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.Is’JblJCi Fair Wind Saves Fire-Menaced North Idaho Towji

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'PAXT'TXr 'TP A T T C ■ TODAY:. . ;! Pf^Newiipaper .Is’JblJCi 1 W liN Jr A L il^ o .M Jl< W o Fair TWIJ^ FALLS, IDAHO, SATURDAY MORNING. AUGUST 12, 1933 Pricc Five CenU l^" Wind Saves Fire-Menaced North Idaho Towji 1,500 Men Fight Flames A t Edge of Spirit Lake ttNDIAm fSOSPECTEOIN mmm Police and Fire Depart ments Push Investigation After Finding Gasoline Can W ith Fingerprints (By Tlie AtsocUUd P rtu ) BOISE, Aug. 11—Ashes of a conflttjrftUon that cauaed nearly 51,000,000 damage and threatened the lives lost night oi 500 light fans smoldered today while police and Ilre-of- ficlals probed possibilities of )llce Chief Austin Utley lorted lonlRht th at a two* can ccnUJnJn^ toad llne And covered wlUi IlncenvlnU w u round In Uie busy s lm t In front cf lb« buUdlnst—lodudlns the PAlrvI««- Ilglil arena—th a t bum- .ed in the ilre that *tart*d la*t n ig h t a t 10:20 o’clock. “TUB'police dcparlmeni u alaUfls Pin OhJer Frank Pulaski In InvciUtfntlnB tlie cou»e ot Iho .-.UUcy.-ftnnouDced;. ..... ......... ............ "We have oiked police and lire depurtmenu of Salt Lake City. S«* attic. San Pnmcbco and Portland to fumbti U3 on; InXoRnatloa tbey might h»V8 on Uio aetlvltle* of In- ecndaries. who mlsht Have « t the fire." Fire Chief PuUakl ooJd: , "We are maldns a thorousli In* veatlgBtlDn. but hare not leamed the . CAiue Qf the fire, it broke out m kuddrnly and prosreued so rapidly and Intensely Uitt it la dltlleult to find out ytutf itarttd ftl We m v Meanwhile. Junei- Alleiv >PorU Hi-rllct (et- the Monipa (ldahoj '^ e > Pres*, iThti woB on onnoimced -•« Ui4 , fight,'m um cd hi# n-orJc newipaptr little mlnitfulof tbS. cred> It tliat. was' ilren him .for c«lmir _ dlrcctlng-'thb 600'fan* from- tbB P ar«na to uJety.' -which binued Ue Palrvlen. arena and serred M 'a warehouse; . “nie jtnieture.was opmetf by Mr*. - — H ,-J. -Bryant-of- Bolao, aUtcr of Mrs. Henry Ford, wife of Ui« De- troit motor nuipml«, and her son. Mflvln Brjunt. "The buUdliis wax In flrtt cIoM _-ffhape from llM.ttaudpolnt ot equip- mfni. ~fnr nri»v«^Hnii nT' Brj-ant, who concluded ho amj"lm Riother Icet approximately tSO.OOO . In Uie building and 11,000 In per- oonol properly itored In U. He Kald considerable Iniurnnco .WAa curried, ' GovernRienl'i Loaa <icr of the weittm IdiUio-eastem Oregon Civilian ConscrvuUon corpi .district, utlmated Uie federal sov- cmment's loos In.equipment slorei In the Brjant iniiiding ot $150,000 none of which wo« covcrcd by in^ suranee. < E(]Ulpmcnt Hhkh n-os lost included - I|}.U4 Iruetot. sli p.asjfnKcr automobiles ^ two ombulanceii. Eight elcctilc pow- er gtiieratlns units, 0.000 mess klU 3,000 blankets, slioe.v clothing. tooU bed(llns and records, Lt.-Col. Jonc: Hero of $1,000,000 Fire Surveys Ruins 11 Service Men Die. - In-Airplane Crashes Nine Army Fliers Killed at Liin«:ley Field; Two Seamen Victims at Sun Dioj^o' (Dy Tlie AMoclnletl ,Prcv.) Two plane cra.'siic.'i—one of an army plnnc npar tlu' AUnnllc coast and the other of a navy plmie near llic Paciric—look the lives of eleven service m en today. Both plann.s burned. ; The army;)lnne. n bl-motored bomber cnuslicd and burned a t the Lnnglcy field, Va., nrm y air ba.'se, klllliiK two comml.s- sloned officers and seven enlisted men. Tlic accidenfoccurred ns the Dlnrte took off for a routine nnvTfratlnii fllchi (.alf' Drives IJIaze to Outskirts of \'ill:ige of-9(10 Persons then Shifls at Ri«;Iit Andes • <Uy llie A.v.oclnird Prf i , srOK.ANF, .Atic, 11—A Rale like wind ili.il whipped a dying forc.si /iri' liiio fury today and blew it to t!ic very edge of Spirit Lake, Idaho, .shifted at rlKht angles at the la.-!! m inute and-blew the riamo.'i awny iiBaln: ToiilRht a lull In tliu wind, wlilch liad .witched and swerved III) nfternooii, Kavc iiopcs to the 1,500 fire flghlers that the little mill village -15 mlle.s northetuit of here would rem ain safe. Only a rompleie right about face and considerable stiff- enliip of the wind could brlnj; ----------- Two filers died in the eras Diego, Calif,, during gunnery exerelscs. LANGLEY HELD. Va., Aug, 11 (/P) — An army bombing -plane, taking olf (or a local tntln- tng flljlit. crfuhed and burned here today. kllllnB Us crew of two com- nlasloned offlcen and seven enlisted. Tlw dead Included Howard Jftuemls of Merlcllivn, Idaho, a f.Mff sergeani. Motor TroQt>le n ie crruli, tlejcr'ibcd by officials here or one of the worst army avia- tion nccldcnts ln> recent years, wns appartnlly ilue to motor trouble. After attaining an olUtude of about IW'feet. wItnfjsK said, one of the ship's motors appeared to have I Of the navy plane near San m f ALUafi'M^TiM-wtllet'ffr Uie Na»p»' ?>re Prm. looka over the'mins of-s $1,000,000 fire whleb 'bemtd (tia bdlldfnc In trblch he ina annosnclar a card. Allen coimly directed (he SOD fans to lafrty. niratrbclim w»* ffimed' by Mr*. I t IL Bryoiit e( UoUf, lijier-in-latr of Ilrnry Ford, and her ton. Melrln Bi7l«(jAptralm«t«ly-'$1S0,0M ttt'CCC efaSfinest went tip In the blaxe.—(A.uoclalcd Tre.M Photol ................................ liM vm g for^^ C Arrangements Near Completion for Headline ------—^ ^ - D;-fey) 1 ___ Price of Malad, commander of Ihe-Idaho de - partment Of the American Legion, will arrive today to survey preparations, "study, departmental reports and greet other leaders on the eve; of the 21st annual convention of the World FLASHES of LH’E -By Aasoclaled Prcu •Half, and Half SPENCE31, lJid.-Ward M. Kicks, Democratic townihlp irtutee in- cumbent. rued Arlie Kay. nepubli- can who won last November, for a gation, ahould serre the first half ot the four-jear tenn aod Kay the second half. Putelinff I, WELCH. ) ■ Den-ey Short ndmlta BomB.nopects of - U» ea»#-«re-* mito pu«Ilnf.-but— ------He’a-looklng-fM ■ ene-ttirned rob« . bery. suspect who beats his Tictims— .'.'.IBtl.MTTlM'lWO guns*: Tropib Hasard. . SALT LAKE aTV —Take It from O. W. Allsop of New -Zealand, here on a world motor tour, the rlgoni of . mountain drlvtnt: aren't as nerve >rr*cklnB os the hatards of th o trop- ics, Ailsop reUted he parked hU car under a tree In East Africa. When •he tried to start'the Whl:eU-\i‘jiuian’l turn. He applied more poi^-er........... : Something snapped.' -■ Inspection dlscloaed a python y-pulled nsOTilerrlUfroni ettd-WTappc'd around the rear axle, tls tall around Hot Stuff' --- ------ 8ALT-LAKB CITlf-r^tt i EMO As chief executive.of 5,000 Idaho Legionnaires. CoWihnnder Price .will preside at a score of'varied.meetings diirlng'thc four-day assembly, which for - mally opens Sunday. Marshall Chapman, pub- licity officer for the conven- tion, and. J. J. Wlntcrholer. Bencml eholrman. sold Uiat jV W. Valliant, Denver, national Held s«reUit>- for tlie order, would aLw arrive lodtiy, Les Albert, Idaho department nd> Jutont ftlnco' IflM. wlio ' arrived Thursday'tilght to help'in Ilnal rangcmeiits'amiouncetl that on Sun- day anil Monday addlllonal-dljtln- guislird gucits and .npcakers -would arrive. Mrs. Idoita Ross cf priggs. pre.'il- dent.of the Idaiio Auxiliary, is cx- pectcd late tonl;;ht or Sunday morn- ing. ' . ' . . Henr?' C. Dworahali, Idalio r c p « - sentative who relumed Tltursdny from Washington. D. C.. wiil un- Excellent Floats. Prepared; . Old Frcightbr Will ' ' Drlve-Teams Colorful American Loglon pande,' ihnually a lilshllght .of Idolio De- paftm tnt’ConTentlons.-wlil be tlie most outslandln(t.fenturo off<re<l the public durlog-the four-day gaUter- Ing of Leflonnalres nnd • Auxiliary memben' in Twin. FalU starting have seen ten floats •.near comple- tion'that are 'beautiful."..Van' Aiu- deln-declared, . .Bumba.;iloaU .are j» t alone. In emandlhg public att«nUon In the parade., 'i ' Tlirough.tlie courtesy of Mll£heU Runt , o f Bull], SamSaunders. of BHo r Dld«rfrelRt»t-'»trlns-~dnvtr in- Id taio T ^ ’Landlcra'.oix-horse .teom- and-irelghler ln-the-llne‘of march. Sam * wlll'.'HQve-'htB -oia'-frlcn'a; B.'-Penlhe,' first ranch owner theiTwln' FaJls. tract. :for a - com- panion on,Ihfc frelght*r. Van Aua- detn ii»id. Saibdera .has driven "iJ-up and four'lraller w gotu";ln early days on.lhe.traet and.In- frelghUng In and', out .o f tjie.- Stanley . basin counlry. . • ' - • • • - - Tlie veteran’- freighter, had .bells on tli'e fronlKama t» nvoid collisions u..iio.droie.-tl^ 12«horso-.outfit arotind shan> turns on grades. Other intcrcstlnc.cntmntii Include W-deeor............... he'Bligtle Safety-cJubMwo Buhl mounu ____ _ riding aeadeiriy. ' AnoUjer, feature will I old ' Tlicn Nnoke. ■- Tlie'Ilt^'deparimojt^xtiniivUshed s blare In an overheated radio. .CQunttJalr.bOttrd .wlU: ride.. aaudo OetTcIlfa-. will- drive- th e f[iur.hor»c Icaaj.:;'. South-ccntral Moho residents mftj- tCerUnuri^Mi'P.*,- 2. Celumn I) Burley to attend aesslons. •Drain. ■ director' iif — Ihtr social security board and past na-. tlonal commander, wlio will Kpeak' a t Utc cltlld welfare meeUng a t 1 p; m‘ . Sunday and thefl a; m. busi- ness meeting Monday, will probably (ConUBUri on r.»» ». CoJtma 4} mkimm No Spccial Session. Unless WarBecomcrimmincntr , President Declares HYDE PAOK. N. Y.. Aug, 11 (/T7- President hoosevcit today signed bill making fnr-reaciUiig changes in the •w^.aljwcu;ril>;_jirog^,_clBwed nwliy most of the other measures which wngrcM left on his hands, and sold he would call a special aion to enact more Irgislnllon oaly If n r became xen.<iotiably certain. He voluutecred the information. : B. prcM conference, that so far a.i he knew tiiere WM'po rea?on, ns of today, to-cjtll congt^ji back Into ses- r.lon before its .scheduled meeting January 3, . - Tliea. telliiiB reporters to note his words carefully, he "added; If an actual war crhls became Imminent la Europe or Uie Par East —jn other words. If tt bccam# re; ronobly cerLiin there, was going war—ho protiably would call . latTc.-glonTmWiCdintcly-to-ln n g r American neutrolity along Uie lines of intemallonal law,-so Uiat this of newsmen by.asserting he would get in touch witi) the:state' depart- m cnt tcniDrroff'before-icartng for New York to board a cruiser for a vacation trip Into norUiera waters. Tlie pilot, fitcond Lieutenant Horn- l^-Mr-Mackayr-apporwiUji—lA - a t effort to Mralsliten tlie plane, start- ed, gliding toward tlie w aters-of Back river, only a short distance *wny. Tlie plnne. however w ent In- to a dive and cra.ihfd fifty - feel from the wntrr's edge, the wrecki ago Inirstlng almost Inunediately in- to flames. -W itnesserjilintirylttnnrnms:' ' n-os-the-plane-strucfc- the d-«ml-a-*erle*-of-«bout-»ix cnrthiTlTtr;ihiyTipit"?CTritttc^ uies.'Crash inick'inn anlbulimcB' iTowa raced to tJif scene, but'wcrff rendered htlDlt'i.i In- a rescue ot- tempt by the flatne.^ and Intense hcnt. The bodies could'not be re- moved until about 'two hours Jotcr. A board of Innulry was appointed and Immedlntdy started an Investi- gation, Tlie to rd was composed tain Wllllftm If. JifcArthur and Licu- i'P,‘T’6«-ell ^ Desd Usltd . Army officials list Uie dead as fol- lows: Second Lieutenant Homer M, Mackay, naUve of Lansing, Midi., not married. Second-" Lieutenant—'niomaa--L. Dutner, Bumarllle. N. C.. married. Technical Sertciint William Mor- can, of Norton, Va., married, two children. Stair Sergeant’Raymond Sliellcy, Oakdale, Lo.. married, one son. Stall Sergeant Ev'crett Kirkpat- rick. of QullJtne. Wash... morrled four................................ EUROPMNE Intense Diplomatic Activity . Coincitlcnt W ith War Games <Iiy Tlie Asiociaifd Prcii) Intense diplomatic activity throughout Europe reflected growing, tension in the inter- national situation Friday a.s hundrodt- ot__ tlwusands of troop.1 were called to the col- for fall maneuver.') In Yi goslavla, Rumania and ltt\Iy. The eyes of most diplomats wore on Salzburg, Germany, where Uie Orrman and Italian for- eign minktcra. Joaclilm von Ilib- bcntrop and Count Galeazzo Clano, ■opcne{mnTJnin)''^irercnc .Infdfihfd'tjuacttrx said .thf Qcr- '■ ^ ijmcceS’ auai'Italls^. talkn -again.today.at pleturcsque/FusclioI. castia and perhapS later a t nearby Berclilesfiaden with Adolf Hitler. The question of Danilg wa.< believed b ; obsen'ers to bo Uie chief topic of conversations. - Poland's ombti6.yulor to London. Count Edward Racsynakl, caned at JliS_Bdlhb-ZoKlen-fittlfia^ot-U-.a h^cond succtislTe day to dlscujs Uie 'ilie turkWi and Yugoslav envoys to Londo{t also made foreign of- fice calls which were regarded as nignlflcant In view of Increasing concern reported from soutiicastern Europe., Reports from Paris said Premier 1TlftlfiHlrf hft vti^m Staff Sergeant Howard A. Jauer- nlg. Meridian, Idalio, married. Corporal Pete Bunyk. of New Ken- alngtcn. Pa., not manled. Private Antliony Reale. of Mil- waukee. not married. . Private Roy B. BIcopold. of East Maunch Cliunlt, Pa., not married. SAN DIECO, Calif., Aug. 11 (A’t— Two naval flltn, a rcsen'c offlccr and-an enlisted man of the regular novy. met death today when their plane crashed at Miramar landing field, a few miles north of San Di- ego. Tlie pilot was Ensign T, R, Wood. 58. and his passenger, V. •P. Aiiiiitiuiiii, -------------------- caught fire as won as it^ros and was quickly reduced to a.mass of chaffed wrtdoge- T h e accident occurred while the fliers were engaged in gunnery ettiees.- ............... New Public Enemy No. 1 ircw YORK. Ailg,' U (/rwrvlng Charles (Charlie). Chapman, a .lit- tle Texas bad nun with cold.blue e}'ca.ond,10-allaM*,.was dwigriated by' Ute department of •JwUce today as Uic new publfa enemy N o,J. __ ; In^anUfof tlfe'dounliy^ lo most- sougtlt missing man. Usued-by the federal -bureau, of. Investlgalion -in connection wiUt .the govemmcnfa ciirrcnt nftUon»Wy.«orflinatcd antU crime campaign. Charlie'* name led •antho-nst. -------:------------------------- .'-Louis <t^ke)_.Buchalter, termed bj’ "nidmas ■£. Drwey, .New ‘ Yor^ iounly. district ..attomej, tlic -.racot dongeroui Industrial' nickclctr- at large, had Uie relaUvelj-. <bscura . fourth place on this government ros- ter'of-the-lnfamous. ' , All ten fugitives, federal agent* BAld Tirtvately. .were ^Ucved under thojprotecuon of a ’nnUonal «j-nl* . iait£^peclcdj> f Jiarbbring. crimin- als flia an orgonl;;^ budness, -Ohopman'a - crlmitva Ttcord; cpea bftck'«niy to 1031. b rcIaUrcly olibrt one for a man of 41. but his career alnee then olreody has brought pris- on .sentences aggregating U years.- — ConvIcle3“dr "plirtJclp^Udn-ln-ltn- AUnnta. Tex.. bank-robbefy-ln lMB In whlch.he was shot and'captured, ha-.wos-~senteneed.to. CD. years, the F B I said, and xubsequcnUy gli-en'33 years for a Red River coumy.,Texa*. kidnaping about which details were lacking here.-- . In July, 1037, he.escttped from tlie Teants Btata p^tenttoir with eight oUt'er-pTl*oner*.-He'-l3 a t o c k y ^ i d both sides of hli face are scalloped wiUi.knUe.acan.awr-.tha «yei> He earrles tn hlj shoulder on undoter-' •mined number of pistol aluga. . - -He'»:a^naUT»-of Mississippi .and waa once a fairly aucccsatul con- tractor. Between him and Lcpke on the FBI list were a pair of barOy ccnvict*-=TOeMor« •Col^-No.-3.-and Jl4»ph4loo,.No.'3-who escap^ on Dec. 19, l»37, trdm Alcalrae priaon. It:had been assumed that l»m.wem j — t. j _ personal command of the Prcncii' government. HiKh gm'cmment quarters In Ber- lin exprfHC5Llhe_dt*nlon the Dnn-, tig problem had feacli^ 'oh •'acute Btiige." At the same Ume. foreign diplomaUc circles In the Nazi cap- ital wero equaRj- convinced . the Romc-Berlln.azb had readied Uie stage wherei further clarification was necessary. COIOYS SEIZE I0PSP0I,6I02 Twin Falls Drives Pocatello Cardinals Out of League t.ead _40 49 .440 _40 60 .444 H .400 - tonlghi'a BehedBle Pocatello at Twin Palls (0 p. m.1 Ogden at Salt lAke Lewiston at Boise . Manager Charley Wry and his. rampaging, ranch, hands turned last night's opener against the Pocatello 'Cardin- als into 'a happy occasion for 2,203 fans a t sJaytjCB p a r k ; - - Old Kentucky . C h a r l e y proy^-hls pltchln^ctroogcc weapon than the bis bats of Tom-ItobcUo and-compahy os the Twin Polls- Cowboys slapped ihs vlsilon out of tho Pioneee eaguB-lead and took oter U ut spot thetMclTes;6 to-5.-........ PosUng hli-alxicfnth>aaund-ui- umi^ of Ihe'scasm'Wn'>1wpt’thb': 'ordinal clouten..und£r_cttttrol..as. whipped‘his'assortment.'.of-de- (CeMlautd aa.rtc* b Celiuaa.'U..- bulldinss ln-.i( new danger. Cliark.s SImp.Kon, ,ld-n< hnd bum, rnw n iinid Uie Ijv Barge Iwx fncion-. esriier reported coniplriely conMmicd.. had not been destro.vrd. . Lov.f< IminedlRtcly around Spirit Lake .11111 were e.iUniated to have mountKi imsi ihe tl,000,OM mark. IneludlnK 40.000.000 feet of lumber tn the Panhandle Lumber company yards niirt' a" Milw,iiii;,'c 'rillroaU company roimilhoiir.c. now only partly in ur.c. buU'ildc of Snmlpoiiii to Uie north. Chorle.i fieiirborouKh. Idaho deputy fire warden, reported the simnilon "anyUiliig but gnod, with fipot flrc.i r.prinRing up faitrr llian the men can put them out," C. K. McHnnt. U. S. forest ser- vice regional fire control inspector flew from Mtsjoiiln. Mont, to co- ordliinle eIfort.i of various agencies, battling the blaic. including CCC enmli.rjr ............................................. forcat 5cn-)cc men and Coeur d'Alene nnd Snndpolnt fire department com- panle.i. , Conlilcttng report.1. first Uiat Uie town had burned, and then it had not. left the fate of the little vilinge of 000 In doubt for aeveral hours to- night. wiilch stt'ept UirouEh a reported lo,. 000 .iiat4lImm_Mr:3pokano-la»V week-end. and tben smoalder^ In a ped into a b!ftil^u^-^i«iln tidjy by a. . John Dlmellng, general manager of Uie Panhandle mill Uiert. said the fire swept down from Uie moun- tain "on a wind of hurricane force" sliorUy after mld-oftemoon. * After burning 40.000.000 feet of flom tsiiiM CRffiFLOBIDA Winds Cause Minor Property Damage and Kick Up____ Heavy Waves PALM ORACH. PI».. Aug. II W V- niusicr}^ Winds at Umcj reaching nearly 55 mile.-; an liour caused minor properly damage and kicked up iieavy wave* in the AUootlo ocean and Lake Okeecliobee tonight - as u 'sniall tropical storm moved acrOM llie lower end of Uip Florida penlwula, Diimage was confined, first rrporla Indicated, to blown down signs, loos- ened roofing, fallen power polea and "xne injuo’ to citrus. Two pertoiis .luJfered illght in- • 1 1 ^ Ini1lfi»ftlv hy .. which moved inland from tho At- lanUc in the rlclnlty of Jupiter, Just north ot here late UiU - after- Moves Into Gulf TJie weather bureau at Jaction- ville said tho storm was oentored ' Eastern Siandard Tltte. norOieaat-of-Okeechobee- CHy,- itllt— moving in a northwesti........................ tonigiit Cl Heavy ralhi fi IIITSPEAKS FOR L IB EH m Young Democrats Hear Chief Executive Praised by Candicfate PnTSBUR01I,.AUff. 11. W’;-B?- 'u-,*An r p^iei'hftf dflmr i i'i- :ng a "Uilrd term" for President Roosevelt or a t least far his “Ideo.i," PHuI V. McNutt ouUlned before the national Young DemocraU' con- venUon tonight a three-point pro- gram for 'modem liberalism," He also lauded Uie president In supcriaUro terms 'and promised an enlargeti social security program to cover liealUi and disability pro* granur, n ic speccli of McNutt.-on avowed candidate for Uie Democratic presi- denUal nomination, touclied off - a wild demonstraUon. Hie cnUre convention rose to shout and yell. wliUe »e«rai bands marched around Uie com-entlon halt creaUng Uic loudest din of Uie junior conclave. second Important addre,« since lie was named by the president as • • rifr .......................... Rich farm mucklaiid around Lak« Okccliobee was flooded la aome lec- Uonj. desutjying seed • bed*. ^ Although Uic mtemlty of the dis- turbance was expected to be dimin- ' Ishcd by the time it rcachod tho we.3,t_^t^qf Uie state. Jorecattara ■wnr^fr'-ff•'tFoTIIir''tiraSlUiiy causa ~ heavy squfOls in U\e northeastern ' If -and ■ Aiall ^ aaft-'waralngt-ttw- conttnuetf'from Uie Tampa ba^ sec-. Uon to/cambene for toi^ight and' Saturday. WamJnci Palled Dawn Storm warnings were ordered down at mldnlsut on the coat Florida coast but. small craft were advised -to-eontlnue to-eieitlMi ra n«iM-untn------- morning.' ', The weaUier bureau liad eivcn ample wanting alnee the disturbance dei-cloped northeast of Puerto Rico last Tuesday morning and stortnwisa Floridans had mads careful prep- omtions. roreca.itcrs at Uie Jacksonville cnthtrbuTEira m a u>t itronitst ------ - •inds were about 60 miles an hour ear Uie storm, ocntcr and that hen»7 squalls spread out over a con- siderable area. TTiey saU Jt was not a hutricana —winds of 76 mllca an hour or niora —but Uiey advised 'all interests'' from Uiis winter jTw rt ocatar up to Datoha Beach; Ito'mlles to the norUi. to exercise-cauUon for *er« eral hours. Tlie stomi had moved-In a gen- eraliy we.it northwest dIrecUon olnea it formed bi Uie AUanUo off Puerto- • Rico. A conUnuaUon of Uiat dl- recUon would take It acrou t&e Florida petimsula In a diagonal line soma 200 miles to U>e Gulf of Mexl- CO In the Tampg»SU PetcrgbUTB area. -sdminlstnti first being at Cleveland several weeks ago When he itnjng along with Uie Roosei-elt foreign policy. He did not menUon IB40 tonight, but. previously In an Interview he reiterated he •would »ithdniw frtsn Uie race.of Uie-president aoughb a ihlrctJeTm.______________________ Sena tor.Borkley. Of. Kentucky,. Use ...1-Infonnal-oddrea'predieUnfttlit ifiiO conwnUon would not repudl- — tho-“c!ght jeara ofnoosevelt.” Seattle Safety Record, Broken SEA1TLS. Aug, n Ijri — Seattle'a sixth effort to conpile a traffic ne« ord of 'one hundred deathless day*" . this summer. .cnded..-loday.'wlien-...j Mia. Mlanls Coiiallo, 60, was-tilled —•: .te.a.hit-nin,dmct^ saletyj emblem and a porUonof » ac*j«e-paii:::{oro^ whe&'U'slniclc' U ie'^estrlan. . Mrs. CosteDo died In th* 17Ui ot tbo-cuncot ."100 -diji.— 2,000 Jewish Refugees Board Ships for Undetennined Ports ’ CONSTANZfl^ Bumanla.;,-Aue. <fl>-ljea£lyj.ajl00_jetlfiljsjatee* from dismembered -.O ^ i^ d n k lA boarded.tn OreuLsiitmanitodA; for an -attempt--to Tun- Brit*to'» blockade Into Palestine. / - 'Men, ^cm^n and ehUdt«n who li’ad''<CHpM'' $160. for passage fUaMad.-aboiutl the ■vMsels'rt>f'TTS^*»e' df'l.WO ^ (Ibft.British coveiTifflen.ta;wune> ed CSV Juaa U Uul no.Jeiri^ .... . ,.a%Br.Rpie•ent«d^ol^. 1 ' partTcf..ttn--»ft»tBea'ln.tbt ......... .. ,ot*m'pottrini:tato. thli-Hlitik-m ^ pori<ton etatzal'kiKi a " ~ ' ' peaB-countHaa.-'. Ujey-wtod.^ lo*ln<ra''ir "■

'P A X T 'T X r 'TP A T T C ■ T O D A Y :.. ;! P f^ N e w iip a p e r . I s ’JblJC i 1 W l i N Jr A L i l ^ o . M Jl< W o Fair


Wind Saves Fire-Menaced North Idaho Towji1,500 Men Fight Flames

A t Edge of Spirit Laket t N D I A mfSOSPECTEOINm m mP o lic e a n d F i r e D e p a r t

m e n ts P u sh I n v e s t i g a t i o n A f te r F in d in g G a s o l i n e C a n W i t h F i n g e r p r i n t s

(By Tlie AtsocUUd P r tu )B O ISE , Aug. 11— A s h e s o f a

c o n flt tjr ftU o n t h a t c a u a e d n e a r ly 51,000,000 d a m a g e a n d th r e a te n e d th e liv e s l o s t n ig h t o i 500 l ig h t f a n s s m o ld e r e d to d a y w h ile po lice a n d I l r e - o f - f ic la ls p robed p o s s ib i l i t i e s of

)llce C hief A u s t in U tle y lo rted lon lR h t t h a t a tw o*

can ccnUJnJn^ to a d llne And covered wlUi IlncenvlnU w u round In Uie busy s l m t In front cf lb« buUdlnst—lodudlns the PAlrvI««- Ilglil arena—th a t bum -

.ed in the ilre th a t *tart*d la*t n igh t a t 10:20 o’clock.

“TUB'police dcparlm eni u alaUfls P in OhJer F rank Pulaski In InvciUtfntlnB tlie cou»e o t Iho

.-.UUcy.-ftnnouDced;. ..... ......... ............"We have oiked police and lire

depurtm enu of Salt Lake City. S«* attic . San Pnmcbco and Portland to fum bti U3 on; InXoRnatloa tbey m ight h»V8 on Uio aetlvltle* of In- ecndaries. who m lsht Have « t the fire."

Fire Chief PuUakl ooJd: ,"We are maldns a thorousli In*

veatlgBtlDn. bu t hare not leam ed the . CAiue Qf the fire, i t broke ou t m

kuddrnly and prosreued so rapidly and Intensely Uitt i t la d ltlleu lt to find out ytutf ita rttd ftl We m v

Meanwhile. June i- A lleiv >PorU Hi-rllct (et- the Monipa (ldahoj ' ^ e >

• Pres*, iThti woB on onnoimced -•« Ui4 , f ig h t, 'm u m c d hi# n-orJc new ipaptr little mlnitfulof tbS. cred> It tliat. was' ilren him .fo r c«lmir

_ dlrcctlng-'thb 600'fan* from - tbB P ar«na to uJety.'

-which binued U e Palrvlen. arena and serred M 'a warehouse;. “n ie jtnieture.w as opmetf by Mr*.

- — H ,-J . -Bryant-of- Bolao, aUtcr of Mrs. Henry Ford, wife o f Ui« De­tro it motor nuipml«, and her son. Mflvln Brjunt. •

"The buUdliis wax In f l r t t cIoM _-ffhape from llM.ttaudpolnt o t equip-

mfni. ~fnr nri»v«^Hnii nT'Brj-ant, who concluded ho am j"lm Riother Icet approximately tSO.OOO

. In Uie building and 11,000 In per- oonol properly itored In U.

He Kald considerable Iniurnnco .WAa curried, '

GovernRienl'i Loaa

<icr of the weittm IdiUio-eastem Oregon Civilian ConscrvuUon corpi .district, utlmated Uie federal sov- cm m ent's loos In.equipm ent slorei In the B rjant iniiiding o t $150,000 none of which wo« covcrcd by in suranee.

< E(]Ulpmcnt Hhkh n-os lost included - I|}.U4 Iruetot. s li p.asjfnKcr automobiles

^ two ombulanceii. Eight elcctilc pow­e r gtiieratlns units, 0.000 mess klU 3,000 blankets, slioe.v clothing. tooU bed(llns and records, Lt.-Col. Jonc:

Hero of $1,000,000 Fire Surveys Ruins

11 Service Men Die.- In-Airplane CrashesNine Army Fliers Killed at Liin«:ley Field;

Two Seamen Victims at Sun Dioj^o'(Dy T lie AMoclnletl ,Prcv.)

Two plane cra.'siic.'i— o n e o f a n a rm y plnnc npa r tlu ' A U n n llc c o a s t a n d the o th e r o f a n a v y p lm ie n e a r llic P a c ir ic — lo o k t h e lives of eleven s e rv ic e m e n to d ay . Both plann.s b u rn e d .; T h e a rm y ;)ln n e . n b l - m o to r e d bom ber cnuslicd a n d b u rn e d a t th e Lnnglcy field , V a ., n r m y a i r ba.'se, klllliiK tw o c o m m l.s - s lo n e d officers a n d s e v e n e n l i s te d m en. Tlic a c c id e n fo c c u r re d n s th e Dlnrte took o ff f o r a r o u t in e nnvTfratlnii fllchi

(.a lf ' Dr i ves IJIaze to Outskirts of \'ill:ige of-9(10 Persons then

Shifls at Ri«;Iit Andes •<Uy l l i e A.v.oclnird P r f i ,

srO K .A N F, .Atic, 11— A Rale lik e w ind ili .il w h ipped a d y in g forc .si /ir i ' liiio fu ry to d a y a n d blew it to t!ic v e ry e d g e o f S p i r i t L ake, Idaho , .sh ifte d a t r lK h t ang les a t th e la.-!! m in u te a n d -b le w th e riamo.'i aw ny iiB aln:

T oiilR ht a lull In tliu w in d , w lilc h liad .w itc h ed a n d sw e rv e d III) n fternoo ii, Kavc iiopcs to th e 1,500 f ire f lg h le rs t h a t t h e l i t t l e mill village -15 mlle.s n o r th e tu it of he re w ou ld r e m a in s a fe . Only a ro m p le ie r ig h t a b o u t face and c o n s id e ra b le s t i f f - e n liip of th e w ind cou ld b r ln j; — -----------

Two filers died in th e e r a s D iego , Calif,, d u r in g g u n n e r y exerelscs.

LANGLEY H E L D . V a., A ug , 11 (/P) — An a rm y b o m b in g

-plane, taking olf (or a local tn tln - tng flljlit. crfuhed and burned here today. kllllnB Us crew of two com- nlasloned offlcen and seven enlisted.

Tlw dead Included Howard Jftuemls of Merlcllivn, Idaho, a f.Mff sergeani.

Motor TroQt>le n i e crruli, tlejcr'ibcd by officials

here or one of the worst arm y av ia ­tion nccldcnts ln> recent years, wns appartnlly ilue to motor trouble. A fter attaining an olUtude of about IW 'feet. wItnfjsK said, one of the ship's motors appeared to have

I Of th e navy p la n e n e a r S a n

m f ALUafi'M ^TiM-wtllet'ffr Uie N a»p»' ?>re Prm . looka over the 'm ins o f-s $1,000,000 fire whleb'b e m td (tia bdlldfnc In trblch he in a annosnclar a card. Allen coimly directed (he SOD fans to la frty . n ira trb c lim w»* ffimed' by Mr*. I t IL Bryoiit e( UoUf, lijier-in-latr o f I lrn ry Ford, and her ton. Melrln Bi7l«(jAptralm«t«ly-'$1S0,0M ttt'CCC efaSfinest went tip In the blaxe.— (A.uoclalcd Tre.M Photol


l i M v m g for^^ CArrangements N ear Completion for Headline

------—^ ^ —

■- D ;- f e y ) 1___ P r ic e of M a la d , c o m m a n d e r o f Ih e -Id a h o d e ­p a r tm e n t Of th e A m e ric a n L eg ion , w ill a rr iv e today to su rv e y p rep a ra tio n s , " s tu d y , d e p a r tm e n ta l r e p o r ts a n d g ree t o th e r le ad e rs on th e eve; o f th e 2 1 s t a n n u a l c o n v en tio n of th e W o rld

FLASHES of LH’E -By Aasoclaled

P rcu

•H alf, a n d H a lfSPENCE31, lJid.-W ard M. Kicks,

Democratic townihlp ir tu tee in ­cumbent. rued Arlie Kay. nepubli- can who won last November, for a

gation, ahould serre the f irs t half o t the four-jear tenn aod Kay the second half.

P u te lin ffI, WELCH. )■ Den-ey Short ndmlta BomB.nopects of - U » ea»#-«re-* mito pu« Iln f.-bu t—

------He’a-looklng-fM ■ ene-ttirned rob«. bery. suspect who beats his Tictims—

.'.'.IBtl.MTTlM'lWO guns*:

T ro p ib H a s a r d . .SALT LAKE a T V —Take It from

O. W. Allsop of New - Zealand, here on a world motor tour, the rlgoni of

. mountain drlvtnt: a ren 't a s nerve >rr*cklnB os the hatards of t h o trop­ics,

Ailsop reUted he parked hU car under a tree In East Africa. When •he tried to start'the Whl:eU-\i‘jiuian’lturn. He applied more poi^-er...........: Something snapped.'

-■ Inspection dlscloaed a python y-pulled nsOTilerrlUfroni ettd-WTappc'd

around the rear axle, tls ta ll around

H ot S tu f f '--- ------8ALT-LAKB C IT lf - r^ t t i


As ch ief e x e c u tiv e .o f 5,000 Id a h o L eg io n n a ire s . CoW ihnnder P rice .will p re s id e a t a s c o re o f 'v a r ie d .m e e tin g s d i i r ln g 'th c

f o u r - d a y assem bly, w hich f o r ­m a lly o p e n s Sunday.• M a rsh a ll C hapm an, p u b ­lic i ty o f fic e r fo r the co n v en ­tion, and. J . J . Wlntcrholer. Bencml eholrman. sold Uiat jV W. Valliant, Denver, national Held s«reUit>- for tlie order, would aLw arrive lodtiy,

Les Albert, Idaho department nd> Jutont ftlnco' IflM. wlio ' arrived Thursday'tilght to help'in Ilnal rangcmeiits'amiouncetl that on Sun­day anil Monday addlllonal-dljtln- guislird gucits and .npcakers -would arrive.

Mrs. Idoita Ross cf priggs. pre.'il- den t.o f the Idaiio Auxiliary, is cx- pectcd late tonl;;ht or Sunday morn­ing. ' . ' .. Henr?' C. Dworahali, Idalio r c p « - sentative who relumed Tltursdny from Washington. D. C.. wiil un-

E x cellen t F l o a t s . P r e p a r e d ;. Old F r c i g h t b r W ill ' ' D r lv e - T e a m s

Colorful American Loglon pande,' ihnually a lilshllght .o f Idolio De-

pa ftm tn t’ConTentlons.-wlil be tlie most outslandln(t.fenturo off<re<l the public durlog-the four-day gaUter- Ing of Leflonnalres nnd • Auxiliary memben' in T w in . FalU starting

have seen ten floats •.near comple­tion 'tha t are 'beautiful."..Van' Aiu- deln-declared, .

.Bumba.;iloaU .are j » t alone. In emandlhg public att«nUon In the

parade., • 'i 'Tlirough.tlie courtesy of Mll£heU

Runt , o f Bull], S a m S a u n d e rs . of BHo r Dld«rfrelRt»t-'»trlns-~dnvtr in- I d ta io T ^ ’Landlcra'.oix-horse .teom- and-irelghler ln -th e -lln e ‘of march.

Sam * wlll'.'HQve-'htB -oia'-frlcn'a;B.'-Penlhe,' f irst ran c h owner

theiTwln' FaJls. trac t. :for a - com­panion on,Ihfc frelght*r. Van Aua- detn ii»id.

Saibdera .has driven "iJ-up and four'lraller w g o tu " ; ln early days on .lhe .trae t and .In- frelghUng In and', out . o f tjie.- S tanley . basin counlry. . • ' - • • • - -

Tlie veteran’- fre igh ter, had .bells on tli'e fronlKama t» nvoid collisions u . . i io .d r o ie .- t l^ 12«horso-.outfit arotind shan> turns on grades.

Other intcrcstlnc.cntmntii Include W -deeor...............he 'B lig tle Safety-cJubM w o Buhl

mounu ____ _riding aeadeiriy. '

AnoUjer, feature will I old

' Tlicn Nnoke.■- Tlie'Ilt^'deparimojt^xtiniivUshed s blare In an overheated radio.

.CQunttJalr.bOttrd .wlU: ride.. a au d o OetTcIlfa-. will- drive- th e f[iur.hor»c Icaaj.:;'.

South-ccntral Moho residents mftj- tCerUnuri^Mi'P.*,- 2. Celumn I)

Burley to attend aesslons.

•Drain. ■ director' iif —Ih trsocial security board and past na-. tlonal commander, wlio will Kpeak' a t Utc cltlld welfare meeUng a t 1 p ; m‘. Sunday and thefl a; m. busi­ness meeting Monday, will probably

(ConUBUri on r.»» ». CoJtma 4}

mkimmN o S p c c ia l S e s s io n . U n less

— W a r B e c o m c r i m m i n c n t r , P r e s id e n t D ec la re s

HYDE PAOK. N. Y.. Aug, 11 (/T7- President hoosevcit today signed bill making fnr-reaciUiig changes in th e •w^.aljwcu;ril>;_jirog^,_clBwed nwliy most of the other measures which wngrcM left on his hands, and sold he would call a special aion to enact more Irgislnllon oaly If

n r became xen.<iotiably certain.He voluutecred the information.

: B. prcM conference, tha t so far a.i h e knew tiiere WM'po rea?on, ns of today, to-cjtll congt^ji back Into ses- r.lon before its .scheduled meeting January 3, . -

T liea. telliiiB reporters to note his words carefully, he "added;

I f an actual war crhls became Imminent la Europe or Uie Par East —jn other words. If tt bccam# re; ronobly cerLiin there, was going

war—ho protiably would call . latTc.-glonTmWiCdintcly-to-ln n g r

American neutrolity along Uie lines o f intem allonal law,-so Uiat this

of newsmen by.asserting he would get in touch witi) the:state' depart- m c n t tcniDrroff'before-icartng for New York to board a cruiser for a vacation trip Into norUiera waters.

Tlie pilot, fitcond Lieutenant Horn- l^-Mr-Mackayr-apporwiUji—lA - a t

effort to Mralsliten tlie plane, s ta r t­ed , gliding toward tlie w a te rs -o f Back river, only a short distance *wny. Tlie plnne. however w ent In­to a dive and cra.ihfd fifty - feel from the wntrr's edge, the w recki ago Inirstlng almost Inunediately in ­to flames.- W itn e s s e r j i l in t i r y l t tn n r n m s : ' • ' n -os-the-p lane-strucfc- the

d-«m l-a-*erle*-of-«bout-»ix cnrthiTlTtr;ihiyTipit"?CTritttc^

u ies .'C rash in ick 'inn anlbulimcB' iTowa raced to tJif scene, bu t'w crff rendered htlDlt'i.i In- a rescue o t- tem pt by the flatne. and Intense hcnt. The bodies could'not be re­moved until about 'two hours Jotcr.

A board of Innulry was appointed and Immedlntdy started an Investi­gation, Tlie t o r d was composed

ta in Wllllftm If. JifcArthur and Licu-i'P,‘T’6«-ell

^ Desd U sltd .Army officials list Uie dead as fol­

lows:Second Lieutenant Homer M,

Mackay, naUve of Lansing, M idi., no t married.

— Second-" Lieutenant—'n iom aa--L . Dutner, Bumarllle. N. C.. married.

Technical Sertciint William Mor- can, of Norton, Va., married, two children.

S ta ir Sergeant’ Raymond Sliellcy, Oakdale, Lo.. married, one son.

S ta ll Sergeant Ev'crett K irkpat­rick. of QullJtne. W ash... morrled four................................

E U R O P M N EIn te n se D ip lom atic A c tiv i ty

. C oincitlcn t W ith W a r G am es

<Iiy Tlie Asiociaifd Prcii) In ten se d ip lom atic a c tiv i ty

th ro u g h o u t E urope r e f le c te d g row ing, tension in th e in t e r ­n a tio n a l s itu a tio n F r id a y a.sh u n d r o d t- o t__ tlw u sa n d s o ftroop .1 were called to th e c o l-

fo r fall m aneuver.') In Y i goslav la , R u m an ia a n d ltt \Iy .

T h e eyes o f m o s t d ip lo m a ts w ore on S a lzburg , G e rm a n y , where Uie Orrman and Italian for­eign minktcra. Joaclilm von Ilib- bcntrop and Count Galeazzo Clano, ■ op c n e{ m n T Jn in ) ''^ ire rc n c

.Infdfihfd'tjuacttrx said . th f Q cr- '■ ■ ■ ijmcceS’a u a i'Ita lls ^ . talkn

-again.today.at pleturcsque/FusclioI. castia and perhapS later a t nearby Berclilesfiaden with Adolf Hitler. The question of Danilg wa.< believed b ; obsen'ers to bo Uie chief topic of conversations. -

Poland's ombti6.yulor to London. Count Edward Racsynakl, caned at

JliS_Bdlhb-ZoK len-fittlfia^ot-U -.a h^cond succtislTe day to dlscujs Uie

'ilie turkW i and Yugoslav envoys to Londo{t also made foreign of­fice calls which were regarded as nignlflcant In view of Increasing concern reported from soutiicastern Europe.,

Reports from Paris said Premier1 TlftlfiHlrf hft vti m

Staff Sergeant Howard A. Jauer- nlg. Meridian, Idalio, married.

Corporal Pete Bunyk. of New Ken- alngtcn. Pa., not manled.

Private Antliony Reale. of Mil­waukee. not married. .

Private Roy B. BIcopold. of East Maunch Cliunlt, Pa., not married.

SAN DIECO, Calif., Aug. 11 (A’t— Two naval flltn, a rcsen'c offlccr and-an enlisted man of the regular novy. met death today when their plane crashed at Miramar landing field, a few miles north of San Di­ego.

T lie pilot was Ensign T, R, Wood. 58. and his passenger, V. •P. Aiiiiitiuiiii, -------------------- ‘

caught fire as won as i t^ ro s and was quickly reduced to a .m ass o f chaffed wrtdoge- T h e accident occurred while the fliers were engaged in gunnery ettiees.- ...............

New Public Enemy No. 1i r c w YORK. Ailg,' U (/rw rv lng

Charles (Charlie). Chapman, a . l i t ­tle Texas bad nun with cold.blue e}'ca.ond,10-allaM*,.was dwigriated by' Ute department of •JwUce todayas Uic new publfa enemy N o ,J .__ ;“ In ^an U fo f tlfe'dounliy^ lo most- sougtlt missing man. Usued-by the federal -bureau, of. Investlgalion -in connection wiUt .the govemmcnfa ciirrcnt nftUon»Wy.«orflinatcd antU crime campaign. Charlie'* name led•a n th o -n s t.-------:-------------------------.'-Louis <t^ke)_.Buchalter, termed bj’ "nidmas ■£. Drwey, .New ‘ Yor^ ioun ly . district ..attomej, tlic -.racot dongeroui Industrial' nickclctr- a t large, had Uie relaUvelj-. <bscura

. fou rth place on this government ros­te r'of-the-lnfam ous. ', All ten fugitives, federal agent* BAld Tirtvately. .were ^Ucved under thojprotecuon of a ’ nnUonal «j-nl*

. ia it£ ^ p e c lc d j> f Jiarbbring. crimin­a ls flia an orgonl;;^ budness,

- Ohopman'a - crlmitva T tcord ; cpea bftck'«niy to 1031. b rcIaUrcly olibrt one for a m an of 41. but his career alnee then olreody has brought pris­o n .sentences aggregating U years.- — ConvIcle3“ dr "plirtJclp^Udn-ln-ltn- AUnnta. Tex.. bank-robbefy-ln lMB In w hlch.he was shot and'captured, ha-.wos-~senteneed.to. CD. years, the F B I said, and xubsequcnUy gli-en'33 years for a Red River coumy.,Texa*.

kidnaping about which details were lacking here.-- .

In July, 1037, he.escttped from tlie Teants Btata p ^ te n t to ir with e ightoUt'er-pTl*oner*.-He'-l3 a to c k y ^ id both sides of hli face are scalloped wiUi.knUe.acan.awr-.tha «yei> H e earrles tn h lj shoulder on undoter-' •mined number of pistol aluga. .- -He'»:a^naUT»-of Mississippi .and waa once a fairly aucccsatul con­tractor. Between him and Lcpke on the FBI list were a pair o f barOy ccnvict*-=TOeMor« • Col^-No.-3 .-and Jl4»ph4loo,.No.'3-who e sc a p ^ on Dec. 19, l»37, trdm Alcalrae priaon. I t:h a d been assumed that l»m .w em j — t. j _

personal command of the Prcncii' government.

HiKh gm'cmment quarters In Ber­lin exprfHC5Llhe_dt*nlon the Dnn-, tig problem had fea c li^ 'oh •'acute Btiige." At the same Ume. foreign diplomaUc circles In the Nazi cap­ital wero equaRj- convinced . the

Rom c-Berlln.azb had readied Uie stage wherei further clarification was necessary.


T w in F a lls D r iv e s P o c a te l lo C a rd in a ls O u t o f

L e a g u e t .e a d

_ 4 0 49 .440 _ 4 0 60 .444

H .400

- tonlghi'a BehedBle Pocatello a t Twin Palls (0 p. m.1 Ogden a t Salt lAke Lewiston a t Boise • .

M a n ag e r C h a rley W ry a n d h i s . r a m p a g in g , r a n c h , h a n d s t u r n e d la s t n ig h t 's o p e n e r a g a in s t th e P o c a te llo 'C a rd in ­a l s in to 'a h a p p y o c c a s io n f o r 2,203 fa n s a t sJaytjCB p a r k ; - -

O ld K en tu ck y . C h a r l e y p r o y ^ - h l s p l t c h l n ^ c t r o o g c c w ea p o n th a n th e b i s b a t s o f Tom -ItobcU o a n d -c o m p a h y o s the Twin Polls- Cowboys slapped ih s vlsilon out of tho Pioneee eaguB-lead and took o ter U u t spot

thetMclTes;6 to-5.-........PosUng h li-a lx icfn th> aaund-u i-

u m i^ of Ihe'scasm 'W n'>1w pt’thb': 'o rd inal clouten..und£r_cttttrol..as.

whipped‘his'assortm ent.'.of-de- (CeMlautd aa.rtc* b Celiuaa.'U..-

bulldinss ln-.i(

new danger.C liark .s SImp.Kon,

,ld-n<hnd bum,

rnw n iinid Uie Ijv Barge Iwx fncion-. esriier reported coniplriely conMmicd.. had not been destro.vrd.. Lov.f< IminedlRtcly around Spirit Lake .11111 were e.iUniated to have mountKi imsi ihe tl ,000,OM mark. IneludlnK 40.000.000 feet of lumber tn the Panhandle Lumber company yards niirt' a" Milw,iiii;,'c 'rillroaU company roimilhoiir.c. now only partly in ur.c.

buU'ildc of Snmlpoiiii to Uie north. Chorle.i fieiirborouKh. Idaho deputy fire warden, reported the simnilon "anyUiliig but gnod, with fipot flrc.i r.prinRing up faitrr llian the men can put them out,"

C. K. McHnnt. U. S. forest ser­vice regional fire control inspector flew from Mtsjoiiln. Mont, to co- ordliinle eIfort.i of various agencies, battling the blaic. including CCC enmli.rjr .............................................forcat 5cn-)cc men and Coeur d'Alene nnd Snndpolnt fire department com- panle.i., Conlilcttng report.1. first Uiat Uie

town had burned, and then i t had not. left the fate of the little vilinge of 000 In doubt for aeveral hours to­night.

wiilch stt'ept UirouEh a reported lo ,. 000 .iiat4 lIm m _M r:3pokano-la»V week-end. and tben sm oalder^ In a

ped into a b ! f t il^ u ^ -^ i« i ln tid jyby a. .

John Dlmellng, general manager of Uie Panhandle mill Uiert. said the fire swept down from Uie moun­tain "on a wind of hurricane force" sliorUy after mld-oftemoon. *

After burning 40.000.000 feet of

f l o m t s i i i MCRffiFLOBIDA

W in d s C au se M in o r P r o p e r t yD am ag e an d K ick Up____

H eavy W a v e sPALM ORACH. PI».. Aug. I I W V-

niusicr}^ Winds at Umcj reaching nearly 55 mile.-; an liour caused minor properly damage and kicked up iieavy wave* in the AUootlo ocean and Lake Okeecliobee ton igh t - as u 'sniall tropical storm moved acrOM llie lower end of Uip Florida penlwula,

Diimage was confined, first rrporla Indicated, to blown down signs, loos­ened roofing, fallen power polea and "xne injuo’ to citrus.

Two pertoiis .luJfered illgh t in - •11^ Ini1lfi»ftlv hy ..

which moved inland from tho At- lanUc in the rlclnlty of Jup iter, Just north ot here late UiU - afte r-

Moves Into Gulf TJie weather bureau a t Ja c tio n -

ville said tho storm was oentored ' Eastern Siandard T ltte .

norOieaat-of-Okeechobee- CHy,- itllt— moving in a northw esti........................

tonigiit Cl

Heavy ralhi fi


Y o un g D e m o c ra ts H e a r C h ie f E x e c u t ive P ra i s e d b y

C an d icfa tePnTSBUR01I,.AUff. 11. W’;-B ? -

'u-,*An rp^iei'hftf dflmr i i'i-:ng a "Uilrd term" for President Roosevelt o r a t least far his “Ideo.i," PHuI V. McNutt ouUlned before the national Young DemocraU' con- venUon tonight a three-point pro­gram for 'm odem liberalism,"

He also lauded Uie president In supcriaUro terms 'and promised an enlargeti social security program to cover liealUi and disability pro* granur,■ n i c speccli of McNutt.-on avowed candidate for Uie Democratic presi- denUal nomination, touclied off - a wild demonstraUon. H ie cnUre convention rose to shout and yell. wliUe »e«rai bands marched around Uie com-entlon halt creaUng Uic loudest din of Uie junior conclave.

second Important addre,« since lie was named by the president as • • ■ r i f r ..........................

Rich farm mucklaiid around Lak« Okccliobee was flooded la aome lec- Uonj. desutjying seed • bed*. ^

Although Uic mtemlty of th e dis­turbance was expected to be dim in- ' Ishcd by the time it rcachod tho w e.3 ,t_^t^qf Uie state. Jorecattara ■wnr^fr'-ff•'tFoTIIir''tiraSlUiiy causa ~ heavy squfOls in U\e northeastern ' s » I f -and ■ Aiall a a f t- 'w a ra ln g t- ttw - conttnuetf'from Uie Tam pa ba^ sec-.Uon to/cam bene for toi^ight and ' Saturday.

WamJnci Palled Dawn Storm warnings were ordered down

a t mldnlsut on the coat Florida coast but. small craft were advised-to-eontlnue to-eieitlMi r a n«iM -untn-------morning.' ' ,

T he weaUier bureau liad eivcn ample wanting alnee the disturbance dei-cloped northeast o f Puerto Rico la st Tuesday morning and stortnwisa Floridans had mads careful prep- omtions.

roreca.itcrs a t Uie JacksonvillecnthtrbuTEira m a u>t itro n i t s t ------ -•inds were about 60 miles an hour e a r Uie storm , ocntcr and th a t

hen»7 squalls spread out over a con­siderable area.

TTiey saU J t was not a hutricana —winds of 76 mllca an hour or niora —but Uiey advised 'a l l in terests '' from Uiis winter jT w r t ocatar up to Datoha Beach; I to 'm lles to the norUi. to exercise-cauUon for *er« eral hours.

T lie stomi had moved-In a gen- eraliy we.it northwest dIrecUon olnea i t formed bi Uie AUanUo off Puerto- • Rico. A conUnuaUon of Uiat dl- recUon would take It acro u t&e Florida petimsula In a diagonal line soma 200 miles to U>e Gulf of Mexl- CO In the Tampg»SU PetcrgbUTB area.

-sdminlstntifirst being a t Cleveland several weeks ago When he itnjng along with Uie Roosei-elt foreign policy. He did not menUon IB40 tonight, b u t. previously In an Interview he reiterated he •would »ithdniw frtsn Uie race.of Uie-president aoughb aihlrctJeTm.______________________

Sena tor.Borkley. Of. Kentucky,. Use

...1- Infonnal-oddrea'predieU nfttlit ifiiO conwnUon would no t repudl- — tho-“c!ght jeara o fnoosevelt.”

Seattle SafetyRecord, Broken

SEA1TLS. Aug, n Ijri — Seattle 'a sixth effort to conpile a traffic n e « ord of 'one hundred deathless day*" . th is summer. .cnded..-loday.'w lien-...j M ia. Mlanls Coiiallo, 60, was-tilled — •:. te .a .h i t -n in ,d m c t^

saletyj emblem and a po rU onof » ac* j«e -pa ii:::{o ro^whe&'U'slniclc' U ie '^ e s tr la n . .

Mrs. CosteDo died In th* 17Ui o t tbo -cunco t ."100 -diji.—

2,000 Jewish Refugees Board Ships for Undetennined Ports ’

CONSTANZfl^ Bumanla.;,-Aue. < fl> -ljea£ ly j.ajl00_ jetlfiljs ja tee* from dismembered - .O ^ i ^ d n k l A b o a rd e d .tn O reuL siitm anitodA ; for a n -attempt--to Tun- Brit*to'» blockade Into Palestine. / -

'M en, ^cm^n and ehUdt«n who li’ad''<CHpM''$160. for passage fUaMad.-aboiutl the ■vMsels'rt>f'TTS^*»e' df'l.W O

^ (Ibft.British coveiTifflen.ta;wune>

ed CSV Juaa U U ul n o .J e ir i^.... .

,.a% B r.R p ie•en t«d^o l^ . 1 'partTcf..ttn--»ft»tBea'ln.tbt ...........,o t*m 'po ttrin i:tato . th l i -H l i t ik - m ^ p o r i< to n etatzal'kiKi a " ~ ' ' peaB-countHaa.-'.—U jey-w tod .^ lo * ln< ra ''ir "■


S u n V a l le y 's T h ird A n nual S h o w E x p e c te d to At*

~ t r a c t T h o u s a n d sSUN VALLEY. Idnlio, AUK..11 m

Tliouiancl# of vtslton. licntifcl by Governor and Mrs. C. A, Botlollin nrfi cjpccUKl bcre tomorrow tor Uie oiM-nlnc of me third mnunl Bun Vtilley rodeo.• Two pprJonnnnces »rc plRnned.

•. Sfllurdny nnd Sunday »t 3 p. ni.. tind cnch wlL be prccedfd by n pnst- an t tleplctins evcnta In llie lilitoty o f the pioneer west.

PrUc money toultns 15000 ti be* Inc offered nxleo cantestniiU, Dob Miles, round-up dlrecUir. Mild cu- Ininta would liieludc tuch top*»irlnc coBhanda nnd cowbHIs m Burel Miilkfy of Bnlmon, Idnlio, J038 all* nroiincl cowboy cluunplon: Dlclc O rttflth of Chandler. Arlt, chnm' ploii trick rider; Nick lOilght o Cody, Wyo.. and Alice Qrettiousli

. of M ontuna. R-orWi cJiampIoni'om- at> rider.

Fort Hn!l Indians In full c<rre- • nionl»! rcsallft will be on hand, p«r- tlclpatlns in Uic pre-rodeo pageanta.

A fea ture of the week-end pro- cn im .w lll tK ft beauty and Ulent contcil"8u lurdfty ' nlglit ntnonir 10 Blrls rcpresenllnB 10 Idaho eltle.^ Winner will be crowned "MIm flui Valley." be awarded trips to boUt of this year's world'* fairs and be eU«lble'to enter Uie national beauty parade ne Atlantic City. N. J.

■ O Y MIO P S P 0 1 6 I0 2

i i \ 'e n jn jT c r i t n c r w a n n T a - i i - t« t where they did the le u t harm. Ii niily-lwo-m nlnga^— .tb i . i ln i .a u d . ]a»t — were the'R edblrds able to gel more than one blow.

T urning the tAblea eompleteJy on Pocatello, Uie Twln Pall.1 club stole U>e home run ahov. Joe McNantee and Corky CirUon eocked out two mlBfity roim d-trippen off Pitcher •rrank Nclaon In the third Inntng,

^ am ee 's .te rrtllc wallop sent Uia II M arins over tlie left center

fence. Then.-W lth two out. Carlson slammed a four-bajger out of the park vln rlRhl field.

The Cnrtllnal* drew first blood ................... il fnii

Conclsde Trip — Mr. and Mrs. Oeorse L lni have relumed from WeiiBtchce. Wash., ‘brlnslnc u ltli them Ilielr granddaughier, Pat.^y Jonn Smith.

Kndi VUIl — M. Dudley 6'AUn of New Yor»' City hayfeft on lil-i re ­tu rn trip to the eiljt alicr vkmm; m s Here with tita parents, Mr. niicl Mr», ArtJiur L. Sivim.

Uoite VliUon — Mr, and Mrs. Joicph DoTOs. M. J. Uwrer.ce, M. IL Anderson. O. C. Dudley nnd T. J . Uoyrt were amons the Ti\'ln r.ilLi re-ildcnti In Boise jestenlay.

Camp Fir* Speaker — JJracc CllziibeUi Blake wilt be the Miniker over Uie resular tam p Fire bro:id' cn.1t Saiurdny momlnj. Her loplc ■KlU 'ot Uie lourth law ol Camp >- rc, "Be Trustworthy."

rertla iid Trip — MU'! Miir>;arct Kennedy and Miss Allctn Oroiiiii plan to leave Mondnw-tiiornlnK on a moU)r trip to Portlftiid, Ore.. nnil

Son DotB >- A son was bom ylerday momlns to Mr. and Mr». H. W.- nicdeman of Twlii T a lb a t tli Suburban inatem lty home.

t. TJicyexpwil to return ulwiit- /u g u a t 19. nccoinpiinl'd by Ml:'p I'Jlmmy Oroome of Portland, Mio will vuit her parental. Dr. nnd Mr^. H. n . Croorae, and her sister. Alleen.

Return Crem Spokane - Mr. niici Mrs. Stanley n. aiumcon and fuiii- lly have returned ’from 8(>ol:anc. where Uiey spent, Uielr vacation witl) Mr. . Sturgeon'll parents. Tliey were accompanied by . Mr. Stur- Reon’s sbter. ML« Tlielmn SlurRcoii of apokanJ, nnd his brother, Wnlicr Sturseon, Jr„ who Is cnuased In ho* tel work a t Mlitml, Fla. Walter etun- geon will return sliorlly to Florida,

Attiltallan Trip — Mrs, CUudi Brown left yesterday tnornlng for S an Pranclxro from where slie'wir sail August 15 on Uie Marlpow. It compiiny wlUi Mrs. C. E. Macmlllar and-her. dauRhtcr. MUs Jean-U ac

Mrs. Macmillan and her dauRhirr were visitors In Twin Fall.i early Uil»'-6prlnBrjrr»njfoWn“ wiirvUli- polnU of Interest In the llnwallan, Samoan and FIJI Islands and New Zealand en route to Amtralla whfi ahe will visit a « n . Claude Browi . Jy., wl«> Is on ft iwo-ytar mission for the U O. S. cburclu

lUlt o i l walk._____ .m d singles by Ro^ello .Klrke. B u t the Cowboys turned loose an altaek on Nelson's slanU to ^core tour times In Uielr half. QIaIiop an ti Reynolds walked and Farrell slnslK) to bring In Uie ond boAemaii. McNamec wa.i

------- o iv-B um eH .'»-enw -*nd-R «>nscored: Farrell and MeNamee

p j PnmK FaleonI and CarUon.

olrcult_^jlla 111 .^lie UUrd /liml

. _ Vdiiliional Coiboy'bli Bocdanoff connected for two bases and Joe Nokes beat out an Infield h i t In the atxlh.' Three Cardinal slnKles gave tl Robellomen a nin In Uie nlnUi li nlng. bu t the attempted ralb- ended

dano ffs dlove for'the lirial out.*TS.-|n.yn1Ti* flfj^ *'

er, s to ried in one of the two dou­ble playa executed by the Cowboyi. In the eecond InnlnR HJort h it ttro-boser and Strada. next mj up, drove n hard line drive to left center. Nokes raced for It. made apectacular catch and tlien doubli

------ n jo r t-om recnnaT jn ifrim no jno itP ’pleltog th e classy performance.- . T o nlslit’s game. Uie second be'

tw een th e leogue's top rivals, will g e t under way at B o'clock, half hou r la te r than Uie regular sla

■ in g time.

IIs ImUo lb iu 'llnn r <

> Falli .................. lo: 090fnmirr. Krrrn—>1urj<)ir. Huri»lt " Two bk» hll-Il}nrt.■ WcNiimf», C«fl.on. Hlxltn 1 op. Nokfi. Ui.iMf p)tr-Nok,_ „ loldi ti> liuhos: I'arrrll is plihoP In ton. Struck om-hr KiImh I«. Wry u n on b>1l«->;(r Ktlion 9. WrrM ^TIm/nfM m ^'l h w 'o V L 'i Irw—l>ooltr •I'J Ctracb*!!.

J for

tiUello"iia“ UTeyTnfhJpc<l'UiB"home- " town club S to 7 tonlKlit, before

a crowd estimated a t 3JM9.The PlIoU collected 13 bliiEles off

Jack llftlL but Uie Tribe cliucker kep t them well apart as he lasted the d lstnnce against lliree Boise

— pltcJiers -—'H e rb AnderiOn, Fccler- .~ m e y e r nad Larry-Rfne.-Ftdwrnsytt- .. . . v a j tacgcd.w lU i Uie loss..

• Lew 'ston turtrrt_away,,ttie_____ln - th e 7 3 l« h - lnntnf,TColle«lns-*tx.

Cn'tclier H nl 5chlmllns led Uie In- ~ dian batxmen. Retting two for three

and acorlnir twice, once o baBKcr. -V

-The Infield team of Andy Har- . rlnRton. Ed Sheehan and Wall Lowe . sjiarWed fo r BOUe. Uie Uiree making

• Uirte double plays.

_ j i u . . p» lei Toui. r T IS

_________ _____

DovbU'»l*n->n«trintilaBli> S&M&in u Low* <II> WJUIubmiT t* Cel. lo Comlll

■ ■aZ to _Corf.lL-B— on• b4lli efr-^lall S. Andmon %, R«na S.

a r>c. 0lake poslUoni along any sWe i.. . . city blocks and see the parade. Van Auadein sa id .'

Parade will t u n a t a p, m. Tues­day a t FourUi street north on Main

_L lae_oL ..m arch_ l4 . dowiL-Malr •ftTenue-to-the-ehoshone-atrret-ln- Kraeetlon: then righ t one block

uSt3TOa:?JUSnutjtifl_£fluuli_ilrcci, M utlii-then one block to Main ave­nue returning on Main avenue to Second street ea- t: continuing oi Second street east to St. Edwart'. Catholic churdi: circling city park to FourUi avenue norUi and c< Unulng Uiree blocks to a point

w B ror'S incirT T civ _____________tion Is' requested to send a rrnrr-

iGitirrT'2:30'p. ni.rbLili6ps’'mpet- ing; a;3B p. m., M. L A. superln- tendeney and Era directors' meet­ing.

lU lallvf. VWi _ Mr. niid Mr.<. John Gilmore and John Doaiiing of C. • - " -

ParUclpants In.-Uie-|>arade-«lll' line up a t 2 o'clock, the Legion'iginrtmphiiM« a:'~ •— ----------

Flim s or Indlvlduala who wish tc n te r Hoata or oUier <ll>playa in Uw

parade are uried to telephone Mi Van Ausdein a t 1034,

-T he committee has atlemple<l to ..jake all contacts,'but as wo have

overlooked some parade parlons," 1 Ausdein said. Hosever. entry

lists are not closed and Qiere Is itill time to enter Uie parade.'

~\Vedce<day a t Uio homo oC Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. Siewan, Mrs. Ollmore und-Mr.-DowntnrTiiT-n'Titccirftnd nephew of Mr, St-“wart, Tlie Iowa visitors were en route home from Lhe Pacific cowt. They will vUlt Yellowstone nnllonni park on their ray to lown.

------------ REUb'H. ULLS'OSALT LAKE CITY, AUR, II Ul-)-

m e fourUi-plsce Ogden Reds .topped Uie Uilrd.place Salt Lnko

c ity Bees cold here tonlsht as ] Costello chucked four-hit ball

u it out Uie home talent 6 to 0, Lefty Uel Marlowe, erstwhile

o f Uie Bee pitching stall, yielded U blows to Uie Reds and was respon- aible for five nms.

OKden taried twice' In Uie flrul iinUig for what proved lo be th< rlinclier as the Bees went down iwlngiiiB before .Cwtello's ba.'fllng ilant-i, Tlie Red hurler struck out

13.C het Rosenlujicl and Neal

;acli got three-baRseni, but Arlett perlfllied on the sack for lack

R ay Alves was tagged wiUi the only Bee bobble.OsJ<n *b r u i . ib r h


saxfl - IO-ply and la n d 93x8 - 8-pI; up, PASSENQEE CAR TIRES.,

00 - 8.00X10 1 up , . All Olber Sl^ua

S t u ^ M o m B o n .Tlrw Beeapt>w! er VaJeanbH

An Sltsf1 T tu c k U o a -N e rf io T . P. I

of lllehlleld returned to his home late la?t evening after a visit In Tviln Palls with friendn.

Home atler Visit — Dljtrlct Judge and Mrs. James W. Porter have re­turned Irom Fortxea Monroe. Va,,

I where Hiey vWted their son. Ueu- tenant Qwln Porter, and family for some time.

To Sun Valley —John Krier, man- i>i;er of the Orplieum Uienier, and Mra. Krler wUl leave today for Bun- Viiliry to be present a t ceremonies In coiincctlon wlUi Uie selection of ■'.MIm Sim Valley of Idaho,"

. Conelurie Onlinr — Mr. and Mrs. I'’. K, Ilaasch and daughter. Miss Mttrle Haasch, relum ed recenUy (rom iin outlnjt a t Payette lakes. Tlicy will be among Uie T^vln frills leslUcnts attending the rodeo Sun­day a t Bun V alley.--

I'Tom .Marrlind —.Mr. nnd Mrs, Fnink ilarbauBh of Mldiiiebiirs. Mao'lanrt, were guesta ovemlfht at the home of Dr. and Mrs, Oeoriic C, Hnllry. The UarbauEhs arc rn route lo ihe San I'-Ynncl.v o fnir nfirrII lour of Vellofctone national park.

Retunis From Coast - aernld Wnllace. a.-LsisUnt prineipnl of the TivUi Fulb high tchool, has re­turned from the Unlverelty of Cali­fornia at Berkeley where he has been atlcndinii summer whool. He l.i working toward his master's degree

At lJcen»o Counter — Applicants for niArrlnEc llceni.es Lnsiied a t Twin I'nlla county recorder’s office ye.'iter- day were Olea D. Campbell 6f Prai­rie and KaUir)'n E. Fnrlow of Moun­tain Home: Curl W, McOmlh and Pearl Ida Campbell, boUi of Moun- taln Home.

Guests — Mr. ttjirt Mrs. M, 0. Cnin|)l>elI-nn<l-daugh'(eV.-Beverly,-of Pipestone. Minn.; are gueslA at the ho:ne of Mr. and Mrs, R. Tolflemire, They are en route llie s.in PraneUco expo.ilUon n will be joined on Uie trip by tli .\oii. Robert Campbell, who hiis b. vUllhiK here for some time: Campbell and Mrs. Tofflemore listers.

Ipeaker RetBnu — Mr. and Mra George H. Lowe of Ogden hi turned lo Utah, concluding a brief visit a t Uie home of Mr.^ U E. Wood

Lleuleiiunt Howard CarLon. slate police ofllcer who hiu been in charge of the bouih central district for sev­eral months, lias been named ciilef clerk ol Uie department of law en* lorccmtiil at Boise, according to or-

if Harry Rayner. state com-

it Carlson and his family II ycitctday tor Bolte lelr home. He had been staUonrd I T«ln Polls for Uie past lonUivSuccerjor lo Carlion has not been amrd, but It was learned from sually rrllable :«urce Uuit Lli

teniuii H W. Zimmerman, formej

Heprer.eulaUve Uaiph E, LeiKhtOM, fomier'Tu'ln Falls (wllce ;tilet, wUo was tnetilloned for the »o.->t Uiai Lleuleimnt CarUon selected lo fill, will continue pedal work for Uie department of

law enforcement, Rayner said.

LErrlve ;cinorrow morning,

Govcnwr C. A, Boltolfscn. past lutA conuuiuidcr, will arrive.Mon*

r ,n f,M r I/n ...Mr-Lniirlct governor of Utah-IcloliO'Kl- raflls clubs, was sue.it speaker al Uie father-.wn banquet ol the local ;lub Tliurtdny evenine a t Uie Park hotel.

A U i 9 ‘ Ljcmea.....s. Jnek Stom of Tivln RilH, Mrs. Janies Slokesberry and V, pdpple- well of Buhl have been admitted to Hie T n ln Palls eouiUj.' Rencral hos- piUiI. PftUenL dl.',mls.vd Include M aster Arils YlncM. Mrs. Edwin Davti of fliilil: Mrj. Clnrence Hayes and Mr.v John Rolt of Kimberly,

u .e lla Vest and MK^ Paye Wall of Ttt'in Pall*, Mr*. Charles Hevert of Burley and W, M. Mshnfley of Lemlil,


Funernl services lor Jnmes E. Sut' m, 02, employe of the Idaho Power

company for 30 years, whe died suddenly of a heart attack e.irly Monday a t hU home nt 3:5 Tlilrd ivenue west, Mill be held at 10 I'clock Sunday a t the T«-ln Palls mortunr>\ Survlvlnu are three brothers, C. C, Suitoii of Twin Falls, A. E. Suttou ot Cald'Kell, F.nwsl Sutton nf nrlmH. enH fi.|«Mrs. Nellie Hammond ol Miami,


Jolui Yoimg Brown of Lexington to­day conceded Uie DcmocraUc noml- latlnn of Ucul. Gov. Keen Johnron of nichmond for gavemor In lest S aturday* primary-. • -

in Kngiand. 52.000,000 persons vticnd the movits-tveo’ u-etk,_____

Stephen Chadwick of Seattle will probably arrive that day. •—Govtmor Bottolfrm •wlll'be-prin' clpnl fpca;.'er at Uia convention ban' (luet ni the Radloland boUroom at B;30 p. m. Monday, W. H. Detweller, Jerome county representative. wjU be lOfuMmMtef.

Commander Chadwick MU address, a public meeting at 10:30 a, n . Tues< day at Uie Orpheum theater.

Word Is expected tonight as U wheUier Louis A. Johnson, assistant tecretarj- of war and past noUonal commanijer, and Victor McKlnile, director of Uie naUonoI convenUon a t Chicago this year. wUl be able i

Mr. McKinzle Informed Ad}uUnt Albert that "because of Idaho'* rec­ord, •Gem staters will again be l•lOu clS in the heatSquailers -hotel. Uie Palnirr House, a t Clilcago dur-

If the Ttt’hv Falls munldpn! air­port ean handio Mr, John-vjn'.i air-•plalliT

iklntt oriranlxaUon, willconducled-all day Sunday.............

In order to caxe for' large numbers of high t«hbol band nnd drum and bugle corp contestanu who will be

iJie clly, local poiV ollleera liavo ranged for six Pullman uleepera

to be spotted near the Union Pa- :lfle depot here.


appealed to local residents to Hip- ply rooms for Lefilonnolres and Aiix- illar>’ members during Uie conven- ^on.

Adjutant-Albert and his two sec- . ju rie s , MIm Mildred Jonr.v staff member from Boise, and Mir-' Itoslna BealeroI'T^tn-Falis.-j'eflterdsy-were coinpletlng a check-up on creden- Uals of official delegates.

The adjutant was alio prep.irlng final reports for Uie department ex­ecutive commltlcc meeUng on Sun­day.

cleaning up preliminary- work.". Al­bert announced,

Magel Auto Opens New Used Car Lot

In order to give Uie firm a doa-n* town ouUet. Uie Magel Auto com­pany will open a new lot for used cars today on Tlilnl street lorth behind the Sinclair itatlon <n Main avenue.

TODAYit v n r r .t a l k ii: to y s

Election ef Dorcttiy(aboTcl, a . daughter ef Ihe laU J. LeuU ComUkey, w Ireuarw of thn Chleaire JVhlle b#,*. wa» a loclcoJ outcotne at Sox dlreelon' mceUng. Doth' her ftUier and grand/a tber had owned tfa« elnb.

i i s i i F

C h a m b e r o t C o m m erce A sk eJ t o A s s is t Iti R aising

$ 2 5 0 Q u o taPending outcome of effortt now

underway to raise I2i0 quots-Mt for Tw lh-Fiilb-xounty lo »endJ4aho'»

nest da lJt -catUe 10 the PorUand I'cstock show nnd Sa]> Prahclsco

. :poslUon. directon of Uie T>rtn Palls Chamber of Cornmtrtt lablrt

:tioti to assist dalo'men during a >reUng a t the Rogerson hoUl ban*

rjuet room yestertlay a t neon, .O tto Koater of Twin Falls ex­

plained.Uiat Uie t2i0 w u this coun-- XiUaro^sf-a-program-loeend-ptW

iio' cattle to the coast for ahowpurposes.- Directors appettird-TBTorsblj’ lnjt withlicld aoUon ttntll the progress of Ihe dnlr^’men's committee Is ascer* tulned. • ,

II. L. McKlnnell, chief postal clerk i t Pocatello, advlMd the Chamber of Commerce Uiat due to an

nnd merchants. Twin Falls mall dbpntches seem to be satisfactory.

' Discussion AS to a move (or widen* IK of U. B. S3 la Uie Twin Palli ■rrltory allowed tmanlmous approv*

al but no formal action was token, Cliarles DrownV Oakley, urged thei.iinbti. .....................latlon projects now pending and .

. iln In a move to secure water for irrlgaUon of the vast acreage In the genernl Oakley region. Director* iiuUiorlsed Uio reclamation commlti lo ^ o work wlU) Oakley bn Uie Qat-

- Ynu've heard about lt,-you've read ibout It, iind you’ve trl^d to Imagine It. bjit to kflow about It. you'il have to see and hear it—‘T lie Mlkndo", aU bcrt Mid EulUvan'a petennlftUy popular miuterplece. which opened yesterday a l the Orpheum Micater.

KxquUite technicolor, delightful satire, perfect rrcordlng. and out-

miied to form two hotirr of-entfT* tnlnm cntihflt even Uie'ctsuarinDTlo goer will enjoy. •'Die Mikado" will ple.ise cver>- member of Uie family.

K enny Baker makes n likable and lovable Nankl-Poo. scoring with two

Wandering Minstrel, I" and ' ’Tlie Sun and I." Martyn Oreen, who unrterMitctlert 61f Herj.- LvUntt ■ ■ ■ made a great Koko for many years, fans tlie bright spark of Gilbert and Sullivan wit fii Uie role, lean Coiilln 'is Uifi VretUeit of Uie ■riirce LltUe Mnlds," and the ro- nantlc despair ef boUi Nankl-Poo

and Koko.Even If >T3U couldn’t hear it,■ri fnlny w in g iLtt


ilLitlciana figure Uiat if all Ihe lumber cut In the U. S. during the post m year# were stacked. IVwouSd make a cube exactly one mile In

:h dimension.

m m m

FOR P I I EV e s p e r S e rv ic e s W ill O p en

/ T w o D ay A n nual M e e tin g

Complete prograra for Uie tenth annual “MeeUng In the Pines." Au­gust 13*13, wa« announced yester­day by Rev. R. E. DaVls. pa.<itor ol the Presbyterian churdics of Roger- aoa and HoUlster. Largo numbers rrom Twin Pntfi, Hollister. Rogersop, KnuU, BtOil and oUier souUiem Ida* bo cenU n are expected to attend.

Vcfper wr^'lces tonight, a aunrise •ervloo Sunday morning and Uie church service Sunday afternoon are among the evenU for Uie weekend, SetUns for Uie two-day meetln( U Bear Oulch, In Shoslione basin, lo­cated one mill norUi'and 16 miles east of Rogeraen. Arrows at frcqui ' InUrvals mark Uio location.

Services tonight a t 7:30 o'clock will include » hymn, "Day Is Dying in Ib e -W e stlJ v -th e oongretiUott-find aelecUona by a mixed quartet. Rev

Gaines will deliver Ihe ad- d iw , and "Blessed by Uie Tie" wil ‘ } the closing song.

Aroimd a bonlire, an ImpromptL program led by Miss MarUia V/eddel, will begin a l B:18 o'clock and con­clude as the embers In Uie camp fire die out.'

Rev. Oalnes will deliver a second address a t the sunrise service Sun* day momtng, which will be luliered In wlUi the hymn, “SofUy Through Another Week." A solo. "Tills U My PaUierV World," will follow, and a hymn. .“Jesus, Calls Us O’er Uie Tu* nu ll" wUi precede the address.

Beryl Kunkel. acUng superintend­ent, will -preside ac (iie Siinday school a t 10:30 o'clock, wiiicli will be heralded with Uie tliiglns ot T h e Camp In Ui« wild Wood,' a ipeclal dedicatory number. -

Musicians from Twin Palls, Hol- UsWr, Rogerson and Knull will par- JcipaU tn a muslc-fest. which will ^ t i f t h r pirsnun to 'sn "inspiring'

A pot-luek dinner w'lll b*-uer\'ed :4HWria~6ty!B' ae"13:30 V doclf. H)Ose attending are rcQuested to >rln* basleol dinner?, n ie commit- «e on arrangements will furnish etnonnde.

Opening (he p ^ ra m . Uie audi­ence win sing. A song b}’ the HoU •sUr choir will.foUow.

Rev. James Millar, ol Uie faculty of the College ot Idaho, and former pastor of the Twin Falls Presbyte­rian church will deliver Uie principal address.

boeaHtesideiils-Suggest ‘Ask Me’

Twin P a lli members ol Hie A intr- :on Legion and Auxltlar}- regls- erins for the state convention op­

ening In Twin Falls, next Sunday will consUtute a reception commll-

leli local registrant will be I" bjtdgt” bearinp“ the "invi ta­

lon — " I live here — Ahk me,"

onventlon committee lo complete reuiitrRUcn 'early; RegWmHon nc

ntlon headquarters in Uie Ror- hotel win begin this nfier- II l.ii hoped mosl local mem-

. ... will be Tesbltred belore Mon-

WigatherIDAHO: Fair Satarday and Sun­

day: not so warm in north and wtst porUons. ,

”"nigh and low temperatures yeslcr- dny and 47 degrees; clear; vari­able winds. Barometer a t B p.. m awo: humidity 1« to 80 per ccnt oi saturation.

tBy^TTie A.*ioclAled Prcisl 'HiB low pressure field which oc- jpled Uifl- interior west yesterday

..as filled up considerably, but wlUi- oul produclngjui)i;.j^nfnll west of the Rocky mountains. A weak high Is sUll crested a t Yellowstone. 'I t Is cooler In Uie coastal area of tlie northwest,.but a few degrees warm­er In the plateau region, where tem­perature averages were near normal: skies a rt clear to partly cloudy. A shallow pressure trough In the west­ern and northern plains Is at- lenilul by scattered rains.

Max. Min. Pree. WUiiB oise---------tn 59 .00 Pt.CIoudyCheyenne _SS 43 .00 Pt.Ctoatl7C hicago__ M n M OondyBulU ------- S4 ......... 00 tle a rKansas Clly (4 * S3 .26 Cloudy lMrAnfele«TlSTTr<a— .CO.'ClEor'T MlnntapolU IS B7 .00 ClearOmaha ------SI U .00 CTearPocatello — SO « ' .00 Clear PorUand ._.77 U .00 D earSL L ouli___ t7 C7 .75 a en d ySalt Lake ...U U .00 Clear San Fran. ...70 Bt .t« CTearSeatUe ------ 74 57 ,00 Clear-Spokane ......94 59 .00 ClearTwin Falls....O( 47 .M ClearWashington ,. , 58 M G ear Yuma ------10« 75 JO O ear

S l I l i K E f I R EICsnUagxi (ran Tu« Oail

rind switched due norm and blew the lire away from town.

> IfiH ' yllt».-nr<h~Washington national guard, radioed from a guard obsen'ation . plane Uie fire had-boen-whlppwi-toward-Uio towii7'Uien"away, and then back igain.'

” I wouldn't say Uio town wUl be there in the morning." French said.

Womnv WatehDimellng said he believed Uie

town and Ills mill proper were safe, and Mrs. Martin Olson, whose fnUier owned the La Barge company, tele­phoned Uie village was already burning,

Mrs. Olsoa reported watching from _ hilltop and seeing gdsollne tanks. belleV-ed lo be'thwe of Uie'Standsii^------------------------------1, Pim eiiiv r

,'er, said Uio tanks had no t yi gone.

Llcut, French said he could « - •spot Ilres" Inside Uie town but could lot UIl whether bulldlngo were on ire or wheUier Uiey were grass fires.

More Uian 1.600 men were ordered to Uie sceno of the blare from Spo* kane and Coeur d'Alene. Idah o. CCO and 'forest'f er>'lce*headtpiar{en.“'“

All available men in Spirit Lake

VIonument'Makera lE orm Association

Pm esl Jelllion and Prtd Beer. 3ih of Twin Falls, relumed vm e'rday from Brigham Clly. JJUli ,'liere Uiey became charter mem erx of Uie Inlermountaln Memorial

JrnfUmen's asioclation. Uio groupv '^ i- f ttv

Wedne-'day. •'fleers elected at Uie mecilnK

. . ; Lee Jay Cas.\ldy of Salt‘ L«ke :ity , president: James Wajker of 3alL Lake City, first vice-president; Mr. Jellbon, sccond vice president, md T. II. Brown. Logan, Utah, e iary-treasurer.—Tlie-jHirpoee-of-tlie-aMooli 3 to orsmnlze the monument build- rs of the Intermountain country n order th a t tliey may honestly uid adequately place their product « Io r t Uie pubMc," Mr. Jelllion said.


G IL B E R T a S U U I V i iN 'S


NOW OPENnewest mod<rn' cafe has

)ust been complrtrt. Tli> Calctloiiin ; —Coffco-Bnop inana to set n-new Ktsnd-" ’

ard by'Serving the m w i whole.wne mcab In loan.

Slop In any iimc of the day for n full meal or Jii.U a cup of coffee. Tlio

^Caledonia Coltee Shop Is' located In Uie Caledonia lloiel building on the comer of Seeond avcnue-and Slioshone St. souUi.

^ ............. - O P E N I N G S P E C L V L !

..Evcr>vlatly-a(Xomp.inic<l by hcr-husbnnd.Tt-ill" -----------— ir I ’'rcG"DIn!i(:r'iuiy“'------- -—

WELCOMEl e g io n n a ir e s

Ifis'l reports Indicated many o f their •omen- werr' watcnmjr over homes •lUi buckets, blankets and garden

hoses, 'Nearly a .icore of trucks londed

wUh household goods were reported on llie hlgliway lending from town, while olheni were packed and readyto go- ............

tjevcml tnicklomi.i of fire fighters were sent from Spokane lo n fire on Mira PfSk;-2Q-milea Boiitiiea.‘it~flC here. Which .iiarted'on thcTiorm weir nbpc of the peak and a t la st reports had burned pver the ridge nnd was eatlmr dnn-n Uie slope toward Liber­ty lake, where numerous Spokanfl re.'Jdents have summer homes.

---- CJW-aVEATHKRS-PLUNGB----DAYTON. 0.. Aug, 11 (/D-M lss

Margarel Bercielley, 23, fell from the top \k-lndow ol an 11-story build­ing today, cra-thed Uirough a sky­light of an adjoining Uiree-stoo' building, and. Dr. E. R, Crew, said was injured only superficially.


In d ic a te d C ro p 2 0 P e r C en t U n d e r L a s t Y e a r 's

T o ta l Y ieldsW ASHINOTON.-Aut.-11 W - '

Crop condition* Aug, 1 indicated a dry edible bean pr^ucUon of 13,- M3,000 hundred*pound .bags. Ui» federal crop reporting board uld.

This is 30 per ccnt less than Uii 1033 crop and 3 per'cent below the 10*year average.

ITie overage yield p«r tcro indlcat* ed Aue, 1 was 7S4 pounds. Last year's .harvest averaged 814 pounds and Ihe 10-year avenge w u 731 pounds.

The crop bn western litigated land in most Instances was In good con­dition. but in Uie pinto producing .ilales — Wyoming, Colorado. New Mexico and Arliona — dryland crop prospects were poor because of con­tinued lack ol iBolsture since plant-Ing lime.

'CooFlrcalHer was favorable fo r' development of the California dry­land bean crop.

Judges for Band Contests Named ~

Judges Of American Legion band and drum and bugle corps contests a t Uie sU te convention In Twin rails next week will be Uiree well- known bandmen and two military officers. J, O. Tliorpe, eommlltea member, announced last evening,. Ilarrj’ R. Guest, director of. mu­

sic In S t. Louis schMls and a mem­ber of^ihe Canadian Legion, who .Is spendlne Jils thJnf summer Jn A Twin Fails will be one of tliO Judges. ^ Olhets will be Jud Peltyirrovo of Nebraska, a graduate of Ilhaca School of Music and member for Uiree years of the Boliumlr Krj'll ' band, and Harold Klrklln' Baker. O re-.hlsh..sehool musie-dlroctcr. . .

iJor-WrC.-Senfirn'of Uulfl'iljJd*' accepted appointment u a

Judge, • .............

Foi^et iihat o u r P rices a re LowThink of Ihc cars . . . B cU cr s lill, sec 'them 1 I f you have any doubla os to th e splendid volucs, one inspection v isit will bring: conviction th a t here, is the best place to tn n k cy o n rch o k c l

33 Dodge Deluxe Sedan - 31 Graham Fordbr Sedan .

— 3(TClicvro!otrCoirch~

_.S125 $ 75

32 V-8 Fo rdo r'S edan . 3(? Pontiac Sedan .33 Chevrolet Sedan .......—34 Pontiac Deluxe Fordor_„...

' .U C hcvrolcTM nstcr'Scdnn34 V-8 Deluxe T udor Sedan .



R iV - S iD l r !^ rd o r,-rfttJ io ,- h e a t e r . ;" S T ^ -S Dellixc Tiidor 'Sedan"........

SC Oldsmobilo 8 T o u r Sedan

' , : : : : : :T iS t5 2 5 ,rz : : . : z : : z : s 4 7 5 ‘

-.,552537 Chevrolet M aster Deluxe sport scdnn,

heater, radio — ....... ........................... ............. -$G25• 3-1 Chevrolet Truck, 157, Lie...

3G ChevTolef Truck. Comm L ie .___3G CMC Truck, bee t b o d y ............. ...36 Chevrolet P ickup, 4 speed trnns. ,3G Ford V-8, P ickup .................. ........37- Ford .V.8 Pickup-..^

— • 34 'F o rd V.8 P ickup ...........i lA N Y -O T H E R S -


—Casb-oi^eFm sH H ilw ays-paj4i-tM e«-youp-F6rd-D eaIet firs t for economical transportation-i i m




Jerome County Equestriennes ,

PROJECT FUN' Id ah o S e n a t o r E x p c c ts C on­

g re s s A p p r o p r ia t io n s a t N ex t S e s s io n

■ AvASHINaTONrATlcr II spUc defeat by Uic liouie of llie

Icnillin; LIU. . wlilcJi carrlcd hl4• ntiiPiitlnicni provldlnK 17,000,000 for

Iilnho rcclamtiUon iifojccu, Btimlof D. Worth Ciurk, Pocatello Dtmoenit,

• Is confidnit i:m i coniirTM will Ufce carp>ur (he devetopmcnu, tn pan al IfaJl. llirouKl* regular Bpproprla- tlons next f.fMloii.

‘ Till; Clnrk iimciiclmctit. MileU pro­vided timi MO,000.000 of Uie npprox-

Mmniely *2,000,000,000 carrlcd In Ih* K blR measure be se t luilde for loatu■ lor IrriRaUon projecta tiirouslioul

• the eoiinlry, would hnvo clcired tlia S wnyforiiiC3tnrtofftS15,0(»,OOOiiup-

■ ' plemciiiAl wnter RtornRc program onthe f«uth fork of Uie Bimlte rJver. fti well as MJccdliiB up conMrticUon

rcndy under wny,ri^Se TclU r ian i

Wlicii neclninallon CotiimL-,4loiier John PnKe wn.s nnked’how lie would :i>eiid tlur *00,003,000 If 11 were made nvfllliiblc. lie wild he would u:o

• J’J,DOO.OOO liilUnllilK the MUtll fork ' storngc; J2,000,000 gontlnuliiK wurk . on Uifl Dolic-Puyc-llc proJcct. In-

rliidltis n Marl on Uic Cttwiidc res- .m o lr ; »1,000,000 on Tclon rr^cnoir on the upper Snnke river.- nnd

. j:'.noo,oflu on the sio.ooo.ooo iv iu , iiprtnst. rr.-.ervolr on the U|n>fr I3oti«c. river, fnr which *750,000 lifts been

liiiim'illatcly n f tr r cli-rent ol the Iriidlnjj bill, Cl:»rk rnnfrned nllli irrlntnnllun buifitti nffldnU then In the )imcr\t of fnrinulnllni; liiidKct Mtlmiile;. for the fbcnl year begin-

■ nliiK Ju b \l . 104.lie rjilil iincru'iufla thnl he

euiillilfnt lliiil fimcl;. would be n:.';rd (or the Teton imd Cnie.ide r

VANDA COLf; 9, and lier iiUter. \Vllm»; <, Hdlnj ponie* trained by tlielr f«tlier, Mirvln Cole of Jerome,are rated amnnj llie iito«l aerompllnlted Juvrr\lle eque^triennrn. H'atidii, wlm >pprnred «illi lier liornr,nu.»ler. a t Tirln K«II« county fair tno yearn «»o. Ii»« been ridlnr «lnrr »he wm four yean olil. h*» bfcii rid ln j » year. Her liorse I* Jllrkey.

fiirioiint.-., A rpfjiifM for nn liildlllunnl . lor In'

-----Ml(l,-woul() Iw dei>cndciit ui)()n llii■ ftpeed wllli wlileh icpnyment con , Irticu'vi'cre draflcd, fxeculed and ( woik .'.tnrled.• CInrk lemnliied imcerlnln r.- ..• fiiuil.i lor llie ilcvclopnient of «up- , plemcnlnl .itomce on the louth fork• o( the Simkp river.• Still Undecided ,; He :ald Uial offlclnU liidlcaied

■ 1 th:ii while they rciUlMd the Inipor- ‘ lAnrc of obtnlniRR nddltlonnl J rnne for the upper Siiiike river t ley wnier users. It, wiw tUll^undc-

— >TT!iii- u'uiilU' n.’,n tliL' Tiaannf• to approve an fi|>pr»prlftllon tn Uie• next Interior depnrtm'ent liupply 1)111. J He snld he jilnpned.. howr cr. to< further pursue tUfs rmvtter upon Uie ► rctuni of Coniml.uloiier Pnge from ‘ 4 currcnt we.''ttni trip .I "I nm sure," Clnrl: aald, "ihiit we

^ < w ill have Ihe cooperitUon of tlie rec- " ‘ bmnUon Uurenii In obtnlnhiK the

* — U> Ui» mwl • tier way. )to'*ever. snch nn'nppro'

------- »-lHl«tlon-mii"t/-lxr-nppreved-<j)^lh('buditcc ^ur^nii and ttia-i far U has

< cn Ole niBiter,"

: Hughes Proposes : Fligiil to Paris! WASHINOTON. AUR. 11 l-T) -• llowAj-d lIURhej. Jumoiu sport«)ian-

r,.filer,"'pas’r^uc^it^rt_^tlic pcfmL'vdon .1 tllltKg^lede^ CTvermnCTt^n^lak^;• a {llBhC from the United State.i to ' PnrLs a t r lilfih atCKtidc.; Till* wn.1 d l a c l o n e d by nn . official of Uie Civil Aeroniiutlca ■ Auihorlty. wh? said Uiai IluRlies ; w as.planning to m e n w -cnlltd ‘ ' o-llner." n il . i is a four-motar

8 307'plaiie.‘ Tlie CAA mid th e atote depart- ' nient Immediately Imgan iiluclylng I Uie project, .No lu r th r r wml n.i to I Uu?lifs' pliuis wna Blveii out.



B ia z c s -R c p o p tc ( tU n d c i^ C o n '- :

('halrtnan—At the rcKUlnr mr^l- ln« of the vlllnup bo,ird Monday rve. nlng, 0 , E. Dynrd ivn.i j;elected nn n new member to i.ucceed Ralph Duy who ti.is moved away. Mr. Hynrd

riectcci cholrmnii,___

t r o l in T liree S o u tli- " w e s tC o i J n t lc s "

BOISE, AUK. 11 (-1'—Jamc.i BcL'k. federal dl.-.trlct Krailer, ported today Uml brush lire.':, which required' the ,'.ervlces of nearly 200,

on Tiiylor gnirlnn Innda j'e.s- terdny hi Uiree i,ouihKcsteni Idaho counties, were under control loduy

I fire near Emmett In Gem coun- burned over upwards of 2,SOO

es wlUi IS men battling It to atand.illll Inat nlftht.-O n Sudcor-crusk ln.Owyhee.couj

vcr with 50 men flKhllng It. N^a^•D^cllard, )n Ada QOijnty. ..

len suixlueri a ' fire 'th'nv burned ver upwards of 1,000 ncrw r

rM rx-A nnle Daylpj-: • At Falr-M rj. Hetty Hall lin.s rt

celvcd word from her broiher-ln-lfiw iind aUter. Mr. and Mrs, If, O. Haye.s of Twin PalL-r. tlint they arc lii-New York aUeadhiB the World’.i fair. Tliey vWted relatlvea In Purdhi, .Mo., then attended the Intemiitlonal Poultry- congre.M at Cleveland. Ohio.

Ploiieer Diusliterv—Otflceni of the Dnughten.of Utah Plotieeni held a meetlnir al Uie home of M n. Ehima Egbert Monday aflernoon, 'During Itic.bulnciS mcctl]iE. I t was dccidcd

u i m n , . ;

THEATERS__tiny —"Prairie Tliunder,Dick rxinui,. Sun.. Mon,, TUC3,—"Inland of.Lost

Men,” Annti :Mny~Wwig7-Jr'Carrol Nal;,h.

Wed., T liu r j,- “6tBblcmntei," Wal­lace Deery. Mickey Hooney. ,

Pil., 5at.-r"0rand Jury Secreta," John iJoword. Gnil Patrick.

n o wU ’.t day - -SouUiward H o f

Roy-Ka«er#;- nl/o—•'Overlttiul—wlUi

SlArLi Sunday—'Coa.^1 Guard," Randolph Scott, Ralph Dcllamy. rrancla Dcc.

Wed., T hu rs .-'T lio Spellbinder," Leo Tracy: nl,'« 'T lie Man Tliey Couldn't HiinK," Boris Karloff.

tYiilny. when tlicj will entertain their dnUBhtar:!. Mrs, Mliuile Plckctl wju.glvs her'llfe hlatoo-. All mem- bem. and any itio would, like lo Join, are Invited to attend.

Conjoint .M etllnt-M . I, A. held lelr recular conjoint meetlnc Sun­

day cvenhiK wlUi Hoiicr T^Umui hv I'harga of UtC'proKrain. Community ilnnlnc, Invoeatlwi liv Mclym Wulk-

caUolo by Betty Perkins, talk. "Why , . . 'k'> I6“ chUrt1i,' by tlVltrBlikCkbllhi." TJTi Tiiinijiot jolo by Ivan Aloye.i, rcadlnK br-Dt>rtrittMn7Toc.nTmcirt55^ini^Ian and Lnverl Walker nnd bene- dlctlqu by David Moyes eluded on Uie program. __ '

H-ll aub S IffU -T he S .0 £ . H*Il club met .Monday afternoon with Ihclr lc.-ider, .Mrs, Betty Hall. Tlie time was jpent makhig allp:i., Clirliltnrd—ICendnll Newell. In- fnnt-^qn-^of-Mivond-Mn,-: Kmtlnll Pi^yiry.^ffM 'ilu^iehetLnl.liie;LD i. aervlce.' Sunday.

Son Bom—Mr. and Mr.i. Rny Wor- , in arc the parents of n .ion t«m August 7 at Twlir>.FHlLv Mrs. Mor- (taii w u formerly MLu Betty Tot-

REE ROAD I Se o n l r a c l o r s ’- E s l i m a l e s - T o -

_ la l $ 8 6 ,4 9 5 ^ o r S o u th - ■ . w e s t P ro je c ts . . . . . . . . . .BOISE, Aug. 11 r,r,-Bld.s wen

opened by acting public works com- ml.uloner H. R, Flint today on three highway projects which will cost ap- proxlnitttely *80,

Morrl.'on-Knudien Coniiiaiiy. Inc. of Boise, was low, with an offer of 111.700. all surfacing 7J14 miles of Uie road from Merlill.in to Franklin sdiool iJi Ada.counly_TliC-catlinat- ca CMt wna »3.K 7._ ■

Qulmi-llobblns Company, ln«., of Bobe. was’ low, with a bid o r d w io ; for con.structlon of n 'cru.ihcd cravei bai'c Rnd oil surfacing on <JJM tnjleit of Uie NorUi and South highway In Adams county. Tlic estimated

111 J22JC1,.Tlie Triangle Construction <

pniiy of Dol.*,e, wiih a bid of *45570, .ivnaJowJor construcUon of cru'.hcd Kmvel iinti"oirVurrncc‘ ch 3.27 liille'f of thi! Old On'Koii Trail. r.«uihem

M i m e Negro Faces Trial

BY mmmT i l la g e R e p la c e s . M ore E x ­

p e n s iv e U se o f C iiem i- ca ls- in -ld ah o-

noiai;, au . n ',r, - Meiiiodicai cultlvatlcn h rcpl,idiiK UiP of chem ­ical/, In IdalioS wlde.'iiiead war on noxUius weeds.

riniinced by a J2,C0J)3O war fund, county, atate and ffrltrul atenole.-.

bnllling the pe.M.s In Idaho on nle lim:cr than that achieved In

any oiher itaie,Dlrertor:. of the b,iitle are flndlnc lilt by lue of ciilltmllon, they can

expand tlielr operations much more rapidly tlmn_, Uiey could througli use of the expeir.ive chcmlcol pro­

f i t co.',l.i alKJUt JtOO an acre to remove the wcedi wlUi chemicals," iild nrry.liiilrrrt W, W, Deal, for­

mer lonK-tlme Idaho OranRc inai.ier Klio iiDW Li executive secretary of iirr-mTitc-Tionnurffefa-contnircom-- mUalon.

“By cuUlvatloii, Ihr weeds cini be controlled for about *12 an acre."

Contlnuoui Procrwi To l>r effective, culllvatlon m a u

be alnlo^t conthiuous thus prevent­ing the weeds from growing, and the cperatlnn mu:,t be continued r.oinetlnirs for nn long a time n.i two years. Deal explained,

T lih jf iir approximately 8,nOO crr.s of v,TetI-liifr:.lrtl Imuls are be-

Ill[f3!lfrVmi>TiTTIWairon"lr"eatmRhr and a conAlrierably .fewer number of

rres are belnt; treafed by chemicals. TJic wotki projccti admlnblTtttlon ipplle.s the bulk of Uie funds.In llie iHO-year projrct which utin

. iKt eonipleted. Ili» WPA put up *1 Jin.ISB. or 7n per cent of the to la l'

*2.24n,.'i.'iB. Tlie state supplied $87,000 and llie counllcs and land-

i’lierx *,'iRI.«0,Tlie new projeit, which began

operntloii.i tlih wrek. will have a total of S2.«0.030 nvallftbir, the bvilk

- F o r Fam l-B caliiigIDAHO FALlJi. Aug. 11 (,r, -

James Randolph, 38-je;ir-old Call fornla Krj:™. was held lo nnswc; to the (ihtrli-l conn here oi. a r.-i'ond ilejrce imirtler chnrce In i-oiiiirclloii aitli thr fatal bv,illns of Allen Pcaiky, ill. Idaho Kall.s.

Ills coinrel, HoyL Rny. forincr U. ti, nttoriiry in lilnhn. rrru-e<l to

'S llu 'j.n im .rgro 10 lake the tland during Uii> pti’liiiilhFiry-fr^BmlimUon and gave no liidlrallon of wlial hi.'. tlefen:.e will be.

Inliuducllon ul a •rtviiig Mutc- menf: niaclr by IVarl.j, who r.iir- cumbed BiiniLiy In a lorni ho'.pll;iI, hlBhllKhtrd llir prclliiilriary eMuii- Inallon.

It wni pic:e;,lid by Rjy. who tenned it "an liiducc-d .tiaieinciit bccausc Pea.'.Iry did iiiit know he Wto going to die."

Till- italemeiit :.,ilrt Pc.i.'.Iey met u Negro at the wp;.i *ii!r of the Orci:on Short Line railroad brld|;e and Umt "he Jumped mr I sUrltd to away after re/u.'.liig hh rc<iupr.t for money,"


8 5 2 Idaho F am ilies R e c e iv e S I , 3 9 3 .3 7 1 -O uring

P a s t Y ea rNEW YOniC, Aiig, 11 - Idaho

f.unllle.i recrive<l an «k-gregaif of S!J93,J71 Jicii) life InMlrance rom - ll.inlO:, hi I.rlllrmnil ot deathVIalni.-. Ill IMII, iicrurdliix hi a cornplliilkm by the Ajiiiiial .Me. <.n•'‘ nf l.ltr li>- Miranre CotnmDter. Tills cnmplln- llon, ofdcinlly prrp.iied and l.isiird by llip Insurance mnipanles. fu r­ther dl;--Jo',es that Ihe.'.r pajineiil-s were ninile to Ihe l)mrflclarle.s of B52 pollelr. In tliU Mnlr.

he roiiirlbullfiii nf life hiMir-

li MiprriT;.or lor ilic-WPA.IIIc Improvement

“We ciiu :ee a big Improvement In novlou? weed eonlrol efforts .since th r project first was undertaken April 1, 1938." Kohoul .said,

"Much of Uie Improvement Iian been from an cducatlona! .stand- poliit. When the work first wa.s tK'gun, farmers were openly , skept­ical of re.Mill.s, In the la-st r,ca.son

they have become convinced th a t control work Is effective anil raam -.of them.ni)w_nrc_ilom£_tliclr_

ale can Iw It paynirnf,'*

rommimiilc.s in ihl\ inraMired by ihi" Ijirl

-Ihe-famtlies-tif'riecrasrd Irtnlio iiollcyholderi' amdiimcd lo nn kv-

r of Jllfl.lM per monUi hi.'it year," Joseph C, B'lian, chairman of Annual Me.s'.age Life InsumnCB Commlitee, slated.'

"Of the proreeiLs of iwllcle.s pnlrt out In ld,\lio In lOM. I1J)33.«0 w ent to the bencllclarlr.s oj C(J7 ordinary poUcle.-.. or nn averaxe of *2,033 per policy; SH3.175 to the beneflclnrle.i of 05 group la-.tirnnce certlfleatc.n and *«,750 lo the benellclarles of


Kohoul .',ald control work In Idaho as ahead of that of any oUicr

n o te . Only Callfonila and U tah Imvo-profiramx and (hey are op- criited on a much smaller Kale, he said,

Survpy.s indlcnte Bpproximntcly 200,000 aeie:i of land are Infested V weeds In Idaho and Kohout p rc- llcted 10 vean,' continuous control ‘trorls■ttOllIcr^cTler^,■.^nry■<o em d- Icnte the i>csts comnletelv,

amounted to iS50JOO.fl32, an aver- lige of 170.210,601 per nionlli, Ija.ved on the reports of 137 legal rci.cr%c life In.'Turance companies represent­ing approximately B3 per cent of the ln.-.urniice In force in thi-i country. Tlie.se paynient.s were made on 1.- 01M9J policies.

Of this aura, *705.000225'.went to tho.bonslldarl».or-270,OCS-or(Unaru. policies: »30.l2a,0« to tiie' bmrfi'-

eis, dc.iih wcurred wllhin a year after they had taken out Uielr poli­cies, Uie report ihosTd. Payment* on tho/e lirit-year <Je»th claim* amounted 10 *20505,7U.

Clalnv. In which dejtli occurred wiihin Ilvr jrarv niter ihe policy had t>ern taken cut numbered 1S3,- 8C1 In 1U3F!, railing lor the p.iyment oi..,*i2d,i2: w —P.iynieiu«-ioulling «08.C72.M7 wrre made on 365.291


iK iig ler^s




•I'WI.M FALLS Ni;\VS CIO Blocks Fiitui-e Growth Of . Rival ill Hotor T*lants


EFFECTIVE. Tlie CIO Ijn I In In i UirougU lU )u l when U cUI

•Iciory In tlie Gnifral Moiori:rll(s. I, in

- OU R C O W U O Y S AHK PLK N T Y H O Tl L ei’s c o i i s ld e r 'f o r ii n io m c m -a s ta le iiu

m ade In New V orH C liy (lie oilier dny by A1 Sclm clit. n a t io n a l ly know n clown p rliicc of .baseball. A1 Is I h c fiin n y m tv a who e iU cn a liie d n cap aclly c ro w d ftt Ja y c c e pa rk iJi T w in F a lls severa l w eek ;

A nd w h a i d id A1 sa y In N ew Y ork? Slm!>ly ih l i : ,

'T l ie n c w C lf lS i C P lo n c tT IcaRiic, iviilcJi com prljcs S a l t L a k e C lly a n d ORilfii. U ta h , a n d Poca le llo . T w in F a lls , fio lsc a n d Lcw ls- lon , Id aho . Is t h e h o l i e s t leagAe In ih c c o u n t r y now ." (

Believe I t o r n o t , l h a f s .-iomethlnr: of w h ic h IG of T w in F a lls a n d v ic in ity >;lio»ld

in lg h iy p ro u d ..^ laiem enj,_herc. w e cou ld illscoinU 11 a-i belnK Ju s t so m ilch b lu r b , b 'u i w h en h c 'tc ll . i I t to th e boys in N ew Y o rk , you c an b e t h e 's la y ­ing It s trn lR h t a c r o s s th e p la te .

Now ta k e i n to a c c o u n t al.so th a t T w in F a lls Js rlR ht on to p o f t h e h e a p !n th e P io n ee r league, b a t l l in g i t o u t fo r - firs t p lace w llh Pocatello , a n d ^ o u w ill rea liz e t l i a l o u r Cow ­boys m u s t b e p le n ty h o t .

C o n g ra tu la llo n .s to B ill U lrich , ow ner of th e league, B u sln c .w M a n a g e r H ugh P ace , a n d th e T w in F a lls J u n i o r C h a m b e r of C om m erce!

------- T h ty n i l d p se rv e -n - lo t o f c re d i t fo r t h f l r com-

tvlrfpd and abeileO by ihr IP, It iriidi to innkr rdllortal

wrilrrft, ii.\ ii rln ,-, Jnrk.s-of-nll-lrndPi, kiioa'-liiR lUtlf ntmiil A im, i.iMrnd of li'.pfill rpcrlnll.il.-. k;iowliiK a 'lo l I'lwiil » llttk,

rptinoimblc lo ddluci-, thiU Uic •■ImiwrUiliPc ' of Imil news utioul i'co;iIr i; rrnib'. proof of It.', nirliy. nmi, Iirovp.i lh<- corolliiry-Uuii kocIi i w . dcccucy. mornliiy, m arliiil CQmimtlbllliv nml ohtdirncf lo llip law n tr lo prevnlrni ii.i lo lia commonpUict tincl noi voriliy cf iiirnlloii Iti lyiif.

If corrpci, tli;ii drrtuoilnn ^llo^l!d bolMpr i;p mir -XnlUi in hlliniinliv." Hiil rMdcnce lo supim rltlint ;i>llli Ahould rcccivc more •jiiibUcliy." Tlie Kl"iito the trall.■l :rf,■. lon and «cnHncv,e3 ai liunmiiliy, tciul,< 10 ciTiilc a fal.-.c lmI)rc.v lOIl llm t Ihe t.lialjby, aortJId P.sprci.n of Ilf* )irrdomlnnif,

Conlcitii>orar>' drnnm and lllrrniurc hiivp Ptrrnijili-' ptirtl lhal Illu-Mon. U 1, fni.rf nnd unnorlliv of our Clirtstlnn licrltnKC, Llfn 1

crnckrd n tlic ,M nd ti

in fd in te r e s t i n m nJc lng th e i v i n KalLs c o w ­boys a n d J a y c c c p a r k possible.

Tw in F a lls owe.s th e m a lo t fo r th is w o rlh - ' w hile e n te rp r is e a n d th e le a s t we c an do Is

to give th e m a l l o u r w h o le h ea rte d su p p o rt. W h eth e r you a r c a ba.>icbaH f a n or n o t. yo u 're

• nils-^ing a r e a l t r e a t If you h a v e n 't .<icen Ihe . Cowboy.? In a c t io n . T a k e 11 ,from A1 Sch a c h l ,

— th c y 'ro p lc n ty h o t . ......................................-

T h r niodr.'l men »,iio run Ainc * lltllf- MMllrd to find Ilicmr,I orloIOh'L'lj. dlplomnb. hblorinn KUurdlnm of dcmocracy',1 kcyslonc—f m en who wriir ilip nnlloiiS news nj to llic rdlU.rli>l forcn lo Nce llic iro «lnlir~rmittTnrwlii£li-l»_iiionrdiill tlin:

1 ncw,-.piip«i.i I MllBlPd out

d iiollUcliuis

ing Mini

i» ilie mojt noublc irtuinph L«wU ouUu liM Acorrd. TliS CIO

. of Uie Unllfd Automol Workers got,' Bome hdp froin |i

icnt conclllatorj. but tlity rc )y wan Uif gams Hifimelvts. 1 »ecr«t of Uielr jucceii u t i bcsuilful timlne.

Oeneral Motor* tried lo nvold i setUtmcnt would reccgiilntWier Jttctlon of Uie ,UAW ts prr- dominant am onj lla workcra unii Uie iiBtlontl labor relaUoni bonrd inado on offlcl&I rutlne qu»Uon.

But the board kept juillni: and )t away wiUi it. becaiwc O.M. Just id to B«t Uito product

IDiO modeU—it5 chief cChrj'sler.aiid Ford, almu., .....- -bif Jump on it In Ull. reipect-iuid tould not do so lu lone as Us luOl aml-tile dcpamrrrnu Tcrt ' tira~iilT The union mode cxlrcmcl}’ elftctlve use of ita control of UiU bolUencck.

KII.LKl), Tcclinkally tlie CIO walkout s-fts u f.lrtke for liljlii

I. h i rtallty, 11 wwn i w mur acalnat General Moiori t

» 4 crucial bnllle In organl:ed .s civil war. Tlie LeKlsllc.i’ pri­

mary.objective was to block itie fu­ture KrowUi of Uio rival A, r. of I. iinlon In Oeneral Molora •••peclally amontr nklllftl w iiul they lia\e done Ju.M lli;

N a t i o n a l W h i r l i g i g N’c n s )?ch ind

T h e N ew s

. ____ ...jvldc.',IktlnK plant rommlllcfj thn.............bupcrscdt^d i-xcepl by the compll- i-iited procfM of employe dictions. Tlll^ Klvch llic CtO tmdlipuifd and

;enble conli-ol of « out of 0-M.'* S8 p lin u , Tlio Homer Martin- A. F, of L, iuiloii,lias only five. Tlic

malnlnR l | vlll work under n diinl )mmlltc-p «ysK-m’ for ihc j)rf;piit. liiit completely kllU A. F. of L,

hopcj. of captiirlnB ilin General Mo-

Il>’ .Man Ilatth • MOIITEM. Tlic portion irui nt ih r wlmlirtjiniii IVnniylvnnJft Rvenup !■. li: i! ri'rcnily wlireled out iilinfT loom. Tlie o.-vrnllo

in tlic la llc r .sUiKc.'.. v.

eady r

I- polcuLlal—falu*

'M enJ. Clnl

To .•hrrwd (lliisMandi out; Hr.

Ifagur^ l>fC« tiniml a t 'tli O, 0. P. .M.

lie fxcli^d and ei .slijlit of blood.

D.-.1 worked uliJi ( ir BlmrpACftlpeU nc

p New Dci»l polUlcnlly. n polltlcfw find It !ini ilie precl^r uorklnK.< of ihp

an pcunamlc . . .!>• rL-, ariribiiip It lo (IimlnLslii r ipar, lo .ilimuhtion of private tt-rprbc tlirousli fcdpral r.pendli t W»ll Sircciera, and bu.slne n in cpncrnl, kIvb ilic credit toutt-v.loniil rcbcllk....................0-.PVCU. Well, ihey've lind nil the >plllon lately Uicy could for. >v Uralers calculate. I t ouKlil live llirin fppl hi.ppy — nnd r.i ciicuiili In i.pcnd Uielr own «

r r t i r iu i i ro ;ould be a blootl trai

. for the licK Donl. Tlic •* ii.-.iinl!on itratcglsti fljuro nifriil public tloenn't' civre led tlollnr why times k « bct- ;iii 11 will vole for niiy parly i:iPi)cn» lo be In power uheii impro-.c. So — by a kind of p KnRliJh — todtvVR def< . urn out to be- the ver}- boom, oon' Uie ,Scw Deal needs.

ixv-Keiitucl:>'_wai_wascd_bclwccii... Lleiil.- Oovrnior K-xn Jnlnuon. b.ickfd by the A. F. L, (ind Jolin Youns UroRTi. in atw iney for the C. I. 0,> United Mlnr Workcr-v. Tlicro was a clear-cut A. F. I..-C, 1. O. Itaue. »lUi the added ertcc U u t ao\-emor "Happy" Cliuncllrr. one Of Lewis’ arch cnemlr.-. ju p iw t- ed Joluuon.

New Dealers are eomnienclne ' feel lhal the C. I. O. riulor.yTnri is *n unmUljBled political llabllliy.

pio.w.••Ider report II

WIBl)0>f. Tlie c-iiocJrni

Totaling up lU finftiicml neu mnde a modest reque.^l for 11.000,000 a^ B tlrflcifncy, npproprlailoii. Ad- mlnhlratlon ecoiiDmlrcrs tmlvc^ Ui.M sujfi before /,«nillng li to con grcsj. The lioujc Uien cut It H Jl.OOO.OCN), bul the .senftlo graclouslj- tnekPd on an iiddllionnl }700,000,

Wane-Hour liwlders ndinli liapptly ihey'll Rel-ttlcmc ftll-rlBht. TJieyTo

.............................. ttlU-nKne:.-i of CIO offlclsli to l:ike full e--.i)onr.lbmiy for satl.-.rocton- Iiilllll- nent of Ihe conirrcl from tJirlr fiid md lo guarinilee that Uie corj>or.i- Idn will not be furlhrr hnra.-.3ed by

unauthorlied ••wildcat" ilrlke.i, Tlie motor compnny'* exccuUvr'i nrc con­vinced thn l ihLi Ume the CIO union leaders realli- mean Jt.

CltKIHT. A Dr. I.u»t, rriife.'ciUliiF: the War.iaw Dl.icount bank. ha,i been In tu b couiury for several ttcck« :ollclllnj; Amerlcnn .crcdiij lor Ills

far as New York bn!]ki were con- eemed, unsecured nccotumodaUous In Ihe pre.venl Rlntrol European sf- fnlrs would not be fcnjlblp-i« iwliil which he a,i a fellow., banker un- der.-.tood, Hl^ AmcrJcan corrcr.iKinil- enw did offer lo mnko avnllabic to the Poll.-,h bank credit llne^ wuiert by collnternl, but no tlcflnlie ar-

Ihls line.Tlie Pollsli blinker Oien went to

Wa.\lilngUBi. where he conferred with President Plerion nnd other ollicial.-, of llie Export-Imiwrt bank, •nic IiiUer H now neBotinllnB i .-.mall lo;in 10 tlic Warsaw Dljcount bank to flniincc-liic-purchiiM of Amerl- cnn cotton —ROinewliere between 1100,000 und $150,000. Interest iriU probably be 3',j per cent, os in pre­vious cotton credit,! Co Pofuid.

Dr. Liini w u Introduced to Pier­son by iigcntt of the Cliaae Nallonal bank of New York wid the C hue la likely to handle Uie accepttnce. — l» a ij'i>e of bminesj for which

oul layi ; ihei lelvelompete vllh-

itlOWDOW.S. Upon liiqulry, Mr, non stated cmplutlcally Uiai re wn.i nothing unusual about

Hint It I t merelycrcd-

ili.alrfscb'-Enin'.piLio pol .........iiul when ni'Wi of U« tr.iiiaactlon

leuked ou t on Capitol Hill, it cauied ir. A pnjup of senators «rith ,t lendcncles htui been per-

lUJtnl fcr montti-^ over reported jc - TPI Exirori-Inipoil-bank draln.

Cenaior Hirivni Johnson (Call!.), iori,t friend nnd spvcre:,t crtilc of he Export bank, mode an Inquiry il his own und could find nothing ■boiiLoilier polb.li loans, A few hnur.i .Her hc iiPiird of the matter. Sen­ior Ouy .M, Ollleilc (Iowa) Intro- luced.u i e,-,oluilon he liad been hold- ng hi nbeyance. I t calb for an In- cillgaUon of nil iiclivllle.i of gov- rnnieia iigunclc.n liandllng foreign reilll.-;, which can only mean liic

£ iporl-Jiiipo« bank nnd Ihr JIJ'.C, The rr,ioluilon got lost in ihe pre- ndjournment confusion, bul will be

■ard from ftgiiUi, Tlic .\cnntor5 In ler.tlon InKnd lo force a. *ho'*dovn I the whole question of lendlnK rem m enl luntix abtotd.

r^MN. ^•cw-Dcnl Cai,%atidriu-ln“ ' ciiitim 7-r.D ,nrTiim :«ir=m D.'m ~inar- Ihc defeal o f-t!ie •'.ip-lejidlng" bill, 'pplls'the-rftjom of tmr.lnPiiTCCO 'cryv ‘

New York nnalyj.ta call Uib lament iiricily prunp-Julce, ■niey nole Uiat he n J .C , Mil! tia.1 pott-fr to make :oniu for mo.« of tlie purposes lamed In the works financing mea.^- irc, E^•cn more lo the iwlnl. it lias iboul a billion dollars available to Indle out—which i,i about all u iai

ilrt have been •'sp.lent" in Uie (t year if the bill had gone

Uiroiiglu-iti doesn't neccMarlly mean e.Mile handout.1. however. The R,F.C. cliairniaji. Emil Sclinim. ‘

...... . . . n t i TJone.v iia.i b prejudice In favor of granllng only .luch loana lu stand Miiic-chancc or being repaid. T hat will autorimllcally bar a lot of "sclf- lliulilallni!" projecui, Tlie Jones- Scliram iillllude la a pain in Ihe teeth lo Uk' b raln-trust boys.-who recnrd .luch precautions as down- rlRht nil;.erly.

. • (__________R H IN O K R H L -A'I’h c a n n u a l c u r s c l i a s com e upon a couple

o f m illion A m e ric ah .s agalrt. I t l.i w h a t doctor.^ Q uaintly ca ll " p a ro x y s m a l r h ln o r rh e a .’' p o p u - larlyS tnow ti a.s " h a y . fev e r." "flic l a l lc r te rm d a te s from th e t im e w h en h a y , n o t ragw eed , w as suppc.-Jcd lo b e th e m a in cau,ie o f th e snecJlnR a n d w h rc z ln p a n d flow lnft a n d b low ­ing . ■

To Iden tify th h ; n llm e n l th e follow lnR dc--

,l newjiuppfs rver>' day are llvlns up lo the lull iiniTonroniir.'imindmrittTf^ "rnjncp,^orr>TP spei

•auarilbitu ol Drmocrary, - A-- iiowhrre oii p; liicliHllng England, Aim-rkaii iicw.-ntiDm ,

pen field for rttupmlnn■l(.-tiil;.

infnvsc rip tio n fc R iven by a Ktale h e a l th ' <li- r ec to r :. 'T h e .lyniptoni.s o f hiiy fever rc,seniblr

those of a b c K ln n ln c cold. I I Ls .a tte n d e d by sneezing , b lock ln i; o f th e no .slrlls due to th e

_ a w allcn .iuucou i-iin im bc im c .jvatcry_ illsch iirK C _ fro m th e no.se. .sllR ht e lev a tio n of te m p e ra ­tu re and a la te r te n d e n c y to su b n o rm a l te m ­p e ra tu re . T h e re l.s I tc h in g of th e In n e r a n ^ le o f th e eye a n d th e ro o f of th e m o u th In Ihe reg lon .o f th e s o f t p a la te ,"

T h is te c h n ic a l ;a a tc m e n t f a ll s .-ihon of por-. trayW p th e a c tu a l , m ise ry of th e v ic tim . A nd

pi.-,-.Miri- would be morr liicll <T/ul, K rllbh )iaper,i which

lo ille late abdlPiitlim of exiiinpli*, found Middrii <ll:.i i J.ser.v who hnp)>pned to hn

— Thp-Poiirth-Eitnterwheihfr-iM

iicr alfronl lo omlL Popi-jr Eovernment BRPiicles np«l-

■h about free speech,—Char

nllv'Ti^hi-tymot^ ell i(inM(li.-rr. i t « lo To:i-.l any of

rheuninihm lo Ihc coumtv Democrati who pu l II tliroiiRl Ihe Republlrnn-., the out.', 11 prove only a ionic,

.•UAI,rK,M;TIL'E. AtlmlnlMi.i 1L-, aie i t u r fcpllni; lhcni;.p|\r. over to ^pe If ihpre are anv hoiica l«fuwibrukcn. /n iiu i: .arc. T lic . Ooc. tonr^ltmn't-do-UH' • «vpo -of- cpcra. tlnil nilvbpd In llie proEnn-b.• When lliey look over ihi- e;ce they proclamiril lhem.ielVPr, nnll. .npendlng tiomcoputtis. I t turnt-d out that they wi-rr nnil-Ncw Deal spendlnft. Tlipy appropriated ;;!1an'ttnT•peac^!imc-Coll|;lr^n-bc^>»^ ;hpni — .'xiine 5300,0004)00 nicirc lli builset e.ttJmatp.<. Tliey promL-^d

uillgat , Uicabur relatlb;is bonrU ha' ire 111 Ihelr. hand.i., U n. B, has done Uwbe.M turn Ihe currcnl off. I i - -

I II,'. rcRUiatlons and t down Ji,-. rr.-,tivlijje Jioliy-loJiy )

admit I found

I np«-pcrK)mic:.-But.,Ji.-tt'llLUb s Ume lo ftod the men ih rj t, niey're concraliilnllng Uiem-

, NATKS. nei«rt4 per»l,it Unit F. D, n, will recall congrc.v^ In Novc-niber

Idra !.<; 10 gel, unrint«Iie<I bnsf-

Our Childrenby/Jnpeh P d tr i


illdren have a brief prrJoU »

itu-p1 into-pMVja- dig up plenty

of had ,'liori clrculLi. l l i e fact 1 Id N, L, R, D, liulden. are. i

conifoniibly iiwnrc of il — t:-.11 of llielr ex-e in WMhlnglon v

-,ulr,iii>ik-i,s by ""cliTerTob’J} ive the ComUlullon - Cor i.< aroused Congtp.vimnn e S expectPil 10 [lemand c

j.loiial curta on lobbyl.iU flr,s '>, ion . . . A, P. li.'s du

.hln 3,002,2 -

opprnic t and o

n.lln- I


WILL IT BE IIAIOIONYTv.K|,aper. over llie slaie, rvni iho .p r jwrihnns of the «j-cnllpil nonpaiii

lavi,-, Tlipy did npltlicr 1 hacked hi.ilfad’ n t llie lulnilrtsD

; foreign iwlloy am! l<'ndl program — ie;K%-viSliicrablr ipot-'..

.tu c o f e n d u ra n c e — u n le s s th e p a t ie n t c an flee to m o u n ta in .';.o r t h e f a r n o r th , w h ere th e re Is le.s-s ragw eed o r o th e r I rr i ta t in g po llen .

been 1 jnlng. 0

, W A K O V K U M A N IL A T h e - P h ll lp p ln c s a re -y i e ld in g to th e w ar

Bcare and- p re jm rln R defenso.s. T he a rm y h a s s ta r te d a larR c p r o g ra m a n d th e navy , h i t h ­erto , h a rd ly w o rth m e n tio n in g . Is develop ing severa l h u n d re d g iinboaU s a n d o th e r off.shorc

. c ra f t firm ed w ith m a c h in e .g u n s , m ine layers, to rpedo a n d d e p th bom bs. A rm y camp.s a re be in g establLshcd o n th e r ic h Island of M in ­da n ao . w here th e J a p a n e s e h a v e a la rg e a g r l- c u ltu ra l 'p o D iila tlo n . '

U SilOllli 1 I J liy .ll lu L p ro m isin g ' ^la n d s, so r ic h in u n d e v e lo p e d resou rces, h a lt.

—thcl^natu^al-pro8^e.■^fl nnd-yleld-lo -tlie-w orU l ,w ide.-w ar p .sychology . A p p aren tly th e y can n o t avoid 11, w ith th e J a p a n e s e on a n im peria l 1st spree,

N E P T U N E ’S W O R L D A N D O llR .^ ........T h e .N a U o n a l G e o g ra p h ic S ocie ty , th e U n l-

*ynonym for sta le trouble drpiirimcnt, Thp drpnrt- n irn t now h w Ita fourUi director :.lnrc ih r ln.\t of the year, n ie charge may mean pciire—anil ihe .Mnic ardently hopes U will be .10, !3iii .-o did the niMalliMlon of Dr. A. B, Hatch as director ;cem lo mran iliai, nnd his siibjequent dl^plncemem by llniuld Ii. Hnrvey,

.MorrLv the nevi- director, iv v eii nnd lavoriibly

t tor, the Unltei

-V T T rsIlya ............................... ^ .—G u a rd h a v e J o in c d - io rc c s -to s tu d y th e P a c ific

O cean . T l io ' m'o.sL' c iitcn .s lv c ’ P a c ific ' .sur\^cy ever m ade.- e x p c c tc d lo go on for a ye a r , will seek In fo n n a tlo n o n su c h b.aslc m a tte r s as how old th e o c c n n Is. how II w as fo rm ed , how Its m a g n e tic f o rc c s a r e ch an g in g , n n d .so on.

Now If N e p tu n e w o u ld ju s t send a n ex p ed i­tio n to su rv e y c e r ta in - Inifd area.? a n d g e l th e low -dow n o n th e i r I n h a b iU n ts a n d w h a t c u rre n ts— m a g n e ti c o r o th e rw ise —m a k e th e m beliavc a.s th c y -'d o . I t -m ig h t , c lea r up a lo t of

"m y sle rles’w e 'c a n ’f s c c n r to so lve fo r ourselve.s.

know-ii tliroughout Uie Lewl'i lo rm er *er\lee here lunlor. n S Inics biological snrvcy. tJnfnriii he nppear* lo be exccpllonitlli' wrll q'liallliei lK>,slUon doe-1 not in Ibelf guarantee iliat the ,Nloii «-ill function haraionlou.Uy nnd elflcif •predecc:.wrs. also, were well rnuUlled, Tlierc nrp , loa-,e ends th a t may lead to illfllcuUi. v -nierc 1:

tdpcldpil , ull of »lrd N. Ha■ c sH u zr........ ..../Ice. SJiJjujd ftfr. Ilaa-Ie)' n-!n tii court, he ilnuhUr;-

bnct prepared fot-«cllon. In wiilcli harmonyiran irU c T iirB o m ir-----------------------------

.itr.-'ilarvcy, who retired Inviihmtarily he did not get a .vjiiare deni, Piivrd lianded compllmenti !o Uie ihrep melnbPI^ of the '■ -man board who owted him, atier lellhig him ihat

.-aa doing-flnc-worl. Even Ilic i.-u:i, Uiat oiUv-Uiree ibcrs of Uie board were iirnpiit wlu-n ihe new

director wa.i selccled does not contrlliuie 10 the y-ot.,tlic.

p 5 u n 3 r7 5 F -rH in n w 7 rrr i7 iedoctors for malpractice, Thi-y may

utc It — -w-lieii tlie iirp'Uleni I wr.-,lw-urd In October. Hut In

;hU th Tliey «-ant 10 ix- m people, a.'v they bcl ly behlrtd them.

3nic sloik-:! olf ,thelr minds, Th len profe.'.v that ihey re.ilgned iaintncrr. brcaure they Just con 't Tiiomiich Ihc parll-Mnnhlp of the, oivrd';, behavior.Since. Ihe liiVMilgatlng commit

umbcra Ihrce cnemir;, to 1 friends of the N, C .n , B,. pa-M j_____ a.sjji.-.'p nn- not llkrly toforKOiiPii- iJcSe Origin sparka t


10:0 .

iirle:. cilcal rh. LoWL\' tpieni al*-ick on the' vlce-

■•Ideni. Ijiey bellpve Uiat LpwU' ■mppraiice cost his c a iid ld ile -

liiflri-U ie nomlniitlon.. may be a prelty ihe.luiure ix" '

L, D, S, Leader at TJampHTJecliiatioir

NAMPA, IriilhO. AUS. -II f'l’t — Hrber J, Grant of Salt Lake Cli pre.-.ldenl of the Lnller Day 8aln church, will officiate here next Siii day a t the dedication of a nt J3S.OOO tabernacle. Channcpy C, Loveland, bbhop. announced

aImLaii^ve£_lU8-Ujace-.UiuuUt:iL.................................. ii(nr!ii?,~n5i;mR

remeiiduus »r<ed llle-lore 11

g ft Child get.s al Uil.» lime Ihe richer his

(ter. Once pa.M. tU l-.ovpr for good and be made up. I t ifi

-never periods of cliUd

ny fcchool ^y. tcms overlook Uilr opparumlly-iQi-.cUucaUngOhcl

Some ol 'them make chlliJni Ihelr I nth yea beta.

refertndiiin IcuUei'* fe lf tn fy hart a pop M ec! tflen ' ‘ '

it.UieJiontiarUMn i

a rcorganlit th:

A L L -S E A S O N TRAVKL One of th e b ig lou rl.st agenclcs describes

“fQurth.travpl .■vcaaon,” F orm erly there xonly " su m m e r," " w ln tp r " a n d " sp rin g ” cru ise a nd_tour se aso n s ; T o th e m h a s been a d d ed a n - o;iie"r d e fln l tit p e r io d , “ la te su m m e r n n d a u ­tu m n ."

T h e la te v a c a t io n , f re q u e n t ly follow ing L a - ' bo r Day, h a j b e e n g ro w in g In p o p u la ri ty u n t i l

th is y e a r th e re a r e a l r e a d y sc h ed u le d 87 sp e ­c ia l c rulaes, 108 r e g u la r c ru is es a n d ^3 B c r-

ihpy advocated, which i;ie;.icd Uio e«lu;,loii 5f jwllUcA, Bul the department 1im , lnl.-t• been in a turmoil. Three game directors iiave lieen hired und fired, and each shift in the oltirc hr,i bcrii aeconipa- nled by more or less slL^plclon and inmirndo, ’n ie public c-wnol be blamed If 11 feck lhal If Uie new regime h « eliminated politics—nieanlus, of. course, ordinary parll-.aii pollUc,'i—there ‘lui.i bern Injected personal' or a.iioeUitlon iwllUcs, ti-hljh Is even le.'j

■Icome. Tlie eondlllon wlilrh

■Behold yoi 'As you are •As I am m

^rily .1 th a t tliP i^ lon

(1 couple of vx-ct bn thing suli.i In >oi Ruck. One of our cusiomfrs left thri m n n p on Ihr cminler.'........ -

forget".',hoes', ■••It's funny, bul when wp clo.t

the jjooi a t nlKlit.' we might fiiu ieveml bit.-, of wearing apparel bui never luiy. shoe

"Pxoiilc • who find lha l Ihclr i Uipy leave,

-So ihey always make r.u have Ihelr shoes." lie said

p end. Jiulit not• to Uolp, lt..i«-|w.lnfiai,v-evmf«l-llial-Uie. i^llcd-KLfratllcate many of the evllj which broUghl Uie old game deparunfhi. frankly pnrilsan in lU personnel, inio rtlfrepute.—tew fiian Tribune,

Breakfast Foodta I c c s THE rni7:E

.Of all the "give-me-a-wnience-wlih-the-w-ord” Jokes -a-eVe heard, n t give Uie prlie lo the lad.w ho put- •'effen-escenf and-llddleatick” .In one jeiUence. He aald: •'EffervcKcnl enough covers on the bed. your fiddlestlck.oui.’

clerk calling liL . : TliB clerk !a, !lc

preliminary slarlri deoilii of n hug'

Mlllij f Tain Fhils have bee.

it th>•no<^ Hanagtrt homiShoi.hone,

KMfr Vl»lt»-Mrs, J . W. Dob.son Sail U ke City l.i here lo visit

her sister, Mrs, R, J, McMalion.'Ve»k-tnd — Mr. and Mrs, C. C.

BImw. Mr. and Mrs. Ocorce Harrwon- ind Mr, and Mrs, Lee Kennedy 'peni Uie week-end a l tii» A, - F.farrcrraom -nrK ctehim i;---------------

Sludrnt Vi.llj — Jack Clem re- uriwi^io ,hl?_ liomp. ln_.Sho.-Jioiie iiiiidny from Uie iJniversliy of Nebraska, a t LlncolrfT uliero he haa eompleied hli schooling. He plans

' vnii several weeks In Sho.ihone •fore going back east lo work for le DuPont company.Ijelum-M rs, Carrie Wllken nnd

Jaifillj- reriJrtied la st Tljursday from MVfral wptkt trip on wliich Uie>- .ivelcd 4.200 milea. T5ie> left Sho- loiie for California, going by the «y of Salt Lake. Zion unU onil park 11, lHulcler.dam; >^isltrd a l Los |'Sp1p\ fnw Ihr fair ftt San .F ran - ■•■'-0, They rfiiiroed ib Portland id-Wk-M>-I,e«,ifctonr-wl«i-c-J^li^

Mrj, T, J, Buckles. Mrs. Wllkens;Jfllm .m om aiqiL '

starting school wojk. Mo.vt begin al Ihe Mxlh year. Ooo<l i,ense In rtiiri- lion litMM.-, lhal the place and ll lime to bexl.. are In Uie Illtli ye of life, In the klnilergnrlen.

'Hieic arc .iiill ]x;ople who llilnk that khidcrgaricn U a place wlirre children are amuicd, Tliey pUy game;, and sing cmidl.ih songs, I ' by a raUier futile and nol-M-l tclllgcnl teacher. Tlial f.ort of.Uil is a wa.^ie of iax|iayers; money- and

. . influence on ciilldren ' ought to be. taught Uiat life I rlous and no fun about II. 'Hifie iiolions are as old as humai

people who need to learn how pul the knowledge Ihelr .len gaUier to good use. They need » have Uielr unending quesUons an- s*^eied"by soijieune utio*knoRS~liJv to an.iwer by directing Uie child lo first sources, tlie field of his own jjUivlUcs. "rooV; lierc-aiid-yau-»:llL M»,— lA-tlie- real~l(lndergftrtener'a a n w ir to many a childlJti JnqiiltT. “Try tm* fthii'aee wliat'liftppem," ll her way of helplnj litUe children clarify Uielr idea*.

Tliese rhlldren arc not equipped for ^ttnTT sun and Uslenlng to wise

.Tliey are equipped by Na- — and remember that Nature

always has Uie last word as well ax the first to rise, Idok, see and do, 'n ielr clilef charaelerlstlc at Uils lU ge of growllj is activliy. Tliey afe endowetl with almost ilni- Itless energy and can keep going long afler Un exhausted adull droju In his tracks,. •nib-ls-N»lUrea-way •ItlLtije-hwiuij olilUl, and-her-v,i>y

Is not to be denletl. She had good

.Itetwriing lor work Ihe next liiiy.i lie found Uiat Ihe night crew har* left A nole for him,

U read:•The lady tallwl up to report ths

the ca t you killed Ihts morning nr rived back home tonight In Um tb’have kittens,-

md Mrs. George McUoweJ, Uielr Journey.Holier Show — L i n c o l n

Count!' falr-IIower allow iiromise*. to be larger Uiah any wlilcIi Have preceded It, l l ii under ih e direcUon or the Shoshone Study club, w ith Mrs, n . 0 , HilRht. Mrs, E . F. Trout. Mn. C, c . Ohaw and Mr*. Lea Kennedy. Uii committee.

i»<J maiiy opportunlUe* fc. . . . ,-overing tlie of .Ufc by per­sonal research, trial and error. Tliry followed Uielr active mo'Uier* about, the place, taUng part In the -^aselelJl round of work that.Ufa

I those days’ demandcdi They learned about plants. Inlmils.

■ le r , nciiisework. Induitry cf

nany kinds, people, book.i. birth. Ickne;.i..nnd ileath; Uie whole hu-

« ^ 'c j c l e u-«a kjioB'n to them ear- . Tyf. There wn;;' no t so much need

Uie school work Uicn, T hat I s '


Uie «aie.-v are trained to funcllc In icariihig, 11 Is Uie place whei

- ;hlldren'a actlvlUivnrd scfulnc Uicli

;.oci:inii^iict^i cuiUvatca 'm a c ganl:ed. their pen;Qnalllle.i helped lowa’nl favorable development, their human fim'l'tlca :,tre.'.scd^-Ktnder-. (;aricn is where achool education properly begins. Once weU esinb-, Ur,lied II means rjiving of holdoveri

he flMt grade, better quality puplU In the first grade, belter co­

school lo iinin, A achool wllhom a . kindergarten‘1,1 like a hflMse withoiil

ilrviay. Inconvenient. Ti'aste- fiil, showing the builders to be men

llhoiit vb^lon,

Mr. I’a lrl will give personal tlention to Inquirln from par- ats and school tearlieni on Uie i n and .levclopment of fhlltlrin.

Write him In earr of X>Tln Fall* ^nclo>l^g a ' three cent self-

^ddrew d •envelope (rplj.;nelea.-,ed by The Bell Syndicate,

I Jnc,

~Aicc Inspired B y ------- ,H eavy RcBponBibility

—Editor—llie-NeTTs—In—glajielng— th ro u g n -to aa y s 'N c v ji' it 'ap p e a rs •' 'ra n k lln ,Hooscvclt_lmngln(K,_

: Is pre.sldcnt (or lomelhing) billion, five hundred million

peoplel My w hat ft responalbilltyt I do not know how he got the Job.1 gucas he wa.i Just drafCcdl

I Uilnk th a t in Uila country it ii ' high Ume th a t we elected m presi­dent whose rnnblUoni would be fullj- sa tW led , by Uie daUes and

If th n l office. W hat we « president of the United

StaiPs!Mr, Ediwr. I would like to write ire for the New DeiCen, the nes lUiwe folks of Britiah *ym-

-paU ile*w hor'dunirtm h«j~ heartK — not aecejJ; the DeclaraUon of In-

Townsendltes and » lot more Insect I>p-«s aro about lo •'gel" ua. But it , keeps a ./ellow husUmg theaa d a j i .■ 3 make a Uvlng, for. in these N«w )eal tIme.^.'e\'eo' m an who pays hl»’ J ray carries another m an oa. h it


e d ^Wn d a m m a n .Twin Palis, Ida., Aug, | , ifiJt.


Pioneer Couple to ObserveS ixty-F ifth Wedding Date

F rlc n d a of M r. a n d M rs. W. P. S lilnn o f F i le r , w lio have r e s id e d o n th e T w in F a lls ir.'ict lo r 'lh e p a s l i h l r i y - f o u r yeiira, n i c in v ile d to a t t e n d a n .“open l\ousc" p n r ty to d n y to he lp th e m c e le b rn te th e i r s lx iy -I if th wTddlni; a n n iv e r s a ry . C om ­in g to F i le r In M a rc h , 1D05, from C om lnfr, A d a m s county , low u , M r, a n d Mr.s. S h in n w ere one of th e f i r s t s e t t le rs on

M f3. F re d M im y o n , M rs. C aro line C lark i in d M ls5 C lia r lo ttc C la rk , a ll o f F i le r , a r c a r ra n g - Ing d e ta il s fo r to d h y ’s In fo r­m a l e n te r ta in m e n t . M rs. M un- yon ha.s al.so c o m p le te d p lans to coo'i and wrvo u clilcitcircllntirr »i noon lotlay for nictiibcr.i irnd. do r Jrlciuh of ttic tililiiii (flmlly,

.Mr. line] M:i„ Jiinciiu Sliliiii mid • fiiiiiily uiid Mi'.iiiiitl Mir- Ufii Sliliui

j » ; ; »

e. tun." of Mrmnd Mr.i, Slilnii, ‘lire t-xpcc:l<rd to arrive

•liiLi wctitfiid to !n“l|> ilvelr jxirfnw olj.M'rvc Uiplr wcdilliiK iiiiiilvmnry. Ml, and .Mr.-v, Don ^iilnn imd fam­ily gf Illlllnm, .Mont.. ;*rc cxi>'clcd 10 arrive for a vl;,U n l llie i)iili.'ilt.ll l io w wliiiln Llip iirx i week.

.Mr. Slilnn, clglity-flve years of atic. and .Mr,-.. Slilnn. .eIslily-t«o years o! ibc. wrrc married Aujujt J2, 1871, III Mar.iliiiU county. lo',i,-«.

Pitor 10 llKli- L-oinliiB to Idaho, Mr. Slilnn wa.i owner of Uie Adonu rounly I'rec Pitv,*, iii-w.sij'nijcr which lie liiu recplvrd rmulurly for the jixsi thlriy-Ioiir ycnra.

Ainons Uie BitPat.! wlio pected during tlie {lay will be Mrs. Laur» Youns of Twin TalU.

Recent B ride is Honpree a t Gay Bridge S tipper

.Mi.M BnrUiirii lliom paon ptesld- cd ai ft uppoluted. bridgesupper ThurBdRy^ts'tnliift Irfhon*' or of Mr«, Lyle n , Kauftraaji. who li l t been tlw iiuplraUon lor a u r le t of dellalillul poai-nupllo) courtcsIes rccenlly. ’n ic . event toolc place at til© licme 0/ Mrs. A. C. Vlclor. An attracllvo cor.^uKc botii|iicl waa placcd nt the place of Uie Jionoree,

Bright ihade.i-or na-sturtlumi In blue poiteo’ IjowIs centered tiie two tables at. wlileli 2ue:lA Kaleil,

Contract brltlRC wa.i llic dlvcr- ■\lon of iJwr evening wlUi MUj .Marie Jliia.-^h wlnnlnft prlr.c for high i

MLu liaa;<li l i vacaUonlng st the home of lier par<nu, Mr. and Mrs, F. E. }!a»«h,

Mr*. Kauffman wa.i formerly MIm Helen WUion.

Former Tw in Falls G irl is _____ F eted-a t Post-Nuptial Tea_ C o m p llm c n lu ry _ t< j_ M rs ..,E lb c rt .S ljaw . a . r c Q c n t .b r id e , .h e ra u n t , Mr.-i. H . H . F i s h e r of Klmbcrlj^, a r r a n g e d a t e a T h u rsd a y a f te rn o o n a v h e r h o m e in K im berly . M rs. M in a K e lse y , m o th e r o f th e h o n o rce . w a s c o -h o stess a t th e d e l ig h tf u l e v e n t. 'M rs . S h a w w as f o rm e r ly M iss G lad ls K elsey o f T w in F a lls a n d Boi.se. ' • ' .

Guest.5 w ere p ro .scn t from Tw-ln Falls, F i le r , H o llis ter ,' Boise, B u h l a n d K im b e rly d u r in g th e a fte rnoon . M rs . F r e d P a r is h of B u h l a n d Mis.'s E le a n o r S tu t t o f Boise p re .s lded a t c h a rm in g ly d e c o ra te d ta b ic .

A lovely Irlali lace cloth cm'ered Tllie tea 'uvble which was 'centereif

holdtiiR pn.^Kl plnlc tnpers ranged on the buffet tab le.' Other cummer floweni -u-ere mrariKed ihrouRhout the home of (he hoJte.ia for the occasion.

MI.M Arlenp Porter of Twin Falla provided background mur.le during the sflem oon.......................................

.Mr*. Shikw 1« well known In Twin ’ftiH 'hninucriiU fiiirTSitsBraurtnp

ihB 'po it fcnT'tyenra In Bliaw la 'ft.w dated 'w ltjrine'povenv

' 'm rn f procurement bureau, “Hiey will make their home- In Boise., GuenW pre.nent from Twin Pftll-i were iJ iss Vivian Kllnfc, Mi.w Helen Orlmm. M1a.i lonn Fitch. Ml.u Ara- bellft Brown. Mlrj Geontla McMas- ter, Ml.« Arlene Porter. Mrs, Domar Brrtch. Mr.v Perc Sande. ,

' M n, r ..C ..,Q rim .^ .M ry.N .r.


_ ilc rso n ^ .M rj^ £ ;_ P ._ aiettlcr.^M rr. —W RflrrLarrotrr.M rK-ArlaraonrMrs.-

Lyon* Smith, and Mm, E. M, Whltf.From Filer RuentJi were ^tlM Mil­

dred Potter, Mis3 O nah Davl*. Mr*. K. 8. Norquesl, and Mrs. Earl lUun- acy. Mrs. T,-D, Invln of Holliaterwna fti.to a (TOtat.___

Presennrom uuh l w croTIriTr.'T ; Pariah and Miss E sther Wright and from Boise wnj Mias Eleanor Btult.

•R F .IA X A T 10U H IN T S .G IV E N A T C L V S

"How I Relax in Uie Summer" prq- 'vided IntenvitlnK new.'S for mem-

_iJcn.ot_tlicJ^«H.,Cre?K.WorUiwhHiclub when they met Wednesday afternoon n l lln" canyon home of Mrs, Carrie CrockctL Roll call re- ^yinws were ntlvlce on the sub­ject,

ReRuInr order of biLilnew wa« ronducled and tlic [irogmm was un­der th '' dlrrcilon of the ehalnn.m, Mrs. Mary Murray. Remainder, of tlia .iflernoou win (ii>rnl a t bridge. Fourteen meniberf. were present,'

Outst.i were' MLvi ' I-iicy Rae • Weecli. Mlu; Mnxlne McKlniter,

Ml!u Capltola Brown nnd Mbs Wil­moth McIntyre.

At (he clo.',c of tJic .social hour, refresUments were «er>-cd by thellOStfM.

Cojning Events


rUO-TO CLUB Pro-To Home Dcmotulrallon club

will meet Monday nfieroooii a l Uic home or Mrs. H. C. Stronkj.

CAMP FtllE OIRI.S - TChlpkahkloongl croup of Camp

: :T i r f 'GlrtT;-inil-mf<»f .T f itie-nnm r of Jili.'j lilliabcUi UlaKo tlila aflcr-

..nooa-ai-2:30. o'clock._____ _______

ASJOMA CLASS Amoma class of the Dapll^t church

will not meet ai tclietluleil but will meet Tuesday evening. Auguat J3, a i the home of>Jiirs. Oille Taggart.

neriEAN CLASS.Berean cla.u of the Churchsif the

Bretljrea will me«t for a p«-Iuek dinner Sunda>’ followlnB clmrcl) .•>ervlccs at'.U ia hoaie of Mr. and llr.v Venie Melton, 1M9 Klmberli' noatl. • TliOBe ntlendlnu nrcTcqucit-' ed 10 brijig table aerrlce; > .

OUTINO Pr.ANNRD. ' l , d . ijTsiiAe Uee Hive glrla Till attend tlie annual sum m er,outing In Shojtlionr basin' AURUSI M*U, All ward Bee.nivc slrla'flro r*qu«t- n t to communlc8t« T ltii their c ra n s leaders for arrangcm entj. Olrli are tsked to meet a t the taber*

- nacio a t - 2 p. -n f.-P ryW cn ti of word* and ni'otlieri of f lr li are In­vited to attend.


Forty-four members and guests of tlie Past Noble Omnds' club

1 fresco plenle ;vcnlnK a t the

"gB'Uiet^’~forsupper T liu r» d io ;_ ........................

: of Mrs, J wJ ie Vance. Supper jCH'cd out-of-door* a t elc ’en

tables centered w ith baskets of veet pea-vMr. Vance, hur.band of the hos-

te.vi, w e d Iced water-melon a* a surririie treat of the evening,

fviter the guest-i w ent Indoors to play Clilncsr checkers nnd bridge. Quantltlea of flowers were arranged tn ro u m o u r 'u m 'i --------------------cMlqnr' ~ ' ________________

Mrs. Doris Parson* won tiie prlM ; Chinese checkers and Mrs. Ella

Long a t bridge.


................. —, the recentannual Worata’a , Vacation cam p.at E,uley Hot jprings were given Iv W Tf. - Abble - Hr jT* - nnd Mr?,- Bertha il4eauau«ji_wIi«ij-men)b<ir»'.of-tli# Falls Avenue club, m e t Wednesday afternoon a t the home of M tu Ger­trude Sampson. Mr*. Dora Thacker <‘a j hostcsi. -^t^ .Jann ie Ruwell and Mrs. Ulile

Askew were program •.chairmen.

call,Qroup slnglns' and a centeit com­

pleted the program. Ml.« Sampson won the p rlie .. Hefreshmenta were scntd. The nex t meeting" will be held September 12 n t the home of Mrs. Louise Wallace.-

------------Discussion of plans for th t an­

nual children’.v picnic Augu.it 18 were fratured n t h meeting of the r j ’Ihlan Sisters Tlmr.iday evening M Ihc American Legion hall. Mem­bers baring no children are asked

Wedded 65 Years

Mil. AKD M llti. W. P. KUINS nlio arr rrlrb ratlne llirlr lU ty-fltth wrd' d ln r annl»cr*ary today at lliflr'linmr In flie r. FrlrtiiU bave arnxngfd an "open houie" parly fnr llir ibj-, al>d all frl 'iid i <if Mr. and Mn. Shinn are Invlleil to rail. Mr. .shhin, vltn l>i 8j olil, atui .MrxSlilnn, who li K2 jiran olil. urrr married Aucuat IS. IK74, In Marshall county, Iowa, and came lo Filer In Mareli. 15M. (Nch* Staff rhol«)

Statutes in M.I.A. Presentation

MISS-MARGARET McAItTHUn and Met Jenien. y the .alatuei In %'■ T rtnch , gaMeti who rame lo life erery liundrtd years, and Lyman

- Tyler. at-ths-rlsbt..sho.tMli.Uie.rQle.ot_Uie-sardcner_in.Uie.aliclch— aec'ond'of t H o T h u r t a n lfn i a t TwIn-PalU dorinrlhe annual "Erenlng-Under the S tm " aponiored by Ihe M.I.A. Flnt, dram atliatlon was an Indian acen# and portmyed the leitnd of how (he Twin falls came (o Snake r im . Mrs. Milford Merrill was In charge of the muslo: Mr*. Usyd Oal» drama, and C .Vem T at« , dauee. (News BtaTf rho,to)

bring someona clse'a child, A plc- c dinner will bo served, and treats

will bo (Ilatributed to the thllircn.Annual “hobo” party, ono of the

most hilarious evenU of tli« en­ure-year, u'ii! be held August 24

; a placo to-be announced later. Report of the projcct committee

and'dlMUMlon-of-acUvlUci to, bo taken up after September, conclud­ed the mfctlng.

Asparagus Icm is not a ferr and nlllRalor pears have no aflln ity with either pears or alllgalon.


Miss KftUilcen Dodd, who plans to leave soon for Salt Lake Clly (o taks up nurses' training, was the honorto tit n smartly appolnt«d din* her arranged for her by Mrs. D. E Rycin and her daughter, Jean Brady, nc day UiLi w-eek.During Uie afternoon, MLvi Dodd

.'s.i presented wlih a lovely gilt by her ho,ite.v,ea. Tlie afternoon was

Gay Pre-Nuptial Party A rrangedF or Local P a irlii'plni'.iuii fur K ,'nt:irtly aiiifoliit

ctl dUmiT [wriy lasi ev-cnlng »t Un home of Mr.'. J. O. Ita.^mu.wcn wu- Uie apifrojicliliig imirrlaBC of .Miss Emilcc Kwrr and her fiance, Oerulil Wullncc, .MIu Kwcr, who liiw Apent Uir suiiimi-r ut tlie home of her enu In Ny^.a. Ore.. has tauj;h the TMln Kill» high (chool lor the

icvcri.r>ears, Mr. Wallace Is vici-iirlnuliinl of Uie high «hool,

Co-li(»ifiies wUh Mrs. ^a.■unu^'ea ,-a hiT moLlier. Mrs, Nellie Orms-

by, Uue.it« were raemlwni of Uio linmeillate families.

During tlie ovenlng the hos: pfcVliird .Mt'j Ewer and Mr, liice with a lovely urddlng gift for iholr futuro home.

'Hic clUinrr wi*. it-rved a t 7 o’doclc with guril.n sMied a t one iuWe, ccnicred w-lUi an old-IaAhloned blue bowl fillnl with white hwi-ct iwas and pink ro-.c and flanked on either aide by ll^hleil whlto upor.? Ul cna- lal tapers. ViiMcd ommBcmcnt-i of g.iMrji flowers made attractive roiun bouquets tJiroughout the home,

Uurliig Uie r\-<mlng, tlie twelve g (•1t. jpcni the time visiting In­formally and romparlng vacatio i notc.i. Mr. Wnllacw fiixrnt the sum’ niiT n lliTkrlcy. Cullf.. whccn he at • :c:vkil .'umiiier .•'■s.ilons a t tJie Uni • verilty of j?aiIfoniIa,


Wlirn members of the-Maroa Wo­man's club met Thursday after • noon at the school hou.ie with Mr Clara Shue 'and Mrs.. Alice Btnnt as hoslwes thry answered roll c.ill by Idling where they spent tlieir vacation.', Tutnty-elght members and five guests w-ere 'present.

Mri. Leslie Wllllamsan led group slnKliiK to open the meeting. Mem* bori-v,c;e'-rt£rJCilcd_lo_brillK-JrUk. for llic Children's Home a t Bol;.e, wpped for packing, to the next

meellug,Mr . John Buchanan was electei

to, mrmlxTililp, Tile next mccilnc ;1U br at the ^choo^ hou.'.c. when

pol-IiTr^ luncheon will be sen-rti Tlifi fIr.M iwehT members In the year book nre nsketf to bring fruli .naiad and Ihe lai.t twelve, cake.

Iiicludrd In Ihe iirogrnm. In cluirge of Mrs. Don Spencer, was a piano r,olo by Sybil Siiencer; ,'.onKS by Jo.in WIlllam-,on aicompanled by hrr

nelrr.hmfni;, were ,'ervrd by ihr ho.',te.'-vc.'i. 'llir club members requested to bring neatly w-rapprd white rlephnnt.'i lo the next meei •ig.

Guo.'t.-; were Mrs. WlllIiimMU Mrs, Uiirger. Mr.'. John Brrmici Mbs MaI nnd MKn l.ols Sillied


Mlr-1 Marla LlnnrUmch, nlne- year-fllri daughter of M r..and Mrs, Lyle UnKrlhnch o t Clieyrniie, Wyo., pre.nldfil as hoMe.« at a birlhd.iy party We'dncMlay afternoon nt the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Itnr- ley Williams a t 225 Tlilnl street south, -With her Joyce, rtirIs spending the summer at the homeQf-her-grandcarcnls,_____________

ArjLitlng Marla with her tlutle.i „ i hoste.« w-ere her sLster, Joyce. Marcella Rappley nnd Perdlta Ru.y-

as spent wlUi gnmes tind contests. Oueits were EstJicr John.non, Al­

pha Lee Peterburg. BiWer Hob.'on, Stella HohsQQ, WllIIs Hobson mid

spent socially with younger mem­bers attending the theater,

OucsU wcm Mrs. Hugh Dodd, MLis Doris Dodd, Miss Annie Dodd, .Miss Martlia Weddir, nnil Mr*i. Mnry Brady and family of Kingfisher, Okla.

Burley's (lucen

Durln? til'- nfipriKKiii. h;ill lionnre'v. » c ir |ir'-rn;»rl wi'.h£aiuco.uliu> by lL 's..Ilul:xlu(u of th<- Innil cli.ipirr.

01ndlolN*rri-i;-..<lfnr h;ill d. finns nnd tiny Jsrr. bn;itiurlfl

I-AIlKEIt, brunelle uraiiir uim rApturrd llie ",Ml>i iiiirirt ' ijiir. ultl carry Caula rciunly’s niipr« for th r ",Mlu Kuu Vallry nf Idalin" rrnH-n when the appnirk hi llie fliiaU tonltlit at Hun Vallrr. She l» talented In ilraniallrs and In .Sun Vallfy yrrtrrdav for' rebranCiU prior (o

■ U m lalcJliuh ._____________ __

AmerlCJiii I.egion ronvmllrm herrnext wepK, tt•a present nnd Invltrd all niemb'‘r> of the chapter to at- lend th ’" .•.rv.iniii of the Cesinn Aiu- tllir}' n'X t wrvk.

Includlnc i.rvrral inir;,l». nbniil fOrtA- women were pr»-rnl nt the

M r. Dorn Sinrmn, Mrs........j|-nii(l-M riv-Dnniirr-werr-hwt-e,^.r,. -

jer.ls were Mrs. E. O. Blckfnrd, Mrs, Havei.. Mr-.. NrlL'en, Mlr.i Sal-

inn iitm,Mls.-. Strjim.s.Memb'irs of the IocjiI chapter will

leet one more time before altend- Ing the stnte oonvrntlon. At that m rrtlng. ^chedul-■(1 for September n, elertlon of of/leers will l>e featured.


Dr. nnd Mrs. CeorKe Caldwell,

Guild Members Fete Departing' P a sto r 's Wife

lor Kalainn.-i)o. Mich., were honor wunstj, a t an Informal dinner

evening n l the home oI Dr, and . It. A. Siitclllf, Dr, and Mrs.

C.ildw-ell lire vj-,ltlng in T'vln Falls I renew locnl frieiuhhlps. . Oilier Kue;.t* Ia^l evening were :r, mid Mr^. A, C. Vlclor and mem- -r.i of the Sutrllff fnmlly. Tlie eve­

ning was spent In plear.ant rem* Inlicencr.

lor Cnlld of tlie church Tliur«!ay afternoon, when Uie group iiiei fo:

picnic a t clly p.-irk. ilrv. aii( Mr.i. Wrlfilit will leave the after- . . . . of AUKU-,t 37 for Tort Wayne liKi; where Hcv. W right Im ac- crpiKl II pa.sloraie,'

A mlnlntiiro magaiine r,ick, let- red "Souvenir of Twin F.ills,"^!IIl- I'wlUi handkercfilcfs niwl gfrei-'

..in-C-trd^. ya.%-. prt-vntitt-lo-M ri... Wright.- She' made a gracloiij re- jpon.^c.

The picnic luntlicon was « n ed at 1 o'clock to twTiity members and tiircc guests. Titr.'. Cecil Loving, Mrs. Ira SmlUi and .Mrs, Dsn Ryan.

Ijiwrence M urphy i)rcsldc<l. Snap- ,ihots were taken of the group prc- ccdlng tlio .locliil hour.

Announcement ww made of tlie social Tliursday, August 17. a t tlie homo of Mr. and Mrs. Robert He.-np- Irman. ax Uto climax lo a guild con-

t. Tlie'husbands of member* sill tpcclal gncst.v

JUNIOR W. O. W.All Junior W. O. W. members are

rp(]ue.M«l to meet a i Uie I.O.OF, halt today a t 9 a. m.

Serve them fresh

-Y our family•^^^d•y0U^RUC5t5■t^c.'!C^^•e-t h e b e s t- th a t- cnn be h a d in t a s ty p a s tr ie s . E sp e c ia lly w hen the

____^ h es t.c o ^ ts .n o m o re , th a n _ tlie .o rd in a ry . I f you get- y o u r p a - s t r i c s n t S chw eickh iird ts y o u d o n ’t h n « - to . ,w o r r y _ iib o u t- th o ir -h o m o - ! ik o -Q u a I i iy -^ n tl-U i

oven f r e s h . Spring Chiclf

Yellow DeLuxe Cake From a Betty' Crockcr Recipe

S atu rd ay 3 7 < Special



W ar Mothers Honor Outgoing S ta te Organization O fficers

M rs. A. S. M a riy a , s tn tc prr^ 'lrifiU of ih f A m e ric an W ar M ollicr.s o rt:a iilza lio ii, m id .Mr.-i. \V. D, neynold.s, s ta te t r e a s ­u re r , u-alHcd un^ii.spcclInRly In to a fiurprl.se p a r ty ye .s terday a f te r n o o n w hen tlT ey,nppcarcd a t 'th o Idaho Pow er a u d ito r iu m fo r a .snppo.'.rdly " re iw a r m e e tin g " of th e g roup . M rs. E m m a B aU ch a n d .Mrs. .'^nna ’Wl.so w ere In'charKC of d e ta ilJ f o r th e p a r ty , a r r iu u ;c d in a p jjrec la llo n of th e hcnorecK’ w ork d u r in gtlie p a s l tw o years a.i . s t a t e --------------------------------------------


Mr!iil>-r\ nt the Currj- Needleni 1-11 He'AliiK rl'ib met Tliursday af- t'Tni>oii it ilie home of Domiliyand Hetty I'nd rnmplfted Uielr

o ffice rs .M rs. M a riy ii an ti Mrs. Rey-

nolcl.i w ill be- siiccceili'd hy o th ­er women '.vii-n '•ynien i*. |ir)ii dur­ing I I

KunlratlniItulr-, of llir f

I- only « inn 5, ■wine p;

All-. Ml/..

clO'eof th ’- a ftrn ii^ :J ’rofrnin '-liiil:

Nr<fnuiii, wli.. |irr-.r,iirtl M.v J. R Nell'rn, n fnnnrr Red Cro-.i nur;'

the jien lfr nf th r Hjilkan com- mb.ninii. whn dlMilavrd nimiriTJiii nr- tide:, f.he hri>ili;lll tv.rk v,|lh h--.

:.|in IIii\e:. who gave an liU''tr'tlni; iirroiint o' Idaho In th r r:irlv dnv. nnil Inld 0 famous women of Idaho,

Iriln !ilr;inn .•nni: twit |.oU); l-n V rrb r-ialmon K;ivr

erjil rejirllnj;.'-.I.rsiy ili'noli. K'neral rliiilr'

n of f .1 for I I

1 a t tJlnner for 15.-. and Mrs, Caldttxll Wednerdny evening.

Wallace Caldwell, ?,on of Dr, and . Ir.v Caldwell, will Join hli pnrenta the fore p a rt of next week, coming from .Vew York City,

Durlnc the ir fttny In Twin P;i1Ij . the.M ichigan vl-ilton are gue.vW a t

home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W, Neale. . .

re coiiiplrted for y jirosrain tc lie home of .Mllu

achniic ;.cr\i:d ri;r:r;.hmenl«. .


Ml . Kltireiiir f.euls of Opdcn, IJirih. h thr ;u^ t of her mother. M rr Uwl-. .5hr Is hcf« toiittinti the wrddinir of her brother, fiMiit of Nvv,n, Ore., and .

Vii,:nuri Hiiviv'v. ihl< BJomlnK !it Ihr iiniiir II? Mij.i Havne^' mother. Ml-.. K. l:. H.ivnrr.

t),]«''.rd to be here for tha v,rdtl!i;i: Ich1;iv are- Mr. and Mrs. I>'n T. WilUnms. binlher-ln-law iind tl' thr brldeirrtxjin-elect, from ;i:rir iinmr In f^jgan, Utah.

Wlllliiiv.v U liran Of womm a Ihe Uiah A^rlriillural college.

(O M iovrtfw im c f/m* 8 c t e i i { a y n B i u

Ml' uillhGObDEN


Y«i, <1 >1 psuibli to u

iritlon. FRIL.LETS "S 'im ln v tt minu d o tilh ii lof you,Cillophin* w rjppid —It your |tsc«r».

n in i-scunu i kkucn C9.ro n u u h n t

M Saitflv'Suand har,d to beat!

I t 1* ee-vf to buy becau.it ail jou have to do ts to eo to ' the Independent and )-ou are auured of t2ie best. The rea.ion It l i hard to beat Is because years of experlenea ha\-e taught the best methods, of meat haadllns to erer? employee. I t Is their .business to see that you get your choice cut a t the peak of Its flavor, the height of tender-

I and a t lla freshest.

-T asty Ham lioaf for Baking.lb; 20C' Lpin Roasts, W ain fed Pork, lb. 1 8 C _Rolled Shoulder Spring Lamb,

l b

en, fancy colored.

Falls Brand2 4 c

Pure Lard 4 lbs. 19c

D o n ’t f o rg e t to depend on th e la rg e In d o p en d f in t....:;

_____ m c flL d isp la j’s .to -b e lp y o ii m akr. y a u L lfta t m in u U l—d ec ia ion on w h a tjtr ficr v c 'to n liiii ier : -----------



By Edwin Rutt-


Y fs le rd ij: Tlilnkliit U ie.D ili- eirr It c ru r , M n. lllpMiiil at* (cioptt to detain him . . . Tliink* Inf »be U nail. Ue Irir* to wcapf.

;____In the emulnj ilrvn'F-Illpu inc ie u tt llie CMirfcr'i pan ts out the wIndoH,

Ctiaiiicr at I U ie You Tnilr

At about liie lime Uifll tlii* Cliii- «ler'A i>anU lay In do'-dix'Ic. Il'o parly in tlie ilUilnu-room br^i Drcak uji. Not Umi llic revels ciulcd by wiy iiicaav Tlic partlcl-

• pmiti. rcpleic »U!i fowl iiinl chu;n' pa«ne. hnd merely (JftlUnl to ad' Joum to the lIvlnB-room.

Oil Uie nay l^ivy Mnd to |x iu tJirough ft spacious Imllway wltli door a t elUirr end. Mr. TiicU A.

--Bins wjis iiol the inuii.to let surlinil opportunity k:ct piul him. Me suddenly tuckrd an umi tliruuKli ono jot Pofky Nnrtli'k mid drew her

“ o iinm o 'tu i:-

) "W icre life ; qulrwl cnlmly.I "No pittcc hi im rtkubr," TacK-i

»ald. “ I Ju.'t thoiiKht you mlKl>t to look: over t]ic Krouiidv"

Pncky jiliriji;i!c<!. "Oil! All rlKlit. T^ila U /I bcaulliul pJjicc. I'illove to M< It by day."

"It'.N u dair," .viid giilclily."Jlovi- about lomorrott?"

i "WrIl. 1 doii'i know. I Uilnk I'l! be bu^y tomorrow,"

J u jl Uicii It occurred wuiidor wliy lifr illi-' didn't clip out A Abort ^]lllrp "No'’ llicy bad been iicciistunit'd lo tiu lirirtofoiu to all proiMMali nude by Mr. Adiinis. Wnx I t |>avslble tlic wiu Io.iUik her Krlp? If -%o, Jlw wouUI lake Imnic- dlaie steps to correct Ihla condlllDii.

"I'll call lor you a l one o'cluct," Tnck,-. laid.. "No,':- iaUl I’ucky, inakUn; a col-

nlK m pt lo .'Uinipoii. dfcl.'lon, ••.s'o. 1 tu ii 'l do II."

__obvluus;.cvcu lo.MI.-iNortii, tlin l komeihliiK liad linjiix'n- cd lo Mb.'' North. Iter uoid^ did not carrj' Lie rlni; of conviction. Tact's jUit luuglied a t her.

"You're falliiiK, holdcr-ouier," In «alrt. "Vou didn't mean iba:,"

"L did U».""I don’t believe you.""Oh. come now.- aakl Piicky .Mid-

ricnly. "SJiovf me. llilfi place."Tliey went down by llie Sound,

n i e m iter Jay tinrk and sWmnicr- Ing under a 3tar*huiig .iky

"I lovB you," T acts Auld.

lionesUy prepared to reply io.,llil'.Under tlic drllty, liiiennlimilnK

pcr{uinc.s or the formal cantcn Tack« tried ngatn.

"I love .you," he .lald. Involuntarllj-, Pncky drew t. lit

tic closer lo him,•T liiifs u lieavi-nly .■<rni," sh<

Mid,"Vou'rp a heavenly shl." Jali

Tack.1. "1 love you,"-------e a t—Ul^n^7-wflv-^lo-«MlJ>-^ir--r.-...^ o ^n B I-«wiI<,V-\Vdl, i«ulmp4 ho d

have belter hick under the Rlnnt , trees la Ihe p,irl:land. He o.'cortcd )ier Ihllher, Overhead, branches allrred rtMlewly, •

"I love you," he .lald.Pneki' .viRhed, "Wlint * one-lrnck

m ind!"TBCka put out liLi toiiRue n t Uie

trees. As objed.1 undrr wlilch u> speak lo n «-oninn of lovi', he de-

. elded, tree^i were illstlnctly Whlnd__Uie door. He uould.Jc.ivc.Uic

H at; .................... • 'But Uier<- wain't any oUicr place

to RO unlc^>, of CQ»r.-.u. (le coiuliicird n second tour of llic Sillalr Acres prctnbcs. He ruled iinalibl Uili. Jlc felc chllird and ruitk. Aiwl then, all a fiiiicp .'tiC “ KUt iirroT V layliiK hU life a t Uie feet of Ihb ^-omnn and she UYiiietl lilm llki a me** or cold »plnnch. It wa.i than mortal flt.'h could (.-o-ar,

C u lin t I>lscrtlloti He Mopi>ed and Iiic«xl Packy.

Tli/'v were In lln; ^hllctInv <il ih<? home, beilcalli n llxhtrd w o iid - »torj- uliidow, ttiid T,ick. fancied Ujat h<“' heard volcri dimly, ilul it jnndo no never mljj-j. J.'e -va.v k'WJJi; to 'p u t Uila Uilns ncrou. He wbj tough, and tha t woa th» l. Sudden- ]y ho *el«sJ the shoulder* of MW PatrlelA HorUi Riid hoolc Uiem hart).

•'LliU-n. .vou." he ■,:ilil abriipVly, ciUtlnR cil.wrelloii to ilie {our wiiid:;.“You cnii't make a tnuiiii out o f ......•w huf Oie dlektiis do ;ou Uilnk I UTOlfl th a v Icll^fx lorf What Ui« dlckm n do ycu iliinli : Imrr.eu up your telcpl-.Lue dlckcn.i do j c j llUiik I rl'l;cd aiy life w ith Unit riiveiiiu;. '.•,olf-ho;ind lor? Whftt Ihe dickens ilj you IhlnK I set n igh t clula tn fire for? W hit th e dlfkrn* do you Uiir.k I ljuy

________ tor? For fi:n? tiev? 'Crt tJiLi niiti i n it onec nii:l fcr all.I '.sve yau; do you iindmUinJ love y&u 'ro much ivi curl up

_.bc . A r .l .l 'm grttlnj; .nick of huvlne you tc is me a 'idr )lk».’» pjlr of olil

..slioe.s. I '.ove you. you—you—you a tand 'lr . .'er i n iclclr. And, so help

__m e ..rin ..sa :i;j,lQ -i:2 to '-you .lf-a 'a th e la st U-.lni: I <io cn esrlh and Just try r.nd stop fnc. Try and .\top me. do you henr? OO YOU K. .AIl

. M S . . . avwr'- .. .~ -A» »• general rule. l i t . .Uionia

w ou ld 'have fdrbchie lo “xiilp" in .»uch elrciuiwlAiices a i tlie.Mr. Tlie

, "eulp” Uiftt he now loo.vxl off reallj' a p ro l« t ngaliut somtlhinit th a t h a d ctune hurtling down out of the n ight and draped lUelf around hbi head Just lu he had been on Uio verge of relW'rattng hU un­dying .love for Mlw Patricia Kortli, H ut the Uilng. a elUlK JOrl cf U lng rm h in f a-doflu ttip dark, had atop*

.. ped h im riglit at tfie line of scrim­mage. Surprised *n3 dlstraeled he now rcele4 from aide to ?lde. splut'

s Uie G ibeler's trouAcrs.

for inaklnir monkeys out of m o rta ls^ . had decreed Uiat the section cf tWS r- garm ent eoinmonlr used for slttlntf . purpoitauhouldoblltenilelheAdam.^

countenance temporarily. Wherefore the pnnlAlooa portions, not working

- f o r - th e moment, descended grace­fully' from the Adams forchead-and fluttered Idly In the nlght-brteie. A s o its u l t Mr, Adams' oppearance.

as lie stnHiicred and paved, »a* nnl viiillke thill of a iMo-liujiketl fir- pliant on a jne. And It w u too iniicli lor Mlw Packy ' North, MIm Pucky North r.imply stepped daintily lo one ?.mr,'lJiffw back her ficarf and K«>e v.sy lo Ihr IlIlc^l. mn',l fluml hiiiMhtrr tha t ihe Imcl cnjujed in niiiiiy a ni(ion.

"W -«luii In It?" stuiiiTi-il 'nifk;'. i.prakliig iiidlf.ttnclly from uiuirr the fabric,

Wuli a Herculeiin efiorl Pjcky chitki.M her iiilrUi.

" I - I d-dou'i k-k-kno-*'," ;.hc luir- Klcd. "Y-you—you look s-vo i-slllv."

. •o!f," cominandvd Tatks. Imiding un Ineffeciuiil rluht

he knee of one of the pama- lounx

Oh. here!" Pucky glKKlfd. "1-11 help you. 8-.Mand

.She IKlfd Uie garnu-nl oft hi.', face. H r raiiio up, saslHlis like ii

W hat the hell Is tlial? " bni-.qurly.

"1 don't know,- Packy feels s-r.ofl. Oh. you l-li f'f-Iunny.' 'tshe bci;an to hiuKi agiiin.

Tuck!. Klriitk n inalih.".My Cod." he sald,-"U',i a p;itr n

pants.""3-r.o I s•^•^ec." clKirllcd "Who." Tael;!, demanded ;

"l.s llirowhiK llirlr trou.-.ci:i IhU hotir.e?"

"I'm h-.Mirr 1 don't k*kiinw." mIcI Packy, "If—If only you coiilil li;ivi- teen your:.elt. Oh. L-Lordf Btn- launched hiio another gnlc ot liiiik'h-

•Laot/i TJial O lf Nothing U belter rnlculnini

aroii.'.e the liea.-.t In man than laugh'w lUi aii-undernirrent ol il rLilon In U. Mr. Adams Middriily

il hi the trnur.prs. lie Ilimi; thrm from hhn annrlly. Tliry dmpn tlicinselvc.n UL-.te/ullj' over a by .sundliii; baih. H ie next liwlant Mr

had M1.-..S Packy arnu . J lc kl.v-.-d her with n Kind oi Ju.nllllnble Violence.

"There!" he .Mild, wltli .nnvaKiTy "L.'vuBh th a t off!"

Packy wrenched aji arn Tacks, holding her grimly,

half expected a :.ock ...........To his infinite .nirprhe and

srallflcailon. he didn't get Lle;ul. Uie arm went around his neck,

"Oh. Tacks." whLiiwred • Packy sofllv.

only line to announce lili ■ n i 'n t tonti:ht7"

Piiti^y lung bjick."Oil, no 'j-ucks," jlic «.iul, -l.'ot

front of all Ihone people."■■Ill tm m c f l h r w)jp;p ror»:-P>

•,ui:kl, II mf<-!.-.;iry." cricd ••I ni In-Iiin:lilKh. I wanttOKi ,ijwl :.(•'• p.-oplc and do tlitiiivi. ‘

:;ii<- ;iiill.-d up »t him. li « .f f ' like black !,Un,

•All iu ;it. dear," lle ,m1i1, '

They illpiK-d around Uie s

r rw ii iy n ..;,.n-m .M c!,-Cv:57-.•1 W 'dncd.iy tq vblt a l the i; cl :J i i . Liiclndi Hciidrlct't'ii. •iurn»—ArllP Orldley returned r ilii% urrk iiller vltUhiB ,'A’llh

■ ike City for tlic Jrldley tr. fnil:,h-

p I'.i .••.••••'j—Mi.\. Ujanili Ciirric r home in Poca- II .-.pciid the re- mcr a t tin; home re taklns up lu-r

•, Ml namrn al 111'.' Al- <-liool.r, and Itir/ ily IfK .MondJiy iliere lliey will

: 1 1(1" nunie of tlirir li.iroiil .. VI ! M II i'.,i',ivr> In Montana

11 tn a with

Army Becomes Family Affair — ForHFrmi—Piiirs-©f-Brolhcrs

6AL.T 1.AKK .ClTV., 11-Tlie

- n precedent liii;. U cn iJiat-' : a iccord brolltn. but there iluuLt lhal the ;>itiiictlon of

m llllno ' icrvlce Ij rajildly fcTowlng Inlo a lainlly affair." jlated Colonel a . K, Cirry. chief of luiiiy recrult-

'.iilllt'r. In tlit.''lnterniounlnln 1 a nr'.v,'. bulletin tod:iy, Wlth- ■ :]i:ue of one incililh, four of biolhcr-. Iroin Ihe Intcr- ;iln country have been ac- «it;il enllMed lor iiriiiv ;,crv«ouKh Ihe H.111 L;'':e City of­


2iO South Fiflh strcei; tialt Lake City, were enlbted for the army nlr corjis In Panwnu; atuutou W. and Aniold L. Utiiiyon. brothers from Wendell. Idi’-._wcr_p eiillslfd on July iOlh, Blanion for the air corp.^ In Panama, and Arnold for the ulr corps In the Ha- wailaii b lands; and on Ann. 4. Glenn DewayiiB nnd A rthur Elme^, Dunn, and 'Milo LcHoy wid James Ji-vde Miindell, J jro th e rs . all ot Menan. Ida., were m llsted lor a.vilnnment

Uic anny 'a Infantry orK;mli.i- llons stationed In Uie llawwalln de-

, psrU acn t."n )? Diojn-snd MufsdeU brothers are cou.ilnj.

-TliLi record may »rll

Includc Milo. Kred ......................gel o( Romoiia avenue. SuitL-ke City, a Ulo of brothfra who were enlisted ihrouRh Ihe local'of­fice for the rcKular nnny nlr corps. Tlic former, b.now *rrvlnK In the Philippine dei).-irtmeiil, while tVed and lUilph arc nt prr.jnt sUiUoiifd

1th the army air cori« deucliment t S a lt I n ie City’s mmUclpiil air-


B.MTLKI) TIIKIlt TOI.It'K PANIPAT. India M-r-A pllclutl

b.itlle between jiolUx- ami vl!l,l ; •r ir hero re.iulledJn .wiere injurler. two vlllagcr/i, yin'untu wero iw u the fray, and two Muslims were

arre.sU'd iis leaders.

T iie legWalure creoted M new pj'itm! jobs. D. M. Ca.iteeir*upe'rtn- u n d e n t of the alnte police force, rrcclved applications from 0,500 }-oung Mi.iaourlniw.


niirf eoa?(imer.i' coop<?raJli'ej art cro ’i'lnK In nunibcra and Importance in ArKcntln.i. Latest official flKurcs •Jiowcd 5J0 In opcraUon, with a total menllx'r.^hlp of 203,008 peraoiu, <3,- 30'.’.9i0 pe.'ios l$10J25,'I,40) In cap* Hal and trani.actlons anaresatUig. 131.313520 pi-i.Os («:.B:8,005).

.: iillun ot i ntoring by tlic door tna; l,iced I.0111: liliind tiuiiml, 11 v,.u as 'veil, perhaps, that Uicy chor.<r th a t ro;it9 or clr« they nilntil have nii-t. a Khi'I of cl«ar-.imokhm Apolly-......1 ....1.111. . . I I . - i.*».........


R 0 U6 H H 0 L ) S E . I i ; '


UTAH SPEED KING SMASHES WQRT.D RECORDSAb Jenkins and ‘Meteor’ Improve Eyston’s Marks

Driver Continues Run Across Bonneville


A ur 11 Ab Jtnklns' qucit . Ifif.nent worlil »ul«moblIe tn - ,

. dur»nce r«« rd i endtd *t 10:0*' p. m. (M.6.T.) tonltht. balUd b ; orfleUU ef ibe Americtn Aul«mebIIe luoelitlon who d«* clircd Jtnklni «nd Ilex Mi7*>

------ rtllef driver, uiwbU to conlln-__u t aUer both h«d bten came bjr nianoilde fti.

■■ The erdtr 'M roc '»fltr /enWnr—h id been ortrcome In Ihe H(b hBur or hU projected :«>hour run when lfa« ceekpll eorer or bU “fllonnon Sleleor 3rd'’ looi* rued and fume* »wlried up from A ipllt elbow on the left exhiuit manifold. The velermn UUh ipeed drirer, grofgr from lh« .fumet, pulled Into the p it 'and «a« lifted from the nuchlnc.' M an Jumped Into (he Mclcer and reared aroand one lap of the IS 'i mile eoune beroro bt. loo. WM orercome.

b o n n e v h x F s a l t f l a t s ,U ta h . AUE, 1 1 - ^ 1 — W ith nil w o rld ’s a u to m o b ile speed o rd s f ro m 50 k ilo m e te rs to 48 h o u rs a lre a d y th e irs , A b J e n ­k in s a n d h is B lcam lng "M or- n io ii M e teo r 3 rd " ro a re d on th r o u g h d a rk n e s s “.ic ro ss th e

__ta b le -sm o o th B o n nev ille S^altF i a t j tonfgH l. y '

At/5:3! p, m. (M. B. Y .) eompleletl Uie twelfth hour of his projfcied 21-hour run, the .Utnh driver lifted the ln.it o f ,fou r tn - dursnce ninrkj prcvlflwli-' he ld by Ctii'Uftln Qforite E. T. Eyiton of ^Blivnd. Hli nvernBe .nptetl for the 12 hours wni 163JJ9 miles tm lioiir. f lJ l miles n:i hour better than the 163.68 EvMon »el November i . 1037.

Incrcair.i Arerace Only A few mliiutcj prevlouily

Jenkins lind IncreiiBfd. the Drlllsli rn rr r 't rrrnrri fivrrilpr nf IfimS fnr

. . mlle.i to a nen- high of IC9.0<. Enrller t« the <lny he cnptured the 2,000 kilometer rccord with a *pccd of W S . compared with Eysioii's 1G3.90. nnd Ihe 3.000 kilometer iclth n fjieed of 108.7. compared to tlis former 103-<9. »

In ntlcllllon JeiiUliis and his re* Ilef driver. Rex Mnys of Las An- Kcles. Iniprovcct on two record.'! tlie Utahn nlrendy held, ThM for six hours wni> from 108JS m. p. h to

I 3 .71iii :^ « n a T i]u ir fo T T a£ R lrm n c i bcwied.fKBn IM .il to 170J7.--

i^hlcf CnsUieer Augle Ducsenberc believed the "Mcteor'i" nvcrage speed would decline u complete clnrkness made driving more diffi­cult. He wa.n confident, however. UiRl flawn would Bee fresli recortls hutiK up for the 34-hour period anti

- fo r 3,000 mile and 4,000 and S.OOO kllomeler dl.ilonces.

“Can Praetlcally Coa»f - -'W mi-iho pMc lic-luu.M i to far : to fall back upon. Ab can prnctlcally coft.^t the real of tiie wny," Duesen- bcrff said. Jenkins' present top av- ernjfe for 34 hours Li 1S7J7 milea a n hour.

Tlie "Meieor” functioned irniooih- ly tnroUBliout tlie f lr ii 'lm lfo r lli( run . although a tailky atarter caused »ome delay after pit stops. No chanlcnl iroiible .-.ucli as putAbrupl end to two previous ___thLi summer haa occurred nnd none appeared In prospect.

One obsUcle developed. i;nder tlie heiwy cnr'a poundliip. Uia back alreich of the track laid out on t]>e Queer, dead level sa lt bed.began to break up and It wia likely that If Jenkins intended to so on for a f ‘

..24JiDur» It would -be neces-ian- change the course.

McKechrtie Sends Bucky Walters Against S t LouisT E D W I L L I A M S B A C K S U P

C L A I M S H E ’S N O B U S H E R

An JKNKINI^ and hl> higli-power miclilite, ".^formon Sfrlror 3rd," ■haltered endurance record* rich t and left .Testcrday on Bonneville ■all flat*, then contlntfed the •peed ron laat night in <>ue»l of new marki for the S4-hour period and'3.000 mile and 4.00» and kilometer dl'tancei.

Gene Sarazen s 66 Tops Field

C ro w d C h e e rs ‘C d n n e c t ic u t Y a n k e e ’ in $ 1 0 ,0 0 0

T o u rn a m e n t

n r JOHN {:AMriiF.[.i.

Australians Reach Inter-Zone Finals

f f ro m w ic h a n d O u is t A d v a n cs S te p N e a re r D av is C up

_ _ _ _ _ _ CliaHenaP-RoLiM l__SEABRIOHT. N. J.. Aug. 11 WV-

A aitralla today advuiced one it«p nearer lt< goal-* m tttln* with America In the Darla cup challenge roun d -b y cUncfiln* vlctotT In .tho

- 'American tone flnuls ngilnjtr-ciibii;Tnklog up where they loft off In

the singles yesterday. John Brom- ^Icli ond Adrian Qul*t paired to- geUier to reg ljt« » i m a s h i n t stralKht-sel victory In the deoIilvB

•• doUblc.i match over tlic'Cubnn team---------of-nlcordo Uoralea w td Lorento No-

. dar«e $-1. 0-0. and G-3.Two singles ;natche* remain In

fh« serlfi bu t-they-w ill h m no bearin? on tlie' outcome. The Au«-

, ales already have won ttio required three out of five.' Tlie rsmairiins alngles. to b« played tomorrow, pair qulflt M iln it Joie Atuero- and Dromwisn Btalnit Moraln.

Cubans w re away lo «ui ip I6ious start tadai' a.i they took the

- - - - - - - - - n r i r K i i W i T M n M r e i i t C T T n B r T i e Y B r■” ■ ^ i i a 0 cliATietraltnoiislftJiWflldiuc-,—------ ceo<I-ln-«arrylng-{|v».gam«s->n-ihft

first set 10 deuce.............. ............... . AHCT tomorrow* nmtcnESthBAui.

I • t r«llitn team will head for Brboktlne,I ^ t B ? H . , ■ ' w t l e ^ ^ • A t l l U I t ^ 34• 38* l l w i n ' ' m e tt Yuioslavtii In th i tnt4r>idn6

finals. , . , • •

- W ESlTtW INT. XEAGUE ThBndgy*!

Npokane 4. Wenatchee 1

PiTTSDURGir, Aug. 11 f/T j-lllC vlsltfnR firrmen who couldn't hold I) ciuidle to pnr In (he flmt round tore Hint old genilemjiu lim b.from limb today ns crowd-pleascr Oeno Sirasen blared iiLi way to n two- stroke lead in Ihe $10,000 D apper Dan open golf tournament.

A Rnllcry of nearly 2.000 cheered le "Connecticut Yankee" . n»--Iw

Ifumcd up the course wiUi a 00. iour uiidpr 'inr mill Iwo etrak f i h r t- 4er-ltinn .ll't. oo'irw £ecortl_8et.t»-a yc.irs ago by Jljiy Mangrum of P ltts- burgh. With hLi 71 of yesterday Otnc hnd 137 at w e loumey half- Wiiy match. ^

Tlien Vic Oheizl, huiky pro from Dcnl, N. J-, ambled up lo th e I6Uj green, missed a 16-foot p u tt and still matched Uie East Brookflclif farmer's 08. ifls <l yesterday gave him U7.

And ft few minutes later Dciir^’ Shutc of Huntington,--W. Vb:; atrcakcd his wny to a 09 for a two day total of 13S and second place. Close behind was Johnny BuUa. Chi­cago. w ith 142. .

Bracketed a t 143 In the chn.se for $},SOa first nu>ncy wero Byron Ncl- son. nntlohal ojicn cltumploii from Reading, Pa., and Ralph Ouldahl, the comeback kid from Mndifion. N. J. auldnlil Added a 71 to yester­day's 72. Nelson abo bange<l out a 71. .

Colorful Rookie i; Hitting Find of

1939 Season _ny r. iiAnay c n o c iiK T T ’

AP Feature Service BOaTON -• ’Tm not a bu.iiicr,

Ted Wllll4ma”en»rled. "and I hate that wordl"

'Sure you’re a bujlier. wlial el'6 T0U7—Jini-TRt»r,-TooKie-tii!i J

sacker and Ted’s pal, aokrd Joking-ly . ..................................

"I’m not a bu.\htrl" Ted t^ieiinieci., .._e t high school boy. "I'm n ‘ league ballplayer and don’t cull

bu-iher.■Screwball?" Ted smiled, "Sure

they call me n tcfewball nnd i make wbecracka. But let. me you, I may be a 'jtrewbiiir to ; people and I do have a lot of fun, but- when I set out there on field I ’m pretty scrlou;,."

Your reporter. inicrvicwlnK flojloaoiiltlelcl M»r in the Reel Sox dre.ulng room. Quickly ngrced - tliiit the records »howtd he was "plenty

league In runs baited l]i, Miuid.i among the home run lender.i and ii evco’ lnel» » bill playcj.

"I told Duck Newsom I'd give h ip a ROln' over out in Detroit one day and he callfd me a 'bushc r and said I couldn’t hit him wltli a banjo.

: stepped out and banRcd homer off him,—SomoUniet.-wlir» iliorn '«-notli- Ingipt stake, what harm i.? Ui(‘r# In Klvii^ the fan.1 a Uiigh? They p,iy to Ket\ln don't the)'? Tlicn they're enlitlcll to a laujh if it'.i not go-

: to hurt the club.‘Serloui Rusln{i«'

’But please rtcm’l get me ttToiiK,'' Teil pleaded. 'I 'm really n o t a Bcrewball and 1 don’t look upon baseball as a Joke, It's a lot of fun. but Just the same it's a serious husl- nevs nnd I Intfntl lo make Rootl nt It,"

)■ Tcildy cxplnlii.i

ball right out o( the park n ftcr niLvIng a fly during ^ n e of the spring training tames.

Docs Ted rMljy get ini«r nt times, such a.t when he tos:,e.i lib bat right over ihe Sox dug out, seale.1 hla glove ssaln.st the r ia h t field wall, kicks lils glove anrt aun gla.-; e3 into rtehl Held, or Jumps u p ^ n d down at the plate, b«iiKlng

the Rfound?

l^~lo*m ing to control .It."- he explained. /

'When I bile foiuHjad one, I get mnd at myeclf.l feci like Uirow-

.; my bot right out of the park. And when I boot a grounder or

S S f f l i K rAMEHICAN f.EAOUF.

W. L. r e t. New York ................II 3* .889

drop a fly ball I feel like smacking my head right up agaln.it the right field wail.—- V w l kjww-tlmt’s badJluIL-butili.it’.i the way I feel nnd sometimes I jiL-,i can't hold back," Ted of- ferrd to explain hLs Juvenile tan- tnini.i'ih8t hnve endeared him to ilic bleacherltcs.

tiUrta With a Double Ted's greatest thrills so far?"I Kue« th a t homo run I h it off

Rufllng before n fnll liomo here Memorial Day w m tops," he

....J. "EUlier Uiat. o r the double Igot in the Yankee, stadium the Iin.t time 1 was ever a t ba t In a major leacue game,"

home run king — even belter than Foxx? - . .

'Sny. IWeii, I'll probably never ; 'em as good ns Poxx," he re«'

piled.Tiibor Intcrnipted to tell the

lanky younKstcr he altcady hail h it plenty of homer* ns fnr and

.•en farther than “IJouble X," •That's all right," said Ted. "I in hit 'em, but he can h it 'cm bet-

. Tea" bccfimc titllelly thoughtful lor a mnment jiud suddenly his ju* ,xnlle enthusiasm came again lo the fore. -You know what? I 'be t U I had ft home park like some of thoie American league jnrk.i I'd

lilt plenty I rhom ersr'T enw ftythe touRheal park In Uie icngue

for leli handers. It's 402 feet to th? jieartit-w all-ou l.j-leh l-fidd- v n y Z Ted said.

Who are the best pitcher* W il­liam* has faced M far?

T hr« Best nteher*•’Bob Feller ot Cleveland. Red

Rulllng ol the Yanks, and Buck Newt,om of Detroit are Uie fnutcst men I’ve (accd. Tommy Bridge.'* of Detioli hii.i Ihe best curve ball.”

Eager to explain how good the plichcrs are, Tc<I nnerUielMs jvn.-» willlni; to point out that he trip led off Fcller'» fn.si one and Iwnged homers off Newwm Vnd Huffing.

of Ted?Tlie ItcW Sox' dynaniJc m nnagcr.

Joe Cronin, thinks Ted Is due to become "the lieiidllne se iuatlon o t l)a.seball.'' Polnllng out Uint W ll- lluni; Is aUnys ready to take od> vice, and not a bit swell headed by his succe.' < .to far. Cronin asserted Uiat -Uie boy's got more Umn h i t­ting tatenl. He's a smart bascbaU

good fielder."MCUUoa

Uial lost remark. "Honest. I th in k I'm a-lerrlble oulfltldcr.'l.he_sM d 'I'm fast ami I'm learning a lot that should make me a rent Qut- flelder Mmf day, but right now I honestly don’i UUnt I'm so hot."

Gloomy Gus Takes Trick “Formationsiio Detroit

Frankie Parker Reaches Finals

S e c o n d S e e d e d P la y e r W in s M a tc h in G ra s s C o u r t

- C h a m p io n sh ip s -By BILL WHITE

.nYerWrY;.-Au»,- 11 l/P)-Prankle Parker, who h u yet to muke on

nn'Kessary move on a tonixU court, iocned the'flfuiU of the eastern

grosi court championships today by teachlQB young tempestuous Welby

Horn of IjOi Angeles « vftltiahlc

He let 'Van Horn slug and smash hla way to * f ln t set victory and a 4-1 lead in the second set. before provlnc tiist psce Is as im portant In tennis as power.

CauUously .Parker, second MedAd in tills'tbum ey.'sot Bis racquet'on everyihlng thM..ihB rwkless 'Van Horn, could flam gerou ^ le r th a t tc win his semi-final match 3-8. e-0, e-I, a -i. ' At the end tlM veteran was'much,Jea3 tired l h a n . \ '^ J lo m . *bo*»-pancb-tU rm «l-*.gfltcQ i-ofa,000i- im t irh « ‘Ti'0re 'h lm « ir '6iit;— thVeoftnutnentQrofTho-nBwiy-or-

Alice Marble, the Amerlisan and Wimbledon cliarapion, and dark- haired Mrs, Sarah PMfrty Fftbynn came through to the women's finals with performoncrs tha t dealt mia- ery to the ir opponents.. Blond Alloo had to call on tior,

favorite ahou to stop a serloui chal- lenge engineered by. Mme. Heno Uathleu of Prance. TJ« scorcs were 1«>, 7-S. Mrs. Pabyan, hewavor, won

Saturdnyl schedule calls fo r Uie !« tn5n i_d ,ouh le«m iftr an ile i (tcjnl-flnaTTjelwein '“ ■ and u d u la v iieoht.

Fred ^ b o ll sailed a sloop lUnile* hnndfcd from Australia lo Los An-

iiN, Th»n n i 'w u im pw nokM by 111! In Lo« AniclM hubor.

By FflEO a iiALMlT DETnOIT HV-nie famous "H cn -

denon jpread" .and. E lm tr 0 (Oloomy Ous) Hendtrson. Jl« invcn ' tor. a re coming to'tlie D etroit Lions' of tiie National Professional F oo t­ball league this year. >

The Oloomy One. wlio began his coaching career SO yearn ngo w hile he wns sUU a Jiuilor at Cberlln high scliool in Ohio, has greeted only 40 defeated teams in pojt-gamo d ress­ing room se.ulons. ’ '

□us began using his .well known spread formations at Oberlin. th e n look Uiem to Chamberlin M iliU ry Academy In New York for a year. Six yean of high school coaclilns in SeatUa preceded his debut ns he ad coach a t tho Dnirerslty of Southern CaUfomla in HIP. About th a t tim e the Trojans were lucky to b rea k even in contests with OccldenUl nnd Pomona.- 'Henderson looked over U<e sqiind of 17 that..ttporttd for his f irs t practice and immediately - acquired the ■•Oloomy Cus” m onlke;/B ui-hls team lost only to CallfoM a th a t year.

His a n retslvenm In scouting, nnd. - " ta len t Ikdrafung hfgiricSool U len t led to

Stanford and Caliromia brenlclns off relatloni wlUi ir.S,0„ bu t bcfora O tu resigned by Unpopular de- mi&d" In 3J38 he hsd landed a hom o and home series irllh Kotre D nm e —frow n now into one of the m ost 'colorful' Intcreectional-rivttlrles-ln collegiate football.

He moved on to TUIs* university— and another 17>msn iQuad. B u t he soon had TMlsa rating nationally . I t was in 11)35 liiat Henderson took; hU talents-lo-pro-fooUwU, ro lum lnd -to

ganlzed L03 Angelei Buildoes. Hia comparative unknowns won 17 itraltJit jamei and ihe A m erlcaa league championship. The Bulldogi under Henderson *lioa-ed a Tccord of 44 won. B iMl. . * .

Hondetson'f-'new boss. O w ner Oeorge A. Wchanlj of the Wona. call] him 'the type of coach w ho knoa-s foolbsll playen and who will .produca an offentlva team capnbis of playing football go m lnu tfs ofcvery'came."•-Chis'-record-sectnMo bear ou t-th n t .Ob«rtll«on,.


Par»li»JI, d h u p # u r A itm to viciory m ih l Kamblcwaian W ed* -nesdayrseoredagaln-today ■wllh-tha ijay mare Single flUne by UkhiB UH MCCfld dlWilDh of Uie O ood 'T lm o

s *l»ke. closing feature of UiflTim* p u k in n ii elreiui mM t> inr. ■ • ■

•Clooray Otis' IleoderHB T hirt; yean a football toach.

St. Edward’s Nine jicores-7-r4-Win

T w in F a lls B a s e b a l l T e a m T a k e s C o n te s t a t

J e r o m eScoring Uirto runs in the ninth

inning, St. Edward's baseball team of Twin Palls clialked up a 7-4 win over the Jercme boys' nine a t Jer-

no jxstenlfty................................ . .-Wlth>ai» acora deaUlooked 4-4

80iiig'liit6'the"nnBV*tnun«-DaTia Qr«w a walk and cam& In on' Price's lacilflcb. Later In the inning, with Uie base* loaded. Oibb n it a rt-o-

era. limited S t. Edward's to seven hits. Price of tho winning teum ttim ed'm an clght*hlt mound per­formance. Arnold bansed out Uie only homer of the cune,

Tho Twin Palls youngiters ha'-i scheduled a game Sunday »fc3 fn,' with a t«am from Oooding atHanTton-fltld:---------------- - ~ —

7 i

Detroit Manager "^Sigiis f o r i 9 4 0'D e l Bal<er H a P D o n e a s W e ll

a s C ould B e E x p e c te d ,’ S a y s C lub O w n er

BETHOIT. Aug. 11 tf t—W alter O. Briggs, owner of the Detroit Tigers. announcedToSSP Uiat Manager Del Baker had been, signed for nnother season.

Briggs said:" I am glad to announce th a t Del

Baker, In whose managerial ablUty wo havfl th i utmost confidence, 'wtll ngaln lead the Tigers In ilMO. I think he has done as well as could b« expected during the present year. He n-lll hare Uie same 'free hand In dlrecUng Uie club. His only Instruc- Uons are to spar* no effort th a t will ffive Uils irreat baseball town a of championship calibre."

Vill Signs Contract CLBVEXAND.-Atlg. 11 VP)—Oncftr

Vilt. Ui8 Cleveland Indlaai’ m an­ager for ths past two seasons, was algned tonight to pilot the Tribe again in 1940.

He put Ills name to a new o n t i 'rsc l.a fttr

Watliltitio rhlUdelpli SI. Louli

,.SS 49 MO



Haa Diego . Portland ...Oakland ...Jlolljrwood .

Yanks Win With One Big Inning

W orld C ham pions B a t A ro u n d - i n - F i f t h - t o D e f e a t

P h ilade lph ia A 's

C I N C I N N A T I A C E ^ S E E K S 2 0 T H W I N

AMf:niCAN LrAGL'K Vfw Vork I, rhUarttlphIa I Ilflrolt 4. .Si, Loul. 3, lOnIr ram n tehedulcdl

PHILADLXPillA. Auj. 11 (-r,— Tlie world chsmiilou Yankees, get­ting back In lliflr.old habit of oni big Inning, Kored .<lx times in Uio fifth iranie lo-Jay to plaster the Philadelphia-AlliIeiic.v8-to 5,

Trolling 1 to 0 a i Uie time, tin Ynuk. bnltcd around with two e r

niid a wild pilch supplement-

•I1ie Yanks added single runs li Uie last Uiree innings lo round ou ihelr margin.

JIajM’kept the A’s within Uireat- cning distance by hlttinR his nlnUi homer with' two on In Uie .'cventh mntng. reducing New York’s

0 7-S. Wsiiager Joe McCarUiy cognlMiice of Uie Kesturc by

removing Oome: for a pinch hilicr. of/'Uie few Umes he evei

Lcajfuc Leaders and Chief Rivals Open

Crucial Series

ST. LOUIS. AiiR, 11 — B ill M cKcclm lc, m a n a g e r of C ln c ln n a ll. se t ih e pace fo r m cm bcr.i of iil.i Ica tn a n d th e S t . Loul.^ C ard lnai.t to d ay . H t w e n t in to th e c oun try to Rct h l n n l n d - o l f 't h e -3-T rnm r-se rlc.i .ita rtinR tom orrow , .

N ot n il th e piayer.n so u g h t r u ra l r e tr e a ts bu t n il took it

No worliouls »-rri- held.The bo---. 0

National leanue a (I f r - 7

h a v e w on 10 -itratshi - Indl-

, cftUd liLi pitcher J tor the Ilrst same t,»'Duld be Bucky

Wiillcrn, whi* will Ixi trj'lni: for his iwrntieth victory

, R a j- B l i t d f .. , yiannger of 6tk__Louis, s a id hh

starting pitcher WALTi;ilH would be one of

Uiree—Lon War- nek'e, Cu.n D»vls, both veterans, n.nd Morton-Cncprr. tip for hi.-; firat tull year In tlir majors, lliey are right hander.' a^ l< Wnlt'r.i. .W amelte Im.i won in._pnvW Ki, and Cnop<*i

Tlghi. ■ ■■

C ubs 3 . P ir a te s 2CHICAOO, Auk. 11 ^-7^-Pl^cllln;

wlUi only two dujs rc.it. big Bill L « iiurlod Uic Chlciigo Cubs to a 3 to 2 Tictoo’ today,, ylrtding only

' lo ih r Piit-'.biirgh riratc-i in their tcrirs oi>cner.

He Tas cffe«llvr all Uie wny in registering hli 14Ui victory dc.'pllc Uie fact h« pitched Uie Cubs to a triumph over Cincinnati in Uic first game ot a doubleheader Tvie.sday.

Ht-*iwy-lo-got-oit-]a.M! aRiilnst pitchers Max Outciier ind Triieti 6e«-ell„ but the Cubs lad an exceedingly hard Ume roncii-

Ing honif plate, an even down Cub runners being stranded on the

Bill Nagei «a.i expelled In U n in th for.pnileitlnjf..n decision j second base and ouUlelder Bob , Johnl^n finished the game a t s ond for Uic A s.

>lj:ro><ul t

HaraTipton ir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nm .1 :i.

Itoisr c I -s J ciiipnitn r. UihliTtTr U 1 1 «,flom«i_p---- S-l-OiUjuilh'B »jtcrlflfx I I • i:

Ce‘uni” I1 Tol»l.

—A^rrlli. Or»«nl>«r». Clmn, >'ei. Thr§« !,••• SlU—UrOxkr, Home run>—UrQulnn.

cl<r>—TtblMUi tfi UrCer. IliHate In MfQuInn,--t’llft-1« tkfiMtn*'l» —

DIUVliH WINWKR J e ro m e ^ .,...... ........... - ......- 4 8 8■ a C B H S N . H . T r - M i r f r i i T i r P D o o “ S n t K n a : P r i c e a n a T S l j H ^

Mclnko; AJBOlci, WDlttra ana UUler.

''BKflUM he- nerer «iu 'necdcd.-aM.yeif.Bia-f8ldln# w tf t j r t u pie-. Ins blood, haa never been broken, WmhM or ew n put in a bam. K6 K am i a pailura on Thoma* Malpio'i Clinton county, O., Jarm :'

the offlc« of Alra Bradley. Indian president, who Indicated ha h a d chosen t t a pm en t tlm« to offer Vltt a nejr contract la an e ffo rt to KueJch reporta Uia U tK r was

the. way out.

Girl GolfSrs Play For Major Title

E lfa M ae W illiam s a n d E d i th . E s lab ro o i< s A d v a n ce to

F in a ls o f T o u rn e y ■•’D tm o iT , AU|. n '(/D -T w o fern-

InlJie golfers who have nover-won n toajor- tiU i adraneid today to tho finals‘of the Ihlrty-nlnUi finnual closed western Womtn's coif chant* pidnslUp at-cakland HlUs C ountrJ'club.— --------- ----------------------------. Tliey ar* sHa Ma< Williams,-23. y eu 'fiid O h le i i i^ who holdi thi Chlcoco dUtrlfit and lUlnoU ' ‘n u es, tn a i g.i-eih.oia g d i t r —brooks, of Dubuque. lo«», holder Ct the lown Util Kna runnm ip to P a t­ty -B tfi, ^J'U lnsHpoUs.'ln -thi-1038WejlerB.------------- ■.-< - - '- - -

.M lu 'WllUams advaneed by u p - M ttm t SUuUUi-Uioks,, l t .y ia r .(d d Lon# StiWh, Cillf.', aohool - t l r t , * and I. Mlsa WUUami plD 'td lieady '

win. N'lctl. OlUwtkk Itcni n n —1.......* ■ !• CcrtSB. Cre*«tll ma r«hl-n }i iluUir. CrsMU igd Dahlcmi-

...nnlnr pllclxr—Oomti. Loilnc pllchrr

T is e r s 4 . B ro w n s 3 /iDCTRorr, Aug, n -wi — b^

Newton pitched the Detroit Tig­ers to a 4-to-S- Tietory over the St. Louis Brovn.t today add drove in th e winnlng~tun with a ninth Inning single.

It was Newsom's 31st blrUiday and he went Into the game deter­mined to win his' 13Ui Tietory of the season after faillnf th« last

golf while her foe, holder of Uie aouUijm California - tlUe, had her w a n t/ round of Uie .tournament, three-pulUng ftiquenUy and land­ing many shots In the yawning traps.

Misi Eatabroolu fisurtd In one of Uie suangest taatchcs ot the meet

ahe won from Mr*. Russell Mann, . --OW eastr+TiirtT-anjpplnr foot putt for a birdie four tr. final green.

COUPEVILLE. Wash., Aug. 11 (/P) One thousand Indiana from ,reser- vnUons of~BriUih' OfllumWa and Washington will meet h e n Sunday for the tinali of their- annual war canoe rases, and Oovymor Clarenec D. Martin lald today ha would pre- sent a'loliTiiiip Bnbtunitlo ol tutor* nBUonai_eh«niioniWp.lto.Uie_win-

;------SIN C L A IB IZ B W IT H —


BbBiviAGEL' A complete gas, oU wash and

lubrlcaUon eervlqe, Goodyear tires, EUde batUrtea.

>H7t. Muii.-r.—IV

P h ijlics 2 , G ia n ts 1 ^^nv Y onk . Aug. n (/ff-Tw o-liH Pltcliini: bv Wulw-r HIgbe broiiKht ilir lowly milllle.i Uieir firji viclor>- over llif New York Giants \tiicr .May 12 bv a 3 to 1 count today.

Tlir only nin wortd ngiiiiisl the yoim;: rlnliihancler w-liom Philadel­phia acaulini Irom yUie Chicago Cub* came without, a lilt in the .“iCvrnUi.imiln;, Harrj- Danniiig and ZeV.e Boiiiira w.alked, Tom Hafey ancrtfice<l and bannhig « o red on nn inlleld oiii:

.mi«.vtl. , .T.a lion

Browning's U S

ID.17 Buick 16 C o u p e . Riidio, H ea te r. M o to r I l c c o n d i t i o n .c d . V e r y clean f in h h nod p n in t . 'A rea l b u y a t ........... S 595 .00

1936 T u d o r S e ­d a n . L a r c 'e b u i l t - i n . T r i i n k ^ ^ e n ta r .___BInUR econdU ioncd ....$475 .00

1936 P o n tiac S ix T u d o T S e d a n . T runk ,- H e a te r . Vcr>' cican- M o to r r e c o n ­d itio n ed ........$4 d 5 .0 0

1934 P o n tiac S e d a n fo r P n b l . ................... „ , S J 9 S.OO

1935' B o i c k ^ c d * r t . - . W h ee l I\Iodcl w ith T r t ra k , H e a te r , N e w P a i n t . S p e c ia l .......... j ......1 2 9 5 .0 0


Services a t the Churchesnn cviinfcllstlc campnlKn wlUi Bulll Bnpllst cJlurch. AUIUJI !3- wlll liiive ehamr of tiie mom-

tiiB broiiclcruil ilcvollunnb Moilrt#y. \Vfcliir.-.diiy mid rrlday iiiotiilnfs of

v.-ptrk n t 7:30 o'clock.

c j i iu .S T iA v s c i r s c r ICO Nllllll Avt, E l l

15 ft, m. Sumltiy .vlionl.' n. ra. Church icnlce.

•Soul" h the Mitijpi'i of the -oii-Scrmoii v,hlch will be read ClitircliM of Clirl,M, Sclenll;


OoUleii T pxi 1.s: tny portion, iiiilih iiiy

•111 I hope in him'

1 Siindny,

•n ie Lard Mini; there^ (Umenlft'

c i iu n c H o r t h e NAZAnrsE6Ui Avc, and 4Ui St, N,

D, Smith.—p iito r...........- Sunday «hool. Mn

luperintenflent la

nrndlnB room oprn dully except imdny ;And holiilnyn from I •- •

ni, I/5Cftlrd nt 130 Mnin »\

TIIL rmST.rE.VTKCOSIAL__• !>«:• 5lh"Arr,

Elllr, SclMii.-pn-MorSunday school, gln-v Jolin Cnltlcr. Miperhiten-

Moniliii: worililii.eiiiKln .mi.Mry of Cod'.s word. R c '. OntJniid, Ciillf.. «tll bring

In both -•.fr\’lctn.YoiuiK Teople.i jiiretlnK. &-nnKell.Mlc scr'-lcc with

nnd ne». Tnlbprt brlng-

i p, m. Wctiiie.'Jiny.' pnyer nnd .ii.'.r .Acrvlcr.! p, !ii,- Kridiiy Ullile .iliidy. Mia iby Muriln will Rive Ulbl'- lei-vjD.

• y m s T m r r i s T Kiv. noy E.-Barnett, px«or

n, m. church ycliool. C. D. Kciirral iuperlntemletit.

II A. m. Wor.Uilp, Sermon, Exixnl- nil of IIcbre»5 13, The Fidelia ni',-. Qunrict will fi;<i p. m, n . Y, P, U. •* fi p. in. Worship. Union scn^loe^n K cllv iinrk. McCnl-'virr will'prciicii. ............Weiliit'.day. 0 p. m. Mld«cek sen’-

FIRST CIim.STIASSixili nnd Sho-slione Sl.t. k C, Croiicnbcrser. niliilJler

ft. m. Bible scliool. F. W penc'rni uipcrlntewlent pre-

i a, til. MonilnK worihlp. Med- .•, "Al Tilt Mnf.tnr'r. TnWe.'

ininimilon senlce for ftl! bclicv- ;i Chrb l. Sprrliil mu,slc and by thr'pa.slcr. them'p, "Tlie ^5nn

TWttrChrbtlnn Endcnvor groups

Union servlcc In the purl:, a . McCailblcr, piMor of

tlir i'lr.'.t MclhodlU church will be lenkpr.

L iirK c ii OK THK nnKTimESCor. 'nu rd Avc, nnd Fourth St., N.

Vaii B. WrlRht, minWer10 n. Ml. •me Churth a t School.

-XV-C~FUiu’urcl>.-iuiperlnl«tuical_^__11 a, m. T lif CInirch n t ^Vor^hlp,

■nir-)hw »“ «m-t>frrA-MI->-pis>-wl- empha;.lK, '

8:00 Union f.rrvlce in tiic C park,

BKTiiuL T i:s i r ix c m m c i in, M, Dftvid. pftilor

10 n, ni, Sundnj- ichool with e1n! mid. teflchfni for all neeu. D. AlilfUt. .uiM'rini.in.IruI, '

It:30 n. m. Momiiie Wonhlp, A Devotional Scrvlce of . worrlilp, pmL'.e. nhd mur.lc. Bcrmon by the p.i.itor.

3 p, ni. fUdlo Gospel -Sen'lce. BetJiel Temple Bible School Scnlce.

8:15 p. m. YoiinR Peoplrti Meet- Int. Mr.i, Hoy Scxion, Speaker.

* , “ iiiKcllJtlc sen'lce with prayer for tiie .ilck »nd opportiinliy for bnptl.im. Special mu*lc with chorals and on;he.itni: .utlrrins Goj* pel .lertnon b>- the pa.^tir.

Tiiewlay, S p. m., Bethel Tcmplf Bible School. Tlin pMtor'fl cltu .i.

\Vedne?.daj-. S p. m.. Church rray-r MceUnc,Friday. 8 p. m.. Church rdlow»lilp

Mcctliifr.irdny. a p. m .'Bethel Temple

Children’s- Church.Al! other .ncr^lccs lumouncfd from.

Uifl pulpit.

FIRST SICTIIODISTH, G. McC.illlster. mlnWer

8 :« m. CImith r.chool sc.'-'.lon ;lUi claMcs' for all ftge. nml cradcs.11 ft. m. Morning worship .icnlces

with tiie pM ior brtnsliiB n tnei.nge on the Uieme "Our Common Task," Clinrles Calvert a t IhR' cV isoIp of the pipe orRan will brins^peclftl and flttlni; imnic for the prelude,

. . ind piwtliide. ML-.1 Mnr- ,. irel Lee of Jerome. Idolio. will Rlnc “The Twenty-Third Paalni,'

7 p. m. All three IcaROfs will m m n tliBlr rF.ip<>cUve place.i for wor- ihlp. slurty nnd fellowship.

6 p. m. Union r.m'lces will be held III Uie City park in the b.md shell. Tlio theme for the cvenlns will bfl "Praying far Vision". Good muile under the leadership of Hev. CronenbtrRer. TliLi scrvlce conlln- ulng throuKh Aiigust has been ipon- lored by the Twin Fftlls Ministerial ftiiociatlon. - — • •

---------c n u n c i r o r c o D -----------Claud Trfttt, pastor

No Sundaj' BCliool nor monilng Rervlcei n t tlie church. Mfmbcn and friend,!! u-e tnvlted to mret at the diurcJi Bt_8 n. m. Sunday til wlilch lime n large truck wiH leave for Pio nnnual '■mcetina In the plnt.i" apcnsercd by IKv. R. DavjJ, paitbr of the HotlLiter Anrt.nogerson Pre»- bylerlnn eliurche.i. Rev. Pratt will ■ B one of tlic spenkers.

Tlie J-CffUtftr Sunday evenitiK scr- ,cu will b« held a l ths church.

•— Prayer

DR. C. R.FOXDENTIST” '" ■ ■ ■ I

ktinocntM Termonl of Offlcei ts i

131 F o u r th .A v c n u q N orlh :

0:4$ ....O. W. ChriiUnn,ch a r ;. ........................

Junior cJiolr and orche.Mri Martin Smith, leading.

11 «. m. Morning wor»hlii. Ml.iifj Mildred and .Lola, J"tUliuiui—from Meade. Kan,.' will be In charnc the jlnging and will ilnu, ’T BavJor for Me."

7 p. m. Young people* metlins. Glen Meyer.v prc.'Idcut. bc a mUilonnty service and LeMcr Hills will be In charse. The Junior service will be the- lainc hour and thero will be ten^lcc for the rlileta a l tJie same hour.

8 p. m. Evening cvMixeli.Mic .serv­ice wlUi happy tong .'.ervloc, Waltrr P. Graham in cliarse nnd the Ed- ward.1 quartet will sing tlie ^pf<lal number.


MD Third avenue e.i. t,_ Severn, pallor.

B;<!rn. hi; Sunday .-ilion!. Mr,~A. W. BiirbcKit, .nupcrlritciidpnt, :E. H. Metculf will brins llie me;--,

11 a. In. Morning wor^lll .7 p. ni. Young PcopIC.'s rneriln,8 p, m. Evening scrvlce in rhargc

f Rev. Mctcftlf.8 p. m. Wcdhtsdny. Priijrr and

Bible study.

FIRST rnESByTHItlAS G. L, Clark, p:i;.i6r,

ft. m. OJiurch tcluiol, 11, A. 6nllibur>-. injpcrlntendcnt.

11 n. m. Momliig wDr.-.lilp. Sfrauin, tTlib Divine RequIsUf," by thn pas­tor. Anthem, ' I Lay My SInj on Jeiuj," Mls.1 Bcfttrlce Dulstermars. director. OrKuii numben, 'Coiijota- Ion"; "Mftrche":-offertory Mb. "f

Pmyer Perfect.” (Rllcy). !Iarf>- Smitli, M l« Pi^triela Smith, orgiml.it.

r p . m. Union service in the park, Rev; n , G. McCallliler. i jH-.iker. •

1 p. m. Tliursday. Ml.-.ilonan m - clcty picnic,In park.

DNiTKi) n n m in i :N jN c im isT Tlilfd Rtrcet and■’riilfd avenue east,

to a. m. Sunday nchoot for all ages. Ven'ft WftlO. superlnlcndent.• II n. in. Morning me.vuige by Rev. .NJaU)Cw.i.

7 p. m. CiirlsUan Enden\or hour, directed b y j 'ra n c rs Jluiitrr.

a p. m. EvanBcllstlc iiici.Mge by Rev. MaUiewa.

8 p. m. Wednesday. Prayer meet- John Pnnkii

M. }l. Zugel. mini: m. Ewly worship with wrtnon.

a. m. Sunday school. Tlie adults are kindly asked to m rrt In the church auditorium. All baremenl Sunday school rooms arc taken by............ 5 .clrw iL ,M r«. K. ,Eackrr,

the Siiiitlay school ffcirtary. will look alter enrollment ot the children who a ttend for the flnt timi

10:30 a. m. netrulir wnrr.hlp with sermon.

8 p. m; Wednrr^iuy. MrflUig rf the congregailoual pliinnbig board In the ba.'.cmenl auditorium.

Tliursdny. Walthcr l';iguc Bible ftudy period, Raymond Th.icte -111 be topic leader,

fl p. m. Friday. Adult mcnibcri,hli) !iour.


SCO Second uvenue west •B. E, A. Hoffman. pa.-.tor

10 a. ni. Sunday tcliool.11 a. m. Wor.ihip and pnike ;.er*

'Ice. Sermon iiibjeet. •Tcacli U». W

7 p. m. Young people's service.S p. m. EvftngelliUc service, •'n ie

Gojpel luid lU Power to Save," will be prcjcnted In song through tlie Word,

8 p. m. Tuciday night. Bible study and prayer.

AMKRICA.V LUTItERANThird street nnd -nilrd avcnUi

north E. W, Kiiiter>, pantor

II a, tn. Divine wcrslilp. Sermon icxt: RevclBllon 3:20; thcru: "Be hold I stand a t u'le door and laiock.

Tills is' the fpccoiid regular weekly worship i.er\lce conducted by tlie American Luthenm church in , Attempt to rtach tliose wiUioul - diurch libnic ' In ' the Twin TaIIj community. Tlie American Lutherar church Li afflllAtcd with the Scandi­navian Luthem groups In this coun- trj’. and is endeavoring to-«erv« this entire group. All service.i an held in the Adveiilir.t church.

Sunday j.chool clft,^srs for nil ngc groupi will-bcsln.-Ausw^-30-at-K

2 p. m. Tljutsday. W, M, A. mccu.

ST. KtnVARirS CATHOLIC Rev.' H. E. Heilman, pa, tor.

“ ......... - ' i n r a y r ' ' ....7 ^nd 0 n. m. Sunday ma.-. c.v8 itsm. Week-day mA.i3ej. CotvlT.ilon heard Saturdays. 7:3S

lo ifJO o'clock.Communion Sundnys: First Sun­

day for the men: »«ond Sundny for the women: Uilrd SuntUy for the children; fourth Sunflny for the young folk.i.

B.iptlims after second mass ,on Sundays.

------ iiTlTHAl/VA^roTrX’Ri^^-------------fll7-6e«md-Brentiff sw ith,------

Major Ethel Ehls In charge.10 a. m. Sunday school.11 a, m. Hollnesr. mecllng.(1:30 p. m. Young people'* inerling. 7:30 p. m. Street meeting. ‘Wednc.sday. 7:30 p. m. Young peo­

ple'* Bible claM.Tliuralny, 7:30 p. re. Street mtct-

ing. - I Tliiifiilny. R p. m: Public inccllugr Prldny, 7 p. m. Young girls', sew­

ing ClftM.Saturday, 7:30 p, m. Street mect-

:ig. • •Saturdfty. 8 p. m. Public meeting.

Spreckels WedsBaron’s Witlow

RENO, Nev.. Aug. II M>-Bftmn- a Emily von Romberg of B«nlA

Barbara. Calif. »ldow of Bftron MftXlmUian'-voti -Rombers:. "« icT “ Adolpli B, Spreckels. heir to a lugnr fortunB. were m»mr<l,her# yester­day.

Immedlalely afterward Mr. luid Mir„ Sprcckeb. «lio gnvc.Uiclr agea n.i 27, left by pluie for Bnnta B ar­bara. ............— - - -------------------

Baron von Romberg, killed In an airplane crush at Rumson, V. J.. Jn June, 1038, reportedly left a J10,000,. 000 estate.

Tlie baronerj. in addlUoa to being prominent In Santa Barbara society, 'tax beep active in lltemry drclcs, :nd for a time publUhed a w phlsti-

catcd mnsttiJue. Ape;itlf.Spreckcls, tlirlce-dlvorced. In-

h rrlltd S3.CSQ.000 when ho became of in 1033.

HANSENnflallve*—Mr. nnd Mrs, J. T. Rob- on of Tonkawa, Okla., wilh Mr, and

Mrs. C. F. Robison of Wichita, Kan. and their dtiu«hter, MIm Ola Robi.

if Emporia, Knn., arrived Mon. dfty for ft vL'Jt with Uielr brother and .'.Ir.tcr-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs, M, ... Robison, ftnd Uiclr brother-in- law and sister. Mr. ftnd Mrs. ,F.' E,

Yellowstone pork.U nlled-M ra. E. W. Durk. aged ation of Hnnstn. wm reiinlled

with a brother. Wlllftrrl St, CTalr. nftcr a period of. 23 ye;irs, when he and Mrs. St. Clair and tholr non

and Velmii,


Claud Pratt li extra ordinarily pleased and somewhat excited, ‘m e te Pennsylvania RX Premium lires ara the finest, longcit wenring tiro ever

idc. ^ gentleman who Ij standing . my side and who Just come down

to-see'about-buylJig-some-RX- tlrcfl before he starlj lo Portland Just

ihftt hLi brother in Soil Laka City ha* Pennjj'ivanla RX Ures o n ' hUi cor. He tells me his broUier ha« already run Uio Ures 38,000 mile* be- fore he hud them recapped. K* tell*

the side tj alls look splendid,! are certnljily a wonderful ttr«.

Tlicy are matchless when 11 ecmea to resiliency nnd tliey can^- a r « - ord for mileage tlist Is almo.it tm - believable.

Tlie RX Is mads dUIcrcnt tlia t la why It top.1 Uif Held la performance.,' I t U super pressure curad, an Ijlosiva process tliat tremendously, lncreflr.ei UiB tire flexibility (ind reibtiiiice lo wear. I t U built with

upcr test cord 30% atronger Ihnii ordinary cord. You get Uir.in fen-

ircs ontj- In the amnsing Pcnn- . ivanlft RX, your one best tire biiy

today;CUud Pm tt doei not know ho'v

long the Pcmisylvaula' Rubber Co. will allow him to icll a.tlS.CO Urn . In Uie RX premium grade in a 0.00 ilLM ttJoU 10.?7J}llL»l!(.«cri.«rn_

moving from P n t t’i plsea fast. Don't take any chances when you ar* buy-

utomoblle Ur», Insist on a Pcnn-iylvonta. Tlie curing proce.ia la ft,i.much tllffcrenl u a Swift Pni- mium Cured Ham and Uio way Uicy uied to cure them in Arkotiiuis.

AnoUicr granary U ready to go.If inybody knows where oiu* «on«

mixer Is p itue brine It baek tarvlosn It to somebody else.

«■ «

CLAUD C. PRATT SALES c o m p a n yOn lbs R«od Is (h« n<wpllal

Fo r a better harvest. . . .

T hr abOTfl photo ihowi the No. 31 12-foot cu t McOonnlck'Deerlni . Harvester,‘T w iher now operating In Uie field of Mr. P. P. Bauer, o t Filer. Har>-c*Untr In • fleW of walst.high mixed grain, barley and onU, UiU machine la getUng 05 bushela lo.the acre, "me combine. Itself, h u a 'ttcord of nlnetcw and thrw quarter* acres per day Jn pTila, hurveiU ag'lt» ^ h e l s of-ba^rl^ to t h # -

“ TUsponilbI»” fo r 'Ih U 'l •"«a7erM“eondltlon»-l» -tiw -im ple-elpw ilnrcapaej^ —8 Iiasure a thorough job of saving and cleaning prilnj, beaiu, and seedj. '

This No. 31 McCormick-Deerlng Comblna is in Ita.th ird tcason.of operation and illU briogini very aaUsfaetory resulU tfl both lU owner and his customer*. • •

No. 3i International Combine’ Owned and Operated by Mr. e^ B. McLaift. R t l

---------- ------SOLD”AND DlSTRIBlfTED BY— , ' W

bu»limblement:s Mem’SBUHL, IDAHO - tWQif FALLS, IDAHO


bargains! Special Values! Qutstanding Buys. .. on This Page Every DayW A N T AD RA T E S

- OATES PER LINE PEE DAYl fill .layi.' per One per <1»J < •T h r » pcf line per d v .One d» j. per Uae . . • • •

a s 1 / 3 % D i H c o u n tF o r Cash ..........

Cash dlicounC allowed If ftdverltse- m eal la PftJil for wlUiln ‘' “5" ot liuertion.No claaiUlcd ftd taken for 1cm Ujuxi SOc. iQcludlns dliMuiit.Line of cliisilflcd ndvcnUUig com- puled on baala of five medium- IengU> wordi per line. .


IN JE310ME Lcuvc AdU a l K & W Rool Ikei


•n .c TIMES nild NEWS wl3U,io make U clear lo llielr reader# Uial

‘i“l» containing a Mx number in care of Uie two paptrsi nrc ftiricUy coiirideot'al mid nO In- farniallon con be glvtn cuiicmilnR Uiu BavL-ra-.cr Aii>-onc «nU ng lo

.'o iiaw er a dftfjHlcd ttd Cflrr ’lng a TIMES-NEW8 Ooi nuinuer .»liou1d wrllo to llial box i.nd either mail oi Ijrliie It to Uio TlMfcS-NEWS ofllce ’n iere Is no Mini cliargc fur box sunibers


KILLAllNEY luiiiii) open for Cur rrpalrltiK. wcldliiK. Sillstuflluii Kiiiiritnlcvd. 0|x;n evciiliiK:-. SouUi Lincoln, Jerome.


P i r r r iT L:ike It-Hicli. C0U4Kr.'. nncl- piicl: lrlp.1. Call Mrii. DuvUl I-' Clarl:. Tlione 507.


VACATION time jpclla 'M ira cash tor Uiow: wtiu have cabliia for rent.

• Why Iw p your caUln n iw r c l . . . 1f t oUicra know about I t . . . advcr- Iim! u:iclcr tills lic.odlniil


APRICOTS. 3Sc and 50c. 01B3-J2.

MILIC ^«1 roiiit--!. ICc lb, Pli, 033D-J3.

FOR SALE; n6d npuiv % ml- N.

m e n . Mfe. PAstEURlZED whole mllk.sOc jiU. Put up in gallon con-'

■ tAUten CojUi and carr7VOCNO’S DAmV. TIIOOK LANE

l.HOO LARGE colored ftrera and »11 krnd.-i of frult« aild reseuttlci. 111-Way ^ tk ^ % ml. E. on Klinb.



VES! You c;iii fjo to the Ihcutrc, Ijiiy a Bood’riinny [mirs of fitodvinK^Jii.st *” 'v ith the money, you snve tnkiiijr ad- vjint;<KC of Ihc ".s;>ccia!H” ndverlLsiici every day in the W ant Ad.s.

H ERE'S a way to earn th n l iiecilod ex tra pocket money! Check tlie clas.s- ifieda for low co.st buys every tiny.



Apply In porMii a t AbboU Dbplny Room ne.M W Orplieum Theater.

n E C P ':W A 'N T C D = S lA I ;E - A N f) f-E M A L E

JJiJ WVIEKCv Uruw U iunrM m r Cellar, Bhed. We ouy 30c lb WorUl'6 Uirscst Company FREE BOOK. Mushroom#. 2019 2nd. &!• fttUe. Wash


SMALL Grocery and fruit /itaiid Illtt'ny 30. Ill health reason for telling. Box 0, Ncwc-Tlmcs.

equliinicnl.’ Prlccd lo sell. 531 UUi it.. Buhl, Idaho.

SERVICE liiailon combined wlUi linirli rouiit^r. bcerr soft drlnk.r Available to right lurty. Inqulro Ulali Oil. Phone 19G,

REUABLE man wiUi $^0 enn take over wUbllshed downtown T. P. Mr%'lce elation with excellent op- ixjrlunlty on coal and fertiliser

due lo Mlrcmo fdckncii. Wrlt« Boir 831 Twin Fnlle. All corn- tpondence tlrlcUy conridenUal.

S C n O O U S -A N D -T IL M N IN G .


I,Or>T; Yfllow KOlcl Bulova watch ' Jiam ion park. Reward. Tom

Sm ith. 237 J»cl-.;,cu St.

t 'H JK O J 'JU C T O H S

DR Hardin, lao Main N. Ph lOU


MAtLORV 114 Main N i'll. Itfi-R.

W ANTED-3 pajuv lo Lo.i Angeles, Share exp. Wrllc Dox 21. Tlmc5- Ncws. •

WANTED: 1 or 2 pa.wiigers lo Ar- kaiiiiii. IcftVluK Sun. Share exp. P. O. Box 331, Hnnstn, Ida,

RIDE wanted lo Dtnver or Putblo. Good rcfa. Sliart exp.. al.w driv­ing. Ph, 73. during day. Ph. 1130^ evcnlnga.

V/ANT a, pase. to aliare exp, and driving ta fair and L, A. Leare Auk. is . re tum 'io day*. Ph, PUcr.

- 341-JH.


t t 15 vtLvci l i price. Shampoo u d

A , Bf.autX-Sliop...Ph..i3i.-Alt^cacL\ BEAUTY ARTS ACAUEBIY 1 o n Permoncntj u luw u tlJN. lOuolui Student work free. Pti. SOS. f u s Main WeeL

MARCILLE'S, 735 Main C. The shop of unmuttj permanwiia end lojt-

' Ins flager wavcj. OU ahampuoiod linger wuve Me. Evenings by ap' DolntmettL Phone 383

- - S IT U A T IO N S W A N T E D -

GIRL vlanla work. 110 8Ui £

lISKPR.. cook. Box 12. Tlmts-Ncws.

•••P03m 0N -by23.rr. esperlcneed machinist. iU-am heaUnit. maltf-

• tcnimco engineer.'- Earl- Vance, Lind Garosc.

U N F U R N IS H E DA P - . \R T M E N I 3 -

4 RMS, and baOi. 115 Jactvm ,


APT. for rent, 415 2nd Ave. N.

3-RM. apt. Adull3.-329-5tli Ave. N.

2 RMS.. baU), kitchen'. 227 Cth K.



HOUSE, 2 loU. 353 Gardiir/ Ave.

H O M E S FO R SALEDUPLEX. «00 down. Phuilc 653-W.


TWIN baby buggy, Pli. 819.

flllS C E L L A N E O U S ' F O R SA L E

Furnncc V acuum ClwininK


BAS.-5 FISIIINOI AL-.o perch and lun fish. Blue

Lakes KaJich. Pn. 0183-ni.

D lbT IN C nV E VeiM'Uan blinds Ujat Jcud-.cliaim .uhd iKaUly. W_your .home. Mclal or «Md coiutrucUon.' O ei our prlcM before you buyl .Moon'a.


r 'lnch and ^>>Lncli round rod iron, lough lumber, nlplng rag"- wood pipe, s.ack-i and llrtj.

IDAHO JUNK HOUaE 153 2nd Ave, SouUi Pli. 325-W.

PANCV luncli counter and S fine stools; inncy bsflc b^r irJtli ;u7i> rllpd In Rla.M, 3 under f.lielves with iilldlnK Kla.'..', doors; 3 thowc.’ises, hlL’lJ w<l! lobarco ca.^e. IJiO. Cash rpgl.-.lcr and Nron firm reafllnR M arket Place. >'or further hifo. u rllo or-.'-ee J. M. 0-,vcn.l (Market piacp). 174 Roo.'.cvclt St.. Amerl- ran FalLs, lilnho-


ELECTR.IO rcngr. PIi, 1431.

Life’s Like That By Neher

"Ju sl like a woman . . . always cltanKin’ IhinRS around.'


BALDWIN pUtio, 611 JrtJ Are. W.

MATTKESSESSprliiB fnitd; taleen damssfc tick­

ings; rose, orch'ld and green. Cheap In price but not in con- Mnicilnn. lie sure to sec Unr.c be­fore you buy miy m attrevi a t any prK'c! bpev'lnl whllu ihey L-ut I13D3.


RED JA C K E f Kunranleert w.-iter Hjftcneni, All .nhe.i iuid styles. K REN O Et'S HARDWARE,

a GOOD houses, veil located, on oni lot. Bringing Ilheral relum on In vestment, .Wrile Box 20, Tlnies- News. ■

nted, has 3 Qle« bedrooms, Urge living room, firepldce. nice dining room, .kllclien,.oak iloor3,'ccment ba.iemcnt, floor drain, garage, beautiful lav.’n and shrubs. Total price 14500. K. L. Jenkins,




APT3. Tlie Oxford. 428 Main North.

MOD. adultj. 3317th Ave. N. Ph. 328.

JU8TAMERE inn Ph 456 Oasla B71.

3iRM ru m .'B unB sioB "6pa~ siirtr

3 RMS. bath. 401 Main East


BD. & tro. 223 Blil Ave. E. Ph. IU8-J.

BOARD and room. 120 flth Ave. N,

Heybum. Phone 1625.

F U R N IS H E D RQ O M S .FRONT n n . l 4 i 8Uj Are, N5r'th.

PURN. rtn , close In. 403 2nd W.

FRONT rm. Garage. Ph. 3D0-W.


2-IUL, clean Iiouse. 391 Jacluon. .

5-RM. mod. 1st Iwe. N. Wash. SCIJOOL

5-RM. house 120. In'tj. 248 Main S.

7.RM. Came. Puraaeo. CaU •fi2^M.•

c - s a i :


Adi(ILa only. P it 613-j;

W A N T E D T O R E N ^ R . :

hotise. Good-renters. Ph. 0293-J

■ W A T m rrcn fo r leflier'w turcpaoff to buy, odbU acreage. M ust'bo

' reawnable. CJood renter Can give —rerwrocM;.Box.«i-Ttine»->.*miOlY-Aug.-35r8 or 8-rmvmod:-)ioa8e.

Penn, tenant, w ill gave, refer­ences. ' Prefer Waali. cdiool. Ph, 737-R, -

POTATO diggers repair^ by jwr- lable welding; enplnes, tractors tuned up for full work. Phone 1303. Grorse Woedj, 7i3 Main NorUj.


8~WEitN£R pigs. Phone'038C-J4;'

G U ER N S^ bull, 0 mo«. old, Wraner pits. 1 mJ. U. !i W. Currr. C. J. M cCarthy.,

0 EWES and 3o iambs, E rfs year- llngs to 4 yrs. tOJXi. M, Z. Stans- bury. 3 ml, N , 3 W . IK N. fi Pta.

2 ml. N„ I ’i W. 8 PU. Ph. 01B5-J1.

P O U L T R Y . ........ -

) ftjers. Hayes Hatchery,

____ H A Y ^ G R A I N . ^ B O - l -

C U STO M G R IN D IN G,ot us take care of your grlndlag ceeds. MORELAND MiUlng Serv­ice. Box .371, Filer. Ida: Ph. 218.


ENGUSU pointer. Good hunter and retriever. 3 years old. W. A. Daai. Ph. 2071.

PUREBRED Wftclr maJa ojc ter epan- lel'puppy.'Eltgttl# for reg.'A.'K. o.

•pn .8 3 i-n :----------------- -------

L I V E S T O C K - P O U L T R Y W A N T E p

WILL Pay 50.CWI. more tlu n market loc barley, oats, wheat, or mixed grain. W. O. Bampaotif Hmuen. .

HOLLAND fnninee nlitl Irmi Plrc- m an Ltokrr. Excel, fond. Priced for quick n«|p. Chlf Enicrlck Service,

Siiec inI Low Pricca

FURNITUEE! •Take ndvnntar'! of Harry Mns-



J i a r r y f lu sg ra v e " '

PAINTING nnd DECORATING Takp adVhntflKe of our Home Dt-c-

orallnK Service. Twtlvc monllw or longer lo pay. No down payment. Deljillfl al your home. Werecommend only bonded conlmcloro and pnlnti

WOVTKG'nwnrt-sell TourfBiStare- nnd nppllnnces wlUi an Inexpen- .’(Ivo'cla.vlllPd.* Rales besln a t 50i pe r’weolc. Ph. 33 or 38, .


HUD;50N"S 3Ulh annlvcrr.ntj’ yrnr— 3 compldrlj' Hudsoni>. Dcllv- n c d |irlrr n.s low fls $705 up. 20

..L-icjii [c;iturps nn oilier car cnn fthow. -STATK Molor, 130 2d Av, N.

A U TO l»A R T S -:T rR JvS

When I , Ihrcad-bare' lire Iru, K<i cn ilif rnnd. lite Lt {Jirfnle;!fd, ollf-n K erjyou r tires i.afriind Miimil ijy Imvlns them recajipcd wlu-n jiiiooih.

RKCAPPED TIRES 135 2nil Avp. S. Ph. 240

1.1 in town


TR U C K S A N D T R A IL E R S•30 DODGE I);,nr! 'i-loii Uuck,

Tiikr Miiall r.ir ;i.t ilimii pnymenl, bal. U'nm. 123 Add. West,

1032 Kord 1‘, ion inick, 157 W, B., comb, bcrt and griihi bed. H. L. O:.lcr:oh. Kuk-iir lactory roiid.

FOR .SALK-Hou:e Iriuler, ID39 tll- vci-<lome dHiixf iiukIpI, JO^i ft. n.irgnln. 4M Mam Ave, No.


:OTICE KOIl rilllLICATIOS OK Till; TI.^^; A rro iS T E u f o b

rftOVING WU.L, HTC,In the Probaie Court of T-A'ln Pnlls

Cnunly. Sint- or Idaho.In the Miillrr ot the Ealnle of

JAMES H, SSODGUASS, Di;ccnscd, ‘‘urMiant lo nn Order ot said

Couri, nmdf on ihe llUi day ot- AUKU.si. 1030, iioilce In hereby given Ihnt Tlnn-.'.dny. ihp 24lh day of An- Kili>l. 1033. HI 10:00 o'clock A, M.. ol fliild drtj, «i, ihe Coiirl room,of

ilip Probate Court. County of Twin }-'.ill.i, hns been apjwlnled ns the llnie nnd place tor proving the Will

iitd JamtJi H, Snodgriu.-.. de­l'd, and for liearlnK the nnpll-

rnllon Of Klorence Snodsra.M for the Lisuance lo her of Letters Tes- tnmcnlnr>'. when and- w here any person hiteresied may appear and contest the (wme.

Dated Auguni lU h, 1b;j9.

Neighbors’ ChurchesI

MUItTAL'GH COSI.MCSITVEdKiir L. White, mlnbter

0 11. ni. Moniliii; wonhip wlih non by Hit u.u.lor. •1 a. ni. ciiuich /.chool. Wllhnm

U ndau. :.imc.'lutfijdclil.e p. m. Epwurih league devotional

sen-lce.The Oenenil Md society will meetI tlie church 'niuridiiy nt 2 p. m. n il Mm. Wlllbiii Undau in clinrge t tlie pro>:ram. Ila',lcv.c3, M n. H,

6yvr.-f.on, Mn, a. S. Spersun. Mrs. J. Klelnkopf and Mrs. Alma Wright,

IIA.S.SKN CO.M.ML'MTV{•rdKar L, White, mlnLiler

10:30 11, m. ciiiirch .ich'ool. Cletus K luti, luiicriiuriidi'nt.

ll;ao n, in, .MoniliiK ttorr.hlp sei-mon by the pu.lor,8 p, m. Ei)-.vo;ih Itaguc devotional r 'lce.

KI.MMIJILV .MimiODlRT.T. W. Iloiviiiir, mhitster .. m. .^uiinnv n'hfwl- n»n fl. . .-.iiiiprminiiltni. ni. Uritn siKuia; Ic.ider, .Mrs,

\ . - i . Haworth.II a. m, MornliiR wor^hlii. Theme,

‘Aloni: llic .Si.’ylme." Soloist. Mrs, Harvey Wood,

7 p. nt. Intermediate lriij;ue. Ku Jetl, “W haf 11 Mr:m;, lo Be'* Clirl;,lliin—n f I’iuy." Lciidcr. Jean Herrick.

LadlP!.' AJtl itvlrly nienibcm t be KUP t.s of Mr.-i. Charles Pierce 3:30 p. m. Mm. W. O, fiampion. ffniisrri, will Klvt a book review oi Ednnr Gtiejf.i •Piiiloj.oiihy of Lite. Visitors will be welcome.

M ritT A t'C II COKPEI, HALLJO;:iO n. m, aclwJ ant)

.urnhig ifrvWti..8 p, m. Evenlns ieivlces.B p. III. ^^llI^'lllly. Prayer, prubc

and Bible J-Uidy, BrInK your Dlble».

JKItOMK t'HRISTIANE/irlo p . Miller, mi:iUUr.------

. . n. in. Bible Khool. Mn. Dare! Rljiney, Mipeilnlendent. Communion ttiid infdlt“ llon -fround- the . Lord'* InWr.

II u, in. Sermon loplc, "Does Your Anchor Hold?"

7 p. m. ChrUllan fiideavof.B p, m. Evcnini; ».en'lce.i, l l i h will ; II union r.ervlce. to be held a t the

B aptbt church. Rev. .Miller whl ►peal: on the ihcme. "Tlie Orealest Mj;.t<Ty hi the World."

The Clirl.stluii Ladles' Council win meet Friday ulirrnoon a l Ihe home of Mra. Shtrley Itailcr. All are urged

be present.

Roberfi. p

August 13. IS, 23, 1039.Cleric,


s trailer hr.e, Ph. 0209.-R1.^ rH F-V edftlla 'lft 'ily -W U o^U -r aponslble for much of the i.uece of CnIltomla’B oltni.i Indu.ntry. feed-1 on all of Uie ]X-Jt In.’.ect.i.

Business and Protesflional


"at-lR V TC E-SY gm T-A UDITg— Social Securitles-Incomn Tax.

h . loao L. N. Oarlock Box 1131 O u t of town business solicited.

A u / o R e p a i r s

CEE L lneim m e Kid axle olijmment. wheels strnlihlenMl, expert body, fender work. Auto glo,«, painting. Floor Minders to rent.. POSS BODY WORIC8. 0pp. Flra House.

Bicyclc Repairing

Sales and 6cr^^c# REDUCED PRICES

Oloyaleln Cj'clerr, 338 Main B

Curtain Shop

FurnaceaAbbott Plumbing i : nte- Co. Ph. 55

Key ShopBlaalus O vlery. Phoa# I8L

MovingMcCoy Cbftl * ‘Itonifer. Aberdeen

eoal. movlnfi.triiufer. Ph. 3. 300.

I tT o n e y i o ' L p p n . ^ -

WESTEBM FINANCE 00. “ PBTTlae-Holel-Bldg,

7 1 ^

Money to Loan

6 .'Bank A: Trust BIdg. Ph. 2041.

' CA SHUp to $50

Privacy’ assured, See Mr, Towaa at

Osteopatfde PhysicianDr. E. J. Miller. 413 Main N. Ph. IBT7.

Dr..O.,W..B0J«, 114 M ain,N-Pit. 037.

Painting and DecoTaiing

Plumbing and HeatingPiia h in r I- n t7- r » - p i n n r orrw iicy or c imtOT.- iirr i trf r


Radio RepairingPOWELL JUDIO-PHONE 800.

0 ,.V m H YATES.,,

Shoe RepairingJU Iph E. Turner a l nudson-CfArkl.

Trailer H 6usti;"aem T niner'C 4r“

Hailey Enlists in Drive on Cancer

HAILEY, Aug. 11 — “One mnn> meal may be (mother man's pobnn. Do not trust to the advice of well- meaning but over-realolu friend.i— --------- --------------------------- jncff,.but consult your family physician a t once. Each cor« pre.senta nn In­dividual problem, and only a com- prlrnt. phinlclan can tolve it. It you need treatm ent Uiat your op,ti physician l« not efjulpped to glye, he win advise you where to go."

Till* is the me-nage ot the Wo- men’* Field Army, American Boclely for the Control of Cancer, said Mrs. R.,S. Strtngfeliow of BoL-.e, spedklng a t a meeting here Tue.vlay evening, sponsored'by the Blaine County Al­tar nnd Rosarv society, and attend­ed by 50 men and women, In tlie American Legion hall.—Mr:t.-O etirge-McOmiiiml-preslrfed, ond the Rev, Father U M, Dougher­ty opened U>e mtctlng. Tlie /.pcak- er* were E»r. E. W. Fox. Dr, R, A, Goodwin, and the field amiy com­mander. Tlie doctor* discussed can­cer from Uie medical and patho­logical side and answered numerous questions.

A film ,strip , the “Cancer .Cru­sade" won Khown. I t explained the purpoee of the Women'n Flrld Army to bring edutallon about cancer 1,0 Ui8 public, through many wo n tf i 'i orcnnlzauoni,

"Cancer. rteath-i nrc lncrea.',lng, aald Mrs. Btrtnpfellow. “and many of tlieso dentha aw needlesi If med- leol aSrtce and treatment wen Mught early. Idaho vita] statlsUcs ■ -t«3«-.................. ' "

Milo Roberfi, pa^lor n, Sunday school, n. MomliiK worship, '1, Junior »nd Senior N, V.

Noon Friday. PruyiT a^id faMlng.

age, Aupcrlniuulcul.11 a. m. Momlng'K'orslilp.7 p, m. N. Y. P. B. Herroan Car­

rel. pastor.Evangclbtic services. . Wednesday. Prayer meet-

hig.Noon Friday. Prayer and fiistlng,

KILEH NAZAIIKSK Jamca Barr, paslor

j.- P.~~ •Knlbflelsch, .superintendent.

II a. m. Morning worship,7 p, m. N. Y, P. S, Mrs. Fred Kolb-

nciscli. prcsldonL8 p. m. Rev. L. D. Smllli, Twin

Falls Nazareno pastor will preach.fl p. m, Tliurr<lay. Prayer meeting. Noon Friday. Prayer and fasting.

nUHL NAZARKNE L, A. Ogden, pajtor

10 n, ni. Simday Khool, Mri. E. Engles, superintendent,

lb a. m. Uomlng wdnhlp.7 p. Bi, t l . Y. P. 8, Ed«-ard U ar- n, president,

—B^rwrEvanEen^nrsirviceK --------8 p. m. Wednesday. Prayer meet­


RUSSELL LANED epart—R on 6 D and nichard

hesdoy for Ihelr'Kemes. Wlille hcra th«3’-Tl3ltal at.the.hom ea oLMr.-ond. Mrs. James White anAMr. and Mrs.. Donald White. They arc nephew* of Mrs, Wliile.

V lslls-^ones Baldwin of Upland, Calif,. Tisltlng a t the Woodwardhom e...............

Betuh»—Mr. and Mr*. ScoU Jones and daughur, U oiy, returned Mon­day from Moseow, whera they have been rtaltlng their w a and brother, who has employment there. . .

.ifDTe-H.fr. and Wr». Harold Afbce a n d . SOD roo red 'to Emmelt. Mr. Albeo will farm h li father'i ranch, _______ ____

Bremers, IS n . Merdo MocLcod, L u 3 May and Kenneth attended the n -'union'Buiidajr 11 11. U. 'i'QODBhome a t Fairfield, Mr. and Mrs. H one are parents of Mr*. MacLeod.. netuiu—nfc - a jid Mra. UUaflU'

Hawley and io n have . moved'baek to Ihe Russell Lane dlatrlct.- Mr. Hawley 'U redKorating the R usell LtQS Kbool hfiUK.....................

FDR SMiNTP r e s i d e n t ’s O p p o s i t i o n - t o ^

C o n s e rv a t iv e B rin g s ' V a ry in g C om m ent

WASHINGTON, Aug. 11 President Roosevelt's declaration to ihe Young Democmu that ho would not actively support a conservative Oemocraltc nominee In 1940 brought widely varying comment from party mrinbers In conRrexs. .

8« ia to r Thomas (D-OUa), wlio has advocated a third term for the president, said he beheved U r, Roo.'ereIt was eminently right In “nmkliiK It clear that there Is room lor only two parties In tliis cmin- try—conservative and liberal."

•Tlie Reimbllcans have preemp- •d the ronarrvallve party and Uiero/>n]y. n?‘r . plN/- tnr Ih** n^miV-rntK** 'JO,’’ Thomo.1 siild. "It will hav*- t)o Roojevelt or someone who

Min earn* on libcml policies. We've - miuir inlM:tkes but they have been on Ihe liberal ilcle. If we turn back, wr face defeat,”'

On the other hand. Senator King (D- Uiah). who has opposed many . nrw deni measure. Mid he belte\-ed tlie time ha.i not ;'e t come .when , "Uie D em ocratic'iraiy wUl suft'en- rter to soclnlUni."

"Mr, Rooscveit didn't heiJUte to leave tlie party and vote for TIteo- ilore Hoo'.rvrii, lo he would have a ' precedent lor declinlnB lo lake pa rt In llie rlertloii of a Dcniocrol Who ' viU be noinl.nnled a t the next con- -e;illra>.'' King .\uld,

" n ie parly lotuitirrf br TJiomoa- Jetterfon was not a ^ l o U s t party.

;is n parly fouiiurjnfh personol' liberty and .the dual form of gavem- ment, l lie ie are millions of men and women In ihls countrj' who slBl be- Urvi- In ihp principles of J e f f e ^ n . _ Jaciuon. Cleveland aiid Wilson an d l.. wiio. will not follow any fantastic, MxMaIt-iilc_schemea fabricated tjy some wlio c ialnfto 'T ielong-W U ie .. parly but who never were merobera ot It. and some of whom were found

, oUier political parties."Seiintor Clark (D-Mo,), hlm^etf

mentioned as a (losslble Damocratlo nominee, eoinmenled: “Very In ter- -

g." Senator O'Molioney (D- . ,1, added to this. wlUj "that's

terrifically interesUng." Both de­clined lo enlarge on this comment.

M ontana Evangelist Sneak?mt~BhoBhonc—

SHOSHONE. Aug, 11 — L a r g e crowds heard Rev. LewU E. Itall of Diitte. Mont., deliver a forceful ser-

loAt evening, “Christ's G reat Salvation," a t Ihe Nasareno" ten t'

'Ival being held here Uila week' and next,

DelegatloaT were pre.sent from T».'in Falls, Jerome and Gooding.

"Salvatli^n U great because It la le only remedy for sin. There are

about 3.000 different 'I lndv of re- llglimrTBiit-Tintr'-ene-JMTiinorrnna— th a t Is through C hrist."-he-told— lil.i audience.

Spcclal miLOe was presented by. MIm Mildred Feldman'and Miss Lola ' Peldman. song evangelists, of Meade, Kan. Pm yer was offered by Rev.L. D . Bmllh and Rev. Msckey Brown of Twin Falls.

Services wUl be held nlghUy tb« .emalnder o t this week and next - week a t 8 p. m., Including Sunday.


.EDEN CHURCH OF GOD Brown Martin, pastor

10 a. m. Sunday, school.11 o.'TTO MomlnrscTTlces.-----------J p. m. Young People's service*.1 p. m. Evening servleei.J p. m. Wednesday. Prayer meet-

JEROMC CHURCH OF GOD Uro«T» Marlin, pastor

10 a, m. Sunday school, Ted Ev- ns, superintendent.I t n. m. Morning services,7 p. m. Young People's meotlnj.8 p. m. Evening service.

Trp.-m."iiwtwii:j'. m j e r mcemiu.

.3ER0MK StETHOpiST_Albert s . u s rtin ; nlhister.

]0 s v ts . Sunday school.11 a. m. Uomlng wonhip. Sermon.

“ M ight c l the Mile,-------------

lon text-'Rev. 3:30. , - ;l0:30.-fl.-m.: S vnd a y .;jc h o elc-rr: Beginning wiUi this Sunday we re inaugurating our new schedule

.f services, «1th Engliali sen'lces ever}' second, fourth and fifth Sun-

N o ta jh a c h i ^ _ l n Urne. ____

j e e o m e 'b a p t i s t B ltI J.'EaUTln. pastor.

. . i . .m . Suaday school Charles York, superliitendent. A class lor. every ago group.

11 a. ,m. ifom tng wuraiifp service. Sermon subject, T h e ..Pcrsuaslv* Power of the Open OospeL”

8 .p^j2L.JCtreniag.TO!shipr4V«.-ar* . . . ------- .... .U rt.chrlstlan church

Evangellst".VA] Cloud r a n d ’tv o m usklaiu’ wQl bold-a cpeoUl meetr Ing a t th t Baptist church Monday, Aup. 14 a t-B -pro j. They-#TB stop*

Molt—Bob PhUlipj'cf Chicago, a former resident, anil John Bums of Peoria. III. have been ^ e s ls here , for a few daj-s a t the homg of Mr. ' and Mrs. Guy-Towie. The two youths were c law nntes a t the University of Illinois. They liave been visiting . fn CftliromlA and wjj; > s re soon for the norUiem part, of the su te .

Bridge—Mrs. H anj' Carbiihn en- terUlnetf a t three tablet of bridge following' a dessert supper a t her

to Mrs. Carbuhn, Mrs. Joe Shirley and Mrs. E. 'W. Sinclair.

Rc&l E s ta te T ransfers

PurBiahe<l'by theTwto-l'tlU 'ntlS- and'A bstract Company

W rdnte4ay, Aagsst S Deed; Z; Babcock-to E. Tarr. t l .

Loifl n . 18, block 74, Twin Falls: Lots 15,-16, block 73, Twin Palls, -

Thursday, ABgnst IB Deed: A. L. Swim to O. Brennan,

110, Lot 8. block 18, Blue Lakes west. Twin PWls.

White, part lot 1. block IBS, TwinPa llj . _ _ _____

Deed; T. w rsn od grasn ifiT .'* . Bandmeyer, «10 .S W S S U U 1 1 .. . .

Deed: J. a Bsstman lo & A. .. Webber, trustee, 11. Lot I I . bteek 69, Buhl.

Deed; B. A . Webber, trustee,' t o ', lU te o f Idaho, <1. Lots 3T. SB, 99. . $0. 31. block eo, BuhL

tnu tee . I I . Lots » , M, 3S, S O , ^ Block 69, SuhL - . ' • .’ 1

Deed: P . O, Pnbaseo to^ B .-A .;r i Webber, trustee. II. Lois btoek e9,-Buhl;. D e ^ : Stahltr'iL'W ebba'VlrUstM^:;.. to C ity .o t BuhL 11; Lots 1. <1,; block S3, BuhL...................

p ins over, for th s lilg h t «i •ao th er neld.^ •

lAdics" Mis^onorv m««U day..Aug."77. a l ' l

D R .-D E A N B. A F f tE tK !

2 3 1 V i u r t h



P a r ly ’s P u b l ic i ty D irec to r A d d r e s s e s G a th e rin g

o f Id a h o a n sDOISE, Aug. 11 - Tlie 19«

■ objective of Ilic nfi>ul)11fnn party U •'10 ffslore tlie couiitrj'. rconcmlc- ally," Knuiklyn Wnlimsii of Wii.^h- Jmlon. D. C.. O . O. P. nnllonnl pul)- Jlclly director, told 3J0 Rcpubllcr— gathered hero lonlBlil to lictir addwM which wns intfrrrclcd n; prtluile to tu t 10« campMKii.

W»1lnt»n Irrnied Prcjldcnt noorr- T*lt "the Rrcfttcjl poUllcM Kamblcr In the hlalory of Amcrl;a," und

* 'lUi' vlcllm,i «re th« 11,000.000 un­employed. on wliom lie hns trltd ore thwry (inrt llien nnotlicr . . . »nd our (leprfj.'lon nlrcady liiu iB.Mcd fivt yfiin too lone.

- riir Republican objective la to ; put those 11.000,000 tmemployecl back I to worR. nnrt by th n l nctlon mivny


Ka.«lrr lo DefMlWalininn voiced the view llitit

lUwe^’ell plniined to seek n third term, i»ntl '■•nlil: '

•Some flrpubllcun leoilern nre wy- 1ns Hint they woulil welcome 11, be- eIlU e Mr, (loo.-.cvelt would be llie es'lfr cniididnte to defeat."

He lemifti Senntor Ar^Jiur Vnn- denbrrK tn-MlehlRan). Tliomw, Dewey of New York niid Senator Robert T alt iR-Ohlo) tia the mojt inlkert of pro'peeUi for tlie Repul>* llcaii presidential nomlRntlon. nnd tLi.wned:

■ •'! nm opll'mbtle to Uie parly's fulure.

lWnk “Jr“ nrpiiI)llfnn will be - elected to the presidency In 1540.

»nd 1 base my eoncIuOoiw upon Ihe Increa. liiK exprcmlons of dls- lllmlonmenl over Uie new deal, the, unemploj-ment sltuntlon, low fnnn prices, IncreiLwd tfuccs nnd mounl- iTR debt*."

ilonquel Guest«.AmenK those Bltentllns tlie ban­

quet vere Governor C. A. Dollnlf- '•»en. U eutenant—aovemoT-Dciisld

Whiiehend. Senator TliomM Heath. (R-rrBnklln>. Republican st.ite chairman, and E in i Wliltlti of Coeur d’Alene. Republlcnn national fiilitctmftn for Idaho.

Willmftn came lo Dolse from Spokiiie wllh Mr*. .Wivltnian and Whitla.

He-win Bddref-1 another similar niecllns n t Pocnlello toinorrftw nlsht,

m n k DiirroiiRlin. vetemn Bol.'• newjpapcminn. presided,

8en»lor H eath nMertec! he wa

'■Voii hale k tu y tha t lies ti . but i t 'i different with a (Irl. You like l i r r becBUu ihe 'i cute, and the 'i Kllll cute a fte r ihe Uei to ysu.'’


Id a h o L e g i s l a t o r S e e s Dcfi _ n ( t e C h e c k to O n e -

M a n R ulen u R i.n y , iniiho, auc, i i i,r>—

nrp rc .v iiu tlvp H e n r y Dv.on'hnk (U-Iclalini iu.\ertrd uiwn hla return from WnrJilnRtoii. D, C.. tonluht that th e Tfith ronKrew ••cleflnllely checked one-miiti Kovenunenl and

• o r e .d cointltiiUorml Indcpcn-

portended -tntenhe battle for the urej.ldenUftl nomlntvtlon In 1040 be-

i the new deal and the 5cr»ntlve faction.! of the Democratic party."

Amonc Ihe nccomplWimcul^ he ll. ted w-iir. pa^wiRc and rlBnnture by the p resident ol n m easure to per* init the federal Kovemment to p.ir- tlclpate on a 50-50 ba. l.1 wItli.Wate.i In 'll if 'p u rc h iire of. loll brldRes for the purpose of removlnB toll.'.

I t a.viured participation by Idaho In fedrm l funds for acquUltlon of the Twin FaUs»Jcrome iiitercounty toll bridge for *453,000, Uie flituro fired recently by the utate toll hridce rommlv.lon for purchase. If the 1PM ^tale loll bridge law wlllfitnnds court tests.

"Tlie nepubllcftn minority did. ef­fective work nnd received eoopem- tlon of conr.enath'e DemocrnU In mnT.lTir fnllnrlr-, nf irn n 'i prw (Ifni

we »llpped one fool Into the door In 1938 and we're KOlns to po’ It wide open In lOIO."

He exprt!i.sed the Iiope that ucrth Idnho would be reprcrented well on the Republican Ucket.'i next yc.ir. and (idded:. "It we are careful in our choice of candldnle.i tlie.'fe obstnictlonls' (Dcmoemtil In tlic jiUtehoiL-,c won't be »1Ui 11-1 au jinore."

-----------— F o r - a c a u - i ij ___ Mr. Whitla declarj;d the_ti.stf; itre.w. Ill killiiiK 'vnrlbuj finnncl.il ;• • tneanirc.1. "did much to restore the - • -confidence of the people.",

• He attributed much of the cred­it to the Republlcnn minority,

Oorcmor Dotiolf.ien. who Intro­duced Wnltmnn. nv,erted hU con*

;. fldcnce In the p.irty’o future nnd db- i- ■. .elared Uiat w ith tlie help of the j •' members of the parly the O. O. P, L ^ . l n Idnho ••will be nW? In.cnmutctC I . 'in 1040 lU plcdRc to clc.m the .stntc- I bouse out Iron) cellnr to Barrel."I Governor Dottolf.scn anil Lleuten- ■----- »nt Ooremor Whltehend

I only IlepubUcans elected tolive gtste offices In 1931 Tlie others

I werfl Democrntii.

Legion at Burley • Chooses Leaders

BURLtrv’. AUK. It-OeorKe E. Denman wa.r elected commander rf Uurley post. AmerlcAn Lejtlon, here

___WMti t.id ny._ aucct edlnc_ Q eort n.. T.■ Mitchell.

, M. W. McLnUKhlln was chosen flrat vice comlnander: Lee Black, aeeond vice commander; Kenneth Blirader. adjutnnt; A. t , QiRland. scrvice officer; Jesje Brandt, flnaiifc officer: W. H, Thompson, histnrlan:

~~M onU'NicI,»n7-clm plaInT-W aIISce . . .• Warner. Ben:riinl.-nL-Arms: directors. .. K. P. BlUiser. II, C. Van Enpelen

*nd'D . M. Ru.ilny. The new offi­ce™ will be Jnntftlled September 13.

" Court Rules on Mor"aii’s Ouster

san'x suit chMlcnRlnt; the right of Prr.i^ent Itoosevelt tn_remove.him, M cHSIrmnn of Uie Tcnnes.’iee Vul- ley Authority.- JudfeT&ylor In dlsml.ulne the mill held Uml Mr. Iloo.scvell "has the power of removal an an incident to the power of appointment.’

The suit was filed In Chancery court here July 0, 103S,- rind

UQIJOB S T O ni: BAinER IDAHO CITY-. Idaho . Auk. 11 (,T>_

Sheriff Jack Tucker o f Qolse cotinly . reported today th n l th e state Slrguor dbpensary here had been broken

- Into nnd Ih a f acArly 80 bottiM of . Uqucr.were «lo!cn.^~~-,^

"AllliouKh connrrij appropriated record .■'um of *13,000,000.000. ILs

refusal to consider lendlntr and hou^- Int: IrRl.ilntlon conitittited a'-repudl- ntlon of pump-prlmlnR i\nd presnRcd

trend toward normal flsc.il poli­cies,

•'Till.'; should fncllltate re.itomtlon of confidence, eiifournsr prlvute rn- tenirinc nnd Im iurtrj-and r.tlmulnte wider «se of vast flnar.clnl rewurce.s of the country to allevlule unem-

chasinir power. . .

•■AllhoiiRh eonitrrM nuthorlied a defense proRrnm Involvlnk* almost, tt refusrd tn repeal the euibarKO provLnloiir. of the neutrality law. th u s reltemtlnK the tmdlllfiiiftl American, non-intenentlon iMllcle.i."

i l CONTESTD ru m -B u g le C o r p s , B an ds

to C o m p e te D u rin g C o n v e n t io n

PiTf drum and buple corps units, all tllilllft, Cliamploiu. and i bands, al'.o winners of dbtrlctpriltlon. will participate In t h e ____chiimplon3hlp.i sponsored by (he Idaho A merican'Lesion deparimrnt •nir.viay, AURUSI 18, Paul R. Taber, cliatrman of the event, announced yc'terdny.

A dditional'drum and bu|;le corps and bands are itl l l cxpccted to ter. Taber said.

t-Upected to participate in,drum and bUKle corps competition arc uiilt-s from Pocatello. Caldticli, Krtchum. Jerome nnd the Dellu of SI. Murles, an all-glrl Kroup,

nandn Include Emmett, Boise. Ma- Ind. Hailey, Flier. Buhl and Castle- ford,

i^lmbcrly band and the Boy Scouts niid American Leulon Junior dnim <iinl-biifllo-nori» of-Tvvln-FalU-wlU tna rch 'in 'thc pam de nnd rIvc cxhl- bltlon\ ljut v,’lll no t compcte for clinmplonrihips,

A total of *300 will be eiven . winners In Uie sta te competition. JIM hi each division. Mrsl prlKs

re *S0. second. *30 nnd thlnl, «;X1, Tlic sta te departm ent alio sivcs Kold cup to the wlnnlnu dnun

and biiRle corps unit.Adml.'.jion price.s of 40 .............

dulU nnd 22 ccnt.s for children under 13 yearn of npe will be charK- cd nt the contest finals In Jaycee baseball park. Contest • beslns a t 7;30 p. m_ Tucadaj’. A ujust IS. Ta­ber Mid.

T5ie units will nlio appear In the •inicfc xUrCfnff n t 3 p. m. 7\iesday. Tlie hlRh-ranked Emmett band on dbtrlc l competition over Boise,

Caldwell. Payelte. nnd WeUcr a t tlie July ’'chfrry festivnl." n t EmmtlL

Tlie SU Marie* drum and bugle corps Is outstandlnK, Two seta of

vlns arc drum majoresses, The-cirls-“stolo-thc r,how“ durlniT

tlie Flrr.t d istrict convention In.-.l' >prlnc, Tiiey won over Coeur d'Alene,' KrlbKR. Sand Poirii; Borineni Pcro' and W ftihlnston units.

Final W ater Riiii For Salmon Tract

HOLLISTER, Aup. 11-Tlie eea- son^s finni delivery of irrlcatlon water for the Salmon river project— n five-day run—will atnrt Saturday momlnR, W. M. McDaniel. Salmon Hlvor-Cannl company mnnaRerLrn- 4iounc«UUils-«vnnln|i.—WaUr-will

Idalio Products’ Movement Gains

r n i i i company of OKden,Ulnii. reiioricd todny to the Jdnho public utllltle;. commlsilon that ex­ports of i>crlslmble products from Idaho durlnK the first teven monttis of iP3D tot.-vird 33JOO carloads, com­pared with 20,302 for the llr .t MVeii months of 1937.

Potatoes led the Ik t for July, 1 carloads liavlnj? been shlpi>cd nu<. Green *-ere next with 84 n ir- loads nnd canned goods third with

MCKSSKI) AT CALinVEI.r.-CAt-UWi;i,L. Idaho. AUR, 11 <,T)-A

marrlaKr llcen.'/: was.l.viued here to- djiy lo G rant A, Lewis of Nyt-.a, Ore., ajiil Vlrjiinla M argaret Haynes of Twin Tall.'. ,


P o l i c e S e e k L in k s W ith M u rd e r -C h a r g e d B o g u s

. T a l e n t S c o u t’W13T PALM BEACH, Fla., Mig.

]| i,vi — Pollco In widely sc.ittered sections of tho nation brouRlit through flnKcrprlnli today to link thrli- un.solved crlme.s lo blond Ctmrlo Jefferson, laijUi ••tnlcnt r.eoiit” chariced with the munlcr of n-yrar-old Ruth Friinces Dunn.

Frnr of mob violence caur.ed of­

ficer* lo send th e 34-year-cId prU' .oner iPCrtliy-lO-Qrlanda Jm I night anil k continued undercurrent of IStJlflg.pontponemenl In h l i irm ljnm ent. lie w m ' held Incommunicado In fourtb floor cell.

"nieic precauUonory steps wen: taken after County Solicitor W. R Roebuck had mnde public a slgnc4 statement tn w hlph the m tw hlft nctor-mdio announcer ocknoV’tedRcd nrjiaultliiB "nd slnylng tlie pretty, Miami BChooIslrl n fter he lured her nnd Jean Bolton. ll>, from home with promises of movie Jobs.

Before Jefferion'fl arraisnrnqnt, officer* hoped to (juestion him In deUil about unsolved sex crlmw in Penn.'.ylvanla. Callfonila and oUier Btates Involving glrb who ' artbltlous for screen or radio

C o o l, r e f re sh in g , .“ and in v itin g , S ch illing T c a - ic c a -

w ith i ts d clicious flavor, adds zest an d sp a rk le t o s u m m e r m cnusi

S G h i l l in g

^ A ^ G E L A l U T O C O . a n n o u n c e s i l l

o p e n i n t ^ t o c l a y . a n e i v , d t r e a m i i n e d


'4 '


quiremenLs with po.-jlblllly of c rdtntlon a t the closc. he r.nld.

Gaiice reading n t the Snimon river ' reservoir today showed 10,GOO t feet of available ctoragc.


BOISE, Aur, 11 B. Wlilt-tle, ey, former Pocntello pharmacUt who now heads the Dtntc bureau of occupaUonal lleenrcs, announced dates“'todny foi* f7iu'~ c;XU;iitnatlon5' for ni*f*MpAKnnnt l lr^

To . . .------- Y«l-SAVC « 3 f t»

Sold on TerrasS e a rs , R o c b u c k & Co. - 8eUln*.tALK-8 A p a t .

Locatcd a t___ Majn_and-3riAs;e.^Ni_^

b ack 01 Sinclair Servlco Station

i M A G E L A W O M O B I L E C O M P A N Y !

M A G E L ^ U - T - O 7 G 0 , - b : > s - b e e n - s e m i i n g - — M a g i c ^ ^ l l e y L - c u s t o m e i ^

■for over th irty years. In that time we have seen the automotive business advance from the “toddling:’’ stages to th e stature of “big business.” During the formative years and through the later years, we have always endeavored to maintain an established leadership through progressivep'ess. Our garage has always been a step ahead —equipped to b ring-thsbest of service . representing an invest­ment not ordinarily found in a field this size. .

Now we present'the buying iiublic of Magif-Valiev another progrc.'j- sive step — our n ew Used Car Lot—a modern, stream lined used car market geared to present-day buying and selling requirements. B et­ter display of merchandise, more convenience f o r ' eveiyone, aniple lighting for “late-in-the-day” customers. These a re just a few of th e advantages-which-this-new-piant-will-offer.—W e-know —you!ll—b e - pleased uith- its -beauty-raniappearpce--—iand:we'. aiV sure yoju’ll appreciate the values which will be offered here each day! It’s Twin Falls’ outstanding "dutdoor market” — be sure to see it!

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