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Islamic Focus Issue 83

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Editor: Muhammad Badsha
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... ... ... ... Islamic Focus Issue 83 Igniting the Spirit of Islam Nov 2010 Bukhara Publications/Tel: 078 672 7797/Fax: 086 651 2125 Email: [email protected]/Korsten/Port Elizabeth recorded especially in Uz- bekistan. SYRIA: Unarmed Islamist prisoners protesting torture were shot to death at Sed- naya Prison in 2008. The Syrian government has a long history of brutality against Islamists: In 1982 the army carried out the Hama Massacre to crack- down on the Muslim Broth- erhood. 40,000 were killed and the city destroyed. This is the tip of the ice- berg. Muslims wishing to live according to Islam are suffering in the jails of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Af- ghanistan, Yemen, Bangla- desh, Libya and nearly every Muslim country. Among the signs of the Last Day is that the man who re- mains steadfast on Islam will be like one who holds a burning coal in his hand, and there will be many po- lice to back the tyrants. While even the non-Muslim world acknowledges the tor- ture to which Muslims (termed Islamists) are be- ing subjected by the US es- pecially, largely ignored is the fact that Muslims who wish to live according to Is- lamic values are impris- oned, tortured and killed in other prisons run by gov- ernments claiming to be Muslim in Muslim lands. Here is a brief insight: EGYPT: By 1996 close to 20,000 Islamists were held in Egypt’s prisons. In 1996 alone 30 prisoners died from ill-treatment or tor- ture. The Egyptian Organi- sation of Human Rights pro- duced convincing evidence that whipping naked prison- ers is carried out routinely. Food is infested with insects and distributed in dirty buckets. For more than two years, inmates of the Tora complex were deprived of visits from relatives. At state security offices in Cairo Islamists are regularly tor- tured with electricity. (The Independent) TUNISIA: Government car- ries out regular arrests of Islamists and torture during interrogation is common ac- cording to Amnesty Interna- tional. Many are subjected to harsh prison conditions, in- cluding prolonged solitary confinement and ill- treatment. Among the tactics used by police to make life difficult for released prison- ers is intimidating prospec- tive employers to discourage them from hiring. (Human Rights Watch) CENTRAL ASIA: Countries like Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan all have Islamists in their jails. Docu- mented cases of extreme torture and death have been P4 Hajj Reward P8 Jews in Turkey P9 Satay P10 Martial Arts P12 The Horse
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Issue 83 Igniting the Spirit of Islam Nov 2010 Bukhara Publications/Tel: 078 672 7797/Fax: 086 651 2125 Email: [email protected]/Korsten/Port Elizabeth

recorded especially in Uz-


SYRIA: Unarmed Islamist prisoners protesting torture were shot to death at Sed-

naya Prison in 2008. The Syrian government has a

long history of brutality against Islamists: In 1982 the army carried out the

Hama Massacre to crack-down on the Muslim Broth-

erhood. 40,000 were killed and the city destroyed.

This is the tip of the ice-berg. Muslims wishing to

live according to Islam are suffering in the jails of

Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Af-ghanistan, Yemen, Bangla-desh, Libya and nearly

every Muslim country.

Among the signs of the Last Day is that the man who re-mains steadfast on Islam

will be like one who holds a burning coal in his hand,

and there will be many po-lice to back the tyrants. �

While even the non-Muslim

world acknowledges the tor-ture to which Muslims

(termed Islamists) are be-ing subjected by the US es-pecially, largely ignored is

the fact that Muslims who wish to live according to Is-

lamic values are impris-oned, tortured and killed in other prisons run by gov-

ernments claiming to be Muslim in Muslim lands.

Here is a brief insight: EGYPT: By 1996 close to

20,000 Islamists were held in Egypt’s prisons. In 1996

alone 30 prisoners died from ill-treatment or tor-

ture. The Egyptian Organi-sation of Human Rights pro-duced convincing evidence

that whipping naked prison-ers is carried out routinely.

Food is infested with insects and distributed in dirty buckets. For more than two

years, inmates of the Tora complex were deprived of

visits from relatives. At state

security offices in Cairo Islamists are regularly tor-

tured with electricity. (The Independent)

TUNISIA: Government car-ries out regular arrests of

Islamists and torture during interrogation is common ac-cording to Amnesty Interna-

tional. Many are subjected to harsh prison conditions, in-

cluding prolonged solitary conf inement and i l l -treatment. Among the tactics

used by police to make life difficult for released prison-

ers is intimidating prospec-tive employers to discourage

them from hiring. (Human Rights Watch)

CENTRAL ASIA: Countries like Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan,

Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan all have Islamists in their jails. Docu-

mented cases of extreme torture and death have been

P4 Hajj Reward P8 Jews in Turkey

P9 Satay P10 Martial Arts P12 The Horse

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SOMALIA - Two women publicly executed by Islamist group al-Shabab, after being sentenced to death for spying. (BBC, 28 Oct) INDONESIA - More than 400 dead and more than 300 missing after a tsunami hit. (BBC, 29 Oct) TURKEY - The president will mount a symbolic chal-lenge to restrictions on wearing Islamic headscarves when he hosts the Republic Day reception. If hard-line secularists attend, they will have to meet his wife, in effect recognizing her right to attend an offi-cial function in a headscarf; if they stay away, they will be snubbing the most important national com-memoration of the year. (BBC, 29 Oct) UAE - The ruler of the UAE emirate of Ras al-Khaimah Sheikh Saqr, who was in his early 90s, died. He ruled Ras al-Khaimah since the 1940s, mak-ing him one of the world's longest reigning mon-archs. (BBC, 27 Oct) BAHRAIN - The trial of 25 Shias opened, on charges of plotting to overthrow the Sunni-led gov-ernment. (BBC, 28 Oct) PALESTINE - Israeli police clashed with Arab dem-onstrators in Umm al-Fahm, where Israeli right-wing activists staged a protest march. The Jewish activists are followers of a far-right movement, Kach, which believes Arabs should be expelled from Israel. Is-rael's 1.3 million Arabs are descended from families who remained in Palestine after 1948. They face widely documented discrimination. (BBC, 27 Oct) UK - Journalist Lauren Booth, Tony Blair's sister-in-law, converted to Islam and now wears a hijab and prays five times a day. (Guardian, 24 Oct)

UK - British film-maker Mike Leigh cancelled a visit to Israel in protest against plans to compel non-Jewish citizens to swear loyalty to Israel as a Jewish state. He said Israel's government had gone 'from bad to worse'. (BBC, 18 Oct) USA - EA’s decision to allow players to pose as Tali-ban fighters in the new Medal of Honour video game, drew US criticism causing EA to change the name of the foes to the 'opposing force,' rather than Taliban (android-phone-fans.info, 12 Oct) SOMALIA - Al-Shabab ordered mobile phone com-panies to stop money transfer services, saying they are unIslamic and mobile phone banking could ex-pose Somalia to Western interference. Hundreds of thousands of Somalis living abroad use hawala and mobile phone banking to send money to relatives in Somalia. This is one of the country's main sources of income, worth R8bn a year. (BBC, 18 Oct) INDONESIA - Haze from forest fires in Sumatra, forced schools in Singapore and Malaysia to close. The haze caused air pollution levels there to jump to their highest level in four years. (BBC, 21 Oct) CHECHNYA - Parliament in the Russian-occupied Muslim state of Chechnya came under attack by Islamist freedom fighters. (BBC, 19 Oct) AFGHANISTAN - Muslim prisoners are abused at a secret US jail in the main US military base, according to a report from US policy think tank, Open Society Foundations. (BBC, 15 Oct) SAUDI - US officials intend to sell $60bn (R480bn) of arms to Saudi in one of the most lucrative single arms deal in US history that could support 75,000 US jobs. (BBC, 20 Oct) �

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Part one of simple tips to create a happy mar-


Faith: The most basic and essential attribute

of a Muslim marriage is the common faith that binds the couple. The frame of reference

shared by the couple eases communication and sharing of values which is not possible in an interfaith marriage.

Forgiving: When the Prophet � asked his Companions, ‘Do you wish that Allah should forgive you?' they said, ‘Of course O Prophet of Allah.’ He responded, ‘Then forgive each

other.’ One of the main components of a happy marriage is that spouses are able to

forgive, that they do not hold grudges or act judgmental towards each other.

Forbearance: Sabr (patience) is the most useful tool to have in managing a healthy life-

style. Being patient puts us in a proactive frame of mind it brings us closer to Allah through reliance. We develop an inner mecha-

nism that empowers us to handle life's diffi-cult moments.

Flexible: Many couples unnecessarily make

themselves miserable because they are un-willing to bend a little.

Faithful: It is commanded by Allah that we be faithful to our spouses. Adultery is a capi-

tal crime in Islam that is punishable by death. There are various forms of unfaithful behav-ior. The most common form is maintaining

friendship with the opposite sex. Once a sense of betrayal sets in, repairing that rela-

tionship is difficult. �



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Hedley Churchward, the British man who con-

verted to Islam, was the first to record an ac-count of his Hajj in English. Here is how the

Hajj of one hundred years ago from South Af-rica differed from today’s air-conditioned air-plane flight:

In 1910, Churchward left South Africa. He had

to travel via Bombay, where he spent weeks in negotiations until he found an elderly pilgrim ship, the SS Islamic, and this vessel chugged

slowly across the Indian Ocean, visiting the Arabian Gulf before wending its way up the

Red Sea. Halting at small ports to deliver sacks of mail, there was little to do except watch the dolphins, eat curry, and pray on deck with the

Indian pilgrims. In Jeddah, he contacted the local representative (wakil) of Sharifa Zain

Wali, a rich businesswoman of Makkah who ran a large organisation of pilgrim guides. She had

family connections in Cape Town. The Wakil took Churchward to his house, and explained how to don his Ihram clothing before letting

him settle down for the night. He telegraphed most of his money through to Makkah. The

road beyond Jeddah was little more than a camel track, but the Wakil led the small party on with donkeys. En route Ottoman police

chased off a band of robbers who attacked pil-grims. In the oven-like heat they made several

stops at roadside coffee-houses. After two days Churchward entered Makkah. The next day he was awoken before dawn by the

strange lilting sound of Ottoman bugles, and after prayers and a breakfast of melons he en-

tered the Kabah. The first stage of a five-month journey had fi-

nally come to an end. �

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The Messenger of Allah � used to make this dua: ‘Oh Allah! You have made my appearance beautiful so make

my conduct excellent.’

A Beauty Health Spa guaranteed to improve your

health, physical radiance and ensure a palatial

home in the gardens of Paradise:

Pedicure. ‘When a person performs Wudhu (ablution) correctly then says his Fardh

(obligatory) prayer, Allah forgives him all his sins committed that day by his feet in going towards evil…’ (Hadith)

Exfoliate. ‘Verily a Muslim, when he performs

Wudhu excellently then offers five times Sa-laah, his sins are shed off (his body) just as

these leaves fall off (this tree in autumn).’ Beautiful Eyelashes. ‘Apply kuhl (surma/

antimony) regularly as it clears the sight, makes the lashes grow and is the best of

things beautifying the eyes.’ General Hygiene. Cleanliness is half of faith.


Hydrotherapy. ‘The jewellery of a Believer will cover the places where the water of Wudhu reaches.’

Exercise. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sal-lam would go swimming.

‘A strong person is not he who wins in a wres-

tling match, but he who controls his anger.’ Good Health. ‘Make it a practice to fast; you

will always enjoy good health.’ (Tabraani) From: www.eislam.co.za

The following deeds, while not absolving one of the obli-

gation of Hajj, nevertheless bring the reward of a Hajj:

1. Umrah in Ramadaan. The Prophet � said: ‘An Umrah in Ramadaan equals the reward of Hajj with me.’ (Muslim)

2. Wudhu at home. ‘One who purifies him-

self (makes Wudhu) and leaves his home to attend the Fardh prayer in congregation re-ceives the reward of a Haji in the state of

Ihram.’ (Abu Dawood)

3. Ishraaq Prayer. ‘Whoever offers his Fajr

prayer in congregation, then remains seated in the Zikr (remembrance) of Allah until (approximately 15 minutes after) sunrise, af-

ter which he offers two Rakaats of (Ishraaq) Salaah, will receive the reward of one com-

plete Hajj and one complete Um-rah.’ (Tirmidhi)

4. Looking at parents. ‘Those pious children

who look at their parents with the gaze of mercy, Allah will write for them the reward of an accepted Hajj for every gaze.’ (Mishkaat)

5. Going to the Musjid for knowledge. ‘Whoever goes to the Musjid for the purpose

of learning or teaching knowledge, receives the reward of a Haji whose Hajj was per-fect.’ (Tabrani)

6. Serving parents. A man could not afford to participate in Jihad. The Prophet � told him to serve his mother properly. He would then be like a Haji, one doing Umrah and one par-ticipating in Jihad. (Targhib) �

Adapted from article in Islam, the Way of Life

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Q: Can a woman pray sa-

laah without covering her feet or without wearing

socks? A: The woman’s Awrah (part that needs to be covered) is

all of her body besides her face and hands till the wrists.

(Sharh al-Muhadhdhab 2:121) The Shafis of Khurasan relate an opinion

from Imam Shafi that the in-ner portions of her feet are

not Awrah. Imam Muzani opined that her feet are not Awrah. However, a woman’s

feet are Awrah in and out of prayer according to the relied

upon view of the Madhhab. It is necessary that she cover

them. Sheikh Ahmad al-Saqqaf mentioned in his book Mukhtasar al-Fawaid

al-Makkiyyah the permissibil-ity of acting upon the opin-

ions of some of the scholars, like Muzani, etc. Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Answer by: Sidi Yaqub Abdul-Rahman

Q: If a person uses an anal or vaginal supposi-

tory, is ghusl (bath) wajib (necessary)?

A: An obligatory ghusl is ne-cessitated when one of the following occurs: 1. Death, 2.

Menstruation, 3. Bleeding af-ter childbirth (nifas), 4. Child

birth according to the relied-upon view, 5. A state of major ritual impurity. This

occurs when a male private part penetrates a female part

or by ejaculation. Nothing besides these will necessitate an obligatory ghusl. (Minhaj

al-Talibin, 78) Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Answer by: Sidi Yaqub Abdul-Rahman

Q: Is the slaughtered ani-mal of a person who testi-

fies Tawheed and the

Prophethood of Muham-mad � but does not pray, Halaal? A: When one abandons the obligatory prayer and rejects

its obligatory nature, then he is a disbeliever. A Muslim

who abandons the prayer, but still believes it is obliga-tory, is corrupt (fasiq).

(Bughyat al-Mustarshidin 115) Though there is a dif-

ference of opinion on whether one who abandons prayer while believing it to

be obligatory is a disbeliever, Imam Nawawi asserts that

him being a believer is the relied-upon opinion. (Rawdat

al-Talibin 2:146) Therefore, what is slaughtered by one who abandons the prayer

while believing it is obliga-tory is lawful as he is a fasiq.

And a fasiq’s testimony is ac-cepted regarding if the meat has been properly slaugh-

tered or not. (Rawdat al-Talibin 3:270)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best Answer by: Sidi Yaqub Abdul-Rahman

Q: Is it Sunnah to wipe

the head once or thrice in Wudhu (Abdaas)?

A: It is sunnah to wipe the head thrice in ablution. (Fath al-Wahhab 1:14; Tuhfat al-

Muhtaj 1:230-31). Some Shafi Ulama considered wip-

ing three times as obligatory. (al-Talkhis al-Habir 1:147) Among the proofs for wiping

the head thrice is the Hadith of Uthman radhiallahu

anhu: ‘The Prophet � performed ablution, and

wiped his head thrice.’ (Abu Dawud and Bazzar)

Answer by: Sidi Yaqub Abdul-Rahman

Q: What should a person

do when he enters the

Musjid while the athaan is being called out? Should

he sit and wait, or should he start praying Tahiy-yatul Musjid, or should he

wait standing until the athaan has finished and

then pray? A: There are two acts that a person is required to do: 1.

reply to the words of Athan, and 2. offer two rakaats of /

Tahiyyatul Musjid. All schol-ars agree that when Athaan is being called it is sunnah to

reply to the words except in a few cases. When a person

enters the Musjid it is recom-mended to perform two ra-

kaatsof Tahiyyatul Musjid be-fore sitting down. One fulfils this duty by offering any

prayer be it fard or nafl, with the exception of one rakaat

or janazah (funeral) prayer. (Mughni al-Muhtaj 1:456) There is a difference of opin-

ion when one enters the Musjid and stands for a

longer period than what two rakaats can be performed in: Shihab al-Din al-Ramli is of

the opinion the virtue of this nafl is missed, while On the

other hand, Ibn Hajar al-Haytami opined that the vir-tue of Tahiyyatul Musjid is

not missed even if one stands for a longer period.

(Tuhfah al-Muhtaj with Ha-washi 2:257) Taking Ibn Ha-jar’s view, if one enters the

Musjid while Athaan is being called, he should not

sit down if he intends to offer Tahiyyatul Musjid. He should wait standing while replying

to the words of Athaan, then perform Tahiyyatul Musjid if

time allows. � Answer by: Sheikh Yaqub Yusuf

SHAFI Q & ASHAFI Q & ASHAFI Q & ASHAFI Q & A From various Ulama

www.sunnipath.com | www.shafiifiqh.com | www.muftisays.com

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www.askimam.org | www.askmufti.co.za | www.councilofulama.co.za




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Q: Is a female allowed to

shape her eyebrows to beautify herself for her

husband? A: No. It is not permissible. Ibn Masood � said: ‘May Al-lah curse those who tattoo, have (their bodies) tattooed,

those who have their eye-brows plucked and those who create gaps between their

teeth. They are changing what Allah has created. Why

should I not curse those whom the Prophet � has cursed whilst it has been re-

corded in the Quraan?’ (Bukhari, Hadith

5943) Scholars mention that shaping the eyebrows are

prohibited due to this Hadith and the reason is ‘Taghyeeru Khalqillah’ (changing that

which Allah created as nor-mal). Therefore, if a woman’s

eyebrows are normal, it will not be permissible for her to shape, trim, or pluck it. If a

woman’s eyebrows are ab-normally large or bushy or

she has a unibrow, it will be permissible for her to re-move or shape that portion

so that her eyebrows look normal.

Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Q: My mom runs a baking

business. She received a request from Hindu ladies to prepare stuff for Di-

wali. Is this permissible? A: It is permissible to sell

food to non-Muslims, be they Hindu, Christians, Jews, etc. and regardless of the occa-

sion for which they are buy-ing that food.

Answer by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Q: Can Muslims accept old

age pension from the gov-ernment and is it permis-

sible to accept child

grants given to unem-ployed parents for their

children, by government? A: It is permissible for Mus-lims to accept old age pen-

sion and child grants given to them by the government.

Answer by: Mufti Shafiq Jakhura

Q: My wife exchanged old

bank notes (paper money) for new notes where she paid slightly

higher for the new notes. Is this permissible?

A: Exchanging old notes with new notes of a particular country must be in equal

amount. Receiving any extra amount will be considered as

Riba (interest). Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Q: Is it possible to be-come a bone marrow do-nor for people who have

cancer? A: Having researched the

matter, we learnt that there are alternatives to bone mar-row donation from donors.

There are new medical tech-niques available that use ei-

ther the very same patient's marrow or his blood to assist in the production of new

marrow. With this new pro-cedure, there seems to be no

need to use the marrow of another person. Therefore, it

will not be permissible to do-nate one's bone marrow to another patient. However, if

it is not possible or it will cause harm to the individual

if he uses his own blood or marrow and a reliable, ex-perienced doctor advises that

another person's blood be used for the same procedure,

then it will be permissible to use the donated blood for

the procedure. (Fataawa

Mahmoodiyah, 18:328; Fa-taawa Raheemiyah, 10:175)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best Answer by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Q: Is it permissible for women to have a breast lift done?

A: No. It is not permissible unless there is a genuine

medical reason for this. Checked by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Q: How are Iddat (waiting period) dates calculated? Based on the lunar or so-

lar calender? A: If the husband passed

away on the first of the lunar month, the Iddat dates will be calculated based on the

lunar calender. If he passed away during the month, the

Iddat will be 130 days. Answer by: Mufti Shafiq Jakhura

Q: Can a man marry his

cousin’s daughter? A: It is permissible for him to

marry her. Cousins and cousin’s children have not been mentioned in the

Quraan as unlawful for mar-riage.

Answer bBy: Mufti Asif Umar

Q: Is cuttlefish Halaal?

A: Cuttlefish are marine ani-mals belonging to the class Cephalopoda (which also in-

cludes octopuses). Despite their common name, cuttle-

fish are not fish but molluscs. It is not permissible to eat cuttlefish, since it is a sea

animal. Cuttlefish are not considered fish nor are they

in the shape or form of a fish (fish family). (Hidaayah) �

Answer by: Mathabah.org

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Enrich your web experience. Not all content

on all sites Islamic-compliant. Consult Ulama.

� www.qzp.co.za - Qari Ziyaad Patel

� www.afic.com.au - Australian Federation

of Islamic Councils

� www.shariah.co.za - Financial Shariah


� www.sunniforum.com - Sunni Forum

� www.sydneyic.org.au - Sydney Islamic

College, Australia

� www.muslimdeaf.org - Muslim Deaf UK.

Resources for deaf Muslims

� www.bismillahtrust.co.za - Bismillah


� www.salahuddeen.net - Palestine site

� www.muslimah2muslimah.com - Musli-

mah2Muslimah. Resources for ladies

� www.revivingtheislamicspirit.net - Re-

viving the Islamic Spirit convention

� www.mathabah.org - Mathabah Founda-

tion, North America

� www.cyberistan.org - Islamic Civilisation

� http://kitaabun.com/ - Islamic books

and articles

� www.caliphate.eu - Information on the


� www.inminds.com - Innovative Minds.

Boycott Israel campaign

� http://seekersofvirtue.com/ - Ulama

from Ottawa, Canada

Support Sensible Surfing







The old man shuffled into the restaurant lean-

ing on his cane. His tattered jacket, patched trousers, worn out shoes and warm personal-

ity made him stand out from the usual break-fast crowd.

A young waiter named Aadil ran over and said, ‘Here, sir. Let me give you a hand with that

chair.’ Aadil pulled the chair away from the ta-ble. Steadying him with one arm, he helped him get comfortably seated. Then he scooted

the table up close to him, and leaned his cane against the table. In a soft voice the old man

said, ‘Thank you, lad.’ ‘You're welcome, sir,’ he replied. ‘My name is Aadil. I'll be back in a moment. If you need anything just wave!’

After he’d finished a hearty meal of pancakes,

sausages, and hot tea, Aadil brought him his receipt. He helped him up from his chair,

handed him his cane and walked with him to the front door. Holding the door open for him, he said, ‘Come back again, Sir!’ ‘You are very

kind,’ the old man said softly. When Aadil went to clean his table, he found under his

plate a business card and a note scribbled on a napkin. Under the napkin was R1,000. The note read: Dear Aadil, your kind gestures will

earn you much reward along life’s road.'

The man Aadil had waited on was the owner of the restaurant where he worked. This was the first time any of his employees had ever seen

him in person.

We are constantly tested in life to see how we deal with others. None other than Allah watches our conduct and we will definitely see

the fruit of our actions.

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By any standard of measure, the conduct of

Prophet Muhammad � was of the highest and best in human history.

A poor woman used to clean the Musjid and remove any dirt from it. The Prophet � missed her for a few days. On enquiring about the reason for her absence, he was informed that

she had died. He said: ‘Why have you not told me. I would have attended her funeral and prayed for her’. He then went to the graveyard

and offered the funeral prayer for her.

Needless to say, this was a poor woman with few relatives. Had she had any relative of a reasonably good position in society, she would

not have needed to work as a cleaner. We do not even know her name. She must have been

someone who would not be missed when ab-sent.

Yet the Prophet � missed her when a couple of days passed and he did not see her in the

Musjid. Her poverty and lack of status did not prevent him from enquiring after her.

He was unhappy to learn of her death so late that he could not attend her funeral and lead

the prayer. He then took the trouble of visiting her grave and praying for her. He could have

prayed for her soul where he was at the time, i.e. in the Musjid, and his prayer would have been certainly answered. He, however,

wanted to show us a higher level of social re-sponsibility.

This example should encourage us as the fol-lowers of the Prophet � to show concern and respect for all. �

While Muslims are portrayed as being anti-

Jewish, this is not the case. When Europe and the Christian world was constantly harassing

and persecuting the Jews, it was Muslim lands which offered them refuge and a place to practice Judaism in peace. Obviously, the Jew-

ish atrocities in Palestine has raised outrage in the Muslim world but this is due to the injus-

tice being perpetrated by Jews there. Jews thrived in significant numbers in Muslim

lands until fairly recently and enjoyed a status in countries like Muslim Spain which they

never enjoyed in Christian Europe. Here is one glimpse into the Muslim treatment of Jews:

A team was dispatched from the US State De-partment in 1877 to assess the treatment of

Jews in the Ottoman Caliphate (Turkey). Their findings that Jews were very well treated and

not persecuted were described in the New York Times of 23 August 1877: ‘The US Minis-ter says that justice to the Turk compels him

to admit that the Jews have been better treated by the Ottomans than by many of the

Western powers and that the impression pre-vails that they are better treated in the Empire than the Christians. They are recognized as

independent religious community with the privileges of their own ecclesiastical rule, their

chief Rabbi, Chacham Bashi, possessing, in consequence of his functions, great influence.’ The total number of Jews in the Ottoman Em-

pire was around 500,000 at that time.

The Prophet � said: ‘He who hurts a dhimmi (non Muslim citizen in a Muslim state) hurts me, and he who hurts me annoys Al-

lah.’ (Tabarani) �

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Satay or sate is a dish consisting of diced or

sliced chicken, goat, mutton, beef, fish or other meats. The more authentic version uses

skewers from the midrib of the coconut leaf, although bamboo skewers are often used. These are grilled or barbecued over a wood or

charcoal fire, then served with various spicy seasonings.

Satay originated among the Muslims of Java, Indonesia most probably among street ven-

dors. It is popular in other Southeast Asian countries like Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand,

Philippines, and in Holland, due to Indonesia being a former Dutch colony. In Indonesia, satay can be obtained from a travelling satay

vendor to an upper-class restaurant and is the national dish. In Malaysia, satay is found

throughout the country. The Cape Malay sosa-tie from South Africa may have been influ-

enced by satay. Satay become popular after the influx of Arab immigrants in the early 19th century. In Malaysia Satay is associated with

Muslim Malays. In the Philippines one style, called Satti, is native to the Moro Muslim peo-

ples of the south, and is similar to traditional Malay and Indonesian satay recipes. Satti has not expanded into Christian areas outside the

region, apart from delis in the Muslim quarters of Manila. Satay has been associated with Sin-

gapore since the 1940s and Singapore Airlines serves it to its First and Raffles Class passen-gers as an appetizer.

Turmeric is a compulsory ingredient giving the

dish its characteristic yellow colour. Satay may be served with a spicy peanut sauce dip, or peanut gravy, slivers of onions and cucum-

bers, and rice cakes. �

Name: Abdurahman Bassier. Born: 1923, Port

Elizabeth. Died: 2004, Cape Town. Imam Bassier

was born when his father, Imam Abdul Bassier the

Imam at Boorhaanol Musjid in Cape Town, and his

Alawiyah Tariqah Jamaah traveled to recite all over

the country. His pregnant wife, Gadija, went along.

In 1930 the Bassier family went for Hajj. Abdurah-

man contracted smallpox and spent a month fight-

ing for his life. He started primary school in 1931

and completed Standard 6. At 14 he became a tai-

loring apprentice and a few years later started his

own tailoring business. He began Islamic studies

under Sheikh Ismail Edwards. Imam Bassier played

rugby and represented Western Province Rugby

Union in 1948. In 1949 he undertook his 2nd Hajj.

In 1953 he married Mareldia, who bore him 5 chil-

dren, including twins. In 1962 his father passed

away and he was elected Imam. From 1962-1977

he ministered to Muslim patients at Brooklyn Chest

Hospital. In 1964 he co-established the Boorhaanol

Recreational Movement to improve the quality of

life of the community through adult education, ac-

tivities for youth and student bursaries. In 1966

they published the first Boorhaanol Newsletter. In

1970 they established one of the first Muslim pre-

schools in the Cape. Imam served on the Muslim

Judicial Council for 40 years, being elected Chair-

man 1979-1981. He was involved in the establish-

ment of the first Musjid in Mitchells Plain. He also

served on the Imaarah, the highest decision-

making organ of the MJC. In 1978 he started mis-

sionary work at Robben Island and Pollsmoor pris-

ons. By 1980 he established the Muslim Board for

Prison Welfare and State Institutions. He served as

chairman from 1982-2002. He set up the National

Muslim Prison Board in 1988. In 1982 he estab-

lished the Committee for the Preservation of the

Tana Baru cemetery to prevent desecration of the

graves of the pioneers of Islam in SA.

Imam suffered a stroke in 2002 and passed away

in 2004 at the age of 81. �

Publishers of the Islamic Focus

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Sea Food Take-out

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Muslim Chinese martial arts have a long history,

and many Muslims have participated at the highest

level of Chinese martial arts. Chinese Hui Muslims

started and adapted many styles such as Bajiquan,

Piguaquan and Liuhe Quan. There were specific ar-

eas famous as centers of Muslim martial arts, such

as Cang County in Hebei. Some styles in brief:

Although Bajiquan (8 extreme fists) is not prac-

ticed exclusively by Hui Muslims, there are still

many famous Hui practitioners of the style today.

Zhaquan is widely practiced in China. Famous

Muslim Hui exponents of this style include those

from ancient times, like Zheng He, a Muslim admi-

ral of the Ming Dynasty, as well as famous practi-

tioners in modern times, like Zhang Wenguang,

who was instrumental in creating the modern ver-

sion of Changquan. Qishiquan (7 warriors)

started among Muslims in Henan. Huihui Shiba

Zhou (Hui elbow eighteen style) was so secret that

it was considered lost until 1970 when researches

found a teacher from a Hui Muslim family in Hebei

who knew the style. Piguaquan (chopping and

hanging fist) was founded by Wu Zhong, a Chinese

Muslim from Meng Village, Cang County, Hebei.

Muslim Chinese generals and troops wielded

swords proficiently in combat. Chinese Muslim

practioners where so adept at their martial arts,

and their styles such as Pu Yi and Ba Ji Quan,

where so renowned, that they formed the back-

bone of the bodyguards of Chinese Emperors and

leaders until recent times. Xinyi Liuhe Quan is a

martial art developed in Henan Province among

Hui Muslims. It is considered one of the most pow-

erful styles in Chinese Martial Arts. Xinyi Liuhe

Quan, along with Cha Quan and Qi Shi Quan,

were considered styles meant to protect Muslims in

China. For more than 2 centuries the style was

kept secret and transmitted only to a few Muslims.

Hsing I is one of the elder systemized forms of

Kung Fu. One of three main families of Hsing I was

developed and practiced almost exclusively by the

Chinese Muslim community. �

The documented history of Islam in Ireland

dates to the 1950s. The first Islamic Society was established in 1959. It was formed by

students studying in Ireland. In 1976 the first Musjid and Islamic Centre

was opened in a four story building. Among those who contributed to the project was King

Faisal of Saudi Arabia. In 1992 Moosajee Bhamjee became the first Muslim member of the Irish Parliament.

According to the 2006 census, there are

32,539 Muslims in Ireland or less than 1% of the population. Yet this is a 69% increase over the figures for the 2002 census. According to

the 2001 census, there are 1,943 Muslims in Northern Ireland (ruled by the UK).

Just over 55% of Muslims were either Asian or

African nationals with 30.7% having Irish na-tionality. Muslim immigration in the end of the 90s was caused by the Irish economic boom

and asylum seekers from diverse Muslim countries.

In 2003, the Islamic Cultural Centre and Foras na Gaeilge joined forces to translate the

Quraan into Irish for the first time. There are now a few Musjids and Islamic Centres in the

country. In 2006 an umbrella organization, the Irish

Council of Imams, was established. There are several student Islamic societies in universities

across Ireland. �

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The Bismillah Trust was established over 25

years ago to aid in humanitarian services un-der the supervision of a team of professionals

from Port Elizabeth. The team is made up of theologians, academics, accountants, IT spe-cialists, attorneys, businessmen and other vol-

untary aid workers.

Some Projects � Feeding Schemes: 400 residents of Mission-vale and surrounding areas are fed weekly.

In Helenvale 24,000 people are fed per month from 8 soup kitchens. Weekly feed-

ing of students at Masakhane School. � In 1995 the Quest school, the only school for learners with autism in the Eastern

Cape, was established. A hostel was estab-lished for students.

� More than needy 1,200 families received food parcels during Ramadhan. The parcels

contained essential foods and was subsi-dized.

� Teenagers from the Reach For A Dream

Foundation were taken on an outing to the Kwantu Private Game Reserve.

� Joint project with Al Fidaa Foundation to provide meals to the poor.

� Regular senior citizens outings including

shopping money and meals. 2,000 seniors hosted in 2009.


8th Floor, Kwantu Towers, Port Elizabeth

PO Box 427, Port Elizabeth, 6001 Tel: 041 585 2205

Fax: 041 585 2250 Email: [email protected]


There was a beautiful horse with many good

qualities. But it wanted to be more perfect in every way. It especially wanted to have un-

paralleled beauty. One day the horse prayed, ‘O Lord, you have given me beauty and other good qualities. I am grateful to you. But how I

wish you could make me more beautiful. I would be extremely grateful if you could make

me more beautiful.’ The horse then said, ‘It seems to me that I am

not well proportioned. My neck is too short. If you can make my neck a little longer, my up-

per body will be infinitely more beautiful. And if you can make my legs much longer and thinner, then I will look infinitely more beauti-

ful in my lower body.’

Immediately the horse changed into a camel. The horse was so disheartened that it started

to cry, ‘O Lord, I wanted to become more beautiful. In what way is this kind of outer form more beautiful?’ He was told, ‘This is ex-

actly what you asked for. You have become a camel.’ The horse cried, ‘I do not want to be-

come a camel. I wish to remain a horse. As a horse, everybody appreciated my good quali-ties. Nobody will appreciate me as a camel.’

Moral: Appreciate what you have been given.

If you want to lead a life of greed, then at every moment you will want more and more. But you have no idea what the outcome will

be, whether it will be better for you than what you have.

Always pray to God to give you the most suit-able things, and be happy with the lot He de-

cides for you. �
