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Issue 55 Abfflii - iapsop.comiapsop.com/archive/materials/ability/ability_55_1957_15_of_23.pdfting...

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Issue 55 tfour Modern dcademif ofQcientolom THE INSTRUCTORS The Academy of Scientology at 1812 19th Street, N. W. , Washington, D.C. is now under the close direction of its Superintendent Mary Sue Hubbard. Immediately after assisting as an instructor of the 18th A. C. C. , Mary Sue took over the post of Director of Training at the Academy. A sound and efficient Academy of Scientology has been a long time goal of Mary Sue. In Wichita, in Phoenix and in London and Washington she has studied Dianetic and Sciento- logy training. It was her opinion that much was wanting and it was her goal to create an Academy where a student could be taught to be a really good professional auditor in a short period of time. Now she is Director of Training, giving personal atten- tion to every student. That students are now graduating as experts is evident in the fact that the profiles of their first intensives are excellent -- far better than the results of only a year ago. Mary Sue is assisted by John Galusha, D. Sen. , as Senior Instructor. One of the real old timers in Dianetics and Sci- entology, John has long been noted for his ability to answer students' questions to their satisfaction. John was an instruc- tor in the early days of Phoenix and Philadelphia and recently completed two A.C. C. s with high honors. The Academy's Communication Course is taught by the ________________________________(con't. to page 4) Copyright © 1957 by L. Ron Hubbard World Rights Reserved Abfflii
Page 1: Issue 55 Abfflii - iapsop.comiapsop.com/archive/materials/ability/ability_55_1957_15_of_23.pdfting the London Academy in good condition. He will return in December to resume his Washington

Issue 55

tfour Modern dcademif ofQcientolom


The A cadem y of Scientology at 1812 19th S treet, N. W. , Washington, D .C . is now under the c lo se d irection of its Superintendent Mary Sue Hubbard.

Im m ediately after a ss is tin g as an instructor of the 18th A . C. C. , Mary Sue took over the post of D irector of Training at the A cadem y.

A sound and efficient Academ y of Scientology has been a long tim e goal of Mary Sue. In Wichita, in Phoenix and in London and Washington she has studied Dianetic and Scien to­logy training. It was her opinion that much was wanting and it was her goal to create an Academ y where a student could be taught to be a rea lly good professional auditor in a short period of tim e.

Now she is D irector of Training, giving personal atten­tion to every student.

That students are now graduating as experts is evident in the fact that the profiles of their f ir s t in ten sives are excellen t - - far better than the resu lts of only a year ago.

Mary Sue is a ss is te d by John Galusha, D. Sen. , as Senior Instructor. One of the rea l old tim ers in D ianetics and S c i­entology, John has long been noted for his ability to answ er students' questions to their satisfaction . John was an in str u c ­tor in the early days of Phoenix and Philadelphia and recently com pleted two A .C . C. s with high honors.

The A cadem y's Communication C ourse is taught by the________________________________ (con't. to page 4)Copyright © 1957 by L . Ron Hubbard

World Rights R eserved


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2Scientology Doubly Legal

The C alifornia leg is la tu re has com e through for us again as usual.

A ssem b ly B ill No. 3712 was signed by Governor Knight July 15, 1957. It regu lates the practice of psychology in C al­ifornia .

Forw arded to us by good A ssem blym an Wm. S. Grant from the Long Beach D istr ic t, the signed law states a very broad definition of psychology, saying it is the "application of estab lish ed princip les of learning, m otivation, perception, thinking and em otional relationsh ips to problem s of personnel evaluation, group rela tion s, and behavior adjustm ents, by p er­sons trained in psychology. "

Thus narrowing the coverage of the b ill, the A ssem b ly turned loose a ll other p ractices in Section 2903.5 im m ediately follow ing the above. "Nothing contained in th is section shall in any way r e str ic t any person from carrying on any of the aforesa id a c tiv ities (quoted above); provided that such a p er­son does not rep resen t h im self as a psychologist a s sp e c i­fied . "

Thus A ssem b ly B ill No. 3712 of California te l ls us that only psycholog ists m ay be regulated. In view of the d ep ress­ing activ ity of p sych o log ists, it i s about tim e.

This b ill then fu lly le g a liz e s the practice of D ianetics and Scientology unless the practitioner ca lls h im self a psycholo­g ist . And who for pity sakes would be that stupid.

The only caution here is not to perm it a listin g in the yellow pages of phone books under the heading "psychologists" . The HASI frow ns on that heavily anyway. There i s a listin g for Scien to log ists and one for D ian etic ists in the yellow book. The phone company needs HASI p erm ission to so include you in its phone book. You w rite the HASI for such a letter to the phone c ompany.

By the way, speaking of b ills , we've got a b ill coming up in the U .S . Senate next se ss io n to m ake the practice of Scien ­tology lega l only to S c ien to log ists .

Tom E sterbrook

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That is the motto under which

an HGC auditor works.

With any preclearwe ra ise I .Q . or A bility sufficiently

or we carry on until we do so.

The HGC has to be sa tisfied with your case lev e l.

A ll in tensives m onitored by L. R. H.

P re c le a r s are audited after consultation with him .

25 and 75 hour intensives

Write - Phone - Wire

The R egistrar 1812 19th S treet, N. W.

Washington, D. C.

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charm ing, lovely and efficient, Jacqueline St. Anne, D. Sen. , a student of the f ir s t A . C. C . , and a long-tim e Scien to logist. "Jackie's" calm in sisten ce and vita lity are very much resp on­sib le for the high quality of auditing perform ance now a cco m ­plished.

Another valuable instructor i s Fernando E strada, D. S e n ., who has been instructor and staff auditor for many y e a r s . V er ­satile D r. Estrada handles the Upper Indoctrination C lass at the A cadem y. H is experience a s one-tim e W est C oast Golden G loves Champion hum orously could be said to stand him in good stead in th is unit.

The evening HCA course is headed by M arilynn Routsong,D. Sen. , who has been in D ianetics and Scientology since the f ir s t Los A ngeles unit. P retty M arilynn Routsong is a lso efficien t M arilynn. She is a s s is te d by Katherine Talent, H.A .A ., and Fernando E strada, D. Sen.

John Fudge, D. S e n ., form er D irector of Training, W ash­ington, is at presen t on loan to HASI London where he is g e t­ting the London A cadem y in good condition. He w ill return in D ecem ber to resum e his Washington duties.


The A cadem y Schedule

The presen t form of training at the Academ y of Scien to­logy was set up A dm inistratively and techn ically by LRH h im ­se lf in the spring and sum m er of 1957.

He was a s s is te d in th is by Dr. John Fudge and Dr. L.Ron Hubbard, Jr.

The student en ro lls at the Academ y by f ir s t contacting the R egistrar , Dr. Rosina Mann, fam ous for her work in London HASI and now in charge of Academ y and HGC reg istra tion in Washington. Students m ay enro ll any Monday m orning at 8:00 a . m .

The student m ay sim ply appear any Monday morning and, clearin g through the R egistrar, begin.

In h is f ir s t w eek the new student usually gets an intensive (which i s included in the course fee of $500). Successfu lly com pleting these 25 hours of auditing, the student then p a sses into the Com m unication cou rse.

In the "Comm C ourse" the student works for s ix days on the e a r lie s t Training d r ills . H ere he learn s to talk to people. It does not m atter if he has had these d r ills before; Academ y standards are much higher and a student can alw ays im prove.

(con't to page 6)

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M a ry Sue H u b b a rd D i r . of T ra in in g

J a c q u e l in e St. A nne Day C o m m C o u r s e

F e rn a n d o E s t r a d a Day U pper Indoc

John G a lu s h a Day C CH C o u rs e

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D r. St. Anne guides him through th ese com m unication d r ills .

The student then p a sse s into the hands of Dr. E strada of Upper Indoctrination. H ere he learn s to handle people and in ­tentions.

At the end of the Upper Indoctrination week the student p a sse s to the in struction of D r. John Galusha. This is the CCH C ourse and here the student learn s auditing.

With additional work on Com m unication, Indoctrination and Auditing and m uch study, the student fina lly com es before the HCO Board of R eview - L . Ron Hubbard, Jr. - for his e x ­am ination. If he p a sse s fu lly he r e ce iv es a certifica te as a Hubbard C ertified Auditor, a professional, and the certifica te is stam ped with a red Validation se a l. If h is grade is le s s than an honor grade he r e ce iv es a certifica te as an HCA without a Validation stam p.

The final "say" on the m atter of certifica tes l ie s with L.R .H ., who genera lly straightens out certification d ifficu lties with recom m endations after an in terview with the student.

The HCA course i s a hard, rough cou rse . The day begins at 9:00 a . m . , and ends at 10:30 p. m .

Some of the h ighest ca se gains are today achieved by tra in ­ing. Such is presen t training ca lib er .

There i s considerable dram a and glam or in the Academ y today. The changes in people, the lo se s , the w ins, the hard study. The student i s p ra ised and "wept over" and coached and "retreaded" in units until the in structors are confident they have a profession a l auditor.

Today's certifica te rea lly m eans som ething. Today's Validated certifica te i s a passport to m ira c le s .

The A cadem y has learned to train fa s t . No student is perm itted to graduate into fa ilu res but every student is con­sidered at course end after eight w eeks.

Something new has happend on Earth - - Academ y tra in ­ing.


The new friends one m akes, the new horizons that open are a ll part of the adventure.

Scientology is winning. There have been m ore students in training in any given w eek this past sum m er than there ever w ere in any D ianetic Foundation. There are m ore S c i­en to log ists on Earth today than there ever w ere D ian etic ists .

(con't to page 9)

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V a lid a t io n i s now be ing c a r r i e d on by go ld s e a l g r a d u a te s o f th e 18th A CC an d by the A c a d e m y of S c ien to logy in W ash ing ton , D. C.

M o d e rn p r o c e s s e s r e q u i r e m o d e r n t r a in in g .

L o o k f o r th e r e d V a lid a t io n s e a l in the u p p e r r ig h t of c e r t i ­f i c a t e s f o r th e b e s t r e s u l t s .



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T h e P r o b l e m s of W ork $ 1 .0 0T h e F u n d a m e n ta l s of T hough t 1. 00T h e C o - A u d i to r 's M an u a l of S c ien to lo g y 1 .00H andbook fo r P r e c l e a r s 2. 50A d v a n c e d P r o c e d u r e s an d A x io m s 2. 50H is to ry of M an (new h a r d c o v e r ed it ion) 3. 00C r e a t io n of H u m an A b i l i ty 5. 00T he HCA S tuden t M anua l 10. 00D ia n e t ic s 55! 3 .0 0S c ien ce of S u rv iv a l 7. 50D ia n e t ic s : T he M o d e rn S c ien ce of M en ta l H e a l th 4. 00

In the n ex t i s s u e , th e g r a d u a te s of the 18th ACC and t h e i r a d d ­r e s s e s .

R u m o r - Ron and th e White H o u se a r e in good c o m m on p r o ­c e s s in g the U. S. a r m e d f o r c e s . E x - C m d r . USN C a r l J a r d in e , HCA, i s r u m o r e d to be s c h e d u le d a s A d m in i s t r a t iv e h ea d of p ro j e c t .

Page 8: Issue 55 Abfflii - iapsop.comiapsop.com/archive/materials/ability/ability_55_1957_15_of_23.pdfting the London Academy in good condition. He will return in December to resume his Washington


In the Nation’s Capitol

December 29, 30, 31

more results

GROUP INTENSIVEDecember 26, 27, 28

Immediately prior to the Congress



International Membership

$15. 00 a fu ll year

ABILITY M agazine

P ro fession a l A uditor's Bulletins

20% discount on a ll tapes and publications

H .A .S . I.1812 19th S treet, N. W.

W ashington 9, D. C .

Page 9: Issue 55 Abfflii - iapsop.comiapsop.com/archive/materials/ability/ability_55_1957_15_of_23.pdfting the London Academy in good condition. He will return in December to resume his Washington

T h e r e a r e f iv e S c ie n to lo g is t s to d ay fo r e v e ry e f fec t iv e p s y c h i a t r i s t .

S c ien to lo g y is m ak in g a new w o r ld . T h e m ak in g s t a r t s w ith a c o u r s e a t the A c a d e m y w h e th e r you m e r e l y w is h to l iv e b e t t e r o r h an d le p eo p le b e t t e r o r to do y o u r own job b e t ­t e r o r to b e a p r o f e s s io n a l a u d i to r .

H om o S ap ien s to H om o N ovis in 8 a c t io n - p a c k e d w e e k s .

I t ' s w o r th i t .

A c a d e m y t r a in in g i s f o r you an d f o r y o u r k ind . A n a u d i ­t o r you ca n be , w h a te v e r e l s e yo u a r e . T h is one y o u c a n do. T h is f u tu r e y ou c a n have .

LR H an d M a ry Sue H u b b a rd w ill see you th ro u g h .


1. He can e n t e r any in s t i tu t io n , h o s p i ta l , pub lic bu ild ing o r o rg a n iz a t io n an y w h e re a s a r e s p e c t e d p e r s o n w ith h u m an d u t ie s to p e r f o r m .

2. He c a n a d v is e m e d ic a l d o c to r s o r pub lic o f f ic e r s on c a s e s .

3. He c a n o rg a n iz e g ro u p s a n d te a c h .4. He ca n i n c r e a s e th e in te l l ig e n c e and a b i l i ty of f r ie n d s

an d p a t ie n ts .5. He c a n h e a l .6. He c a n h e a l le g a l ly .7. He ca n h an d le p eo p le .8. He c a n c o m m u n ic a te w ith anyone w h e th e r th e y a r e u n ­

c o n s c io u s o r i l l .9. He can a s s i s t p a r e n t s an d o f f ic ia ls w ith c h i ld p ro b le m s

10. He ca n tak e h is p lace in th e g row ing s w ee p of S c ie n to ­logy a c r o s s th e w o r ld a s one of i t s s k i l le d p r o f e s s i o n a l s .

11. He ca n a t t a in fo r h im s e l f g o a ls n e v e r b e fo re r e a l i z e d a f t e r 2, 000 y e a r s of hope.

12. He ca n be a p a r t of a new w o rld .

Page 10: Issue 55 Abfflii - iapsop.comiapsop.com/archive/materials/ability/ability_55_1957_15_of_23.pdfting the London Academy in good condition. He will return in December to resume his Washington


$15 gets you one r e e l of tape from the Rental Library l is t . Buy as many as you want of these - they are yours. When you decide to exchange it for another on the rental l is t send $1. 50 with each r e e l you want exchanged, to Box 242 Silver Spring, M aryland and we w ill send you the tape or tapes of your choice.

(P lea se indicate three cho ices with each exchange in the event that we do not have your f ir s t choice we can give you a second or third ch oice . P lea se be sure to note the tape num ­ber when you are o r d er in g .)


553C26HPC Axiom 51554C02HPC A xiom 51 in action

553C14HPC The Only One554C09HPC A new understand­

ing of the Six B a­sic P r o c e sse s

554C16HPC Service F a cs im ile554C23HPC T hinkingne s s

554C30HPC Ownership P ro-

. 555C07HPCc e ss in g M eaningnes s

555C14HPC The Tone Scale553C02PLS E ffic ien cy


KnowingnessH 11 H 11

554C06PLS The Second D y­namicSession: "Find P resen t Tim e"554C13PLS Eight Dynam ics Session: "Find P resen t Time"554C20PLS Para Scientology Session: "Change and NotChange"554C27PLS Gray D ianetics Session: Something you couldsay t o . . . and Ownership 555C04PLS Cause and Effect Session: "Cause and Effect"555C 11PLS Operation Man­ual for the Mind Session: "Enchantment" pro­cess in g .553C30PLS Conquered T e r ­ritory


552C02PLS A lcoholism Session: V ariations on SixB asic P r o c e sse s 552C09PLS M iracles Session: Control of Body, Think a Thought 552C23PLS A bility Session: "Find a M ystery"553C09PLS Health and C e r ­taintySession: Making things R eal and Unreal


5410C803 5410C 815 5410C804





Two Way Comm. Two Way Comm. E lem entary Straight wireOpening Procedure of 8-COpening Procedure by Duplication Rem edy of Having- n essSpotting Spots The P arts of Man

Page 11: Issue 55 Abfflii - iapsop.comiapsop.com/archive/materials/ability/ability_55_1957_15_of_23.pdfting the London Academy in good condition. He will return in December to resume his Washington


Dr. L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. ("Nibs") i s enroute to London at th is writing where he w ill be until October 15, 1957.

F lying DeLuxe KLM east and w est, it i s hoped he enjoys the rather splendid serv ice of the Dutch.

In London he is to give a C ongress in ear ly October and i s to bring up to date som e B ritish technical personnel.

He is a lso looking over som e B ritish governm ent con ­tra c ts .


F ie ld auditors m ay now teach to the lev e l of Hubbard A pprentice Scien to logist.

Standard F ie ld program today is free personnel efficiency course follow ed by weekend group in ten sives follow ed by an evening HAS course lasting three m onths.

HAS rep laces the HPS C ertificate which is discontinued. A ll HPS certifica tes w ill be replaced by HAS c e r tif ica te s .V ery few HPS certifica tes w ere issu ed . >

Hubbard Com m unications O ffice P o licy L etter of Septem ber 2, 1957

- - E ffective th is Date - -

The only certifica te which m ay be issu ed in the F ie ld w ill be an HAS - - Hubbard Apprentice Scien to log ist. This is w orld-w ide.

A uditors whose certifica tes have been validated with a gold sea l may coach auditors in the fie ld and validate their highest certifica te .

Washington and London central organizations w ill be the only p laces where one can obtain an H. C .A . , H. P .A . ,B .S e n . , or D. Sen.

L . Ron Hubbard

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Scientology Box 242S ilver Spring, M aryland

12Bulk Rate

. 015£ Paid P erm it #122

Silver Spring, Md.

Form 3547 R equested____________________________


Box 242Silver Spring, Maryland
