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Isolomzi express 11 03 2015

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press ISOLOMZI 20 000 COPIES WEEKLY Cala | Dutywa | Butterworth | Centani | Elliotdale | Ngcobo | Tsomo Nqamakwe | Willowvale | Cofimvaba | Elliot THURSDAY March 12, 2015 |0 047 050 4430 | www.isoexpress.co.za | isoexpress.mobi | [email protected] or [email protected] | Previously known as the Isolomzi Fever EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE UKUBA UNENGXAKI ZAMATYALA SIYAFUMANEKA KULENOMBOLO or Send “ ” to Consolidate your into 1 payment e-mail – [email protected] “NCR”REGISTERED DEBT COUNSELLORS Please call me 082 378 3743 DEBT NO LOAN / NO STRESS MVJ2SV-220115-TE-ebmswa-debt GREG NOTA W HAT was supposed to be a peaceful march about service delivery, turned violent on Monday in Mbizana when a crowd of people destroyed shop windows and a municipal gate, threw stones at mu- nicipal offices before burning a rubbish bin. The protest was organised by the Bi- zana Taxi Owners Association with the hope of handing over their petition to the MEC for Public Worksm Tandiswa Marawu, at Fonoza stop but unfortu- nately she she didn’t arrive on Monday. All roads leading to Mbizana town were closed from Redoubt, Fonoza stop, Nomlacu and at Matwebu turn offs and no vehicles were allowed in and out of the town. Most shops were closed and those who opened were forced to close on Monday and on Tuesday. Schools were also affected as learners, who walked to school, were told to go home and return on Wednesday. According to police spokesperson Captain Mlungisi Mathidane, 24 people were arrested for public violence and damage to property. They appeared on Tuesday in the Mbizana Magistrates Court. Seven people were injured when po- lice shot rubber bullets. He said two big shops and other small outlets windows were damaged, as well as the municipal gate and buildings that were stoned. On Tuesday morning taxis had start- ed blocking the roads again but the po- lice managed to get them to remove their vehicles. The situation remained tense. It was alleged that a municipal traffic officer shot a taxi driver who was ad- mitted to St Patrick’s Hospital. Captain Mathidane was unable to confirm the shooting but the chairper- son of the Bizana Taxi Owners Associa- tion, Jali Mdishwa, confirmed that a driver was shot by an officer. Mdishwa said they decided to block the roads so that they could be listened to. They were protesting over the state of the badly damaged R61 road. “We were promised that the roads from Redoubt to Greenville, Nomlacu to Harding and the road to Oliver Tam- bo homestead in Nkantolo will be tarred. But up to now nothing has been done and our vehicles are being dam- aged by these roads,” said Mdishwa. He said they were promised that the MEC for Public Works, Tandiswa Mar- awa, was going to come to them on Mon- day at Fonoza stop. But it didn’t happen which is why they had to march to the municipal offices to meet with the may- or. Attempts to get hold of the Mbizana Mayor, Makhaya Twabu, before going to print, were unsuccessful as he was not answering either of his two phones. An sms was also sent but no reply was received. The Municipal manager Vuyo Mahlaka’s phone also went unan- swered and was later switched off. On Tuesday morning MEC Marawa visited the Mbizana Local Municipality offices to accept the petition from the association. MEC Marawa promised that their grievances will be looked at. RUBBER BULLETS RAIN ON MBIZANA: SEVEN INJURED AND 24 ARRESTED Taxi protest turns violent Taxis blocking the road at Fonoza stop which is the entrance and the exit of Mbizana town. PHOTO: GREG NOTA School children were told to go home and return to school on Wednesday. PHOTO: GREG NOTA Trucks were unable to exit the town of Mbizana on Monday as taxis were blocking the road at Matwebu. PHOTO: GREG NOTA
Page 1: Isolomzi express 11 03 2015


20 000 COPIES WEEKLY Cala | Dutywa | Butterworth | Centani | Elliotdale | Ngcobo | TsomoNqamakwe | Willowvale | Cofimvaba | Elliot

THURSDAY March 12, 2015 |0 047 050 4430 | www.isoexpress.co.za | isoexpress.mobi | [email protected] or [email protected] | Previously known as the Isolomzi Fever EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE



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WHAT was supposed to bea peaceful march aboutservice delivery, turnedviolent on Monday inMbizana when a crowd

of people destroyed shop windows anda municipal gate, threw stones at mu-nicipal offices beforeburninga rubbishbin.

The protest was organised by the Bi-zana Taxi OwnersAssociationwith thehope of handing over their petition tothe MEC for Public Worksm TandiswaMarawu, at Fonoza stop but unfortu-nately she she didn’t arrive onMonday.All roads leading to Mbizana town

were closed fromRedoubt, Fonoza stop,Nomlacu and at Matwebu turn offs and

no vehicles were allowed in and out ofthe town. Most shops were closed andthose who opened were forced to closeon Monday and on Tuesday. Schoolswere also affected as learners, whowalked to school, were told to go homeand return on Wednesday.According to police spokesperson

CaptainMlungisiMathidane, 24 peoplewere arrested for public violence anddamage to property. They appeared onTuesday in the Mbizana MagistratesCourt.Seven people were injured when po-

lice shot rubber bullets.He said two big shops and other small

outlets windowswere damaged, as wellas the municipal gate and buildingsthat were stoned.On Tuesday morning taxis had start-

ed blocking the roads again but the po-

lice managed to get them to removetheir vehicles. The situation remainedtense.It was alleged that amunicipal traffic

officer shot a taxi driver who was ad-mitted to St Patrick’s Hospital.Captain Mathidane was unable to

confirm the shooting but the chairper-son of the Bizana Taxi OwnersAssocia-tion, Jali Mdishwa, confirmed that adriver was shot by an officer.Mdishwa said they decided to block

the roads so that they could be listenedto. They were protesting over the stateof the badly damaged R61 road.“We were promised that the roads

from Redoubt to Greenville, Nomlacuto Harding and the road to Oliver Tam-bo homestead in Nkantolo will betarred. But up to now nothing has beendone and our vehicles are being dam-

aged by these roads,” said Mdishwa.He said they were promised that the

MEC for Public Works, Tandiswa Mar-awa,was going to come to themonMon-day at Fonoza stop. But it didn’t happenwhich is why they had to march to themunicipal offices tomeetwith themay-or.Attempts to get hold of the Mbizana

Mayor, Makhaya Twabu, before goingto print, were unsuccessful as he wasnot answering either of his two phones.An sms was also sent but no reply wasreceived. The Municipal managerVuyoMahlaka’s phone alsowent unan-swered and was later switched off.On Tuesday morning MEC Marawa

visited theMbizanaLocalMunicipalityoffices to accept the petition from theassociation. MEC Marawa promisedthat their grievances will be looked at.


Taxiprotest turnsviolent

Taxis blocking the road at Fonoza stop which is the entrance and the exit of Mbizana town. PHOTO: GREG NOTA

School children were told to go home and return to school on Wednesday. PHOTO:GREG NOTA

Trucks were unable to exit the town of Mbizana on Monday as taxis were blocking theroad at Matwebu. PHOTO: GREG NOTA

Page 2: Isolomzi express 11 03 2015

2 NewsMarch 12, 2015Isolomzi Express



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THE Mt Ayilff police are hunting down aman (21) who is believed to have connedabout 85 people in two villages by promisingthem jobs if they paid him R500 for medicaltests.

According to police spokesperson, Cap-tain Mlungisi Matidane, this man hadconned the people of Gillespy and Tella loca-tions in Mt Ayliff out of approximatelyR65 000.

Reports claim the man met with a localemerging businessman in Kokstad andasked him to subcontract with him, becausehe had a company that was manufacturing

building material in Pretoria and wouldneed skilled people from the Transkei towork in his company.

Local businessman Mncedisi Jajukaagreed and he sent his documentation to theman.

This was followed by a phone call whichconfirmed their agreement of work.

It is alleged that the sameman fromPreto-ria told Jajuka to hire about 85 people whowould have been sent to Pretoria for train-ing. The man allegedly asked Jajuka tomake sure that each person recruited paidR500 for medical tests when they got to Pre-toria.

People who were recruited paid the mon-ey as requested and the man from Pretoria

came down to collect the rest of the moneyfromthosewhohadnot paid.But before theycontinued with the collection of the out-standingmonies, Jakuja suggested that theygo to the police station to have an affidavittaken about their deal.

Following some questions concerning thecollection of the cash, the man was interro-gated by the police.

Captain Matidane said the man allegedlywent to fetch his identity document fromhiscar, but he never returned to the station.

“We have deployed police all over thecountry to look for this man. We are tryingto prevent more people falling victim to hisscam. We also discovered an ID in his bagwhich he left behind and an ID of a deceased

person with a fraudulant picture.”Healso confirmed that thepolice inMtAy-

liff were investigating a case of fraud andtheft.

He said they were expecting more victimsof this scam to come forward. The man whohad established a relationship with the conartist, and who had recruited people, wentback to the communities to apologize in thecompany of the police.

He told residents that he was not awareof the man’s alleged fraudulent intent. Hethought the man was there to help the job-less people of the area.

Attempts to get hold of Mncedisi Jakujawere fruitless as his phone was on voice-mail.

MtAyliff police on the hunt for con artist


THE founder of the Mnquma Gospel Awards (MGA),Sine Mkhetshane, from Butterworth has promised sup-porters of this event that this would now be an annualevent.

TheMnqumaGospelAwardswhichwas held recently,had catered for people from areas in the Mnquma LocalMunicipal area, including Butterworth, Centane andNgqamakhwe.

Speaking toExpress,Mkhetshane said he realized thatlocal artists were not recognized most of the time.

“I had a vision to do these awards. I shared my visionwith my wife who gave me huge support. I then ap-proached one of the business owners in Butterworth todiscuss my vision with himwith the aim of fulfilling it,”said Mkhetshane.

He said they had then decided to host the awards atthe beginning of this year. His aimwas to uplift the stan-dard of the gospel artists around Mnquma and to makethem feel more connected with the community.

“We have started with artists from the Mnquma area,but as time goes by we are willing to expand to otherareas. We have aalready started preparing for nextyear’s awards ceremony.”

Mkhetshane said he was hoping that this initiativewould change the lives of artists and give themmore ex-posure, since they were producing CD’s that heal andgive hope to those who have broken hearts.

MnqumaGospelAwards tobecomeannual event

Mnquma Gospel Artists who took part in the 2015 Mnquma Gospel Awards at the beginning of the year. PHOTO: SUPLLIED

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Page 3: Isolomzi express 11 03 2015

3NewsMarch 12, 2015Isolomzi Express

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THE woman (29) who has been charged withthree counts of murder and one of concealingbirth, has confessed that all the remainsfound in a freezer in her home had been thoseof her offspring.

This came to light during Malice Jacobs’sbail hearing in the Mthatha Magistrates’Court last Thursday.Jacobs,who is fromNewBrighton inMthat-

ha, was denied bail for her own safety, sinceresidents of the area were threatening to takejustice into their ownhands, should she be re-leased. Jacobs said she had given birth to allthe children found in the freezer and that she

had decided to keep them in there, becauseshe couldn’t let them go.“They are my flesh and blood. I needed my

babies to be close tome at all times,” she said.She asked the state to give back the remains

of her children so that she could have themcremated to enable her to keep their ashes inher house.She denied killing any of themand said that

they had all been miscarriages owing to theabuse shehad sufferedat thehandsof herboy-friend. According to her he was the father ofall four deceased children aswell as three oth-er siblings who are alive.Jacobs was attending the burial of the late

father of her seven children when the corpsesof the fourbabieswerediscovered in the freez-

er in her New Brighton home.According to the post-mortem reports, two

of the children had died of hypothermia andthe third of strangulation. According to thesereports, the fourth victim had died as the re-sult of an abortion.The court heard that she wanted to see her

children and would like to know where theywere being kept.Warrant officer Nkanyiso Ndamase, who is

investigating the case, confirmed that duringtheir first meeting (which took place beforeher arrest) Jacobs had asked where her chil-drenwere and had said that she wanted to seethem. Last Thursday she told the court thatshe is not a witch and that she didn’t believein witchcraft.

“I only want my children to be next to meat all times.”She had denied that there had been food in

the freezer where she kept her children’s re-mains. “I kept them in a separate refrigeratorwhich was not opened often.”She said she had been keeping them there

for four years.She said all four babies had been stillborn

between 2009 and 2012.At Thursday’s hearing, her lawyerMpume-

lelo Notununu, insisted that she be grantedbail, because her children needed her.One of her sons celebrated his birthday on

the day of the hearing.Magistrate Nompumelelo Bango will con-

tinue hearing the bail application today.


Sheneededbabies ‘tobe close’

Malice Jacobs cried during her bail application proceedings.She said she had given birth to all thechildren found in the freezer and that she had decided to keep them in there, because shecouldn’t let them go. PHOTO: SIMBONGILE MDLEDLE

Malice Jacobs (29) and her lawyer, Mpumelelo Notununu, in the Mthatha Magistrates’ Courtduring her bail application last Thursday. PHOTO: SIMBONGILE MDLEDLE

Express is a member of theAudit Bureau of Circulations ofSouth Africa and is managed,printed and distributed byMedia24 Newspapers, on

behalf of the owner, Media24Limited, 40 Heerengracht, CapeTown. In terms of Art. 12(7) ofthe Copyright Act, 1978, no

report, article or photo may bereproduced without the permis-

sion of the owner.



THE Eastern Cape MEC for Rural Develop-ment and Agrarian Reform (ECRDAR), Mli-bo Qoboshiyane, delivered gardening toolsand seedlings to 50 households that partici-pated in the department’s organic farmingtraining at Nkanga Village in Willowvalelast week.

Qhoboshiyane handed over rainwatertanks, wheelbarrows, watering cans, forkspades, 12 bags of green pepper, cabbage,spinach, carrot, beetroot and onion seed-lings (each bag had about 400 seedlings in-side) to 50 Nkanga households. This was aft-er members of the households were taught

organic farming methods.“Nkanga is one of the declared anti-pover-

ty sites in the Province which receives inte-grated government support aimed at eradi-cating poverty through community empow-erment, food security and development,”said Qoboshiyane.Besides the organic farming beneficia-

ries, the department gave cabbage, spinachseedlings and 1 000 free-range indigenouschickens to about 40 households with eachgetting 25 chickens.Qoboshiyane said the aim of the pro-

gramme was to capacitate communities touse organic methods to produce their ownfood to eliminate poverty, transfer farmingor smart agriculture skills to the local com-

munity.“Training content included all organic

farming aspects such as mulching, crop ro-tation, intercropping or companion plant-ing, production of fertilizers, liquid manurecreation and understanding of crops foreach season.”Participants were divided into two

groups, owing to the spread of villages witheach group given pamphlets to read beforedoing practical training in the garden.

MEChands over gardening tools and seedlings

MEC Mlibo Qhoboshiyane delivered garden-ing tools and seedlings to 50 households

that participated in the department’s organicfarming training. PHOTO:SUPPLIED

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Page 4: Isolomzi express 11 03 2015

4 NewsMarch 12, 2015Isolomzi Express


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THE Port St Johns municipality is mourn-ing the death of its mayor Danisile Mnya-mezeli Mangqo (40) who passed away onMarch 5 in a Durban hospital after a shortillness.

According to reports Mangqo showedsigns of illness and terrible coughing a fewweeks ago. As a result of these symptomshe visited the doctor who referred him tohospital.

Port St Johns speaker and close friend toMangqo, Thandisizwe Khukula, expressedhis sadness abut the sudden death ofMang-qo whom he regarded as his brother.

He said Mangqo was well-known for hisactions to unite people through culture, aswas evident in the recently held culturalfestival hosted by the municipality. Heplayed a leading role in making sure thatthe festival took place.

According to him Mangqo also played avital role in the Isingqi Sethu – an annualevent that is jointly hosted by the Port StJohns municipality and the Department ofSport, Recreation, Arts and Culture.

He described Mangqo as a man of peaceand unity, who loved to see Port St Johnswell developed.

“Hewas a very disciplined and respectedman,” said Khukula. Mangqo was also pop-ular in athletics circles.

PSJmourns the passing of itsmayorMangqo

His death follows that of former mayorof the municipality, WilliamMtakati, whoalso died recently.

The Executive Mayor of OR Tambo,Nomakhosazana Meth, has extended herheartfelt condolences to Mangqo’s family,loved ones, friends, and the people of PortSt Johns. “His untimely death has robbedthe Government of a passionate people’svolunteer and an advocate of people’s de-velopment.

“Mayor Mangqo was known for hisstrong views on youth development, edu-cation, skills development and the allevia-tion of the plight of the downtrodden mas-ses. While being mayor, he strived for therealization of a free and just society.

“We take this opportunity to thank hisfamily for allowing thepeople ofORTambodistrict to share his valuable life. Hismarkwill be a symbol of determination to be em-ulated by future generations, ” said Meth.

Mangqo will be buried on March 21, inhis home locality of Ntafufu.


COMMUNITY members from Ngcobo andsurrounding areas will now get services fromNedbank following the launch of the first“Branch Of The Future”.

This was done as part of Nedbank’s com-mitment to make banking more accessible toeveryone in South Africa.

Opening a full service branch in Ngcobohas been the desire of the bank for some timenow, as Nedbank has been trading solelyfrom its Boxer Store Kiosk in town.

Nedbank is excited to see this dream beingrealized through the further investment ofthis full service branch with its modern de-sign. The “Branch of the Future” concept isyet another step ofmany in a nationwide roll-out, following several branches across allnine provinces in South Africa.

The launch of the Ngcobo “Branch of the Fu-ture”is inkeepingwill thebank’sclientcentredapproach to continue delivering a choice of dis-tinctive experiences and banking channels, en-abled through state of the art technology.

Nedbank’s Managing Executive of RetailBranch Network, Dr Dave Schwengmann,said theywere delighted to bring the “Branchof the Future” model to Ngcobo, building ontheir footprint in the Eastern Cape.

“We believe our growing presence will goa long way in enabling greater financial in-clusion while contributing towards econom-ic growth and social development in Ngcoboand the surrounding communities,”

Schwengmann pointed out that while ac-cessibility remained a key driver, more andmore clients were looking to do banking ina unique, convenient environment where all

their needs are met.“Listening to and understanding the needs

of our clients are vital pillars to ensuring weadapt to the fast-changing needs of our cli-ents. While technological advancement will

continue to be a calalyst in enhancing clientexperience, the personal touch of our staffwhobring the bank’s vision to life in their dai-ly interactions with new and existing clientsremains a key differentiator.”

OneofNgcoboCommunitymembers,Noliz-wi Duna (18) fromManzana location said theywere happy to get this service. “We hope thatthe community members around Ngcobo willgain more from Nedbank,” said Duna.

Bankbrings services to thepeople

The staff members of Nedbank who will be serving the people of Ngcobo. PHOTO: SUPPLIED


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Page 5: Isolomzi express 11 03 2015

5NewsMarch 12, 2015Isolomzi Express

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MOUNT Ayliff-born Lulama Makha isamongst the three winners of the inaugu-ral Lithuba Lakho Eastern Cape CraftCompetition who have been selected to at-tend Africa’s Premier Design Showcase –Design Indaba 2015 in Cape Town.

The annualDesign Indaba is SouthAfri-ca’s Premier Showcase of high-end Afri-can design, exhibiting the home-grownwares of all the creative sectors under oneroof. Over 200 international buyers annu-ally use the Indaba as their creative explo-ration ground. In 2014,more than 800 localand international buyers made Design In-daba a sourcing destination.Makha who owns his own label called

LM Junior and is based in his rural townof Mount Ayliff, was over the moon withthe announcement.He started his company in 2014 and

deals with producing clothes, bags, andaccessories.He had transferred his skills to others

as he had trained many people in design-ing and sewing.“I am over the moon and the announce-

ment gave me more creativity, becausenow I realise that there are peoplewho are

watchingmyworkandwhoalso recogniseits uniqueness,” said Makha whose moth-er also excels at needle work.“Besides needle work being my calling,

I also followed in my mum’s footsteps be-cause she was also good at needle work.My focus now is onmen’s clothing, as peo-ple who manufacture men’s clothing arescarce in South Africa,” he said.The crafters who won were East Lon-

don’s Ozzys EcoDécorwhowonBest East-ern Cape Crafter: Home Ware, Port Eliza-beth’s Annette Oelofse Mohair Productswho won Best Eastern Cape Crafter: Ac-cessories and LM Junior from Mount Ay-liff who won Best Eastern Cape Crafter:Apparel.The Lithuba Lakho (This is Your

Chance) Eastern Cape Craft Competitionwas the brainchild of theEasternCapeDe-velopment Corporation (ECDC) in con-junction with the Nelson Mandela Metro-politan Art Museum (NMMAM) andMan-dela Bay Development Agency (MBDA).The competition is set to become an an-

nual event, identifying game-changersand creative design that best representthe spirit of the Eastern Cape.The winners each received prize packa-

ges worth R20 000 for purchasing machin-ery and material.

MtAyliff lad shines at craft competition

Lithuba LakhoEastern Cape CraftCompetition winners,Annette Oelofse(Annette OelofseMohair Products -Port Elizabeth),Lulama Makha (LMJunior – MountAyliff) and YolandaMsutwana (OzzysEco Décor – EastLondon). PHOTO:DONNA VD WATTPHOTOGRAPHY

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Express is a member of the Audit Bureau ofCirculations of South Africa and is managed,printed and distributed by Media24 Newspa-

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UKUNGATHATHI-ntweni kunye nokuthwaxwa yintlupheko kukhokelele ekubeniiintwazana ezimbini zase Slovo eMthatha zizibone sele zingamaxhoba okuthengisa ngemi-zimba ngenjongo zoku zaa ukuziphilisa.

Ichaza, enye yala mantombazane nenaloigama layo i-Express, ithe baqale ngonyakaathe umama wabo wabashiya wafumanaakutshata ePort St Jonhs. Kodwa uthe uyabanceda kuba abanye abantwana babo bahlalakuye. Uthe bayakufuna ukuphuma kulomkhwa kodwa baxakiwe ukuba bazakuphu-

ma batye ntoni kuba bondla abantwana bako-kwabo ngale mali.“Ayi mnandanga into esiyenzayo kuba si-

phakathi kozipho nenyama. Ngamanyeamaxesha siye sithathwe siyokulahlwa eM-thathaDam.Kwaye bakhona abantu abadlalanje ngathi, yiloo nto kungumnqweno wethuukuba sifumane imisebenzi eza kutshintshaubomi bethu,” kuchaza omnye wezi ntombi.Uqhube wathi, ngaphandle nje kokondla

abantwana bakamama wabo, baphinde kwa-khona bokhe indlu kwangale mali. Uthe ko-dwa ayide iphele nanjengoko bengenayo nen-dawo yokuhlala ecacileyo.Ukwathe lo mntwana babe sithanda isikolo

kodwabekuyekunyanzelekeukubabatshint-shane ukugada bantwana bakamama wabo,loo nto yenza ukuba bakhathale bayeke.“Bekuba buhlungu xa omnye ehleli engayiesikolweni de sathatha isigqibo sokuba si-yeke kwa sikolo eso. Siyathukwa nalaphaekuhlaleni kuthiwa sihlala kwinkokxa ze-

fish. Ayisiphathi kakuhle thina loo nto kubasizenzelanga ukuba sihlupheke.”Bathi aba bantwana eyona nto abayi

nqwenelakakhulukukubabafumane indawoengcono yokuba bahlale, ukuze babuyebonkebazokuhlalakwikhaya labo, kubango-ku bahlala etyotyombeni nalo liya netha xakunetha. Lo nto ibanyanzela ukuba baphumebayo qesha, kunyanzeleke babhatale irenti.

Bathi banyanzelwayimekoabathengisangomzimba

Le ntombazane ithi ngumnqweno wabo ukubababe nekhaya eli lilo nabo.


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Page 6: Isolomzi express 11 03 2015

6 NewsMarch 12, 2015Isolomzi Express

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She is spiritually good& te l l s p rob lemsbefore you can tell her.For any problem onearth eg: * Bring backlost lover, make lovermarry you and beyours forver * Maleenlargement all sizes,enlarge breast, hips allsizes * Oil to bringmoney in you house,magic wallet get morechange when you buy* Magic stick/magicpillow/short boys tobring money into youra c c o u n t / h o u s e *Borrow rats to get 3times salary * Deleteloans in your account.S t o p c h e a t i n g ,remove, evil spirits,chase tokoloshe.


My name is SINETHEMIBA, I live in Mthatha am here to testifyabout the miracle DR UZZE performed in my life. It's true thatlicense for your dream is in your hands. I am one of the people

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THE funeral service of the late traditionalmusic DJ Saba Mbixane at Mandileni ruralvillage outside Mount Frere town on Sundaywas attended by dignitaries from nationaland provincial parliaments who came to bidfarewell to the DJ, farmer and communitybuilder.

Among the thousands of mourners who at-

tended his funeral was the EC Premier Phu-mulo Masualle, Public Works Minister Thu-las Nxesi, Cosatu general secretary Zwelinzi-ma Vavi, Deputy Communications MinisterStella Ndabeni Abrahams, traditional leadersincluding Nkosi Ngangumhlaba Matanzima,founder of the South African Traditional Mu-sic Awards Dr Dumusani Goba, MPs andMPLs. Although Mbixane was not awarded aprovincial state funeral by the office of theState President, as was requested by the East-

ern Cape Province, the premier of the EasternCape made sure that Saba Mbixane receiveda dignified funeral. Eight memorial serviceswere held for him across the country.

Mbixane died after a motorbike accident inhis home village last month. After the acci-dent he was taken to the local hospital, Madzi-kane KaZulu, from where he was later airlift-ed to the Nelson Mandela Academic Hospitalin Mthatha. He died on February 26 after be-ing in a coma for several weeks.

Mbixane had been working for UmhloboWenene FM. He started his time at the stationby hosting a very popular breakfast show.

He went on to host a traditional music showin 1997 and the number of listeners to thisshow increased tremendously.

It was as if Mbixane knew that he was goingto die anytime soon as in his last advert hewas asking people to close their eyes andthink about what would happen if they die.In his message in that advert, in Xhosa, was“whatever happens to me please take care ofmy children”.

All the speakers at the funeral describedMbixane as a people’s person who dislikedpeople who lie and gossip,

Popular radioDJ laid to rest

Praise singers Sicedile Mngoma and Avela Luqhido alsoattended the funeral. PHOTO: GREG NOTA Thousands of mourners attended the funeral to pay their last respects. PHOTO:GREG NOTA


IINKOSI zephondo leMpuma Kapa ziceleukuba abantu balandele emkhondweniwomsasazi obesakwaziwa kakhulu ngokuququzelela ezolimo edlala umculo weSintu-uDJ Saba Mbixane, nobesebenza kwisikhu-lulo sosasazo uMhlobo Wenene FM.

UNobhala weNdlu yeeNkosi iContralesauNkosi Xolile Ndevu uthe abantu abadalakunye nabatsha mabazeke mzekweni mnye,balandele intshumayelo kaMbixane.

“Kubalulekile ukuba abantu balimeukuze bagxothe ikati eziko. Kwaye lo ka-Mbixane uzame kangangoko anako ukubaabafake abantu ekulimeni,” kubeka uNde-

vu.Ukanti naye uMnu Bandile Gqwetha we-

OR Tambo Farmers Association uthe ayi-kho indawo enamafama axhonkxwe ukodlu-la amafama ase-OR Tambo.

“Kule ngqingqi eyayi sakwaziwa ngokubayiTranskei, uMbixane usebenzisane kakhu-lu nabahlali balapha ukuqinisekisa ukubaulimo luya phambili-yonke into ibuyelakundalashe. Kwaye eli yolisa lo mfo khangeligqamise nje eli Phondo lase Mpuma Kolo-ni, koko lonke ilizwe lizuzile ngaye,” kube-ka uGqwetha.

Lo kaGqwetha ulebele ngelithi baza ku-qhubeka beshumayela ulimo ukuze abantubangalali benga tyanga nokuba uMbixaneakasekho.

IiNkosi zithi makuhanjwe ekhondweni likaMbixane

Inginginyayabantuabebeham-bele inkonzoyesikhumbu-zo kaMbixa-ne eMthatha.PHOTO:BABALWANDLANYA

: 047 050 4430pressEX ISOLOMZI


Page 7: Isolomzi express 11 03 2015

7EntertainmentMarch 12, 2015Isolomzi Express


6 Sunset Close, Umhlanga Ridge, 4320P.O. Box 632 Tel: 031 571 2610 Fax: 031 566 5116

Andrew Gooding: 084 503 4050

Siboniso Ndwalane: 071 192 1020

Marius Steenkamp: 072 268 0797 email: [email protected]

email: [email protected]

email: [email protected]

Hayi, amadoda

Bafethu sometimes uke uzibone sowuzibu-za imibuzo ongenakwazi nawe ukuyiphendu-la. Ewe! Kuyakwayintoni majita.Uyazi kukhona usisi phaya eUTA ebesazi-

wa kwezi ndawo zombumandi esoloko ekwi-skim samacherie obonayo ukuba aphetheu-cash nawayesela ngathi there is no tomor-row.Akukho outiewayefuna ukuyiwina angayi-

fumani.Kuba ke nokuba ungathini okuziphatha

kungatshongo khona kuhambisana nengulosometimes.Nombala sithe siyabona ungumnqawuka

nenelwe ezi sezingathi zixhuthekile emny-ama ngathi lilahle kwaye sehamba yedwakungasabonakali ziichomie.Okwakungamadoda ayemazi nawo seham-

bela kude emana ukuthi “hayi ndandiyayazila way”, Ok, wanqaba futhi nalapha empuz-weni simbona nje xa edriver around town elilolo.Wawu!! Last weekend simbonile kucaca

ukuba noko welaphekile uyabuyela nasegaz-ini. Nanko amadoda semthe mba kwakhona,nala kanye ebehambela kude ngoku sefunakuyeesiqwini akazinokuba isigulobesiyinto-ni kuba naku utyebile kwakhona angenakuye.Nizofa nje ngokuba kucaca ukuba anizicin-

geli nakufumana eli jiki nje. Asithule sijongekodwa kungekudala uzakubona enye seyibo-qoke izidlele, imbrukhwe le seyingathi ixho-nyiwe.Baxelele gossip team abeva aba bakufuma-

na la mambawu abo.

Sorry guys, this is life in EC

In order to experience life of that particularprovince sometimes you need to get hurt sothat you will be able to see a direction.Bafethu, asihlekisi ngani qha this is a fact.

Therewere guys fromGautengwhowere sob-bing of being ‘knocked’ by the girls duringtheir visit to the Eastern Cape.The guys told us that they invited the girls

whom they met in So What Lounge, UTA.

They organized everything for them frombuying alcohol on their first meeting going toa braai for themand buying airtime, let alonetransporting them from point A to point B theentire weekend.But the ladies still stole their two cell

phones and some cash. The guys realised thislater after they dropped them off in front ofa room in Fortdale where they claimed theywere staying. But when they went there tocheck, therewere no ladies and theywere justwelcomed by an old lady who said she knewnothing about the ladies and that it was justherself and her husband living in the room.Kuyabethwa eEC bafana bam akudlalwa

and oosisi bethu nabo bayaziphandela.

But it’s dangerous

We are used to seeing drivers driving whiletalking on a cell phone, but what we saw lastweek was a “masterpiece’’ but also too dan-gerous for words.There was a guy who was driving a grey

BMW in Sutherland Street.

While the guy was driving, he was alsoreading a newspaperwhich hewas put acrossthe steeringwheel. HOW!!madoda yimihlola.Sometimes we challenge the accident on ourown because you cannot read and drive.Lo nto nje ngamanzi namafutha.Ntante Machaea sinqandeleni baba kule

reckless driving yenzeka apha eUTA.

What happened shame?

I wonder what happened to the guard whowas found emapuna-puna inside the premisesof a local business.Sondela sikuxelele iindaba ezi ungazaziyo.Kaloku last week kufunyenwe enye i-outie

egada eKopano itiphile and ishaya ngesuti ye-sele ukuba kwenzeke ntoni akukabikhomntuwaziyo kuba ibingakwazi nokuthetha.Mhlawumbi umfethu uzitshize ngamadla

kuba kulityelwe icala le bar lingatshinxwan-ga or kukhona into emehleleyo mara sizaku-thola konke lokho xa sele ekwazi ukuthetha.Mahlawumbe idonkey idle emthwalweni ebo-na isitha se-bar sivuliwe.


Page 8: Isolomzi express 11 03 2015

8 SportMarch 12, 2015Isolomzi Express

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IT was a weekend filled with plenty of socceractionwhen SABRegional League clubs fromDutywa, FC Nantez and Candu FC lockedhorns in Gumbela Stadium, while ABC Mot-sepe League’s Mthatha Bucks played againstZimbane Killers FC at Mthatha Stadium lastSaturday.

Soccer fans from Dutywa were pleased tosee their clubs, FC Nantez and Candu FC, dis-playing football of a high standard with mag-nificent dribbling skills.

While FC Nantez was playing defensive

football and capitalizing on the advantage ofthe wind which gave them opportunities toplay counter attacks, Candu FC was equal tothe task and on the attack in the first half de-spite having to play against the wind.They wanted an early goal and during the

first ten minutes of the first half a Candu FCmidfielder came with a powerful long rangeshot which gave their team a goal.The first half ended with Candu FC leading

1-0. In the second half FC Nantez was all overthe Candu FC defenders as they were lookingfor an equalising goal but Candu FC’s goal-keepermade excellent saves denying FCNan-tez an equaliser.

The rain came down 25 minutes before theend of game and Candu FC decided to changetheir game plan with the hope of defendingtheir only goal of the game.Unfortunately for them FC Nantez also had

a change of plan andwasdetermined to eitherwin the game or share the point.FC Nantez’ strikers confused the Candu FC

defenders as they were attacking from all di-rections with their one two touches.In the last ten minutes of the game FC Nan-

tez created a clear chance when their strikerfound himself in a one-on-one with the goal-keeper.He beat the goalkeeper to end the gameinaone-all drawandthe teamssharingapoint.

In theABCMotsepe derby, ZimbaneKillersFC beat high-flying Mthatha Bucks FC witha score of 1-0.Mthatha Bucks FC is leading the ABCMot-

sepe log standing. Before losing against Zim-bane Killers, who are in the middle of the log,last Saturday. they had played 14 games, win-ning 10 and drawing 4.ABCMotsepe Results: FC Buffalo 0 vs High-

bury FC 1, Morning Stars 1 vs Tornado 2,SUBS 2 vs La liga 1, Zimbane Killers FC 1 vsMthatha Bucks FC 0, Mthatha City 1 vs Caca-du UTD 0, Angavu 3 vs Real City 0, JB Milan0 vs Matta Milan FC 0 and Kokstad Liverpool1 vs FC Elliot 1.

Derbygamesentertain crowds

FC Nantez (light blue kit) in action against Candu FC in a SAB Regional league match at GumbelaStadium over the weekend. PHOTO: ANELE RAZIYA

Candu FC (green kit) attacking with FC Nantez defenders making things difficult for them.PHOTO: ANELE RAZIYA

ATTENTION all sportclubs and organisa-tions! Please emailsport stories and/orresults to greg.no-

[email protected], or faxit to 041 503 6257.

Submit infoonyour sporteventsandresults

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