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Islands Magazine Discover August 2009

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  • 8/14/2019 Islands Magazine Discover August 2009

    1/9July/August 2009 i sl a nd s.c om

    Tm St n Ston You may have seen this bouler-strewn beach in the British Virgin Islans beore. But to see the Baths

    National Park like its picture here, n the right spot at the righttime. Start your journey towar this orest o granite by making

    your way to San Juan, Puerto Rico. From there, its just 45 minutes

    to the islan o Tortola on boar one o American Eagles regular

    fights. Skip the 30-minute erry to Virgin Goras southwest coast,

    an instea arrange or a chartere sailboat to take you the long way.

    Have your captain stop at a ew o the countless picturesque moorings rom the

    charming mariners village at Sopers Hole to the resort-chic scene on Peter Islan.

    That way, when you o arrive at the Baths, the sun (an crows) will be aing. With

    the Caribbeans most iconic beach all to yoursel, crawl through sany grottoes, swim

    in sheltere lagoons, climb onto house-size boulers an snap perectly lit photos like

    this one. The harest thing to time will be your exit. bvitourism.com adrienneegolf

    get here


  • 8/14/2019 Islands Magazine Discover August 2009

    2/9July/August 2009 i sl a nd s.c om


  • 8/14/2019 Islands Magazine Discover August 2009

    3/916 July/August 2009 i sl a nd s.c om

    d i s c o v e r

    a l s o t h i s m o n t h

    Pack Your Paddlesummer in maines casco bay islands looks a bit likean o-fhoe potcr. Brght-re obter ecortepcc-er pte; towerg evergree tree t og

    rocky horee; coorfu ber y from mte

    vee; d boomg dffod d hydrge ptrog hde. There o better wy to become prt of the potcr th ummer th three-y

    kyk trp, there o better orgzto to gue youth Me bet-ove outoor outtter, l.l.Be.

    strt t the Outoor dcovery schoo hequrter Freeport, you he towr the rt ght cmpte,py gret bue hero tkg ght from the how, gtoprey perche treetop et curou by e bob-bg mog obter-pot buoy. iduge uccuet obterpue trght from the e cooke over cmpre;the eep uer the tr o the Gog, pr of prvte,

    uhbte the orther prt of the by. O ytwo, pe to the Chebegue i i, where ce ted adrodck chr wt o hrbor-frot w. Pddebck to home be o dy three, mkg top for uch, pc-ture bkg Me wrm ummer u coocot breeze. no pot-cr c cpture t . ae

    go now



    your islan-hopping trip now. Trips are availableor July 10-12, Aug. 21-23 an Sept. 25-27. cOme with

    years o kayaking experience or none at all. L.L.Beans

    expert guies will provie necessary paling instruction

    an tailor the trip to the groups nees. se e an interactive

    map o this trips itinerary an rea the eitors blog at

    islands.com/maine. Learn mOre at llbean.com.

    Bg Och SaoodSure, theres dancing and

    music and a Jamaicanbeach. But theLittle Ochie

    Seaoo Carnival(July 12)

    is all about the ood. Once

    a one-man grilling machine,

    the Little Ochie restaurant

    has gained international

    recognition. Local ches,

    including owner Evrol

    Blackie Christian, serve up

    every sh and crustacean

    imaginable: smoked lobster

    brushed with butter sauce;

    steamed snapper served

    with bammy; and roasted

    turbot and escoveitch. Its

    all seasoned with onions,

    Scotch bonnet pepper, vin-

    egar and cho-cho. Need we

    say more? littleochie.com

    Swt SgarHeld along Kauais scenic

    south coast, Koloa Planta-tion days(July 18-26) cel-

    ebrate Hawaiis deep roots

    in the sugar industry. In

    1835, people rom across the

    world the Philippines, the

    Azores, Japan, Korea and

    Europe came to work at

    the Koloa Sugar Plantation,

    the islands rst. Today that

    same plantation, now idle,

    reconnects these cultures

    through ethnic cooking

    demonstrations, Hawaiian

    luaus, nature walks along

    the Hapa Trail, re dancing

    and even a cowboy rodeo.

    Sugar or no sugar, the

    arming liestyle carries on.


    Many MasksMasks in Papua New Guinea

    are as varied as its land andpeople. Proo: the National

    Mask Festival(July 15-18) in

    Rabaul. From colorul and

    ornate to dark and mys-

    terious, each style, shape

    and size refects island

    traditions and represents

    power- and knowledge-

    giving spirits. To begin the

    estivities, Tolai Dukduks

    and Tumbuans in ull body

    masks sail in canoes along

    the beach. Later, Baining

    Fire Dancers and re eaters

    perorm to kundu. Shop or

    wooden carvings and eat lo-

    cal grub just dont orget

    to don a mask.pngtourism

    .org.pg ashleyfraxedas

  • 8/14/2019 Islands Magazine Discover August 2009


    d i s c o v e r

    sound of ChangeWhats that clanging yet oddlymusical sound? Could be an Aruban soloing on the wiri.European immigrants to the Dutch Antilles hired local musi-cians rst to crank their imported barrel organs and later to

    accompany with this instrument. The players addedisland rhythms, thus creolizing Schubert waltzes.Now made in machine shops rom steel pipe, theunaccompanied wiri sounds a bit like a coat hanger

    dragged along a ence. But in a conjunto tipico (a band withviolin, drum, guitar and accordion), the rhythmic scrapingand clear cowbell accents add piquant punctuation. Buy oneat Clix Musical Instruments in Oranjestad, and play alongwith your barrel organ. aruba.com matthewmiller



    Hot HadsI ha been photographing

    lava or a ecae when I

    came upon this scene on

    the Big Islan

    o Hawaii. So by

    that time, I was

    prime to look or

    human orms in

    the hot lava. Pele,

    the Hawaiian goess o

    re, oten reveals hersel

    in the volcano. This ay, a

    huge river o lava was pour-

    ing rom the Kupaianaha

    vent high on the fank o

    the Kilauea Volcano. I ha

    positione mysel upwin o

    the umes because shoot-ing through heat waves

    can make images look out

    o ocus. As I looke own

    on it rom about 20 eet, I

    notice several ace-like

    shapes. Even as I shot the

    scene, it was constantly

    evolving. One ace woul

    morph into another. These

    ne etails show up best in

    awn an usk light, which

    is why I always shoot lava

    uring the magic hour. Onceit gets too ark, it becomes

    a scene o black an re,

    which is ar less interesting

    to me. An I always strive to

    show Pele in her best light.

    my shot

    wthG. Brad


  • 8/14/2019 Islands Magazine Discover August 2009

    5/9July/August 2009 i sl a nd s.c om

    Norwegian Nooki the het of ummer,where the perfect d? The arctc Crce, of coure. Etermytc, Guf strem-bee Vetvgy (proouce VEsT-vw-gy). never her of t? nether hve mot fok, per-

    hp becue the norweg who ve oth the rchpego of lofote

    Vetere hve kept t ecret for 6,000yer. The norc woer rgey u-

    kow oute of Europe. dot worry; you wot pe yourvt froze: lofote oe of the wor met pce foruch orther ttue, wth m wter comfortby

    secret island


    coo ummer becue of the cot cmte. Be youref the rutc vge of leke, or cozy up de wterfrot rorbu(herm cb) the tow of Btd. We the dy wyby hkg the cot, wtchg for orc or pe kg. Etmb oup the rge vkg mueum t Borg, or tke trp offhore to the word org metrom, the Moktrume,

    powerfu td curret wth mpreve whrpoo. Vetvgy trdto norwy t t et, hdewy for cooeur ofubme tur beuty, d the d rechbe yer-roudthk to Were y 30-mute ght from Bo. The

    arctc Crce ever bee o hot. lofoten.info michael kew

  • 8/14/2019 Islands Magazine Discover August 2009

    6/920 July/August 2009 i sl a nd s.c om

    medieval maze You dont need a time machine

    to step into the past; just visit Pirg, a village on the

    Greek island o Chios whose architecture is adorned

    with a traditional technique called xysta.

    The two-tone design dates back to the 14th

    century and is achieved by rubbing a vol-

    canic sand mixture on a buildings surace,

    painting it white and then scraping it o in geomet-

    ric patterns. Pirg is a labyrinth o narrow lanes and

    archways showcasing the designs. Meander through

    the streets and nd the oldest and best-preserved

    examples o xysta in the center o the village. Enjoy

    a coee at a local cae, and try to orget which cen-

    tury youre in. chiosonline.gr eugenialazaris



    Elephantsin the Roomlots of resorts boast

    creture comfort. Butd-bed wdfe odge

    tke the cocept to whoe ew eve.

    at the Eephtsfr Prk loge

    o B, pecefu pchy-erm bthe frehw-ter ke, meer throughTro foret d greet guett the eevte gperched outde ech of thereort 25 room. The 27sumtr eepht, whch

    were recue brought to thee-cre prk by B avetureTour 1996, re the regg re-det of th ve-tr reort d p.Get to kow them through beh-the-cee tour (ee how the prop-erty turg eepht wte toorgc fertzer), outoor ctv-te (thk eepht re tet how), teror ecor (eepht-cretertwork ecorte the ute) eve p tretmet (the p g trumoverook the eepht rexto re). Or jut rece by the poo wtch free-romg eepht pre pt you. elephantsafariparklodge.com ae

    mOre LOdges with signs Of wiLdLifeWatch humpback whales navigatethe warm streams o the Inian Ocean at the Prncss Bora Lodg & Spa on

    Nosy Sainte Marie o Maagascars east coast. www.princessebora.com

    Collect big-cat sightings at Mombo Camp as resient lion pries roam the

    resorts private, inlan islan home in Botswana. mombo.co.uk



    Rm wth a KckThis rum-base rink tastes like a

    sugare gingerbrea cookie. One

    sip o Saba Spice an youll eel

    like its Christmas no

    matter that its actuallyJuly an youre on the

    Caribbean islan o Saba.

    Much like local lore passe rom

    neighbor to islan neighbor, the

    recipe or this 100-year-ol we-

    ing rink varies in the etails. But

    the main ingreients remain the

    same: simple syrup mae rom

    brown sugar an boile with cin-

    namon sticks, whole cloves an

    ennel sees. Oh, an once it cools,

    a 151-proo rum. Surprisingly,

    its not cloying thanks to the ennel.Substitute Saba Spice or rum in

    most rink recipes. Or just pour

    it over ice cream. Like Christmas

    morning, this rink has a favor

    youll want to taste again an again.

    sabatourism.com brookemorton



    d i s c o v e r

  • 8/14/2019 Islands Magazine Discover August 2009


    Takes a VillageMany hikers o the Kokoa Track in Papua NewGuinea n themselves ami a sea o trekkers, unable to commune with the

    islan. Experience something more prooun on this challenging 60-mile-long

    trek with Ecotourism Melanesia, an outtter ei-

    cate to community-base tourism. Hike with 12

    people at most, patronize

    village guesthouses an

    eat home-cooke meals,

    while the porters an guies nearly all

    rom Kokoa share history an lore. As

    the olks at Ecotourism Melanesia say, with-

    out the islan people, its just another bush

    walk. www.em.com.pg kellylack


    Papa NwGna

    Q:Youre a hard man to get ahold of. Whatare you up to these ays?

    a: Frt tme weve h w whe,o buy, buy, buy. Yetery w goofor urg; toy goo for kte urf-g. Tomorrow w be goo for ome-thg ee. acto!Q:Action? What oes itmean exactly?

    a: acto wht we vefor. it wht i ve for. Youkow how t . acto the ruh of fe.Q:So how i the action

    start or you?a: i grduted from coege move bck to Brb-do 1988. My drem wto ope bech hop forwurg urg. ijut wte to wer bg-ge p-op. But ttht tme, t w ot cceptbe to worko the bech. no oe took me erouy.Q:An now lots o people call you therst career beach bum. You agree?

    a: Whe i cme bck from the Oym-

    pc, i h my hop hf the yer wet o the pro wurg tour theother hf. i crue the wor me goo moey. The i trtemy trveg bech prty ce theBech Cuture Tour becme the

    rt creer bech bum. it ow fuycceptbe to work o the bech. it

    the cooet thg ce ce bre.Q:Say I come to your sur shop on Barba-os. do I get a lesson straight rom you?

    a: im fuy prt of the cto. My vofor the hop for t to be exteo of Brbobech cuture. Vtor cgo out o the wter for eo d the come bckd hve yg-h d-

    wch t my returt.Q:The Olympics, a pro tour,

    a successful beach shop:What action comes next?a: ive prte overthe wor h grettme. ive ve my rem.now my focu my ch-re [four, wth othero the wy]. i o wht

    my k wt to o. Tht my gg ow.Reproucto, ve forever. i rey ovemy chre. Oe-hure percet.Q:do you think any o your kis willwant to ill your lip-lops, so to speak?

    a: My ughter, suhe, ove com-g to the bech wth me. But i otpuh my k. i ot wt them to oomethg becue they thk t woudmke me hppy. i wt them to drem.You uert thoe wor? acto.

    Q & a


    d i s c o v e r

    The Real ActionBarbados Brian Talma, or de Action Man to most, tells us how he

    turned windsurng into a respected and thriving career.af



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  • 8/14/2019 Islands Magazine Discover August 2009


    TASTe Of WAiKiKiNext time you visit Waikiki,take a break from thebeach. Instead, join a

    guided jaunt throughOahu with Hawaii

    Food Tours. Sixmornings a week, 13 guests

    with empty bellies and anappetite for history meetformer chef and restaurantcritic Matthew Gray andhis ance, Keira Nagai,for the Hole-in-the-WallTour. The perfectly pacedshow and tell makes at least

    six stops at restaurants,marketplaces and bakeriesthroughout Honoluluand the citys Chinatown

    places where local chefscozy up on their days off.From Kalua pork buns andlaulau to Spam musubiandCocoa Puffs, taste your

    way through Oahu (just

    as our writer does on page56). Matthew and Keiraalso dish on how to eat likea local so the rest of your

    vacation will taste just asgood. hawaiifoodtours.com charyn pfeuffer



    On the North Shore of Kauai, past Lum

    Beach and across seven one-lane bridg

    youll discover Hanalei Colony Resort, t

    perfect family getaway. Located ocean

    Hanalei Colonys spacious two-bedroo

    condominiums sport fully equipped ki

    and private lanais. Miles away from th

    typical Hawaiian resort experience.













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    at Outrigger Aina Nalu. Set on nine picturesque acres in the he

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    waterfront galleries, dozens of shops and lively entertainment.

    Call 0653*((&3 or visit PVUSJHHFSDPOEPTDPN.

    *One-bedroom condominium. Valid through 12/21/09. Subject to availability


  • 8/14/2019 Islands Magazine Discover August 2009


    Honoluluthe book may open in a small

    coutry vgeKore. But Honolulu($24.95, st. Mrt Pre), ove

    by a Breert, the tory

    rey beg o the ofOhu. Tht where the pro-tgot, youg pcture brde 1914,meet her rt hub. it where heecpe fe of bue orer to ezethe opportute of Weter cuture.

    a utmtey, t where gr meRegret by her fm-y become womce J t her owchoog. The te rve moty by potevce the tme-

    e of J fe. Butthe chrcter tro-uce og the wyoffer ce of Hw htory: ammgrt trveg to the d wthgret hope tte kowege bout

    wht wt them; ptto boewho brk commd d bue workercrmtey; tve Hwwho wt e wth quet evoto tomeet hoor ther quee. The potetert th book whe the chrc-

    ter ettg eghte. ae


    d i s c o v e r

    DeeP SOuTH Whichcapital city is closest tothe South Pole? Thatwould be Wellington,

    New Zealand.Located ata latitude ofabout 41 de-

    grees south, theport town is the south-ernmost national capitalin the world. Sadly, youwont nd any South Polepenguins or snowmen inthe federal buildings.

    did youknow


    DIVI ARUBA PHOENIXFeaturing new luxury beachfront suites, pools, and

    trendy open-air restaurant; the high-rise Divi Aruba

    Phoenix is rivaled only by its most outstanding amenity-miles of pure white sand on Arubas famed Palm Beach.

    [email protected]


    THE MILL RESORT & SUITES ARUBACasual elegance and spacious comfort set within

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    Poolside Restaurant & Bar. Tennis Courts . Health Spa.

    Beach facilities and more!


    $50 Million in renovations is complete! Our new

    rooms and balconies are the largest on the island.

    Choose from 7 on-site restaurants and bars. For

    serious pampering, ask about Tradewinds Club.

    CUNUCU ARUBIANOThis elegant eco escape is an intimate hideaway set

    in a ruggedly beautiful landscape dotted with cacti

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    a private beach cove.

    (011-297) [email protected]


    Private villas offering the ultimate in luxury and

    distance from the crowds. Personalized service,

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