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IRB pgs 3-10

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3 8. PROJECT OVERVIEW: Prepare an abstract that includes: (400 word maximum, in language understandable to someone who is not familiar with your area of study): I.) A summary of relevant research findings leading to this research proposal, (ŝƚĞ ƐŽƵƌĐĞƐ ŝŶĐůƵĚĞ Ă ZĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞ >ŝƐƚ ĂƐ ƉƉĞŶĚŝdž Ϳ II.) A brief description of the methodology, III.) Expected and/or possible outcomes, and, IV.) A statement regarding the potential significance of this research project. I.)Most research on Technology Integration focuses on students. If that is not their focus, it is typically on teachers in a K12 setting and not University faculty. In Breda, Clement, and Waeytens' (2003) study they do use faculty members at a University. However, they use seminars and prepost tests as their arena to study looking at the ƌĞůĂƚŝŽŶƐŚŝƉ ďĞƚǁĞĞŶ ƚŚĞ ƚĞĂĐŚĞƌƐ ŝŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶĂů ďĞůŝĞĨƐ ĂŶĚ ƚĞĂĐŚŝŶŐ ĂƉƉƌŽĂĐŚ ;ƌĞĚĂ ůĞŵĞŶƚ & Waeytens, 2003). There is no experiential research on technology integration for college professors. Therefore, there is a need to understand the experience itself of integrating technology for college professors. In this study, the focus will be on two college professors who integrate technology in to their lessons every day. Discovering what the actual process is like and discussing the positives and negatives will hopefully shed new light on the field. ĞŶĞĂƚŚ Ă ƚĞĂĐŚĞƌƐ ƵƐĞ ŽĨ ƚĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJ ŝƐ ƵƐƵĂůůLJ ĂŶ ĂĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƚŝǀĞ ƉƌĞƐƐure or need to do so. Through this study, discovering the policies and regulations for using technology in the classroom, if there are any, will be ŝŵƉŽƌƚĂŶƚ /Ĩ ƚŚĞƌĞ ĂƌĞ ƌĞŐƵůĂƚŝŽŶƐ ƚŚŝƐ ĐŽƵůĚ ĂĨĨĞĐƚ ƚŚĞ ƉƌŽĨĞƐƐŽƌƐ ƵƐĞ ŽĨ ƚĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJ ůƐŽ ǁŝƚŚ ĂƐƚ StƌŽƵĚƐďƵƌŐ hŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJƐ ;^hͿ ƌĞĐĞŶƚ ĐŚĂŶŐĞ ƚŽ ůĂƌŐĞƌ 'ĞŶĞƌĂů ĚƵĐĂƚŝŽŶ ĐůĂƐƐĞƐ ;ƵƉǁĂƌĚƐ ŽĨ ϮϬϬ ƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐͿ Ă concern, as in other studies, is being confronted with issues of large class teaching (Hannon & Bretag, 2010). The purpose of this study is to take this new situation in to account. Both professors who will be interviewed and observed teach general education communication studies courses with this new number of students, along with majorrelated courses. Their previous technology integration in the class will be questioned, and their new modifications will be observed. II.) This Phenomenological study (Van Manen, 1997) will find out what the experience of integrating technology for a college professor is like to help better understand this focus from another point of view. Questions Primary Question: What is the experience of integrating technology for the college professor? Secondary Questions: Is the experience overall more positive or negative for the professor? ŽĞƐ ƚŚĞ ƉƌŽĨĞƐƐŽƌƐ ƚĞĂĐŚŝŶŐ ƚŚĞŽry/ies affect their integration? Do the professors show an understanding of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the classroom? Where on the SCurve do the professors lie? (Rogers, 1995) First, the participants will be given an Informed Consent form to review and sign. Second, the professors will be given a semistructured interview on their technology use in the classroom (Shulz, 2011). This interview will ĂůƐŽ ĐŽǀĞƌ ƚŚĞ ƉƌŽĨĞƐƐŽƌƐ ĞĚƵĐĂƚŝŽŶ ŚŝƐƚŽƌLJ ƚĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJ ƵƐĞ ŚŝƐƚŽƌLJ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞŝƌ ĨƵƚƵƌĞ ŝĚĞ as of using technology. Third, after ƚŚĞƐĞ ŝŶƚĞƌǀŝĞǁƐ ƚŚĞ ƌĞƐĞĂƌĐŚĞƌ ǁŝůů ŽďƐĞƌǀĞ ƚŚĞ ƉƌŽĨĞƐƐŽƌƐ ĐůĂƐƐƌŽŽŵƐ ĂĐŚ professor teaches more than one subject to a couple of sections of students. Therefore, the researcher will strive to observe at least one section of each subject and more, if possible. Fourth, throughout the process of observing, the researcher will interview the professors according to what happens in the class that day. These questions will not be preplanned. Fifth, after several observations have been concluded, the researcher will perform a semistructured interview based on findings through the transcribing process in a focus group setting. The professors will be able to ask their own questions as well. All interviews will be audiorecorded
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8. PROJECT  OVERVIEW:  Prepare  an  abstract  that  includes:  (400  word  maximum,  in  language  understandable  to  someone  who  is  not  familiar  with  your  area  of  study):    I.) A  summary  of  relevant  research  findings  leading  to  this  research  proposal,  (  II.) A  brief  description  of  the  methodology,  III.) Expected  and/or  possible  outcomes,  and,  IV.) A  statement  regarding  the  potential  significance  of  this  research  project.  

 I.)Most  research  on  Technology  Integration  focuses  on  students.  If  that  is  not  their  focus,  it  is  typically  on  teachers  in  a  K-­‐12  setting  and  not  University  faculty.  In  Breda,  Clement,  and  Waeytens'  (2003)  study  they  do  use  faculty  members  at  a  University.  However,  they  use  seminars  and  pre-­‐post  tests  as  their  arena  to  study  looking  at  the  &  Waeytens,  2003).  There  is  no  experiential  research  on  technology  integration  for  college  professors.  Therefore,  there  is  a  need  to  understand  the  experience  itself  of  integrating  technology  for  college  professors.  In  this  study,  the  focus  will  be  on  two  college  professors  who  integrate  technology  in  to  their  lessons  every  day.  Discovering  what  the  actual  process  is  like  and  discussing  the  positives  and  negatives  will  hopefully  shed  new  light  on  the  field.    

ure  or  need  to  do  so.  Through  this  study,  discovering  the  policies  and  regulations  for  using  technology  in  the  classroom,  if  there  are  any,  will  be  

Stconcern,  as  in  other  studies,  is  being  confronted  with  issues  of  large  class  teaching  (Hannon  &  Bretag,  2010).    The  purpose  of  this  study  is  to  take  this  new  situation  in  to  account.  Both  professors  who  will  be  interviewed  and  observed  teach  general  education  communication  studies  courses  with  this  new  number  of  students,  along  with  major-­‐related  courses.  Their  previous  technology  integration  in  the  class  will  be  questioned,  and  their  new  modifications  will  be  observed.      II.)  This  Phenomenological  study  (Van  Manen,  1997)  will  find  out  what  the  experience  of  integrating  technology  for  a  college  professor  is  like  to  help  better  understand  this  focus  from  another  point  of  view.      Questions  Primary  Question:  What  is  the  experience  of  integrating  technology  for  the  college  professor?  Secondary  Questions:  Is  the  experience  overall  more  positive  or  negative  for  the  professor?  

ry/ies  affect  their  integration?  Do  the  professors  show  an  understanding  of  Technological  Pedagogical  Content  Knowledge  in  the  classroom?  Where  on  the  S-­‐Curve  do  the  professors  lie?  (Rogers,  1995)    First,  the  participants  will  be  given  an  Informed  Consent  form  to  review  and  sign.  Second,  the  professors  will  be  given  a  semi-­‐structured  interview  on  their  technology  use  in  the  classroom  (Shulz,  2011).  This  interview  will  

as  of  using  technology.  Third,  after  professor  teaches  more  than  one  subject  to  a  couple  of  sections  of  students.  Therefore,  the  researcher  will  strive  to  observe  at  least  one  section  of  each  subject  and  more,  if  possible.  Fourth,  throughout  the  process  of  observing,  the  researcher  will  interview  the  professors  according  to  what  happens  in  the  class  that  day.  These  questions  will  not  be  pre-­‐planned.  Fifth,  after  several  observations  have  been  concluded,  the  researcher  will  perform  a  semi-­‐structured  interview  based  on  findings  through  the  transcribing  process  in  a  focus  group  setting.  The  professors  will  be  able  to  ask  their  own  questions  as  well.  All  interviews  will  be  audio-­‐recorded  

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and  field  notes  will  be  taken  for  observations  by  the  researcher.  All  data  will  then  be  transcribed  to  find  similar  and  differing  views  between  the  professors  along  with  what  their  experiences  are  mostly  made  up  of.  Lastly,  the  professors  will  be  given  part  of  the  analysis  to  review  for  a  member  check  to  make  sure  they  agree  with  the  data  that  has  been  published  (Stringer,  2007)  .  This  will  conclude  the  research.    III.)  I  expect  that  the  Professors  will  give  honest  replies  to  the  questions.  Actually  observing  their  technology  integration  will  give  a  well-­‐rounded  insight  to  their  experience.  I  believe  one  professor's  view  will  be  different  form  the  other's.  One  will  see  it  as  more  negative  than  the  other.  Also,  I  think  the  way  they  use  technology  will  be  very  different.    IV.)  This  research  will  see  technology  integration  from  a  different  perspective  than  has  been  already  seen.  It  will  show  the  actual  experience  of  the  professor  who  integrates  technology  in  their  classroom.                              

9. PURPOSE.  a. Clearly  state  all  of  the  objectives,  goals,  or  aims  of  this  project.  

 1.)  To  better  understand  technology  integration  in  Higher  Education.  2.)  To  see  different  points  of  view  of  technology  integration  in  the  same  setting.  3.)  To  see  a  side  of  Technology  integration  that  has  been  rarely  studied.  


b. How  will  the  results  of  this  project  be  used?  (e.g.,  Presentation?  Publication?  Thesis?  Dissertation?)    The  results  of  the  project  will  be  presented  to  the  Spring  2012  MCOM  581  class,  taught  by  Dr.  Beth  Rajan  Sockman.  The  results  will  also  be  made  in  to  a  typed  final  report  and  possibly  published.        

10. KEY  PERSONNEL.  Describe  responsibilities.  Include  information  on  research  training  or  certifications  related  to  this  project.  NIH  tutorial  required.  Be  as  specific  as  possible.    (Attach  extra  page  if  needed.)  All  non  ESU-­‐affiliated  key  personnel  must  attach  NIH  certificates  of  completion.    Principle  Investigator_Krista  Hess___Title:____Graduate  Sudent____E-­‐mail  [email protected]  Dept/  Affiliation:  Media  Communication  and  Technology__________________________________________________    Roles  /  Responsibilties:    As  Principle  Investigator  I  will  be  doing  all  research.  I  will  interview  both  professors,  observe  their  classes,  and  research  some  of  ESU's  technology  integration  policies.  I  will  then  write  a  final  report  on  my  findings.  I  have  completed  the  NIH  certificate  as  of  2/2011.    

 Individual:  Dr.  Beth  Rajan  Sockman_    Title:_Professor,  Faculty  Advisor__  E-­‐mail  address_bsockman@po-­‐box.esu.edu_  Dept  /  Affilitaion:  Media  Communication  and  Technology_________________________________________________    

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Roles  /  Responsibilties:    

Faculty  Advisor.  Dr.  Sockman  will  help  to  guide  my  research  though  out  its  duration.  Dr.  Sockman  has  completed  the  NIH  certification.                    

11. LOCATION  OF  RESEARCH.  List  all  locations  where  data  collection  will  take  place.    (School  systems,  organiszations,  businesses,  buildings  and  room  numbers,  severs  for  web  surveys,  etc.)  Be  as  specific  as  possible.    Attach  permission  letters.    

 Interviews  will  take  place  in  the  professors'  offices  (in  McGarry  Communications  building  and  Fine  Arts  Building,  respectively),  and/or  classrooms,  which  are  located  in  Stroud,  Fine  Arts,  or  other  classroom  buildings.  Observation  will  take  place  in  those  classrooms  on  ESU's  campus.  Documentation  review  will  depend  on  the  documents  that  are  needed.          

12. PARTICIPANTS.  a. Describe  the  participant  population  you  have  chosen  for  this  project.  

(If  data  are  existing,  check  here            and  describe  the  population  from  whom  data  were  collected.)    Two  Undergraduate  Communication  Studies  professors  at  ESU,  both  Caucasian  and  English  first  language  speakers.  The  researcher  is  a  Graduate  Student  at  ESU  and  does  not  have  either  professor  in  a  class,  currently.    Male  =    Around  50  years  of  age.    Female  =  Around  35  years  of  age.                  

b. Describe  why  is  this  participant  population  is  appropriate  for  inclusion  in  this  research  project.  (Include  criteria  for  selection.)    There  is  a  large  enough  age  difference  between  these  two  professors  that  their  experience  and  knowledge  of  technology  differs.  Both  professors  use  technology  in  their  classrooms  in  different  ways  and  have  different  views  of  technology  use.  Two  professors  will  give  more  room  for  an  in-­‐depth  study  of  each  professor's  technology  integration.  Having  two  different  views  will  also  give  more  perspective  than  if  just  one  professor  were  to  be  studied.                      

c. Describe,  step-­‐by-­‐step,  all  prodecures  you  will  use  to  recruit  participants.    Include  a  copy  of  all  e-­‐mails,  flyers,  advertisements,  recruiting  scripts,  invitations,  etc.,  that  will  be  used  to  invite  people  to  participate.    Both  Professors  have  already  agreed  to  participate  via  e-­‐mail  message  communication.      



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 What  is  the  minimum  number  of  participants  you  need  to  validate  the  study?___2_____  Is  there  a  limit  on  the  number  of  participants  you  will  recruit?       No    X  Yes-­‐  the  number  is_____2__  Is  there  a  limit  on  the  number  of  participants  you  will  include  in  the  study?   No    X  Yes-­‐the  number  is  ____2____    


d. Describe  the  type,  amount  and  method  of  compensation  and/or  incentives  for  participants.  (If  no  compensation  will  be  given,  check  here    X.)    Select  the  type  of  compensation:   Monetary   Incentives  

  Raffle  or  Drawing  incentive  (Include  the  chances  of  winning.)     Extra  Credit  (State  the  value)     Other  


13. PROJECT  DESIGN  &  METHODS.  a. Describe,  step-­‐by-­‐step,  all  procedures  and  methods  that  will  be  used  to  consent  participants.  

     Previous  to  the  start  of  study,  both  participants  were  emailed  to  ask  if  they  would  like  to  participate.  Both  readily  agreed.  Both  participants  will  be  given  the  IRB  approved  informed  consent  form  as  per  the  example  given  by  the  IRB.  The  participants  will  have  a  few  days  to  review  it.  They  are  both  aware  of  what  the  research  involves  and  they  will  be  able  to  resign  from  the  study  if  they  decide  to.  At  the  first  interview  the  participants  will  be  able  to  ask  any  questions  and  then  if  they  still  wish  to  participate,  the  participants  and  I  will  sign  the  form.  The  participant  will  receive  a  signed  copy  and  I  will  retain  a  signed  copy.  (See  attached  consent  form  before  Appendix  A.)  


                 b.          Describe  the  procedures  you  will  use  in  order  to  address  your  purpose.  Provide  a  step-­‐by-­‐step  description  of  how  you  will  

carry  out  this  research  project.  Include  specific  informlanguage  that  would  be  understandable  to  someone  who  is  not  familiar  with  your  area  of  study.    Without  a  complete  description  of  all  procedures,  the  East  Stroudsburg  University  IRB  will  not  be  able  to  review  this  protocol.    If  additional  space  is  needed  for  this  section,  save  the  information  as  a  PDF  file  and  insert  after  page  6  of  this  form.)    1.)  The  participants  will  be  given  an  Informed  Consent  form  to  review  and  sign  before  the  beginning  of  the  study.  2.)  The  participants  will  be  contacted  to  see  when  the  best  time  is  for  them  to  meet  face  to  face  for  an  interview.    

a.)  When  a  time  is  chosen,  the  researcher  will  meet  with  each  participant  individually.  (1  hour  per  interview)  3.)  The  researcher  and  participant  will  agree  upon  class  meeting  times  that  the  researcher  will  be  able  to  observe.  The  observations  of  the  classroom  will  in  no  way  take  up  any  extra  time  for  the  participant.    



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*  All  class  observations  will  be  audio-­‐recorded,  if  the  participant  approves  it.    4.)  After  each  class  observation,  the  researcher  may  ask  the  participant  a  few  questions  regarding  that  day's  class.  This  is  depending  on  what  type  of  experience  the  participant  had.  If  the  participant  does  not  have  time  at  that  moment,  the  researcher  will  communicate  via  email  with  the  professor,  and  they  can  respond  when  it  is  best  for  them.    5.)  The  researcher  will  ask  the  professors  to  meet  again,  face  to  face.  This  time,  if  the  participant  approves  it,  they  will  meet  together  for  a  'focus  group'  interview.  (1  hour  for  the  interview).  

a.)  This  counts  as  the  final  interview  for  both  participants  and  ends  their  participation  in  the  research  study.    6.)  After  all  data  has  been  collected,  it  will  be  transcribed  by  the  researcher.     a.)  All  personal  identifiers  will  be  removed,  and  the  participants  will  be  made  anonymous  with  pseudonyms.  7.)  After  the  final  report  has  been  made,  the  participants  will  be  sent  a  copy  so  they  can  approve  of  the  material.  The  report  will  be  edited  if  either  professor  disapproves  of  any  content.          

c. List  all  data  collection  instruments  used  in  this  project.  (e.g.  surveys  and  questionnaires  in  the  format  that  will  be  presented  to  participants,  educational  tests,  data  collection  sheets,  interview  questions,  audio/video  taping  methods  etc.)      1.)    a  semi-­‐structured  interview.    

a.)  The  participants  will  be  audio  recorded,  if  they  approve.    b.)  They  will  be  able  to  see  a  paper  form  with  all  the  questions,  used  as  a  guide  of  the  

researcher.  2.)  class  observation     a.)  field  notes  will  be  taken  by  the  researcher.  3.)    after-­‐class  questions,       a.)  also  audio  recorded  4.)    final  focus  group  interview  with  a  format  like  the  first  interview.  (This  interview  has  not  been  created  yet  due  to  the  questions  depending  on  the  research  done  to  that  point.)     a.)    The  participants  will  be  audio  recorded     b.)  They  will  be  able  to  see  a  paper  form  with  all  the  questions,  used  as  a  guide  for  the  researcher.    *All  tape  recording  will  be  done  with  a  digital  mp3  recorder  that  will  sit  on  the  desk,  visible  to  the  professor  at  all  times.          

d. Data  analysis:  Explain  how  the  data  will  be  analyzed.    

All  mp3-­‐recorded  sessions  will  be  played  back  and  transcribed  by  the  Principle  Investigator.  Common  themes  and  other  important  details  will  be  put  in  to  the  final  report.  Once  all  the  data  taken  from  each  participant  has  been  separated,  all  personal  identifiers  will  be  removed.  The  participants  will  be  given  pseudonyms  in  the  final  report.  (All  recordings  of  students  during  observations  will  be  automatically  deleted  and  not  used  in  this  study.)  


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 14. RISKS  &  DISCOMFORTS:  List  and  describe  all  of  the  risks  that  participants  might  encounter  in  this  research.    If  you  are  using  deception  in  this  study,  please  justify  the  use  of  deception  and  be  sure  to  attach  a  copy  of  the  debriefing  form  you  plan  to  use  .      There  are  no  serious  risks  associated  with  this  research.  Participants  may  withdraw  at  any  time.    


15. PRECAUTIONS.  Identify  and  describe  all  precautions  you  have  taken  to  eliminate  or  reduce  risks  as  listed  in  #14.    If  the  participants  can  be  ion,  please  describe  additional  safeguards  that  ou  will  use  to  assure  the  ethical  treatment  of  these  

individuals.          Regardless  of  if  the  participants  disclose  information  that  could  put  them  at  risk,  the  PI  will  remove  identifiers.  In  addition,  the  audio-­‐recordings  and  field  notes  will  be  kept  on  the  PI's  computer,  which  is  password  protected  and  destroyed  in  2019.  The  audio  recordings  will  be  destroyed  by  putting  them  in  the  trash  on  the  computer  and  then  emptying  the  trash.  The  field  notes  will  be  shredded  by  the  researcher.          If  using  the  Internet  to  collect  data,  what  confidentiality  or  security  precautions  are  in  place  to  protect  (or  not  collect)  identifiable  data?  Include  protections  used  during  both  the  collection  and  transfer  of  data.  (These  are      n/a          

16. BENEFITS.  a. List  all  realistic  direct  benefits  participants  can  expect  by  participating  in  this  specific  study.  

  Check  here  if  there  are  no  direct  benefits  to  participants.      The  participants  will  receive  a  copy  of  the  final  report  and  may  be  able  to  benefit  from  the  information  they  will  learn  about  a  professor's  perspective  on  technology  integration.          

b. List  all  realistic  benefits  for  the  general  population  that  may  be  generated  from  this  study.    

1.  A  better  understanding  of  what  technology  integration  is.  2.  Understand  the  differences  between  technology  integration  in  a  K-­‐12  setting  and  Higher  Education  settings.  3.  See  a  different  point  of  view  of  technology  integration  that  has  rarely  been  studied.    4.  To  see  different  points  of  view  of  technology  integration  in  the  same  setting.  5.  The  researcher  plans  to  be  a  Communication  Professor  herself  and  will  gain  personal  insight  from  this  data.  


17. PROTECTION  OF  DATA.  a. Will  data  be  collected  as  anonymous?         Yes   X  No        

not  collect  any  identifiable  data.)    



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b. Will  data  be  collected  as  confidential?         X  Yes    No  will  collect  and  protect  identifiable  data)  


 X  Yes  (If  so,  describe  how  linked.)    No    When  video  recordinonly  two  of  them  and  their  names  may  be  said  during  interviews  or  class  observations.  Also,  class  content  may  link  to  the  department  these  participants  teach  in.        

d. Justify  your  need  to      

part  of  the  final  report.  Also,  class  content  will  change  the  type  of  technology  needed  and  deciphering  between  the  professors  is  important.      

e. Where  will  code  lists  be  stored?  (Building,  room  number?)    


f.   Yes   X    No  (If  you  will  maintain  identifiable  data,  protections  should  have  been  described  in  #15.)    

g. Describe  how  and  where  the  data  will  be  stored  (e.g.  hard  copy,  audio  cassette,  electronic  data,  etc.),  and  how  the  location  where  data  is  stored  will  be  secured  in  your  absence.    For  electronic  data,  describe  security.    If  applicable,  state  specifically  where  any  IRB-­‐approved  and  participant-­‐signed  consent  documents  will  be  kept  on  campus  for  3  years  after  the  study  ends.  

 All  written  and  audio  data  will  be  kept  on  the  PI's  computer.  The  computer  is  only  accessible  with  a  password  know  by  the  PI  alone.  The  signed  consent  forms  will  be  kept  by  the  PI  in  her  home  as  well  as  with  Dr.  Beth  Rajan  Sockman  in  her  office  in  Rosenkrans  East.  


h.  (The  faculty  advisor  should  have  full  access  and  be  able  to  producd  the  data  in  the  case  of  a  federal  or  institutional  audit.)    Only  the  PI  and  faculty  advisor  will  have  access  to  the  data.  This  data  will  be  freely  shared  with  the  faculty  advisor  when  needed.          

i. When  is  the  latest  date  that  confidential  data  will  be  retained?  (Check  here  if  only  anonymous  data  will  be  retained    X)        

j. How  will  the  confidential  data  be  destroyed?  (indefinitely.)    All  identifiers  will  be  removed  from  the  audio  recordings  and  written  documents  once  the  two  professors'  data  have  been  written  in  a  way  that  the  PI  can  decipher  between  the  two  without  names.      





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PROTOCOL  REVIEW  CHECKLIST      All  protocols  must  include  the  following  items:  

   1.  X  Research  Protocol  Review  Form  (All  signatures  included  and  all  sections  completed)  




2. X    Consent  Form  or  Information  Letter  and  any  Releases  (audio,  video  or  photo)  that  the  participant  will  sign.    

3. X    Appendix  A,      

4.  Appendix  B  if  e-­‐mails,  flyers,  advertisements,  generalized  announcements  or  scripts,  etc.,  are  used  to  recruit  participants.    

5. X    Appendix  C  if  data  collection  sheets,  surveys,  tests,  other  recording  instruments,  interview  scripts,  etc.  will  be  used  for  data  collection.  Be  sure  to  attach  them  in  the  order  in  which  they  are  listed  in  #13c.    

6.  Appendix  D  if  you  will  be  using  a  debriefing  form  or  include  emergency  plans/procedures  and  medical  referral  lists    (A  referral  list  may  be  attached  to  the  consent  document).    

 7.  Appendix  E  if  research  is  being  conducted  at  sites  other  than  East  Stroudsburg  University  or  in  cooperation  with  

other  entities.    A  permission  letter  from  the  site  /  program  director  must  be  included  indicating  their  cooperation  or  involvement  in  the  project.    NOTE:  If  the  proposed  research  is  a  multi-­‐site  project,  involving  investigators  or  participants  at  other  academic  institutions,  hospitals  or  private  research  organizations,  a  letter  of  IRB  approval  from  each  entity  is  required  prior  to  initiating  the  project.    

 8.    Appendix  F    Written  evidence  of  acceptance  by  the  host  country  if  research  is  conducted  outside  the  United  States  






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Krista  M.  Hess  610-­‐360-­‐2377  

[email protected]    



For  a  Research  Study  entitled  :    Perspectives  of  Technology  Integration  in  Higher  Education  

 You   are   invited   to   participate   in   a   research   study   to   discover   the   often-­‐ignored   professor   perspective   of  technology   integration.  The  study   is  being  conducted  by  Krista  Hess,   Instructional  Technology  M.Ed  student,  under  the  direction  of  Dr.  Beth  Rajan  Sockman,  faculty  advisor,  in  the  East  Stroudsburg  University  Department  of  Media   Communication   and   Technology.   You   were   selected   as   a   possible   participant   because   you   are   a  professor  at  East  Stroudsburg  University  who  integrates  technology  in  the  classroom  and  you  are  19  or  older.        What  will  be  involved  if  you  participate?  If  you  decide  to  participate  in  this  research  study,  you  will  be  asked  to   sit   in  a  one  on  one   interview,  allow  the   researcher   to  observe  your  classroom  at  most  once  per   section,  answer  observation   follow-­‐up  questions,  and   sit   in  a   focus  group   interview  with  one  other  professor.     Your  total  time  commitment  will  be  approximately  6  hours,  including  classroom  observation.  All  interviews  will  be  audio  recorded  in  Mp3.  You  may  choose  to  not  have  your  participation  audio  recorded.      Are   there   any   risks   or   discomforts?   The   risks   associated  with   participating   in   this   study   are   no  more   than  those  experienced  in  everyday  life.  Some  questions  are  personal  and  might  cause  discomfort.  You  may  choose  to  not  answer  any  questions  that  the  interviewer  asks.        Are   there   any   benefits   to   yourself   or   others?   If   you  participate   in   this   study,   you   could   learn  more   about  yourself  and  your   integration  of  technology.  You  will  also  help  the  researcher   in  studying  a  different  side  of  technology  integration.    If   you   change   your   mind   about   participating,   you   can   withdraw   at   any   time   during   the   study.   Your  participation  is  completely  voluntary.  If  you  choose  to  withdraw,  your  data  can  be  withdrawn  as  long  as  it  is  identifiable.    Pseudonyms  will  be  used  to  retain  confidentiality  in  research.  Your  decision  about  whether  or  not  to  participate  or  to  stop  participating  will  not   jeopardize  your   future   relations  with  ESU,   the  Department  of  Communication  Studies  or  Media  Communication  and  Technology.    Participants  Initials  ________           Page  1  of  2              

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Your   privacy   will   be   protected.       All   data   collected   will   be   stored   on   a   password   protected   laptop.   Any  information  obtained  in  connection  with  this  study  will  remain  confidential  and  then  become  anonymous  after  data  collection.  Information  obtained  through  your  participation  will  be  used  in  a  final  report  and  presented  to  the  Spring  2012  MCOM  581  Research  class  and  possibly  published.  You  will  receive  a  copy  of  the  final  report.      If  you  have  questions  about  this  study,  please  ask  them  now  or  contact  Krista  Hess  at  610-­‐360-­‐2377  or  [email protected].  A  copy  of  this  document  will  be  given  to  you  to  keep.      If   you   have   questions   about   your   rights   as   a   research   participant,   you  may   contact   the   East   Stroudsburg  University  Institutional  Review  Board  by  phone  (570)-­‐422-­‐3336  or  e-­‐mail  at  sdavis@po-­‐box.esu.edu.    Please  place  a  check  mark  next  to  the  following  statements  that  apply  to  audio-­‐recording:    ___  I  give  my  permission  to  be  audio  recorded  during  the  interview.    ___  I  do  not  give  my  permission  to  be  audio  recorded  during  the  interview.      Unedited  audio  recordings  will  be  destroyed  2019.      HAVING   READ   THE   INFORMATION   PROVIDED,   YOU   MUST   DECIDE   WHETHERE   OR   NOT   YOU   WISH   TO  PARTICIPATE  IN  THIS  RESARCH  STUDY.  YOUR  SIGNATURE  INDICATES  YOUR  WILLINGNESS  TO  PARTICIPATE.    ____________________________          _______________________________  Participant    Signature                    Date              Investigator  obtaining  consent          Date    ____________________________          Krista  Hess_________  Printed  Name                                                                              Printed  Name                 _________________________________             Co-­‐Investigator     Date               _________________________________             Printed  Name        


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Appendix  A  


(literature  review)  

Breda,  J.,  Clement,  M.,  &  Waeytens,  K.  (2003).  An  interactive  training  programme  for  beginning  faculty:  issues  of  implementation.  International  Journal  of  Academic  Development,  8(1/2),  91-­‐104.  doi:  10.1080/1360144042000277964  

Goktas,  Y.,  Yildirim,  S.,  &  Yildirim,  Z.  (2009).  Main  barriers  and  possible  neablers  of  icts  integration  into  pre-­‐service  teacher  education  programs.  Educational  Technology  &  Society,  12(1),  193-­‐204.  

Hannon,  J.,  &  Bretag,  T.  (2010).  Negotiating  contested  discourses  of  learning  technologies  in  higher  education.  Educational  Technology  &  Society,  13(1),  106-­‐120.  

JAMIL,  M.,  &  SHAH,  J.H.  (2011).  Technology:  its  potential  effects  on  teaching  in  higher  education.  New  Horizons  in  Education,  59(1),  38-­‐51  

Rogers,  E.M.  (1995).  Diffusions  of  innovations.  (4th  ed.,  pp.  161-­‐203).  New  York:  Free  Press.    

Rogers,  R.K.,  &  Wallace,  J.D.  (2011).  Predictors  of  technology  integration  in  education:  a  study  of  anxiety  and  innovativeness  in  teacher  preparation.  Journal  of  Literacy  and  Technology,  12(2),  28-­‐61.  

Schulz,  L.L.,  &  Rubel,  D.  (2011).  Phenomenology  of  alienation  in  high  school:  the  experiences  of  five  male  non-­‐completers.  Professional  School  Counseling,  14(5),  286-­‐298.  

Stringer,  Earnest  T.  (2007).  Setting  the  Stage:  Planning  a  Research  Process.  Action  Research  3rd  Edition.  Thousand  Oaks,  CA:  Sage  Publications,  Inc.  

Van  Manen,  M.  (1997).  Researching  lived  experience:  human  science  for  an  action  sensitive  pedagogy  (2  ed.).  London:  Althouse  Press.  









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(To  be  given  to  both  Professors,  separately.)  




Years  Teaching__________Phone______________________Interview  given  by  Krista  Hess  


As  you  may  know,  much  research  has  been  done  on  the  effect  of  technology  integration  in  the  classroom.  This  research  has  been  conducted  in  Kindergarten  classes  through  to  Higher  Education  classrooms.    However,  the  subjects  of  the  research  are  more  often  than  not,  the  students.  Very  rarely  are  the  teachers  or  professors  given  an  opportunity  to  express  their  feelings  on,  or  be  the  focus  of  research  regarding  technology  integration.  


To  shed  further  light,  the  research  I  am  doing  is  solely  focused  on  two  Professors  in  a  Higher  Education  setting.  One  part  of  that  research  is  this  interview.  The  information  you  provide  will  help  me  to  focus  on  the  most  important  factors  of  your  integration  of  technology  and  mold  the  other  research  instruments  I  will  be  using.    


This  interview  will  take  up  about  1  hour  and  focus  on  your  experience  with  technology  integration  from  your  own  education  to  your  current  professorship.    



1.   Where  did  you  earn  your  Bachelors?   What  year?   What  was  your  degree?   Where  did  you  earn  your  Masters/  PhD?   What  year(s)?   What  is  your  degree?   What  year  did  you  earn  each  degree,  respectively?  


2. Your  experience  as  a  student  is  different  from  what  a  current     What  types  of  technologies  were  used  in  your  college  classrooms  when  you  were  a  student?   Did  you  take  any  classes  that  involved  learning  how  to  use  new  technologies  of  the  time?   If  so,  what  were  they?   Did  you  take  any  classes  that  involved  learning  to  integrate  technology  in  to  your  classroom?  


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1.        12  

When  you  were  earning  your  Masters/  PhD,  were  you  an  adjunct  or  Teaching  Assistant?   What  was  that  like?  Was  there  technology  involved?   When  did  you  begin  your  first  job  as  a  Professor  and  where  was  it?   What  was  your  technology  integration  like  then?   When  did  you  begin  at  East  Stroudsburg  University?   What  type  of  classes  have  you  taught?  


Technology  Expectations  

1. to  take  a  look  at  the  technology  expectations  of  different  parts  of  your  career.  

When  you  were  working  on  your  Masters/  PhD,  what  were  the  technology  requirements  of  you  as  a  student?  (Did  you  need  to  type  your  papers  instead  of  write  them?)  

(If  you  had  other  professor  jobs  before  ESU)  Were  there  any  technology  integration  expectations/rules  there?    


2. Now  at  ESU,  as  a  student,  we  are  required  to  type  our  papers  and  hand  in  a  lot  of  our  assignments  electronically  (via  D2L  for  example).    

Did  any  of  your  previous  experiences  involve  requirements  like  this?    (If  so,  what?)   Have  you  or  do  you  have  requirements  of  your  own  students  like  this?  (If  so,  what?)   What  do  you  think  are  the  negatives  or  positives  of  this  type  of  requirement?  

3. Would  you  rather  use  technology  in  the  classroom,  or  not  use  it  at  all?  (Why,  why  not?)    


Technology  Integration  

1. Your  current  younger  and  future  students  are  what  they  call   st  for  K-­‐12  settings  that  involve  a  No  Child  Left  Behind  requirement  that  all  students  be    by  the  8th  grade.  There  are  even  standards  that  are  solely  technology  requirements,  that  states  and  districts  take  up  as  they  see  fit.  So,  the  majority  of  students  use  technology  in  the  classroom  on  an  everyday  basis  before  they  come  to  college.  And  many  of  them  learn  and  do  better  in  that  type  of  setting.    

Does  this  new  type  of  student  effect  how  you  prepare  and  teach  your  lessons  now?  (How?)   How  long  have  you  been  integrating  technology  in  to  your  classroom?  (How?)   Have  you  noticed  a  difference  between  your  classes  where  you  may  use  more  technology  than  one  

where  you  may  not?   What  type  of  technologies  do  you  use  in  the  classroom?  



technology  and  its  integration.  How  would  you  describe  your  relationship  with  technology?    

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I  will  continue  to  have  semi-­‐structured  interviews  with  the  interviewee  after  witnessing  technology  integration  experiences.  All  interviews  will  be  audio  recorded  digitally  and  transcribed.  There  will  also  be  one  time  when  both  

,  after  all  observations  have  been  completed.  These  interviews  cannot  be  pre-­‐planned,  as  they  will  depend  on  the  data  collected  through  out  the  research  process.  




Both  professors  will  be  observed  in  all  their  classes  at  least  once.  All  classes  will  be  audio-­‐recorded  and  the  observer  will  take  notes  of  observations  that  can  not  be  captured  on  tape.   Observations   ).  The  students  will  be  in  the  classroom,  but  their  participation  will  not  be  taken  in  to  account.  (All  student  voices  will  be  erased.)  


Observations  I  am  looking  for  


Classroom  arrangement   Technologies  available  to  Professor   What  software  and  hardware  are  used  by  Professor   Any  internet  use   Any  technical  difficulties   How  the  Professor  solves  technical  difficulties/  works  around  them   Are  the  technologies  up  to  date?   Are  the  technologies  working?   Does  the  Professor  know  how  to  use  the  technologies?   Is  the  Professor  integrating  the  technology  or  just  using  it  as  an  add  on  to  instruction?   Does  the  teacher  facilitate  learning  with  technology?   Is  the  technology  doing  all  the  work?  


Document  Analysis  


Information  of  the  school  and  its  newest  education  building  have  been  taken  from  the  East  Stroudsburg  University  website.  Other  helpful  documentation  would  be:  possible  technology  requirements  for  Professors  at  ESU  and  other  technology  integration  documents  that  the  Professors  are  required  to  read.  




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