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Isolomzi Express 8 October 2015

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press ISOLOMZI 20 000 COPIES WEEKLY Cala | Dutywa | Butterworth | Centani | Elliotdale | Ngcobo | Tsomo Nqamakwe | Willowvale | Cofimvaba | Elliot THURSDAY October 8, 2015 |0 047 050 4430 | www.isoexpress.co.za | Facebook: Mthatha Express | Twitter: @MthathaExpress | [email protected] or [email protected] EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE “UNCEDO NGAMATYALA” YENZA AMATYALA AKHO AFIKELELEKE Thoba imbuyekezo yamatyala akho Phuma ematyaleni E-MAIL – [email protected] SIYAFUMANEKA KULE NOMBOLO ILANDELAYO KUZOZONKE I BRANCHES UNGATHUMELA NO “PLEASE CALL ME” 087 230 9804 047 532 3356 / Mthatha WhatsApp – KULENOMBOLO 082 378 3743 X1QM5FG1-081015-TE-ebnnon-debt SIMBONGILE MDLEDLE T HE King of the AbaTh- embu, Buyelekhaya Dal- indyebo, who is facing a jail term, has announced that his son, Azenathi Zanelizwe Dalindyebo (23), will take over the throne if he goes to jail. Dalindyebo made this announce- ment at Bumbane Great Place last Sunday (October 4). Dalindyebo’s announcement fol- lowed the judgment by the Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfontein on Thursday, October 1, which handed Dalindyebo a 12-year sentence. Dalindyebo was convicted in the Mthatha High Court in 2010 of crimes including arson, assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm, culpable homicide and defeating the ends of justice. He was sentenced to an effective 15 years in prison and he appealed. He said that now the royal family was going to appeal to the Constitu- tional Court regarding the judg- ment. “So everything will depend on the outcome in the Constitutional Court, but if I go to jail my son will take the throne as my successor. “I am prepared for anything, but if God is around me there will be nothing that will happen, even in that prison, and I will never give up praying. “Even if I go to jail, that is not the end of the road. There is life even after prison,” Dalindyebo said. On the same day, Bumbane host- ed a number of AbaThembu tradi- tional leaders, who discussed how to save the king. Among the issues discussed in the meeting was getting clarity on the royal family and who was a member of the royal house and who was not. The Dlomos, who were at the meeting, agreed to support the king financially in his legal battle. A prayer session was also conduct- ed, appealing to God to save the king from this dark cloud cast over him. Thembu king’s son will take the throne Father and son - AbaThembu king Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo and his son, Azenathi, who may come to the throne if his father goes to jail. PHOTO:SIM MDLEDLE BABALWA NDLANYA NATIONAL Assembly speaker Baleka Mbethe visited Nqadu Great Place in Willowvale last week to hear the grievances of traditional leaders after a re- quest by Amaxhosa King Zwel- onke Sigcau. Mbethe was accompanied by the speaker of the Eastern Cape legislature, Noxolo Kiviet, and parliamentary social develop- ment commitee chairperson Zol- eka Capa. The meeting with King Sigcau was preceded by a gala dinner where the speaker and her East- ern Cape legislature counterpart engaged with an organisation representing women from the royal households, called Imbum- ba Yamakhosikazi Akomkhulu. The purpose of the dinner was to discuss the role women can play in the advancement of rural communities. Among the grievances that were voiced by the traditional leaders was that most of the time they were left out by ward coun- cillors even though the land be- longed to them. They asked the government to ensure that it also engaged them when taking decisions, for in- stance on the issue of children being allowed to have abortions at the age of 12. That was sup- posed to be discussed with the traditional leaders because it in- volved children who lived on their land, they said. Sigcau also lashed out at the government over the way he was treated. He said they had asked several times that the road to the sea be upgraded and tarred be- cause it was used by tourists. “We have asked this several times, but no one is fulfilling the promise. To ensure that there is a good relationship between us and the government these prob- lems must be ironed out. We also have a bridge in this area which is killing people because it is not in a good condition.” He said even though he was the king of the Xhosa nation and even President Jacob Zuma had attended his coronation ceremo- ny, he was not treated like the king of Kwazulu-Natal. He said he did not get enough money from the government. For example a bus accident had claimed the lives of 35 people in Willowvale, but they did not have even a cent to assist family members. “Even when I am invited by kings in other provinces it is sometimes hard for me to go be- cause the Department of Local Government and Traditional Af- fairs in the Eastern Cape always says there is no money to book a flight and accommodation for me.” He said if the traditional lead- ers were allowed to work with the government there would have been a lot of changes by now, but unfortunately the tradi- tional leaders were just chased out anytime the government felt like it. Sigcau said if the government did not want to work with them, it must leave them and they would see what they could do. Mbethe said the meeting was very important because there would now be better communica- tion between the government and the traditional leaders. “Even though I cannot lie and say we will manage to solve your issues immediately, we will make sure that you get better feedback from the government. “We have to understand that sometimes we send people to stand for us in the ANC, but not all of them do what we expect them to do and others are cor- rupt. We will not sit back and watch those corrupt people do as they want,” Mbethe said. She told the traditional leaders it was important that when they had problems they must try to solve them before going to the national level. National speaker Baleka Mbethe visits king of Amaxhosa “So everything will depend on the outcome in the Constitutional Court, but if I go to jail my son will take the throne as my successor.” - BUYELEKHAYA DALINDYEBO Traditional oral poet Zolani Mkiva and National Assembly speaker Baleka Mbethe go to the kraal to see a cow that was given to Mbethe as a gift. PHOTO: BABALWA NDLANYA
Page 1: Isolomzi Express 8 October 2015


20 000 COPIES WEEKLY Cala | Dutywa | Butterworth | Centani | Elliotdale | Ngcobo | TsomoNqamakwe | Willowvale | Cofimvaba | Elliot

THURSDAY October 8, 2015 |0 047 050 4430 | www.isoexpress.co.za | Facebook: Mthatha Express | Twitter: @MthathaExpress | [email protected] or [email protected] EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE



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THE King of the AbaTh-embu, Buyelekhaya Dal-indyebo, who is facing ajail term, has announcedthat his son, Azenathi

ZanelizweDalindyebo (23),will takeover the throne if he goes to jail.

Dalindyebo made this announce-ment at Bumbane Great Place lastSunday (October 4).

Dalindyebo’s announcement fol-lowed the judgment by the SupremeCourt of Appeal in Bloemfontein onThursday, October 1, which handedDalindyebo a 12-year sentence.

Dalindyebo was convicted in theMthatha High Court in 2010 of

crimes including arson, assaultwith the intent to cause grievousbodilyharm, culpablehomicideanddefeating the ends of justice.

He was sentenced to an effective15 years in prison and he appealed.

He said that now the royal familywas going to appeal to the Constitu-tional Court regarding the judg-ment.

“So everythingwill depend on theoutcome in the ConstitutionalCourt, but if I go to jail my son willtake the throne as my successor.

“I am prepared for anything, butif God is around me there will benothing that will happen, even inthat prison, and I will never give uppraying.

“Even if I go to jail, that is not theend of the road. There is life evenafter prison,” Dalindyebo said.

On the same day, Bumbane host-ed a number of AbaThembu tradi-tional leaders, who discussed howto save the king.

Among the issues discussed inthe meeting was getting clarity onthe royal family and who was amember of the royal house and whowas not. The Dlomos, who were atthe meeting, agreed to support theking financially in his legal battle.A prayer session was also conduct-ed, appealing toGod to save thekingfrom this dark cloud cast over him.

Thembuking’s sonwill take the throne

Father and son ­ AbaThembu king Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo and his son, Azenathi, who may come to the throne if hisfather goes to jail. PHOTO:SIM MDLEDLE


NATIONAL Assembly speakerBaleka Mbethe visited NqaduGreat Place in Willowvale lastweek to hear the grievances oftraditional leaders after a re-quest by Amaxhosa King Zwel-onke Sigcau.

Mbethe was accompanied bythe speaker of the Eastern Capelegislature, Noxolo Kiviet, andparliamentary social develop-ment commitee chairperson Zol-eka Capa.

The meeting with King Sigcauwas preceded by a gala dinnerwhere the speaker and her East-ern Cape legislature counterpartengaged with an organisationrepresenting women from theroyal households, called Imbum-ba Yamakhosikazi Akomkhulu.

The purpose of the dinner wasto discuss the role women canplay in the advancement of ruralcommunities.

Among the grievances thatwere voiced by the traditionalleaders was that most of the timethey were left out by ward coun-

cillors even though the land be-longed to them.

They asked the government toensure that it also engaged themwhen taking decisions, for in-stance on the issue of childrenbeing allowed to have abortionsat the age of 12. That was sup-posed to be discussed with thetraditional leaders because it in-volved children who lived ontheir land, they said.

Sigcau also lashed out at thegovernment over the way he wastreated. He said they had askedseveral times that the road to thesea be upgraded and tarred be-cause it was used by tourists.

“We have asked this severaltimes, but no one is fulfilling thepromise. To ensure that there isa good relationship between usand the government these prob-lems must be ironed out. We alsohave a bridge in this area whichis killing people because it is notin a good condition.”

He said even though he was theking of the Xhosa nation andeven President Jacob Zuma hadattended his coronation ceremo-ny, he was not treated like the

king of Kwazulu-Natal.He said he did not get enough

money from the government.For example a bus accident

had claimed the lives of 35 peoplein Willowvale, but they did nothave even a cent to assist familymembers.

“Even when I am invited bykings in other provinces it issometimes hard for me to go be-cause the Department of LocalGovernment and Traditional Af-fairs in the Eastern Cape alwayssays there is no money to booka flight and accommodation forme.”

He said if the traditional lead-ers were allowed to work withthe government there wouldhave been a lot of changes bynow, but unfortunately the tradi-tional leaders were just chasedout anytime the government feltlike it.

Sigcau said if the governmentdid not want to work with them,it must leave them and theywould see what they could do.

Mbethe said the meeting wasvery important because therewould now be better communica-

tion between the governmentand the traditional leaders.

“Even though I cannot lie andsay we will manage to solve yourissues immediately, we willmake sure that you get betterfeedback from the government.

“We have to understand thatsometimes we send people tostand for us in the ANC, but not

all of them do what we expectthem to do and others are cor-rupt. We will not sit back andwatch those corrupt people do asthey want,” Mbethe said.

She told the traditional leadersit was important that when theyhad problems they must try tosolve them before going to thenational level.

National speaker BalekaMbethe visits king of Amaxhosa

“So everythingwilldepend on theoutcome in theConstitutionalCourt, but if I go tojail my sonwilltake the throne asmy successor.”­ BUYELEKHAYA DALINDYEBO

Traditional oral poet Zolani Mkiva and National Assembly speaker BalekaMbethe go to the kraal to see a cow that was given to Mbethe as a gift.PHOTO: BABALWA NDLANYA

Page 2: Isolomzi Express 8 October 2015



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X1QL0UPV-081015-IE-ebkmwa-ken X1QMDDVN-081015-IE-ebnnon-kuganew


THE nearly decomposed body of a mur-dered man was recovered at Gwexintaba lo-cality in Lusikisiki on Tuesday after athree-day search by a police search and res-cue team.

The search started last Sunday afternoonafter a tip-off from Gwexintaba communitymembers about a missing man believed tohave been killed and dumped in a deep cavenot far from the area.Three suspects, the dead man’s sister and

her two sons, were arrested in connectionwith the murder and, according to Lusikis-iki police spokesman Captain MduduziGodlwana, they cooperated with the policeand pointed out the crime scene.“It is alleged that the man was stabbed

to death and dumped in thenearby deep

cave by the three suspects on September 9after a quarrel over the ownership of theirhome after the sudden return of the de-ceased from Gauteng, where he had spentmost of his life,” Godlwana said.He said the dedication of police officers

from across the province had contributeda lot to the investigation.“A team of police search and rescuemem-

bers from Port Elizabeth, East London,King William’s Town and Mthatha workedday and night to retrieve the body and wealso had to make use of a helicopter to gainaccess to the deep, dark cave.”He said the helicopter had been unable

to land, but a team of dedicated officers hadgone down with ropes and made the recov-ery.The three suspects have appeared in the

LusikisikiMagistrate’s Court on charges ofmurder.

Murderedmandumped in cave,relativesarrested

The police had to search this inhospitable areanear Lusikisiki for the remains of the man whowas allegedly murdered by relatives.PHOTO:SUPPLIED


KULITHATHE nje iintsuku ezintathu liphi-la ityendyana lo mfana lelali yaseNtlavinieMt Ayliff elathi labulala unina ngolunyangokuthi limxulube ngamatye de ubucho-phobaphumelangaphandle emvenikoko la-landulela eli.

uMlondoloziMaphala emva kokwenza elishwangusha lokuhlasela unina uMandlova-na (59) wabanjwa ngabakwantsasana. Kun-gentsuku zatywala emva kokubulela uninangoluhlobowathiwaqalwa sisigulo sokuwanekwade kwanyanzeleka ukuba akhutshweesiseleni waphuthunyiswe esibhedlele ne-kulapho eyibeke khona inqawa engak-angcwatywa nonina.Othethela amapolisa eMtAyliff u-Captain

Mlungisi Matidane ukuqinisekisile ukubangenene eli tyendyana lithe laswelekela es-ibhedlele eMtAyliff emveni kweentsuku ez-intathu libanjiwe. Esi sihelegu sashiya ab-aninzi bebambe ongezantsi kuba babeyela-ma le yenzekayo kwindawo yabo.

Ngokwemithombo ethembekileyo yeliphephandaba kula ndawo yaseNtlavini ku-vakalaukuba lomfokwilixaelingaphambilikukhe kwakhona ingxabano phakathikwakhe nomama wakhe. Kungelo xesha keapho kutyholwa ngelithi waye wasongelauninawathetha amazwi athi ufuna ubucho-pho bukamama wakhe buxhatshwe zizinjangenye imini. USihlalo yekomoti yezentalo-ntle eKapa umama Zoleka Capa usigxibhekabukhali esi senzo sokubulawa kwalo ma-ma ngolunya olunje. Ïziganeko ezikumilakunje zifuna wonke umntu ami ngeenyawokuliwe ukuxhatshazwa koomama ngabant-wana”, utshilo.Udize ukuba oomakhulu sebelala oben-

taka xa bamkele imali yendodla ngenxa ya-bantwana bambi abanye imali bavele bayis-hiyeemafestileniukubaezi gilamkhubazin-gasangena ngaphakathi kuba abazi ukubazizakufika zenze ntoni zakungayifumaniokanye zayifumana le mali.Ubhenele kwabakwantsanaukubababen-

gathibayabonakalaphakathikoluntuukuk-husela abantu abadala.

Uswelekile owachithaunina ubuchopho


THE chief of the AmaBhala in Flagstaff,Mwelo Nonkonyana, has admitted that hismurdered son abused alcohol and that at thetime of his death he was trying to save himfrom the problem.

“He agreed to stop because he respectedme,” he said.Nonkonyana was speaking during the fu-

neral inMarashu location, Flagstaff, last Sat-urday of his son Bulumko, a prominent law-yer who was slain recently in Mthatha.Bulumko’s body was foundwith head inju-

ries near the railway station in Mthatha onSeptember 21.Nonkonyana saidmany of his familymem-

bers had died because of alcohol abuse.“I curse alcohol in my family. My elder

brother Masizakhe, who was a magistrate,died in a car accident because he was drunkand my younger brother died because hislungs were damaged by alcohol.“Now it is my son, but in his death I want

to tell the sons of the royal family to abstainfrom alcohol.“I don’t know why

our family memberskeep on using alcoholbecause I can see it doesnot like us,”Nonkonya-na said.

He called on all the sons of Iinkosi to stopabusing alcohol because it jeopardised theirlives.He also said crimewas a problem inMthat-

ha.“Mthatha has changed now as crime is tak-

ing centre stage and even South Africa as awhole is dominated by criminals.“In our country it is no longer safe, so we

need to stand up and fight what is seizing ourfreedom and say no to crime,” he said.He thanked the police for their quick re-

sponse after the death of his son as a 24-year-old man was arrested three days after thedeath of Bulumko. He is expected to appearbefore theMthathaMagistrate’sCourt onOc-tober 14.“You cannot just spill the very rare blood

of a royal family and think you will be freeafter that,” Nonkonyana said.He called on the AmaBhala nation to calm

down and give justice a chance to play itsrole.The funeral was attended by traditional

leaders, lawyers, judges and the communityat large.

Chief slamsalcoholabuse,crimeafter son’smurder

Chief Mwelo Nonkonya­na leads the way to thegrave yard during thefuneral of his son.


Page 3: Isolomzi Express 8 October 2015




OR TamboMonth was started with amemoriallectureat theWalterSisuluUniversity inMthat-ha last Thursday (October 1).

A series of activities will follow throughoutthe month.Oliver Tambo, the longest-serving president

of theANC,wasbornonOctober27, inNkantololocation, Bizana, and that is why theORTamboDistrictMunicipality hosts various activities tocelebrate the life of this icon from the region.Although the Mbizana Municipality falls un-

der the Alfred Nzo district due to municipal de-marcation, theORTambodistrict continues cel-ebrating the legacy of this respected man.Delivering the memorial lecture, Eastern

Cape Premier Phumulo Masualle describedTambo as a father and architect of the societybeing built today.“Hewasavisionary leaderashesawthegreat

journey that lay ahead in the 60s.“That is why his friend Nelson Mandela de-

scribed him as a pure-gold leader.

“That is why he never gave up in his endeav-our to liberate this country even thoughhewasleading the ANC during a difficult period. Hesaw through all trials and tribulation until thepath going home opened in 1994. He may be nomore, but his vision to build this country muststay on,” Masualle said.He said Tambo inspired the present leader-

ship with his teachings of how to serve people.He expressedhis gratitude toTambo’s family

for allowing the ANC to use their son, withwhom they ended up never spending timewithas his time was spent in the struggle.HedescribedTamboasanextraordinaryper-

sonwhohad achieved on an international leveldespite coming from the rural background ofNkantolo. “He was a giant in the internationalworld andhad special gifts of listening,warmthand compassion.”Hesaid that inhishonour theyneeded to root

out corruption, and devote more energy to thefight againstwomenandchildrenabuseandex-ploitationofelderlypeople.Masuallealsocalledon people to stop ruining government propertyduring service delivery protests.

ORTambowasa father, architect -Masualle

Premier Phumulo Masualle. PHOTO:SUPPLIED

Umphathi weCandelo lakwa HIV eMzimvu-bu kwiSebe lezeMpilo uMnu Siyabonga Di-ko uthi ukutya ukutya okunezakha-mzim-ba kweyamene neHIV, ngoba ukutyaokungena mpilo akuncedisi ekwehliseleniizinga le HIV emzimbeni. Uninzi lwabantubasezilalini lukhala ngokungatyi ukutyaokuya egazini ngenxa yentswela-ngqeshonokungabi namali. Loo nto ibenza ukubabangaziseli iipilisii kuba besoyika uziselaeziswini ezikhala umoya. UAsanda Deyiwase Flagstaff uthi akakwazi ukulandelaindlela elungileyo yokutya kuba nguye yed-wa ophila neHIV kokwabo futhi akaseben-zi. Uthi kokwabo bathanda ukutya okuna-mafutha nemi-limili kakhulu .Naxa kunjalo, uDiko ukholelwa ukuba

“Ukuze utye ukutya okunempilo. akunyan-zelekanga ukuba ubesisinhanha okanyeube ngumntu ophangelayo. Abantu basezi-lalini baneegadi ezinkulu bangakwaziukuzikhulisela imifuno yabo. KubalulekileukubaabantuabaphilaneHIVbatyeukutyaokuya empilweni. Loo nto incedisa izithom-alalisi ukuba zisebenze lula.”UNowethuNdabankuluwaseFlagstaff ye-

na uthi emvakwexesha elide besokola beno-myeni wakhe, wathatha isigqibo sokutyalaigadi azikhulisele imifuno yakhe. “Sasihlu-pheka, mna nomyeni wam besisela iipilisiikwizisu ezikhala umoya, ndabona ukuba si-za kufa kuba sasigula kakhulu ngoku sesise-le iipilisi. Ndalima egadini kuba saxelelwaukuba kukutya esikutyayo okusigulisayo”.OkaDiko uthi uninzi lwabantu abatyi

ngenxa yezigulo kunye namachiza ehliselaumdla wokutya. “abanye banezilonda emlo-nyeni , ukuchaphuzelwa yintliziyo, uku-phalaza, ukudinwa, uxinzelelo kuyawehlisa

umdla wokutya naxa kungekho mali yoku-thenga ukutya.Ukutya okuya egazini kubaluleke ku-

wonke wonke, kodwa ngamandla kubantuabaphila ne HIV. Ukutya ukutya okuya ega-zininokuqhubekanakokuthikuqinise ama-joni omzimba, kuncedisane namapilisi nok-uba zingangeni izigulo ezifana neTB nez-inye ezithatha ithuba. Ukutya okuyaegazini kuncedisana nomzimba ukuba uk-wazi ukuqhela amchiza lula nokuba uphile

impilo ende.Abantu abaphila ne HIV kufuneka bebu-

yisele izakha-mzimba ezilahlekileyo. Loonto ingenza ukuba bahambise. Ukutya uku-tya okunempilo kuthetha ukutya umlinga-niselo okunguwo nezakha-mzimba ekuzizozonke iintsuku. Loo nto ithi incedisanenomzimba wakho kunye namachiza ukubakubelula asebenze.Ukuba uphila neHIV, yeyiphi eyona

ndlela kufuneka utye ngayo? Ukuba ufuma-

na iipilisii kwaye azikuhluphi, impenduloilula: yitya ukutya okunempilo obuveleukutya. “Asinabo ukubungqina obuvezaabantu abatya ukutya okukhethekileyobaphila ngcono kunabanye, okanye kukho-na ukutya oku khethekileyo lwabantuabaphila neHIV”.Nantsi imigaqo ongathi uyilandele yoku-

tya ukutya okunempilo:1. Yitya imifuno neziqhamo2. Fumana ukutya okugcwaliswe ngeng-

qolowa, kona kune Fibre nezondlo zomzim-ba.3. Yitya ukutya okungatyebanga njenge

Fish, inkukhu, neembotyi.4. Yehlisela kwiSwekile nee lekese nama-

futha angalunganga5. Ziyeke izinto ezithembisa ukuhlisa um-

zimba wakho ngokhawuleza.6. Yityaukwenzela ubesegazini hayi kuba

uneHIV.7. Yigcine ilula. Ukukhetha ukutya okus-

okolisayo kunganzima ukukulandela.8. Fumana uncedo xa unengxaki. Ukutya

okuqhelekileyo nokusempilweni kubalun-gele abantu abane HIV.Inye indlela yokukhumbula imigaqo yok-

utya, ngumbono wo rhulumente waseAmerica obizwa u “MyPlate”: Yenza isiqin-gathakwisitya sakho sibeyimifunoneziqha-mo, esinye isiqingatha sibeyi ngqolowanamafutha asempilweni.I-Article kaSiyayinqoba eyayiphume

ngomhla we Sithathu September 2015 ethi“i-HIV iluqgibile usapho lwam” yayi-khatshwa yifoto. Lo mama wayekulo fotowabizwa uPhumla Gqojana ngempazamo.Akango Phumla Gqojana. Siyaxolisa ka-khulu ngale mpazamo. – SIMBONGILE MMBO


Akunyazelekanga ubesisinhanha ukuze utye ukutya okunempilo

Ukuzilimela imifuno yakho yindlela entle yokonga imali nokufumana ukutya okudlamkileyo!IFOTO:WENDY KHUMALO

Page 4: Isolomzi Express 8 October 2015


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TENhouseswere handed over tomilitary vet-erans in Queenstown last week.

These veterans went to African countriesto be trained as soldiers for the liberationmovement during apartheid in South Africa.Department of Human Settlements spokes-

man Lwandile Sicwetsha said when all theliberation movements were unbanned, theyhad returned homewith hope and aspirationsfor a better future, but many had found them-selves without jobs and no homes.“The life of 10 former soldiers of the libera-

tion movement changed for the better whenthey received new homes built through col-laboration between the Department of Hu-man Settlements and Department of MilitaryVeterans,” Sicwetsha said.The departments had signed a memoran-

dum of understanding, according to whichthe Department of Military Veterans hadagreed to provide top-up funding that wouldcover additional features for all the homesthat would be provided for military veterans,he said.The Chris Hani region is one three regions

where the department is implementing pro-jects for military veterans. The other two areNelson Mandela Bay and the OR Tambo re-gion.Human Settlements MEC Helen Sauls-Au-

gust said they would make sure that they ful-filled their promises.“Military veterans access the housing pro-

vision through the South National MilitaryVeterans Association, which verifies andconfirms eligibility of veterans. A total of5 854 houses will be built for military veter-ans across the country by 2017.“Former soldiers who served in the former

liberationmovements and homeland defenceforce units qualify for housing under thisprogramme,” Sauls-August said.One of the beneficiaries, Noma Ncetezo

(48), a former soldier of Umkhonto Wesizwe,could not hide her excitement when she re-ceived her home.“I don’t think you realise what this means

to us. Now I can sleep in my own bed and becomfortable without worrying about whereI will sleep tomorrow.“I used to move around looking for a place

to sleep, but now my prayers have been an-swered,” Ncetezo said.

Militaryveterans inQueenstownreceivehouses

MEC Helen Sauls­August welcomes Nceba Makasi to his new home during the handover of housesto military veterans. PHOTO:SUPPLIED


COOPERATIVE Governance and Tradi-tional Affairs MEC Fikile Xasa has vowedthat the department’s focus during theforthcoming circumcision season will beon the OR Tambo region.

Xasa announced this in an interview re-cently, with the summer season for circum-cision around the corner.His utterances follow the high number of

deaths recorded by the OR Tambo regionduring the past winter season.It was also reported that 23 initiates were

rescued recently in Eastern Pondoland.The region is leading in the province

with 20 deaths out of 28 throughout theprovince last winter season.In those 20 deaths, eight initiates had

their manhood amputated.Xasa said they wanted to strengthen

monitoring, especially in the OR Tambo re-gion, and ensure that each districtstrengthened its forums, with traditionalleaders taking centre stage before initia-tion schools started in their areas of juris-

diction.He said the parents must choose respon-

sible traditional surgeons and amakhank-atha. “The government is ready to putmon-ey into rescue centres across the province,including circumcision doctors.“Weneed to be toughnowand ensure that

we strengthen the laws to deal with illegalsurgeons and traditional nurses,” Xasasaid.They wanted to put strategies in place to

ensure that iingcibi and amakhankatha(traditional surgeons and traditional nurs-es) were closely watched by experiencedpeople and experts in this custom.“Culture does not kill. The problem is the

people who have seen this custom as a busi-ness. Care no longer exists during the proc-ess of this custom.”He said a bill was being prepared which

would see surgeons who killed boys in themountains being sentenced.He said the bill was being discussed in

parliament and in the provincial legis-tures.At the end of the winter season in July,

traditional leaders in theORTambo region,

Imbumba Yamakhosikazi Akomkhulu, allgovernment departments, forums and oth-er stakeholders involved hosted a two-daysummit to act swiftly before the next seasonto avoid more tragedy.This was followed by a recent summit

hosted byCogta inMthatha,whichwas alsoattended by traditional leaders, boys whoare going to the circumcision schools thisseason and the community at large.Last winter season, 189 initiates were ad-

mitted to hospitals across the ORTambo re-gion and 1 590 were rescued.TheDepartment of Health’s report on last

season said there had been 643 legal schoolsand 219 illegal schools had been discoveredand closed down.The report also said that 7 397 initiates

had gone to various legal initiation schoolsand 1 437 had attended illegal ones.There were 5 178 boys who were able to

be screened before going to initiationschools. The police reported that 37 casesrelated to circumcision had been opened inthe Eastern Cape and 22 arrests had beenmade throughout the province during thewinter season.

Focus onOR Tambo during summer circumcision season



POLICE are looking for the relatives of awoman from KwaZulu-Natal who is nowliving in Lusikisiki.

Buyiselaphi Hlophe, estimated to be inher late 60s, is said to have come to Lusik-isiki towork as a domesticworker in Luz-uphu location. However on arrival, shehad a misunderstanding with her em-ployer and left.She is now living in theQebedu locality

in Lusikisiki and is not sure where hersiblings are. Anyone with informationabout her origins is urged to contactWar-rant Officer Dumisani Gule on 0733568898or the Lusikisiki police station on 039 2531350.

Relatives sought

Buyiselaphi Hlophe is looking for herrelatives from KwaZulu­Natal. PHOTO:SUPPLIED


POLICE are hot on the heels of a man whomurdered the grandmother of his child at ashack in Butterworth.

The man ignored a protection order pre-venting him from entering the shack of hisgirlfriend, the mother of his child, at the Zi-zamele informal settlement.He allegedly went there and demanded to

take his child. When the girlfriend’s mother(55) tried to chasehimaway, hemurderedherand also tried to murder the daughter (25).Police spokesperson Captain Jackson Ma-

natha said the suspect had drawn a knife andrepeatedly stabbed the grandmother in theupper body.“She died instantly and he then stabbed his

girlfriend. She shouted for help and the sus-pect ran away before community membersarrived. The childwas not hurt during the at-

tack on the two women,” Manatha said.He confirmed that the suspect, who is

known to the police, was still at large (at timeof going to print) and they expected to arresthim very soon.Manatha said Butterworth cluster com-

mander Brigadier Stanley Sibidla had con-demned the senseless attack on a defencelesswoman. “He promised that the police woulddo whatever they could and work very hardto arrest the perpetrator.”

Manmurdersgrannyofhis child inButterworthIn accordance with the editorial policy of theExpress, we invite readers to comment on mistakes

in the newspaper and shall correct significanterrors as soon as possible. Send info to the

Ombudsman of Media24’s Local Press, GeorgeClaassen, at [email protected] or callhim at 0 021 851 3232. Readers can also contactthe SA Press Ombudsman at 0 011 484 3612/8 or

e-mail [email protected].

Page 5: Isolomzi Express 8 October 2015





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ELLIOTDALE is known as a home to thepoorest of the poor, but three young peoplefromNtlonyane location came up with a planto change the lives of the youth in this areaand launched the Bomvana Youth Founda-tion last week.

The launchwasheld at theGanizulu SeniorSecondary School in Elliotdale, where young-sters gathered to get information that couldchange their lives.One of the co-ordinators, Babalwa Maya,

said she had been asked by the three youngpeople for help in registering the foundation.“Its objective is to develop the youth of

Ntlonyane by showing themhow to get bursa-ries and other things that can help them pavetheir way,” Maya said.She added that theywere not concentrating

only on those who passed Grade 12, but alsohelped teenagers by telling them the conse-quences of having children at an earlystage, and how they could protect them-selves against teenage pregnancy.Maya said they also motivated drop-outs

and told them that education was their keyto success and it was never too late to chasetheir goals.“It is important that young people choose

good friends and have role models in life.They must also focus on achieving theirdreams because there is no life withoutdreams.”Mfokayise Msin–dwana said they would

also host awareness days where they wouldinform young people about applying to uni-versities.“We will also communicate with the NY-

DA office so that we can get information forthose who are drop-outs,” Msindwana said.

BomvanaYouth Foundation set up tohelp theyouth

Ntsikelelo Mahlathi and Mfokayise Msindwana attended BYF in Elliotdale. PHOTO:SUPPLIED


UKUZAMA ukulwa nendlala kunye nokunceda abantwana abangena bazali, sele ku-vulwe iRethabile Drop-on Centre kum-mandla wase Gcuwa nojongene noku phek-ela aba abantwana.

Oku kucaciswe nguMnu SipheleleMjeku-la ongumququzeleli wale projekthi.Watshoesithi injongo yabo kuku nceda abantwanaabathe bashiywa ngabazali bese lula. Uveze

ukuba bazama ukunciphisa izinga eli phez-ulu lendlala kunye nokwenza ukuba ababantwana banga zibandakanyi nezenzo zol-wa phulo mthetho.“Kodwa siqaphele ukuba akutyi aba ab-

antwana bodwa koko kuye kuze nabantuabadala. Yilo nto ke eyenza ukuba siphumeiphulo sicele kuluntu ukuba lusi ncedisengalo nto olu nayo ukuze sincede ezimpulazika lujaca,”kubeka uMjekula.Lo ka Mjekula uthe abapheleli nje, ekuba

tyiseni koko baphinde baba ncedise ngoku-thi babe nzise eze midlalo, umculo kunyene-majorettes.Kana njalo, siye siba ncedise naku mse-

benzi wesikolo kuba kaloku sifuna ekugqi-beleni nabo baphumelele kwaye babe nek-amva eli qaqambileyo.

Baphekela abantwana besilwa nendlala

Bafumana ukutya kabini abantwanaabazinkedama kwi projekthi entsha.IFOTO:ITHUNYELWE

I WAS listening to the programme on theSABC’s SAFM called Overnight. A professor,Herbert Zwane, was talking about land andhow the apartheid or Afrikaner regime dealtwith the issue of poorAfrikaners after theAn-glo-Boer war.

He said the government had mobilised allstakeholders in the community, including thechurch. The government called for public do-nations and gave out loans for the farmers,which at some point were not recouped or re-paid. The government of the time made surethat farmerswerewell-resourcedandcomfort-able.He also shared the secret behind the success

of themost populousnations in theworld,Chi-na and India. These nations after independ-ence sent thousands and thousands of stu-

dents abroad to imbibe and assimilate knowl-edge and return home to enrich the nationskills-wise. That was how they developed.In our case, after attaining political freedom

wewere contentwith the status quo. Our lead-ers never embarked on a journey to give skillsto the previously disadvantaged; we thoughtthat peace and fawning over the compromisewas enough.Has the current administration ever shown

enthusiasm and determination to developfarmers? Hectares and hectares in the ruralformer Transkei are lying fallowwith the peo-ple waiting for handouts from the grant sys-tem.Our leaders must wake up and activate the

masses to work the land like Cuba did whenthe Soviet Union callapsed.

Samkelo Latakisa

Leadersmustactivatemasses towork the land

Letter to the EditorLetter to the Editor


THEButterworth police have repeatedtheir warning to homesteaders to ob-serve the closing time of 5pm for tradi-tional ceremonies after the murder ofa young man in Willowvale last week.

Police spokesperson Captain Jack-son Manatha said during a traditionalceremony at a homestead in Fubesi aman (22) had amisunderstandingwiththe victim (27) at about 10pm. The sus-pect allegedly stabbed the victim in theupper body. He died instantly.The police acted quickly and arrest-

ed the suspect not far from the sceneand recovered a knife.


Send your news [email protected]

Page 6: Isolomzi Express 8 October 2015



Akanankosikazi na bethuna?Dear readers kukho umjita esikhatha-

zayo into yakhe because uphila le mpilo ye-thu yobumpohla whereas sasikhona em-tshatweni wakhe mhla wayesithi, “I do.”Mara ngoku okusixakayo sihlala emalangasithenga iitake-aways naye even though eh-lala nenkosikazi yakhe.Makube kwenzeka ntoni bethu kwela

khaya? We understand ukuba ngezinyeiintsuku uye uthenge ukutya kuba umcin-gela ukuba udiniwe mhlawumbi akazukwazi ukupheka. Kuba kaloku indoda en-omfazi soze everyday ibe ithenga iitake-aways emalanga u-madam ekhona.It’s worse ke siyamazi ukuba akakase-

benzi lo mama. Masikhe sithi mhlawumbiakapheki shame umam’ekhaya. Sisi uyazi-hlaza indoda iyaphekelwa masingabe sigi-lana nayo emalanga ezi-restaurants ube

ukhona endlini. Masithembe ukuba uvileke koti. Masingade sibone ukuba omnyeumntwana uyamlambisa.

That guy can smokeI am used to seeing people smoking, but

the guy whom we met in Flagstaff at theweekend is doing more than smoking.I suspect he is a heavy smoker. Each and

every 30 minutes he takes out a cigarette.De ubone ukuba ingathi akaliva angadealihlafune ukuba kuyenziwa njalo.I wonder how much he spends on ciga-

rettes a month if he smokes like that.Boet, smoking kills. It is written in bold

on that box of cigarettes. Stop it uyakufaumncane.

Unyanisile BhalaHeyi sivumelana 100% noNkosi Mwelo

Nonkonyana ukuba indlela ezi-criminalseziliphethe ngayo eli lizwe asisakwazi no-kuhlala sonwabe nabantu bethu emahlathi-ni. Thina siyi old school we don’t use B&B’sand hotels as we are not familiar with them.Kaloku thina sasingenayo imali yezi ho-

tele especially in our small town of Ntelly(Mt Ayliff). Eyona ndawo yethu kwakuli-hlathi mara ngoku ingathi ungazibhakakuba ezi ntwana zi all over looking to com-mit crime or even take lowo mntu wakho.Come let us stand up and fight this scourgewhich is ruining our beautiful lady SouthAfrica.

Pedestrians also have a right to be on theroadI think the Department of Transport still

has a huge mountain to climb to teach someof the drivers to know that pedestrians also

have a right to be on the road and to crossit as well. I refer particularly to taxi driverswho always think that people are not sup-posed to be on the road.Theymust also teach them that the robots

allow pedestrians the right to cross or walk.I usually see taxi drivers chasing people

who cross at the robot as if they don’t havea right to be there. What is worse is thatthe green robot is showing that they havethe right of way.Come on gents, let us also give respect to

the pedestrians, particularly at the robots.Stop thinking that you own the road. Ni-

zakubalimaza abanye abantwana apha em-gaqweni.

Before sihlukumeze abantu abangath-obeli mthetho wendlela let us take our pensand go to collect more gossip news for ournext edition.


THEMiss South Africa title is so close yetso far away for local Mthatha girl LuyoloMngonyama (24).

The top 25 finalists for the Miss SA 2016pageant were announced last week andMngonyama is one of those who secureda spot among thousands and thousands ofentries from around South Africa.Luyolo is studying at the Nelson Man-

dela Metropolitan University (NMMU) inPort Elizabeth towards a bachelor of artsdegree, majoring in psychology and soci-ology.“I still can’t believe that I was chosen

as a finalist. It’s an amazing feeling,” shesaid after being asked how she felt aboutbeing chosen as one of the girls in the Top25.“I want to try to uplift the youth. I want

to encourage and serve the people.”She also holds the crown for Miss Ma-

melodi Sundowns 2015, and this has ena-bled her to build stronger bonds with peo-ple.“If I get the opportunity to take the Miss

SA 2016 crown, I will not only empowerwomen,“I will empower men to, as they are the

ones who need to protect our women.”Luyolo is currently in Johannesburg,

where she and the other girls are attend-

ing workshops and receiving training onhow to carry themselves as young women.The Top 25 made their very first public

appearance on Sunday (October 4) at theCell C Playing for Pink Ladies Invitation-al Polo to show their support in the fightagainst breast cancer.The next step in the competition is the

judging process and the selection of theTop 12.

Local girl in the running forMiss SA title

Luyolo Mngonyama (24), a young lady fromMthatha, is in the Top 25 for the Miss SA 2016title. KEVIN MARK PASS


Women’s Network members from the Tsolopolice station pose for the camera.

< Olwethu Luthango­Siqhaza from theCentral police stationand Noluvo Sgagayifrom the Tsolo policestation attended anevent held in PRD.

; Bunono Mxokwanaentertains the public atan event held at theKasa Junior SecondarySchool in Elliotdale.PHOTOS:BABALWANDLANYA

Page 7: Isolomzi Express 8 October 2015



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THEEasternCapeMusicAwards2015(ECMAS) and the Buffalo City Metro-politan Municipality have hosted aworkshop for 60 upcoming artists attheMulti PurposeCentre inEast Lon-don.

The founder and chief executive of-ficer of ECMAS, Koko Godlo, said theworkshophadbeenabigsuccess,eventhough the weather had been verybad.“Almost all the music genres, in-

cluding kwaito, hip hop, gospel, tradi-tionalmusic, jazz,house,Afrosoul,Af-ro pop and DJs, were represented,”Godlo said.Among those who conducted the

workshopwere representatives of theSouthAfricanMusicRightsOrganisa-tion (Samro), Vovee Batala, LuckyShongwe, Mavi M (multi-award win-ner), Zoe Daka and Luyanda Potwanafrom SABC Television.Godlo said all of them had advised

theartists indifferentfields, including

the rights of the artists.“We also encouraged them to know

what is expected from them whenthey are in the studio, and also toknow that when they are performingSamro pays them.”The presenter of Nyan-Nyan on

SABC 1, Luyanda Potwana, said theartists must know that drug dealersfollowed them because of their fame,so they must try by all means to pro-tect themselves from doing thingsthat would destroy their talent.“It is painful to see an artist de-

stroyed by drugs or alcohol, becauseat the end of the day your music andyour name go down,” Potwana said.One of the gospel artists who at-

tended theworkshop, NcebaMahlan-za, said he was happy to take part be-cause there were a lot of things theyhad not known, but now their eyeswere opened because of the informa-tion theyhadgot from thisworkshop.“For instance, regarding the issue

of the songs thatare stolen,wedidnotknow what procedures we could fol-low to combat that,” Mahlanza said.

ECMAShostsworkshop toeducateartists

Artists who attended the workshop hosted by ECMAS in East London. PHOTO:SUPPLIED


KULINDELEKE ukuba umhla we-shumi elinesixhenxhe kule nyanga

sikuyoube noma-hluko kwiimvumizaseMpuma Kapa nanjengoko zizakuba zikumcimbi we-Eastern CapeMusic Awards 2015 (ECMAS).

Lo mnyhadala uza kuba ubanjel-we eMulti Centre eMonti ngentsim-bi yesixhenxhe emalanga.Ongumsunguli walo mcimbi

uMnuKokoGodlouthi iimvumiezi-za kuthi zishiyise-lane ngeqonga

kulomcimbikubalwauNathi, Zaha-ra, Vusi Nova, Ifani, Mobi Dixon,Berita, Yves, Robie Malinga, Si-phokazi, Kholeka, BethusileMcinga, Endumisweni GospelGroup, Butho Vuthela, Mavi M,Navada, DJ Bino, Amawele kaMamtshawe, Sinomusa CulturalGroup, ECMASHipHop andGospelEnsembles nabanye nezinye.“Zonke iimvumi li sizamkele

ngokomculo eziwuculayo kusukelakweze -Afro Pop, Afro Soul, Gospel,Kwaito,HipPop, Jazzkunyene-Tra-ditional Music and Dance,” kubekauGodlo.Esaleka uthe, bafuna ukuqinise-

ka ukuba bonke abantu abaza kulomcimbi bafumana into abayifu-nayo. Uthe yiloo nto befuna kwana-bo bathanda umdaniso ukuba bab-ekho.

Ziza kwenza izinto zamehlo iimvumi

Umsunguli uKoko “Magadla” Godlouthi kuza kuqhawuka unobathanakumcimbi we­ECMAS eMonti.


Page 8: Isolomzi Express 8 October 2015



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AWONGIWE amagqala ezemidla-lo nguMasipala waseMnquma eG-cuwa, ngenjongo zokuwabulelangendima ayidlalileyo ebeka iga-ma lalo mmadla emephini kwim-idlalo efana nebhola ekhatywayo,umbhoxo, ibhola yomnyazi, am-anqindi kwakunye nabo babebale-ka kwimidyarho yeembaleki.

La magqala ezemidlalo anxity-iswa iimbasa zawo zegolide yi-Kumkani yamaXhosauZwelonke Sigcawu, owayesak-

uba ngu-sompempe kwiPremierSoccer League uAndile Ncobokwakunye noSodolophu waseMn-quma uCeba Bhabha Ganjana.Konke oku kwenzeke emva kok-

uba kuphehlelelwe iMnqumaMayors Cup kwa-khona kwiveki

ephelileyo kwiholo yelokishi ya-seMsobomvu.Abo bawongiweyo baquka uM-

buyiseli Xokolo owayedlala am-anqindi, uFiltani, Gary Govuzaababedlala umbhoxo, uMxo-lisiMququ, Otto Neku ababezimbal-eki kwakunye Nonqaba Makasiowayedlalaibhola ekhatywayo.Ukuwongwa kwamagqala

ezemidlalo eMnquma bekungaqa-li ngala, kuba xeshi-kweni uMasi-pala wawusonga iimidlalo yeNde-be kaSodolophu ebutsheni balonyaka, wawonga amanye amag-qala.


Amagqala ezemidlalo awongiwenguMasipala waseMnquma eMsobom­vu. IFOTO:ANELE RAZIYA


UMTHATHA Bucks usaqhubaukhangela impumelelo yawo yoku-qalakwinqanabaleNationalFirstDi-vision League, emva kokuba udlalentanganye ngenqaku elinye macalan’Amazulu kwibala iPrinces Ma-gogo Stadium eDurban ngempela-


IBucks iwuqale kakuhle umdlalowayo nalapho ibonakalise iimpawuzokunxane-lwa impumelelo, kodwauSuthu nalo belingayekelelangamxakatho, kuba lihlasela lade lafu-mana ipenalthi kwisiqingatha ses-bini emva kokuba umdlali walo

uBornwell Mwape edlalwe kakubi.UMarcVanHeerdenkhangeaphaza-me kuba uyifake phakathi emnathe-ni loo bhola yaba kanti liyakhokelaiqela lakhe.Amazulu aqhubekeke ahlasela

kakuhlekodwaohlulekakukuseben-zisaamathubaamabiniebecacileku-lomdlalo.Kuthexakushiyeke ixesha

likasompempe, umdlali weBuckswaphambile uMoses Spandeel, wa-faka inqaku lokulinganisa yabak-antiwohluthe intlakaemlonyeneku-Suthu ebelizakuhlala kwindawo ye-sine kweli nqanaba ukubabeliphumelele. Kungokunje Ama-thol’amnyamaasahleliemsilenikul-uhlu lwamaqelae-NFDLeagueemva

kwemidlalo emithandathu, enaman-qaku amathathu, adlala ntanganyekwimidlalo emithathu abethwakweminye emithathu.Kumdlalo olandelayo uMthatha

Bucks uza kusingedleka iWitbankSpurs kwibala iMthatha Stadiumngomhlaweshumi elinesibhozokulenyanga.

Asakhangela impumelelo yokuqalaAmathol’ amnyama kwi­NFD League

Iyaqala iMnqumaMayorsCupkulempela - veki

< Ibuyile iMnquma Mayors Cup nakulonaunyaka. PHOTO:ANELE RAZIYA


USODOLOPHU woMasipalawaseMnquma uBhabha Ganjanauthi benguMasipala bazi-bopheleleekuphuhliseni ezemidlalo kum-mandlawaseGcuwakwakunye nez-iphaluka, nanjengoko urhulumen-te weli ekukhuthaza oko ingakum-bi kwezi ndawo zisemaphandleni.

Oku ukuthethe xeshikweni ku-phehlelelwa iMnqumaMayors Cupkumsitho wesindlo sangokuhlwaebesibanjelwe kwiholo yale lokishi

yaseMsobomvu ngorhatya lwango-lweSithathu kwiveki ephelileyo.“Sizakuthi gqolo siphuhlisa izak-

hono za-bantwana kwimidlalo ey-ahlukeneyo ngale-Mnquma May-ors Cup. Iiquka imidlalo efananombhoxo, ibhola ekhatywayo,kwakunye nebhola yomnyazi,” ut-shilo uGanjana ethetha neSportCouncil, abadlali ebebezimase lom-sitho bephuma kumaqela awohlu-keneyo.Ukwathe indlela ekuzakuqhuty-

wa ngayo imidlalo yeMnqumaMayors Cup izakufana neyonyaka

ophelileyo, Kodwa umehluko kulounyakauthekukongezwakomdlalowamanqindi kwakunye neemidy-arho yeemba-leki.“Kwelityeli sifakele nomdlalo

wamanqindi kwakunye neemidy-arho yeembaleki, kuba sifunawonke ubani athathe inxaxhebakumdlalo awuthandayo,” uqhubewatsho uGanjana obebonakalaechulumancile xeshikweni esenzaintetho yakhe.Amaqela azakudlala kule ndebe

kaSodolophu azakuqala aqubisanengokweewadi, ze lawo aqhube kak-

uhle khona, ayokuhluzana kwimid-lalo yengingqi nalapho kuzakuthikusale lawo azakunyathelana nge-pasika yonyaka ozayo kumabalaezemidlalo kwilokishi yaseMsob-omvu.Ukanti iKumkani yamaXhosa

Jikelele, uKumkani uZwelonkeSigcawu nobezimase lomsitho,uvakalise uchulumanco ngokubo-na uMasipala waseMnquma usin-dleka lemidlalo ayichaza njengethoba izinga lolwaphulo mthethoekuhlaleni.“Le midlalo ibenza abantwana

bethu babenento yokwenza, ndawe-ni yokuba bahlale kwindawo zent-selo bechitha ixesha labo ka-kubi,logama abanye besenza ulwaphulomthetho,” utshilo uKumkani Sig-cawu.Ukwahlabe ikhwelo kulutsha

lwaseMnquma ekubeni lithatheinxaxheba kule midlalo yendebekaSodolophu.Ubekho apho owayesakuba nguS-

ompempe wePSL uAndile Ncobo,nojongene nophuhliso lwabadlalikwiqela leChippa United. uKhayaMhlabeni.
