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Iping, England (Team 2)

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WWW.IPINGENGLAND.GOV ABOUT HISTORY NEWS EVENTS CONTACT BLOG SEARCH IPING, ENGLAND Links Science Employment Opportunities Education Amusements Important People Safety Animals Recent Events Welcome to Iping, England. On behalf of the citizens, our just and able constable Mr. J. A. Jaffers humbly welcomes you. This is a town full of interesting things to do; if you are looking for lodging may we recommend The Coach and Horses inn. Enjoy our fabulous sights and meet award- winning clock jobber Mr. Teddy Henfrey. Our town has a lot of history behind it that you will most certainly enjoy. If you have any questions feel free to contact our tourism office at 2567 Iping Lane, Iping, England, P.O. Box 39.
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Links Science Employment Opportunities Education Amusements Important People Safety Animals Recent Events

Welcome to Iping, England. On behalf of the citizens, our just and able constable Mr. J. A. Jaffers humbly welcomes you. This is a town full of interesting things to do; if you are looking for lodging may we recommend The Coach and Horses inn. Enjoy our fabulous sights and meet award-winning clock jobber Mr. Teddy Henfrey. Our town has a lot of history behind it that you will most certainly enjoy. If you have any questions feel free to contact our tourism office at 2567 Iping Lane, Iping, England, P.O. Box 39.

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            It has been discovered that it is indeed possible to become invisible. A man whom wishes to remain anonymous has discovered a way to become invisible. The first step in becoming invisible is to understand what light, visibility, and alchemy mean. Light is the natural agent the stimulates sight and makes things visible. Visibility is the state of being able to see or be seen. Alchemy is the medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter. To make things invisible you must first change its color in order to lower the refractive index to that of air. In order to be invisible, an object must neither reflect, refract, or absorb light. It is possible to do this experiment in the comfort of your own home but, it is recommended to be done in a university where you will have access to the proper equipment.

            It has just been announced that James Dewar's  oxygen machine has saved over 1000 lives all across England! Last year, James Dewar invented a machine that was capable of bringing liquid oxygen to the ill. That same year, he also developed structural formulas for benzene and invented a new type of flask called a thermos. The thermos is a flask that can either keep food warm or cold. This means that you can put some delicious Yorkshire Pudding into a thermos and it will stay nice and warm until you eat it. All of these inventions have contributed to today's society, whether it be at a hospital or during a child's lunch break. 

In other exciting news, the world's first color motion picture created by Edward Raymond Turner was first viewed last month. It has since made a profit of over 500 pounds! Turner has revealed that his secret to a colored motion picture is to implement a rotating disc of three color filters into his camera. Turner states that he did fail several times until, he had an epiphany and new exactly what to do. It is amazing what a human can create! This is certainly a breakthrough in new, innovative technology!

By: Sofia Rubio

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RECENT EVENTS Last week, on Whit Monday, as most of you know the Invisible Man made his presence in Iping. After many months of living at the Coach and Horses the Invisible Man was finally caught. But not before he broke all the windows in Iping and seriously injured our constable, Mr. J.A. Jaffers. He is currently at large and is wanted. He has since been seen, or rather not seen, in Port Burdock, Iping, and London. According to Dr. Kemp from Port Burdock, Mr. Jaffers is stable and will make a full recovery. Our Gracious Queen, Queen Victoria, is celebrating her 55th Anniversary since her coronation. In honor of this day, Iping will be holding a day of festivities. Join us on Iping Lane for games, coconut shies, and great food! In addition, the Coach and Horses Inn will be selling liquor at a discounted price!

By: Sofia Rubio

Our Gracious Queen The Invisible Man

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AMUSEMENTS There are many, many amusements here in Iping, England. One of the places were you might like to consider staying

at is the Coach and Horses. The Coach and Horses is a local inn in our town Iping, England, and we certainly recommend you to stay here. We have all type of people who stay here, from clock-jobbers to even a so called invisible man! If you choose to stay at the Coach and Horses you certainly won't regret your choice!

If you are looking for a relaxing evening with your friends or anyone we recommend some very nice restaurants in town and here in Iping, we have many bars. The Legal Drinking age is set to 18. If you are 18 or older you might like to go out and have a little fun in this beautiful village.

We have some "celebrations" coming up in our town know as Whit Monday and a game we play at fairs called coconut shie. Whit Monday also known as Pentescost Sunday this is the day were we celebrate the day after Pentecost. It's a really fun event we have here in Iping. We also have a fair where one of the most famous games we have is coconut shie. The game consists of throwing wodden balls at a row of coconuts balanced on posts. You might even catch a glimpse of the Invisible Man! We hope you come and join us! You won't forget this wonderful experience!

By; Eugenia Dominguez

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ANIMALS Some of the animals we have here in Iping are usually farm animals but, we also have more. One of the most

famous ones we have that alot of the people in our town have and like are puppies! While your walking down the wonderful street of Iping puppies are all around. They are very nice, and you are welcomed to pet them.

We are thinking of having some puppies on sale. So if you are interested in adopting a puppy soon please click here for more info WWW,IPINGPUPPIES.COM and call 180-adopt-a-puppy-543

Not only are our dogs cute but they are also great for security! As many of you have heard an invisbile man was roaming around in our town. Our dogs smelled something suspicious and helped us figure out a clue about this invisible man. If your interested in the whole story please click NEWS

By: Eugenia Dominguez

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SAFETY•Removal of freedom has been a type of punishment since the Ancient Times, but imprisonment for long periods of time is not common. The most common form of punishment for serious offenses is hanging and transportation. As time went on and crime level increased, there has been plenty corpses here in Iping, England. So, we decided to transport more people instead of hang them.

•There used to be two main prisons here around the Mid-Victorian Era. The first main system was The County and Shires Gaols. This system was mostly made up of small lockups. The second system was known as the Convict Gaols. This prison system was used for holding prisoners and this system was also responsible for all the transportations made.

•Recently, there has been a man wanted known as The Invisible Man. Not much is known about his personal life, but what is known is his forename and he is certainly invisible. He is named Griffin and he is wanted for terrorizing our village. He knows Dr. Kemp from Port Burdoc and they seem to have both attended the same university. He will have to face the consequences of actions. Execution is considered. More information will be provided about the Invisible Man soon.

The constable of our city is none other than Mr. Jaffers. He is responsible with the safety in our village. You are safe with Mr. Jaffers.

Adye is the chief of police for Burdock. He is actually not an officer of Iping, but Mr. Adye is an amazing officer. If you find yourself wandering around Port Burdock, you know you are safe with Mr. Adye around.

by Nathaniel Talampas

Prison in Iping, England

Bed from your local prison.

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If you don't already know, this is Herbert George Wells or H.G. Wells for short. He is one of the most famous citizens of Iping, England. He is a writer and is writing a novel based on events that are occurring here in Iping. Isn't that interesting? As a child, he always admired Sci-Fi novels. It doesn't seem that H.G. Wells had made any serious offenses. But, he did have several relationships that did not last. He even married his own cousin, Isabelle Mary Wells. They later separated. H.G. Wells later married the wonderful Amy Catherine "Jane" Robbins. Although H.G. Wells had many affairs, they are still are together. H.G. Wells wrote other books, such as The Outline of History, which was actually his best selling book, and The Island of Doctor Moreau, which was his first book published. He is certainly a gifted individual.

Other famous citizens Queen Victoria, our humble Queen of England. From 1837 to her death, the years in between will be known as the Victorian Era. Queen Victoria is also the Queen of Ireland.

Another famous citizen is Charles Dickens. He is one of the best novelists in the Victorian Era. His best works are The Christmas Carol, David Coperfield, and Great Expectations. Nathaniel Talampas

Queen VictoriaH.G Wells Charles Dickens
