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Ism Code Presentation

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1 mikepwlee Internat ona l Safety Manage ent Code
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Internat ona

lSafetyManage ent

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vGeneral DescriptionGeneral Description

vSafety And Environmental ProtectionSafety And Environmental ProtectionPolicyPolicy

vCompany Responsibility/AuthorityCompany Responsibility/AuthorityvDesignated Persons!Designated Persons!

v"aster#s Responsibility/Authority"aster#s Responsibility/Authority

vResources $ PersonnelResources $ Personnel

vDevelopment of PlansDevelopment of Plans

vEmergency PreparednessEmergency Preparedness

 A%&''(! A%&''(!


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International Safety "anagement CodeInternational Safety "anagement Codemeansmeans

the International "anagement Code)the International "anagement Code)

v  for the Safe operation of ships and for the Safe operation of ships andv  for Pollution Prevention for Pollution Prevention


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Emphasises that every company should)Emphasises that every company should)v ,develop,developv  implement andimplement and

vmaintainmaintaina Safety "anagement Systema Safety "anagement System ( )SMS( )SMS

to the Codeto the Code


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 This does not mean that the This does not mean that the ode is trying to tell the ode is trying to tell the

 ompany how to go a!out running ompany how to go a!out running  .their !usiness.their !usiness

 It is up to the ompany how to It is up to the ompany how to

  .go a!out implementing the odes  .go a!out implementing the odes

 The ornerstone of good safety The ornerstone of good safety management is management is  ommitment from the ommitment from the

.top.topIn matters of safety and pollution preventionIn matters of safety and pollution preventionit is theit is the commitment* competence* attitudescommitment* competence* attitudesand motivationand motivation of individualsof individuals at all levelsat all levelsthat determines the end result+that determines the end result+


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 The SMS must inorporate the The SMS must inorporate the:following:following

v A safety and environment protection A safety and environment protection policypolicy++vInstruction and procedureInstruction and procedure to ensure safe operation ofto ensure safe operation of

ships and protection of the environment in complianceships and protection of the environment in compliance,ith relevant international and flag state legislation+,ith relevant international and flag state legislation+

v-lag state legislation+-lag state legislation+

vDefinedDefined levels of authority and lines of communicationlevels of authority and lines of communicationbet,een and amongst shore and shipboard personnel+bet,een and amongst shore and shipboard personnel+

vProceduresProcedures for reporting accidents $ non.conformities+for reporting accidents $ non.conformities+vProceduresProcedures to prepare for and respond to emergencyto prepare for and respond to emergency

situation+situation+vProceduresProcedures for internal audits and management revie,sfor internal audits and management revie,s

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o achieve the aims of the IS" Code*o achieve the aims of the IS" Code*each Company should establish aeach Company should establish aSafety and Environmental ProtectionSafety and Environmental Protection

( )S$P( )S$P policy ,hich is implemented bypolicy ,hich is implemented byall Staff both ashore and onboard shipall Staff both ashore and onboard ship

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I"0 ResolutionI"0 Resolution A+&&12I! A+&&12I!3ov '4%43ov '4%4invited all Governments to ta5e theinvited all Governments to ta5e thenecessary steps to safeguard thenecessary steps to safeguard theshipmaster in the proper dischargeshipmaster in the proper discharge

of his responsibilities ,ith regard toof his responsibilities ,ith regard tomaritime safety and protection of themaritime safety and protection of themarine environment+marine environment+

 A&&12I! A&&12I!

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I"0 ResolutionI"0 Resolution A+6(7'%! A+6(7'%!3ov '44'3ov '44'recognised the need for appropriaterecognised the need for appropriate0rganisation of "anagement to0rganisation of "anagement toenable it to respond to the need ofenable it to respond to the need of

those on board ships to achieve andthose on board ships to achieve andmaintain high standards of Safetymaintain high standards of Safetyand Environmental Protection+and Environmental Protection+

 A6(7'%! A6(7'%!

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IS" Code aims to ensure)IS" Code aims to ensure)v   ,safety at sea  ,safety at seav  prevention of human in(ury or prevention of human in(ury or

  ,loss of life and  ,loss of life and

v  avoidane of damage to the avoidane of damage to the,environment,environment

particularly the marine environment*particularly the marine environment*and to the property+and to the property+

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Company 0b8ectives should)Company 0b8ectives should)

v  Provide for safe praties in ship Provide for safe praties in ship operation and safe working operation and safe working,environment,environment

v  $sta!lish safeguards against all $sta!lish safeguards against all

  ,identified risks and,identified risks andv  Continuously improves safety management Continuously improves safety management skills of personnel ashore and a!oard skills of personnel ashore and a!oard ships inluding preparing for ships inluding preparing for

 emergenies related !oth to safety emergenies related !oth to safety

  .and environmental protetion  .and environmental protetion

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Safety $ "anagement systems should ensure)v  ompliane with mandatory rules and

  ,regulations and

v   ,that applia!le odes guidelines and  ,standards reommended !y IM)

,*dministrations Classifiation Soieties and Maritime Industry are

  .taken into aount

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Every Company should develop* implement andEvery Company should develop* implement andmaintain a S"S ,hich includes the follo,ing)maintain a S"S ,hich includes the follo,ing)v   &a Safety $nvironmental Protetion &a Safety $nvironmental Protetion

,Poliy,Poliyv  &Instrutions Proedures to ensure Safe&Instrutions Proedures to ensure Safe

 )peration of Ships and Protetion of the )peration of Ships and Protetion of the

$nvironment$nvironmentv  define +evels of *uthority and +ines of define +evels of *uthority and +ines of  , ,Communiation !etween and amongst shore, ,Communiation !etween and amongst shore

 and ship!oard personnel and ship!oard personnelv  Proedures for reporting aidents and Proedures for reporting aidents and

-non onformities with the provisions of-non onformities with the provisions of this Codethis Code

v  Proedures to prepare for and respond to Proedures to prepare for and respond to emergeny situations and emergeny situations and

v   &Proedures for Internal *udits  &Proedures for Internal *uditsMana m nt , vi wsMana ement ,eviews

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he Company should)he Company should)v  $sta!lish a Safety and $sta!lish a Safety and

 $nvironmental Protetion Poliy $nvironmental Protetion Poliy whih desri!es how the whih desri!es how the

 )!(etives will !e ahieved )!(etives will !e ahievedv  $nsure that the Poliy is $nsure that the Poliy is

 Implemented and Maintained at Implemented and Maintained at  ,all levels of the )rganisation  ,all levels of the )rganisation

 !oth ship !ased as well as !oth ship !ased as well as  .shore !ased.shore !ased

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POLICYv  The Poliy should !e a onise and lear


v  It should desri!e the aim of the SMS and  &outline a strategy plan of ation to  .ahieve ad maintain the aim

v  Consideration should !e given to the’poliy s interation with e-isting Company

  .Poliies and Proeduresv  It should strive to enourage ontinuous

 improvement in safety awareness and safety  .management skills

v  It should !e signed !y the Chief $-eutive or ompara!le senior deision maker to indiate top level management ommitment

v  It should !e reviewed at regular intervals to ensure that it remains relevant and


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 A Strategy for Implementation should A Strategy for Implementation shouldbe considered at the time the policy isbe considered at the time the policy isdeveloped* including ho, best todeveloped* including ho, best toensure that all employees understandensure that all employees understand

its content and the commitmentits content and the commitmentdisplayed by senior management to itsdisplayed by senior management to itsob8ectivesob8ectives

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vIf the Entity ,ho is responsible for theIf the Entity ,ho is responsible for the0peration of the Ship is other than the 0,ner*0peration of the Ship is other than the 0,ner*the 0,ner must report the -ull 3ame andthe 0,ner must report the -ull 3ame andDetails of such Entity to the AdministrationDetails of such Entity to the Administration

vhe Company should Define and Document thehe Company should Define and Document theResponsibility* Authority and Interaction of allResponsibility* Authority and Interaction of allPersonnel ,ho "anage* Perform and 9erifyPersonnel ,ho "anage* Perform and 9erify,or5 relating to and affecting the Safety and,or5 relating to and affecting the Safety and

Pollution Prevention+Pollution Prevention+

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v  The reason for doumenting the The reason for doumenting the ,esponsi!ility and *uthority of ,esponsi!ility and *uthority of

 Personnel is to $nsure that those Personnel is to $nsure that those involved the Management of Safety and involved the Management of Safety and

 $nvironmental Protetion know what is $nvironmental Protetion know what is e-peted of them to make the system e-peted of them to make the system

 funtion effetivelyfuntion effetivelyv   ,Personnel onerned with the SMS on  ,Personnel onerned with the SMS on  ,shore and at sea should !e given  ,shore and at sea should !e given

  ,learly worded unam!iguous,learly worded unam!iguous definitions of their responsi!ilities definitions of their responsi!ilities

  ,and authority to assist in motivating,and authority to assist in motivating them to understand the vital them to understand the vital

 importane of their performane in importane of their performane in the suess of the safety management the suess of the safety management



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v The level of ompetene for the tasks 

The level of ompetene for the tasks involved should !e learly defined and involved should !e learly defined and

 senior management should ensure that senior management should ensure that shore and sea personnel are ade.uately shore and sea personnel are ade.uately

 .ualified and e-periened to undertake .ualified and e-periened to undertake

  .their duties.their dutiesv  The use of diagrammatial harts of the The use of diagrammatial harts of the

 organisation should !e onsidered to organisation should !e onsidered to show how the defined responsi!ilities show how the defined responsi!ilities

 of shore and sea personnel interrelate

 of shore and sea personnel interrelate

  .to ahieve the system/s o!(etives  .to ahieve the system/s o!(etives

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v  To ensure the safe operation of eah To ensure the safe operation of eah ship and to provide a link !etween ship and to provide a link !etween

  ,the ompany and those on!oard every  ,the ompany and those on!oard every  ( )ompany should designate a person s  ( )ompany should designate a person s

 ashore having diret aess to the ashore having diret aess to the  .highest level of management  .highest level of management

v   &The responsi!ility authority of the &The responsi!ility authority of the  ( )designated person s should inlude( )designated person s should inlude  &monitoring the safety pollution  &monitoring the safety pollution prevention aspets of the operation prevention aspets of the operation

 of eah ship and to ensure that of eah ship and to ensure that

  &ade.uate resoures shore !ased &ade.uate resoures shore !ased  .support are applied  .support are applied


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v  0or any Management System to !e 0or any Management System to !e  ,ade.uately maintained it is,ade.uately maintained it is

  :neessary for:neessary for§  its effetives and degree of its effetives and degree of

 implementation to !e verified implementation to !e verified

§  defiienies to !e reported to defiienies to !e reported to the responsi!le level of the responsi!le level of

managementmanagement§  persons responsi!le for persons responsi!le for

 retifying the defiienies to retifying the defiienies to !e identified!e identified

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v  The task of implementing and maintaining the SMS The task of implementing and maintaining the SMS

 is a line management responsi!ility

 is a line management responsi!ility

v  erifiation and monitoring ativities should !e erifiation and monitoring ativities should !e arried out !y a person independent of the arried out !y a person independent of the

 ,esponsi!ility and Implementation ,esponsi!ility and Implementation§   ( ) &The P s should !e suita!ly .ualified( ) &The P s should !e suita!ly .ualified

  &e-periened in the Safety Pollution ontrol  &e-periened in the Safety Pollution ontrol

  &aspets of ship operations should !e fully  &aspets of ship operations should !e fully  ’onversant with the Company s Safety and  ’onversant with the Company s Safety and

 $nvironmental Protetion Poliies $nvironmental Protetion Poliies§   ( )The P s should have the independene and authority( )The P s should have the independene and authority

 to report defiienies o!served to the ighest to report defiienies o!served to the ighest

 +evel of Management +evel of Management§   ( )The P s should have the responsi!ility for( )The P s should have the responsi!ility for  ,organising Safety *udits and should ensure that  ,organising Safety *udits and should ensure that  .Corretive *tion has to !e taken  .Corretive *tion has to !e taken

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  &The Company should learly define  &The Company should learly define

  ’doument the Master s ,esponsi!ility with  ’doument the Master s ,esponsi!ility with  :regards to:regards tov   &Implementing the Safety $nvironmental  &Implementing the Safety $nvironmental

  ;Protetion Poliy of the Company  ;Protetion Poliy of the Companyv  Motivating the rew in the )!servation Motivating the rew in the )!servation

 of that Poliy of that Poliyv   &Issuing *ppropriate )rders  &Issuing *ppropriate )rders

  &Instrutions in a Clear Simple  &Instrutions in a Clear Simple;manner;manner

v  erifying that Speified ,e.uirements erifying that Speified ,e.uirements  ;are o!served and;are o!served andv  ,eviewing the SMS and reporting its ,eviewing the SMS and reporting its

 defiienies to the Shore !ased defiienies to the Shore !asedManagementManagement


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v  The Company should ensure that he SMS The Company should ensure that he SMS

 operating on!oard the ship ontains a operating on!oard the ship ontains a lear statement emphasiing the lear statement emphasiing the’Master s *uthority’Master s *uthority

v  The Company should esta!lish in the SMS The Company should esta!lish in the SMS that the Master has the )verriding that the Master has the )verriding

 &*uthority the ,esponsi!ility to make&*uthority the ,esponsi!ility to make deisions with respet to Safety and deisions with respet to Safety and.Pollution.Pollution

v  Clear guidane on matters affeting the Clear guidane on matters affeting the

  , ,Safety of the Crew the $nvironment the  , ,Safety of the Crew the $nvironment the Ship and its Cargo is an important Ship and its Cargo is an important element in the link !etween ship and element in the link !etween ship and




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v  Masters should !e given every Masters should !e given every &enouragement assistane to&enouragement assistane to  .implement the system  .implement the system

v  *ny system of heks and !alanes *ny system of heks and !alanes implemented !y shore !ased implemented !y shore !ased

  ,management should allow for and  ,management should allow for and  ,sit omforta!ly with the master/s  ,sit omforta!ly with the master/s

 overriding authority and overriding authority and disretion to take whatever ation disretion to take whatever ation

 he onsiders to !e in the !est he onsiders to !e in the !est

  , ,interests of passengers rew the  , ,interests of passengers rew the ship and the marine environment ship and the marine environment


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vhe Company should ensure thathe Company should ensure thatthe "aster is)the "aster is)

§  Properly .ualified for ommand Properly .ualified for ommand§  0ully onversant with the Company 0ully onversant with the Company

 SMS andSMS and§  iven the neessary support so iven the neessary support so  ’that the Master s uties an !e  ’that the Master s uties an !e

  .safety performed.safety performed



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v:ith regards to the "aster#s ;ualification and:ith regards to the "aster#s ;ualification andCompetence* it is essential that the CompanyCompetence* it is essential that the Companyonly appoints "asters)only appoints "asters)

§   6ho have the re.uired level of training  6ho have the re.uired level of training

§  old appropriate internationally reognised old appropriate internationally reognised ertifiates andertifiates and§  *re onsidered !y the Company to have the *re onsidered !y the Company to have the

 Competene to ommand the type of vessel Competene to ommand the type of vessel  .to whih they are to !e assigned  .to whih they are to !e assigned


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vhe Company should ensure that each shiphe Company should ensure that each shipis manned ,ith <ualified* certificated andis manned ,ith <ualified* certificated andmedically fit seafarers in accordance ,ithmedically fit seafarers in accordance ,ithnational and international re<uirementsnational and international re<uirements

v:hen considering manning* the right:hen considering manning* the rightcommitment $ motivation need to be instilledcommitment $ motivation need to be instilledin those shipboard personnel upon ,hosein those shipboard personnel upon ,hoseattitude the effectiveness of the S"S ,illattitude the effectiveness of the S"S ,illdepend+depend+



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vhe Company should consider thehe Company should consider thefollo,ing ,hen addressing manning infollo,ing ,hen addressing manning in

the conte=t of S"S)the conte=t of S"S)§  The trade in whih the ship is The trade in whih the ship is

 &engaged workload of the rew&engaged workload of the rew§  The skills re.uired for the safe The skills re.uired for the safe

 e-eution of the task the rew is e-eution of the task the rew is e-peted to perform in normal e-peted to perform in normal & .operations during emergenies& .operations during emergenies

§   ’The rew s awareness with respet to’The rew s awareness with respet to/his her SMS duties/his her SMS duties

§  The availa!ility of the appropriate The availa!ility of the appropriate reords of .ualifiations and reords of .ualifiations and medial fitnessmedial fitness



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vhe -amiliarisation of the cre, ,ith theirhe -amiliarisation of the cre, ,ith theirS"S related duties is important from theS"S related duties is important from thepoint of vie, of maintaining the continuitypoint of vie, of maintaining the continuity$ Effective levels of the S"S+$ Effective levels of the S"S+

vhe Company should ensure that ne,he Company should ensure that ne,personnel and personnel transferred topersonnel and personnel transferred tone, assignments related to safety $ne, assignments related to safety $Protection of the Environment are givenProtection of the Environment are givenproper familiari>ation ,ith their dutiesproper familiari>ation ,ith their duties

vInstructions ,hich are essential to beInstructions ,hich are essential to be

provided prior to sailing should beprovided prior to sailing should beidentified* documented and givenidentified* documented and given



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vCompanies should ensure that relevantCompanies should ensure that relevantpersonnel are also familiar ,ith otherpersonnel are also familiar ,ith otherConventions ,hich are incorporated inConventions ,hich are incorporated inand published as national legislation*and published as national legislation*dealing ,ith aspects of safe shipdealing ,ith aspects of safe ship

operation and pollution prevention asoperation and pollution prevention as,ell as applicable Classification,ell as applicable ClassificationSocieties# rules and regulationsSocieties# rules and regulations




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v0ther relevant information $ guidelines0ther relevant information $ guidelines

published by Classification Societies andpublished by Classification Societies andhelpful echnical Guides on Safe 0perationshelpful echnical Guides on Safe 0perationsand Safe :or5ing routines issued byand Safe :or5ing routines issued byvarious organisations* particularly hevarious organisations* particularly he

International Chamber of ShippingInternational Chamber of Shipping

( ),ICS( ),ICS

the 0il Companies International "arinethe 0il Companies International "arine-orum-orum ( ),)CIM0( ),)CIM0 $ the Society of$ the Society ofInternational Gas an5er $ erminalInternational Gas an5er $ erminal0perators0perators ( )SITT)( )SITT) should also covered asshould also covered asappropriate under this re<uirement+appropriate under this re<uirement+




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vCompanies should consider theCompanies should consider theestablishment of ?ibraries ashoreestablishment of ?ibraries ashoreand onboard ,here safety referenceand onboard ,here safety referencematerial is available+ hese areasmaterial is available+ hese areas

should be supervised $ maintainedshould be supervised $ maintained,ith up to date publications+,ith up to date publications+



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vhe Company should establish $ maintainhe Company should establish $ maintainprocedures for identifying any training ,hichprocedures for identifying any training ,hichmay be re<uired in support of the S"S $ ensuremay be re<uired in support of the S"S $ ensurethat such training is provided for all personnelthat such training is provided for all personnelconcerned+concerned+

§  Safety training drills should !e arried Safety training drills should !e arried

  &out in aordane with the proedures  &out in aordane with the proedures  .re.uirements laid down in the SMS The  .re.uirements laid down in the SMS The

 drills should over likely emergeny drills should over likely emergeny &situations should aim to ensure that&situations should aim to ensure that

  ’rew mem!ers meet the Company s SMS  ’rew mem!ers meet the Company s SMS &standard gain onfidene in ontrolling&standard gain onfidene in ontrolling situations that are likely to arise should situations that are likely to arise should

  .an emergeny our  .an emergeny our



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§   , &,esults of safety audits drills the  , &,esults of safety audits drills the  ,analysis of aidents haardous  ,analysis of aidents haardous

 & -ourrenes non onformities may assist& -ourrenes non onformities may assist in identifying additional ompany in identifying additional ompany training re.uirements or neessary training re.uirements or neessary  .hanges to SMS proedures  .hanges to SMS proedures

§  The Company should esta!lish and maintain The Company should esta!lish and maintain

 proedures for identifying any training proedures for identifying any training whih may !e re.uired in support of the whih may !e re.uired in support of the

 &SMS ensure that suh training is&SMS ensure that suh training is  .provided for all personnel onerned  .provided for all personnel onerned

§  The Company should onsider ways of The Company should onsider ways of reviewing individual training needs and reviewing individual training needs and for heking the validity of reorded for heking the validity of reorded

  ,.ualifiations in line with International  ,.ualifiations in line with International  .7ational and Speial Company re.uirements  .7ational and Speial Company re.uirements



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vhe Company should establish procedures byhe Company should establish procedures by,hich the ship#s personnel receive relevant,hich the ship#s personnel receive relevantinformation on the S"S in a ,or5ing languageinformation on the S"S in a ,or5ing languageor languages understood by themor languages understood by them

v All procedures $ instructions established are All procedures $ instructions established are,ritten in a clear and simple manner ,ritten in a clear and simple manner 

v:here contracted cre,ing agencies are used*:here contracted cre,ing agencies are used*Companies should issue them ,ith copies of theCompanies should issue them ,ith copies of therelevant provisions of the S"S* together ,ithrelevant provisions of the S"S* together ,ithnecessary instructions on their use* beforenecessary instructions on their use* beforeselected personnel are appointed+selected personnel are appointed+


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vhe Company should ensure that the ship#he Company should ensure that the ship#personnel are able to communicate effectively inpersonnel are able to communicate effectively inthe e=ecution of their duties related to the S"Sthe e=ecution of their duties related to the S"S

v A vital factor in the successful implementation of A vital factor in the successful implementation ofa S"S is the selection of the right personnel toa S"S is the selection of the right personnel tofill positions affecting its performance+fill positions affecting its performance+

vIn events leading up to $ during EmergencyIn events leading up to $ during EmergencySituations* the ability of the cre, toSituations* the ability of the cre, tocommunicate bet,een themselves $ ,ithcommunicate bet,een themselves $ ,ithpassengers has proved to be a crucial factor inpassengers has proved to be a crucial factor in

the outcome of many shipping incidents+the outcome of many shipping incidents+


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vEffective communication should be anEffective communication should be anaim at all times in the enhancement ofaim at all times in the enhancement ofsafety and pollution prevention+safety and pollution prevention+

vhe ability of personnel to communicatehe ability of personnel to communicateeffectively ,ith other cre, memberseffectively ,ith other cre, membersshould be revie,ed at the recruitmentshould be revie,ed at the recruitmentstage and during cre, appraisals+stage and during cre, appraisals+




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vCompanies using the services ofCompanies using the services ofcre,ing agencies should ensure thatcre,ing agencies should ensure thatre<uirements on this matter are fullyre<uirements on this matter are fullyunderstood at the recruitment stageunderstood at the recruitment stage

vhe performance of the agency in thehe performance of the agency in thesupply of cre, that meet thesesupply of cre, that meet thesere<uirements should be monitoredre<uirements should be monitoredand appropriate records 5ept+and appropriate records 5ept+


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vhe Company should establish procedures forhe Company should establish procedures for

the preparation of plans $ instructions for 5eythe preparation of plans $ instructions for 5eyshipboard operations concerning the safety ofshipboard operations concerning the safety ofthe ship $ the prevention of pollution+the ship $ the prevention of pollution+

vhe various tas5s involved should be definedhe various tas5s involved should be defined

and assigned to <ualified personnel+and assigned to <ualified personnel+vEmphasis should be placed on PreventiveEmphasis should be placed on Preventive

 Actions ,hile maintaining the ability to respond Actions ,hile maintaining the ability to respondto $ correct non.conformities or ha>ardousto $ correct non.conformities or ha>ardous

situations should they occur+situations should they occur+


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vCompanies identify 5ey shipboard operationsCompanies identify 5ey shipboard operationsand issue instructions on the manner in ,hichand issue instructions on the manner in ,hichthese operations are to be performed+these operations are to be performed+

vContinuing supervision $ verification ofContinuing supervision $ verification of

compliance ,ith these instructions is importantcompliance ,ith these instructions is importantvRelevant International and 3ational rules thatRelevant International and 3ational rules thatgovern certain aspects of these operations needgovern certain aspects of these operations needto be incorporated into Company procedures*to be incorporated into Company procedures*

plans and instructions+plans and instructions+

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vIn addition* Companies should referIn addition* Companies should referto helpful technical guides issued byto helpful technical guides issued byvarious industry organisationsvarious industry organisations

v All ,ritten procedures* instructions or All ,ritten procedures* instructions or

plans should be 5ept simple andplans should be 5ept simple andunambiguous+unambiguous+


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vChec5lists may be of considerable help inChec5lists may be of considerable help in

insuring that all routines in a particularinsuring that all routines in a particularoperational phase are covered+operational phase are covered+

v:hile recognising that all shipboard:hile recognising that all shipboardoperations can affect safety $ pollutionoperations can affect safety $ pollution

prevention* Companies may considerprevention* Companies may considerdividing Safety related shipboarddividing Safety related shipboardoperations into t,o categories)operations into t,o categories)§  Speial )perationsSpeial )perations

§  Critial )perationsCritial )perations

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v  This may !e done to prioritise operational This may !e done to prioritise operational

 &planning allow the ma-imum level of&planning allow the ma-imum level of attention to !e paid to those ship!oard attention to !e paid to those ship!oard operations whih are ruial to safety and operations whih are ruial to safety and

  .to the protetion of the environment  .to the protetion of the environmentv  Speial ship!oard operations are those Speial ship!oard operations are those

 where errors may !eome apparent only where errors may !eome apparent only after they have reated haardous after they have reated haardous

  .situations or when aidents have ourred  .situations or when aidents have ourredv  Proedures and instrutions for speial Proedures and instrutions for speial

 operations should over preautions and operations should over preautions and heks that aim to orret unsafe heks that aim to orret unsafe  .praties !efore aident our  .praties !efore aident our

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v  $-amples of Critial )perations are $-amples of Critial )perations are (!ut(!ut  ):not limited to  ):not limited to

§  $nsuring watertight integrity $nsuring watertight integrity§   ,7avigational safety inluding the,7avigational safety inluding the  &orretion of harts pu!liations  &orretion of harts pu!liations

§  )perations affeting the relia!ility of )perations affeting the relia!ility of the e.uipment the e.uipment ( )suh as steering gear( )suh as steering gear &&

assoiated stand!y mahinery assoiated stand!y mahinery§  Maintenane operationsMaintenane operations§  8unkering operations and oil transfers in 8unkering operations and oil transfers in


§   &Maintaining sta!ility preventing &Maintaining sta!ility preventing &overloading over stressing&overloading over stressing§   ,+ashing of ontainers argo and other  ,+ashing of ontainers argo and other

;items and;items and§   ,Ship seurity terrorism and piray,Ship seurity terrorism and piray

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vCritical shipboard operations are thoseCritical shipboard operations are those,here a error may immediately cause an,here a error may immediately cause anaccident or a situation ,hich could threatenaccident or a situation ,hich could threatenpeople* the environment or the shippeople* the environment or the ship

vParticular attention should be dra,n to theParticular attention should be dra,n to theneed to adhere to strict instructions in theneed to adhere to strict instructions in theconduct of critical operations* andconduct of critical operations* andsatisfactory performance should be closelysatisfactory performance should be closelymonitored+monitored+

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v  $-amples of ritial ship!oard operations:are ( ):!ut not limited to

§  7avigation in onfined waters or high density traffi areas§  )perations that may ause a sudden loss

 of manoeuvra!ility in lose or high

 density traffi areas

§  7avigation in onditions of reduedvisi!ility

§  )perations in heavy weather onditions§   &The handling stowage of haardous

 &argoes no-ious su!stanes§  &8unkering oil transfer at sea§   ,Cargo operations on gas hemial and oil

;tankers and§  Critial mahinery operations   ontdontd

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v Arrangements should be put inplace to monitor the operationalcompetence of cre, underta5ingcritical shipboard operations

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vhe Company should establishhe Company should establish

procedures to Identify* Describe $procedures to Identify* Describe $Respond to Potential EmergencyRespond to Potential EmergencyShipboard SituationsShipboard Situations

vhe Company should establishhe Company should establish

Programmes for Drills $ E=ercisesProgrammes for Drills $ E=ercisesto prepare for Emergency Actionsto prepare for Emergency Actions



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vhe S"S should provide for measureshe S"S should provide for measuresensuring that the company#sensuring that the company#sorganisation can respond at any time toorganisation can respond at any time toha>ards* accidents $ emergencyha>ards* accidents $ emergencysituations involving its ships+situations involving its ships+

vIt is important that company shore $It is important that company shore $shipboard contingency planning isshipboard contingency planning isconsistent and appropriately integrated+consistent and appropriately integrated+



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vShore based Contingency Plans may include)Shore based Contingency Plans may include)§   &The omposition duties of the persons &The omposition duties of the persons

 ating within the Contingeny Plan ating within the Contingeny Plan§  Proedures for the mo!ilisation of an Proedures for the mo!ilisation of an appropriate ompany emergeny respond appropriate ompany emergeny respond

(whih may inlude the esta!lishment of an(whih may inlude the esta!lishment of an  )emergeny respond team  )emergeny respond team

§  Proedures to follow in respond to Proedures to follow in respond to different types of aidents or different types of aidents or haardous oureneshaardous ourenes

§   &Proedures for esta!lishing maintaining  &Proedures for esta!lishing maintaining  &ontat !etween the ship management  &ontat !etween the ship management

ashoreashore§   ,The availa!ility of ship partiulars  ,The availa!ility of ship partiulars

, , & &plans sta!ility information safety, , & &plans sta!ility information safety environmental protetion e.uipment environmental protetion e.uipment

 arried on!oardarried on!oard




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§Chec5lists appropriate to the type of emergencyChec5lists appropriate to the type of emergency

,hich may assist in the systematic <uestioning,hich may assist in the systematic <uestioningof the ship during the responseof the ship during the response

§?ists of contact names $ telecommunication?ists of contact names $ telecommunicationdetails of all relevant parties ,ho may need todetails of all relevant parties ,ho may need to

be notified $ consultedbe notified $ consulted§Reporting methods for both ship $ shore basedReporting methods for both ship $ shore based

managementmanagement§Procedures for notifying $ liaising ,ith the ne=t ofProcedures for notifying $ liaising ,ith the ne=t of

5in of persons onboard5in of persons onboard




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§Procedures for issuing information bulletins to $Procedures for issuing information bulletins to $ans,ering <ueries from the media $ the publicans,ering <ueries from the media $ the public

§@ac5 up arrangements for the company#s initial@ac5 up arrangements for the company#s initialrespond in the event of a protracted emergencyrespond in the event of a protracted emergency

§he roistering of the company personnel $he roistering of the company personnel $specialists dedicated to support the response $specialists dedicated to support the response $ade<uate relief for the maintenance of theirade<uate relief for the maintenance of theirroutine dutiesroutine duties



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vShipboard Contingency Plans should ta5eShipboard Contingency Plans should ta5einto account of the various types ofinto account of the various types ofemergency ,hich may arise on a particularemergency ,hich may arise on a particularship and may include)ship and may include)

§   &The alloation of duties  &The alloation of duties responsi!ilities on!oardresponsi!ilities on!oard§  *tions to !e taken to regain ontrol *tions to !e taken to regain ontrol

 of a situation of a situation§  Communiation methods to !e used Communiation methods to !e used





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§  Proedures for re.uesting assistane from Proedures for re.uesting assistane from third partiesthird parties§   &Proedures for notifying the ompany  &Proedures for notifying the ompany

 reporting to relevant authorities reporting to relevant authorities§  Maintaining ommuniations !etween the Maintaining ommuniations !etween the

  ;ship and shore and  ;ship and shore and§  Proedures for dealing with the media or Proedures for dealing with the media or

 other outside parties other outside parties



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vContingency Plans should be established toContingency Plans should be established to

describe ho, to deal ,ith emergency situationsdescribe ho, to deal ,ith emergency situationsrelated to damage* fire* pollution* personnel*related to damage* fire* pollution* personnel*security and cargo+ E=amples include)security and cargo+ E=amples include)§  – , ,0ailures Strutural Main $ngine – , ,0ailures Strutural Main $ngine

  ,Steering ear $letrial Power

,Steering ear $letrial Power

§CollisionCollision§  – , , ,Cargo Shifting Spillage Contamination – , , ,Cargo Shifting Spillage Contamination





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§0looding0looding§  *!andoning ship*!andoning ship§   / &Man over!oard searh / &Man over!oard searh


 $ntry into enlosed spaes $ntry into enlosed spaes

§  Serious in(urySerious in(ury§  Terrorism or piray Terrorism or piray§  eliopter operations and eliopter operations and§  eavy weather damages eavy weather damages



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vhe list is by no means e=haustive $ thehe list is by no means e=haustive $ theCompany should attempt to identify all possibleCompany should attempt to identify all possible

situations ,here shipboard contingencysituations ,here shipboard contingencyplanning ,ould be re<uired* relative to the ship*planning ,ould be re<uired* relative to the ship*its construction* e<uipment and tradeits construction* e<uipment and trade

vInternational regulation under "ARP0? %1/%(*International regulation under "ARP0? %1/%(*

 Anne= ' regulation 6 re<uires every oil tan5er Anne= ' regulation 6 re<uires every oil tan5erof 'B7 GR and above and every ship otherof 'B7 GR and above and every ship otherthan tan5er of &77 GR and above* to have athan tan5er of &77 GR and above* to have ashipboard oil pollution emergency planshipboard oil pollution emergency plan ( )S)P$P( )S)P$P



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v Actions to counter potential Emergency Actions to counter potential EmergencySituations should be practised in DrillsSituations should be practised in Drills

v A programme of such drills* additional to A programme of such drills* additional tothose re<uired by S0?AS Conventionthose re<uired by S0?AS Convention

should be conducted to develop $ maintainshould be conducted to develop $ maintainconfidence $ proficiency onboardconfidence $ proficiency onboard



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vhese drills should be developed to e=ercise thehese drills should be developed to e=ercise the

emergency plans established for criticalemergency plans established for criticalsituations and should* as appropriate* mobilisesituations and should* as appropriate* mobilisethe shore based management emergencythe shore based management emergencycontingency plans under simulated conditions+contingency plans under simulated conditions+

vEmergency drills and e=ercises should beEmergency drills and e=ercises should becarried out regularly to test the effectivenesscarried out regularly to test the effectivenessand clarity of emergency plans* and to developand clarity of emergency plans* and to developthe confidence and competence of thethe confidence and competence of the

personnel ,ho may be involved in actualpersonnel ,ho may be involved in actualemergencies+emergencies+



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vRecords of all emergency drills $Records of all emergency drills $

e=ercises conducted ashore $ on boarde=ercises conducted ashore $ on boardshould be maintained be available forshould be maintained be available forverification purposesverification purposes

v Appropriate personnel should evaluate Appropriate personnel should evaluate

the results of these drills $ e=ercises asthe results of these drills $ e=ercises asan aid to determining the effectiveness ofan aid to determining the effectiveness ofdocumented procedures+documented procedures+

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  hank You

  .TS Maritime Sdn

