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Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training

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Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training Three Short Sentences

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Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
Mike Canfield Washington State ART Master Trainer/Consultant A 6 hour interaction for People Working with Aggressive Youth Introductions We: 21 years parenting Foster children that would otherwise be in a Group home or institution. 1st 4 years in Group home for up to 10 adol., specialized home since then. Mike-- Child and Family therapist, last 5 years teaching ART to kids who are on probation for aggressive behaviors. Beth years as a foster parent education specialist, teaching pre-service, in-service, and 1 day workshops Both working towards What works the best to help these kids take positive control of their lives. Cell phones Side conversations Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
Three Short Sentences Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
Three Sentences Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
A well groomed man in a pinstriped suit cautiously scans the area before he walks down the worn granite steps. He moves quickly to the curb and hails a cab. He holds his hat tipped forward as he steps into the backseat. Who can tell me, What building was he leaving?What did his hat look like? How many steps?What color was the taxi? Our brains fill in what we see as missing using our history/experiences. Why do you think that is? What we fill in is going to depend on our historys or the stories that we have. Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
Common Characteristics of Delinquents Taken from FosterParentScope curriculum 1. They lack the Skills and Attitudes that make up effective Pro-Social Behavior The ability to express complaints The ability to problem solve The ability to handle stress Empathy for the feelings of others Willingness to help others 3. They function at a low level of Moral reasoning A sense of fairness A commitment to justice for everyone Concern for others Anger Control may be lacking in those we label juvenile delinquents, but one of its components (self-talk) normally begins at about age 2, when the toddler; for example, wanting to work the TV buttons and knowing that it is forbidden, says to herself, No, no no, mustn't, as she pushes the buttons. Between ages 3 and 6, the child consolidates and understanding of how to control him or herself, and self-talk becomes an internal and unconscious process. 2. They Lack the ability to Control their own anger, namely: The ability to calm themselves down An awareness of external & internal triggers A sensitivity to their own body signs that a situation is getting out-of-hand. The ability to think ahead The ability to evaluate or reward their own behavior Please notice, while you read this next hand out that it repeatedly refers to ability not willingness The imbalance of Self and other Survival, I HAVE to meet my own needs, no one else will. If I dont I will not survive. When I try to solve problems or express complaints it doesnt work, I have to try harder vs. a different way to get my needs met. ART is about making you more powerful. Its not my fault, I have no choice, everyone is doing it to me. Our kids are Lacking in the skills and attitudes to empower themselves They lack control over their own behavior They usually have a low level of moral reasoning Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
A.R.T. is appropriate for youth who: Have Attitudes and Behavior that lead to Aggression Have a history of aggression Are low Skilled At any age. Expectations would vary, depending on any disabilities, but still works Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
Social Skills Training Behavior Component Anger Control Training Emotional Component Research shows that you need all three! Moral Reasoning Training Values Component Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
Kohlbergs Levels of Moral Reasoning Level 1:Power Might Makes Right, Behavior is Focused on the Avoidance of Punishment. In Absence of Punishment or Threat of Punishment anything goes. Level 2:Deals You scratch my back and Ill scratch yours.Individual maintains relationships and obeys rules because they perceive it to be to their own advantage. Negative form involves revenge. Level 3:Mutuality Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.Person behaves in a pro-social manner because they wish to be treated as a good person.They treat others well in hopes that they will be treated well.Wish to maintain rules and authority that support good behavior. Level 4:Systems Am I Contributing?Person behaves in a pro-social manner because they have agreed to follow the law except in extreme cases where laws conflict with other agreed upon social duties.Person develops conscience and guilt.Laws are needed to avoid social chaos. Moral Reasoning Pro-social Potential In Antisocial Youth
Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training Moral Reasoning Pro-social Potential In Antisocial Youth Antisocial youths affirm the importance of moral values (Gregg, Gibbs, Basinger, 1995) Given a choice, they would choose a non-violent, caring world. Most can propose responsible decisions to hypothetical social problem situations.(Gibbs, Potter, Goldstein, 1995) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sociomoral Development & Delay
Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training Sociomoral Development & Delay People will behave in a manner consistent with how they think. Delay in thought and behavior presents two problems: prolonged immaturity in moral reasoning persistent and pronounced cognitive distortions ______stay stuckin early stagesThinking errors get additional strength Persistent and Pronounced Cognitive Distortions
Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training Persistent and PronouncedCognitive Distortions Thinking Errors Self-centered Thinking Assuming the Worst Blaming Others Minimizing / Mislabeling face should come in___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Self Centered Thinking
Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training Self Centered Thinking Self-Centered Thinking:Individual thinks his/her own immediate needs, wants, thoughts, feelings, and desires are most important.Individual may ignore his/her own long term best interests and does not care about the needs, wants, thoughts, feelings, and desires of others. Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
Self-Centered If I see something I like, I take it. If I lie to people, thats nobodys business but my own If I really want to do something, I dontcare if it is legal or not. When I get mad, I dont care who gets hurt. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
Assuming the Worst Assuming the Worst:Belief that self and other cannot improve.Believing the worst about people and the world.Assuming hostile intent without sufficient evidence that hostile thoughts exist. Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
Assuming The Worst Things arent going to get better attitude. You might as well steal. If you dont take it, somebody else will. I might as well lie---when I tell the truth, people dont believe me anyway. People are always trying to hassle me. You should hurt people first, before they hurt you. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
Blaming Others Blaming Others: View of the world where individual is not at fault.Problems are the fault of another person, group or momentary deviation (e.g. being in a bad mood, being drunk, being high, etc.) Victim is blamed for being victimized.Individual takes little or no responsibility. Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
Blaming Others If people dont cooperate with me, its not my fault if someone gets hurt. People force me to lie when they ask me too many questions. When I lose my temper, its because people try to make me mad. If someone is careless enough to lose a wallet, they deserve to have it stolen. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Minimizing/Mislabeling
Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training Minimizing/Mislabeling Minimizing/mislabeling:Viewing anti-social behavior as causing no real harm.Labeling anti-social behavior as acceptable or admirable. Referring to others with belittling or dehumanizing labels. Minimizing/Mislabeling
Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training Minimizing/Mislabeling Everybody lies. Its no big deal. If you know you could get away with it,only a fool wouldnt steal. People who get beat up badly probably dont suffer a lot. You have to get even with people whodont show you respect. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jims Problem Situation
Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training JimsProblem Situation Jim and Derek are high school friends. Jim, whose birthday is coming up, has mentioned to Derek how great it would be to have a CD player to listen to music while he goes about his job driving a van. Derek steals a CD player from a car in the school parking lot and gives it to Jim for his birthday. Jim is appreciative, not realizing the present is stolen. The next day Jim sees Scott, another friend. Jim knows Scott has a CD player and is good at electronics. Jim mentions that he got a CD player for a birthday present and asks Scott to come over to help install it. Sure, Scott says with a sigh. You look down, Scott. Whats wrong? Jim asks. Oh, I was ripped off, Scott says. Oh, boy. What did they get? Jim asks. My CD player, Scott says. Scott starts describing his stolen CD player. Later, Jim starts thinking about how odd it is that Scotts CD player is stolen just at the time Derek gave him one. He gets suspicious and calls Derek. Sure enough, Derek confesses that he stole it, and the car he stole it from turns out to be Scotts car! Its time for Scott to arrive to help Jim install the CD Player. Scott will probably recognize the CD player as his. Scott is at the door, ringing the doorbell. What should Jim-the one who got the stolen birthday present from Derek say or do? Read the story Get Responses for each possible answer. Whiteboard the answers Talk with high responders about why they answered that way Suggest they keep this story in mind as we move on. Jims Problem Situation Questions
Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training Jims Problem Situation Questions 1. Should Jim tell Scott that Derek took Scotts CD player? Should tell Shouldnt tell Cant decide 2. How good a friend is Derek? Would Jim be able to trust Derek not to steal from him? Yes, could trust No, couldnt trust Cant decide 3. Derek stole the CD player for a good cause (Jims birthday). Does that make it all right for Derek to steal the CD player? Yes, all right No, not all right Cant decide Volunteers from each answer group When this is done in groups, the adol. Expect everyone to have their same answer. 4. What if Derek didnt steal the CD player from Scotts car? What if instead Derek stole the CD player from a strangers car? Then would it be all right for Derek to steal the CD player for Jims birthday? Yes, all right No, not all right Cant decide Setting up a Social Decision Making Meeting
Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training Setting up a Social DecisionMaking Meeting Promoting the development of sociomoral reasoning. When you use this in your home.. When setting it up, there are 4 phases. Next page Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
Ground Rules 1. Never Put down or threaten anyone 2. Listen to what others have to say. 3. If you criticize anyone, give that persona chance to answer. 4. Stay on the subject when you disagree. 5.Never talk to anyone outside the group about what is said in the group. Phase 1: Introducing the Problem Situation
Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training Phase 1: Introducing the Problem Situation Ground rules for discussion All group members must understand clearly what the problem situation is and how it relates to their lives. Questions are raised to stimulate discussion The kids in group are often times surprised that everyone does not see things the same way they do. Phase 2: Cultivate Mature Morality
Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training Phase 2:Cultivate Mature Morality Reinforce the potential for mature morality Ask group members who answered with positive decisions for their reason(s) for those decisions. Record those reasons on an easel pad or whiteboard for group consideration. Reasons for negative decisions will be listed separately after the reasons for positive decisions. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phase 3: Remediate Moral Developmental Delay
Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training Phase 3: Remediate Moral Developmental Delay Challenging individuals to consider other, more mature, viewpoints Invite the negative group members to explain their views Publicly record on an easel pad or chalkboard the explanations or reasons for their decisions Invite members of the majority to respond ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phase 4: Consolidate Mature Morality
Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training Phase 4: Consolidate Mature Morality Group leader seeks consensus for positive decisions and mature reasons. Goal is to convert as many of the positive majority positions as possible into unanimous group decisions. Groups culture becomes more positive and cohesive. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Practice Divided Room Mature Cant decide Immature List responses
Facilitated Discussion Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
What Can Adults Do? Model higher levels of Moral Development (Study) Look for teaching opportunitys related to Moral dilemma's Have a social decision making meeting with the child and family members or other youth as the situation dictates. 1.Establish the ground rules. 2.Define the real problem situation. 3.Cultivate mature morality from family members or brainstorm other possible realities. 4.Remediate Moral developmental delays by listing youths reasoning. 5.Consolidate mature morality by comparing the youths list to more mature family responses. (or brainstorm ) You can take advantage of TV, music To talk about moral reasoning, Social Skills Training Teaches discrete Skills with discrete Steps
Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training Social Skills Training Teaches discrete Skills with discrete Steps Behavioral Component of A.R.T. Effective for:Aggressive Shy Withdrawn Immature Low Skilled Developmentally Delayed Some of the 50 skills (not just ones used in ART) are helpful for these There are a total of 50 shills for adolescent 50-60 forpre-school and grade school age children These skills address these children along with aggressive Social Skills Training is Habilitation
Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training Social Skills Training is Habilitation Is Habilitation not Rehabilitation Teaches Discrete Skills with Discrete Skill Steps Use of Skill Leads to Pro-Social, Non-Aggressive Outcome Rehabilitation means they had it and lost it. Habilitation is teaching it for the first time. Skill streaming makes the assumption that the learner is weak or lacks a behavioral skill or skills within his or her repertoire. Believing orknowing that the child lacks the skill to act productively in given situations lessons the frustration frequently experienced by adults. It allows the adult to focus on teaching the missing skills rather than seeing the behavior as purposeful. We (the adults) can look at what are they trying to tell us with their behavior?Historically interventions concentrated on disciplineie: time out, loss of privileges. Reinforcement to increase positive behaviors were used, although it is necessary to wait for the behavior to reinforce,which ends up to infrequent Teaching pro-social skills provides more opportunity to be successful. Which increases self esteem: external pos and neg. is determined by others puts the others in power, which can foster feelings of helplessness. When the child learns to handle conflict in pos. ways they also learn a sense of responsibility and control. They can see the connection (cause and effect), when they learn that they have the skills and ability to effect change. Their self esteem is likely to improve. Interactive, Easy to Learn, Fun to Do Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
Making a Complaint 1.Decide what your complaint is. 2.Decide what you would like done about it. 3.Decide whom to complain to. 4.Tell that person your complaint and what you would like done about it. 5.Ask if he/she can and will do what you have suggested. Describe steps, get 5 audience, model At home ask whoever else is there to watch for mistakes. Have them look at handout. Get a partner.role play making a complaint. Fill out the form for skillstreaming steps to making a complaint. Youve nowwatched it, read, practiced, and written itthe next step in transfer training is to take it home and use it in the real world. Why are all 5 steps important. Practice 1.Decide what your complaint is.
Find a partner Decide whom will receive the complaint Think about a complaint a child might have. Go trough the steps Give feedback Switch 1.Decide what your complaint is. 2.Decide what you would like done about it. 3.Decide whom to complain to. 4.Tell that person your complaint and what you would like done about it. 5.Ask if he/she can and will do what you have suggested. Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
What Can Adults Do? Social Skills When a problem happens due to a youths lack of skills, see it as a teaching moment. 1. Stay Calm and see the problem as a skill deficit. 2. Decide what skill is lacking (50 available). 3. Work through the situation when possible. 4. Encourage an opportunity to try a do-over. If they are able to role play a positive outcome, reward them. 5. Model and Practice social skills on a regular basis. Watch closely for teaching moments. Model: Child asked for something in a very rude manner (give me pop) you say I want to say yes, I cant say yes when you ask me the way you did. I can model , the skill Making a complaint then let him practice the skill answering a complaint then Understanding the feelings of others, GREAT, now I can say yes. What happened? What happens when you talk to people that way? Does your need get met? WOW you took charge and got your need met! Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
Anger Control Training Emotional Component Teaches anger arousal recognition, reduction, and avoidance (Domain 10) Purpose of ACT Reduce Anger Arousal Frequency Provide Anger Control Techniques Increase Pro-social Behavior Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
ANGER CONTROL CHAIN Triggers Body Signs Reducers Reminders Thinking Ahead (If Then) Social Skill Self-Evaluation Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
ANGER Introduce and Sell ACT Everyone Becomes Angry Feindlers Levels of Anger (Frequency and Intensity) Things Happen When People Become Angry Personal Power Tools of ACT versus Single Tool of Fighting ABCs of Anger Action Behavior Consequence Brainstorm People Who Have Good Anger Control and Poor Anger Control Frequency and Intensity ABCs of Anger Control Action Behavior Consequences Tool Box Aggression Social Skill Anger Control Moral reasoning Good Control of Their Anger Poor Control of Their Anger Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
What can you do with your personal power? How can you give your personal power away? PersonalPOWER Dont change slide to fast!! Who do you know that is powerful? What happens if they use aggression? Are they still powerful? Anger Control Training Definitions
Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training Anger Control Training Definitions Triggers: External Things that happen outside of a person about which they become angry. Internal Statements made to self interpret an external trigger that lead to higher levels of anger arousal. Body Signs:Physical signs that let a person know they are becoming angry. (e.g. shortness of breath, clenched fists,..) Anger Reducers: Deep Breathing, Backward Counting and Pleasant Imagery Reminders: Short positive self statements designed to decrease anger arousal. (e.g. Im OK, Its no bigdeal, Its not worth it.) Thinking Ahead:Individual judges internal and external short term and long term consequences of intended behavior. Social SkillPro-social behavior leading to positive outcomes. Self-Evaluation:Individual judges how well they handled a situation then self-coachesand/or self-rewards. Lets Practice Triggers: External Things that happen outside of a
person about which they become angry. Internal Statements made to self interpret an external trigger that lead to higher levels of anger arousal. Body Signs:Physical Signs that let a person know they are becoming angry.(e.g. shortness of breath, clenched fists,..) Practice Anger Reducers: Pleasant Imagery
Triggers: External Things that happen outside of a person about which they become angry. Internal Statements made to self interpret an external trigger that lead to higher levels of anger arousal. Body Signs:Physical Signs that let a person know they are becoming angry.(e.g. shortness of breath, clenched fists,..) Anger Reducers: Deep Breathing, Backward Counting Pleasant Imagery (e.g. Im OK, Its no big deal, Its not worth it.)
Triggers: External Things that happen outside of a person about which they become angry. Internal Statements made to self interpret an external trigger that lead to higher levels of anger arousal. Body Signs:Physical Signs that let a person know they are becoming angry.(e.g. shortness of breath, clenched fists,..) Anger Reducers: Deep Breathing, Backward Counting Pleasant Imagery Reminders:Short positive self statements designed to decrease anger arousal. (e.g. Im OK, Its no bigdeal, Its not worth it.) Triggers: External Things that happen outside of a
person about which they become angry. Internal Statements made to self interpret an external trigger that lead to higher levels of anger arousal. Body Signs:Physical Signs that let a person know they are becoming angry.(e.g. shortness of breath, clenched fists,..) Anger Reducers: Deep Breathing,Backward CountingPleasant Imagery Reminders:Short positive self statements designedto decrease anger arousal. (e.g. Im OK, Its no bigdeal, Its not worth it.) Thinking Ahead: Individual judges internal and external short term and long term consequences of intended behavior. Social Consequences? Social Skill Pro-social behavior leading to positive outcomes.
Triggers: External Things that happen outside of a person about which they become angry. Internal Statements made to self interpret an external trigger that lead to higher levels of anger arousal. Body Signs: Physical Signs that let a person know they are becoming angry.(e.g. shortness of breath, clenched fists,..) Anger Reducers: Deep Breathing,Backward CountingPleasant Imagery Reminders:Short positive self statements designedto decrease anger arousal. (e.g. Im OK, Its no bigdeal, Its not worth it.) Thinking Ahead: Individual judges internal and external short term and long term consequences of intended behavior. Social Consequences? Social SkillPro-social behavior leading to positive outcomes. Self-Evaluation:Individual judges how well they handled a situation then self-coachesand/or self-reward Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
Angry Behavior Cycle Triggers Triggers Weve looked at how you get mad. Now lets look at what you do that makes other people mad. List 3 things you do that irritate/trigger others.
1. 2. 3. if you eliminated a trigger?
What difference would it make if you eliminated a trigger? Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training
What Can Adults Do? Model Anger Control Skills on a daily basis. Remind youth about the Anger Control Chain and practice typical anger provoking situations. Look for teaching opportunities, intervene at the earliest possible time and have the youth fill out a Hassle Log. Offer the child the opportunity to have a Do over. If they role play the situation resulting in a positive outcome, reward them.
