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Iron man 3

Date post: 11-Jan-2015
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P3 describe the relationship between producers and film audiences with some appropriate use of subject terminology M3 explain the relationship between producers and film audiences with reference to detailed illustrative examples and generally correct use of subject terminology D3 comprehensively explain the relationship between producers and film audiences with elucidated examples and consistently using subject terminology correctly PR3 Producer and Audience: Analyse the Marketing Campaign of Iron Man 3 Here is where you use knowledge from previous units and apply them to film. You need to make a podcast for a film magazine’s website on the production and marketing of a blockbuster movie. The following must be covered: How the producer considered the target audience during production. The publicity and marketing strategy for the film Codes & Conventions Reception and Star Theory Anchorage Types of audience feedback Please provide statistics to support your points and illustrate your article with images of stars from the films you write about, as well as movie posters. Introduction: Explain how and why different audiences are targeted by film producers (1 paragraph) Producers make a film and do it with a certain audience in mind. This is because they don’t want to make a film no one is going to watch. Having an audience helps the film because a final production. If the audience is for teenage girls then producers will do primary research into what teenage girls like. Using surveys or a focus group. They will ask questions that relate to the audience so then this can be a part of the film and relate on a more personal level to the audience. With Iron Man 3 I think the audience is boys of all ages really, however mostly younger because of the superhero in the
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P3 describe the relationship between producers and film audiences with some appropriate use of subject terminology

M3 explain the relationshipbetween producers and filmaudiences with reference todetailed illustrative examplesand generally correct use ofsubject terminology

D3 comprehensively explainthe relationship between producers and film audienceswith elucidated examplesand consistently using subjectterminology correctly


Producer and Audience: Analyse the Marketing Campaign of Iron Man 3


Here is where you use knowledge from previous units and apply them to film. You need to make a podcast for a film magazine’s website on the production and marketing of a

blockbuster movie. The following must be covered:

How the producer considered the target audience during production. The publicity and marketing strategy for the film

Codes & Conventions

Reception and Star Theory Anchorage

Types of audience feedback

Please provide statistics to support your points and illustrate your article with images of stars from the

films you write about, as well as movie posters.

Introduction: Explain how and why different audiences are targeted by film producers (1 paragraph)

Producers make a film and do it with a certain audience in mind. This is because they don’t want to make a film no one is going to watch. Having an audience helps the film because a final production. If the audience is for teenage girls then producers will do primary research into what teenage girls like. Using surveys or a focus group. They will ask questions that relate to the audience so then this can be a part of the film and relate on a more personal level to the audience. With Iron Man 3 I think the audience is boys of all ages really, however mostly younger because of the superhero in the film. If dads or older people have grown up with iron man they will be the original fans. Its obvious boys are targeted with this film because of the explosions, comic book style, genre and storyline. However there is some romance in the film just to balance out the fighting and maybe get a girl audience. Producers aim for a specific audience but if they add another genre or a few different characters in they might gain some more other different viewers that wouldn’t normally watch the film which makes more money for them and the film a success to a wider audience than they imagined..

Part 1:

Provide a synopsis of the film Iron man 3 (1 paragraph)

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Marvels Iron man faces yet another enemy trying to stay alive and save his girl. Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution. Building many iron man suits in his spare time comes in handy when taking on the enemy. Starting with a flashback it all becomes clear what Tony is going to have to face to save the world.

What is the target audience of Iron Man 3?

I think the target audience for Iron man 3 would probably be older men with their sons. I think this because they might of liked it when they was younger and then followed and watched each film as it came out so then everyone wants to see the third one to. Also they will want their kids to watch the film because of what it means to them, they want to share it with someone.

The genre of iron man is described as an action, sci-fi thriller. The certificate of the film is a 12a so the thriller genre will be a thrill for people the age of 12 and up, so it’s different to the kind of thriller that might be a 15 or 18 certificate. The year of production was from May 2012 to 2013 and the film was released on the 25th of April 2013 in the UK. Fans were waiting since 2010 for the release of Iron Man 3 and so it was big when it came out with lots of cinema screenings multiple in most big cinemas chains like VUE and ODEON. The box office taking s on the first weekend it was brought out were $174,144,585 in the USA and it grossed so much more than the film cost. The budget for the film was estimated at $200,000,000, so when the film grossed $340,868,034 in the USA just after 2 weeks of showings I’m sure director and producer Shane Black was very happy.

Part 2: Give detail about how the film Iron man 3 was MARKETED. Give detail about the contrasting methods of marketing, for example:

T.V. Web 2.0 such as file sharing and social network sites (You Tube/Facebook) Cinema Billboards Posters Newspapers Magazines (interviews/reviews) The Internet (cinema film listings/review pages) The internet (official web pages) Word of mouth

Iron Man 3 was a big film that was long awaited from the last Iron man 2 in 2010. The build up to it started early in the year to get fans and the audience excited. As soon as filming had started the director was promoting iron man 3 getting everyone excited. In an interview at comic con he hinted

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about the plot of the new Iron man 3 film and got everyone interest. This was in May 2012, then in late 2012 the first teaser trailer was released and give clues about eh mandarin storyline. The first poster was released in February 2013 and this is when things started to get bigger and the audience started to get more knowledge about the film coming out. The production team led false trails and kept tricking the audience so they didn’t find out to much before the film came out. They even went to the lengths of filming surprise scenes two weeks before the film came out. Iron man was all over the TV in the months of March and April with the trailer being shown at specific times to reach the right target audience. Being played on certain channels at certain times the production team and research team have to think about this so the film gets noticed more. There were advertisements to win tickets to cinema showings on Facebook and Twitter as well as just people talking about the film coming out, countdowns on most social network sites.

Part 3

Write a third and fourth paragraph which answers the following. Refer to the articles included at the bottom of this brief

How has the audience for Iron Man 3 been targeted by the producer?

Explain the term ‘anchorage’? (Google ‘Media terms anchorage’)

Look at the Iron Man 3 poster below and identify the text which is used to anchor the Audience. Explain how it anchors the audience.

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What research methods would a producer use to find information about the target audience, before a film goes into production? Think about your own methods of research

Pre production research

Producers have to carry out secondary research into location – where the film is going to be set.

Read the script in order to do that which is also secondary research. Find out the culture of foreign countries, the beliefs. Staff or actors production team want to pray eat or sleep at different times of the day they need to research this.

Find out from the internt, news, books, newspapers, weather reports.


Location setting

Location of filming then need to take into account where the nearest hospitals are hotels facilities.

Target audience producers carry out primary research

Focus groups questioners, Surveys on -

Genre, star theory, story, narrative, what the public want next if they want a sequel, more of a love story between the main characters, more action or explosions.

Quantitive research – Ratios measurable, ask a100 people surveys, 50% like iron man the other doesn’t. It’s measurable research rather than words about what they liked, it’s a statistic

Qualitative research – finds out but people’s opinions and allows them to write down opinions, asks if they have other comments on surveys or focus groups. The aspects of the public of the storyline, the attitude.

Post productions research – Do the audience like the film. Producers do a post production test screening, they will get 100 people in the country of the American production company so if an English film in England. They will be invited into a private cinema to watch the first draft or cut ot the film and then this will be the post production research. It’s an intimate screening of the film. Once they have watched the film they will be given a questionnaire and rate the film and might be ask to give their opinion on how they could make it better and what was good. They will then take the research and swap things around and re edit the film. They will then re-open production and get the producers cast and production back and re shoot things and cut things and add things that the audience wanted and invest a lot more money into making the re edit. Then after that about 400 people will be in a full scale production film and then all of these will be asked to do a questionnaire about the new filming. A lot of questions asked will be designed around what was your favourite character if they like the music not bad things because they won’t want to film again. They will asked the audience things that can become marketing strategies,. Like I they liked

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the music or certain quotes or characters they will bring out a soundtrack, tops , hats cups , figurines, toys.

Iron man 3 Articles







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