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Iron Languages - NYC CodeCamp 2/19/2011

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NYC CodeCamp 2011 Talk - Iron Languages, Dynamic Language on .NET
IRON Languages Dynamic Languages for the .NET developer github.com/ IronLanguages Jimmy Schementi [email protected] jimmy.schementi.com
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Dynamic Languages for the .NET developer


Jimmy [email protected]

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Executes many common behaviors, at runtime, that other languages might perform during compilation, if at all.

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Most are dynamically-typed, but not all.

Dynamic TypingThe majority of its type checking is performed at run-time as opposed to at compile-time.

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Simple enough for non-programmers, capable enough for programmers


ch do |i|

puts i


print File.read("foo


name = "Jimmy"

a.downcase rescue "No name"

class Foo def method_missing(m)

puts "called: #{m}"


"-" *


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Scripting Languages

Dynamic Languages

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“Python, like many good technologies, soon spreads virally throughout your development team and finds its way into all sorts of applications and tools…Python scripts are used in many areas of the game.”

Mustafa ThamerCivilization IV development team

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Interactive>>> 2 + 24

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Dynamic Languages on .NET


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Python Ruby

Keep it Simpledef fact n    return 1 if n == 0    n * fact(n-1)end

puts fact 13

using System;

public class MathClass { public static int Factorial(int n) { if (n == 0) return 1; return n * Factorial(n – 1); } public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine(Factorial(13)); }}

def fact(n): if n == 0: return 1 return n * fact(n-1)

print fact(13)

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Scripting the .NET frameworkDriving .NET code from scriptsDomain-specific languages

Compiler Geek-OutHigh-level discussion on how compilers work and what the DLR does.

HostingIn-Application extensibility / customizationTreating code as data (or configuration)Discussion on best practices

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DemoScripting .NET

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rb> puts 2 + 2 4 # => nil

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def add(): return 2 + a

traditional compiler front-end


Syntax Tree



2 + a

Token stream




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IronPython: Hand-written LL(1) parser

IronRuby: Gardens Point Parser Generator LALR(1)

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compiler back-end on CLR

Syntax Tree




ldc.i4.2 // load 2box [mscorlib]System.Int32ldarg.0 // load “a”call object LangHelpers::Add(object, object)ret


public static object Add (object x, object y) { ... }

Runtime Library

Generate IL

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compiler back-end on DLR

To Expression TreeLinq ExpressionTree






Variablea: Object

Syntax Tree




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.Dynamic puts(.S,1) @1( $#scope, $#self, .Call IronRuby.Runtime.RubyOps.CreateMutableStringL( "hi", .Constant<IronRuby.Builtins.RubyEncoding>(US-ASCII)))

puts 2 + 2 -> Expression tree

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internal static Delegate/*!*/ CompileLambda( LambdaExpression/*!*/ lambda, bool debugMode, bool noAdaptiveCompilation, int compilationThreshold) {

if (debugMode) { return CompileDebug(lambda); } else if (noAdaptiveCompilation) { return lambda.Compile(); } else { return lambda.LightCompile(compilationThreshold); } }


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static vs. dynamic dispatch

def yo (name): "hello " + nameprint yo("jimmy")


Method : {RuntimeMethodInfo {Name: "Print"}}Arguments : [0] ActionExpression


Action : CallActionArguments : [0] {BoundExpression {Variable: Local{yo}}} [1] {ConstantExpression {"jimmy"}}

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public static object Handle (object[] args, DynamicSite<object, object, object> site1,object obj1, object obj2)

{if (obj1 != null && obj1.GetType() == typeof(string) &&

obj2 != null && obj2.GetType() == typeof(string)) {

return StringOps.Add(Converter.ConvertToString(obj1), Converter.ConvertToString(obj2));

} return site1.UpdateBindingAndInvoke(obj1, obj2);}

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print yo(1)

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public static object Handle (object[] args, DynamicSite<object, object, object> site1,object obj1, object obj2)

{if (obj1 != null && obj1.GetType() == typeof(int) &&

obj2 != null && obj2.GetType() == typeof(int)) {

return Int32Ops.Add(Converter.ConvertToInt(obj1), Converter.ConvertToInt(obj2));

} if (obj1 != null && obj1.GetType() == typeof(string) && obj2 != null && obj2.GetType() == typeof(string)) {

return StringOps.Add(Converter.ConvertToString(obj1), Converter.ConvertToString(obj2));

} return site1.UpdateBindingAndInvoke(obj1, obj2);}

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Dynamic Language Runtime

Infrastructure for creating languagesFocus on dynamic compiler back-end.

Dynamic-lookup protocolDynamicObject: shared protocol between languages

Lightweight hosting APIOne API for all DLR languages

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ScriptScope ScriptEngine


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var engine = Ruby.CreateEngine(); engine.Execute("puts 2 + 2");

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var engine = Python.CreateEngine(); dynamic scope = engine.CreateScope(); scope.page = this; engine.Execute( "page.Message.Text = 'Hello from Python!'", scope);

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var runtime = ScriptRuntime.CreateFromConfiguration(); var engine = ScriptEngine.CreateEngine("IronRuby"); dynamic scope = engine.CreateScope(); scope.page = this;engine.Execute("page.Message.Text = 'Hello from IronRuby!'", scope);

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require 'IronPython'require 'Microsoft.Scripting'include Microsoft::Scripting::Hostinginclude IronPython::Hosting

python = Python.create_enginescope = python.create_scopepython.execute "class Foo(object):    def bar(self):        print 'Look ma, white-space-sensitivity!'", scopepython.execute "Foo().bar()", scope

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# foo.py:class Foo(object): def bar(self): print 'Look ma, white-space-sensitivity!'

# bar.rb:foo_module = IronRuby.require 'foo' foo_module.foo.bar

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Hosting best-practices• Store scripts where you want with PlatformAdaptationLayer–Makes script file-system operations use database, source-control, whatever …

• Pick isolation level for scripts– In-App-Domain: you totally control– Out-App-Domain: limit permission level– Out of process: total isolation

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Project Status• IronRuby is working towards 1.9 compat – Rails 3, FFI, static type system integration• IronPython working towards 2.7/3.0 compat – Django, IronClad, and other libraries.• Tooling– IronRuby Gems/Rake support– Debugging w/REPL

• Fully open source– Contributions welcome!

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How you can participate• Use it at your company, and tell us about it!– Ask the mailing lists and stackoverflow for help– Log any bugs you find

• Contributing to the project– Even if you’re not a compiler hacker … – but hackers welcome!– samples, documentation, blogs, and talks are all welcome also

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ironpython.net IronPython website & download

dlr.codeplex.com DLR documentation for hosters and language developers

jimmy.schementi.com me


IronRuby website & download

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Dynamic Languages for the .NET developer


Jimmy [email protected]
