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Social Circle Training Special Report: IS COLD APPROACH KILLING YOUR SEX LIFE? Written by: Greg Greenway www.socialcircletraining.com


Social Circle Training Special Report:


Written by:

Greg Greenway





2011  ©  www.thesocialsupremacyblueprint.com    


It probably is, but you don’t know it. Do you want to revive it?

Keep reading.

Social Circle Game is to women what Passive Income is to wealth.

Most people understand that to truly be financially secure and to create real

wealth, you need passive sources of income.

This is generally accepted right?

If the only time you make money is when you go to work, then you aren’t being

efficient with your time, knowledge or expertise. If you find a way to package your

knowledge into goods and services that can be sold to a large audience, you can

effectively make money while you sleep.

Regular income:

Sleeping? No money...

Holiday? No money...



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Sick or injured? No money...

Jobless? No money...

Passive income:

Sleeping? Still making money...

Taking a shit? Still making money...

On holiday? Still making money...

Sick or injured? Guess what? Still making money...

Which is better?

Passive income, obviously.

Well Social Circle Game is to women what passive income is to money.

Social Circle Game is PASSIVE PUSSY

I have not opened or cold approached a girl in 2011. I have slept with somewhere

between 20-30 women this year!

That’s like scoring goals without ever being on the pitch.



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After I broke up with my last girlfriend towards the end of last year, I have casually

been dropping hints to girls in my social circle that I’m looking to settle down with

some top quality girl and start making babies.

Guess what has happened?

All my female friends, are literally throwing their single girlfriends pussy’s in my

face. I literally have a bunch of minions getting me dates and introducing me to

women because I’ve effectively managed my social circle.

You want to be surrounded by women who are not only beautiful, but are a perfect

match for your interests?

You want to have quantity and quality?

Well, the answer is Social Circle Game.

Social Circle Game = Passive Pussy

Getting more pussy without actually having to do anything extra.



2011  ©  www.thesocialsupremacyblueprint.com    

Have a look at the week of two different guys. Guy 1 only uses cold approach; Guy

2 uses Social Circle Training:

If you can already get pussy, being social (in the right way) is going to get you

more pussy than you could possibly imagine.

Let’s look at 2 guys, and say they both have the same level of game, and are

starting off with zero women.

Guy 1

Saturday Night

At a social gathering, he picks his target; he seduces, escalates, and closes. Well

done he fucked 1 girl.

Sunday Night

Guy 1 wants more pussy. Calls girl from last night. She’s busy. Oh shit, Guy 1,

doesn’t have any other options. Guess he has to go out and look for more pussy.

He doesn’t find any girls that meet his standards, so he goes home and makes

love to his right hand.

Monday Night

Same as Sunday, maybe he’ll get lucky, maybe he won’t. He wants more pussy,



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he has to go out and look for it.

Tues – Fri

Girl 1 keeps flaking so he goes out a couple more times. He meets more girls, but

due to cock blocks, ASD, LMR and a whole bunch of other stuff he gets no more


Guy 1, end of week lay count = 1

Guy 2

Saturday Night

Goes out with his social circle, and meets many women and people. Using Social

Circle Training techniques, he has many women fighting for his attention. 5

different women ask for his number, which he happily gives out. He picks his

favourite woman; he seduces, escalates and closes. Lay count = 1.

Sunday Night

Girl 1 flaked. No problem, calls up one of the other girls that he spoke to last night.

After a bit of chat, it’s obvious she wants his dingaling. Goes for late night

cocktails. He seduces, escalates, he closes.

Lay count = 2.



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Monday morning

Finds out that Girl 2 is bi-sexual.

He phones Girl 1 and invites her over.

Monday Night

Has 3some with Girls 1 and 2.

Lay count = 3* (* for legend)

Tuesday Night

Wants to take a break, and chill. Another girl from Saturday who met him through

is social circle calls him up. He arranges for Thursday.

Wednesday Night

Girls 1 and 2, talk about their 3some with Guy 1 to Girl 3. (Girls 1,2 and 3 are all

part of the same social scene/circle) Girl 3 gets turned on, and wants a piece of

the action.

Thursday Night

He goes on date with Girl 3. She’s already heard of his sexual prowess, and the

close is a done deal. He seduces, escalates and closes.

Lay count = 4



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Friday Night

He realizes he still has 2 more girls from the party last week he hasn’t even spoken

to yet…....

Guy 2, end of week lay count = 4 (including a 3some)

Guy 2 has a week typical of anyone who is using Social Circle Training properly.

Can you imagine having a life where you are sitting at home minding your own

business, and a friend of yours brings over 3-5 new girls to your place just to meet



Cold approach doesn’t do that...

Day Game doesn’t do that...

Online game doesn’t do that...

Text and phone game doesn’t do that...

Social Circle Training is a philosophy for your entire life. All other types of game are

just skill-sets.



2011  ©  www.thesocialsupremacyblueprint.com    

Think of it this way,

Day Game,

Cold Approach,

Dance floor Game,

Online Game,

Text/Phone Game,

And any other type of game I missed,

Can be compared to “free throws”, in basketball or “penalties” in soccer. If you

want to get great at basketball, you don’t just go and learn free throws do you?

They can help and are an important part of the game, but on their own won’t help

you that much with your game.

Same with penalties in soccer. If all you know about soccer is how to take a

penalty kick, then you’re never going to be that good at soccer.

Cold approach, Day Game, Text Game, Online Game etc are valid tools to have in

your skill set, but if you’re using it as the staple for getting you laid YOU’RE




2011  ©  www.thesocialsupremacyblueprint.com    

Sorry to be so harsh, but your success is the most important thing to me, and this

is the one thing in this community that drives me mental. Why are so many

insistent on using an inefficient method for getting laid?

It’s like insisting on recording cassettes so you can listen to music on a Walkman,

when everyone with a brain is using MP3 players.

Or accountants are taught double entry bookkeeping, doesn’t mean they actively

use it...they have enough sense to use a more efficient system like a computer.

Yeah it can be fucking done the hard way, but why not do it better, more easily

and more efficiently?

Let me give you an example:

A certain very famous PUA by his own admission went out NIGHT after NIGHT for

9months Cold Approaching before he got good. He then spent another 3 or so

years practicing; and he said in an interview his lay count is between 30-50.


30-50 lays!!!




2011  ©  www.thesocialsupremacyblueprint.com    

Honestly, if you ask me, that is just insane.

If you seriously think that is an effective use of your time, then cool, stop reading

this right now.

Even if you started from 0 as in super AFC bordering on no social skills (assuming

you a had no mental health issues) It would take a couple solid months to be good

at holding a conversation.

Then spend 2 months engineering a social circle with HOT women.

1 week with a FREE stylist to sort out your look. So your now 3-4 months in, and

at this stage you can hold a conversation with a woman, and you have a decent

social circle.

Now go out every night for the next 3 months....you will get laid like a fucking

ROCKSTAR, I fucking guarantee it.

Imagine a Victoria Secrets fashion photographer.

Does he have more game than Cold Approach specialist PUA?


Does he go out “SARGING”?



2011  ©  www.thesocialsupremacyblueprint.com    

Probably not

Does he fuck more Victoria Secret Models (i.e HB10s) than Cold Approach

Specialist PUA?

Very fucking likely.

WHY? Cos he has a life where hot women are around him, and because all his

approaches will be WARM, he is more likely to close with much less effort.

Obviously not everyone can be a VS photographer, but anyone can engineer a life

and create an environment where women are around them all the time.

Social Circle creates Warm Approaches

A “cold approach”, is when you approach a woman who is a complete stranger

that knows nothing about you and you attempt to have an interaction with that




2011  ©  www.thesocialsupremacyblueprint.com    

Every cold approach starts at zero. Your fashion, look, confidence in approach,

body language and tonality can all help move you away from zero when you first

say hello, but in cold approach you ALWAYS start from zero.

The goal of Social Circle Game is to make your approaches warm, so you’re

starting close to 100 in every interaction that you have. You will still need to have

all your shit together, as you would in a cold approach, but the benefit is, you have

a lot less way to go before you reach the “significant relationship”, stage.

Social Circle Game means HOTTER chicks

Let’s be completely honest. How often do you see women like this:



2011  ©  www.thesocialsupremacyblueprint.com    

I’d like you and your friends/wings to try something out. It will show you just how

limited Cold Approach is. Go out with a wing or even better one or 2 wings for a

month. You are only allowed to interact with 9s and 10s. She’s only a 9/10 if you

and ALL your wings 100% agree she’s a 9/10. If she’s not a 9/10, YOU HAVE TO

END THE INTERACTION. You’re only allowed to go for 9s and 10s.

Do this and see how many 9s and 10s you fuck....scratch that see how many 9s

and 10s YOU MEET in that month.



2011  ©  www.thesocialsupremacyblueprint.com    

Women of immense beauty are rare, but for some reason united in their rarity in

certain social circles. If you are able to ACCESS these social circles the quality of

women you will meet, will go through the roof.

Social Circle Game means BETTER chicks for you

Make a list of all the things you want in a woman. Now, when you go out and

about, and you meet a new woman through cold approach. You know nothing

about her. You have to qualify and screen her to make sure she meets your


This can become quite frustrating if you have high standards in behaviour and


What if you could have a social circle, where all the women in that social circle

where already pre-approved and screened for certain qualities that you desire?

Imagine how great that would be?

A social circle where I know all the women I meet fit my standards. That means I

can just spend time getting to know her and connecting with her.

Social Circle Game is Consistent



2011  ©  www.thesocialsupremacyblueprint.com    

I love Day game. I absolutely love it. Being able to just walk up to a chick any time,

anywhere and talk to her, connect with her and seduce her is amazing.

It has proved valuable to my sex life.

The one thing, I don’t like about Day Game is the consistency. Sometimes I could

walk around literally for hours and not see a woman who I would consider

stunningly beautiful. It’s one thing for me to date a girl who I’ve spoken to and

become attracted to her personality, but if I’m going to go out of my way to stop

and talk to a girl she had better be drop dead gorgeous.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t remember the last time I saw the likes of Rosie

Huntington Whitely, Mila Kunis, Vida Guerra or Beyonce at a supermarket, bank or

just walking down the street. I’d have to spend hours to see a woman like that on

the street, and frankly my time is precious.

Day Game will only get you the girls you “just happen to run into” and that is why

it’s miles behind social circle.

This report is not to bash the likes of Day Game, Online Game, Phone Game, or

the merits of Cold Approach. They are all skills that I use on a regular basis.



2011  ©  www.thesocialsupremacyblueprint.com    

But that is all they are, part of a toolbox. The wider philosophy to adopt is Social

Circle Training. Once you have a basic skill-set of interacting with women, you

should be spending your time engineering a lifestyle where the exact type of

women that you desire is in your life on a consistent basis.

So what exactly is Social Circle Game?

Social Circle Game is the practice of using one's social circle to aid them in their

goals of dating and seducing women. This is very different from just building a

social circle or accessing a social circle for business benefits. Social Circle Game

is targeted at improving your love and sex life.

The main premise of Social Circle Game is that you create situations and

approaches with women that are WARM. Social Circle Game is directed at having

a WARM approach be the worst case scenario, and women actively opening you

as the best case scenario.

Types of Social Circle Game

There are 3 main types of Social Circle Game. Entourage style; going solo; and

building a "dream team" of guys and working that way.



2011  ©  www.thesocialsupremacyblueprint.com    

Each method requires different types of personality, level of effort put in and

approach to mastery. Before I run through a quick break down I need to explain

some concepts so that it makes the break down easier to understand.

SOCIAL INFLUENCE. This is how many people one person can connect with at

any given time. Promoters, PR people, individuals that know everybody have a lot


SOCIAL POWER. This is the possession of control or command over others. Your

boss has SOCIAL POWER over you. The alpha dog has the most SOCIAL

POWER in a social group etc etc.

SOCIAL CIRCLE GAME – Entourage Style

You create a social circle or group that has lots of women. Usually, you will be the

head of this group, and you will be the one charged with doing all the organising.

At the very least, because you created the group you will be most responsible in

setting the rules, and parameters, ensuring that the group stays together.

This style is most common for nightclubs as made popular by famous PUA AFC




2011  ©  www.thesocialsupremacyblueprint.com    

This style requires a lot of work and a personality type that is on the VERY social

side. If you are comfortable being the center of attention, and the life and soul of

the party, this is the style of Social Circle Game to adopt.

In a nutshell, the tactic is to build your entourage and then use the social proof and

pre-selection to take your pick of the women. Because it is a social circle that you

have created, you have the most SOCIAL POWER, and automatically trigger

"value" and "leader of men" attraction switches in women.

In terms of sheer numbers of women, and having women chasing after you, this is

probably the best. I used to exclusively adopt this style of game between 2004-

2007 when I was a consultant for nightclubs and restaurants. I never had to cold

approach, and women on a consistent basis would open me.

The steps to running Entourage style Social Circle Game are as follows:

1. Identify a purpose for your group that is female friendly.

2. Find a source of women and begin adding them to your social circle.

3. Organise regular events for your social circle.

4. Use the attraction generated from pre-selection and your SOCIAL POWER

in the group to date and seduce your IDEAL WOMAN.




2011  ©  www.thesocialsupremacyblueprint.com    

This is probably the most neglected style of Social Circle Game when it comes to

literature in the seduction community. It requires a firm understanding of how

relationships are built and being very socially aware.

With this style, you identify the type of women that you to have in your life. This

can be based on looks, interests personality or all of the above. You then seek out

social circles and groups that will have these types of women. Once you have

found those circles or groups, you must gain ACCESS to the group via virtue of

your relationship with someone in the group.

The easiest member to pick is the people with large amounts of SOCIAL

INFLUENCE. It is there very nature to know and connect with many different

people, and often people with high SOCIAL INFLUENCE have access to a variety

of different social circles. Your relationship must get to a stage with this person via

either rapport or utility, whereby they invite you into one of their social circles.

Once in this group your interactions with women in that circle will be starting at the

very least in a warm state. You then game as normal, bearing in mind whatever the

rules and parameters of that social circle are.



2011  ©  www.thesocialsupremacyblueprint.com    

This style is a lot more flexible, as you are not responsible for any particular social

circle, so therefore it requires less of your effort. It also isn't just reserved to

nightlife. Any social circle in any niche, genre or interest can be accessed this way.

The main difference is you have to be comfortable going out on your own, and

have a solid set of social skills to be able to meet, befriend and align with people

that you like to a level that they will introduce you to their circle of friends. This is

generally more tactical and is more suited to guys who have their shit together.

The biggest advantage of this style is that it's the best way to meet the HOTTEST


Beautiful women (9s and 10s) aren't just sitting around waiting for you to add them

to your social circle. They already belong to a social circle. With this style you can

access that social circle and have ACCESS to women that you wouldn't normally

see or come across in your day to day life.

Once you are among women that you find attractive, you can then qualify on your

other requirements for personality and interests as well.

Steps to running Social Circle Game Solo style:

1. Identify your tastes in women.



2011  ©  www.thesocialsupremacyblueprint.com    

2. Choose an Environment where you will find these types of women.

3. Gain ACCESS into this environment.


This is probably the most suited to PUA's. In this style, a tight social circle of like

minded individuals will come together with the purpose of creating a "dynasty", a

playground of hot women. Each individual in the social circle will have their own

strengths and weaknesses, but all have the common goal of creating an

environment of warm approaches and ACCESS to women.

EG, you have a guy who is good at Day Game; one guy is good at Night Game;

one guy is good at Online Game; another is rich; one guy has all the connections

etc etc.

So what each guy will do is go about their day to day lives and meet women, and

invite them to the "dream teams" activities. This can be any form of social

gathering. As long as each guy is doing this and pulling their weight in the group

you will have the situation where each guy is bringing out a new group of women

to the social gathering. This also creates warm interactions, not as warm as the

other 2 methods, but definitely a lot stronger than pure cold approach.



2011  ©  www.thesocialsupremacyblueprint.com    

At the social gathering all the guys game as normal following the groups rules and

parameters (eg the guy who brought the girls get's the first pick). This is a good

style for those who are sort of in the middle or are just starting out. You have

others to encourage you, there's less of a load on your time as effort is split up,

and you don't have to worry about who you are befriending or aligning with


With this style you still have to do a lot of cold approach and meeting women

outside of the group, but because everyone else is doing that as well, and pooling

their "women", so to speak, you have a lot more options.

Steps to setting up a successful “DREAM TEAM”:

1. Find some guys who have the same goals for dating.

2. Make up a set of rules for the group and it’s purpose.

3. Assign each guy to his “role” in the group (ie, what each person is bringing

to the group.

4. Go out meeting women in your normal routine.

5. Invite the women that you are meeting to the activities of your “DREAM


This is Social Circle Seduction and is a big part of SOCIAL CIRCLE TRAINING; it

is the evolution of Game, and the philosophy of guys who have an abundance of



2011  ©  www.thesocialsupremacyblueprint.com    

beautiful high quality women in their life. Upgrade yourself to the new and

improved version of “Game”, because if you’re sticking to the old style, then cold

approach is KILLING your sex life.

This report is JUST THE BEGINNING. There is still so much I have to teach you to

ensure that you have a life filled with 9s and 10s. I want you to have ACCESS to all

the beautiful women that you want. Email me with your thoughts, results and any

questions you have. But, for now that’s it. I’ll be in touch soon.

Love and Carnage

Greg Greenway

Social Circle Training

[email protected]

