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Investigation and treatment constrictive pericarditis

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Thorax (1967), 22, 242. Investigation and treatment of constrictive pericarditis M. K. A. DAYEM, F. M. WASFI, H. H. BENTALL, J. F. GOODWIN, AND W. P. CLELAND From the Departments of Medicine (Clinzical Cardiology) and Surgery (Cardiothoracic Unit), Royal Postgradulate Medical School, and Hammersmith Hospital Twenty-six patients with constrictive pericarditis have been investigated and treated-by surgical in addition to medical methods in 22, and by medical management alone in four. A tuberculous aetiology was proved in only two patients but was probable in 10 others. One patient developed constriction of the heart following a stab wound, which caused a haemopericardium, and one after organization of a pericardial cyst. In the remainder no cause was found. The clinical features and diagnostic criteria are described, with emphasis on cardiac catheterization and angiocardio- graphy. Operative results are given: two patients died after the operation, and the results are compared with other series. All surviving patients were improved: greatly in 13 and moderately in three. Four patients had a poor result due to long-standing myocardial disorder, and so we stress the importance of early operation, with reference to illustrative cases. Conversely, the practicability of treating certain patients by medical means alone is demonstrated. The criteria for operation are discussed with reference to repeated cardiac catheterization and angiocardio- graphy. Constrictive pericarditis is not a common disease. Wood (1961) described 40 cases; only 53 cases were seen at the Massachusetts General Hospital between 1914 and 1947 (Paul, Castleman, and White, 1948), and Burwell (1957) had studied only 66 patients with this disease up to 1953. This rarity may be due in part to the decreasing inci- dence of human tuberculous infection in the Western world in recent years, although constric- tive pericarditis is common in South Africa (Schrire, 1959). Evern with improved methods of diagnosis in recent years the disease appears still to be rare in Europe and North America. Twenty-six patients with constrictive pericarditis were seen at Hammersmith Hospital between 1948 and 1965. Here we present their salient clinical and physiological features and analyse the roles of medical and surgical treatment in the management of this disease. SUBJECTS AND METHODS In our 26 patients the diagnosis was confirmed at operation in 22 and at necropsy in one. In addi- tion to clinical examination, all patients had the appropriate radiographs and electrocardiograms; the plasma proteins, plasma electrolytes, and the blood urea were estimated, and a full blood count was made. A thorough search for evidence of present or past tuberculous infection included, in every patient, sputum and urine cultures, and a Mantoux test utilizing a 1/100 to 1/10,000 con- centration of P.P.D. Cultures of pleural or peri- cardial fluids were made whenever possible, and phonocardiography was performed in 12 patients. Right heart catheterization was carried out in 16 patients. The right atrial, right ventricular, and pulmonary arterial pressure pulses were analysed. The cardiac output, arteriovenous oxygen differ- ence, pulmonary capillary wedge and intra-arterial pressures were recorded whenever possible. The response of the right atrial and wedge pressures to inspiration and the effect of the Valsalva manceuvre and respiration were also noted. Angiocardiography by the venous or the right atrial route was performed in seven patients using 85% hypaque (Preger, Dayem, Goodwin, and Steiner, 1965). RESULTS AGE AND SEX The average age in this series was 37 years, with a range from 9 to 70 years. Over half the patients were over 30 years of age. The male: female sex ratio was 1 5: 1. 242 on 20 December 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright. http://thorax.bmj.com/ Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.22.3.242 on 1 May 1967. Downloaded from
Page 1: Investigation and treatment constrictive pericarditis

Thorax (1967), 22, 242.

Investigation and treatment of constrictivepericarditis


From the Departments of Medicine (Clinzical Cardiology) and Surgery (Cardiothoracic Unit), RoyalPostgradulate Medical School, and Hammersmith Hospital

Twenty-six patients with constrictive pericarditis have been investigated and treated-by surgicalin addition to medical methods in 22, and by medical management alone in four. A tuberculousaetiology was proved in only two patients but was probable in 10 others. One patient developedconstriction of the heart following a stab wound, which caused a haemopericardium, and oneafter organization of a pericardial cyst. In the remainder no cause was found. The clinical featuresand diagnostic criteria are described, with emphasis on cardiac catheterization and angiocardio-graphy. Operative results are given: two patients died after the operation, and the results arecompared with other series. All surviving patients were improved: greatly in 13 and moderatelyin three. Four patients had a poor result due to long-standing myocardial disorder, and so westress the importance of early operation, with reference to illustrative cases. Conversely, thepracticability of treating certain patients by medical means alone is demonstrated. The criteriafor operation are discussed with reference to repeated cardiac catheterization and angiocardio-graphy.

Constrictive pericarditis is not a common disease.Wood (1961) described 40 cases; only 53 caseswere seen at the Massachusetts General Hospitalbetween 1914 and 1947 (Paul, Castleman, andWhite, 1948), and Burwell (1957) had studied only66 patients with this disease up to 1953. Thisrarity may be due in part to the decreasing inci-dence of human tuberculous infection in theWestern world in recent years, although constric-tive pericarditis is common in South Africa(Schrire, 1959). Evern with improved methods ofdiagnosis in recent years the disease appears stillto be rare in Europe and North America.Twenty-six patients with constrictive pericarditis

were seen at Hammersmith Hospital between1948 and 1965. Here we present their salientclinical and physiological features and analyse theroles of medical and surgical treatment in themanagement of this disease.


In our 26 patients the diagnosis was confirmed atoperation in 22 and at necropsy in one. In addi-tion to clinical examination, all patients had theappropriate radiographs and electrocardiograms;the plasma proteins, plasma electrolytes, and the

blood urea were estimated, and a full blood countwas made. A thorough search for evidence ofpresent or past tuberculous infection included, inevery patient, sputum and urine cultures, and aMantoux test utilizing a 1/100 to 1/10,000 con-centration of P.P.D. Cultures of pleural or peri-cardial fluids were made whenever possible, andphonocardiography was performed in 12 patients.

Right heart catheterization was carried out in16 patients. The right atrial, right ventricular, andpulmonary arterial pressure pulses were analysed.The cardiac output, arteriovenous oxygen differ-ence, pulmonary capillary wedge and intra-arterialpressures were recorded whenever possible. Theresponse of the right atrial and wedge pressuresto inspiration and the effect of the Valsalvamanceuvre and respiration were also noted.Angiocardiography by the venous or the right

atrial route was performed in seven patients using85% hypaque (Preger, Dayem, Goodwin, andSteiner, 1965).


AGE AND SEX The average age in this series was37 years, with a range from 9 to 70 years. Overhalf the patients were over 30 years of age. Themale: female sex ratio was 1 5: 1.


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Page 2: Investigation and treatment constrictive pericarditis

Investigation and treatment of constrictive pericarditis

AETIOLOGY Tubercle bacilli were isolated fromthe pericardium in only two patients in this series.In a further 10 patients there was some evidenceof a past tuberculous infection either from thehistological examination of the excised peri-cardium or from a positive Mantoux test. In onepatient the rapid onset of the signs and symptomsof constriction and the positive serological testsall made a viral aetiology probable. One patienthad a pericardial cyst which had ruptured, andone developed constriction after a stab wound ofthe chest. No cause for the constrictive pericarditiscould be detected in the remaining 12 patients.However, we assumed a tuberculous cause for thepurposes of treatment in all patients, while realiz-ing that other causes may have been operating.

HISTORY In 13 patients the duration of symp-toms was one year or less prior to hospital admis-sion. Nine gave a history of 'between one and 11years. In the remaining four the duration of thedisease could not be determined.

Figure 1 gives a summary of the main symp-toms in the 26 patients. Dyspnoea was the com-monest finding and was present in 18 patients.Cough, chest pain, pericardial and pleural effu-sion, and fever were less frequently encountered.



A scites

Pericordial effusion

Pleural effusion

Calcif icartion

Chest pain


Cardioc enlargement

Dy spnoea

CoughPericardial pain





Pleuritic pain


Syn cope

0 2 4 b 8 10 12 14 1 18Number of cases

FIG. 1. Histograms showing the relative frequency ofpastand present symptonms and other features.

CLINICAL EXAMINATION Figures 2 and 3 show thefrequency of the general and cardiac signs foundin the 26 patients. The commonest sign was anearly third sound, which was heard in 24 patients.A raised jugular venous pressure and hepaticenlargement were present in 21 and 20 patientsrespectively. The jugular venous pulse was of theusual type in this disease, with sharp 'y' descentand prominent 'a' and 'v' waves (Fig. 4). Anincrease in the height of the pressure on inspira-tion was common. Pulsus paradoxus and a quietapex beat were present in just over half thepatients.

Ascites preceded oedema in only eight patients,ascites alone was present in two, while oedemaalone was present in five: both were absent inseven patients.The blood pressure was always within the

normal range, though the pulse volume was smallclinically in 14 patients. Peripheral cyanosis wasobserved in 11 patients and clubbing of the fingerswas found in three.

Atrial fibrillation was found in five patients,and atrial flutter in one. Wide splitting of thesecond heart sound (Beck, Schrire, and Vogelpoel,1962) was detected in seven of our patients.

TUBERCULOUS INFECTION A striking feature wasthe complete absence of any evidence of presentor past infection with tubercle bacilli in 14patients. Only two had tubercle bacilli isolatedfrom the pericardium. In a further seven the onlyevidence of past tuberculous infection was apositive Mantoux test.

BLOOD PICTURE AND CHEMISTRY The haemoglobincontent of the blood was below 13-0 g./100 ml. ineight patients (14-0 g./100 ml.= 100% in ourlaboratory). The erythrocyte sedimentation ratewas above 15 mm. in the first hour in only fivepatients. In spite of the frequency of hepato-megaly only six patients showed a reducedplasma protein level and an albumin: globulinratio of 1-0 or less.

PHONOCARDIOGRAPHY Analysis of the 12 recordedphonocardiograms showed the presence of anearly third heart sound in 11 patients (Fig. 5). Theaverage interval between the aortic component ofthe second sound and the third sound was 0 12second.

ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY The electrical axis of theheart in the frontal plane was + 600 or more intwo-thirds of the patients. Right axis deviation ofmore than + 90° was detected in four patients.Left axis deviation was not found.


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Page 3: Investigation and treatment constrictive pericarditis

244 M. K. A. Dayem, F. M. Wasfi, H. H. Bentall, J. F. Goodwin, and W. P. Cleland

Raised J.V.P.

Enlarged liver

Pulsus paradoxus

Small pulse volume

Kussmoul's sign



Pleural effusionPeripheral cyanosis


Atrial fibrillation


FIG. 2. Histogram showing the fre-quency of the various physical signs.JVP= jugular venous pressure; Kuss-maul's sign = increase in jugularvenous pressure on inspiration.

o 2 4 b 8 l0Number of cases

FIG. 3. Histogram showing the fre-quency of cardiac signs.

FIG. 5. Phonocardiogram showinigan early third heart sound(arrowed): A .A. = aortic area;L.F.=low frequency; M.A. =mitral area.

2 14 1x 18 20 22

3rd heart sound

Indefinite apex beat

Faint heart sounds

Systolic murmur

Wide split 2nd sound

R.V ImpulseRub

Fixed split 2nd sound

Systolic click

4th heart sound

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 lb 18 20 22 24Number of cases

FIG. 4. Representation of jugular venous pulse form inconstrictive pericarditis.

L. F. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~M.A.

L. F. 1



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Page 4: Investigation and treatment constrictive pericarditis

Investigation and treatment of constrictive pericarditis


V4R VI V2 V3 VS V7


FIG. 6. Electrocardiogram of a patientt withchronic constrictive pericarditis showing anotched P wave, low voltage QRS com-plexes, inverted T waves, and a dominantR wave in lead V?R.


I i.

;mw %IN

R VI V2 V3 V4 Vs V6 V-7

I.H -- -111.00 -Nft -17- .

k4 p, - t- I--II,r-'r-rT -




FIG. 7. Electrocardiogram in constrictive pericarditis of recent onset,showing inverted T waves in Vl to V3, flat T waves in V4 to V7, and tall Rwaves in V4 and V5 (25 and 20 mm. respectively). There is left atrialenlargement, and a dominant R in V4R and Vi.

The P wave was broad and notched in sevenpatients. Atrial fibrillation occurred in five patientsand atrial flutter in one. Low voltage QRS com-plexes were seen in both the limb and chest leadsin 15 patients (Fig. 6). Lead V4R showed a QRpattern in two patients and a dominant R wave inanother four. A short history was sometimes asso-ciated with tall R waves in the left chest leads(Fig. 7).

RADIOLOGY A summary of the appearances onplain films is given in Figure 8. Calcification ofthe pericardium (Figs 9a and b) was demonstratedin 16 (60%) patients. This incidence is very simi-lar to that observed in most other series (Wood,1961; Hugh, 1962). The cardiothoracic ratiovaried between 0-38 and 0-72, the average being0-51.

FLUOROSCOPY In eight out of 10 patients fluoro-scopy revealed diminished cardiac pulsations, morepronounced on the right side in six. Irregular andunequal cardiac pulsation is a useful diagnosticsign. A pleural effusion was observed in 12patients.

ANGIOCARDIOGRAPHY There was thickening of thepericardium in the frontal and lateral projectionson the right cardiac border (Goodwin, 1965) (Fig.10). An analysis of the tracings of the angiogramsof seven patients showed that the variation in thesize of the left atrial shadow during the cardiaccycle was greatly reduced in four patients (8-3%of the diastolic atrial volume) and within normallimits in three (39% of the diastolic atrial volume).A normal change in volume of the left atriumduring the cardiac cycle was found in only three


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Page 5: Investigation and treatment constrictive pericarditis

246 M. K. A. Dayem, F. M. Wasfi, H. H. Bentall, J. F. Goodwin, and W. P. Cleland

CalcificationPleural effusion

Cardiac enlargement

High diaphrogm

Old pulm. tuberculosis

Pericardial effusion

N 2 4cs 8Number of coses

FIG. 8. Histogram showing the relative frequency of theradiological signs in 26 patients.

FIG. 9. (a) Six-foot postero-anterior radiograph of theheart shows calcification of the pericardium (arrowed).(b) Lateral radiograph of the heart shows very extensivepericardial calcification and mediastinal gland calcificationin a patient with tuberculous constrictive pericarditis.

10 12 14 1l

FIG. 9b

FIG. 9a

I v


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Page 6: Investigation and treatment constrictive pericarditis

Investigation and treatment of constrictive pericarditis

The mean pulmonary arterial pressure rangedfrom 13 to 30 mm. Hg and the cardiac outputbetween 2-9 and 6-2 litres/minute. The averageindirect left atrial wedge (PCP) pressure was14 mm. Hg.The Valsalva manceuvre resulted in an

abnormal response in two patients. This may bedue to the fact that the positive intrathoracicpressure is readily transmitted to the right atrialcavity because of the interference caused by thecalcified pericardial barrier. The increase in thevenous-right atrial pressure gradient thus pro-duced augments the venous inflow to the rightatrium during the strain period.

R.A. P.C.R


L .0

patients, who did not need surgery, suggesting thatreduced volume change is associated with severe

disease (Preger et al., 1965).

HAEMODYNAMICS Full details of the haemo-dynamic findings in the 16 patients catheterizedare available from the authors. The mean rightatrial pressure was 105 mm. Hg (range 2-19 mm.Hg). A steep 'y' descent was found in 12 patients(Fig. 11). An attempt was made to correlate thejugular venous pressure level above the sternalangle, as estimated on the bedside, with the rightatrial pressure measured during catheterization.The correlation was poor and in most patientsthe venous pressure at the bedside was lower thanthat which would have been predicted from thatrecorded in the right atrium. A rise in the rightatrial pressure with inspiration (Kussmaul's (1873)sign) was observed in eight patients.The average right ventricular systolic pressure

was 33 mm. Hg. The right ventricular pressuredropped rapidly in early diastole, but only rarelydid it fall below zero. An early diastolic dip wasfound, however, in 12 patients and was followedby a rapid rise in the right ventricular pressure toa plateau which remained during the rest of thediastole. The end-diastolic pressure in the rightventricle was raised to a level varying between 5and 22 mm. Hg, the average being 12-5 mm. Hg.






mm. Hg


FIG. 11. Haemodynamic findings in a patient with chronicconstrictive pericarditis showing rapid 'x' and 'y' descentsin both the right atrial (R.A.) and pulmonary capillarywedge pressure pulse (P.C.P.). There is an early diastolicdip (E.D.D.) followed by a plateau in the right ventricularpressure pulse (R. V.) as well as a prominent atrial con-

traction wave (a) in the pulmonary artery pressure pulse(P.A.). Note the tall P waves in the electrocardiogram(lead 1), indicating right atrial enlargement.

Exact superimposition of the pulmonary arteryand right ventricular pressure pulses was possiblein four patients. In all of them the pressure in theright atrium during a trial systole (the 'a' wave)was higher than the pulmonary diastolic pressure.The pressure in the pulmonary artery rose eithersimultaneously with, or 0-02 sec. before, the riseof the pressure in the right ventricle. Thus atrialcontraction alone was able to open the pulmonaryvalve and the isometric contraction period wasabolished.

FIG. 10. Frontal projection of right atrial angiocardio-gram showing thickenedpericardium (hatched) between thecontrast medium in the right atrium (R.A.) and the rightatrial border (R.B.).


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Page 7: Investigation and treatment constrictive pericarditis

248 M. K. A. Dayein, F. M. Wasfi, H. H. Bentall, J. F. Goodwin, and W. P. Cleland

OPERATIVE RESULTS Twenty-two patients wereoperated upon and two died. In one (P. H., aged9 years) a thickened pericardial sac was found atoperation, trapping a flabby myocardium. Despitegood relief of constriction his blood pressure felland a second thoracotomy was performed on thesame day because of suspected intrathoracicbleeding. Cardiac arrest occurred on opening thechest, again in the process of closing it, and hedied four hours after the operation. The other(B. W., aged 59 years) had glomerulonephritis andHenoch-Schonlein purpura in addition to con-strictive pericarditis. A successful operation wasfollowed by improvement for nine months. Thenfrequent attacks of chest pain culminated in acutemyocardial infarction and death 10 months afterthe operation. Necropsy confirmed the extensivenature of the infarction and showed calcificationof both coronary arteries and thrombosis of theright main artery.The operation was attended with few complica-

tions. A tear in the right atrium during the processof decortication was the commonest and occurredin four instances. In all, however, the tear wassutured either directly or with a piece of peri-cardium overlying it, and gave rise to no furthertrouble. Left phrenic nerve palsy resulting in araised left cupola of the diaphragm with para-doxical movement was observed in three patients.

Atrial fibrillation followed the operation in twopatients who were previously in sinus rhythm. Inone patlent fibrillation occurred a few hours afterthe operation, in the other it started on the thirdpost-operative day, and in both it has persistedsince. Decortication was commenced on the leftside and then continued on the right in order toavoid respiratory distress or pulmonary oedemawhich might be produced by releasing the rightside before the left: after operation we did notobserve any such complications.

In most patients it was possible to perform afairly complete excision of the anterior half ofthe pericardial sac, and re-operation for persistentconstriction was necessary in only two instances.However, sometimes the calcium penetrated sodeeply into the myocardium that it was impos-sible to remove it. In these instances the remain-ing plaques rarely interfered with the generaleffectiveness of the decortication.

Follow-up of the 20 survivors showed that 13had symptoms which included dyspnoea, cough,palpitations, fatigue, syncope, and bronchitis.None of the patients with atrial fibrillation re-verted to sinus rhythm after the operation. Thethird heart sound was still heard after the opera-

tion in 11 out of 20 patients, but it was delayedin time. A positive Kussmaul's sign, pulsus para-doxus, and a small arterial pulse volume persistedin four patients. Ascites and enlargement of theliver remained in three patients and peripheralcyanosis in two. Wide splitting of the second heartsound remained in nearly all those in whom itwas present before the operation.

Post-operative radiographs showed that theheart frequently increased in size following releaseof pericardial constriction (Fig. 12). Some areasof calcification were still observed in seven outof 20 patients, though less than pre-operatively.A high diaphragm was noted in five patients anda pleural effusion in two.An attempt was made to evaluate the results of

the operation according to the condition of the20 survivors (Table I). The condition of thepatients was classified as 'excellent' if all the signs


(Present Series)

Result of Operation No. of Patients

Death. 2Poor 4Fair.. 3Good. 6Excellent. 7


and symptoms of the disease disappeared afterthe operation; as 'good' if only one of theseremained ; as 'fair' if two or three of the signsand symptoms persisted; and as 'poor' if mostor all of them were still observed after thedecortication.Four patients were still incapacitated after the

operation and were classified as 'poor'. In oneof these the cause proved to be incompletedecortication, and a second operation with removalof the remaining pericardial thickening provedsuccessful. The second failure was due to a com-bination of residual pericardial constriction andpleural fibrosis. Both were removed at a sub-sequent operation, and the patient improvedgreatly. In the other two patients the cause wasthought to be poor myocardial function.Three patients were classified as 'fair'. How-

ever, in spite of the persistence of some of thesigns and symptoms of the disease, their condi-tion was much better than before the operationand they managed a nearly normal life. The resultwas 'good' in six patients and 'excellent' in nine.

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Page 8: Investigation and treatment constrictive pericarditis

Investigation and treatment of constrictive pericarditis

FIG. 12. (a) Six-foot postero-anteriorpre-operative radiograph of the heartof a patient with chronic constrictivepericarditis. (b) Six-foot postero-anterior chest radiograph of the samepatient shows an increase in heart sizeafter successful pericardiectomy.

(b) >


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Page 9: Investigation and treatment constrictive pericarditis

250 M. K. A. Dayem, F. M. Wasfi, H. H. Bentall, J. F. Goodwin, and W. P. Cleland


In this series 85o% of patients were asymptomaticand leading normal lives in the follow-up periodof from 19 years to eight months (mean 7-2 years).The results of operation for constrictive peri-

carditis vary a great deal. The operative and post-operative mortality in the recorded series sinco1952 ranged between 3% and 4500O (Table II). Themajority of these patients maintained considerableimprovement for many y2ars. The largest serieswith the lowest mortality is that of Portal, Bester-man, Chambers, Holmes Sellors, and Somerville(1966).


(Published Series)

No. of MortalityrPatients Irmmediate Late' Total

Evans and Jackson(1952) .. .. 30 1 4 5 (15%)

Cooley et al. (1958) .. 72 14 13 27 (37 5%)Johansson (1959) .. 50 6 1 7 (14-0%)Malm (1963) .. .. 15 2 3 5 (33 3%)Blakemoreetal.(1960) 28 3 ? ?3 (10-7%)Effler (1961) .. .. 26 2 7 9 (34 5%)Glenn and Diethelm

(1962) .. . 33 2 13 1 5 (455%)Portal et al. (1966) 56 2 2 4 (7%)Present paper 22 1 1 2 (9%/)

1 Not all late deaths were due to the effects of the pericarditis

In the 22 operations performed at Hammer-smith Hospital for constrictive pericarditis therewas one operative death. One other patient died,10 months after surgery, of an acute myocardialinfarction which was proved at necropsy. Webelieve that these results were partly due to thepolicy of advising surgery wherever possiblebefore the pathological process had involved themyocardium and partly by meticulous care inremoval of all the constricting pericardial tissue.The importance of early operation cannot be

over-estimated. If the pathological process is leftfor too long complications are apt to occur. Thusfibrosis may extend into the myocardium, destroy-ing and replacing the heart muscle. Dines,Edwards, and Burchell (1958) have shown thatthere is myocardial atrophy in patients dyingfrom long-standing constrictive pericarditis. Thisatrophy is uniform and not limited to the areassubjacent to the constriction. Several patients inour series have been found at operation to havecalcium extending into the myocardium. This cal-cification and fibrosis partly replaces the cardiacmuscle, and in addition it may interfere with thecontractility of the existing myocardial fibres. Theimportance of the myocardial factor in determin-

ing the outcome of the disease has been stressedby Malm (1963), Cooley, Clagett, and Kirklin(1958), Burwell (1957), and Harvey, Ferrer, Cath-cart, Richards, and Cournand (1953). In two ofour patients poor myocardial function resulted inonly moderate improvement after operationdespite a good pericardiectomy. Their casehistories are given to illustrate this point.

CASE 1 N. R. was a woman aged 52 years. She wasadmitted to hospital with six months' history of pro-gressive ankle oedema, ascites, and dyspnoea. Therewas no history of tuberculosis. Clinical examinationshowed a jugular venous pressure +14 cm. above thesternal angle with a marked 'y' descent. The pulsewas irregular in rhythm and small in volume, withobvious paradox. The cardiac impulse was hypo-dynamic, the heart sounds were muffled, and an earlythird sound was heard at the apex. Examination ofthe chest showed a right pleural effusion. The electro-cardiogram showed low voltage T waves. Radio-graphy showed a large heart and pericardial calcifica-tion. The Mantoux test was negative. Serum proteinswere reduced, with a reversal of the albumin:globulin ratio. This was found to be due both topoor nutrition resulting from the low cardiacoutput and to excessive protein loss from the gut. Atoperation in May 1961 a thick mass of calcium wasfound to extend into the myocardium at several sites.Most of the calcified and thickened pericardium wasremoved and good expansion of the ventricles wasnoted. The patient improved after the operation, butfollow-up three years after the operation showed araised jugular venous pulse to 3-6 cm. above thesternal angle with a rapid 'y' descent and a thirdheart sound. The second heart sound was widely splitand fixed.

CASE 2 C. J. J. was a man aged 43 years. In 1953 aroutine chest radiograph showed calcification of thepericardium. He was then admitted to hospital, wherehe was found to have a raised jugular venous pulse,an early diastolic third heart sound, slight ankleoedema, and ascites. Right heart catheterizationshowed a raised right atrial pressure (Table III). Theelectrocardiogram showed low voltage T wavestogether with broad and notched P waves. Peri-cardiectomy was performed in 1955. Very extensive



Before Six YearsOperation Post-op.

Mean right atrial pressure (mm. Hg).. 12 8Right ventricular pressure (mm. Hg). 35/-2/12 34/1/9Pulmonary artery pressure (mm. Hg). 21/12 37/20Mean pulmonary capillary wedge pres-

sure (mm. Hg) 18Cardiac index (1./min./m.2) 1.9Kussmaul's sign .. Positive Positive

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Page 10: Investigation and treatment constrictive pericarditis

Investigation and treatment of constrictive pericarditis

calcification of the pericardium was found involvingthe right atrium, the superior and inferior venae cavae,and the rightventricle. Pericardial compressionwas notso severe over the left ventricle. After the operationhis symptoms were improved, but he still had grade Iexercise intolerance with occasional palpitations, easyfatigability, a jugular venous pulse 5 cm. above thesternal angle, and a positive Kussmaul sign. He alsohad slow atrial fibrillation. Radiography showed aslightly enlarged heart with pericardial calcification.Right heart catheterization was performed six yearsafter the operation (Table III) and revealed a slightrise of the right atrial, wedge, and pulmonary arterypressures together with a low cardiac output. Angio-cardiography showed only slight pericardial thicken-ing.

In spite of the generally good operative resultscertain factors must be considered before advocat-ing surgery. Signs and symptoms of constrictionmay be due, in the milder cases with recenthistory, to compression of the heart by the in-flamed pericardium and pericardial effusion orcaseating material before irreversible fibrosis andcalcification have occurred. In these patients im-provement may follow medical treatment, and insome patients operation may ultimately proveunnecessary. Owing to this, our policy has beento advise surgery in all long-standing and severecases, but in less severe or acute patients only ifthe haemodynamic disability persists for morethan three months despite adequate anti-tuber-culous and supportive therapy. It is possible thatan abnormal difference between the systolic anddiastolic volumes of the left atrium measuredangiographically may prove a useful indicationthat surgery will not be needed (Preger et al.,1965). Two of our patients improved on medicaltreatment. In one patient the aetiology wasprobably tuberculous (case 3) and in the other aviral aetiology was more probable (case 4). Theirhistories are given below.

CASE 3 D. D., a man aged 24 years, was admittedto Hammersmith Hospital in 1963 with four months'history of fever, cough, and loss of weight. He wasfound to have a jugular venous pressure 4 cm. abovethe sternal angle, with a positive Kussmaul's sign.The cardiac apex beat was impalpable and there wasan early diastolic dip in the right ventricle followedby a plateau. Angiocardiography showed a thickenedpericardium. The patient was given streptomycin,isoniazid, and para-aminosalicylic acid and he soonstarted to improve. Follow-up one year afterwardsshowed that the jugular venous pressure was +2 cm.above the sternal angle, with a negative Kussmaul'ssign. No third heart sound was heard and there wasno arterial pulsus paradoxus. Right heart catheteriza-



Before AfterTreatment Treatment

Right atrial pressure (mean) (mm. Hg) 10 7Right ventricular pressure (mm. Hg)* * 39/0/9 23/5/10Pulmonary artery pressure (mm. Hg). . 36/9 20/10Pulmonary capillary pressure (mean)

(mm. Hg) 8 9Cardiac index (I./min./m.2) .. 40 4-4Valsalva manzuvre .Normal NormalParadox.Positive Negative

tion was repeated five months after the beginning oftreatment. Results showed (Table IV) a drop in rightatrial, right ventricular, and pulmonary artery pres-sures, disappearance of the 'dip-and-plateau' patternin the right ventricular pressure pulse, little rise in thecardiac output, and absence of pulsus paradoxus. Thepatient was without symptoms, so we thought thatoperation was no longer necessary: he is being keptunder observation, as the right ventricular end-diastolic pressure is still raised.

CASE 4 K. Z. was a man aged 30. His illness startedin October 1962 with fever, dyspnoea, and chest painon exertion. He was admitted to another hospital,where he was found to have a pericardial friction rub,enlargement of the heart, and a positive Mantouxtest. The jugular venous pressure was elevated andthere were cardiographic changes typical of peri-carditis. He was then transferred to this hospital inDecember 1962 under the care of Dr. Arthur Holl-man, where he was found to have a jugular venouspulse 14 cm. above the sternal angle with a sharp'y' descent. Auscultation revealed a loud early thirdsound at the apex and a split second sound whichdid not move on respiration. The liver was one fingerbelow the costal margin. The electrocardiogramshowed signs of chronic pericarditis. Right heartcatheterization showed the right atrial, pulmonarycapillary wedge, and right ventricular pressures to beelevated, and angiocardiography showed a thickenedpericardium. No evidence of tuberculous infectionwas found, but viral studies showed evidence of recentinfection with an adenovirus. He was given strepto-mycin, isoniazid, and para-aminosalicylic acid for 11months. Since then his progress has been excellent.Follow-up in June 1963 showed that he was verywell and without dyspnoea or chest pain. His jugularvenous pressure was only 1 cm. above the sternalangle and Kussmaul's sign was negative. His arterialpulse was normal and no paradox was detected. Onauscultation no third heart sound was heard and hissecond heart sound was found to be normally split.

We are grateful to Professor R. E. Steinerand his colleagues in the Department of Radio-diagnosis for help with the radiological aspects of thiswork. Mr. Gerald Rainbow gave expert technicaladvice.


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Page 11: Investigation and treatment constrictive pericarditis

252 M. K. A. Dayem, F. M. Wasfi, H. H. Bentall, J. F. Goodwin, and W. P. Cleland

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