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IS 3163 (1965): Rice Polish - Public.Resource.Org · IS.3163-1_ 4.3 The bags may also be marked...

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Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. इंटरनेट मानक !ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-णSatyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफJawaharlal Nehru “Step Out From the Old to the New” जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकारMazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” !ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह Bharthari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 3163 (1965): Rice Polish [FAD 5: Livestock Feeds, Equipment and Systems]
Page 1: IS 3163 (1965): Rice Polish - Public.Resource.Org · IS.3163-1_ 4.3 The bags may also be marked with the lSI Certification Mark. No,..- The use of the lSI Certification Mark is governed

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

इंटरनेट मानक

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda

“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”Jawaharlal Nehru

“Step Out From the Old to the New”

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार”Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan

“The Right to Information, The Right to Live”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता है”Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam

“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”

“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”


IS 3163 (1965): Rice Polish [FAD 5: Livestock Feeds,Equipment and Systems]

Page 2: IS 3163 (1965): Rice Polish - Public.Resource.Org · IS.3163-1_ 4.3 The bags may also be marked with the lSI Certification Mark. No,..- The use of the lSI Certification Mark is governed
Page 3: IS 3163 (1965): Rice Polish - Public.Resource.Org · IS.3163-1_ 4.3 The bags may also be marked with the lSI Certification Mark. No,..- The use of the lSI Certification Mark is governed
Page 4: IS 3163 (1965): Rice Polish - Public.Resource.Org · IS.3163-1_ 4.3 The bags may also be marked with the lSI Certification Mark. No,..- The use of the lSI Certification Mark is governed



( Third Reprint DECEMBER 1988 )

UDC 636.085:633.18

REAFFIRMED!i~ .:• ~~;",~ flHi'lt

r'ft. ....l.a;•.4

Gr 2

@ CopyriXht J96S


NBW DELHI 110002


xxxxxx 2009

Page 5: IS 3163 (1965): Rice Polish - Public.Resource.Org · IS.3163-1_ 4.3 The bags may also be marked with the lSI Certification Mark. No,..- The use of the lSI Certification Mark is governed



RICE POLISH .Animal Feeds Sectional Committee, AFDC 15

RI/WI,IIIIiII,In perianal capacity ( 19/20PrudGbi Bill'" 1HlIai J4)

M",.6I"SBId V. P. AlfA1ftAKABAYAlIA1f Directorate or Marketing It 'Inspection (Ministry or

Food It Agneulture ), NagpurS••I V. CBA.DBAJlOVLY (AI""..,,)

DB B. P. BALlcu The Tata Oil Mills Co Ltd, BombaySJIJU M. C. BADAJII (AI"".." )

SIOI R. S. B.....DA. Bhandari Croefieldl (Pvt.) Ltd, Indore atySBBI N. N. JAIlf ( '""'''''')

81181 E. BoLO.. The Eat Asiatic Compaay (India) PrIvate Ltd,Madras

DB V. C. MBftA (AI"",.,,)Da S. Boa Indian Veterinary Research Inltitute, lzataapr8II&I D. R. CBAWLA The D.C.M. Chemical Worb. Delhi

DB, GlaDBA.. UL ( AI"",.,. )SBBI A. W. c.oUBT Shaw Wallace It Company Umited, Calcutta

&B81 P. r. C. SIGG... ( .41"".." )8••1 H. M. DALAYA Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producen' URiOD

Limited, Anandn. M. K. SBA. (AI"""',)

81181 G. S. GoDBOLlD Dairy .Development Commiuioner, Government orMaharuhtra

Al811T••T DAlBY DJlVIILOP.JDIfT ADy... ( All""." )

5••• R. V. JV••ABUB The ~il Starch Products Ltd, AhmedabadS.. R. C. MODY ( AI"",." )

Da K.. K. ·K.uuAPI'A P&zer Private Ltd, BombayDa A. C. AaoaA ( AI,."." )

LI'Y••~OOK DJlV.LOJ-•••~ Livestock Development Adviser (MiDiatry ofFoodAD.... & Apiculture )

8Jw H.J. Md1lUAIII (AI"""")n. V. MAlrADIIV£Jf Indian Veteriaary Raearch In.litute, lam...SIIBI It. PAL.unYUIt... T. Stane. & Company Limited, Coimbatore8II&I RAIl SAaw Indian Council of Alricultural Raearcb, New Delhi

SIIBI 8.. 0. KIln. (AI"",.,.)


D.- B.SABAI ( AI"",.,. )SIIBI H. S. GnVDAI

SB" S. 'I..o.v(AI,."..,,)Da K. K.IYA

Volta Limited, Bombay

Dairy Development Adviser (Ministry or Food &Apic:ulture )


NBW DBLHI 110002

Page 6: IS 3163 (1965): Rice Polish - Public.Resource.Org · IS.3163-1_ 4.3 The bags may also be marked with the lSI Certification Mark. No,..- The use of the lSI Certification Mark is governed

III 318' • 1965

( CMIitt",d/,. /MIll )

M,.", R./WIslftlila,DB. S. N. RAY National Dairy Reaearell Inatitute. K.amaI

DB. M. L. MAT.VB ( M,."."" )DJ& H. C. SAXB.A . Hindustan Lever Limited, Bombay

SBBI J. A. WOOD (.41"..,,)Da IC.. C. S.. In ~nonal capacity ( I031odh~ Ptri. C'*"'IIJ JJ )Da G. S. SIDHU PuDjab Apicultural Univenity, Ludhiua

S8U ATJU SmGB KOCBBA. ( .AI",." )DB S. K. TALA••'!'.. V'.P. CoD•. of Veterinary Scieuce and Animal

lIusbandry, ~thuraSJIBI S. P. VDMAKI Jawala PlOUf Mills, New Delhi

D. A. P. SAoBDav (AI,ma.")SBBJ TvLalD.. M. VII.... The Bombay Oilseed. It Oils EachaDle Ltd,

BombaySBJU P. H. RA....'1'IIAK, DirectOf, lSI (&-.jiri. M._)

Aaiatant Director (Api atFood)

SImMr:1S8m G. S. VILKII11

Bttra Alaiatant Director (Api It Food), lSI

Grain By-products 81 Livestock Feed Subcommittee, AFoo 15: 4

Indian Council of Apicultural R.aarch, New Delhi


Da M. K. SUB


S••I R. C. bRA ( ~,,,,,,.,, toShri Ram Sarup )

n.' M. L. MAt'BUa Southern lleKional Station or National Dairy1leIearch IDititute, BanDlore

D•. B. M. PADL Western lleBional Animal N'utritioD Station, ADaDdDa H. G. R.. !bmDY Directorate General 01 Tcdmica1~

( Miniltry or Ind.-try )Dairy. Development CommiliioDer. GovernlDCDt of'

MabaruhtraKaim Diltrict Co-operative Milk Producen' UoioD

Umited, AnaDil


Page 7: IS 3163 (1965): Rice Polish - Public.Resource.Org · IS.3163-1_ 4.3 The bags may also be marked with the lSI Certification Mark. No,..- The use of the lSI Certification Mark is governed


IS 3163: 1965 SPECIFICATION FOR RICE POLISH( Page4, Table 1 ) - Substitute thefollowing for theexistingtable:

TABLE1 REQmREMENTS FOR RICE POLISH( Clauses 2.2, S.2, 5.3 antl6.l )


ClauseNo.of IS 7874 Appendix of(Part 1) : 1975· ThisStandard

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

i) Moisture, percent by mass,MfIX 10.0 4

ii) Crudeprotein (nitrogen )(6.25), 11.0 5percent bymass, Min

iii) Cruderac or etherexine&, percent 15.0 7bym... Mill

iv) Crudefibre, percent by mass,Ma 4.0 8

v) TotalISh, percent by mus, Max 10.0 A

vi) Acidiasoluble uh, perceDt 1.5 10by mass,No

NOTE- The requirements foritems(ii) 10(vi)are ODmoisture-free basis.

-Methods of testsfor animal feedsand feedinlstuffs: Part 1 General methods.

*(Page 5, clause 5.1, line2 ) - Substitute 'C of IS 2052 : 1979·' for 'A of

IS : 2052-1962*'.

( Page S, foot-note with c.' nuJrk ) - Substitute 'Specification for compouDdedfeeds forcattle( thirdrwisitlll)' for tbe existingtitle.

(Page 6, clause6.1, lines 2 and3 ) - SuIBtitute '3.1 of IS 7874 (part 1) :1975·' lor &C-l.1 of IS 20S2: 1962·'.

( Page 6, clause 6.z, line 1 ) - Substitute cIS 1070: 1992t' for 'IS: 1070•1960'•

( Page6,Appenda A, clauseA-I.I, lines1 lind2) - Substitute &AppendixC of IS 2052 : 1979*'/or 'C-Z.1 of IS : 2052 - 1962·'.


Page 8: IS 3163 (1965): Rice Polish - Public.Resource.Org · IS.3163-1_ 4.3 The bags may also be marked with the lSI Certification Mark. No,..- The use of the lSI Certification Mark is governed

Amend No.1 to IS 3163 : 1"5

( Page 6, foot-note with '.' mark)- Substitute CMethods of a.ts (oranimal feedsandfeedina stuffs: Part 1Gelleral methods' for tbe existingtitle.

( Page 6, foot-note with Ct' mark) - Substitute 'Reap.' I"" Wiler ( dtirJrevision)' fortheexisting title.

( Page 6 ) - Add the following foot-note at theend:

'*SpecificatioD forcompounded fcods forcattle( tltir4 revision ).'

(FADS)RePJOlllpby Utile 81S, NewDelbi,Ildia


Page 9: IS 3163 (1965): Rice Polish - Public.Resource.Org · IS.3163-1_ 4.3 The bags may also be marked with the lSI Certification Mark. No,..- The use of the lSI Certification Mark is governed




o. FOR E W 0 R D

0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institu­tion on 8 July 1965, after. the draft finalized by the Animal FeedsSectional Committee had been approved by the Agricultural and FoodProducts Division Council.

0.2 Rice polish is a common livestock feed in India. The fonnulation ofthis standard was undertaken by the Animal Feeds Sectional Co~ittee

in accordance with its programme planned for the formulation of IndianStandards for the various livestock fe~ds used in this country.

0.3 This standard contains il clause ( SII 3.1 ) which calls for an ap-eementbetween the purchaser and the vendor at the time of placing orden.

0.4 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of thisItandard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, express­ing the result of a test or analysis, st.all be rounded off in accordance withIS : 2·1960·. The number of significant places retained in the rounded offvalue should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.


1.1 This standard prescribes the requirements and the methods of test forrice polish fOr use as livestock feed.


2.1 o.8cftpdoa - Rice polish, 'also known as C rice polishinp t isthe finely powdered material obtained in ~polishiDg the rice kemels, afterthe hulls and bran have been removed. The material shall be free &omadulterants, musty and stale odourvsour or rancid taste, and from lumps,dirt and extraneous matter including iron or other metallic pieces. Thematerial shall be free from fungus or insect infestation.

2.2 The material shall also conform to the req uirementl prescribed inTable 1.

-R.ula for roundin. 08" Ilumerical valuea ( "iii.. ).


Page 10: IS 3163 (1965): Rice Polish - Public.Resource.Org · IS.3163-1_ 4.3 The bags may also be marked with the lSI Certification Mark. No,..- The use of the lSI Certification Mark is governed

•• 3163 • 1965


( CltIIUIS 2.2, 5.2, 5.3.. 6.1 )







MB'l'BOD OJ' TBBT, Il... '1'0An I

, Appendix in Appendix in thi.IS: 2052·1962* Specification








i) Moisture, percent by weight, Maii) Crude protein (nitrogen X 6·25 ),

percent by weight, Mi.iii) Crude rat or ether extract, percent 15'0

by weight, Miniv) C~de fibre, percent by weight, Mav) Total ash, percent by weight, Mavi) Acid insoluble ash, percent by

weight, Ma

NOTB - The requirements from items (ii) to (vi) are on moisture-free basis•

• Specification for balanced feed mixtures for cattle. (Since revised ).



3.1 Unless otherwise agreed to between the purchaser and the vendor. thematerial shall be packed' in sound jute bags. The mouth of each bag shallbe either machine..titehed or rolled over and hand..titched with strongjute twine.


4.1 Each bag shall be marked ·with the following information:

a) Name of the material.b) Name of the manufacturer, andc) Net weight in kg.

4.2 Each bag shall also contain a leaflet u. well u have a tag securelyattached to it on the outside with the followiDg information:

a) Name of the material,b) Batchor code number,c) Guaranteed compositioD,. andd) Date of packing. ~,.


Page 11: IS 3163 (1965): Rice Polish - Public.Resource.Org · IS.3163-1_ 4.3 The bags may also be marked with the lSI Certification Mark. No,..- The use of the lSI Certification Mark is governed

IS. 3163-1_

4.3 The bags may also be marked with the lSI Certification Mark.No,.. - The use of the lSI Certification Mark is governed by the pro\·isions of the

Indian Standardl Institution ( Certification Marks) Act and the Rules and Regulationsmadc thereunder. The lSI Mark on products covered by an Indian Standardconveys the assurance that they have been prod~ced tc? comp1r with the requirementsor that standard under a well-defined srstem of mspecnon, testIng and qualitr controlwhich is devised and supervised by IS and operated by the producer. IS markedproducts arc al80 continuously checked by lSI for conformity to that standard as afurther lafepard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the use of the lSICertification Mark may be granted to manufacturers or prccessors, may be obtainedfrom the Indian Standards Institution.


5.1 Representative samples of the material for tests shall be drawn accord­ing to the method prescribed in Appendix A of IS : 2052-1962*.

5.2 Namber 01 Teau - Tests for crude fat, crude fibre, and acid insolu­ble ash shall be conducted individually on each of the samples constitutinga let of test samples while the tests for the remaining characteristics speci­fied in Table I, shall be conducted on the composite sample.

5.3 CrIteria lor Coalonnlty - A lot shall be considered as conformingto the specification, when:

a) each' of the test results for crude fat, crude fibre and acidinsoluble 8Ih satisfies the requirements as specified in Table I;and

b) the test results on the composite sample satisfy the requirementsfor the remaining characteristics specified in Table 1.

5.3.1 If one or more test results do not satisfy the requirements forcrude Cat, crude fibre and acid insoluble ash, the following procedure shallbe adopted· for determining the conformity of the material of these threecharacterisqp:

Calculate the mean and range as follows:

M (X- ) Sum of the test resultse~ == Number of test samples

Range (R) == Difference between the maximum and theminimum value, of the test results

The feCJuirementa for crude fat, crude fibre, and acid insoluble ashshall be coDSldered al fulfilled, if:

K- 0-4 R is equal to or greater than the requirement for crude fat,and

X + 0-4 R is lea than or equal to the requirements for crude fibreand acid iDlOluble ash•

•SpecllCatioafor balaDced feed miatura Cor catde. {Since revised ).


Page 12: IS 3163 (1965): Rice Polish - Public.Resource.Org · IS.3163-1_ 4.3 The bags may also be marked with the lSI Certification Mark. No,..- The use of the lSI Certification Mark is governed

IS 13163.1.

5.3.2 If the requirements for all the remaining characteristics are Dotsatisfied 'after testing the composite sample, a test or testJ for thecharacteristic(s) not satisfying the requirement(s) shall be made on eachof the test samples in the set. If the test results obtained on the individualsamples satisfy' the requirement(s) of the specification for the relevantcharacteristic(s), then the lot shall be considered as having 'atisfied therequirementfs] in respect of such characteristic(s).


6.1 The tests shall be carried out as prescribed in the relevant appendi~eI

specified in col 4 and 5 of Table 1 with the exception that 0.1.1 ofIS: 2052·1962· which prescribes the grinding of the material before ana­Iysi~, is not applicable in this case.&.2 Pure chemicals and distilled water (SII IS: I070-1960t) shall be em-ployed in tests. "-

Non - • Pure chemicals' shall mean cbemicala that do not contain impuritiea wblclb·afFect the experimental raults.

APPENDIX A[ Table 1, Item (V)]



A-I.I Weigh accurately about 2 g of the dried material ('11 C.2.1 ofIS : 2052·1962· ) in a tared porcelain, silica or platinum dish. Ignite withthe flame of a Meker burner for about one hour. Complete the ipitionby keeping in a muftle furnace at 6000 ± 20°0 until grey ash results. Coolin a desiccator and weigh. Ignite the dish again in the muffle" furnace for~o minutes, cool and weigh. Repeat this process until the difference inweight between the two successive weighings is less than one milligram.Note the lowest weight.


A-2.1 Total ash (on moisture-free basis), _ 100 ( W, - W)percent by weight - WI _ W

whereWI = the lowest weight in g of the dish with the ash,W = weight in g of the empty dish, andWI = weight in g of the dish with the dried material taken for

the test.

·Specification for balanced feed mixtures (or cattle.tSpecification for wa&er, distilled quality ( ",,;.tl).


Page 13: IS 3163 (1965): Rice Polish - Public.Resource.Org · IS.3163-1_ 4.3 The bags may also be marked with the lSI Certification Mark. No,..- The use of the lSI Certification Mark is governed



{2 184331641


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TRIVANDRUM 89&001.In,pectlon Offlc. ( Wlth'S.,. Point ):Institution of Engine.,. ( Indl.) Building, 1332 Shlv_jI Nlglr, &243&

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t ••I•• Oftlc,ln C.'cuttl I. It 5 Chow'ln..... Att,ro.lt. '.0.;"'....., 27 1100't'll•. Calcutt. 700072 ..,

Reproaraphy Unit t iIS'~ New Delh,l,. India
