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*»in;WiHWMir«-l,ji lj,-,|».,»aV)ii«»^«J^ ubum CDA Called...

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V ! r I i « . h i i :. r ; p n.«'i>j^" --Mr* WJI>-S-- A CATHOUC COrHMCNTAJTY ON THE NEWS OF THE W££K ay 8e*. BtetHW* Twwesyfortfce «5J Coarter Jeeratl SUNDAY AT 12:tO ON WHAM fcijsera Editsas Uteary Use Rises Over '43. Staff Reports Auimrn Circulation fig-urea foj January 1360 were 596 boons, an UK-Tease ewer January 1949 ajnd tne attendance totaled 340 a l s o an • tocrease over Jan uary 1S>UJ it was reported at a staff meeting of Si AipJioastts Library held lis the reading roons. Feb. 27 The figures were reported by Mr* Hai-ve) Clark, head librar- ian The first Book Review given at the library by Mr* George Snyder was wgely attended. Mrs Sn>(t»r reviewed the Chris- "^^\ tophcr Award Novel "The Three s* Wuthes of Jamie McRum" b> Tllfe N SE10N!I BITVIKW. a bt ography "&( Mother'Setan uill bo given on Thursday evening March 2 by Mx ld*in Nolan James McUi.i will review the French Classic novel by Leon Bio) -The Woman Who Was Poor" on Friday Mar<)li TO A review of the booh tin 'he Trapp Famll) Singers w.il be given by Mrs Tiwroas [HtliHj Thursday March 16 The Rn Stephen Cbomko will review the book. "'Ch-isttan Churches ol the East" on Friday. March 24 The Lenien smfs will be closed on March 11 when the Rev Andrew' Teuschel will re view the book "Walking With CfO<l" After Easter the Buries will continue on dates to be an nounced The Catholic Bo6k Week dls play of book* from the library was an attraction which will long Young. Ladle*" Sodality of St be remembered the committee Francis d'Assist Church will be said Special credit goes to Ed on Sunday March 5. at 9 00 •ward Fennessy for his talent In a m m the chapel, decorating the window The Sl ^ iAlin mating will he held on Tuesday evening March 7. al 7 30 pm In the recreation hall with NJlss Itos^ Luziani presiding An outline of the artjvi'.ea for the month ot TMarrh » ill •* gtv Geneva -A Mo week's ml»- e n b ) th<? c^atmdan nf each com mittee Miss Lena Infantino. *oda!ist w-,il express her views on today » most interesting topic. "Mercy Killing " New KnigHts Of St, John Officers In Auburn Kochentt-r Regiment staff ortlcem imtailed the newly elected officers, of St. Alphoniim Commander) No. 381. Knights of SI,' John at the Water Si. Hall. I'artlrtpatlnr were (vested, frcMii left) Bert Clark. Captain and trustee; William O'Hors, tint vice president; Frank J. Semple. past president; Joweph An.drosko, prealdent. Leo Ptnckiiry. recording secretary; John A. Moore, second fire president. Joseph (srbone, financial secretary; standing (front ksfti Itarohl Itle, wrje«t«*l-»ri««l He*. Robert Dobbertlii, «ptrtUt«5 advlwri l»i*t«lliMC o(lk«r», Major Kdwmrd Katii-nberjer. I.t. CoL Al Miller, itrig. Omu \sa (». HtMetifeld. aujiretne couniel; i'ot. Imeytt K. VV>«rtelf«»», Major Frank I. Vogrl, ail of Ko<rhe»ter Keslnteni; THortMM I llfford, tremmrer and Vmi Salter, tnulee. Sodalists list Wide Activity At Si Frauds Auburn The regular mo**th ly fommunlon Sunday of tfts Career Advice Given 100 Boys, Girls At St. Mary's Auburn .More tfuui lOO hljrh school boys and ffirb listened attentively on Tueiday tvntlng in Lyceum Hall a* four (tjwakers pictured their future for them along different * career* In Ufe. The oocaiton «u tlie Career Banquet lor the leen-as* youth 2-Weeks' Mission Opens In Geneva St. Patrick's Fete Mapped At HoJy Family Auburn Plana will bo launched for the annual St Pal nek a party to be held FVidn)' evening March 17 under tiVJ" aui pices of the parishioner* of Holy Family Church Tentative plant wertp charte<d at an tmportanl meeting of the various commit teea that was held at S o clork Fnrtnv evenins Feb 24. In the 1 s<hool library with Rev Jaxnci Cotlina, general chairman. pn> BO- ildlng. A more elaborate program Priest Doctor Listed For 2nd Pre Cana Talis Aiibum Second. M**fori;<5f the Marrlate-PreparaUon Coum, which began It* third y**r lait Tuesday evening In tb$ Knl«ht» •ton opened at .^t Franca de 5»ales r-rturrh on Sunciav under The direction of, i»n members of the Passionts' iirder First week of 'he mission is toeing devoted to the women of rhe parish, and second week to REV JOSEPH W5ATIV1, The men Services will he held dalrn monrrnmr has plck^l "I.t- m< 1 V) p T, everv nigh' Mis turgiral Aspcv' of Ann u y s M o n " beln* planrte>tl for the 19V) evenl ssion Masses will he -eieorated al ar, d Saint rilnmls' as topics for that ui'l m< i.,.|e a minstrel «tho« 6 and O a T. w.:'h insrru.-tiorrs his »a.k and other entertainment |l w«i Missioners are Rev (eles'me The Ix-n'i-r ^tu<h ' ,r -.i,ps have sui<»d ihat all lalent tha' woulil Mrfinnag r ("P. md Rev Ar heen organi/e<l w.tli rati, gr>. jp ' 1,<p !n have a part In the event Thur D e n g (' P of S* Man « t > study and discuss "The Mass are esoecter! in ronta< t a mem Monastery PunkirK Ou'line " her of the committee Rev Bernard ' r>aie\ n A memrtership drive Is under Csrn of the Ca--T>»li , r Order "I waN | or the Young ladies So P«J*sxr PIllK fty MBS * OEBABD *• LESCII, Auburn is s.^oduled as speaker na r,t v „r S' Ft ami* d Asa,»i 1 I lUCl J VlUjJ 1U graduatp of the Speech and aat the I.enten serMi-es every Churrh c.iris of the parish who -. - f\ 1 I>rama department ot Syracuse \*ednc«dav nig-hl a 1 «?t s t e are \* >P H rs ..f age or «ho are Hp^T H ^TnPF IJAIV , •' nlv, ' r * 1, 5 , P»l«t«d a flamorotia. phens church Sen.ice« are held romplet'mg thefr senior \ear in **^»* * O U J Cl 1SUXJ mtui at the same llm*. realistic, at 7 ^ p-r- and n. ude Bene hlgn h , M .| srn P.,,...,,*- I„ j,.in Aahtim Re\ Bernard t>aly picture of Mart-tag'' a* a career. AalHini — T o T«l«e inoney for diction of '*<• Blevscl Sacrament All new members w . rw ,n pro- <> < arm will address the pointing out particularly how H » "*« «utl«« aid fund LeMoyW harjon for ;«o m..n'h« hetr.re be members of the First Friday Sun embrace* necessarily many Auburn oollep club U makiflg *—* -'—- for the lecture of St Mary, parish, dedicated 0 f Columbua Home, will be ReltJ thii ye«r to Our Lady of Good next Tuesday evenla* al «ilS Counsel who. as the program; P M ta lhe (pj icl»ua Council pointed oui. might -eulde each: Chamber of KnlKhU of Co- one to the vocation In life marHed i | U mbu» Home on QefMSMe S t r w t . out by clod, a* #rtl a. »nild« Spoaton6 by the Commit!** on each on^ to those beat qualified ^ mUy mA p%rcn , mutMtUm ot lo give counael to youth ^ AuDurn council of Catholic TOASTMASTKK •OHEr H Women, the courae, wWe* •sj'jtt SARTOBI, 8R., presented the continue each Tuesday evening guesl speakers, each of whom until March 38, U open 10 eft' opened up to the youthful au gaged couples and Interested dlence a new and Interesting married people. vUlon on a ^articular career In The apeakera at « » second Itf * aeaslon will be ihe R«*f, Charlea THOMAfi B1MK1AN. member Uajrwwlhy. a«it»tant chaplain of the Board of Education and of the Newman Club. Cornell Secretary of the local American I'nlveralty. who will d t w i w a T h e Fedoration of Labor spoke IrtP *l Husband The Ideal hrlellv the Job opportunities In Wife"; and I»r. Angelo 4. ftaf- Auburn Industry and revealed ' •" ". R>Taruw paychUtrUt. an Interesting plan In the mak «hoso topic Is "Preparation for ln« 'o better acnualnt hlch Marriage • - A l l PaychlafcrUt •chonl seniors with opportuni- Seea It " ties In Auburn industry •- •*•—— " Club Awaits Talk By Father Gannon Bishop s Radio Tfifik Tp^Qm Vocation Monfh DBjeivpfice *»in;WiHWMir«- l ,ji W) l j,-,|».,»aV)ii"«»^«J^ ubum CDA Called To Join In Blfyk Rourv V ri £LXN^i«sf&fav m£$ Mtim %mm» «itt 1st warn *t is«*ft »%^{as§jii SuntUy, $imh 3 *t^3ifi| W nintMt ltastMOBii w«nt|b <*thp<sU of the mt&m Hill b* vtWted &y «t>**K«ra &c«» Hf* li*Joui iwisra who will »ik m "*««ligfotaii VsK»iteh»,** thii year in* iwsgmm will htjthUfht«ti hy a VOMUDISIU »»• nSoltteall the n^sofe. IxWWtt wtii ewwttt ef «« mtis* pmm*i P*etut*» and letiers ol psdviSflfl who ha** enters liw wilglMMi life, ppfli' es*ajr» tint «*• leet of voeaUona and rocstlttnal b»tok« and pamfjftleW. lilt Kxcjllerw)- Hlsh^p K««r> wey has written a ieitw en W Ofttkwi whleh wmfeegtatf #W| di»cun*tl in evei^ eJa*«roem m tim dioeeae, Fathar ftjyft «ut*4 today. TH* IndttitewsA i»r«>«fc far Vecationa vrt« s*etW# e«ery day durtai the raorrtlVtt March to the a<rhoo!*. The Vocation 8t#*kw» iwnfdito folinwn: , ^. H'eeli «f Marek fi tortnjj P. J. Rtlily, FJ&W* Irfertl Chrtilian Broawrti tlN» fttrV. MarUn O'Prten, C o I u m fem Fathm Waea «l Marea lit th» 1\W, Aljbtd Richard, W.P« Wh!t« Fatlitn and W»tft W*ry Augtt* tirw, 8.M.4 MlJuOonary IWateri ot tft* 8oci«ty of Mary, Waea *f Marek lit tim Rev. Gerald J. Whtlan* C««.rU Ac* dempturiaf Father* and tits Ray. Mtehaa) IletnlfrJn, O^.B,, Uene- dlctlne rather*. Week «t Man* Ut tlM Rev. WUilam J. MeCUmont, BJi, Vitt» centlan ralhera and Slater Mary Br*ndw, C^ltitnlwia fiittty, plained to the chauffeT of being ill A doctor w-as called but the Bishop had died of heart attack fc»efore he arrived. < final plans for the lecture by the tiev. Robert L Oa»noa SJ, noted Jeault •gueatg*' and §st- mer prfeddast «f Foroliam uni- versity, at 9 pjn. FridaytoEm- erson auditorium. East High French Blsshop Dies Ing received into the Sodality per Cluh at their regular month other careers. Paris 'V' Bishop John C Written appli.ation* «ere ac lv rneetlng Friday March 3. In D g, THOMAS I). STAI'LE- Costes of Angers 77 died sud- ^p%^\ a » t h e "\te-mrKTShJp" 1 '' Knights of rolurnbii» Hsmf TOS, grmdaate Sj Geoffelowii aenly while touring his'dlocese. Drive' booth dispUyM on Sun ^"wwc Street tnlvrrmlty Medical School, and Ouring p-artsh visitations he com aa) February 25 Fa'her t>a}y is Prior of the iocal eye epeclaUat, commented Girls still Interested In Join Whitefriars Monastery In -Hovth o n the many opportunities for JjJ.^, ine the sodalitv can dy. so by s 're^t and also Chaplain o< Au «elfadvancement and service to' ' contacting anyone of the com bur " founrtl K of C others In the wide field of medj- " to aaW to be th« fint time conweunjf anyone <>i me com Fndav Simner Clnh <-lr»e » n »«*• ciub ot *• College has mtftee Reception of new rnern- ,n tlr " ennay .supper L lull clxse. , , . . ^ „,_,, . _„£_,« .„ her, a,n be held on •World'So ^S^nSJ^n^S^ *»' """"^ ° "*«• ^STSa lS Clubbing" dam>D3> MBi U ;M^^.n7;'J^^.l!?™^ ' - wlO fulfill Its Utree main c.i'h«->Hr lav men of the City Wiinam Murlev Is chairman. 'You AJuays Gain al Ganey'i' NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Pure Aluminum HEART SHAPE CAKE PANS _52c r ^Jorak_ Mirro Aluminum Large Star Shapa Melis 79c New Easy-Grip Pure Aluminum Mirro Cookie Press $2.49 /takes 12 Foncy Shapes - targe Size for Easy filling W. D. Ganey HARDWARE 31 G I N E S K STtEET AuBttm, N.Y. Tlie Apostolic committM- con Btstlng of the Misses Jean and Rr»s* VIncirjuerra and Ida Clan green is In charge of The mem bershlp drive They win be a* slsted'by Jo Velfa \'anr, Ven- tura. I-ena Tabone Ro<s^ Zlrhet tella and Phvlll* Vinriquerra Lenten Talk Given Group By Carmelite Cornel! t nlverstty and former rrr ^ i%% namely, apreaiflng Catho- asslslant at St. Mary a parish. | )r ^^san and cultui*. aiding asked the students.to do some students of LeSloyne from Au serious thinking along the voca- bum ^j aMJng ^ &%,„& JU^JI. «T?*'i-Il!r °'A o h *,K^^°° <t HaatHna the committee ttoat Staterlnotl and Brothernood. ^ ^ ^ ^ ]MvFm ml ,. Msgr. William E. Cawm, pas-, |am gpt^m, gmten i chelrman. Anhtirn - The monthly meet ***" of s ' Mary's pariah, con- . Cochainnen of the tfdket wan- ing of,the Immaculate Heart ol eluded the speaking program by' m)tlw . sre j o n n Kenny and Rob- Marv and Rosary Society of Si ^n")ura Z ing the youth to con- crt Glynn. Donald Nolan will Alphonsus Church was held at miSm ,ho Importance of their; ftave cfarge of fbancea, Donald the Parish House In Geneset 1 high school studios to thefr Mualco, arrangenienU. Ml»a Mar- Genera Forty-three tables Street with n large number ol Fatt"* careers. gare , Ryan, ushers, and Joseph vvere in play Monday. Feb. 20 memhers present - -o Camardo. publicity. as Court Geneva. Catholic Th*» meeting was opened with g^ . , - , - _. . Daughters of America, held a prayer by the'spiritual adviser, sLrOnHiGY HclllMSCt alGAu card party tn Woman's building. Rev-: Clarence Gardner. Geneva CDA Name* Card Party Winner* Winners of special prizes The *"«" *' were Mrs. P B. Oakley, Mrs. Orlano Auyustlne. and Miss Speaker was th« Of Holf FcUlil? HNS Bernard Daly of the Car, Rev melif p Monastery in South Auburn Francis tSofrhfey Adviser* are Edwin Nolan and Theodore Myera, clu& mo&mt' atnrs, and Allan Mlake!), club president. ' •••' O ri " ""- 1 Hear Fatima Ledure oriano AugusHne. and Miss ' S^rT"- ,J- „'^V*,' wras elected presHeni of the Holy : M. |J-a * _ ! _ 111149 «|V Isabel Riley. Duplicate bridjfe greeiL Speadung on The;Holy . ^ ^ ^ FamBy ' 8t PatTlCaC HNS TO was won by north and south. ^ ^ J ^ J?J?7S? J% P 1 ^" 1 at the annual eJectionof and west. Mrs, Howard Mars- ^^ » p^rfah school. i n^ ^^^ monthly mmUnt den and Mrs AlfredJ*oodard- Reports were read by dlffer*m Oher officers elected were: of S t PatrtcJCa Holy Nameg& auction Mws Nan roreoran and j^,,,,,,,,^ Thr nPXt „, par , y Vic* president. WOllam McKeon; ciety. Kmlra, will be held in contract. Mrs. Anion itauer. wfn ^ hpM March J 7 t n thc ftnanrlai secretary, Baymocrf ; the aaseiaWy rooma on Thus* Other card games «=ere «n-'vj-.VV. rooms, 60 GeneaMMiK*"^; recording secretary, i day evening, Mtush 9 at 8 asta. Mrs. John Cosgrovp win- giteet. Mrs. Peter Ehresinan has *«««* Traey; rotmelBora. John ! o'elodt ner; rummy, Mists Irene McCor-'beeYi appotntipd chalrmam. ,Brenn«n. Andrew McLane and' Cre«ry Mm&& *1» tiv» *n mack: plnochte. Mrs. Mable rh<? meeting dosed t*«)i!* 0 **P b ^oian, all pan pmldVrt*: aJustrated fectttre on Fatima. ntzGerald; mens prtee. Charles prayer and a social period. *ol-'** Wic sddety. * I Tt« meeting wffi bi cofitoctetl Nelson; euchre. VIi« Catherln»i{owed- Mrs. Frank Funlte, Mrt, Neary. and men's eucrtre. Vhs-' Raymond Lewis Sr., and tbefr cent McCann., 'committees starved refreshmeaiM. , , __ , , . ^ ^ Rev. Jamex P. Collin*, spiritual i by the newly *)*«*«& oSI(asc» dSrecior of the society, addressed! wiih PreaJdeat SiinWeJ lal^BEa tBse men at the rneetlng. IpresMIng. NORGE Stoves Washers Refrigerators O'BRIEN APPLIANCES 40 State St. Jt/ubum Dial 3-4131 St. Peter Claver Knights Increase Jfear OrfeaiM f$t& ~ Tin prtseast natfoiMU membeTghliJ of , the Knights of St Peter Ctever J Is 12,080. A. B-.Randolph, nation-, al director p£ the orgaailzaSSon for 2«egro Catholic men, TB- vealaS. The aranual taemberalidp campaign ot the Knights aaid jtheir Auxiliary, "to be conclttdWd April 9. may add aajofiter 2JSG0 ,merobsrs. be said. BOOKS FOR LENTEN READING Chrtei in f h« Goip*\ ' * My Doily hctfm ftoofe * Baily StoeRng, f rom the N#w Ttitettjtfif * My Unten Missal , :; ^ 126G€NISES ST. TKf CATHOLIC SHOP AUtWW VPatsaV-lissssVaBi^BBsV ^LsssssfSSVBBJBSSSS^ aalga Devotiona ottimforty Roup are scheduled in the foltwing churchts of tha trk*»Ml ttt Roche»ter: Mmday, March 5 Sf, hMtmm Kocheateri Capuchin alwia*. tery, Genetra. a>' •.—•<- Jesuit Fact Home (NCI - Tha Rev. Jsmea W, Naughton, Jesuit priest from Denver, has bettt named general aecrtlary of tha Society of Jesus, wm M¥4t p&m « . ;tw*a *m * &m**iM> ji..„., mm H*m ««*!*», $tm fe. $m% in feer l*c*«I «a#MiM **«»!. _ In 1)# '«A««#ajh« Wlaa €U|f; Mkt 'Tie <W»!U 4f % FaiM «|»im«tt«^ wh^r <^jr» l*«^ y^«t«pi« *Wffe(^ tit ~i»$r k#«^ Ittttt»IW|»wr eH IW : ref*iit*d ^IM (o* _|«fy1»4r sa* R«*.#'»«4 JWP : WPttl4 ! '" lilt mme& mm- i* CNM- -*H&' Mly--|««*M*I sw-sfH' mm »COO( HlPtMaY aJm« to IMWH f r t M g mpWiae't« . m&W ^ 'i^piNwi let* ^ t | t lutfiSt""" to tafitM ME <*ta^r%' IWMHMIT Ut my r^uaatt *r* twri*ast ««* tfctwittto«wt#etoi .IM 'Unto will to pa***,''iui imM*4i<ti« «w*w#. • mih aw.toto*'• Moihefa *wi*fid* ii- mMMm viul among a t M i t pa*0* H .|«t«l4'ti^ ^flM-4Mililir|ej| imm itoM-'fmviaf.'itoK A-bowb, or |ftotoW'Wto~ tkutarJy m*« iiv*rt »r* ed wb«i into' In aToupa-" ««t# ***** C**ry c*a»4l*#*« Jtot toil**a»'-to- :a#ij|> J ^R* mt (to* tjift* «iii to l^Wrttt|U m «!* U# Itf $W Ro**ry) adriaett that ««Uy by Ptpytr and ^tote^M•. *m, - »# lo^nf ptf« «i4iu I I M l ttk« mty turn* m -tmsm. mt$m tor the group; KaAiry, iw« (to IrnptiriaBf |^tt| <# «i»t«iWi I* to meditate to jMJnoirna' tton, Death ami It«utr*rtic«B Of t6» KsVeernstr,*' : A #upp«r told #€ ito ctotith lifMtftomte-Monday «vf. nwr. r*o. 3K mm,'"4mm ttiekey »«• ehiltma^ 4 wMi* elephant sajf fo]l»**d tiw ffil|>; iain, atWrwaeed (to (wtfr- w«»>i,S«i!nii.iiriliiii ii>iii"r.i»iin.iriiiil;..i iw BftttftgfoffKC KMI10 Yalta J j ^BSB^USSSSSBSFI°' -tos^ssassia¥sssssssssV aW^l ^j^ill Vj i ^i al ^^r t Sj^^S^^glssif^S ' - thafiL^i^ ^y^-ft** 11 ?* **"'ff^ "•^•S-Pw *apw "^K- s^lfW^TK W* S||PJI^ , *^sy: •P(^^ ' 'kMsl a* tto Cattoia* 'i2Miit«.. t ^ Prw^iajti toato § M Jaast- ' i V"* 1 * . ^ J* ~- "IPiaM•; !"»aatt '^MJIlfl' 1 "* ^tPJ asaapsgaj lajV»a. isfi>a<Wa»»r •^H^J^^W' ,'-^^»W- fWIW IWrWr fi^F flUP^ . Haiti tto •**** aaailiti'i' tasai ta»» ' 'lBsslMuBnB~ Sa^Bssil^^^BssVsssi^ft' i t o ^ t o ' . a s ^ M : . '^Bgtaaslto- ^^IWrfft ^s^asaj» ^aaBBBBBB|aB| s^RJgaaiaB ^Pffgafa^ -^H^aaw ^ tn* ttotoiiiftto »*» •ftsm- ' •^T^^TgW ^ W w s s ^ P ^ C , | » ^ R j k ^ ^ ^ € k e » |^PNK;„ * * HJt^ksaVal'Bstar J^MAJJULUL,.,^- ..»'tto-.jN»««to W#i totifiii 1 " sssrTt*toiK ^sBstasaasIR -issssi to t^^L^^Jt- ^^u^fl-^gs^^',^jfc- J^/M tWittt! Aatedtt^ H f tihAvtSk^iJi ' ; * t ^ p p-»W ^s»a"sWi>t a a g ^ , 4 * ^ . "SjaasssK ^pgasff aaggagaa! ^ajsJatas^jfcjsai^MuaaAjit. A.* Tft.^.y -lsssi.^.fc..^..1a, 4ft. JL n i h l M - j f i :«-to.t .»<i»to§i. J ^ i i i A s * '£Lkgto» * V" 1 meww!% TSTTMSJIB •* T ?HPlya> -SSSP arasMMaaSj, sfaaBBBBjr" 1 v ...J. .. ^ ^ ^toaav X1 " ' ' '-iflssTIIIHlln ChlWWit t^tassiSd liss«a ssssssii aaf alrilfl intifatt MUii HI la_a tiii- •IPl^iM s^nuHgi- it a^H^yiMdyyi' MMisk SP^W.I»WW" #W^P%tor»flF j » »jiitomjSv38ir-ia| -«jkc- :ffial r al^'^JfflMrf - r ..I IM.IISI IIMWII IISMUDIIU I •M^MIMMMI •to-*; 1 *™^- ,-^fe you'll iwitch to... Electric W< ^ 4 * Iff— ' - » i^,- .-^i than in electric ir^«tuad<aoiag.gkii4to.s^ ' :a»it*iSAM-«ftoittti!!iaii^j|»toi«if# - ' * itoai^i|^|^ # jr^»%tofto w* 11 " ".' -t" •»% ^f ., Hte«?# , y«fi^ 4 A -• * , > t^ifill^fe^laitlitotorii 8 >M .'Se. - X ^ '-^V^rj JE"-« '3p"J ,*" 9^toN '/S^ "EPa NEW. y o t ^ STAfEfjfc ^d.llil'.j'MM.I ilill- ^*r^S»^^ ^5 J *f%«-|l ^*J Z2 i 1 <liS#^f !! ""s.. ^ J^Md s?tf-
Page 1: *»in;WiHWMir«-l,ji lj,-,|».,»aV)ii«»^«J^ ubum CDA Called ...lib.catholiccourier.com/1949-may-1950-july-catholic-courier-journal... · l y fommunlon Sunda of tfts Career Advice


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n.«'i>j^" --Mr* W J I > - S - -


ay 8e*. BtetHW* Twwesy for tfce «5J Coarter Jeeratl


fcijsera Editsas

Uteary Use Rises Over '43. Staff Reports

Auimrn Circulation fig-urea foj January 1360 were 596 boons, an UK-Tease ewer January 1949 ajnd tne attendance totaled 340 also an • tocrease over Jan uary 1S>UJ it was reported at a staff meeting of Si AipJioastts Library held lis the reading roons. Feb. 27

The figures were reported by Mr* Hai-ve) Clark, head librar­ian

The first Book Review given at the library by Mr* George Snyder was w g e l y attended. Mrs Sn>(t»r reviewed the Chris- "^^\ tophcr Award Novel "The Three s* Wuthes of Jamie McRum" b>

Tllfe NSE10N!I BITVIKW. a bt ography "&( Mother'Setan uill bo given on Thursday evening March 2 by Mx l d * i n Nolan

James McUi.i will review the French Classic novel by Leon Bio) -The Woman Who Was Poor" on Friday Mar<)li TO

A review of the booh tin 'he Trapp Famll) Singers w.il be given by Mrs Tiwroas [HtliHj Thursday March 16

The R n Stephen Cbomko will review the book. "'Ch-isttan Churches ol the East" on Friday. March 24

The Lenien s m f s will be closed on March 11 when the Rev Andrew' Teuschel will re view the book "Walking With CfO<l" After Easter the Buries will continue on dates to be an nounced

The Catholic Bo6k Week dls play of book* from the library was an attraction which will long Young. Ladle*" Sodality of St be remembered the committee Francis d'Assist Church will be said Special credit goes to Ed on Sunday March 5 . at 9 00 •ward Fennessy for his talent In a m m the chapel, decorating the window The Sl^iAlin m a t i n g will he

held on Tuesday evening March 7. al 7 30 pm In the recreation hall with NJlss Itos^ Luziani presiding

An outline of the artjvi'.ea for • the month ot TMarrh » ill •* gtv

Geneva - A Mo week's ml»- e n b ) th<? c^atmdan nf each com mittee

Miss Lena Infantino. *oda!ist w-,il express her views on today » most interesting topic. "Mercy Killing "

New KnigHts Of St, John Officers I n A u b u r n

Kochentt-r Regiment staff ortlcem imtailed the newly elected officers, of St. Alphoniim Commander) No. 381. Knights of SI,' John at the Water Si. Hall. I'artlrtpatlnr were (vested, frcMii left) Bert Clark. Captain and trustee; William O'Hors, t i n t vice president; Frank J. Semple. past president; Joweph An.drosko, prealdent. Leo Ptnckiiry. recording secretary; John A. Moore, second fire president. Joseph (srbone, financial

secretary; standing (front ksfti Itarohl Itle, wrje«t«*l -»r i««l He*. Robert Dobbertlii, «ptrtUt«5 advlwri l»i*t«lliMC o(lk«r», Major Kdwmrd Katii-nberjer. I.t. CoL Al Miller, itrig. Omu \sa (». HtMetifeld. aujiretne couniel; i'ot. Imeytt K. VV>«rtelf«»», Major Frank I. Vogrl, ail of Ko<rhe»ter Keslnteni; THortMM

I llfford, tremmrer and Vmi Salter, tnu lee .

Sodalists list Wide Activity At S i Frauds

Auburn The regular mo**th ly fommunlon Sunday of tfts

Career Advice Given 100 Boys, Girls At St. Mary's

Auburn — .More t fuui lOO hljrh school boys and ffirb listened attentively on Tueiday tvntlng in Lyceum Hall a* four (tjwakers pictured their future for them along different

* career* In Ufe. The oocaiton « u tlie Career

Banquet lor the leen-as* youth

2-Weeks' Mission Opens In Geneva

St. Patrick's Fete Mapped At HoJy Family

Auburn P l a n a will bo launched for the annual St Pal nek a party to be held FVidn)' evening March 17 under tiVJ" aui pices of the parishioner* of Holy Family Church Tentative plant wertp charte<d at an tmportanl meeting of the various commit teea that w a s held at S o clork Fnrtnv evenins Feb 24. In the1

s<hool library with Rev Jaxnci Cotlina, general chairman. pn>

BO- ildlng. A more elaborate program l»

Priest Doctor Listed For 2nd Pre Cana Talis

Aiibum — Second. M**fori;<5f the Marrlate-PreparaUon C o u m , which began It* third y**r lait Tuesday evening In tb$ Knl«ht»

•ton opened at . t Franca de 5»ales r-rturrh on Sunciav under The direction of, i»n members o f the Passionts' iirder

First week of 'he mission is toeing devoted to the women of rhe parish, and second week to REV JOSEPH W5ATIV1, The men Services will he held dalrn monrrnmr has plck^l "I.t-m< 1 V) p T, everv nigh' Mis turgiral Aspcv' of Ann u y s M o n " beln* planrte>tl for the 19V) evenl ssion Masses will he -eieorated al a r , d Saint rilnmls' as topics for that ui'l m< i.,.|e a minstrel «tho« 6 and O a T. w.:'h insrru.-tiorrs his »a.k and other entertainment | l w«i

Missioners are Rev (eles 'me The Ix-n'i-r ^tu<h ' ,r -.i,ps have sui<»d ihat all lalent tha' woulil Mrfinnag r ("P. md Rev Ar heen organi/e<l w.tli rati, gr>. jp '1,<p ! n have a part In the event Thur D e n g (' P of S* Man « t > study and discuss "The Mass are esoecter! in ronta< t a mem Monastery PunkirK Ou'line " her of the committee

Rev Bernard ' r>aie\ n A memrtership drive Is under C s r n of the Ca--T>»li,r Order "I w a N | o r the Young ladies So P « J * s x r P I l l K fty M B S * O E B A B D *• LESCII, Auburn is s.^oduled as speaker n ar,tv „r S' Ft ami* d Asa,»i 1 I l U C l J V l U j J 1 U graduatp of the Speech and aat the I.enten serMi-es every Churrh c.iris of the parish who - . - • f \ 1 I>rama department ot Syracuse \*ednc«dav nig-hl a1 «?t s t e a r e \* >PHrs ..f age or «ho are H p ^ T H ^ T n P F I J A I V , • ' n l v , ' r * 1 , 5 , • P»l«t«d a flamorotia. phens church Sen.ice« are held romplet'mg thefr senior \ear in * * ^ » * * O U J C l 1 S U X J mtui at the same llm*. realistic, a t 7 p-r- and n. ude Bene h l g n „ h,M.| s r n P.,,...,,*- I„ j,.in Aahtim Re\ Bernard t>aly picture of Mart-tag'' a* a career. • AalHini — T o T«l«e inoney for diction of '*<• Blevscl Sacrament All new members w . rw ,n pro- <> < arm will address the pointing out particularly how H » " * « « u t l « « aid fund LeMoyW

harjon for ;«o m..n'h« hetr.re b e members of the First Friday Sun embrace* necessarily many Auburn o o l l e p club U makiflg *—* -'—- for the lecture

of St Mary, parish, dedicated 0f Columbua Home, will be ReltJ thii ye«r to Our Lady of Good next Tuesday evenla* al «ilS Counsel who. as the program; P M ta lhe ( p j icl»ua Council pointed oui. might -eulde each: Chamber of U » KnlKhU of Co-one to the vocation In life marHed i |Umbu» Home on QefMSMe Strwt. out by clod, a* #rtl a. »nild« Spoaton6 b y the Commit!** on each on^ to those beat qualified ^ m U y mA p % r c n , mutMtUm ot

lo give counael to youth ^ A u D u r n council o f Catholic TOASTMASTKK • O H E r H Women, the courae, wWe* •sj'jtt

SARTOBI, 8R., presented the continue each Tuesday evening guesl speakers, each of whom until March 38, U open 10 eft' opened up to the youthful au gaged couples and Interested dlence a new and Interesting married people. vUlon on a ^articular career In The apeakera at « » second I t f * aeaslon will be ihe R«*f, Charlea

THOMAfi B1MK1AN. member Uajrwwlhy . a«it»tant chaplain of the Board of Education and o f the Newman Club. Cornell Secretary of the local American I'nlveralty. who will d t w i w a T h e Fedoration of Labor spoke IrtP*l Husband • The Ideal hrlellv the Job opportunities In Wife"; and I»r. Angelo 4. ftaf-Auburn Industry and revealed ' • " • " . R>Taruw paychUtrUt. an Interesting plan In the mak «hoso topic Is "Preparation for ln« 'o better acnualnt hlch Marriage • - A l l PaychlafcrUt •chonl seniors with opportuni- Seea It " ties In Auburn industry •- •*•—— "

Club Awaits Talk By Father Gannon

Bishop s Radio Tfifik Tp^Qm Vocation Monfh DBjeivpfice

*» in;WiHWMir«- l , j i W ) l j , - , |» . ,»aV) i i"«»^«J^

ubum CDA Called To Join In Blfyk Rourv

V ri

£LXN^i«sf&fav m » m £ $ Mtim %mm» «itt 1st warn *t is«*ft »%^{as§jii SuntUy, $imh 3 *t^3ifi | W

nintMt ltastMOBii w«nt|b <*thp<sU of the mt&m Hill b* vtWted &y «t>**K«ra &c«» Hf* li*Joui iwisra who will »ik m "*««ligfotaii VsK»iteh»,**

thii year in* iwsgmm will t» htjthUfht«ti hy a VOMUDISIU »»• nSolt te all the n^sofe. IxWWtt wtii ewwttt ef «« mtis* pmm*i P*etut*» and letiers ol psdviSflfl who ha** enters liw wilglMMi life, ppfli' es*ajr» e« tint «*• leet of voeaUona and rocstlttnal b»tok« and pamfjftleW.

lilt Kxcjllerw)- Hlsh^p K««r> wey has written a ieitw en W Ofttkwi whleh wm fee gtatf #W| di»cun*tl in evei^ eJa*«roem m tim dioeeae, Fathar ftjyft «ut*4 today. TH* IndttitewsA i»r«>«fc far Vecationa vrt« b« s*etW# e«ery day durtai the raorrtlVtt March to the a<rhoo!*.

The Vocation 8t#*kw» iwnfdito folinwn: , ^.

H'eeli «f Marek fi tortnjj P. J. Rtlily, FJ&W* Irfertl Chrtilian Broawrti tlN» fttrV. MarUn O'Prten, C o I u m fem Fathm

Waea «l Marea lit th» 1\W, Aljbtd Richard, W.P« Wh!t« Fatlitn and W»tft W*ry Augtt* tirw, 8.M.4 MlJuOonary IWateri ot tft* 8oci«ty of Mary,

Waea *f Marek lit tim Rev. Gerald J. Whtlan* C««.rU Ac* dempturiaf Father* and tits Ray. Mtehaa) IletnlfrJn, O^.B,, Uene-dlctlne rather*.

Week «t Man* Ut tlM Rev. WUilam J. MeCUmont, BJi, Vitt» centlan ralhera and Slater Mary Br*ndw, C ltitnlwia fiittty,

plained to the chauffeT of being i l l A doctor w-as called but the Bishop had died of heart attack fc»efore h e arrived. <

final plans for the lecture by the tiev. Robert L Oa»noa S J , noted Jeault •gueatg*' and §st-mer prfeddast «f Foroliam uni­versity, at 9 pjn . Friday to Em­erson auditorium. East High

French Blsshop Dies Ing received into the Sodality per Cluh at their regular month other careers. Paris ' V ' Bishop John C Written appli.ation* «ere ac lv rneetlng Friday March 3 . In D g , THOMAS I). STAI'LE-

Costes o f Angers 77 died sud- ^p%^\ a » t h e "\te-mrKTShJp"1'' Knights of rolurnbii» Hsmf T O S , grmdaate Sj Geoffelowii aenly while touring his'dlocese. Drive' booth dispUyM on Sun ^ " w w c Street tnlvrrmlty Medical School, and Ouring p-artsh visitations he com a a ) February 25 Fa'her t>a}y is Prior of the iocal ey e epeclaUat, commented

Girls still Interested In Join Whitefriars Monastery In -Hovth o n the many opportunities for JjJ .^ , ine the sodalitv can dy. so by s 're^t and also Chaplain o< Au «elfadvancement and service t o ' ' contacting anyone of the com b u r " founrtl K of C others In the wide field of medj- " to aaW to be th« fint time conweunjf anyone <>i me com Fndav Simner Clnh <-lr»e »n »«*• ciub o t * • College has mtftee Reception of new rnern- , n tlr" ennay .supper L lull clxse. , , . . ^ „,_,, . _„£_,« .„ her, a,n be held on •World'So ^ S ^ n S J ^ n ^ S ^ *»' " " " " ^ ° " * « • ^ S T S a l S C l u b b i n g " d a m > D 3 > M B i U ; M ^ ^ . n 7 ; ' J ^ ^ . l ! ? ™ ^ ' - wlO fulfill Its Utree main

c.i'h«->Hr lav men of the City Wi inam Murlev Is chairman.

'You AJuays Gain

al Ganey'i'


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Tlie Apostolic committM- con Btstlng of the Misses Jean and Rr»s* VIncirjuerra and Ida Clan green is In charge of The mem bershlp drive They win be a* slsted'by Jo Velfa \ 'anr, Ven­tura. I-ena Tabone Ro<s Zlrhet tella and Phvlll* Vinriquerra

Lenten Talk Given Group By Carmelite

Cornel! t nlverstty and former rrr^i%% namely, apreaiflng Catho-asslslant at St. Mary a parish. | ) r ^^san and cultui*. aiding asked the students.to do some students of LeSloyne from Au serious thinking along the voca- bum ^ j a M J n g ^ &%,„& JU^JI.

« T ? * ' i - I l ! r °'A o h * , K ^ ^ ° ° < t HaatHna the committee ttoat Staterlnotl and Brothernood. ^ ^ ^ ^ ]MvFm „ m l , . Msgr. William E. Cawm, pas-, | a m g p t ^ m , gmteni chelrman.

Anhtirn - The monthly meet ***" of s ' Mary's pariah, con- . Cochainnen of the tfdket wan­ing of , the Immaculate Heart ol

eluded the speaking program b y ' m ) t l w . s r e j o n n Kenny and Rob-Marv and Rosary Society of Si n")uraZ ing the youth to con- c r t Glynn. Donald Nolan will Alphonsus Church was held at miSm , h o Importance of their; ftave cfarge of fbancea, Donald the Parish House In Geneset1

h i g h school studios to thefr Mualco, arrangenienU. Ml»a Mar-Genera — Forty-three tables Street with n large number ol Fatt"* careers. g a r e , Ryan, ushers, and Joseph

vvere in play Monday. Feb. 20 memhers present - -o Camardo. publicity. as C o u r t Geneva. Catholic Th*» meeting was opened with g^ . , - , - _ . . Daughters of America, held a prayer by the'spiritual adviser, s L r O n H i G Y HclllMSCt a l G A u card party tn Woman's building. Rev-: Clarence Gardner.

Geneva CDA Name* Card Party Winner*

Winners of special prizes T h e *"«" *' were Mrs. P B. Oakley, Mrs. Orlano Auyustlne. and Miss

Speaker was th« O f H o l f F c U l i l ? H N S Bernard Daly of the Car, Rev

melif p Monastery in South Auburn — Francis tSofrhfey

Adviser* are Edwin Nolan and Theodore Myera, clu& mo&mt' atnrs, and Allan Mlake!), club president.

' •••' O r i " ""-1

Hear Fatima Ledure

oriano AugusHne. and Miss ' S^rT"- , J - „'^V*,' wras elected presHeni of the Holy : M. | J - a *_!_ 111149 «|V Isabel Riley. Duplicate bridjfe greeiL Speadung on The;Holy . ^ ^ ^ FamBy ' 8 t PatTlCaC H N S TO was won by north and south. ^ ^ J ^ J?J?7S? J% P 1 ^" 1 at the annual eJectionof

and west. Mrs, Howard Mars- ^ ^ » p rfah school. i n^ ^ ^ ^ monthly mmUnt den and Mrs AlfredJ*oodard- Reports were read by dlffer*m Oher officers elected were: of S t PatrtcJCa Holy Name• g& auction Mws Nan roreoran and j ^ , , , , , , , , ^ Thr nPXt „ , par,y Vic* president. WOllam McKeon; ciety. Kmlra, will b e held in contract. Mrs. Anion itauer. w f n ^ h p M M a r c h J 7 t n t h c ftnanrlai secretary, Baymocrf ; the aaseiaWy rooma o n T h u s *

Other card games «=ere «n- 'v j - .VV. rooms, 60 GeneaMMiK*"^; recording secretary, i day evening, Mtush 9 at 8 asta. Mrs. John Cosgrovp win- giteet. Mrs. Peter Ehresinan has * « « « * Traey; rotmelBora. John ! o'elodt ner; rummy, Mists Irene McCor-'beeYi appotntipd chalrmam. ,Brenn«n. Andrew McLane a n d ' Cre«ry Mm&& *1» tiv» *n mack: plnochte. Mrs. Mable rh<? meeting dosed t*«)i!* 0**Pb ^oian, all pan pmldVrt* : aJustrated fectttre on Fatima. ntzGerald; m e n s prtee. Charles prayer and a social period. *ol-'** Wic sddety. * I T t « meeting wffi bi cofitoctetl Nelson; euchre. VIi« Catherln»i{owed- Mrs. Frank Funlte, Mrt, Neary. and men's eucrtre. Vhs-' Raymond Lewis Sr., and tbefr cent McCann., 'committees starved refreshmeaiM.

, , __ , , . ^ ^

Rev. Jamex P. Collin*, spiritual i by the newly *)*«*«& oSI(asc» dSrecior o f the society, addressed! wiih PreaJdeat SiinWeJ lal^BEa tBse men at the rneetlng. IpresMIng.

NORGE Stoves

W a s h e r s Refrigerators

O'BRIEN APPLIANCES 40 State St. Jt/ubum

Dial 3-4131

St. Peter Claver Knights Increase

Jfear OrfeaiM — f$t& ~ T i n prtseast natfoiMU membeTghliJ of

, the Knights o f St Peter Ctever J Is 12,080. A. B-.Randolph, nation-, • al director p£ the orgaailzaSSon for 2«egro Catholic men, TB-vealaS. The aranual taemberalidp campaign ot the Knights aaid

jtheir Auxiliary, "to b e conclttdWd • April 9. may add aajofiter 2JSG0 ,merobsrs. be said.

BOOKS FOR LENTEN READING • Chrtei in f h« Goip*\ '

* My Doily hctfm ftoofe * Baily StoeRng, from the N#w Ttitettjtfif

* My Unten Missal , :; ^



VPatsaV-lissssVaBi BBsV LsssssfSSVBBJBSSSS a a l g a

Devotiona ot tim forty Roup are scheduled in the foltwing churchts of tha trk*»Ml ttt Roche»ter: Mmday, March 5 — Sf, hMtmm

Kocheateri Capuchin alwia*. tery, Genetra.

a > ' •.—•<-

Jesuit Fact Home — (NCI - Tha Rev.

Jsmea W, Naughton, Jesuit priest from Denver, has bettt named general aecrtlary of tha Society of Jesus,

wm M ¥ 4 t p&m


. ;tw*a *m * &m**iM> ji..„.,

mm H*m ««*!*», $tm fe.

$m% in feer l*c*«I «a#MiM

**«»!. _

In 1)# '«A««#ajh« Wlaa €U|f; Mkt 'Tie <W»!U 4f % F a i M «|»im«tt«^ wh^r <^jr» l * « ^ y^«t«pi« *Wffe(^ t i t ~i»$r k # « ^ I t t t tt» IW|»wr eH IW:

ref*iit*d ^ I M (o* _|«fy1»4r sa* R«*.#'»«4 JWP :WPttl4!'" l i l t

mme& mm- i* CNM- -*H&' Mly-- |««*M*I sw-sfH'

mm »COO( HlPtMaY aJm« to IMWH f r t M g mpWiae't« . m&W ^ 'i^piNwi let* ^ t | t lutfiSt"""

to tafitM ME <*ta r%' IWMHMIT Ut my r^uaatt *r* twri*ast ««* tfctwitt to «wt#etoi .IM 'Unto will to pa***,''iui imM*4i<ti« «w*w#. • mih aw. toto* '• Moihefa *wi*fid* ii- mMMm viul among a t M i t pa*0*H

. |«t«l4'ti^ ^flM-4Mililir|ej| imm itoM-'fmviaf.'itoK A-bowb, or |ftotoW'Wto~ tkutarJy m*« iiv*rt »r* ed wb«i into' In aToupa-"

««t# ***** C**ry c*a»4l*#*« Jtot toil**a»'-to- : a # i j | > J ^ R *

mt t« (to* tjift* « i i i to l Wrttt|U m «!* U # Itf $W Ro**ry) adriaett that ««Uy by Ptpytr and ^ tote^M •. *m, - »# lo^nf ptf« «i4iu II M l ttk« mty turn* m -tmsm. mt$m tor the group; KaAiry, iw« (to IrnptiriaBf |^t t | <# «i»t«iWi I* to meditate to jMJnoirna' tton, Death ami It«utr*rtic«B Of t6» KsVeernstr,*' :

A #upp«r w« told #€ ito ctotith lifMt ftomte- Monday «vf. nwr. r*o. 3K mm,'"4mm ttiekey »«• ehiltma^ 4 wMi* elephant sajf fo]l»**d tiw ffil|>;

iain, atWrwaeed ( t o ( w t f r -w«»>i,S«i!nii.iiriliiii ii>iii"r.i»iin.iriiiil;..i iw

BftttftgfoffKC KMI10 Yalta

J j ^BSB^USSSSSBSFI°' -tos ssassia¥sssssssssV aW^ l^j^ i l lVj i^ia l^^r t

S j ^ ^ S ^ ^ g l s s i f ^ S ' -tha fiL^i ^ y ^ - f t * * 1 1 ? * **"'ff^ "•^•S-Pw *apw " K- s^lfW^TK W* S||PJI ,* sy: • P ( ^ ^

' 'kMsl a* tto Cattoia* 'i2Miit«.. t ^ Prw^ia j t i toato § M Jaast- ' i V " * 1 * . J * ~ - "IPiaM•; !"»aatt '^MJIlfl'1"* ^ t P J asaapsgaj

lajV»a. isfi>a<Wa»»r

•^H^J^^W' ,'- »W- fWIW IWrWr fi^F f l U P ^ .

Haiti tto •**** aaailiti'i' tasai ta»» ' 'lBsslMuBnB~ Sa^Bssil^^^BssVsssi^ft' i t o ^ t o ' . a s ^ M : . ' Bgtaaslto-^ ^ I W r f f t ^ s ^ a s a j » aaBBBBBB|aB| s RJgaaiaB ^Pffgafa^ - ^ H ^ a a w

^ tn* t to to i i i f t to »*» •ftsm- ' • ^ T ^ ^ T g W ^ W w s s ^ P ^ C , | » ^ R j k ^ ^ ^ € k e » | ^ P N K ; „

* * HJt ksaVal'Bstar J ^ M A J J U L U L , . , ^ -

..»'tto-.jN»««to W # i totifiii1" sssrTt*toiK sBstasaasIR -issssi to t^^L^^Jt- ^^u^fl-^gs^^',^jfc-

J ^ / M tWittt! Aatedtt H f tihAvtSk^iJi ' ;

* t ^ p p-»W ^s»a"sWi>t a a g ^ , 4 * ^ . "SjaasssK pgasff aaggagaa! ^ajsJatas^jfcjsai^MuaaAjit. A . * T f t . ^ . y -lsssi.^.fc..^..1a, 4ft. JL

n i h l M - j f i :«-to.t .»<i»to§i. J ^ i i i A s * '£Lkgto» * V"1 m e w w ! % TSTTMSJIB • * T ?HPlya> -SSSP arasMMaaSj, sfaaBBBBjr"1


...J. . . ^ ^toaav X 1 " ' ' '-iflssTIIIHlln

ChlWWit t^tassiSd liss«a ssssssii aaf a l r i l f l intifatt MUi i H I la_a tiii-•IPl iM s nuHgi- i t a H yiMdyyi' MMisk

SP^W.I»WW" #W^P%tor»flF j »

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