser-Ghulam Manuhar Hindi


f. 17. Sayings 85, 75, 90, 91, 92, 93.

f. 18. Sayings 94, 95, 96, 98, 100, 99.

f. 19. Sayings 63, 64, 49, 65, 65, 66, 67.

f. 20a. Colophon.

ff. 20b-21a. Two drawings by Bihzad b. Mansur.

f. 21b. Blank.

This means that the order of the leaves is disturbed. The correct order is ff. 1-2-3-9-5-6-10-11-7-4-12-13-19-15-8-

14 [or: 14-8]-17-18-16-20-21. Sayings 11, 12, 13 that should have been on f. 9b, and the last three quarters of

saying 97 that should have been on f. 16b, are lacking. This means that the two miniatures on ff. 9b, 16b have

come on top of the text, and these are, therefore, later than the date of the text.

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Photographs of a manuscript that had been offered for sale in the National Museum of Ethnography. Pencil

notes on the versos of the photographs call the provenance of the original manuscript ‘Collection Horbach’

which could not be identified.

Added: A typewritten description (1 f.) of the contents in Dutch by P. Voorhoeve (1 f.) which was used for the

present description, and unsigned notes (1 f.) in French. Voorhoeve has made the reconstruction of the

correct order of the leaves, which is given above.

Provenance: Presented in 1956-1957 to the Library by the National Museum of Ethnography in Leiden.

[* Ar. 3214]

Or. 8876

Turkish, paper, [1] + 192 + [1] ff., Naskh script, dated 1222 (1807-1808), copied by Mulla Muhammad b. Usta

Qasim al-Qara’oli (Qaragholi), colophon on f. 192a, leather binding.

Dhayl-i Siyar-i Nabawi, by Yusus Nabi (d. 1124/1712), sequel to Siyar-i Waysi, by Uways b. Muhammad, Waysi

(d. 1037/1628).

See Jan Schmidt, Catalogue of Turkish manuscripts, vol. 2 (2002), pp. 406-407.

Provenance: Purchased in 1957 from Mr. Paul Valkema Blouw, an antiquarian bookseller and a scholar on

the history of typography, in Amsterdam

(Ar. 3215)

Or. 8877-Or. 8903

Collection of Ngaju Dayak texts from Dr. Hans Schaerer (1904-1947), received in the Library in 1957 through

the intermediary of J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong (1886-1964). The Ngaju Dayak live in Central Kalimantan,

Indonesia. See also Marko Mahin, ‘Guide to the Hans Schärer Manuscripts, Collection Number: Or. 8877-

8902, Department of Oriental Manuscripts, Leiden University Library’ (unpublished, without date, 2003 or

earlier).9 The sources for the here-following survey of the Schaerer notebooks with Ngaju Dayak texts are 1.

The entries in the Leiden ‘Journaal’, pp. 202-203 (as written by P. Voorhoeve in 1957); and 2. Marko Mahin’s

Guide of c. 2003. Short versions of Mahin’s description are given between the asterisk and the reference to

his Guide. In his Guide Mahin gives detailed tables of contents of the Schaerer exercise books.

* These manuscripts comprise 246 exercise books with hand-written notes in the old Ngaju Dayak language,

which deal with the folkways and rituals of the Ngaju Dayak. (Mahin, Guide, p. 2).

Or. 8877

Ngaju Dayak, paper, 4 exercise books.

Kopfjagd bei den Katinganern.

* Or. 8877 contains 5 exercise-books. Book 1 to Book 4 are about how to held headhunting, especially about

rituals before and after headhunting. Book 5 deals various topics and myth of origin by A. Katjong, a

prominent story teller in Katingan River, the area where Schärer had did his ministry. (Mahin, Guide, p. 3).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3334)

Or. 8878 a-c

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Der Totenkult der Kahaianer, exercise books 4-75.

* Or. 8878 contains 73 exercise-books, which are divided in three parts: Or. 8878a contains 23 exercise-

books, 8878b contains 25 exercise-books, and 8878c contains 25 exercise-books). These all deal with the

three stages of the mortuary ritual, Tiwah. These manuscripts were written by Johannes Salilah, the main

9 On December 3, 2018, Mr. Marko Mahin gave me permission to publish his Guide on the internet. It can now be

viewed at this address: <http://www.islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/Mahin-2003-Guide-


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informant of Schärer and were completed at Kuala Kapuas on 12 May, 1939. The Creation Myth, which was

used by Schärer as his core work in the writing of his dissertation and is an appendix in the Ngaju Religion,

is located in these manuscripts, in Or. 8878b Book 1 page 16 to Book 2 page 33. (Mahin, Guide, pp. 3-4).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3335, Mal. 3336, Mal. 3337)

Or. 8879

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Texte zum Totenkult der Kahaianer., exercise books 11-12.

* Or. 8879 contains 11 exercise-books about how to hold Balian Tantulak Matei, the second phase of

mortuary ritual, primarily consisting of chants to dispatch the souls to appropriate cosmological locations

where they will await further processing. (Mahin, Guide, p. 4).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3338)

Or. 8880

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Tod und Bestattung am Kahaian, 15 exercise books.

* Or. 8880 contains 17 exercise-books about meaning of epithets and names of people, how to prophecy the

future, various black magic various taboos and various kinds of death. (Mahin, Guide, p. 4).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3339)

Or. 8881

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Der Totenkult der Katinganer, 2 exercise books.

* Or. 8881 contains 2 exercise-books about how to call the preceding bird (Manajah Antang) and history of a

shrine in Tumbang Mantikei (Karamat in Tumbang Mantikei). (Mahin, Guide, pp. 3-4).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3340)

Or. 8882

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Der Totenkult der Katinganer, 13 exercise books.

* Or. 8882 contains 12 exercise-books about the funeral ritual, and lamentation during the funeral

ceremony. (Mahin, Guide, p. 4).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3341)

Or. 8883

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Sansana Kajau Poelang, 5 exercise books.

* Or. 8883 contains 5 exercise-books about the origin of people made sacred statue, and some stories Kayau

Pulang by A. Katjong. (Mahin, Guide, p. 5).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3342)

Or. 8884

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise book.

Sial ttg. Manslak sial. 1 exercise book.

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* Or. 8884 contains just 1 exercise-book about ritual to reject misfortune. (Mahin, Guide, p. 5).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3343)

Or. 8885

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Der Feldbau der Katinganer. 10 exercise books.

* Or. 8885 contains 10 exercise-books about rituals for the opening unirrigated agricultural fields. (Mahin,

Guide, p. 5).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3344)

Or. 8886

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Katinganische Eulenspiegelgeschichten. 18 exercise books.

* Or. 8886 contains 18 exercise-books about stories of Umang. (Mahin, Guide, p. 5).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3345)

Or. 8887

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Erklärungen zu den Priesterkarten. 7 exercise books.

* Or. 8887 contains 7 exercise-books with information about the journey of the soul towards heaven, the

names of the Jatas and how to hold Balian Balaku Untung ceremony. (Mahin, Guide, p. 5).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3346)

Or. 8888

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Katinganische Erzählungen, 22 exercise books.

* Or. 8888 contains 22 exercise-books about various stories from Katingan (Sasana Umang, Nule, Pang Awi,

Silai, Kayau Pulang, gawi bajaya/badewa). (Mahin, Guide, p. 5).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3347)

Or. 8889

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Der Hexenglaube bei den Olon Katinganern. 9 exercise books.

* Or. 8889 contains 9 exercise-books about various taboos, the origin of hantuen or witches, the origin of

rice and the ceremony to propitiate supernatural beings/manawur. (Mahin, Guide, p. 5).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3348)

Or. 8890

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Aus dem katinganischen Recht. 7 exercise books.

* Or. 8890 contains 8 writing books about fines, wedding, and funeral ceremony. (Mahin, Guide, p. 5).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3349)

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Or. 8891

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Sansana Taele. Exercise books 95, 97-102.

* Or. 8891 contains 7 exercise-books that its content about the stories of Gutu Mayang. (Mahin, Guide, p. 5).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3350)

Or. 8892

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Sansana. Exercise books 38, 40.

* Or. 8892 contains 2 exercise- books about Story (sansana) of Patun Tapang. (Mahin, Guide, p. 5).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3353)

Or. 8893

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Tamparan Oetoes Tambon Boengai. 2 exercise books.

* Or. 8893 contains 2 exercise-books about Story of Tambun Bungai written by pambakal A. Menggang in

Tumbang Marak on 22 December 1938. (Mahin, Guide, p. 5).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3354)

Or. 8894

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Kedjadian hong djimian horan. 1 exercise book.

* Or. 8894 contains 1 exercise-book about various stories. (Mahin, Guide, p. 5).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3355)

Or. 8895

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Matja-matjam sarita. 1 exercise book.

* Or. 8895 contains 1 exercise-book about various stories written by L. Dagan in Tumbang Marak. (Mahin,

Guide, p. 5).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3356)

Or. 8896

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise book.

Hadat … hoema. 1 exercise book.

* Or. 8895 contains 1 exercise-book about ritual to build a house. (Mahin, Guide, p. 5).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3357)

Or. 8897

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise book.

Geschichte von Lahang. 1 exercise book.

* Or. 8897 contains 1 exercise-book about the story of Tumbang Lahang village by Rev. Isun Birim (1935).

(Mahin, Guide, p. 5).

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Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3358)

Or. 8898

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Saritan Katingan. 2 exercise books.

* Or.8898 contains 2 exercise-books story about Silai by Th. Galam Sindi. This myth was used by Schärer and

can be seen in appendix of the Ngaju Religion. (Mahin, Guide, p. 6).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3359)

Or. 8899

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise book.

Kasana L. 1 exercise book.

* Or. 8899 contains 1 exercise-book about story of Tambun Bungai by B. Bahan. (Mahin, Guide, p. 6).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3360)

Or. 8900

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Kasanan Baloe … Exercercise books 54-56.

* Or. 8900 contains 3 exercise-books about story of Balun Indang Ajung Karuhei. (Mahin, Guide, p. 6).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3361)

Or. 8901

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Tangingan Katingan. 2 exercise books.

* Or. 8901 contains 2 exercise-books about some proverbs and idiomatic expressions of the Ngaju Dayak

people at Katingan River. (Mahin, Guide, p. 6).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3362)

Or. 8902

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise book.

Zeichnungen. 1 exercise book.

* Or. 8902 is a drawing-book that contains 10 sketches. (Mahin, Guide, p. 6).

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3363)

Or. 8903

Ngaju Dayak, paper, exercise books.

Notes by Hans Schaerer. 5 exercise books. In these: Todesanzeige.

* Not in Mahin, Guide.

Provenance: Hans Schaerer collection, received in 1957 from J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong.

(Mal. 3364)

Or. 8904

Collective volume with texts in Persian and Arabic, paper, 120 ff., nasta`liq script, illustrations, full-leather


Page 327: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

(1) ff. 1b-49a. Persian. Risala fil-Hay’a by `Ala’ al-Din `Ali b. Muhammad al-Qushgi (d. 879/1474-1475). Text

identified with MS London, IOL, Ethé 2240. With figures, both in the text and in the margin. Copied by Ibn

Isma`il Muhammad Bahabadi (colophon on f. 49a).

(2) ff. 49b-50a. Arabic. Notes of juridical contents, on matters of ritual purity. Later addition.

(3) f. 50b. Persian. Gadwal-i Kisa-yi `Arab, with Gadwal and figure.

(4) ff. 51b-93a. Commentary on Mukhtasar dar Ma`rifat-i Taqwim, in thirty sections, the Si Fasl, by Nasir al-

Din Muhammad al-Tusi (d. 672/1274), GAL G I, 508. Several illustrations (astronomical figures). With figures

and gadawil. Copied by Ibn Isma`il Muhammad Bahabadi (colophon on f. 93a).

(5) ff. 93b-94a. On birthday magic, with a figure. Later addition, dated Rabi` I 1232 (1817).

(6) ff. 94b-119b. Mukhtasar dar Ma`rifat-i Taqwim, in thirty sections, the Si Fasl, by Nasir al-Din Muhammad

al-Tusi (d. 672/1274), GAL G I, 508. Several illustrations (astronomical figures). Incomplete at the end

(abrupt end in Fasl 29).

- Added on loose leaf: a page from an Arabic prayer book.

Provenance: Purchased in December 1957 from Mr. Frits Knuf, antiquarian bookseller in Amsterdam.

[* Ar. 3216]

Or. 8905

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, with some Malay, European laid paper (watermarks), 20 x 15 cm, 130

ff., Naskh script in several different hands, cloth binding. A manuscript from Indonesia, possibly from Aceh.

Inside the frontcover is a paste-in page with text in Malay. Ff. 1a-2a. Notes and scribbling in Arabic and


(1) ff. 2b-11b. al-Isaghugi by Athir al-Din al-Mufaddal b. `Umar al-Abhari (d. 663/1265), GAL G I, 464. Dated

Dhu al-Qa`da Friday, in the early morning, but copyist nor year are mentioned (colophon on f. 11b).

(2) ff. 11b-14a. `Aqida. The same text as `Aqida V as mentioned by Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 19, but the Arabic

text only, not the interlinear translation.

(3) ff. 14a-16a. Nazm al-Salawat, anonymous.

(4) ff. 16a-24b. Rhymed version of Umm al-Barahin by Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi (d.

892/1486), GAL G II, 250. Text on f. 19 cut out.

(5) ff. 24b-26b. A rhymed Wasiyya by an author who calls himself `Abduhu al-Muwaffaq, 46 lines in all, with

Malay translaton in the margins.

(6) ff. 27a-33b. Manzuma fil-Tawhid by Ahmad [b. Muhammad] al-Madani (= al-Qushashi d. 1071/1660), GAL

G II, 392. Identical with MS Jakarta KBG 117 Arab., pp. 364-410, as checked against the microfilm in Leiden F.

Or. A 28b (6).

(7) ff. 33b-34a. Short grammatical Urguza, 7 lines in all.

(8) ff. 34b-35a. Abridged versified introduction to al-Qasida al-Shatibiyya, being Hirz al-Amani wa-Wagh al-

Tahani, the versification by al-Qasim b. Firroh al-Shatibi (d. 590/1194), GAL G I, 409, of al-Taysir fil-Qira’at

al-Sab` by `Uthman b. Sa`id al-Dani (d. 444/1053), GAL G I, 407.

(9) f. 35b. Lines of poetry on saying the Shahada.

(10) ff. 35b-37a. Prose fragments in Malay, followed by notes and fragments in Arabic and Malay.

(11) ff. 37b-108a. Nazm Abu Shuga`, or Nihayat al-Tadrib fi Nazm al-Taqrib, versification by Sharaf al-Din

Yahya al-`Amriti (c. 989/1581), GAL S II, 441, of al-Taqrib fil-Fiqh by Abu Shuga` al-Isfahani (d. after 500/1106),

GAL G I, 392. Illumination on f. 37b. Marginal and interlinear notes in Arabic. Copied on a Tuesday in the

early morning in the month Muharram by Teungku Panggal (colophon on f. 108a).

(12) ff. 108b-115b. Gawharat al-Tawhid by Ibrahim al-Laqani (d. 1041/1631), GAL G II, 316. Complete copy with

some glosses in Malay and Arabic.

(13) ff. 115b-121a. al-Urguza al-Bayaniyya, or Manzuma fil-Ma`ani wal-Bayan, by Muhammad b. Muhammad

Ibn al-Shihna al-Halabi (d. 815/1412), GAL G II, 141.

(14) ff. 121b-129a. Rhymed version by Sharaf al-Din Yahya al-`Amriti (c. 989/1581), GAL S I, 672 (where the

title is given as Lata’if al-Isharat ila Tashil al-Turuqat li-Nazm al-Waraqat fil-Usul al-Fiqhiyya; GAL S II, 441

gives as title Tashil al-Turuqat fi Nazm al-Waraqat) of Waraqat al-Usul by `Abd al-Malik b. `Abdallah al-

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Guwayni (d. 478/1085), GAL S I, 672. In the colophon the text is simply called Usul al-Fiqh. Dated a Thursday

in the month Safar, at noon, copied by Labi Suwayq and his friend (sahib) Teungku Panggal (colophon on f.

129a). F. 129b. Blank. Ff. 130a-b. Notes, fragments, in Malay and Arabic.

Earlier provenance: From the estate of A.Ph. van Aken (d. 1936), governor of Aceh and dependencies.

Provenance: Received in December 1957 from Mr. A.J. Vlaer, The Hague.

[* Ar. 3217]

Or. 8906

Mandailing Batak, paper, 136 ff. (every other leaf written on both sides).

At the beginning a loose strip of paper with text: ‘Deze copie is vervaardigd door den zoon van Professor J.

Kinker. Het oorspronkelijk handschrift berust thans in de Universiteitsbibliotheek te Turin. Januarij 1869.

(get.) Hp.’ Outside is a strip of paper, pasted to the book, with printed text, possibly from an auction

catalogue: ‘930 (Copie) van "Een boek op de bast van een boom geschreven, gekomen uit het rijk Tipora aan

den Ganges’. According the catalogue of the antiquarian bookseller C.P.J. van der Peet in Amsterdam

(catalogue 8, No. 22, which is the present manuscript), this is a copy of a Batak manuscript, which belonged

to the the widow Enschedé in Haarlem. H.N. van der Tuuk (1824-1894) has made notes from this Enschedé

manuscript (now Or.3417, see Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici, pp. 109-110). From that one may conclude that

the copy is rather accurate. Some facsimiles drawn by H.C. Millies (1810-1868) from this manuscript can be

found in Or. 5006 B 2. The original had already before 1819 been identified as Batak, see Or. 8326, above. The

pages with text bear the page numbers of the Batak pages from which they have been copied, that is 5 + 28

on every side of the strip of treebark. The most important texts are rambu siporhas and panuruni na bolon.

Among the smaller texts and subdivisions one can find, e.g.: porgadja(a)n (with 8 animals), harahar ni

bulan, rambu na toga, rambu si tolu pulu, ari panumpur, daon ni batu rakrak, pangulubalang sitaeram,

pangulubalang sibalik hontas, pandabu harahar ni

musunta, porpangiron na morgowar sitangkup pinggan, rambu garuda, ari manombir. There is a tabas,

beginning: hutaja ho hutaja ho Boru Sopang Panaluwan...

The entire manuscript has been written for Guru Debata ni adji, who is called with a goar hinabile Guru

Tuhason ni adji (of the marga) Sihahan. The southern ta and the northern wa are used. Voorhoeve has not

found names of localities, nor dialect words, except demban, but then with a meaning unknown to him, that

is: asa dademban ma anak badjang di sombaon na laga. The chain of transmission in the beginning of the

rambu siporhas-text goes as follows:

na toding Datu Guru Tubu ni adji

asa ro ma di Sorba ni adji guru na bolon

asa ro ma di Datu Sungga (according to Millies, in Or. 5006 B, Sunggu ni adji guru na bolon

asa ro ma di Datu Bondang ni adji

asa ro ma di ho amang Guru Debata ni adji.

The original pustaha appears to have come in the library in Torino, Italy, and was most probably lost in the

fire of 1904. Or. 3417, pp. 109-110, contains excerpts in Latin script by van der Tuuk from this manuscript. Van

der Tuuk uses in his transcription the tj and therefore considered the text as being in Mandailing Batak.

Voorhoeve, Codices Batacici (1977), pp. 174, 256-257).

Provenance: Purchased in January 1958 from C.P.J. van der Peet, antiquarian bookseller in Amsterdam

(catalogue 8, No. 22).

(Mal. 3352)

Or. 8907

Persian, paper, 256 ff., nasta`liq script, dated Ramadan 1010 (1602), full-leather Islamic binding. Illustrations.

Kitab `Aga’ib al-Makhluqat wa-Ghara’ib al-Mawgudat, a Persian translation of the Arabic work going by that

name, by Zakariya’ b. Muhammad al-Qazwini (d. 682/1283), GAL G I, 481. Numerous illustrations in the text,

often illustrating just one or two sentences. These have been identified primarily with the help of the text of

the present manuscript itself, and in addition to that with the German translation of volume 1 of the Arabic

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text (by Hermann Éthé, Leipzig 1868), of the edition of the Arabic text (by F. Wüstenfeld, Göttingen 1848-

1849), the illustrated lithographed edition of the Persian text (Teheran 1283), and Norah M. Titley’s

Miniatures from Persian Manuscripts (London 1977).

On ff. 3a-5a is a list of captions to some of the illustrations.

f. 1b. Il1uminated sarlawh.

f. 10a. Schematic overview or diagram of the celestial spheres (gold, silver, blue).

f. 11a. The moon.

f. 11a. The moon illuminated by the sun.

f. 11 b. Illustration of the cause of the lunar eclipse.

f. 13b. The planet Mercury: a scholar with writing utensils, holding a bundle of paper in his hand.

f. 13b. The planet Venus: a female player of a harp-like string instrument.

f. 14a. The sun, a portrait.

f. 15b. The planet Mars: a warrior (five arms visible) holding his paraphernalia: severed head, brazier with

burning material, sword, crown, and scorpion.

f. 16a. The planet Jupiter: an astronomer with astrolabe, notebook and inkwell.

f. 16a. The planet Saturn: an old king (seven arms visible) sitting on his throne, with his paraphernalia:

rosary, pick, sieve, shovel, crown, club, rat.

f. 16b. The fixed stars in the sky.

f. 18b. Constellation Bootes (al-`Awwa’): a man standing with a stick in his hand.

f. 19a. Constellation Cassiopeia (Qat al-Kursi): a lady sitting on a chair.

f. 19b. Constellation Snake-bearer (al-Hawwa wal-Hayya): a man standing upright, with a snake in his two


f. 20a. Constellation Foal (Qit`at al-Faras): front half of a horse.

f. 20b. Zodiacal sign Aries (al-Hamal).

f. 21a. Zodiacal sign Taurus (al-Thawr).

f. 21a. Zodiacal sign Gemini (al-Gawza’).

f. 21b. Zodiacal sign Cancer (al-Saratan).

f. 21b. Zodiacal sign Leo (al-Asad).

f. 21 b. Zodiacal sign Virgo (al-Sunbula).

f. 22a. Zodiacal sign Libra (al-Mizan).

f. 22a. Zodiacal sign Scorpio (al-`Aqrab).

f. 22a. Zodiacal sign Sagittarius (al-Qaws).

f. 22b. Zodiacal sign Capricorn (al-Gady).

f. 22b. Zodiacal sign Aquarius (al-Dalw).

f. 22b. Zodiacal sign Pisces (Hut).

f. 23a. Constellation Orion (al-Gabbar): a standing man bearing a sword, with a stick in his hand.

f. 23b. Constellation of Canis Major (al-Kalb al-Akbar): a dog.

f. 28b. The highest sphere (Falak al-Aflak): a schematic overview or diagram.

f. 29b. The bearers of God’s throne (Hamalat al-`Arsh): four angels.

f. 30a. The angel Israfil.

f. 31a. The angel Gibra’il.

f. 31a. The angel Mikha’il.

f. 31b. The angel `Azra’il.

f. 32b. The angels of the Heavens (Mala’ikat al-Samawat): twelve angels.

f. 33a. The angels Munkar and Nakir, sitting alongside a tomb.

f. 33b. The cursed angels Harut and Marut, hanging upside down in darkness.

f. 27b. Two astronomers. One demonstrates the circular instrument by which the beginning of the months

can be calculated.

f. 48b. Demonstration of the reflection of light. A man sitting looks in a mirror. A book lies before him.

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f. 52b. The inhabitants of the island al-Zabig (Java?): a tree, two white monkeys, a flying cat, a muskus rat, a

chamois-like animal on rocks (red fur with white dots), a large bear-like animal eating an elephant.

f. 53a. More inhabitants of the island al-Zabig (Java): a tree, four winged ladies (two white and two black), a

peacock, a buri-bird, a parrot. See the reproduction of this miniature in Michael F. Laffan, ‘From Zâbaj to

Jâwa’, in IIAS Newsletter 35 (November 2004), p. 17 (with incorrect caption, since the Nasnas-people are on f.

255a of the present manuscript.

f. 54a. The inhabitants of the island Waq Waq. A crowned queen on a throne, sitting under a tree. She wears

a trouser just like her servant standing next to her. Further six nude slave girls, offering food or fetching

water from a brook. The tree bears fruits in the shape of humans and animals.

f. 54b. The inhabitants of the island al-Thawran: a donkey, two rhinoceros’ under a tree.

f. 55a. Five seamen on a ship on the Chinese Sea. They are greeted by naked indigenous women (four black,

one white) who are standing in the sea.

f. 55b. Two birds, one chasing the other. A fish in a brook. In the landscape rocks, a tree and flowers. The

name of one of them is garmasa. Apparently, they are on an island in the Chinese Sea.

f. 56a. The crayfish, that comes out of the water, also on one of the islands in the Chinese Sea.

f. 57a. The inhabitants of the is land of Bartayil in the Indian Sea, situated near Zabig (Java). A man and two

women near a tree, on the shore of a brook. In the mountain a rhinoceros is visible. One of the women holds

a crayfish in her hand.

f. 58a. The inhabitants of the Island of the Castle (Gazirat al-Qasr) in the Indian Sea. The white castle. In and

around are five beings with dog heads, one of them with clothing, the others naked. From the right Iskandar

Dhu al-Qarnayn looks at them from his ship.

f. 58b. The inhabitants of the Nicobars in the Indian Sea (manuscript: Gazirat al-Kanus (?); translation H.

Éthé: Gazirat Langabalus), who are naked and who are standing on the shore), are bartering with traders on

a ship.

f. 59a. The Island of the Dragon in the Indian Sea (Gazirat al-Tinnin). The dragon is chasing two cows. The

inhabitants look at it from a distance.

f. 59b. A flying fish.

f. 60a. The Cow-Fish (gawmahi), with a sort of column on its head, swimming in the water. The narwal?

f. 61a. The inhabitants of the Island Harik in the Persian Sea. One is swimming in the sea to catch pearls

from shells. One on the shore is holding the pearl fisher with a line, and another one on the shore is looking

in a shell.

f. 61b. Three species of fish living in the Tigris near al-Basra, with names according to al-Gahiz: suyur, giraf,


f. 62a. Two dragon fish, samaka-yi tinnin, with sharp teeth protruding from their mouth.

f. 62a. Three other fish from the Persian Sea, one with a rounded horn coming out of the lower part of its


f. 62b. The ship with traders from Isfahan. They have just left a companion on the island, who is now

banging on a drum, in order to save the vessel from a dangerous whirlpool.

f. 63a. The merchant from Isfahan is lifted from the island by a large bird and brought to a village. The

villagers look at this filled with amazement.

f. 64a. Three fish from the Red Sea (Bahr al-Qulzum).

f. 64b. A fish from the Red Sea with a cow-like head, and two other fish, and a sea turtle.

f. 65b. The inhabitants of the Island of al-`Ur, in the Zanzibar Sea. The teller of the story chases away cranes

with a stick. Three others are looking.

f. 66a. The inhabitants of the Island of the sagsar (dog-headed creatures) in the Zanzibar Sea. They have

caught a fat man. Two other men are sitting in a house, waiting to be eaten by the Sagsar people.

f. 66b. The teller of the story is mounted by a man who does not wish to dismount anymore. The latter is

now able to pick fruits from a tree. Three handsome men are sitting and looking.

f. 66b. A large fish from the Sea of Zanzibar. It is the saw fish, samakat al-minshar. The teller, a merchant, is

looking at it from ashore.

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f. 67a. A whale (samak naffal dhu al-bal) in the Zanzibar Sea. Three merchants on a ship are looking at the

animal. On shore two people look as well. Also a sea-snake eating a fish, and ashore a gazelle is visible.

f. 68a. A fish caught in the Western Sea, Bahr al-Magrib. It is examined by two people ashore. They find the

text of the Shahada written behind its ears.

f. 69a. Two flying fish, called Swallow (khattaf), in the Western Sea.

f. 69b. The dream of caliph al-Wathiq billah. A large fish is caught in the Caspian Sea, and when its ear is

opened, a ravishing young girl emerges.

f. 70b. The sea hare (arnab al-bahr).

f. 71a. The crocodile (al-timsah) in the water, here depicted as a sort of dragon.

f. 72a. The dragon (al-tinnin), depicted in Chinese style in a rocky landscape.

f. 73b. The crayfish (saratan), on the water, near the shore.

f. 73b. The sea crayfish (saratan al-bahr), looking like five snakes with one common head.

f. 74a. Merchants preparing food on a small island with vegetation. It is in fact the back of a giant sea turtle.

f. 75a. The frog (dafda`).

f. 76a. The leech (`alaq).

f. 76a. The hippopotamus (faras al-ma’), here depicted as three land horses playing in the water amidst the


f. 77a. The water hedgehog (qunfudh al-ma’), here depicted as a fish with a head as a land hedgehog and four

legs, but with a fish-like body. It is several times as big as a cow. An observer is watching.

f. 77b. The water dog (kalb al-ma'), here depicted as a land dog in the water.

f. 79a. Schematic overview of the seven climata.

f. 82a. The mountain Bisitun. King Parwiz and his concubine Shirin meeting in a mountainous area. Also

two attendants. The cobbler Farhad looks at them from afar.

f. 84b. The Sleapers in the Cave in Mountain al-Raqim, who are mentioned in sura 17 of the Qur’an. Eight

people lie sleaping on the ground and two are standing.

f. 85b. The mountain Sabalan, near Ardabil. It is the highest mountain in the world. A brook flows down

from high in the mountain. It is full of trees and flowery plants. Two men walk on the mountain, three man

stand on a meadow near a brook. A woman with uncovered upper part of her body sits near the water.

f. 87a. The mountain of Sinai (Tur Sina). Moses is praying near the summit.

f. 87b. The mountains of Farghana, where there are plants which have flowers with human faces.

f. 89a. The mountain of India (Gabal al-Hind) with two lion statues from whose mouth water flows. An

observer is looking from on top of the mountain.

f. 89b. The mountain Yala Yasham near Qazwin. High in the mountain one can see petrified people and

cattle: a herdsman holding a stick, and a woman milking a cow.

f. 93b. The river Nile (Nahr al-Nil). The river with two fish. On shore two farmers with their instruments.

f. 95b. Illumination in the text, in order to save space for the illustration on the next page.

f. 96a. The Source of Darab, in Khuzistan. Whoever bathes in its water, his feet become entangled in the

water weeds, and the more so if he struggles to come free. But if one does not make an effort to struggle, the

weeds loosen up by themselves. In the upper half two men and one woman are stuck in the water. In the

lower half two of the same three persons are sitting next to a rock, with their feet freed.

f. 97b. The Source of Mushaffar (Arabic: al-Mushaqqaq) in the Higaz. The Prophet Muhammad (here

depicted as a flame) addresses his companions and performs the miracle of abundance of water. The

surroundings of the source become verdant. From a distance, attendants with a horse and a camel are


f. 99a. The Source of Yasi Gemen (white brook), between Erzerum and Akhlat. It is a powerfully spouting

source. Animals that approach the source die. Skeletons and skulls are scattered around the spouting

source. Two men look at it from some distance.

f. 118b. The balsam (balsan) tree from `Ayn Shams in Egypt. A Christian specialist knows how to prepare the

extract. This is a family secret. On one side of the tree two m n are preparing balsam in a kettle on fire. On

the other side a man is standing with a book in his hand.

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f. 121a. Illumination in order to create space for the illustration on the next page.

f. 121b. The dalab-tree, known in Persian as ganar, one of the highest trees. Its leaves resemble a hand with

five fingers. It is a favourite tree for nests, because it protects against bats.

f. 122a. The pomegranate tree (rumman).

f. 123b. The cypres (sarw). An observer is standing next to it.

f. 124b. The shabab tree. lts leaves resemble fish.

f. 126a. Illumination in order to create space for the illustration on the next page.

f. 126b. The pepper tree (filfil), from India. It permanently needs water at its roots. Here shown on the shore

of a pond, with three fish in it.

f. 127b. The campher tree. The gum, or campher water, is streaming down from its branch. According to

tradition a certain animal, called babr (tiger), is living near it. The tree with flowing juice is depicted

together with a tiger-like animal.

f. 131 b. The date palm (nakhl).

f. 133a. The jasmine tree (yasamin).

f. 135a. The eggplant (badingan), with some fruits.

f. 136a. The onion plant (basal).

f. 138a. Illumination in order to create space for the illustration on the next page.

f. 138b. A maglis of Kisra Anushirwan who is speaking with the messenger of the king of India. Several sorts

of aromatic fruits are shown and discussed. One of these is kabar (Arabic: lasaf), capers. A maglis in the

open air, with the king seated on a carpet, under a palanquin. Five men sit in front of him. The capers are on

two bowls.

f. 140a. King Kisra Anushirwan has followed the snake to the hole of a cave, where he sees a killed snake and

a scorpion, at the distance of a spear. One of his nobles throws a spear. The snake later spits out a certain

black seed from which the rayhan plant grew (basilicum). A noble holds his spear down through the hole of

the cave. The first snake sits next to him. An attendant is looking. Inside the cave are the dead snake and


f. 149b. Illuminated headpiece, marking the beginning of the fourth section {martaba) on human beings.

f. 152b. Illustration of sakha’, munificence. Hatim al-Ta’i, the personification of munificence, pays the

ransom for a prisoner to his Christian captor, the king of Rum. In a palace room, the captive is sitting with

his hands bound on his back, while Hatim and the king are negotiating over him.

f. 153a. Illumination in order to create space for the miniature on the next page.

f. 153b. Illustration of shuga’a, courage. `Ali b. Abi Talib {with his face veiled, and a flamed nimbus) killing

his adversary, Abdud at the khandaq by cutting him in two halves. Both warriors are on horseback.

Partisans are looking from a distance. The Prophet Mubammad, here depicted as a flamed nimbus, is

among them. Green and red banners come out of the text border.

f. 155b. Illumination in order to create space for the miniature on the next page.

f. 156a. Illustration of bukhl, avarice. Illustration of the story of the Teacher from Mosul, talking with his

servant on the matter of the replaced oil press. Two men in an interior, the teacher sitting before a carpet,

with his writing utensils, his servant standing in attendance.

f. 163a. Illustration of the intelligent diagnostic methods of a certain medical doctor. Depicted is an interior,

in which the patient is sitting, his wife standing behind him, and next to him a bowl of fruit. He is talking to

the physician who is sitting opposite to him, and whose servant stands behind him in attendance.

f. 167b. A scene in the open air. Two Muslims, a man and a woman, are guided towards a grave dug out in

the soil, by a Christian man (?) and woman.

f. 168b. The town in which the plague rages. Two visitors walk around, and there are two inbabitants, in

special clothing (similar to the yellow Cbristian robe), one walking like an animal on all four, the other

sitting on tbe threshold of a house.

f. 170a. A scene in the open air. A man (a non-muslim magician?) is tried with liquid metal. He lies on the

ground, with his hands bound behind his back. An executioner serves him with a large utensil in which

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apparently a hot liquid is contained. In the foreground a fire is burning, and next to it is a metal bowl. Three

people are looking at this and point to the man lying on the ground.

f. 170b. King Kisra and his chamberlain talking about the wronged donkey and the administration of justice.

The king, with a servant in attendance, points at the wounded and very thin donkey. The chamberlain and

an attendant are standing in the door of the palace. Someone observes this scene from a distance.

f. 171b. Illumination in order to create space for the miniature on the next page.

f. 172a. King Bahramgur hunting on horseback. One servant on horseback as well. The hunted animals look

like two gazelles and a mountain goat. Three men are looking from a distance.

f. 173b. Christian painting. A Christian painter from Rum offers a picture with portraits to the gouvernor of

the town.

f. 174a. A Christian priest deflorating the young bride, before the bridegroom is allowed to come near her -

as is customary among the Christians. Inside a house, the woman lies on her back with a cushion under her

head, her pants have been taken off and the priest moves between her thighs. The bridegroom, in the

Christian robe (spotted yellow), is waiting in the corridor.

f. 175a. An old ruler of the pre-Islamic Turks has fallen ill after he has been with a female prisoner. He lies on

a matrass, the woman is sitting behind him, his attendants are sitting in front of him, two with drawn

swords in order to defend their master. A magician (a shaman?) riding on a black-and-white goat is arriving.

f. 175b. A Turkish magician (a shaman?) making rain in summer. He throws a certain stone in a bowl with

water, and rain clouds appear immediately. The gouvernor ordering this procedure is Khwaga `Imad al-


f. 176a. Another feat of rain making by a Turkish magician (a shaman?), now performed for the Samanid

king Isma`il b. Ahmad during one of his expeditions against the Turks. Clouds heavy with rain pour their

contents on the landscape. The king has dismounted and is performing a rak`a of ritual prayer. His horse is

kept ready for him by an attendant. A soldier is standing nearby. Two people, one on horseback, are

observing from a distance.

f. 177a. The Christian worshippers of fire. A Christian with a dagger in his hand, riding on a donkey, is about

to enter the fire, where he will kill himself with the dagger. Observers in the background, one of them

beating the drum.

f. 178a. Widow-burning amongst the Indians. A woman enters the flames of the funeral pile. Men and

women are looking, from nearby and from a distance.

f. 180a. The administration of justice. The brother of the killer has to be killed as satisfaction for those whose

brother has been killed. The king of Gilan listening to the parties.

f. 184b. One of the remarkable features of architecture (wad` al-masakin). An equestrian automaton on top

of cupola of the palace of the caliph Mansur, the builder of Baghdad. On the ground a man and a woman

stand conversing. On the roof a servant points to the machine.

f. 185b. On carpentry (nigara). The prophet Nuh (with flaming nimbus) is shown supervising the building of

the Ark. Four man are busy with wood, two men are talking to Nuh.

f. 186a. The wheel and pulley system for drawing water as invented by the people of Khwarizm. Two wheels

and a construction in a landscape. A man holding a red stick is attached by rope to the machine. In the

machine, on a sort of throne (sarir), are earthenware jugs. Two men observe this from a distance.

f. 186b. Automaton with an equestrian figure on top (sanduq al-saqi, the ‘box of the cupbearer’), on top of a

cupola. Two men in the landscape look at the horseman.

f. 187a. Illumination in order to create space for the miniature on the next page (chalipa).

f. 187b. Automaton of a king seated on a throne, with a small water basin in front of him. When the king

stands up, the guards disappear, and when the king sits, they stand next to him.

f. 188a. Automaton of a man litting candles. A man-figure is sitting on a throne in a cupola-like construction,

with a burning candle in his right hand. Underneath is a water basin. All-around him are candles burning.

f. 189b. Merchants on a ship in full sea. There is also a monkey aboard, which steals the purse with gold

coins from one of the passengers and then throws out the coins from the mast.

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f. 191 b. Letter writing. A king is sitting on a carpet in the open air. A secretary is reading a letter to him. A

servant stands behind him, with a plate with fruits. More fruit is placed in two scales on a carpet on the

ground. A man stands in the foreground, near a brook. From a distance a horse and a donkey can be seen,

with attendants.

f. 194a. Arabic metres, in circles. Two literati are standing along a rivulet with a pendulum-like instrument in

their right hand. Between them the space is filled with two concentric circles filled with gold.

f. 194a. Arabic metres, in circles. Two literati are sitting, one is writing, the other reads over his shoulder. In

front of them are three concentric circles filled with gold, divided in three sectors.

f. 194b. Arabic metres, in circles. Two literati are sitting in front of one another, one is reading, the other

listens. Between them two books lie on the ground. Two observers look from a distance. In the centre of the

picture are three concentric circles filled with gold, divided in five sectors.

f. 195a. Arabic metres, in circles. Two literati are sitting alongside a rivulet in front of one another, one is

reading, the other listens. Two other men stand behind them. In the background are trees on rocks. In the

centre of the picture are three concentrlc circles filled with gold, divided in four sectors.

f. 195a. Illumination in order to create space for the illustration on the next page.

f. 195b. Arabic metres, in circles. Two literati are sitting from a book in front of one another. They look at a

basin with fish. One has taken off some of his cloths in order to catch fish. There are flowery trees. The sun

shines from the left. In the centre of the picture are four concentric circles filled with gold, divided in two


f. 197b. An old man is challenged by a youth to die of love to prove that his feelings for the young man are

true. He dies at the spot. A story by Ibn Sina. This is happening in a landscape.

f. 199a. The curing of love. Ibn Sina taking the pulse of a sick girl. He diagnoses the illness as caused by love.

An interior. The doctor and girl in the foreground. A woman is sitting behind the girl. Three men are sitting

behind Ibn Sina.

f. 199b. A miraculous cure. A story told by Abu al-Hasan b. `Ali al-Tusi on how the heartbeat of a seemingly

dead man is restored by beatings by the doctor with a stick. The doctor stands in the centre of a room and

beats the lying patient with a stick. Two women and a man observe from nearby.

On ff. 205b, 206a, 206b, four squares are reserved for illustrations, which were never made. From the text it

becomes clear that magic quadrates (murabba`at) should have filled the spaces.

f. 208a. The making of talismans (tilasmat). Using the power of the planet Saturnus: a man stands on a lizard

and holds a fish in his right hand.

f. 208b. The making of talismans (tilasmat). Using the power of the planet Jupiter: a man sits on a big bird

(an ostrich?) and hits it with a whip.

f. 208b. The making of talismans (tilasmat}. Using the power of the planet Mars: a man and a woman

standing and holding one another. The letters `ayn ha’ <nine> ha’ are written under their feet.

f. 209a. The making of talismans (tilasmat). Using the power of the planet Sun: a man stands on a dragon

with a whip in his left hand.

f. 209a. The making of talismans (tilasmat). Using the power of the planet Venus: a man is sitting in the

open air and holds a picture of a woman. Drawing utensils are lying next to him.

f. 209b. The making of talismans (tilasmat). Using the power of the planet Mercury: a well-dressed man

standing in the open air. In his left hand he holds a whip, in his right hand a jug and two cups.

f. 210a. The making of talismans (tilasmat). Using the power of the Full Moon: a woman standing on two


f. 210b. The making of talismans (tilasmat). Trying to exert power over women or young men. A man sitting

on a carpet in the open air with writing utensils next to him. He holds a painting of a bird in his hands.

f. 211b. A thief stealing from the luggage of two sleeping merchants. They have their parcel bound to their

feet. A ruksack is used by one of them as a pillow under his head. Two camels look from a distance.

f. 212b. The ruses of women. A woman standing before the qadi and pleading her cause in connection with

alimony. The husband is standing behind her.

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f. 215a. Shaytan in the shape of a shaykh prevents a pious man (`abid) from cutting down a tree. He threatens

to kill him with a knife if he persists in cutting down the tree. Under the tree the shaykh is sitting on top of

the `abid and brandishes his dagger. The `abid’s turban has fallen from his head.

f. 216a. A ghoul threatening `Umar b. al-Khattab while travelling on horseback to Syria, before the advent of


f. 216b. Al-Shaqq (?), a demon (div) living on islands in the sea. It has a human shape and rides on a bird.

Whomever it meets, it kills.

f. 217b. The Ginn. The Prophet Sulayman (with flaming nimbus) is standing with an angel, who offers him a

bowl with fruits. A number of ginns with all sorts of heads (monkey, elephant, dog, etc.) in different colours

come to him. Two humans are in attendance.

f. 218b. Illumination in order to create space for the illustration on the next page (chalīpa).

f. 219a. The Ginn. The Prophet Sulayman (with flaming nimbus) holding court in the open air. He sits on a

carpet and a palanquin is erected. Five companions sit with him. One monkey-like ginn is sitting, with his

hands bound behind his back. Another ginn, with an elephant’s head, stands speaking with Sulayman.

f. 220a. An old woman causing (two) camels to panic when she strikes the ground with her stick. Three

camel drivers try to discipline the animals. The luggage has fallen off the animals.

f. 221a. Illumination in order to create space for the illustration on the next page.

f. 221b. The companion of `Umar trying to persuade the girl that is kept prisoner by a `ifrit to come with him,

but she is too afraid. She is sitting beside his camel. The `ifrit appears, a monstruous creature riding on a

large bird, a club in his left hand.

f. 223a. The horse (faras), the best creature after man. A horse in a landscape. A man is looking from some


f. 223b. The mule (baghl). A mule in a landscape. A man is looking from some distance.

f. 224a. The donkey (himar). A donkey in a landscape.

f. 224b. The wild donkey (himar al-wahsh). Two wild donkeys running in a landscape.

f. 225b. The camel (ibil). A saddled camel in a landscape.

f. 226a. The cow (baqar), a most useful animal. A black-and-white coloured cow with a plaid on its back,

standing in a landscape.

f. 226b. The wild cow (baqar al-wahsh), called in Persian gawazn (mountain goat, chamois). A goat-like

animal with long horns running in a landscape.

f. 227a. Illummination in order to create space for the illustration on the next page (chalīpa).

f. 227b. The buffalo (gamus, here spelled: gamas). A buffalo in a landscape.

f. 228a. The giraffe (zarafa, here spelled zarafa). A long-necked horse-like animal jumping around in a

landscape. Someone is looking from a distance.

f. 228b. The sheep (gusfand). A wooly sheep standing in a landscape. Two men observe it from a distance.

f. 229b. The gazelle (zaby). A white gazelle with long fangs standing in a rocky landscape.

f. 233a. The bear (dubb) and the lion (shir). A lion jumps on a bear from a tree. After some struggle the lion is


f. 234a. The sinad, a large elephant-like (but without trunk and slightly smaller) animal, here giving birth to

a young.

f. 235b. The elephant (fil), here shown standing in the open air, with a plaid bound on its back.

f. 236b. The monkey (qird). An ugly animal. The story of the man from San`a’. He sees two monkeys, the

female letting sleep her husband on her lap. When she sees the other male, she quietly makes herself free of

her husband without waking him up and copulates with the other monkey. Here depicted in a romantic

setting, under a large tree (coming out of the border), on the shore of a river or pond with fish and birds

swimming. The San`ani observes this from a distance.

f. 238b. The bird called Abu Harun, with a long beak.

f. 239a. The falcon (bazi).

f. 239b. The parrot (babaga).

f. 239b. The nightingale (bulbuI).

Page 336: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

f. 240a. The owl (bum).

f. 241a. The rooster (dik).

f. 242a. The sunqur falcon.

f. 242a. The shahin falcon.

f. 242b. The peacock (ta’us).

f. 243b. The phoenix (`anqa’, simurgh).

f. 244b. The partridge (qabag, kabak).

f. 245a. The crane (kurki).

f. 245b. The vulture (nasr).

f. 245b. The ostrich (na`ama), with its tail coming out of the border.

f. 246a. The hoopoe (hudhud).

f. 247a. The viper (af`a).

f. 247b. The thu`ban, here depicted not as a snake, but as a hybrid of a lizard and a dragon, with rudimentary

wings, an irregularly shaped horn on its head and a flaming tongue.

f. 248b. The dung beetle (khunfusa).

f. 250a. The turtle (sulahfah).

f. 250b. The lizard (dabb).

f. 250b. The scorpion (`aqrab).

f. 251a. The mouse (far, mush).

f. 251b. The hedghog (qunfudh, kharpusht).

f. 253a. Gog and Magog (Yagug wa-Magug). Two black human-shaped creatures with fangs, standing on the

shore of a river.

f. 253b. Mansak, a tribe of strange creatures, living near Gog and Magog. They have ears like elephant ears.

Depicted are two such creatures sitting on the ground.

f. 253b. Strange creatures, from the island of Zabig (Java?). They have wings. Their skin is white, green and

black. Three such creatures, each in a different colour. One is without clothing.

f. 254a. Strange creatures, from an island of the Zang. They have human bodies, but dogs’ heads. Three such

creatures, two with clothing, a male figure is naked.

f. 254a. Strange creatures. They look human and have attractive features. They have no bone in their feet

and legs and therefore they mount normal humans and let themselves be carried by these. Two humans

with two of these creatures on their shoulders.

f. 254b. Strange creatures. Long-bodied creatures, with human bodies, with wings and heads like horses.

Two such creatures, one with clothes.

f. 254b. Strange creatures. A tribe of women with long hair with breasts like pomegranate (?). They need no

male for procreation of their species. One such creature, with a lion and a wolf (?).

f. 254b. Strange creatures from an island in the Chinese Sea. They have no heads, but their face is on their


f. 255a. A mixed creature between a rooster and a human being. The face is human, the body with feathers

and it has four legs, with claw-feet.

f. 255a. The Nasnas-people. Each one has only half a head, one arm and one leg, as if they are vertically split-

up people. Two such creatures facing one-another, standing near a tree.

f. 255b. A human creature with the lower part of the body as a woman, and from the waist upward with two

bodies, four arms and two heads. The two upper bodies are often quarelling with one-another.

f. 256a. A raven-like creature with a human head. It is able to recite poetry. Two humans stand next to it,


f. 256a. A horned horse and a winged fox as received from the gouvernor of Asbigab by the Samanid king

Nuh b. Mansur. The creatures are considered to be bringers of good luck.

f. 256a. Simple gold floral illumination near the colophon.

See also P. Voorhoeve’s notes in Or. 14.172, below. See also Goed gezien, p. 108, with illustration.

Earlier provenance: Ex-collection C.A.C. Barbier de Meynard (1826-1908).

Page 337: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Provenance: Purchased in 1958 from Messrs. Brill, antiquarian and Oriental booksellers in Leiden.

[* Ar. 3197]

Or. 8908 a-c

Arabic, paper, 3 vols., 172, 215, 296 ff., maghribi script, red half-leather European bindings.

Varia occidentalia from the collection of E. Lévi-Provençal (1894-1956), and apparently collected by him

while he stayed in Rabat. The volumes contain recent transcripts of texts on the history of al-Andalus and

the Maghrib, some of which were apparently commissioned by the owner. See for a more detailed survey of

the contents P.Sj. van Koningsveld (1974), pp. 92-96. A fourth volume coming from the same origin is Or.

14.528, below. A similar volume is also MS Leiden Or. 10.784, below.

See also P. Voorhoeve’s notes in MS Leiden Or. 14.172, below.

Earlier provenance: Collection of E. Lévi-Provençal (1894-1956).

Provenance: Purchased on February 24, 1958, from Messrs. Brill in Leiden.

(Ar. 3198, Ar. 3199, Ar. 3200)

Or. 8908 a

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, 172 ff., maghribi script, red half-leather European binding.

(1) ff. 1b-44a. al-Lamha al-Badriyya fil-Dawla al-Nasriyya, by Lisan al-Din Ibn al-Khatib (d. 776/1374), GAL G

II, 262. Dated 1340/1922.

(2) ff. 45b-89a. Kitab al-Sihr wal-Shi`r, by Lisan al-Din Ibn al-Khatib (d. 776/1374), GAL G II, 263, No. 13. Dated

27 Rabi` II 1339 AH.

(3) ff. 89b-111b. A supplement by Lisan al-Din Ibn al-Khatib (d. 776/1374), GAL G II, 263, on his own Kitab al-

Sihr wal-Shi`r (the previous text in this volume).

(4) ff. 113b-139a. al-Mu`rib al-Mubin `amma tadammanahu al-Anis al-Mutrib wa-Rawdat al-Nisrin, by

Muhammad b. Qasim b. Muhammad Ibn Zakur. See on this author E. Lévi-Provençal, Les manuscripts

arabes de Rabat. Paris 1921, No. 498 (2). See also M. Hadj-Sadok, art. Ibn Zakur, in EI (2nd edition). Copied

for Lévi-Provençal on 4 Shawwal 1339.

(5) ff. 141b-172a. al-Salsal al-`Adhb wal-Manhal al-Ahla, by Muhammad b. Abi Bakr al-Hadrami (2nd half

8/14th cent.), GAL S II, 388. See also E. Lévi-Provençal, Les historiens des Chorfâ. Essai sur la littérature

historique et biographique au Maroc du XVIe au XXe siècle. Paris 1922, pp. 222-223, where reference is made to

this very manuscript. Dated 19 Ramadan 1339 (May 27, 1921).

Earlier provenance: Collection of E. Lévi-Provençal (1894-1956).

Provenance: Purchased on February 24, 1958, from Messrs. Brill in Leiden.

(Ar. 3198)

Or. 8908 b

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, 215 ff., maghribi script, red half-leather European binding.

(1) ff. 1b-115a. al-Muntaqa al-Maqsur `ala Ma’athir Khilafat al-Mansur, by Ibn al-Qadi al-Miknasi (d.

1025/1616), GAL S II, 679 (where reference is made to this very copy). Dated 19 Rabi` I 1339, possibly as a copy

from MS Rabat 373.

(2) ff. 117b-215a. Iltiqat al-Durar wa-Mustafad al-Mawa`iz wal-`Ibar min Akhbar A`yan al-Mi’a al-Hadiya al-

Thaniya `Ashar, by Muhammad b. al-Tayyib al-Qadiri al-Hasani (d. 1187/1773), GAL S II, 687. See also E. Lévi-

Provençal, Les historiens des Chorfâ. Essai sur la littérature historique et biographique au Maroc du XVIe au

XXe siècle. Paris 1922, pp. 322-324. Dated 4 Ragab 1340 (March 3, 1922), possibly as a copy of MS Rabat No.


Earlier provenance: Collection of E. Lévi-Provençal (1894-1956).

Provenance: Purchased on February 24, 1958, from Messrs. Brill in Leiden.

(Ar. 3199)

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Or. 8908 c

Collective volume with texts in Arabic, paper, 296 ff., maghribi script (several hands), red half-leather

European binding. The texts were made at several different moments and only later bound into the volume.

(1) ff. 1b-8b. Hada’iq al-Azhar al-Nadiyya fil-Ta`rif bi-Ahl al-Zawiya al-Dila’iyya al-Bakriyya, by Muhammad b.

Abi Bakr al-Yazighi (fl. 1215/1850). See also E. Lévi-Provençal, Les historiens des Chorfâ. Essai sur la littérature

historique et biographique au Maroc du XVIe au XXe siècle. Paris 1922, p. 399, n. 1. Dated Tuesday 20 Gumada

II / 1 March 1921, possibly as a copy of MS Rabat 394 (1). Colophon on f. 8b.

(2) ff. 11b-24b. al-Turfa fi Ikhtisar al-Tuhfa, by Muhammad b. al-Tayyib al-Qadiri (d. 1109/1698), GAL S II, 682,

and also E. Lévi-Provençal, Les historiens des Chorfâ. Essai sur la littérature historique et biographique au

Maroc du XVIe au XXe siècle. Paris 1922, p. 276. The work is an extract from Tuhfat Ahl al-Sadiqiyya bi-Asanid

al-Ta’ifa al-Gazuliyya wal-Zarruqiyya, by Muhammad al-Mahdi al-Fasi (d. 1109/1698), GAL S II, 703. Dated

the evening of Thursday 19 Sha`ban 1339 (April 28, 1921), copied by Muhammad b. Dawud (colophon on f.


(3) ff. 25a-32a. Al-Gawahir al-Safiyya min Mahasin al-Yusufiyya, by Muhammad al-Mahdi al-Fasi (d.

1109/1698), GAL S II, 703, and also E. Lévi-Provençal, Les historiens des Chorfâ. Essai sur la littérature

historique et biographique au Maroc du XVIe au XXe siècle. Paris 1922, p. 274. Dated evening of Monday 1

Ramadan 1339 (May 9, 1921, colophon on f. 32a).

(4) ff. 32b-42a. `Arif al-Minna bi-Manaqib Sidi Muhammad b. `Abdallah Muhyi al-Sunna, by Muhammad al-

Mahdi al-Fasi (d. 1109/1698), GAL S II, 703, and also E. Lévi-Provençal, Les historiens des Chorfâ. Essai sur la

litterature historique et biographique au Maroc du XVIe au XXe siècle. Paris 1922, p. 275. Dated Friday evening

at 6 o’clock 5 Ramadan 1339 (May 13, 1921), copied by Muhammad b. Dawud (colophon on f. 42a).

(5) ff. 43b-44b. al-Manzuma al-Ta’rikhiyya, an abstract by Abu al-Qasim al-Zayyani (d. 1249/1833), GAL S II,

880, and also E. Lévi-Provençal, Les historiens des Chorfâ. Essai sur la littérature historique et biographique au

Maroc du XVIe au XXe siècle. Paris 1922, pp. 142-195, of his own al-Targumana al-Kubra.

(6) ff. 47a-105a. Matali` al-Shumus wal-Aqmar fi Targamat Mawlana Abi al-Shita’ al-Khammar, by `Umar b.

Muhammad b. `Abd al-Qadir al-Sudi al-Qurashi al-Fasi (fl. 14/20th cent.), see E. Lévi-Provençal, Les

historiens des Chorfâ. Essai sur la littérature historique et biographique au Maroc du XVIe au XXe siècle. Paris

1922, p. 49, n. 1. Dated 29 Ragab 1337 (April 30, 1919, date in polychrome extravaganza on ff. 104b-105a).

(7) ff. 111b-170a. al-Durr al-Munaddad al-Fakhir fima li-Abna Mawlana `Ali al-Sharif min al-Mahasin wal-

Mafakhir, by Abu `Abdallah Muhammad b. `Abd al-Qadir b. Ahmad al-Galali (d. 1268/1851), GAL S II, 235,

and see also E. Lévi-Provençal, Les historiens des Chorfâ. Essai sur la littérature historique et biographique au

Maroc du XVIe au XXe siècle. Paris 1922, pp. 215-217.

(8) ff. 172b-186a. Tuhfat al-Za’ir bi-Ba`d Manaqib Sidi al-Hagg Ahmad Ibn `Ashir, by Ahmad b. `Ashir b. `Abd

al-Rahman al-Hafi (d. 1163/1750), See E. Lévi-Provençal, Les historiens des Chorfâ. Essai sur la littérature

historique et biographique au Maroc du XVIe au XXe siècle. Paris 1922, p. 313. Dated 14 Gumada I 1339 (January

24, 1921).

(9) ff. 188b-232a. Gamharat al-Tigan wa-Fahrasat al-Yaqut wal-Lu’lu’ wal-Margan fi Ashyakh Amir al-Mu’min

Mawlana Sulayman, by Abu al-Qasim al-Zayyani (d. 1249/1833), GAL S II, 874, 879. Dated 14 Sha`ban 1339

(April 23, 1921). Possibly copied from the autograph, cf. f. 232a.

(10) ff. 234a-296a (also with independant pagination: 1-123). Tuhfat Ahl al-Sadiqiyya bi-Asanid al-Ta’ifa al-

Gazuliyya wal-Zarruqiyya, by Muhammad al-Mahdi al-Fasi (d. 1109/1698). See E. Lévi-Provençal, Les

historiens des Chorfâ. Essai sur la littérature historique et biographique au Maroc du XVIe au XXe siècle. Paris

1922, p. 274. Given as a present to E. Lévi-Provençal on February 18, 1923. Polychrome execution.

Earlier provenance: Collection of E. Lévi-Provençal (1894-1956).

Provenance: Purchased on February 24, 1958, from Messrs. Brill in Leiden.

(Ar. 3200)

Or. 8909

Javanese, paper, 495 pp, Javanese script. Incomplete.

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Narayana, Megatara’s installation in Darawati, taking the name of the vanquished demonic King Kresna.

Wayang purwa tale in verse, dated 1826 AD. In the beginning Narayana and Sembadra are called Javanese

re-births of Rama and Sinta. Kakrasana-Baladewa of Mandura and Janaka (Arjuna) of Ngastina are body and

soul of Rama’s brother Lesmana. Four servants (panakawans): Semar, Petruk, Nala Gareng and Bagong, are

mentioned (Yogyakarta tradition); they speak sometimes Malay. The end of the tale is missing.

The text is related to the group of the Serat Kanda, Books of Tales. The idiom and the script seem to belong

to the West or Central North Coast districts. A Dutch epitome is added. Notes by J. Soegiarto in Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 501.

Provenance: Presented on April 10, 1958, by Mr. W.E. Blom, Oegstgeest.

(Mal. 3208)

Or. 8910

Balinese, palm leaf, 21 x 3.5 cm, 42 ff., Balinese script, 4 lines per page, copied by Sukawirya, who lives south

of Caturpatta and West of Smarapura (colophon on f. 40a), kept in bamboo covers.

Untitled text in poetry. In short about the different eras of the world, with the condition and behavior of

man. On f. 35b about Majapahit. On ff. 41a-b curious formulae.

Note pasted to end board: ‘gezien door J. Soegiarto Leiden, Nov. 1957’.

Added 1 f. with description of the manuscript, and partial transcription (either by Soegiarto?)

Provenance: Purchased in April 1958 by auction from J.L. Beijers, Utrecht, catalogue No. 902.

[* Lont. 783]

Or. 8911

Batak pustaha, tree bark, 51 ff., 29 x 22 cm, illustrations, without covers, external leaves damaged.

See Or. 12.322 ff. 637-645 and 819-826.

a 1-41 Poda ni pormanuhon Adji Nangka Piring, by Guru Pandjamang hata ni adji of Limbong, written for his

wife’s brother’s son Guru Niadjaran hata ni adji te Pangururan.

a 41-45 Poda ni pamusatan ni poranuhon adji nangka piring naboru sinomba si haen na mira si batu pasagi

ija dung do datong(gor?) singa ni pormanuhon asa daida musengan rna pamusatan ni pormanuhonta inon.

a 45-b 16 Other parts of the pormanuhon, ending with a drawing of a chicken with caption.

b 17-25 Poda ni pagarta di adji ni halak na morgoarhon mula djadi na bolon.

On the last page are several drawings, one of these shows a labyrinth.

b 26-30 Poda ni busung si adji habonaran, against thieves.

b 30-48 Poda ni ari rodjan and other divination by moments of time. See also the Copenhage catalogue

under BAT. 48.

See Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), p. 257.

Provenance: Purchased on April 12, 1958, from antiquarian shop ‘Accolade’ in Leiden (see above ad MS

Leiden Or. 8801).

(Bat. 198)

Or. 8912

Dutch, with some Arabic, paper, also with 15 technical drawings and 48 photographs.

Verslag ontsluiting Jemen, by Dr.Ir. G. Flieringa. Survey of the contents:

Ch. 1. Travelling in the Yemen. Ch. 2. Political and economical data. Ch. 3. Trade. Ch. 4. Technical matters: 1.

Hodeidah, harbour construction; 2. The manufacture of bricks; 3. The manufacture of cement. Then follow

18 appendixes: 1. (pp. 84-86) List of the European and Arab firms in Hodeidah, and of Arab and Jewish

businessmen in Sana’a; 11. (pp. 138-140) Letter from the Imam of the Yemen to Queen Wilhelmina of the

Netherlands; 13. Text of the Treaty of Friendship between the Yemeni and Dutch gouvernments. See P.Sj.

van Koningsveld (1974), p. 97.

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Relevant letters from G. Flieringa to C. Snouck Hurgronje are in MS Leiden Or. 8952 A 313, also in MS Leiden

Or. 8952 A 20. Flieringa’s project is also documented in the archive of the Dutch consulate in Jeddah, now in

the National Archive, The Hague, inventory No. 2.05.53.

Earlier provenance: Snouck Hurgronje Legacy, 1936.

Provenance: Received in the course of 1958 as a gift from Mrs. C. Liefrinck-Snouck Hurgronje, The Hague.

(Ar. 3110)

Or. 8913

Malay, lined paper, 1 f., text on one side only. The letter was originally contained in a bamboo cylinder

received by the Museum from the previous owner, G.W.J. Drewes (1899-1992).

The letter was written by the Raja Linggöm, in the Gayo districts, to chiefs under his jurisdiction, instructing

them to hand over the yield of the zakat etc., destined for the war-chest, to a syaikh appointed by him.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 591 (No. 1195).

Earlier provenance: G.W.J. Drewes (1899-1992).

Provenance: Received in 1958 from the National Museum of Ethnography, Leiden.

(Mal. 3369)

Or. 8914

Javanese, Dutch, palm leaf, 106 pp., Javanese script.

Kusuma, raden-, prince of Rum, and the princess of Mesir, romance in verse, East Javanese script and idiom.

A Dutch epitome, a list of initial lines of cantos and copies of the beginning and the end of the text by J.

Soegiarto are added. The Raden Kusuma romance is mentioned in "Indonesische Handschriften", by

Poerbatjaraka-Voorhoeve-Hooykaas, 1950, p. 109. See also Or. 8787, above.

Provenance: Purchased on July 24, 1958, from Mr. K.J.J. van Zee, of The Hague. The latter’s grandfather, who

was an army officer, had acquired it in Indonesia.

Pigeaud II, p. 501.

(Lont. 781)

Or. 8915

Javanese, Dutch, palm leaf, 102 pp.

Sri Sedana tale in verse, rice myth, beginning in Cempa, mentioning Allah, Muhammad and Jabara’il,

Madinah, the boar Celeng Sergi of mount Kandil, the ancestor of rice pests, and seh Seluke, who gives

instruction on agriculture divination and religious duties. In Besarah, Sri and Sedana give proofs of their

superhuman powers with reference to rice. At the end the text is called Lampahane Ni Sri.

North Coast script and idiom. An extensive Dutch summary by J. Soegiarto is added.

Pigeaud II, p. 501.

Provenance: Presented on July 24, 1958, by Mr. J.D. Poll, of Leiden.

(Lont. 782)

Or. 8916

Arabic, photostats, 5 ff., bound.

f. 56b. The end only of a Qissa.

ff. 56b-60b. Qissat Fadlun al-`Abid.

ff. 60b-61a. Hikaya.

f. 61a. The beginning only of a Hikaya.

Photostat of MS Berlin Spr. 1365 (Ahlwardt 8857, vol. 7, p. 734), ff. 56b-61a.

Provenance: Photostats from microfilm FOr. A 80, made in the Library, 1958.

[* Ar. 3070]

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Or. 8917

Arabic, photostats, 13 ff., kept in a folder, together with 3 ff. of notes by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946).

Iftitah al-Da`wa wa-Ibtida’ al-Dawla by al-Nu`man b. Muhammad al-Tamimi (d. 363/974), GAL S I, 325.

Photograph of ff. 1b-16a of a modern copy in the possession of Louis Massignon (1883-1962), with 3 ff. with

pencil notes by C. van Arendonk.

Earlier provenance: collection C. van Arendonk (d. 1946).

Provenance: Received from the Van Arendonk family in Herwijnen, 1958.

[* Ar. 3218]

Or. 8918

Batak, with some Dutch, paper, 52 ff., 32.7 x 10 cm, folio paper folded over the length, Latin script, two

different hands, one (A) probably of a Batak informant, another (B) of J.H. Meerwaldt sr.

Notebook of the missionary J.H. Meerwaldt Sr. (1854-1920), received from his son J.H. Meerwaldt Jr.

ff. 2v-17v (A) only the left pages, 137 Toba umpana (sayings, some in the form of four-line verse) with notes

and additions. (B) on f. 3r and following, and ff. 4a-b (inserted leaf of postal paper).

ff. 18v--20v (A) Pangalaho ni na mar guru hadatuon, about how one becomes a datu, with on the righ page

(ff. 19r-20r) a calculation (B) of the cost, expressed in guildiers (total (totaal f 229,25).

ff. 21v-38v (A) Parningotan. Memoires of Ompu Pasang Batu Panggabean, radja Ihutan L. Siagian

Panggabean, going back to the time before the arrival of L.I. Nommensen (1834-1918). The final part is a long

prayer of sacrifice.

ff. 39r-v. Tunggal panaluan, the story of the origin over the magic stick, very short in Dutch (B).

ff. 40r-41r (B?) Marga ni Batak, a list of the most important Batak margas.

ff. 41v-43r. Customs during pregnancy, in Dutch (B).

ff. 50v-51v. ‘Inhoud der kisten’, content of the chests (among other things Batak ethnographical objects) (B).

Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), pp. 257-258.

Provenance: Presented by Mr. J.H. Meerwaldt Jr. to the Library, September 8, 1958.

(Mal. 3210)

Or. 8919 a-b

Dutch, lined paper, 2 vols., 320 + 295 pp., bound, inserts: numerous newspaper cuttings on Dutch Indian

affairs, many from the 1920’s.

Notes made by G.A.N. Scheltema de Heere of C. Snouck Hurgronje’s courses on Islamic law.10

G.A.N. Scheltema, ‘Godsdienstige Wetten, volksinstellingen en gebruiken van den volken van den Indischen

Archipel. &c.’ Course notes in Dutch taken by Scheltema during the courses given by C. Snouck Hurgronje

at the Municipal Institution in Leiden, possibly in 1886.

Or. 8919 b (Ar. 3220) seems to be more elementary of content than Or. 8919 a (Ar. 3219).

Mr. Scheltema is also known as a steady and long-time correspondent of C. Snouck Hurgronje

(correspondence from either side is kept in Or. 8952, the Snouck Hurgronje Archive).

Provenance: Presented by Ms. C. Liefrinck-Snouck Hurgronje, Paris, 1958.

[* Ar. 3219, Ar. 3220]

Or. 8920-Or. 8925

Indonesian manuscripts from the Legacy of R.A. Kern (1875-1958), received in the Library between

September and November 1958.

10 Google Books sells this title, with date of publication 1864! It is probably a phantom book.


ir_esc=y> (accessed on December 21, 2018).

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Or. 8920

Sundanese, paper, Latin script.

Carita Parahiangan, in prose.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 407.

Provenance: Legacy of R.A. Kern, 1958.

(Mal. 3209)

Or. 8921

Buginese and Makarrarese, paper.

Notes on the Buginese and Makarrarese languages by (?) R.A. Kern (1875-1958).

Provenance: Legacy of R.A. Kern, 1958.

(Mal. 3364)

Or. 8922

Sundanese, paper,

Notes by R.A. Kern (1875-1958) on the Sundanese language.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 286.

Provenance: Legacy of R.A. Kern, 1958.

(Mal. 3365)

Or. 8923

Sundanese, Dutch, paper, 2 files.

R.A. Kern, Catalogus der Soendanese handschriften van Snouck Hurgronje. Unpublished catalogue, written in

Dutch, by R.A. Kern (1875-1958) of the Sundanese manuscripts collection of C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-


See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 12, where this text is

mentioned, but not described.

Provenance: Legacy of R.A. Kern, 1958.

(Mal. 3366)

Or. 8924

Buginese and Makassarese, paper.

Survey of the contents of Buginese and Makassarese manuscripts.

Provenance: Legacy of R.A. Kern, 1958.

(Mal. 3273)

Or. 8925

Collection of texts in Acehnese, Malay, paper, 2 + 3 + 4 pp.,

(1) 2 pp. Acehnese. Hikayat prang sabi. Dated 24 October 1921, copied in Lhok Sukon. Arabic script.

(2) 3 pp. Acehnese. Hikayat prang sabi. Romanized copy of No. 1, above. by Tgk. M. Noerdin.

(3) 4 pp. Malay, Latin script. Translation from Acehnese into Malay by Tgk. M. Noerdin, of the texts Nos. 1-2,

above, Hikayat prang sabi.

The text, three versions of which are kept under this number, is a very short exhortation to fight in the Holy

War, Gihad. It is written in the style of the beginning of the Hikayat prang sabi. See H.T. Damsté, ‘Atjèhsche

oorlogspapieren’, in IG 34/1 (1912), pp. 617-633, 776-792, especially p. 620.

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 77. See also Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), pp. 591-

592, No. 1196.

Provenance: Legacy of R.A. Kern, 1958.

(Mal. 3369)

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Or. 8926-Or. 8927

Additional materials from the collection of H.T. Damsté (1874-1955). The main part of the Damsté collection

is registered as Or. 8666-Or. 8755, above. Separately registered in late-1958.

Or. 8926

Acehnese, paper, 4 ff., Latin script

Hikayat prang di Sigli, by Tgk. Nyak Amat. Transliteration of the ‘concluding verses of a copy of Hikayat Raja

Bada written by a Tgk. Nyak Amat of the village Cot Paleue dated A.H.1296.’

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), pp. 65-66. See also ibid., pp. 153-155.

Snouck Hurgronje names this Nyak Amat as the author of the Nasihat ureueng muprang (ibid., p. 70). To

judge from the handwriting, it apparently was written by H.J. Schmidt. Description of an attack on Sigli and

the retributive bombardment by the Dutch, in hikayat form.

Provenance: Collection of H.T. Damsté. Separately registered in late-1958.

(Mal. 3318)

Or. 8927

Dutch, with Arabic quotations, lined paper, [1] 53 ff. (my foliation, text on ff. 1a-50a), 21.2 x 16.5 cm,

typewritten on one side of the paper only by H.T. Damsté, Latin script, loose leaves fixed in an office binder.

Complete copy of MS Leiden Or. 7112, above, being the ‘Jeddah diary’ of C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936),

which he kept in 1884-1885, before he went to Mecca. Fragments have been published by E. Gobée, ‘Uit het

dagboek van dr. Snouck Hurgronje te Djeddah 1884-1885’, in Jaarboek Oostersch Instituut. Leiden 1941, No. 5

(1942), pp. 21-28. See now Jan Just Witkam, ‘Before Mecca. The Jeddah “Diary” of Christiaan Snouck

Hurgronje, 1884-1885’ (forthcoming).

Typewritten copy by H.T. Damsté. Opposite f. 1a is a reproduction of a group photo of six persons in tropical

costume showing: J.L.A. Brandes, unknown, Consul J.A. Kruyt, C. Snouck Hurgronje, Vice-consul P.N. van

der Chijs, unknown (J.H. Abendanon?), sitting together in the garden or court of the Dutch consulate in

Jeddah, in the caption incorrectly dated as 1889 of 1890, whereas this can only be 1884.

Occasionally the verso pages contain references to Mekka II. The pagination of Or. 7112 is given in the

margins. Arabic quotations, and the two small drawings, are added in pencil or in ink.

Provenance: Collection of H.T. Damsté. Separately registered in late-1958.

[* Mal. 3221]

Or. 8928

Various languages.

Maye research by C.C.M.M. van Suchtelen (1885-1971), 3 volumes.

Provenance: Received from the author on November 26, 1958.

Note: the three volumes are missing on the shelf. They were borrowed by the author on August 16, 1971, and

never returned. Their absence has been recorded by myself on July 4, 1983 (during the inventarisation of the

collection as a preparation of the move from the Rapenburg building to the Witte Singel building). A new

check by myself, done on October 29, 2018, confirmed the absence of these volumes.

(Mal. 3314, Mal. 3315, Mal. 3316, not available)

Or. 8929

Batak pustaha, tree bark, 47 ff., 28 x 21½ cm, illustrations, Karo Batak, two original covers, 2 leather bands.

The manuscript was broken in many pieces. Ms. M.T. Mostert-Silitonga has restored the correct order of the

fragments. See the transcription in Or. 12.475, which has been made in the Library.

a 2-46 en b 2-5 Text about tunggal panaluan, largely parallel to the text in the manuscripts in the Chester

Beatty Library in Dublin and the manuscripts in Paris. The myth of origin is indicated here only in a brief

way. The actual text begins on a 18, after the drawings. The preceding part contains formulas of incantation.

The relationship of the diverse texts has been discussed in the Dublin catalogue under MS No. 1101. The text

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of that Dublin manuscript was published there on pp. 113-149. Voorhoeve has suppleted a lacuna there with

text on a 20 - a 23 of the present manuscript. In Or. 12.475, Ms. Mostert has incorporated the complete text

of Or. 8929, and also of parallel texts about tunggal panaluan, that is MS. Paris, BnF, mal-pol. 260, MS Leiden

Acad. 247, MS Amsterdam 2761/18 and 2761/21.

The chain of transmission is, as is often the case in Karo Batak manuscripts, not very clear because one does

not know (or Voorhoeve does not know exactly), what ware names and what are titles. Voorhoeve reads on

a 19:

asa ro ma di Datu (T)ung (or pu?) Sĕkti jan

asa ro ma di Datu Munggur Birta (read Barita?)

asa mabi nini si mĕrana na uli (?)

asa ro ma ale di kamu ale si kamu alar nabi dadĕk (? )

asa ro ma di Datu Tutar Datu Lintje ni adji

asa ro ma di Guru Tajan pĕrtandang ni Pasang ni adji

aBa disusurk~n mangkila Limbung panawar tu Datu P?irtEmdang

n.i adji

b 5-28 Pĕda ni … pagar si tĕlĕn rango sunsang with tabas and drawings.

b 28-33 Pĕda ni panadingta di pĕrtandangan.

b 33-35 Pĕda ni taun (tahĕn?) bunuhta di kasukutĕn.

b 36-40 Pĕdah ni panggantungta di anak bĕru.

b 40--42 Pĕda ni sabung-sabungta di kasukutan.

b 42-44 Pĕda ni sipatulpakta di bitjara na gedang

b 44-46 Pĕda ni sirang-sirangta i kalak na marijah-rijah.

The apology of the writer at the end of the piece about tunggal panaluan is: Asa lahang kana kubĕtĕh

mĕrmangsi niku kana ngata pamĕre basaneja barang-barangsa gija nina pamĕre basaneja. The word (or

name) pamĕre occurs a few more times.

Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici (1977), pp. 258-259.

Provenance: Purchased end 1958 or early 1959 from the Zendingshogeschool in Oegstgeest, which had

obtained the manuscript from the missionary J.H. Neumann (1876-1949).

(Bat. 199)

Or. 8930

Collective volume with texts in Acehnese, European laid paper, 23 x 16 cm, 1 + 296 + 1 pp., naskh script, 21

lines to the page, black ink with rubrication, dated Ragab/Sha`ban 1230 (1815, colophon on p. 290),

catchwords at the bottom of each verso page, quires sewn together, no binding.

(1) pp. 1-294. Hikayat Meudeuhak. Complete text. See on the relationship between this text and other South-

East Asian similar stories (in Sanskrit, Laotian, Malay), Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscript (1994),

pp. 110-111. A transliteration of the postscript (pp. 282-296) has been added by P. Voorhoeve (10 ff. in folio).

See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscript (1994), p. 112.

(2) pp. 295-296. In a different hand. Hikayat Peulandok kance. The story of the plandok and the otter in

hikayat form. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue op Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p. 135.

Also added: Letter from W.M. Remeeüs to P. Voorhoeve, dated The Hague, December 22, 1958. In it Remeeüs

writes that the manuscript that is dated 1230 AH (p. 290) originates from the region Reubèe. When in 1928

he was ‘controleur’ in Padanglitji, the Oelèëbalang told him that the manuscript because of the antiquated

orthography was not well legible to him anymore. Remeeüs then offered to have a copy in the new

orthography made at his expense. That ‘old’ copy is now MS Leiden Or. 8930.

Provenance: Presented to the Library by W.M. Remeeüs, The Hague, on 9 January 1959.

[* Mal. 3317]

Or. 8931

Arabic, paper, exercise book, 22 ff. and many blanks, naskh script.

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Wasilat al-Tullab li-Ma`rifat al-Layl wal-Nahar bi-Tariq al-Hisab, by Yahya b. Muhammad al-Ru`ayni al-

Hattab al-Maliki (d. 995/1587), GAL G II, 393.

Earlier provenance: Possibly from the estate of Emile Gobée (1881-1954).

Provenance: Presented to the Library by Mrs. J.C. Gobée-Bosman, on 19 January 1959.

[* Ar. 3222]

Or. 8932 – Or. 8935

Collection of Javanese manuscripts, received on February 25, 1959, from the Library of the Technical

Academy in Delft.

Or. 8932

Javanese, paper, 379 double pages, Javanese script, incomplete.

History of Javanese Kings in verse, beginning with the Manik Maya tale till Kartasura times, Sukra episode.

Origin probably Yogyakarta, bad writting. Beginning is missing. On the fly-leaf a pawn-shop note with a

year: 1863 A.D. See Notes by J. Soegiarto, MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, pp. 501-502.

Provenance: Transferred from the Library of the Technical Academy in Delft, 1959.

(Mal. 3309)

Or. 8933

Javanese, paper, 702 pp, Javanese script, unfinished.

History of Javanese Kings, beginning with Creation, till Pajang times, Jipang, in verse, unfinished: the end is

missing. It is called babad Demak. The manuscript was written for Ratu Kencana, queen of sultan

Hamengku Buwana VI of Yogyakarta, and daughter of Sunan Paku Buwana VIII of Surakarta, dated 1865 A.D.

The writing is fine Yogyakarta Court Style. Notes by J. Soegiarto, MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 502.

Provenance: Transferred from the Library of the Technical Academy in Delft, 1959.

(Mal. 3310)

Or. 8934

Javanese, paper, 555 pp., Javanese script.

Mythological history in verse, beginning with Adam, mainly a tale of sayid Anwar, till the Sri Sedana rice

myth. It is called: Sayid Anwar. The manuscript was written for Ratu Kencana, queen of sultan Hamengku

Buwana VI of Yogyakarta and daughter of Sunan Paku Buwana VIII of Surakarta, dated 1865 A.D. Writing in

italics. Notes by J. Soegiarto, MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 502.

Provenance: Transferred from the Library of the Technical Academy in Delft, 1959.

(Mal. 3311)

Or. 8935

Javanese, paper, 555 pp., Javanese script.

Rama Keling epic in verse, dated 1873-1875, written in Yogyakarta quadratic script. Notes by J. Soegiarto, MS

Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Pigeaud II, p. 502.

Provenance: Transferred from the Library of the Technical Academy in Delft, 1959.

(Mal. 3312)

Or. 8936

Acehnese, paper, ff.

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Hikayat Pocut Muhamat, by Tgk. Lam Rukam. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994), p.


Earlier provenance: On the fly-leaf: L.C.J. Rijsdijk, who was a civil service officer.

Provenance: Presented to the Library by A.A. Cense (1901-1977), received on 3 March 1959.

(Mal. 3370)

Or. 8937

Acehnese, paper, 108 pp., Latin script.

Kisah dua blaih peukara (‘eleven vices and one virtue’). See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts

(1994), pp. 181-183, with extensive description of the content. Transliteration by T. Iskandar of MS Leiden Or.

6975, above. With pencil notes and additions by P. Voorhoeve. A transliteration of the 7th story, the Kisah

Padeulon, is in Or. 8338, above.

(Mal. 3313)

Or. 8938-Or. 8939

Materials found in a bundle of Hebrew miscellaneous texts, which was registered as MS Leiden Or. 6950,

above. See on the Hebrew fragments there: A. van der Heide, Hebrew manuscripts (Leiden 1977), pp. 85-86.

Then separately registered.

Or. 8938

Ethiopic, 3 fragments.

Unidentified texts. Not in Struyk, Inventaris van de Ethiopische handschriften, Leiden 1995.

Provenance: Found in the Library, see under MS Leiden Or. 6950, above.

(Hebr. 235)

Or. 8939

Samaritan, Arabic, 1 folded sheet, 32 x 42 cm.

On the inner side is a table, written in Samaritan script, with some Arabic. On the outer side an author is

mentioned: ‘al-Mu’allif Ya`qub b. al-Marhum al-Shaykh Ibrahim’.

Provenance: Found in the Library, see under MS Leiden Or. 6950, above.

[* Hebr. 245]

Or. 8940

Miscellaneous, paper,

Notes about the bahasa tanah (‘languages of the land’) of Ambon.

Provenance: Received from P.E. de Josselin de Jong (1922-1999), 1959.

(Mal. 3211)

Or. 8941

Javanese, palm leaf, 66 pp., Javanese script, first leaf is missing.

Panji Priyembada (or Priyagoda), romance in verse, dated 1749 A.D., originally belonging to kyahi ngabehi

Puspadirja, son of kyahi tumenggung Puspanagara of Gresik (Tandes). Fine quadratic writing. See Notes by J.

Soegiarto, MS Leiden Or. 10.867-D.

Provenance: Purchased on June 2, 1959 from Mr. J.C. Leinweber, engineer in Vught.

(Lont. 784)

Or. 8942

Malay, paper, 1 f. (two sheets pieced together), Arabic script.

Silsilah Teungku Lam Paseh. 27 lines of text with seals and genealogical tree. Copy of the silsilah and a letter

of safe conduct given by the ruler of Minangkabau. See also Or. 8545, above.

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See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. (No. 1197).

Provenance: Found in the Library and separately registered. Possibly originating from the Rinkes collection

(MSS Leiden Or. 8538-Or. 8653, above, or MSS Leiden Or. 8971-Or. 8993, below).

(Mal. 3212)

Or. 8943

Arabic, photostats.

Sirat al-Hadi. Photocopy of MS Milano, Ambrosiana Library. This may be a photograph of MS E 57 (Nuovo

Fondo 887), as described by Oscar Löfgren & RenatoTraini, Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in the

Bibliotheca Ambrosiana, vol. 3, Nuovo Fondo: series E. Vicenza: Neri Pozza Editore, 1995, pp. 27-28.

Provenance: Received in 1959 from the Foundation De Goeje, Leiden.

(Mal. 3069)

Or. 8944

Malay, photostats, 80 ff., Arabic script, illustrations.

Ceritera wayang from Kelantan, photocopies of MS Malay (Arab) 3 Royal Library of Copenhagen. See F.R.

van Naerssen, Th.G.Th. Pigeaud and P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue, Part 2, 1977, pp. 129-130.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 592 (No. 1198).

Provenance: Photostats made in 1959 in the Leiden Library.

(Mal. 3213)

Or. 8945-Or. 8946

Reveived from Messrs. E.J. Brill, Leiden on August 4, 1959.

Or. 8945

Arabic, burnished European laid paper (watermark: crescent with face in shield = Abu Shubbak), 24.5 x 17

cm, 75 ff., Naskh script, black ink, 18-19-21 lines to the page, copied by Yusuf Hasan al-… (?) al-Suyuti, dated

Friday 20 Rabi` I 1280 (1863, colophon on f. 75b), Western half cloth binding, pasted boards.

An episode only, apparently from the beginning of the text, of the Sirat Bani Hilal, GAL G II, 62. At least one

leaf is missing at the beginning.

Provenance: Received from Brill’s, Leiden, 1959.

[* Ar. 3228]

Or. 8946

Arabic, photographs, 13 ff., 18 x 13 cm, kept in a small portfolio.

Photographic reproduction of MS Paris BnF, Arabe 150 (ff. 14a-20a), a collective volume with Christian

Arabic texts. Here the text is called Sharh Rawba Daniyal al-Nabi alladhi akhbarahu `Irza Tilmidhuhu (f. 14a).

Fully described in Gérard Troupeau, Catalogue des Manuscrits Arabes. Première Partie: Manuscrits

Chrétiens. Tome I, Nos. 1-323. Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, 1972, pp. 116-118. Original dated 1322/1606.

Provenance: Received from Brill’s, Leiden, 1959.

[* Ar. 3229]

Or. 8947

Arabic, indigenous paper, 15.6 x 10 cm, [1] + 374 ff., fully vocalized Naskh script, 13 lines to the page, black ink

with rubrication, gold discs as aya dividers, entire text set within a complex frame (black, gold, blue), gilded

marginal indicators: `Ashr for ten aya’s, Hizb for half a Guz’, beginning of the Guz’ (e.g. f. 14a for Guz’ 2),

illuminations: f. 1a, 1b-2a, 371b, and all sura headings, catchwords at the bottom of every verso page, lay-out

not according to the ‘29 rules’, full-leather Oriental binding with blind stamped ornamentation (corner

pieces, centre piece), back and hinges flap restored and replaced.

Evidently a manuscript from the Ottoman realm.

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(1) ff. 1a-371a. Complete text of the Qur’an. F. 372a. Blank.

(2) ff. 372b-373b. al-Tafa’ul al-Sharif, written in the hand of the copyist. Instructions for how to draw omina

from the Qur’an, and an alphabetical enumeration. Ff. 374a-b. Blank.

Owner’s note (f. 1a), now hardly legible anymore, with date 1318 (1900-1901).

Provenance: Purchased on August 17, 1959, from a private owner. Dr. H.A. Bake was the intermediary.

[* Ar. 3230]

Or. 8948

Acehnese, Malay, Dutch, paper, 80 pp., Latin script.

Notes about and transcriptions from Acehnese and Malay manuscripts, made by P. Voorhoeve (1899-1996).

(1) pp. 1-6. Acehnese. Hikayat Blantasina or Hikayat Plantasina. Notes in Acehnese and Dutch. One page of

transliteration and five pages Dutch abstract from pp. 1-79 from MS Jakarta, Dj. 12.

(2) pp. 7-35, 42-49. A complete transcript by P. Voorhoeve of a Malay tract by Abdur-Rauf of Singkel, in a

small manuscript formerly belonging to G.W.J. Drewes (1899-1992). Not transcribed are an Acehnese text on

ff. 38b-40b of the original manuscript, and a fragmentary text on an inserted piece of paper which begins:

La-élahu kalimat toybah, laʾōt tèehit luaihi pi that.

See Iskandar, Catalogue (1999), p. 592, No. 1199. See Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Acehnese manuscripts (1994),

pp. 118, 196.

Provenance: Presented to the Library on August 28, 1959 by P. Voorhoeve.

(Mal. 3371)

Or. 8949 - Or. 8951

Scholarly materials received on August 9 and September 12, 1959 from the estate of Émile Gobée (1881-1954).

Or. 8949

Arabic, Malay, Batak, sheaf with 4 items.

(1) Arabic. Ratib by Sayyid `Abdallah b. `Alawi al-Haddad.

(2) Arabic. Fatwa by Muhammad al-Khalili.

(3) Malay. Gadwal, 1 f. Concordance of the Christian and Muslim calendars, copied by Sayyid Zayn b.

`Abdallah al-Salibiyya al-`Aydarus. Added: a printed calendar compiled by the same person. See Iskandar,

Catalogue (1999), p. 593, No. 1200.

(4) Batak. 8 ff. from an exercise book. Notes on adat written in Latin script, among other things about an

oath at which a buffalo is sacrificed, about donations to the family at someone’s demise, about the dowry.

Dated Baringin, October 2, 1913 and Rambe, October 17, 1913.

Earlier provenance: Acquired by Émile Gobée when he was ‘controleur’ in Barus. Voorhoeve, Codices

Batatatici (1977), p. 259.

Provenance: Received on August 9, 1959, from the estate of Émile Gobée (1881-1954).

(Ar. 3231)

Or. 8950

Arabic, English, modern paper, 5 + 3 + 6 ff., kept together in a portfolio.

A tale from the Hijaz, recorded by Émile Gobée (1881-1954).

a. 5 ff. Preface.

b. 3 ff. II. Belēbeleh ṣayyāh illi yeġannī alā rūs èl-mulah. (Narrated by Umm Amīn.)

c. 6 ff. Corrected revision proof of E. Gobée, ‘A Tale from Hejāz’, later published in Acta Orientalia 19 (1943),

pp. 21-32. This contains Ḥikāyat bint èl-faqīr èl-miḥtāǧ wa Ḥasan èš-šāṭir (Told by Umm Amīn).

Gobée had collected the two tales when he was Dutch consul in Jeddah (1917-1921), and when he repatriated

from the Dutch East Indies to the Netherlands in 1938, he profited from a stay of a few weeks in Jeddah to

check up the original texts. Gobée’s official work while a consul in Jeddah can be followed from the archive

of the Jeddah consulate that is kept in the National Archive, The Hague, inventory No. 2.05.53.

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Provenance: Received on September 12, 1959, from the estate of Émile Gobée (1881-1954).

[* Ar. 3232]

Or. 8951

Saluan (a language of Sulawesi, Indonesia), paper.

Collection of texts in Loinan, Dutch, Latin script, typewritten, loose papers in two sheaves (with notes by P.

Voorhoeve), sheaf. No. 1 was published; Nos. 2-4 are not published.

(1) ff. 1-48. The story published in Feestbundel. Several versions, translations and notes, with corrections.

Hikayat bonsing tiba balan, a Loinan story. ‘The Story of Tarsier and Monkey’. See E. Gobée, ‘Een Loinansch

verhaal’, in: Feestbundel uitgegeven door het Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en

Wetenschappen bij gelegenheid van zijn 150-jarig bestaan 1778–1928. Weltevreden: Kolff, 1929, volume 1, pp.

187–201. A recent English version is: A Loinan story by Emile Gobée, translated by David Mead, 2010. Sulang

Language Data and Working Papers: Translations from the Dutch, no. 2. Sulawesi Language Alliance

<http://sulang.org/sites/default/files/sulangtrans002-v1.pdf> (consulted on October 25, 2018).

(2) ff. 49-55. Hikayat balan tiba buaa. Twee copies in Loinan, one set of the Dutch translation: ’t Verhaal van

den aap en den Krokodil.

(3) ff. 56-57. ’t Verhaal van het hert met de muis. Dutch translation only.

(4) ff. 58-62. Hikayat balan tiba he’a. Dutch translation: ’t Verhaal van den aap en de schildpad.

Provenance: Received on September 12, 1959, from the estate of Émile Gobée (1881-1954).

[* Mal. 2989]

Or. 8952

Correspondence and archival materials in many languages of Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936).

Relevant biographical details: 1881-1887 assistant-professor of Semitic languages in Delft; 1884-1885 study

travel to Jeddah and Mekka; 1889 study of Islam in Indonesia; 1891 adviser Oriental languages and Islamic

law; 1898-1906 adviser of Indigenoua and Arabian Affairs in Batavia; 1907-1927 professor of Arabic in Leiden,

and at the same time adviser to the Dutch government; 1927 founding president of the Foundation ‘Het

Oosters Instituut’.

Collection of several thousands of letters and documents, received by Snouck Hurgronje, and of letters by

him which had been returned to his widow after his death. The collection was randomly divided into two

parts when Snouck Hurgronje’s widow, Mrs. I. Snouck Hurgronje-Oort, had to evacuate her house in

Wassenaar during the 2nd World War. Part of the archive was then brought to Leiden and kept in the

Snouck Hurgronje house, Rapenburg 61, where it remained in the attic till ca. 1980. That part, which by that

time was assumed to be the property of the Foundation ‘Het Oosters Instituut’ was split up again. Materials

concerning Snouck Hurgronje himself were transferred to Leiden University Library, where they are now

registered as Or. 18.097 (see below). Materials concerning Snouck Hurgronje’s successor as Adviser for

Indigenous Affairs in the Dutch East-Indies, G.A.J. Hazeu (1870-1929), to H.T. Damsté (1874-1955), and

possibly others, were transferred to the Department of Historical Documentation in the KITLV, the Royal

Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology, in Leiden, where they are now registered as H 1083 (materials

concerning G.A.J. Hazeu) and H 1084 (materials concerning H.T. Damsté). In the 1990’s both collections in

the KITLV have been considerably augmented with relevant materials from another source and there are

extensive (equally unpublished) inventories of these additional materials which were prepared by Mrs.

D.B.M. Buur (information kindly supplied by Dr. G.J. Knaap). Of all parts of the archive which was divided

between the University Library and the Royal Institute there are short (unpublished) descriptions made by

F.G.P. Jaquet.

The part of the archive which Snouck Hurgronje’s widow took with her when she was forcibly moved out of

her house in Wassenaar was kept by her. In the course of 1956, her daughter, Mrs. C. Liefrinck-Snouck

Hurgronje took care of the transfer of that other part of the Snouck Hurgronje archive to the Leiden

University Library. This was done under the strict condition that no use whatsoever was made of the

archive for a period of forty years from 1956 onwards. The archive was opened to the public on January 2nd,

Page 350: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

1997. In the course of 1975-1978 a file card catalogue of the contents of the archive has been prepared by Mrs.

Loes Faasen, which has available available to the visitors of the Oriental Manuscript reading room in the

Library. It is now part of the catalogue and registered as These visitors would only have access to these

cards, due to the embargo that was in force till 1997.

It is evident from several other, smaller, collections within the materials that were given by Snouck

Hurgronje to the Leiden library, that there are many more related materials, letters, documents and other.

The material now contained in Or. 12.482, below, was said to have been transferred in 1971 from this

collection, but that statement has been proven to be incorrect.11

For a succinct, but complete, description of the different parts of the Snouck Hurgronje Archive see:

- Collection Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje - Correspondence (Cod. Or. 8952 A – B). Collection guide by

Arnoud Vrolijk. Leiden 2015

- Collection Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje - Archive (Cod. Or. 8952 C – L). Collection guide by Arnoud

Vrolijk. Leiden 2018.

- Collection Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje – Archive (Cod. Or. 12.288, Or. 18.097, Or. 18.098). Collection guide

by Arnoud Vrolijk & Silvia Compaan-Vermetten. Leiden 2016.

These three inventories can be downloaded in several files through the general catalogue of the Leiden

Library. On July 7, 2018, I have compiled one file of these three inventories and this single file can now

be downloaded from the following URL: <http://www.islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/Vrolijk-201X-en-anderen-Snouck%20Hurgronje%20Papers.PDF>

Description of the Snouck Hurgronje Archive from 2007 onward, as done by autopsy

During the digitization of the archive (2007-2012), a new number system has been cast over the

material. Hereunder that new system is followed. The notes below are based on autopsy of the material.

Physically the archive is composed as follows.

Section A. 71 boxes containing A 1 – A 1129, with envelopes and card system.

Section B. 8 boxes containing B 1 – B 101.

Section C. 13 boxes containing C 1 – C 23.

Section D. 7 boxes containing D 1 – D 219.

Section E. 3 boxes containing E 1 – E 41.

Section F. 4 boxes containing F 1 – F 7.

Section G. 5 boxes containing G 1 – G 30.

Section H-J. 2 boxes containing H 1 – H 5; J 1.

Section K. 2 boxes containing K 1 – K 2.

Section L. 13 boxes containing L 1 – L 6.

And in addition, in odd formats, outplaced 14 boxes.12

At the moment of publication of this volume of my inventory I have described by autopsy part the

Snouck Hurgronje letter collections Or. 8952 A 1 – A 329, or, in alphabetical order, from A – Ginsberg. A

few higher numbers that for one reason or another were already described, have been added to that

series. The completion of the description of the archive will be done in a not too distant future, and

once this is ready, an updated version of the present volume will be put online.

Or. 8952 A 1

Letter from al-Sayyid ʿAbd al-Ghaffar b. ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Baghdādī (fl. 1885-1905) to P.N. van der Chijs

(d. 1889), and one by his son Ḥusayn to CSH.

No. 1 - ʿAbd al-Ghaffār ṭabīb Makka => Van der Chijs, Arabic, dated 13 Shawwāl 1304.

11 See volume 13 of the present inventory (2007):

<http://www.islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or13000.pdf> 12 Quantities and measurements kindly supplied to me in October 2018 by Ms. Silvia Compaan-Vermetten.

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- Ḥusayn b. ʿAbd al-Ghaffār ṭabīb Makka => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār = CSH, Arabic, dated 3 Ǧumādā II 1323.

Or. 8952 A 2

Letter from ʿAbd al-Munʿim Nāṣir al-Shāfiʿī

No. 1 => al-Ustādh al-Fāḍil = CSH. Arabic. Dated Birmingham, 21 December 1932, with envelope.

Or. 8952 A 3

Letter from ʿAbd al-Shakūr Surabāya

No. 1 => Consul of Holland, Jeddah. Arabic. Dated 26 Rabīʿ 1307 (if Rabīʿ I = November 20, 1889; if Rabīʿ II

= December 20, 1889).

Or. 8952 A 4

Letter from Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Rafīq

No. 1 => Prof. Hurgronje = CSH. Arabic. Dated Ṣanʿāʾ al-Yaman, 23 Rabīʿ I 1354 (June 25, 1935), with

photographic portrait of sender.

Or. 8952 A 5

Two letters from Aḥmad ʿAbdallah and one letter from the Egyptian legation in Amsterdam.

Aḥmad ʿAbdallāh

No. 1 => al-Ustādh. Dated Amsterdam, 27-1-1932, Arabic. Added: Légation Royale d’Egypte => al-Ustādh.

La Haye, 3-2-1932: Aḥmad ʿAbdallāh unknown, French, typewritten.

No. 2 => al-Ustādh. Amsterdam, 4-3-1932, with envelope. Arabic.

Or. 8952 A 6

Five letters from Raden Ḥāǧǧī ʿAbd al-Qadir => CSH.

No. 1 =>Bandung, 1 Shawwāl 1324, Sundanese? manuscript

No. 2 =>Bandung, 1 Shawwāl 1325, Sundanese? manuscript

No. 3 =>Bandung, 1 February 1927, Sundanese? typewritten, envelope

No. 4 =>Bandung, 17 February 1932, Sundanese? typewritten, envelope

No. 5 =>Bandung, 25 March 1935, Sundanese? (not Malay?), typewritten, note answered 24-4-35

Or. 8952 A 7

Four letters from G.A. Abendanon => Ms. Ida Maria Snouck Hurgronje-Oort (1873-1958).

No. 1 =>Voorburg, 21 March 1944, Dutch, manuscript

No. 2 =>Voorburg, 9 June 1944, Dutch, manuscript: correspondence CSH returned to widow, 1889-1900,

1901-1924. 2 receipts.

No. 3 =>Voorburg, 12 June 1944, Dutch, manuscript: return correspondence, photo CSH?

No. 4 =>Voorburg, 15 juni 1944, Dutch, manuscript, envelope.

Or. 8952 A 8

Letters from Jacques Henri Abendanon (1852-1925) of February 11, 1923; Ministerie van Koloniën in The

Hague (J. Oudemans) of February 12, 1923; Philippus Samuel van Ronkel (1870-1954) of February 14, 1923

No. 1 => CSH. Dutch, manuscript and typewritten, envelope

Van Ronkels letter contains a note about Hazeu. Other Hazeu-related documents in Or. 8952: A 421; S

14.2; S 40.2; S 40.3; S 40.4; S 48.3.

Or. 8952 A 9 – A 13

Twenty-six letters from Raden Aboe Bakar Djajadiningrat (1859-ca. 1914) to CSH. See also M. Laffan

Page 352: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

‘Raden Aboe Bakar. An introductory note concerning Snouck Hurgronje’s informant in Jeddah (1884-

1912)’, in: Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 155/4 (1999), pp. 517-542; Michael F. Laffan,

‘Writing from the colonial margin: the letters of Aboe Bakar Djajadiningrat to Christiaan Snouck

Hurgronje’, in: Indonesia and the Malay World, 31/91 (2003), pp. 356-380.

Or. 8952 A 9

Five letters from Raden Aboe Bakar Djajadiningrat (1859-ca. 1914) => CSH.

Folder I, Nos. 1-5.

No. 1 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Jeddah, 14 September 1891 (incorrectly dated 4-9-1881, which seems to be

impossible), manuscript, Malay/Arabic, mix.

No. 2 => name addressee not given =? CSH, 19 Rabīʿ II 1302 (February 5, 1885), Arabic, with envelope.

Text on one side of the paper (28,9 x 22 cm) only; with envelope (7,6 x 14,1 cm) with text on one side


No. 3 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār (= CSH), 12 Raǧab 1302 (April 27, 1885), Arabic, manuscript, mention of Raden

Ṣāliḥ, envelope to ʿUmar al-Baghdādī.

No. 4 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār (CSH) via ʿUmar al-Baghdādī, Jeddah 3 May 1885, 18 Raǧab 1302 (May 3, 1885),

manuscript, Arabic.

No. 5 => = CSH?, Jeddah 18 May 1885, manuscript, Arabic.

[No. 1 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Jeddah, 14 September 1891 (incorrectly dated 4-9-1881, impossible),

manuscript, Malay/Arabic, mix.]

Or. 8952 A 10

Six letters from Raden Aboe Bakar Djajadiningrat (1859-ca. 1914) => CSH.

Folder II, Nos. 6-11.

No. 6 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Jeddah 3 March 1892, manuscript, Malay

No. 7 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Jeddah 16 August 1893, manuscript, Arabic, question Herklots mentioned, with


No. 8 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Jeddah 11 June 1895, manuscript, Arabic, envelope. About attack against


No. 9 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Jeddah 14 September 1895, manuscript, Arabic, envelope. Attack consuls.

No. 10 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Jeddah 15 September 1895, manuscript, Arabic, envelope. Attack consuls.

No. 11 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Jeddah 4 November 1895, manuscript, Arabic, envelope. Attack consuls.

Or. 8952 A 11

Six letters from Raden Aboe Bakar Djajadiningrat (1859-ca. 1914) => CSH.

Folder III, Nos. 12-17.

No. 12 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Jeddah, 22 January 1896, manuscript, Arabic, envelope. Continuation troubles

after attack on consuls.

No. 13 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Jeddah 31 March 1896, manuscript, Arabic, envelope. Pupil dragoman.

Continuation troubles.

No. 14 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Jeddah 9 May 1896, manuscript, Arabic, envelope. Emprisoned Ḥarbīs (attack)

freed because of Ḥaǧǧ interest. Committee from Istanbul with money for poor Ḥaǧǧī’s. Dragoman.

Herklots has to stay in Jeddah.

No. 15 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Jeddah, 19 July 1897, manuscript, Arabic, envelope.

No. 16 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Jeddah 6 August 1896, manuscript, Arabic, envelope.

No. 17 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Jeddah 24 September 1896, manuscript, Arabic, envelope (with Jeddah


Or. 8952 A 12

Four letters from Raden Aboe Bakar Djajadiningrat (1859-ca. 1914) => CSH.

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Folder IV, Nos. 18-21

No. 18 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Jeddah 19 March 1897, manuscript, Arabic, envelope.

No. 19 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Jeddah 14 February 1898, manuscript, Arabic, envelope.

No. 20 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Jeddah 6 October 1905, manuscript not autograph (professional Ruqʿa script),


No. 21 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Jeddah, 14 April 1909, manuscript, Arabic, envelope.

Or. 8952 A 13

Five letters from Raden Aboe Bakar Djajadiningrat (1859-ca. 1914) => CSH.

Folder V, Nos. 22-26

No. 22 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, 2 August 1910 / 26 Raǧab 1328, manuscript, Arabic, envelope

No. 23 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, 5 September 1910 / 1 Ramaḍān 1328, manuscript, Arabic, envelope

No. 24 => CSH, Mecca 3 October 1910, manuscript, postcard. ʿAbdallāh al-Zawāwī is in Mecca.

No. 25 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Jeddah 14 January 1911, manuscript, Arabic, envelope. Aboe Bakar has applied

for retirement.

No. 26 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Jeddah 25 September 1912, manuscript, Arabic envelope. Enclosure in Dutch:

20 September 1912. Aboe Bakar appointed Advisor Consulate, Mecca.vr

Or. 8952 A 14 – A 22

Forty-five letters from Cornelis Adriaanse (1896-1964).

Or. 8952 A 14

Cornelis Adriaanse (1896-1964). I, Nos. 1-5

No. 1. Declaration, Mecca 135?, in Malay in Latin script, with Arabic quotations from the Ḥadīth. Printed,

large broadsheet`65 x 50 cm, text on one side only. Signed Sajed Hoesen Bin Abdullah Al-attas. Babul –

Wada. – Mecca. Mention of Raja bin Soeoed. Found in the papers of Adriaanse.

No. 2 => Professor, Medan 24 November 1928, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 3 => Professor, Jeddah, January 1931, manuscript, Dutch, enclosures with stamp and wax seal print.

First impression of Jeddah.

No. 4 => Professor, Jeddah 19 January 1931, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 5 => Professor, Jeddah 18 March 1931, manuscript, Dutch. Mention of Crane, Naṣīf.

Or. 8952 A 15

Cornelis Adriaanse (1896-1964). II, Nos. 6-10

No. 6 => Professor, Jeddah 21 April 1931, manuscript, Dutch. Crane, Naṣīf.

No. 7 => Professor, The Hague 19 June 1931, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 8 => Professor, Amsterdam 28 August 1931, manuscript, Dutch. Orientalist Congress in Leiden.

No. 9 => Professor, The Hague, 23 September 1931, manuscript, Dutch, vd Meulen, van der Hoog, trip

Yemen for letter of Queen Wilhelmina.

No. 10 => Professor, Jeddah 21 December 1931, manuscript, Dutch, envelope. Enclosure: Reclamation,


Or. 8952 A 16

Cornelis Adriaanse (1896-1964). III, Nos. 11-15

No. 11 => Professor, Jeddah 16 February 1932, manuscript, Dutch, correction, envelope.

No. 12 => Professor, Jeddah 22 February 1932, manuscript, Dutch, envelope

No. 13 => Professor, Ouchy-Lausanne, 3 June 1932, manuscript, Dutch, envelope

No. 14 => Professor, Amsterdam, 10 June 1932, manuscript, Dutch, envelope. Christientje in Switzerland,

Neuchatel. Dr. vd Hoog, vd Meulen.

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No. 15 => Professor, Amsterdam, 21 June 1932, manuscript, Dutch, envelope. Introductie Abdoelkadir

Widjojoatmodjo, toekomstig vice-consul in Jeddah.

Or. 8952 A 17

Cornelis Adriaanse (1896-1964). IV, Nos. 16-20

No. 16 => Professor, The Hague, 15 September 1932, typewritten, Dutch, envelope.Reference to Snouck

Hurgronje, the secretary-genral of Foreign Affairs. Preparations treaty with Yemen, present to the imam:

the service that was not given to the Sultan of Morocco, decoration. Also Abdoelpatah.

No. 17 => Professor, The Hague, 3 October 1932, manuscript, Dutch, envelope.

No. 18 => Professor, Ouchi-Lausanne, 29 October 1932, manuscript, Dutch, envelope. Decoration,

Warner legacy letter to Imam, medical doctor in Jeddah/Mecca. Pijper. Gobée.

No. 19 => Professor, Ouchi-Lausanne, 4 November 1932, manuscript, Dutch, Yemen protocol.

No. 20 => Professor, Genua, 11 November 1932, manuscript, Dutch, envelope.

Or. 8952 A 18

Cornelis Adriaanse (1896-1964). V, Nos. 21-25

No. 21 => Professor, The Hague, 29 May 1933, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 22 => Professor, The Hague, 6 June 1933, manuscript, Dutch, envelope. Costs of manuscripts from the

Yemen, c. fl. 120, to be paid by Leiden library.

No. 23 => Professor, Montreux, 17 June 1933, manuscript, Dutch, envelope. Meeting with Van der


No. 24 => Professor, St. Gallen, 26 June 1933, manuscript, Dutch, envelope. Fee.

No. 25 => Professor, Klosters, 11 July 1933, manuscript, Dutch, envelope. Demise van Leeuwen.

Or. 8952 A 19

Cornelis Adriaanse (1896-1964). VI, Nos. 26-30

No. 26 => Professor, The Hague, 12 September 1933, manuscript, Dutch, envelope. Van de Poll.

No. 27 => Professor, Ouchi-Lausanne, 22 October 1933, manuscript, Dutch, envelope. Crane

No. 28 => [Professor], but first sheet is missing, must date beginning 1934. Letter Adriaanse in

manuscript, in Dutch. Added is copy of note by Gobée to GG, dated Batavia 12 January 1934,

typewritten: appeal to those interested in post of chargé d’affaires and acting consul in Jeddah.

No. 29 => Minister Foreign Affairs, The Hague, carbon copy of typewritten original, Jeddah, 23 January

1934. German Consulate, Jeddah.

No. 30 => Minister Foreign Affairs, The Hague, carbon copy of typewritten original, Jeddah, 22 January

1934. Report Jemen journey 1934. Dutch, typewritten, envelope.

Or. 8952 A 20

Cornelis Adriaanse (1896-1964). VII, Nos. 31-35

No. 31 => Professor, Sanaa, 12 February 1934, manuscript, Dutch, envelope. Yemen, Flieringa.

No. 32 => Professor, Jeddah 2 April 1934, manuscript, Dutch, envelope.

No. 33 => Professor, Jeddah 26 April 1934, manuscript, Dutch, envelope.

No. 34 => Professor, Ouchi-Lausanne, 13 October 1934, manuscript, Dutch, Crane. Vd Hoog.

No. 35 => Professor, Jeddah, 12 November 1934, manuscript, Dutch. Flieringa.

- added carbon copies of typewritten letters from Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Adriaanse, The Hague,

10 October 1934; 26 October 1934; 31 October 1934; 12 November 1934; 12 November 1934.

Or. 8952 A 21

Cornelis Adriaanse VIII, Nos. 36-40

No. 36 => Professor, Sanaa, 4 February 1935, manuscript, Dutch, envelope. Yemen matters.

No. 37 => Professor, Baghdad, 16 May 1935, manuscript, Dutch, envelope.

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No. 38 => Professor, The Hague, 30 May 1935, manuscript, Dutch, envelope.

No. 39 => Professor, Pontresina, 27 July 1935, manuscript, Dutch, envelope.

No. 40 => Professor, Maloja, 6 August 1935, manuscript, Dutch, envelope.

Or. 8952 A 22

Cornelis Adriaanse IX, Nos. 41-45

No. 41 => Professor, The Hague, 24 September 1935, manuscript, Dutch, envelope. Vd Hoog.

No. 42 => Professor, Amsterdam, 8 October 1935, manuscript, Dutch, envelope. Qat plantation.

No. 43 => Professor, Jeddah, 14 January 1936, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 44 => Professor, Jeddah, 22 January 1936, manuscript, Dutch, envelope. Manuscript to be paid.

No. 45 => Minister of Foreign Affairs, The Hague. Jeddah, 22 January 1936. Carbon copy of typewritten

letter sent to CSH.

Or. 8952 A 23

A.E. Adriani (Annette) => Professor (= CSH), Hoenderloo, 25 November 1927, manuscript, Dutch.

Thanks for borrowing letters N.J. Adriani to CSH (these mentioned in Or. 8952 A 23 – A 29, below).

Added typewritten letter by the same, but signed by H. Kraemer, requesting the use of Adriani’s letters.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

Or. 8952 A 24

M.A. Adriani => CSH, Utrecht 19 August 1913. Manuscript, Dutch.

Or. 8952 A 25

N. Adriani I, Nos. 1-8.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 1 => CSH, Posso, near Gorontalo, 16 May 1895, manuscript, Dutch.

Added, letter from N. Adriani => Dr. U.J.E. Tendeloo, Leiden. Tomasa 6 October 1895. manuscript,


No. 2 => CSH, Posso, 30 June 1896, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 3 => CSH, Posso, 3 March 1897, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 4 => CSH, Posso, 21 April 1897, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 5 => CSH, Posso, 25 July 1897, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 6 => CSH, Posso, 1 November 1897, manuscript, Dutch

No. 7 => CSH, Posso, 12 December 1897, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 8 [=> CSH], incomplete, possibly the sequel to No. 7. [Posso], 14 December [1897].

Or. 8952 A 26

N. Adriani II, Nos. 9-12.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 9 => CSH, Panta, 17 January 1898, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 10 => CSH, Panta, 15 March 1898, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 11 => CSH, Panta, 25 April 1898, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 12 => CSH, Posso, 15 November 1898, Manuscript, Dutch.

Or. 8952 A 27

N. Adriani III, Nos. 13-17.

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Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 13 => CSH, Numu (Mapane, near Gorontalo), 23 January 1899, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 14 => CSH, Numu (Mapane, near Gorontalo), 24 February 1899, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 15 => CSH, Mapane, near Gorontalo, 1 March 1899, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard.

No. 16 => CSH, Rato, 9 July 1899, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 17 => CSH, Mapane, near Gorontalo, 6 October 1899, manuscript, Dutch.

Or. 8952 A 28

N. Adriani IV, Nos. 18-22.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 18 => CSH, Blitar, 4 April 1900, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 19 => CSH, Mapana near Gorontalo, 18 October 1900, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 20 => CSH, Mapane near Gorontalo, 16 February 1901, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 21 => CSH, Mapane near Gorontalo, 8 June 1901, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 22 => CSH, Panta, Mapane near Gorontalo, 17 December 1901, manuscript, Dutch.

Or. 8952 A 29

N. Adriani V, Nos. 23-28.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 23 => CSH, Mapane near Gorontalo, 18 March 1902, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 24 => CSH, Mapane near Gorontalo, 28 March 1902, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 25 => CSH, Mapane near Gorontalo, 16 May 1902, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 26 => CSH, Mapana near Gorontalo, 1 August 1902, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 27 => CSH, Panta, 4 August 1902, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 28 => CSH, Mapane near Gorontalo, 28 October 1902, manuscript, Dutch.

Or. 8952 A 30

N. Adriani VI, Nos. 29-33.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 29 => CSH, Sonder near Amoerang, 15 February 1903, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 30 => CSH, Sonder near Amoerang, 2 June 1903, manuscript, Dutch. See edition, p. 124.

No. 31 => CSH, Sonder near Amoerang, 23 August 1903, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard to Snouck’s

address: ‘Gang Kampung Lima, Parapatan, Weltevreden’.

No. 32 => CSH, Sonder near Amoerang, 1 November 1903, manuscript, Dutch. See edition, p. 125.

No. 33 => CSH, Sonder near Amoerang, 27 December 1903, manuscript, Dutch.

Or. 8952 A 31

N. Adriani VII, Nos. 34-38.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 34 => CSH, Sonder near Amoerang, 14 February 1904, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 35 => CSH, Sonder near Amoerang, 22 May 1904, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 36 => CSH, Sonder near Amoerang, 1 July 1904, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 37 => CSH, Sonder near Amoerang, 12 September 1904, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 38 => CSH, Sonder near Amoerang, 1 December 1904, manuscript, Dutch.

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Or. 8952 A 32

N. Adriani VIII, Nos. 39-43.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 39 => CSH, Menado, 14 March 1905, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard, same address Snouck in


No. 40 => CSH, Menado, 14 March 1905, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 41 => CSH, A/b S.S. “Van Riebeeck”, 18 October 1905, manuscript, Dutch . Postcard.

No. 42 => CSH, Posso, 21 April 1905, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard.

No. 43 => CSH, Posso, 30 August 1905, manuscript, Dutch.

Or. 8952 A 33

N. Adriani IX, Nos. 44-49.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 44 => CSH, Posso, 10 September 1905, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 45 => CSH, Donggala, 9 October 1905, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 46 => CSH, Donggala, 25 October 1905, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 47 => CSH, Donggala, 15 November 1905, manuscript, Dutch. Posatcard.

No. 48 => CSH, Posso via Donggala, 21 December 1905, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard.

No. 49 => CSH, Posso via Donggala, 29 December 1905, manuscript, Dutch.

Or. 8952 A 34

N. Adriani X, Nos. 50-54.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 50 => CSH, Posso via Donggala, 11 February 1906, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 51 => CSH, Posso via Donggala, 20 February 1906, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard.

No. 52 => CSH, Posso via Donggala, 10 July 1906, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 53 => CSH, Koekoe (Posso via Donggala), 8 Augustus 1906, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 54 => CSH, Posso via Donggala, 5 September 1906, manuscript, Dutch.

Or. 8952 A 35

N. Adriani XI, Nos. 55-61.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 55 => CSH, Koekoe (Posso via Donggala), 20 October 1906, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 56 => CSH, Koekoe, 10 November 1906, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard. Address: Laurens Reaalstraat 2.

See edition, p. 130.

No. 57 => CSH, Meran (Austria), 2 February 1907, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard, to CSH, Leiden


No. 58 => CSH, Utrecht, 19 February 1907, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 59 => CSH, Utrecht, 23 February 1907, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard. Address CSH: Witte Singel 84a.

No. 60 => CSH, Utrecht, 1 March 1907, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 61 => CSH, Utrecht, 31 May 1907, manuscript, Dutch. Greetings to Mejuffrouw Snouck Hurgronje (=?

sister of CSH?)

Or. 8952 A 36

N. Adriani XII, Nos. 62-66.

Page 358: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 62 => CSH, The Hague, 12 April 1908, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard. Address CSH: Stuttgart,

Wernerpltz 2 II.

No. 63 => CSH, The Hague, 16 April 1908, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 64 => CSH, The Hague, 16 May 1908, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 65 => CSH, The Hague, 18 May 1908, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 66 => CSH, a/b S.S. “Vondel”, 28 October 1908, manuscript, Dutch. See edition, p. 131.

Or. 8952 A 37

N. Adriani XIII, Nos. 67-74.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 67 => CSH, Tentena (Posso via Donggala), 31 January 1909, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 68 => CSH, Tentena (Posso via Donggala), 9 March 1909, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 69 => CSH, Tentena, 11 June 1909, manuscript, Dutch. (Indische correspondent NRC polemiek CSH


No. 70 => CSH, Tentena, 14 September 1909, manuscript, Dutch. ‘peculiarities Ḥaǧǧī’s’

No. 71 => CSH, Tentena, 10 October 1909, manuscript, Dutch. CSH’s letter 16 August from Paris.

No. 72 => CSH, Posso via Donggala, 25 May 1910, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard. CSH forwarded to: Hotel

Schweizer Hof, Interlaken. Re: letter CSH 1 April.

No. 73 => CSH, Posso via Donggala, 29 May 1910, manuscript, Dutch. With PS of 31 May 1910

No. 74 => CSH, Ternate, 28 September 1910, manuscript, Dutch. About parents of Ida Oort.

Or. 8952 A 38

N. Adriani XIV, Nos. 75-79.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 75 => CSH, Posso via Donggala, 8 February 1911, manuscript, Dutch. Ref: letter CSH 8 November 1910.

No. 76 => CSH, Posso via Donggala, 6 July 1911, manuscript, Dutch. Ref: letter CSH 17 April and 1 May 1911.

No. 77 => CSH, Tentena, 8 July 1911, manuscript, Dutch. Unsigned postscript to preceding.

No. 78 => CSH, Posso via Donggala, 10 September 1911, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 79 => CSH, Tji Tjoeroeg, 20 November 1911, manuscript, Dutch. Toradja orphan boy.

Or. 8952 A 39

N. Adriani XV, Nos. 80-84.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 80 => CSH, Tji Tjoeroeg, 7 April 1912, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 81 => CSH, Weltevreden, 31 July 1912, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 82 => CSH, Soekaboemi, 9 October 1912, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 83 => CSH, Soekaboemi, 27 November 1912, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 84 => CSH, Weltevreden, 17 December 1912, manuscript, Dutch.

Or. 8952 A 40

N. Adriani XVI, Nos. 85-89.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 85 => CSH, Soekaboemi, 9 March 1913, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 86 => CSH, Soekaboemi, 8 April 1913, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard. address CSH: Witte Singel 84a

Page 359: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 87 => CSH, Soekaboemi, 23 July 1913, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 88 => CSH, Soekaboemi, 15 October 1913, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 89 => CSH, Posso, 8 December 1913, manuscript, Dutch.

Or. 8952 A 41

N. Adriani XVII, Nos. 90-96.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 90 => CSH, Posso, 8 March 1914, manuscript, Dutch. See edition, p. 140.

No. 91 => CSH, Donggala (Posso), 10 May 1914, manuscript, Dutch. See edition, p. 141 (or 171?). Mentions

a letter by CSH written during his American journey.

No. 92 => CSH, Posso, 13 July 1914, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard. See edition, p. 141. Address CSH: Witte

Singel 84a

No. 93 => CSH, Utrecht, 1 October 1914, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard. Address CSH: Witte Singel 84a

No. 94 => CSH, Amsterdam, 24 October 1914, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard. Address CSH: Witte Singel

84a. Adriani is recovering from surgery.

No. 95 => CSH, Amsterdam, 27 October 1914, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard. Address CSH: Witte Singel

84a. Adriani is recovering from surgery.

No. 96 => CSH, Station De Bilt, 20 December 1914, manuscript, Dutch. Congrats with birth daughter


Or. 8952 A 42

N. Adriani XVIII, Nos. 97-103.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 97 => CSH, Station De Bilt, 11 January 1914, typewritten (healthier!), Dutch.

No. 98 => CSH, Station De Bilt, 20 February 1915, manuscript, Dutch. On the war.

No. 99 => CSH, Station De Bilt, 8 April 1915, manuscript, Dutch. Mother and daughter CSH recovering.

No. 100 => CSH, Station De Bilt, 9 April 1915, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard. Address CSH: Witte Singel


No. 101 => CSH, Station De Bilt, 7 August 1915, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 102 => CSH, Station De Bilt, 28 August 1915, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard. Address CSH: Witte Singel


=> No. 110 => CSH, Heer, near Nijmegen, undated but 9 October 1915 (post mark), manuscript, Dutch.

Postcard, address CSH: Rapenburg 61. Incorrectly dated 1919 in catalogue University Library.

No. 103 => CSH, Station De Bilt, 28 November 1915, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard. Address CSH: Witte

Singel 84a.

Or. 8952 A 43

N. Adriani XIX, Nos. 104-107.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 104 => CSH, Station De Bilt, 20 March 1916, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 105 => CSH, Station De Bilt, 29 July 1916, manuscript, Dutch. With envelope, address CSH: Witte

Singel 84a.

No. 106 => CSH, Station De Bilt, 18 February 1917, manuscript, Dutch. Reaction to strange letter by CSH

of 16 February 1917 (about Christian missions? or about Adriani’s ambition to become successor to Van


No. 107 => CSH, Station De Bilt, 28 February 1917, manuscript, Dutch.

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Or. 8952 A 44

N. Adriani XX, Nos. 108-112.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 108 => CSH, Oegstgeest, 5 June 1919, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 109 => CSH, Haarlem, 22 August 1919, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 110 => CSH, Heer, near Nijmegen, undated but 9 October 1915 (post mark), manuscript, Dutch.

Postcard, address CSH: Rapenburg 61. Incorrectly dated 1919 in catalogue University Library.

No. 111 => CSH, Noordzee, a/b “J. Ptzn Coen”, 8 November 1919, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 112 => CSH, Donggala, 5 October 1 920, typewritten, Dutch. Mention of Pijper, Onvlee, Voorhoeve,

Christientje, ex-minister Pleyte, Hazeu, Van Ronkel.

Or. 8952 A 45

N. Adriani XXI, Nos. 113-116.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 113 => CSH, Posso, via Donggala, 26 February 1921, typewritten, Dutch. Ref. to letter CSH 12

December 1920, answered by CSH 2 May 1921.

No. 114 => CSH, Posso, via Donggala, 1 August 1921, manuscript, Dutch. Ref. to letter CSH 2 May 1921,

answered by CSH 27 September 1921. Mention of Pijper.

No. 115 => CSH, Posso, via Donggala, 13 February 1922, typewritten, Dutch. Ref. to letter CSH 2 May 1921,

answered by CSH 27 September 1921. Mention of Pijper, Van As, Brouwer, Mees.

No. 116 => CSH, Posso, via Donggala, 13 February 1922, typewritten, Dutch. Ref. to letter CSH 2 May 1921,

answered by CSH 16 April 1922. Reaction to oration Dies Leiden by CSH.

Or. 8952 A 46

N. Adriani XXII, Nos. 117-120.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 117 => CSH, Posso, via Donggala, 26 January 1923, typewritten, Dutch. Answered by CSH 29 March

1923. Esser. Added an undated short postscript.

No. 118 => CSH, Posso, via Donggala, 22 October 1923, typewritten, Dutch. Esser.

No. 119 => CSH, Posso, via Donggala, 1 December 1923, manuscript, Dutch. About ‘Vergeten Jubilé’s’.

No. 120 => CSH, Posso, via Donggala, 22 December 1923, manuscript, Dutch. About ‘Vergeten Jubilé’s’.

Postcard. Address CSH, Rapenburg 61.

Or. 8952 A 47

N. Adriani XXIII, Nos. 121-126.

Parts of this correspondence have been published in H. Kraemer, e.a., I. Dr. N. Adriani, Schets van leven

en arbeid; II. Dr. N. Adriani, zooals wij hem zien […]. Amsterdam 1930.

No. 121 => CSH, Poso, via Donggala, 17 January 1925, typescript, Dutch. About Esser’s marriage. Answered

by CSH 10 March 1925.

No. 122 => CSH, Posso, via Donggala, 15 June 1925, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 123 => CSH, Poso, via Donggala, 10 July 1925, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard. Address CSH: Rapenburg


No. 124 => CSH, Poso, via Donggala, 13 October 1925, typescript, Dutch. About Drewes.

No. 125 => CSH, Posso, via Donggala, 1 February 1926, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard. Address CSH:

Rapenburg 61.

No. 126 => CSH, Taripa, 15 March 1926, manuscript, Dutch. About Esser and family.

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Or. 8952 A 48

M.L. Adriani-Gunning (wife of N. Adriani) I, Nos 1-5.

No. 1 => CSH, Sonder, 22 January 1905, manuscript, Dutch. Ref.: letter CSH of 24 December 1904. About

Fontemboans dictionary.

No. 2 => CSH, The Hague, 8 September 1906, manuscript, Dutch. Congratulation with CSH’s

appointment as professor.

No. 3 => CSH, Meran, 30 November 1906, manuscript, Dutch. About Fontemboans dictionary and Brill

(De Stoppelaar). Answered by CSH 11 December 1906.

No. 4 => CSH, Meran, 15 December 1906, manuscript, Dutch. About Fontemboans dictionary and Brill

(De Stoppelaar).

No. 5 => CSH, Meran, 28 December 1906, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard. Address CSH: L. Reaalstraat2,

The Hague.

Or. 8952 A 49

M.L. Adriani-Gunning (wife/widow of N. Adriani) II, Nos 6-11.

No. 6 => Professor, [Amsterdam], 13 October 1914, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard. Address CSH: Witte

Singel 84a. About surgery Adriani.

No. 7 => Professor, Amsterdam, 17 October 1914, manuscript, Dutch. Postcard. Address CSH: Witte Singel

84a. About surgery Adriani.

No. 8 => Professor, Tominiboche, a/b “de Bontekoe”, 9 May 1926, manuscript, Dutch. Message

announcing death Adriani, Posso 1 May 1926, heavy pneumonia. Answered by CSH 9 July 1926.

No. 9 => Professor, Roode Zee, a/b “Vondel”, 16 August 1926, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 10 => Professor, Hoenderloo, 16 September 1926, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 11 => Professor, Amsterdam, 14 December 1926, manuscript, Dutch.

Or. 8952 A 50

M.L. Adriani-Gunning (widow of N. Adriani) III, Nos 12-16.

No. 12 => Professor, Hoenderloo, 2 October 1927, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 13 => Professor, Bloemendaal, 30 November 1928, manuscript, Dutch. CSH answered 30 November


No. 14 => Professor, Hoenderloo, 31 March 1931, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 15 => Professor, Amersfoort, 4 Decembert 1931, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 16 => Professor, Amersfoort, 7 Decembert 1931, manuscript, Dutch.

Or. 8952 A 51

M.L. Adriani-Gunning (widow of N. Adriani) IV, Nos 17-19.

No. 17 => Professor, Zwolle, 25 May 1932, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 18 => Professor, Zwolle, 8 November 1932, manuscript, Dutch.

No. 19 => Professor, Aeschi, 24 August 1933, manuscript, Dutch.

Aḥmad ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz (A.A. Azis Effendi), see Or. 8952 A 110, below

Or. 8952 A 52

Aḥmad ʿAbd al-Raḥīm (collector of proverbs) I, Nos. 1-5.

See now also Arnoud Vrolijk, ‘Proverbial misunderstandings: the sources of Christiaan Snouck

Hurgronje’s collection of Egyptian proverbs’, in Der Islam 79 (2002), 103-117.

No. 1 => Monsieur SH, np, 25 December 1885, manuscript, Arabic.

No. 2 => Monsieur Snouck, np, 26 January 1886, manuscript, Arabic.

No. 3 => Monsieur Snouck, np, 1 February 1886, manuscript, Arabic.

Page 362: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 4 => Monsieur Snouck, Château de Lancy, Pensionnat Haccius, 25 February 1886, manuscript,


No. 5 => Monsieur Snouck, np, 10 Avril 1886, manuscript, Arabic.

Or. 8952 A 53

Aḥmad ʿAbd al-Raḥīm (collector of proverbs) II, Nos. 6-11.

See now also Arnoud Vrolijk, ‘Proverbial misunderstandings: the sources of Christiaan Snouck

Hurgronje’s collection of Egyptian proverbs’, in Der Islam 79 (2002), 103-117.

No. 6 => Efendim, np, 15 Avril 1886, manuscript, Arabic.

No. 7 => Monsieur Snouck, np, 20 May 1886, manuscript, Arabic.

No. 8 => Monsieur Snouck, Paris?, 7 July 1886, manuscript, Arabic.

No. 9 => Monsieur Snouck, np, 20 August 1886, manuscript, Arabic.

No. 10 => Monsieur Snouck, np, 2 September 1886, manuscript, Arabic.

No. 11 => Monsieur Snouck, np, 25 November 1886, manuscript, Arabic.

Or. 8952 A 54

Aḥmad ʿAbd al-Raḥīm (collector of proverbs) III, Nos. 12-16.

See now also Arnoud Vrolijk, ‘Proverbial misunderstandings: the sources of Christiaan Snouck

Hurgronje’s collection of Egyptian proverbs’, in Der Islam 79 (2002), 103-117.

No. 12 => Monsieur Snouck, np, 10 January 1887, manuscript, Arabic.

No. 13 => Monsieur Snouck, np, 15 May 1887, manuscript, Arabic. Incorrectly dated as 15 March in the

library catalogue?

No. 14 => Monsieur Snouck, np, 1 May 1887, manuscript, Arabic.

No. 15 => Ḥaḍrat al-Fāḍil Snouck, np, 2 July 1887, manuscript, Arabic.

No. 16 => Sidi Snouck, np, 3 December 1887, manuscript, Arabic.

Or. 8952 A 55

Aḥmad ʿAbd al-Raḥīm (collector of proverbs) IV, Nos. 17-20.

See now also Arnoud Vrolijk, ‘Proverbial misunderstandings: the sources of Christiaan Snouck

Hurgronje’s collection of Egyptian proverbs’, in Der Islam 79 (2002), 103-117.

No. 17 => Sidi Snouck, np, 7 December 1887, manuscript, Arabic.

No. 18 => al-Ustadh Snouck, np, 10 December 1887, manuscript, Arabic.

No. 19 => Sidi al-Fāḍil Snouck, Paris, 18 December 1887, manuscript, Arabic.

No. 20 => Monsieur Snouck, Paris, 29 December 1887, manuscript, Arabic.

Or. 8952 A 56

Aḥmad ʿAbd al-Raḥīm (collector of proverbs) V, Nos. 21-24.

See now also Arnoud Vrolijk, ‘Proverbial misunderstandings: the sources of Christiaan Snouck

Hurgronje’s collection of Egyptian proverbs’, in Der Islam 79 (2002), 103-117.

No. 21 => Sidi Snouck, Paris, 15 January 1888, manuscript, Arabic.

No. 22 => Monsieur Snouck, np, 3 February 1888, manuscript, Arabic.

No. 23 => Monsieur Snouck, Paris, 9 March 1888, manuscript, Arabic.

No. 24 => Monsieur Snouck, np, 17 May 1888, manuscript, Arabic.

Or. 8952 A 57

Aḥmad ʿAbd al-Raḥīm (collector of proverbs) V, Nos. 25-28.

See now also Arnoud Vrolijk, ‘Proverbial misunderstandings: the sources of Christiaan Snouck

Hurgronje’s collection of Egyptian proverbs’, in Der Islam 79 (2002), 103-117.

No. 25 => Monsieur Snouck, np, 29 May 1888, manuscript, Arabic.

No. 26 => Monsieur Snouck, np, 4 July 1888, manuscript, Arabic.

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No. 27 => Monsieur Snouck, np, 15 June 1888, manuscript, Arabic. Incorrectly dated in library catalogue

as 15 July.

No. 28 => Sidi Snouck, np, 26 September 1888, manuscript, Arabic.

Or. 8952 A 58

Aḥmad Khan (scholar from Iran), Nos. 1-4.

No. 1 => Professeur, Leiden, 14 January 1916, manuscript, French.

No. 2 => Professeur, London, 22 January 1916, manuscript, French.

No. 3 => Professeur, London, 31 March 1916, manuscript, French. Ref. Letter CSH 22 March 1916

No. 4 => Professeur, Petrograd, 22 June 1916, manuscript, French. Ref. Letter CSH 22 March 1916, with

envelope. Address CSH: Witte Singel 84a. Mentions ‘About Holy War’.

¶ For possibly related content about Ahmad Khan, a ‘teacher’ of Persian in Cambridge, see Or. 8952 A

417, below, which is a letter from S. Hassan to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

Or. 8952 A 59

Achmad b. Moehammad Soorkattie / Aḥmad b. Muḥammad Sūrkatī

No. 1. => al-Sayyid ʿAbd al-Ghaffār Snouck al-Afkham, Batavia, 15 January 1927, manuscript, Arabic.

Or. 8952 A 60

A.Ph. van Aken, Goeverneur van Atjeh en Onderhoorigheden.

No. 1 => CSH, Koetaradja, 22 February 1936. Typewritten, Dutch, signed.

Added: copy of letter from Potjoet Meurah to CSH, Koetaradja, 22 February 1936. Request for material

assistance. Typewritten, Malay. Signature authentic in Arabic script.

Or. 8952 A 61

S.A. Alatas, Sd. Ahmad Saggaf, ‘Ali bin Abdoerrahman Alhabsji

No. 1 => GG, Buitenzorg. Batavia-Centrum, 10 June 1931. Typewritten, Malay, carbon copy (3 pp.)

Added: ‘Memorie van Toelichting’, from the same senders. Typewritten, Malay, original, 7 pp.

Or. 8952 A 62

Alawi b. Sejjid Oesman (ʿAlawī b. ʿUthmān b. ʿAbdallāh b. Yaḥyā)

No. 1 => CSH, c/o Gottheil, Columbia University, New York. 5 February 1914. Manuscript, Arabic, with

envelope. Answered by CSH on 16 March 1914.

Or. 8952 A 63

Muḥammad Kurd ʿAlī, Académie Arabe, Damas.

No. 1 => [CSH], Damascus, 19 Temmuz/July 1923, manuscript, Arabic.

No. 2 => al-Sayyid Snouck Hurgronje, Damascus, 7 Tishrin I/October 1923, manuscript, Arabic.

Answered by CSH 10 November 1923.

No. 3 => al-Ustādh, Damascus 20 Tishrīn I 1923, printed, typeset, Arabic, with original signature.

No. 4 => al-Ustādh, Damascus 11 Kānūn I 1924, manuscript, Arabic. Answered by CSH 27.12.1924.

Or. 8952 A 64

Percy S. Allan, Merton College, Oxford

No. 1 => Rector. Haarlem, 8 April 1922. Manuscript, English. Added: two business cards.

Or. 8952 A 65

Aloeda, Wakil Sultan sepoeh Pangeran Adipati Moh. Djamaloedin -, Kraton Kassepoehan Cheribon.

No. 1 => CSH, Cheribon, 18 July 1908. Manuscript, Malay. => The Hague

No. 2 => CSH, Cheribon, 27 October 1908. Manuscript, Malay, address: Leiden, WS 84a

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No. 3 => CSH, Cheribon, 26 March 1909. Manuscript, Malay, address: Leiden, WS 84a. Added: envelope.

No. 4 => CSH, Cheribon, 11 January 1912. Manuscript, Malay, with envelope.

Or. 8952 A 66

Emile Amar, Paris. I

No. 1 => Confrère, Paris, 15 January 1909. Manuscript, French

No. 2 => Confrère, Paris, 19 January 1909. Manuscript, French

No. 3 => Confrère, Paris, 1 November 1909. Manuscript, French

No. 4 => Confrère, Paris, 30 January 1910. Manuscript, French

No. 5 => Confrère, Paris, 3 April 1910. Manuscript, French

No. 6 => Confrère, Paris, 23 June 1910. Manuscript, French

Or. 8952 A 67

Emile Amar, Paris. II

No. 7 => Maître, Paris, 29 April 1911. Manuscript, French

No. 8 => Maître, Paris, 7 July 1911. Manuscript, French

No. 9 => Maître, Paris, 30 July 1911. Manuscript, French

No. 10 => Maître, Paris, 5 August 1911 (postmark). Manuscript, French. Postcard, addressL Leiden, WS

84a, forwarded to Villa Waldeck, Herrenalb, Württenberg

No. 11 => Maître, Paris, 13 November 1911. Manuscript, French

No. 12 => Maître, Paris, 24 March 1912. Manuscript, French

Or. 8952 A 68

H.F. Amedroz, London

No. 1 => CSH. collation of Tadjarib al-Umam of Ibn Miskawaih, and Tabari, series I, manuscript, English

and Arabic, 17 November 1910. CSH received it on 18 November 1910.

No. 2 => Professor. [London], 14 April 1911. Manuscript, English, Arabic. With envelope. Address: CSH:

Witte Singel 84a. Answered by CSH on 17 April 1911.

No. 3 => Professor. [London], 27 November 1913. Manuscript, English, Arabic, with envelope. Address

CSH: WS 84a

No. 4 => Professor. [London], 2 December 1913. Manuscript, English

No. 5 => Professor. [London], 18 August 1915. Manuscript, English, with additions in Arabic, with


Jo van Ammers-Küller to C. Snouck Hurgronje, see Or. 8952 A 573, below.

Or. 8952 A 69

Amsterdam. Ahmadiyya Beweging. Hidayet Muddi

No. 1 => CSH. Amsterdam, 28 September 1926. Typewritten, authentic signature, Dutch. Added:

envelope, address CSH: Rap. 61. Enclosed invitation opening First London Mosque, by Emir Faisal,

Viceroy of Mecca, on 3 October 1926.

Or. 8952 A 70

Amsterdam. Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap, Amsterdam, L.J. van Wijk.

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Amsterdam, 3 January 1927. Typewritten, Dutch. Added: prospect Comité

inzake de uitgave van Verspreide geschriften van Dr. N. Adriani, signed in original by H.L. Quarles van

Ufford, A.F. de Savornin Lohmann, C. Snouck Hurgronje, E. Gobée.

Or. 8952 A 71

Amsterdam. N.V. Dagblad De Telegraaf, Amsterdam, G.J. Goedhart; J.M. Goedemans. I

Page 365: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 1 => CSH. Amsterdam, 3 May 1933. Typewritten, Dutch, with signature Goedhart, Dutch.

No. 2 => CSH. Amsterdam, 30 May 1933. Typewritten, Dutch, with signature, Dutch. Goedhart fired from

the journal.

No. 3 => CSH. Amsterdam, 11 May 1934. Typewritten, Dutch, with signature J.M. Goedemans.

No. 4 => CSH. Amsterdam, 14 May 1934. Typewritten, Dutch, with signature J.M. Goedemans

No. 5 => CSH. Amsterdam, 7 August 1934, Typewritten, Dutch, signed by J.M. Goedemans.

Or. 8952 A 72

Amsterdam. N.V. Dagblad De Telegraaf, Amsterdam, J.M. Goedemans, and another. II

No. 6 => CSH. Amsterdam, 8 August 1934. Typewritten, Dutch, signed with stamp.

No. 7 => CSH. Amsterdam, 20 August 1934. Typewritten, Dutch, signed J.M. Goedemans.

No. 8 => CSH. Amsterdam, 22 August 1934. Typewritten, Dutch, Signed by J.M. Goedemans

No. 9 => CSH. Amsterdam, 2 October 1934. Typewritten, Dutch, signed by J.M. Goedemans. About

portrait and CV Fu’ad Hamza.

Or. 8952 A 73

Amsterdam. N.V. Dagblad De Telegraaf, Amsterdam, J.M. Goedemans, and another. III

No. 10 => CSH. Amsterdam, 25 March 1935. Typewritten, Dutch, signed by J.M. Goedemans. Also about

Col. Lawrence.

No. 11 => CSH. Amsterdam, 9 April 1935. Typewritten, Dutch, signed with stamp.

No. 12 => CSH. Amsterdam, 11 April 1935. Typewritten, Dutch, signed with stamp. About not publishing

about the adventurer Lawrence.

No. 13 => CSH. Amsterdam, 8 May 1935. Typewritten, Dutch, signed with stamp. About the coming visit

of the Saudi crown-prince to Europe.

No. 14 => CSH. Amsterdam, 26 September 1935. Typewritten, Dutch, signed with stamp. Added carbon

copy of prospectus of translation of the Qur’an by Soedewo. Signed by A.W. Siwojo, Batavia, 1

September 1935.

No. 15 => CSH. Amsterdam, 2 October 1935. Typewritten, Dutch. Signed by J.M. Goedemans. About

Lawrence, about slavery in Abyssinia.

No. 16 => CSH. Amsterdam, 9 October 1935. Typewritten, Dutch, signed with stamp. About Soedewo’s

translation of the Qur’an.

Or. 8952 A 74

Henry M. Andrews, The Hague

No. 1 => Professor. The Hague, 27 October 1918. Manuscript, English.

Or. 8952 A 75

Apeldoorn. Dienst van het Koninklijk Huis. Van Geen, particulier secretaris van H.M. de Koningin, and


No. 1 => NN. The Hague, 14 February 1922. Manuscript, Dutch. Thanks for sending text oration 347th dies.

No. 2 => Professor. Het Loo, 17 May 1931. Manuscript, Dutch. Members of the 18th Orientalist Congress will

be received by the Queen. Added: envelope.

No. 3 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Barneveld, 24 August 1931. Manuscript, Dutch. Signature unidentified.

No. 4 => Draft by CSH of a letter to the Royal Court about the receptions of the congressists, Leiden, 25

August 1931. Added envelope from the court to CSH.

No. 5 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Barneveld, 26 August 1931. Manuscript, Dutch. With envelope.

Or. 8952 A 76

C. van Arendonk (d. 1946). I

See also the Van Arendonk Archive: Or. 14.606, below.

Page 366: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 1 => Professor. Cairo, 21 February 1929. Manuscript, Dutch. Postcard, address: CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 2 => Professor. [Cairo] 15 March 1929. Manuscript, Dutch, Postcard, address, idem.

No. 3 => Professor. Cairo, 26 March 1929. Manuscript, Dutch. Postcard, address: CSH: Rap. 61.

Or. 8952 A 77

C. van Arendonk (d. 1946). II

See also the Van Arendonk Archive: Or. 14.606, below.

No. 1 => Gobée. Leiden, 2 May 1922. Manuscript, Dutch. Gossip about several persons. New address:

Papengracht 26

Or. 8952 A 78

C. van Arendonk (d. 1946). III

See also the Van Arendonk Archive: Or. 14.606, below.

No. 1 => J. Mensing, Leiden, 3 June 1938. Manuscript, Dutch, Chinese characters. Address: van A: Nieuwstraat

36. Address M: Spaargarenstraat 32, Oegstgeest.

Or. 8952 A 79

Arnhem. Vragen en Mededeelingen op het gebied der Geschiedenis, taal- en letterkunde. J.F. Bense.

No. 1 => Professor. [Arnhem], 25 November 1909. Manuscript, Dutch. Invitation to collaborate. Added:

Prospect of the new journal. Added: Envelope. CSH answered on 26 November 1909: ‘conditioneel bereid’.

No. 2 => Professor. [Arnhem], 27 November 1909. Manuscript, Dutch.

Or. 8952 A 80

T.W. Arnold, Lahore; London.

No. 1 => Sir. Lahore, 8 April 1902. Manuscript, English. Added: envelope, no details.

No. 2 => Dr. Snouck Hurgronje. Lahore, 25 July 1902 (postmark). With envelope, addressed to Batavia, but

forwarded to Kotaradja.

No. 3 => Prof. SH. London, 17 December 1914. Manuscript, English, with envelope: Witte Singel 84a.

No. 4 => NN. Granada, 12 November 1919. Manuscript, English. Postcard: Rap. 61.

No. 5 => Prof. SH. London, 30 August 1916. Manuscript, English.

No. 6 => Prof. SH. Riffelalp (Switzerland), 12 July 1928. Manuscript, English. Postcard: Rap. 61.

No. 7 => Prof. SH. London, [June 23], 1930. Printed, English, invitation to marriage daughter of Arnold.

No. 8 => NN. London, 9 June 1930. Printed. English, thanks for condolences.

Or. 8952 A 81

Muhammad Arshad b. ʿAlwān Banten / Moehamad Arsad or Arsjad.

See C. Snouck Hurgronje, Vergeten Jubilé’s, independent publication: The Hague: Comité “Nieuw-Indië”,

1924. The extended version of Snouck Hurgronje’s article in De Gids of October 1923 and the Postscript in De

Gids of November 1923. See this extended version also in Verspreide Geschriften, vol. 4/2 (1924), pp. 415-436.

The letters mentioned here are described by Snouck Hurgronje on p. 6, of the brochure edition by Comité


No. 1 => Efendī ʿAbd al-Ghaffār. Mecca, 13 Shawwāl 1341 (29 May 1923). Manuscript, Arabic. Added: Envelope

with typewritten address.

No. 2 => Efendīnā ʿAbd al-Ghaffār. [Mecca], 15 Muḥarram 1342 (28 August 1923). Manuscript, Arabic. Added:

envelope with calligraphed address, with postmarks Port-Tewfik, Port-Said.

No. 3 => Letter by CSH to Muḥammad Arshad, dated Garut, 20 November 1889. Manuscript, Arabic (in hand

CSH). It is remarkable that the letter by CSH does not begin with the Basmala. An explanation could be that

Snouck Hurgronje was aware of Dutch censorship that wouls read his letter to an indigenous detainee.

Added: photographic portrait of Moehamad Arsjad with two adult sons.

Page 367: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8952 A 82

Miguel Asin Palacios. I

No. 1 => Cher ami et collègue. Np, nd. Manuscript, French. Postcard. Dating: poststamps with King of Spain.

Address CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 2 => Cher ami et collègue. Np, nd. Manuscript, French. Postcard. Dating: poststamps with King of Spain.

Address CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 3 => Très honoré collèque. Leiden, 21 August 1911. Manuscript, French, postcard. Address CSH: WS 84a.

About Ibn Hazm, manuscript of Ṭawq al-Ḥamāma.

No. 4 => Cher ami et collègue. Madrid, 8 December 1912. Manuscript, French. Postcard, WS 84a. Thanks for

photographs manuscript of Ibn Ḥazm.

No. 5 => Cher ami, etc. Madrid, 19 January 1915. Manuscript, French. Added: Envelope. Answered by CSH 3

February 1915 (sent 4 February).

No. 6 => Cher ami, etc. Madrid, 14 February 1915. Manuscript, French. Added: Envelope, address: WS 84a.

No. 7 => Très cher Confrère, etc. San Sebastian, 5 September 1915. Manuscript, French. Postcard: WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 83

Miguel Asin Palacios. II

No. 8 => Mon cher ami… Madrid, 12 May 1919. Manuscript, French. Added: Envelope, address: WS 84a.

No. 9 => Mon cher ami … Madrid, 7 June 1919. Manuscript, French. Postcard, address: WS 84a.

No. 10 => Mon cher ami … Madrid, 16 May 1921. Manuscript, French. Postcard, address: Rap. 61.

No. 11 => Mon cher ami … Madrid, 20 October 1922. Manuscript, French.

No. 12 => Cher collègue … Madrid, 27 January 1924. Manuscript, French. Postcard, address: Rap. 61

=> =>Note that Nos. 13-15 do not exist (communication Leiden library, 13 September 2018).

Or. 8952 A 84

Miguel Asin Palacios. III

No. 16 => Mon cher ami… Madrid, 1 March 1925. Manuscript, French. Postcard. Address: Rap. 61.

No. 17 => Très honoré collue … Madrid, 11 March 1928. Manuscript, French. Postcard: Rap. 61.

No. 18 => Mon cher ami … Madrid, 22 Sept 1925 (or 1927 or 1928?). Manuscript. French. Postcard, address:

Université. Possibly incorrectly dated in the library catalogue as from 1928.

No. 19 => Cher confrere… Madrid, 12 December 1931. Manuscript, French. Postcard, Rap. 61. Post stamp:


No. 20 => Très honoré collèque… Madrid 12 April 1933. Mimeograph, French. Announcement first number

of Al-Andalus. Also signed by E. García Gomez.

Or. 8952 A 85

Henry Asselin, Directeur de l’Office Français des Pays-Bas

No. 1 => M. le Professeur. The Hague, 21 July 1916. Manuscript. French. Added: envelope: Université. About

Doutté, also in the other letters.

No. 2 => M. le Professeur. The Hague, 4 October 1916. Manuscript, French. With envelope: WS 84a.

No. 3 => M. le Professeur. The Hague, 27 November 1916. Manuscript, French. With envelope: WS 84a.

Added: business card.

No. 4 => Monsieur. The Hague, 30 November 1916. Manuscript. French, with envelope: WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 86

Mas Atmadjoemĕna / Atma Djoemĕna. I

No. 1 => NN. Weltevreden, 2 October 1922. Mimeograph, Sundanese (?). About financial matters.

No. 2 => CSH. Np, 3 March 1925. With copy extract certificate of appointment of Mr. Mas Atmadjoemĕna as

‘Archivaris Expediteur. Weltevreden 11 February 1925. Manuscript, Sundanese, Malay.

No. 3 => CSH. Weltevreden, 1 September 1925. Manuscript, Sundanese.

Page 368: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 4 => CSH. Np., 30 December 1931. Manuscript, Sundanese. Added: envelope: Rap. 61.

Or. 8952 A 87

Mas Atmadjoemĕna / Atma Djoemĕna. II

No. 1 => Adviseur voor Inlandsche Zaken. Batavia-Centrum, 6 July 1932. Typewritten, Dutch. Signed carbon

copy of the Request to retire after 39 years, 1 month, of service and to receive his pension.

Or. 8952 A 88

al-ʿAṭṭas, ʿAbdallāh b. ʿAlwī –. I

No. 1. => al-Shaykh ʿUthmān, in Mecca. Probably Jeddah, 28 Ṣafar (?) 1302 (17 December 1884). Manuscript.

Arabic. Recommendation for CSH with his friends in Mecca. 21 x 13.6 cm, text on one side only. From the

fact that the original letter is now in the Snouck Hurgronje Archive one may, perhaps, deduce that the letter

was never sent. Even if it had no effect in Mecca, it shows al-ʿAṭṭās’ attitude towards Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 2 => al-Shaykh ʿAbd al-Ghaffār. Weltevreden, 30 March 1906. Manuscript, Arabic. Added: envelope. To

The Hague, forwarded to Hotel St. Gotthard, Luzern.

No. 3 => al-Shaykh ʿAbd al-Ghaffār. Batavia, 2 Shawwāl 1324. Arabic, partly print, partly manuscript, Arabic.

Added: envelope.

No. 4 => al-Shaykh ʿAbd al-Ghaffār. Batavia 19 February 1912. Manusacript, Arabic.

No. 5 => Dr. Snouck Hurgronje. Weltevreden, 18 August 1914. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 6 => Dr. Snouck Hurgronje. Weltevreden, 14 October 1914. Manuscript, Arabic. Added: two receipts for

postal cheques.

Or. 8952 A 89

al-ʿAṭṭas, ʿAbdallāh b. ʿAlwī –. II

| and? Saʿd al-ʿAṭṭās, signature not clear on No. 13.

No. 7 => Shaykh ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Dr. Snouck Hurgronje. Batavia, 1 Shaʿbān 1333. Printed and manuscript,


No. 8 => Dr. SH. Batavia, 24 August 1915. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 9 => Dr. SH. Weltevreden, 29 October 1915. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 10 => Dr. SH. Batavia, 31 January 1917. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 11 => al-Shaykh ʿAbd al-Ghaffār. Batavia, 12 December 1917. Manuscript. Arabic. With envelope, sent to

Leiden, forwarded to Wernerplatz 2 I, Stuttgart.

No. 12 => al-Shaykh ʿAbd al-Ghaffār. Batavia, 24 November 1921.

No. 13 => Sidi ʿAbd al-Ghaffār. Weltevreden, 17 Augustus 1923. Signed by Saad l Atas. Manuscript, Arabic.

With envelope: Rap. 61.

Or. 8952 A 90

al-ʿAṭṭas, ʿAbdallāh b. Sālim, Netherlands Trading Society = NHM. I

No. 1 => Dr. SH. Jeddah, 18 May 1928. Manuscript, Arabic. Answered by CSH on 19 June 1928

No. 2 => Dr. SH. Jeddah, 14 July 1928. Manuscript, Arabic. With envelope: NHM. Address; Rap. 61.

No. 2bis. Dr. SH. Jeddah, 30 August 1928. Manuscript. Arabic. With envelope: NHM. Address; Rap. 61.

No. 3 => Dr. SH. Jeddah, 9 October 1928. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 4 => Prof. SH. Paris, 8 August 1930. Manuscript, Arabic. Originally stationary with Leiden address: S.A.

Alatas, Morschstraat 2A, Leiden.

No. 5 => Prof. SH. Paris, 17 July 1930. Manuscript, Arabic. Originally stationary with Leiden address: S.A.

Alatas, Morschstraat 2A, Leiden.

==> Nos. 4 and 5 in chronological disorder.

Or. 8952 A 91

al-ʿAṭṭas, ʿAbdallāh b. Sālim. II

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No. 6 => CSH. London, 20 July 1931 (postmark). Manuscript, Arabic, Postcard: Rap. 61

No. 7 => Prof. SH. Tangerang, 29 July 1931. Manuscript, Arabic. Originally stationary with Leiden address: S.A.

Alatas, Morschstraat 2A, Leiden. Answered by CSH on 28 September 1931.

No. 8 => Prof. SH. Batavia, 1 November 1931. Manuscript, Arabic. Originally stationary with Leiden address:

S.A. Alatas, Morschstraat 2A, Leiden, changed into an address in Batavia.

No. 9 => Prof. SH. Batavia, 21 December 1932. Manuscript, Arabic. Originally stationary with Leiden address:

S.A. Alatas, Morschstraat 2A, Leiden. Answered by CSH on 5 February 1933. Incorrectly dated in the Leiden

library catalogue.

No. 10 => Prof. SH. Batavia, 23 March 1933. Manuscript. Arabic.

No. 11 => Prof. SH. Batavia, 26 December 1933. Manuscript. Arabic. With envelope (‘per Pelikaan’. Address

SH: Rap. 61.

Or. 8952 A 92

al-ʿAṭṭas, ʿAbdallāh

No. 1 => Prof. SH, Leiden. Weltevreden, 6 August 1914. Telegram in English. Request for help for sender’s son

Ismail. Printed. English.

Or. 8952 A 93

al-ʿAṭṭas, Abū Bakr b. ʿAbdallāh (Aboebaker Alatas, Mukalla)

No. 1 => Mr. Ǧ. Gobée. Mukalla, 30 December 1926. Manuscript, Arabic.

Or. 8952 A 94

al-ʿAṭṭas, Sayyid Ḥasan b. Abū Bakr (S. Hassan Alattas) (Petamboeran, Weltevreden, Java)

No. 1 => Dr. Snouck. Aligarh, 29 March 1930. Manuscript, Arabic, answered by CSH on 19 June 1930. Added:


Or. 8952 A 95

al-ʿAṭṭas, Ḥasan b. Abū Bakr

No. 1 => al-Mustashriq al-Hūlandī al-Kabīr. Mukalla, 29 Rabīʿ II 1350 (13 September 1931). Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 2 => Dr. Snouck. Addis Ababa, 6 October 1933. Manuscript, Arabic. Answered by CSH on 29 October


Or. 8952 A 96

al-ʿAṭṭas, Hāshim b. ʿAbdallāh (Hachim)

No. 1 => CSH. Batavia, 19 June 1919. Typewritten, French. Hachim Alatas & Co. (‘mon frère Osman’)

No. 2 => M. le Professeur. The Hague, 29 August 1919. Manuscript. French.

No. 3 => CSH. Brussels, 16 September 1919. Manuscript, French.

No. 4 => CSH. Paris, 8 October 1919. Manuscript, French.

Or. 8952 A 97

al-ʿAṭṭas, Ḥusayn (S.H. Alatas)

No. 1 => CSH. Jeddah, 2 November 1932. Typewritten, Arabic.

No. 2 => CSH. Jeddah, 17 Ramaḍān 1353 / 21 December 1934. Manuscript, Arabic. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 98

al-ʿAṭṭas, Sayyid Ḥusayn (= same as preceding? probably)

No. 1. Marriage announcement between Sajid Hoesein Alatas and Sjarifah Taibah Alsagoff,

Djedda/Singepore, September 1935. Marriage date: 9 October 1935, Singapore.

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Or. 8952 A 99

al-ʿAṭṭas, Ismāʿīl b. ʿAbdallāh (Ismail Alatas). I.

No. 1 => Sir. The Hague, 19 August 1914. Manuscript. English. Library catalogue has incorrectly 13 August.

No. 2 => Sidi al-Professor. The Hague, 9 October 1914. Manuscript, Arabic. Mr. Van Meeuwen, teacher of


No. 3 => Sidi al-Professor. The Hague, 12 October 1914. Manuscript, Arabic. Mr. Van Meeuwen.

No. 4 => Sidi al-Professor. The Hague, 20 October 1914. Manuscript, Arabic. Another teacher: J. van Etten.

No. 5 => Sidi al-Professor. The Hague, 25 November 1914. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 6 => Sidi al-Professor. The Hague, 1 December 1914. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 7 => Hooggeleerde Professor. The Hague, 29 December 1914. Manuscript, Dutch.

Or. 8952 A 100

al-ʿAṭṭas, Ismāʿīl b. ʿAbdallāh (Ismail Alatas). II.

No. 8 => Sidi al-Professor. The Hague, 18 January 1915. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 9 => Sidi al-Professor. The Hague, 22 January 1915. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 10 => CSH. The Hague, 1 May 1915. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 11 => CSH. The Hague, 3 May 1915. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 12 => CSH. The Hague, 12 June 1915. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 13 => Sidi al-Professor. Geneve, 9 August 1915. Manuscript, Arabic. Mention of Ruete in Zürich.

Or. 8952 A 101

al-ʿAṭṭas, Ismāʿīl b. ʿAbdallāh (Ismail Alatas). III.

No. 14 => Sidi al-Professor. Geneve, 1 September 1915. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 15 => Sidi al-Professor. Geneve, 6 October 1915. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 16 => Sidi al-Professor. Geneve, 11 October 1915. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 17 => Sidi al-Professor. Geneve, 20 October 1915. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 18 => Sidi al-Professor. Geneve, 31 October 1915. Manuscript, Arabic.

Or. 8952 A 102

al-ʿAṭṭas, Ismāʿīl b. ʿAbdallāh (Ismail Alatas). IV.

No. 19 => Sidi al-Ustadh. Zürich, 18 April 1916. Manuscript, Arabic. Mention of Brandstetter.

No. 20 => Sidi al-Ustadh. Zürich, 26 April 1916. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 21 => Sidi al-Ustadh. Zürich, 3 May 1916. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 22 => Professor. London, 2 December 1916. Manuscript, English. Added: envelope. Address CSH: WS 84a

No. 23 => Professor. Plymouth, 12 December 1916. Manuscript, English. Added: envelope. Address CSH: WS


Or. 8952 A 103

al-ʿAṭṭas, Ismāʿīl b. ʿAbdallāh (Ismail Alatas). V.

No. 24 => Professor. Cape Town, 5 January 1917. Manuscript, English. Postcard. Address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 25 => Professor. Durban, 8 January 1917. Manuscript, English. Postcard. Address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 26 => Professor. Batavia, 15 February 1917. Manuscript, Dutch. Postcard. Address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 27 => Sidi al-ʿAzīz. Weltevreden, 23 February 1917. Manuscript, Arabic. Added: envelope. Mention of


Or. 8952 A 104

al-ʿAṭṭas, Ismāʿīl b. ʿAbdallāh (Ismail Alatas). VI.

No. 28 => Professor. Weltevreden, 28 March 1917. Typewritten, Dutch.

No. 29 => Professor. Weltevreden, 22 May 1917. Typewritten, Dutch. Received and answered by CSH on 13

August 1917.

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No. 30 => Professor. Batavia, 27 July 1917. Typewritten, Dutch. On stationary Niederer & Co., Batavia. About

printing business cards by M. Dijkhoffz in The Hague. Added: Invoice printer of October 1917, letter from

printer dated 24 October 1917, receipt postal cheque.

No. 31 => Professor. Batavia, 30 July 1917. Typewritten, Dutch. On stationary Niederer & Co., Batavia.

No. 32 => Professor. Batavia, 7 December 1917. Typewritten, Dutch.

Or. 8952 A 105

al-ʿAṭṭas, Ismāʿīl b. ʿAbdallāh (Ismail Alatas). VII.

No. 33 => Professor. Weltevreden, 1 February 1918. Manuscript, English. Received by CSH May 1918, answered

after receipt postal cheque (business cards) on May 24, 1918.

No. 34 => CSH. Weltevreden, 26 March 1919. Manuscript, Arabic. Received by CSH on 22 May 1919, answered

on 27 May 1919. Ismail has started his own company: Baraka Trading Company.

No. 35 => CSH. Batavia, 17 July 1919. Typewritten, Dutch.

No. 36 => CSH. Batavia 11 May 1920. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 37 => CSH. Weltevreden, 14 March 1921. Manuscript, Arabic. Added: Newspaper cutting from Java-Bode

of 3 November 1920, with the romantic story in Dutch how Ismail eloped with Fatimah Binti Ajjoel. Also

added: envelope witch address CSH: Rap. 61.

Or. 8952 A 106

al-ʿAṭṭas, Ismāʿīl b. ʿAbdallāh (Ismail Alatas). VIII.

No. 38 => CSH. Weltevreden 18 June 1922. Manuscript, Arabic. Reference to Java-Bode. Also mention of


No. 39 => CSH. Sukabumi, 24 July 1922. Manuscript, Arabic. Mention Java-Bode, Gobée.

No. 40 => CSH. Weltevreden, 6 November 1922. Manuscript, Arabic. Mention of photographic portraits sent

to CSH (Rasm = photograph). No photographs added here. The list says: Portraits of father with Ṭarbūsh,

father without Ṭarbūsh, portrait of himself, portrait of wife, portrait of daughter. See also below Or. 8952 A

107a for a double portrait, one with Ṭarbūsh, the other without.

No. 41 => CSH. Weltevreden, 16 June 1926. Manuscript, Arabic. Postcard, address CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 42 => CSH. Weltevreden, 21 July 1926 (library catalogue incorrectly: June). Manuscript, Arabic. Postcard.

Address CSH: Rap 61, but forwarded to holiday address: ‘de Heer Gregoor, Bentincklaan 22, de Steeg (Gld.)’.

Or. 8952 A 106a

al-ʿAṭṭas, Muhammad b. ʿAbdallāh b. ʿAlwī.

No. 1 => CSH. Batavia, 24 July 1933. Manuscript, Arabic. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 107

al-ʿAṭṭas, Ismāʿīl b. ʿAbdallāh (Ismail Alatas). IX.

No. 43 => CSH. Weltevreden, 7 January 1930. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 44 => CSH. Batavia, 11 August 1931. Manuscript, Arabic. Answered by CSH on 27 September 1931.

No. 45 => Sidi al-Ustadh. Batavia, 28 October 1931. Manuscript, Arabic. Postcard. Address CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 46 => CSH. Batavia, 19 September 1933. Manuscript, Arabic. Added: envelope.

No. 47 => CSH. Batavia, 12 December 1933. Manuscript, Arabic.

Or. 8952 A 107a

al-ʿAṭṭas, ʿUthmān (Os./Osman)

No. 1 => Professeur. Constantinople, 20 December 1918. Manuscript, French. Pasted on p. 1 are two

photographic portraits, the same person, one with Ṭarbūsh, the other without Ṭarbūsh. Is this the double

portrait of the father, or are they portraits of ʿUthmān?

No. 2 => CSH. Constantinople, 4 April 1919. Manuscript, French. Mention of Kramers. CSH telegraphed

(about a financial matter) on 27 May 1919.

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No. 3 => CSH. Constantinople, 21 September 1919. Manuscript, French. CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 4 => CSH. Port Said, 11 June 1920. Manuscript, French. Postcard, address CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 5 => CSH. Costantinople, 18 December 1921. Manuscript, French. Return address: Consulat des Pays-Bas,

Constantinople. Postcard: address CSH: Rap. 61.

Or. 8952 A 108

al-ʿAṭṭas, Ismāʿīl b. ʿAbdallāh (Ismail Alatas).

No. 1 => ʿUthmān b. ʿAbdallāh al-ʿAṭṭās => his brother ʿUthmān. Batavia, 20 April 1917. Typewritten, French.

Added: envelope with address Osman Alatas, c/o Prof. CSH, Leiden, WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 108a

ʿAwn al-Rafīq, Amīr Makka al-Mukarrama

No. 1 => Vice-Consul Holland in Jeddah. [Mecca] 5 Shaʿbān 1306 (6 April 1889). Manuscript, Arabic.

Or. 8952 A 109

Ḥabīb Tjoet Muḥammad (or? Muhammad Ḥabīb Cut?), and ʿAydarūs (2 persons?) in Blang Mie

No. 1 => Tuan Snouck in Europe. Kotaradja, Muḥarram 1332 (between 30 November and 29 December 1913).

Manuscript, Malay.

Or. 8952 A 110

Aḥmad ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz (A.A. Azis Effendi)

No. 1 => Sidi ʿAbd al-Ghaffār. Batavia 1 Shawwāl 1324 / 18 November 1906. Manuscript, Arabic. Added:

envelope, address CSH: Laurens Reaelstraat 2, The Hague. Added: envelope.

No. 2 => Sidi ʿAbd al-Ghaffār. Batavia 12 December 1907. Manuscript, Arabic. Added: envelope with address

CSH: WS 84a, forwarded to Wernerplatz 2 II, Stuttgart.

Or. 8952 A 111

Sī ʿAzīz b. al-Shaykh al-Ḥaddād. I

No. 1 => Consul-General Holland in Jeddah. Mecca 21 September 1884. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 2 => Consul-General Holland in Jeddah. Mecca, 3 October 1884. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 3 => Consul-General Holland in Jeddah. [Mecca?], 7 Ṣafar 1302 (26 November 1884). Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 4 => al-Shaykh Muḥammad b. ʿAbdallāh Efendi. Mecca, Rabīʿ I 1302 (between 19 December 1884 and 17

January 1885). Manuscript, Arabic. Added: envelope: Ḥaḍrat al-ʿĀlim with the Consul-General of Holland.

No. 5 => Sayid al-Faqīh. Mecca, 4 December 1884. Manuscript, Arabic.

Or. 8952 A 112

Sī ʿAzīz b. al-Shaykh al-Ḥaddād. II

No. 6 => Muḥammad b. ʿAbdallāh. [Mecca], 1 January 1885. Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 7 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār. Mecca, 17 Rabīʿ II 1302 (3 February 1885). Manuscript, Arabic. With envelope,

address: Qarīban ilā Bayt Qunṣul Hūlanda bi-Jeddah.

No. 8 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār. Mecca, 20 Dhū al-Qaʿda 1302 (31 August 1885). Manuscript, Arabic. Olim Or. 18.097

S 32. Honderd Jaar, No. 55.

No. 9 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār. Mecca, Wednesday, Rabīʿ II 1303 (between 7 January and 4 February 1886).

Manuscript, Arabic.

Or. 8952 A 113

Franz Babinger, Würzburg.

No. 1 => Professor. Berchtesgaden, 13 August 1919. Manuscript. German. Postcard, address CSH: WS 84.

No. 2 => Professor. Charlottenburg, (post mark), 7 July 1924. Typewritten, German. Postcard, address CSH:


Page 373: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8952 A 114

A. Bahgat, see also under Cairo, Comité de Conservation des Monuments de l’Art Arabe (= Or. 8952 A 219).

Other documents of Ali Bahgat: Or. 8952 A 161 No. 13; A 219.

No. 1 => CSH. Gouda, 29 September 1911 (post mark). Manuscript, Arabic. Postcard, address CSH: WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 115

A. Bakels, Sittard (L.)

No. 1 +> CSH. Sittard, 4 January 1924. Manuscript, Dutch.

Or. 8952 A 116

Bakhuizen van den Brink (he is possibly Charles René Bakhuizen van den Brink, 1850-1923. See his

biography by H.D.M. Bosboom in Jaarboek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde, 1924, pp. 20-


No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer. The Hague, 24 October 1908. Manuscript, Dutch. Added, envelope, address CSH:

WS 84a. CSH answered 26 October 1908.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Heer. The Hague, 17 November 1908. Manuscript, Dutch.

Or. 8952 A 117

Ṣāliḥ al-Bassam. He is mentioned in Snouck Hurgronje’s Jeddah diary.

No. 1 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār. N.p., 8 Raǧab 1885 (23 April 1885). Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 2 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār in Mecca. N.p., 14 Raǧab 1302 (29 April 1885). Manuscript, Arabic.

No. 3 => ʿAbd al-Ghaffār in Leiden. N.p., 28 Rabīʿ II 1303 / 2 February 1886. Manuscript, Arabic. Added:

envelope, with address CSH: ilā Laydan.

Or. 8952 A 118

René Basset. I

No. 1, Unused postcard, found in Basset’s correspondence with CSH. Taḥiyyat al-ʿAlam, image of the tricolore

with 4 distychs in Arabic.

No. 2 => CSH. Alger, 27 January 1915 (post mark). Manuscript, French. Postcard, address CSH: WS 34a (sic).

Postcard shows Lunéville, sender’s birth place.

No. 3 => CSH. Roma, 9 April 1915. Manuscript, French. Postcard, address: WS 84a.

No. 4 => Cher Collègue et ami. Alger, 21 May 1916. Manuscript, French.

No. 5 => CSH. Alger (post mark), 23 May 1916. Manuscript, French. Postcard, address CSH: WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 119

René Basset. II

No. 6 => CSH. N.p. (?), 24 May 1916. Manuscript, French. Postcard, address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 7 => CSH. Alger (post mark), 29 May 1917. Manuscript, French. Postcard, address CSH: WS 84a. CSH

received and answered on 26 June 1917.

No. 8 => CSH. Alger (post mark), 20 February 1919. Manuscript, French. Postcard, address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 9. Announcement of decease of René Basset, on 4 January 1924.

Or. 8952 A 120

Batavia. Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, Batavia.

No. 1 => CSH. Batavia, 12 February 1931. Typewritten, Dutch. Senders: Ch.J.I.M. Welter and C.C.F.M. le Roux.

Forwarding the copy of an invitation in French to 4th centenary Collège de France. Paris, 4 November 1930.

Added: envelope, from Batavia to Leiden, CSH.

Or. 8952 A 121

Batavia. Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, Batavia.

Page 374: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 1 => Ms. I. Snouck Hurgronje-Oort. Batavia, 28 October 1936. Typewritten, Dutch. Signed by Hoesein

Djajadiningrat and W.J. à Thuessink van der Hoop. Confirming receipt of a SH legacy.

Or. 8952 A 122

Batavia. Oudheidkundige Dienst, N.J. Krom.

No. 1 => CSH. Batavia, 15 August 1912. Manuscript, Dutch

Or. 8952 A 123

Baviera. Regia Università degli Studi di Napoli. Giovanni Baviera.

No. 1 => CSH. [Napoli], 24 March 1913. Manuscript, German. Added, envelope, address CSH: WS 84a. Sent

from Palermo.

Or. 8952 A 124

Batavia/Surabaya. Eerste Nederlandsche Verzekering-Maatschappij op het Leven en tegen Invaliditeit.

No. 1 => Raden Ayoe Lasmita Koesoema, in Tjiamis. Surabaya, 9 November 1911. Typewritten, Dutch. Added

=> Raden Ayoe Lasmita Koesoema, in Tjiamis. Batavia, 4 April 1906, as an enclosure to the later letter.

Added: envelope with address CSH: WS 84a, forwarded to Hotel Hungaria, Budapest. Sent from Tasikmelaja,

18 November 1911 (post marks).

Or. 8952 A 125 - A 139

Letters from Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) to C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936).

References are to J. de Bruijn & G. Harinck, Een Leidse vrienschap. De briefwisseling tussen Herman Bavinck

en Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1875-1921. Baarn: Ten Have, 1999.

Or. 8952 A 125

Letters from Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. 1875. I

References are to J. de Bruijn & G. Harinck, Een Leidse vrienschap. De briefwisseling tussen Herman Bavinck

en Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1875-1921. Baarn: Ten Have, 1999.

No. 1 => Amice. Kampen, June 1875. Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with address CSH: Hooigracht 87.

Edition No. 1, where date June 28, 1875 is given.

No. 2 => Amicissime. Kampen, August 16, 1875. Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with address CSH:

Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 2.

No. 3 => Amicissime. Kampen (postmark), n.d. (September 16, 1875?). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope,

with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 3.

No. 4 => Amice. Kampen, December, 1875 (December 22?), postmark has December 23). Manuscript, Dutch.

Added: envelope, with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 4.

Or. 8952 A 126

Letters from Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. 1876. II

References are to J. de Bruijn & G. Harinck, Een Leidse vrienschap. De briefwisseling tussen Herman Bavinck

en Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1875-1921. Baarn: Ten Have, 1999.

No. 5 => Amice. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, January 13, 1876 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with

address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 5.

No. 6 => Amice. N.p., n.d. (April 17, 1876?). Manuscript, Dutch. Edition No. 6.

No. 7 => Amice. Kampen, dinsdagavond, n.d. (June 6, 1876). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with

address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 7.

No. 8 => Amicissime. Kampen, donderdagavond, n.d. (June 29, 1876). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope,

with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 8. Note that edition No. 9 (Bavinck => CSH, Kampen, August

9, 1876) seems to be missing.

Page 375: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 9 => Amice. Kampen, maandagmiddag, n.d. (September 11, 1876). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope,

with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 10.

No. 10 => Amice. NP, vrijdagavond, n.d. (December 29, 1876). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with

address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 11.

Or. 8952 A 127

Letters from Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. 1877-1878. III

References are to J. de Bruijn & G. Harinck, Een Leidse vrienschap. De briefwisseling tussen Herman Bavinck

en Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1875-1921. Baarn: Ten Have, 1999.

No. 11 => Amice. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, July 10, 1877 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with

address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 12.

No. 12 => Amicissime. Emmikhoven, September 6 [1877]. Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with address

CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 13.

No. 13 => Amice. N.p., n.d. (January 7, 1878?) (Kampen, January 1878 (postmark). Manuscript, Dutch. Added:

envelope, with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 14, where date January 7, 1878 is given..

No. 14 => Amice. Kampen, maandagmorgen, n.d. (April 15, 1878 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added:

envelope, with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 15. Edition No. 16 is CSH => Bavinck, Leiden, April

17, 1878.

No. 15 => Amice. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, April 23, 1878 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with

address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 17.

Or. 8952 A 128

Letters from Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. 1878. IV

References are to J. de Bruijn & G. Harinck, Een Leidse vrienschap. De briefwisseling tussen Herman Bavinck

en Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1875-1921. Baarn: Ten Have, 1999.

No. 16 => Amice. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, May 2, 1878 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with

address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 18.

No. 17 => Amice. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, July 10, 1878 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with

address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 19.

No. 18 => Amicissime. Kampen, zaterdagavond, n.d. (Kampen, August 3, 1878 (postmark)). Manuscript,

Dutch. Added: envelope, with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 20.

No. 19 => Amice. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, September 24, 1878 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope,

with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 21. Edition No. 22 is CSH => Bavinck, Rotterdam, September

29, 1878.

Or. 8952 A 129

Letters from Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. 1879. V

References are to J. de Bruijn & G. Harinck, Een Leidse vrienschap. De briefwisseling tussen Herman Bavinck

en Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1875-1921. Baarn: Ten Have, 1999.

No. 20 => Amice. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, January 8, 1879 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope,

with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 23.

No. 21 => Amice. Kampen, dinsdagmiddag, n.d. (Kampen, April 8, 1879 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch.

Added: envelope, with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 24. Edition No. 25 is CSH => Bavinck,

Leiden, April 20, 1879.

No. 22 => Amice. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, May 1, 1879 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with

address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 26. Edition No. 27 is CSH => Bavinck, Leiden, August 4, 1879.

No. 23 => Amicissime. Kampen, dinsdagavond, n.d. (Kampen, August 19, 1879 (postmark)). Manuscript,

Dutch. Added: envelope, with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 28. Edition No. 29 is CSH => Bavinck,

Leiden, November 10, 1879.

Page 376: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 24 => Amicissime. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, November 11, 1879 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added:

envelope, with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 30. Edition No. 31 is CSH => Bavinck, Leiden,

December 12, 1879.

Or. 8952 A 130

Letters from Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. 1880. VI

References are to J. de Bruijn & G. Harinck, Een Leidse vrienschap. De briefwisseling tussen Herman Bavinck

en Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1875-1921. Baarn: Ten Have, 1999.

No. 25 => Amicissime. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, January 6, 1880 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added:

envelope, with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 32. Edition No. 33 is CSH => Bavinck, Leiden,

February 4, 1880.

No. 26 => Amice. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, February 6, 1880 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope,

with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 34.

No. 27 => Amice. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, May 13, 1880 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with

address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 35, where the date May 12, 1880 is given. Edition No. 36 is CSH =>

Bavinck, Leiden, July 8, 1880; Edition No. 37 is CSH => Bavinck, Leiden, September 6, 1880; Edition No. 38 is

CSH => Bavinck, Leiden, November 6, 1880.

No. 28 => Amice. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, November 13, 1880 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope,

with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 39.

No. 29 => Amice. Kampen, November 24, 1880. Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with address CSH:

Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 40. Edition No. 41 is CSH => Bavinck, Strassbourg, December 22, 1880.

Or. 8952 A 131

Letters from Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. 1881-1882. VII

References are to J. de Bruijn & G. Harinck, Een Leidse vrienschap. De briefwisseling tussen Herman Bavinck

en Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1875-1921. Baarn: Ten Have, 1999.

No. 30 => Amicissime. Kampen, January 13, 1881. Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with address CSH:

Strassburg i/E, Schifflentstaden 38. Edition No. 42. Edition No. 43 is CSH => Bavinck, Strassbourg, March 14,


No. 31 => Amicissime. Franeker, June 17, 1881. Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with address CSH:

Strassburg i/E, Schifflentstaden 38. Edition No. 44, where date June 16, 1881 is given. Edition No. 45 is CSH =>

Bavinck, Leiden, September 18, 1881.

No. 32 => Amicissime. N.p., n.d. (Franeker, September 23, 1881 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added:

envelope, with address CSH: Hooigracht. Edition No. 46. Edition No. 47 is CSH => Bavinck, Leiden,

December 12, 1881.

No. 33 => Amicissime. Franeker, dinsdag (Franeker, March 7, 1882 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added:

envelope, with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 48. Edition No. 49 is CSH => Bavinck, Leiden, April

18, 1882.

No. 34 => Amicissime. Franeker, vrijdagmiddag (Franeker, November 10, 1882 (postmark)). Manuscript,

Dutch. Added: envelope, with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 50

Or. 8952 A 132

Letters from Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. 1883. VIII

References are to J. de Bruijn & G. Harinck, Een Leidse vrienschap. De briefwisseling tussen Herman Bavinck

en Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1875-1921. Baarn: Ten Have, 1999.

No. 35 => Amice. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, January 2, 1883 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with

address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 51. Edition No. 52 is CSH => Bavinck, Leiden, January 24, 1883.

No. 36 => Amice. N.p., February 7, 1883 (by implication). (Kampen, February 8, 1883 (postmark)).

Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 53, where date February

8, 1883, is given.

Page 377: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 37 => Amice. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, June 26, 1883 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with

address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 54.

No. 38 => Amicissime. N.p., October 23, 1883 (Kampen (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope,

with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 55.

Or. 8952 A 133

Letters from Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. 1884-1885. IX

References are to J. de Bruijn & G. Harinck, Een Leidse vrienschap. De briefwisseling tussen Herman Bavinck

en Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1875-1921. Baarn: Ten Have, 1999.

No. 39 => Amicissime. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, February 11, 1884 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added:

envelope, with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 56.

No. 40 => Amicissime. Kampen, maandagmiddag (Kampen, June 16, 1884 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch.

Added: envelope, with address CSH: Leiden. Edition No. 57.

No. 41 => Amice. N.p., n.d. (Kampen (?), July 23, 1884 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope,

with address CSH: Leiden. Edition No. 58.

No. 42 => Waarde vriend. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, August 3, 1884 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added:

envelope, with address CSH: Hooigracht 87. Edition No. 59.

No. 43 => Amicissime. Kampen, December 23, 1884 (Kampen, December 24, 1884 (postmark)). Manuscript,

Dutch. Added: envelope, with address CSH: Djeddah. Edition No. 60.

No. 44 => Amicissime. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, December 9, 1885 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added:

envelope, with address CSH: Hooigracht. Edition No. 61.

Or. 8952 A 134

Letters from Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. 1886-1888. X.

References are to J. de Bruijn & G. Harinck, Een Leidse vrienschap. De briefwisseling tussen Herman Bavinck

en Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1875-1921. Baarn: Ten Have, 1999.

No. 45 => Amicissime. Kampen, January 12, 1886 (Kampen, January 12, 1886 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch.

Added: envelope, with address CSH: Leiden. Edition No. 62.

No. 46 => Amicissime. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, May, 7, 1886 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope,

with address CSH: Leiden. Edition No. 63.

No. 47 => Amice. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, (postmark) January 1, 1887?). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope,

with address CSH: no detail. Edition No. 64.

No. 48 => Amicissime. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, August 7 [1888?] (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added:

envelope, with address CSH: Hooigracht. Envelope has a note in pencil, in Malay. Edition No. 65.

No. 49 => without addressing. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, October 19, 1888 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch.

Postcard. Edition No. 66.

No. 50 => Amicissime. N.p., n.d. (Kampen, December 22, 1888 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added:

envelope, with address CSH: Hooigracht. Edition No. 67.

Or. 8952 A 135

Letters from Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. 1889-1902. XI.

References are to J. de Bruijn & G. Harinck, Een Leidse vrienschap. De briefwisseling tussen Herman Bavinck

en Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1875-1921. Baarn: Ten Have, 1999.

No. 51 => Amicissime. Kampen, January 29, 1889 (Kampen, January 30, 1889 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch.

Added: envelope, with address CSH: Leiden. Edition No. 68, where date January 29, 1889, is given.

No. 52 => Amicissime. Kampen, February 11, 1889 (Kampen, February 12, 1889 (postmark)). Manuscript,

Dutch. Added: envelope, with address CSH: Leiden. Edition No. 69.

No. 53 => Amicissime. Kampen, March 21, 1889 (Kampen, March 15, 1889 (postmark)?, hence mistake in

date, either letter, or in postmark). Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with address CSH: Hooigracht.

Page 378: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Edition No. 70. Edition No. 71 is CSH => Bavinck, Weltevreden, July 16, 1890; No. 72 is CSH => Bavinck,

Weltevreden, June 18, 1895.

No. 54 => Amicissime. Kampen, March 21, 1902 (Kampen, March 21, 1902 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch.

Added: envelope, with address CSH: Weltevreden. CSH answered on December 1, 1902. Edition No. 73.

Or. 8952 A 136

Letters from Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. 1903-1908. XII.

References are to J. de Bruijn & G. Harinck, Een Leidse vrienschap. De briefwisseling tussen Herman Bavinck

en Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1875-1921. Baarn: Ten Have, 1999.

No. 55 => Amice. Kampen, January 3, 1903 (!), Bavinck wrote 1902 (Kampen, January 4, 1903 (postmark)).

Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with address CSH: Weltevreden, forwarded to Koeta Radja. CSH

answered on April 13, 1903. Edition No. 74.

No. 56 => Amicissime. Amsterdam, November 20, 1903 (Amsterdam, November 20, 1903 (postmark)).

Manuscript, Dutch. Added: envelope, with address CSH: Weltevreden. Edition No. 75. Edition No. 76 is CSH

=> Bavinck, Weltevreden, June 1, 1904.

No. 57 => Amice. Amsterdam, June 1, 1905 (Amsterdam, June 2, 1905 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch.

Added: envelope, with address CSH: Weltevreden. Edition No. 77.

No. 58 => Amicissime. Amsterdam, January 16, 1906 (Amsterdam, January 16, 1906 (postmark)). Manuscript,

Dutch. Added: envelope, with address CSH: Weltevreden. Edition No. 78.

No. 59 => Amicissime. Amsterdam, August 19, 1906 (Amsterdam, August 20, 1906 (postmark)). Manuscript,

Dutch. Added: envelope, with address CSH: Den Haag. CSH answered on August 20, 1906. Edition No. 79,

where date August 19, 1906 is given. Edition No. 80 is CSH => Bavinck, Leiden, December 30, 1908.

Or. 8952 A 137

Letters from Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. 1909-1910. XIII.

References are to J. de Bruijn & G. Harinck, Een Leidse vrienschap. De briefwisseling tussen Herman Bavinck

en Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1875-1921. Baarn: Ten Have, 1999.

No. 60 => Amice. Amsterdam, January 3, 1909 (Amsterdam, January 3, 1909 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch.

Added: envelope, with address CSH: Leiden. Edition No. 81.

No. 61 => Amice. Amsterdam, January 11, 1909 (Amsterdam, January 11, 1909 (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch.

Added: envelope, with address CSH: Leiden. Edition No. 82.

No. 62 => Amice. Amsterdam, February 4, 1909 (Amsterdam (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Added:

envelope, with address CSH: Leiden. Edition No. 83.

No. 63 => No addressing. Amsterdam, June 9, 1909 (Amsterdam (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Postcard

with address CSH: Leiden. Edition No. 84. Edition No. 85 is CSH => Bavinck, Leiden, July 8, 1909.

No. 64 => Amicissime. Amsterdam, June 27, 1910. Manuscript, Dutch. Edition No. 86.

Or. 8952 A 138

Letters from Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. 1911-1914. XIV.

References are to J. de Bruijn & G. Harinck, Een Leidse vrienschap. De briefwisseling tussen Herman Bavinck

en Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1875-1921. Baarn: Ten Have, 1999.

No. 65 => Amice. Amsterdam, June 29, 1911 (Amsterdam (postmark)). Manuscript, Dutch. Address CSH:

Leiden. Edition No. 87.

No. 66 => Amice. Amsterdam, September 1, 1911 (Amsterdam, September 1, 1911 (postmark)). Manuscript,

Dutch. Address CSH: WS 84a. Edition No. 88.

No. 67 => Amice. Amsterdam, December 14, 1911 (Amsterdam, December 14, 1911 (postmark)). Manuscript,

Dutch. Address CSH: Leiden. Edition No. 89.

No. 68 => Amice. Amsterdam, January 19, 1913 (Amsterdam, January 20, 1913 (postmark)). Manuscript,

Dutch. Address CSH: WS 84a. Edition No. 90.

Page 379: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 69 => Amice. Amsterdam, October 8, 1913. Manuscript, Dutch. Edition No. 91. Edition No. 92 is CSH =>

Bavinck, Leiden, November 9, 1914.

No. 70 => Amice. Amsterdam, December 20, 1914 (Amsterdam, December 20, 1914 (postmark)). Manuscript,

Dutch. Address CSH: WS. Edition No. 93.

Or. 8952 A 139

Letters from Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. 1915-1921. XV.

References are to J. de Bruijn & G. Harinck, Een Leidse vrienschap. De briefwisseling tussen Herman Bavinck

en Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1875-1921. Baarn: Ten Have, 1999.

No. 71 => Amice. Amsterdam, January 28, 1915 (Amsterdam, January 29, 1915 (postmark)). Manuscript,

Dutch. Address CSH: Leiden. Edition No. 94. Edition No. 95 is CSH => Bavinck, Leiden, January 29, 1915.

No. 72 => Amice. Amsterdam, May 16, 1915. Manuscript, Dutch. Edition No. 96. Edition No. 97 is CSH =>

Bavinck, Leiden, December 6, 1915; No. 98 is CSH => Bavinck, Leiden, May 14, 1916.

No. 73 => Amicissime. Amsterdam, August 2, 1916 (Amsterdam, August 3, 1916 (postmark)). Manuscript,

Dutch. Address CSH: Leiden. Edition No. 99.

No. 74 => Amice. Amsterdam, December 21, 1916 (Amsterdam, December 21, 1916 (postmark)). Manuscript,

Dutch. Address CSH: WS 84a. Edition No. 100. Edition No. 101 is CSH => Bavinck, Leiden, [September] 2,


No. 75 => Amice. Amsterdam, September 23, 1917. Manuscript, Dutch. Edition No. 102. Edition No. 103 is CSH

=> Bavinck, Leiden, March 18, 1918. Edition Nos. 104 and 105 are letters from CSH to Ms. J.A. Bavinck-

Schippers, Leiden, January 1921, and Leiden, June 28, 1921, respectively.

No. 76. Notice of Bavinck’s decease, Amsterdam, July 29, 1921. Not in the Edition.

Or. 8952 A 140

Letters from C.H. Becker, I. 19??, 1907-1908

No. 1 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, January 9, 19?? (?). Manuscript, German.

No. 1bis => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Heidelberg, January 31, 1907. Manuscript, German. Postcard.

Address CSH: Leyden.

No. 2 => Sehr geehrter Herr. Heidelberg, August 24, 1908. Preprinted circular and signed. Typewritten by

cyclostyle and signed.

No. 3 => Sehr geehrter Herr. Hamburg, October 15, 1908. Preprinted circular. Typewritten by cyclostyle and


No. 4 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Hamburg, November 5, 1908. Manuscript, German.With envelope,

address CSH: WS84a.

Or. 8952 A 141

Letters from C.H. Becker, II. 1909

No. 5 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Hamburg, January 1, 1909. Manuscript, German. Postcard, address

CSH: WS84a.

No. 6 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Hamburg, January 4, 1909. Manuscript, German. Added: envelope,

address CSH: WS84a.

No. 7 => Verehrter Herr Professor. Hamburg, January 7, 1909. Manuscript, German. Added: envelope,

address CSH: WS84a.

No. 8 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Hamburg, January 9, 1909. Manuscript, German. Added: Letter from

Eduard Meyer to C.H. Becker (?), dated August 2, 1909. Also added: Survey of the amounts that were offered

from different countries for the production of the Encyclopaedia of Islam.

No. 9 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Hamburg, May 15, 1909. Manuscript, German.

No. 10 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Hamburg, May 20, 1909. Manuscript, German. Postcard, address

CSH: WS84a.

Page 380: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8952 A 142

Letters from C.H. Becker, III. 1909-1910

No. 11 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, May 24, 1909. Manuscript, German.

No. 12 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, June 8, 1909. Manuscript, German.

No. 13 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Hamburg, March 7, 1910. Typewritten, German.

No. 14 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, March 15, 1910. Manuscript, German.

No. 15 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, July 6, 1910. Manuscript, German.

Or. 8952 A 143

Letters from C.H. Becker, IV. 1910

No. 16 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Hamburg, October 17, 1910. Manuscript, German. Postcard, address

CSH: WS 84a. Answer by CSH on October 28, 1910.

No. 17 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, October 25, 1910. Typewritten, German.

No. 18 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. [Hamburg], November 25, 1910. Manuscript, German. Postcard,

address CSH: WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 144

Letters from C.H. Becker, V. 1911

No. 19 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, May 19, 1911. Typewritten, German. Address CSH:

WS 84a.

No. 20 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, July 6, 1911. Typewritten, German. Address CSH:

WS 84a.

No. 21 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, July 15, 1911. Typewritten, German. Address CSH:

WS 84a.

No. 22 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, December 1, 1911. Typewritten, German. Address

CSH: WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 145

Letters from C.H. Becker, VI. 1912

No. 23 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, January 16, 1912. Typewritten, German. Address

CSH: WS 84a.

No. 24 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, January 22, 1912. Typewritten, German. Address

CSH: WS 84a.

No. 25 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, February 8, 1912. Typewritten, German. Address

CSH: WS 84a.

No. 32 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, October 17, 1912. Manuscript, German.

No. 27 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Faus Bad, July 6, 1912. Manuscript, German.

No. 28 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Hamburg, November 4, 1912. Manuscript, German.

No. 29 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, November 15, 1912. Manuscript, German.

No. 30 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Jeluhausen, October 7, 1912. Manuscript, German.

Or. 8952 A 146

Letters from C.H. Becker, VII. 1912-1913

No. 31 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. [Hamburg], October 19, 1912. Manuscript, German. Postcard,

address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 32 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, October 17, 1912. Manuscript, German.

No. 33 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, November 22, 1912. Typewritten, German. Added

a copy of a letter from R. Roloff, Breslau, November 19, 1912. Also added a carbon copy of a letter from Becker

(?) to M. Roloff, in Breslau. [Hamburg], November 22, 1912. Address CSH: WS 84a.

Page 381: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 34 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, January 13, 1913. Typewritten, German. Added:

envelope, address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 35a => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, February 1, 1913. Typewritten, German. Address

CSH: WS 84a.

No. 35b => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, February 1, 1913. Typewritten, German.

Added: envelope, address CSH: WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 147

Letters from C.H. Becker, VIII. 1913

No. 36 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. [Hamburg], February 8, 1913. Manuscript, German. Postcard,

address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 37 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Hamburg, February 15, 1913. Manuscript, German. Postcard, address

CSH: WS 84a.

No. 38 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, April 18, 1913. Typewritten, German. Address CSH:

WS 84a.

No. 39 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, May 2, 1913. Typewritten, German. Address CSH:

WS 84a.

No. 40 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, May 23, 1913. Typewritten, German. Address CSH:

WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 148

Letters from C.H. Becker, IX. 1913

No. 41 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, May 31, 1913. Typewritten, German. Address CSH:

WS 84a.

No. 42 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Hamburg, July 29, 1913. Manuscript, German. Postcard, address

CSH: WS 84a.

No. 43 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, September 4, 1913. Typewritten, German. Address

CSH: WS 84a.

No. 44 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Hamburg, November 5, 1913. Typewritten, German. Address

CSH: WS 84a.

No. 45 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Bonn, November 9, 1913. Manuscript, German.

No. 46 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Bonn, November 25, 1913. Manuscript, German.

No. 47 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Bonn, December 1, 1913. Typewritten, German. Address CSH:

WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 149

Letters from C.H. Becker, X. 1914

No. 48 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Bonn, April 14, 1914. Typewritten, German. Address CSH: WS


No. 49 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Bonn, June 17, 1914. Typewritten, German. Address CSH: WS


No. 50 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Bonn, September 17, 1914. Typewritten, German. Address

CSH: WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 150

Letters from C.H. Becker, XI. 1914

No. 51 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Bonn, October 8, 1914. Typewritten, German. Address CSH:

WS 84a.

No. 52 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Bonn, October 13, 1914. Manuscript, German. Added:

Newspaper cutting from Kölnische … (?) of Tuesday, October 13, [1914].

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No. 53 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Bonn, October 26, 1914. Typewritten, German. Address CSH:

WS 84a.

No. 54 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Bonn, November 21, 1914. Typewritten, German. Address

CSH: WS 84a. Notes CSH: answered with postcard November 23, 1914; same day letter to Massignon, Ville


No. 55 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Bonn, November 26, 1914. Manuscript, German. Postcard. Address

CSH: WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 151

Letters from C.H. Becker, XII. 1914

No. 56 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Bonn, December 19, 1914. Typewritten, German. Address

CSH: WS 84a.

No. 57 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Bonn, December 23, 1914. Manuscript, German. Postcard. Address

CSH: WS 84a.

No. 58 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Bonn, December 29, 1914. Typewritten, German. Address

CSH: WS 84a.

No. 59 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Bonn, December 31, 1914. Manuscript, German. Postcard. Address

CSH: WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 152

Letters from C.H. Becker, XIII. 1915

No. 60 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Bonn, May 12, 1915. Typewritten, German. Address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 61 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Bonn, June 25, 1915. Typewritten, German.

No. 62 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Bonn, July 24, 1915. Typewritten, German. Address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 63 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Frankfurt am Main, August 24, 1915. Manuscript, German.

Privatklinik, inverted swastika logo.

No. 64 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Bonn, October 4, 1915. Typewritten, German. Address CSH:

WS 84a.

No. 65 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Bonn, November 19, 1915. Typewritten, German. Address CSH: WS


Or. 8952 A 153

Letters from C.H. Becker, XIV. 1916

No. 66 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Bonn, February 26, 1916. Typewritten, German. Address CSH: WS


No. 67 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Bonn, May 5, 1916. Typewritten, German. Address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 68 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Bonn, May 24, 1916. Typewritten, German. Address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 69 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Bonn, June 8, 1916. Typewritten, German. Address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 70 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Berlin-Steglitz, December 17, 1916. Manuscript, German.

Or. 8952 A 154

Letters from C.H. Becker, XV. 1917-1922

No. 70bis. Printed announcement of the demise of Becker’s mother, Ms. Julie Becker-Schöffer, Gelnhausen,

end July 1917.

No. 71 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. [Berlin-]Steglitz, September 7, 1916. Manuscript, German. Postcard.

Address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 72 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. [Berlin-]Steglitz, September 17, 1916. Manuscript, German.

Postcard. Address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 73 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Berlin, August 13, 1918. Typewritten, German.

Page 383: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 74 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Berlin, August 14, 1918. Manuscript, German. Postcard. Address

CSH: WS 84a.

No. 75 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Berlin, August 15, 1922. Typewritten, German. Address CSH:


Or. 8952 A 155

Letters from C.H. Becker, XVI. 1924-1927.

No. 76 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Berlin, December 18, 1924. Typewritten, German. Address

CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 77 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Berlin, December 29, 1924. Typewritten, German. Address CSH:


No. 78 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Berlin, January 15, 1925. Typewritten, German. Address CSH: Rap.


No. 79 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Berlin, July 8, 1926. Typewritten, German.

No. 80 => Hochverehrter, lieber Meister. Berlin, February 18, 1927. Typewritten, German.

No. 80bis => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Professor. Berlin, March 8, 1927. Typewritten, German. Added:

envelope. Address CSH: Rap. 61.

Or. 8952 A 156

Letters from C.H. Becker, XVII. 1927-1931.

No. 81 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Venedig, April 22, 1927. Manuscript, German. Postcard, address

CSH: Rapenburg.

No. 82 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Berlin-Steglitz, March 12, 1931. Typewritten, German. Note CSH:

answered on March 14, 1931.

No. 83 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Berlin-Steglitz, April 22, 1931. Typewritten, German. Address CSH:

Rap. 61. Note CSH: answered on April 26, 1931.

No. 84 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Berlin-Steglitz, July 22, 1931. Typewritten, German. Address CSH:

Rap. 61.

No. 85 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Berlin-Steglitz, July 31, 1931. Typewritten, German. Address CSH:

Rap. 61.

Or. 8952 A 157

Letters from C.H. Becker, XVIII. 1932-1933.

No. 86 => Hochverehrter Meister und Freund. Berlin-Steglitz, October 1, 1932. Typewritten, German. Address

CSH: Rap. 61. Added: Envelope. Also added: receipt of a copy of D. van der Meulen & H. von Wissmann,

Ḥaḍramaut, some of its mysteries unveiled.

No. 87. Printed announcement of the demise of Carl Heinrich Becker, on February 10, 1933. Added printed

Thanks from the family.

Or. 8952 A 158

Letter from A.M. Benedictsen.

No. 1 => Hochverehrter Hr. Professor. Leiden, December 4, 1907. Added: business card of sender.

Or. 8952 A 159

Letters from Max van Berchem. I. 1887-1907.

No. 1 => Verehrter Herr Doctor. Geneva, May 29, 1887. German, manuscript.

No. 2 => Verehrter Herr Doctor. Château de Crans par Cèligny, June 26, 1887. German, manuscript. Postcard,

address CSH: Leiden.

No. 3 => Verehrter Herr Doctor. Château de Crans, July 7, 1887. German, manuscript.

No. 4 => Cher Monsieur. Crans par Céligny, July 26, 1907. French, manuscript.

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No. 5 => Cher Monsieur. Crans, Céligny, August 1, 1907. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 160

Letters from Max van Berchem. II. 1907-1908.

No. 6 => Cher Monsieur. Crans, Céligny, August 10, 1907. French, manuscript. Postcard, address CSH:

Stuttgart, Pension Strich-Chapell, Blumenstrasse 27.

No. 7 => Cher Monsieur. Crans, Céligny, October 8, 1907. French, manuscript.

No. 8 => Cher Monsieur. Crans, Céligny, October 14, 1907. French, manuscript.

No. 9 => Cher Monsieur. Crans, Céligny, November 25, 1907. French, manuscript.

No. 10 => Cher Monsieur. Crans, March 5, 1908 (postmark). French, manuscript. Postcard, address CSH: WS


Or. 8952 A 161

Letters from Max van Berchem. III. 1910-1911.

No. 11 => Cher collègue. Crans (postmark), January 2, 1910. French, manuscript. Postcard, address CSH: WS


No. 12 => Cher confrère. Celigny (postmark), January 17, 1911. French, manuscript. Postcard, address CSH: WS


No. 13 => Cher confrère. N.p., September 8 (? postmark), 1911, French, manuscript. Recommendation for Mr.

Ali Bey Bahgat. Business card with text, with envelope: address CSH: WS 84a.

Other documents of Ali Bahgat: Or. 8952 A 114; A 219.

No. 14 => Cher Monsieur. Crans, Céligny, November 27, 1911. French, manuscript.

No. 15 => Cher Monsieur. Crans (postmark), December 18, 1911. French, manuscript. Postcard, address CSH:

WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 162

Letters from Max van Berchem. IV. 1917-1921.

No. 16 => Cher confrère. Genève (postmark), March 13, 1917. French, manuscript. Postcard, address CSH: WS


No. 17. Printed announcement of the demise of Max van Berchem, Geneva, March 7, 1921.

Or. 8952 A 163

Letter from L.W.C. van den Berg.

No. 1 => WelEd. Zeer Gel. Heer. Delft, June 8, 1888. Dutch, manuscript. With envelope, address CSH: Leiden.

Added: CSH’s draft of his letter of June 7, 1888, with some editorial changes, to L.W.C. van den Berg.

Or. 8952 A 164

Letters from ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Berham. See also Or. 8952 A 245, below

No. 1 => Sīdī al-Ustādh al-Ǧalīl. Paris, May 1, 1934. Arabic, manuscript. Added, envelope, with address CSH:

Rap. 61.

No. 2 => Sīdī al-Ustādh. Paris, October 1, 1934. Arabic, manuscript. Added, envelope, with address CSH: Rap.


No. 3 => Sīdī al-Ustādh. Paris, December 23, 1934. Arabic, manuscript. Added, envelope, with address CSH:

Rap. 61.

No. 4 => Sīdī al-Ustādh. Paris, December 22, 1935. Arabic, French, manuscript. Added, envelope, with

address CSH: Rap. 61.

Berlin, Centralverein für Handelsgeographie. See Or. 8952 A 484 (F. Jaunasch), below.

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Or. 8952 A 165

Letters from W.C. Beucker Andreae, both concerning Johan Brouwer.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Professor Snouck Hurgronje. Den Haag July 17 [1930]. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Professor Snouck Hurgronje. Den Haag July 3 [1930]. Dutch, manuscript. Note CSH:

answered July 6, 1930.

Note: No. 2 comes first, then No. 1.

Or. 8952 A 166

Letters from C. Bezold. I. 1903-1913

No. 1 => Lieber Freund. Heidelberg, March 11, 1903. German, typewritten.

No. 2 => Lieber Freund. Heidelberg, November 7, 1903. German, typewritten. With envelope, with address

CSH: Batavia. Note CSH: answered June 10, 1903 and December 9, 1903.

No. 3 => Lieber Freund. Tutzing (Bayern), June 9, 1911. German, manuscript. Postcard, address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 4 => Lieber Freund. Heidelberg, December 21, 1912. German, typewritten. With envelope, address CSH:

WS 84a.

No. 5 => Lieber Freund. Heidelberg, January 8, 1913. German, typewritten. With envelope, address CSH: WS


Or. 8952 A 167

Letters from C. Bezold. II. 1913-1922.

No. 6 => Lieber Freund. New York, March 18, 1913. German, manuscript. Postcard, with envelope: address

WS 84a. Signed by A. & C. Bezold. Placed in wrong chronological order.

No. 7 => Lieber Freund. Heidelberg, February 2, 1913 (postmark, mistake in message). German, manuscript.

With envelope, address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 8 => Lieber Freund. Waibstadt, April 14, 1922. German, manuscript.

No. 9 => Lieber Freund. Heidelberg, June 24, 1922. German, manuscript.

No. 10 => Lieber Freund. Baden-Baden, September 26, 1922. German, manuscript. Postcard, address CSH:

Rap 61.

No. 11. Printed announcement of the demise of Carl Bezold, Heidelberg, November 21, 1922.

Or. 8952 A 168

Letter from A. Cabaton.

No. 1 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, February 3, 1920. French, manuscript.

Added: letter by M.J. Bida (?) of Comité de l’Orient et Correspondance d’Orient, dated Paris, February 6,

1920. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 169

Letter from Murqus Faraǧ Bishara.

No. 1 => Ayyuhā al-Ḥakīm al-Ǧalīl. Alexandria, June 21, 1917 (postmark). Arabic, manuscript. With envelope,

address CSH WS 84a, forwarded to Oranje Hotel, Nijmegen.

Or. 8952 A 170

Letter from A.H. Blauw.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Laag Soeren, November 4, 1928. Dutch, manuscript. Added:

envelope, with address: Leiden.

Or. 8952 A 171

Letter from Blays (?)

No. 1 => Hoog Geleerde Heer. Laidlawstiel, Galashiels, N.B., September 16, 1909. Dutch, manuscript. With

envelope, address CSH: WS 84a.

Page 386: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 2 => Waarde Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Carolside, Earlston, Berwickshire, N.B., August 11, 1916.

Or. 8952 A 172

Letter from P.J. Blok.

No. 1 => Amice. [Leiden], October 21, 1913. Dutch, manuscript. Postcard, address: WS. Added cutting from

NRC, with short article by P.J. Blok, ‘De steen van Agadir’, in NRC of November 6, 1913, dated Leiden, October

14, 1913. Added: envelope with address CSH: Leiden. Not clear whether the envelope belongs to this

document. See also Or. 8952 A 183, below.

Or. 8952 A 173

Letters from Henri Bodenstaff, publisher in The Hague.

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde Heer. The Hague, March 30, 1933. Dutch, typewritten. Concerns the Mekka film of

Mr. Krugers. Request for the use of the Meccan sound in the possession of CSH.

No. 2 => Hooggeleerde Heer. The Hague, April 17, 1933. Dutch, typewritten. Concerns the Mekka film of Mr.

Krugers. With envelope, address CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 3 => Hooggeleerde Heer. The Hague, April 21, 1933. Dutch, typewritten. Concerns the Mekka film of Mr.


No. 4 => Hooggeleerde Heer. The Hague, May 18, 1933. Dutch, typewritten. Concerns the Mekka film of Mr.

Krugers. With envelope, address CSH: Rap. 61. Added: cutting from De Telegraaf of Sunday, May 13, 1933,

about the prohibition of the Mecca film in Saudi Arabia.

No. 5 => Hooggeleerde Heer. The Hague, May 26, 1933. Dutch, typewritten. Concerns the Mekka film of Mr.


Or. 8952 A 174

Letters from Tj. de Boer, and T.W. Arnold, C.H. Becker, J. Pedersen, A. Moberg, H.S. Nyberg, T. Andrae.

No. 1 => Prof. Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronje. Lund, August 28, 1932 (or 1933). Dutch, manuscript. Postcard, address

CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 2 => Amice, Collega. The Hague, April 12, 1932. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 3 => Amice. The Hague, August 15, 1934. Dutch, manuscript. Postcard, address CSH: Rap. 61.

Or. 8952 A 175

Letters from H.D.H. Bosboom. I. 1904-1926

See also Or. 8952 A 262, No. 47 bis, below.

No. 1 => Geachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. The Hague, January 13, 1904. Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope,

with address CSH: Weltevreden.

No. 2 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, March 16, 1915. Dutch, manuscript. The enclosure was not found.

No. 3 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, May 27, 1918. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 4 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, April 19, 1923. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 5 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, March 30, 1926. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 6 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, July 1, 1926. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 7 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, July 11, 1926. Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 176

Letters from H.D.H. Bosboom. II. 1927-1929.

See also Or. 8952 A 262, No. 47 bis, below.

No. 8 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, September 8, 1927. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 9 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, January 8, 1929. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 10 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, January 22, 1929. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 11 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, December 6, 1929. Dutch, manuscript.

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Or. 8952 A 177

Letters from H.D.H. Bosboom. III. 1930-1931.

See also Or. 8952 A 262, No. 47 bis, below.

No. 12 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, March 1, 1930. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 13 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, January 2, 1931. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 14 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, February 19, 1931. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 15 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, September 14, 1931. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 16 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, November 6, 1931. Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 178

Letters from H.D.H. Bosboom. IV. 1932.

See also Or. 8952 A 262, No. 47 bis, below.

No. 17 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, February 4, 1932. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 18 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, February 26, 1932. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 19 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, April 14, 1932. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 20 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, April 27, 1932. Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 179

Letters from H.D.H. Bosboom. V. 1932-1934.

See also Or. 8952 A 262, No. 47 bis, below.

No. 21 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, November 12, 1932. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 22 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, December 16, 1932. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 23 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, March 8, 1933. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 24 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, May 1, 1933. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 25 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, December 15, 1933. Dutch, manuscript. Also a letter to Ms. I.M.

Snouck Hurgronje-Oort, same place and date.

No. 26 => Waarde Snouck. The Hague, July 17, 1934. Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 180

Letter from J.C. Bouman.

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Scheveningen, December 29, 1931. Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope,

address CSH: Rap. 61.

Or. 8952 A 181

Letters from E. Bourmancé-Say.

No. 1 => Sehr geehrter Herr. Oran, Algerie, July 27, 1915. German, manuscript. Added: envelope with address

CSH: Wite Singel.

No. 2 => Monsieur. Port-Soy [Oran, Algerie (postmark)], June 6, 1918. French, manuscript. Added: envelope

with address CSH: Wite Singel.

Or. 8952 A 182

Letter from G.-H. Bousquet.

No. 1 => Monsieur et Très honoré Maître. Alger, January 31, 1931. French, manuscript. Added: business card.

Or. 8952 A 183

Letters from Lucien Bouvat

No. 1 => Monsieur et cher Maître. Paris, October 2, 1913. French, manuscript. Added: drawing on transparant

paper of the ‘Stone of Agadir’. Also added: article by P.J. Blok, ‘De steen van Agadir’, in NRC of November 6,

1913. See also Or. 8952 A 172, above.

No. 2 => Monsieur et cher Maître. Paris, October 12, 1913. French, manuscript.

Page 388: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 3 => Monsieur et cher Maître. Paris, Janvier 13, 1915. French, manuscript. Postcard. Address CSH, WS 84a

No. 4 => Monsieur et cher Maître. Paris, July 26, 1916. French, manuscript. Postcard. Address CSH, WS 84a

No. 5 => Monsieur et cher Maître. Paris, November 8, 1916. French, manuscript. Postcard. Address CSH, WS

84a. Arabic text after Victor Hugo under image of the postcard, ‘Les drapeaux de Verdun’.

No. 6 => Monsieur et cher Maître. Paris, August 19, 1934. French, manuscript. Postcard. Address CSH, Rap 61.

Or. 8952 A 184

Letter from Antonie (A.T.) Brandeis-Ruete

No. 1 => Sehr geehrter Herr Professor. Fuhlsbüttel, July 20, 1924. German, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 185

Letters from M.C. Brandes in Semarang, Hilversum

No. 1 =>Waarde vriend. Oengarau, August 15, 1912. Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope with address CSH:

WS 84a.

No. 2 => Amice. Hilversum, September 28, 1913. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 3 => Amice. Hilversum, November 25, 1913. Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope, with address CSH: WS.

No. 4 => Printed announcement of the demise of Ms. Helena Suzanna Nieman, widow of Dr. J.L.A. Brandes,

The Hague, February 8, 1930. ‘Tante Heleen’. Added: speech held by CSH at the grave.

Or. 8952 A 186

Letters from Renward Brandstetter. Luzern. I. 19xx, 1906-1908.

No. 1 => Change of address to Luzern

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Heer. Not dated, but possibly 1888 or shortly after? Dutch, manuscript.

No. 3 => Verehrtester Freund. Luzern, December 18, 1906. German, manuscript.

No. 4 => Verehrter Freund. Luzern, April 1, 1908. German, manuscript.

No. 5 => Verehrter Freund. Luzern, April 14, 1908 (postmark). German, manuscript. Postcard with address

CSH: WS 84a, forwarded to Kernerplatz 2 II, Stuttgart.

Or. 8952 A 187

Letters from Renward Brandstetter. Luzern. II. 1908-1909.

No. 6 => Verehrtester Freund. Luzern, July 4, 1908. German, manuscript.

No. 7 => Verehrter Freund. Luzern, July 13, 1908. German, manuscript.

No. 8 => Verehrtester Freund. Luzern, November 5, 1908. German, manuscript.

No. 9 => Verehrtester Freund. Luzern, Decembert 29, 1908. German, manuscript. Portrait B. is mentioned.

No. 10 => Verehrter Freund. Luzern, March 21, 1909. German, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 188

Letters from Renward Brandstetter. Luzern. III. 1909.

No. 11 => Verehrter Freund. Luzern, May 17, 1909 (postmark). German, manuscript. Postcard, with address

CSH: Leiden.

No. 12 => Verehrter Freund. Luzern, May 31, 1909 (postmark). German, manuscript. Postcard, with address

CSH: Leiden.

No. 13 => Hochverehrter Freund. Luzern, July 1, 1909. German, manuscript.

No. 14 => Verehrtester Freund. Luzern, August 27, 1909 (postmark). German, manuscript. Postcard, with

address CSH: Hotel Fallzenstein, Herrenalb, Württemberg.

No. 15 => Hochverehrter Freund. Luzern, December 30, 1909. German, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 189

Letters from Renward Brandstetter. Luzern. IV. 1910.

No. 16 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Luzern, March 5, 1910. German, manuscript.

Page 389: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 17 => Verehrtester Freund. Luzern, March 11, 1910. German, manuscript.

No. 18 => Verehrter Freund. Luzern, August 23, 1910. German, manuscript.

No. 19 => Verehrte Freunde. Heidelberg, September 9, 1910 (postmark). German, manuscript. Postcard, with

address CSH: Leiden, WS 85.

No. 20 => No addressing. Luzern, December 14, 1910 (postmark). German, manuscript. Added: envelope with

address CSH: WS.

Or. 8952 A 190

Letters from Renward Brandstetter. Luzern. V. 1911-1914.

No. 21 => Without addressing. … Oberhasle, June 19, 1911 (postmark). German, manuscript. Postcard, with

address CSH: Leiden.

No. 22 => Verehrter Freund. Luzern, August 23, 1911. German, manuscript.

No. 23 => Verehrter Freund. Luzern, end December, 1912. German, manuscript.

No. 24 => Verehrter Freund. Luzern, July 5, 1913. German, manuscript.

No. 25 => Verehrter Freund. Lugano, April 13, 1914 (postmark). German, manuscript. Postcard, with address

CSH: Leiden.

Or. 8952 A 191

Letters from Renward Brandstetter. Luzern. VI. 1915-1928.

No. 26 => Verehrter Freund. Luzern, April 18, 1915. German, manuscript.

No. 27 => Verehrter Freund. Luzern, December 30, 1920. German, manuscript.

No. 28 => Verehrter Freund. San Bernardino, August 15, 1923. German, manuscript. Postcard, with address

CSH: Leiden.

No. 29 => Verehrter Freund. Luzern, May 22, 1924. German, manuscript.

No. 30 => Verehrter Freund. Luzern, November 22, 1928. German, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 192

Letters from Renward Brandstetter. Luzern. VII. 1931-1933.

No. 31 => Verehrtester Herr Professor. Luzern, July 18, 1931. German, Dutch, manuscript. Postcard, with

address CSH: Leiden. Also signed by Mathilde Brandstetter (with text in Dutch), and a greeting in Arabic

with signature by R. Said Ruete.

No. 32 => Hochverehrter Freund. Menton, February 3, 1932. German, manuscript.

No. 33 => Hochverehrter Freund. Luzern, May 8, 1932. German, manuscript.

No. 34 => Hochverehrter Freund. Rapallo, December 25, 1932. German, manuscript. Postcard, with address

CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 35 => Hochverehrter Freund. Rapallo, February 6, 1933. German, manuscript. Postcard, with address

CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 36 => Liebe Freunde. Luzern, October 27, 1933. German, manuscript. His wife has died.

Or. 8952 A 193

Letters from Renward Brandstetter. Luzern. VIII. 1934-1936.

No. 37 => Sehr verehrte Freunde. Roma, December 28, 1934. German, manuscript. Postcard, with address

CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 38 => Hochverehrter Freund. Luzern, June 3, 1935. German, manuscript.

No. 39 => Without addressing. Roma, June 5, 1936 (postmark). German, manuscript. Postcard, with address

CSH: Rap. 61.

Or. 8952 A 194

Letter from James Henry Breasted.

No. 1 => Dear Professor Hurgronje. Chicago, January 26, 1932. English, typewritten.

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Or. 8952 A 195

Letter from B.Th. Brondgeest.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Professor. Buitenzorg, September 8, 1931. Dutch, typewritten. Added: envelope with

address CSH: Rap. 61. Volkslectuur.

Or. 8952 A 196

Letter from C.A. Brouwer Scheffer.

No. 1 => Monsieur. Constantinople, May 4/17, 1887. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 197

Letters from E.G. Browne. I. 1920-1922.

No. 1 => My dear Professor Snouck-Hurgronje. Cambridge, September 19, 1920. English, manuscript. Added:

envelope with address CSH: Rap. 61. Also Browne’s name printed in Nasta’liq script. English, manuscript.

No. 2 => My dear Professor Snouck Hurgronje. Cambridge, January 16, 1921. English, manuscript.

No. 3 => Dear Professor Snouck Hurgronje. Cambridge, October 16, 1921. English, manuscript.

No. 4 => Dear Professor Snouck Hurgronje. Cambridge, September 21, 1922. English, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 198

Letters from E.G. Browne. II. 1923-1925.

No. 5 => My dear Professor Snouck Hurgronje. Cambridge, March 17, 1923. English, manuscript.

No. 6 => Dear Professor Snouck Hurgronje. Newcastle-on-Tyne, June 27, 1923. English, manuscript.

No. 7 => Dear Professor Snouck Hurgronje. Cambridge, July 19, 1923. English, manuscript.

No. 8 => Dear colleague. Cambridge, August 29, 1925. English, manuscript and print. Preprinted text for

thanking for a letter of condolence.

Or. 8952 A 199

Letters from R.E. Brünnow.

No. 1 => Lieber Freund. Vevey, January 16, 1897. German, manuscript. Added: Newspaper cutting of short

text in French about CSH’s journey to Mecca. Added: envelope with address CSH: Batavia.

No. 2 => Lieber Freund. Princeton, April 14, 1910. German, manuscript. Added: envelope with address CSH:

WS 84a.

No. 3 => Lieber Freund. Princeton, March 27, 1912. German, typewritten. About Hebrew and Arabic

typewriting, with samples, and a sample of a mathematical typewriter on a loose insert.

Or. 8952 A 200

Letter from F. Brunot (Université de Paris à la Sorbonne).

No. 1 => Monsieur et cher Professeur. Paris, October 5, 1926. French, typewritten. Invitation to receive the

honorary doctor’s degree on November 6, 1926. Added: draft version of regrets by CSH. French and


Or. 8952 A 201

Letter from Bruijn (?). Parket van den Officier van Justitie (Public prosecutor).

No. 1 => Without addressing. Amsterdam, February 22, 1912. Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope with

address CSH: Leiden. Note by CSH: answered February 23, 1912.

Or. 8952 A 202

Letters from F. Buhl.

No. 1 => Lieber Herr College. N.p., April 26, 1922. German, manuscript.

No. 2 => Lieber Herr College. Hilleröd, September 13, 1925. German, manuscript.

No. 3 => Lieber Heer Kollege. Hilleröd, October 13, 1926. German, manuscript.

Page 391: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 4 => Lieber Heer Kollege. Hilleröd, October 30, 1927. German, manuscript. Note by CSH: answered

November 2, 1927, to the negative.

No. 5. Printed announcement of the demise of Prof. Buhl on September 29, 1932.

Or. 8952 A 203

Letter from E.M. Butterworth.

No. 1 => Dear Professor Snouck-Hurgronje. The Hague, November 28, 1933. English, typewritten. Mention of

DR. J.O. Nomland of San Francisco, and the geological exploration of Saudi Arabia. Added: envelope, with

address CSH: Rap. 61. Note CSH on the envelope: answered November 29, 1933.

Or. 8952 A 204

Letters from Antoine Cabaton. I. 1909.

No. 1 => No addressing. Búrgos, July 12, 1909. French, manuscript. Signature in Arabic script. Postcard,

address CSH: Hôtel Louvois, Rue Lulli, Paris 2e.

No. 2 => Monsieur. Paris, August 5, 1909. French, manuscript.

No. 3 => Cher maître. Paris, October 14, 1909. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 205

Letters from Antoine Cabaton. II. 1910.

No. 4 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, January 6, 1910. French, manuscript.

No. 5 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, January 13, 1910. French, manuscript.

No. 6 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, January 13, 1910. French, manuscript.

No. 7 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, February 1, 1910. French, manuscript. Added: calque on

transparent paper from a Malay manuscript, showing the cross section of the human organ of speech with

the articulation points for Arabic phonetics.

No. 8 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, March 13, 1910. French, manuscript.

No. 9 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, May 5, 1910. French, manuscript.

No. 10 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, October 23, 1910. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 206

Letters from Antoine Cabaton. III. 1911.

No. 11 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, January 5, 1911. French, manuscript.

No. 12 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, January 10, 1911. French, manuscript.

No. 13 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, April 11, 1911. French, manuscript.

No. 14 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, May 11, 1911. French, manuscript.

No. 15 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, June 26, 1911. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 207

Letters from Antoine Cabaton. IV. 1911.

No. 16 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, July 5, 1911. French, manuscript.

No. 17 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, July 9, 1911. French, manuscript.

No. 18 => Mon cher Collègue. Paris, September 8, 1911. French, manuscript. Postcard. Address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 19 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, September 10, 1911. French, manuscript.

No. 20 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, October 4, 1911. French, manuscript.

No. 21 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, October 23, 1911. French, manuscript.

No. 22 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, November 23, 1911. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 208

Letters from Antoine Cabaton. V. 1912.

No. 23 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, January 1, 1912. French, manuscript.

Page 392: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 24 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, January 6, 1912. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 209

Letters from Antoine Cabaton. VI. 1913.

No. 25 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, January 1, 1913. French, manuscript.

No. 26 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, January 15, 1913. French, manuscript.

No. 27 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, January 20, 1913. French, manuscript.

No. 28 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, June 2, 1913. French, manuscript.

No. 29 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, October 2, 1913. French, manuscript.

No. 30 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, October 21, 1913. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 210

Letters from Antoine Cabaton. VII. 1915.

No. 31 => Cher Maître et cher Monsieur. Paris, February 19, 1915. French, manuscript.

No. 32 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, March 13, 1915. French, manuscript.

No. 33 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, June 21, 1915. French, manuscript. Added: receipt of a

registered mail, from CSH to Cabaton, Leiden, June 29, 1915.

No. 34 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, July 5, 1915. French, manuscript.

No. 35 => Without addressing. Orbec, July 21, 1915. French, manuscript. Postcard, with address CSH: WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 211

Letters from Antoine Cabaton. VIII. 1916-1917.

No. 35bis => Without addressing. N.p. (Paris?), January 9, 1916. French, manuscript. Postcard Perugia, with

address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 36 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, July 30, 1916. French, manuscript.

No. 37 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, November 21, 1916. French, manuscript. Postcard, with address CSH: WS


Or. 8952 A 212

Letters from Antoine Cabaton. IX. 1917-1919.

No. 38 => Cher Collègue et Ami. Paris, January 13, 1917. French, manuscript. Postcard, with address CSH: WS

84a. Note by CSH: received January 27. Delay apparently caused by censorship.

No. 39 => Cher Collègue et Ami. Paris, January 21, 1917. French, manuscript. Postcard, with address CSH: WS


No. 40 => Cher Collègue et Ami. Paris, March 1, 1917. French, manuscript. Postcard, with address CSH: WS


No. 41 => Cher Collègue et Ami. Paris, April 27, 1917. French, manuscript. Postcard, with address CSH: WS


No. 42 => Without addressing. Barcelona, December 2, 1917. French, manuscript. Postcard, with address

CSH: WS 84a.

No. 43 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, December 30, 1918. French, manuscript. Postcard, with address CSH:

WS 84a. Note CSH: received and answered January 10, 1919.

No. 44 => Bien cher Maître et Ami. Paris, March 12, 1919. French, manuscript. Postcard, with address CSH:

WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 213

Letters from Antoine Cabaton. X. 1920-1922.

No. 45 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, May 12, 1920. French, manuscript.

No. 46 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, January 4, 1922. French, manuscript.

Page 393: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 47 => Without addressing. Strasbourg, February 16, 1922 (postmark). French, manuscript. Postcard, with

address CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 48 => Cher Maître et Ami. Marseille, April 10, 1922, manuscript. Postcard, with address CSH: Rap. 65.

No. 49 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, April 30, 1922. French, manuscript.

No. 49bis => Without addressing. Paris, December 29, 1922 (postmark). French, manuscript. Postcard, with

address CSH: Rap. 67.

Or. 8952 A 214

Letters from Antoine Cabaton. XI. 1923-1925.

No. 50 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, January 13, 1923. French, manuscript.

No. 51 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, July 1, 1923. French, manuscript.

No. 52 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, July 11, 1923. French, manuscript.

No. 53 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, January 3, 1924. French, manuscript.

No. 54 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, January 14, 1925. French, manuscript.

No. 55 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, December 26, 1925. French, manuscript. Note CSH: answered on

December 28, 1925.

Or. 8952 A 215

Letters from Antoine Cabaton. XII. 1926-1929.

No. 56 => Cher Maître et Cher Collègue. Paris, December 28, 1926. French, manuscript. Note CSH: answered

on December 31, 1926.

No. 57 => Cher Maître et cher Collègue. Paris, November 19, 1927. French, manuscript. Note CSH: answered

on November 22, 1927.

No. 58 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, July 30, 1928. French, manuscript.

No. 59 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, May 26, 1929. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 216

Letters from Antoine Cabaton. XIII. 1930.

No. 60 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, April 10, 1930. French, manuscript.

No. 61 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, May 5, 1930. French, manuscript. Added: pp. 267-274 of a list of

academic courses in a multitude of specialisms, as explained in the letter. Also added a note in Dutch, in the

hand (it seems) of C. van Arendonk (d. 1946).

No. 62 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, June 25, 1930. French, manuscript.

No. 63 => Cher Maître et Ami. Jouy-le-Chatel, July 21, 1930. French, manuscript.

No. 64 => Cher Maître et ami. Paris, November 16, 1930. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 217

Letters from Antoine Cabaton. XIV. 1931-1932.

No. 65 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, March 1, 1931. French, manuscript. Note CSH: answered March 5, 1931.

No. 66 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, January 7, 1932. French, manuscript. Note CSH: answered January 9,


No. 67 => Cher Maître et Ami. Paris, May 29, 1932. French, manuscript. Note CSH: answered June 25, 1932.

No. 68 => Cher Maître et ami. Jouy-le-Châtel, June 29, 1932. French, manuscript. Note CSH: answered July 2,


No. 69 => Cher Maître et ami. Jouy-le-Châtel, July 9, 1932. French, manuscript. Note CSH: answered July 16,


No. 70 => Cher Maître et ami. Jouy-le-Châtel, September 3, 1932. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 218

Letters from Antoine Cabaton. XV. 1933-1935.

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No. 71 => Cher Maître et ami. Paris, January 18, 1933. French, manuscript.

No. 72 => Cher Maître et ami. Jouy-le-Châtel, December 28, 1933. French, manuscript.

No. 73 => Cher Maître et ami. Paris, October 2, 1934. French, manuscript. Note CSH: answered October 14,


No. 74 => Cher Maître et ami. Nice, December 29, 1934. French, manuscript.

No. 75 => Cher Maître et ami. Nice, April 1, 1935. French, manuscript.

No. 76 => Cher Maître et ami. Nice, June 19, 1935. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 218

Letter from Antoine Cabaton. XVI. 1936.

No. 77 => Cher Maître et ami. Nice, January 8, 1936. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 219

Cairo, Comité de Conservation des Monuments de l’Art Arabe. A (Ali) Bahgat.

Other documents of Ali Bahgat: Or. 8952 A 114, A 161 No. 13.

No. 1 => Cher confrere. Cairo, January 11, 1912. French, manuscript, Arabic letterhead. Added envelope, with

address CSH: WS 84a. Note CSH on envelope: answered January 19, 1912.

Or. 8952 A 220

Cairo, Institut d’Égypte

No. 1 => Monsieur et cher Confrere. Cairo, January 29, 1936. French, manuscript, Arabic letterhead. Added

envelope, with address CSH: Rap 61.

Or. 8952 A 221

Caldemeijer, Pfarrer.

No. 1 => Geehrter Herr Professor. Tecklenburg, January 29, 1889. German, manuscript. About magic in book

Mekka. Added: envelope with address CSH: Leiden.

Or. 8952 A 222

Ms. A. Cator.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Prof. Snouck. Therapia, May 11, 1910. Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope, with

address CSH: Leiden. Note by CSH on envelope: ‘Bezoek van Mr. Charles R. Crane, aanbev. door Mevr. Cator,


Added: letter in Dutch by Jonkvr. D. von Schmidt-… (illegible; library has: ‘auf Altenstadt’), n.p., n.d., but

must be in 1910. Also added: two business cards of Mr. Charles R. Crane (one with address in pencil: Century

Club New York).

Or. 8952 A 223

A.A. Cense (1901-1977)

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Professor Snouck Hurgronje. Amsterdam, March 23, 1935. Dutch, manuscript. Added:

envelope with address CSH: Rap. 61.

Or. 8952 A 224

Joseph Chailley-Bert. I. 1897.

No. 1 => Cher Monsieur. [Batavia], no month, 17 [1897]. French, manuscript. Letterhead UCF (?).

No. 2 => Cher Monsieur. [Batavia], May 1897. French, manuscript. Letterhead UCF (?).

No. 3 => Cher Monsieur. Buitenzorg, May 24, 1897. French, manuscript. Letterhead UCF (?). Added:

Envelope, with address CSH: Menteng, Weltevreden. Also added: business card of Joseph Chailley-Bert in


Page 395: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 4 => Cher Monsieur Snouck Hurgronje. Surabaya, June 20, 1897. French, manuscript. Letterhead UCF


No. 5 => Cher Monsieur. [Batavia], July 19, [1897]. French, manuscript. Letterhead UCF (?).

Or. 8952 A 225

Joseph Chailley-Bert. II. 1913.

No. 6 => Cher Monsieur. Tours, January 26, 1913. French, manuscript. Letterhead: Chambre des Députés.

No. 7 => Cher Monsieur. The Hague, February 1, 1913. French, manuscript. Letterhead: Chambre des

Députés. Added: envelope with address CSH: WS 84a. Also added: business card of Joseph Chailley, Député

de la Vendée, announcing his arrival in The Netherlands, therefore written before No. 7.

Or. 8952 A 226

A. le Chatelier. Revue du Monde Musulman.

No. 1 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, December 1, 1910. French, typewritten. Added: envelope with address CSH:

Leyde. Note by CSH on envelope: answered December 3, 1910.

No. 2 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, May 29, 1913. French, typewritten. Added: envelope with address CSH: Leyde.

Note by CSH on envelope: answered May 31, 1913.

No. 3 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, October 13, 1913. French, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 227

Arthur M. Christensen.

No. 1 => Cher Monsieur le Professeur Snouck Hurgronje. Charlottenlund, September 23, 1931. French,


Or. 8952 A 228

Gustave Cohen, Université de Paris. Faculté des Lettres.

No. 1 => Monsieur et très honoré collègue. Paris, January 18, 1926. French manuscript.

Note by the Leiden librarian on the folder: See on the subject of this letter also: F. Brunot, D.C. Hesseling, P.


Or. 8952 A 229

H. Colijn. I. 1901-1908.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Tapa’ Toean, January 3, 1901. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Sabang, April 23, 1904. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 3 => Hooggeachte Hr Snouck. N.p., n.d. Dutch, manuscript. Note by CSH: received: June 9, 1904.

No. 4 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck. Buitenzorg, February 27, 1907. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 5 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Buitenzorg, October 26, 1908. Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 230

H. Colijn. II. 1910-1911.

No. 6 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. N.p., February 26, 1910. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 7 => Hooggeachte Professor. The Hague, November 29, 1910. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 8 => Hooggeachte Heer Sn. Hurgronje. The Hague, January 5, 1910. Dutch, manuscript. Chronological

order incorrect.

No. 9 => Hooggeleerde Heer. The Hague, December 13, 1910. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 10 => No addressing. The Hague, January 1911. Printed thanks for the congratulations with his

appointment of Minister of War.

No. 11 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck H. The Hague, April 1, 1911. Dutch, manuscript.

Page 396: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8952 A 231

H. Colijn. III. 1915-1916.

No. 12 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. The Hague, February 15, 1915. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 13 => Without addressing. The Hague, March 27, 1917. Dutch, telegram written by a clerk.

Or. 8952 A 232

C. Everett Conant.

No. 1 => Dear friend. [Bloomington, May 31, 1912]. English, manuscript. Postcard, with address CSH: Witte


Or. 8952 A 233

Arch. Constable, the publisher.

No. 1 => Dear Sir. London, May 27, 1891. English, manuscript. Sender has acquired the rights for Mekka. He

asks CSH to add a chapter on British Indian pilgrims for sales in India. The translation is nearly ready.

Added: Envelope, with address CSH: Batavia. Added: a German translation of the English letter.

Or. 8952 A 234

Emm. Cosquin.

No. 1 => Cher Monsieur. Vitry-le-François, June 8, 1912. French, manuscript. Added: envelope with address

CSH: WS 84a. Note CSH on envelope: answered June 14, 1912. Also added a bibliographical note on a

correspondence card of J.C.G. Jonker.

No. 2 => Cher Monsieur. Vitry-le-François, June 17, 1912. French, manuscript. Added: envelope with address

CSH: WS 84a. Note CSH on envelope: answered June 19, 1912.

No. 3 => Cher Monsieur. Brussels, July 3, 1912. French, manuscript. Added: envelope with address CSH: WS


Or. 8952 A 235

H.K.J. Cowan.

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Lho’ Seumawè, March 14, 1933. Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope with

address CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 2 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Tapa’ Toean, September 21, 1933. Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope with

address CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 3 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Tapa’ Toean, March 31, 1934. Dutch, typewritten. Added: envelope with address

CSH: Rap. 61.

Or. 8952 A 236

John O. Crane (youngest son of Charles R. Crane).

See also Or. 8952 A 237, No. 3, below.

No. 1 => Dear Professor Hurgronje. On board the Cunard R.M.S. “Mauretania”, September 1, 1923. English,

manuscript. Added: address CSH: Leyden.

No. 2 => Dear Professor Hurgronje. Hrad, Prague IV, February 8, 1924. English, typewritten. Added: address

CSH: Leyden. Added: ‘Proposed mutual news exchange’. Confidential copy for Prof. Hurgronje. English

mimeographed. Also added: carbon copy of a letter from W.S. Rogers to John Crane, Washington DC,

November 16, 1923. Also added: Envelope with address CSH: Rap. 61. Someone has written in pencil on the

envelope: ‘dr. M. van Blankensteyn, Stevinstraat 179, Scheveningen’, the well-known journalist.

Or. 8952 A 237

Charles R. Crane.

No. 1 => Dear Dr Snouck. At sea, between Athens and Constantinople. February 3, 1923. English, manuscript.

Added: envelope with address CSH: University, Leiden.

Page 397: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 2 => Dear Professor Hurgronje. Sent by Donald M. Brodie on behalf of Charles R. Crane. New York, May

24, 1928. English, typewritten. Mention of Dr. van der Hoog.

No. 3 => no addressing. Printed marriage announcement for John Oliver Crane. Rome, October 19, 1929.

No. 4 => Dear Professor S.H. London, April 14, 1932. English, manuscript. Added: envelope with address CSH:

Rap. 61.

No. 5 => Dear Dr S.H. London, Friday [April 15, 1932. English, manuscript.

No. 6 => No addressing. Telegram from London, April 18, 1932. English, printed tape.

Or. 8952 A 238

D. Crena de Iong.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer Professor Snouck Hurgronje. Amsterdam, September 10, 1931. Dutch,

typewritten. Added: envelope with address CSH: Rap. 61. ‘Bankkwestie Arabië’.

Or. 8952 A 239

Letters from G.C.E. van Daalen. I, till 1903.

No. 1 = Copy of a letter by Van Daalen to GG. N.p., n.d. Date of March 20, 1907, is mentioned, so the letter is

from earlier. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 2 => Geachte Heer Snouck. Koeta radja, November 15, 19??. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 3 => no addressing. List (only) of letters from Van Daalen to CSH, 1903-1910. Typewritten on envelope.


No. 4 => Zeer Geachte Heer. Koeta-Radja, September 24, 1903. Dutch, manuscript. Added: with envelope

with address CSH: Weltevreden. Note CSH on envelope: answered October 22, 1903.

No. 5 => Zeer Geachte Heer Snouck. Koeta-Radja, November 2, 1903. Dutch, manuscript. Added: with

envelope with address CSH: Weltevreden. Note CSH on envelope: answered November 27, 1903.

No. 6 => Geachte Heer Snouck. Koeta Radja, December 22, 1903. Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 240

Letters from G.C.E. van Daalen. II. 1904-1906.

No. 7 => Geachte Heer Snouck. Koeta Radja, February 2, 1904. Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope with

address CSH: Weltevreden.

No. 8 => Geachte Heer Snouck. Koeta Radja, September 22, 1904. Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope with

address CSH: Weltevreden.

No. 9 => Geachte Heer Snouck. Koeta Radja, October 7, 1906. Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope with

address CSH: Laurens Reaelstraat 2, The Hague. Note by CSH on envelope: answered November 5, 1906, and:

December 30, 1906 (‘muntjes’).

Or. 8952 A 241

Letters from G.C.E. van Daalen. III. 1907.

No. 10 => Geachte Heer S.H. Koeta Radja, February 25, 1907. Dutch, manuscript. Postcard, with address CSH:


No. 11 => Geachte Heer S.H. Koeta Radja, June 21, 1907. Dutch, manuscript. Postcard, with address CSH: WS


No. 12 => Geachte Heer S.H. Koeta Radja, October 24, 1907. Dutch, manuscript. Postcard, with address CSH:


No. 13 => Geachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Koeta Radja, December 30, 1907. Dutch, manuscript. Long

confidential letter. Added: envelope with address CSH: Leiden. Note CSH on envelope: answered on

February 26, 1908.

Or. 8952 A 242

Letters from G.C.E. van Daalen. IV. 1908.

Page 398: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 14 => Geachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Koeta Radja, March 24, 1908, with PS of March 27. Dutch,

manuscript. Long letter. Added: envelope with address CSH: Leiden, forwarded to Kernerplatz 2 II, Stuttgart.

No. 15 => no addressing. Copy of telegram from Hulshoffpol (sic) to CSH?, Buitenzorg, March 26, 1908.

Dutch typewritten.

No. 16 => Geachte Heer Snouck. Sukabumi, June 27, 1908, Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope with address

CSH: Leiden, forwarded to Légation des Pays-Bas, Constantinople.

No. 17 => Zeer Geachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Genua, October 5, 1908, Dutch, manuscript. Added:

envelope with address CSH: Légation des Pays-Bas, Constantinople, forwarded to Leiden. Note by CSH on

envelope: answered October 16, 1908.

No. 18 => Geachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Arnhem, October 23, 1908, Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope

with address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 19 => Geachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Arnhem, October 26, 1908, Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope

with address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 20 => Geachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Arnhem, November 6, 1908, Dutch, manuscript. Added:

envelope with address CSH: WS 84a. Note CSH on envelope: answered November 9, 1908.

Or. 8952 A 243

Letters from G.C.E. van Daalen. V. 1909.

No. 21 => Geachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Arnhem, January 15, 1909, Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope

with address CSH: WS. Note CSH on envelope: answered January 17, 1909.

No. 22 => Geachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. The Hague, June 2, 1909, Dutch, manuscript.

No. 23 => no addressing. Copy of a personal letter from the Minister of Colonial Affairs Idenburg to Van

Daalen, dated The Hague, May 29, 1909; copy of a letter by Van Daalen to Minister Idenburg, ddated The

Hague, May 31, 1909. Added: envelope with address CSH: WS. Note by CSH on the envelope: answered on

June 6, 1909.

No. 24 => Geachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. The Hague, September 9, 1909, Dutch, manuscript. Address CSH:


No. 25 => Geachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. The Hague, September 30, 1909, Dutch, manuscript. Address

CSH: Herrenalb (Schwarzwald).

Or. 8952 A 244

Letters from G.C.E. van Daalen. VI. 1910-1930.

No. 26 => Hoog Geachte Heer Snouck. Weltevreden, September 3, 1910, Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope

with address CSH: WS.

No. 27 => Printed announcement of the demise of Gotfried Coenraad Ernst van Daalen, The Hague,

February 22, 1930.

Or. 8952 A 245

Letter from Louis-Charles Damais (1911-1966).

No. 1 => Monsieur le Professeur. Leiden, December 16, 1934.

Added are 10 letters in Arabic, which Damais apparently had borrowed from Snouck Hurgronje. How and

why Damais had come into possession of the documents is not clear.

- Letter in Arabic from C. Adriaanse to al-Qāḍī ʿAbdallāh al-ʿAmri, Jeddah 1 Dhū al-Qaʿda 1350 (March 9,

1932) / 7 April 1932. Copy, typewritten.

- Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh al-ʿUmayr (or al-ʿAmrī?) to C. Adriaanse, Ṣanʿāʾ, 27 Dhū al-Ḥiǧǧa 1350 (May

4, 1932). Copy, typewritten.

- Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. ʿAlī Ḥammāda to al-Shaykh ʿAbd al-Ghaffār (= CSH), 2 RN (Rabīʿ

Nabawī) 1302 (December 20, 1884). Original.

Page 399: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

- Contract of tenancy from ʿAbdallāh b. ʿAlī Ḥammāda to ʿAbd al-Ghaffār al-… (? = CSH?). Rent is fifty riyāl

for the beginning of the rent on 22 Ǧumādā I [1302] till the end of the year (October 9, 1885). Document

dated 22 Ǧumādā I 1302 (March 9, 1885). This must be the rent for the house of CSH in Mecca.

- Note or letter in Arabic, addressed to Abū Aḥmad (?). ‘Found in the books that were received from Shaykh

Ahmad Mofti, in March ’86.’ Mentions, among other things, the demise of ʿAbdallāh al-ʿAmrī in al-Ṭāʾif.

Shaykh Ahmad Mofti is possibly Aḥmad Zaynī Daḥlān, who had borrowed books from CSH when he was in


- Letter in Arabic from Muḥammad Yūsuf Bānāǧa to Yūsuf Efendī Qudsī, dated 28 Raǧab 1304 (April 22,

1887). The letter contains the answer to a question about the availability of a manuscript copy of the Taʾrīkh

by al-Sinǧārī, and other historical works about Mecca. See on that subject now also Jan Just Witkam, ‘Copy

on demand. Abū Šubbāk in Mecca, 1303/1886’, in: Anne Regourd (ed.), The Trade in Papers Marked with non-

Latin Characters. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2018, pp. 206-226 (Islamic Manuscripts and Books, vol. 15). On the verso:

‘Received May 31, 1887.’

- Letter in Arabic from Ḥamza Fatḥ Allāh to … (?), dated Cairo 16 Ṣafar 1304 / Saturday 13 November [18]86.

Mentions five printed copies of al-Maqāla and al-Qaṣīda that were sent together with the letter.

- Letter in Arabic from ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Berhām [to CSH], dated Leiden, November 3, 1933.

- Letter in Arabic from ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Berhām [to CSH], dated Leiden, 10 November 1933.

- Letter in Arabic from ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Berhām [to CSH], dated Leiden, April 20, 1934.

For other letters from ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Berhām, see Or. 8952 A 164, above.

Or. 8952 A 246

Letter from B. van Dam (=? BAP van Dam?)

No. 1 => Amice. The Hague, January 9, 1909. Dutch, manuscript.

Added: Letter from J.E. Heeres to CSH, Leiden, January 8, 1909. Dutch, manuscript; and from H.C. Muller,

dated Utrecht, Jauary 7, 1909; printed inscription form for the ‘Verzamelde werken van Dr. H.C. Muller’;

added: envelope with address CSW: Leiden.

Or. 8952 A 247

Damascus, Comité du Millénaire International d’al-Mutanabbi. Seconde Communication.

No. 1 => Monsieur le Professeur. Signed : Izzuddin. Damascus, June 15, 1936. French, printed.

Added: Envelope with address, Rap. 6. Also added printed leaflet ‘Foire-exposition de Damas. 31 mai – 31

juillet 1936. Facilités de voyages accordées.

Or. 8952 A 248

Letters from H.T. Damsté, 1912-1934.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Sinabang, March 18, 1912. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Klaten, July 17, 1912. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 3 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. The Hague, March 19, 1915. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 4 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Oegstgeest, September 9, 1927. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 5 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Leiden, August 14, 1934. Dutch, manuscript. W.M.C.

Juynboll’s thesis is discussed.

Or. 8952 A 249

Letter from P.H. Damsté

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer. Utrecht, January 18, 1911. Dutch, manuscript. Request to advise about A.A.

Fokker. Added: envelope, address CSH: Leiden. Note by CSH on the envelope. answered January 20, 1911.

Or. 8952 A 250

Letter from A. Dankelman

Page 400: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 1 => Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. Berlin, April 22, 1887. German, manuscript. Postcard with address CSH:


Or. 8952 A 251

Letter from Cairo, Dar al-Kutub al-Sultaniyya to Ahmad Zali Pasha.

No. 1 => Hadrat Sahib al-Sa’ada. Cairo, February 11, 1921. Arabic, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 252

Letters from Umar M. Daudpota.

No. 1 => Dear Prof. Snouk. Cambridge, December 28, 1925. English, manuscript.

No. 2 => Dear Prof. Hurgronje. Cambridge, June 11, 1926. English, typewritten. Added: CSH’s draft of his

answer to No. 2. No date mentioned.

No. 3 => Dear Prof. Hurgronje. Cambridge, July 14, 1926. English, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 253

Letters from C.Th. van Deventer. I. -> 1908.

No. 1 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, n.d. Geachte Heer Snouck. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 2 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, October 11, 1908. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 3 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, October 14, 1908. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 4 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, October 16, 1908. Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope with

address CSH: WS. Also added a letter, Dutch, manuscript, from C. Brooshooft, Eindhoven, to C.T. van

Deventer, October 15, 1908.

No. 5 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, October 18, 1908. Dutch, manuscript. Added: Letter from A. van

Alphen de Veer to C.T. van Deventer, Delft, October 17, 1908. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 6 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, October 26, 1908. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 7 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, October 28, 1908. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 8 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, December 1, 1908. Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 254

Letter from C.Th. van Deventer. II. 1909.

No. 9 => Hooggeachte Collega. The Hague, February 15, 1909. Dutch, carbon copy of typewritten text. Added:

envelope, with address CSH: WS 24a

Or. 8952 A 255

Letters from C.Th. van Deventer. III. 1910-1911.

No. 10 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, January 21, 1910. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 11 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, January 24, 1910. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 12 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, February 28, 1910. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 13 => Geachte Heer Snouck. London, July 10, 1911. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 14 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, November 21, 1911. Dutch, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 256

Letters from C.Th. van Deventer. IV. 1912.

No. 15 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, January 3, 1912. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 16 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, January 11, 1912. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 17 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, January 22, 1912. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 18 => Geachte Heer Snouck. a/b Tabanan, Middellandse Zee, December 12, 1912. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 19 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, December 27, 1912. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 20 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, January 30, 1912. Dutch, typewritten.

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Or. 8952 A 257

Letters from C.Th. van Deventer. V. 1913.

No. 21 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, January 4, 1913. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 21 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, January 4, 1913. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 22 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, February 1, 1913. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 23 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, February 3, 1913. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 24 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, February 24, 1913. Dutch, typewritten. Note CSH: answered

February 25, 1913.

No. 25 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, February 27, 1913. Dutch, typewritten. Added: draft of the

statutes of the Kartinifonds, dated The Hague, GFebruary 1913. Dutch, printed, with corrections.

Or. 8952 A 258

Letters from C.Th. van Deventer. VI. 1913.

No. 26 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, April 1, 1913. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 27 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, July 2, 1913. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 28 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, July 24, 1913. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 29 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, July 29, 1913. Dutch, typewritten. Address CSH: WS 84a

No. 30 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, July 31, 1913. Dutch, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 259

Letters from C.Th. van Deventer. VII. 1913.

No. 31 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, August 1, 1913. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 32 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, August 30, 1913. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 33 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, September 11, 1913. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 34 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, September 20, 1913. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 35 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, November 19, 1913. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 36 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, November 20, 1913. Dutch, manuscript. Added: typewritten

extract from Handelingen (parliament) November 18, 1913, about Christianization of Java. Tydeman.

No. 37 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, December 31, 1913. Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 260

Letters from C.Th. van Deventer. VIII. 1914.

No. 38 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, March 31, 1914. Dutch, manuscript. Added: Cutting from De Tijd

of March 28, 1914, about a lecture on Islam given by A.A. Fokker.

No. 39 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, June 2, 1914. Dutch, manuscript. Added: Typewritten, carbon

copy of ‘Inhoud der Memorie van Overgave, betreffende de Onerafdeeling Wonogiri’. 1 p.

No. 40 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, July 4, 1914. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 41 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, November 12, 1914. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 42 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, November 22, 1914. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 43 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, November 29, 1914. Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 261

Letters from C.Th. van Deventer. IX. 1915.

No. 44 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, January 26, 1915. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 45 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, February 6, 1915. Dutch, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 262

Letters from C.Th. van Deventer. X. 1915.

No. 46 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, February 13, 1915. Dutch, manuscript. Enclosure not added,

probably returned to Van Deventer.

Page 402: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 47 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, February 15, 1915. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 47 bis => Waarde Heer Bosboom. The Hague, March 12, 1915. Dutch, typewritten. Letter not addressed to


No. 48 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, April 4, 1915. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 49 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, April 19, 1915. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 50 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, April 21, 1915. Dutch, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 263

Letters from C.Th. van Deventer. XI. 1915.

No. 51 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, May 7, 1915. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 52 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, May 5, 1915. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 53 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, May 21, 1915. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 54 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, June 17, 1915. Dutch, typewritten. Added: cutting from

Vaderland of June 17, 1915.

No. 55 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, June 18, 1915. Dutch, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 264

Letters from C.Th. van Deventer. XII. 1915.

No. 56 => addressed to the Board of the Tjandi-Stichting. The Hague, June 19, 1915. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 57 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, June 28, 1915. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 58 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, July 2, 1915. Dutch, typewritten.

No. 59 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, July 19, 1915. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 60 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, August 20, 1915. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 61 => Geachte Heer Snouck. The Hague, August 24, 1915. Dutch, typewritten.

For a letter from Van Deventer’s widow, Ms. E. van Deventer-Maat, to C. Snouck Hurgronje, see Or. 8952 A

644, below.

Or. 8952 A 265

Letters from H.A. von Dewall, 1932.

No. 1 => Zeer geachte Heer. Lawang, October 23, 1932. Dutch, manuscript. Added: Envelope, address CSH:

Rap 61.

No. 2 => Zeer geachte Heer. Lawang, September 2, 1932. Dutch, manuscript. Added: Envelope, address CSH:

Rap 63.

Or. 8952 A 266

Letter from Hermann Dittmar, 1915.

No. 1 => No addressing. Business card, with request, Strtassburg, Sept. 9, 1915. German, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 267

Letters from Pangeran Aria Achmad Djajadiningrat.

No. 1 => Hoog Geachte Heer. Batavia-Centrum, December 4, 1934. Dutch, typewritten. Added: Envelope with

address CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Heer. Land Djomin, December 4, 1935. Dutch, manuscript. Added: Envelope with

address CSH: Rap. 61.

Or. 8952 A 268

Letters from Hoesein Djajadiningrat.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer. Weltevreden, June 27, 1929. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 2 => Zeer geachte Heer Kern. Djakarta, July 22, 1954. Dutch, typewritten. (Which Kern? R.A. Kern?)

Page 403: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8952 A 269

Djawa (1927), Redactie: signed by Hoesein Djajadiningrat, G.W.J. Drewes. Java Instituut.

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Weltevreden, April 20, 1927. Dutch typewritten. Note CSH: answered on July 8,

1927. Added: Envelope with address CSH: Rap. 61. Added: Note from the Dutch Post Office, May 25, 1927,

Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 270

Dojonegoro. De Rijksbestuurder van Soerakarta.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer. Soerakarta, April 28, 1920. Dutch, typewritten. Enquiry about his son Sawarno.

Note by CSH: answered June 15, 1920.

Or. 8952 A 271

Letter from M. Doerjat, Madioen.

No. 1. Letter is written in Javanese, in Javanese script. Madiun, April 19, 1922. Added: envelope with address

CSH: Leiden.

Or. 8952 A 272

Letter from S.C. van Doesburgh.

No. 1 => WelEd. Hooggel. Heer. Leiden, October 10, 1906. Dutch, manuscript. About publishing CSH’s

inaugural lecture. Added: Envelope, with address CSH: Laurens Reaalstraat 2, The Hague. Note CSH on the

envelope: answered October 10, 1906.

Or. 8952 A 273

Letters from Edmond Doutté. I. 1901-1902.

No. 1 => Monsieur. Mustapha-Belcourt, Alger, [February] 1901. French, manuscript. Note CSH: answered

February 24, 1901.

No. 2 => Monsieur. Mustapha-Belcourt, Alger, August 29, 1901. French, manuscript. Note CSH: answered

January 16, 1901.

No. 3 => Monsieur. Mustapha-Supérieur, Alger, May 9, 1902. French, manuscript. Postcard, with address

CSH: à Batavia.

No. 4 => Monsieur. Mustapha-Supérieur, Alger, June 3, 1902. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 274

Letters from Edmond Doutté. II. 1903-1905.

No. 5 => Monsieur. Uriage-les-Bains, August 10, 1903. French, manuscript.

No. 6 => Monsieur. Uriage-les-Bains, September 19, 1903. French, manuscript.

No. 7 => Monsieur. Mogador, October 20, 1904. French, manuscript.

No. 8 => Cher Monsieur. Parc Stéphan, February 19, 1905. French, manuscript.

No. 9 => Monsieur. Mustapha, April 10, 1905. French, manuscript.

No. 10 => Monsieur. Uriage-les-Bains, August 18, 1905. French, manuscript.

No. 11 => Monsieur. Mustapha-Belcourt, Alger, November 1905. French, manuscript. Note by CSH: received

November 28, 1905, answered February February 3, 1906.

Or. 8952 A 275

Letters from Edmond Doutté. III. 1906-1907.

No. 12 => Cher Monsieur. Alger-Belcourt, July 2, 1906. French, manuscript.

No. 13 => Cher Monsieur. Soissons, June 16, 1907. French, manuscript.

No. 14 => Monsieur. Alger, June 21, 1907. French, manuscript.

No. 15 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, July 26, 1907. French, manuscript.

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Or. 8952 A 276

Letters from Edmond Doutté. IV. 1908-1911.

No. 16 => No addressing. Mogador, January 8, 1908. French, manuscript. Postcard, with address CSH: Leiden.

No. 17 => Monsieur. Alger, May 17, 1908. French, manuscript.

No. 18 => Cher Monsieur. Alger, December 28, 1909. French, manuscript.

No. 19 => Cher Monsieur. Alger, February 5, 1910. French, manuscript.

No. 20 => Cher Monsieur. Alger, February 13, 1911. French, typewritten. Address CSH: WS 84a

No. 21 => Cher Monsieur. Alger, Mars 2, 1911. French, typewritten.

No. 22 => Cher Monsieur. Alger, March 27, 1911. French, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 277

Letter from Edmond Doutté. V. 1916.

No. 23 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, September 21, 1916. French, manuscript. Added: envelope with address CSH:


Or. 8952 A 278

Letters from Edmond Doutté. VI. 1923.

No. 24 => Monsieur et cher Confrère. Les Trois-Epis (Haut-Rhin), September 8, 1923. French, typewritten.

Note CSH: answered October 3, 1923.

No. 25 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, September 20, 1923. French, manuscript.

No. 26 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, September 20, 1923. French, manuscript.

No. 27 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, October 11, 1923. French, manuscript.

No. 28 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, November 3, 1923. French, manuscript.

No. 29 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, November 12, 1923. French, manuscript.

No. 30 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, November 18, 1923. French, manuscript.

No. 31 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, November 30, 1923. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 279

Letters from Edmond Doutté. VII. 1924-1929.

No. 32 => Mon cher Maître. N.p., October 22, 1924. French, manuscript.

No. 33 => Mon cher Maître. Paris, May 6, 1925. French, manuscript.

No. 34 => Mon cher Maître. Paris, December 10, 1925. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 280

Letter from E.F.E. Douwes Dekker.

No. 1 => Zeer geachte Professor. The Hague, May 24, 1910. Dutch, manuscript. Added: Envelope with address

CSH: WS 84a. Also added: Statuten der Indische Universiteits-Vereeniging. Dutch, printed. Batavia, March

22, 1910. Also added: Business card E.F.E. Douwes Dekker, Batavia.

Or. 8952 A 281

Letter from Abdallah Dubar.

No. 1 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Berlin, February 12, 1936. German, typewritten. Postcard, address

CSH: Rap. 61.

Or. 8952 A 282

Letter from van Duf (?).

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Professor. Ch., July 22, 1934. Dutch, manuscript. Added: Envelope, with address CSH:

Rap. 62

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Or. 8952 A 283

Letter from J.Ph. Duyvendak

No. 1 => Zeer geachte Professor. Soerakarta, October 19, 1930. Dutch, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 284

Letter from Halil Edhem.

No. 1 => Monsieur le Professeur. Constantinople, January 26, 1909. French, manuscript. Added: envelope

with address CSH: WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 285

Letter from F.W. van Eeden to M.J. de Goeje

No. 1 => Hoog Geleerde Heer. Haarlem, September 9, 1897. Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope, with

address De Goeje: Leiden. Also added: ‘Lijst van photographieën opgenomen in 1890/91. Perzië, Turkije en

de Kaukasus’, List made by A. Hotz of the photographs that Hotz had sent to De Goeje.

Or. 8952 A 286

Letters from J.C. van Eerde.

No. 1 => Zeer geachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Amsterdam, April 6, 1920. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 2 => no addressing. Preprinted confirmation of receipt, Amsterdam, September 8, 1927. Dutch, print and

manuscript. Postcard, with address CSH: Rap. 61.

Or. 8952 A 287

Letters from J.M. Elias.

No. 1 => Hoog Geleerde Heer. Zaandam, October 26, 1912. Dutch, manuscript. Sender will go to Jeddah.

No. 2 => Hoog Geleerde Heer. Zaandam, October 28, 1912. Dutch, manuscript. Sender will not go to Jeddah.

With envelope: address CSH: WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 288

Letter from H.A.F.G. van Ermel-Scherer.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Professor. Ginniken, no year, December 14. Dutch, manuscript. Sender was director of

the Hoogere Krijgsschool.

Or. 8952 A 289

Letters from S.J. Esser to E. Gobée and to CSH.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer en Mevrouw Gobée. Posso, August 19, 1923. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 2 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Bandung, May 17, 1932. Dutch, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 290

Letters from Julius Euting.

No. 1 => Mein lieber Herr und Freund. Strassburg, March 28, 1885. German, manuscript. Added: Envelope

with address CSH: ‘aux soins de Monsieur le Consul des Pays-Bas à Djeddah, Mer Rouge’.

No. 2 => O Herr und Freund. Strassburg, February 2, 1887. German, manuscript. Added: envelope with

address CSH: Leiden.

No. 3 => O Herr und Freund. Strassburg, June 21, 1907. German, manuscript. Thanks for piece of the Kiswa.

Added: envelope with address CSH: Leiden. That fragment of the Kiswa is now kept in the Linden-Museum

in Stuttgart.

No. 4 => O Herr und Freund. Strassburg, February 29, 1912. German, manuscript. Postcard with address CSH:


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Or. 8952 A 291

Letters from A. Evershed.

No. 1 => Dear Dr. Hurgronje. Guildford, June 11, 1928. English, typewritten. Added, envelope with address

CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 2 => Dear Mevrouw Hurgronje. Guildford, June 30, 1928. English, typewritten. Added, envelope with

address CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 3 => My dear Mevrouw Hurgronje. Guildford, December 19, 1928. English, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 292

Letters from Manṣūr Fahmī. I. 1907-1912.

No. 1 => Sīdī al-Ustādh al-Ǧalīl. N.p., n.d., but must date from 1907 and a bit later, when CSH still lived at WS

84a. Arabic, manuscript. Postcard with address CSH: 81a Witte Singel.

No. 1 bis => Sīdī al-Ustādh al-Ǧahbadh. The Hague, November 5, 1912. Arabic, manuscript.

No. 2 => Sīdī al-Ustādh al-Ǧalīl. Bās (?), November 7, 1912. Arabic, manuscript. Postcard with address CSH:

81a Witte Singel.

No. 3 => Sīdī al-Ustādh al-Aǧall. Leiden, December 9, 1912. Arabic, manuscript.

No. 4 => Sīdī al-Ustādh al-Aǧall. Leiden, December 20, 1912. Arabic, manuscript.

No. 5 => No addressing. Leiden, December 31, 1912. French, manuscript. New Year’s wishes.

Or. 8952 A 293

Letters from Manṣūr Fahmī. II. 1913.

No. 6 => Sīdī al-Ustādh al-ʿAllāma. Leiden, January 7, 1913. Arabic, manuscript.

No. 7 => Sīdī wa-Ustādhī al-ʿAllāma al-Ǧalīl. Leiden, March 4, 1913. Arabic, manuscript.

No. 8 => Sīdī al-Ustādh al-Ǧalīl. Petersburg, October 4, 1913 (post mark). Arabic, manuscript. Postcard with

address CSH: 81a Witte Singel.

No. 9 => Sīdī al-Ustādh al-Ǧalīl. Paris, December 10, 1913. Arabic, manuscript. Added, envelope with address

CSH: WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 294

Letters from Fayṣal b. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz b. Saʿūd, the later King Faysal of Saudi Arabia.

No. 1 => Ḥaḍrat al-Qāʾim bil-Aʿmāl. N.p., 10 Shaʿbān 1351. Arabic, typewritten. Copy of original. Added: same

sender, condolences to the widow and daughter SH. al-Ṭāʾif, 21 July 1936. Arabic typewritten. Added: Dutch

translation of the letter of condolence, Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 295

Letters from Edmond Fazy.

No. 1 => Monsieur et Maître. Paris, November 24, 1900. French, manuscript. Added, with envelope, with

address CSH: Batavia. Note by CSH on envelope: answered February 22, 1901.

No. 2 => Monsieur le Professeur. Paris, March 30, 1901. French, manuscript. Postcard, with address CSH:

Batavia, Java.

Or. 8952 A 296

Letters from Frau L. Fein and Muḥammad Khayr al-Dīn (in Turkish).

See also on Haireddin: Jan Schmidt, ‘Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje in Istanbul (1908). Letters and an

Unknown Diary preserved in the Leiden University Library’ in Jan Schmidt, The Joys of Philology. Studies in

Ottoman Literature, History and Orientalism (1500-1923), volume II. Istanbul: The Isis Press, 2002, pp. 153-179.

See also Or. 8952 A 523-A 532, below.

No. 1 => Letter from Ms. Fein to Haireddin, Stuttgart. Geehrter Herr. Stuttgart, March 23, 1914. Postcard.

Added, letter from Muḥammad Khayr al-Dīn, [Stuttgart], 25 March 1908, to CSH (?). Turkish, manuscript.

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Added with envelope to CSH, May 23, 1914, address CSH WS 84a. Also added two cuttings from a German

newspaper of 1908 with texts about Naṣr al-Dīn.

No. 2 => Letter from Ms. Fein to Haireddin, Stuttgart. Geehrter Herr. Stuttgart, December 10, 1907. Postcard.

Added, letter from Muḥammad Khayr al-Dīn, [Stuttgart], January 13, 1907, to CSH (?). Turkish, manuscript.

Added with envelope to CSH, December 13, 1907, address CSH WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 297

Letter from Gabrielle Ferrand.

No. 1 => Monsieur. Haarlem, October 30, 1930. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 298

Letter from [P.G.J.] Ferrand (Gabriel Ferrand). I. 1907.

See on him C. Snouck Hurgronje, ‘Levensbericht van Paul Gabriel Joseph Ferrand’, in: Jaarboek van de

Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, 1934-1935, Amsterdam, pp. 223-228.

No. 1 => Cher Monsieur. Wengen, September 3, 1907. French, manuscript. Apparently sent by Renward

Brandstetter in Luzern. Added: business card Brandstetter.

No. 1 bis => Cher Monsieur. Stuttgart, September 15, 1907. French, manuscript.

No. 2 => Cher Monsieur. Stuttgart, October 26, 1907. French, manuscript.

No. 3 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, December 25, 1907. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 299

Letter from [P.G.J.] Ferrand. II. 1908.

No. 4 => Cher Monsieur. Stuttgart, January 29, 1908. French, manuscript.

No. 5 => Cher Monsieur. Stuttgart, February 11, 1908. French, manuscript.

No. 6 => Cher Monsieur. Stuttgart, April 6, 1908. French, manuscript.

No. 7 => Cher Monsieur. Stuttgart, May 11, 1908. French, manuscript.

No. 8 => Cher Monsieur. Stuttgart, May 19, 1908. French, manuscript.

No. 9 => Cher Monsieur. Stuttgart, July 15, 1908. French, manuscript.

No. 10 => Cher Monsieur. Stuttgart, September 22, 1908. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 300

Letters from [P.G.J.] Ferrand. III. 1908-1909.

No. 11 => Cher Monsieur. Stuttgart, December 13, 1908. French, manuscript.

No. 12 => Cher Monsieur. Stuttgart, January 13, 1909. French, manuscript. Postcard, address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 13 => Cher Monsieur. Stuttgart, January 31, 1909. French, manuscript.

No. 14 => Cher Monsieur. Berlin, May 3, 1909. French, manuscript.

No. 15 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, September 16, 1909. French, manuscript. Postcard, address CSH: WS 84a.

Or. 8952 A 301

Letters from [P.G.J.] Ferrand. IV. 1909-1910.

No. 16 => Cher Monsieur. Stuttgart, October 2, 1909. French, manuscript. Postcard, address CSH: WS 84a.

No. 17 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, January 14, 1910. French, manuscript.

No. 18 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, February 21, 1910. French, manuscript.

No. 19 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, July 6, 1910. French, manuscript.

No. 20 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, November 28, 1910. French, manuscript. Added a learned note about the


Or. 8952 A 302

Letters from [P.G.J.] Ferrand. V. 1911-1912.

No. 21 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, January 15, 1911. French, manuscript.

Page 408: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 22 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, October 6, 1911. French, manuscript.

No. 23 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, December 29, 1911. French, manuscript.

No. 24 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, January 23, 1912. French, manuscript.

No. 25 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, June 6, 1912. French, manuscript.

No. 26 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, December 8, 1912. French, manuscript.

No. 27 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, December 16, 1912. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 303

Letters from [P.G.J.] Ferrand. VI. 1913.

No. 28 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, October 11, 1913. French, manuscript.

No. 29 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, November 13, 1913. French, manuscript.

No. 30 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, December 31, 1913. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 304

Letters from [P.G.J.] Ferrand. VII. 1914-1916.

No. 31 => Cher Monsieur & Ami. Paris, July 13, 1914. French, manuscript.

No. 32 => Cher Monsieur & Ami. New Orleans, March 5, 1915. French, manuscript.

No. 33 => Cher Monsieur & Ami. Paris, July 2, 1916. French, manuscript.

No. 34 => Cher Monsieur & Ami. Paris, August 2, 1916. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 305

Letters from [P.G.J.] Ferrand. VIII. 1919-1920.

No. 35 => Cher Monsieur & Ami. Paris, March 11, 1919. French, manuscript.

No. 36 => Cher Monsieur & Ami. Paris, April 17, 1919. French, manuscript. Added: envelope, with address

CSH: WS 84a

No. 37 => Cher Monsieur & Ami. Chaillevette, August 6, 1919. French, manuscript.

No. 38 => Cher Monsieur & Ami. Paris, December 26, 1919. French, manuscript.

No. 39 => Cher Monsieur & Ami. Paris, February 10, 1920. French, manuscript. Added: Letter in Dutch,

typewritten, from Algemeen Rijksarchief (signed by J. de Hullu), of February 18, 1920.

No. 40 => Cher Monsieur & Ami. Paris, March 10, 1920. French, manuscript. Postcard with address CSH: Rap


No. 41 => Cher Monsieur & Ami. Paris, April 4, 1920. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 306

Letters from [P.G.J.] Ferrand. IX. 1921-1923.

No. 42 => Cher Monsieur & Ami. Paris, January 23, 1921. French, manuscript.

No. 43 => Cher Confrère & Ami. Paris, May 7, 1921. French, manuscript.

No. 44 => Cher Confrère & Ami. Paris, December 18, 1922. French, manuscript.

No. 45 => Cher Confrère & Ami. Paris, March 19, 1923. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 307

Letters from [P.G.J.] Ferrand. X. 1924-1928.

No. 46 => Cher Confrère & Ami. Paris, January 7, 1924. French, manuscript.

No. 47 => Mon cher Confrère. Paris, November 15, 1926. French, manuscript.

No. 48 => Mon cher Confrère & Ami. Paris, May 30, 1928. French, manuscript. Read after this: No. 52 => Mon

cher Confrère & Ami. Paris, October 22, 1925. French, manuscript.

No. 49 => Mon cher Collègue & Ami. Paris, November 15, 1928. French, manuscript.

No. 50 => Mon cher Confrère & Ami. Paris, December 19, 1928. French, manuscript.

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Or. 8952 A 308

Letters from [P.G.J.] Ferrand. XI. 1929-1930.

No. 51 => Mon cher Confrère & Ami. Paris, May 25, 1929. French, manuscript.

No. 52 => Mon cher Confrère & Ami. Paris, October 22, 1925. French, manuscript. Placed in wrong

chronological order, due to a misreading by the cataloguer.

No. 53 => Cher Confrère & Ami. La Vallèe aux Loups, September 27, 1929. French, manuscript.

No. 54 => Cher Confrère & Ami. Paris, December 5, 1929. French, manuscript.

No. 55 => Cher Confrère & Ami. Paris, November 15, 1930. French, manuscript.

No. 56 => Cher Confrère & Ami. Paris, December 21, 1930. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 309

Letters from [P.G.J.] Ferrand. XII. 1931-1932.

No. 57 => Cher Confrère & Ami. Paris, October 26, 1931. French, manuscript.

No. 58 => Mon cher Confrère & Ami. Paris, December 23, 1931. French, manuscript.

No. 59 => Mon cher Collègue & Ami. Paris, April 16, 1932. French, manuscript.

No. 60 => Cher Ami. Paris, November 30, 1932. French, manuscript.

No. 61 => Cher Ami. Paris, December 22, 1932. French, manuscript.

No. 62 => Cher Ami. Paris, December 26, 1932. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 310

Letters from [P.G.J.] Ferrand. XIII. 1933.

No. 63 => Cher Confrère & Ami. Paris, June 7, 1933. French, manuscript.

No. 64 => Mon cher Collègue & Ami. Paris, December 22, 1933. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 311

Letters from Ferrand (brother of [P.G.J.] Ferrand). I. 1935.

No. 1 => Monsieur. Marseille, February 11, 1935. French, manuscript.

No. 2 => Cher Monsieur. Marseille, February 20, 1935. French, manuscript.

No. 3 => Cher Monsieur. Marseille, February 23, 1935. French, manuscript.

No. 4 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, March 2, 1935. French, manuscript.

No. 5 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, March 4, 1935. French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 312

Letters from Ferrand (brother of [P.G.J.] Ferrand). II. 1935.

No. 6 => Cher Monsieur. Paris, March 7, 1935. French, manuscript.

No. 7 => Cher Monsieur. Marseille, March 20, 1935. French, manuscript.

No. 8 => Cher Monsieur. Marseille, March 31, 1935. French, manuscript. Folded postal paper, with address

CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 9 => Cher Monsieur. Marseille, April 7, 1935. French, manuscript. Folded postal paper, with address CSH:

Rap. 61.

No. 10 => Monsieur Snouck Hurgronje. Marseille, April 26, 1935. French, manuscript.

No. 11 => Mon cher Monsieur. Marseille, May 10, 1935. French, manuscript. Added: Note bibliographique of

Gabriel Ferrand (1864-1935). Added: Note of demise of Gabriel Ferrand, January 31, 1935, in Paris. Added:

envelope, with address CSH: Rap. 61.

Or. 8952 A 313

Letters from G. Flieringa (See also Or. 8952 A 488, below)

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Professor. Bussum, April 18, 1935. Dutch, typewritten. Added: envelope with address

CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Professor. Bussum, September 11, 1935. Dutch, typewritten.

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Or. 8952 A 314

Letters from S. Flury. About an old inscription in Zanzibar.

No. 1 => Hochgeehrter Herr Professor. Basel, November 13, 1921. Added: Note by C. van Arendonk (d. 1946).

Added: envelope with address CSH: Rap. 61.

No. 2 => Verehrter Herr Professor. Basel, November 28, 1921. Added: envelope with address CSH: Rap. 61.

Or. 8952 A 315

Letter from A.A. Fokker.

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Amsterdam, July 14, 1914. Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope with address

CSH: Leiden. Forwarded to Ellecom.

Or. 8952 A 316

Letter from C. Fortgens-Adriani (sister of N. Adriani, q.v.).

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Professor Snouck Hurgronje. Zendingsschool [Oegstgeest?], May 14, 1926. Dutch,


M.A. Foroughi

Letter from M.A. Foroughi (and Ali Asghar Hekmat) to C. Snouck Hurgronje

See Or. 8952 A 424 (where the name is incorrectly given as Foranghi), below.

Or. 8952 A 317

Letters from W. Foy (director Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, Cöln a.Rh.)

No. 1 => Hochgeehrter Herr. Cöln, December 30, 1906. German, manuscript. About music recordings

(phonograph?). Added: envelope with address CSH: The Hague. Note CSH on envelope: answered January 3,


No. 2 => Hochgeehrter Herr. Cöln, January 5, 1907. German, manuscript. Postcard, address CSH: The Hague.


No. 3 => Hochgeehrter Herr Professor. Cöln, December 17, 1908.

Or. 8952 A 318

Letter from Siegmund Fraenkl

No. 1 => Hochgeehrter Herr Geheimrath. Breslau, May 25, 1900 (?). German, manuscript. Added: sheet with

notes (on the verso of an unrelated invitation).

Or. 8952 A 319

Letter from R. Fruin (director Algemeen Rijksarchief)

No. 1 => No addressing. The Hague, October 13, 1913. Dutch, manuscript. About the monument in Agadir.

Or. 8952 A 320

Letters from Raif Mehmed Fuad Bey.

No. 1 => No addressing. Two empty envelopes only with text in Ottoman Turkish (and German). One dated

July 1, 1908. Address CSH on one envelope: WS 84a.

No. 2 => Hochgeehrter Herr Professor. Cospoli, July 28, 1908. German, manuscript.

No. 3 => Hochgeehrter Herr. Yeni Koeue, August 17/30, 1908. German, manuscript.

No. 4 => Monsieur Snouck Hurgronje. Yeni Koeue, August 17, 1324 (telegram). Ottoman Turkish, manuscript.

Added: draft telegraphic answer by CSH.

Or. 8952 A 321

Letters from Garnida (member of the family? daughter?).

Page 411: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 1 => Geachte Mijnheer. Tjiamis, May 4, 1908. Dutch, manuscript. On pp. 3-4 a second letter, also dated

Tjiamis, May 4, 1908. Same sender, but apparently different hand, also Dutch, manuscript. Added: letter,

possibly also by Garnida, Tjiamis, May 4, 1908, in Sundanese, in Javanese script. Added: Envelope with

address: WS 84a, with postmark: Weltevreden, May 5, 1908.

Or. 8952 A 322

Letters from Jules Gasser, Sénateur d’Oran.

No. 1 => Monsieur le Professeur. Paris, November 14, 1923. French, manuscript.

No. 2 => Monsieur le Professeur & tres cher Maître. Paris, December 1, 1923.

Or. 8952 A 323

Letter from Léon Gauthier.

No. 1 => Monsieur et très honoré collègue. Alger, May 1, 1910. French, manuscript. Postcard, address CSH: WS

84a, forwarded to Hotel de Russie, Rome.

Or. 8952 A 324

Letter from Geneva, Commission Société Nations pour Frontières, signed by Drummond.

No. 1 => No addressing. Geneva, December 23, 192? French, printed and manuscript. Telegram, on the verso

answer CSH recommending Kramers as interpreter.

Or. 8952 A 325

Letter from A. van Gennep.

No. 1 => Hoog gel. Heer. [Scheveningen], January 9, 1912. Dutch, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 326

Letter from L.F. van Gent.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Professor. The Hague, October 6, 1929. Dutch, manuscript. And notes by CSH at the

end. Added: business card of L.F. van Gent.

Or. 8952 A 327

Letters from C.A. Gerretsen.

No. 1 => Hoog Geleerde Heer. The Hague, July 7, 1917. Dutch, manuscript. Payment through Alatas in


No. 2 => Hoog Geleerde Heer. The Hague, August 5, 1919. Dutch, manuscript. Postcard with address CSH: WS


Or. 8952 A 328

Letters from R.E. Geyer.

No. 1 => Hochvereehter Herr Geheimrat (= Julius Wellhausen in Göttingen). Wien, December 4, 1914.

German, manuscript

No. 2 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Wien, May 17, 1920. German, typewritten. This letter was

addressed to CSH.

Or. 8952 A 329

Letters from J. Ginsberg.

No. 1 => No addressing. Worms, December 26, 1921. Postcard with address CSH: Rap. 61. Image postcard:

Worms, Der älteste israelitische Friedhof Deutschlands. Grab des Rabbi Baruch (1281).

No. 2 => No addressing. Berlin, January 10, 1932. Postcard with address CSH: Rap. 61. Image postcard: N.

Verkhotouroff, La propaganda.

Page 412: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 3 => Hooggeachte Professor. Moscow, September 4, 1935. Postcard with address CSH: Rap. 17 (!). Image

postcard: Persian miniature from Tiflis, sitting woman, Qajar style. Signed Muhammad Hasan … 1131 ?

Or. 8952 A 330

Letters from E. Gobée. I

No. 1 => Copy of letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, The Hague. Djeddah, June 24, 1919, 4 pp., Dutch,

manuscript. Pilgrim affairs.

Added => Copy of a letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, The Hague. [Djeddah], September 5, 1919, 2 pp.,

Dutch, manuscript. Pilgrim affairs.

Added => Dutch translation by the Consul of the Netherlands in Jeddah of an Arabic letter of Abdullah Ali

Rida, the Qa’im Maqam of Jeddah, 16 Higga 1337 = September 11, 1919, 2 pp., typewritten.

Also a letter, or notice by Colonel Charles Vickery (the British Agent) to E. Gobée in Jeddah, Djeddah.

Added => Copy of letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, The Hague. Djeddah, October 5, 1919, typewritten,

5 pp., Dutch, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 331

Letters from E. Gobée to Schrieke. II. Provenance of Nos. 2-4: received in 1955 from Ms. Schrieke Loeff in


No. 2 => Amice. Letter to B.J.C. Schrieke. Weltevreden, July 6, 1923. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 3 => Amice. Letter to B.J.C. Schrieke. Weltevreden, September 8, 1923. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 4 => Amice. Letter to B.J.C. Schrieke. Weltevreden, September 19, 1923. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Mention of Ch.O. van der Plas, who is said to be very ill.

Or. 8952 A 332

Letters from E. Gobée to L. Massignon. III.

No. 5 => Cher Monsieur et ami. Draft letter, Posso, September 20, 1925, 2 pp., French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 333

Letters from E. Gobée to Mr. von Freijtag Drabbe. IV.

No. 6 => Zeer geachte Heer. Copy of letter, Leiden, August 25, 1948, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Letterhead:

Oostersch Instituut, Rapenburg 61, Leiden.

Or. 8952 A 334

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. V.

No. 7 => Zeer geachte Professor. Tentena, September 27, 1910, 4 pp. + envelope, Dutch, manuscript.

Answered by CSH on November 22, 1910.

No. 8 => Zeer geachte Professor. Baroes, January 7, 1912, 5 pp. + envelope, Dutch, manuscript. Answered by

CSH on February 5, 1912.

No. 9 => Hooggeachte professor. Tapa-Toean, May 31, 1914, 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 10 => Hooggeachte professor. Tapa-Toean, June 2, 1915, 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 11 => Hooggeachte professor. Scheveningen, March 23, 1915, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 12 => Hooggeachte professor. Scheveningen, October 21, 1915, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 335

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VI.

No. 13 => Hooggeachte Professor. Scheveningen, March 30, 1916, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 14 => Hooggeachte Professor. Scheveningen, November 1, 1916, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 336

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VII.

Page 413: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Gobée’s appointment as Dutch consul in Jeddah.

No. 15 => Hooggeachte Professor. Scheveningen, February 7, 1917, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 16 => Hooggeachte Professor. Scheveningen, March 9, 1917, 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 17 => Hooggeachte Professor. Scheveningen, March 23, 1917, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 18 => Hooggeachte professor. Scheveningen, March 25, 1917, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 19 => Hooggeachte professor. Scheveningen, April 4, 1917, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 20 => Hooggeachte professor. Scheveningen, April 16, 1917, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 21 => Hooggeachte Professor. Scheveningen, May 10, 1917, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Departure

scheduled for May 15, 1917.

Or. 8952 A 337

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VIII.

Gobée’s appointment as consul in Jeddah.

No. 22 => Hooggeachte Professor. Scheveningen, May 11, 1917, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 23 => Hooggeachte Professor. Scheveningen, May 14, 1917, 1 p., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 24 => Hooggeachte Professor. Cairo, May 11, 1917, 12 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Extended: Alexandria, June

5, 1917, and Port Said, June 6, 1917.

No. 25 => Hooggeachte professor. Djeddah, September 9, 1917, 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Received by CSH:

October 24, 1917; answered by CSH: October 29, 1917. Mention of Neervoort vd Poll, also of Rinkes.

No. 26 => Hooggeachte Professor. Djeddah, November 20, 1917, 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Received by CSH:

February 22, 1918; answered by CSH: February 1918.

Or. 8952 A 338

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. IX.

Gobée’s stay as consul in Jeddah.

No. 27 => Hooggeachte Professor. Djeddah, February 17, 1918 (extended March 1, 1918), 8 pp., Dutch,

manuscript. Received by CSH: beginning July 1918; answered by CSH: July 6, 1918.

No. 28 => Hooggeachte Professor. Djeddah, May 7, 1918, 9 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Received by CSH:

beginning July 1918; answered by CSH: July 6, 1918.

No. 29 => Hooggeachte Professor. Djeddah, September 19, 1918, 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Received by CSH:

November 22, 1918; answered by CSH: November 24, 1918.

Or. 8952 A 339

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. X.

Gobée’s stay as consul in Jeddah.

No. 30 => Hooggeachte Professor. a/b S.S. Noordam, January 29, 1919, postcard, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 31 => Hooggeachte Professor. Den Haag, February 15, 1919, 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 32 => Hooggeachte Professor. Cairo, June 8, 1919, 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Mention of Ahmad Zeki


No. 33 => Hooggeachte Professor. Djeddah, August 10, 1919, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Mention of the popular stories that were collected by Gobée in Jeddah (see MS Leiden Or. 8950, above).

No. 34 => Hooggeachte Professor. Djeddah, August 16, 1919, 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH

October 12, 1919.

No. 35 => Hooggeachte Professor. Djeddah, October 9, 1919, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Also on the popular

stories (see MS Leiden Or. 8950, above).

No. 36 => Hooggeachte Professor. Djeddah, November 27, 1919, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 340

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XI.

Gobée’s stay as consul in Jeddah.

Page 414: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 37 => Hooggeachte Professor. Den Haag, January 1920, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. List of enclosures (not

kept with this letter). Also about sending the newspaper al-Qibla.

No. 38 => Hooggeachte Professor. Den Haag, January 1920, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Mention of a curious

letter from Ahmad Zeki Pasha.

No. 39 => Hooggeachte Professor. Den Haag, January 13, 1920, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Mention of Hazeu

and of Pijper. Handicraft for Christientje.

No. 40 => Hooggeachte Professor. Den Haag, January 1920, 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added business card of

Aref de Mallawie, an Egyptian nationalist.

No. 41 => Hooggeachte Professor. Den Haag, February 29, 1920, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 341

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XII.

Gobée’s stay as consul in Jeddah.

No. 42 => Hooggeachte Professor. N.p., March 8, 1920, 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Mention of Ahmad Zeki


No. 43 => Hooggeachte Professor. Den Haag, March 10, 1920, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Enclosure: Copy of

letter Minister van Karnebeek to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the King of the Hedjaz. French, 2 pp.,


No. 44 => Hooggeachte Professor. a/b S.S. Reneh (?), April 4, 1920, 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Enclosures:

- Copy of letter 170 from Amīr Abdallah, Nāẓir al-Khāriǧiyya to Envoy (mandūb) Gobée, dated 16 Rajab 1338

/ April 5, 1920, 1 p., Arabic, manuscript;

- also copy of letter 174 from Amīr Abdallah, Nāẓir al-Khāriǧiyya to Consul Gobée, dated 20 Rajab 1338 /

April 9, 1920, 1 p., Arabic, manuscript.

No. 45 => Hooggeachte Professor. Djeddah, June 23, 1920, 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Enclosures:

- Copies of Letters 170 and 174 from Amīr Abdallah, same texts as mentioned under No. 44.

- Copies of Communications about the continuation of Gobée’s work, and about the relationship between

the Netherlands and the Kingdom of the Hijaz. 3 pp., Arabic, manuscripts. Respectively dated 20 Rajab 1338

/ April 9, 1920 and 21 Rajab 1338 / 1920.

No. 46 => Hooggeachte Professor. Djeddah, July 6, 1920, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Enclosure:

- Letter from Mohammed Saleh, Mekka, May 16/17, 1920, 2 pp., Malay, manuscript; and

- Copy of an article by Yusuf al-`Isi, taken from Sūriya al-Ǧadīda No. 366 (4 Ramadan 1338 / May 22, 1920), 1

p., Arabic, manuscript.

No. 47 => Hooggeachte Professor. Djeddah, July 18, 1920, 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 48 => Hooggeachte Professor. Djeddah, August 29, 1920, 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 342

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XIII.

Gobée’s stay as consul in Jeddah.

No. 49 => Hooggeachte Professor. Den Haag, January 26, 1921, 1 p., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 50 => Hooggeachte Professor. Den Haag, February 2, 1921, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 51 => Hooggeachte Professor. Cairo, February 24, 1921, 4 p., Dutch, manuscript. Enclosures:

- Copy of a letter from Ahmad Zeki Pasha to Consul-General in Cairo P.C. van Lennep, in which sender

offers his entire library to the Netherlands for a considerable sum of money. Cairo, February 23, 1921, French,

typewritten, 4 pp.

- Copies of deciphered telegrams about the library of Ahmad Zeki Pasha, dated February 24, 1921. 3 pp.,

typewritten and manuscript.

No. 52 => Hooggeachte Professor. Cairo, February 27, 1921, 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. About the library of

Ahmad Zeki Pasha.

No. 53 => Hooggeachte Professor. Djeddah, April 6, 1921, 5 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Mention of Sayyid

Abdallah. This must be al-Zawawi.

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Or. 8952 A 343

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XIV

Gobée’s stay as consul in Jeddah.

No. 54 => Hooggeachte Professor. Djeddah, May 8, 1921, 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 55 => Hooggeachte Professor. Djeddah, May 18, 1921, 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Mention of van der Plas.

No. 56 => Hooggeachte Professor. Djeddah, July 1, 1921, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Offer Ahmad Zeki Pacha

not accepted, no budget.

No. 57 => Hooggeachte Professor. Djeddah, September 8, 1921, 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 58 => Hooggeachte Professor. Djeddah, October 20, 1921, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Arrival van der Plas

announced for October 25 (as successor to Gobée).

No. 59 => Hooggeachte Professor. Paris, November 21, 1921, 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Visit to Massignon,

decease Goldziher.

Or. 8952 A 344

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XV

Gobée appointed Adviseur voor Inlandsche Zaken.

No. 60 => Hooggeachte Professor. Den Haag, January 15, 1922, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Enclosure:

- Card from CSH to Gobée, dated Leiden, January 16, 1922, and cutting from envelope showing Gobée’s

address in The Hague.

No. 61 => Hooggeachte Professor. Djeddah [sic!], February 2, 1922, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 62 => Hooggeachte Professor. Den Haag, February 24, 1922, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Mention of Nasif

and van der Plas.

No. 63 => Hooggeachte Professor. Genua, February 28, 1922, 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 64 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, April 1, 1922, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Letterhead: Adviseur

voor Inlandsche Zaken (to which function Gobée was appointed).

No. 65 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, June 19, 1922, 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH

on July 20, 1922.

No. 66 => Hooggeachte Professor. Den Haag, October 25, 1922, 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. With addition

dated October 31, 1922.

Or. 8952 A 345

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XVI

Gobée Adviseur voor Inlandsche Zaken.

No. 67 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, January 6, 1923, 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript. About van der

Plas. Added: envelope, undated note by Gobée, postal receipt for CSH for sending a letter to Gobée in

Weltevreden, dated Leiden, February 20, 1924.

No. 68 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, April 8, 1923, 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Enclosure:

- Copy from article in Nieuws van den Dag of April 2, 1923, No. 78: ‘Dr. Rinkes over de inheemsche Pers’, 2

pp., typewritten, Dutch.

- Copy from article in De Indische Courant of April 12, 1923, No. 83: ‘Dwaas end om!’, 3 pp., typewritten,


No. 69 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, April 21, 1923, 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 70 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, April 27, 1923, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 346

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XVII

Gobée Adviseur voor Inlandsche Zaken.

No. 71 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, June 12, 1923,4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Pelgrimsordonnantie.

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Added: - Copy changed pelgrimsordonnantie, Gobée => GG, Weltevreden, November 20, 1922, 6 pp., Dutch,


- ‘Artikel 22’. 2 pp, Dutch, typewritten. Concerns pelgrimsordonnantie.

- Commentary ‘Departement der Martine’ to GG (?), Weltevreden, November 25, 1922, 6 pp., Dutch,


- Zoutcontract. Weltevreden, August 22, 1922, 6 pp., Dutch, typewritten.

- Copy of letter from Consul Ch.O. van der Plas to GG, Djeddah, February 25, 1923, 10 pp., Dutch,

typewritten, to which is added Zendbrief, Buitenzorg, April 9, 1923.

- Copy letter Gobée to GG, Weltevreden, May 29, 1923. 4 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Raden Tjokroaminoto.

- Copy letter Gobée to GG, Weltevreden, June 4, 1923, 9 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Hadji Agoes Salim.

Caliphate question.

- Copy article ‘Een Britsch-Indische Islam-delegatie naar Java’, taken from De Locomotief of April 19, 1923, No.

89, p. 2. 2 pp, Dutch, typewritten.

- Copy letter Gobée => GG. Weltevreden, June 6, 1923. New version of the Pelgrimsordonnantie. 11 pp.,

Dutch, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 347

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XVIII

Gobée Adviseur voor Inlandsche Zaken.

No. 72 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, June 30, 1923, 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Also on Salim.

Answered by CSH on August 31, 1923.

No. 73 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, July 31, 1923, 4 pp. Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

August 31, 1923

- Added. Copy of letter B.Th. Brondgeest to Gobée about his candidacy for the post of Consul/Chargé

d’affaires in Jeddah. Weltevreden, July 12, 1923, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten.

No. 74 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, September 19, 1923, 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript, with

envelope. Also about Van der Plas.

No. 75 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, September 28, 1923, 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 76 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, November 2, 1923, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Salim, Schrieke.

Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 348

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XIX

Gobée Adviseur voor Inlandsche Zaken.

No. 77 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, January 6, 1924, 6 + 4 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Van der Plas.

No. 78 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, January 1924, 3 pp., Dutch, manuscripr. Answered by CSH

on April 11, 1924.

No. 79 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, March 24, 1924, 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 80 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, July 15,1924, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript, postcard.

No. 81 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, July 22, 1924, 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

August 21, 1924, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Pijper.

No. 82 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, August 20, 1924, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Pigeaud.

No. 83 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden August 25, 1924, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Pigeaud, Pijper.

No. 84 => Hooggeachte Professor. Poso, December 28, 1924, 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

April 25, 1925.

Or. 8952 A 349

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XX

No. 85 => Hooggeachte Professor. Poso, April 26, 1925, 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on July 5,

1925. Kraemer, Salim, van Asbeck.

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No. 86 => Hooggeachte Professor. Poso, September 15, 1925, 2 pp, Dutch, manuscript, postcard.

No. 87 => Hooggeachte Professor. Poso, September 28, 1925, 5 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 350

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XXI

No. 88 => Hooggeachte Professor. a/b Gewestelijk Vaartuig Ruth, January 17, 1926, 4 pp., Dutch, mostly


No. 89 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, May 19, 1926, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Adriani.

No. 90 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, August 18, 1926, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Adriani.

No. 91 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, November 2, 1926, 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by

CSH on December 5, 1926.

No. 92 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, November 23, 1926, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by

CSH on December 31, 1926.

Or. 8952 A 351

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XXII

No. 93 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, March 29, 1927, 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH

on May 8, 1927.

No. 94 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, June 8, 1927, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Drewes, Cense,

Pijper. Answered by CSH on July 7, 1927.

No. 95 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, November 2, 1927, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by

CSH on January 4, 1928.

No. 96 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, Decem 21, 1927, continued on January 11, 1928, 2 pp., Dutch,

manuscript. Answered by CSH on February 5, 1928.

No. 97 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, February 14, 1928, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Birth daughter

Dorothee Cornélie.

No. 98 => Hooggeachte Professor. a/b S.S. Krakatau, Indische Oceaan, December 4, 1928, 7 pp., Dutch,

manuscript. Muhammad Nasif, vd Meulen.

Or. 8952 A 352

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XXIII.

No. 99 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, July 24, 1927, 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH

on December 31, 1929.

No. 100 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, December 16, 1929, 3 pp., Dutch manuscript. Answered by

CSH on December 31, 1929.

No. 101 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, January 8, 1930, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

N0. 102 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, February 25, 1930, 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 103 => Hooggeachte Professor. Weltevreden, September 28, 1930, 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by

CSH on January 11, 1931.

No. 104 => Hooggeachte Professor. N.p., December 31, 1930, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 353

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XXIV.

No. 105 => Hooggeachte Professor. Batavia, January 22, 1931, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 106 => Hooggeachte Professor. Batavia, February 1, 1931, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript, postcard.

No. 107 => Hooggeachte Professor. Batavia, February 27, 1931, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

April 5, 1931.

No. 108 => Hooggeachte Professor. Batavia, June 12, 1931, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH July 5,


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No. 109 => Hooggeachte Professor. Batavia, September 23, 1931, 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Al-Attas, Sayyids

and Shaykhs. Answered by CSH on January 3, 1932.

No. 110 => Hooggeachte Professor. Batavia, December 17, 1931, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Noerdin, Shakib

Arslan. Answered by CSH on January 3, 1932.

Or. 8952 A 354

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XXV.

No. 110 bis => Hooggeachte Professor. Batavia, January 19, 1932, 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No 111 => Hooggeachte Professor. Batavia, March 4, 1932, 2 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Added: envelope.

No. 112 => Hooggeachte Professor. Bandoeng, August 19, 1932, extended to August 26, 1932, 3 pp., Dutch,

manuscript. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 355

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XXVI.

No. 113 => Hooggeachte Professor. Batavia, October 23, 1933, 3 pp., Dutch, typewritten.

No. 114 => Hooggeachte Professor. Batavia, March 21, 1934, 2 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Answered by CSH on

April 6, 1934. De Vries being Jewish snd Zionist (not?) for Jeddah.

No. 115 => Hooggeachte Professor. Jogjakarta, May, 1934, 2 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Added: envelope. De

Vries, Van de Velde.

Or. 8952 A 356

Letters from E. Gobée to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XXVII.

No. 116 => Hooggeachte Professor. Batavia, August 21, 1934, 1 p., Dutch, manuscript.

Added: Copy of letter Gobée to GG, Batavia, August 7, 1934, with names of candidates for secretary in Legacy

in Jeddah, with considerations, 4 pp., Dutch, typewritten.

No. 117 => Copy of letter from Gobée to Chargé d’Affaires in Jeddah, Batavia, October 16, 1934. Candidate for

secretary of Dutch Legacy in Jeddah, 2 pp., Dutch, typewritten.

No. 118 => Hooggeachte Professor. Batavia, Jnuary 29, 1935, 2 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Pijper, Hatta.

Answered by CSH February 14, 1935.

No. 119 => Hooggeachte Professor. Batavia, August 16, 1935, 3 pp.., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 120 => Hooggeachte Professor. Batavia, January 26, 1936, and extended to January 28, 1936, 4 pp., Dutch,

mostly typewritten. Added: envelope. Pijper, de Vries

Added: notes in Arabic, poetry, written in pencil, 2 pp.

Added: copy of a letter in French, apparently concerning Jeddah affairs, from the French consulate in

Jeddah? 2 pp., typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 357

Letter from J.C. Gobée-Bosman to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Professor. N.p., June 16, 1926, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on June 18,


Or. 8952 A 358

Letter from C.G.J. de Goeje-Brillenburg to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Waarde Professor. Den Haag July 24, 1908 (stamp on envelope), 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added:

envelope with address: CSH: Légation des Pays-Bas, Constantinople.

Or. 8952 A 359

Letters from J.W. de Goeje to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Waarde Heer Snouck. Hippolytushoef, May 2, 1911, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope,

without address.

Page 419: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 2 => Waarde Heer S. Wieringen, May 8, 1911. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript, postcard.

Or. 8952 A 360

Letters from M.J. de Goeje to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

No. 1 => Amice. Leiden, January 6, 1881, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 2 => Amice. Leiden, May 8, 1881, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 3 => Amice. Leiden, August 27, 1881, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 4 => Amice. Leiden, September 6, 1884, 4 pp. Dutch, manuscript.

No. 5 => Amice. Leiden, October 26, 1884, 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 6 => Amice. Leiden, December 12, 1884, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Added: Letter Van der Lith to De Goeje, about CSH’s consular ambitions for Jeddah.

Or. 8952 A 361

Letters from M.J. de Goeje to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II.

No. 7 => Amice. Leiden, January 9, 1885, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 8 => Amice. Leiden, January, 1885, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 9 => Amicissime. Leiden, July 5, 1885, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 10 => Amicissime. Leiden, August 6, 1889, Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 362

Letters from M.J. de Goeje to C. Snouck Hurgronje. III.

No. 11 => Carissime. Leiden, September 20, 1890, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 12 => Carissime. Leiden, October 11, 1890, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Added: Letter from A.M. Snouck Hurgronje[-de Visser; CSH’s mother] to M.J. de Goeje. Leiden, October 10,

1890, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 13 => Carissime. Leiden, December 7, 1900, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Sender: De

Goeje, Leiden, Vliet 15; addressee: CSH, Batavia. Answered by CSH on January 27, 1901.

No. 14 => Carissime. Leiden, May 8, 1901, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Sender: De Goeje,

Leiden, Vliet 15; addressee: CSH, Batavia. Answered by CSH on June 12, 1901.

Or. 8952 A 363

Letters from M.J. de Goeje to C. Snouck Hurgronje. IV.

No. 15 => Carissime. Leiden, January 22, 1902, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Sender: De Goeje,

Leiden, Vliet 15; addressee: CSH, Batavia. Answered by CSH no date indicated.

No. 16 => Carissime. Leiden, August 26, 1902, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Sender: De Goeje,

Leiden, Vliet 15; addressee: CSH, Batavia, changed into Kotaradja. Answered by CSH on November 18, 1902.

No. 17 => Carissime. Leiden, December 31, 1902, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Sender: De

Goeje, Leiden, Vliet 15; addressee: CSH, Batavia, changed into ‘Via Singapore, Koeta Radja, Atjeh’. Answered

by CSH without date indicated.

No. 18 => Carissime. Leiden, July 11, 1903, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Sender: De Goeje,

Leiden, Vliet 15; addressee: CSH, Batavia. Answered by CSH on October 22, 1903.

No. 19 => Carissime. Leiden, August 23, 1903, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 20 => Carissime. Leiden, October 29, 1903, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Sender: De Goeje,

Leiden, Vliet 15; addressee: CSH, Batavia. Answered by CSH on December 16, 1903.

No. 21 => No addressing. Herrenalb, July 22, 1906, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript, picture postcard.

Or. 8952 A 364

Letter from Heintz Goldschmidt to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Sehr verehrter Herr Professor. Berlin, May 26, 1932. 2 pp, German, typewritten.

Added: Typewritten copies of two letters from Theodor Nöldeke to Heintz Goldschmidt:

Page 420: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

- Karlsruhe, October 21, 1926. 4 pp., German, typewritten.

- Karlsruhe, October 27, 1926. 1 p., German, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 365

Letters from Ignaz Goldziher to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Lieber guter Freund. Budapest, October 16, 1888. 1 p., German, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Added: Title-page of Goldziher’s Muhammedanische Studien, 1. Theil. Halle a. S., Max Niemeyer, 1888, with

the dedication to CSH, and one page of text by Goldziher, Budapest, October 16, 1888. Lieber guter Freund.

German, manuscript.

No. 2 => Liebster Freund. Budapest, December 12, 1888, 4 pp., German, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Added: Tabula gratulatoria, Budapest, July 1, 1910. Addressed to CSH with address Witte Singel 84a,

forwarded to Interlaken, Hotel Schweizer Hof.

No. 3 => Lieber Freund. Budapest, June 30, 1906. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard with address CSH

Laurens Reaelstraat 2, The Hague, with paste-on of cutting from MAZ, June 9, 1906, No. 263: ‘Koran und


No. 4 => Lieber Freund. Budapest, December 23, 1911, 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. Address CSH:

Witte Singel 84a.

No. 5 => L.Fr. Budapest, August 10, 1912, 1 p., German, manuscript, photocard. On verso: group portrait of

three people showing sitting elderly couple (Ignaz Goldziher and wife Laura), standing a younger man (Karl


¶ This is the only material left directly from Ignaz Goldziher, which is still in the Snouck Hurgronje archive

in Leiden. It must have been a huge collection of letters and documents, but it is all lost. On September 21,

2018, Dr. István Ormos, formerly librarian of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, with whom I had been in

contact for a long time and whom I had asked to enlighten me about the lost letters of Goldziher, wrote to

me as follows:13

‘[…]. As far as I can remember, it was Professor P.Sj. van Koningsveld who first tried to trace in our Library

Goldziher’s letters to Snouck Hurgronje. It was at the time when he decided to edit Snouck Hurgronje’s

letters to IG. Originally, he wanted to edit all letters. I was surprised because I assumed Goldziher’s letters to

Snouck Hurgronje were in Leiden. I can remember this case very well because it was my task to make

arrangements with him. In any case, there was no trace of these letters in our Library. I told him so,

whereupon he retorted that in Leiden it was common knowledge that they were sent to Budapest at one

point between the two wars. At first there was no documentary evidence. After a while it could be found

out, partly in Budapest and partly in Leiden, if I am not mistaken, that some time after IG’s death Snouck

Hurgronje was approached by the Hungarian Academy. Our Academy wanted to borrow IG’s letters (or to

acquire them?) in order to prepare a transcript of them, just as it did with IG’s letters to Nöldeke, which

were (and still are) kept in Tübingen, where Nöldeke settled down after his expulsion from Strassburg by

the French authorities at the end of World War I. But Snouck Hurgronje declined the request, saying that

they were so dear to his heart that he would not part with them as long as he was alive. After Snouck

Hurgronje’s death in 1936, his widow was approached once again, this time by Goldziher’s younger son,

Károly - I have vague memories of some exhibition, in connection with which this happened (but I may err)

- and indeed she sent him the letters to Budapest. I sharply remember a letter by Károly Goldziher

preserved in Leiden in which he acknowledges receipt of the letters, writing how deeply he is touched to

hold in his hands the very same letters which he as a young boy would carry to the post office to mail them

to such an exotic place as the Dutch East Indies and how proud he was of doing so at the time. I think he

also praised the stamps – IG’s sons were avid stamp collectors in their childhood. Now, this must have been

after the date when Károly presented IG’s correspondence to the Academy and thus in all probability he

13 I am grateful to Dr. Kinga Dévényi of Budapest, for having unearthened this text on December 24, 2019, after it had

mysteriously disappeared from the email-server of Leiden University. I quote it here in extenso, but leave out the polite

introduction and epilogue, which were addressed to me personally. I have corrected a few typos.

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simply kept Snouck Hurgronje's letters at his place, in his own flat, together with other items belonging to

IG. During the war, the Jews had to leave their flats in April 1944 - most Jews had to move to the ghetto, but

together with a number of outstanding representatives of Hungarian culture Károly had an exemption letter

by Admiral Horthy so he moved to some so-called “privileged house” for Jews - I don't actually know where

it was. At that point Károly deposited most of his precious belongings (including the author’s copies of IG’s

works which he had retained for eventual future revised editions instead of dispatching them to Jerusalem

when IG’s widow and Károly himself sold IG’s library in the 1920s) with Generali Insurances in Dorottya

utca/street, not far from the Academy building. During the siege of Budapest, the building was hit and burnt

out completely. So Károly’s belongings - including a vast collection of precious carpets - were destroyed in

Generali's safe. There were three important exceptions: the manuscripts of the Tagebuch and the Oriental

Diary, and IG’s Freytag. I don’t know where he hid the two manuscripts. As for the Freytag, Károly entrusted

it to a former pupil of IG, Joseph de Somogyi, who walled it in their wine cave in Budafok in the outskirts of

Budapest. At one point, certainly before his death in 1955, Károly presented the Freytag to the Academy

Library, where it is available now. A number of important family photographs also survived; they are in the

Jewish Archives now. (I had had no knowledge of them and came across them by mere chance during a visit

to the Archives. I was looking for something quite different there which I did not find. Suddenly the director

asked me if I was interested in the photographs of the Goldziher family. I told her I was. I published some of

them in our Goldziher Volume of 2005. I can gladly send you a copy if you are interested.) But everything

else seems to have perished in the safes of Generali Insurances and it is to be assumed that IG’s letters to

Snouck Hurgronje were among those precious items deposited there, together with the author’s copies of

IG’s works. Wholly understandably, Károly was extremely embittered after the end of the war: his wife and

only son had been executed by the Germans in Austria and he had lost all his possessions. (I don't know

why his wife and son were not with him.) […].’

Or. 8952 A 366

Letters from Karl Goldziher to Ms. Ida Snouck Hurgronje-Oort.

No. 1 => Hochverehrte Gnädige Frau. Budapest, April 12, 1937, 1 p., German, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Also added: flyer of The Moslem World, with portraits of six leading islamologsts.

No. 2 => Hochverehrte Frau Professor. Budapest, December 18, 1939, 1 p., German, manuscript, picture


No. 3 => Ignaz Goldziher. Hungarian translation by Kertész Manó of CSH’s ‘In Memoriam’ for I. Goldziher as

published in De Gids 1921/4 (pp. 489-499 = Verspreide Geschriften 6, pp. 453-463). Offprint from IMIT 1941,

pp. 98-111, commemorating the 20th anniversary of Goldziher’s demise on November 13, 1921.

Or. 8952 A 367

Letter from Laura Goldziher to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Gelibte, theure Freunde. [Budapest], December 2, 1926, 4 pp., German, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 368

Letters from Karl Goldziher to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

No. 1 => No addressing. Budapest, December 20, 1913, 1 p., German, manuscript, picture postcard. Signed

Marie and Karl Goldziher.

No. 2 => Hoch verehrter Herr Professor. Budapest, November 13, 1921, 1 p., German, manuscript.

No. 3 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Budapest, December 2, 1921, 4 pp., German, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 369

Letters from Karl Goldziher to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II.

No. 4 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Budapest, February 12, 1922, 3 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 5 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Budapest, March 14, 1922, 4 pp., German, manuscript. Added:


Page 422: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 6 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Budapest, April 28, 1922, 4 pp., German, manuscript. Added:


No. 7 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Budapest, June 22, 1922, 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 8 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Budapest, June 24, 1922, 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 9 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Budapest, November 22, 1922, 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

Or. 8952 A 370

Letters from Karl Goldziher to C. Snouck Hurgronje. III.

No. 10 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Budapest, December 20, 1923, 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 11 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Budapest, December 15, 1924, 4 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 12 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Budapest, December 30, 1925, 1 p., German, manuscript.

No. 13 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Budapest, December 19, 1926, 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 14 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Budapest, February 14, 1928, 1 p., German, manuscript.

No. 15 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. [Budapest], February 20, 1928, 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 16 => No addressing. Budapest, December 22, 1928, 1 p., German, manuscript, picture postcard.

Or. 8952 A 371

Letters from Karl Goldziher to C. Snouck Hurgronje. IV.

No. 17 => No addressing. Budapest, December 20, 1929, 1 p., German, manuscript, picture postcard.

No. 18 => No addressing. Budapest, December, 1931, 1 p., German, manuscript, picture postcard.

No. 19 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Budapest, May 9, 1932, 1 p., German, manuscript.

No. 20 => No addressing. Budapest, December 21, 1932, 1 p., German, manuscript, picture postcard.

Or. 8952 A 372

Letters from Karl Goldziher to C. Snouck Hurgronje. V.

No. 21 => No addressing. Budapest, December 20, 1933, 1 p., German, manuscript, picture postcard.

No. 22 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Budapest January 24, 1934, 2 pp., German, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 373

Letter from Emma Gottheil to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Cher Monsieur le Professeur. [New York], October 5, year not indicated, but possibly from after

CSH’s American trip, 2 pp., French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 374

Letters from Richard J.H. Gottheil to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

No. 1 => Dear Prof. New York, January 31, 1915, 2 pp., English, manuscript, postcard.

No. 2 => My dear Professor Snouck. New York, April 22, 1915, 1 p., English, typewritten.

No. 3 => Dear Professor. Woods Hole, Mass., August 26, 1916, 3 pp., English, manuscript.

No. 4 => Dear Professor. Woods Hole, Mass., August 27, 1917, 2 pp., English, postcard.

No. 5 => My dear Professor. New York, December 22, 1917, 1 p., English, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 375

Letters from Richard J.H. Gottheil to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II.

No. 6 => My dear Professor. New York, June 10, 1918, 1 p., English, typewritten. On “Revolt in Arabia”.

No. 7 => Dear Professor. Paris, February 2, 1933, 2 pp., English, manuscript, postcard. Added: slip of carton

with Arabic proverb: العمر قصير والصناعة طويلة والوقت ضيق

No. 8 => Dear Professor. Paris, September 8, 1933, 2 pp., English, manuscript, postcard.

No. 9 => Dear Professor. Paris, September 14, 1933, 2 pp., English, manuscript, postcard.

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Or. 8952 A 376

Letters from J. Gottwald to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hochverehrter Herr und freund. Kasan, January 12/24, 1886, 3 pp., German, manuscript. Added:

envelope closed with wax seal.

No. 2 => Hochgeehrterter Herr. Kasan, October 12/24, 1886, 2 pp., German, manuscript. Added: envelope

closed with wax seal.

No. 3 => Hochverehrter Herr und freund. Kasan (‘Casani Tatarorum’ as a pun on Lugdunum Batavorum?),

January 16/28, 1887, 3 pp., German, manuscript. Added: envelope, with print of oval Islamic seal with

Gottwald’s name in Arabic script.

Or. 8952 A 377

Letters from A.C.D. de Graeff (1872-1957, GG from 1926-1931) to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde Heer. N.p. (Tokyo?), April 10, 1922, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Professor. Batavia, August 5, 1927, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. De Vries.

Or. 8952 A 378

Letters from L.I. Graf to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Professor. Poerwokerto, November 26, 1934, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Professor. Poerwokerto, February 8, 1935, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Problem about

entering a mosque.

No. 3 => Hooggeachte Professor. Poerwokerto, June 11, 1935, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 4 => Hooggeachte Professor. Poerwokerto, January 4, 1936, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 379

’s-Gravenhage. Letter from Comité Nieuw Indie to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Hooggel. Heer. The Hague, January 30, 1924, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Signed by J.E. ?? and Stikker.

Concerns separate edition of CSH’s article ‘Vergeten Jubilé’s’.

Or. 8952 A 380

’s-Gravenhage. Letter from KITLV, Commissie van Bijstand voor het Oudheidkundig Onderzoek op Java en

Madura to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => No addressing. Copy of a letter from sender to the Dutch Minister of Colonial Affairs, signed by H.

Kern and G.P. Rouffaer. The Hague, January 24, 1906, 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 381

’s-Gravenhage. Letters from Hoogere Krijgsschool (The Hague) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

No. 1 => No addressing, n.p., n.d. Invitation, signed by H. Laman Trip, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Signed by CSH

and Alting van Geusau.

No. 2 => No. addressing, n.p., n.d. Agreement about diminuation of salary, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Signed by

Alting van Geusau.

No. 3 => No. addressing, n.p., n.d. Announcement about diminuation of salary, two copies, each 1 p., Dutch,

typewritten. Signed by Alting van Geusau.

No. 4 => Hooggeleerde Heer. The Hague, July 15, 1931, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Signed by van Ermel Scherer.

No. 5 => Hooggeachte Professor. The Hague, September 14, 1931, 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Signed by van

Ermel Scherer.

Or. 8952 A 382

’s-Gravenhage. Letters from Hoogere Krijgsschool (The Hague) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II.

No. 6 => No addressing. The Hague, October 1931, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Signed by H. Laman Trip.

Page 424: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 7 => No addressing. The Hague, October 10, 1931, 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Signed by van Ermel Scherer.

Concerns sending 3 copies of CSH’s contract (not in the file).

No. 8 => No addressing. The Hague, September 30, 1932, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Signed by H. Laman Trip.

No. 9 => No addressing. The Hague, October 1932, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten, Signed by H. Laman Trip.

No. 10 => No addressing. The Hague, October 1932, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Signed by H. Laman Trip.

Or. 8952 A 383

’s-Gravenhage. Letters from Hoogere Krijgsschool (The Hague) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. III.

No. 11 => No addressing. The Hague, January 13, 1933, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Signed by H. Laman Trip.

Added: envelope. Also added: Slip of paper with names of military persons.

No. 12 => No addressing. The Hague, December 13, 1932, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Signed by H. Laman Trip.

Request for an appointment.

Or. 8952 A 384

’s-Gravenhage. Letters from Bakhuis & Van Beek, Clichéfabriek to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Weled. Geleerde Heer. The Hague, September 13, 1923, 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. About the making of

reproductions of an Arabic manuscript (no details given). Added: Invoice for work done, paid by CSH by

‘giro’ on September 18, 1923. Also added: envelope.

No. 2 => Hooggeleerde Heer. The Hague, September 19, 1923, 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. On the conservation of

the prints. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 385

’s-Gravenhage. Letter from Légation de la République de Turquie to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Monsieur le Professeur. The Hague, September 13, 1934, 1 p., French, typewritten. Answered by CSH

on September 14, 1934.

Or. 8952 A 386

’s-Gravenhage. Letter from Minister of Foreign Affairs to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => No addressing. The Hague, May 14, 1932, 1 p., Dutch, printed and manuscript. Invitation to a dinner

in honour of Emir Feisal. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 387

’s-Gravenhage. Letters from Ministry of Colonial Affairs to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => No addressing. The Hague, August 2, 1923, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Added: envelope. Also Added:

Copy of the excerpt of the Royal Decree for the honorary ending of CSH’s post as member and president of

the ‘College van Curatoren der Nederlandsch-Indische Bestuursacademie’.

No. 2 => No addressing. Batavia, August 14, 1931, 2 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Excerpt from the Register of

Decisions of the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies. On p. 2 is the new instruction for the Adviseur

voor Inlandsche Zaken.

No. 3 => No addressing. The Hague, Februaru 3, 1932, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Announcement of a

diminuation of salary. Added: envelope.

No. 4 => No addressing. The Hague, June 9, 1932, 2 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Announcement of a diminuation

of salary.

Or. 8952 A 388

’s-Gravenhage. Letters from Ministry of Education, Arts and Sciences to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer. The Hague, December 15, 1923, 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Signed by G.A. van

Poeljé. Boycott Wensinck, Houtsma too old. Added: envelope.

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No. 2 => No addressing. The Hague, May 15, 1928, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Signed by C. Feith. CSH and J.Ph.

Vogel are the members of the Dutch delegation to the 17th International Orientalist Congress in Oxford (to

be held on August 27, 1928).

No. 3 => No addressing. The Hague, September 18, 1928, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Receipt of report on the

Oxford Congress.

Or. 8952 A 389

’s-Gravenhage. Letter from Museum Scheurleer to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde Heer. The Hague, October 13, 1931, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Signed by Dirk J. Balfoort.

Concerns one of the Meccan musical instruments that originate from CSH, now in the National Museum of

Ethnography. Added: envelope. Also added a photograph on which the instrument in the Museum

Scheurleer can be seen.

Or. 8952 A 390

’s-Gravenhage. Letters from the Dutch Parliament, Commons (Tweede Kamer) to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde Heer. The Hague, June 3, 1933, 2 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Signed by L.A. Kesper.

Advice about the oath formula for new indigenous members of parliament. Added: envelope. Answered by

CSH on June 5, 1933.

No. 2 => Hooggeleerde Heer. The Hague, June 8, 1933, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Signed by L.A. Kesper. About

the oath formula.

No. 3 => Hooggeleerde Heer. The Hague, September 15, 1933, 2 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Signed by L.A.

Kesper. Concerns the name of Roestam Effendi, with the question whether ‘Effendi’ is a name or a title.

Or. 8952 A 391

’s-Gravenhage. Letter from the Vereeniging Moederland en Koloniën to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde Heer. The Hague, May 29, 1908, 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Signed by J.L Swart, …boort

(?). Answered by CSH on May 29, 1908. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 392

’s-Gravenhage. Letter from the Vereeniging Oost en West to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde Heer. The Hague, June 9, 1927, 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 393

Letters from Ignazio Guidi to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

No. 1 => Mon cher collègue et ami. Roma, April 20, 1910 (incorrectly dated in library catalogue as April 20,

1900). 2 pp., French, manuscript, postcard (post stamp gives the correct dating).

No. 2 => Cher collègue. Frascato, September 11, 1909. 2 pp., French, manuscript, postcard. Answered by CSH

on September 15, 1909.

No. 3 => Mon cher ami. Roma, February 8, 1910. 1 p., French, manuscript, picture postcard.

NB. Chronologically speaking, card No. 1 (above) should have followed here.

No. 4 => Caro Collega. Roma, May 27, 1910. 2 pp., Italian, manuscript.

No. 5 => Mon cher collègue et ami. Roma, June 4, 1910. 2 pp., French, manuscript, postcard.

No. 6 => Pregno Collega. Roma (or Venice?), June 28, 1910. 1 p., Italian, picture postcard. Congratulations for

marriage CSH.

No. 7 => Cher Collègue. Roma, December 26, 1910. 2 pp., French, manuscript, postcard.

Or. 8952 A 394

Letters from Ignazio Guidi to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II.

No. 8 => Cher Collègue et ami. Roma, January 8, 1911. 2 pp., French, manuscript, postcard.

No. 9 => Mon cher collègue et ami. Roma, March 20, 1912. 2 pp., French, manuscript, postcard.

Page 426: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 10 => Mon cher ami. Roma, April 3, 1912. 2 pp., French, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 11 => Cher Collègue. Roma, December 7, 1912. 1 p., French, manuscript, picture postcard.

No. 12 => Cher Collègue. [Roma], November 4, 1913. 1 p., French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 395

Letters from Ignazio Guidi to C. Snouck Hurgronje. III.

No. 13 => Cher ami. Roma, March 13, 1913. 2 pp., French, manuscript, postcard.

No. 14 => Mon cher ami. Roma, April 30, 1913. 2 pp., French, manuscript, postcard.

No. 15 => Cher collègue. Roma, May 29, 1913. 1 p., French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 396

Letters from Ignazio Guidi to C. Snouck Hurgronje. IV.

No. 16 => Mon cher ami. Frascati, August 10, 1916. 2 pp., French, manuscript. Stationary ‘Senato del Regno’.

Added: envelope.

No. 17 => Mon cher collègue ami. Frascati, September 25, 1919. 2 pp., French, manuscript, postcard.

No. 18 => Mon cher collègue et ami. Roma, January 26, 1921. 3 pp., French, manuscript. Stationary ‘Senato del


No. 19 => Cher collègue et ami. Roma, December 31, 1921. 2 pp., French, manuscript, postcard. Stationary

‘Senato del Regno’.

No. 20 => Cher collègue et ami. Roma, June 27, 1922. 2 pp., French, manuscript, postcard. Stationary ‘Senato

del Regno’.

Or. 8952 A 397

Letters from Ignazio Guidi (and once erroneously from Michelangelo Guidi) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. V.

No. 21 => Cher collègue et ami. Frascati, September 22, 1923. 2 pp., French, manuscript, postcard.

No. 22 => Cher ami. Roma, November 23, 1923. 1 p., French, manuscript. Stationary ‘Senato del Regno’.

No. 23. From Micheangelo Guidi to CSH. => Monsieur le Professeur. Roma, April 5, 1925. 2 pp., French,

manuscript, postcard.

No. 24 => No addressing. Roma, May 21, 1925. 2 pp., French, manuscript, postcard.

No. 25 => Mon cher collègue et ami. Frascati, August 20, 1925. 1 p., French, manuscript, picture postcard.

No. 26 => Caro Collega. Roma, July 6, 1926. 1 p., Italian, manuscript, picture postcard showing the map of


Or. 8952 A 398

Letters from Michelangelo Guidi to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

See for another letter from Michelangelo Guidi also Or. 8952 A 397, No. 23, above.

No. 1 => No addressing. Roma, February 7, 1932. 1 p., Italian, manuscript, picture postcard.

No. 2 => Très honoré Collègue. Roma, May 2, 1935. 1 p., French, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 3 => Illustre Maestro. Roma, July 9, 1935. 2 pp., Italian, manuscript. Stationary: ‘Facoltà di Lettere e

Filosofia’. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 399

Letter from J.P. Grullemans (or Guillemans?) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. The Library has incorrectly


No. 1 => M. Noordwijk, June 30, 1911. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript, postcard. About a pension in Noordwijk.

Or. 8952 A 400

Letter from J.W. Gunning to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer. Leiden, January 9, 1915. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Page 427: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8952 A 401

Letter from Gunther to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Sir. The Hague, April 21, 1919. 1 p., English, typewritten. Stationary: ‘Legation of the United States of

America’ in The Hague.

Added: copy of a telegram from Charles R. Crane to CSH, via the American Legation. 1 p., English,


Or. 8952 A 402

Haarlem. Letter from Posterijen to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => No addressing. Haarlem, August 31, 1914. 2 pp., Dutch, printed and manuscript. Message for J.

Kratschkovsky about a parcel that cannot be delivered in St. Petersburg due to the war situation.

Or. 8952 A 403

Haarlem. Letter from Teyler’s Stichting to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Hooggel. Heer. Haarlem, September 14, 1907. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript, signed by A. van der Mersch.

Added: envelope.

No. 2 => WelEd. Hoogel Heer. Haarlem, October 6, 1907. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

October 19, 1907.

Or. 8952 A 404

Letter from W. Haas to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Köln, February 9, 1921. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 405

Letter from George Haddad to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Dear Sir. Kirnāyel, Mt. Lebanon, July 28, 1927. 1 p., English, manuscript. Answered by CSH on August

13, 29 with note: ‘beantw. 13/8 29 met toezending der beide portr. en verzoek om spoedige terugzending van

dat van De Goeje. CSnH.’ Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 406

Hagazi. Letter from Fuʾād Salim al-Ḥiǧāzī to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Sīdī al-Ustādh al-ʿAllāma. Territet (Suisse), April 16, 1921. 2 pp., Arabic, manuscript. Sender is former

ambassador of the Ottoman Empire in Bern.

Or. 8952 A 407

Letter from O. Hamdi to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Monsieur le Professeur. Constantinople, January 15/28, 1909. 2 pp., French, manuscript. Stationary:

‘Musées Impériaux Ottomans’.

Or. 8952 A 408

Letters from Mourad Kamel to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

Incorrectly registered in the Leiden library as letters from K. Hamel, a non-existing person.

No. 1 => Mon Cher Monsieur le Professeur. The Hague, March 31, 1932. 1 p., French, typewritten. Stationary:

‘Legation Royale d’Egypte. La Haye’. Added: envelope.

No. 2 => Mon Cher Professeur. The Hague, October 12, 1932. 1 p., French, typewritten. Stationary: ‘Legation

Royale d’Egypte. La Haye’.

No. 3 => Tres honoré Professeur et Ami. The Hague, August 12, 1933. 1 p., French, typewritten. Stationary:

‘Legation Royale d’Egypte. La Haye’. Added: envelope. Concerns the ceremonial transfer of a gift of pieces of

Islamic art for the ‘Institut Islamique’. Added: envelope. Preliminarily answered by CSH On August 17, 1933

and September 7, 1933. Two earlier visits by sender to Leiden are mentioned.

Page 428: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8952 A 409

Letters from Mourad Kamel to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II.

Incorrectly registered in the Leiden library as letters from K. Hamel, a non-existing person.

No. 4 => Mon Très Honoré Professeur et Ami. The Hague, September 8, 1933. 2 pp., French, manuscript.

Answered by CSH on September 8, 1933. The ceremonial transfer of art objects will take place on September

13, at 15:30 hrs in the ‘Institut Islamique, Hooglandsche Kerkgracht 17, Leiden.

No. 5 => Très Honoré Professeur et Ami. The Hague, September 9, 1933. 2 pp., French, manuscript.

Stationary: ‘Legation Royale d’Egypte. La Haye’. Added: envelope.

No. 6 => Très Honoré Professeur et Ami. The Hague, September 12, 1933. 1 p., French, manuscript. Stationary:

‘Legation Royale d’Egypte. La Haye’. Added: text of the speech that sender will be delivered on September

13, 1933. pp. 6-10 only, French, typewritten.

¶ A photograph of the opening of the Congress of the Oostersch Genootschap showing Mourad Kamel Bey,

CSH and J.H. Kramers, has been published in Algemeen Handelsblad of September 14, 1933.14

No. 7 => Illustre Professeur et Très Honoré Ami. The Hague, September 26, 1933. 1 p., French, manuscript.

Added: envelope. The complete text of two speeches (by CSH and Kamel) of September 13, 1933, have been

printed in La Gazette de Hollande of September 22, p. 2.

Or. 8952 A 410

Letter from Muhammad Hamidullah to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Sidi al-Fadil. Katalmandi, Hyderabad Dn., October 25, 1935. 2 pp., Arabic, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 411

Letters from Caroline F. Hamilton (M.D.) to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Dear Herr Professor. Anilāb, Turkey-in-Asia, March 1, 1913. 1 p., English, manuscript.

No. 2 => Dear Professor. Anilab, Turkey in Asia, April 10, 1913. 2 pp., English, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 412

Letters from Fu’ad Hamza to C. Snouck Hurgronje (and added No. 3 to Consul C. Adriaanse).

No. 1 => Sidi. Mecca, 21 Rajab 1348 / December 22, 1929. 1 p., Arabic, typewritten. Gift of bound volumes of

the Meccan newspaper Umm al-Qurā. Van der Meulen is mentioned. Added: envelope => Hadrat al-Ustadh


No. 2 => Monsieur le Professeur / Sidi. Mecca, September 11 1932. 2 pp., text in French and Arabic, both

typewritten. Stationary: Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. Mecca, Hedjaz. Added: envelope, registered with

post stamp from al-Ṭāʾif.

No. 3 => ʿAzīzī al-Mister Adriaanse. Mecca, 10 Muharram 1353. 1 p., Arabic, typewritten carbon copy. For the

letters from C. Adriaanse to CSH see Or. 8952 A 14 – A 22, above.

Or. 8952 A 413

Letter from Hannema to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer. The Hague, May 15, 1917. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Concerns delivery of photos in

Petrograd. CSH has noted at the bottom: ‘het pakket 21 Mei aan Mr. Hannema gezonden met afzonderlijke

brief ter herinnering’.

Or. 8952 A 414

Letter from Khodrat Hariocoesomo to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Dengan Mengugatoerken hormat. Soerakarta, November 13, 1911. 2 pp., Malay (Indonesian) in Latin

script, manuscript. Added: envelope.

14 Information and image kindly provided by Dr. P.N. Kuiper, Leiden, on January 21, 2020.

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Or. 8952 A 415

Letter from A.W. Harthoorn to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Delft, January 21 [incorrectly dated in the Library as January 24], 1909. 2 pp.,

Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. CSH answered on January 23, 1909.

Hadije Hasan Pasha

Letter from Hadije Hassan Rami [incorrectly read in the Library as Rani]: Sehr geehrter Herr Professor.

Dated Heilbronn, September 9, 1919. 3 pp., German, manuscript. Added: envelope. See Or. 8952 A 454, No. 2,


Or. 8952 A 416

Letter from Sajid Hasan b. Oesman b. Jahja (the son of Sayyid `Uthman) to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Addressee is called al-Ab al-Mukhtar Abarr al-Abarr Mawlaya `Abd al-Ghaffar. Meester-Cornelis,

August 25, 1917. 3 pp., Arabic, manuscript. Sender signs: Waladukum al-Dhalil Hasan b. `Uthman b. `Abdallah

b. `Aqil.

¶ See Nico J.G. Kaptein, Islam, Colonialism and the Modern Age in the Netherlands East Indies. A Biography of

Sayyid ʿUthman (1822–1914). Leiden: Brill, 2014, p. 16.

Or. 8952 A 417

Letter from S. Hassan to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => M. Professeur. N.p., n.d. (1915 or 1916?). 1 p., French, manuscript. Concerns forwarding a letter to a

certain Dr. Ahmed Khan teacher of Persian in Cambridge. That scholar is possibly the Ahmed Khan of

whom four letters dating from 1916 are preserved in the CSH archive: Or. 8952 A 58, above.

Or. 8952 A 418

Letters from James Hastings to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Dear Sir. St. Cyrus, Montrose, Scotland, August 24, 1904. 1 p., English, typewritten. About Dictionary

of Religion.

No. 2 => Dear Sir. St. Cyrus, Montrose, Scotland, January 13, 1905. 2 pp., English, manuscript. Added:

envelope. Answered by CSH on February 10 and February 13, 1905.

No. 3 => My dear Sir. St. Cyrus, Montrose, Scotland, March 21, 1905. 2 pp., English, manuscript.

No. 4 => Dear Sir. St. Cyrus, Montrose, Scotland, December 21, 1905. 2 pp., English, manuscript. Postcard.

Added: List of Subjects. Muhammadan Part (10 pp.).

Or. 8952 A 419

Letter from Rudolf Haupt to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Leipzig, June 26, 1908. 1 p., German, manuscript. Manuscript

collection of Martin Hartmann.

No. 2 => Sehr geehrter Herr Professor. Leipzig, November 27, 1908. 1 p., German, typewritten. Added:


Or. 8952 A 420

Letter from Robert Travers Herford (1860-1950) to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

Name sender incorrectly read in the Library as Haven Herford.

No. 1 => Dear Prof. Snouck Hurgronje. Huis ter Heiden, November 23, 1922. 2 pp., English, manuscript. Stays

at the house of Jhr. Mr. C.J. van Haeften, Kanaalweg 2, Scheveningen.

Or. 8952 A 421

Letter from G.A.J. Hazeu to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

Page 430: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 1 => No addressing. Copy of advice No. 48 from De Adviseur voor Inlandsche Zaken to the Directeur van

Onderwijs, Eeredienst en Nijverheid in Batavia, dated Bandoeng, June 4, 1907. 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Concerns the education of the sons on indigenous heads in European families.

Or. 8952 A 422

Letter from J.E. Heeres to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer. [Leiden], November 7, 1908. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 423

Letter from I. Heinemann to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Sehr geehrter Herr. Breslau, May 29, 1936. 1 p., German, typewritten. Concerns participation

Festschrift Eugen Mittwoch.

Or. 8952 A 424

Letters from Ali Asghar Hekmat to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Monsieur. Tehran, July 10, 1934. 3 pp., French, typewritten. Invitation Firdawsi conference in

Tehran, September-October 1934. Also signed by M.A. Foroughi (name incorrectly read in the Library as


No. 2 => No addressing. Tehran, Khordad 18, 1314 (1935). 1 p., French, printed. Added: envelope, form (not

filled in).

Or. 8952 A 425

Letter from A.D.H. Heringa to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Zeer Geachte Heer. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Concerns the Aceh war. Mention is made of general

Deijkerhoff and Teuku Omar. Found in the papers of Van der Wijck (Jonkheer Carel Herman Aart van der

Wijck [29 March 1840 – 8 July 1914] was Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies in 1893–1899).

Or. 8952 A 426

Letter from F.W. Hermans to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Hoog Geachte Heer. Soekaboemi, May 20, 1916. 30 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Report on a study trip

with information on the Cape Malay.

Or. 8952 A 427

Letters from J.J. Hess to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

Johann Jakob Hess (Freiburg, 11 January 1866 - Zürich, 29 April 1949). Registered in the Leiden library as

Hess-von Wijss. The additional name is not found in the letters, nor is it clear from which other source it

may come. However, Gallica gives the alternative name: Jean Jacques Hess von Wyss (1866-1949).

No. 1 => Mein hochgeehrter lieber Herr Kollege. Letten, Zürich 17, September 13, 1915. 4 pp., German,

manuscript. On Ismail al-Attas, Schulthess, Littmann. Added: envelope

No. 2 => Mein lieber Herr College. Letten, Zürich 17, January 3, 1916. 3 pp., German, manuscript. On Ismail al-

Attas, Becker (Prof. B.). Added: envelope.

No. 3 => Mein lieber Herr College. [Letten], June 9, 1917. 3 pp., German, manuscript. Maharana of Udaipur.

Mention of Ali Haydar (Haidar) who is said to have lived in Constantinople and to have married an English

woman. Also about De Goeje’s copy of Idrisi. Added: envelope. Also added: list of references from Idrisi.

Cod. Arab. (Engelmann) 2459 and MS Paris Supplém Arab. no. 893.

No. 4 => Mein lieber Herr College. [Letten], July 24, 1918. 3 pp., German, manuscript. Maharaja of Udaipur.

Received and answered by CSH on July 30, 1918.

No. 5 => Mein lieber Herr College. Zürich, September 18, 1918. 4 pp., German, manuscript. Several WW I


Page 431: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 6 => Mein lieber Herr College. Letten, Zürich, October 3, 1918. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. H’s

Sohn =? Haidar? Also S. Ruete’s address: 10, Kapuzinerweg, Luzern.

Or. 8952 A 428

Letters from J.J. Hess to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II.

Johann Jakob Hess (Freiburg, 11 January 1866 - Zürich, 29 April 1949). Registered in the Leiden library as

Hess-von Wijss. The additional name is not found in the letters, nor is it clear from which other source it

may come. However, Gallica gives the alternative name: Jean Jacques Hess von Wyss (1866-1949).

No. 7 => Mein lieber Herr College. Zürich, August 23, 1920. 3 pp., German, manuscript. Tschudi, Littmann.

No. 8 => Mein lieber Herr College. Zürich, July 28, 1920 (in the Library incorrectly dated August 28). 2 pp.,

German, manuscript, postcard. Becker, Guidi, Littmann.

No. 9 => Mein lieber Herr College. Zürich, May ??, 1921 (?). 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. Tschudi,

Houtsma, Hammer-Purgstall.

No. 10 => Mein lieber Herr College. Zürich, January 27, 1921. 2 pp., German, manuscript. Krenkow, Landberg,

Bergsträsser, Keller, De Goeje or Dozy on Idrisi, Meyerhof.

Or. 8952 A 429

Letters from J.J. Hess to C. Snouck Hurgronje. III.

Johann Jakob Hess (Freiburg, 11 January 1866 - Zürich, 29 April 1949). Registered in the Leiden library as

Hess-von Wijss. The additional name is not found in the letters, nor is it clear from which other source it

may come. However, Gallica gives the alternative name: Jean Jacques Hess von Wyss (1866-1949).

No. 11 => Mein lieber Herr College. Zürich, March 1, 1921. 3 pp., German, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

March 4, 1921. Maydani, Ibn al-Sikkit Islah, Bergsträsser, Keller, Fuad Bey Selim.

No. 12 => Mein lieber Herr College. Zürich, April 21, 1921. 2 pp., German, manuscript. Q al-Sikkit, falconry


No. 13 => Lieber Herr College. Zürich, October 12, 1921. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 14 => Mein lieber Herr College. Zürich, October 12, 1921. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. Tschudi,


No. 15 => Mein lieber Herr College. Zürich, October 15, 1921. 4 pp., German, manuscript. Niggli the


No. 16 => Lieber Herr College. Zürich, February ??, 1921. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. Idrisi, qāt, De

Goeje Stiftung, Mufaddal, Ibn al-Sikkit, Hamat by al-Buhturi.

Or. 8952 A 430

Letters from J.J. Hess to C. Snouck Hurgronje. IV.

Johann Jakob Hess (Freiburg, 11 January 1866 - Zürich, 29 April 1949). Registered in the Leiden library as

Hess-von Wijss. The additional name is not found in the letters, nor is it clear from which other source it

may come. However, Gallica gives the alternative name: Jean Jacques Hess von Wyss (1866-1949).

No. 17 => Mein lieber Herr College. Zürich, February 12, 1922. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. Bittner,


No. 18 => Lieber Herr College. Zürich, January 24, 1924. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. Al-Sufi, names

of stars, Ptolemy.

No. 19 => Lieber Herr College n. väterlicher Freund. Zürich, January 3, 1925. 3 pp., German, manuscript.

Kahle, Gabriel Ferrand, Van den Bergh’s Averroes.

No. 20 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr College. Zürich, August 12, 1932. 4 pp., German, manuscript. Sender has

been in Leiden. Tschudi, Van der Meulen & Wissmann.

Or. 8952 A 431

Letters from J.J. Hess to C. Snouck Hurgronje. V.

Page 432: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Johann Jakob Hess (Freiburg, 11 January 1866 - Zürich, 29 April 1949). Registered in the Leiden library as

Hess-von Wijss. The additional name is not found in the letters, nor is it clear from which other source it

may come. However, Gallica gives the alternative name: Jean Jacques Hess von Wyss (1866-1949).

No. 21 => Lieber Herr College. Zürich, May 22, 1933. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. Wald, Horowitz.

No. 22 => Mein lieber Herr College. [Zürich], May 31, 1933. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 23 => Lieber Herr College. Zürich, June 7, 1933. 3 pp., German, manuscript. Surrat Naǧd, Bakri. Map of

Arabia. Added: envelope. Added: cutting from Neue Zürcher Zeitung of June 7, 1933, about question

Huizinga/van Leers, about ‘Vorkommen jüdischer Ritualmorde’.

Or. 8952 A 432

Letters from J.J. Hess to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VI.

Johann Jakob Hess (Freiburg, 11 January 1866 - Zürich, 29 April 1949). Registered in the Leiden library as

Hess-von Wijss. The additional name is not found in the letters, nor is it clear from which other source it

may come. However, Gallica gives the alternative name: Jean Jacques Hess von Wyss (1866-1949).

No. 24 => Lieber Herr College. Zürich, May 5, 1935. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. Lebensbericht


No. 25 => Lieber Herr College. Zürich, May 31, 1935. 2 pp., German, manuscript postcard. Wald.

No. 26 => Lieber Herr College. Zürich, July 8, 1935. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. Nachruf Guidi,

Spielkarte in Mekka, Wald.

No. 27 => Lieber Herr College. Zürich, July 13, 1935. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. Spielkarte Mekka.

No. 28 => Lieber und hochverehrter Herr College. 2 pp., German, manuscript. Kartenspiel Mekka.

Or. 8952 A 433

Letter from D.C. Hesseling to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Amice. Paris, January 26, 1926. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Added: cutting from a letter from Pernod

concerning the honorary doctorate of CSH.

Or. 8952 A 434

Letter from Family Van Heutsz to C. Snouck Hurgronje. Incorrectly written as Heutz on the folder in the

Leiden Library.

No. 1 => No addressing, July 24, 1894. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript, telegram.

Or. 8952 A 435

Letters from Mrs. M. Kuyper van Heutsz to C. Snouck Hurgronje. Incorrectly written as Heutz on the folder

in the Leiden library.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer. Amsterdam, October 7, 1912. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Incorrectly dated in the

Leiden library as 1913.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte POrofessor. Washington DC, June 10, 1930. 2 pp., Dutch, typewritten and PS in

manuscript. Stationary: Gezantschap der Nederlanden. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 436

Letters from J.B. van Heutsz to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer. N.p., dated July 17, without year. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 2 => No addressing. N.p., n.d. 4 pp. (in pencil), Dutch, manuscript. About upcoming Pedir expedition.

Van Vliet.

No. 3 => Geachte Heer. N.p., n.d. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Mention of Gajolanden by CSH (published in


No. 4 => Waarde Heer. Medan, January 31, 1896. 12 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Aceh war.

No. 5 => Waarde Heer. Medan, March 10, 1896. 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Van Langen. Kooreman, Aceh war.

Page 433: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8952 A 437

Letters from J.B. van Heutsz to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II.

No. 6 => Waarde Heer. Medan, March 20, 1896. 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Kroesen-van Rijn. Aceh war.

No. 7 => Waarde Heer. Kota Radja, May 13, 1896. 23 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Vetrouwelijk. Deijkerhoff.

No. 8 => Waarde Heer. Kota Radja, May 30, 1896. 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Oemar.

No. 9 => Waarde Heer. Kota Radja, June 14, 1896. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Stemfoort. Oemar. Aceh war.

No. 10 => Waarde Heer. Kota Radja, September 12, 1896. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Van Vliet. Aceh war.

Or. 8952 A 438

Letters from J.B. van Heutsz to C. Snouck Hurgronje. III.

No. 11 => Waarde Heer. Kota Radja, October 2, 1896. 12 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Stemfoort. Pedir. T. Oemar.


No. 12 => Waarde Heer. Kota Radja, October 27, 1896. 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Pedir. Aceh war. Oemar.

No. 13 => Waarde Heer. Kota Radja, November 14, 1896. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Daoed Selimoen. Aceh


Or. 8952 A 439

Letters from J.B. van Heutsz to C. Snouck Hurgronje. IV.

No. 14 => Waarde Heer. Kota Radja, January 12, 1897. 14 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Toeankoe Mahamad Daoed.

Oemar. Pedir. Selimoen. Polim.

No. 15 => Waarde Heer. N.p., March 1897. 10 pp., Dutch, manuscript, includes a copy of Van Langen to Van

Heutsz, dated Kota Radja, March 30, 1897. Polim, T. Daoed Selimoen, Teungkoe Tjot Pliëng, Teungkoe Tahir.

Van Langen, T. Hoesin Gedong. Stemfoort, Van Vliet.

No. 16 => Waarde Heer. Kota Radja, March 4, 1897. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Kooreman. Van Langen.

Teungkoe Tjot Plieeung. Teungkoe Tahir. Pedir.

No. 17 => Waarde Heer. Indrapoeri, June 2, 1897. 16 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Vetrouwelijk. Deijkerhoff. Pedir.

Van Langen. Van Rijn. Habib. Pijnacker Hordijk Panglima Polim. Potjoet Mat Tahir.

No. 18 => Waarde Heer. Kota Radja, August 24, 1897. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Vertrouwelijk. Segli

expedition. Krull. Oemar. Pedir.

No. 19 => Waarde Heer. Soekaboemi, October 30, 1897. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Van Langen.

No. 20 => Waarde Heer. Soekaboemi, November 13, 1897. 4 pp., Van Langen. T. Brahim Montassib. Van Vliet.

Or. 8952 A 440

Letters from J.B. van Heutsz to C. Snouck Hurgronje. V.

No. 21 => Waarde Heer. Koeta Radja, March 4, 1898 (or 1899?). 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Pedir. Oemar.

Enthoven. Mankoe Garoet ($ 3000). Written in pencil on p. 1 by CSH (?): ‘4 Maart de fl 4000 voor T. Mankoe

Garit ontvangen.’

No. 21 bis => Instructie voor den Gouverneur van Atjeh en Onderhorigheden. 9 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Pencil notes by CSH: ‘Na gezamenlijke bespreking Aldus opgesteld begin April ’98’. ‘Door mij in vorm

eenigszins gewijzigd, door v. Heutsz aan G.Gl. voorgelegd April ’98.’

No. 22 => Geachte Heer. N.p., January 21, 1899. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript, postcard.

No. 23 => Geachte Heer. Koeta Radja, February 3, 1899. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Oemar. Van der Neuden

(?), Polem, pretendent Sultan, Toekoe Paulus. Nieuwenhuysen.

No. 24 => Waarde Heer. Koeta Radja, April 1, 1899. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: list correspondence Van

Heutsz to CSH, typewritten (by Voorhoeve?).

Or. 8952 A 441

Letters from J.B. van Heutsz to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VI.

No. 25 => Geachte Heer. Koeta Radja, January 19, 1900. 1 p. (letter), 4 pp. (telegrams), Dutch, manuscript.

Mention of Polem.

Page 434: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

- Copies of official telegrams all signed ‘Gouverneur, vanheutsz’: Unnumbered, dated December 30, 1899;

No. 621, dated December 31, 1899; N0 7, dated January 5, 1900; No. 14, dated January 13, 1900; No. 26, dated

January 18, 1900.

No. 26 => Waarde Heer. Koeta Radja, January 31, 1900. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Articles by CSH in

Javabode, Polem, Cramer.

No. 27 => Geachte Heer. Koeta Radja, February 19, 1900. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Polim. Van Daalen,


No. 28 => Geachte Heer. Koeta Radja, February 26, 1900. 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Van Daalen.

No. 29 => Geachte Heer. Koeta Radja, March 21, 1900. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Polem, Tuanku Muhamat

Batée, van Daalen.

No. 30 => Geachte Heer. Koeta Radja, March 27, 1900. Daughter of Habib Abdoel Rahman to be sent back to


Or. 8952 A 442

Letters from J.B. van Heutsz to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VII.

No. 31 => Geachte Heer. Koeta Radja, April 7, 1900. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Cost of food of North coast

expedition. Overste Meijn.

No. 32 => Geachte Heer. Koeta Radja, May 6, 1900. 17 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Polem, vasn Stipriaan.

No. 33 => Geachte Heer. Koeta Radja, December 20, 1900. 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 443

Letters from J.B. van Heutsz to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VIII.

No. 34 => Geachte Heer. Koeta Radja, January 17, 1901. 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Karkas = van Heutsz,

Cramer. Schoonvaders overlijden geen verlies.

No. 35 => Geachte Heer. Koeta Radja, April 9, 1901. 12 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Van Daalen, Polem, Colijn.

No. 36 => Waarde Heer. Koeta Radja, April 22, 1901. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Cramer.

No. 37 => Geachte Heer. Koeta Radja, June 16, 1901. 10 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Van Daalen, Morbeck.

Cramer, Stipriaan, Heckler.

Or. 8952 A 444

Letters from J.B. van Heutsz to C. Snouck Hurgronje. IX.

No. 38 => Geachte Heer. Koeta Radja, January 2, 1902. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Van Daalen, vH wil geen

verlof Europa. Schneider, Van der Maaten. Polem.

No. 39 => Geachte Heer. Koeta Radja, March 11, 1902. 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript.GG., van Daalen.

No. 40 => Geachte Heer. Koeta Radja, June 14, 1902. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added the copy of a note by a

high placed Dutch woman (=?) about horse racing in the Dutch East Indie, dated Weltevreden, April 26,

1902. 1 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 41 => Geachte Heer. Koeta Radja, November 19, 1902. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 42 => Geachte Heer. Koeta Radja, April 16, 1903 (arrived on May 3, 1903). 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript,

postcard. Polim.

No. 43 => Geachte Heer. Sigli, December 7, 1903. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. CSH ill from malaria, verpleegd in

Bandoeng. Colijn.

No. 44. No addressing. Amsterdam, August 1919. Printed message of thanks from J.B. van Heutsz for the

condolences at the occasion of the demise of Ms. M.H. van Heutsz-van der Zwaan. Added: typewritten list of

Van Heutsz’s letters to CSH, made by Voorhoeve.

Or. 8952 A 445

Letter from Th. Heijligers to C. Snouck Hurgronje

Page 435: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Mansourah, December 16, 1923. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Stationary of

Tribunal mixte de Mansourah. Answered by CSH on December 29, 1923. Added: envelope.


Or. 8952 A 446

Letter from Hidayet Budda to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde Heer. A’dam, October 16, 1927. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Sender seems to be an

Ahmadi Muslim, is interested to study about the caliphate.

Or. 8952 A 447

Letter from D. van Hinloopen Labberton to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Geachte Heer. Buitenzorg, August 16, 1909. 7 pp., Dutch, typewritten (small caps!).

Or. 8952 A 448

Letter from B. Hoetink to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Professor. The Hague, May 31, 1920. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Stationary of Koninklijk

Instituut voor de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië. About Acrhnese tomb stones,

collected in 1712-1713. Added: Copy from Dagelijksche aanteekening gehouden bij den gesaghebber

[Coenraad Frederijk] Hofman zijn expeditie nae Priaman en Ticou. Several extracts from documents now in

the National Archive, The Hague. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Also added: Copy of Extract brief February 11,

1713 concerning Acehnese tombstones. Oud-Koloniaal Archief No. 4462/2 in National Archive, The Hague.

Or. 8952 A 449

Letters from G.G. van der Hoeven to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde heer. Rotterdam, September 20, [1910]. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. This is possibly an

answer to No. 2, below.

No. 2 => Hooggeleerde heer. Rotterdam, April 21, 1910. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Invitation to write in NRC

about Multatuli and Max Havelaar. Added: envelope. Stationary: Hoofd-Redactie der Nieuwe

Rotterdamsche Courant.

No. 3 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Rotterdam, September 9, 1911. 2 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Answered by CSH on

September 17, 1911.

No. 4 => Hooggeachte Heer. Rotterdam, September 27, 1911. 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Invitation to write.

Added: financial statement of the fee for CSH: f. 250.00.

No. 5 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Rotterdam, October 6, 1913. 2 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Invitation.

No. 6 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Rotterdam, November 11, 1913. 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Invitation to write,

preferably before the journey of CSH to America in January 1914.

Or. 8952 A 450

Letters from D.G. Hogarth to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Dear Sir. Chapel Meadow, Forest Row, January 14, 1905. 4 pp., English, manuscript. Added:

envelope. Answered by CSH on February 13, 1905. On CSH’s journey to Mecca, or rather pilgrimage as

Hogarth writes.

No. 2 => No addressing. Smyrna, March 27, 1905. 2 pp., English, manuscript, postcard. About the continuing

misunderstanding between the two, Hogarth in his Penetration about Mecca of CSH.

Or. 8952 A 451

Letter from J. Höhne to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Seht hochverehrter Herr Professor. Karlsruhe, April 22, 1932. 1 p., German (cursive script),


Page 436: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8952 A 452

Letters from K.F. Holle (1829-1896) to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Geachte Hr. [Waspada], Garoet, June 9, 1885. Full text:

Geachte Heer Snouck Hurgr.

Hierbij … de … der Kitabs, die ik thans voor u laat overschrijven.

Die van Sjech Ismail en Solaiman eff. kan ik nog niet te pakken krijgen.

… een …. …. Kadarija en … andere Satarija?

Met de meeste achting

Uw dienstw.

9/6. 85. K.F. Holle

Added: envelope with address: ‘Snouck Hurgronje Esq. s.s.t.t. Djeddah’

No. 2 => Waarde Hr. Snouck. Wsp [= Waspada?] Garoet, July 25, 1888. 5 pp., Dutch, manuscript. On the verso

of last page is a text in Malay in Arabic script signed by Sayyid `Uthman, dated June 26, 1888. Added:


No. 3 => Waarde Hr Snouck. Bzg [= Buitenzorg], September 23, 1890

¶ Old note by JJW: ‘A letter from K.F. Holle (1829-1896) to Snouck Hurgronje dated 30 September 1890

was originally found in Or. 7043 b, above, and transferred from there to the Snouck Hurgronje archive.’

However, on January 13, 2020, that letter was not found there.

Or. 8952 A 453

Letter from P.H. van der Hoog to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Professor. The Hague, May 17, 1935. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. May he send the

manuscript of the book on his Mecca experience to CSH? Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 454

Letters from Carl Hopf to C. Snouck Hurgronje

See also the correspondence from Mehemed Kaireddin (Or. 8952 A 296, Or. 8952 A 523-Or. 8952 A 532,


No. 1 => Verehrter Herr Professor. Stuttgart, June 11, 1919. 2 pp., German, typewritten. On the purchase of an

Oriental carpet. Haireddin on a holiday, his wife and two daughters died “an Schwindsucht”. Added:


No. 2 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Stuttgart, July 28, 1919. 8 pp., German, manuscript (cursive script).

Mention of Hadije Rami Pasha. Added: envelope. Also added: Letter from Hadije Hassan Rami [incorrectly

read in the Library as Rani]: Sehr geehrter Herr Professor. Dated Heilbronn, September 9, 1919. 3 pp.,

German, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 455

Letters from Albert Hotz (1855-1930) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

The Library gives ‘W.A. Hotz’, although this is not corroborated by the documents.

No. 1 => Photograph, photocard, showing a house and garden. Caption on verso: ‘Mr. A. Hotz, le Gerdil.

Cologny près Genève.’ No further text.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Professor. Beirut, December 30, 1909. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Stationary:

‘Consulaat-Generaal der Nederlanden. Answered by CSH on January 9, 1910. Added: list of 38 manuscripts

(26 in Arabic, 6 in Persian and 6 in Turkish), offered for sale through the intermediary of Cheikho and


No. 3 => Hooggeachte Prof. Beirut, May 18, 1910. 5 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Stationary: ‘Consulaat-Generaal

der Nederlanden. Added: envelope. Also added: Printed circulaire dated Beirut, May 15, 1910, from D.

Naccache, a lawyer in Beirut, who proposes a universal system of transliteration of Arabic script, an

example of which is added: “Alphabet français arabe. 2 ,"ابجدية فرنسية عربية pp. French.

Page 437: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 4 => No addressing. Beirut, December 1911. 1 p. , Dutch, manuscript and printed text in French, picture

postcard showing a panorama of Beirut by Sarrafian Bros., Beirut.

No. 5 => Hooggeachte Professor. Constantinople, October 10, 1912. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Stationary:

Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits et des Grands Express Européens. Péra Palace Hôtel. Added:

envelope. Also Added: Fatwa by Muṣṭafā Naǧā, the Mufti of Beirut, Arabic text of 1 p., with oval seal print.

Text gives Su’al and Gawab in two different hands.

Or. 8952 A 456

Letters from Albert Hotz (1855-1930) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II.

No. 6 => Hooggeachte Professor. Beirut, March 23, 1913. 12 pp., Dutch, manuscript

No. 7 => Hooggeachte Professor. Beirut, March 23, 1913. 9 pp., Dutch, typewritten. About his plan to found an

Institute about the Countries of Islam”. Reference is made to Bijlage A, which is not found with the letter.

No. 8 => No addressing. Rome, November 26, 1920. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. About his library to be placed

in an Institute to be founded.

Or. 8952 A 457

Letters from M.Th. Houtsma to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

¶ Much of the correspondence between Houtsma and CSH concerns the early stages of the

Encyclopaedia of Islam. See on this now also Peri Bearman, A History of the Encyclopaedia of Islam.

Atlanta, Georgia: Lockwood Press, 2018.

No. 1 => Amicissime. Leiden, March 24, 1885. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope, c/o P.N. van der


No. 2 => Amice. Utrecht, December 26, 1908. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on December 27,

1908. Added: envelope.

No. 3 => Amice. Utrecht, January 1, 1909. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on Jaanuary 5, 1909.

Added: envelope.

No. 4 => Amice. Utrecht, January 7, 1909. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on January 10, 1909.

Added: envelope.

No. 5 => Amice. Utrecht, January 12, 1909. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript, postcard.

Or. 8952 A 458

Letters from M.Th. Houtsma to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II.

¶ Much of the correspondence between Houtsma and CSH concerns the early stages of the

Encyclopaedia of Islam. See on this now also Peri Bearman, A History of the Encyclopaedia of Islam.

Atlanta, Georgia: Lockwood Press, 2018.

No. 6 => Amice. Utrecht, February 8, 1909. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on February 10, 1909.

Added: envelope.

No. 7 => Amice. Utrecht, February 11, 1909. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on February 14, 1909.

Added: envelope.

No. 8 => Amice. Utrecht, February 15, 1909. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on February 18,

1909. Added: envelope. Seligsohn’s dismissal (also mentioned in earlier correspondence). EI matters.

No. 9 => Amice. Utrecht, February 19, 1909. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Seligsohn.

No. 10 => Amice. Utrecht, March 3, 1909. 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 459

Letters from M.Th. Houtsma to C. Snouck Hurgronje. III.

¶ Much of the correspondence between Houtsma and CSH concerns the early stages of the

Encyclopaedia of Islam. See on this now also Peri Bearman, A History of the Encyclopaedia of Islam.

Atlanta, Georgia: Lockwood Press, 2018.

No. 11 => Amice. Utrecht, March 19, 1909. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Seligsohn.

Page 438: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 12 => Amice. Utrecht, March 22, 1909. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Seligsohn.

No. 13 => Amice. Utrecht, April 3, 1909. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript, postcard. Encyclopaedia.

No. 14 => Amice. Utrecht, June 20, 1909. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on July 16, 1909. Added:

envelope. Encyclopaedia. Wensinck.

No. 15 => Amice. Utrecht, July 17, 1909. 5 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on July 18, 1909. Added:

envelope. De Goeje biography.

Or. 8952 A 460

Letters from M.Th. Houtsma to C. Snouck Hurgronje. IV.

¶ Much of the correspondence between Houtsma and CSH concerns the early stages of the

Encyclopaedia of Islam. See on this now also Peri Bearman, A History of the Encyclopaedia of Islam.

Atlanta, Georgia: Lockwood Press, 2018.

No. 16 => Amice. Utrecht, July 28, 1909. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Encyclopaedia. Hidayat Husain.

No. 17 => Amice. Utrecht, October 8, 1909. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope (with calculation in

pencil). Wensinck.

No. 18 => Amice. Utrecht, November 1, 1909. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Encyclopaedia.

No. 19 => Amice. Utrecht, November 14, 1909. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Encyclopaedia.

No. 20 => Amice. Utrecht, November 19, 1909. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on November 22,

1909. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 461

Letters from M.Th. Houtsma to C. Snouck Hurgronje. V.

¶ Much of the correspondence between Houtsma and CSH concerns the early stages of the

Encyclopaedia of Islam. See on this now also Peri Bearman, A History of the Encyclopaedia of Islam.

Atlanta, Georgia: Lockwood Press, 2018.

No. 21 => Amice. Utrecht, November 22, 1909. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Encyclopaedia.

No. 22 => Amice. Utrecht, December 20, 1909. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Encyclopaedia.

No. 23 => Amice. Utrecht, January 7, 1910. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Answered by CSH on

January 7, 1910. Basset, Encyclopaedia.

No. 24 => Amice. Utrecht, January 23, 1910 (incorrectly dated in the Library as January 28). 2 pp., Dutch,

manuscript, postcard. Basset. Encyclopaedia.

No. 25 => Amice. Utrecht, February 6, 1910. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on February 7, 1910

Added: envelope. Basset, Arnold, Wensinck, Encyclopaedia.

Or. 8952 A 462

Letters from M.Th. Houtsma to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VI.

¶ Much of the correspondence between Houtsma and CSH concerns the early stages of the

Encyclopaedia of Islam. See on this now also Peri Bearman, A History of the Encyclopaedia of Islam.

Atlanta, Georgia: Lockwood Press, 2018.

No. 26 => Amice. Utrecht, February 11, 1910. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Added: envelope.

Journey to Rome. Encyclopaedia.

Houtsma writes: ‘Voeg daarbij dat Uw invloed, Uw woord tienmaal meer indruk maakt dan het mijne. Gij

zijt de gevierde Mekka reiziger, die boven zijne wetenschappelijke verdiensten om zijn moed en

ondernemingsgeest bewonderd wordt, terwijl ik hoogstens als een min of meer verdienstelijk

kamergeleerde beschouwd word.’

No. 27 => Amice. Utrecht, April 4, 1910. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on April 6, 1910. Added:

envelope. Wensinck, Encyclopedia. Added: a short note about the progress of the work on the

Encyclopaedia in the hand of S. Hillelson.

No. 28 => Amice. Utrecht, April 7, 1910. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added on separate leaf: calculation of the

projected size of the Encyclopaedia, in Houtsma’s hand. Added: envelope.

Page 439: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 29 => Amice. Utrecht, June 25, 1910. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on June 27, 1910:

‘accoord’. Added: envelope.

No. 30 => Amice. Utrecht, August 3, 1910. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on August 8, 1910. The

letter was forward to Hôtel Couttet, Chamonix.

No. 31 => Amice. Utrecht, November 25, 1910. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on November 25,

1910. Added: envelope. Van Arendonk to travel to London. Mention of Or. 3719, Bughyat al-Murid.

Or. 8952 A 463

Letters from M.Th. Houtsma to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VII.

¶ Much of the correspondence between Houtsma and CSH concerns the early stages of the

Encyclopaedia of Islam. See on this now also Peri Bearman, A History of the Encyclopaedia of Islam.

Atlanta, Georgia: Lockwood Press, 2018.

No. 32 => Amice. Utrecht, April 1, 1911. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on April 3, 1911. Added:

envelope. Basset, Encyclopaedia.

No. 33 => Amice. Utrecht, March 7, 1912. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Encyclopaedia.

No. 34 => Amice. Utrecht, March 9, 1912. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Encyclopaedia,

translation costs.

No. 35 => Amice. Utrecht, December 20, 1921. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. ‘… Menzel weer uit den

Bolsjewistische hemel op aarde is nedergedaald…’

Or. 8952 A 464

Letters from M.Th. Houtsma to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VIII.

¶ Much of the correspondence between Houtsma and CSH concerns the early stages of the

Encyclopaedia of Islam. See on this now also Peri Bearman, A History of the Encyclopaedia of Islam.

Atlanta, Georgia: Lockwood Press, 2018.

No. 36 => Amice. Utrecht, May 18, 1924. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Wensinck, Nöldeke, van Arendonk,


No. 37 => Amice. Utrecht, May 28, 1931. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Orientalist Congress in Leiden. Schacht.

No. 38 => Amice. Utrecht, August 9, 1934. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript, postcard.

Or. 8952 A 465

Letter from Jan ten Hove to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer. The Hague, November 13, 1928. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript, postcard. Sender has

written a satirical poem on Hendrik Colijn:

‘De Leer-zuchten de Heer-zucht

Zijn bij Colijn versleten.

De Eer-zucht en de Meer-zucht,

Beheerschen zijn geweten.

Zoodat het moet naar ’s Heeren wil

De bruine Broeder zij Pupil.’

Or. 8952 A 466

Letters from O.J.R. Howarth to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Dear Sir. London, October 25, 1905. 2 pp., English, manuscript. Answered by CSH on February 18,

1906. Added: envelope. Encyclopaedia Britannica.

No. 2 => Dear Sir. London, March 20, 1906. 2 pp., English, manuscript. Addressee’s address at first: Hugo de

Grootstraat 81, The Hague, then forwarded to Velp, Arnhem. Added: envelope.

No. 3 => Dear Sir. London, December 31, 1906. 3 pp., English, manuscript. Rouffaer recommended for writing

an article. Added: envelope.

Page 440: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8952 A 467

Letters from Clément Imbault Huart (1854-1926) to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Monsieur et cher Collègue. Paris, July 2, 1909. 3 pp., French, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

June 8, 1909. De Goeje’s obituary in JA. Added: envelope.

No. 2 => Monsieur et cher Collègue. Paris, July 10, 1909. 2 pp., French, manuscript, postcard.

Or. 8952 A 468

Letter from Johan Huizinga to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer. Leiden, February 16, 1936. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Obituary for L. Caetani.

Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 469

Letter from Paul Humbert to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Monsieur et tres honoré collègue. Neuchâtel, April 15, 1932. 2 pp., French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 470

Letter from Ellsworth Huntington to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => New Haven, Conn., November 7, 1913. 6 pp., English, typewritten. ‘… map showing the distribution

of the higher elements of civilization throughout the world.’

Or. 8952 A 471

Letters from Alexander Willem Frederik Idenburg (1861–1935) who was 1909-1916 Governor General of the

Netherlands East Indies, to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Professor. The Hague, January 19, 1926. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Thanks for articles in

De Telegraaf.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Professor. The Hague, April 14, 1926. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Thanks for CSH’s

review of Oldham’s Christianity and race problems.

No. 3 => Hooggeachte Professor. Degersheim, July 28, 1931. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 472

Letter from Petrus Johannes Idenburg (1898-1989) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. The Library incorrectly mentions

him as P. Idenburg, one initial missing.

No. 1 => Zeer geachte Prof. Leiden, September 14, 1933. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 473

Iffat. Letters from Mohammed Effat Bey to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Sidi al-Ustadh al-Galil. The Hague, November 8, 1928. 2 pp., Arabic, manuscript. Stationary: Legation

Royale d’Egypte. La Haye. Added: sender’s business card. Thanks for hospitality extended to him and

Muhibb Pashas by CSH and his wife.

No. 2 => Sidi al-Ustadh al-Galil. The Hague, December 7, 1928. 1 p., Arabic, manuscript. Stationary: Legation

Royale d’Egypte. La Haye.

Or. 8952 A 474

Letters from Ibrahim al-`Iraqi to the Dutch (vice-) consul in Jeddah = P.N. van der Chijs. I.

No. 1 => Ganab al-Muhtaram Ways Qunsul Wakil Qunsulatu Dawlat Hulanda bi-Jeddah. 19 Gumada I 1305

(February 2, 1888). 1 p., Arabic, manuscript.

No. 2 => Ganab al-Akram wa-Maqam al-Muhtasham Muhibbuna al-`Aziz al-Khwaga Fander Shays. 20

Gumada I, 1305 (February 3, 1888). 1 p., Arabic, manuscript.

No. 3 => Ganab Wakil Qunsul Dawlat al-Hulanda al-Fakhima bi-Jeddah. 2 Gumada II, 1305 (February 15,

1888). 1 p., Arabic, manuscript.

Page 441: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 4 => Ganab Wakil Qunsul Dawlat al-Hulanda al-Fakhima bi-Jeddah. 2 Gumada II, 1305 (February 15,

1888). 1 p., Arabic, manuscript.

No. 5 => Ganab al-Akram wa-Maqam al-Muhtasham Hadrat Muhibbuna al-`Aziz al-Khwaga Fander Shays.

17 Gumada II, 1305 (March 1, 1888). 1 p., Arabic, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 475

Letters from Ibrahim al-`Iraqi to the Dutch consul in Jeddah = P.N. van der Chijs. II.

No. 6 => Ganab al-Muhtaram Hadrat Qunsul Dawlat Hulanda al-Mufakhkama bi-Jeddah. 12 Dhu al-Qa`da

1305 (July 21, 1888). 1 p., Arabic, manuscript.

No. 7 => Ganab al-Muhtaram Hadrat Qunsul Dawlat Hulanda al-Mufakhkhama bi-Jeddah. 23 Dhu al-Higga

1305 (August 31, 1888). 1 p., Arabic, manuscript. Sender signs as Shaykh al-Mashayikh.

No. 8 => Ganab Hadrat Qunsul Dawlat al-Hulanda bi-Jeddah al-Fakhima. 30 Dhu al-Higga 1305 (September

7, 1888). 1 p., Arabic, manuscript. Sender signs as Shaykh al-Mashayikh.

No. 9 => Ganab al-Muhtaram Hadrat Qunsul Dawlat al-Hulanda al-Fakhima bi-Jeddah. 2 Muharram 1306

(September 8, 1888). 1 p., Arabic, manuscript. Sender signa as Shaykh al-Mashayikh.

No. 10 => Maqam al-Muhtaram al-Muhtasham Hadrat Qunsul Dawlat al-Hulanda al-Fakhima bi-Jeddah. 5

Muharram 1306 (September 11, 1888). 1 p., Arabic, manuscript. Sender signs as Shaykh al-Mashayikh.

Or. 8952 A 476

Letters from Ibrahim al-`Iraqi to the Dutch consul in Jeddah = P.N. van der Chijs. III.

No. 11 => Maqam al-Muhtaram Hadrat Qunsul Dawlat al-Hulanda al-Fakhima bi-Jeddah. 8 Muharram 1306

(September 14, 1888). 1 p., Arabic, manuscript. Sender signs as Shaykh Mashayikh al-Gawa.

No. 12 => Ganab al-Magid al-Muhtaram al-Akram Hadrat Qunsul Dawlat al-Hulanda al-Fakhima bi-Jeddah.

24 Safar 1306 (October 30, 1888). 1 p., Arabic, manuscript. Sender signs as Shaykh al-Mashayikh.

No. 13 => Ganab Maqam al-Muhtaram Hadrat Qunsul Dawlat al-Hulanda bi-Jeddah. 26 Rabi` II 1306

(December 30, 1888). 1 p., Arabic, manuscript. Sender signs as Shaykh Mashayikh al-Gawa.

No. 14 => Ganab Qunsul Dawlat al-Hulanda al-Fakhima bi-Jeddah. 13 Gumada I 1306 (January 15, 1889). 1 p.,

Arabic, manuscript. Sender signs as Shaykh Mashayikh.

No. 15 => Maqam al-Muhtaram Hadrat Qunsul Dawlat al-Hulanda al-Fakhima bi-Jeddah. 1 p., Arabic,

manuscript. 1 Gumada II 1306 (February 2, 1889). Sender signs as Shaykh Mashayikh al-Gawa.

Or. 8952 A 477

Letter from Hoesein Iscandar to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hoog Gel. Heer. Paris, December 31, 1929. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on January 4,

1930. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 478

Letter from Isma`ili Khalil / Smaïli Khelil to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Monsieur. Tanger, January 26, 1934 / 10 Shawwal 1352. 2 pp., texts in French and Arabic (different

texts), manuscript. Added: envelope. Also: Letter from the Dutch Consul-General to sender, dated Tanger,

January 25, 1934.

Or. 8952 A 479

Letter from W. Ivanow to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Sir. Calcutta, October 19, 1922. 3 pp., English, manuscript. Added: envelope. Ismailian literature,

Umm al-Kitab.

Or. 8952 A 480

Letters from Ahmad `Izzat to the Dutch consul in Jeddah = P.N. van der Chijs.

Page 442: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 1 => Dhu al-Rutba wal-Asala Ganab al-Muhibb al-Muhtasham. 15 Safar 1299 (January 6, 1882). 1 p.,

Arabic, manuscript, use of gold pounce.

No. 2 => Dhu al-Rutba wal-Asala Ganab al-Muhibb al-Muhtasham. 15 Safar 1299 (January 6, 1882). 1 p.,

Arabic, manuscript, use of gold pounce. Blind stamp: Wilayat Higaz. Summary in Dutch on the verso.

No. 3 => Dhu al-Rutba wal-Asala Ganab al-Muhibb al-Muhtasham. 25 Safar 1299 (January 16, 1882). 1 p.,

Arabic, manuscript, use of gold pounce.

No. 4 => Dhu al-Rutba wal-Asala Ganab al-Muhibb al-Muhtasham. 2 Rabi` I 1299 (January 22, 1882). 1 p.,

Arabic, manuscript, use of gold pounce.

No. 5 => Dhu al-Rutba wal-Asala Ganab al-Muhibb al-Muhtasham. 25 Rabi` I 1299 (February 14, 1882). 1 p.,

Arabic, manuscript, use of gold pounce.

No. 6 => Dhu al-Rutba wal-Asala Ganab al-Muhibb al-Muhtasham. 25 Rabi` II 1299 (March 16, 1882). 1 p.,

Arabic, manuscript, use of gold pounce.

No. 7 => Dhu al-Rutba wal-Asala Ganab al-Muhibb al-Muhtasham. 28 Rabi` II 1299 (March 19, 1882). 1 p.,

Arabic, manuscript, use of gold pounce.

Or. 8952 A 481

Letters from Georg Jacob to C. Snouck Hurgronje

CSH apparently had asked Jacob information for his journey to Turkey. See Jan Schmidt, ‘Christaan Snouck

Hurgronje in Istanbul, 1908’, in Jan Schmidt, The Joys of Philology. Studies in Ottoman Literature, History and

Orientalism (1500-1923). Volume II. Orientalists, Travellers and Merchants in the Ottoman Empire, Political

Relations Between Europe and the Porte. Istanbul: The Isis Press, 2002, pp. 153-179.

No. 1 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Erlangen, July 13, 1908. 2 pp., German, manuscript. Prelimiarily

answered by CSH on July 15, 1908. Added: envelope. Added: list of people to be visited in Istanbul: 8 Turks, 2

Europeans are mentioned. Also added: 7 slips of paper with notes in Jacob’s hand.

No. 2 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Interlaken, August 26, 1908. 2 pp., German, manuscript. Answered

by CSH on September 9, 1908. Added: envelope.

No. 3 => Hochverehrter Herr. Erlangen, September 19, 1908. 2 pp., German, manuscript. Added: envelope

with addressee’s address: Konstantinopel. Meserret Otali. Bab Ali djaddesi.

Or. 8952 A 482

Letter from Camille Janssen to C. van Deventer

No. 1 => Cher Monsieur. Brussels, November 17, 1908. 1 p., French, typewritten. Added: the first part only

(abrupt end) of an essay in French in the hand of CSH on Islam in the Netherlands East Indies, 8 pp.

Or. 8952 A 483

Letters from C.W. Janssen to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer. Bussum, October 23, 1903. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

December 9, 1903. Added: envelope. Congratulations with success in Aceh.

No. 2 => Zeer geachte Heer. Amsterdam, January 19, 1904. 4 pp. Progress in Aceh.

No. 3 => Hooggeachte Heer. Suma, Kobe, January 3 1907. 5 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Japanese travel notes.

Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 484

Letters from F. Jaunasch to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Herrn Dr. Berlin, March 17, 1887. 1 p., German, manuscript. Stationary: Centralverein für


No. 2 => Herrn Dr. Berlin, March 26, 1887. 1 p., German, manuscript. Stationary: Centralverein für


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Or. 8952 A 485

Letters from Josro Jawarno to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde Heer. S.S. Gelria, De Middellandse zee, December 31, 1921. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Answered by CSH on May 9, 1922.

No. 2 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Bojolali, March 2, 1922. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on May 9,


Or. 8952 A 486

Jeddah. Copy of a letter from the Dutch consul in Jeddah to Raden Aboe Bakar, and an addition.

No. 1 => No addressing. Djeddah, May 30, 1893, No. 311. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript.

Added: Note from Raden Aboe Bakar, dated Jeddah, August 9, 1893. 2 pp., Malay (in Latin script),


On either document is a short note in Arabic, in Arabic script.

Or. 8952 A 487

Jeddah. Letters from Abdul Kadir Widjojoatmodjo to Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs. Typewritten

stationary: ‘Gezantschap der Nederlanden’.

No. 1 => No addressing. Djeddah, February 26, 1935, No. 178/P-42, “winning ertsen”. 1 + pp. 8-19, Dutch,

typewritten (carbon copy). Syndicaat. Signatories of the additional paper (pp. 8-19): Abdoellah as Soelaiman

al Hamdan (for Saudi government), K.S. Twitchell (Saudi Arabian Mining Syndicate Ltd.).

No. 2 => No addressing. Djeddah, February 29, 1935, No. 179/P-43, “Opleiding Hidjazische vliegeniers in

Italië”. 1 p., Dutch, typewritten (carbon copy).

Or. 8952 A 488

Jeddah, several documents.

- `Abdallah `Ali Reza to Dutch vice-consul in Jeddah. Jeddah, 12.6.1348 (November 15, 1929). 1 p., Arabic,

typewritten, legalized copy. About pilgrimage matters.

- `Abdallah `Ali Reza to Dutch consul in Jeddah. Jeddah, 9 Ramadan 1348 (February 8, 1930)). 1 p., Arabic,

typewritten, legalized copy. About book by A.J. Wensinck.

Added: envelope addressed to CSH, Rap 61, Leiden.

- G. Flieringa (Bussum) to H.A. Hooft (The Hague). Bussum, December 23, 1935. 2 pp., Dutch, typewritten.

Copy. Rathjens, Suberi. For Flieringa see also Or. 8952 A 313, above.

- Ministry of Foreign Affairs (A.M. Snouck Hurgronje) to C. Adriaanse, Chargé d’Affaires in Jeddah. 1 p.,

Dutch, typewritten. Copy. Suberi.

- Dutch Legation (C. Adriaanse) to Minister of Foreign Affairs. Djeddah, January 20, 1936. 3 pp., Dutch,

typewritten. Copy. Rathjens, Suberi, “Sjerief Ibrahim” Dupuy.

Or. 8952 A 489

Jerusalem, al-Maglis al-Shar`i al-Islami al-A`la

No. 1 => Hadrat al-`Allama al-Mufaddal, al-Ustadh. Al-Quds al-Sharif, 14 Gumada I 1341 (January 2, 1923). 1 p.,

Arabic, typewritten. Added: Description of Dar Kutub al-Masgid al-Aqsa, signed by the Wakil, `Abdallah

Mukhlis, dated 14 Gumada I 1341 (January 2, 1923). 1 p., Arabic, printed. ASdded: envelope.

- Appointment of CSH as honortary member of the Committee for the Muhammadan library in Jerusalem.

Answered by CSH on January 13, 1923 ‘met gelukwensch en aanvaarding’.

Or. 8952 A 490

Letter from W.L.H. Johan to C. Snouck Hurgronje

Page 444: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 1 => Hoog Geachte Professor. Calcutta, June 20, 1907. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Dactyloscopy (analysis of fingerprints).

Or. 8952 A 491

Letters from Moh. Johannes to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Zeer geachte Mevrouw en Mijnheer. Weltevreden, March 16, 1919. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added:


No. 2 => Hooggeachte Familie. Menado, March 20, 1935. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 492

Letter from P. de Jong to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => No addressing. Utrecht, May 23, 1887. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript, postcard.

Or. 8952 A 493

Letters from P.H. Jonker-Lapère (widow of J.Ch.G. Jonker) to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer. Leiden, July 2, 1919. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Heer. Leiden, August 16, 1919. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Added: Funeral oration by CSH

1 + 3 pp, Dutch, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 494

Letters from Th.W. Juynboll to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Geachte heer. Leiden, April 2, 1901. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Heer. Utrecht, September 8, 1927. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript, postcard. Mention of

letter from CSH to sender, dated De Steeg, July 31, 1927.

No. 3 => Hooggeachte Heer. Utrecht, September 28, 1927. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 495

Letters from Paul Kahle to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

No. 1 => Hochgeehrter Herr Professor. Bonn, October 8, 1924. 3 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 2 => Hochgeehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, October 24, 1924. 1 p., German, manuscript.

No. 3 => Hochgeehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, November 15, 1924. 1 p., German, manuscript.

No. 4 => Hochgeehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, December 21, 1924. 1 p., German, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 496

Letters from Paul Kahle to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II.

No. 5 => Hochgeehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Cambridge 1925 (before May 23, 1925). 1 p., German, manuscript,

picture postcard.

No. 6 => Hochverehrter Herr Kollege. Bonn, January 10, 1925. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 7 => Hochgeehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, May 23, 1925. 1 p., German, typewritten.

No. 8 => Hochgeehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, June 17, 1925. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 9 => Hochgeehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, June 25, 1925. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 10 => Hochgeehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, August 23, 1925. 3 pp., German, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 497

Letters from Paul Kahle to C. Snouck Hurgronje. III.

No. 11 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, December 5, 1926. 3 pp., German, typewritten.

No. 12 => Sehr verehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, March 8, 1927. 1 p., German, typewritten.

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No. 13 => Sehr verehrter, lieber Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, July 16, 1927. 2 pp., German, typewritten.

No. 14 => Hochgeehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, June 5, 1928. 2 pp., German, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 498

Letters from Paul Kahle to C. Snouck Hurgronje. IV.

No. 15 => Hoch verehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, September 10, 1929. 1 p., German, typewritten.

Stationary: Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Weiss (Leopold)

No. 16 => Hochgeehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, September 21, 1929. 1 p., German, typewritten. Weiss.

No. 17 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, October 25, 1929. 2 pp., German, typewritten. Stationary:

Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Weiss (Leopold)

No. 18 => Hochgeehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, December 23, 1929. 2 pp., German, typewritten.

Stationary: Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Added: letter from Mohd. Leopold Weiss to Paul Kahle,

dated Medina, December 17, 1929. 1 p., German, typewritten (copy?)

No. 19 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, January 7, 1930. 1 p., German, typewritten. Stationary:

Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Added: copy of a letter by C.H. Becker () to the Prussian Minister

of Science, etc. Berlin, January 13, 1930. 1 p., German, typewritten. Weiss.

No. 20 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, January 14, 1930. 1 p., German, typewritten. Stationary:

Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Weiss.

Or. 8952 A 499

Letters from Paul Kahle to C. Snouck Hurgronje. V.

No. 21 => Sehr verehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, January 28, 1930. 1 p., German, typewritten. Stationary:

Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Weiss.

No. 22 => Sehr verehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, March 4 1930. 1 p., German, typewritten. Stationary:

Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Weiss.

No. 23 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Oxford, March 25, 1930. 1 p., German, manuscript.

No. 24 => Sehr verehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, April 3, 1930. 1 p., German, typewritten. Stationary:

Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Weiss. Map of Arabia. Kramers.

No. 25 => Sehr verehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, June 17, 1930. 2 pp., German, typewritten. Stationary:

Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Weiss.

No. 26 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, December 13, 1930. 2 pp., German, typewritten.

Stationary: Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Weiss. Kahlo, Kressler. Answered by CSH on December

17, 1930.

No. 27 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, December 18, 1930. 2 pp., German, typewritten.

Stationary: Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Weiss. Kahlo, Jacobson, van Ronkel, de Visser, van der


Or. 8952 A 500

Letters from Paul Kahle to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VI.

No. 28 => Sehr verehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, January 28, 1931. 1 p., German, typewritten. Stationary:

Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Van Ronkel, Kahlo, Hoffmann, Nöldeke. Answered by CSH on

January 31, 1931.

No. 29 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, February 2, 1931. 2 pp., German, typewritten. Stationary:

Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Nöldeke. Answered by CSH on February 9, 1931.

No. 30 => Hochgeehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, February 24, 1931. 1 p., German, typewritten. Stationary:

Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Nöldeke, Rahder.

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Or. 8952 A 501

Letters from Paul Kahle to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VII.

No. 31 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, July 27, 1931. 1 p., German, typewritten. Stationary:

Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Nöldeke.

No. 32 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, July 30, 1931. 1 p., German, typewritten. Stationary:

Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Nöldeke.

No. 33 => Hochgeehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, August 19, 1931. 2 pp., German, typewritten. CSH

answered preliminarily on August 23, 1931. Jacob, Jensen, Losch, Steindorff, Nöldeke.

No. 34 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, September 17, 1931. 2 pp., German, typewritten. Goslin,

van Eerde, Steindorff, Nöldeke, Kramers, Ibn Iyas.

No. 35 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, December 23, 1931. 2 pp., German, typewritten. Mekka II

in English.

Or. 8952 A 502

Letters from Paul Kahle to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VIII.

No. 36 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, January 27, 1932. 2 pp., German, typewritten, postcard.

No. 37 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, February 2, 1932. 1 p., German, typewritten. Nöldeke.

No. 38 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, February 7, 1932. 2 pp., German, manuscript. Answered

by CSH on February 9, 1932.

No. 39 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Cambridge, April 5, 1932. 1 p., German, manuscript.

No. 40 => Hoch geehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Danzig, October 7, 1932. 1 p., German, manuscript, picture


Or. 8952 A 503

Letters from Paul Kahle to C. Snouck Hurgronje. IX.

No. 41 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, July 3, 1933. 2 pp., German, typewritten.

Stationary: Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Ritter.

No. 42 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, July 5, 1933. 3 pp., German, typewritten.

Stationary: Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Ritter.

No. 43 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, August 5, 1933. 1 p., German, typewritten. Stationary:

Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Ritter, Wensinck, Kramers, van Arendonk.

No. 44 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, August 24, 1933. 1 p., German, typewritten.

No. 45 => Lieber hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, September 19, 1933. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 504

Letters from Paul Kahle to C. Snouck Hurgronje. X.

No. 46 => No addressing. Gdynia/Gdingen, September 27, 1933. 1 p., German, manuscript, picture postcard.

No. 47 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, October 20, 1933. 2 pp., German, typewritten.

Added: Copy of set of Rules for the creation of a foundation at the demise of Paul Kahle, signed by Mark

Lidzbarski, Albert Haupt, Hermann Föge (Notar), Walter Hanning. N.p., n.d. 1 p., German, typewritten

(carbon copy).

Or. 8952 A 505

Letters from Paul Kahle to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XI.

No. 48 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, January 15, 1934. 3 pp., German, typewritten. Kurt


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No. 49 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, January 24, 1934. 2 pp., German, typewritten.

Leopold Weiss, Hamidullah.

No. 50 => Sehr verehrter, lieber Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, May 19, 1934. 1 p., German, typewritten.

No. 51 => Sehr verehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, May 29, 1934. 2 pp., German, typewritten, postcard.

No. 52 => Hochverehrter, lieber Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, June 6, 1934. 3 pp., German, typewritten.

Grégoire, Capart, Jacob, Encyclopaedia, Lüder.

No. 53 => Lieber sehr verehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, August 13, 1934. 2 pp., German, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 506

Letters from Paul Kahle to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XII.

No. 54 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, January 26, 1935. 4 pp., German, typewritten. Added:

Photograph of two medallions (one showing Mark Lidzbarski, the other Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben).

Answered by CSH on February 17, 1935.

No. 55 => Lieber sehr verehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, February 28, 1935. 2 pp., German, typewritten.

Hinz, Babinger, Lidzbarski. Added: photos: Lidzbarski medallion, 1 + 3 pp. with Gegenwartsaufgaben der

deutschen Orientforschung by W. Hinz.

No. 56 => Hochverehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, March 25, 1935. 1 p., German, typewritten.

No. 57 => Hochverehrter lieber Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, April 3, 1935. 2 pp., German, typewritten.

Hamidullah. Denkschrift.

No. 58 => Hochverehrter lieber Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, April 11, 1935. 2 pp., German, typewritten.

Guillaume. Denkschrift.

No. 59 => Lieber sehr verehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, April 30, 1935. 2 pp., German, typewritten.

Answered by CSH on May 2, 1935.

No. 60 => Hochverehrter lieber Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, May 9, 1935. 1 p., German, typewritten.

Matsumoto. Koernicke.

Or. 8952 A 507

Letters from Paul Kahle to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XIII.

No. 61 => Hochverehrter lieber Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, May 18, 1935. 3 pp., German, typewritten. Sachau,

Lüder, Schaeder, Mittwoch, Ehelolf, Kühnel, Kümmel, Matsumoto, Atiya, Zeki Validi.

No. 62 => Sehr verehrter lieber Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, June 14, 1935. 3 pp., German, typewritten.

No. 63 => Sehr verehrter lieber Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, June 28, 1935. 2 pp., German, typewritten. Mostafa,

Zeki Validi, Folkers.

No. 64 => Sehr verehrter lieber Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, September 2, 1935. 2 pp., German, typewritten.

Palme, Kampffmeyer, Littmann, Hamidullah.

No. 65 => Sehr verehrter lieber Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, October 11, 1935. 2 pp., German, typewritten.

Zischka, Vonwiller.

Or. 8952 A 508

Letters from Paul Kahle to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XIV.

No. 66 => Lieber sehr verehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Danzig, October 27, 1935. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 67 => Lieber sehr verehrter Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, November 5, 1935. 2 pp., German, typescript.

Mittwoch, Schaeder, Hülle, Weil, Gottschalk, Kindermann.

No. 68 => Hochverehrter lieber Herr Regierungsrat. Bonn, January 1, 1936. 1 p., German, manuscript.

Page 448: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8952 A 509

Letter from R. Kaiser to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Sehr geehrter Herr Professor. Arolsen, August 23. 2 pp., Received on August 29, answered by CSH on

1918, then sent to Gotha.

Mourad Kamel (Murād Kāmil)

For more letters from Mourad Kamel to CSH see Or. 8952 A 408, Or. 8952 A 409, above, where his name is

incorrectly given in the Library catalogue as K. Hamel. And see Or. 8952 A 512, below

Or. 8952 A 510

Letter from Muhammad Salih Khalifa to C. Snouck Hurgronje (Shaykh `Abd al-Ghaffar al-Hulanda).

See Jan Just Witkam, ‘Copy on demand. Abū Šubbāk in Mecca, 1303/1886’, in: Anne Regourd (ed.),

The Trade in Papers Marked with non-Latin Characters. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2018, pp. 206-226, especially p. 220,

note 18.

No. 1 => al-Akram al-Mukarram al-A`azz al-Ahsham Muhibbuna al-`Aziz. N.p., 17 Q[a`da] 1302 (August 28,

1885). 1 p., Arabic, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 511

Letter from Mr. J. Kalff Jr., Amsterdam, to M.J. de Goeje.

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Amsterdam, November 8, 1900. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: a note in the

hand of De Goeje. Added: envelope. Invitation to write a biographical sketch of CSH. Eventually this was

done by Th.W. Juynboll.

Or. 8952 A 512

Letters from Murad Kamil (Mourad Kamel) to C. Snouck Hurgronje

For more letters from Murad Kamil to CSH see Or. 8952 A 408, Or. 8952 A 409, above, where his name is

incorrectly given in the Library catalogue as K. Hamel.

No. 1 => Mon Cher Professeur et Précieux Ami. Cairo, December 30, 1931. 3 pp., French, manuscript.

Added: envelope.

No. 2 => Très Honoré Professeur et Ami. The Hague, September 2, 1933. 1 p., French, typewritten.

No. 3 => Très Honoré Professeur et Ami. The Hague, September 11, 1933. 1 p., French, manuscript. On the

text of his speech to be given in Leiden (see also: Or. 8952 A 409, above).

No. 4 => Monsieur le Professeur et Honoré Ami. The Hague, October 14, 1933. 1 p., French, typewritten.

No. 5 => Monsieur le Professeur. The Hague, December 19, 1933. 2 pp., French, typewritten. Added:

cutting from Telegraaf, February 28, 1934, with photograph showing the departure of sender. Also

added: cutting from Telegraaf, March 1, 1934, about sender’s departure, caused by the death of his son.

Or. 8952 A 513

Letters from R. Kamil to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer. Djokjakarta, January 11, 1932. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

About Soewardi Tjokroatmodjo, sender’s nephew. Answered by CSH on August 8, 1932.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Heer. Djokjakarta, August 29, 1932. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: pamphlet of

12 pp. entitled Het onderwijs in gevaar!, signed by ‘Het Comité tegen voortgaande verslechtering van het


No. 3 => Hooggeachte Heer. Djokjakarta, May 22, 1933. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. About

Soewardi Tjokroatmodjo, sender’s nephew.

No. 4 => Hooggeachte Heer. Djokjakarta, September 24, 1933. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added:


Page 449: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8952 A 514

Letter from J. van Kan to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck. Leiden, February 15, 1922. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 515

Letters from J. von Karabacek to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Verehrter Freund. Vienna, February 5, 1916. 1 p., German, manuscript, picture postcard with

portrait of sender.

No. 2 => Hochverehrter Freund. Vienna, Nanuary 29, 1917. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 516

Letter from H.A. van Karnebeek to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Professor. N.p., n.d.: ‘Zaterdag’ (The Hague, 1924?). 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Blind

stamp: ‘Min. van Buitenlandsche Zaken’.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Professor. N.p., n.d.: ‘Vrijdag’ (The Hague, 1924?). 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Blind

stamp: ‘Min. van Buitenlandsche Zaken’.

No. 3 => Hooggeleerde Heer. N.p., April 15, 1924. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Blind stamp: ‘Min. van

Buitenlandsche Zaken’.

No. 4 => Hooggeachte Professor. N.p., October 8, 1926. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Blind stamp: ‘Min. van

Buitenlandsche Zaken’.

Or. 8952 A 517

Letter from H. ten Kate to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Zeer geachte Heer. Aïn-Draham, Khroumirée, Tunisie, July 26, 1925. 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Anthropology. Added: picture postcards showing Kairouan: ‘Puits de la Grande Mosquée’ and ‘Vue

Générale de la Grande Mosquée (Estérieur). Also added: one leaf with several penciled drawings.

Answered by CSH on August 12, 1925.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Heer. Lamalou-les-Bains, Hérault (France), July 23, 1928. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 518

Letter from Francis W. Kelsey to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => My dear Professor Snouck Hurgronje. Ann-Arbor, July 19, 1917. 1 p. English, typewritten.

Received by CSH on Sptember 4, 1917; enclosed letter forwarded on September 9, 1917; answer from U.

von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff received and forwarded, September 22, 1917. Example of the advantages

of the neutral position of the Netherlands during WW I.

Or. 8952 A 519

Letter from R.A. Kern (1833-1917) to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Waarde Heer Snouck. Leiden, August 28, 1887. 5 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope with

address of CSH: ‘Gneisenaustrasse 19 I, Berlin S.W.’ Kern’s letter is largely a copy of a letter from W.P.

Groeneveldt (1841-1915) about CSH’s position in the Academy of Indian civil servants in Leiden.

Or. 8952 A 520

Letters from J.H.C. Kern (1833-1917) to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Waarde Snouck. Leiden, May 2, 1894. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 2 => Waarde Heer en Vriend. Utrecht, June 30, 1905. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Answered by CSH on August 5, 1905. Brandes.

No. 3 => Waarde Heer Snouck. Utrecht, September 4, 1905. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Answered by CSH on October 5, 1905. Brandes.

Page 450: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 4 => Waarde Vriend Snouck. Utrecht, May 23, 1908. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Candidates for the professorship of Javanese.

No. 5 => Waarde vriend Snouck. Utrecht, October 19, 1911. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 6 => Hooggeachte Vriend. Utrecht, December 30, 1911. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 7 => Hooggeachte vriend. Utrecht, December 31, 1911. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 8 => No addressing. Printed thanks for the present given at Kern’s eightieth anniversary (1913).

Dutch text, printed on 1 p.

Or. 8952 A 521

Letters from Yusuf Diya’ al-Din al-Khalidi al-Maqdisi al-Mu’tazili (Y.Y. Alkalidy) to M.J. de Goeje.

No. 1 => bi-Rasm al-Ustadh al-`Allama M.J. de Goeje. Sidi … Vienna, 25 Shubat (February) 1880. 4 pp.,

Arabic, manuscript. Tabari

No. 2 => li-Hadrat al-Ustadh al-`Allama al-Fadil al-Sayyid De Goeje. Sidi … Vienna, 26 Shubat 1880. 2 pp.,

Arabic, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 522

Letter from Khurshid Agha (Qawwas of the Consulate of France in Jeddah) to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Ganab al-Akram wal-Maladh al-Afkham bi-Gadda Sidi al-`Aziz al-Shaykh `Abd al-Ghaffar.

Jeddah, 25 R Akhar 1304 (January 21, 1887). The catalogue of the Leiden library incorrectly reads Ragab

instead of R Akhar as month, and thereby came to the erroneous date conversion of April 19, 1887.

Or. 8952 A 523

Letters from Mehemed Haireddin (Muhammad Khayr al-Din) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

See also Jan Schmidt, ‘Christaan Snouck Hurgronje in Istanbul, 1908’, in Jan Schmidt, The Joys of Philology.

Studies in Ottoman Literature, History and Orientalism (1500-1923). Volume II. Orientalists, Travellers and

Merchants in the Ottoman Empire, Political Relations Between Europe and the Porte. Istanbul: The Isis Press,

2002, pp. 153-179. See also Or. 8952 A 296 and Or. 8952 A 454, above.

No. 1 => Sehr geehrter Herr Professor. Stuttgart, July 3, 1907. 1 p., German, typewritten.

No. 2 => Sehr geehrter Herr Professor. Stuttgart, July 7, 1907. 1 p., German, typewritten.

No. 3 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, September 15, 1907. 2 pp., Turkish, German, manuscript,


No. 4 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, October 13, 1907. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

October 20, 1907. Added: envelope.

No. 5 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, November 3, 1907. 1 p., Turkish, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

December 1, 1907. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 524

Letters from Mehemed Haireddin (Muhammad Khayr al-Din) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II.

See also Jan Schmidt, ‘Christaan Snouck Hurgronje in Istanbul, 1908’, in Jan Schmidt, The Joys of Philology.

Studies in Ottoman Literature, History and Orientalism (1500-1923). Volume II. Orientalists, Travellers and

Merchants in the Ottoman Empire, Political Relations Between Europe and the Porte. Istanbul: The Isis Press,

2002, pp. 153-179. See also Or. 8952 A 296 and Or. 8952 A 454, above.

No. 6 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, January 21, 1908. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript. Postcard.

No. 7 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, January 21, 1908. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript. Postcard.

No. 8 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, February 2, 1908. 1 p., Turkish, manuscript.

No. 9 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, February 27, 1908. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript. Postcard.

No. 10 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, March 19, 1908. 1 p., Turkish, manuscript. Added: envelope. Also

added: two cuttings from a German newspaper containing Hans Wielher, Die Entwicklung der

menschlichen Sprache, complete in two installments, without mention of source.

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Or. 8952 A 525

Letters from Mehemed Haireddin (Muhammad Khayr al-Din) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. III.

See also Jan Schmidt, ‘Christaan Snouck Hurgronje in Istanbul, 1908’, in Jan Schmidt, The Joys of Philology.

Studies in Ottoman Literature, History and Orientalism (1500-1923). Volume II. Orientalists, Travellers and

Merchants in the Ottoman Empire, Political Relations Between Europe and the Porte. Istanbul: The Isis Press,

2002, pp. 153-179. See also Or. 8952 A 296 and Or. 8952 A 454, above.

No. 11 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, April 3, 1908. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript. Postcard.

No. 12 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, April 6, 1908. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript. Postcard.

No. 13 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, April 13, 1908. 1 p., Turkish, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 14 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, May 24, 1908. 1 p., Turkish, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 15 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, July 20, 1908. 1 p., Turkish, manuscript. Postcard.

Or. 8952 A 526

Letters from Mehemed Haireddin (Muhammad Khayr al-Din) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. IV.

See also Jan Schmidt, ‘Christaan Snouck Hurgronje in Istanbul, 1908’, in Jan Schmidt, The Joys of Philology.

Studies in Ottoman Literature, History and Orientalism (1500-1923). Volume II. Orientalists, Travellers and

Merchants in the Ottoman Empire, Political Relations Between Europe and the Porte. Istanbul: The Isis Press,

2002, pp. 153-179. See also Or. 8952 A 296 and Or. 8952 A 454, above.

No. 16 => Efendim. Stuttgart, August 8, 1908. 1 p., Turkish, manuscript, picture postcard: Zeppelin in sky

over Stuttgart. Address addressee: Holländische Botschaft, Konstantinopel.

No. 17 => Efendim. Stuttgart, August 9, 1908. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript. Added: single leaf with notes in

Turkish in the hand of CSH (?), draft of an answer? Added: envelope. Address addressee: Holländische

Botschaft, Konstantinopel.

No. 18 => Azizam Efendim. Stuttgart, August 9, 1908. 1 p., Turkish, manuscript, picture postcard:

Zeppelin landed near Echterdingen, on August 5, 1908. Address addressee: Holländische Botschaft,


No. 19 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, September 10, 1908. 1 pp., Turkish, manuscript, postcard. Address

addressee: Holländische Botschaft, Konstantinopel.

No. 20 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, November 21, 1908. 1 pp., Turkish, manuscript, postcard.

No. 21 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, November 30, 1908. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 22 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, December 27, 1908. 1 pp., Turkish, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 527

Letters from Mehemed Haireddin (Muhammad Khayr al-Din) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. V.

See also Jan Schmidt, ‘Christaan Snouck Hurgronje in Istanbul, 1908’, in Jan Schmidt, The Joys of Philology.

Studies in Ottoman Literature, History and Orientalism (1500-1923). Volume II. Orientalists, Travellers and

Merchants in the Ottoman Empire, Political Relations Between Europe and the Porte. Istanbul: The Isis Press,

2002, pp. 153-179. See also Or. 8952 A 296 and Or. 8952 A 454, above.

No. 23 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, March 17, 1909. 1 pp., Turkish, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 24 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, April 5, 1909. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript, postcard.

No. 25 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, May 10, 1909. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 26 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, May 24, 1909. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 27 => Azizam Efendim. Stuttgart, before June 14, 1909. 1 p., Turkish, manuscript, picture postcard:

Zeppeling landed on a tree, Göppingen, May 31, 1909.

No. 28 => Aziz wa-Muhtaram Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, August 11, 1909. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript.

Added: envelope.

No. 29 => Fadilatlu Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, December 26, 1909. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript.

Answered by CSH on December 27, 1909. Added: envelope. The Leiden librarian incorrectly read

December 28 instead of December 26.

Page 452: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8952 A 528

Letters from Mehemed Haireddin (Muhammad Khayr al-Din) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VI.

See also Jan Schmidt, ‘Christaan Snouck Hurgronje in Istanbul, 1908’, in Jan Schmidt, The Joys of Philology.

Studies in Ottoman Literature, History and Orientalism (1500-1923). Volume II. Orientalists, Travellers and

Merchants in the Ottoman Empire, Political Relations Between Europe and the Porte. Istanbul: The Isis Press,

2002, pp. 153-179. See also Or. 8952 A 296 and Or. 8952 A 454, above.

No. 30 => Fadilatlu Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, March 26, 1910. 3 pp., Turkish, manuscript. Added:


No. 31 => Azizam Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, May 12, 1910. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript, postcard.

No. 32 => Fadilatlu Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, May 23, 1910. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript. Added:


No. 33 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, August 20, 1910. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript, postcard.

Or. 8952 A 529

Letters from Mehemed Haireddin (Muhammad Khayr al-Din) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VII.

See also Jan Schmidt, ‘Christaan Snouck Hurgronje in Istanbul, 1908’, in Jan Schmidt, The Joys of Philology.

Studies in Ottoman Literature, History and Orientalism (1500-1923). Volume II. Orientalists, Travellers and

Merchants in the Ottoman Empire, Political Relations Between Europe and the Porte. Istanbul: The Isis Press,

2002, pp. 153-179. See also Or. 8952 A 296 and Or. 8952 A 454, above.

No. 34 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, September 3, 1910. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript, postcard.

No. 35 => Fadilatlu Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, October 4, 1910. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript. Added:


No. 36 => Fadilatlu Efendim. Stuttgart, November 6, 1910. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript, postcard.

No. 37 => Fadilatlu Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, December 27, 1910. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript. Added:


Or. 8952 A 530

Letters from Mehemed Haireddin (Muhammad Khayr al-Din) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VIII.

See also Jan Schmidt, ‘Christaan Snouck Hurgronje in Istanbul, 1908’, in Jan Schmidt, The Joys of Philology.

Studies in Ottoman Literature, History and Orientalism (1500-1923). Volume II. Orientalists, Travellers and

Merchants in the Ottoman Empire, Political Relations Between Europe and the Porte. Istanbul: The Isis Press,

2002, pp. 153-179. See also Or. 8952 A 296 and Or. 8952 A 454, above.

No. 38 => Efendim. Stuttgart, March 15, 1911. 1 p., Turkish, manuscript, picture postcard: Stuttgart. Partie

am Bobser.

No. 39 => Rashadatlu Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, July 6, 1911. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript. Added:


No. 40 => Fadilatlu Efendim. Stuttgart, July 7, 1911. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript, postcard.

No. 41 => Fadilatlu Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, August 4, 1911. 1 p., Turkish, manuscript, picture

postcard: Stuttgart-Canstatt. Partie am Neckar.

No. 42 => Rashadatlu Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, December 26, 1911. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 531

Letters from Mehemed Haireddin (Muhammad Khayr al-Din) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. IX.

See also Jan Schmidt, ‘Christaan Snouck Hurgronje in Istanbul, 1908’, in Jan Schmidt, The Joys of Philology.

Studies in Ottoman Literature, History and Orientalism (1500-1923). Volume II. Orientalists, Travellers and

Merchants in the Ottoman Empire, Political Relations Between Europe and the Porte. Istanbul: The Isis Press,

2002, pp. 153-179. See also Or. 8952 A 296 and Or. 8952 A 454, above.

No. 43 => Rashadatlu Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, February 8, 1912. 1 p., Turkish, manuscript, picture

postcard showing seven unidentified Turkish gentlemen, three sitting, four standing. Photo made by

Atelier ,,Elektra”, Stuttgart.

Page 453: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 44 => Fadilatlu Efendim. Stuttgart, July 21, 1912. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript, postcard.

No. 45 => Fadilatlu Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, October 23, 1912. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript, postcard.

No. 46 => Fadilatlu Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, December 30, 1912. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript. Added:


Or. 8952 A 532

Letters from Mehemed Haireddin (Muhammad Khayr al-Din) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. X.

See also Jan Schmidt, ‘Christaan Snouck Hurgronje in Istanbul, 1908’, in Jan Schmidt, The Joys of Philology.

Studies in Ottoman Literature, History and Orientalism (1500-1923). Volume II. Orientalists, Travellers and

Merchants in the Ottoman Empire, Political Relations Between Europe and the Porte. Istanbul: The Isis Press,

2002, pp. 153-179. See also Or. 8952 A 296 and Or. 8952 A 454, above.

No. 47 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, December 29, 1913. 2 pp., Turkish, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 48 => Efendim Hadratlu. Stuttgart, April 14, 1914. 1 p., Turkish, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 49 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Stuttgart, March 29, 1915. 2 pp., German, typewritten. Mention

of the the demise of two of sender’s daughters: Hairiyé and Feridé. Also congratulations with the birth

of Christien SH: 1914. See also Or. 8952 A 454, above (Hopf).

No. 50 => Hochverehrter Herr Professor. Stuttgart, June 1, 1919. 2 pp., German, typewritten. Family

update, carpets? Mention of Hopf. See also Or. 8952 A 454, above (Hopf).

No. 51 => Mein verehrter Herr Professor. Stuttgart, August 14, 1921. 6 pp., German, manuscript. Sender is

now Gerichtsdolmetscher (stamp on p. 5)

No. 52 => Mein verehrter Herr Professor. Stuttgart, August 20, 1921. 6 pp., German, manuscript.

Muḥammad Khayr al-Dīn (= Haireddin), see also Or. 8952 A 296, above

See also on Haireddin: Jan Schmidt, ‘Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje in Istanbul (1908). Letters and an

Unknown Diary preserved in the Leiden University Library’ in Jan Schmidt, The Joys of Philology. Studies in

Ottoman Literature, History and Orientalism (1500-1923), volume II. Istanbul: The Isis Press, 2002, pp. 153-179.

Or. 8952 A 533

Letter from Cd. Kläsi to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Weledelzeergel. Heer. Küsnacht (Zürich), April 22, 1931. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Addressed to

‘Aan den conservator v. handschriften der bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Leiden’. Hikayat Hang

Tuwah, see MS Leiden Or. 1762, above.

Added: draft of answer (in the hand of C. van Arendonk?) with several personal updates. Added:

typewritten copy of the introduction in German to the Hikayat Hang Tuwah (?), dated Niederurnen,

Ostern 1914.

Or. 8952 A 534

Letters from Ph. Kleintjes to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Collega. Amsterdam, September 8, 1927. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Collega. Amsterdam, April 22, 1932. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 535

Letter from H. Knublauch to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Sehr geehrter Herr Professor. Bad Wildingen, November 4, 1916. 2 pp., German, postcard.

Forster Kaiser.

Or. 8952 A 536

Letter from J.A. Kruyt to C. Snouck Hurgronje

Page 454: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 1 => Waarde heer Hurgronje. Penang, November 28 1888. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Syair Aceh

received from Scherer, resident of Deli; Panglima Polim, etc. Added: envelope

Or. 8952 A 537

Letters from Albert Kocourek to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Dear Sir. Chicago, February 17, 1917. 2 pp., English, typewritten. Added: draft of answer by CSH.

Also added: envelope. Illinois Law Review.

No. 2 => Dear Sir. Chicago, May 18, 1917. 1 p., English, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 538

Letter from J.H.F. Kohlbrugge to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Utrecht, May 9, 1907. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: Cutting from Daily

Mail of May 7, 1907: ‘Danger in India. Possibilities of Radical Reaction. Warning and Appeal.’ Also

added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 539

Letter from Sara Kohn to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hochgeehrter Herr Professor. London, July 13, 1934. 1 p., German, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 540

Letters from G. Kolff & Co. to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggel. Heer. Batavia, August 5, 1908. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Added: invoice. Also added:


No. 2 => HoogWeZGel. Heer. Batavia, September 18, 1908. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 541

Letters from Sten Konow to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

The correspondence mostly concerns editiorial matters of Acta Orientalia.

No. 1 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Kristiania, September 29, 1923. 2 pp., German, manuscript. Stationary: Acta

Orientalia. Added: envelope.

No. 2 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Calcutta, February 3, 1925. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 3 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, June 13, 1925. 2 pp., German, manuscript. Stationary: Acta Orientalia.

Added: envelope.

No. 4 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, September 2, 1925. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. Added: 2 postal


No. 5 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, October 27, 1925. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 6 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, November 23, 1925. 2 pp., German, manuscript. Kramers,

Wiedemann, Rahder. Stationary: Acta Orientalia. Added: envelope.

No. 7 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, December 1, 1925. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. Added: 1 postal


Or. 8952 A 542

Letters from Sten Konow to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II.

The correspondence mostly concerns editiorial matters of Acta Orientalia.

No. 8 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, January 29, 1926. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. Answered by CSH

February 2, 1926: ‘Duyvendak weg. De Visser?’ Added: 1 postal receipt.

No. 9 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, February 9, 1926. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 10 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, March 2, 1926. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 11 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, April 4, 1926. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 12 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, April 28, 1926. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

Page 455: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 13 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, December 6, 1926. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

Or. 8952 A 543

Letters from Sten Konow to C. Snouck Hurgronje. III.

The correspondence mostly concerns editiorial matters of Acta Orientalia.

No. 14 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, August 5, 1927. 2 pp., German, manuscript. Kramers. Stationary: Acta

Orientalia. Added: envelope.

No. 15 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, January 26, 1928. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 16 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, November 19, 1928. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

Or. 8952 A 544

Letters from Sten Konow to C. Snouck Hurgronje. IV.

The correspondence mostly concerns editiorial matters of Acta Orientalia.

No. 17 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, September 22, 1929. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 18 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, September 28, 1929. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 19 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, August 3, 1930. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 20 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, September 10, 1930. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 21 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, October 18, 1930. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

Or. 8952 A 545

Letters from Sten Konow to C. Snouck Hurgronje. V.

The correspondence mostly concerns editiorial matters of Acta Orientalia.

No. 22 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, January 26, 1931. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 23 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, March 2, 1931. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. Kramers, Moquette.

No. 24 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, May 28, 1931. 2 pp., German, manuscript. Answered by CSH on June 1,


No. 25 => Dear Professor Snouck. Roma, September 26, 1931. 1 p., German, manuscript, picture postcard.

Kramers, Moquette.

Or. 8952 A 546

Letters from Sten Konow to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VI.

The correspondence mostly concerns editiorial matters of Acta Orientalia.

No. 26 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, February 17, 1933. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. Pedersen.

No. 27 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, October 27, 1933. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 28 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, November 6, 1933. 1 p., German, manuscript, postcard. Kahle. Added:

postal receipt.

No. 29 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, May 29, 1934. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. Bloch.

No. 30 => Lieber Herr Kollege. Oslo, July 5, 1935. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. De Boer..

Or. 8952 A 547

Letters from Ign. J. Krachkovsky (Kračkovsky) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

No. 1 => Très honoré Professeur. St. Petersburg, May 15, 1914. 2 pp., French, manuscript. Al-Ma`arri.

Added: envelope.

No. 2 => Très honoré Professeur. Bergen, August 27, 1914. 1 p., French, manuscript. Picture postcard,


No. 3 => Cher Professeur. St. Petersburg, September 21, 1914. 3 pp., French, manuscript. Added: 2 slips of

paper, being a message in German from ‘Deine Schwester Lydie’ in which CSH is mentioned as

forwarding address. Added: envelope. Answered by CSH on October 5, 1914 (large sending of 10 letters

and 4 postcards).

Page 456: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 4 => Cher Professeur. St. Petersburg, October 20, 1914. 3 pp., French, manuscript. Added: Nationale

Bank, Bijkantoor Leiden, Rapenburg 27, account Leiden on behalf of Kratchkovskij, for the amount of

NLG 503.39, dated Leiden, November 12, 1914. Added: postal receipt. Added: envelope (with wax seal).

No. 5 => Cher Professeur. St. Petersburg, November 28, 1914. 3 pp., French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 548

Letters from Ign. J. Krachkovsky (Kračkovsky) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II.

No. 6 => Cher Professeur. St. Petersburg, December 4, 1914. 2 pp., French, manuscript.

No. 7 => Cher Professeur. St. Petersburg, December 2/15, 1914. 1 p., French, manuscript, picture postcard

(painting by J. Koulikov, Porteuses d’eau). Also signed by V. Kratchkovskij.

No. 8 => Cher Professeur. St. Petersburg, January 29, 1915. 1 p., French, manuscript, picture postcard:

Mosque of St. Petersburg, photograph of 1913.

No. 9 => Cher Professeur. St. Petersburg, November 8, 1916. 2 pp., French, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 10 => Cher Professeur. St. Petersburg, February 23, 1917. 2 pp., French, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Added: 2 postal receipts, Nos. 494, 495.

Or. 8952 A 549

Letters from Ign. J. Krachkovsky (Kračkovsky) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. III.

No. 11 => Très cher Maître. Leningrad, January 24, 1927. 3 pp., French, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 12 => Très honoré Maître. Leningrad, April 17, 1928. 1 p., French, typewritten. Added: envelope.

No. 13 => Sehr verehrter Herr Kollege. Leningrad, January 17, 1930. 2 pp., German, manuscripr.

No. 14 => Très cher Maître. Leningrad, March 21, 1930. 2 pp., French, manuscript.

No. 15 => No letter. Only what may have been an enclosure. Survey of the contents of a projected book:

‘Waḍḍāḥ, ein jemenischer Dichter des I Jahrh. d. H.’ Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 550

Letters from Hendrik Kraemer to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Professor. Paris, April 24, 1921. 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Bitar, Barthélémy, Massignon,

Mme Foussé-de Sacy.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Professor. Paris, May 31, 1921. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Barthélémy, Cabaton, Bouvat,

Huart. Answered by CSH on June 15, 1921.

No. 3 => Hooggeachte Professor. Tiel, August 2, 1921. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript, postcard.

No. 4 => Hooggeachte Professor. Cairo, December 1, 1921. 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Ahmed Zaki Basha,

Mansur Fahmi. Added: envelope.

No. 5 => Hooggeachte Professor. a/b Plassy, March 16, 1922. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 551

Letters from Hendrik Kraemer to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II.

No. 6 => Hooggeachte Professor. Jogjakarta, November 11, 1922. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Gobée, Massignon,

Schrieke, Hadji Dahlan.

No. 7 => Hooggeachte Professor. Sarangan, July 25, 1923. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Wensinck, Shellabear.

Answered by CSH on April 10, 1924.

No. 8 => Hooggeachte Professor. Jogjakarta, December 29, 1923. 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH

on April 10, 1924.

No. 9 => Hooggeachte Professor. Jogjakarta, September 8, 1924. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH

on December 22, 1924.

No. 10 => Hooggeachte Professor. Jogjakarta, July 20, 1925. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

August 18, 1925.

Page 457: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8952 A 552

Letters from Hendrik Kraemer to C. Snouck Hurgronje. III.

No. 11 => Hooggeachte Professor. Solo, December 20, 1925. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

April 13, 1926. Added: printed text of in introductory folder ‘Een Maleisch Weekblad voor de Inlandsche

Christenen’, 4 pp., signed by H. Kraemer.

No. 12 => Hooggeachte Professor. Malang, July 26, 1926. 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

September 1, 1926.

No. 13 => Hooggeachte Professor. a/b Bontekoe, November 2, 1926. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by

CSH on December 28, 1926.

No. 14 => Hooggeachte Professor. Malang, January 10, 1927. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

March 12, 1927.

No. 15 => No addressing. Malang, September 26, 1927. 3 pp., Dutch, typewriting and handwriting.

Or. 8952 A 553

Letters from Hendrik Kraemer to C. Snouck Hurgronje. IV.

No. 16 => Hooggeachte Professor. Cairo, March 21, 1928. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope

No. 17 => Hooggeachte Professor. Chevalleyres, July 25, 1928. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 18 => Zeer geachte Professor. Rijswijk, November 13, 1928. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 19 => Hooggeachte Professor. Rijswijk, November 22, 1928. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 20 => Hooggeachte Professor. Amsterdam, January 30, 1929. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 554

Letters from Hendrik Kraemer to C. Snouck Hurgronje. V.

No. 21 => Hooggeachte Professor. Zürich, March 26, 1929. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 22 => Hooggeachte Professor. Zürich, April 2, 1929. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 23 => Hooggeachte Professor. Lucknow, December 31, 1929. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH

on January 28, 1930.

No. 24 => Hooggeachte Professor. Solo, October 28, 1930. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

December 27 (?), 1930.

No. 25 => Hooggeachte Professor. Solo, November 8, 1931. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 555

Letters from Hendrik Kraemer to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VI.

No. 26 => Zeer geachte vrienden. Soerakarta, August 1932. 3 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Confidential circular,

about the Christian mission on the island of Bali.

No. 27 => Hooggeachte Professor. N.p. (= Solo?), August 2, 1932. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH

on October 3, 1932.

No. 28 => Hooggeachte Professor. Solo, January 29, 1934. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 29 => Hooggeachte Professor. Solo, November 3, 1934. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 30 => Hooggeachte Professor. Solo, April 3, 1935. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 31 => Hooggeachte Professor. Solo, June 11, 1935. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 556

Letters from F. Krenkow to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Dear Sir. Leicester, December 18, 1911. 3 pp., English, manuscript. Answered by CSH on December

28, 1911. Added: envelope.

No. 2 => Dear Professor. Leicester, January 14, 1912. 1 p., English, manuscript. Answered by CSH on January

17, 1912, ‘mede naar aanleiding van Goldzihers brief van 13/1 12.’ Added: envelope.

Page 458: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 3 => Dear Professor. Leicester, March 14, 1919. 2 pp., English, manuscript. Added: envelope with postal

stamp with date April 24, 1919. Also added on separate leaf containing three isnads in Arabic, in an

Orientalist hand.

Or. 8952 A 557

Letters from J.H. Kramers to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Professor. Leiden, May 18, 1925. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: Photographic

portrait of Henri Lammens, with caption on verso: ‘Beyrouth | 27 Maart 1925’

No. 2 => No addressing. ‘Hartelijke groeten uit Bonn’ Signed by: J.H. Kramers, G. Kramers-V, … (?), H.-A.

Ginsberg (?), … (?), Hans H. Schraeder, Joseph Schacht, M. Pieper, H.S. Nyberg, Enno Littmann, R. Tichmoli

(?), Otto Pretzl, Franz Taeschner, Rudi Paret, H. Grajeou (?), E. Bräunlich, P. Kahle, V. Minorsky. Picture

postcard: Bonn a. Rh., Universität.

No. 3 => Hooggachte Mevrouw Snouck. Oegstgeest, January 11, 1947. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Meeting with

Asin Palacios.

** Unnumbered, apparently not from Kramers, on the envelope written by a librarian: ‘Paulus’ => Zeer

geachte heer Snouck. Constantinople, July 14, 1918. 10 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Also added:

several newspaper cuttings.

- ‘Le congrès de l’Union et Progrès’. 3 consecutive cuttings from Lloyd Ottoman, Usmanischer Lloyd, text in

French, one dated September 27, 1917.

- M.L. baron van Geen, Muntwezen in Atjeh in vroeger Jaren.’

- Les illégalités des fonctionnaires (2 fragments).

Or. 8952 A 558

Letters from Albert C. Kruyt to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Professor. Koekoe, January 29, 1908. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

March 23, 1908. Added: envelope.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Professor. Koekoe, May 14, 1908. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 3 => Hooggeachte Heer. Koekoe, December 14, 1908. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 4 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo (Zuidkant van het Posso-meer), June 11, 1909. 10 pp., Dutch,

manuscript. Added: envelope. Forwarded to ‘Hotel Louvois, Square Louvois, Paris’.

No. 5 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, December 4, 1909. 5 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

April 1, 1910.

Or. 8952 A 559

Letters from Albert C. Kruyt to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II.

No. 6 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, March 15, 1910. 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Forwarded

to ‘Hotel de Russie. Via des Babuino 9, Rome’

No. 7 => Hooggeachte Heer. Kasigoentjoe (Posso), June 15, 1910. 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH

on January 12, 1911. Added: envelope. Forwarded to ‘Hotel Schweizerhof, Interlaken’, hence forwarded to

‘Hotel Bouttet, Chamonix’.

No. 8 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, August 22, 1910. 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

January 12, 1911. Added: envelope.

No. 9 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, December 15, 1910. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

January 24, 1911. Added: envelope.

No. 10 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, March 31, 1911. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on July 13,

1911. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 560

Letters from Albert C. Kruyt to C. Snouck Hurgronje. III.

Page 459: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 11 => Hooggeachte Heer. Koekoe, September 10, 1911. 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

August 10, 1912. Added: envelope.

No. 12 => Hooggeachte Heer. Kasigoentjoe, June 22, 1912. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

August 10, 1912. Added: envelope.

No. 13 => Hooggeachte Heer. Tentena, December 6, 1912. 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

February 4, 1913. Added: envelope.

No. 14 => Hooggeachte Heer. Taripa (Pendolo), April 15, 1913. 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

November 26, 1913. Added: envelope.

No. 15 => Hooggeachte Heer. Tentena, January 5, 1914. 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 561

Letters from Albert C. Kruyt to C. Snouck Hurgronje. IV.

No. 16 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, March 30, 1914. 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 17 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, June 28, 1914. 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 18 => Hooggeachte Heer. Koro Bone, November 26, 1914. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 19 => Hooggeachte Heer. Singkona, April 24, 1915. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 20 => Hooggeachte Heer. Tomata, December 9, 1915. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 562

Letters from Albert C. Kruyt to C. Snouck Hurgronje. V.

No. 21 => Hooggeachte Heer. Taripa, February 24, 1916. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 22 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, April 11, 1916. 1 p., Dutch, typewritten.

No. 23 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, December 21, 1918. 4 pp., Dutch, typewritten.

No. 24 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, September 29, 1919. 3 pp., Dutch, typewritten.

No. 25 => Hooggeachte Heer. Posso, April 1, 1920. 3 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Answered by CSH on June 25,


Or. 8952 A 563

Letters from Albert C. Kruyt to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VI.

No. 26 => Hooggeachte Heer. a/b Van Riemsdijk, from Kupang to Surabaya, November 24, 1920. 4 pp.,

Dutch, typewritten.

No. 27 => Hooggeachte Heer. Padang, January 31, 1921. 4 pp., Dutch, typewritten.

No. 28 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, Posso, April 14, 1922. 3 pp., Dutch, typewritten.

No. 29 => Hooggeachte Heer. Posso, August 3, 1922. 3 pp., Dutch, typewritten.

No. 30 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, Poso, June 27, 1924. 3 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Answered by CSH on

December 7, 1924.

Or. 8952 A 564

Letters from Albert C. Kruyt to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VII.

No. 31 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, Poso, February 4, 1925. 3 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Answered by CSH

on July 12, 1925.

No. 32 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, Poso, August 19, 1925. 3 pp., Dutch, typewritten.

No. 33 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, Poso, September 30, 1925. 1 p., Dutch, typewritten.

No. 34 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, Poso, March 31, 1926. 3 pp., Dutch, typewritten.

No. 35 => Hooggeachte Heer. Poso, May 10, 1926. 2 p., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 565

Letters from Albert C. Kruyt to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VIII.

No. 36 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, Poso, October 6, 1926. 2 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Answered by CSH

on March 15, 1927.

Page 460: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 37 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, Poso, June 15, 1927. 3 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Answered by CSH on

August 16, 1927.

No. 38 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, Poso, October 18, 1927. 3 pp., Dutch, typewritten.

No. 39 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, Poso, May 7, 1928. 3 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Answered by CSH on

July 3, 1928.

No. 40 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, Poso, November 30, 1928. 3 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Answered by

CSH on March 31, 1929.

Or. 8952 A 566

Letters from Albert C. Kruyt to C. Snouck Hurgronje. IX.

No. 41 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, Poso, June 11, 1929. 3 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Answered by CSH on

July 29, 1929.

No. 42 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, Poso, November 18, 1929. 2 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Added: envelope.

No. 43 => Hooggeachte Heer. Bomba, Bada, April 7, 1930. 4 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Answered by CSH on

May 30, 1930.

No. 44 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, Poso, November 22, 1930. 2 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Answered by

CSH on August 12, 1931.

No. 45 => Hooggeachte Heer. Banggai, January 28, 1931. 2 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Answered by CSH on

August 12, 1931.

Or. 8952 A 567

Letters from Albert C. Kruyt to C. Snouck Hurgronje. X.

No. 46 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, Poso, October 6, 1931. 3 pp., Dutch, typewritten.

No. 47 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, Poso, February 9, 1932. 4 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Added: envelope.

No. 48 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, Poso, June 8, 1932. 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Added: envelope.

No. 49 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, Poso, June 15, 1932. 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Added: envelope.

No. 50 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, Poso, June 22, 1932. 1 p., Dutch, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 568

Letters from Albert C. Kruyt to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XI.

No. 51 => Hooggeachte Heer. Pendolo, Poso, August 12, 1932. 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Answered by CSH on

September 20, 1932.

No. 52 => Hooggeachte Heer. Swaroe bij Malang, October 10, 1932. 1 p., Dutch, typewritten.

No. 53 => Hooggeachte Heer. Solo, November 2, 1932. 1 p., Dutch, typewritten.

No. 54 => Hooggeachte Heer. Schiedam, December 21, 1932. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 55 => Hooggeachte Heer. Utrecht, January 7, 1933. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 56 => Hooggeachte Heer. Den Haag, September 19, 1933. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 569

Letters from Abraham Kuenen (1828-1891) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

No. 1 => Waarde Vriend. Leiden, December 29, 1880. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope with

address CSH: ‘38 Schiffersletstaden, Strassburg i.E.’

No. 2 => Waarde Vriend. N.p., August 4, 1881 (postal stamp). 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Postcard with address

CSH: ‘38 Schiffersletstaden, Strassburg i.E.’

No. 3 => Waarde Vriend. Leiden, February 7, 1881. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Postcard with address CSH: ‘38

Schiffersletstaden, Strassburg i.E.’

No. 4 => Amicissime. V.h. September 8, 1881. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope with address CSH:

’87 Hooigracht, Leiden’

No. 5 => Amicissime. V.h. February 7, 1883. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Account study money

CSH: 1874-1878.

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Or. 8952 A 570

Letters from Abraham Kuenen (1828-1891) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II.

No. 6 => Amicissime. Leiden, November 7, 1884. 5 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: list with book titles (text

books, gymnasium?). Also added: envelope with address CSH: ‘Consulat des Pays Bas, Djeddah. (Arabie)’.

No. 7 => Letter to Ms. SH-de Visser (mother of CSH). Lieve Mevrouw. Amicissime. Leiden, August 6, 1889. 2

pp., Dutch, manuscript, postcard with address addressee: Villa Kosmos, Rhens bei Coblenz (Preussen).

No. 8 => Waarde Vriend. Leiden, September 25, 1889. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 9 => Waarde Vriend. Leiden, October 26, 1891. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope with address;

‘Kota-Radja. (Sumatra, N.O. Indië).

Or. 8952 A 571

Letter from E. Kuhn to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

No. 1 => Sehr geehrter Herr Doctor. München, August 9, 1884. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. Address:

‘Consulat des Pays-Bas. Jeddah (Arabie)’.

Or. 8952 A 572

Letters from H.J. Kuiper to General K. van der Maaten.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Generaal. Weltevreden, September 9, 1933. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added:


No. 2 => Hooggeachte Generaal. Weltevreden, October 4, 1933. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript, postcard.

Or. 8952 A 573

Letter from Jo van Ammers-Küller to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Professor. Amsterdam, February 25, 1930. 1 p., Dutch, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 574

Letter from A. Kuyper to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => HoogGeleerde Heer. The Hague, January 27, 1907. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: printed business

card. Also added: envelope with address: Laurens Reaelstraat 2, The Hague.

M. Kuyper-van Heutsz

Letters from Mrs. M. Kuyper-van Heutsz to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

See Or. 8952 A 435, above, where the surname is incorrectly given as Heutz.

Or. 8952 A 575

Letters from B.A. Kwast to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => HoogGeleerde Heer. Groningen, January 6, 1933. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Bos’ Schoolatlas.

No. 2 => HoogGeleerde Professor. Groningen, January 16, 1933. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 3 => HoogGeachte Professor. Groningen, February 2, 1933. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 4 => HoogGeleerde Professor. Groningen, May 12, 1933. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 576

Letter from H.B. van der Laan to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Zeist, February 1, 1917. 1 p., Dutch, typewritten.

Or. 8952 A 577

Letter from Genji (?) Muir Laidland (?) to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Intan, December 5, 1912. 1 p., English, manuscript, picture postcard (a Siamese processional car)

Page 462: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8952 A 578

Letters from Henri Lammens to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Tres honoré Collègue. Roma, March 19, 1913. 1 p., French, manuscript, picture postcard.

No. 2 => Tres honoré Collègue. Roma, April 14, 1914. 1 p., French, manuscript, picture postcard.

No. 3 => Cher Collègue. Cairo (Faggala), November 21, 1915. 1 p., French, manuscript, picture postcard.

No. 4 => Tres cher Collègue et Ami. Beyrouth, January 23, 1934. 3 pp., French, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 579

Letters from K.F.H. van Langen to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Waarde Heer Snouck. Kota Radja, February 19, 1897. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Professer. Breda, April 15, 1912. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on July 18,

1912. Added: envelope.

No. 3 => Hooggeachte Professer. Paris, July 30, 1912. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript, postcard.

Or. 8952 A 580

Letter from Ph. Laoh to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Samarinda, November 30, 1911. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript, picture postcard.

Or. 8952 A 581

Letters from Samuel Landauer (1846-1937) to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Sehr verehrter, Lieber Freund. Augsburg, February 18, 1932. 3 pp., German, manuscript

No. 2 => Letter from S. Seeligmann to CSH. Augsburg. April 18, 1932. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

Added: Cutting ‘Prof. Samuel Landauer de negentigjarige’, from Centraalblad voor Israëlieten in Nederland

LI/52 (February 20, 1936). Contains biographical details about Landauer.

Or. 8952 A 582

Letter from P. Lapie to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Monsieur le Professeur et Honoré Collègue. Paris, March 27, 1926. 1 p., French, typewritten. Added:

envelope. Also added: typewritten draft of the answer by CSH, dated Leiden, April 1, 1926. “delicate health”.

Or. 8952 A 583

Letter from R.A. Lasmitakusuma (?) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

The name ‘Lasmitakusuma’ does not occur in the documents here described.

No. 1 => Kaoelanoen. Tjiamis, June 14, 1906, and inside dated June 15, 1906. 8 pp., Sundanese, manuscript in

Latin and Javanese scripts. Added: Similar but undated, 10 pp., Sundanese, Latin script. Added: envelope.

No. 2 => dated September 11, 1906. 3 pp., Sundanese, manuscript, Javanese script. Answered by CSH on

October 19, 1906. Added: envelope.

No. 3 => Four letters in Sundanese in Latin script, on four pages: 1 - dated Tjiamis, November 18, 1906, signed

by Emah; 2 – n.d., signed by I. brahim; 3 – n.d., signed by Aminah; 4 – dated Tjiamis, November 18, 1906,

signed by Oemar. Added: Letter in Sundanese in Javanese script, Tjiamis, July 17, 1907. Also added: envelope.

No. 4 => Letter in Sundanese in Javanese script, dated December 2, 1906. 3 pp., manuscript. Added:


Or. 8952 A 584

Letter from R.A. Lasmitakusuma (?) to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II.

The name ‘Lasmitakusuma’ does not occur in the documents here described.

No. 5 => Letter in Sundanese in Javanese script, dated April 3, 1907. 3 pp., manuscript. Added: envelope.

Page 463: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 6 => Letters in Sundanese in Latin script, 3 + 3 pp. 1 – dated Tjiamis, July 15, 1907, signed by Emah; 2 –

n.d., signed by Aminah; 3 – Tjiamis, July 15, 1907, signed by Oemar. Added: Letter in Sundanese in Javanese

script, dated November 18, 1906, 8 pp. Added: envelope.

No. 7 => Letter in Sundanese in Javanese script, dated August 1, 1907. 7 pp., Javanese script, manuscript.

No. 8 => Letter in Sundanese in Javanese script, dated November 11, 1907. 4 pp., manuscript. Answered by

CSH on December 18, 1907. Added: envelope.

No. 9 => Letter in Sundanese in Javanese script, dated January 14, 1908. 5 pp., manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 10 => Letter in Sundanese in Javanese script, dated March 18, 1908. 6 pp., manuscript. Answered by CSH

on April 13, 19001 (?). Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 585

Leiden. Letter from Algemeene Senaten Vergadering to Mrs. I. Snouck Hurgronje-Oort

No. 1 => Mevrouw. Leiden, October 1, 1930. 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Signed by J.G. de Beus and H.A. van

Beuningen. Concerns house guest O. Görner from Leipzig. Added: slip of paper with information about the

house guest.

Or. 8952 A 586

Leiden. Letters from E.J. Brill, Publishing Company in Leiden to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

- Concerns the English edition of The Achehnese.

No. 1 => WelEdel Gde Heer. Leiden, December 4, 1900. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Concerns

return by mail of photographs, apparently for the English translation of The Achehnese. Signed by C.

[Corneille] Peltenburg.

No. 2 => WelEdel Zeer Geleerde Heer. Leiden, May 7, 1901. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Concerns return by mail of photographs, for the English translation of The Achehnese. Signed by C.

[Corneille] Peltenburg.

Or. 8952 A 587

Leiden. Letters from E.J. Brill, Publishing Company in Leiden to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II.

- Concerns the English edition of The Achehnese.

No. 3 => WelEd zeerGel. Heer. Leiden, March 27, 1903. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript, postcard.

No. 4 => WelEdel Zeer Geleerde Heer. Leiden, April 29, 1903. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Signed by F. [Frans] de Stoppelaar. Answered by CSH on May 30, 1903.

No. 5 => WelEd zeerGel. Heer. Leiden, May 18, 1903. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript, postcard.

No. 6 => WelEdel Zeer Geleerde Heer. Leiden, June 19, 1903. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Added: postal receipt. Signed by F. [Frans] de Stoppelaar. Answered by CSH on September 9, 1903.

No. 7 => Waarde Heer. Leiden, July 2, 1903. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Signed by F. [Frans] de Stoppelaar.

No. 8 => WelEd zeerGel. Heer. Leiden, July 15, 1903. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript, postcard.

No. 9 => WelEd zeerGel. Heer. Leiden, October 27, 1903. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

November 27, 1903 ‘aanget. En tegelijk aan Wilkinson verzonden brief met vraag over vel 5 en de beide

portretproeven met onderschriften.’

Or. 8952 A 588

Leiden. Letters from E.J. Brill, Publishing Company in Leiden to C. Snouck Hurgronje. III.

- Concerns the English edition of The Achehnese.

No. 10 => WelEdelzeergeleerde Heer. Leiden, February 6, 1904. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Signed by C. [Corneille] Peltenburg. Answered by CSH on March 7, 1904 ‘en met toezending der

gecorrigeerde nieuwe proef van vel 5 aan Wilkinson’.

No. 11 => ZeerGel. Heer. Leiden, April 29, 1904. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript, postcard.

Page 464: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 12 => WelEdelzeergeleerde Heer. Leiden, August 9, 1904. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Signed by C. [Corneille] Peltenburg. Answered by CSH on September 4, 1904 ‘en tevens vel 11 en 14 van

Wilkinson gezonden.’

No. 13 => WelEdelzeergeleerde Heer. Leiden, December 12, 1904. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Signed by C. [Corneille] Peltenburg. Answered by CSH on January 18, 1905.

Or. 8952 A 589

Leiden. Letters from E.J. Brill, Publishing Company in Leiden to C. Snouck Hurgronje. IV.

- Concerns the English edition of The Achehnese and Festschrift De Goeje.

No. 14 => WelEdelzeergeleerde Heer. Leiden, December 12, 1904. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Signed by C. [Corneille] Peltenburg.

No. 15 => WelEdelzeergeleerde Heer. Leiden, August 5, 1905. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Signed by C. [Corneille] Peltenburg. Answered by CSH op September 4, 1905 ‘met terugzending tevens van


No. 16 => Amice. Leiden, October 30, 1905. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Signed by F. [Frans] de Stoppelaar.

Answered by CSH on November 27, 1905.

No. 17 => WelEdelzeergeleerde Heer. Leiden, December 19, 1905. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Signed by C. [Corneille] Peltenburg.

Or. 8952 A 590

Leiden. Letters from E.J. Brill, Publishing Company in Leiden to C. Snouck Hurgronje. V.

- Festschrift De Goeje; Encyclopaedia; Mekka; Brockelmann GAL.

No. 18 => Geachte Heer. Leiden, May 25, 1906. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Signed by F. [Frans] de Stoppelaar.

Answered by CSH on May 26, 1906. Added: envelope, with address 81, Hugo de Grootstraat, Den Haag, from

there forwarded to Voorschoterlaan 147, Rotterdam.

No. 19 => Sehrt geehrter Herr. Utrecht, June 1908. 1 p., German, printed text. Added: envelope.

No. 20 => Hooggeachte Heer Professor. Leiden, February 12, 1936. 1 p., Dutch, typewritten. Signed by Th.

FolkersAdded: receipt from Institut d’Egypte, March 9, 1936 for having received Mekka in the latter part of

the 19th Century, 1 p., French, printed and typewritten. Added: envelope from Institut d’Egypte.

Or. 8952 A 591

Leiden. Letter from Vereeniging van Ethische en Godsdienstige Vraagstukken to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Hooggeleerde en Hooggeachte Heer. The Hague, August 12, 1913. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Signed by

K.Th. Beetks. Answered by CSH on August 13, 1913 ‘misschien een ander jaar’. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 592

Letter from Le Febure to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Professor. Muiderberg, November 5, 1928. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 593

Letter from Edvard Lehmann (1862-1930) to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Sehr geehrter Herr Professor. Lund, December 10, 1913. 3 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 2 => Hochverehrter, Lieber Herr Kollege. Lund, January 30, 1917. 3 pp., German, manuscript. Answered

by CSH on February 3, 1917 ‘Uitstel minstens to na den oorlog’. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 594

Leiden. From CSH and C. André de la Porte to Curatoren der Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden.

No. 1 => Without addressing. Leiden, November 19, 1918. 6 pp., Dutch, typewritten. Added: presentation

form, dated Leiden, November 8, 1918. Concerns the education of administrative civil servants for the East


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Or. 8952 A 595

Leiden. Postkantoor Leiden to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => No addressing. Leiden, November 27, 1925. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 596

R. van Lennep (Banque Générale d’Egypte) to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Cher Monsieur. Alexandrie, November 17, 1885. 2 pp., French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 597

F. [le Sage] de Fontenay to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => Sehr geehrter Herr Professor. Copenhagen, September 12, 1921. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 598

L’Ethnographie, Vincennes to Daniel van der Meulen (probably not addressed to CSH, but to the co-author

of Hermann von Wissmann, Hadramaut).

No. 1 => Monsieur. Vincennes, February 5, 1933. 1 p., French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 599

G. Levi della Vida to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I.

No. 1 => Très vénéré Maître. Rome, February 5, 1927. 3 pp., French, manuscript. Added: envelope

No. 2 => No addressing. Brussels, September 16, 1931. 2 pp., French, manuscript, postcard.

No. 3 => Cher Maître. Rome, October 13, 1931. 3 pp., French, manuscript.

No. 4 => Cher Maître. Rome, December 12, 1931. 4 pp., French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 600

G. Levi della Vida to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II.

No. 5 => Cher Maître. Rome, January 2, 1932. 3 pp., French, manuscript.

No. 6 => Cher Maître. Rome, January 10, 1932. 3 pp., French, manuscript. Answered by CSH on January 14,


No. 7 => Cher Maître. Rome, January 21, 1932. 4 pp., French, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 8 => Cher Maître. Rome, January 31, 1932. 3 pp., French, manuscript.

No. 9 => Cher Maître. Rome, April 23, 1932. 6 pp., French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 601

G. Levi della Vida to C. Snouck Hurgronje. III.

No. 10 => Cher Maître. Rome, January 3, 1934. 4 pp., French, manuscript.

No. 11 => Cher Maître. Rome, April 26, 1935. 17 pp., French, manuscript.

No. 12 => Cher Maître. Rome, July 7, 1935. 7 pp., French, manuscript.

No. 13 => Mon cher Maître. Rome, December 28, 1935. 4 pp., French, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

February 26, 1936.

No. 14 => Mon cher Maître. Rome, March 2, 1936. 5 pp., French, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 602

Lezwijn & Eigeman (bank) to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

No. 1 => No addressing. ‘Nota’, Leiden, April 14, 1917. 1 p., Dutch, print and manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 603

C.R. Lias to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

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No. 1 => Dear Sir. Rome, April 16, 1931. 3 pp., English, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 604

Christien Liefrinck-Snouck Hurgronje to E. Gobée

No. 1 => Beste mijnheer Gobée. The Hague, July 1, 1951. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Pijper,

edition Adviezen. Added: envelope.

See also the addition in Or. 8952 A 608, No. 19, below

Or. 8952 A 605

F.A. Liefrinck to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I

No. 1 => Waarde Heer. Batavia, August 30, 1906. 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on December

14, 1906. Added: envelope (Laurens Reaalstraat 2, The Hague).

No. 2 => Waarde Heer. Batavia, December 27, 1906. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on February

4, 1907. Added: envelope (Laurens Reaelstraat 2, The Hague).

No. 3 => Waarde Heer. Batavia, March 23, 1907. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on May 26, 1907.

Added: envelope (Witte Singel 84a).

No. 4 => Waarde Heer. Batavia, June 30, 1907. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on September 7,

1907. Added: envelope (Witte Singel 84a, forwarded to Pension Strich-Chapell, Blumenstrasse 27, Stuttgart).

No. 5 => Waarde Heer. Batavia, September 26, 1907. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

November 14, 1907. Added: envelope (Witte Singel 84a).

Or. 8952 A 606

F.A. Liefrinck to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II

No. 6 => Waarde Heer. Batavia, January 28, 1908. 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on February

28, 1908. Added: envelope (Witte Singel 84a). Added: page from Java-Bode (Eerste Bijvoegsel) of Saturday

November 23, 1907, containing several articles, among which also ‘Hoe beschaafd Nederland in de twintigste

eeuw vrede en orde schept op Atjeh door Wekker, Oud-marechaussee-officier van het Ned. Oost-Indisch-


No. 7 => Waarde Heer. Batavia, March 25, 1908. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on April 30,

1908. Added: envelope (Witte Singel 84a, forwarded to Kernerplatz 2II, Stuttgart).

No. 8 => Waarde Heer. Nongki - Djadjar, August 19, 1908. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

November 27, 1908. Added: envelope (Witte Singel 84a).

No. 9 => Waarde Heer. Batavia, October 29, 1908. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on November

27, 1908. Added: envelope (Witte Singel 84a).

Or. 8952 A 607

F.A. Liefrinck to C. Snouck Hurgronje. III

No. 10 => Waarde Heer. Batavia, February 7, 1909. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on April 17,

1909. Added: envelope (Witte Singel 84a).

No. 11 => Waarde Heer. Kotaradja, March 22, 1909. 8 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on April 21,

1909. Added: envelope (wax seal FAL, forwarded to Kernerstrasse 47III, Stuttgart).

No. 12 => Waarde Heer. Langsa, June 10, 1909. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on July 12, 1909.

Added: envelope (wax seal FAL, Witte Singel).

No. 13 => Waarde Heer. Batavia, August 12, 1909. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH on September

12, 1909. Added: envelope (Witte Singel 84a).

No. 14 => Waarde Heer. Batavia, April 2, 1910. 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope (wax seal FAL,

Witte Singel 84a).

No. 15 => Waarde Heer. Bangil, August 11, 1910. 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

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Or. 8952 A 608

F.A. Liefrinck to C. Snouck Hurgronje. IV

No. 16 => Waarde Heer. The Hague, January 12, 1913. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope (Witte Singel


No. 17 => Waarde Heer. The Hague, December 24, 1913. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 18 => Waarde Heer. The Hague, October 27, 1917. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 19 => Waarde Heer. Amsterdam, September 26, 1918. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: business card of

Christien Snouck Hurgronje and husband Erik Liefrinck which must date from much later than 1918: ‘De

Heer en Mevrouw Liefrinck-Snouck Hurgronje | Le Monastère | Avenue Halphen | Ville d’Avray (S. et O.)’.

Added: envelope (Witte Singel 84a).

Or. 8952 A 609

O.J.H. Graaf van Limburg Stirum to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer. The Hague, April 19, 1887. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope. Added:

Printed invitation to an exhibition of the ethnographical collection of sender, dated April 24, 1887.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Heer. The Hague, April 30, 1887. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 610

Siebold van der Linde to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Professor. Madioen, November 11, 1929. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Over Brieven

wedono pensioen.

Or. 8952 A 611

C. te Lintum to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggel. Heer. Scheveningen, June 28, 1922. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 612

Lissabon. L’Institut Colonial International to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Lissabon, 1933. 1 p., French, printed text, picture postcard (Lisboa, Panorama). Invitation

Or. 8952 A 613

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. I

No. 1 => Hochverehrter, Lieber alter Freund. Hamburg, n.d. (but later than demise Nöldeke, Wellhausen). 3

pp., German, manuscript.

No. 2 => Hooggeachte Heer Collega. Strassburg, January 17, 1907. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript, postcard.

No. 3 => Sehr geehrter Herr College. Strassburg, December 12, 1907. 4 pp., German, manuscript. Added:


No. 4 => Sehr geehrter Herr College. Strassburg, January 12, 1908. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 5 => Hochverehrter Herr Kollege. Strassburg, February 22, 1908. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

Or. 8952 A 614

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. II

No. 6 => Hochgeehrter Herr Kollege. Strassburg, May 19, 1909. 4 pp., German, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 7 => Hochverehrter Herr Kollege. Strassburg, December 20, 1909. 4 pp., German, manuscript. Added:


No. 8 => Hochgeehrter Herr Kollege. Oldenburg, April 1, 1910. 4 pp., German, manuscript. Answered by CSH

on April 4, 1910. Added: envelope.

No. 9 => Waarde Heer Collega. Strassburg, April 11, 1910. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 10 => Hochverehrter Herr Kollege. Strassburg, June 6, 1910. 4 pp., German, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Page 468: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 11 => Hooggeachte Heer Kollega. Oldenburg, September 11, 1910. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript, picture

postcard (Aus der Heide | bei Fallingbostel).

No. 12 => Hochverehrter und lieber Herr Kollege. Strassburg, September 23, 1910. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 615

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. III

No. 13 => Hochverehrter Herr Kollege. Cairo, January 17, 1911. 4 pp., German, manuscript. Answered by CSH

on January 23, 1911. Added: envelope.

No. 14 => H.H.C. Cairo, February 7, 1911 (sender mistakenly wrote 1910). 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 15 => Hochverehrter und lieber Herr Kollege. Cairo, February 10, 1911. 2 pp., German, manuscript,


No. 16 => L. u. h.H.K. Cairo, February 24, 1911. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 17 => L.H.K. Cairo, March 1, 1911. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

Or. 8952 A 616

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. IV

No. 18 => L.H.K. Cairo, March 26, 1911. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 19 => L.H.K. Cairo, April 16, 1911. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 20 => L.H.K. Cairo, April 22, 1911. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 21 => Lieber und hochverehrter Herr Kollege. Strassburg, June 25, 1911. 16 pp., German, manuscript.

Answered by CSH on July 6, 1911. Added: envelope.

No. 22 => Lieber und hochverehrter Herr Kollege. Strassburg, July 13, 1911. 3 pp., German, manuscript.

Answered by CSH on July 14, 1911. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 617

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. V

No. 23 => L.u.h.H.K. Strassburg, July 15, 1911. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. Forwarded to Ds. Oort,

Lange Hofstraat, Zutphen.

No. 24 => Hochverehrter und lieber Herr Kollege. Strassburg, July 25, 1911. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

Added: envelope (Uhlandstrasse 8 pt., Stuttgart).

No. 25 => H.u.l.H.K. Bremen, August 12, 1911. 1 p., German, manuscript, picture postcard (Strasse im


No. 26 => H.u.l.H.K. Princeton, August 23, 1911. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 27 => Hochverehrter Herr Kollege. Strassburg, November 2, 1911. 4 pp., German, manuscript. Added:


No. 28 => Hochverehrter und lieber Herr Kollege. Oldenburg, December 24, 1911. 3 pp., German, manuscript.

Answered by CSH on December 25, 1911. Added: newspaper cutting from Algemeen Handelsblad of

December 21, 1911, with fait divers. Also added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 618

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VI

No. 29 => Hooggeachte Heer Kollega. Strassburg, January 22, 1912. 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by

CSH on January 24, 1912. Added: envelope.

No. 30 => Hooggeachte Heer Kollega. Cairo (?), February 4, 1912. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript (Stationary:

‘Oesterreichische Lloyd. Triest.’). Added: envelope.

No. 31 => Lieber und hochverehrter Herr Kollege. Cairo, March 11, 1912. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 32 => Hochverehrter und lieber Herr Kollege. Cairo, April 1, 1912. 3 pp., German, manuscript. Added:

envelope (Athens, University, Congrès International des Orienalistes). Prince Fouad, Ahmed Zaki.

No. 33 => L.u.h.H.K. Cairo, April 26, 1912. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

Page 469: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8952 A 619

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VII

No. 34 => H.H.K. Herrenalb, August 6, 1912. 1 p., German, manuscript, picture postcard (Herrenalb). Nöldeke.

No. 35 => H.H.K. Strassburg, August 11, 1912. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 36 => H.H.K. Oldenburg, August 15, 1912. 1 p., German, manuscript, picture postcard (portrait Julius


No. 37 => Hooggeachte en waarde Collega. Oldenburg, August 20, 1912. 3 pp., German, manuscript. Added:


No. 38 => No addressing. Allerheiligen (Doppenau?), September 30, 1912. 1 p., German, manuscript (pencil).

Signed by sender and also by Th. Nöldeke with date September 30, 1912. Picture postcard (Ruinen des

Klosters Allerheiligen).

No. 39 => Yā muʿallimī al-Muḥtaram (in Arabic script). Strassburg, October 10, 1912. 4 pp., German,

manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 40 => No addressing. Lugano, October 21, 1912. 1 p., German, manuscript, picture postcard (Lago di

Lugano. Gandria).

Or. 8952 A 620

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. VIII

No. 41 => Hochverehrter Herr Kollege und Freund. Oldenburg, January 4, 1913. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

Answered by CSH on January 6, 1913. Added: envelope.

No. 42 => Hochverehrter und lieber Herr Kollege. Strassburg, March 7, 1913. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

Added: envelope.

No. 43 => H.u.l.H.K. Smyrna, April 12, 1913. 1 p., German, manuscript, picture postcard (Smyrne, chameaux


No. 44 => Hochverehrter Herr Kollege. Strassburg, May 26, 1913. 3 pp., German, manuscript. Added:


Or. 8952 A 621

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. IX

No. 45 => Hochverehrter Freund. Oldenburg, August 3, 1914. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 46 => Lieber und Hochverehrter Freund. Göttingen, September 10, 1914. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

Added: envelope.

No. 47 => Hochverehrter Freund. Göttingen, September 15, 1914. 6 pp., German, manuscript. Added: 2

newpaper cutting: war news. Also added: envelope.

No. 48 => Hochverehrter Freund. Oldenburg, December 30, 1915. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 49 => Hochverehrter Freund. Berlin, May 9, 1916. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. Received by CSH

on May 13, 1916.

No. 50 => Verehrter Freund. Berlin, May 23, 1916. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 51 => Hochverehrter Freund. Berlin, October 2, 1916. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 622

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. X

No. 52 => Hochverehrter Freund. Oldenburg, April 11, 1917. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 53 => Hochverehrter Freund. Berlin, May 23, 1917. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 54 => Hochverehrter Freund. Berlin, September 13, 1917. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 55 => Hochverehrter Freund. Berlin, September 27, 1917. 3 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 56 => Hochverehrter Freund. Berlin, January 7, 1918. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard. Demise of

Julius Wellhausen.

No. 57 => Verehrter Freund. Berlin, June 23, 1918. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

Page 470: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Or. 8952 A 623

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XI

No. 58 => Verehrter Freund. Bonn, March 2, 1919. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 59 => Verehrter Freund. Bonn, March 3, 1919. 3 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 60 => Lieber Freund. Bonn, March 17, 1919. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 61 => Lieber Freund. Bonn, April 14, 1919. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 62 => Lieber Freund. Oldenburg, April 23, 1919. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 624

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XII

No. 63 => L.Fr. Bonn, June 4, 1919. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 64 => L.Fr. Oldenburg, August 24, 1919. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 65 => Lieber Freund. Oldenburg, August 28, 1919. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 66 => Lieber Freund. Oldenburg, September 14, 1919. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 67 => Lieber Freund. Bonn, December 14, 1919. 4 pp., German, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

December 28, 1919.

Or. 8952 A 625

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XIII

No. 68 => Lieber Freund. Bonn, February 9, 1920. 3 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 69 => Lieber Freund. Bonn, March 22, 1920. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 70 => L.Fr. Bonn, April 27, 1920. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 71 => L.Fr. Bonn, July 8, 1920. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 72 => Lieber Freund. Bonn, July 8, 1920. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 73 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Karlsruhe, August 15, 1920. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 74 => Lieber Freund. Bonn, December 8, 1920. 4 pp., German, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

December 12, 1920.

No. 75 => Lieber Freund. Bonn, December 15, 1920. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 626

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XIV

No. 76 => Lieber Freund. Bonn, March 20, 1921 (Leiden library incorrectly has January instead of March). 2

pp., German, manuscript.

No. 77 => Lieber Freund. Bonn, May 4, 1921. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 78 => Lieber Freund. Bonn, May 27, 1921. 3 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 79 => Lieber Freund. Tübingen, January 14, 1923. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 80 => Lieber Freund. Tübingen, n.d., 1923. 4 pp., German, manuscript. Answered by CSH on October 20,


Or. 8952 A 627

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XV

No. 81 => Lieber Freund. Tübingen, July 22, 1924. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 82 => L.Fr. Tübingen, August 12, 1924. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 83 => Lieber Freund. Tübingen, June 21, 1925. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 84 => Lieber Freund. Tübingen, October 31, 1925. 2 pp., German, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

November 2, 1925.

No. 85 => Lieber Freund. Tübingen, February 16, 1926. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 86 => Lieber Freund. Tübingen, August 20, 1926. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 87 => Lieber Freund. Tübingen, September 14, 1926. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

Page 471: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 88 => Lieber Freund. Tübingen, October 27, 1926. 4 pp., German, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

December 13, 1926.

Or. 8952 A 628

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XVI

No. 89 => Lieber Freund. Tübingen, April 28, 1927. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 90 => Lieber Freund. Tübingen, May 31, 1927. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 91 => Lieber Freund. Tübingen, August 21, 1927. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 92 => L.Fr. Tübingen, September 8, 1927. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 93 => L.Fr. Baltimore, November 30, 1927. 1 pp., German, manuscript, picture postcard (Madison Hall,

Princeton University).

Or. 8952 A 629

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XVII

No. 94 => Lieber Freund. Tübingen, November 17, 1928. 4 pp., German, manuscript. Answered by CSH on

November 24, 1928.

No. 95 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Karlsruhe, November 30, 1928. 2 pp., German, manuscript.


No. 96 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. On board Italia, February 4, 1929. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 97 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Cairo, March 10, 1929. 2 pp., German, manuscript. Added:

newspaper cutting: ‘Un opérateur de cinema réussit à filmer le pélerinage musulman à La Mecque’ [dit

moet de film van Krugers zijn]; Arabic text about the burning down of Leiden townhall, weith photograph;

S. Spiro Bey, ‘The Moslem Pilgrimage’ in The Egyptian Mail, February 23, 1929; ‘Al Balach. Le chômage

constitute en Egypte un danger social qu’il n’est pas difficile d’enrayer’.

No. 98 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Cairo, April 2, 1929. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 630

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XVIII

No. 99 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Tübingen, March 4, 1930. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 100 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Bad Wildungen, August 27, 1930. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 101 => Lieber Freund. Tübingen, December 25, 1930. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 631

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XIX

No. 102 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Tübingen, March 16, 1931. 2 pp., German, manuscript. Added: 2

paper fragments, one in the hand of Böhtlingk (Jakutische Grammatik?).

No. 103 => Lieber und hochverehrter Freund. Tübingen, April 6, 1931. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 104 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Tübingen, May 14, 1931. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 105 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Tübingen, May 23, 1931. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 106 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Tübingen, July 13, 1931. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

Or. 8952 A 632

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XX

No. 107 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Wildungen, August 14, 1931. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 108 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Oldenburg, August 27, 1931. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 109 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Tübingen, October 7, 1931. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

Answered by CSH on December 13, 1931.

No. 110 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Tübingen, February 8, 1932. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

Answered by CSH on February 9, 1932.

No. 111 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Tübingen, April 30, 1932. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

Page 472: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 112 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Wildungen, August 15, 1932. 4 pp., German, manuscript. Added:

newspaper cutting: ‘Michael Auspitz, Das Rätsel der Legendenstadt Mabar’ [source not indicated]. Also

added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 633

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XXI

No. 113 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Cairo, February 22, 1934. 4 pp., German, manuscript. Added:


No. 114 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Wildungen, August 25, 1934. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 115 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Tübingen, October 5, 1934. 4 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 116 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Cairo, March 15, 1935. 4 pp., German, manuscript. Added: 3

newspaper cuttings with photographs and captions in Arabic: Sheepmarket Bab al-Khalq (ʿĪd al-Aḍḥāʾ);

Madame Venezelos and Hitler; Hitler listening at French ambassador François Ponsier.

No. 117 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Cairo, March 31, 1935. 2 pp., German, manuscript, postcard.

No. 118 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Tübingen, July 8, 1935. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

No. 119 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Tübingen, September 14, 1935. 2 pp., German, manuscript.

Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 634

Enno Littmann to C. Snouck Hurgronje. XXII

No. 120 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Cairo, January 26, 1936. 3 pp., German, manuscript. Added:


No. 121 => Hochverehrter und lieber Freund. Cairo, January 31, 1936. 3 pp., German, manuscript. Added:


No. 122 => Lieber Freund. Tübingen, March 26, 1936. 2 pp., German, manuscript. Answered by CSH on April

8, 1936. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 635

Oscar Löfgren to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Dear Professor. London, July 30, 1930. 1 p., English, manuscript, picture postcard (British Museum

Or. 4535, f. 60b: Joseph being drawn up from the pit).

No. 2 => No addressing. Uppsala, December 23, 1935. 1 p., German, manuscript, picture postcard (Uppsala,

Finn Malgrens Staty).

Or. 8952 A 636

London. International Congress of Historical Studies (April 3-9, 1913) to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Dear Sir. London, n.d (1912). 1 p., English, printed invitation.

No. 2 => Dear Sir. London, November 4, 1912. 2 pp., English, manuscript. Signed by L.W. King. Added:


No. 3 => Dear Sir. London, November 23, 1912. 1 p., English, manuscript. Signed by L.W. King. Added:

postcard from N. Caland to CSH, Utrecht, November 28, 1912.

No. 4 => Dear Sir. London, December 4, 1912. 2 pp., English, manuscript. Added: Letter T.J. de Boer to CSH,

Amsterdam, December 1, 1912. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript; and postcard from the same to CSH, Amsterdam,

December 2, 1912.

Or. 8952 A 637

H.P. de Looff to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Den Hooggeleerden Heer Professor. Vlissingen, March 23, 1927. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. On the

verso CSH has written the Arabic text of a letter from the Imam of Yemen to Mr. de Looff, dated 13 Sha`ban


Page 473: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 2 => Hooggeleerde Heer. Vlissingen, March 24, 1927. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 638

F.J. de Lostalot to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Monsieur. Pau, August 18, 1885. 4 pp., French, manuscript. Added: envelope (Monsieur | Monsieur le

Dr. Snouck-Hurgronje | à Djeddah. | Mer Rouge)

Or. 8952 A 639

J. de Louter to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Geachte collega. Hilversum, June 28, 1929. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 640

`Abd al-Hamid Loutfi to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Cher Professeur. Cairo, January 8, 1910. 8 pp., French, manuscript. Answered by CSH on February 6,

1910. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 641

J.D. Luciani to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Monsieur. Algiers, January 28, 1904. 1 p., French, manuscript. Added: business card ‘J.D. Luciani,

Conseiller Rapporteur Adjoint. Directeur des Affaires indigènes au Gouvernement Général’. Answered by

CSH on March 17, 1904.

No. 2 => Très honoré maître. Algiers, February 2, 1915. 3 pp., French, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 3 => Cher monsieur. Algiers, July 2, 1915. 3 pp., French, manuscript. Added: envelope.

Or. 8952 A 642

C.J. Lyall to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => No addressing, n.p., n.d. Preprinted Christmas and New Year card. 2 pp., English, printed, signature

of sender.

No. 2 => No addressing, n.p., n.d. Preprinted Christmas and New Year card. 2 pp., English, printed, signature

of sender.

No. 3 => No addressing, n.p., n.d. Preprinted Christmas and New Year card. 2 pp., English, printed, signature

of sender.

Or. 8952 A 643

S. Lykles to C. Snouck Hurgronje

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Reisgenoot. Groningen, January 24, 1907. 5 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Answered by CSH

on January 27, 1907. Added: envelope

Or. 8952 A 644

E. van Deventer-Maat to C. Snouck Hurgronje

Sender is the widow of C.Th. van Deventer, for whose letters see Or. 8952 A 253 – A 264, above.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck. The hague (?), December 1, 1915. 7 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 645

K. van der Maaten to C. Snouck Hurgronje I

And related materials.

No. 1 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Lam Njong, December 24, 1900. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript,

drawings. Answered by CSH on December 24, 1900. Added: envelope (Djambi, or Palembang, forwarded to


No. 2 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck. Sigli, January 20, 1905. 5 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Page 474: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

No. 3 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck. Sigli, January 29, 1905. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added: envelope.

No. 3bis => Draft by K. van der Maaten (?) of an official letter to be written by CSH, The Hague 1906,

expressing his wish to be presented to the Queen of the Netherlands, and her husband, the Prince.

No. 4 => Letter from K. van der Maaten to Jhr. F.M.L. van Geen, private secretary to the Queen. Dated

Nijmegen, July 2, 1906. 11 + 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 5 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Nijmegen, July 6, 1906. 12 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added:


Or. 8952 A 646

K. van der Maaten to C. Snouck Hurgronje II

And related materials.

No. 6 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Nijmegen, July 7, 1906. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added:

Letter (vertrouwelijk, confidential) from jhr F.M.L. van Geen to K. van der Maaten. Het Loo, July 6, 1906. 4

pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 7 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Nijmegen, July 17, 1906. 6 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 8 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Nijmegen, August 12, 1906. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

No. 9 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Nijmegen, August 16, 1906. 1 p., Dutch, manuscript. Added:

Telegram from Van Geen to Van der Maaten, August 16, 1906. Dutch, 1 p., manuscript.

No. 10 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck. Nijmegen, August 23, 1906. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript, postcard.

Or. 8952 A 647

K. van der Maaten to C. Snouck Hurgronje III

No. 11 => Hooggeachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Nijmegen, September 5, 1906. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Added: envelope.

No. 12 => Zeer Geachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Nijmegen, September 13, 1906. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Added: envelope.

No. 13 => Geachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Nijmegen, September 27, 1906. 4 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added:


No. 14 => Geachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Nijmegen, November 28, 1906. 3 pp., Dutch, manuscript. Added:


No. 15 => Geachte Heer Snouck Hurgronje. Nijmegen, December 19, 1906. 2 pp., Dutch, manuscript.

Or. 8952 A 804

(1) Letter in Malay from Panglima Polem, dated Kuta Raja 11 Ramaḍān 1328 (1910), 1 sheet folded once, 4

pp., 33.4 x 21.1 cm, text on pp. 1, 3, with envelope addressed to C. Snouck Hurgronje. Text written by a

secretary, signature, with seal, by sender.

(2) Letter in Malay from Panglima Polem, dated 6 Shawwāl 1328 (1910), 1 sheet folded once, 4 pp., 33.4 x

21.1 cm, text on p. 1, with envelope addressed to C. Snouck Hurgronje. Text written by a secretary,

signature, with seal, by sender.

Robert Travers Herford

Letter from Robert Travers Herford (1860-1950) to C. Snouck Hurgronje.

See Or. 8952 A 420, above, where the surname is incorrectly given as R. Haven Herford.

Or. 8952 A 1117 – A 112715

Letters from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī.

15 The here following notes on the letters from al-Zawāwī to Snouck Hurgronje were made by me before 2005. They are

probably not complete and need correction and updating.

Page 475: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated Singapore 14 Rabīʿ I 1312 (15

September 1894), to al-ḥāǧǧī ʿAbd al-Ghaffār Efendi (= C. Snouck Hurgronje) in Batavia.16

One sheet of paper, 2 pp., 25.8 x 28.8 cm, text on p. 1, written in ink, autograph. With envelope, addressed:

The letter was apparently delivered by Raden . بتاوى. فضيلتلو افندم حضرتلرى جناب الحاجى عبد الغفار حفظه الله آمين

Aboe Bakar..

* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated Tenggarong Kutei, 1 Raǧab Rabīʿ I

1312 / 28 December 1894, to al-ḥāǧǧī ʿAbd al-Ghaffār (= C. Snouck Hurgronje) in Batavia.

One sheet of paper, 2 pp., 34 x 21 cm, text on p. 1, written in ink untill the signature; the postscript was

written in pencil, autograph.

* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated Kutei, 3 Shaʿbān 1312 / 29 January

1895 (30 January 1895), to al-ḥāǧǧī ʿAbd al-Ghaffār (= C. Snouck Hurgronje) in Batavia.

One sheet of paper, 4 pp., 21 x 13.5 cm, text on p. 1, written in ink, autograph. With envelope, with mention of

addressee: ‘Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronje. Batavia’ and ‘franco’. Sealed with red wax. A stamp or original

postmark was cut out. Snouck Hurgronje has written on the envelope: ‘beantw.’ Postmark: Weltevreden


* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated Bandar Riau, 28 Ramaḍān 1312 (25

March 1895), to al-ḥāǧǧī ʿAbd al-Ghaffār (= C. Snouck Hurgronje) in Batavia.

Two numbered sheets of paper, 4 pp., 26.2 x 20.2 cm, text on pp. 1, 3, written in ink, autograph. With

envelope, with mention of addressee: ‘Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronje. Batavia’. A stamp or original postmark was

cut out. Snouck Hurgronje has written on the envelope: ‘beantw.’ Postmarks: Riouw (28.3.1895), Agent

Singapore (29.3.1895), Batavia (2.4.1895), Weltevreden (2.4.1895).

* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated 6 Dhū al-Ḥiǧǧa 1312 (31 May 1895)

without mention of place, to al-ḥāǧǧ ʿAbd al-Ghaffār (= C. Snouck Hurgronje) in Batavia.

One sheet of paper, 2 pp., 25.7 x 20.8 cm, text on p. 1, written in ink, autograph. With envelope, with

mention of addressee: ‘بتاوى. جناب الفاضل حضرة الحاج عبد الغفار. حفظه الله آمين’.

* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated Singapore 17 Dhū al-Ḥiǧǧa 1312 (11

June 1895), to al-ḥāǧǧ ʿAbd al-Ghaffār (= C. Snouck Hurgronje) in Batavia.

One sheet of paper, 4 pp., 20.9 x 12.9 cm, text on pp. 1-2, written in ink, autograph. With envelope, with

mention of addressee: ‘Kapada njang terhormat Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronje Esqu. di Batavia’. Postmarks:

Singapore (Ju 11 95), Agent Singapore (11.6.1895), Weltevreden (13.6.1895).

* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated Singapore 26 Dhū al-Ḥiǧǧa [1312]

/ 19 June [1895] (20 June 1895), to al-ḥāǧǧ ʿAbd al-Ghaffār (= C. Snouck Hurgronje) in Batavia.

One sheet of paper, 2 pp., 25.8 x 20.8 cm, text on p. 1, written in ink, autograph. With envelope, with

mention of addressee: ‘Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronje at Batavia’. Postmarks: Singapore (Ju 19 95) and Alsagoff &

Co., Batavia (22.6.1895), Weltevreden (22.6.1895).

* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated Pontianak, 20 Muḥarram 1313 (13

July 1895), to al-ḥāǧǧ ʿAbd al-Ghaffār (= C. Snouck Hurgronje) in Batavia.

One sheet of paper, 4 pp., 20.9 x 12.9 cm, text on pp. 1 and 4, written in ink, autograph. With envelope, with

mention of addressee: ‘Kapada njang terhormat Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronye. di Batavia’. Postmarks: Pontianak

(16.7.1895), Batavia (25.7.1895), Weltevreden (25.7.1895).

* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated Singapore 8 Ṣafar 1313 (31 July

1895), to al-ḥāǧǧ ʿAbd al-Ghaffār (= C. Snouck Hurgronje) in Batavia.

One sheet of paper, 2 pp., 26 x 21 cm, text on p. 1, written in ink, autograph. With envelope, with mention of

addressee: ‘Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronya. Batavia’. Postmarks: Singapore (Jy 31 95) and Alsagoff & Co.,

Weltevreden (8.8.1895).

* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated Singapore 22 Ṣafar 1313 (14

August 1895), to al-ḥāǧǧ ʿAbd al-Ghaffār (= C. Snouck Hurgronje) in Batavia.

16 Geographical names mentioned in the letter, in order of first appearance: Singapore, Batavia, Riau, Pantiana (=

Pontianak), Deli, Asahan, Java, India, al-Ḥiǧāz.

Page 476: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

One sheet of paper, 2 pp., 27.1 x 20.6 cm, text on p. 1, written in ink, autograph. With envelope, with mention

of addressee: ‘Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronya. Batavia’. Postmarks: Singapore (Aug 19 95) and Alsagoff & Co.,

Weltevreden (22.8.1895).

* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated Garut 20 September 1895, to C.

Snouck Hurgronje in Batavia.

One sheet of paper, 4 pp., 20.8 x 13.7 cm, text on pp. 1-2, written in ink, autograph. With envelope, with

mention of addressee: ‘Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronje. Batavia Welt.’. Postmarks: Bandoeng (19 9 1895),

Weltevreden (20.9.1895).

* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated Cianjur 11 Rabīʿ II 1313 (1 October

1895), to al-ḥāǧǧ ʿAbd al-Ghaffār (= C. Snouck Hurgronje) in Batavia.

One sheet of paper, 4 pp., 20.9 x 13.4 cm, text on p. 1, written in ink, autograph. With envelope, with mention

of addressee: ‘Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronja. Batavia’. Postmarks: Tjiandjoer (date illegible), Weltevreden


* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated Bogor 6 October 1895, to al-ḥāǧǧ

ʿAbd al-Ghaffār (= C. Snouck Hurgronje) (in Batavia?).

One sheet of paper, 4 pp., 21.5 x 13.4 cm, text on p. 1, written in ink, autograph. With envelope, with mention

of addressee: ‘حضره توان سنوك حفظه آمين’. Not sent by mail. Snouck Hurgronje has written on the envelope:

‘Sayyid Zawawi October ’95’.

* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated Cipanas 28 Rabīʿ II 1313 (17

October 1895), to C. Snouck Hurgronje in Batavia.

One sheet of paper, 4 pp., 21.3 x 13.4 cm, text on p. 1, written in ink, autograph. With envelope, with mention

of addressee: ‘Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronje. Batavia Welt.’ Postmarks: Tji-badak (without date), Weltevreden


* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, to al-ḥāǧǧ Ḥasan Muṣṭafā, panghulu of

Bandung, written shortly before the al-Zawāwī’s letter of 29 Rabīʿ II 1313 (18 October 1895), to C. Snouck

Hurgronje, since the present letter is mentioned in al-Zawāwī’s letter to Snouck Hurgronje. Al-Zawāwī’s

letter to Snouck Hurgronje contains a mechanically made copy of the present letter.

One sheet of paper, 2 pp., 27 x 21.3 cm, text on p. 1, written in ink, autograph.

* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated Sukabumi 29 Rabīʿ II 1313 (18

October 1895), to C. Snouck Hurgronje in Batavia.

One sheet of paper, 4 pp., 21.3 x 13.4 cm, text on pp. 1-2, written in ink, autograph. Added is a mechanically

made copy of the previously mentioned letter from al-Zawāwī to al-ḥāǧǧ Ḥasan Muṣṭafā, panghulu of

Bandung, which was written shortly before the present letter. With envelope, with mention of addressee:

‘Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronyi. Batavia’ Postmarks: Soekaboemi (18.10.1895), Weltevreden (18.10.1895).

* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated 2 Ǧumādā I [1313] (20 October

1895), and by the envelope at Weltevreden 21 October 1895, to C. Snouck Hurgronje in Batavia.

One sheet of paper, 4 pp., 21.6 x 13.5 cm, text on p. 1, written in ink, autograph. With envelope, with mention

of addressee: ‘Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronje. Batavia Welt.’ Postmark: Weltevreden (21.10.1895).

* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated Tuesday 18 Ǧumādā I [1313] (6

November 1895), and by the envelope at Buitenzorg 6 November 1895, to C. Snouck Hurgronje in


One sheet of paper (blind stamp: ‘Angelique Mill’), 4 pp., 20.7 x 12.9 cm, text on p. 1, written in ink,

autograph. With envelope, with mention of addressee: ‘gang ter Moelya. Dr Snuck Horgronja di Parapatan

Weltevreden’. Postmarks: Buitenzorg (6.11.1895), Weltevreden (6.11.1895).

* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated Saturday 22 Ǧumādā I [1313] (10

November 1895), and by the envelope at Buitenzorg 10 November 1895, to C. Snouck Hurgronje in Batavia.

Followed by a postscript of early in the morning of Sunday 11 November 1895.

One sheet of paper, 4 pp., 20.7 x 12.9 cm, text on pp. 1 and 4, written in ink, autograph. With envelope, with

mention of addressee: ‘franco. Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronje. Batavia’. Postmarks: Buitenzorg (10.11.1895),

Weltevreden (10.11.1895).

Page 477: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated Sukabumi 3 Ǧumādā II 1313 / 21

November 1895, to al-qāḍī al-ḥāǧǧ Ḥasan Muṣṭafā in Bandung.

One sheet of paper, 4 pp., 215 x 13.5 cm, text on p. 1, written in ink, autograph.

* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated Riau Penyengat 14 December

1895, to C. Snouck Hurgronje in Batavia.

One sheet of paper, 4 pp., 25.8 x 20.9 cm, text on p. 1, written in ink, autograph. With envelope, with

mention of addressee: ‘Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronje. Batavia’. Postmarks: Riouw (15.12.1895), Weltevreden


* Letter in Arabic from ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-Zawāwī, dated Singapore 14 Raǧab 1313 (31

December 1895), to C. Snouck Hurgronje in Batavia.

One sheet of paper, 4 pp., 25.9 x 20.9 cm, text on p. 1, written in ink, autograph. With envelope, with

mention of addressee: ‘ فاضل الحاج عبد الغفار حفظه >الله امين<بتاوى. يحظى بملاحظة عالى الجناب حضرة ال . Not sent by


Or. 8952 B 96

Gerret Pieter Rouffaer (1860-1928).

1 card, from CSH to GPR. Leiden, 15 January 1909. This card was added later, first came from Rouffaer’s

estate, then from the estate of G.W. Locher (1908-1997), and was then registered in the collection in


Or. 8952 D 3

Letter in Maghribi script, incorrectly identified by the Leiden cataloguer as being from ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-

Ǧazāʾirī [= Sī ʿAzīz]. No addressee mentioned. Comparison with the handwriting of Sī ʿAzīz b. al-

Ḥaddād shows that this letter is not written by Sī ʿAzīz. One sheet folded once, text on two pages. Some

notes (illegible, on the verso of the sheet). Dated at the end: October 18, 1887. Signed? Seen on the

online version. <https://digitalcollections.universiteitleiden.nl/view/item/1651637#page/1/mode/1up>

Or. 8952 D 180

(1) Letter in Malay from Tuanku Maḥmūd, Tuanku Raja Keumala and Panglima Polem, dated 22

Shawwāl 1327 (1909), 1 sheet folded once, 4 pp., 33.4 x 21.1 cm, text on p. 1, with envelope addressed to C.

Snouck Hurgronje. Text written by a secretary, signatures, with seals, by senders.

Tuanku Raja Keumala and Panglima Polem were brothers-in-law, the latter being married to the sister

of the former. The three senders sit for a group portrait, together with Captain H. Colijn, in

Lhokseumawe, Aceh, after their submission to the Dutch on September 6, 1903 (original photograph in

Collection Defensie Voorlichtingscentrum, The Hague, object No. 2067_003).

(2) Letter in Malay from Tuanku Maḥmūd, Tuanku Raja Keumala and Panglima Polem, dated Ṣafar 1328

(1910), 1 sheet folded once, 4 pp., 33.4 x 21.1 cm, text on p. 1, with envelope addressed to C. Snouck

Hurgronje. Text written by a secretary, signatures, with seals, by senders.

End of the C. Snouck Hurgronje Archive.

Or. 8953

Balinese, palm leaf.

Tax paper (‘aanslagbiljet’) for Subak contribution.

Provenance: Presented to the library by Dr. Kwee Swan Liat, 1959.

(Lont. 632)

Or. 8954 - Or. 8960

Collection of Arabic (and one Javanese) manuscripts, formerly belonging to the Islam Foundation in Leiden.

When that Foundation (‘Islam Stichting’) was liquidated, the manuscripts were transferred on October 10,

1959, to the Leiden library. The then interpres Legati Warneriani, G.W.J. Drewes (1899-1993) was also

Page 478: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

president of the Islam Foundation. The manuscripts had earlier been referred to in Voorhoeve’s Handlist as

‘Isl. Inst.’, followed by a number. Voorhoeve (Handlist, p. xviii) calls it Institute of Islamic Studies,

Rapenburg 61, Leiden. See the references in Handlist, p. 618. Other manuscripts which belonged to the Islam

Foundation are MSS Leiden Or. 10.995 - Or. 10.999, and MSS Leiden Or. 11.001 – Or. 11.004, below). Earlier

provenances are not known.

Or. 8954 (formerly Isl. Inst. 1)

Arabic, paper, 194 ff., naskh script, illumination, dated 12 Dhu al-Qa`da 1203 (1789 AD), or 1123 (1712 AD), but

there is also a reference to the Turkish calendar cycle takhaqu’il (year of the fowl), copied by Ibn Talib Musa

al-Astarabadi in Astarabad (Gurgan, Iran, colophon on f. 194b).

Qur’an, full text.

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 277.

Provenance: Former Islam Stichting, Leiden, 1959.

(Ar. 3239)

Or. 8955 (formerly Isl. Inst. 2)

Arabic, European laid paper, [1] + 348 ff., 31.8 x 21 cm, fully vocalized Indonesian Naskh script, black ink with

rubrication and use of yellow ink (for Sura headings, Aya dividers, some marginal indications, frame), 15

lines to the page, entire text set within a complex frame (red, black), regular quires of 5 sheets,

Illuminations: ff. 1b-2a, 167b-168a, 342b-343a have double-page illuminations, marking the beginning, the

middle and end of the text respectively. In addition, there are marginal illuminations, marking the

beginning of the Guz’. The illuminations contain ordinal numerals, aya dividers usually in a yellow circle,

but red is used in order to indicate the divisions of each Guz’ (full Guz’, half Guz’, quarter Guz’, eighth Guz’),

catchwords at the bottom of each verso page, full-leather Islamic binding with flap, with blind-tooled

ornamentation (frames, corner pieces, centre pieces, in the typical Indonesian fashion), on the outer side of

the flap a cartouche is stamped with text: الله محمد . No indication of date, origin or ownership.

f. [1]b. Several pen trials in different hands; f. 2a blank.

Ff. 1b-343a. Full text of the Qur’an. An illuminated copy from Aceh.

Ff. 343b-345a; ff. 345b-316b: pen trials.

f. 347a. Surat al-Nas (Qur’an 114).

ff. 347b-348a blank.

Earlier provenance: Slip of paper, possibly a cut-out from a sales catalogue, with text in French: ‘Koran avec

illuminures, manuscrit en noir et en rouge | reliure en cuir gauffré, provenant des XXII Moekims.’

Provenance: Former Islam Stichting, Leiden, 1959.

[* Ar. 3240]

Or. 8956 (formerly Isl. Inst. 3)

Arabic, paper, 30 pp., dated 1168 AH.

Dibaga, by Isma’il b. Ghunaym al-Gawhari (c. 1160/1747), GAL S II, 422. An abridgment of a work on the

Basmala by the same author. GAL mentions four works by him on this subject.

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 59.

Provenance: Former Islam Stichting, Leiden, 1959.

(Ar. 2976)

Or. 8957 (formerly Isl. Inst. 4)

Collective volume with text in Arabic,

(1) ff. 1b-30a. Anonymous treatise on logic, divided into a Muqaddima and five chapters (Bab). Beginning:

Bsml. Wabihi nastaʿīnu, Anwāʿ maḥāmid ʿaliyya. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 440.

Page 479: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

(2) ff. 31b-36b. Risala fi Tahqiq Aqsam al-Qiyas, without mention of author. Not dated. See Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 303.

Provenance: Former Islam Stichting, Leiden, 1959.

(Ar. 3241)

Or. 8958 (formerly Isl. Inst. 5)

Arabic, paper, 347 ff, naskh script, illuminations, full-leather Islamic binding, with blind tooled


Qur’an, full text. From Indonesia.

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 277.

Provenance: Former Islam Stichting, Leiden, 1959.

(Ar. 3242)

Or. 8959 (formerly Isl. Inst. 6)

Arabic, paper, 62 pp., first half of the 19th century?

Mawlid al-Bashir al-Nadhir, by Muhammad b. Muhammad b. `Ali b. Yusuf al-Gawzi (thus written, should be:

al-Gazari, d. 833/1429, GAL G II, 203, No. 17).

See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 277.

Provenance: Former Islam Stichting, Leiden, 1959.

(Ar. 3243)

Or. 8960 (formerly Isl. Inst. 7)

Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese, Javanese paper (dluang), 157 ff (f. 57 missing in

numbering, no lacuna), Arabic script (Indonesian naskh), except on f. 157r which has text in Javanese script,

a copy from Madura as is clear from the note on f. 156r about the death of panembahan adipati Cakraningrat

in Torjun in 1770 AD. Pigeaud II, p. 502, gives a short description of the Javanese parts in the volume. The

remnants only (back cover) of a full-leather Islamic binding with blind tooled ornamentation. A miniature

book (8.5 x 6.5 cm). Illustrations. The book is assumed to date from the 12th/18th century. The references to

Voorhoeve are to Isl. Inst. 7.

(1) ff. 1r-2r. Arabic. Quotations from the Qur’an. Not in Voorhoeve’s Handlist.

(1a) ff. 2v-5v. Arabic. Quotations from the Qur’an, apparently taken several different sura’s. Not in

Voorhoeve’s Handlist.

(2) ff. 5v-10v. Arabic. Sifat al-Nabi, or Sifat Rasul Allah (title on f. 10b) Anonymous, beginning with a Hadith

on the authority of `Ali b. Abi Talib. An amulet text bringing luck to the house in which it is kept. All known

copies are from Indonesia. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 336.

(3) ff. 10v-14v. Javanese. On the shaving of the Prophet Muhammad. See Pigeaud II, p. 502.

(4) ff. 14v-23v. An abridged version of Mawlid (or Mawlud) Sharaf al-Anam. Anonymous, but sometimes

(however, not in the Leiden manuscripts) ascribed to all Bukhari, cf. GAL S II, 1000, No. 42. 12/18th cent. See

Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 207-208.

(4a) f. 24r. Amulet, with drawing.

(5) ff. 24v-27r. Kanz al-`Arsh, a Du`a’ `Azim, given by Gibril to the Prophet Muhammad. See Voorhoeve,

Handlist, p. 67.

(6) ff. 27r-v. Prayer, in Arabic.

(7) ff. 27v-38r. Parts of the text of the Qur’an. Especially from the smaller sura’s at the end of the book,

followed by prayers. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 279.

- ff. 38r-39v. Prayer in Arabic, Du`a’. In the margin of f. 38r a title in Javanese: Punika dua hasan (?).

- ff. 39v-40v. Prayer in Arabic, Du`a’. In the beginning, on f. 39v a title in Javanese: Punika dua siti … (?). On f.

40r kabikag-like magic words.

- ff. 40v-41v. Litany prayer in Arabic, Du`a’. In the beginning Punika dua mugarrad.

- ff. 41v-44r. Prayer in Arabic. In the beginning Punika dua pada agung thawabi.

Page 480: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

- ff. 44v-46v. Litany prayer in Arabic.

- ff. 46v-47r. Prayer in Arabic, with colophon-like end.

- ff. 47v-48v. Al-Asma’ al-Husna. A prayer in Arabic, in which the Beautiful Names have been used.

- ff. 48v-49r. Prayer in Arabic. Punika itu saking pangeran …

- f. 49r. Prayer in Arabic. Punika dua Sayfi Muluk.

- f. 49r. Prayer in Arabic. Punika dua gawshan.

- f. 49v. Prayer in Arabic. Punika dua Nabi Ibrahim.

- f. 49v. Prayer in Arabic. Punika dua Nabi Ishaq.

- ff. 49v-50r. Prayer in Arabic. Punika … (?).

- f. 50r. Prayer in Arabic. Punika dua Nabi Isma`il.

- f. 50r. Prayer in Arabic. Punika hadith qudus.

- f. 50r. Prayer in Arabic to Gibra’il.

- ff. 50v-51r. Prayer in Arabic. Punika itu … (?).

- f. 51r. Prayer in Arabic. Punika dua… (?).

- ff. 51v-52v. Prayers in which respectively the names, or epithets, of Adam, Eve, Gibra’il and the Prophet

Muhammad are used.

- ff. 52v-53r. Prayer in Arabic. Punika dua toluk balahi (?).

- ff. 53r-v. Prayer in Arabic. Punika kang makota beginda Sulayman sangsang amaca …

- ff. 53v-58r. Prayer in Arabic. Punika dua Nabi Ibrahim. There is no f. 57.

- ff. 58v-59v. Prayer in Arabic, followed by a gadwal with letters (f. 59r), a gadwal with the surat al-Ikhlas

(Qur’an 112, f. 59v).

- ff. 60r-76r. Finely drawn magical illustrations (raja’s, ff. 60r-61v), and some gadwal’s with letters. Text in

Javanese. The drawings on ff. 60v-61r have been reproduced (in oversize) in Pigeaud III, p. 4, plate 4.

Pigeaud III, p. 40, gives a full description of the two reproduced drawings, with transcription and translation

of the captions. Many more finely drawn gadawil, dawa’ir, and figures, all with text and captions in


- ff. 76v-77v. Prayer in Arabic, directed to God.

- ff. 77v-78v. Arabic, on the things of the Prophet Muhammad, that occur in groups of four, beginning with

the four crowns (Tag) which are worn by the Prophet Muhammad.

- ff. 78v-79r. Short Mawlid text in Arabic.

- ff. 79r-v. Prayer, in Arabic.

- f. 80r. Three short prayers in Arabic, with headings in Javanese.

The follows a selection of Qur’anic sura’s.

- ff. 80v-87v. Surat al-Kahf (Qur’an 18).

This is followed by the six so-called Hawamim, the sura’s which begin with the mysterious letters Ha-mim.

- ff. 87v-93v. Surat Ghafir (Qur’an 40).

- ff. 93v-97r. Surat Fussilat (Qur’an 41).

- ff. 97r-101r. Surat al-Shura (Qur’an 42).

- ff. 101r-105r. Surat al-Zukhruf (Qur’an 43).

- ff. 105r-106v. Surat al-Dukhan (Qur’an 44).

- ff. 106v-108v. Surat al-Gathiya (Qur’an 45).

- ff. 108v-110r. Surat al-Mulk (Qur’an 67).

- ff. 110r-112r. Surat al-Sagda (Qur’an 43).

- ff. 112r-115r. Surat Yasin (Qur’an 36).

- ff. 115r-116r. Surat al-Gumu`a (Qur’an 62).

- ff. 116r-117r. Surat al-Munafiqun (Qur’an 63). On f. 117r a colophon: completed on a Saturday in Gumada II.

(8) ff. 117v-153r. Dala’il al-Khayrat wa-Shawariq al-Anwar by Muhammad b. Sulayman al-Gazuli (d.

870/1465), GAL G II, 252. Title in f. 117b. Not a complete version, without illustrations. Dated Monday 10

Gumada II. See Voorhoeve, Handlist, p. 56.

Page 481: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

(9) ff. 153v-155v. Short abstract of a work Gawahir al-Qur’an (here available: al-qism al-thani fi ta`rif tariq al-

suluk ila Allah ta`ala, which is not found in the work going by that title by Abu Hamid Muhammad al-

Ghazzali (d. 505/1111), GAL G I, 421). See Voorhoeve, Handlist, pp. 97-98.

(10) ff. 156r-157r. Note on the death of panembahan adipati Cakraningrat in Torjun in 1184 (1770), followed by

prayers in Arabic and Javanese scripts.

Provenance: Former Islam Stichting, Leiden, 1959.

[* Ar. 3244]

Or. 8961

Malay, 20 ff.; exercise book; 20½ x 15½ cm.; 24 lines per page; Latin script.

Niat sembahyang. A treatise about niat sembahyang by Abdur-Rauf Fansuri (Singkel). Between ff. 57v-58r (of

the original manuscript) are lacunae; contains niat basṭiyyah and niat kamaliyyah. Sources used are ar-

Rafi'i's Kitab 'aziz, Sirat al-mustaqim, Muharrar, Tuhfat al-muhtag, Magma', etc.

The text (ff. 1b-18b) is a transliteration of MS Breda, Ethnographical Museum, 10061 M, ff. 54v-69v.

Provenance: Made by P. Voorhoeve in the library, October 1959.

Catalogue T. Iskandar (1999), p. 593, No. 1201. However, see also ibid., p. 932, No. 1965 (the Breda

manuscript), but there an entirely different text is described: ‘Calculation of favourable days’.

(Mal. 3374)

Or. 8962

Arabic, European laid paper (watermark Vryheit, and a countermark), 337 ff., 19.8 x 15.5 cm, fully vocalized

Indonesian naskh script, dark brown ink with rubrication (for Sura headings, Aya dividers, some marginal

indications, frame), 13 lines to the page, regular quires of 5 sheets, double illuminated page (ff. 164b-165a),

occasionally catchwords can be seen at the bottom of the verso page, full-leather Islamic binding with flap,

with blind-tooled ornamentation (frames, corner pieces, centre pieces, in the typical Indonesian fashion),

on the outer side of the flap a cartouche is stamped with text: وضما ... الرقم خليفة ... جنتين No indication of

date, origin or ownership.

Full text of the Qur’an. An illuminated copy from Indonesia.

Note that ff. 1-2 and 335-337 are later replacements, which implies that the original illuminations at the

beginning and the end of the volume have disappeared. However, the double illuminated page marking the

middle of the text has been preserved (ff. 164b-165a). Ff. 1b-2a in different lay-out, but the illumination that

may have been intended was never made.

Provenance: Presented to the library by C. Hooykaas, London, on October 19, 1959.

[* Ar. 3245]

Or. 8963-Or. 8964

Two Javanese manuscripts on palm leaf, presented to the library by Ms. H.P. Ouwehand, of Wageningen, on

November 2, 1959. See Pigeaud II, p. 502-503.

Or. 8963

Javanese, palm leaves, 91 ff., Javanese script.

Yusup romance in verse, East Javanese script and idiom,

Provenance: Presented in 1959 to the library by Ms. H.P. Ouwehand, of Wageningen.

Pigeaud II, p. 502.

(Lont. 785)

Or. 8964

Javanese, palm leaves, 105 ff., Javanese script, damaged.

Anbiya, in verse, history of the prophets, beginning with Adam till Musa and raja Pirangon. East Javanese

script and idiom.

Page 482: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

A Dutch epitome and a list of initial verses of cantos by Soegiarto are added.

Pigeaud II, pp. 502-503.

Provenance: Presented in 1959 to the library by Ms. H.P. Ouwehand, of Wageningen.

(Lont. 786)

Or. 8965-Or. 8968

Collection of Japanese and Chinese manuscripts from the old collection of the University. All are mentioned in

G. Schlegel, Catalogue des livres chinois qui se trouvent dans la bibliothèque de l’Université de Leide. Hommage

aux membres de la Section de l’Asie centrale et de l’extrême Orient du sixième Congres des Orientalistes.

Leiden 1883. And: Supplément. Leiden 1886. (B 500-501). These materials were deposited on loan in the

Sinological Institute of Leiden University. In June 1983 they were brought back to the University Library. Or.

18.074, below, belongs to this same series.

Or. 8966-Or. 8968 is the ‘Royer Collection’. Jean Theodore Royer (1737-1807) was a Dutch art collector and

amateur sinologist. Parts of his art collection are kept in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and the

Ethnographic Museum in Leiden. Other manuscripts written or collected by Royer can be found in MS

Leiden Or. 18.074, below, and MS Leiden BPL 2186: D, E. Printed books from his collection are in the

Sinological Institute (Schlegel 1883, Nos. 31, 67-70, 72, 109, 172, 173, 184 and probably more). Van Campen

2000, pp. 265-273).

See for ‘modern’ descriptions: Koos Kuiper, Catalogue of Chinese and Sino-Western manuscripts in the

Central Library of Leiden University. Leiden: Legatum Warnerianum, 2005, pp. 11-16. Dr. Kuiper gave me the

description that he had made, well before the publication of his catalogue in 2005. These descriptions have

been used hereunder.

Or. 8965

Japanese, Dutch. One volume, bound in the Chinese fashion, with boards pasted with parchment. Non-

European paper (96 ff.; plus 2 ff. loosely inserted; 33 x 23.5 cm). Page layout according to a preprinted grid.

See also MS Leiden BPL 2180: 1, containing two pages of the same with explanation.

Waran kotoba sho (Waran jisho, Japanese-Dutch dictionary).

Title written inside: Walan Kotoba. The word kotoba sho (word book) may be a literal translation of Dutch

‘woordenboek’ (dictionary). Numerous notes and additions, with many paste-ins. Also translations in

German (by von Siebold?) and English. Later additions of words and Dutch translations in J.J. Hoffmann’s


It also contains after p. 201: [Hanrei] oder Einleitung zur Karte von Nippon (Introduction to the map of

Japan), by Hoffmann, a Japanese text in romanization with Chinese characters added. On the title-page a

note in Dutch by Hoffmann: " ... 2 x 201 pp., containing 3600 words ... copying will take 8 days" (See also MS

Leiden BPL 2180: I). A similar dictionary written in 1828 by or on behalf of P.F. von Siebold (1796-1864), is

kept in the Library as Serurier 64, see Van de Velde & Witkam, Van hout tot steen, 1994, pp. 50-51 (No. 14).

Previous description: Schlegel 1883, p. 7, No. 20. Catalogue Koos Kuiper (2005), p. 11.

Provenance: Leiden University Library, before 1883. In 1957 it was on loan to the Sinological Institute in

Leiden. In 1983 it was transferred back to the Central Library.

(Skr. 102)

Or. 8966

Latin, Chinese, Japanese, European paper with watermark PRO PATRIA and countermark [crown] with GR

underneath. 105 ff. including a number of loose leaves. Size: 31 x 20 cm. Boards, pasted with marbled paper.

Inside the front cover is the price of the book: 112 fl. Hollandsch (112 Dutch florins).

Notebook by J.Th. Royer (1737-1807) mostly on Japanese and Chinese matters. Most texts are written in Latin,

with quotations in other languages in the original scripts.

On f. 4a Royer writes: ‘Voici mes pensées, mes reflexions, ce que j’ay eu devoir retenir de mes etudes et de mes

lectures. Je n’écris que pour moi même et par consequant je parois dans mes Receuils, non pour toujours tel que

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je me montre, ny tel qu’on me croit, mais tel que je suis en effet. Je m’embarasse en verité tres peu du jugement

de ceux qui pourront les trouver soit durant ma vie soit apres ma mort. Eprouvez toutes choses et retenez ce qui

est bon. C’est une maxime qui à mon avis devroit être placé devant tout Receuil.’ From this inscription it would

appear that Royer had originally meant the volume to be some sort of private diary, which in fact it never was.

f. 1a. <De> libris Sinicis, quidque in iisdem continetur, catalogus (an annotated list of 21 Chinese books). Written

in the same hand as Or. 8968, below.

f. 3a. Title-page with owners' stamps.

f. 4a. Note in French (see above).

f. 6a. Gin Sen

f. 12a. Examen chimicum. Tursae (?) Mineralis seu Baseos ut putatur Vernicis Chinensium.

f. 15b. Vernix Sinica.

f. 18a. Alphabetum Grusinicum sive Kalmukum.

f. 20b. Alphabeticum Turcicum Rathenice expositum.

f. 22a. Japonia vel Japania.

f. 22b. Nominis Japonice ratio.

f. 23a. Kircheri nomen Sinice.

f. 23b. Observatio ad Mullerum de Kircheri nomine.

f. 25a. Nomenclator Sinicus (A Chinese-Latin glossary). Ff. 51-52, 57, 59 are inserted loose leaves. 356 items are


f. 60b. Dijnastiae Sinicae.

f. 62b. Nomina Imperatorum Sinicorum (on f. 71a a note on one of Royer's Chinese informants).

f. 86a. Regni Quéi Regum nomina.

f. 87a. Account of Royer's meeting with a Chinese informant in Rotterdam.

f. 88a. Characteres raro occurrentes.

f. 89a. De Leonum figuris ...

f. 90a. Libri Sinici qui hisce in regionibus in Bibliothecis tum publicis tum privatis extant.

f. 92a. Summa eorum quae reperiuntur apud Authores Encyclopaediae ...

f. 96b. Libri Sinici quos Mense Decembri 1788 Hagae Cometum emit Nob. Vir Comes de Mirabel Regis Sardiniae

Legatus ...

f. 99a. Aanteekening van Oudheeden waarvan afteekening te neemen. See on this note Van Campen 1995, p. 31,

note 23.

f.100a till the end (f. 105). Diverse notes by Royer, mostly in Dutch, sometimes of personal nature.

On the inside of the front cover and on the loosely inserted leaf f. 103 are simple portrait drawings.

Previous description: Schlegel 1883, p. 28, No. 226. Van Campen (2000), pp. 86-100. Catalogue Kuiper (2005), pp.


Provenance: Collection J.Th. Royer (1737-1807), see van Campen 1995. Then in 1816 to the Koninklijk Kabinet van

Zeldzaamheden (Royal Cabinet of Rarities) in The Hague (note on f. 3a). Then the book went into the Von

Siebold Collection (stamps on ff. 3a, 4a). The book must have been transferred at some date (before 1883) to the

University Library of Leiden, and later to the Sinological Institute in Leiden. In 1983 it was transferred back again

to the University Library.

(Skr. 103)

Or. 8967

Chinese, non-European paper, 7 ff. and 28 blanks, bound in the Chinese way, size: 30 x 19 cm.

Survey of the Chinese characters for numerals with pronunciation according to the dialects of Amoy (ff. 1a-3b)

and Canton (ff. 3bis b-7a). The Cantonese numbers are also written in (Suzhou) mazi (Suzhou cyphers).

Previous description: Schlegel 1883, p. 28, No. 227. Catalogue Kuiper (2005), pp. 14-15.

Provenance: Possibly Collection J.Th. Royer (1737-1807), see van Campen 1995. Then in 1816 to the Koninklijk

Kabinet van Zeldzaamheden (Royal Cabinet of Rarities) in The Hague (note on f. 1a). Then the book went into

the Collection Von Siebold (stamp on f. 1a). The book must have been transferred at some date (before 1883) to

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the University Library of Leiden, and later to the Sinological Institute in Leiden. In 1983 it was transferred back

again to the University Library.

(Skr. 104)

Or. 8968

Latin, Chinese, one small volume of non-European paper, containing 18 ff. of 19 x 15 cm.

<Tractatus> De lingua Sinica Mandarina. An introduction to the Mandarin language, in Latin, by Carolus Wang.

Written in the same hand as Or. 8966, ff. 1-2.

f. 1a. De lingua Sinica Mandarina.

f. 4a. Exempla vocum inter se similium.

f. 4b. De nominibus ad loquendum necessariis.

f. 17a. Dialogus.

Previous description: Schlegel 1883, p. 28, No. 228. Catalogue Kuiper (2005), pp. 15-16.

Provenance: Possibly Collection J.Th. Royer (1737-1807), see van Campen 1995. Then in 1816 to the Koninklijk

Kabinet van Zeldzaamheden (Royal Cabinet of Rarities) in The Hague (f. 1a). On f. 1a is also visible a stamp

‘Verzameling Von Siebold’. The book must have been transferred at some date, prior to 1883, to the University

Library of Leiden, and later to the Sinological Institute in Leiden. In 1983 it was transferred back again to the

University Library.

(Skr. 105)

Or. 8969

Balinese, palm leaf, 67 ff., of which only 19 leaves with text, 16.5 x 2.5 cm, 4 lines per page, ff. 1-21, Balinese

script, by two different copyists, the last two leaves by a less expert scribe, kept between wooden boards.

‘Balineesch Boek uit den Kraton van den Sultan van Lombok’.

Poem in macapat metre. Legendary history of Bali and Lombok (ff. 22a-b): buming kratt atur brakat | banjur

budal raja bali | datu Panji manuter le bumi Sasak.

Earlier provenance: written on one of the boards: ‘171’, suggesting a larger and organized collection from

where this manuscript might originate. Also on the board: ‘Balineesch boek v.d. Sultan van Lombok’.

Added: short description of the manuscript in Dutch, from which the above information was translated.

Provenance: Purchased in March 1960 from B.M. Israel Boekhandel en Antiquariaat, Amsterdam.

[* Lont. 787]

Or. 8970

Javanese, paper, 125 pp., Javanese script.

Letters written in Surakarta, first half of 19th century; 72 copies in Javanese characters, followed by a

Javanese-Dutch glossary.

See also MS Leiden NBS 67 (loan collection Dutch Bible Society).

Provenance: Presented to. the library by Mr W.E. Blom of Oegstgeest, 1960.

Pigeaud II, p. 503.

(Mal. 3376)

Or. 8971-Or. 8993

Sequel of the collection of D.A. Rinkes (1878-1954), received in 1954. See MSS Leiden Or. 8538-Or. 8653 for

the first part of the Rinkes collection. ‘Rinkes copies’.

Or. 8971

Javanese, paper, 12 pp., romanized.

Asma’u l’-Kusni, allegedly by Sultan Agung Mataram, in verse, beginning metre: lontang, incantation:

mentioning God’s Sacred Names, from Yogyakarta, 1911. See for the Arabic Asma’ Allah al-Husna in

Voorhoeve’s Handlist (1957), p. 26.

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Pigeaud II, p. 503.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3377)

Or. 8972

Collection of texts in Javanese, paper, romanized.

(1) 5 pp. Pasatoan, divination and medicine, by Asmareja. A Dutch epitome is added, 1925.

(2) 18 pp. Leluri Tani, agriculture divination, by Marta Santa, Kuta Arja, 1912. A Javanese table of contents is


(3) 9 pp. Petungan, divination, and incantation: si Kesot ngideri jagat, by Seca Adisurya, of Tarik, 1924. A

Javanese table of contents is added.

(4) 11 pp. Lampah-lampahipun tiyang Jawi ing jaman kina ingkang sami nindakaken ulah tetanen, by Sudarsa

Citra Sumitra, Mangkunagaran, Surakarta, 1924: agriculture divination.

Pigeaud II, p. 503.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3378)

Or. 8973

Collection of texts in Javanese, paper, romanized.

(1) 35 pp. Wida Wismana, by Karta Siswaya, Parakan, Temanggu13, 1912, on housebuilding. A Javanese table

of contents is added.

(2) 25 pp. Purwa Panti, by Karta Atmaja, Sentul, Pakualaman, Y ogyakarta, in dialogue, on housebuilding. A

Javanese table of contents is added.

Pigeaud II, pp. 503-504.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3379)

Or. 8974

Collection of texts in Javanese and Dutch, paper, romanized.

(1) 31 pp. Javanese. Among Tani, by Prawira Sudirja, Purwareja, 1900, on agriculture, i.a. vegetables and fruit.

A Javanese table of contents is added.

(2) 66 pp. Javanese. Tanduran warna-warna, by Prawira Sudirja, Purwareja, on agriculture, i.a. vegetables,

fruit. A Javanese table of contents is added.

(3) 7 pp. Dutch. ‘Pigeon-breeding’, Dutch translation of a Javanese treatise.

Pigeaud II, p. 504.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3380)

Or. 8975

Collection of texts in Javanese, paper, romanized.

(1) 11 pp. Dolananipun lare jaler utawi lare estri ingkang dereng kasebut ing serat Lagu Bocah, by Jacoeb,

Surakarta, 1912: children’s gan1es and ditties of boys and girls, especially such as are not mentioned in Lagu

Bocah, a book published by “Volkslektuur”, Balai Pustaka, Batavia. A Javanese table of contents is added.

(2) 38 pp. Dolanan, rerepen lan liya-liyane, by Punggung Kawula Tama, South Bagelen, å-pronunciation,

1913, children’s games and ditties of boys and girls, with a note on such as are not mentioned in Lagu Bocah,

a book published by “Volkslektuur”, Batavia. A Javanese table of contents is added.

(3) 40 pp. Botoh Sawung, dongeng gugon-tuhon, by Suratija, of Kalasan, 1918, story of a gambler who was

successful in cockfights, having made a pilgrimage to mount Plawangan.

Pigeaud II, p. 504.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

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(Mal. 3381)

Or. 8976

Collection of texts in Javanese, paper, romanized.

Notes on Javanese dancing and theatricals.

(1) 32 pp. Tetingalan Jawi, by Sutarja, of Pundong, Yogyakarta, 1924: 38 paragraphs on popular shows, theatre

performances with dancing and singing. A Javanese tabIe of contents is added.

(2) 16 pp. Wulang Beksa, by Arja Atmaja and Singa Pradata of Muntilan, Magelang, 1922: on the steps and

gestures of male dancing, Court style, systematically ordered in columns.

(3) 2 and 7 pp. Joged, by pangeran Kusumadiningrat, Surakarta, dancing, Court style, interpretations of

esoteric meaning.

(4, 5, 6) 3 sheaves of papers: Papers on Surakarta Court dancing: bedaya dance, with texts and Dutch

translations of the songs, and an original Javanese paper with photographs of male dancers.

Pigeaud II, pp. 504-505.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3382)

Or. 8977

Javanese, paper, 63 and 60 pp., romanized.

Adat cara Jawi ing Banten Ler, by Turamun, Kramat Watu, Serang, 1923: idiom, manners and customs of

North Banten, with a glossary Bantenese-Central Javanese. Two copies, one typewritten.

Pigeaud II, p. 505.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3383)

Or. 8978

Javanese, paper, 106 pp., romanized.

Kapitadosanipun bangsa Jawi dateng Lelembat, by Sutarja, of Pundong, Yogyakarta, 1925, on belief in spirits,

Ratu Lara Kidul etc. A Dutch epitome is added.

Pigeaud II, p. 505.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3384)

Or. 8979

Collection of texts in Javanese, paper, romanized.

(1) 20 pp. Wilujengan, by Sutarja Sastra Subrata of Pundung, Yogyakarta, 1924, in dialogue, on community

meals connected with worship of spirits and connected with Islam.

(2) 23 and 39 pp. Tata Praja I and II, by raden mas Suwandi, in verse: ceremonies of the wedding of Surakarta

princesses, and of the pregnancy of the Surakarta Queen (bathing), during the reign of Paku Buwana X, 1925.

(3) 12 pp. Wedding custom: throwing betel (patak-patakan sadak), by Sastra Darsana, Delanggu, Surakarta,


(4) 15 pp. Rengga Krama, by Jayeng. Pranata, Pakualaman, Yogyakarta, in dialogue, on wedding

preparations, 1918.

(5) 7 pp. Gugon-tuhon, by Puspa Kusuma, of Kuta Arja; instances of popular belief (superstition).

(6) 31 pp. Brebes idiom, manners and customs, 1918.

(7) 6 pp. Cerbon village headman (kuwu) installaition, 1922.

(8) 25 pp. Nata Misuda, by Sastra Sutarma, in verse, installation of raden adipati Jaya Nagara, grand-vizir of

sunan Paku Buwana X of Surakarta, 1922.

Pigeaud II, pp. 505-506.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

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(Mal. 3385)

Or. 8980

Collection of texts in Javanese, paper, romanized.

(1) 5 pp. Demak mosque and graves, topography, by Abdur Rahman, pangulu landrad, 1911, with a drawn


(2) 39 pp. Panadranan Bana Keling, Japara, by Kadarisman, local worship, mount Clering, and some notes

on idiom, 1921.

(3) 12 pp. Ketangga, river-, Kedung Putri, Ngawi legends, by Parta Atmaja, in verse and in prose, 1924: ki gede

Pager Waja, son of ki gede Lawu. A Dutch epitome is added.

(4) 15 and 13 pp. Embah Santri, by Tasman: places of local worship in Cilacap, 2 copies, 1921.

(5) 35 pp. Lembu Sasmita, ki gede Pager Waja, by Parta Atmaja: mount: Kelut, Baru Klinting, Tlaga Ngebel,

1924. A Dutch epitome is added.

(6) 10 pp. Kedu horse, legend, by Jaya Tenaya.

(7) 24 pp. Sembrani horse, jaka Bodo, Kedu, by Citra Sentana, Surakartta, 1912. A Javanese epitome is added.

(8) 13 pp. Lawu, mount -, topography and legends, by Padma Warsita, 1918.

(9) 4 pp. Sendang Putri, Wanagiri, topography.

Pigeaud II, p. 506.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3386)

Or. 8981

Collection of texts in Javanese, paper, Javanese and Latin scripts.

(1) 58 pp. Javanese script. Ari Basa, by Wira Pustaka (Padma Susastra): Surakarta everyday expressions, with

explanations and examples, alphabetically ordered, 1916.

(2) 125 pp. Javanese script. Lingga Basa, by Karta Asmara, Yogyakarta, curious idiomatic expressions, with

extensive explanations and a Javanese table of contents, 1918.

(3) 73 pp. Romanized. Basa Jawi by Sasra Kusuma, Madiyun, explanations of idiomatic expressions, with a

Javanese table of contents.

(4) 39 pp. Romanized. Tembung temon, by Wigna Rumeksa, Surakarta, idiomatic expressions: adjectives

with rhyming supplementary words, as intensification, especially in use with women, 1912.

(5) 15 pp. Romanized. Sila Basa, by Wirya Sastra, Surakarta, 1921: on synonyms.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(6) 22 pp. Romanized. Kerata Basa, by Arja Suwita, Temanggung: popular etymology, with a Javanese

table of contents.

Pigeaud II, pp. 506-507.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3387)

Or. 8982

Collection of texts in Javanese, paper, romanized.

(1) 21 pp. Candra Sangkala, by Jaga Kartika, Surakarta: on chronograms, in dialogues, 1925.

(2) 15 pp. Mardawa Basa, by Purna Pranata, Surakarlta, on spelling, metres etc.

(3) 20 pp. Campur Bawur, by Jayeng Utara, Yogyakarta, 1921, miscellanea, i.a. the ten stages of drinking (eka

padma sari, etc.) and allusions to the Paku Alam princes (satriya lelana etc.).

(4) 21 pp. Marga Wirya, by Sutarja, Yogyakarta, 1922: wangsalans (enigmas, literary charades) with

explanations, in verse.

(5) 18 pp. Notes, Adam Sampurna, by Atma Wijaya, Malang, 1925, popular etymology with reference to


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Pigeaud II, p. 507.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3388)

Or. 8983

Collection of texts in Javanese, paper, romanized.

(1) 71 pp. Cariyos warni-warni, by Atmadirja, Semarang, 1921: short stories and essays.

(2) 56 pp. Sukma Murca, raden-, by Darta Sayana, Surakarta 1924, romantic, erotic and didactic story.

(3) 77 pp. Mangsa Carita Kuna, by Kamsa Sastra Amisena, Trenggalek, twelve moralistic stories, Muslim

tradition. A Javanese epitome is added.

Pigeaud II, pp. 507-508.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3389)

Or. 8984

Javanese, paper, 35 pp., romanized.

Dongeng Rembulan tuwin Lintang-lintang, by Sadimin, PeIem, Pare, Kadiri, 1924: Moon and Star folk-tales,

Nawang Wulan, Ande-ande Lumut, etc. A Dutch epitome is added.

Pigeaud II, p. 508.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3390)

Or. 8985

Collection of texts in Javanese and Dutch, paper, romanized and Javanese script.

(1) 14 pp. Romanized. Cariyos langka, by Suwarna Rena Utama, Bangsri, Kudus: ghost story, 1932. A Javanese

epitome is added.

(2) 22 pp. Romanized. Dongeng kina, by Wirya Hartaka, Klaten, 1924: humoristic erotic stories. A Javanese

table of contents is added.

(3) 26 pp. Romanized. Tonil Jawa, lelakone Prawiradikrama, lurah Karang Tengah, by Subrata, Magelang,

1917. Javanese play, on polygamy.

(4) 51 pp. Romanized. Pirngadi, utawa kaelokan ing Pangeran ing jaman samangke, by Sasra Sutiksna,

Yogyakarta: 1919: story of a lucky man, from Rembang.

(5a, 5b) Loose leaves, Javanese script. Two stories about shrewd thieves.

(6) Loose leaves, Javanese script. Pornographic poem in mijil metre, with Dutch translation. (Pigeaud).

Pornographic poem in mijil metre, by Raden Mas Darmawiyata, an employee of Balai Pustaka. With Dutch

translation by D.A. Rinkes.

The Dutch translation is published by E.P. Wieringa, ‘De “Serat Pustaka Rasa Jarwa” van Sie Tjien Lok. Een

erotische interpretatie van de Javaanse historiografie’, in: J.T. Lindblad & W. van der Molen (edd.), Macht en

Majesteit. Opstellen voor Cees Fasseur bij zijn afscheid als hoogleraar in de geschiedenis van Indonesië aan de

Universiteit Leiden. Leiden 2002, pp. 268-292.

Pigeaud II, p. 508.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3391)

Or. 8986

Collection of texts in Javanese, paper, romanized.

(1) 171 pp. Babad Panambangan, vol. II, in prose, history of the princes Mangku Nagara II and III of

Surakarta, from notes of rangga Panambang, 1923. Vol. I has been published.

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(2) 9 pp. Jangka Mangkunagaran, allusions to the characters and the reigns of the princes Mangku Nagara I

till X, manuscript originally belonging to raden mas arya Surya Sumanta, and of the Surakarta susuhunans

till Paku Buwana XII, who was expected to be a second Jaya Baya. A Javanese epitome is added.

Pigeaud II, pp. 508-509.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3391)

Or. 8987

Collection of texts in Javanese, paper, romanized.

(1) 33 pp. Babad Alit, description of Imagiri, graves of Central Javanese Kings, by Prawira Winarsa, Brebes

(published by "Volkslectuur" Balai Pustaka, No 462), with a table of contents.

(2) 11 pp. Kuta Gede and Imagiri, topography, graves, by Jayeng Pranata, Pakualaman, Yogyakarta, 1918.

Pigeaud II, p. 509.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3393)

Or. 8988

Javanese, paper, 84 pp., romanized.

Nonah Kuwi, history of Paku Buwana VI of Surakarta, exile in Ambon, and the Chinese girl, in verse, by

Prawira Winarsa, Brebes, 1918 (modern adaptation).

Pigeaud II, p. 509.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3394)

Or. 8989

Javanese, paper, 21 pp., Javanese script.

Babad Momana, Yogyakarta, years of memorable events of the history of Javanese kingdoms and of Dutch

Batavia administration, till 1816 A.D., chronological list. Yogyakarta script and idiom. See also Or. 8560 and

MS Leiden KITLV Or. 257.

Pigeaud II, p. 509.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3395)

Or. 8990

Collection of texts in Javanese, paper, romanized and Javanese script.

(1) 37 pp. Romanized. Nitik Sultan Agungan, in verse, by Wirya Rumeksa, Surakarta, 1923: Mecca visit, Juru

Taman, Pangulu. A Javanese epitome is added.

(2) 40 pp. Javanese script. Pagedongan, serat -, by Marta Arjana, Surakarta, 1912, in prose, legendary tales,

beginning with raden mas Rangsang, Sultan Agung and Ratu Lara Kidul. A Javanese epitome is added.

(3) 10 pp. Javanese script. Giri and seh Among Raga’s history (Centini, beginning), from Yogyakarta.

(4) 9 pp. Romanized. Darma Gandul, notes on the tale and the edition.

(5) 29 pp. Romanized. Rasa Jarwa, erotic interpretation of Javanese hisitorical tales., by Sic Tjien Lok,

Surakarta, 1925. A Dutch epitome is added. (Pigeaud)

Rasa Jarwa, erotic interpretation of Javanese historical tales, by Sie Tjien Lok, Surakarta 1925, with a Dutch

epitome. See now also: E.P. Wieringa, ‘De “Serat Pustaka Rasa Jarwa” van Sie Tjien Lok. Een erotische

interpretatie van de Javaanse historiografie’, in: J.T. Lindblad & W. van der Molen (edd.), Macht en Majesteit.

Opstellen voor Cees Fasseur bij zijn afscheid als hoogleraar in de geschiedenis van Indonesië aan de Universiteit

Leiden. Leiden 2002, pp. 268-292.

(6) 23 pp. Romanized. Pambukaning Warana, by Jaya Sukarta, Yogyakarta, interpretation of Javanese tales,

mainly mystical, 1917.

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(7) 18 stanzas. Romanized. Wayang Klitik, by Surajin Weda Wiryana, Yogyakarta, interpretation of the

Damar Wulan tale: opium smoking, in verse.

Pigeaud II, pp. 509-510.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3396)

Or. 8991

Collection of texts in Javanese, paper, romanized.

(1) 37 pp. Babad ing tanah Maja, Punung, Pacitan, local legendary history, in prose, by Jasman Karta Miharja,

Papar, 1922: ki gede Tembayat, gusti Kalak, of Majapahit origin, the wayang beber, a drum (kendang) and

violin (rebab) given by sunan Lawu to a master of dancing women (tandak). A Javanese table of contents is


(2) 53 pp. Babad Pacitan, local legendary history in prose by Ganda Atmaja, 1924; batara Katong, Panaraga,

kyahi Petung and kyahi Posong, up to 1906, the Regents Cakra Nagara, with a list of locally worshipped

graves (makam).

(3) 34 pp. Babad Trenggalek, in prose, by Darma Prawira, 1923: jaka Sengara, Menak Sopal. An extensive

Dutch summary is added.

Pigeaud II, p. 510.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3397)

Or. 8992

Collection of texts in Javanese, paper, romanized.

(1) 35 pp. Babad Banyumas, manuscript of Dipa Sukarta, Banjar Nagara, in prose, 1920, beginning with raden

Baribin of Majapahit, father of Katuhu, who was the ancestor of the adipatis Warga Utama of Wirasaba.

(2) 22 pp. Babad Pasir Sindula, in prose, by Reksa Wilata, Surakarta, 1925: tale of jaka Sona, called Jurig

Onom in Sundanese, the first settler in Tasik Malaya, a servant of a descendant of Watu Gunung, King of

Guwa Sindula. Jaka Sona was the son of a male dog and a fair weaver (whose shuttle he picked up); she was

the daughter of a sow who drank the water of a prince of Sindula. Inadvertedly jaka Sona killed both his

father and his grandmother, hunting. Afterwards, at the mouth of the river Ci Tandu(y), he married princess

Minawati, daughter of the King of fishes, and ratu ayu Genawalti, a spirit queen, who gave him a triple

magic oil (lenga triwarna). The tale is erotic. A Dutch epitome is added.

Pigeaud II, p. 510.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3398)

Or. 8993

Collection of texts in Javanese, on paper, romanized.

(1) 73 pp. Babad Tuyuhan, by Priya Wijaya, in prose, 1922, tale of jaka Sengara of Pengging, son of a white

crocodile; history of Demak and Pajang. A descendant of the Pajang family founded Tuyuhan, watering 011 a

rock in the river, in the Lasem district. A descendant of ki buyut Tuyuhan, a man of religion, was made

Regent of Grobogan during the Dipa Nagara troubles, another became Regent of Madiyun. Tales of Blora

Regents. An extensive Dutch summary is added.

(2) 21 pp. Ki Mulak and ni Mulak, wali tale, by Reksa Wiyata of Kali Manah, Purbalingga, 1912, in prose.

Mulak, husband and wife, were found in their graves transformed into black dogs: a token of their unbelief.

They had fallen into disgrace with their master in mysticism sunan Kudus. A Javanese epitome is added.

(3) 44 pp. Jaka Sangsang, in prose, by Sastra Darmaja, Madiyun, 1921; tale of kedung Maya, a pool in the river

Bengatwan, where a daughter of ki gede Kuwung and her lover jaka Sangsang, a foundling from the river

fostered by randa Jambe, drowned themselves. Finally, jaka Sangsang’s wife, a Pajang princess, also killed

herself there. A Dutch epitome is added.

Page 491: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

(4) 4 pp. Pacalan history (Plaosan, Magetan), charter of the merdikan domain (freehold), granted by Ratu

Ageng of Yogyakarta, 1814 A.D., copied 1912.

Pigeaud II, pp. 510-511.

Provenance: D.A. Rinkes collection, 1954.

(Mal. 3399)

Or. 8994-Or. 8995

Netherlands Bible Society Papers, 1960. Copied for J.L.A. Brandes (1857-1905) from manuscripts in the

collection of the Netherlands Bible Society. Pigeaud uses the prefix NBS in order to refer to these

manuscripts. The manuscripts are referred to here with the class-mark NBG., followed by a serial number.

The NBG or NBS manuscripts are on permanent loan in the Leiden library.

Or. 8994

Javanese, 19 sheaves of paper.

Didactic-m0ralistic texts, selected, copied from manuscripts of the Netherlands Bible Society’s collection,

now on permanent loan in the Leyden University Libmry, made for Dr. Brandes.:

(1) Copy of NBG 75, sheaves 1, 2: Undang-undang Yogyakarta.

(2) Copy of NBG 83, sheaves 3-7: didactic poems: Prabu Sasana, Sandi Pralina.

(3) Copy of NBG 85, sheaves 8-10: didactic poems: Asta Praja, Rungsit ing dadi, Patih Gajah Mada.

(4) Copy of NBG 87, sheaf 11: Wicara Keras.

(5) Copy of NBG 89, sheaves 12-19: moralistic: Wulang Dalil Kadis, Wicara Keras, Wulang Dalem Paku

Buwana IV, Parta Wijaya, Fables.

Pigeaud II, p. 511

Provenance: Netherlands Bible Society Papers, 1960.

(Mal. 3400)

Or. 8995

Javanese, Sundanese, Dutch, 2 sheaves of paper.

Lists and catalogues, old, of the Netherlancls Bible Society’s collection of Javanese and Sun1danese

manuscripts. Catalogue Engelmann (W.H. Engelmann, ‘De Javaansche handschriften in de Bibliotheek van

het Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap’, in Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië 1870, II, pp. 157-186) of the

collection Gericke, with notes by Dr. Brandes. See also Or. 8766, above.

Pigeaud II, p. 511.

See Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung 1988, p. 288, who mentions C.

Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) as the previous owner, which is not impossible.

Provenance: Netherlands Bible Society Papers, 1960.

(Mal. 3401)

Or. 8996 – Or. 9074

Collection of Javanese lontar manuscripts, purchased in the first half of 1961 from Mr. J. Aalderink,

antiquarian bookseller in Amsterdam. Earlier provenance is possibly Dr. J.B. Klaverweyden of Surabaya. MS

Leiden Or. 10.865, below, contains he notes by J. Soegiarto with descriptions of these manuscript. See also

under MS Leiden Or. 10.865 for more information concerning the origins of this collection.

Or. 8996

Javanese, palm leaves, 84 ff.

Notes, in macapat metre, on Muslim theology etc., containing i.a. Paras Nabi, on the Prophet’s Shaving,

kidung Rumeksa ing Wengi, Wringin sungsang, carita Patimah.

East Javanese idiom, Madurese influence; clumsy East Javanese script. Initial lines of cantos in MS Leiden

Or. 10.865, below: Soegiarto notes I.

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Pigeaud II, p. 512.

Provenance: Collection Aalderink Klaverweiden (No. 1), 1961.

(Lont. 788)

Or. 8997

Collective volume with texts in Javanese, palm leaves, 19, 80, 23 ff., damaged, incomplete.

(1) 19 ff., on one side cut off. Fragment of a Life of Muhammad, in macapat metre.

(2) 80 ff. Fragments of a Life of Muhammad in macapat metre, with lessons on theology, etc.

(3) 23 ff. Fragmentary notes of divination, etc.

East Javanese idiom, Madurese influence; clumsy East Javanese script, different hands.

Initial lines of cantos in MS Leiden Or. 10.865, below: Soegiarto notes I.

Pigeaud II, p. 512.

Provenance: Collection Aalderink Klaverweiden (No. 8), 1961.

(Lont. 789)

Or. 8998

Javanese, palm leaves, 104 ff., damaged, incomplete.

Ahmad Muhammad, romance, macapat metre. East Javanese idiom and script.

Initial lines of cantos in MS Leiden Or. 10.865, below: Soegiarto notes I.

Pigeaud II, p. 512.

Provenance: Collection Aalderink Klaverweiden (No. 10), 1961.

(Lont. 790)

Or. 8999

Collective volume with texts in Javanese, palm leaves, 63, 12 pp., damaged, incomplete.

(1) 63 pp. Notes, macapat metre, on Muslim theology and mysticism; suluk Purwa Duksina.

(2) 12 pp. Fragment of Prabu Lara romance (Menak Amir Hamza tale), episode of the brothers Gunggung

Mina and Gunggung Pati (Gaga Mirra and Gaga Pati). See Poerbatjaraka, Menak, p. 61.

East Javanese idiom and script, different hands.

Initial lines of cantos in MS Leiden Or. 10.865, below: Soegiarto notes I.

Pigeaud II, p. 512.

Provenance: Collection Aalderink Klaverweiden (No. 11), 1961.

(Lont. 791)

Or. 9000

Javanese, palm leaves, 57 pp.

Notes, macapat metre, Javanese-Balinese, on Muslim theology: Mulaning patiurip, etc., Balinese Islam,

beginning with awighnam astu.

Initial lines of cantos in MS Leiden Or. 10.865, below: Soegiarto notes I.

Pigeaud II, p. 512.

Provenance: Collection Aalderink Klaverweiden (No. 13), 1961.

(Lont. 792)

The sequel of the Collection Aalderink Klaverweiden can be found in volume 10 of the Inventory.

Page 493: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Selective list of works quoted in this volume

M.C.H. Amshoff, Goudkruintje. Een Atjehsche roman met vertolking en toelichting. Leiden: Vros, 1929

C. van Arendonk, De opkomst van het Zaidietische imamaat in Yemen. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1919

C. van Arendonk, art. ‘Ḳahwa’, in EI (first edition).

Wolfgang Behn, Concise biographical companion to Index Islamicus. 3 vols. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2004-2006

BKI = Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde

BSOAS = Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies

Nico van den Boogert, Catalogue of Berber Manuscripts in the Library of Leiden University. (unpublished

typescript) Leiden: Legatum Warnerianum, 2002

Burgersdijk & Niermans, Veilingcatalogus, boeken van Paul Herzsohn, 26 tot 27 september 1949

H.K.J. Cowan, De ‘Hikajat Malém Dagang’. Atjèhsch heldendicht. ’s-Gravenhage: KITLV, 1937

H.T. Damsté, ‘Atjèhsche oorlogspapieren’, in IG 34(1912) I: 617-633, 776-792

H.T. Damsté, ‘De legende van de Heilige Zeven Slapers in het Atjèhsch’, in BKI 98 (1939), pp. 407-488

H.T. Damsté, ‘Nog iets over de zeven slapers’, in BKI 101 (1942), pp. 403-404.

G.W.J. Drewes & P. Voorhoeve (eds.), Adat Atjèh. Reproduced in facsimile from a manuscript in the India

Office Library. Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde vol. 24. 's-

Gravenhage: Nijhoff, 1958

G.W.J. Drewes, Two Acehnese poems. ’s-Gravenhage: Nijhoff, 1980

G.W.J. Drewes & L.F. Brakel, The poems of Hamzah Fansuri. Dordrecht: Foris, 1986

EI = Encyclopaedia of Islam. Leiden: E.J. Brill

Edi S. Ekadjati, Naskah Sunda. Inventarisasi dan Pencatatan. Bandung: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas

Padjadjaran / The Toyota Foundation, 1988

GAL = Carl Brockelmann, Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur. G = vols. 1-2 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1943-1949); S =

Supplement vols. 1-3 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1937-1942).

J. Gonda, Letterkunde van de Indische archipel. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1947

I. Guidi, ‘Summarium grammaticae Arabicae Meridionalis’, in Le Muséon 39 (1926), pp. 1-32

Paul Herzsohn, Der Überfall Alexandrien’s durch Peter I., König von Jerusalem und Cypern. Aus einer

ungedruckten arabischen Quelle mit historischen und kritischen Anmerkungen dargestellt. Erstes Heft.

Inaugural-Dissertation [...] vertheidigt, am 23 Juni 1886 [...] Bonn (Universitäts-Buchdruckerei von Carl

Georgi) 1886

Paul Herzsohn, Schlehdorn und Rosen, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1891

Paul Herzsohn, Erste Sammlung von Stichwörtern für eine Encyklopaedie des Islam, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1897

Albert van der Heide, Hebrew Manuscripts of Leiden University Library. Leiden: Universitaire Pers Leiden,


H.I.R. Hinzler, Catalogue of Balinese Manuscripts in the Library of the University of Leiden and other

collections in the Netherlands, vol. 1, Reproductions of the Balinese drawings from the Van der Tuuk

Collection. Leiden: E.J. Brill/Leiden University Press, 1987; vol. 2, Descriptions of the Balinese drawings

from the Van der Tuuk Collection. Leiden: E.J. Brill/Leiden University Press 1986

B. Hoff, ‘The languages of the Indians of Surinam and the comparative study of the Carib and Arawak

languages’, in Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 111/4 (1955), pp. 325-355

K.F. Holle, Tabel van Oud- en Nieuw-Indische alphabetten. Bijdrage tot de palaeographie van Nederlandsch-

Indië. Batavia: W. Bruining / The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1882

M.Th. Houtsma & Paul Herzsohn, Verzeichnis der Stichwörter für die Encyklopädie des Islam, Leiden: E.J.

Brill, 1905

IG = De Indische Gids. Staat- en letterkundig maandschrift. Amsterdam: De Bussy, 1879-1941

Teuku Iskandar, Catalogue of Malay, Minangkabau, and South Sumatran manuscripts in the Netherlands. 2

vols. Leiden: Documentatiebureau Islam-Christendom, 1999.

Jaarboek KBG = Jaarboek Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, Batavia

Aad Janson, Summiere beschrijvingen van alle Syrische handschriften. Leiden, unpublished, May 1991

Page 494: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

H.H. Juynboll, ‘Proeven van Balineesche Teekenkunst’, in Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie XVI (1904),

pp. 81-87, and plates VI-IX

P.S. van Koningsveld, ‘Ten Arabic Manuscript-Volumes of Historical Contents ...’ in: E. van Donzel (ed.),

Studies on Islam. A Symposium on Islamic Studies organized in cooperation with the Accademia dei

Lincei in Rome [by the] Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 18-19

October 1973. Amsterdam: North Holland Publishing Company, 1974, pp. 92-110

J. Kreemer, Atjèh. Algemeen samenvattend overzicht van land en volk van Atjèh en onderhoorigheden. 2 vols.

Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1922-1923

N. Kruit & Jan Just Witkam, A List of Coptic manuscript materials in the Papyrological Institute Leiden and in

the Library of the University of Leiden. Leiden: Papyrological Institute/Legatum Warnerianum in Leiden

University Library, 2000

K.F.H. van Langen, Handleiding voor de beoefening der Atjehsche taal. ’s-Gravenhage: Nijhoff, 1889

E. Lévi-Provençal, Les historiens des Chorfâ. Essai sur la littérature historique et biographique au Maroc du

XVIe au XXe siècle. Paris: Larose, 1922

Lexicon Westfälischer Autorinnen und Autoren, 1750-1950, which is on-line available:



R. van Lier, ‘In memoriam Claudius Henricus de Goeje (1879-1955)’ in BKI 111 (1955), pp. 321-324

Oscar Löfgren & Renato Traini, Catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana. Vol. 2.

Nuovo Fondo: Series A-D (Nos. 1-830). Vicenza: Neri Pozza Editore, 1981

Oscar Löfgren & RenatoTraini, Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in the Bibliotheca Ambrosiana. Vol. 3.

Nuovo Fondo: series E Nos. 831-1295). Vicenza: Neri Pozza Editore, 1995

Hadji Hasan Moestapa, Over de gewoonten en gebruiken der Soendaneezen. Uit het Soendaasch vertaald en

van aanteekeningen voorzien door R.A. Kern. ’s-Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1946

F.H. van Naerssen, Th.G.Th. Pigeaud & P. Voorhoeve, Catalogue of Indonesian manuscripts [of the Royal

Library, Copenhagen], Part 2. Old Javanese charters. Javanese, Malay and Lampung manuscripts. Mads

Lange’s Balinese letters and Official letters in Indonesian languages. Copenhagen: Royal Library, 1977

Notulen KBG = Notulen van het Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, Batavia

Theodore G.Th. Pigeaud, Literature of Java. Catalogue raisonné of Javanese manuscripts in the Library of the

University of Leiden and other public collections in the Netherlands. Volume II. Descriptive lists of Javanese

manuscripts. Leiden: in Bibliotheca Universitatis, 1968

R.M.Ng Poerbatjaraka, P. Voorhoeve and C. Hooykaas, Indonesische hanschriften. Jakarta: Lembaga

Kebudjaan Indonesia / Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 1950

Titik Pudjiastuti, Perang, dagang, persahabatan. Surat-surat Sultan Banten. Prakata: M.C. Ricklefs. Jakarta

(Yayasan Obor Indonesia, The Toyota Foundation) 2007

M.C. Ricklefs & P. Voorhoeve, Indonesian manuscripts in Great Britain. A catalogue of manuscripts in

Indonesian languages in British public collections. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977

M.C. Ricklefs & P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesian manuscripts in Great Britain: Addenda et corrigenda’, in BSOAS

45 (1982), pp. 300-322.

M.C. Ricklefs, P. Voorhoeve & Annabel Teh Gallop, Indonesian Manuscripts in Great Britain. A Catalogue of

Manuscripts in Indonesian Languages in British Public Collections. New Edition with Addenda et

Corrigenda. Jakarta: École française d’Extrême-Orient [and others], 2014

D.A. Rinkes, De Heiligen van Java I-VI: I. De maqam van Sjech ‘Abdoelmoehji. II. Seh Siti djenar voor de

inquisitie. III. Soenan Geseng. IV. Ki Pandan arang te Tembajat. Pangéran. V. Pangéran Panggoeng, zijne

honden en het wajangspel. VI. Het graf te Pamlatèn en de Hollandsche heerschappij, in Tijdschrift voor

Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 52, 53, 54 & 55. Batavia/’s-Gravenhage: Albrecht & Co./Martinus

Nijhoff, 1910-1913.

Abu l-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn Ismāʿīl al-Ašʿarī, Die dogmatischen Lehren der Anhänger des Islams / Kitāb Maqālāt al-

Islāmiyyīn wa-Iḫtilāf al-Muṣallīn. Ed. Hellmut Ritter. 4 vols. Istanbul: Devlet Matbaası, 1929-1933,

(Bibliotheca Islamica 1)

Page 495: INVENTORY OF THE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LIBRARY …islamicmanuscripts.info/inventories/leiden/or09000-20190810.pdf · For the sake of brevity, I refer to my prefaces in those

Ph.S. van Ronkel, Supplement to the Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts preserved in the Museum of the

Batavia Society of Arts and Sciences. Batavia: Albrecht & Co. / The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1913

RSO = Rivista degli Studi Orientali. Roma: Sapienza

G.A.N. Scheltema de Heere, ‘De Nacht der Opstijging. Eene mohammedaansch-oostindische studie’, in De

Indische Gids 36/2 (1936), pp. 1067-1085

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Netherlands. Vol. 2 Comprising the acquisition of Turkish manuscripts in Leiden University Library between

1800 and 1970. Leiden: Legatum Warnerianum, 2002

James T. Siegel, Shadow and sound. The historical thought of a Sumatran people. Chicago: University of

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C. Snouck Hurgronje, The Achehnese. Translated by A.W.S. O’Sullivan with an Index by R.J. Wilkinson. Vol. 2.

Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1906

C. Snouck Hurgronje, Mekka in the Latter Part of the 19th Century. Daily Life, Customs and Learning. The

Moslims of the East-Indian Archipelago. Translated by J.H. Monahan. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2007 (new

edition after the 1931 edition)

TBG = Tijdschrift Bataviaasch Genootschap = Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde

G.L. Tichelman & P. Voorhoeve, Steenplastiek in Simaloengoen. Inventaris van steenen beelden, reliefs,

steenen kisten en dergelijke. Medan: Köler & Co., 1938

Gérard Troupeau, Catalogue des Manuscrits Arabes. Première Partie: Manuscrits Chrétiens. Tome I, Nos. 1-

323. Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, 1972

Paul van ’t Veer, De Atjeh-oorlog. Amsterdam: Arbeiderspers, 1969

A. Verheul, Hikajat Banta Beuransah [geusalen ngon haraih Beulanda le Nja Oesin. Lam thon njoe ka geusalen

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P. Voorhoeve, Overzicht van de volksverhalen der Bataks. Vlissingen 1927

P. Voorhoeve, ‘Indonesische handschriften in de Universiteitsbibliotheek te Leiden’, in Bijdragen tot de Taal-

, Land- en Volkenkunde 108/3 (1952), pp. 209-219

P. Voorhoeve, ‘Bajan Tadjalli’, in TBG 85 (1952-1957), pp. 87-117

P. Voorhoeve, Twee Maleise geschriften van Nuruddin ar-Raniri. In facsimile uitgegeven met aantekeningen

Leiden: Stichting De Goeje, 1955

P. Voorhoeve, ‘A Malay scriptorium’, in: Malayan and Indonesian studies. Essays presented to Sir Richard

Winstedt on his eighty-fifth birthday. Edited by John Bastin & R. Roolvink. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964,

pp. 256-266

P. Voorhoeve, Süd-sumatranische Handschriften, Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1971

P. Voorhoeve, Codices Batatici. Leiden: Universitaire Pers Leiden, 1977

P. Voorhoeve, Handlist of Arabic manuscripts in the Library of the University of Leiden and other

collections in the Netherlands. Second enlarged edition. The Hague/Boston/London: Leiden

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