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Issue1 Volume1 thepawpress March17,2017 · 2019. 8. 13. · March17,2017 WelcometoWoodglen's...

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Comic! The Not-So- Hot Lunch Page 3 Daytona 500 Page 1-2 Keys For Hope Page 1-2 the paw press Issue 1 Volume 1 March 17, 2017 Welcome to Woodglen's Newspaper! Welcome to Woodglen's first newspaper! These articles are written by your very own peers! Keep reading to see our newly released articles! We will be covering current news happening at Woodglen, in our community, throughout our nation, and even, at times, on a global scale. The opinion staff will feature pieces about our very own teachers who won awards. In Arts & Entertainment, we will review the new movie Moana. Look to Sports to determine how our Wildcat teams are doing in their current seasons. Finally, look for photography that features the sights and sounds of Woodglen! We are looking forward to providing you interesting and informative news. Look for more interesting articles about our town throughout the paper! Daytona 500 By Matthew Di Giovanni Sports Section On Sunday, February 26, the Daytona 500 took place in Florida. 42 NASCAR drivers entered this race, but there would only be one legitimate winner. Luckily, Kurt Busch would bring home the win, but not without an unscratched car. With only 30 laps to go, Busch lost his rear view mirror, and could not see who was behind him. Busch may not have won if it was not for the help of Chase Elliott, who ran out of gas while he was right behind him. This race was not a clean race. Continued on page 2. Keys For Hope! By Stefan Stojanoski, Current News Do you want to fight hunger? Well, that is just what Key for Hope does! Each year in the United States, millions of people throw out keys that seem meaningless. But, by bringing in these keys to school, they will be donated to food pantries all along the United States. Continued on page 2. Competing For the Best By Tess Rodenberger, Current News When you put your mind to something, you can achieve anything. That is what my partner and I kept in mind when doing extensive work for National History Day. National History Day, or NHD, is an academic program/competition where students conduct research and create a project... Continued on page 2.
Page 1: Issue1 Volume1 thepawpress March17,2017 · 2019. 8. 13. · March17,2017 WelcometoWoodglen's Newspaper! Welcome to Woodglen's first newspaper! These articles are written by your very

Comic! The Not-So-Hot LunchPage 3

Daytona 500

Page 1-2

Keys For Hope

Page 1-2

thepawpressIssue 1 Volume 1March 17, 2017

Welcome to Woodglen's Newspaper!Welcome to Woodglen's firstnewspaper! These articles arewritten by your very ownpeers! Keep reading to see ournewly released articles! Wewill be covering current newshappening at Woodglen, in ourcommunity, throughout ournation, and even, at times, ona global scale. The opinionstaff will feature pieces aboutour very own teachers whowon awards. In Arts &Entertainment, we will reviewthe new movie Moana. Look toSports to determine how ourWildcat teams are doing intheir current seasons. Finally,look for photography thatfeatures the sights andsounds of Woodglen! We arelooking forward to providingyou interesting andinformative news. Look formore interesting articlesabout our town throughout thepaper!

Daytona 500By Matthew Di Giovanni

Sports Section

On Sunday, February 26,the Daytona 500 took placein Florida. 42 NASCARdrivers entered this race,but there would only beone legitimate winner.Luckily, Kurt Busch wouldbring home the win, but notwithout an unscratchedcar. With only 30 laps togo, Busch lost his rear viewmirror, and could not seewho was behind him.

Busch may not have won ifit was not for the help ofChase Elliott, who ran outof gas while he was rightbehind him.

This race was not a cleanrace.

Continued on page 2.

Keys For Hope!By Stefan Stojanoski, Current


Do you want to fight hunger?Well, that is just what Key forHope does! Each year in theUnited States, millions ofpeople throw out keys thatseem meaningless. But, bybringing in these keys toschool, they will be donated tofood pantries all along theUnited States.

Continued on page 2.

Competing For the BestBy Tess Rodenberger,

Current News

When you put your mind tosomething, you can achieveanything. That is what mypartner and I kept in mind whendoing extensive work forNational History Day. NationalHistory Day, or NHD, is anacademic program/competitionwhere students conductresearch and create a project...

Continued on page 2.

Page 2: Issue1 Volume1 thepawpress March17,2017 · 2019. 8. 13. · March17,2017 WelcometoWoodglen's Newspaper! Welcome to Woodglen's first newspaper! These articles are written by your very

thepawpressPage 2

Daytona 500(continued from pg. 1)

Kurt Busch narrowly missingan unfortunate crash.There were 3 major wrecks, andthe raceended with only 15 racers. Allthe resthad their cars damaged andcould not go on. But, with allthose wrecks, next year's raceshould look a lot cleaner.

Keys For Hope(continued from pg. 1)

Woodglen School is just one of the manyparticipating in this life changing cause.You might think that your parents orloved ones don't have spare keys, but justgo home, ask if any spare keys areavailable, and that is all! Bring the keys tothe buckets located in the front by themain office and also by the PAC. Getinvolved to get rid of hunger in ourcommunity!

Competing For the Best(continued from pg. 1)

...to compete against other schools.Students chose between creating an exhibit,paper, website, documentary, orperformance. This competition teachesstudents research and reading skills andbuilds up their confidence. Students speak tothe judges, answering any questions theyhave to explain their project. After all thejudging is completed, everyone assemblesinto a room to hear the announcement of thewinners. The winning project moves on to thestate qualifiers. This competition isbeneficial for students and teachers alike.

Personally, my experience at NHD was great.Completing my project taught me many skillsand prepared me for what was is to come inthe future, near and far. My partner and Iresearched for months and put lots of workinto this project. Our topic was ThomasPaine, and we created an exhibit. Proces-wise, we typed paragraphs, found quotes andpictures, cited all our sources, and wrote aprocess paper. Preparing for NHD tookmonths of work, but it was all worth it in theend. On the bus ride to Monmouth University,the whole bus was asking each other samplejudge's questions to prepare for potentialquestions that we would receive. Each groupor individual was questioned about theirproject and work. The answers to thesequestions helped judges determine whoreally knew their topic and who did not. Afterall the judging took place and the projectswere shown, we went to the announcing ofthe winners. Although my partner and I didn’twin, seven students from our school won.This was a huge accomplishment, as my 8thgrade peres and I were up against anyonefrom 6th to 12th grade. Not many projectswere chosen to win, so for seven students towin was outstanding. Everyone was proud.

In the end, National History Day taught me alot. I am more prepared for the future andhave more skills than ever before. I ambeaming about my own accomplishmentsand the accomplishments of my friends, too.

Disney's First PolynesianPrincess: MoanaBy Josie Whitmore

Arts & Entertainment

If you have been on Instagram,Twitter, or any social mediarecently, you have probablyheard about Disney’s newestDisney princess movie: Moana.Moana features a sixteen-year-old Polynesian girl namedMoana, who is the chief ofMotunui’s daughter. The movietakes place in the Pacific Ocean,which was filled with gods anddemigods a couple of thousand

years ago. Many of the gods inMoana stem from actualPolynesian legends, but inmovie, the demigod, Maui istaken out of his known story andplaced into a new adventure inwhich he must...

New Worlds to Explore?By Megan Di Giovanni

Current News

On Tuesday, February 28, 1,284 newplanets were discovered by NASA’sKepler Space Telescope. The Kepler wasreleased in 2009, retrieving informationabout the mysteries of outer space. Thenew planets were named exoplanets, dueto the fact that they orbited distant stars,not our own sun.

Out of the newly discovered planets, ninewere inferred to be rocky planets, like ourEarth. The others were interpreted to bemade of gas or ice. All nine of the rockyplanets were in what was called a“habitable zone”. Habitable Zone meantthe planets are neither too far or tooclose to the star they orbit. In addition,the new exoplanets could obtain water,which is needed for life.

Continued on page 4.Continued on page 4.

Page 3: Issue1 Volume1 thepawpress March17,2017 · 2019. 8. 13. · March17,2017 WelcometoWoodglen's Newspaper! Welcome to Woodglen's first newspaper! These articles are written by your very

thepawpress Page 3

Anything Goes is Going, Going...By Mackenzie Vreeland

Arts & Entertainment

Looking for something fun to do onFriday or Saturday night? Come seeWoodglen’s production of the originalBroadway Musical, Anything Goes.

Woodglen School always hosts aschool play in the month of March. Theclub is open to students in seventh andeighth grade, who like to sing, dance,and act. Additionally, the club is open tostudents who are artistic, creative withsets, interested in sound, and intriguedin controlling the lights or spotlight. Ifyou are interested in being a part of theplay, but don’t want any lines or don’twant a lot of lines, you get theopportunity to be a background danceror actor. There are plenty of things todo for any type of student. Practice isusually after school every other day,depending on whether you are in stagecrew or acting in the play, and duringTech week. Every person in drama clubis active during the play, whether youcontrol sound, move sets, or act! If youare interested or want to know more fornext year's production, see Mr. Kursar,Mr. Maxwell, or Mrs. Maxwell .

This year's play, Anything Goes, is full ofexcitement, laughter, great acting andsinging, and mischievous actions thatcreate a perfect plan for finding loveand happiness. Woodglen MiddleSchool’s production of Anything Goes isa must see! The S. S. American issailing between New York and Englandwith a comically colorful group ofpassengers: Reno Sweeney (StephanieH.), a popular nightclub singer with herfour sassy angels (Fiona C., Keira V.,Anna S., and Cameron R.); her pal BillyCrocker (Ian L.); a lovesick Wall Streetbroker who has come aboard to try...Continued on page 4

Transition Timeby Grace Cangemi

Peacefulby Madison Jones

By Liam McGreevy

Page 4: Issue1 Volume1 thepawpress March17,2017 · 2019. 8. 13. · March17,2017 WelcometoWoodglen's Newspaper! Welcome to Woodglen's first newspaper! These articles are written by your very

thepawpressPage 4

Disney's First PolynesianPrincess: Moana(continued from page 2)

...team up with Moana and restore theheart of Ti Fiti. Moana features thevoices of Auli’i Cravalho, DwayneJohnson, and Lin-Manuel Miranda, withmusic written by Lin-Manuel Miranda,Opetaia Foa’i, and Mark Mancina.

Moana is a must-see movie for girlsand boys alike that the entire familycan enjoy. It shows values similar tomost Disney movies such as family,friendship, and growing up, with theadded values of cultural pride andadventure. Moana also leaves a similarmessage to Disney’s 2013 hit princessmovie, Frozen, which is that you don’tneed a prince, or a demigod in Moana’scase, to save you.

Moana features many catchy songsthat will stay in your head for days,including: “How Far I’ll Go” sung byAuli’i Cravalho, “Shiny” sung byJemaine Clement, and “You’reWelcome” by Dwayne Johnson. It alsoincludes the lovable characters suchas: Hei Hei, Moana, Maui, and Tamatoathat make you drawn to the movie andnot want to look away from the screen.I highly recommend seeing Disney’sMoana if you want to see a tear-jerking,heart melting movie that can beenjoyed by all ages.

New Worlds to Explore?(continued from page 2)

All the information from above aretheories. Scientists now are able toobtain information of these newdiscoveries easily, but this does notnecessarily mean there is a chance fornew life in a new place. As of now,NASA has concluded of 21 exoplanetscontain rocky and wet soil. Many newplanets are being discovered every day,and the dream for a new home mayturn to reality.

NHD Placers make Woodglen Proud!Compiled by Tess Rodenberger and Megan

Di Giovanni

Seven students competed in the NationalHistory Day competition, winning

honorable placements.

Junior Research Paper Category-

1. Elise Hofbeck, Roger Williams2. Lillian Mikulski, Animal Rights Movement3. Kevin Menzie, The Cambodian Genocide4. Anderson Olson, Muhammad Ali

Junior Group Documentary Category-

1. Megan Di Giovanni and Thomas Menzie,The Boxer Rebellion

Junior Individual Exhibit Category-1. Grace Trumpy, Sons of Liberty

Junior Performance Category-1. Francesca Morella, Emma Edmonds

Front Row (Left to Right)

Lillian Mikulski, Francesca Morella, GraceTrumpy, Elise Hofbeck, Megan DiGiovanni

Back Row (Left to Right)- Kevin Menzie,Anderson Olson, Thomas Menzie

Anything Goes(continued from page 3)

...to win the favor of his beloved; HopeHarcourt (Grace T.), who is engaged toanother passenger; Sir Evelyn Oakleigh(Gabriel M.), a wealthy English man; anda second-rate conman namedMoonface Martin (Mark S.), a.k.a“Public Enemy #13.” Through dancingand singing, Billy tries to win back thelove of his life, with help from thepassengers and by looking at thesituation from numerous fraudulentangles...

Please come see the production ofAnything Goes!Friday March 17th: Woodglen Pac 7:00-9:00 (Snacks will be sold before andafter showing)Saturday March 18th: Woodglen Pac7:00-9:00 (Snacks will be sold beforeand after showing)*There will be no intermission*
