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ISDE Newsletter December 2014

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8/10/2019 ISDE Newsletter December 2014 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/isde-newsletter-december-2014 1/16 A Let Intro Conf ICDE ISDE JDEA ISDE Book ISDE Goal 0 | P a ter from th duction fro rence Repo 2015 ........ Sponsoring Volume 20 . Calendar .... s authored Board of Dir of the Soci Ne So e TABLE President . the Newsl rts ............. .................. Members 2 .................. .................. y ISDE Me ectors 2013 ety ............. wsl iet Newsletter o OF CON .................. etter Editor .................. .................. 14 ............ .................. .................. bers ........ 2015 ...... .................. tte of f the Interna TENTS ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... r of Diff tional Socie .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. the ere y of Differe ..... 1 ..... 5 ..... 6 ..... 9 ... 10 ... 11 ... 12 ... 13 ... 14 ... 15 Int ce ce Equation 20 Edited by 12/19/201 rn Equ olume Decemb s 14 a ł gorzata G tio ati 4, Issue er 2014 uzowska al ns 3
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2014 is January 15,2015. Springer will pub-lish these proceedings,and the title of the bookwill be “Difference Equa-tions, Discrete Dynamical

Systems, and Applica-tions—Proceedings of the20th International Confer-ence on Difference Equa-tions and Applications,Wuhan, China, July 21—25, 2014”. The editors forthe proceedings are Martin Bohner, Ondř ej Doš lý,and Yiming Ding. The pro-ceedings will be pub-lished in the first half of2015.

First of all, let me intro-duce the winners of the2013 Best JDEA PaperAward: Ferenc Bartha,Ábel Garab, and TiborKrisztin have authored

the winning paper, enti-tled “Local stability im-plies global stability forthe 2-dimensional Rickermap”. This paper waspublished in the Journalof Difference Equationsand Applications, volume19, number 12 (2013),pages 2043—2078. Theaward-winning paper wasannounced during the2014 General Meeting of

the Society on July 22during ICDEA 2014 inWuhan, China. This con-ference marked the twen-tieth anniversary of ourICDEA conference series.

The first ICDEA was heldMay 25—28, 1994, atTrinity University in SanAntonio, Texas. For moreinformation on the 20thInternational Conferenceon Difference Equationsand Applications, see thenext page of my letter. Iwould also like to remindparticipants that thedeadline to contribute tothe Proceedings of ICDEA

2013 Best JDEA Paper Award

International Society of Difference Equationshttp://isdeds.com

December 19, 2014

A Letter from the President

Martin Bohner

ISDE President

GuidebookDigest.pd f a n d a l s o o nwww.pref.osaka.lg.jp/en . You should al-ready mark your calen-dars now in order to notmiss this exciting confer-ence, the second ICDEAin Japan after Kyoto in2006.

It is a pleasure for me toannounce to the societythat on December 3,2014, the ISDE Board ofDirectors unanimouslyapproved a proposal sub-mitted by ISDE members

Hideaki Matsunaga, Yoshihiro Hamaya, and Naoto Yamaoka to hold ICDEA2016 in Osaka, Japan,July 17—22, 2016. The22nd International Con-ference on DifferenceEquations and Applica-tions will be organized byOsaka Prefecture Univer-sity (OPU) and it will be

held at the satellite cam-pus of OPU located in theheart of Osaka under theauspices of ISDE. OsakaPrefecture has, althoughbeing the smallest prefec-ture in Japan, a popula-

tion of 8.8 million orroughly 7% of the entirepopulation, making it thethird most populous pre-fecture after Tokyo andKanagawa Prefectures.

You may find more infor-mation about Osaka onw w w. ms . o s a k a fu -u.ac.jp/~hideaki/ O s a k a O f f i c i a l -

2016 ICDEA Conference of the Society

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ICDEA, the InternationalConference on DifferenceEquations and Applica-tions, is the flagship con-ference of our society. Itis held annually since

1994. The 2014 ICDEAtook place at Wuhan Insti-tute of Physics and Math-ematics in Wuhan, China,July 21—25, 2014. Theconference was a bigsuccess, and I refer to thesummary that appearslater in the Newsletter.The society is indebted tothe organizers of ICDEA2014, in particular theChair of the Organizing

Committee, Yiming Ding.

PODE, Progress on Differ-ence Equations, is theother conference series ofour society. It is held an-nually since 2007. The2014 PODE took place atIzmir University of Eco-nomics in Izmir, Turkey,May 21—24, 2014. Thisconference was also a bigsuccess, and I refer to the

summary that appearslater in the Newsletter.The society thanks theorganizers of PODE 2014,in particular the Chair ofthe Organizing Commit-tee, Ünal Ufuktepe.

2014 Conferences of the Society

International Society of Difference Equationshttp://isdeds.com

A Letter from the President

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(chair), Zuzana Doš lá , ÜlleKotta, Agnieszka Malinowska , Ma gorzata Migda,Micha Misiurewicz, Mihá lyPituk, Christian Pötzsche,and Ewa Schmeidel. The

plenary speakers forICDEA 2015 will be JacekBanasiak (Poland), MartinBohner (USA), István Győ ri(Hungary), Tibor Krisztin(Hungary), Jaume Llibre(Spain), Micha Misiurewicz (USA), Mihá lyPituk (Hungary), RyszardRudnicki (Poland), StefanSiegmund (Germany), andL’ubomir Snoha(Slovakia).The conference website is

icdea.wi.pb.edu.pl .The first announcement ofthe conference appearslater in this Newsletter.ICDEA 2015, being the21st of the society’s flag-ship conference series,will be ISDE’s highlight for2015, and I hope that alarge number of the socie-ty’s members will be ableto attend this excitingevent.

I am very happy to an-nounce that on October 9,2014, the ISDE Board ofDirectors has approved aproposal submitted by RuiFerreira and César Silvato hold PODE 2015 at theUniversidade da BeiraInterior (UBI) in Covilha,Portugal, June 15—18,2015. Progress on Differ-ence Equations is thesociety’s other (besidesICDEA) conference seriesand has been held annu-ally since 2007 in Germa-ny, Poland, Greece, Ire-land, USA, Poland, andTurkey. UBI was founded

in 1979 and awards alluniversity academic de-grees in several fields. Itis located in the city ofCovilha, one of the mainurban centers of the BeiraInterior region, in CentralPortugal. The Chair of theOrganizing Committee forPODE 2015 is Rui Ferreira, and the other mem-bers of the OrganizingCommittee are CésarSilva, Hélder Vilarinho,Pedro Patricio, SandraVaz, Gastão Bettencourt,and António Benro. TheScientific Committee forPODE 2015 consists ofMartin Bohner (chair),

Saber Elaydi, StefanHilger, Donal O’Regan,Chris Tisdell, ZuzanaDoš lá , Má rio Bessa, andCésar Silva. Currently, theScientific Committee is

selecting the plenaryspeakers for the confer-ence. More and updatedinformation about PODE2015 can be found onthe conference website atwww.pode2015.ubi.p t . Please mark your cal-endars and make surenot to miss this excitingconference.

As was announced previ-

ously, ICDEA 2015 will beheld at Bia łystok Universi-ty of Technology inBia łystok, Poland, July19—25, 2015. The Chairof the Organizing Commit-tee is Agnieszka Malinowska . The other membersof the Organizing Commit-tee for ICDEA 2015 areZbigniew Bartosiewicz,Ewa Girejko, Alina Gleska,Ma gorzata Guzowska,

Klara Janglajew, Ma gorzata Migda, DorotaMozyrska, Ewa Pawluszewicz, and Ewa Schmeidel.The Scientific Committeefor ICDEA 2015 consistsof Zbigniew Bartosiewicz

2015 Conferences of the Society

International Society of Difference Equationshttp://isdeds.com

A Letter from the President

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find it, just ask me and Iwill resend it. The mem-bership directory containsthe members’ photos,institutions, e-mail ad-dresses, web sites, links

to their publications(through MathSciNet),and other informationpertinent to the member(e.g., the year when theperson joined ISDE).Please check all this infor-mation carefully and letme know if any of it needsto be changed. In order togather this information, Ihave went through manyold e-mails and even

through a pile of the first129 paper membershipapplication forms thatwere airmailed to me byISDE’s founder and firstpresident, the late Profes-sor Bernd Aulbach, exact-ly 11 years ago, on De-cember 22, 2003.

With my Best Regardsand wishes for a happyholiday season and a

peaceful and prosperousNew Year 2015,

A few days ago, the num-ber of ISDE members hitthe 600 mark. During2014, the society hasgrown from 537 membersto 606 members, an in-

crease of more than 10%.These members are from71 different countries (anincrease by 3 countriescompared to the lastyear), showing that ISDEis truly an internationaland global society. Moreand more researchers aregetting interested in re-search areas related todifference equations,discrete dynamical sys-

tems, and applications toother areas of science.That said, I ask all of youto help in recruiting evenmore new members. Ifyou know anybody work-ing in difference equa-tions and/or discrete dy-namical systems who isnot yet an ISDE member,please take a moment toinvite this person to be-come a member of the

society. Applying for ISDEmembership is easy: Justgo to the society’s web-s i t e a t h t tp : / / isdeds.com and clickon “Membership applica-tion” and fill in the re-quested information. Theapplicant has the optionto apply for regular mem-bership (which is free of

charge) or to become asponsoring member ofthe society. 2015 spon-soring membership is100 USD a year, and thedues can be paid conven-

iently online using a creditcard or paypal. The fundsreceived through sponsor-ing memberships help tosupport the society’s ac-tivities in developing andenhancing research andeducation in differenceequations and discretedynamical system. As anISDE Sponsoring Member,you will receive a reducedregistration fee for the

annual ICDEA conferenceand a one-year onlinesubscription to JDEA.Please consider changingyour regular membershipinto a 2015 sponsoringmembership.

As I have announced pre-viously, the society nowhas an html version of thecurrent ISDE MembershipDirectory. This directory is

available only to ISDEmembers. You may go tothe society’s website athttp://isdeds.comand then click on“Members”. From there,the ISDE MembershipDirectory is available byentering a password. Thispassword was sent to youby e-mail; if you cannot

ISDE Membership

International Society of Difference Equationshttp://isdeds.com

A Letter from the President

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Newsletter of the International Society of Difference Equations

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Volume 4, Issue 3 December 2014 Societyof Difference Equations

Newsletter Editor Ma gorzata Guzowska


Dear Colleagues:

It is my great pleasure to present to you the new issue of theISDE Newsletter. I hope you will enjoy reading this new issue.

Also thanks to all ISDE members who have sent information forthis newsletter.

I would also like to ask the members of the Society tocontribute information and articles about their faculties, newbooks, new conferences, new grants and job opportunities tothe newsletter and webpage, as well as any relevantinformation about mathematics or about our members.

All information may be emailed to:[email protected]

With Best Regards

Ma łgorzata Guzowska

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Newsletter of the International Society of Difference Equations

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ICDEA 2014

The 20th Annual International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications

ICDEA 2014) took place at Wuhan (Hubei, China), from July 21 to 25, 2014.

Professor Yiming Ding chaired the organizing committee and is to be highly commended

for the overwhelming success of the conference. Special topic sessions focused on all

areas of Difference Equations, Discrete Dynamical System, Fractal Geometry, Difference

Equation and Biomedical Models, Discrete Models in Natural Science, Social Sciences

and Engineering. Special thanks go to the conference committees:Scientific Committee: Luis Alseda Yongluo Cao Robert Devaney Yiming Ding Ondrej Dosly Peter Kloeden Eduardo Liz Michal Misiurewicz Sandra Pinelas Mihaly Pituk Christian Pötzsche Hal Smith Jun Wu

Organizing Committee:

Yiming Ding (WIPM, Chair)

Xia Cao ( WIPM, Secretary)

Hongfei Cui (WIPM)

Ziqing Zhang (WIPM)

Jihua Ma (Wuhan University)

During the conference, plenary addresses were given by:

Lluis Alseda (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)

Ziyad Al‐Sharawi (Sultan Qaboos University, Oman)

Martin Bohner (Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA)

Ai‐hua Fan (Université de Picardie Jules Verne, France)

Peter Kloeden (University of Frankfurt, Germany)

Piotr Oprocha (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland)

Kenneth Palmer (National Taiwan University, Taiwan, China)

Weixiao Shen (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

Roderick Won g (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China)

Xiangdong Ye (University of Science and Technology of China, China)

Huijiang Zhao (Wuhan University, China)

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Newsletter of the International Society of Difference Equations

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The twenty first International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications will be held in theBialystok University of Technology (Bia łystok, Poland) from July 19 to 25, 2015. The conference isorganized by the Bialystok Branch of the Polish Mathematical Society, under the auspices of theInternational Society of Difference Equations (ISDE).

The purpose of the conference is to bring together experts and novices in the theory and applications ofdifference equations, broadly defined, and discrete dynamical systems. The plenary speakers are expertschosen from the many areas of difference equations and experts on dynamical systems. Contributed talksare welcome and will be considered.

The previous conferences were held in the cities of Wuhan (China) in 2014, Muscat (Oman) in 2013,Barcelona (Spain) in 2012, Trois-Rivieres (Quebec, Canada) in 2011, Riga (Latvia) in 2010, Estoril(Portugal) in 2009, Istanbul (Turkey) in 2008, Lisbon (Portugal) in 2007, Kyoto (Japan) in 2006, Munich(Germany) in 2005, Los Angeles California, USA) in 2004, Brno (Czech Republic) in 2003, Changsha(China) in 2002, Augsburg (Germany) in 2001, Temuco (Chile) in 2000, Poznan (Poland) in 1998, Taipei(Taiwan) in 1997, Veszprém (Hungary) in 1995 and San Antonio (Texas, USA) in 1994.

Bia łystok is the biggest city of the North-East part of Poland. It is a home of three public universities andseveral private colleges. Bialystok is surrounded by four national parks, of which the Bialowieza NationalPark is one of the most famous parks in Poland and the Biebrza National Park is the biggest one. Bialystokis the capital of the Podlasie province, which, besides unspoiled nature, offers rich culture with ethnic andreligious diversity.

Best Regards,

On behalf of the Scientific Committee

Prof. Zbigniew Bartosiewicz (Chair )

and the Organizing Committee

Dr. Agnieszka B. Malinows ka (Chair)

ContactFor any information you can contact us [email protected]

Web pageMore information and updates will be found in theicdea2014website: http://icdea.wi.pb.edu.pl/

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Newsletter of the International Society of Difference Equations

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Alexander SharkovskyInstitute of Mathematics

NASUKiev, Ukraine

Vlajko L. KocicXavier University of Louisiana

New Orleans, LA, USA

Göran HögnäsÅbo Akademi University


Evelina Lapierre Departament of MathematicsJohnson & Wales University

Providence, Rhode Island , USA

Jaroslav SmitalSilesian University

Czech Republic

Adel AntippaDepartment of Physics

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada

Ziyad AlSharawi

Department of MathematicsSultan Qaboos UniveristyAl-Khoud, Muscat, Oman

Martin BohnerDepartment of Mathematics and

StatisticsMissouri S&T

Rolla, Missouri, USA

Jim M. Cushing

Department of MathematicsThe University of ArizonaTucson, AZ , USA

Kenneth BerenhautDepartment of Mathematics

Wake Forest UniversityWinston-Salem, NY, USA

Raghib Abu-SarisWalden University

Minneapolis, MN, USA

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Newsletter of the International Society of Difference Equations

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Sponsoring members of ISDE receive an online only subscription to JDEA as a benefit of membership. To become a sponsoring member go to the Membership Application on ISDE web page:


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Newsletter of the International Society of Difference Equations

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18‐22 May 2015, International Conference on Differential & Difference Equations and Applications 2015 , Departamento de Ciências Exatas e Naturais, Military Academy, Amadora, Portugal. Information: https://sites.google.com/site/sandrapinelas/icddea ‐2015

27‐30 May 2015, Seventh International Conference on Dynamic Systems and Applications , Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, e‐mail: [email protected]

27‐30 May 2015, Fifth International Conference on Neural, Parallel & Scientific Computations , Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, e mail:[email protected]

8‐12 June 2015, Micro and Macro Systems in Life Sciences , Będlewo, Poland.

Information: http://microandmacro.icm.edu.pl/

15‐18 June 2015, Progress on Difference Equations (PODE 2015) will take place in the Universidade da Beira Interior in Colvilha, Portugal. http://www.pode2015.ubi.pt

12‐15 July 2015, EUROXVII Annual Conference (EURO 2015 is the premier European conference for Operational Research and Management Science) will be hosted at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. Information: http://www.euro2015.org/

19‐25 July 2015, The International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications (ICDEA 2015) will take place in the Bialystok University of Technology in

Bialystok, Poland. http://icdea.wi.pb.edu.pl

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Newsletter of the International Society of Difference Equations

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Creators of Mathematical and Computer Sciences by Ravi Agarwal and Syamal Sen, Springer, 2014, 495 pages

Infinite ‐horizon optimal control in the discrete ‐time framework by Joel Blot and Naila Hayek, SpringerBriefs in Optimization, 2014, 124 pages

Geometric Theory of Discrete Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems by Pötzsche, Christian, Springer | 2010 | ISBN: 3642142575 | 398 pages | File type: PDF | 3,2 mb

Quantum Variational Calculus, Series: SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Subseries: SpringerBriefs in Control, Automation and Robotics , by Agnieszka B. Malinowska and Delfim F. M. Torres, Series Editors: Basar, Tamer; Bicchi, Antonio; Krstic, Miroslav. Published by: Springer, 2014. Electronic ISBN: 978‐3‐319‐02747‐0 Print ISBN: 978‐3‐319‐02746‐3, DOI:10.1007/978‐3‐319‐02747‐0

Almost Automorphic Type and Almost Periodic Type Functions in Abstract Spaces by Toka Diagana, New York Springer. 2013, 303 pages.

Difference and Differential with Applications in Queueing Theory by Aliakbar Montazer Haghighi and Dimitar P. Mishev, John Wiley & Sons, 2013, 424 pages.

Stability Analysis via Matrix Functions Method by A. A. Martynyuk, 2013 Part I, 262p. and Part II, 130p. www.bookboon.com Section Statistics and Mathematics.

Weakly Connected Nonlinear Systems. Boundedness and Stability of Motion , by A. Martynyuk, L. Chernetskaya and V. Martynyuk, 2013, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 212p., Zbl pre06110079.

Stability Theory of Solutions of Dynamic Equations on Time Scales by A. A. Martynyuk, Kiev: Phoenix, 2012, 277 pages.

A Special Issue dedicated to the international workshop "Infinite and Infinitesimal in Mathematics, Computing and Natural Sciences " held in Cetraro, Italy, 17–21 May 2010, has been published in the international journal Applied Mathematics and Computation (Elsevier, Impact Factor = 1.534), volume 218, Issue 16, Pages 7977‐8216 (15 April 2012). http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00963003

Local Analytic Classification of q‐Difference Equations by Jean‐Pierre Ramis, Jacques Sauloy, Changgui Zhang.

Uncertain Dynamical Systems: Stability and Motion Control by A.A. Martynyuk and Yu.A. Martynyuk‐Chernienko, CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group, A Chapman and Hall Book, 2012.

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Newsletter of the International Society of Difference Equations

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Martin Bohner

PresidentMissouri University of Science andTechnology, Rolla, Missouri, USA

Jim CushingVice President

University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA

Linda llenTexas Tech

University, Lubbock,Texas, USA

Ond ej DošlýMasaryk University,

Brno, CzechRepublic

Saber ElaydiTrinity University,

San Antonio, Texas,USA

István Gy riUniversity of

Pannonina, Veszprém,Hungary

Gerasimos LadasUniversity of Rhode Island,

Kingston, Rhode Island, USA

llan PetersonUniversity of Nebraska,Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

Christian Pötzsche Alpen-Adria Universi ty ,

Klagenfurt, Austria

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