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Iphone and Ipad development Game with Cocos2D

Date post: 08-May-2015
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Page 1: Iphone and Ipad development Game with Cocos2D
Page 2: Iphone and Ipad development Game with Cocos2D

- Intro to IOS App Development- Intro Cocos2D- Let’s make a Cocos2D game- Conclusion- Resources

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- IOS 2D Gamming

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-120 million ios devices-250 apps sold every second

-250000 total apps- Why IOS?

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- So, what do you need to get started

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- IOS Technology Stack

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- Why Cocos2D?

-iOS game development framework based on original cocos2d for python developed by Ricardo Quesada Based on OpenGL 1.1-Open Source, latest version-Multiplatforms: iOS, uPhone, Win32. Coming soon: Bada, Androidcocos2d-x, in C++, multiplatformcocos2d-android-1, in Java, for Androidcocos2d-javascript, in Javascript, for Webcocos2d-iphone, in Python for iphone and ipad-It is easy to use, to create simple graphics applications

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- Why Cocos2D?-Active community


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- Why Cocos2D?-Wiki


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-Features / Engine Model

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-Quick intro to Objective-C

Apple’s object oriented implementation of CInfluenced by Smalltalk style messagingOriginally built for NeXTSTEPUsed for Mac OS X and IOS developmentModerate

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-Type files

Header files. Header files contain class, type, function, and constant declarations.

Source files. This is the typical extension used for source files and can contain both Objective-C and C code.

Source files. A source file with this extension can contain C++ code in addition to Objective-C and C code. This extension should be used only if you actually refer to C++ classes or features from your Objective-C code.




When you want to include header files in your source code, you typically use a #import directive

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-Declarate Objects

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-Class Interfaces

When you want to include header files in your source code, you typically use a #import directive

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-Call Methods

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-Methods declarate syntax

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-Class implementation

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-Example 1 - Class#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>class Hello { private: id greeting_text; // holds an NSString public: Hello() { greeting_text = @"Hello, world!"; } Hello(const char* initial_greeting_text) { greeting_text = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:initial_greeting_text]; } void say_hello() { printf("%s\n", [greeting_text UTF8String]); }};

@interface Greeting : NSObject { @private Hello *hello;}- (id)init;- (void)dealloc;- (void)sayGreeting;- (void)sayGreeting:(Hello*)greeting;@end @implementation Greeting- (id)init { self = [super init]; if (self) { hello = new Hello(); } return self;}- (void)dealloc { delete hello; [super dealloc];}- (void)sayGreeting { hello->say_hello();}- (void)sayGreeting:(Hello*)greeting { greeting->say_hello();}@end

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-Example 1 - Main

int main() { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; Greeting *greeting = [[Greeting alloc] init]; [greeting sayGreeting]; // > Hello, world! Hello *hello = new Hello("Bonjour, monde!"); [greeting sayGreeting:hello]; // > Bonjour, monde! delete hello; [greeting release]; [pool release]; return 0;}

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-Game has Scenes-Each Scene has some nuber of Layer-Layers capture user interaction and contain sprites-Director manages the scenes

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Director & Scenes

Game made up of «game screens» called ScrenesEach Scene can be considered a separate appDirector handles main windows and executes Scenes

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-Manages moving between Scenes -Pausing and running Scenes -Sets up OpenGL ES -Layer ask Director to move on

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Each Scene contains several full screen LayersLayers define appearance, behavior and user inputYaers contain Sprites wich are the game elements

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-Take up the entire screen-Setup to handle touch and accelerometer-Can contain other layers and sprites

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Important Classes


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-Lost of properties-Position, Scale, Camera, OpenGl z position, children-Most objects in cocos2d inherit form CocosNode

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Sprite VS AtlasSprite



-In general, dont’t use Sprites-AtlasSPrites way faster-It’s all about the OpenGL ES

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-Setup project-New project-Project Structure-Adding Background-Adding Our Hero-Adding Bad Guys (Game Logic)-Killing Bad Guys (Adding UI)-Animating Out Hero-Animating Bad Guys Dying-Adding Body Count-Adding Sound & Music

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-New project

-Execute Xcode, and selected new project cocos aplication

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-Project structure -General

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-Project structure –AlphaGeeksAppDelegate.m

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-Project structure –HelloWordScene.h

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-Project structure –HelloWordScene.m

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-Adding Background

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-Adding Our Hero

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-Adding Bad Guys (Game Logic)

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-Killing Bad Guys (Adding UI)

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-Animating Out Hero

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-Animating Bad Guys Dying

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-Adding Body Count

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-Adding Sound & Music

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