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ISSC Solution Center

Date post: 17-Feb-2018
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  • 7/23/2019 ISSC Solution Center


    ISSC Solution


  • 7/23/2019 ISSC Solution Center





    ISSC -Dallas

    Functions: Applications Planning Requirements defnitions Sotare De!elopment Business s"stems testing

    Applications de!eloped it# IBM Mar$eting and Sorgani%ations&

    Mar$eting applications include

    Product Confgurators Contract Management S"stems

    Dallas Development Center: '() million portolio o applications Pro!ided support or #ig# !olume *usiness c#ang

  • 7/23/2019 ISSC Solution Center



    Problems faced:

    +arge de!elopment pro,ects *reac#ed deli!er" dates

    Internal IBM customers ere un#app"

    Presence o ma,or defciencies

  • 7/23/2019 ISSC Solution Center


    Pilot Strategic ProductConfgurators

    Product confgurators consisted o ./ indi!idual applications

    Confgurators assisted in selecting #ardare and sotareeatures it#in t#e engineering *oundaries

    Reliance on confgurators increased maniold as engineeringrules increased

    Confgurators deects led to in!alid orders& 0!olution o confgurator to sol!e comple1 pro*lems dint #appen

    2ice to#a!e tool



  • 7/23/2019 ISSC Solution Center


    De!elopment Process

    Redesigned t#e generic process and streamlined t#ede!elopment process

    Consolidation in common platorm

    Parallel 3esting and De!elopment

    0arl" inormation rom customer 4IBM Mar$eting5

    0arl" deli!er" o confgurator Frequent and regular interaction it# t#e customer and


    0as" processing o c#ange requests post appro!al

  • 7/23/2019 ISSC Solution Center



    De!elopmentC"cle time

    .6 -7 89

    /(reduction in


    88 Costsa!ings

    ()reduction intesting time

  • 7/23/2019 ISSC Solution Center


    Dri!ers o 3ransormation

    Product oriented #ierarc#ical structures

    Created im*alance in resources and s$ill utili%ation

    Producti!it" su;ered

  • 7/23/2019 ISSC Solution Center


    3#e central elements o c#ange:


    Restructuring t#e centre *ased on Balridge criteria

    Defning ? implementing centre-ide processes

    C#anging t#e culture toards empoered ? sel-directed team

    @sing automated tools ? adopting common met#ods and tec#niques toprocesses

  • 7/23/2019 ISSC Solution Center


    85 BA+RID>0 MA2A>0M023 PR=C0SS0S? 20 =R>A2ISA3I=2A+ S3R@C3@R0

    Management Dri!en ualit" 4MD5 Program:defne mar$et needs0liminate deectsReduce c"cle time0mpoer emplo"eesMeasure progress

    August 88 ne organi matri1 management tectime resource deplo"ment

    3as$ orce managers responsi*ilit" to *ring up qualit" across t#e center

    2e organi%ation structure mapped into Balridge ualit" Aard categories

    Ma,or c#ange

  • 7/23/2019 ISSC Solution Center


    .5 B@SI20SS PR=C0SS0S ? 0230RPRIS0

    0nterprise model *asis or Business Process RedeStarts it# EIdentifcation o customer needs ? a

    Products are no longer in t#e organi%ation c#art>eneric product group it# common processes

  • 7/23/2019 ISSC Solution Center


    65 C@+3@RA+ C0

    Decision ma$ing responsi*ilit":

    Pre!ious: management2o: 0mplo"ees

    Management *" control Management*" empoerment ? teamor$

    Free to discuss t#e pro*lems

    Aards or inno!ation e!en it

    .-a" c#annel:3on meetingMont#l" round ta*le meetings=n-line question *o1

    A ee$ long course on transormational leaders#ipG-da" course E3#e ourne" ContinuesE@nleas#ing 3eam Potential planned or 8.

  • 7/23/2019 ISSC Solution Center


    Initial Results

    9( item sur!e" used as anindicator to measure or$sitemorale

    0mplo"ees upto G( more

    positi!e a*out ,o* opportunities Hon ,o* content and immediatemangers perormance

    Morale or managers at an alltime #ig#&

    Participation inde1 scoresimpro!ed *" 8. points to 8

    Producti!it" posted a 8/8 gaino!er pre!ious "ears&

    Function points per or$ mont#o e;ort at G9 as opposed to 8at t#e *eginning o t#e "ear

    Signifcant increase in customersatisaction le!els or ma,orproduct areas suc# as contract Hcommission and master products"stem&

    C#anges seen as adding !alue

    8/ old impro!o qualit"

    Reduction erroto 6&9 sigma

    0rror rate reduper million to /

    9( more e;esite installationand as sustapercent t#roug#al o 88

    3#e initial results ere encouraging&

    Impro!ements in emplo"ee moraleH ,o* satisactionH producti!it"H and qualit" recorded ater t#e pilot tests ere implemented

    Employee Morale and JobSatisfaction

    Productivity Quality

  • 7/23/2019 ISSC Solution Center


    3#e 2e1t Steps

    Main c#allenge in t#e coming "ears: ensuring continuous qualit" impro!ement attention to *usiness grot# and profta*ilit"&

    Sel directed H sel empoered teams to dri!e dail" *usinesses #ile see$ing imcommon *usiness processes&

    +ong term o*,ecti!e to ac#ie!e quic$ organi%ational adapta*ilit" and Je1i*ilit" ten!ironmental and mar$et c#anges&

    S#ort term o*,ecti!e :Full implementation o sel directed teams&

    Aggressi!e qualit" impro!ement targets or t#e "ears a#ead:

    >oal or c"cle time: .) in 8. and 6) in 86H Si1 sigma in product qualit"

    Customer satisaction inde1 o ) or greater targeted&

  • 7/23/2019 ISSC Solution Center


    THA! "#$
