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IOU1rn Inlepr1 pt I Troublel the and - Library of Congress · 1 J LL J4 r 1lItI iUUU rvNI u i...

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1 J LL J4 r 1lItI iUUU rvNI u i FTUnDSj T fii J JI i J fifth u med y 4 4- tYhe 1y AGNES arid EGERTON CASTLE V Th Pride ot Jnnlo t I- Asvha COPYRIGHT 1000 BY ECEKTON CA1TLB LL UJ t 1 TI Iti a womahji Ditto IOWrh Its 4 1 wbiliau Taryimj roAred Mr IOU1rn come to we this minute or Ill brilln yf- C6ifsclous of ffls Invalid negligee he provingfttdnger t tear himself from bli pt of vantage kt the window Ohr tbu doaty little foot I he cried Inlepr1 t la brocade slipper ot tlhlutlest pro I b1bn lbergM Ina little cloud of- I I 6rf from the dim receMes of the chair obefa his delighted vUlon I turned for a mouitnt to bellow t 1 1Me Into the room you limb of Satan where ore feu at all Hure tin not tit to be t kn by tiny huly let alone such a toot It that When he popped bU head once more through the window only the ihnlrmen occUpled the street Itfc tot the sfound floor of course tort the f> ucb iuarqbls ttldblinrn tiid silt down feeling lll0at us a pan tak > The next Instant a knock at the door I tent the quick blood flyliifr to the red it btad The limb ot Satan more ceu rrilfy known as Tim Mabouey nu Id pAttitlug uutldy fellow with a cuu 4 nlBj leer and a coaxing manner stood oiling his matter on tb threshold rtiib ho jerked with uU thumb tcteral I times over his shoulder and grliiued with exquisite enjoyment fIercelythuf I once more Speak or by Iwa flU Ill spoil your beauty for you I Your slither cried Tim with a rutqbjliiff subterraneous laugh t Mi ilather mann Aye yir honor said the scamp vasJ uo itieh gentle tie Sure ibeM heard jtitour honors wounded and nhci come to rUlt you Im MUther OHaras lUter says sho And am I note cried a sweet voice behind him Or It not at least a till very dear cousin and tu soy ease I must see Mr OHara at once stat nloiie > To be sure cried OHara esgerly rlttne In every way l to tho situation and leaping forward r8how lu the Iady you flllnlu Ob my darllug1 cried the Irlslimnn opening gcncroui I inns hut Im glad to see yet I Tim four you scoundrel shut the door behind 1The visitor was much enveloped be- sIdes J being masked Hut there wa ll I not a moment hesitation lu the ardor of Mr Otloran wplcttine Sit airr cried a taint voice from bebltM the folds oflacf what ron ¬ duct is thur 1 Ob ulstber darling sure me hearts been hungering for you Another kiss me dear dear rou lnl Mr OHara 1 cried MIstroKi Ilcl lairs In tones of unmistakable Indiana thou tore off lice mask arid stood With pautlug boKom and fiery eye Tare cud ages exclaimed the In geuuous Irtshuiait It It Isnt nil lovv v ly KlttylMlitrpM trI ¬ nIt I hm glad to see sir that that other juiMlQii of whlcli I have heard so uiucli Las not Interfered with tin strength of your family atfectlous She sat down and fauuiHl herself vjith her mask and looking haughtily round thu room finally fixed her gaze with much iuteret upon the left branch of the chandelier For a second Mr OHnran glib touaiift seemed at a loss but It was only for a second WWI ft graceful movement be gathered the skirts of liU 4Atm floweretl dtitniiik dressing feowu more closely over the puce satin small clothes which he was sadly loon I Iscions were not In thick lint fresh ness besides bearing the race of one overaencroUs buiiipbt of What lie was fond pt calling the Tuby wine Then staking on one knee he began to pour n tender t tale Into the widows averted ear Ap < 11 l Its the floe ninny ye must think me Kitty dnrlliiR1 beg your pardon darilUK maam It shall be though I vow to see ye toss yOur little head like that and set all those elegant little curls dancing Is enough to make any one want to start you at It again Ob siire Its the divine little oar you have but t be Jabbers Kitty it Its the back of your neck you want to turn on me there now Itl was to be shot for U I couldnt help Itwltb the utIle place I ther Jiut Inviting my tlii Keep your kisses fejour sinter sIr or your cousint What In the world and dye think I dldut know youf- A likely tale May 1 die this inluute It I didnt know you before ever you were out of e l > Che ould chair I Pray sir with au angry titter i how will even your fertile wits prove that Sure didnt I see the little pink foot of you step out and dldut I know It before ever It reached the grouudl Lord forgive you said Mistress Kitty gravely But a dimple peeped He had now posscMcd himself of her bind which he was car islng with tbe toUch of the tentative lover tenderer tlia k ayowans full of unit cajoling Inq 7 4 j rJ J l r T 1 Lope the toni may forgive me for letting up and worshiping au idoL I believe theres touiethlug tialhst that In tne couimndtnents dhrllui but sure maybe old Moses wouldnt have been so hard on those istnelltes It theyd had the RUiuptloti id raise 6 Pret- ty o woman In the mIdst of them Instead of an old gilt calf At this word Mistreu Kitty gave a perceptible start Oh dear Jaald sue never never speak to inebf that dreadful animal 1lalnlOb 1t41kshe l slid turning upon MID for the first tlule brr full eyes us melting hud as pathetic mAt tben ait wm In their comjiositlbu to look I rim In sad iad trouble and I doUt khdw What to diWn t Here she prottdcet l n dejlcate band ¬ kerchief and to tier eyelashes alJlIIHrtiIt It which she Ihro herself hrfd become quite ulolit- Me jaweir cried Mr OHarn pre- paring to adtuliilstcr the first form of coitfQlallori that occurred to him iieUmkt sold Distress Kitty tistl I ly Get t up ilrt I hare to coniult you There there sit iiowti Dh I am in earneit t And this is truly frlI oils Mr OHara though with some heluc tiuce obeyed He drew his chair as near to t the wjddwss she would per ¬ mit him and pUrfed his lips tutu grav 111 f YoU know my Laid Verney Ng n the fascinating wiLlow I do interrupted tho irrepressible Irishman and n decent quiet lad hi I Is though devil take him be makes so 11 tt Itnt ineiovetv Kitty P many bones about losing a few guineas at cards that one would think they lrewon LIIkln Hush said she I cant abide nlmf Mr OHara halt started from bis armchair Say but the word said he and Ill run him through the ribs is neat is Oh be quiet cried the Indrln much exasperation How cnu you talk like that whoa rill tbe world knows bo U to be my husband Your husband I Mr OHarn turned in Query crimson to the roots of his rlp red hair Then he stopped suffo rating Out I dont wnnt to marry him rOil gaby cfled Mlstresi Kltjy with I charnilns smile Her lover turned white mid leaned tack against the wing at hieot t rhalr The physician had blooded lilm that morning by way of mending him for his loss the previous night and he felt just u llttlo shaky Iud swimming Mistress KlttyM eye beonhie evermore kindly nu It marked these fluttering signs of embtlou- iiic noodle said she vindictively mistook the purport of sbme merclj civil wonlt nud forthwith went about bloating to all Bath that be and 1 were to IMJ wed It Ill soon stop his jnoutli for him muttered Mr Oltarn moved to lets rcflncmeut iifdictloi than lib usually affected Oh Kitty said he and wiped his pale brow Sure Its tho terrible fright youve given mel Here Mistress Bellalrs becAme sud ¬ denly nod Inexplicably agitated You dont uuderstabd said she aud stomped her toot Oh bow cart I explain How aro people sostupid I wps obliged t to go to his rooms this morninga pure mUtter of friendship sir on behalf of my Lady Blandish Who would have conceived that the calf would take It for himself and think It was for hit sake I Interfered between him nnd that modmulISlr MiaI l Lord ycrney ntter braying It to the whole of Butb this moment writing to t his Insufferable old mother Aud there Ti tGut cockatoo hunt of hU looking bUt her most ancient set of garnets and stress for a wedding gift Aud oh dear oh dear What urn 1 to doI Silo turned over the back of ber chair to hide her taco In her pocket hand ¬ kerchief In a twinkling OUara was again at her feet Soul of my soult pulse of my heart cried he Sure dnt cry Kitty darling Ill clear that little fellow out of your way before you know where 011 arc 4 Tobe ContinUed Iki Ii 11M I I 1 t < fitG SSTATED AND ANSWER MADE Arbitrntlon Board heard Prof Lieb and Miss Morgan Bovrrnl llotird ci hinttlln Cross toninlimlloii of Tn > clir and Superinieiidela- t41MOtJfti WITHOUT ACTION r J The public must havo thought the school board meetings were spirited bill tho board of arbitration mestlntt l last nightwould nuke tho school board meetings look like the sldd shOw beside a three rlng circus Tho meeting was featured with tfersbna tilts swift charges nod countercharges and of course the Irrepressable American humor In discussing the motion to adjourn Itl waa suggested to meet Sunday afUir hoon but edrao one objected that It would b6 working on Sunday Dr Brooks said this was a case of the Ox In the ditch Doth Superintendent Lleb and Mime Kmma Morgan stated their sides Bupt Lleb was wiuested to speak first and made sutstabtlally an fol ¬ lows his objectlonB to recommending MUg Morgan for the English position lie said be thought it was alt Imper ¬ sonal matter That It was tho su ¬ perintendent duty to recommend and that every toucher had two ehunc ea of stearins reelection l It either the I prlndusl or Kiiperlntendent rec ¬ ommended herb then she would bo recommended tho tio committee which reports to the hoard If neith- er ¬ recommend her she would not be mentioned In his report for recom ¬ mendations for teachern to that com ¬ mittee lie said that he falKd to recommend Mitt Morgan becnue his judgment as an expert could not sus ¬ tain such a coUrse The first Speci ¬ fie charge was lack of puntuallty He produced proof of that assertion In Kites Morgans own handwriting Thnt out of 29 canes of tordlncu la tho High school loSt year Mis Mor ¬ gum was tardy 17 times The chair allowed no Interruptions to his state ment He went somewhat Into de ¬ tails about the various phases of her tardiness The second count ho made was for Insubordination Ito said that when the president of the school board questioned her about being turdy she replied that sh0 thought she was early enough He said that she left the school April 20 191X0 without notifying him so that ho could sup- ply ¬ a substitute Thai the bad two opportunities to notify him that morn Ink having loft In tho afternoon That when on one occasion he called her attention to her Insubordination she said substantially Lot them fine me the school boaid If they want to and I will put In a bill for working overtime The third count ho presented was Inefficiency lie said that hei classes did hot make the progress they should have made especially the senior class That Jlhe emphasized minor courses of reading awl skimmed over the really Important part Hie suld that he called her attention to that repeatedly That she rarely If evet handed back the papers which the pupils handed In for correction In the senior class whch It was her duty to correct and hand back He said that Professor Payne heard three of her classes March 1C when she was absent that he Instructed Professor Pahe to estimate tho work she was doing and that be found no I lesson had been assigned the pupils for a weekand that one class had put In about five mlniites preparation Un- der ¬ the held of Inefficiency he said speaking of MRS Morgan as u prln ¬ cipal that she admitted certain Im- itations ¬ In her ability on account of beIngn woman In that position Count number tour was a dUtlnc Jtlbn between li eDclency and Incom p tency He dId not question her competency but that his objections l tq her as a teacher were tlwl iho wa lot efilclent in conveying her com potency to the learning puplli Here also ho eplaliwd the decrectf and rel atv value of teachers certificates It was In answer lo the statement Which had beon made l In tho school board that Miss Moran held tile highest certificate in the city nobody excepted Timers Ire elpht state cer ¬ tificates In the city and five diplomas front college The diplomas are good anywhore In thir wot Id whlld the state cfrtlilcate which Is the highest certificate held by the teach ¬ or In question was good only In Ken- tucky ¬ The fifth count was IrTonswer to tho rumor that his action In not rue ¬ ommending Miss Morgan for u posi ¬ tion in the schools was spite work He denied It and related Instances whore apparently he had been her friend Mls Morgans Defense Miss Morgan was then heard Gun orally she took Up lila objections in the order he had made theta being J d uisted t In thisby UrxWJlltfm Mar- ble ¬ who had taken note She ad- mitted ¬ the tardiness aitd II11T8 her version of the Jmportarioo of tardi ¬ ness She explained Unit she had been sick In tho first toottths of school Gnd that that partly was re ¬ sponsible for her tardlncsfl That in March or April she was reported to the board for fur cases nf tardiness and was lined eighty cents Bho said Mie offered tho iccretary of tIIo board H In payment and that ho accepted fifty cenlli Sh asserted that there were other caaeii lasl year of teachers being tartly and that she did not bOo have thtiy had been reported da rig ¬ orously as her own cases In an- swer t to the statement that she had left tbebulldlng without giving no ¬ thee she laid the did not remember seeing Superintendent Lleb That when she left the building she did not know btio would Hot return and that she told ProfeSsor Payne she was not sure she would return The cause of her absence she said was the tact that ube was moving into another home In regard to the statement by the superintendent that the failed I to a tlfy Mm on one oc ¬ casion that sht would return before tim prescribed time BO to do she said she tried to reach him by tele ¬ phonei Ehe drtnled being insubordinate and said she thought her attitude ever had been one of courtesy toward th < school boini and Its president Answering the objection of In edlclency stilaid she probably had stayed longer In the study of one book because of the IrreUlar at ¬ tendance preventing more rapid pro gross SheiaM time superintendent approVol her < < iiirso to her and never gaw imematjmn oNi that i i- eworlaIttAtItfaCUry She said shovhad Corrected some papers and handed then back to the senior class fihe delatvd It wajj not true x that sb > had not assigned lessons for a wek to one of the daises1but tad done so enry day Air for the time the students prepared their lessons that sho could not telli She had sent Superintendent Lleb l her days work plan tom the day she was absent In regard to her executive ability she thought there were tome things about a school which a Ttnan could not attend to She said the superin ¬ tendent sa d lid onS occasion that she was the malt student principal lie then had She thought shim had con ¬ trolled the High school all right She said hers was the best city cot ¬ tificate Shim was not forced from the prlnclpalshlp but weal Into the English position oa a choice Neither the principal or the superintendent were acquainted bf actual contact with her work She was i rfvcn to un ¬ derstand from a conversation with the principal of the High school that she would be reeonirnenI d for re- election ¬ < i essEzaminat iou Tho rmt of the evening ras devot ¬ ed to ciroitiquestlotlbg Superintend ¬ cot iLieb A protracted crossexam ¬ ination by Jilr Patterson Was ruled by the chair as irreievantMr Ueb was allowed to respond to Miss Mor gafia sttitetrienU anil answered them aubsfantlallj OB gHea before Mr William Marble who had bed appointed to fill the place of Mr Ell Boone wh6 was sick entered upon an exhaustive crosexanilnatlonot Mr Llobs statements lEts object was to show them In favor of lilfea Morgan Mr Patterson oUdeavpred to mako Mr Lioba f failure to report thvdernllctlons in duty of Atltss or- gan ¬ to the school board IIJ dfrellc tlon thls duty ai suinnlntencjont superlnlel that tho presidenj N t tLlolJsUd tefCp Informed of t andthat he had not reported them 16 tfie board because It was bin duty to report to time committee on examinations and course of study who could do as they desired In roportlni to the board mIr Patterson mind Mr Marble wanted to bring hi the competency of the present Incumbent of the Eng ¬ lish position to compare with Mlsa Morgans ability Professor Ueb thought It was an Injustice to drag her into time case and that It was Ir ¬ relevantOn board expressing the re ¬ quest for him to do so he did and In answer to the charge that teachers were holding positions in the school who wore not as efficient as some left out he said that the delay of the board In electing teachers from the deadlock caused ati exodus of the teachers leaving but meager material with which to open theschools He also said that many of the present teachers were holding their positions temporarily amid 1 that the schools could not be for that reason com ¬ pared with last year On the day It wall alleged that Miss Morgan was absent without giving notice several members asserted that It was a holi ¬ day SUit Lleb said he did not know about that but that he had Miss Morgans own written ticket In the matter showing the tact of lila con ¬ tentlon Mr Garrison wanted to know If the unwillingness of somei members of the school board to elect nil time other teachers except the English position wasnt responsjble for the present condition of the schools In denying a statement made by Mr Patterson Supt Lleb was told to be careful In his frank denials Superb o BANK CLEARINGS ON THE INCREASE t 175205 Move Than Sninh Week Lust Year rtnliroml Iiesstil to Take Care fof Traffic mid LabOr Continue tircatljr In Demand S liUADSTHRKT I RKVIRWS VtRKK flank olonrliiK 782lf5O- Samo week last year 000811 Inlltllc I2ae There was no slgnficant develop mont otthe week In the financial world In I Paducah except that time early predictions as to fall business are more than being borne out The bank clearings show tho same murk ¬ ed Increase over the corresponding week of last year aa has oxlsted for several weeks There Is the greatest activity In those mechanical trades wWch are the foundation of proupef Ity after tho primary necessity of ood crops carpenters bricklayers mechanics and unskilled labor Con ¬ tractors repor an actual demand for these classes of workmen excewllng the supply In the local freight yards the strain already tins become abnormal and the expansion has no visible end Hst et f The rails hiitilly become cold j6Jne passage of freight tialna In every architects olllce In the city are I 1Yrn not only for large amount f stork at present hut for work through the wlntefahd even 1 ail far ahead 9next spring time city has an unusually large number of com ¬ mon laborers attracted here by the extensive public and private 1 ix i provement work going on during the summer and there could have been apprehension that they would hacomcj a burrfen Upon the city with thu com ¬ tug of wtnterand the cessation of building and improsetn nt operations uuttbe t aftlonof the city legislative bodies fn awarding Improvement COB tracts fo> linmedlate execution OD vlates nhil1eh contingency fhe sewer work and the street coninlcts will keep together with the building operations practically all hands e- mployed ¬ Tvhat means prosperity l to the merchants it Is thu secret of economic success to keop a popula ¬ tion continually employed In useful and prdfitablo pursuits IlrmlstreetVt Report New York Sopt 22 Bradstreets weekly trade and business report fol IoysTlTi wholesale and jobbing tradefi continue active though some thing llkfi a natural reaction from the high tenhlon of buying of the past six- weeks Is noted Manufacturing Indus tryls active as horfetofore and sold up conditions and backward deliver ldsaro alfnost universal though ship mentf on orders aro very heavy The prosperity of Iho farming com ¬ munities is such tint a general hold ¬ ing movement would have bad an Important effect upon the return of mqney from the country The demand from the country for currency is still very hoayjv and high rates are looked fdr diisnlte the heavy gold imports Until Aftor OctolKr 1 when the crop Ceivcinicjut l is expected to enlarge The gonerally laVer satlsfac Jor yhejt Includlag flour exports for week 4078000 bushels against 2178 000 buahehi thin week of last year For the past 13 weeks of time fiscal year 351103000 bushels against 13 9Ci000 bushels In 1905 Corn ex ¬ ports MfiOflQ busliela against 1272 009 bushels of a year ago For the fiscal year to datu 7988000 bushels agiimit 13131000 bushels In 1905 Intendent Lteb reasserted his denlul and both dropped the matter without having withdrawn from their positions Time meeting ajourned at 1115 oclock to meet next Tuesday evening at the same hour and place FINEPIPES CHEAP PIPES Pipes To suit you See window for assortment Prices from 5c to 1000 At SMITH i NA6ELS Drug Stre rS t Li 4 NO REMEDY1II- PPEALS TO WOMEN aura Uvnraily tluii this Bitters shrubaccounts lsiely tot is it pulMiI y It I hI eapeCiiHr fonlpottnded for Ooieuti peculiar to them anti baa been horonmihi teatd for S1 HostettetsStouich StouichBillers rill I I stteogtheu d tone the eii Ire system aid dl keeplie li us prt vetting ad coring Sick Headache Nervousnen Fainting Spells- Bickichei t Kiduej Troublel l ICoslire I Cativeheuvu I ought to uy It at once j Backache Pain in the Hips and Groins In mot feisei are direct results of WEAK KIDNEYS anti EMFLAM I MATIOJf OF THE BLADtJER The Strain on the Kidneys arid In flimed meinbranes lliiing the neoV ufthr Bladder producIng UtM psw LARKS KIDNEY GLOBES WllircunE1 f Twodoses gtverellelibd 1oJ Bili cure any ordinary cine of1c1 iYt bfxBlidier trouble Reuioves Gravel cures Diabetes Retnlnal l BaUiioni Weak and Lame Back Rheumatism and all irregularities of the Kidneys and Bladdle H ln both men and women Sold at CO cents- i box on the No Cure No Pay basis by Mclbersoni drug store Fourth and Broadway sole agents for Pa l- v dmctor sent by mall upon receipt ofprice to LArk Medldn Co Lou InllleKy I WASTED HARNESS MAKERS COLLAR MAKERS SADDLE HANDS MACHINE OPERATORS AND CUTTERS ketnrn IrsDpormatIofltUrflhibe41 free If i desired tnr a fur trial linriJrcorlt Kuaranteed tu computont OPEN SHOPS ronowmnIlocici luuoJ l > STltAWH HA1IIILEKV CO MKVKH IIANNKIIMAN bfo- J n minus uio u SIOgLEs sA1iLlmt co ST LOUIS KILLTHi COUCHA- ND CURE THE LUNCS KingsNew IF c IIONSUMPTION II Surest and Cluickeat Cure for all THHOAT and LUNG XEOUB T EB or MOKEY BAO- mNEVSTATE HOTEl D A Bailey Prop METROPOLIS ILL Newest and best hotel In the cit> Rates soo Two l large sampli rooms Bath rooms Blectrif llgnts The only centrally locate hotel in the city Centre Pttriwre S licHW MEN AND WOMEN OM Bl n ton unnatural dirLirEMltlamiijatlol i Irrlutloui orulceraloc of roucvui moiutiraD- tttlnltii end not ailrla gent or poliouoat 54114 b DraIsta or al l In plain rarir tr ens > lrrnJ lui tioo rs t flt Standard tilmitdy for OIittg Gonorrhut and Run j MIffJ IN 48 HOURS Cures Kid ruUI 1dde TroawesJ IBIAl L WElL 4 CO CAMPBELL BLOCK ItUphqnes Office 369 Residence 7 > l INSURANCE limo Texas Wonder Cures all kidney bladder and rheu- m ¬ tlc troubles sold by J II Oehl schlaeger COl Broadway Dr K W Haill lotnc 292C OliVe street St Lculs Mo I A man tan make mistakes far more Saslly tfian he cast rafio good 1 J 1I- V FOR HE Nf Nice hoide ccn + tratty locafeiti i tity f l 7 Per Week f I 1 1- 1lne j for private boarding- house or for two fatniiies Three blocks from Broad way and In good neigh- borhood Water rent paid Ring 8jr or call nt428I3rOadway- JI J J ii SANDERSON lu Oak Ky i iSPEND YOUR VACATION ON THE GREAT LAKES Traveling U Da t t BtemraeM means the enjoyment 01I1I tOe td ranUeei which marine architecture cnn prorlde speed mafttynndcom fort Are prime consldcratloni Through Tickets sold to alt points and baggage checked tp dtlntIo- nDCTIMiTAOL MACKINAC DIVISION UJolido Monday It Siturdiyi 9SO A M hTuid Thud 400 P M Lotot Mondays fSiuidiyiS00 PM WtJnildlyl << Vndiye 93 0 A M Iour Trlpt per week commenclng juaelsthmt iu t J with > ll trS I PIokIUvek = Q rge Bftr Al n ire c4 wltk II tt l U Iii in ti ol lLLIaepclJem DETROIT CLEVELAND DIVISION I I La < Otlroit dally lOJi P t- AM CMoUiid dilly 5SO A M Ltiv < ClmUnd dsflj IOJS P M Arrl Iv Drtrelt din SU A M- n 11111 wlONO Iolrooo J Clwln4 det lAalsJL CYtINi to tUSr Rtrtlot Utwtn CSoIu4PDo taiuy and Tl lo Send a two cent stamp lot Illuitrettd Pmphlot Addrati A ABCnAHTZ Uan Sopl ui PT L IMMt 5kb DRorrcLEvELNDNYcoC EVANSVILLE PADUOAH AND OAUIO LINN- Incorporatod Evmnsvlllo nnd Iadiicah IckM Dally Krcept Sunday Steamers Joe rpwier and John 8 Hopkins leavs Paducah for Eau vllle and way landings at iiam Special excursion rate now In ef ¬ fect from Paducah to Evansvlllo and return 1400 Elegant muslim on the boat Table unsurpassed STEAMER DICK FOWlRR- L a < aveij Paducah for Cairo and waj landings at Iia m sharp daIlY ex ¬ cept Sunday Special tixcuvldh t ratoi now In effect from Paducah to Coir a and return with or without ineabt and room Good music and table Un ¬ surpassed For further Information apply to S A Fowler General Pus Agent or Given Fowl rj City Pass Agent dt FowlerCrumbaugh Sc Gos bHci Both phones No 33 ST LOUIS AND TEVNKS3KH- K1VKH PAOUBI OOWANY FOIl TENNESSEE 1UVML STEAMEK CLYIE Lealeladarah for TeaacMee fuses Every Wednesday at 4 Po m A W WIUGIIT jtej EUGENE ROUINSON iOlersT This company la not rnpoaslbU for invoice charge unless collected by the clerk of the b a- tDRAUOHONS fJJu4ihd4Ff1 Incorporated PADICAN mSlllr lie NASHVILLE ZTCollcccilu 15 Statea POSITIONS 11 uvMAIL Unaisoolo I TIlE DUST Call o od for Henry IMammeo Jr llMTAl ti HW Ml iMtKh hook Binding ailkWodea aM XlIaTfr Wstkta1ty 1 Y I >
Page 1: IOU1rn Inlepr1 pt I Troublel the and - Library of Congress · 1 J LL J4 r 1lItI iUUU rvNI u i FTUnDSj T fii JJI i J fifth u medy 44-tYhe 1y AGNES arid EGERTON CASTLE V Th Pride ot


J LLJ4 r 1lItI iUUU rvNI u i FTUnDSj T fii JJIi


fifth u medy44-


1y AGNES arid EGERTON CASTLEV Th Pride ot Jnnlo t





TI Iti a womahji Ditto IOWrh Its4 1 wbiliau Taryimj roAred Mr

IOU1rn come to we this minute orIll brilln yf-

C6ifsclous of ffls Invalid negligee he

provingfttdngerttear himself from bli pt of vantagekt the window

Ohr tbu doaty little footI he criedInlepr1t la brocade slipper ot tlhlutlest proI b1bn lbergM Ina little cloud of-

I I6rf from the dim receMes of the chairobefa his delighted vUlon

I turned for a mouitnt to bellow

t 11Me Into the roomyou limb of Satan where ore

feu at all Hure tin not tit to betkn by tiny huly let alone such a tootIt that

When he popped bU head once morethrough the window only the ihnlrmenoccUpled the street

Itfc tot the sfound floor of coursetort the f> ucb iuarqbls ttldblinrntiid silt down feeling lll0at us a pantak >

The next Instant a knock at the doorI tent the quick blood flyliifr to the red

it btad The limb ot Satan more ceurrilfy known as Tim Mabouey nu IdpAttitlug uutldy fellow with a cuu

4 nlBj leer and a coaxing manner stoodoiling his matter on tb thresholdrtiib ho jerked with uU thumb tcteral I

times over his shoulder and grliiuedwith exquisite enjoyment


once moreSpeak or by Iwa flU Ill spoil your

beauty for you I

Your slither cried Tim with arutqbjliiff subterraneous laugh

t Mi ilather mannAye yir honor said the scampvasJuo

itieh gentle tie Sure ibeM heardjtitour honors wounded and nhci come

to rUlt you Im MUther OHaraslUter says sho

And am I note cried a sweet voicebehind him Or It not at least a

till very dear cousin and tu soyease I must see Mr OHara at oncestat nloiie >

To be sure cried OHara esgerlyrlttne In every way lto tho situationand leaping forward r8how lu theIady you flllnlu Ob my darllug1cried the Irlslimnn opening gcncrouiI inns hut Im glad to see yetI Tim

fouryou scoundrel shut the door behind

1The visitor was much enveloped be-


being masked Hut there wa ll

I not a moment hesitation lu the ardorof Mr Otloran wplcttine

Sit airr cried a taint voice frombebltM the folds oflacf what ron ¬

duct is thur1 Ob ulstber darling sure me hearts

been hungering for you Another kissme dear dear rou lnl

Mr OHara 1 cried MIstroKi Ilcllairs In tones of unmistakable Indianathou tore off lice mask arid stood Withpautlug boKom and fiery eye

Tare cud ages exclaimed the Ingeuuous Irtshuiait It It Isnt nil lovv

v lyKlttylMlitrpMtrI¬

nItI hm glad to see sir that that other

juiMlQii of whlcli I have heard so uiucliLas not Interfered with tin strength ofyour family atfectlous

She sat down and fauuiHl herselfvjith her mask and looking haughtilyround thu room finally fixed her gazewith much iuteret upon the leftbranch of the chandelier

For a second Mr OHnran glibtouaiift seemed at a loss but It wasonly for a second WWI ft gracefulmovement be gathered the skirts of liU

4Atm floweretl dtitniiik dressing feowumore closely over the puce satin smallclothes which he was sadly loon

IIscions were not In thick lint freshness besides bearing the race of oneoveraencroUs buiiipbt of What lie wasfond pt calling the Tuby wine Thenstaking on one knee he began to pour ntender ttale Into the widows avertedear

Ap <11l Its the floe ninny ye must thinkme Kitty dnrlliiR1 beg your pardondarilUK maam It shall be though Ivow to see ye toss yOur little head likethat and set all those elegant littlecurls dancing Is enough to make anyone want to start you at It again Obsiire Its the divine little oar you havebutt be Jabbers Kitty it Its the backof your neck you want to turn on methere now Itl was to be shot for U I

couldnt help Itwltb the utIle placeI ther Jiut Inviting my tlii

Keep your kisses fejour sintersIr or your cousint

What In the world and dye thinkI dldut know youf-

A likely taleMay 1 die this inluute It I didnt

know you before ever you were out ofe l > Che ould chair

I Pray sir with au angry titteri how will even your fertile wits prove

thatSure didnt I see the little pink foot

of you step out and dldut I know Itbefore ever It reached the grouudl

Lord forgive you said MistressKitty gravely But a dimple peeped

He had now posscMcd himself of herbind which he was car islng with tbetoUch of the tentative lover tenderertliak ayowans full of unit cajolingInq 7 4

j rJJ

l r

T1 Lope the toni may forgive me forletting up and worshiping au idoL Ibelieve theres touiethlug tialhst thatIn tne couimndtnents dhrllui butsure maybe old Moses wouldnt havebeen so hard on those istnelltes Ittheyd had the RUiuptloti id raise 6 Pret-ty

owoman In the mIdst of them Instead

of an old gilt calfAt this word Mistreu Kitty gave a

perceptible startOh dearJaald sue never never

speak to inebf that dreadful animal1lalnlOb 1t41kshel slid turning

upon MID for the first tlule brr fulleyes us melting hud as pathetic mAttben ait wm In their comjiositlbu tolook I rim In sad iad trouble and IdoUt khdw What to diWnt

Here she prottdcetl n dejlcate band¬

kerchief and to tier eyelashesalJlIIHrtiItIt

which she Ihro herself hrfdbecome quite ulolit-

Me jaweir cried Mr OHarn pre-paring to adtuliilstcr the first form ofcoitfQlallori that occurred to him

iieUmkt sold Distress Kitty tistlIly Gett up ilrt I hare to coniultyou There there sit iiowti Dh Iam in earneitt And this is truly frlIoils

Mr OHara though with some heluctiuce obeyed He drew his chair asnear to tthe wjddwss she would per ¬

mit him and pUrfed his lips tutu grav111 f

YoU know my Laid Verney Ng nthe fascinating wiLlow

I do interrupted tho irrepressibleIrishman and n decent quiet lad hiIIs though devil take him be makes so

11 tt Itnt ineiovetv KittyPmany bones about losing a few guineasat cards that one would think theylrewon LIIkln

Hush said she I cant abidenlmf

Mr OHara halt started from bisarmchair Say but the word saidhe and Ill run him through the ribsis neat is

Oh be quiet cried the Indrlnmuch exasperation How cnu youtalk like that whoa rill tbe world knowsbo U to be my husband

Your husband I Mr OHarn turnedin Query crimson to the roots of hisrlp red hair Then he stopped suffo

ratingOut I dont wnnt to marry him

rOil gaby cfled Mlstresi Kltjy withI charnilns smile

Her lover turned white mid leanedtack against the wing at hieott

rhalr The physician had blooded lilmthat morning by way of mending himfor his loss the previous night and hefelt just u llttlo shaky Iud swimmingMistress KlttyM eye beonhie evermorekindly nu It marked these flutteringsigns of embtlou-

iiic noodle said she vindictivelymistook the purport of sbme merclj

civil wonlt nud forthwith went aboutbloating to all Bath that be and 1 wereto IMJ wed It

Ill soon stop his jnoutli for himmuttered Mr Oltarn moved to letsrcflncmeut iifdictloi than lib usuallyaffected Oh Kitty said he andwiped his pale brow Sure Its thoterrible fright youve given mel

Here Mistress Bellalrs becAme sud ¬

denly nod Inexplicably agitatedYou dont uuderstabd said she

aud stomped her toot Oh bow cartI explain How aro people sostupidI wps obliged tto go to his rooms thismorninga pure mUtter of friendshipsir on behalf of my Lady BlandishWho would have conceived that thecalf would take It for himself andthink It was for hit sake I Interferedbetween him nnd that modmulISlrMiaIl

Lord ycrney ntter braying It to thewhole of Butb this moment writing tothis Insufferable old mother Aud thereTi tGut cockatoo hunt of hU looking bUther most ancient set of garnets andstress for a wedding gift Aud ohdear oh dear What urn 1 to doI

Silo turned over the back of ber chairto hide her taco In her pocket hand¬

kerchief In a twinkling OUara wasagain at her feet

Soul of my soult pulse of my heartcried he Sure dnt cry Kittydarling Ill clear that little fellow outof your way before you know where

011 arc 4

Tobe ContinUed

Iki Ii 11M


1 t<



Arbitrntlon Board heard ProfLieb and Miss Morgan

Bovrrnl llotird ci hinttlln Crosstoninlimlloii of Tn > clir and




The public must havo thought theschool board meetings were spiritedbill tho board of arbitration mestlnttllast nightwould nuke tho schoolboard meetings look like the slddshOw beside a three rlng circus

Tho meeting was featured withtfersbna tilts swift charges nodcountercharges and of course theIrrepressable American humor Indiscussing the motion to adjourn Itlwaa suggested to meet Sunday afUirhoon but edrao one objected that Itwould b6 working on Sunday DrBrooks said this was a case of the

Ox In the ditchDoth Superintendent Lleb and

Mime Kmma Morgan stated their sidesBupt Lleb was wiuested to speakfirst and made sutstabtlally an fol ¬

lows his objectlonB to recommendingMUg Morgan for the English positionlie said be thought it was alt Imper ¬

sonal matter That It was tho su ¬

perintendent duty to recommendand that every toucher had two ehuncea of stearins reelectionl It eitherthe Iprlndusl or Kiiperlntendent rec¬

ommended herb then she would bo

recommended tho tio committeewhich reports to the hoard If neith-


recommend her she would not bementioned In his report for recom ¬

mendations for teachern to that com ¬

mittee lie said that he falKd torecommend Mitt Morgan becnue hisjudgment as an expert could not sus ¬

tain such a coUrse The first Speci ¬

fie charge was lack of puntuallty Heproduced proof of that assertion InKites Morgans own handwritingThnt out of 29 canes of tordlncu la

tho High school loSt year Mis Mor¬

gum was tardy 17 times The chairallowed no Interruptions to his statement He went somewhat Into de ¬

tails about the various phases of hertardiness

The second count ho made was forInsubordination Ito said that whenthe president of the school boardquestioned her about being turdyshe replied that sh0 thought she wasearly enough He said that she leftthe school April 20 191X0 withoutnotifying him so that ho could sup-


a substitute Thai the bad twoopportunities to notify him that mornInk having loft In tho afternoonThat when on one occasion he calledher attention to her Insubordinationshe said substantially Lot themfine me the school boaid If theywant to and I will put In a bill forworking overtime

The third count ho presented wasInefficiency lie said that hei classesdid hot make the progress they shouldhave made especially the seniorclass That Jlhe emphasized minorcourses of reading awl skimmed overthe really Important part Hie suldthat he called her attention to thatrepeatedly That she rarely If evethanded back the papers which thepupils handed In for correction In thesenior class whch It was her dutyto correct and hand back He saidthat Professor Payne heard three ofher classes March 1C when she wasabsent that he Instructed ProfessorPahe to estimate tho work she wasdoing and that be found no Ilessonhad been assigned the pupils for aweekand that one class had put Inabout five mlniites preparation Un-


the held of Inefficiency he saidspeaking of MRS Morgan as u prln ¬

cipal that she admitted certain Im-itations


In her ability on account ofbeIngn woman In that position

Count number tour was a dUtlncJtlbn between li eDclency and Incomp tency He dId not question hercompetency but that his objectionsltq her as a teacher were tlwl iho wa

lot efilclent in conveying her compotency to the learning puplli Herealso ho eplaliwd the decrectf and relatv value of teachers certificatesIt was In answer lo the statementWhich had beon made lIn tho schoolboard that Miss Moran held tilehighest certificate in the city nobodyexcepted Timers Ire elpht state cer¬

tificates In the city and five diplomasfront college The diplomas aregood anywhore In thir wot Id whlld

the state cfrtlilcate which Is thehighest certificate held by the teach ¬

or In question was good only In Ken-


The fifth count was IrTonswer totho rumor that his action In not rue ¬

ommending Miss Morgan for u posi ¬

tion in the schools was spite workHe denied It and related Instanceswhore apparently he had been herfriend

Mls Morgans DefenseMiss Morgan was then heard Gun

orally she took Up lila objections inthe order he had made theta being

J d

uistedt In thisby UrxWJlltfm Mar-


who had taken note She ad-


the tardiness aitd II11T8 herversion of the Jmportarioo of tardi ¬

ness She explained Unit she hadbeen sick In tho first toottths ofschool Gnd that that partly was re¬

sponsible for her tardlncsfl That inMarch or April she was reported tothe board for fur cases nf tardinessand was lined eighty cents Bho saidMie offered tho iccretary of tIIo boardH In payment and that ho acceptedfifty cenlli Sh asserted that therewere other caaeii lasl year of teachersbeing tartly and that she did not bOo

have thtiy had been reported da rig ¬

orously as her own cases In an-

swer tto the statement that she hadleft tbebulldlng without giving no¬

thee she laid the did not rememberseeing Superintendent Lleb Thatwhen she left the building she did notknow btio would Hot return and thatshe told ProfeSsor Payne she wasnot sure she would return Thecause of her absence she said wasthe tact that ube was moving intoanother home In regard to thestatement by the superintendent thatthe failedI to a tlfy Mm on one oc ¬

casion that sht would return beforetim prescribed time BO to do shesaid she tried to reach him by tele ¬phonei

Ehe drtnled being insubordinateand said she thought her attitudeever had been one of courtesy towardth < school boini and Its president

Answering the objection of Inedlclency stilaid she probably hadstayed longer In the study of one

book because of the IrreUlar at ¬

tendance preventing more rapid progross SheiaM time superintendentapproVol her < < iiirso to her and nevergaw imematjmnoNi that i i-eworlaIttAtItfaCUry She saidshovhad Corrected some papers andhanded then back to the seniorclass fihe delatvd It wajj not true


that sb> had not assigned lessons fora wek to one of the daises1but taddone so enry day Air for the timethe students prepared their lessonsthat sho could not telli She had sentSuperintendent Lleb lher days workplan tom the day she was absent

In regard to her executive abilityshe thought there were tome thingsabout a school which a Ttnan couldnot attend to She said the superin ¬

tendent sa d lid onS occasion that shewas the malt student principal liethen had She thought shim had con ¬

trolled the High school all rightShe said hers was the best city cot ¬

tificate Shim was not forced fromthe prlnclpalshlp but weal Into theEnglish position oa a choice Neitherthe principal or the superintendentwere acquainted bf actual contactwith her work She was i rfvcn to un¬

derstand from a conversation withthe principal of the High school thatshe would be reeonirnenI d for re-


< i essEzaminat iouTho rmt of the evening ras devot ¬

ed to ciroitiquestlotlbg Superintend ¬

cot iLieb A protracted crossexam ¬

ination by Jilr Patterson Was ruledby the chair as irreievantMr Uebwas allowed to respond to Miss Morgafia sttitetrienU anil answeredthem aubsfantlallj OB gHea beforeMr William Marble who had bedappointed to fill the place of Mr EllBoone wh6 was sick entered uponan exhaustive crosexanilnatlonotMr Llobs statements lEts objectwas to show them In favor of lilfeaMorgan Mr Patterson oUdeavpredto mako Mr Lioba ffailure to reportthvdernllctlons in duty of Atltss or-gan


to the school board IIJ dfrellctlon thls duty ai suinnlntencjontsuperlnlel that thopresidenj N ttLlolJsUd tefCpInformed of t andthat hehad not reported them 16 tfie boardbecause It was bin duty to report totime committee on examinations andcourse of study who could do as theydesired In roportlni to the board

mIr Patterson mind Mr Marblewanted to bring hi the competencyof the present Incumbent of the Eng ¬

lish position to compare with MlsaMorgans ability Professor Uebthought It was an Injustice to dragher into time case and that It was Ir¬

relevantOnboard expressing the re ¬

quest for him to do so he did and Inanswer to the charge that teacherswere holding positions in the schoolwho wore not as efficient as some leftout he said that the delay of theboard In electing teachers from thedeadlock caused ati exodus of theteachers leaving but meager materialwith which to open theschools Healso said that many of the presentteachers were holding their positionstemporarily amid1 that the schoolscould not be for that reason com ¬

pared with last year On the day Itwall alleged that Miss Morgan was

absent without giving notice severalmembers asserted that It was a holi ¬

day SUit Lleb said he did notknow about that but that he had MissMorgans own written ticket In thematter showing the tact of lila con ¬

tentlonMr Garrison wanted to know If the

unwillingness of somei members of

the school board to elect nil time otherteachers except the English positionwasnt responsjble for the presentcondition of the schools In denyinga statement made by Mr PattersonSupt Lleb was told to be carefulIn his frank denials Superb




t175205 Move Than Sninh

Week Lust Year

rtnliroml Iiesstil to Take Care fof

Traffic mid LabOr Continuetircatljr In Demand



flank olonrliiK 782lf5O-Samo week last year 000811

Inlltllc I2aeThere was no slgnficant develop

mont otthe week In the financialworld InI Paducah except that time

early predictions as to fall businessare more than being borne out Thebank clearings show tho same murk ¬

ed Increase over the correspondingweek of last year aa has oxlsted forseveral weeks There Is the greatestactivity In those mechanical tradeswWch are the foundation of proupefIty after tho primary necessity of

ood crops carpenters bricklayersmechanics and unskilled labor Con ¬

tractors repor an actual demand forthese classes of workmen excewllng

the supplyIn the local freight yards the

strain already tins become abnormaland the expansion has no visible endHstetf The rails hiitilly become cold

j6Jne passage of freight tialnaIn every architects olllce In the cityare I1Yrn not only for large amount

f stork at present hut for workthrough the wlntefahd even 1ail farahead 9next spring time city hasan unusually large number of com ¬

mon laborers attracted here by theextensive public and private 1ixiprovement work going on during thesummer and there could have beenapprehension that they would hacomcj

a burrfen Upon the city with thu com ¬

tug of wtnterand the cessation ofbuilding and improsetn nt operationsuuttbet aftlonof the city legislativebodies fn awarding Improvement COB

tracts fo> linmedlate execution OD

vlates nhil1eh contingency fhesewer work and the street coninlctswill keep together with the buildingoperations practically all hands e-mployed


Tvhat means prosperity ltothe merchants it Is thu secret ofeconomic success to keop a popula ¬

tion continually employed In usefuland prdfitablo pursuits

IlrmlstreetVt ReportNew York Sopt 22 Bradstreets

weekly trade and business report folIoysTlTi wholesale and jobbingtradefi continue active though something llkfi a natural reaction from thehigh tenhlon of buying of the past six-

weeks Is noted Manufacturing Industryls active as horfetofore and soldup conditions and backward deliverldsaro alfnost universal though shipmentf on orders aro very heavy

The prosperity of Iho farming com ¬

munities is such tint a general hold ¬

ing movement would have bad anImportant effect upon the return ofmqney from the country The demandfrom the country for currency is stillvery hoayjv and high rates are looked

fdr diisnlte the heavy gold importsUntil Aftor OctolKr 1 when the crop

Ceivcinicjut lis expected to enlarge Thegonerally laVer satlsfac

Joryhejt Includlag flour exports for

week 4078000 bushels against 2178000 buahehi thin week of last yearFor the past 13 weeks of time fiscalyear 351103000 bushels against 13

9Ci000 bushels In 1905 Corn ex ¬

ports MfiOflQ busliela against 1272009 bushels of a year ago For thefiscal year to datu 7988000 bushelsagiimit 13131000 bushels In 1905

Intendent Lteb reasserted hisdenlul and both dropped the matterwithout having withdrawn from theirpositions Time meeting ajourned at1115 oclock to meet next Tuesdayevening at the same hour and place



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for private boarding-house or for two fatniiiesThree blocks from Broadway and In good neigh-borhood Water rentpaid Ring 8jr or callnt428I3rOadway-


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means the enjoyment 01I1I tOe tdranUeei which marine architecturecnn prorlde speed mafttynndcomfort Are prime consldcratloni

Through Tickets sold to alt pointsand baggage checked tp dtlntIo-


UJolido Monday It Siturdiyi 9SO A M

hTuid Thud 400 P M

Lotot Mondays fSiuidiyiS00 PMWtJnildlyl << Vndiye 93 0 A M

Iour Trlpt per week commenclngjuaelsthmt iu t J with > ll

trS I PIokIUvek =Q rge Bftr Al n irec4 wltk II tt l U Iii in ti ollLLIaepclJem


La < Otlroit dally lOJi P t-AM CMoUiid dilly 5SO A MLtiv < ClmUnd dsflj IOJS P M

Arrl Iv Drtrelt din SU A M-

n 11111 wlONO Iolrooo J Clwln4 detlAalsJLCYtINito tUSr Rtrtlot Utwtn CSoIu4PDotaiuy and Tl lo

Send a two cent stamp lot IlluitrettdPmphlot Addrati



IncorporatodEvmnsvlllo nnd Iadiicah IckM

Dally Krcept SundaySteamers Joe rpwier and John 8

Hopkins leavs Paducah for Eauvllle and way landings at iiam

Special excursion rate now In ef¬

fect from Paducah to Evansvlllo andreturn 1400 Elegant muslim on theboat Table unsurpassed


a< aveij Paducah for Cairo and waj

landings at Iia m sharp daIlY ex¬

cept Sunday Special tixcuvldht ratoinow In effect from Paducah to Coir aand return with or without ineabtand room Good music and table Un ¬

surpassedFor further Information apply to

S A Fowler General Pus Agent orGiven Fowl rj City Pass Agent dtFowlerCrumbaugh Sc Gos bHciBoth phones No 33




Lealeladarah for TeaacMee fusesEvery Wednesday at 4 Po m


This company la not rnpoaslbUfor invoice charge unless collectedby the clerk of the b a-


IncorporatedPADICAN mSlllr lie NASHVILLE

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