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Investment Projects Of Icbc Khorgos (Presentation)

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The Khorgos International Centre of Boundary Cooperation JSC is a public company established under the Agreements between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Government of the People's Republic of China for the purpose of creation of the Khorgos International Center for Transfrontier Cooperation at the Kazakhstan and China border in the Panfilov district of Almaty region. The mission of the Khorgos ICBC JSC consists in establishment, development and maintenance of the infrastructure of the Kazakhstani part of the Khorgos ICTC, involvement of potential investors in performance of the activities, specified in the Agreement, in the Kazakhstani territory. The main goals of the activity of the Khorgos ICBC JSC are as follows: * Implementation of the industrial and innovation policy of the state; * Mobilization of the region economy by attracting the investment capital and development of the investment climate; * Increase in the tax proceeds to the budget; * Introduction of the system of the international standards for foreign trade operations; * Development of the logistics and terminal services of import, export and transit freight flows; * Development of the international tourism on the Silk Way, including improvement of the tourism, transport and telecommunication infrastructure; * Ensuring of employment of local personnel and their professional development;
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Investment Projects of International Center of Boundary Cooperation “KHORGOS”
Page 1: Investment Projects Of Icbc Khorgos (Presentation)

Investment Projects of International Center of Boundary Cooperation “KHORGOS”

Investment Projects of International Center of Boundary Cooperation “KHORGOS”

Page 2: Investment Projects Of Icbc Khorgos (Presentation)

Structure of the presentationStructure of the presentation

- - Information about ICBC “Khorgos”Information about ICBC “Khorgos”

- Investment objects of ICBC “Khorgos”Investment objects of ICBC “Khorgos”

- ICBC "Khorgos" - as the important component of the ICBC "Khorgos" - as the important component of the FEZ «FTEZ « Khorgos-East Gate»FEZ «FTEZ « Khorgos-East Gate»

- The reference to investorsThe reference to investors

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- The creation of International Center of boundary cooperation “Khorgos” is one of the biggest cooperate projects created by the initiation of heads of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Peoples Republic Of China. - The project is directed on simplification of trade with China and, mainly, on development of transit potential of both countries, promoting practical realization of the project of a transcontinental corridor the Western Europe – the Western China and is carried out within the limits of realization of the Program of industrially-innovative development of Republic Kazakhstan.

About the creation of ICBC “Khorgos” project.About the creation of ICBC “Khorgos” project.

- The main principle put in creation of the Center – free moving within its borders of citizens of Kazakhstan and China, and also citizens of the third states which are officially being in host country for business meetings, acquaintance with an industrial output made in Kazakhstan, China and in the CIS countries, duty-free trade, the conclusion of commercial transactions and leisure carrying out.

Chronicle of eventsChronicle of events

• Official visit of President of Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev to People’s Republic of China 22-25 of December, 2002.

• Framework agreement about creation of International Centre of Boundary Cooperation «Khorgos» 24 of September, 2004.

• Agreement between Kazakh and Chinese governments about regulation of ICBC “Khorgos” activity. 4 of July, 2005.

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LocationLocation of ICBC “Khorgos” of ICBC “Khorgos”LocationLocation of ICBC “Khorgos” of ICBC “Khorgos”

The distance from the place of realization of project to:

- Zharkent – 34 km. - Taldykurgan – 321 km.- Almaty – 361 km.

The project is realized in territory of Panfilovsky district of Almaty region.

- Port Khorgos (China) – 1 km.- Kuldzha (China) – 90 km.- Urumqi (China) – 670 km.

ICBC “Khorgos”

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Brief information about ICBC “Khorgos”Brief information about ICBC “Khorgos” Brief information about ICBC “Khorgos”Brief information about ICBC “Khorgos”

ICBC “Khorgos" consists of two parts: Kazakhstan, located in territory of Panfilovsky district of Almaty region and Chinese, located in territory Ili-Kazakh autonomous region of Xinjiang -Uigur Autonomous Region (XUAR). Total area of ICBC "Khorgos" makes 528 hectares, from which 185 hectares – the Kazakhstan part, 343 hectares – the Chinese part. The communication between Center parts is carried out through special pedestrian-transport crossing. Citizens of Republic Kazakhstan and the Chinese National Republic can stay in territory of ICBC "Khorgos", as on Kazakhstan, so is on the Chinese part, without registration of visas within 30 days on the basis of the valid documents of the states-parties coordinated and recognized as competent bodies. Citizens the third countries – according to documents for the international trips. In the territory will operate special legal regime for conducting frontier trade and business cooperation with the Peoples Republic of China and other countries.

IInternational nternational Center of Boudary Center of Boudary Cooperation «Khorgos» (RK)Cooperation «Khorgos» (RK)

IInternational nternational Center of Boudary Center of Boudary Cooperation «Khorgos» (China)Cooperation «Khorgos» (China)

State border State border

Page 6: Investment Projects Of Icbc Khorgos (Presentation)

Total Area 526 ha









The General Territory of ICBC «Khorgos» and its The General Territory of ICBC «Khorgos» and its ComponentsComponents

The General Territory of ICBC «Khorgos» and its The General Territory of ICBC «Khorgos» and its ComponentsComponents

Check Check point - 1point - 1

Page 7: Investment Projects Of Icbc Khorgos (Presentation)

Republican budget 73 728, 06 mln. tenge

(during 2005-2008 was devoted

10 288,4 mln. tenge)

PRIVATE INVESTMENTS 309 154,37 mln. tenge

* On 1 tenge of state budget it is

brought 4,19 tenge of private capital


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Specific land use of business- administrative part of ICBC «Khorgos» (185 ha)


centre«Yuzhniy»(3,0 ha)

Centre of regional cooperation and small

business (10,0 ha)


centre«Severniy» (5,3 ha)

Ethnographic park

(19,2 ha)

Transport and shipment terminals (16,6 ha)

Trade and exhibition zone

(38,4 ha)

Culture and exhibition zone

(6,5 ha)

International touring centre

(3,3 ha)

International business

cooperation centre (4,7 ha)

Hotel zone(3,1 ha)

Sport and fitness zone

(6,0 ha)

Water intake facilities( 4,5 ha)

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1.1. Centre of the international Business cooperation – 4,7 ha.Centre of the international Business cooperation – 4,7 ha.2.2. Cultural exhibition zone – 6,5 ha.Cultural exhibition zone – 6,5 ha.3.3. Hotel zone - 3,1 ha. Hotel zone - 3,1 ha. 4.4. Sport-sanitary zone – 6,0 ha. Sport-sanitary zone – 6,0 ha. 5.5. Ethnographical Park with hotel-tourist complex – 19,2 ha. Ethnographical Park with hotel-tourist complex – 19,2 ha. 6.6. International touristy centre – 3,3 ha. International touristy centre – 3,3 ha. 7.7. Water intake facility – 4,5 ha.Water intake facility – 4,5 ha.8.8. Centre of little business and regional cooperation – 10 ha.Centre of little business and regional cooperation – 10 ha.9.9. Trade exhibition zone – 38,4 ha Trade exhibition zone – 38,4 ha 10.10. Transport over-load terminals – 16,6 ha.Transport over-load terminals – 16,6 ha.11.11. Administrative- technical centre «Severniy» - 3,0 ha. Administrative- technical centre «Severniy» - 3,0 ha. 12.12. Administrative- technical centre «Uzhniy» - 5,3 ha.Administrative- technical centre «Uzhniy» - 5,3 ha.

Auxiliary territory for placing the objects, of life-support Auxiliary territory for placing the objects, of life-support infrastructure (14 objects and constructions) - 207,12 infrastructure (14 objects and constructions) - 207,12 hectares.hectares.

Reserve territory ( 2 areas) 134 hectares.Reserve territory ( 2 areas) 134 hectares.




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Centre of the international Business cooperation The centre of the international business cooperation is intended for carrying out of large international meetings, conferences, symposiums, is meeting place of the large international financial and industrial organisations of Republic Kazakhstan, the Peoples Republic of China, Russia and other adjacent states.

The centre of the international business cooperation includes:

-Office, administrative and office accommodations;

- consumer services premises;

- Information centre;

- Financial institutions, representations of banks;

- Conference halls on 700 places;

- The entertaining centre;

- Restaurants, cafe, bars.

The building area - 85 061,0 м2The investment budget (million tenge):

- The centre of the international business cooperation - (15 floors) - 13 518,4- Financial institutions, representations of banks - 515,0- Conference hall - 1 469,0

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Centre of the international Business cooperation

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Objects of the Centre of the international Business cooperation

№ п/п

Zones and objects

Num. of


Num. of


Area, m2 Building volumes, m3

Building ups General normalized Building Sum total

Building Sum total Building Sum total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Centre of the international Business cooperation


The centre of the international

business cooperation -

Office - administrative and office

accommodations –

Consumer services premises -

Information centre -

The entertaining centre

Restaurant , café, bar

15 1 4 945,0 4 945,0 74 175,0 85 061,0 267 030,0 306 219,6

1.2Financial institutions, representations of banks.

2 2 1 413,0 1 413,0 2 826,0   10 173,6  

  Total on a zone 4 10 388,0 10 388,0 85 061,0 85 061,0 306 219,6 306 219,6

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Cultural-exhibition zoneCultural-exhibition zone

Cultural- exhibition zone will take place on the Center territory on the area of 6,5 hectares and will represent multipurpose complex with thematic showrooms more than 40 thousand sq.m., art salons and workshops of national crafts, information centre both other entertaining and health improving objects.

The cultural-exhibition zone consists from: - Office building;

- Showroom;

- Five halls cinema;

- Police point;

- Restaurant, cafe, bars.

The building area - 96 720,0 м2

The investment budget (million tenge):

Office building - 3 566,6

Multipurpose hall - 14 061,0

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The cultural-exhibition zoneThe cultural-exhibition zone

№ Zones and objects

Num. of


Num. of


Area, m2 Building volumes, мЗ

Building ups General normalized

Building Sum total

Building Sum total Building Sum total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. Cultural-exhibition zoneCultural-exhibition zone

2.1 Office building 29 1 675,0 675,0 19 575,0 96 726,0 70 470,0 348 213,6

  Total on a zone 2 26 392,0 26 392,0 96 726,0 96 726,0 348 213,6 348 213,6

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Hotel zone Hotel zone

The hotel zone will settle down in northern part of the Center. The hotel zone is offered to consist of generated group of buildings of 7 high-rise hotels - 3-5 stars level. Building ups of buildings - 28 floors with a full complex of services. Simultaneous capacity of a hotel complex makes 5 thousand persons.

The hotel zone includes:

Office, administrative and office accommodations;

Consumer services premises;

Information centre;

Financial institutions, representations of banks;

Conference halls;

The entertaining centre;

Restaurants, cafe, bars.

The building area - 91 441,0 м2

The investment budget (million tenge):

The general - 16 397,0

Hotel *** (3) - 1 555,0

Hotel **** (2) - 1 866,0

Hotel ***** (2) - 2 073,2

Objects of service ~ 340,2 – 1742,5

Building ups – 28

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Objects of the hotel zoneObjects of the hotel zone

№ Zones and object Num. of storeys

Num of buildings

Area, m2 Building volumes, мЗ

Building ups General normalized

Building Sum total Building Sum total Building Sum total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3. Hotel zone

3.1 Hotel*** 28 1 7 171,0 7 171,0 8 532,0 91 441,0 92 145,6 329 187,6

3.2 Hotel*** 28 1     8 532,0      

3.3 Hotel*** 28 1     8 532,0      

3.4 Objects of service 2 1     14 342,0   51 631,2  

3.5 Hotel**** 28 1 2 161,0 2 161,0 8 532,0   30 715,2  

3.6 Objects of service 2 1     4 322,0   15 559,2  

3.7 Hotel**** 28 1 1 400,0 1 400,0 8 532,0   30 715,2  

3.8 Objects of service 2 1     2 800,0   10 080,0  

3.9 Hotel***** 28 1 5 127,0 5 127,0 8 532,0   30 715,2  


Hotel***** 28 1     8 532,0   30 715,2  

  Total on a zone 11 15 859,0 15 859,0 91 441,0 91 441,0 329 187,6 329 187,6

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Sports – Sanitary zone Sports – Sanitary zone

Building of a Sports-sanitary zone is planned from the north-west part of the Center of the International Business Cooperation. The sports zone will be a place for recreation and playing sports for those living in ICBC. Creation of such zone will allow to hold various competitions between frontier regions of Kazakhstan and China, to develop friendship in sports sphere

The Sports-sanitary zone consists from: Football stadium;

- Swimming pool;

- The big sports complex;

- Hotels for sportsmen and having a rest;

- Parking places;

- Tribunes for spectators;

- Park.

The building area - 23 168,0 м2

The investment budget (million tenge):

Hotel **** - 513,9

Sport centre - 696,2

Sport centre - 1 503,9

Swimming pool - 329,3

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Objects of sports – sanitary zone Objects of sports – sanitary zone

№ Zones and object

Num. of


Num. of


Area, м2 Building volumes , мЗ

Building ups General normalized

Building Sum total

BuildingSum total

BuildingSum total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4. Sports – sanitary zone

4.1 Sport center 1 1 5 730,0 5 730,0 5 730,0 23 168,0 34 380,0 97 156,8

4.2 Swimming complex 2 1 1 355,0 1 355,0 2 710,0   9 756,0  

4.3 Hotel**** 5 1 470,0 470,0 2 350,0   8 460,0  

4.4 Sport center 1 1 12 378,0 12 378,0 12 378,0   44 560,8  

  Total on a zone 5 19 933,0 19 933,0 23 168,0 23 168,0 97 156,8 97 156,8

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Ethnographic parkEthnographic park

The purpose of creation of a Ethnographic park zone is acquaintance of tourists and other visitors of the Center with many-sided culture, life and economic development of Republic of Kazakhstan and other states adjoining Kazakhstan.

In ethnographic park building of 7 separate national blocks is provided:- The block №1 (Peoples Republic of China), a total area of 29 324 sq.m.;- The block №2 (Republic Kazakhstan), a total area of 20 800 sq.m;- The block №3 (Russian Federation), a total area of 29 726 sq.m.;- The block №4 (Republic Kyrgyzstan), a total area of 11 800 sq. m.;- The block №5 (Republic Uzbekistan), a total area of 15 630 sq.m;- The block №6, (Republic Turkmenistan), a total area of 15 774 sq.m.;- The block №7, (Republic Tajikistan), a total area of 14,144 thousand in sq.m.; Each block includes exhibition halls, cafe and ethnic cuisine restaurants, cultural-information constructions, hotels, an accomplishment and the gardening opening features of this or that nationality and the country as a whole.

The building area - 137 202,0 м2

The investment budget (million tenge):


(A showroom, the cultural-entertaining centre, a power unit (restaurant, cafe, a bar), children's technopark, hotel, an administrative complex) ~ 2 577,7 – 5 344,3

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Objects of the Ethnographic park Objects of the Ethnographic park

№ объектовп/п

Zones and objects Num.

of storeys

Num. of building


Area, м2 Building volumes, мЗ

Building ups General normalized

Building Sum totalBuilding Sum total Building Sum total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5. Ethnographic park with hotel-tourist complex


The block 1 - China - the Showroom - the Cultural-entertaining centre - the Power unit (cafe, bars, restaurants) - Children's techno park - the Administrative complex - Hotel

2 1 14 662,0 14 662,0 29 324,0 137 202,0 105 566,4 493 927,2

5.2 The block 2 – Kazakhstan 2 1 10 402,0 10 402,0 20 804,0   74 894,4  

5.3 The block З- Russia 2 1 14 863,0 14 863,0 29 726,0   107 013,6  

5.4 The block 4 – Kyrgyzstan 2 1 5 900,0 5 900,0 11 800,0   42 480,0  

5.5 The block 5 – Uzbekistan 2 1 7 815,0 7 815,0 15 630,0   56 268,0  

5.6 The block 6 - Turkmenistan 2 1 7 887,0 7 887,0 15 774,0   56 786,4  

  Total on a zone 7 68 601,0 68 601,0 137 202,0 137 202,0 493 927,2 493 927,2

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International tourist centre International tourist centre

The international tourist centre is provided to arrange on entrance to the Center from northern part for reception of a stream of tourists.

The complex will be formed by statement of extended 9-12 floor buildings of hotel - tourist type in which places for residing of 2000 persons are provided.

International tourist centre includes 3 blocks consisting of: Hotel (5 stars);


Conference halls;

International tourist bureau;

The building area – 146 125,0 м2

The investment budget (million tenge):

-The block 1 – 2499,7

-The block 2 – 16 211,7

- The block 3 – 16 519,1 (Hotel****)

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International tourist centre International tourist centre

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Objects of the International tourist centreObjects of the International tourist centre

№ Zones and objects

Num. of


Num. of building


Area, м2 Building volumes, мЗ

Building ups General normalized

Building Sum totalBuilding Sum total Building Sum total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6. International tourist centre

6.1The block 1 – Conference hall – showroom – hotel****

9 1 1 270,0 1 270,0 11 430,0 112 135,0 41 148,0 403 686,0

6.2The block 2 – conference hall – international tourist bureau – hotel***

11 1 6 065,0 6 065,0 66 715,0   240 174,0  

  Total on a zone 3 8 880,0 8 880,0 115 635,0 115 635,0 416 286,0 416 286,0

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The centre of regional cooperation and The centre of regional cooperation and small-scale businesssmall-scale business

To the south of a trading-exhibition zone, the Center of regional cooperation and a small-scale business where it is supposed to place head offices and representations of the various commercial enterprises of an industrial and trading direction will be located.

In 13 many-storeyed buildings of the complex it is planned to place representations of the enterprises of frontier areas of China and Kazakhstan for the operative solutions of problems of economic development of frontier regions.

The centre of regional cooperation and small-scale business includes:

- Business centers;

- Multipurpose information centre;

- The various trade missions;

- Branches of banks;

- Exchange offices;

- Restaurants and food points

The building area - 302 206,0 м2

The investment budget (million tenge):

- Hotel ***** (4) - 3 586,7

- Hotel **** (2) - 4 194,7

- Hotel *** (4) - 3 495,5

- Conference halls (3) - ~ 876,6 – 4 372,5

- Office building - 3 495,5

- Business centre - 3 495,5

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Centre of regional cooperation and small-Centre of regional cooperation and small-scale business scale business

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Objects of the centre of a regional cooperation and Objects of the centre of a regional cooperation and small-scale business small-scale business

№ Zonez and objectsNum. of storeys

Num. of buildings

Area, м2 Building volumes, мЗ

Building ups General normalizedBuilding Sum total

Building Sum total Building Sum total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8. Centre of a regional cooperation and small-scale business

8.1 Hotel***** 26 1 4 345,0 4 345,0 14 760,0 302 206,0 212 544,0 1 087 941,6

8.2 Hotel***** 26 1     14 760,0      

8.3 Hotel ***** 26 1     14 760,0      

8.4 Hotel ***** 26 1     14 760,0      

8.5 Conference hall, 2 1     8 690,0   31 284,0  

8.6Office building of the centre of a regional cooperation

30 1 12 657,0 12 657,0 19 180,0   207 144,0  

8.7 Hotel***** 30 1     19 180,0      

8.8 Hotel***** 30 1     19 180,0      

8.9 Conference hall, 2 1     25 314,0   91 130,4  

8.10 Hotel*** 30 1 3 870,0 3 870,0 19 180,0   138 096,0  

8.11 Hotel*** 30 1     19 180,0      

8.12Conference hall, restaurant, cafe

2 1     7 740,0   27 864,0  

8.13 Business center 30 1 2 405,0 2 405,0 19 180,0   69 048,0  

8.14Conference hall, administrative premises

2 1     4 810,0   17 316,0  

8.15Office building of a small-scale business

30 1 11 996,0 11 996,0 19 180,0   207 144,0  

8.16 Hotel*** 30 1     19 180,0      

8.17 Hotel*** 30 1     19 180,0      

  Total on a zone 18 35 273,0 35 273,0 302 206,0 302 206,0 1 087 941,6 1 087 941,6

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Trading-exhibition zoneTrading-exhibition zone

The trading-exhibition zone is located in a southern part of is administrative-business territory of the Center and focused on the organization of exhibitions, trade in the goods and services. In functional structure the Trading-exhibition zone is the most active zone and the important link of the Center where all stages of trading process – from receiving of the information and choice of the goods to the contract dealing on delivery are carried out.

The trading-exhibition zone consists from:

- Hotels;

- Trading pavilions;

- Warehouses;

- Office buildings

The building area - 708 042,0 м2

The investment budget (thousand tenge):

- The general - 126 994 764,6

- Trading pavilion (31) - 3 061 800,0

- Warehouses (23) - 20 314,8

- Hotels **** (3) - 6 106 104,0

- Office building - 3 645 000,0

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Trade-exhibition centre: Trade-exhibition centre: Description of the Description of the objectsobjects

The volume-spatial decision represents the big system of trading blocks with parameters in respect of 60 х 60 meters and the blocked foot streets in width of 12 meters.

Use of blocks is carried out by a branch principle: The light industry goods;

- The food-processing industry goods; - The mechanical engineering goods; - The goods electronic and home appliances; - Production of agricultural industry; - Production of the chemical industry; - Building materials etc.

In each block sections for manufacturers, suppliers and trading firms will be allocated.

In each block the cafe, toilets, per capita cabins, rooms for the personnel, protection rooms will be provided.

Under the constructive-spatial decision trading-exhibition blocks represent frame buildings with easy constructing and dismantled partitions.

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Objects of the trade-exhibition zone Objects of the trade-exhibition zone

№ Zones and objectsNum. ofstoreys

Num. of buildings

Area, м2 Building volumes, мЗ

Building ups General normalized

Building Sum totalBuilding Sum total Building Sum total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9. Trade-exhibition zone

9.1 Trade pavilion 5 1 3 360,0 3 360,0 16 800,0 664 621,0 60 480,0 2 566 218,0

9.2 Trade pavilion 5 1 3 360,0 3 360,0 16 800,0   60 480,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 475,0 950,0 950,0   5 700,0  

9.3 Trade pavilion 5 1 3 360,0 3 360,0 16 800,0   60 480,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 1 203,0 2 406,0 2 406,0   14 436,0  

9.4 Trade pavilion 5 1 3 360,0 3 360,0 16 800,0   60 480,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 418,0 836,0 836,0   5 016,0  

9.5 Trade pavilion 5 1 3 360,0 3 360,0 16 800,0   60 480,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 480,0 960,0 960,0   5 760,0  

9.6 Hotel**** 16 1 1 745,0 1 745,0 27 920,0   100 512,0  

9.7 Trade pavilion 5 1 4 000,0 4 000,0 20 000,0   72 000,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 480,0 960,0 960,0   5 760,0  

9.8 Trade pavilion 5 1 4 000,0 4 000,0 20 000,0   72 000,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 575,0 1 150,0 1 150,0   6 900,0  

9.9 Trade pavilion 5 1 7 089,0 7 089,0 35 445,0   127 602,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 199,0 398,0 398,0   2 388,0  

9.10 Trade pavilion 5 1 7 089,0 7 089,0 35 445,0   127 602,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 356,0 712,0 712,0   4 272,0  

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№ Zones and objectsNum. of storeys

Num. of buildings

Area, м2 Building volumes, мЗ

Building ups General normalized

Building Sum totalBuilding Sum total Building Sum total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9.11 Trade pavilion 5 1 7 089,0 7 089,0 35 445,0   127 602,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 529,0 1 058,0 1 058,0   6 348,0  

9.12 Trade pavilion 5 1 3 360,0 3 360,0 16 800,0   60 480,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 935,0 1 870,0 1 870,0   11 220,0  

9.13 Trade pavilion 5 1 3 360,0 3 360,0 16 800,0   60 480,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 873,0 1 746,0 1 746,0   10 476,0  

9.14 Trade pavilion 5 1 3 360,0 3 360,0 16 800,0   60 480,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 935,0 1 870,0 1 870,0   11 220,0  

9.15 Office building 5 1 4 000,0 4 000,0 20 000,0   72 000,0  

9.16 Hotel**** 16 1 1 745,0 1 745,0 27 920,0   100 512,0  

9.17 Trade pavilion 5 1 3 360,0 3 360,0 16 800,0   60 480,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 1 108,0 2 216,0 2 216,0   13 296,0  

9.18 Trade pavilion 5 1 3 360,0 3 360,0 16 800,0   60 480,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 998,0 1 996,0 1 996,0   11 976,0  

9.19 Trade pavilion 5 1 4 000,0 4 000,0 20 000,0   72 000,0  

9.20 Trade pavilion 5 1 4 000,0 4 000,0 20 000,0   72 000,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 505,0 1 010,0 1 010,0   6 060,0  

9.21 Trade pavilion 5 1 4 000,0 4 000,0 20 000,0   72 000,0  

Objects of the trade-exhibition zoneObjects of the trade-exhibition zone

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№ Zones and objects

Num. of


Num. of


Area, м2 Building volumes, мЗ

Building ups General normalized

Building Sum totalBuilding Sum total Building Sum total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9.22 Trade pavilion 5 1 3 360,0 3 360,0 16 800,0   60 480,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 355,0 710,0 710,0   4 260,0  

9.23 Trade pavilion 5 1 4 000,0 4 000,0 20 000,0   72 000,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 659,0 1 318,0 1 318,0   7 908,0  

9.24 Trade pavilion 5 1 4 000,0 4 000,0 20 000,0   72 000,0  

9.25 Trade pavilion 5 1 4 000,0 4 000,0 20 000,0   72 000,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 847,0 1 694,0 1 694,0   10 164,0  

9.26 Trade pavilion 5 1 4 000,0 4 000,0 20 000,0   72 000,0  

9.27 Trade pavilion 5 1 4 000,0 4 000,0 20 000,0   72 000,0  

9.28 Trade pavilion 5 1 3 360,0 3 360,0 16 800,0   60 480,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 920,0 1 840,0 1 840,0   11 040,0  

9.29 Trade pavilion 5 1 3 360,0 3 360,0 16 800,0   60 480,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 1 265,0 2 530,0 2 530,0   15 180,0  

9.30 Trade pavilion 5 1 3 360,0 3 360,0 16 800,0   60 480,0  

  Warehouse 1 2 1 108,0 2 216,0 2 216,0   13 296,0  

9.32 Hotel**** 16 1 1 745,0 1 745,0 27 920,0   100 512,0  

Total on a zone 74 136 125,0 151 348,0 692 541,0 664 621,0 2 566 218,0 2 566 218,0

Objects of the trade-exhibition zone Objects of the trade-exhibition zone

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The zone of transport-reloading terminalsThe zone of transport-reloading terminals The zone of transport-reloading terminals will be organized in a southern part of the Center. Appointment of terminals for time warehousing of the cargoes arriving from the Peoples Republic of China and an overload on vehicles of RK, and also accumulation of the commodity stocks which are taken out from RK.

In zone structure, in its northern part, the information-logistical centre and special laboratory assessing standards and quality of production is created. About each terminal parking for lorries is provided.

The zone of transport-reloading terminals consists of 22 terminals, including:

-6 terminals as warehouses of time storage;

-4 terminals with processing and a complete set of the goods;

-2 terminals with a special temperature mode;

-The test centre with laboratories;

- The information-logistical centre..

The building area - 90 822,0 м2

The investment budget (million tenge):

- The general - 12 067,8

- Terminals (22) - 244, 9 ~ 972,6

- The test centre - 1 977,4

- It is information – the logistical centre - 3 098,4

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Objects of the transport-reloading terminals zoneObjects of the transport-reloading terminals zone

№ Zones and objects Num. of storeys

Num of building


Area, м2 Building volumes , мЗ

Building ups General normalized

Building Sum totalBuilding Sum total Building Sum total

10. Transport-reloading terminals zone10Б Terminals of time storage 1 1 3 276,4 3 276,4 3 276,4 93 538,1 65 528,0 1 513 129,6

10А Terminals of time storage 1 1 2 529,1 2 529,1 2 529,1   50 582,0  

10.1 Terminals with a special temperature mode 1 1 2 529,1 2 529,1 2 529,1   50 582,0  

10.2А Terminals with a special temperature mode 1 1 3 276,4 3 276,4 3 276,4   65 528,0  

10.2Б Terminals with a special temperature mode 1 1 2 934,8 2 934,8 2 934,8   58 696,0  

10.3 Terminals of time storage 1 1 1 845,9 1 845,9 1 845,9   36 918,0  

10.4А Terminals of time storage 1 1 3 276,4 3 276,4 3 276,4   65 528,0  

10.4Б Terminals of time storage 1 1 4 301,1 4 301,1 4 301,1   86 022,0  

10.5А Terminals of time storage 1 1 2 934,8 2 934,8 2 934,8   58 696,0  

10.5Б Terminals of time storage 1 1 1 845,9 1 845,9 1 845,9   36 918,0  

10.6А Terminals of time storage 1 1 3 276,4 3 276,4 3 276,4   65 528,0  

10.6Б Terminals of time storage 1 1 2 934,8 2 934,8 2 934,8   58 696,0  

10.7А Terminals of time storage 1 1 2 934,8 2 934,8 2 934,8   58 696,0  

10.7Б Terminals of time storage 1 1 2 934,8 2 934,8 2 934,8   58 696,0  

10.8А Terminals of time storage 1 1 3 276,4 3 276,4 3 276,4   65 528,0  

10.8Б Terminals of time storage 1 1 2 934,8 2 934,8 2 934,8   58 696,0  

10.9А Term. with processing and a complete set of the goods 1 1 2 934,8 2 934,8 2 934,8   58 696,0  

10.9Б Term. with processing and a complete set of the goods 1 1 2 934,8 2 934,8 2 934,8   58 696,0  

10.10А Term. with processing and a complete set of the goods 1 1 3 276,4 3 276,4 3 276,4   65 528,0  

10.10Б Term. with processing and a complete set of the goods 1 1 2 934,8 2 934,8 2 934,8   58 696,0  

10.11А Term. with processing and a complete set of the goods 1 1 2 934,8 2 934,8 2 934,8   58 696,0  

10.11Б Term. with processing and a complete set of the goods 1 1 2 934,8 2 934,8 2 934,8   58 696,0  

10.12А Term. with processing and a complete set of the goods 1 1 3 276,4 3 276,4 3 276,4   65 528,0  

10.12Б Term. with processing and a complete set of the goods 1 1 3 276,4 3 276,4 3 276,4   65 528,0  

  Total on a zone 25 73 321,1 73 321,1 75 097,1 93 538,1 1 446 886,0 1 513 129,6

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Objects of a terminal zone of the CenterObjects of a terminal zone of the Center

Terminals of time storage, processing and complete set of the goods

The test centre with laboratories

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Amount of loads (import, export) passed through Amount of loads (import, export) passed through frontier points for year 2008. frontier points for year 2008.

Customs terminalCustoms terminal Amount of loadsAmount of loads (in (in

thousands of ton)thousands of ton)

For the sum For the sum (thousands of US (thousands of US


DostykDostyk 3131 43 89943 899

KhorgosKhorgos 190,73190,73 2 766 66,92 766 66,9

KolzhatKolzhat 3232 5 3795 379

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Quantity of the persons passed through border in Quantity of the persons passed through border in 2008 (customs terminals of Almaty region)2008 (customs terminals of Almaty region)

DostykDostyk - 143 381 - 143 381

KhorgosKhorgos - - 439 977439 977

Kolzhat Kolzhat - 26 001 - 26 001







Dostyk Khorgos Kolzhat

to Kazakhstan

from Kazakhstan

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The forecast of volume of goods turnover through transport-logistical terminals of the Center for 2012-2016 (in thousand tons)















2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Pessimistic Optimistic



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Investment objects of the check point - 1 Investment objects of the check point - 1

In territory of a check point-1 which settles down behind Center territory in the northwest part 4 investment objects will take places: - Hotel **** on 400 places;

- Improvingly - leisure centre;

- Car-care centre for automobile cars;


The building area - 6 647,3 м2

The investment budget (million tenge):

The general - 126 994,8

Hotel ****

Improvingly - leisure the centre

Car-care centre


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Investment objectsInvestment objects of the check point - 1 of the check point - 1

№ Zones and objects

Num. of


Num. of building


Area, м2 Building volumes, мЗ

Building ups General normalized

Building Sum totalBuilding Sum total Building Sum total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  Investment objects of the check point - 1

  Hotel***** on 400 places 7 1 3 167,9 3 167,917

237,917 237,9 57 396,6 57 396,6

  Improvingly-leisure center 2 1 2 097,2 2 097,2 2 054,8 2 054,8 19 598,6 19 598,6

 Car care center for automobile cars

1 1 670,4 670,4 2 128,6 2 128,6 7 207,5 7 207,5

  Total on a zone 4 10 860,2 10 860,2 34 712,3 1 656 924,4 133 486,6 7 337 177,0

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GATE № 1GATE № 1

Custom controlCustom control

Boundary controlBoundary control

Control boundaryControl boundary

Site of check point – 1, ICBC “Khorgos”

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Free Economic Zone "Frontier Trade Economic Zone " Khorgos – East Gate” will have the status of the international investment project which does not have analogue in the world.

Within the limits of the project building and commissioning of the following strategically important for region and the country of objects is provided:

1. Transport-logistical complex («dry port»);2. Industrial complex to 30 industrial enterprises; 3. ICBC "Khorgos";4. New city on the basis of settlement Khorgos with a population to 30 thousand

persons at a 1-stage (till 2020) and in the long term about 70 thousand persons (till 2032);

5. The airport;6. Branch line of Zhetygen-Khorgos (about 300 km);7. New highway of Almaty-Khorgos (about 360 km) within the limits of the project of

reconstruction of a highway the Western China – the Western Europe;8. Infrastructural objects:• high-voltage electro line VL-220 of Saryozek-Zharkent-Khorgos;• objects of hydro engineering protection;• hydro knot of "Dostyk" on the river Khorgos;• site of a gas pipeline of Almaty-Khorgos;• new border-customs complex on the Kazahstan-Chinese border.

ICBC "Khorgos" - as the important component of ICBC "Khorgos" - as the important component of the FEZ «FTEZ « Khorgos-East Gate»the FEZ «FTEZ « Khorgos-East Gate»

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The distance from the place of realization of project to:- Zharkent – 34 km. - Taldykurgan – 321 km.- Almaty – 361 km.

The project is provided to be realized in territory of Panfilovsky district of Almaty region.

- Port Khorgos (China) – 1 km.- Kuldzha (China) – 90 km.- Urumqi (China) – 670 km.


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Development of tranzit-transport system of Kazakhstan, use of possibilities of the Central Asian Transport-Industrial Corridor (CTIC) in direction East – West, will lwad to integration of Kazakhstan into international trade system

The current state of transport branch of Kazakhstan The current state of transport branch of Kazakhstan is the deterrent in growth of manufacture of the is the deterrent in growth of manufacture of the goods and national economy developmentsgoods and national economy developments

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EXTENT – 298,4 км


Route Khorgos – Zhetygen

The existing railway

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Railway Branch line “Khorgos-Zhetygen”Railway Branch line “Khorgos-Zhetygen”:: - Will allow to create an additional corridor for a transit cargo stream in a direction China –

Kazakhstan - Russia – the Western Europe and to close the Central Asian Transport Industrial Corridor (further - CTIC) from east part with the Transchinese trunk-railway (Ljanjungan-Urumqi

- Station Khorgos will specialise on container goods traffics and logistical kinds of manufactures, including transnational that will allow republic to take the place in transcontinental technological chains and to be integrated into the international industrial cooperation on all extent of the transcontinental traffic of the goods and services.

Construction period - 2 years of 8 months. Construction starts - 2009 Planned to operate - 2011 In the first year of functioning the goods traffic through station Khorgos is planned at

level of 5,6 million tons of cargoes, and on a full designed capacity the given indicator can grow to 25 million tons.


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The reference to investorsThe reference to investors

The JSC «International centre of Boundary Cooperation« Khorgos » invites the domestic and foreign companies to take part in realisation of the unique project of creation International centre of Boundary Cooperation« Khorgos » which possesses huge potential for the following reasons:

• The project has no analogues in the world and by right is прорывным

• Considering value of frontier cooperation for Kazakhstan, the project will promote improvement of mutual relations with adjoining countries at the expense of granting of transport corridors for transportation of cargoes between these countries, and also in countries of Western Europe, Central Asia, Transcaucasia, Iran.

• Center building is one of the largest joint projects created at the initiative of Heads of the states RK and the Peoples Republic of China and is directed on simplification of trade with China and, mainly, on development of transit potential of both countries, promoting practical realisation of the project of a transcontinental corridor Western Europe – Western China.

• Creation of the Center and its further development: - Opens new possibilities for international trade expansion - Assumes formation of visa-free territory for citizens of two states, and also the third countries for the purpose of carrying out of business meetings, acquaintance with production made in Kazakhstan, the Peoples Republic of China and in the CIS countries, the dealing of commercial transactions and leisure carrying out - it will cause huge interest of business circles, tourists from the CIS countries and the far abroad.

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JSС “The Khorgos International centre of Boundary Cooperation”

Address: 28 Ten In Ger St, Golovatsky village, Panfilovsky district, Almaty Region, Republic of Kazakhstan Tel: +7 (72831) 3 63 11, 3 63 83Fax: +7 (72831) 3 63 51, 36312

[email protected]

