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Involvement of GSK att social media

Date post: 23-Jan-2018
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Presented by: Sushil Verma Mohd. Haris NIPER, Hyderabad

Presented by:

Sushil Verma

Mohd. Haris

NIPER, Hyderabad

Social media

Term social media encompasses social networking sites, collaborativeservices, blogs, content hosting sites and virtual communities.

creates highly interactive platforms through which individuals andcommunities share, co-create discuss and modify user generatedcontent.

GlaxoSmithKline on Social Media

Ranked second on the list of the social media savvy 100 largestpublicly traded firms in the United Kingdom.

Social media enables to interact and communicate with customersin a way that traditional websites cannot.

It uses social media as part of commitment to transparency and toprovide timely information to customers and stakeholders.

Continue…We offer several social media channels that you can use to keep up-to-date with GSK news and activities. Some of these are subject to codes of conduct which can be read below or within the social media account itself.

Explore GSK on social mediaTwitter

We operate several corporate Twitter feeds that allow you to follow GSK news and activities.


Our official Facebook page contains news and features about our company.


Our global YouTube channel contains a range of videos from careers, responsibility, innovation and science.


Our LinkedIn allows us to interact in a professional network and update prospective employees with job opportunities and related GSK articles.


Our Flickr account contains a range of photographs that can be used by journalists and others when sourcing and providing information about our company.

Daniel Ghinn explores GSK's use of social media and the milestones ithas reached to achieve its current success in this space.

GSK's Facebook page one of the world's first 'open' pharma socialmedia environments, encouraging public stakeholders to postcomments during a time when most pharmaceutical companies kepttheir pages tightly locked.

Social Media stats indicating GSKs presence

Social media engagement score: 25Facebook fans: GSK, 93,318; Stiefel, a GSK company, 112,868Twitter followers: @GSK, 40,812; @GSKUS, 35,278; @StiefelaGSKco, 34,044YouTube subscribers: 1,449

Glaxo's social media efforts show the power of a strong consumer-facing brand--or lack thereof.

Facebook posts might focus on futuristic health technology.

“The company's social media communications are tightly linked, withtweets and Facebook posts linking to YouTube channel videos. And whenGSK has a particular angle to push, messages go out on all channels.”

Its Twitter streams roll out company news--drug approvals, corporatechanges--and highlight employee volunteer programs, recruiting,scienceeducation and general GSK good works.

One Twitter handle focuses solely on news and presentations fromhealthcare and disease conferences.

According to Quayle's colleague Janet Morgan, Director of Corporate Reporting at GSK, the most successful channel of engagement is in fact not Facebook, but LinkedIn, where the company has over 650k followers actively sharing its content.

Five lessons from GSK in social media1. Learn what engages people

2. Stream specialist conversation into channels

3. Know the channels

4. Always Experiment

5. Be prepared

1.Learn what engages people

2. Stream specialist conversation into channels

@GSK_conferences, the dedicated Twitter profile features "Tweetsfrom GSK employees attending scientific conferences".

It is an experiment to allow the company to engage actively atconferences without the corporate @GSK Twitter profile becomingtoo noisy for the majority of its 40,000+ followers who may not havean interest in the particular conference.

Tweets from @GSK_conferences are sent by GSK team memberswhile they are on site at conferences.

In the US, a dedicated customer channel exists to handle responsesto product queries. Ultimately the conversation is usually takenoffline, but using a dedicated account for responding to productenquiries keeps the corporate channel focused.

3. Know the channels

"...GSK staff with an interest in using social media for the company areencouraged to have their own accounts, and to start out by simplyfollowing others, listening, to learn about the channel."

4. Always experiment

GSK's social media engagement is to continually be experimenting, discovering what works and learning from every experience

The company's history with social media can be linked as learning to ride a bicycle - it is important to understand the opportunities and the risks, it is even more important to actually try things:

"You don't learn to ride a bicycle by reading a manual – you have to try it".

Creating awareness about the new product variants digitally and hence increase market share

Challenge- increase awareness about newly launched variants bycreating a strong presence on different social media channels apart fromthe traditional brand presence.

KPIs included acquisition and engagement of fans and followers.

An integrated campaign was created which included personification ofthe new product variants. Variants were introduced as characters withwitty names and separate profiles (as individuals) were created for themon Facebook and Twitter.

Profiles were created for each character

Characters interacted on the brand FB page

Special landing pages were created for each character

4 apps introduced over a period of 7 months to increase engagement

TwitterAccounts created for each character

Customized Twitter backgrounds created according to the character theme and personality

Characters were made to fight with each other on Twitter using campaign hashtags


Dedicated channel was created

Presence for TVCs and viral videos


High engagement levels were maintained on Facebook & Twitterthroughout the duration of the campaign.

Engagement levels increased to about 200% during the periods inwhich the apps were active.

The campaign was rated amongst the top 5 digital campaigns withinthe parent company worldwide.










