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IronSync File Sync Server

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  • 7/28/2019 IronSync File Sync Server


    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    User Manual

    Version 1.9

    Jul 2013

    Flexense Ltd.www.flexense.com


    IronSyncFile Sync Server

  • 7/28/2019 IronSync File Sync Server


    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    Product Overview

    IronSync Server is a powerful file synchronization server providing multiple types of periodicand real-time file synchronization operations. IronSync is a highly scalable file synchronizationsolution especially designed to effectively synchronize huge file systems containing millions offiles. Users are provided with multiple one-way and two-way file synchronization modes,

    periodic and real-time file synchronization capabilities, E-Mail notifications, error logs, filesynchronization statistics reports, etc.

    IronSync is optimized for modern hardware architectures and is capable of effectively utilizingmulti-core CPUs and multi-CPU servers while synchronizing millions of files in real-time. Onthe other hand, IronSync Server is especially designed to run on production servers using avery small amount of the system memory (6MB-8MB) and CPU resources in order to minimizethe performance impact on running production applications.

    IronSync Server runs as a service in the background and provides a web-based managementinterface allowing one to control, configure and manage the product using a regular webbrowser locally or through the network. The user is provided with the ability to setup multiplefile synchronization commands, optionally specify exclude directories and/or specific types offiles to synchronize, customize error recovery options, enable error logs and/or send E-Mailnotifications when a sync command fails due to a hardware problem.

  • 7/28/2019 IronSync File Sync Server


    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    Product Installation Procedure

    IronSync Server is especially designed to be as simple as possible. The product does notrequire any third-party software applications and may be installed and configured within acouple of minutes. A fully functional 30-days trial version of IronSync Server may bedownloaded from the following page: http://www.ironsync.com/downloads.html.

    The installation package is very small, 4MB - 5MB depending on the target operating system,and the product requires just 20MB of the free disk space on the target server. In order toinstall IronSync Server, start the setup program, select a destination directory and press the'Next' button.

    Optionally, enter custom server control and/or web access ports. The server control port isused by the IronSync command line utility to connect to the server and the web access port isthe port for the web-based management interface allowing one to control IronSync Server

    using a standard web browser. If IronSync Server should be controlled remotely through thenetwork, make sure one or both of these ports are open in the server's firewall.

  • 7/28/2019 IronSync File Sync Server


    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    Web-Based Interface

    IronSync Server provides a complete web-based management interface, which allows one tofully control, manage and configure one or more IronSync servers locally or though thenetwork using a standard Web browser. By default, the web-based interface uses the TCP/IPport 80, which is the default HTTP port web browsers are using to connect to a web server.

    In order to connect to IronSync Server, open a regular web browser, enter the host name ofthe server to connect to and login using the default user name and password: admin/admin.The IronSync web-based interface is a dynamic web application, which shows the currentstatus of the server and the progress of performed operations without reloading the currentlydisplayed web page. In order to operate properly, the web-based interface requires JavaScriptto be enabled in the web browser.

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    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    File Synchronization Command Types

    IronSync Server provides multiple different types of periodic and real-time file synchronizationcommands with each one optimized for different needs and usage scenarios. A specific filesynchronization command type should be selected for each newly created file synchronizationcommand. In order to add a new file synchronization command, press the 'Add Command'

    button located on the IronSync Server home page, enter a command name and select anappropriate file synchronization command type.

    IronSync Server provides the following types of file synchronization commands:

    Periodic File Synchronization Command - this command may be executedmanually or automatically triggered using one or more periodic, daily, weekly or

    monthly sync triggers. Periodic file synchronization commands provide multiple one-way and two-way file synchronization modes, rule-based file synchronizationcapabilities, error logs, E-Mail notifications, etc. Every time a periodic file synccommand is triggered, IronSync rescans the source and destination directories andsynchronizes all changes according to the selected file synchronization mode. All syncactions are performed on-the-fly, without reading or writing any file system state filesor databases and therefore periodic file synchronization commands are capable ofsynchronizing huge file systems containing millions of files very effectively while usinga very small amount of system memory and CPU resources.

    Real-Time File Synchronization Command - this command synchronizes changedfiles on-the-fly as files are changing in the source directory. IronSync Server monitorsthe source directory, detects individual file changes and synchronizes all changed filesto the destination directory. File synchronization is performed in one direction only -from the source directory to the destination directory. Source and destination

    directories are never scanned and this type of file synchronization commands isespecially optimized to effectively synchronize file systems with millions of files.

    Real-Time Directory Synchronization Command - this command synchronizeschanged directories on-the-fly as files are changing in the source directory. IronSyncServer monitors the source directory, in real-time detects changed subdirectories andperforms short sync operations between subdirectories. The user is provided with fivedifferent one-way and two-way file synchronization modes. Full scanning of the sourceand destination directories is never performed, file synchronization is completed inreal-time between pairs of changed subdirectories and this type of file synchronizationcommands is optimized to effectively synchronize file systems with millions of files.

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    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    Managing File Synchronization Commands

    IronSync Server allows one to setup an unlimited number of file synchronization commandswith each one synchronizing files from a source disk or directory to a destination disk ordirectory. In order to setup one or more file synchronization commands, login to the IronSyncServer web-based management console using a standard web browser.

    On the IronSync Server status page, press the 'Add Command' button, enter a uniquecommand name, select an appropriate file synchronization command type, enter a source

    directory, which should be a local disk or directory, and enter a destination directory, whichmay be set to a local disk, directory or a network share, and press the 'Save' button.

    In order to start a file synchronization command, go to the main status page and click on the

    'Start' button located on the right side of the file synchronization command. Click on the

    command name link to see an extended status of the command. In order to stop an active filesynchronization command, click on the 'Stop' link located on the right side of the filesynchronization command.

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    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    Periodic File Synchronization Commands

    Periodic file synchronization commands provide multiple one-way and two-way filesynchronization modes, rule-based file synchronization capabilities, error logs, E-Mailnotifications, etc. Periodic file synchronization commands may be executed manually orautomatically triggered using one or more periodic, daily, weekly or monthly sync triggers.

    Every time a periodic file sync command is triggered, IronSync rescans the source and

    destination directories and synchronizes all changed files according to the selected filesynchronization mode. All sync actions are performed on-the-fly, without reading or writingany file system state files or databases and therefore periodic file synchronization commands

    are capable of synchronizing huge file systems containing millions of files very effectively whileusing a very small amount of system memory and CPU resources.

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    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    Periodic file synchronization commands provide multiple one-way and two-way filesynchronization modes with each one designed for specific needs and usage scenarios. Inorder to change the file synchronization mode for a periodic file synchronization command,open the command 'Edit' page and select an appropriate file synchronization mode.

    Periodic file synchronization commands support the following file synchronization modes:

    Synchronize Destination Directory (one-way) - All changes made in the sourcedirectory will be propagated to the destination directory. Files deleted from the sourcedirectory will be deleted from the destination directory. All files changed or deleted inthe destination directory will be restored using files from the source directory. Nochanges will be made in the source directory. After the file synchronization process iscomplete both locations will be identical.

    Update Destination Directory (one-way) - Newly created and modified source fileswill be copied to the destination directory. Files deleted from the source directory willbe deleted from the destination directory. Files deleted from the destination directorywill be restored using files from the source directory. Newly created and modifieddestination files will be kept in place. No changes will be made in the source directory.

    Accumulate and Update Files in Destination (one-way) - Newly created andmodified source files will be copied to the destination directory. Files deleted from thedestination directory will be restored using files from the source directory. Newly

    created and modified destination files will be kept in place. No files will be deletedfrom the destination directory. No changes will be made in the source directory. Two-Way File Synchronization - Newly created and modified files will be

    synchronized in both directions. Files deleted from the source directory will be deletedfrom the destination directory. Files deleted from the destination directory will berestored from the source directory. Changes may be made in both locations. After the

    file synchronization process is complete both locations will be identical. Two-Way Accumulation and Update - Newly created and modified files will be

    updated in both directions. Files deleted from one location will be restored from thesecond location. Changes may be made in both locations. After the file synchronizationprocess is complete both locations will be identical.

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    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    Periodic file synchronization commands may be automatically triggered using one or moreperiodic, daily, weekly or monthly sync triggers. In order to configure sync triggers for aperiodic file synchronization command, open the command 'Edit' page and press the 'Triggers'button. The 'Sync Triggers' page shows the currently configured sync triggers and allows one

    to add, delete, enable, disable and configure an unlimited number of sync triggers.

    In order to add a new sync trigger for a periodic file synchronization command, press the 'AddTrigger' button, select a trigger type, specify all the required parameters and press the 'Add'button. In order to change a previously configured sync trigger, click on the trigger's 'Edit'button located in the 'Tools' column.

    Simple periodic sync triggers provide the ability to execute a sync command every X minutesor hours. Daily sync triggers provide the ability to execute a sync command every day at aspecified time. In order to execute a sync command twice per day at different times, the usercan add two daily triggers with each one configured to trigger the sync command at a differenttime. Weekly triggers provide the ability to specify days of week (from 1 to 7 delimited by thecomma character) and a time of the day to execute the sync command. Multiple weeklytriggers may be used to execute the sync command at different times on different week days.In addition, users are provided with monthly sync triggers allowing one to execute a sync

    command on specific days of month. Finally, IronSync provides a single time sync triggerallowing one to execute a sync command one time only at a specified date and time.

  • 7/28/2019 IronSync File Sync Server


    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    Real-Time Directory Synchronization Commands

    Real-Time directory synchronization commands synchronize changed directories on-the-fly asfiles are changing in the source directory. IronSync Server monitors the source directory, inreal-time detects changed subdirectories and performs short sync operations betweensubdirectories without scanning the complete directory tree. The user is provided with five

    different one-way and two-way file synchronization modes. Full scanning of the source anddestination directories is never performed and file synchronization is completed in real-timebetween pairs of changed subdirectories.

    In order to change the file synchronization mode for a file synchronization command, open thefile synchronization command configuration page and select one of the following file

    synchronization modes:

    Synchronize Destination Directory (one-way) - All changes made in the sourcedirectory will be propagated to the destination directory. Files deleted from the sourcedirectory will be deleted from the destination directory. All files changed or deleted inthe destination directory will be restored using files from the source directory. Nochanges will be made in the source directory. After the file synchronization process iscomplete both locations will be identical.

    Update Destination Directory (one-way) - Newly created and modified source fileswill be copied to the destination directory. Files deleted from the source directory willbe deleted from the destination directory. Files deleted from the destination directorywill be restored using files from the source directory. Newly created and modifieddestination files will be kept in place. No changes will be made in the source directory.

    Accumulate and Update Files in Destination (one-way) - Newly created andmodified source files will be copied to the destination directory. Files deleted from thedestination directory will be restored using files from the source directory. Newlycreated and modified destination files will be kept in place. No files will be deletedfrom the destination directory. No changes will be made in the source directory.

    Two-Way File Synchronization - Newly created and modified files will besynchronized in both directions. Files deleted from the source directory will be deletedfrom the destination directory. Files deleted from the destination directory will berestored from the source directory. Changes may be made in both locations. After thefile synchronization process is complete both locations will be identical.

    Two-Way Accumulation and Update - Newly created and modified files will beupdated in both directions. Files deleted from one location will be restored from thesecond location. Changes may be made in both locations. After the file synchronizationprocess is complete both locations will be identical.

  • 7/28/2019 IronSync File Sync Server


    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    Advanced Command Options

    In order to access advanced file synchronization command options, click on the 'EditCommand' button located on the right side of the file synchronization command and press the'Advanced Options' button. The advanced options page allows one to specify one or moreexclude directories, set the number of file synchronization streams to use for the command,

    setup a custom error logs directory to save error reports and/or send E-Mail notifications whenthe command is aborted due to a hardware problem.

    Another very useful feature is the sync preview mode, which may be enabled for any filesynchronization command on the advanced options page. In the preview mode, IronSync willmonitor the source directory, examine all detected file system changes and calculate theexpected change rate without performing any actions in the destination directory. This modeallows one to analyze a frequently changing file system and estimate expected performance

    requirements in order to properly select a fast enough backup device to be used as adestination directory for a file synchronization command.

    IronSync Server provides the ability to perform initial file synchronization for static filesexisted in the source directory before the file synchronization command was started for thefirst time. In order to enable initial file synchronization for a sync command, open the main

    command page and select the 'Enable Initial File Synchronization' option. By default, initial filesynchronization is performed when the IronSync server is idle, paused when a large number ofreal-time sync actions should be performed and automatically resumed when the number ofpending sync actions drops below a user-configurable limit.

    The 'Initial Sync Start Limit' option sets the number of pending file system changes or pendingsync actions triggering the start of the initial file synchronization operation. The 'Initial SyncStop Limit' option sets the number of pending file system changes or pending sync actionstriggering the stop of the initial file synchronization operation. For example, when the numberof pending sync actions drops below the start limit, the initial file sync operation is resumedand when the number of pending actions raises above the stop limit, the initial sync operationis paused.

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    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    File Matching Rules

    Sometimes, it may be required to synchronize files related to a specific file type or categoryaccording to user-specific needs while skipping all other files. IronSync Server allows one tospecify which types of files should be synchronized by a file synchronization command. Theuser is provided with the ability to synchronize files by the file name, extension, directory, file

    type, size, text or binary patterns, etc.

    For example, IronSync Server allows one configure a file synchronization command to sync alltypes of documents with the file size more than 10 MB and the file name beginning with

    'IRONSYNC' while skipping all other files not matching the specified rules. In order to configure

    file matching rules for a command, open the command page and press the 'Rules' button. Onthe 'Rules' page press the 'Add Rule' button, select an appropriate rule type, operator, a rulevalue and press the 'Save' button.

    IronSync Server allows one to add an unlimited number of file matching rules for each filesynchronization command with each one configured to match files by a specific file property.

    In addition, advanced users are provided with the ability configure an unlimited number ofhierarchical nested rules combined with logical operators and allowing one to precisely selecttypes of files that should be synchronized.

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    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    File Synchronization Options

    Additional file synchronization options may be controlled on the 'File Sync Options' page. Inorder to open the file synchronization options page open the file synchronization commandpage and press the 'Options' button.

    Sync File Attributes - select this option if you wish to sync file attributes for all filescopied from the source to the destination directory (by default this option is enabled).

    Sync User/Group Security Descriptor - select this option if you wish to copy fileownership information for all files copied from the source to the destination directory(by default this option is disabled).

    Sync Discretionary Access Control Lists (DACL) - select this option if you wish tocopy DACLs for all files copied from the source to the destination directory (by defaultthis option is disabled).

    Sync System Access Control List (SACL) - select this option if you wish to copySACLs for all files copied from the source to the destination directory (by default this

    option is disabled). Skip System Files and Directories - select this option if you wish to skip all system

    files and directories from the file synchronization process (by default this option isenabled).

    Skip Hidden Files and Directories - select this option if you wish to skip all hiddenfiles and directories from the file synchronization process (by default this option isenabled).

    Bit-Level File Synchronization - select this option if you wish to copy only changeddata blocks for files that should be synchronized (by default this option is disabled).

    Verify Files After Copy - select this option if you wish to verify each file copied tothe destination directory (by default this option is disabled).

    * All security related options require administrative privileges and the IronSync service needsto be configured to run under a user account having enough permissions to access all therequired network shares and perform DACL and SACL copy operations.

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    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    Excluding Directories From File Synchronization

    Sometimes, it may be required to exclude one or more subdirectories from the filesynchronization process. For example, if you need to synchronize two directories excludingone or two special subdirectories, you may specify the top level directories as the source anddestination directories and add the subdirectories that should be skipped to the exclude list.

    In order to add one or more directories to the exclude list, open the file synchronizationcommand configuration page, press the 'Advanced Options' button and add one or moredirectories to the exclude directories list separated by the semicolon (;) character. All files andsubdirectories located in the specified exclude directories will be excluded from the file

    synchronization process.

    In addition, advanced users are provided with a number of exclude directories macrocommands allowing one to exclude multiple directories using a single macro command.IronSync Server provides the following exclude directories macro commands:

    $BEGINS - this macro command excludes all directories beginningwith the specified text string.

    $CONTAINS - this macro command excludes all directoriescontaining the specified text string.

    $ENDS - this macro command excludes all directories ending with thespecified text string.

    $REGEX - this macro command excludes directoriesmatching the specified regular expression.

    For example, the exclude macro command '$CONTAINS Temporary Files' will exclude alldirectories with 'Temporary Files' at any place in the full directory path and the exclude macrocommand '$REGEX \.(TMP|TEMP)$' will exclude directories ending with '.TMP' or '.TEMP'.

  • 7/28/2019 IronSync File Sync Server


    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    Using IronSync to Synchronize Network Shares

    By default, the IronSync service is configured to run under the local system account, which isgood to synchronize local disks and directories. On the other hand, the local system accountdoes not have permissions to access network shares and NAS storage devices.

    In order to enable IronSync Server to synchronize files to network shares and NAS storagedevices, the IronSync service should be configured to run under a user account, which haspermissions to create files and directories on the required network shares.

    The configuration is very simple and may be performed within a couple of seconds using thefollowing step-by-step guide:

    1. Open the Windows control panel and click on the 'Administrative Tools' utility.

    2. Open the Services control center and find the 'IronSync Server' service.3. Open the 'IronSync Server' service, select the 'General' tab and stop the service.4. Select the 'Log On' tab and specify a user account to use for the IronSync service.5. Select the 'General' tab and start the 'IronSync Server' service.

    Now, the IronSync service will run under the specified user account and will have exactly the

    same permissions as the specified account when accessing network shares and NAS storagedevices.

  • 7/28/2019 IronSync File Sync Server


    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    Configuring IronSync Server

    IronSync Server provides a variety of configuration options allowing one to easily integrate theproduct into a user-specific network environment. In order to open the main settings page,click on the 'Settings' link located on the top menu bar.

    Configuring User Name and Password

    The IronSync Server web-based management console, requires users to login with a IronSync

    user name and password. The default user name and password is set to: admin/admin. Inaddition, IronSync Server provides the ability to set a custom user name and/or password forthe IronSync web-based management interface and the command line utility, which may beused to automate configuration and management tasks.

    In order to set a custom user name and password, click on the 'Configure Server Login' linklocated on the main settings page, enter a new user name and password and press the 'Save'


  • 7/28/2019 IronSync File Sync Server


    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    Configuring Error Handling Options

    IronSync Server provides a number of advanced error handing, recovery and notificationoptions. In order to open the error handling page, go to the main settings page and click onthe 'Logs and Notifications' link.

    Default error handling settings should be good enough for most users, but if required, the user

    is provided with the ability to customize the maximum number of errors per sync command,the maximum number of consecutive errors, the maximum number of retries to perform foreach locked file and the initial retry delay.

    In addition, IronSync Server provides the ability to set a global logs directory and/or a globalnotification E-Mail address to send notifications about failed file synchronization commands. Ifthe global logs directory and/or error notifications are enabled, IronSync will save error logs

    and/or send notifications for all failed file synchronization commands. File synchronizationcommands explicitly configured to save error logs to a different directory and/or sendnotifications to a different E-Mail address take precedence over the global settings.

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    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    Configuring Server Control and Web Access Ports

    IronSync Server uses the TCP/IP port 9142 as the default server control port and the TCP/IPport 80 as the default web access port. Sometimes, these ports may be in use by some othersoftware products or system services. If one or both of these ports are in use, IronSync will beunable to operate properly and the user needs to change the IronSync server control port

    and/or web access port.

    In order to set a custom server control port and/or web access port, click on the 'Setup ServerPorts' link located on the main settings page, select the 'Use Custom Port' option and enter acustom port number to use. If the IronSync server should be controlled through the network,make sure the custom ports are open in the server's firewall.

    Configuring E-Mail Notifications

    IronSync Server provides the ability to send E-Mail notifications when a file synchronizationcommand fails due to a hardware problem. In order to configure an SMTP E-Mail server to useto send E-Mail notifications, click on the 'Configure E-Mail Server' link located on the main

    settings page, enter the SMTP server host name, SMTP server port, SMTP user name,password and the source E-Mail address to use to send E-Mail notifications.

  • 7/28/2019 IronSync File Sync Server


    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    Command Line Utility

    In addition to the web-based management interface, IronSync Server provides a commandline utility, which may be used to control, manage and configure one or more IronSyncServers locally or through the network. By default, the IronSync command line utility islocated in the '\bin' directory.

    The command line utility may be executed with a variety of command line parameters andoptions allowing one to automate control, configuration and management of one or more

    IronSync Servers using batch files or shell scripts. For detailed information about availablecommand line options, execute the command line utility with the '-help' command lineparameter.

  • 7/28/2019 IronSync File Sync Server


    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    Product Update Procedure

    Flexense develops IronSync Server using a fast release cycle with minor product versions,updates and bug fixes released almost every month and major product versions releasedevery year. New product versions and product updates are published on the product web siteand may be downloaded from the following page: http://www.ironsync.com/downloads.html.

    Due to the fact that the product is especially designed for servers running in productionenvironments where stability is a major decision factor, IronSync Server updates should bemanually performed by the user. In order to update an existing product installation, download

    the latest product version and just start the setup program.

    The IronSync Server setup program will properly shutdown the running IronSync Server,update the product and restart the IronSync service after finishing the update procedure. Allproduct configuration files, configured file synchronization commands and product registrationwill remain valid and there is nothing to reconfigure or manage after the update.

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    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    Product Registration Procedure

    Within a couple of hours after purchasing a product license, the customer will receive two e-mail messages: the first one confirming the payment and the second one containing an unlockkey, which should be used to register the product. If you will not receive your unlock keywithin 24 hours, please check your spam box and if the unlock key is not in the spam box

    contact our support team: [email protected].

    If the computer where IronSync Server is installed on is connected to the Internet, login to theIronSync web-based management interface (default user name and password: admin/admin)

    using a standard web browser, click on the 'About' link located on the top menu bar, press the'Register' button, enter your name or your company name, enter the received unlock key andpress the 'Register' button.

    If the computer is not connected to the Internet, press the 'Manual Registration' button,

    export the product ID file and send the product ID file to [email protected] as anattachment. Within a couple of hours, you will receive an unlock file, which should be importedin order to finish the registration procedure.

  • 7/28/2019 IronSync File Sync Server


    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.


    OEM Product Version

    Flexense provides system integrators, value-added distributors and IT service providers withthe ability to resell IronSync Server and/or provide services based on the product under third-party brand names. Resellers and integrators are provided with the ability to change theproduct name, the product web site address, the product vendor name and the product vendor

    web site address.

    In order to be able to set custom OEM product and vendor information, the user needs toregister the product using a special OEM-Enabled unlock key, which may be purchased on the

    product purchase page. Once the product is registered using an OEM unlock key, open the'About' page, press the 'Set OEM Info' button, specify your custom OEM product and vendorinformation and press the 'Save' button.

    Custom OEM product and vendor information will be displayed on all pages of the IronSync

    web-based management interface, in all types of reports generated by the product and allnotification E-Mail messages sent by IronSync Server.

  • 7/28/2019 IronSync File Sync Server


    IronSync File Synchronization Server Flexense Ltd.

    Supported Operating Systems

    32-Bit Operating Systems

    Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2012

    64-Bit Operating Systems

    Windows XP 64-Bit Windows Vista 64-Bit Windows 7 64-Bit Windows 8 64-Bit Windows Server 2003 64-Bit Windows Server 2008 64-Bit Windows Server 2012 64-Bit

    System Requirements

    Minimal System Configuration

    Supported Operating System Single Core 1 GHz or better CPU 512 MB of system memory 25 MB of free disk space

    Recommended System Configuration

    Supported Operating System Dual Core 2 GHz or better CPU 1 GB of system memory 25 MB of free disk space

    * Internet Explorer v9, FireFox v12 or Chrome v17 or newer is required for proper operation ofthe web-based management interface.
