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Investigating the profession of early locus coeruleus pathology in a transgenic mouse model of...

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Mo$va$on and Background Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenera0ve disease and induces problems with memory, cogni0ve thinking, and behavior. The exact mechanisms underlying AD progression are s0ll unknown, but ßamyloid (Aß) plaques and tau neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) have been implicated in the origins of AD like pathology. Recent studies suggest that the earliest ADlike pathology seen in individuals lacking AD symptoms is hyperphosphorylated tau located in the locus coeruleus (LC) 1 . Made by Yoshiyama et al., the P301STau transgenic (Tg) mouse has a muta0on that changes proline to serine at the 301 st codon, which leads to hyperphosphoryla0on of tau. This is a model of hyperphosphorylated tau. Studies have shown that there is hyperphosphorylated tau in the hippocampus at six mo. in the P301S Tg mouse model, but none have inves0gated tau in the LC at earlier 0me points 2,3 . Inves$ga$ng the progression of early locus coeruleus pathology in a transgenic mouse model of hyperphosphorylated tau Aim To determine which forms of abnormal tau— hyperphosphorylated or even misfolded—are formed and when they first appear in the LC of P301STau Tg mice, which endogenously expresses mutant human tau (hTau). I am looking at four 0me points: 2, 3, 4, and 5 months of age. Materials and Methods P301STau Tg Mouse Male P301STau Tg mice. Transcardial Perfusions and Slicing Mice perfused at 2, 3, 4, and 5 months of age. Dropfixed in 4% paraformaldehyde. Cryoprotected in 30% sucrose. Sliced at 30 microns using frozen cryostat. FreeFloa$ng Immunohistochemistry (IHC) Double immunofluorescence with TH (LC marker at 1:1000) and HT7 (hTau; 1:500), AT8 (hyperphosphorylated tau; 1:500), and MC1 (misfolded tau; 1:1000). Applied fluorescent secondaries gαM 546 (1:600) and gαRb 488 (1:600) to primary an0bodies. Immunohistochemistry Figure 1. Endogenous expression of P301S mutant hTau in the LC of Tau Tg mice. Coronal sec0ons of the LC of P301STau mice were immunostained with TH (red) and P301S mutant hTau was immunostained with the human tau an0body HT7 (green) at all 0me points, including (A) 2 months and (B) 5 months of age. P301STau Tg mice express hTau in the LC from 2 mo. onwards TH HT7 Merge 2 mo. 5 mo. Eagan Ze^lemoyer 1 , Termpanit Chalermpalanupap 2,3 , Canaan Jerome 3 , David Weinshenker 2,3 1 College of Arts and Sciences, 2 Neuroscience Graduate Program, 3 Department of Human Gene0cs, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322 USA 3 mo. TH Merge AT8 4 mo. Conclusions Future Direc$ons Use more mice for more significant results. Use different an0bodies for hyperphosphorylated (i.e. AT100, AT180) and misfolded (i.e. PHF1) tau. Inves0gate misfolded tau at later 0me points. Inves0gate when NFTs first appear and when the LC begins to degenerate. References 1) Braak et al. (2011). Stages of the pathologic process in Alzheimer disease: age categories from 1 to 100 years. Na0onal Center for Biotechnology Informa0on. 2) Yoshiyama et al. (2007). Synapse loss and microglial ac0va0on precede tangles in a P301S tauopathy mouse model. Na0onal Center for Biotechnology Informa0on. A B HT7 AT8 MC1 2 + 3 + 4 + + 5 + + Months of Age An0bodies—TH (+) Figure 2. Expression of hyperphosphorylated tau in the LC of Tau Tg mice. Coronal sec0ons of the LC of P301STau mice were immunostained with TH (red) and hyperphosphorylated tau was immunostained with the abnormal tau an0body AT8 (green) at all 0me points, including (A) 3 months and (B) 4 months of age. P301STau Tg mice begin expressing abnormal tau in the LC at 4 mo. 2 mo. 5 mo. TH MC1 Merge P301STau Tg mice do not express misfolded tau in the LC through 5 mo. of age Figure 3. No expression of misfolded tau in the LC of Tau Tg mice. Coronal sec0ons of the LC of P301STau mice were immunostained with TH (red) and misfolded tau was immunostained with the conforma0onal an0body MC1 (green) at all 0me points, including (A) 2 months and (B) 5 months of age. A A B B This manifesta0on of hyperphosphorylated tau in LC precedes its’ spread to the hippocampus recent studies have shown it is first seen at 6 mo. In this brain region. As expected, soluble hTau is expressed endogenously in the LC of all P301STau Tg mice. Hyperphosphorylated tau is first detected in the LC of these mice at 4 mo. of age. Misfolded tau is not seen in the LC of these mice at all up through 5 mo. of age. P301STau Tg mouse is a good model of hyperphosphorylated tau, for Braak et al. saw a similar progression of abnormal tau buildup in the LC of human young adults. 3) Takeuchi et al. (2011). “P301S Mutant Human Tau Transgenic Mice Manifest Early Symptoms of Human Tauopathies with Demen0a and Altered Sensorimotor Ga0ng.” PubMed. U.S. Na0onal Library of Medicine.
Page 1: Investigating the profession of early locus coeruleus pathology in a transgenic mouse model of hyperphosphorylated tau

       Mo$va$on  and  Background  •  Alzheimer’s  disease  (AD)  is  the  most  common  

neurodegenera0ve  disease  and  induces  problems  with  memory,  cogni0ve  thinking,  and  behavior.  

•  The  exact  mechanisms  underlying  AD  progression  are  s0ll  unknown,  but  ß-­‐amyloid  (Aß)  plaques  and  tau  neurofibrillary  tangles  (NFT)  have  been  implicated  in  the  origins  of  AD-­‐like  pathology.  

•  Recent  studies  suggest  that  the  earliest  AD-­‐like  pathology  seen  in  individuals  lacking  AD  symptoms  is  hyperphosphorylated  tau  located  in  the  locus  coeruleus  (LC)1.  

•  Made  by  Yoshiyama  et  al.,  the  P301S-­‐Tau  transgenic  (Tg)  mouse  has  a  muta0on  that  changes  proline  to  serine  at  the  301st  codon,  which  leads  to  hyperphosphoryla0on  of  tau.  

•  This  is  a  model  of  hyperphosphorylated  tau.  •  Studies  have  shown  that  there  is  

hyperphosphorylated  tau  in  the  hippocampus  at  six  mo.  in  the  P301S  Tg  mouse  model,  but  none  have  inves0gated  tau  in  the  LC  at  earlier  0me  points2,3.  

Inves$ga$ng  the  progression  of  early  locus  coeruleus  pathology  in  a  transgenic  mouse  model  of  hyperphosphorylated  tau  

Aim  To  determine  which  forms  of  abnormal  tau—hyperphosphorylated  or  even  misfolded—are  formed  and  when  they  first  appear  in  the  LC  of  P301S-­‐Tau  Tg  mice,  which  endogenously  expresses  mutant  human  tau  (hTau).  I  am  looking    at  four  0me  points:  2,  3,  4,  and  5  months  of  age.  

Materials  and  Methods  P301S-­‐Tau  Tg  Mouse  •   Male  P301S-­‐Tau  Tg  mice.  Transcardial  Perfusions  and  Slicing  •  Mice  perfused  at  2,  3,  4,  and  5  months  of  age.  •  Drop-­‐fixed  in  4%  paraformaldehyde.  •  Cryoprotected  in  30%  sucrose.  •  Sliced  at  30  microns  using  frozen  cryostat.  Free-­‐Floa$ng  Immunohistochemistry  (IHC)  •  Double  immunofluorescence  with  TH  (LC  marker  

at  1:1000)  and  HT7  (hTau;  1:500),  AT8  (hyperphosphorylated  tau;  1:500),  and  MC1  (misfolded  tau;  1:1000).  

•  Applied  fluorescent  secondaries  gαM  546  (1:600)  and  gαRb  488  (1:600)  to  primary  an0bodies.  


Figure  1.  Endogenous  expression  of  P301S  mutant  hTau  in  the  LC  of  Tau  Tg  mice.  Coronal  sec0ons  of  the  LC  of  P301S-­‐Tau  mice  were  immunostained  with  TH  (red)  and  P301S  mutant  hTau  was  immunostained  with  the  human  tau  an0body  HT7  (green)  at    all  0me  points,  including  (A)  2  months  and  (B)  5  months  of  age.  

P301S-­‐Tau  Tg  mice  express  hTau  in  the  LC  from  2  mo.  onwards  

TH   HT7   Merge  

2  mo.  

5  mo.  

Eagan  Ze^lemoyer1,  Termpanit  Chalermpalanupap2,3,  Canaan  Jerome3,  David  Weinshenker2,3  1College  of  Arts  and  Sciences,  2Neuroscience  Graduate  Program,  3Department  of  Human  Gene0cs,  Emory  University,  Atlanta,  GA  30322  USA  

3  mo.  

TH   Merge  AT8  

4  mo.  


Future  Direc$ons  •  Use  more  mice  for  more  significant  results.  •  Use  different  an0bodies  for  

hyperphosphorylated  (i.e.  AT100,  AT180)  and  misfolded  (i.e.  PHF-­‐1)  tau.  

•  Inves0gate  misfolded  tau  at  later  0me  points.  

•  Inves0gate  when  NFTs  first  appear  and  when  the  LC  begins  to  degenerate.  

References  1)  Braak  et  al.  (2011).  Stages  of  the  pathologic  process  in  Alzheimer  disease:  age  categories  from  1  to  100  years.  Na0onal  Center  for  Biotechnology  Informa0on.  2)  Yoshiyama  et  al.  (2007).  Synapse  loss  and  microglial  ac0va0on  precede  tangles  in  a  P301S  tauopathy  mouse  model.  Na0onal  Center  for  Biotechnology  Informa0on.  



    HT7   AT8   MC1  2   +   -­‐   -­‐  3   +   -­‐   -­‐  4   +   +   -­‐  5   +   +   -­‐  M

onths  o

f  Age  

An0bodies—TH  (+)    

Figure  2.  Expression  of  hyperphosphorylated  tau  in  the  LC  of  Tau  Tg  mice.  Coronal  sec0ons  of  the  LC  of  P301S-­‐Tau  mice  were  immunostained  with  TH  (red)  and  hyperphosphorylated  tau  was  immunostained  with  the  abnormal  tau  an0body  AT8  (green)  at  all  0me  points,  including  (A)  3  months  and  (B)  4  months  of  age.  

P301S-­‐Tau  Tg  mice  begin  expressing  abnormal  tau  in  the  LC  at  4  mo.  

2  mo.  

5  mo.  

TH   MC1   Merge  

P301S-­‐Tau  Tg  mice  do  not  express  misfolded  tau  in  the  LC  through  5  mo.  of  age  

Figure  3.  No  expression  of  misfolded  tau  in  the  LC  of  Tau  Tg  mice.  Coronal  sec0ons  of  the  LC  of  P301S-­‐Tau  mice  were  immunostained  with  TH  (red)  and  misfolded  tau  was  immunostained  with  the  conforma0onal  an0body  MC1  (green)  at  all  0me  points,  including  (A)  2  months  and  (B)  5  months  of  age.  





•  This  manifesta0on  of  hyperphosphorylated  tau  in  LC  precedes  its’  spread  to  the  hippocampus  recent  studies  have  shown  it  is  first  seen  at  6  mo.  In  this  brain  region.  

•  As  expected,  soluble  hTau  is  expressed  endogenously  in  the  LC  of  all  P301S-­‐Tau  Tg  mice.  

•  Hyperphosphorylated  tau  is  first  detected  in  the  LC  of  these  mice  at  4  mo.  of  age.  

•  Misfolded  tau  is  not  seen  in  the  LC  of  these  mice  at  all  up  through  5  mo.  of  age.  

•  P301S-­‐Tau  Tg  mouse  is  a  good  model  of  hyperphosphorylated  tau,  for  Braak  et  al.  saw  a  similar  progression  of  abnormal  tau  buildup  in  the  LC  of  human  young  adults.  

3)  Takeuchi  et  al.  (2011).  “P301S  Mutant  Human  Tau  Transgenic  Mice  Manifest  Early  Symptoms  of  Human  Tauopathies  with  Demen0a  and  Altered  Sensorimotor  Ga0ng.”  PubMed.  U.S.  Na0onal  Library  of  Medicine.    
