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Invest In Niger State

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Located in the western region of Nigeria, Niger State is the largest state in the country. Niger State is often referred to as the ‘Power State’ due to the existence of three hydro-electric power stations. As part of the Niger State Vision 3:2020 initiative, special economic zones have been established in the state to enhance economic activities and growth in industrial production, agro-processing and tourism. These special economic zones are to be promoted through public private partnerships between the Niger State Government and interested international and local investors.
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INVEST IN NIGER STATE THE POWER STATE Published by Henley Media Group Ltd in association with the Commonwealth Secretariat
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Invest In nIger statethe Power state

Published by henley Media group Ltd in association with the Commonwealth secretariat

Page 2: Invest In Niger State

Special Investment Destination: Niger State, Nigeria

108 The Commonwealth Finance Ministers Meeting 2010

Invest in Niger State – The Power State

Niger State is the largest state inthe country. It covers a land

area of approximately 74,244 squarekilometres, which is about 10 percent of the total land area ofNigeria. About 85 per cent of theland is arable.

ClimateThe state experiences distinct dryand wet seasons with annual rainfallvarying from 1,100mm in thenorthern regions to 1,600mm in the southern areas. The averagemaximum temperature is 30ºCwhile the average minimum is 22ºC.The rainy seasons last for about 150days in the northern parts to about180 days in the southern regions ofthe state. The fertile soil andhydrology of the state permit thecultivation of most of Nigeria’sstaple crops, and still allows sufficientopportunities for grazing, freshwater fishing and forestrydevelopment.

Population and peopleThe population of Niger State isabout four million, with an annualgrowth rate of 3.4 per cent. Eighty-five per cent of the populace arefarmers, while 15 per cent areinvolved in vocations such as white-collar jobs, business, crafts and arts.

Predominantly the peoples areMuslims and Christians. Althoughthere are three main ethnic groups(Nupe, Gbagyi and Hausa) there aremany other groups living happilywith one another; these include

Igbo, Yoruba and numerous othergroups hailing from all over Nigeria.

EconomyNiger State is blessed with rich andfertile lands, of which many are yetto be fully explored. The evenclimate, annual rainfall and availabilityof a wide variety of mineral andagricultural resources all attest to theeconomic potential of the state.Some of the natural and mineralresources that are found in the stateinclude: talc, gold, baliclays, silica,sand, marble, copper, iron, feldspar,lead, kaolin, cassiterite, columbite,mica, quartzite and limestone.

The five SpecialEconomic Zones In pursuance of the Niger StateVision 3:2020, Special EconomicZones were established in the state to enhance economic activities,industrial production, agro-processing, tourism etc. These SpecialEconomic Zones are to be promotedthrough public-private partnershipconcept whereby strategic alliancesand symbiotic relationships will beestablished between the Niger StateGovernment and interested privateparties. These Special EconomicZones are the Industrial Parks, MinnaAirport City, Babana TransnationalBusiness City, Suleja Twin City and Baro Inland. They will be themeans to bring to reality the NigerState vision 3:2020 to be among the top three state economies by theyear 2020.

Niger State IndustrialParks DevelopmentAgency (NSIPDA)The concept of the industrial parks is to fast-track industrialdevelopment and enhanceeconomic activities in industriallydisadvantaged areas through thedevelopment of a world classinfrastructure with strategic businesssupport packages that will meet the needs of industrialists andmanufacturers at all levels. Theindustrial park concept occurs atdifferent levels and stages whichinclude parks, clusters, free tradezones, and enterprise zones. Theobjectives of NSIPDA is to promotethe development and growth of the industrial sector of the stateeconomy through the establishmentand management of industrial parks,clusters and enterprises zones; alsoto promote technology acquisitions,transfer and other innovative

Niger State is located in the northern region of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The state capital isthe city of Minna. Niger State shares a border with Kaduna State and Abuja to the north-east andsouth-east respectively; Zamfara State borders the north, Kebbi State in the west, Kogi State in thesouth and Kwara State in the south-west. The Republic of Benin borders the north-west by Agwaralocal government area.

Industrial parksGaram Industrial Park (FCT/Nigerstate border)MAC Industrial Park (Minna)BTBC Industrial Park (Babanaborder)

Industrial clustersMinna Industrial ClusterSuleja Industrial ClusterBida Industrial ClusterKontagora Industrial Cluster

Enterprise zones

To be located in all the 25 localgovernment area headquarters

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activities; and to establish strategicalliances with the private sector.

Targeted economic sectors• Agro-Allied and food processing

• Solid mineral processing

• Chemical and allied products

• Pharmaceuticals, medical andhealth products

• Textiles and apparel

• Pulp, wood and furniture

• Advanced materials andmanufacturing, automobiles,machinery and equipment.

Minna Airport CityProject (MAC)MAC is the platform for theeconomic development of NigerState. The area of the site is a zoneof approximately 42km x 42kmwhich stretches from Suleja in theeast to Bida in the west with Minnaas its centre. Niger State recognisesthat airports are shaping businesslocations and urban development inthe 21st century, as much as seaportsdid in the 18th century, railways in the 19th and highways in the 20th century.

MAC as an urban regenerationproject and will be the first of itskind in Nigeria in terms of layout,infrastructure and economy. It iscentred around the existing airporton the outskirts of Minna. Carefulattention will be paid to the designof MAC, so that it will be used as abenchmark in urban planning. TheGovernment of Niger State believesthat if carefully planned andexecuted, the Minna Airport Cityprojects will improve NorthernNigeria’s supply chain networks andbusiness competitiveness, and that it

will go on to boost agriculture,manufacturing, services and exports,attracting tourists and new foreigninvestment and positioning theregion as an economic centre forwest and central Africa. The aim is touse the MAC project and itsderivatives to encourage a state-wideshift from low subsistence productionand domestic consumption of goodsto an export-driven moderneconomy with agricultural businessand industrial growth.

Components of the MACprojectThe MAC project will encompassthe airport, the enterprise zone,manufacturing and industry,commercial and retail developments,transport links, residential zones,public spaces, university andeducation, agriculture, utilities,tourism and hospitality, and amedical zone.

Babana TransnationalBusiness City (BTBC)BTBC was conceived to be acatalyst for economic activities alongthe border area of Niger State, withtremendous economic, social andpolitical benefits to the country. Thebenefits range from job and wealthcreation, increased agriculturalproductivity and steady industrialoutput, coupled with the promotionof tourism, curtailment of smugglingactivities along the border, and areduction in illegal immigration.The result will be increasedinternally generated revenue for thestate authorities, and improvedborder security.

BTBC componentsAn international border market willbe paired with an industrial multi-

activity centre. This will be linkedwith the agricultural exportprocessing zone, an internationalfinancial gallery and residentialprovision for 6,000 people. Therewill be a 4/5 star hotel and tourismsections and a logistics/warehousingunit, all supported by speciallyplanned utilities.

Suleja Twin CityIn view of the acute accommodationshortage in Abuja, Suleja, being thenearest city, has attracted a majorinflux of people, leading to apopulation explosion in the citycoupled with extensive pressure onthe infrastructure and social amenities.

The Suleja Twin City project isaimed at providing residential,commercial, institutional andrecreational facilities such ashousing, hotels, restaurants, shoppingmalls, recreational centres, etc. Thiswill be supplied with the necessaryinfrastructure – water, electricity,roads, internet facilities, cable TVand communication services.

The role of the State Governmentincludes provision of land for the project, facilitation of fundacquisition through bond issues,marketing, security and managementof the project during and afterconstruction.

Baro Inland Port Baro is a town located in Katchalocal government area of Niger State.It is an ancient harbour town with aninland river port that was operationalfrom the late 18th until the 20thcentury. The port fell into disuse until2007, when the Federal Governmentawarded a contract for the dredgingof the River Niger from the delta in

Special Investment Destination: Niger State, Nigeria

Washington D.C., USA, 7-8 October 2010 109

Road dualisation and installation of solar-powered street lighting

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the southern region of the countryto Baro in the north. This additionalfacility will help the attainment ofNigeria’s Vision 20:2020 – to beamong the top 20 world economiesby the year 2020.

Components of Baro Inland PortAs befits a port, there will belogistics and warehousing, togetherwith manufacturing and processingunits, residential units, a commercialcomplex and shopping malls, and acentre for eco-tourism.

Investment opportunitiesin Niger StateThe provision of industrialinfrastructures is a prerequisite forthe establishment of any industrialventures. In recognition of this andin order to attract genuine investors,the State Government has providedthe following supportive services.

Agricultural servicesThe State Government through theMinistry of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment and the Niger StateAgricultural Development Projectsubsidises agricultural inputs such asfertiliser, pesticides, seeds andseedlings, irrigation facilities, and theprovision of extension services.

TransportMinna serves as a gateway to theNorthern, Eastern and the SouthernStates. Major towns in the state arealso linked to Minna through a wellmaintained road network. Like moststates in the Federation, the state hasan established transport service, theNiger State Transport Authority,connecting with all the major townsin the country. The new MinnaInternational Airport is linked withall areas of Nigeria.

Post and telecommunications Niger State has post offices in all itsmajor towns. These are also linkedto the national automatic telephoneexchange. All the local governmentheadquarters, industrial estates andmajor towns have a GSM cellphonenetwork.

Water supplyProvision of water is imperative forsuccessful economic development.Thus, the provision of water for

both domestic and industrial useshas been given special priority. Mostof the villages in the state areequipped with hand pumps for thesupply of water under the state’sRural Water Supply Scheme and theUNICEF programme.

Financial institutions Financial organisations operate inthe state to provide services andgrant loans to approved businessesand industrial enterprises.

Services for investorsand entrepreneursThe State and Federal Governmentin conjunction with private sectororganisations have establishednumerous institutions to assistentrepreneurs in the establishmentof industries. These include:• Niger Chamber of Commerce,

Agriculture and Industry• Manufacturers Association of

Nigeria (MAN)• Industrial Development

Coordination Committee (IDCC)• Niger State Development

Company• Industrial Development Centre


Incentives The Nigeria Government has put in place a number of investmentincentives for the stimulation ofprivate sector investment from withinand outside the country. While someof these cover all sectors, others arelimited to some specific investmentareas. These incentives include:

• Tax relief• Import duty relief• Foreign exchange remittance to

enable investors to repatriate partof their profits

• Local industry protection• Certificate of occupancy

guaranteed within 48 hours• Establishment of industrial estates

in all parts of the state• Provision of a complete

infrastructural facility at theindustrial estate

• Provision of a tax holiday by thestate government for the threeindustrial zones.

Dr Muazu BabangidaAliyu, The ChiefServant of Niger State

Ministry of Investment, Commerceand CooperativesAbdulkareem Lafene SecretariatPaiko Road, PMB 11, MinnaNiger State Nigeria

Niger State Development CompanyNo A44 Muazu Mohammed RoadPMB 114, MinnaNiger StateNigeriaWebsite: www.nsdc.com.ngNiger State website:www.nigerstateonline.com

Special Investment Destination: Niger State, Nigeria

110 The Commonwealth Finance Ministers Meeting 2010

Public-private partnershipinvestment opportunities

The building of 5,000 housing units inNiger State

Gurara Waterfalls tourist centre

Garam Industrial Park

Suleja Twin City project

Minna Industrial Estate/cluster

Minna Airport City Project

Babana transnational border market

Minna 5-star hotel

Beji inland port project

Tafa, Lambata, Mokwa and Tegina truckparks

Garam Model City

Hostel accommodation in all thetertiary Institutions

Zuma Rock International Tourist Centre

Minna-Bida toll road (dualisation)

Commercial agriculture

Solid minerals processing anddevelopment

Development of tourism sites

Development of produce conditioningcentres

Agro-Allied processing projects

Industrial cluster development (fourlocations)

Gurara hydropower project

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S/No. Commodity ProduCtioN PoteNtial of eaCh State with evideNCe

1 Gold minna , Kafin Koro, Kontagora, Bida & New- Bussa

minna, Kontagora, Paikoro, Bida & Borgu

2 Clay enagi, rafi, Badeggi, tatiko, agwara, Borgu, Suleja & mokwa

edati, Katcha, Suleja, Borgu & mokwa

3 silica Sand (97% S. quality)

lemu Gbako

4 Kynaites South-west of minna minna 5 marble minna hill (east-west of minna town) &

Kwakuti (Suleja road) minna & Paiko

6 Copper, iron, felsper & lead

Spread all over the state Spread all over the state

7 Kaolline agaie, Bida, lemu, mokwa & Kutigi agaie, Bida, Gbako, mokwa and lavun8 Cassertrite New-Bussa Borgu 9 Columbite New-Bussa Borgu 10 tantalite New-Bussa Borgu 11 limestone lapai, Konkoso, Swashi & mokwa lapi, Borgu, mokwa & agaie

Niger state: home of solid minerals.Some major solid minerals /produces available in commercial quantity in the state.


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SN raw mate-rialS

loCatioN aPeX Period of Cul-tivatioN

1 rice (upland) all over the state may – december2 rice

(lowland) lapai, agaie, Baddegi, Gbako, Bida, lavun, mokwa, Shiroro, Borgu wushishi, agwara

June – december

3 Sorghum all over the State (Guinea corn) may – January 4 Cassava all over the state with mokwa, lapai, Bida, Gbako, and wushishi

as the major production areas august – december

5 Groundnut all over the state with rijau and magama as the major production area may – december 6 millet all over the sate with mashegu, mariga & magama lGas as the

major production areas april – december

7 Sheanut all over the state June – august 8 Soya beans Suleja, mokwa & lapai July – october 9 yam all over the state with Gurara, Suleja, Paikoro, shiroro and Bosso

lGas as the major production areas march – december

10 Beans all over the state June – december 11 Cotton rafi, mariga, magama, Borgu, rijau, agwara and part of lavun

and lapai lGasJune – december

12 melon lavun, Gbako, agaie, lapai, and mokwa as major areas of production april – december 13 Sugar Cane lavun, Gbako, mokwa & Bida November – december


SN hotelS loCatioN q1 Shiroro hotel minna 2 hydro hotel minna 3 haske hotel minna 4 doko hotel minna 5 Golden Palace hotel minna 6 Jim-ten hotel Suleja7 hill top hotel Suleja 8 Kainji lake Park hotel Kainji 9 desert Prince hotel Bida 10 royal Crown hotel Bida 11 Safari hotel Kontagora 12 hard-resources Kontagora

the minna airport City (aerotroPoliS):the proposed airport hotel to be located at the minna airport City.

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SN lGa Name loCatioN

1 agaie a. Baro empir hillb. Baro Port 2 agwara a. Bee tree agwara 3 Bida a. masaga Glass worksb. Brass works tswata mukun4 Borgu a. Kainji lake National

Parkb.Pissa Cavec.

5 Bosso a. Bosso hillb. Zarumai’s Gravec.6 Gbako a. Pati woli (mountain)b. essan old Kingdom ruins7 Gurara a. Gurara water falls Bonu village 8 lapai a. Binna footprintb. dabo mosquec.9 lavun a. daginna Games re-

searveb.local dyeing Centrec.

10 mariga a. Nagwamatse well Nagwamatse along tegina – Konatogara 11 magama a. Nagwamatse tombb. makwalla dyeing Centrec.12 mashegu a. ibbi National Park ibbi 13 minna a. wushishi engine tramway

No.1b.State museum

14 mokwa a. Growing Potb. mungo Park Cenotaph c.15 Paikoro a. tatiko Cottage industry b. river Chimbi16 rafi a. dutsen mai Nonob. Kusherki magnetic hillc.17 rijau a. rataya Giwa mountain b. Sanjir mountain18 Shiroro a. Shiroro hydro-electric

dam and lakeb.regge hill

19 Suleja a. Zuma rockb. ladi Kwali Pottery Centre20 wushishi a. lord lugard colonial ruins

b.Nnamdi azikiwe centre

21 mashegu a. Zuguma National Park Zuguma


MINISTRY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND CHIEFTAINCY AFFAIRS• ward development Projects in 277 wards of the State: each of the wards were given one million Naira

monthly to execute priority projects at the ward level• Construction of 10km road in each of the 25 lGas of the State

the minna airport City (aerotroPoliS):minna international airport. airport City housing estate, minna. fuel dump under construction at the airport, minna.

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MINISTRY OF INVESTMENT, COMMERCE AND COOPERATIVES • Concessioning of State owned Baddegi rice Processing Company to a Private Partner• acquisition of 207 hectares for industrial Parks and Clusters at Garam village (fCt/Niger Border)• Concessioning of the Niger fertilizer Company ltd• Sponsoring of minna National annual trade fair • Production of feasibility report and master Plan of Babanna transnational Business City• Production of feasibility report, master Plan & designs of minna airport City project

Niger State industrial Parks development Project:aerial view of the proposed industrial Park and the clusters within the park administrative Block of the minna industrial Park

MINISTRY OF WORKS & INFRASTRUCTURErestoration and development of minna township roads• mohammed muazu road• independent road• ibrahim aliyu road• Shehu musa road• Justice Ndajiwo road• democracy drive road• mua’zu B. aliyu road• Peter Sarki road• idris legbo road• minna industrial layout road

other roads • Kutigi – fazhi road • Batati – dabban road• luma – Babanna road• Bonu – Gurara water falls• mokwa – raba road• Birigi – lapai Gwari road

Street lights along the new roads and old ones such as:• Chanchaga – minna road• minna western Bye-Pass road• minna – makunkele road• Broadcasting road• david mark roadPurchase and distribution of earth moving equipment to the 25 lGas to facilitate rural road construction

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SoCial ServiCe: education, healthcare, welfare. the newly commissioned free maternal and child health clinic, minna.

iNfraStruCture: road, housing, electricity etc... drainage rehabilitation and construction of various housing units in progress

A. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION • Payment of NeCo/waeC/NaBteB examinations for students in public Schools• Provision of free text and exercise books for students in public schools • Provision of free school uniforms to pupils in public schools• Payment of N2 billion counterpart obligation to the universal Basic education fund

B. MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT • establishment of a tricycle assembly plant in minna• Purchase of buses for ntra city and interstate transportation

C. MINISTRY OF LAND AND HOUSING • 500 units wushishi housing estate, minna• 500 units talba housing estate, minna• 250 units Sani Bello housing estate, Kontagora • 250 units Shehu musa housing estate, Bida• 250 units umaru musa yar’adua housing estate, Sabon wuse• 1000 units Suleja modern housing estate, Suleja • dikko kabo road housing estate, dikko

Note: over 1,000 Certificate of occupancy have been issued to potential investors for real estates, residential and industrial Purposes

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D. MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND CULTURE • resuscitation of murtala amusement Park• establishment of amusement democracy Park• establishment of amusement magatakarda Park• organization of annual durba in four emirate councils of minna, Bida, Kontagora & Borgu.• hosting of the 23rd edition of NafeSt in 2009• rehabilitation of uK Bello arts theatre

E. MINISTRY OF HEALTH• Construction of 100 Primary health Care Centres• free medical care for children under the age of 5 and adults above 70years old and pregnant women• Construction of a 110 bed general hospital at Sabon wuse, Nasko and Gulu (in each of the three senatorial

district)• mdG has renovated over 100 Primary health Care Centres

touriSm: 56 sites.a: the Zuma rock. B: the Kainji lake National Park. C: the Gurara fall


a B


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F. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE• Creation of the ministry of forestry and animal health & fishing from the ministry of agriculture• tractor hiring schemes• establishment of a fertilizer blending plant in Niger State

INVESTMENT CONTACT (i) ministry of investment, Commerce and Cooperatives

abdulkareem lafene Secretariat, Paiko road P.m.B 11, minna. Niger State

(ii) Niger State development Company No. a44 muazu mohammed road P.m.B 114, minna, Niger State www.nsdc.com.ng

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTACTS(i) Governor`s office, No. 1 Shehu musa way,

P.m.B 109, minna, Niger State.

(ii) ministry of information and Communication abdulkareem lafene Secretariat, Paiko road P.m.B 46 minna, Niger State

eCoNomy: agriculture, mining, manufacturing. vast expanse of arable and fertile land suitable for mechanized/commercial farming, (Beside: Badegi rice mill/imurat Plastic industry and some products)

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Compiled and edited by Sylvia Powell for Henley Media Group Ltd.
