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Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction...

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Investigation of electrokinetic, Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the induction discharge of the transformer type. transformer type. Content Content 1. Brief review of world researches. 1. Brief review of world researches. 2. The goal of present investigation. 2. The goal of present investigation. 3. Methodological and technical base. 3. Methodological and technical base. 4. Short review of our achievements. 4. Short review of our achievements. 5. Main stages, prospective researching results. 5. Main stages, prospective researching results. 6. Experimental apparatus. 6. Experimental apparatus. 7. Further project development. Technical/engineering 7. Further project development. Technical/engineering applications of the results. applications of the results. REC “Plasma”, Petrazavodsk State University, Karelia, Russia, Institute of Thermophysics, Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia Proposal # Y1-P-13-0 Proposal # Y1-P-13-09 I1 Idischarge discharge Magnetic core Magnetic core Primary winding Primary winding Plasma coil Plasma coil Фm Scheme of transformer-coupled induction discharge (later Scheme of transformer-coupled induction discharge (later
Page 1: Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type. Content 1. Brief review.

Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge

of the transformer type.of the transformer type.


1. Brief review of world researches.1. Brief review of world researches.

2. The goal of present investigation.2. The goal of present investigation.

3. Methodological and technical base.3. Methodological and technical base.

4. Short review of our achievements.4. Short review of our achievements.

5. Main stages, prospective researching results.5. Main stages, prospective researching results.

6. Experimental apparatus.6. Experimental apparatus.

7. Further project development. Technical/engineering applications of the results.7. Further project development. Technical/engineering applications of the results.

REC “Plasma”, Petrazavodsk State University, Karelia, Russia,

Institute of Thermophysics, Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia

Proposal # Y1-P-13-09Proposal # Y1-P-13-09



Magnetic coreMagnetic core

Primary windingPrimary winding

Plasma coilPlasma coilФm

Scheme of transformer-coupled induction discharge (later as TCID)Scheme of transformer-coupled induction discharge (later as TCID)

Page 2: Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type. Content 1. Brief review.

1. Brief review of world researches1. Brief review of world researches

Light source applications Plasma source applicationsLight source applications Plasma source applications

J.J. Thomson, 1927 one of the first investigation of RF-excited discharges

C.R. Nisewanger, J.R Holmes and G.L. Weissler, 1941 first using of the RF-discharge as spectroscopic sources. J.M. Andersen, 1970s first investigation of the transformer-coupled induction discharge in the mixture of mercury (3-6 mTorr) and argon (2Torr).

R. Piejak, V. Godyak, and B. Alexandrovich, mid-1990s electric field dependencies for neon, xenon, argon.

Our team (Ulanov I.M., Kolmakov K.N., Isupov M.V., Litvinsev A. Yu.), since mid-1990s electric field dependencies, spectral and photometrical characteristics of neon, argon, xenon, air, nitrogen, mixture of mercury, and sulfur.

H.U. Eckert, 1971 creation and experimental study of argon low pressure plasma generator; suggested basic interrelations between geometrical and electromagnetic scales for proper operation of the discharge; could not ignite a stable discharge at atmospheric pressure. V.M. Gol’dfarb, et al., 1979 experimental study of electric characteristics of the plasma generator at low pressure in argon; could not ignite a stable discharge at atmospheric pressure. J.J. Gonzalez, A. Shabalin, 2003 modeling of the temporal variation of voltage and current across the sheath

and along the chamber in conductive and dielectric vessels.

Our team (Ulanov I.M., Kolmakov K.N., Isupov M.V., Litvinsev A. Yu.) since mid-1990s creation and experimental study of high pressure (1-2 atm) induction plasma generator in argon, air, nitrogen, oxygen, mixtures of CO2 and natural gas; studying of NO-synthesis process, ozone synthesis and natural gas conversion in transformer-coupled induction plasma generator.

Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type.Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type.

Page 3: Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type. Content 1. Brief review.

2. The goal of present investigation2. The goal of present investigation

Application background:Application background: Knowledge of empirical scaling laws is of paramount importance in designing a practical TCID devices (gas-discharge light sources, plasma source and high power gas ion laser) and is an effective lever to control and optimize device performance.

Application background:Application background: Knowledge of empirical scaling laws is of paramount importance in designing a practical TCID devices (gas-discharge light sources, plasma source and high power gas ion laser) and is an effective lever to control and optimize device performance.

Basic research background:Basic research background: Knowledge of external electrical characteristics of the TCID plasmas, such as electric field and current distribution; the electron energy distribution function, and emissive properties depending on gas pressure, rf power, and driving frequency will allow to generate a large experimental database suitable for comparison with the results of ongoing theoretical and modeling activities and to recognize some new features in the EEDF and the electromagnetic field structure of TCID.

Basic research background:Basic research background: Knowledge of external electrical characteristics of the TCID plasmas, such as electric field and current distribution; the electron energy distribution function, and emissive properties depending on gas pressure, rf power, and driving frequency will allow to generate a large experimental database suitable for comparison with the results of ongoing theoretical and modeling activities and to recognize some new features in the EEDF and the electromagnetic field structure of TCID.

Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type.Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type.

Dependencies of • electric field strength,• resonance and nonresonance radiation output,• concentration and energy of electronsas a function of operation frequency, current density, a gas pressure, magnitude of external magnetic field.

Developing of empirical laws and engineering chart-table of main geometric and technical parameters as a function of required discharge characteristics in order to simplify creation ofcommercial TCID devices.

Page 4: Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type. Content 1. Brief review.

3. Methodological and technical base.3. Methodological and technical base.

C alo rim e tric p ro b e s

E lec tric p ro b e s

S p ec tro p h o to m etrica l tech n iq u e

D ia g n o s tic te c h n iq u e s

T em p era tu re p ro file s

E lec tric fie ld an d cu rren t d is trib u tio n s

C o n cen tra tio n p ro file s

M e a su re d p a ra m e te rs

T ra n sfo rm e r-c o u p le d p la sm a g e n e ra to r

Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type.Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type.

L an g m u ire p ro b e s

P h o to m etrica l te ch n iq u e

S p ectra l tec h n iq u e

D ia g n o s t ic te c h n iq u e s

E ffec tiv e e le c tro n tem p era tu re

E lec tric fie ld d is trib u tio n s

E lec tro n d en s ity

D isch arg e lu m in o u s effic ien c y

S p ectra l d is trib u tio n s

M e a s u re d p a ra m e te rs

In d u c t io n l ig h t so u rc e a p p l ic a t io n

Page 5: Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type. Content 1. Brief review.

4. Short review of our current achievements.4. Short review of our current achievements.

Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type.Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type.

1 New analysis of electrical characteristics and form-factor of transformer-coupled induction plasma

generator was developed.

2 New experimental data concerning the electrical field strength depending on a gas pressure, a discharge

current, a flow-rate, and a gas-dynamics of flow (vortex or non-vortex flow) were obtained for some

rare gages, air, nitrogen, hydrogen. It was shown that dependencies of electrical and optical characteristics

of the transformer-coupled induction discharge on current density, tube diameter, and pressure coincide

qualitatively with those of dc discharges.

3 Plasma-chemical processes such as NO-synthesis, O3-synthesis, natural gas conversion were studied.

It was shown, the transformer-coupled plasma generator could be used in plasma-chemical technologies

of NO production and natural gas conversion. Prototype of such induction plasma generator was created.

4 Preliminary data concerning emissive and optical properties of the transformer-coupled discharge in

vapors of mercury, sulfur and rare gases were obtain. Results of carried out research have shown the

possibilities of creation of high power (up to 50kW) and high effective gas-discharge light sources

based on the transformer-coupled discharge. Prototype of such light sources were created.

Page 6: Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type. Content 1. Brief review.

5. Main stages, prospective researching results.5. Main stages, prospective researching results.

11stst year year::

1.1. Study of neon discharge in order to develop new kind of induction neon light sources.

1.2. Study of neon-xenon discharge in order to develop Hg-free fluorescent induction light sources.

1.3. Study of cadmium induction discharge.

22ndnd year: year:

2.1. Study of transformer-coupled induction discharge

in vapors of metal iodides.

33rdrd year year::

3.1. Investigation of argon induction (pulsed/continual) discharge under external magnetic field in order to study the possibility of creation high power induction ion lasers.

Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type.Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type.

• modification of experimental setup;• finding of optimal conditions of electrical power input transformation into emission power of 580730 nm spectral range of Ne, VUV radiation of Xe and reso- nance and non-resonance radiation of cadmium discharges;• radial and longitudinal distribution of electric field strength, concentration and energy of electrons depending on pressure, frequency of operation, and current density.

• electric field distribution, radiation output, concentration and energy of electrons depending on metal iodides pressure (bulb temperature), rare gas pressure, frequency of operation, current density.

• building/modification of experimental setup;• radial and longitudinal distribution of electric field strength, laser radiation output, concentration and energy of electrons depending on argon pressure, frequency of operation, current density, and external magnetic field strength.

Page 7: Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type. Content 1. Brief review.

6. Experimental apparatus.6. Experimental apparatus.

Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type.Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type.











Langmuire probes

Quartztoroidal tube


RFpower supply

Magnetic core



1 2




6 7





1 - RF power supply; 2, 3 – capacitor banks;4, 5 – current probes; 6 - Measurement controller of Langmuire probes; 7 - Step driver of Langmuireprobes; 8 - vacuum gage; 9 - vacuum pump; 10 - Monochromator and photomultiplayer; 11 - Magnet system; 12 - DC power supply

Available setupAvailable setup Developed setupDeveloped setup

Note: Some of experiments will be done under sealed off discharge chamber

Page 8: Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type. Content 1. Brief review.

7. Further project development. Technical/engineering 7. Further project development. Technical/engineering applications of the results. applications of the results.

Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type.Investigation of electrokinetic, spectral, and optical characteristics of low-frequency induction discharge of the transformer type.

Possible further development of project:Possible further development of project:1. Investigation of plasma-chemical reactions under conditions of transformer-coupled induction discharge;2. Study of electrical and emissive properties of CO2 discharge in order to develop IR induction lasers;3. Study of sodium transformer-coupled induction discharge with the purpose of designing of high efficiency light sources.Accumulated scientific and technical potential could be used in designing of new devices based on TCID:Accumulated scientific and technical potential could be used in designing of new devices based on TCID:1. Developing of high power impulse/continue lamps;2. Designing of sodium induction lamps;3. Creation of compact, high power disinfectant devices with unlimited life time;4. Developing of new type of gas discharge lasers for industrial applications;5. Developing of new type of RF-etching devices for semiconductor industry applications;6. Designing of plasma-chemical reactors for natural gas conversion and decomposition/utilization of wastes.

Neutral filterNeutral filter 1:100 1:100

Compact high power (500 W) Ne induction lamp Induction plasma generator (250 000 W)
