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Islam, the ultimate solution

Date post: 09-Aug-2015
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May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah (SWT) be with you

SWT = Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala(The most glorified, the most high)

Tarik Reza Toha1205082


we are

trying to go

to the Mars.

But will we think about our creation??

Where have we been created??

Who has created us??

Have we not been given this??

If we use it for right purpose , then we can understand that there must be existed

someone who is controlling all .

Surah 86/5-9:

“Let Man then observe out of what he has been created;

he has been created out of gushing water (ejaculated fluid),

which comes out from between the vertebral column and the ribs”

Every human being has to

pass these steps.

He is the creator, the sustainer…our lord.

All the processes are performing in one way.

So He is only one……..

What is Islam?

• At first we should make our concept clear about Islam. Actually Islam can never be a religion.

• If I say the cow is flying. It is wrong. Because ‘fly’ is not applicable to cow. Similarly ‘religion’ is applicable to human made philosophy.

• It is a life system. By following these system perfectly one will must be ultimate succeeded.

• How we apply these instruction, last prophet (s-m) had showed practically. This practical life system is called Islam. It also called True Deen. Deen means life system.

• If you want to use any instrument, you have to follow the instructions given by the maker.

• Similarly our creator also has given a clear instruction to use our body and mind. This instruction is the components of a universal true life system.

Islam has five basic parts.

1. Imaniyat (Beliefs): beliefs in the Oneness of Allah (s.w.t) and Prophet Muhammad (s-m).

2. Ibadat (righteous deeds): Salaat (Daily Prayers), Saum.

3. Muamelat (Transactions, Contracts): Income, Trade and commerce.

4. Muasharat (Social behavior) : Beautiful social conduct, i.e., good relationship with people, e.g., abstention from acts which cause others inconvenience, such as disturbing a person in his sleep.

5. Akhlak (Moral character): Humility, generosity, etc.

So a Muslim must have to fulfill these basic parts.

These are the real quality of a human being.

• Allah (s.w.t) has created us as the best creature without any application. All others creatures are created for the well of human being.• If anyone deny his creator, how much disgraceful is he??

Either this person is ignorant or a great liar.

• If anyone says that he or she has imaan but does not pray salat regularly obviously he or she is a munafiqh (hypocrites). This person is must be a great liar.• The most valuable thing He has given us Imaan which is compulsory for releasing from jahannam.

Then why we do not be grateful to Him?• To show gratefulness one has to follow the system of prophet (S-m). This system is called salat. So the human being does not pray salat he or she is a great disgraceful.

• Then our income, our transactions, dealings must be halal (true). Which is true and which is false is clearly defined in Quran. No need to define it by us.• If our economic works are not in true way then our good works won’t be accepted.• If we follow Islam then we must have to give jakat.

Jakat is compulsory for rich.• If all people give jakat perfectly, then there will no economic discrimination.

• Muasharat (Social Etiquette) is an integral part of the Islam.

• Morality (Akhlakh) is compulsory for Muslim. Without morality men and animal have no difference.

• So if you want to be a human you must have to follow Islam.

• If we want peace we must follow deen perfectly.

• If someone tells against Islam he is an ignorant….. or a liar without any confusion.

It is the only solution for humanity.

Developing the world can never bring peace.The US is the most developed country. But the world's foremost terrorist organization is the United States government.

Afghanistan, Iraq Wars Killed 132,000 Civilians.It is never needed to take any nonsense prescription from these beasts to solve humanity.

If we follow Islam partially then cannot be a perfect Muslim. This type of person is called munafiq.

Pakistan is a munafiq country.Pakistan killed about 3 million people of our native people.

If men become good, then world will be good.Men are like beast, no technology can bring peace.

In the past, those who did not follow deen, they were failed.

The AAD nation, the strongest nation of the world. They said, "Who is greater than us in strength?“ They were destroyed by a large storm.

The SAMMUD nation , the greatest civil engnr. They built houses by designing mountain. They thought their buildings make them safe. But destroyed by sound.

Firaon was the emperor of Egypt. But he couldn’t be succeeded. Drowned in red sea with his battle.

• But the people before Muhammad (s-m) were ignorant. But they followed true deen. They were succeeded.

• When we pronounce their name we have to say

Radi Allahu 'anhu

They had got certificate of jannat before their dying. How they had succeeded??

• They were not material developer .They were human developer. Followed deen perfectly.

We should remember that these scenes are coming towards us very quickly.

• If we follow the life style of sahaba (rhdm) then we will be succeeded or we will ultimately failed.

• Firstly we have to learn deen. By going to path of Allah it is to learn deen practically.

• Deen can never be established by force. For everything of life, we must follow system of rasulullah and sahabas.

How they established deen???• They established deen by spending effort, money and time in the path of Allah (swt) .

I have an intention to spend 120 days in the path of Allah (swt) after completing graduation to learn the

life system which has given by our creator.

Then I will apply Islam in all sectors in my practical life

Insha allah.

Do you have also??

We are finishing through requesting to show us right way from our creator…

as He said in Surah Fatiha…

Everyone should recite….

